Re: [users@httpd] SNI with apache 2.4.1 reverse proxy

2012-04-23 Thread Michael Weiser
Hello Karspar,
Hi all,

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:16:51AM +0200, Kaspar Brand wrote:

  So implementation-wise this will most likely have two parts of code:
  1. Determining the hostname to put into SNI data depending on
  ProxyPreserveHost somewhere in the reverse proxy module. 
  2. Putting that value into the SNI data in mod_ssl's ssl_engine_io.c.
 I'm not too familiar with the history/motivation of the
 ProxyPreserveHost directve (which dates to as far as 2002, see r93089),
 but in the context of proxy SSL requests, I think it isn't a
 particularly good idea to support this feature... because essentially,
 it opens up the door to MitM attacks: you're asking mod_proxy_http to,
 say, request URI, but directing it
 via TLS to a host configured with certificate

I don't think so: I'm not directing the Proxy to connect to a different
host. I just make it send different SNI data to the configured backend
server and accept a different CN in the server's certificate. The MitM
would still have to hijack the server's IP or DNS entry and present a
certificate issued by a trusted CA for that CN, just that it now has to
read instead of I don't see, how the
attack gets simpler by that.

I am, however, not sure how the change will affect forward proxying (if
at all). I have only thought about reverse proxying where I have
SSLProxyVerify set to require on the reverse proxy and run both servers
with a self-signed CA for just that purpose. All the client-side
presentation is done by the reverse proxy with the official certificates.

 mod_proxy_http's blindness for MitM attacks was also the reason for
 introducing SSLProxyCheckPeerCN in r760866/r768504, I assume. In
 addition to dealing with SNI extension / Host header mismatches you
 would also have to accommodate for the case of CN / Host header mismatches.

That's done automatically since the same note is used for CN check and
SNI data. By setting that note to the hostname from the Host header,
all there items are in sync automatically.

I've put together a small patch doing just that (admittedly without much
knowing what I'm doing since its my very first time hacking apache).
I've opened a bug report for it: Feel free to
have a look at it and tell me what you think. Perhaps it also helps to
make clear, what I mean.

With that patch name based virtual hosts work with SSL through an
httpd-2.4/trunk reverse proxy with a single virtual host and no rewrite
rules whatsoever on both servers.

 To solve your immediate problem in 2.4, what you could try is:

   ProxyPass /
 ProxyPreserveHost On
 SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off

 This prevents mod_ssl in 2.4 from adding an SNI extension to the proxy
 request (it will skip IP addresses), and will pass the Host reader from
 the original request to the backend. You need to turn off
 SSLProxyCheckPeerCN at the same time (unless your backend cert has
 CN= - but in the end, this just reflects what you're asking
 mod_proxy_http to do: connect via TLS to host with cert X and request
 resource from host Y.

I've chosen the second possible workaround: Setting SSLProxyProtocol to
SSLv3. If you look at the code in ssl_engine_io.c you'll see that its
the second condition for disabling SNI towards the backend server. This
way, SSLProxyCheckPeerCN can stay enabled.
I hate forms!

Re: [users@httpd] SNI with apache 2.4.1 reverse proxy

2012-04-16 Thread Michael Weiser

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:01:11AM +0200, Michael Weiser wrote:

 A solution might be something like:

 ProxyPass / no-sni
 ProxyPassReverse / no-sni

 , disabling SNI towards the backend server.

 Or can I tell the 2.2.14 apache inside the VM to ignore the SNI data it
 sees in the requests?

 The best solution I can think of would be some switch like

 ProxyPass / pass-host-as-sni
 ProxyPassReverse / pass-host-as-sni

 that makes mod_ssl put the content of the host header into the sni data
 structures instead of the hostname from the URL used in the
 ProxyPass(Reverse) configuration itself. This way even name-based
 virtual hosts should work behind the reverse proxy.

I haven't heard anything back: What's the general opinion on this?
bye, Micha

Re: [users@httpd] SNI with apache 2.4.1 reverse proxy

2012-04-16 Thread Michael Weiser
Hi there,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 01:45:16PM +0200, Peter Sylvester wrote:

  that makes mod_ssl put the content of the host header into the sni data
  structures instead of the hostname from the URL used in the
  ProxyPass(Reverse) configuration itself. This way even name-based
  virtual hosts should work behind the reverse proxy.
  I haven't heard anything back: What's the general opinion on this?
 - If a configuration parameter can be avoided, this divides
the possibilities of errors by at least 3.
I don't think that a configuration parameter is necessary.

I agree (or at least don't care as long as I get the behaviour I need ;).

 - If something is put into the SNI, it must be identical to
what is in the Host:header.

This could be a side-effect of ProxyPreserveHost On since only with
ProxyPreserveHost On does it make any sense anyways. With
ProxyPreserveHost Off, the SNI data should contain the hostname from the
ProxyPassReverse directive.

So implementation-wise this will most likely have two parts of code:

1. Determining the hostname to put into SNI data depending on
ProxyPreserveHost somewhere in the reverse proxy module. 

2. Putting that value into the SNI data in mod_ssl's ssl_engine_io.c.

ssl_engine_io.c already uses an apr_table_get with a name of
proxy-request-hostname which is apr_table_set'd in mod_proxy_http.c. So
point 2 seems to be taken care of already. Host header preservation seems
to be done done in mod_proxy_http.c as well. Now setting
proxy-request-hostname based on that shouldn't be too hard.

Shall I have a go at that?
bye, Michael
Elephants don't play chess!

Re: [users@httpd] SNI with apache 2.4.1 reverse proxy

2012-04-16 Thread Michael Weiser
Hi Tom,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 04:02:00PM +0100, Tom Evans wrote:

  This could be a side-effect of ProxyPreserveHost On since only with
  ProxyPreserveHost On does it make any sense anyways. With
  ProxyPreserveHost Off, the SNI data should contain the hostname from the
  ProxyPassReverse directive.

 Er, surely you mean ProxyPass directive here. The ProxyPassReverse
 directive is only used for rewriting response headers, it has nothing
 to do with altering the proxied request.

To be honest, I'm making this all up as I go along. Thanks for pointing
me in the right direction.

Re: [users@httpd] SNI with apache 2.4.1 reverse proxy

2012-04-10 Thread Michael Weiser
Hi Igor,
Hi Daniel,

On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 08:56:12AM -, Igor Gali? wrote:

  Then it looks like mod_proxy_http determines the value for
  proxy-request-hostname from the remote URL in ProxyPass, but is
  passing on the Host header from the original request.
 That would imply ProxyPreserveHost on -- which is off by default
 I also don't see it in Micha's paste.

Uh, I am very sorry to have wasted your time, but I actually do have

ProxyPreserveHost On

in my config. It was inbetween some comments and I must have removed it
together with them. I have checked and it seems to be the only 
statement missing from my mail.

I have it in there because wordpress has a feature of automatically
using the host name from the request in all links in the HTML it
generates. Unfortunately, it insists on creating absolute instead of
relative links. This is also why I access wordpress inside the VM via
HTTPS at all: This way it automatically (or at least with only a
very small patch to it's config.php) generates https:// links in its
responses when accessed via HTTPS, making the reverse proxy very simple
(apart from the SSL bit) and almost transparent.

At first I tried to configure the reverse proxy to plain http:// (SSL
termination, so to speak) and rewrite all links using mod_proxy_html for
performance and because it seemed the straightforward thing to do. But I
had various detail problems within wordpress I couldn't solve (with
links to uploaded files for example). So I switched to just passing on
the original requests as unchanged as possible.

As for the SNI bit: So I tell the reverse proxy to access but pass on the Host header unchanged.
The wordpress VM's apache 2.2.14 gets upset with this discrepancy and
denies to serve the requests. As I perhaps poorly explained in the
second part of my mail, I tried to tell the reverse proxy to access
https://Host-header:12443/ instead but couldn't make it work.

A solution might be something like:

ProxyPass / no-sni
ProxyPassReverse / no-sni

, disabling SNI towards the backend server.

Or can I tell the 2.2.14 apache inside the VM to ignore the SNI data it
sees in the requests?

The best solution I can think of would be some switch like

ProxyPass / pass-host-as-sni
ProxyPassReverse / pass-host-as-sni

that makes mod_ssl put the content of the host header into the sni data
structures instead of the hostname from the URL used in the
ProxyPass(Reverse) configuration itself. This way even name-based
virtual hosts should work behind the reverse proxy.
Thanks for your patience,

Re: server push CGI problem

2002-08-13 Thread Michael Weiser

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

  I've got an update problem regarding apache 1.3.24/2.0.39 and a home-grown
  server-push webcam CGI. The CGI continuously reads images from the cam,
 Can you try 2.0.40 as I believe some of the CGI handling was been
 rewritten since .39?

 So, this already may have been resolved.  -- justin
I just did - without any effect. The normal CGI still continues to run
after the connection to the browser has been closed with apache reading
and discarding its output. The nph- variant doesn't seem to give a
mime-type at all so that mozilla tries to download it as
application/octet-stream and navigator 4.79 is showing the
output literally.

If someone could point me at the piece of source to look for that
output-discarding I could start hacking about myself. I found something in
mod_cgi.c already but that seems to apply to redirects only. The output
discard after connection break seems to happen at the end of the filter

If it's of any relevance to the problem: The whole thing is running on an
SGI Indigo2 with IRIX 6.5.16f and was compiled using MIPSpro cc
and linked against various precompiled open source libs from (without any problems BTW)
bye, Micha

server push CGI problem

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Weiser


I've got an update problem regarding apache 1.3.24/2.0.39 and a home-grown
server-push webcam CGI. The CGI continuously reads images from the cam,
compresses them into JPEGs and puts them together into a
multipart/x-mixed-replace stream to produce a poor-man's video with

With apache-1.3.x the CGI detected that the connection to the browser was
closed by getting an error back when writing to standard output because
apache automatically closed down the pipe to the CGI as well.

Now after upgrading to apache-2.0.39 the cgi never gets the error and
therefore never stops delivering pictures to nowhere. My guess is that
apache tries to discard all remaining script output by reading until EOF
before closing the pipe which in my case results in the script carrying on

I've tried to install the script as nph- but that resulted in the browser
showing the data literally because it somehow got the MIME type wrong/not
at all.

Now my questions are:
Is my guess regarding the discard of remaining output right?
Can it be switched off?
How can I get the nph- approach get to work properly?

Thanks in advance for your help.
bye, Micha