Re: Style rule change?

2012-01-09 Thread HyperHacker
On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 23:29, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
 On 1/8/2012 12:04 PM, Guenter Knauf wrote:
 on the other side: I've asked me already often if we shouldnt increase the 
 maxchar/line; I
 believe that would in many cases greatly increase readability ...
 and honestly: who the heck does nowadays work on a 80-line terminal??

 Frequently on unix and windows.  I haven't yet committed the time to
 try working on a headless windows server 2008, however :)  My text
 editor windows all default to 81 cols to avoid just this issue.

 isn't that a relic inherited from stone-time? I would be fine with f.e. 110 
 or 120 chars/line.

 Is a limit even appropriate anymore?  On what basis?  132 chars is one
 standard that could be applied.  Perhaps a precommit filter to avoid
 issues in the future?

I can nicely fit 3 editor windows at 80 columns on my screen. It's very handy.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: Error codes

2011-11-30 Thread HyperHacker
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 01:09, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
 On Wednesday 30 November 2011, Guenter Knauf wrote:
 Am 30.11.2011 01:51, schrieb William A. Rowe Jr.:
  On 11/29/2011 5:30 PM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
  Currently my scripts produces:
  This is level info and up, but that is easily changed.
  Everything from debug level up should be coded. Suggestion,
  should we allocate numeric ranges per-file, core vs add-on
  module, so that there is room for expansion?

 I am not sure that this is necessary. The error log lines already
 contain the module name or core.

 Actually I currently have two scripts, one that tries to identify
 where to add a number and adds AH, and another one that takes each
 AH and replaces it with the next free number. So programmers would
 only need to add AH and run the second script over the source

 The only disadvantage may be that in a list sorted by log number,
 messages by the same module would not appear next to each other. On
 the other hand, it should be easy to extend the script to also create
 a list sorted by module or source file name if that is useful.

 another suggestion - perhaps add a 3rd char:
 AHC - core
 AHM - module
 then we would have for both core and modules the whole range of
  error codes ...

 Sometimes we move code from the core to a module or vice versa. If the
 code is mostly unchanged, I would want to keep the error message
 number in this case. So best not encode that in the number, IMHO.

 If we ever hit the  codes, we could either switch to hex or add
 another digit. Or would it be better to use 5 digits right away?

 Another thought: Would having the AH0815 numbers verbatim in the
 source actually hurt search engine users because they get hits on, github, and whatever. Maybe a macro that hides the
 actual form would be better?

 #define APLOGNO(n)  AH #n

 should do the trick. The source would then contain

 ap_log_error(..., APLOGNO(0815) foo went wrong, ...);

 which would not produce a hit for AH0815.


Any reason *not* to use 5 digits?

Sent from my toaster.

Re: mod_lua Filter Hook?

2011-06-15 Thread HyperHacker
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 15:34, Joachim Zobel wrote:
 On Wed, 2011-06-15 at 17:04 -0400, Akins, Brian wrote:

 For filters, etc, not sure we really need buckets in Lua.  Maybe just
 represent them as a table of buffers or something simple like that.

 This misses my (admittedly not so important) use case of sax buckets.


I'd been looking forward to mod_lua for a while now expecting it to
work similarly to PHP (handle requests, send output without having to
worry about how the httpd works). Is that not the case?

Sent from my toaster.

Re: a plan mod_lua and 2.4

2011-03-19 Thread HyperHacker
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 04:57, Dan Poirier wrote:
 On Tue. 2011-03-15 at 09:08 AM EDT, Akins, Brian 

 How many people actual run mod_lua (or a derivative/relative) in production?
 Am I the only one on a real site?

 I guess the others, if any, aren't reading dev@.  And searching gmane's
 archive of the user list only turns up a few mentions in almost 90,000

 Of course, it's not in a production release of the server yet.  And even
 when 2.4.0 ships, it'll probably still be marked experimental.

Actually, I wanted to try it a while ago, but couldn't find any place
to actually obtain it on the Apache website... . The documentation
was also pretty sparse last I saw, which is another barrier to entry.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: a plan mod_lua and 2.4

2011-03-15 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 07:08, Akins, Brian wrote:
 On 3/14/11 7:51 PM, Brian McCallister wrote:

 I think the right path for this is to shrink the core mod_lua module
 to be the *minimal* set for integration, and pull all the higher level
 functionality into a non-core module, which uses the core mod_lua to
 hook into the server.


 How many people actual run mod_lua (or a derivative/relative) in production?
 Am I the only one on a real site?

 FWIW, moving more and more of the code into Lua and having only very thin
 wrappers in C is a good idea as well.  Plays really nicely with luajit, as

 Brian Akins

I've been eagerly looking forward to a stable mod_lua with which to
make my sites. If done well, Lua could replace PHP as the #1 web
scripting language, especially if it avoided making the same mistakes
(e.g. dumping everything into the global namespace with no consistent
naming or parameter schemes).

Sent from my toaster.

Re: a plan mod_lua and 2.4

2011-03-15 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 08:05, Dan Poirier wrote:
 On Tue. 2011-03-15 at 09:36 AM EDT, HyperHacker wrote:

 I've been eagerly looking forward to a stable mod_lua with which to
 make my sites. If done well, Lua could replace PHP as the #1 web
 scripting language

 Maybe if people could embed lua in web pages.

Mm, personally I dislike the embed code in HTML thing, as I'm one of
those purists who likes to keep code, presentation, and data separate.
However I did, just for fun, write a web server in Lua which had that
capability. It basically just did a gsub on the HTML file being sent:
str = str:gsub('%?lua%s.-%s%?',
local func = loadstring(code:sub(7, -4))
setfenv(func, self.Request.Environment)
return tostring(func())

This is one of the things I love about Lua - once you have the
language, whatever additional functionality you want can be
implemented pretty easily. Little is built in. I imagine you could
work this into your mod_lua configuration fairly easily, and there you
go, code embedded within pages.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: rational behind not checking the return value of apr_palloc and apr_pcalloc

2010-09-03 Thread HyperHacker
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 03:49, Graham Leggett wrote:
 On 03 Sep 2010, at 5:31 AM, dave b wrote:

 Sure ok :)
 You have no complains from me really here. Just this could be an issue
 on some platform with some mods potentially :)

 In order to understand why it isn't an issue for httpd, you need to
 understand how httpd works.

 httpd has a thin parent process, which is responsible for spawning children
 as required to do the actual work. Those children doing the actual work are
 expendable, and if the child process dies for any reason, the parent process
 will spawn new child processes to replace them.

 This is the fundamental reason why it is so difficult to crash an httpd
 server, because your module code only has the power to crash one child
 process. If a single child process goes bananas and tries to allocate all
 the RAM, that child will be terminated and replaced.

 I only asked this list because the mod_wsgi guy wasn't checking the
 result of memory allocation. The rational as I see it is: there is
 only a few cases where this can happen 1: and 2: first the attacker
 has to find  a way to reduce system memory to an almost oom condition
 by the looks of it.

 If the attacker has found a way to create an OOM condition, that child
 process will terminate and be replaced, and the attacker would have caused
 no lasting damage.


...assuming he attacks a single httpd thread, as opposed to say a
distributed attack or attack on an unrelated process.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: rational behind not checking the return value of apr_palloc and apr_pcalloc

2010-09-03 Thread HyperHacker
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 07:12, Graham Leggett wrote:
 On 03 Sep 2010, at 2:37 PM, HyperHacker wrote:

 ...assuming he attacks a single httpd thread, as opposed to say a
 distributed attack or attack on an unrelated process.

 How would a distributed attack be different?

 Obviously an attack on an unrelated process would have nothing to do with
 checking the return value of apr_pcalloc().


first the attacker has to find  a way to reduce system memory to an
almost oom condition
Say, by attacking several httpd threads and/or unrelated processes to
get them to eat up memory.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: rational behind not checking the return value of apr_palloc and apr_pcalloc

2010-09-03 Thread HyperHacker
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 13:24, dave b wrote:
 first the attacker has to find  a way to reduce system memory to an
 almost oom condition
 Say, by attacking several httpd threads and/or unrelated processes to
 get them to eat up memory.

 Sent from my toaster.

 If you know something why not share it ;) ?
 imho Apache is pretty good - so perhaps you could find a commonly used
 module that leaks memory?

 Also, I hope your toaster is running netbsd with apache ^^

 As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their
 sport.          -- Shakespeare, King Lear

Just tossing around ideas. What's the threshold for killing these
child processes? What prevents someone from bringing several to just
below that threshold?

Sent from my toaster.

Re: C as config

2010-06-08 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 09:34, Akins, Brian wrote:
 On 6/8/10 8:07 AM, Dan Poirier wrote:

 That's a shame.  I wonder if another embedded language would do better?
 E.g. mod_perl, mod_python?  They've both been around for a while. I
 wonder why neither has gotten into the server?

 Lua is leaps and bounds faster than both of those in my experience.

 Brian Akins

Perhaps LuaJIT would make it faster still?

Sent from my toaster.

Re: Fast by default

2010-06-01 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 16:25, Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
 This sounds scary! How do large companies enable gzip then? How many hoops
 do they jump through? sounds like those hoops are in thousands!
 And I don't understand how one company's setup would be different from
 another still, even if situation is that bad as you describe it.
 What kind of trade-offs do large companies go for when they enable gzip?
 more overall traffic? no cache?

 On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 6:17 PM, wrote:

  There is zero reason for us to avoid putting deflate into the default

 Sorry. There ARE (good) reasons to avoid doing so.

 I'm the one who wrote the FIRST mod_gzip module for Apache 1.x series
 so you would think I'd be a strong advocate of 'auto-enablement' by
 but I am NOT. There is HOMEWORK involved here and most users will get
 into deep tapioca unless they understand all the (ongoing) issues.

  it is also very arguable that we should leave it off.

 Yes, it is.

  I think others have argued well to enable it by default.

 Disagree. I haven't seen the 'good' argument for 'auto-enablement' yet.

 Some of the reasons to NOT 'go there' are coming out in other
 similar threads right now...

 Here's a clip from the (concurrent) message thread entitled...

 'Canned deflate conf in manual - time to drop the NS4/Vary'


 Don't forget the ongoing issue that if you ONLY vary on 'Accept-Encoding'
 then almost ALL browsers will then refuse to cache a response entity
 and the pain factor moves directly to the Proxy/Content Server(s).

 If you vary on 'User-Agent' ( No longer reasonable because of the abuse
 of that header 'out there'? ) then the browsers WILL cache responses
 locally and the pain is reduced at the Proxy/Content server level, but
 pie is not free at a truck stop and there are then OTHER issues to deal

 The OTHER 'ongoing issue' regarding compression is that, to this day,
 it still ONLY works for a limited set of MIME types. The 'Accept-Encoding:
 header coming from ALL major browser is still mostly a LIE. It would seem
 to indicate that the MIME type doesn't matter and it will 'decode' for ANY
 MIME type but nothing could be further from the truth. There is no browser
 on the
 planet that will 'Accept-Encoding' for ANY/ALL mime type(s).

 If you are going to turn compression ON by default, without the user
 having to
 make any decisions for their particular environment, then part of the
 for the default config has to be 'Which MIME types?'  text/plain and/or
 text/html only? SOME browsers can 'Accept-Encoding' on the ever-increasing
 .js Javascript backloads but some CANNOT.

 These 2 issues alone are probably enough to justify keeping compression
 OFF by default. A lot of people that use Apache won't even be able to get
 their heads around either one of these 'issues' and they really SHOULD
 do a little homework before turning it ON.

 Someone already quoted that...

 'people expect the default config to just WORK without major issues'.

 That's exactly what you have now.
 It's not 'broken'.
 Why change it?

 Kevin Kiley


 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Stein
 Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 7:40 am
 Subject: Re: Fast by default

 Geez, Eric. No wonder people don't want to contribute to httpd, when they
 run into an attitude like yours. That dismissiveness makes me embarressed
 for our community.
 There is zero reason for us to avoid putting deflate into the default
 It is also very arguable that we should leave it off. I think others have
 argued well to enable it by default, while you've simply dismissed them with
 your holier-than-thou attitude and lack of any solid rationale.

 On May 31, 2010 8:06 PM, Eric Covener wrote:

 On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Bryan McQuade
  I propose providing an...
 An additional httpd.conf doesn't sound valuable to me.  What slice of
 non-savvy users would scrutinize an alternate config file, can replace
 the config file of their webserver, isn't using a webserver packaged
 by their OS, and wouldn't have just gotten the same information today
 from the manual and 400,000 other websites?

 There's currently no ifModule bloat in the default conf, but you're
 welcome to submit a patch that adds one for deflate or expires (latter
 seems more unwise to me). See the supplemental configuration section
 of the generated config.

 This doesn't address mass-vhost companies failing to allow deflate
 because it's not in the no-args HTTPD ./configure , which sounds
 far-fetched to me.  I can't recall a users@ or #httpd user implying
 being subjected to such a thing with their own build or with cheap

 Eric Covener

You seem to think large corporations are competent at web design/administration.


Re: Is this possible ?

2010-05-20 Thread HyperHacker
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 08:23, wrote:

  Let’s suppose this configuration

  |Server1| - |Server2| - |Client|

  A client sends a request that starts a script on Server2.The script ( 
 running on server2)
  will download a webpage from Server1.
  Is it possible to record Client’s IP on Server1, instead of Server2’s IP? In 
 other words,
  Server1 will think the request for downloading is directly from Client.
  That is Server2’s IP will be “invisible” for Server1
 (Server1  and Server 2 are Apache servers)

  Is this possbile?


Generally, no. Server1 needs to know whom to send the response to.
There may be cases where you can transparently pass an entire packet
on and do some magic to make things work as if the client connected to
Server1 directly, but that's not something a web server would usually
be doing.

Now, you can pass the client's IP along with the X-Forwarded-For
header or similar method, but then you have to be careful. A client
could spoof his address by inserting his own X-Forwarded-For (but some
proxy servers also legitimately use this header). If clients are able
to connect directly to Server1 (even if you don't give out the
address), then you'll want to use a more secure method of exchanging
the information.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: Reducing number of mod_lua hook directives

2010-05-11 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 06:52, Dan Poirier wrote:
 On 2010-05-10 at 16:03, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
 On 5/10/2010 2:25 PM, Brian McCallister wrote:


 LuaHook AccessChecker /path/to/script.lua  funcname
 LuaHook AuthChecker   /path/to/script.lua  funcname
 LuaHook CheckUserID   /path/to/script.lua  funcname

 Any reason not to name the func before the script, especially since path 
 can get long winded, and I'm thinking C like decl funcname(args) {script}

 So we'd have

 LuaHook AccessChecker funcname /path/to/script.lua

 and (unchanged)

 LuaHook AccessChecker funcname

 which makes the two forms more consistent too.  Sounds fine to me.


+1. Really looking forward to Lua as a web server language.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: Reducing number of mod_lua hook directives

2010-05-11 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 08:47, Dan Poirier wrote:
 On 2010-05-11 at 08:52, Dan Poirier wrote:

 On 2010-05-10 at 16:03, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
 On 5/10/2010 2:25 PM, Brian McCallister wrote:


 LuaHook AccessChecker /path/to/script.lua  funcname
 LuaHook AuthChecker   /path/to/script.lua  funcname
 LuaHook CheckUserID   /path/to/script.lua  funcname

 Any reason not to name the func before the script, especially since path 
 can get long winded, and I'm thinking C like decl funcname(args) {script}

 So we'd have

 LuaHook AccessChecker funcname /path/to/script.lua
 LuaHook AccessChecker funcname

 I just thought of a problem - right now, the funcname is optional
 (defaults to handle).  I hate having optional arguments that don't
 come at the end.  I'd just as soon make it a required argument, but if
 people would rather it stay optional, then I'd rather leave it at the
 end.   What do folks prefer?


I'd go for making it required, but is there a reason you have to
specify a function? Lua scripts usually start executing from the first
line in the file. It seems to me to make more sense to do that if a
function is not specified (or is - if it's a required argument).

Sent from my toaster.

Re: Reducing number of mod_lua hook directives

2010-05-11 Thread HyperHacker
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 20:12, Dan Poirier wrote:
 On 2010-05-11 at 12:55, HyperHacker wrote:
 On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 08:47, Dan Poirier wrote:
 I just thought of a problem - right now, the funcname is optional
 (defaults to handle).  I hate having optional arguments that don't
 come at the end.  I'd just as soon make it a required argument, but if
 people would rather it stay optional, then I'd rather leave it at the
 end.   What do folks prefer?

 I'd go for making it required, but is there a reason you have to
 specify a function? Lua scripts usually start executing from the first
 line in the file. It seems to me to make more sense to do that if a
 function is not specified (or is - if it's a required argument).

 The request object is passed to the function as an argument, so there
 would have to be some other way to give the Lua code access to the

Say, the global variable Request or Server.Request?

Sent from my toaster.

Re: slowloris mitigation

2010-04-14 Thread HyperHacker
I haven't used it, but if mod_reqtimeout makes it entirely redundant,
my vote would be to keep it in trunk only. People interested in how
the attack/defence work can look at it, and there might be those who
for some reason don't want mod_reqtimeout.

Sent from my toaster.

Re: svn commit: r925858 - in /httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x: CHANGES STATUS docs/manual/mod/core.xml server/config.c

2010-03-21 Thread HyperHacker
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 14:28, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
 On 3/21/2010 3:14 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

 Include conf/empty/*

 Include conf/*/whoops.conf

 The last one (based on an existing conf/empty directive) fails, alerting the 
 to the fact that they made a typo, which is good.

 What I meant to point out was that if conf/empty directory doesn't exist, the
 first one fails.  If conf/empty is then created but left empty, the server 
 without so much as a warning.

 Even Include conf/extra.conf works, where extra.conf isn't a file but an empty
 directory.  Think of all the ways the user can confuse themselves with this 

The former seems like correct behaviour: it's including all files in
the directory, which is none. You might want to be able to move files
in an out of that directory for convenience. The latter does seem like
a bug - specifying a directory without a /* should trigger a warning.

What happened to mod_lua?

2010-03-07 Thread HyperHacker
A while back I had the idea that Lua would be a great scripting
language for web servers. I checked Google, and several pages
mentioned a recently developed Apache httpd module that does just
that. However, even months later, all a search finds is a couple blogs
and sites talking about the next version, many 404s, and a little
discussion about the history/future of this module and how cool it's
going to be. There are a few different home pages and official
trackers which were last updated years ago; broken, run-down ghost
towns of sites. Nothing on Apache's site at all.
My question is, where is it? What's happened? I wanted to get involved
in its development, but I can't find it! Only these old run-down sites
hosting 3-year-old Win32 binaries. Has the project been abandoned?

Sent from my toaster.