Re: mod_blanks for apache 2

2003-02-21 Thread johannes m. richter

Anyway,any suggestion on some modules for apache 2.x
that filter the output (I need to modify the html).

Perhaps you can use mod_injection as a good starting point.

And, last thing, the whole collection of mail of this
list, whereis it?

On some sites are mentioned.

Good luck!

The ability to make hyperlinks between information sources is arguably
the most important feature of that great repository of pet photographs
they call the Internet.  -- from a 3DML tutorial
- - Bestell Dir den J-GCL AB Newsletter!

Re: Adding SVG mime type to Apache 1.3/2.0

2002-10-21 Thread johannes m. richter

What about adding the SVG support to mime conf files :

image/svg+xml svg
image/svg+xml svgz

You might want to look at :-)


Is sex dirty? Only when it's being done right.  -- Woody Allen
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

RE: distributing encryption software

2002-10-20 Thread johannes m. richter

Please tell me if I'm missing something here: when I tried to volunteer to
give apache binaries for HP-UX (around 6 - 8 months ago), I got back a
response that only the "committers" can produce the binaries.

As far as I know and understand only committers can put them in the 
"official" binary directory. And the committers only take binaries they 
made themselves - for security/trust reasons.
But of course everyone is free to produce binaries and put them on some web 
page, perhaps they get in some contrib directory on the apache server too 
and perhaps you get a nice link from some page - but those aren't "official 
binaries" then.

Correct me if i'm wrong..

The man who does not read good books has no advantage
over the man who cannot read them.  -- Mark Twain
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: distributing encryption software

2002-10-19 Thread johannes m. richter
Sorry for splitting my answer up :o

Well, I don't think that you need $$$, the only thing you really need is
hardware (for the builds), bandwidth (for downloads) and time (to build)...

SourceForge has a compile farm too. So I guess one would have to create a 
project "apachessl_binaries" or something like this and ask for compile 
farm access (which does not have to be granted, specially since Apache 
itself is not hosted on sf - see
Or you could ask IBM/Sun/HP directly - "There are people using your 
products which would like this (so do it!)" ;-)


EASY TO INSTALL = Difficult to install,
but instruction manual has pictures.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: distributing encryption software

2002-10-19 Thread johannes m. richter

Well, I don't think that you need $$$, the only thing you really need is
hardware (for the builds), bandwidth (for downloads) and time (to build)...

I don't know about hardware and time (unfortunately I am too dumb to 
compile those things) - but I guess there're some people with bandwidth out 
there. One server which always comes to my mind is 
, a server of the TU Wien (technical university of Vienna) which already 
mirrors many projects (mainly free software). I bet Antonin Sprinzl (the 
server's admin) would add those things to the server (he's always keen on 
new suggestions..)

Just an idea :)


EASY TO INSTALL = Difficult to install,
but instruction manual has pictures.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread johannes m. richter

>Anyway, I've most likely upset a few people, and I apologize in
>advance. Just take these words from someone who *still* wants Apache
>to achieve world domination :)

As a user I'll try to help achiving this goal ;)

About the specific issue: I (again as a user) like the idea of at least 
putting the old auth modules in the coming 2.0 releases, so that 
compatibility between the minor releases - which certainly is important for 
adoption - is not broken and a smoother transistion to the newer - and 
probably better - auth module design gets possible.
On the other hand I am just a little user so I don't really know what 
disadvantages this may have (except that people stay with the old auth 
modules forever;)

just my 2€cents :-)
..nice weekend & cheers

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol


2002-09-29 Thread johannes m. richter

>>There is already a bug filed.  It works if you don't have DAV enabled for
>>that CGI location.  I am hoping to look at that today.
>Is there a way to at least stop Apache from giving the script source to 
>the viewer without disabling CGI or DAV?

You might disable the POST method for the cgi directory with Limit. Should 
work, shouldn't it? :)
(Haven't tried this buggy thing though!)
Humans: Bet you can't eat just one.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: mod_blanks

2002-09-26 Thread johannes m. richter

Since this seems to be rather understandable - will you make the source for 
this available? (To try to learn..)
Little suggestion: "Compression" statistics (just like the old mod_gzip does)
Good luck :)
Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß und nichts klappt. Praxis  ist, wenn
alles funktioniert und keiner weiß warum. Bei Windows 9* sind Theorie
und Praxis vereint, nichts funktioniert und keiner weiß warum.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: ANNOUNCE: Mod_Python donated to ASF

2002-09-12 Thread johannes m. richter

>It is my pleasure to announce that Mod_Python has been donated to the
>Apache Software Foundation, and is now a subproject of the httpd server
>project (see

Cool. :) Sounds like it will get a hell easier getting this thing working.. 
so maybe I might try it out then.

Good luck for this subproject! : )

..and a nice & pleasant evening guys...

What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking somebody to do it.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: Thread-unsafe libraries in httpd-2.0

2002-08-15 Thread johannes m. richter

>But does PHP ask HTTPD to load PHP modules?  If not, PHP would need to do 
>the same.

This is how I understood Ian's suggestion. That PHP asks its extensions 
whether they're thread-safe or not. And PHP itself tells Apache whether it 
- as a whole, i.e. including its extensions - is thread safe.


A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can
do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.
   -- Fred Allen
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: [PATCH] Workaround for bogobrowsers

2002-08-12 Thread johannes m. richter

> > The following patch allows this to be worked around using our
> > standard BrowserMatch envariable mechanism.  It's against
> > 1.3, since that's the version with the most penetration at
> > the moment and where the problem is most visible.
>+1 with the caveat that this needs to go into 2.0 too.  -- justin

Attached is a proposed patch against 2.0.40 (nearly the same as for 1.3..)
(i hope the patch format is ok - diff -u on windows)

--- src/modules/http/http_protocol-old.cSun Aug 04 11:24:10 2002
+++ src/modules/http/http_protocol.cMon Aug 12 20:27:37 2002
@@ -2261,7 +2261,13 @@
  r->content_languages = NULL;
  r->content_encoding = NULL;
  r->clength = 0;
-ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
+if (apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "suppress-error-charset") != 
+ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
+else {
+ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");

  if ((status == HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
  || (status == HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) {

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long
   -- REM, "Everybody Hurts"
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0 acinclude.m4

2002-08-10 Thread johannes m. richter

>remove me from maillist plz

Please look at the emails' headers. It says:

And for the next time: once is enough.
nice evening,

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: ldap

2002-08-04 Thread johannes m. richter

excuse me i am replying to such an old email - i was on vacation...

>Note I'm not in favor of experimental becoming a dumping ground for those
>things that just 'don't work'.  Experimental is good for those bits complete
>enough for some user testing, comments and other feedback.

this is what i really like about the apache group. it's just cool, they 
know that they have users, that they should support users in some way and 
not just dump their products out on the net. one can feel that they want 
their things to be used.
just wanted get this out :-)
many many thanks and cheers to all the people who helped making _me_ ;) 
such a nice webserver!!

nice evening,

Real programmers don't document. If it was hard
to write, it should be hard to understand.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: CacheRoot

2002-07-25 Thread johannes m. richter

> > Since stuff like "CacheRoot" moved from mod_proxy into mod_disk_cache, that
> > should be reflected in the documentation.
>Since there where no responce on this, I have to repeat it...

hm.. try filing a bug report ( or 
subscribe to the documentation mailing list 
Good luck :)
Friends are like condoms: they protect you when things get hard.
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: root on first instance?

2002-07-25 Thread johannes m. richter

>Sorry if this is covered somewhere else which I failed to find. But..., is it
>normal that the first instance of apache2 is running as root?

Yes because if it wasn't it would be unable to bind to port 80. (on usual 
Unix system; there's patches for some systems out there where you dont have 
to be root to bind to low port, but they aren't very common [yet?])

I always thought it was better to be a fake somebody than a real
nobody.  -- Tom Ripley, "The Talented Mr. Ripley"
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: [VOTE] httpd-std.conf WAS: RE: daedalus is running httpd-2.0.pre40

2002-07-24 Thread johannes m. richter

>Secondly consider that you have installed 2.0.35 and are upgrading to 2.0.40.
>If ${sysconfdir}/[examples/]httpd-std.conf would be overwritten, you would 
>no chance to compare the old httpd-std.conf with the new httpd-std.conf 
>I consider that diff more usefull than the diff between httpd.conf and the new

True. But this problem could be solved by appending the version number to 
the filename. httpd-std-2.0.36.conf and so on. So you'd get a nice 
collection of various standard conf files in your 
examples/templates/whatever directory.

(then we'd only need +VersionSort for our favorite file manager;-)


Why did Nature create man? Was it to show that she is big enough to
make mistakes, or was it pure ignorance?  -- Holbrook Jackson
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: daedalus is running httpd-2.0.pre40

2002-07-23 Thread johannes m. richter

>If you read this whole thread, you'll see that I'm not the only one who likes
>having current -std.conf files available.  They worked this way for ages.  I
>don't recall seeing any complaints about this behavior until yesterday.

why not copy them somewhere in the documentation directory? People seem to 
want their conf-directories to be really "clean" - which is can understand. 
But i also understand it might be useful to have a current default 
configuration file around. IMHO the documentation dir 
SERVERROOT/manual/conf/ perhaps?) would be a good place for this.

my 0.02€-cents.. :o)
Nice afternoon,

Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he
is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not
make messes in the house.  -- Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol

Re: [Win32] Compiling error missing apr-iconv.h

2002-07-23 Thread johannes m. richter

>Do I need username/password? Can you help me?

Perhaps helps?

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.  -- Mark Twain
- - new photos from summer camp 2002 in Moosen/Tirol