RE: Running the test suite on Windows

2015-01-21 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Running the test suite on Windows
From: Edward Lu
Date: 1/21/15 10:05 am

 It appears that the test framework has a bunch of dependencies on unix, e.g. 
it runs scripts with #!/usr/bin/ Running it under cygwin would fix some 
of those issues, but unfortunately, running under cygwin perl generates 
unix-like paths in the conf files which a windows-built httpd can't deal with. 
I'm currently trying to find where it configures those paths so I can hack 
around the issue.

There's also the problem of Windows not having apxs, so a bunch of tests are 
skipped, but I'm ignoring that one for now.

Does anyone have experience/advice/considerations to give on the subject? 

I'm reasonably confused by your first statement and I'd need a bit of 
to comment further. You can't mean forward-slashed paths, those are just fine,
even by windows itself; just like passing -- before passing file names with 
dashes on unix, you do need to disambiguate the option flag for windows own
commands  by enclosing such paths in quotes.  From a windows command shell
prompt, you can observe this with the command dir c:/windows 
Not sure which other scripts you are describing; if specific tests use script to
test a feature, e.g. a test to execute a bash shell cgi, then that would simply 
not applicable to windows (usually).  You could introduce further tests that 
exercise all of the mechanisms in the win32 cgi functionality (use registry verb
associations or a shebang).  But if you are describing something else, it must
be a more recent test; the entire suite was developed in perl.
Compiling under cygwin (or a truly cygwin build with a faux-posix clib) may have
some interesting implications.  APR implements constructs in a very NT kernel
centric way with object handles, so a posix-like cygwin build might become
confused at one point or another.  I wouldn't expect a mingw build to have such
issues since that is a wrapper over the msvcr runtime.  If you can track these
down, it would be nice to work around the problem cases.
Finally, there is an apxs that was never integrated into the httpd project, by 
friend Randy Kobes, and Jeff along with the modperl folk finally moved it into
subversion (sadly, not httpd's yet :)
Configure and build it on top of an already installed win32 httpd.

RE: Re: svn commit: r1652268 - /httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x/STATUS

2015-01-15 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: svn commit: r1652268 - 
From: Jim Jagielski
Date: 1/15/15 2:56 pm

Ummm Who cast the required 3rd vote?? Or is Win32
 not covered? 
AIUI, this falls under platform-specific patches.  No?

RE: Re: svn commit: r1611169 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES server/mpm/winnt/service.c

2015-01-14 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: svn commit: r1611169 - in 
/httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES server/mpm/winnt/service.c
From: Mike Rumph
Date: 1/14/15 12:24 pm

Hello Bill,

 Sorry to respond to this so late, but I see that this is up for a vote 
 against httpd 2.4. 
We love any code review, early, late, post-release, whatever!  Thanks for 
 I noticed a possible problem in the code.
 I have a question inserted below.

 + SC_HANDLE schService;
  + {
  + schService = OpenServiceW(schSCManager,
  + (LPCWSTR)mpm_service_name_w,
  + }
  +#endif /* APR_HAS_UNICODE_FS */
  + {
  + schService = OpenService(schSCManager, mpm_service_name,
  + }
  if (schService) {
 If neither of these defines are set, then schService appears to be 
 Is this a problem?
No, it cannot be an issue, nor are they mutually exclusive.  One or both are 
always defined.  I trust you didn't trip over this during compilation; good 
eyes though :)  See also os/win32/ap_regkey.c for much more code that follows 
this pattern.
This is the pattern behind all APR (and httpd) portability from win98 API to 
winNT (Unicode).  For example, the internal representation of an apr_dir_t;
 struct {
 WIN32_FIND_DATAW *entry;
 } w;
 struct {
 WIN32_FIND_DATAA *entry;
 } n;
 We have no members, w, or n, and therefore no directory entries, if one of 
these defines has not been set.
apr_arch_misc.h contains these two macros.  The pattern exists because it was 
possible to use the same binary on either OS.   IF_WIN_OS_IS_UNICODE and 
ELSE_WIN_OS_IS_ANSI handled the dynamic behavior, if only one is set, those 
macros are a no-op.  If both are set, those macros become if-else cases 
(against the version of Windows in use).
With Win9x dead, it is past time to prune these, at least on trunk and apr-2.0. 
I'm not sure whether users are building the 'ANSI-only' flavor for use on 
modern Windows OS (as all 8bit chars devolve to the OEM code page of the 
installed version of Windows).
So I left well enough alone for now (no harm to users moving from 2.4.10 - 
2.4.11), and would plan to follow whatever decisions are made on dev@apr with 
respect to dropping 8-bit OEM code page logic, altogether, from trunk.

RE: Re: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks mod_wsgi

2015-01-13 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks 
From: Graham Dumpleton
Date: 1/12/15 11:34 pm

  But the damage has been done for some months on 2.2, and we are noticing 
  this, now?   All distros still shipping Apache 2.2 still are using older 
  mod_wsgi 3.X versions

Makes sense...

 which I don't at this point believe are affected by this issue. 

  And why not?
/* Create and populate our own request object. */
apr_pool_create(p, c-pool); r = apr_pcalloc(p, 
 People who build stuff from source code themselves would be using latest 
Apache 2.4.
So the big hit on mod_wsgi will come with Apache 2.4.11.

 From securityspace, 2.08% are already on 2.2.29, .51% are on 2.4.10 (of those 
who do not partially or completely truncate the server name).
I don't see any hit, since these are users who *can* and *do* build stuff 
themselves, and will have little to no difficulty updating mod_wsgi, as 2.2 
users already needed to.

RE: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks mod_wsgi

2015-01-12 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks 
From: Joe Orton
Date: 1/12/15 11:05 am

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 11:25:53AM -0500, Eric Covener wrote:
  On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Joe Orton wrote:
   Either way, the fix for CVE-2013-5704 ends up breaking backwards
   compatibility with existing 2.4.x builds of mod_wsgi, which is kind of
   Bad. I don't have a good proposal for how to fix or avoid this. Worst
   case, we make clear the mod_wsgi case is API/ABI abuse and warn binary
   distributors they have to handle this by rebuilding.
  Is there anything we can do in 2.4.11 for packagers who haven't picked
  this up yet since we're already picking up a problematic extension of
  the struct?
  What if we stashed away the MMN after these fields, and validated it?
  Or just a request_rec version?

 It would be possible to do some hack. Say, stash something in r-notes 
 that this is a real request_rec, and check for that before accessing 
 r-trailers (which only happens in one place).

 There may well be a cheaper way than modifying r-notes.
Not really useful, though.
You could extend ap_mpm_query easily enough but it doesn't win us anything in 
this version, or the 2.2 branch.  We should be looking ahead at a more 
effective (although not more 'strict') ABI/API contract for 2.6/3.0.
But the damage has been done for some months on 2.2, and we are noticing this, 
now?  I don't think there's anything to be done w.r.t. this issue in 2.4.11.
Once the module is compiled against the later MMN, there is no harm in 
initializing the extra fields, even if loaded against an earlier httpd core.  
But the MMN here is absolutely useless.
What we would have needed had we foreseen it and module authors adopted it... 
was a reversioning of each struct within httpd.  I don't care that my loaded 
module knows of an earlier compatible conn_rec if the only thing it allocates 
is the request_req.  The raw MMN value provides no insight.
Who is to say what is a 'real' request rec?  No such beast if the module 
implements the request_rec entirely on its own.
Yes, mod_ftp, and mod_wsgi will have some pain from this enhancement.  We eat 
it and move on, IMHO, and look forward to a new 2.x/3.0 world where we can 
introduce the semantics of incomplete types, versioned struct declarations and 
alloc/initializers where they are called for.

RE: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks mod_wsgi

2015-01-12 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks 
From: Joe Orton
Date: 1/12/15 5:27 am
To: Graham Dumpleton

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 09:04:12AM +1100, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
  1. Verify that recompiling mod_wsgi is actually sufficient given than my
  direct use of request_rec isn't going to populate the extra fields and they
  will remain NULL still. As trailers shouldn't be expected in context the
  request_rec is being used directly by mod_wsgi those attributes shouldn't
  be touched, but if that is the case, why would it be crashing without
  recompilation happening. So need to also actually verify whether it can't
  limp on as is for now if it isn't crashing.

 Yup, I should have mentioned that too. You are right, we had to pach 
 mod_wsgi to fix the issue properly as well:

 that can/should be surrounded with

 #if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20120211, 37)
 #endif make it conditional on an httpd with those fields. (Hadn't 
 submitted that back upstream yet sorry - we wanted to find a proper 
 solution httpd-side for this.)
 Exactly.  These fixes are already in for httpd's mod_ftp svn.  I had also 
missed this while building that module and hadn't put it through its paces, as 
we were preparing 2.2.
The proper solution is to never let the module create a structure such as 
request_req.  This would normally be accomplished by semi-opaque/incomplete 
data types, which weren't portably possible in '00 but might be realistic today.
Whether we expose a complete or incomplete datatype - that solution is to 
expose the object's allocator/initializer.  OO programming topic 101.

RE: Re: ApacheCon Austin, httpd track

2014-12-02 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: ApacheCon Austin, httpd track
From: Rich Bowen
Date: 12/2/14 8:29 am

 On 12/01/2014 08:15 PM, Daniel Ruggeri wrote:
  A side note on SSL/security: I had the idea a few years back that there
  is probably enough content to do a here is 5 minutes about how to
  configure SSL in httpd and then 50 minutes of other important security
  topics (What Ciphers should I enable? Should I use SSLv3 any more? How
  to treat my keys and what the hell is an HSM anyway? Passphrase
  encrypted keys or not? Should I trust my distro's build?). Thoughts are
  welcome on that topic... not sure if I'm overly paranoid or if these are
  things that people actually want to hear?

 Given the focus on SSL in the last year, I think that a talk exactly 
 like that would be appreciated, and could even be a great talk to use to 
 market the track as a whole. I think a lot of people are waking up to 
 the fact that they have no idea what SSL/TLS actually is, and some 
 in-depth teaching on it seems like it would be welcome. 
Rich raises a great point - you could probably even propose a full half
day training, and spend a bit of time on configuring different ASF projects
(e.g. httpd, Tomcat) while aiming squarely at the state of SSL cryptography
itself.  I'm certain that class would get some nice registration numbers.

RE: Fix DirectoryMatch to not match regular files?

2014-10-29 Thread wrowe
If we agree that whitelisting is the preferred practice over blacklisting,
and that the whitelist as-is was inaccurate, I believe we can accept
the behavior change to trunk as well as 2.4 and 2.2 that blacklists
may be loosened with the application of this patch while any
sensible whitelists will be strengthened and more accurate.
We want to favor more explicit behaviors, but I'd suggest that if the
user really wanted something this flexible, they would have used
the LocationMatch  abstraction instead of DirectoryMatch ,
which was very explicit about its intent if not the implementation.
- Original Message - Subject: Fix DirectoryMatch to not match 
regular files?
From: Jan Kaluža
Date: 10/29/14 6:18 am

 I was trying to fix PR41867 using attached patch. While the patch seems 
 to work, I'm thinking if the behaviour change introduced by the patch 
 can bring some problems.
 Currently, DirectoryMatch ^/var/www/html/private matches also 
 /var/www/html/private.txt even it is a regular file and not a 
 directory. With the patch, DirectoryMatch won't match private.txt in 
 this case, because it's a file.
 While I think this is excepted behaviour of DirectoryMatch, I'm not sure 
 if it's acceptable change in 2.4.x branch (or even trunk?). What do you 
 Jan Kaluza

RE: Re: Disable SSLv3 by default

2014-10-20 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: Disable SSLv3 by default
From: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz
Date: 10/17/14 1:57 pm

On Friday 17 of October 2014, Kaspar Brand wrote:
  On 17.10.2014 12:02, Takashi Sato wrote:
   SSLv3 is now insecure (CVE-2014-3566, POODLE)
   Let's disable SSLv3 by default, at least trunk.
   SSLProtocol default is all.
   all means a shortcut for ``+SSLv3 +TLSv1'' or - when using OpenSSL
   1.0.1 and later - ``+SSLv3 +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2, respectively.
   Should we remove SSLv3 from all ?
  From a semantic point of view, I wouldn't do that. As long as we still
  allow SSLv3 to be used, all should really mean all protocols which
  can be enabled in mod_ssl.

 Then add safe option (leaving all as is) and make safe default. safe 
 would point to known safe protocols at release time.
Is this a responsible recommendation, though?  Does TLSv1.0 offer any
significant improvement over SSLv3.0 that HTTP server project endorses?
Can or should 'we' officially designate SSLv3 as undesirable without
making the same recommendation for TLSv1.0?
It seems to me that SAFE at this time is TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.
It also seems to me that the first problem to solve is to ensure if the user
removes SSLv3 (+/- TLSv1.0) from their openssl installed binary, that we
simply respect that.  In that case, 'SSLProtocol all' should be just the
remaining supported TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols.

mod_ftp 1.0.1 consideration time?

2014-10-17 Thread wrowe
I've spent some time reviewing the current state of mod_ftp trunk, and believe 
we are essentially inter-operable with httpd 2.4 at last.  SNI poses some 
problems, but they are beyond the scope of a 'quck fix' - in an FTP 
conversation we might be looking at an SNI identifier on the command channel 
which is different than the SNI identifier on the data channel.  And the new 
HOST ftp rfc doesn't even address PORT/EPRT directives, which may reference a 
third server with yet another SNI identifier.  I think we are best off setting 
this aside for a bit until we consider all the implications.
In the meantime, the r-trailers patches broke mod_ftp.  While I've fixed that, 
it means that mod_ftp beta 0.9.6 no longer runs against either 2.4 nor 2.2 
anymore.  I'd like to propose we consider a 1.0.1 tarball for beta, if not GA.  
Or if numbering is the community's hangup, then perhaps call it 0.9.7.
I'm happy to TR but would like to know upfront if there is anyone interested 
in looking at the state of trunk before tagging, and if we have sufficient 
reviewers to potentially vote up a release.
All thoughts and observations are welcome...

RE: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page

2014-09-11 Thread wrowe
+1, this is the right question, Jim.
From the docs for mod_remoteip;
This module is used to treat the useragent which initiated the request as the 
originating useragent as identified by httpd for the purposes of authorization 
and logging
The module overrides the client IP address for the connection
Once replaced as instructed, this overridden useragent IP address is then used
Any other behavior is invalid to users of mod_remoteip.
It was correctly observed that there is an intermediate state, following the 
logging of a request and destruction of the request pool, where the identity of 
the keep-alive connection truly belongs to the direct-remote user agent, and is 
no longer an attribute of the proxied request.  Therefore, falling back to the 
c-remote_addr is entirely appropriate, and that remote_addr must be used as 
the basis for mod_remoteip to handshake the next reported remote client ip.
So here's a +1 to changing the behavior of ap_get_remote_host, as documented, 
the existing behavior is flawed.

- Original Message - Subject: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 
incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page
From: Martynas Bendorius
Date: 9/11/14 8:35 am

Yes, we may re-phrase it like that, if we'd like to fix it in apache 
 source (and not documentation) :) Currently ap_get_remote_host in 
 server/core.c doesn't return useragent_ip, and instead of it we get 
 Best regards,
 Martynas Bendorius
 On 9/11/14 4:21 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
  isn't the question rather What should ap_get_remote_host()
  On Sep 11, 2014, at 8:17 AM, Martynas Bendorius wrote:
  Would it be possible to change the documentation of mod_remoteip for 2.4 
  (, and get is 
  reported by mod_status removed from the page? As it leds Apache customers 
  to believe that it will report a real (useragent) IP instead of a proxy one 
  in server-status page. useragent_ip is not even available in scoreboard, 
  which is used by mod_status, so it's not available for mod_status.
  This has been already discussed here:
  Thank you!
  Best regards,
  Martynas Bendorius

RE: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page

2014-09-11 Thread wrowe
However, the API is not going to make this trivial to fix.
ap_get_remote_host is connection-based.  And that is what mod_authz_host
is currently relying upon.
It seems that there needs to be a way for mod_remoteip to override the 
existing behavior, perhaps ap_set_remote_host(), that will cache the
request-based on for the lifetime of the request pool.  In the request
pool cleanup, ap_set_remote_host(c, NULL) would clear that overridden
request-based host, popping the value back to the cached c- fields.
There is also the issue of the timing of setting the scoreboard record.
All three issues are intertwined.
- Original Message - Subject: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 
incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page
From: Jim Jagielski
Date: 9/11/14 9:46 am

Yeah, the more I think about it, ap_get_remote_host() is
 currently broken wrt how it handles useragent_ip and client_ip.
 Will likely try to patch this on trunk sometime today...
 On Sep 11, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Martynas Bendorius wrote:
  Yes, we may re-phrase it like that, if we'd like to fix it in apache source 
  (and not documentation) :) Currently ap_get_remote_host in server/core.c 
  doesn't return useragent_ip, and instead of it we get conn-client_ip.
  Best regards,
  Martynas Bendorius
  On 9/11/14 4:21 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
  isn't the question rather What should ap_get_remote_host()
  On Sep 11, 2014, at 8:17 AM, Martynas Bendorius 
  Would it be possible to change the documentation of mod_remoteip for 2.4 
  (, and get is 
  reported by mod_status removed from the page? As it leds Apache customers 
  to believe that it will report a real (useragent) IP instead of a proxy 
  one in server-status page. useragent_ip is not even available in 
  scoreboard, which is used by mod_status, so it's not available for 
  This has been already discussed here:
  Thank you!
  Best regards,
  Martynas Bendorius

RE: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page

2014-09-11 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: mod_status: Apache 2.4 
incorrect IP (proxy, not useragent_ip) on server-status page
From: Jim Jagielski
Date: 9/11/14 10:45 am

Ugg. Yeah; we should actually have a complimentary version
 that takes request_req as the param, not conn_rec.

Considered that.  But that still breaks mod_remoteip's advertised
behavior against third party modules until they adapt.  So I'd written
this off as a non-starter :(

RE: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?

2014-09-05 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?
From: Gregg Smith
Date: 9/4/14 12:47 pm

On 9/4/2014 8:49 AM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
  I overlooked 2 other viable options
  [ ] Roll with apr-util 1.5.2 (pre-breakage) and 
  corresponding binaries
  [ ] Roll with apr-util 1.5.4 (upon release) and 
  corresponding binaries
 Assumes a much quicker path to everything hitting the mirrors and 
 looking at 1.5.3's change log later yesterday I did not see anything VC 
 crucial so
 [X] Roll with apr-util 1.5.2 (pre-breakage) and 
 corresponding binaries.
 If I hear no objections today, this is how I'll proceed for the time being.
It might be worthwhile to roll a win32-src-r3 later on with 1.5.4 but I don't
see a reason to wait on it.  Both 1.5.2, 1.5.3 and someday, 1.5.4 are ASF
releases so I don't think we are disturbing the release policy by moving
ahead with both plans.  httpd-2.2.29 itself doesn't appear to have any
hiccups (except the reference to 2.4.x+ compatibility for MergeTrailers,
a defect already corrected on the online docs).

RE: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?

2014-09-04 Thread wrowe
You can do this.  However, that doesn't solve the problem for users of one
distribution of httpd (from any origin, not just the ASF) linked to a particular
msvcr###, interoperating with a module built by another third party for a
different msvcr### (or trying to build your own add-in with a compiler other
than your distribution's msvcr###).
It *can* work.  Both msvcr###'s are loaded in parallel.  The distribution
core/modules all use their msvcr###, the third party or homebuilt module
uses its distinct msvcr###.
Problems only arise once the third party module plays games with httpd
or apr internal structures, e.g. getting the 'windows fd' (no such thing, it
is an msvcr illusionary handle), or memory alloc/free (they each keep
their own independent memory management).  Any module written
purely in httpd and apr API's will be 100% safe.  Any module that then
manipulates these msvcr objects is hosed and will likely segfault, in
the best case.
- Original Message - Subject: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?
From: Issac Goldstand
Date: 9/4/14 10:00 am

You can't, AFAIK, due to licensing. You need to include the *installer*
 that comes in VC's redist area and can run that installer from yours to
 install their runtime...
 Or you can statically link to the runtime, but I'm not sure we want to
 do that.
 On 04/09/2014 17:48, Wang, Andy wrote:
  Is there a reason to not bundle the msvcrtxxx.dll that's microsoft includes 
  in the redist area?
  So that's what we've taken to doing with our apache. Simply including the 
  version that microsoft bundles with 2010 in the web server bin directory.
  On Wed, 2014-09-03 at 17:52 -0500, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
  And to answer the question, VC6 for httpd 2.2 is simply for msvcrt.DLL 
  compatibility and no-surprises upgrades. It is suboptimal, but not as 
  suboptimal as MS's active disdain for msvcr###.dll users.
  Wang, Andy wrote:
  On Wed, 2014-09-03 at 09:27 -0700, wrote:
  Finally returned to VC6, having replaced my older svn on Windows
  which would no longer handshake with and bumped into
  a single issue.
  Building VC6 binaries for win32, I was bitten by r1508904 which
  a C99 type prior to releasing apr 2.0 (probably not a good idea to
  such changes in a maintenance branch).
  I don't mean to tangent this discussion too much but I'm curious.
  So this change back in 2.2.26(?) was what finally made me start to use
  visual studio 2010 for our windows builds (and boy is that an ugly
  Is there a reason why you're sticking with VC6 to build?
  I was surprised that this change made it into a maintenance branch, but
  honestly was looking for something to push me to building on VC2010.

RE: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?

2014-09-04 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?
From: Wang, Andy
Date: 9/4/14 9:48 am

Is there a reason to not bundle the msvcrtxxx.dll that's microsoft includes in 
the redist area?
 So that's what we've taken to doing with our apache. Simply including the 
version that microsoft bundles with 2010 in the web server bin directory.
 You keep mentioning studio 2010.  Why not studio 2012?  Studio 2013?
Each has their own msvcr###, of course.

Missing invocation of for cms site staging

2014-09-03 Thread wrowe
If someone is more familiar with the site cms build than I am...
lib/ seems to glob the and
as dependencies of content/security/vulnerabilities-httpd.xml.  However,
according to the last builds only is being invoked;
leaving us with current 2.4 and no updates to 2.2 issues.
I'm stumped, any hints?

C99 bump prior to apr 2.0?

2014-09-03 Thread wrowe
Finally returned to VC6, having replaced my older svn on Windows
which would no longer handshake with and bumped into
a single issue.
Building VC6 binaries for win32, I was bitten by r1508904 which introduces
a C99 type prior to releasing apr 2.0 (probably not a good idea to make
such changes in a maintenance branch).  A fix is in the branch; (although it does not portably resolve
this C99 expectation, odbc isn't necessarily portable either).  This fix
was not in time for apr-util 1.5.3 but is ready for apr-util 1.5.4 whenever
that is released.
In terms of providing dist/httpd/binaries/win32 httpd 2.2.29 based on
msvcrt,dll, I have a couple of options;
 [ ] Ship with r1563992 applied (and document this? where?)
 [ ] Drop apr_dbd_odbc.dll from the distribution
 [ ] Don't ship
Any preferences?  If option 1 is elected, the second question is whether
to update the distro as an -r2?  This will only affect the
VC6/Studio 97 builds, since the more recent visual studio releases have
some level of C99 support.

[RESULT][VOTE] Release 2.2.29 as GA?

2014-09-01 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: [VOTE] Release 2.2.29 as GA?
From: William A. Rowe Jr.
Date: 8/22/14 12:59 pm

The pre-release candidate Apache httpd 2.2.29 - with simply a rebuild
 of the docs/manual/ since 2.2.28, can be found in;

 [ ] Release 2.2.29 (apr 1.5.1, apr-util 1.5.3)
  Finally +1 from me as well, sorry that I fell into a lua-as-shared-lib
rabbit hole on unix, and took too long to climb back out. and break
away from 2.4.10.  Tested 2.2.29 on an array of linux, solaris 12.3
studio, aix xlc and hpux cc, ms studio 97 and 2012 compilers, and
found no regressions..

Counting a sufficient number of +1's and no objections, pushing
to the mirrors this morning, once I add -win32-src and binaries.
Announcement will follow noon-ish tomorrow.
Feedback and corrections to
would be welcome.

RE: Re: Test failure on 2.4-HEAD

2014-08-26 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: Re: Test failure on 2.4-HEAD
From: Jim Jagielski
Date: 8/26/14 11:20 am

 On Aug 26, 2014, at 11:02 AM, Eric Covener wrote:
  I recognize it, it's what you get if you built the (proposed only?)
  trailers thing

 Looks like its been folded into 2.4-branch...
s/proposed/accepted/ at least in STATUS of both 2.4 and 2.2,
so I went ahead and committed it the backport for 2.4 as long
I had everything set to rebuild the documentation for 2.2 as well
(and that backport bit me that we hadn't rebuilt the docs for the
xml changes)..
I presume the 3 +1's were sufficient?  There was some discussion
around the change hitting 2.2 before 2.4, so I wanted to be sure we
had the right patch on the actively maintained release branch, at
least in svn.

RE: [VOTE] Release 2.2.28 as GA?

2014-08-26 Thread wrowe
Glad to see the testing efforts, it looks like this is going to fly.
Jumped over from *nix-ish platforms back into Windows for a while,
so I'll make sure the is collected with a successful
binary build against openssl 1.0.1i this aftn/eve, and sum the votes
provided there is no surprise lurking there :)
Thanks to all who've tested thus far...
- Original Message - Subject: [VOTE] Release 2.2.28 as GA?
From: William A. Rowe Jr.
Date: 8/22/14 8:38 am

The pre-release candidate Apache httpd 2.2.28 can be found in;
 [ ] Release 2.2.28 (apr 1.5.1, apr-util 1.5.3)
 Please take note of APR subversion version bump from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1.
 Vote to conclude 13:30 GMT Monday, provided enough voters have had time
 to review.

RE: [VOTE] Release 2.2.28 as GA?

2014-08-26 Thread wrowe
- Original Message - Subject: RE: [VOTE] Release 2.2.28 as GA?
Date: 8/26/14 4:07 pm

 Glad to see the testing efforts, it looks like this is going to fly.
Jumped over from *nix-ish platforms back into Windows for a while,
so I'll make sure the is collected with a successful
binary build against openssl 1.0.1i this aftn/eve, and sum the votes
provided there is no surprise lurking there :)

Of course - I meant to reply to the 2.2.29 vote thread, sigh... but if
anyone still wants to sound in for .29 your votes are welcomed.

2.2.28 tag later today

2014-07-21 Thread wrowe
I'd like to proceed to tag and roll 2.2.28 either early this afternoon
from the office, or later today from Portland.  It wouldn't be a problem
for me to proceed either way.

If anyone is planning to review Yann's last mod_deflate or incomplete
body patches still lingering in STATUS, please holler right away so I
hold off the tag to offer time today for extra scrutiny.

I don't see a reason to change 2.2.x ahead of 2.4.x with respect to the
open headers clash proposal, so I didn't intend to backport this prior
to tagging the release.  And while the 2.2 patch of service.c has been
well tested and validated for several years now (and was a nightmare to
forward-port to the 2.4/trunk branches), I'm not intending for the
windows service name internationalization enhancement to occur before
that patch is applied to a 2.4 release.

We otherwise look ready to tag and roll, patch activity now seems
minimal, and we can hopefully conclude the vote by Thursday/Friday.  It
will be simpler for me to finally stage the release upon my return to
the office from OSCon very late on Thursday or Friday a.m.


[VOTE][RESULTS] Release 2.2.25

2013-07-01 Thread wrowe
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 4:29 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
 Candidates are in

   [  ]  Release 2.2.25 (apr 1.4.8, apr-util 1.5.2)

+1 from myself as well, looking at both Win32 and a few linux flavors.

With our 5 binding +1's and additional positive feedback I'll begin
staging this to the proxies later this evening.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, tested and voted!

Re: [discussion] Release 2.0.65 [the final frontier]

2013-07-01 Thread wrowe
On 30 Jun 2013, Guenter Knauf observed;

 it seems a bit odd to me that we now roll the 2.0.65 final without having 
 picking up latest fixes [1][2], making this release hanging around for ever 
 with APR/APU 0.9.x versions which lack latest stuff:

And in six months, some other thing will have changed, and whatever code
is sitting 
around 'forever' will be equally stale.  I am not at all concerned
whether APR 0.9 is
released again or not since folks had years to take that up in our
discussions of
putting httpd 2.0 to bed, yet nobody so much as suggested a release,
nevermind some
volunteer to act on it.  APR 0.9 is effectively retired already, and APR
1.0 was 
released how long ago?

If someone at the APR project wanted to tag and roll 0.9.x (even
designating it 'final'
if that was the group's desire) that would be something for that project
to work out).  
So far as I'm concerned, this httpd release is already long out-of-date,
and is simply 
a polite way of offering one last bit of wiggle room for users who still
haven't, and 
still will need to migrate to 2.2 as soon as reasonably possible, unless
their httpd 
instances aren't actually accessible through untrusted networks or by
untrusted users, 
such as the internet.  Whether it fixes every last issue of any
particular category
doesn't worry me.

The package 2.0.65 is tagged and our packages are never 'revisioned'
after the fact,
so there is no way to change the embedded versions.  That is the
blessing of dropping
embedded apr libraries with the 2.4.x family of releases.  So without
dumping and 
rerolling and testing another release, we can't really accomplish what
you suggest.

As far as a release vote for apr 0.9, you would want to take that up
with dev@apr.
As far as this package goes, I count 3 +1's and will add my +1 when I
announce the
results, but 1) I'm on vacation and 2) it's now the 2nd half of 2013,
years after we
replaced 2.0 with 2.2, so I'm unwilling to do anything further with the
2.0.x source
branch (including test another release candidate), other than helping
wordsmith our 
end-of-2.0 consensus communications, and  leave this image hanging on my
office wall 
for posterity...

Please let us know whether you are personally taking on some 2.0.66
release project, 
or if you have concurred with the group consensus to let this story end
as of Jun 2013.
I'd like to avoid yet-another-vote over something the group has clearly
and repeatedly
expressed consensus over.

svn commit: r406731 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/docs/

2006-05-15 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Mon May 15 13:12:21 2006
New Revision: 406731


  Create a new docs/ branch, stop using the httpd/site/cli tree for this 


svn commit: r406733 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/docs/mod/

2006-05-15 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Mon May 15 13:14:07 2006
New Revision: 406733


  httpd/site/trunk/xdocs/cli/mod/*.xml were not processed through the site 
  but were the doc sources for httpd/site/trunk/xdocs/cli/mod_aspdotnet.html 
  a manual process of generating the htdocs.  Remove these from the site 

  - copied from r406731, httpd/site/trunk/xdocs/cli/mod/

svn commit: r292226 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/dist/README.html

2005-09-28 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Wed Sep 28 09:37:31 2005
New Revision: 292226


  Minor touchups to README


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/dist/README.html
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/dist/README.html (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/dist/README.html Wed Sep 28 09:37:31 2005
@@ -11,20 +11,25 @@
 pmod_aspdotnet is a module from the 
 a href=;cli subproject/a for the Apache
-HTTP Server 2.0 running on Windows with the .NET Framework 1.1.  It does 
-not work on non-Windows platforms, with earlier versions of Apache, or
-other versions of the .NET framework.  Consult that project's pages for 
-more details./p  
+HTTP Server 2.0.44 or later running on Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later 
+(including 2000, 2003, and XP) with the .NET Framework 1.1 (or 1.0).  
+It is not known to work on non-Windows platforms, with earlier versions 
+of Apache, or 2.0 and later versions of the .NET framework.  Consult the 
+project's pages for more details./p  
 pmod_aspdotnet is available as an .msi for you to get running out of
 the box. Simply ensure you have installed Apache HTTP Server 2.0 first,
-and the Microsoft .NET framework, before you attempt to install it./p
+and the Microsoft .NET Framework, before you attempt to install it./p
 pThe files contain the sources of this module.  It is not
 trivial to build and run without a bit of understanding, it is much
-easier for most users to simply install the .msi.  If you want to
-proceed, please be our guest, you are well on your way to helping
-contribute to the cli subproject!/p
+easier for most users to simply install the .msi.  Note that at present,
+it can only be built under Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, and not the later
+2003 or (preview) 2005 Studio products, due to major changes in the way
+that C++.NET files are parsed.  If you want to proceed to build your own,
+please be our guest, you are well on your way to helping contribute to the 
+httpd-cli subproject!/p
 pWe have an a href=;
 introduction/a to help you get started using this module./p

svn commit: r280883 - in /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk: Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h installer.ism mod_aspdotnet.sln

2005-09-14 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Wed Sep 14 09:46:54 2005
New Revision: 280883


  Prepare for a new snapshot (we should be bumping the build level when
  we do so, even if it's just more of the same dev version.)


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h Wed Sep 14 
09:46:54 2005
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 // This also ensures we use the most recent 'build' of the module for the given
 // Apache core version.
-#define APACHE_WEB_VER_BUILD 2002
+#define APACHE_WEB_VER_BUILD 2004
 // Define APACHE_WEB_VER_RELEASE as 1 for a non-dev, release build, when 
 // the distribution .zip sources or binary release.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism Wed Sep 14 09:46:54 2005
@@ -1630,7 +1630,8 @@
col def=S255Cabinet/col
col def=S32VolumeLabel/col
col def=S32Source/col
+   rowtd1/tdtdmod_aspdotnet/tdtdRelease 
table name=ISLogicalDiskFeatures
@@ -1801,8 +1802,9 @@
col def=S255MsiCommandLine/col
col def=I4ISSetupPrerequisiteLocation/col
+   rowtdRelease 
table name=ISReleaseExtended
@@ -1838,8 +1840,9 @@
col def=S255CertPassword/col
+   rowtdRelease 

svn commit: r280884 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp

2005-09-14 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Wed Sep 14 09:50:41 2005
New Revision: 280884


  Introduce the AspNet directive, to replace the test of Options ExecCGI.

  Now, to actually permit ASP.NET content, we need to test the following;

To serve a real file   AspNet files
To serve a directory   AspNet directories  (or simply dirs)
To serve not-a-fileAspNet virtual

To serve any URL   AspNet all  (or simply on)

  These can be combined, e.g. 'AspNet files virtual' would be valid, and
  Apache would continue to serve directories.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp Wed Sep 14 09:50:41 2005
@@ -184,8 +184,75 @@
 return NULL;
+typedef enum {
+ASPNET_OFF =   0,
+ASPNET_UNSET   = 2^0, // Must be a value, better to avoid legal bits
+ASPNET_FILES   = 2^1,
+} asp_net_enable_t;
+typedef struct asp_net_dirconf_t {
+int enable;  // Bit flags of asp_net_enable_t values
+} asp_net_dirconf_t;
+static void *create_asp_net_dirconf(apr_pool_t *p, char *dummy)
+asp_net_dirconf_t *dirconf;
+dirconf = (asp_net_dirconf_t*)apr_palloc(p, sizeof(asp_net_dirconf_t));
+dirconf-enable = ASPNET_UNSET;
+return dirconf;
+static void *merge_asp_net_dirconf(apr_pool_t *p, void *basev, void *addv)
+asp_net_dirconf_t *base = (asp_net_dirconf_t*)basev;
+asp_net_dirconf_t *add = (asp_net_dirconf_t*)addv;
+asp_net_dirconf_t *res = 
+(asp_net_dirconf_t*)apr_palloc(p, sizeof(asp_net_dirconf_t));
+res-enable = (add-enable == ASPNET_UNSET) ? base-enable
+: add-enable;
+return add;
+static const char *set_aspnet_enable(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dirconf_, 
+ const char *enables)
+asp_net_dirconf_t *dirconf = (asp_net_dirconf_t *)dirconf_;
+// Unset the AspNet flags before we toggle specific choices
+dirconf-enable = ASPNET_OFF;
+while (*enables) {
+const char *enable = ap_getword_conf(cmd-pool, enables);
+if  (!strcasecmp(enable, on)
+  || !strcasecmp(enable, all))
+else if (!strcasecmp(enable, off) 
+  || !strcasecmp(enable, none))
+dirconf-enable = ASPNET_OFF;
+else if (!strcasecmp(enable, files)) 
+dirconf-enable |= ASPNET_FILES;
+else if (!strcasecmp(enable, dirs)
+  || !strcasecmp(enable, directories)) 
+dirconf-enable |= ASPNET_DIRS;
+else if (!strcasecmp(enable, virtual)) 
+dirconf-enable |= ASPNET_VIRTUAL;
+else {
+return apr_pstrcat(cmd-pool, Unrecognized AspNet option , 
+  enable, NULL);
+return NULL;
 static const command_rec asp_net_cmds[] =
+AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS(AspNet, (cmd_func)set_aspnet_enable, NULL, OR_OPTIONS,
+Allow ASP.NET to serve 'Files', 'Dirs', 'Virtual', 'All', or 'None'),
 AP_INIT_TAKE1(AspNetVersion, (cmd_func)version_cmd, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
 Select a specific ASP.NET version in the format v#.#.),
 AP_INIT_TAKE2(AspNetMount, (cmd_func)mount_cmd, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
@@ -433,13 +500,6 @@
 return DECLINED;
-if (r-finfo.filetype != APR_REG) {
-ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r, 
-mod_aspdotnet: File not found or unable to stat: %s,
 if (!r-uri || (r-uri[0] != '/')) {
 ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r, 
 mod_aspdotnet: Forbidden, request URI was not absolute: %s,
@@ -447,12 +507,48 @@
-if (!(ap_allow_options(r)  OPT_EXECCGI)) 
+asp_net_dirconf_t *dirconf = 
+(asp_net_dirconf_t *)ap_get_module_config(r-per_dir_config,
+  aspdotnet_module);
+if (r-finfo.filetype == APR_REG) {
+if (!(dirconf-enable  ASPNET_FILES)) 
+ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR|APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r, 
+mod_aspdotnet: Forbidden, 'AspNet Files' is not enabled 
for: %s
+ (file %s), r-uri, r-filename);
+else if (r-finfo.filetype == APR_DIR) {
+if (!(dirconf-enable

svn commit: r280885 - in /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk: Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h installer.ism

2005-09-14 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Wed Sep 14 09:57:01 2005
New Revision: 280885


  Whoops, version should be


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h Wed Sep 14 
09:57:01 2005
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 // This also ensures we use the most recent 'build' of the module for the given
 // Apache core version.
-#define APACHE_WEB_VER_BUILD 2004
+#define APACHE_WEB_VER_BUILD 2003
 // Define APACHE_WEB_VER_RELEASE as 1 for a non-dev, release build, when 
 // the distribution .zip sources or binary release.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/installer.ism Wed Sep 14 09:57:01 2005
@@ -2973,8 +2973,8 @@
col def=S0Value/col
-   rowtdCurrentMedia/tdtd dt:dt=bin.base64 
+   rowtdCurrentMedia/tdtd dt:dt=bin.base64 

@@ -3261,7 +3261,7 @@
rowtdProductName/tdtdApache mod_aspdotnet for Apache 
httpd Web Server/tdtd//row
-   rowtdProductVersion/tdtd2.0.1.2000/tdtd//row
+   rowtdProductVersion/tdtd2.0.0.2003/tdtd//row

svn commit: r151456 - in httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll: quicksearch.c resolve_apache.c

2005-02-05 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Fri Feb  4 17:12:21 2005
New Revision: 151456


  Fixing new-style copyright declarations.  These files go back
  in time to the httpd-win32-msi project, cira 2000.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/quicksearch.c
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/quicksearch.c (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/quicksearch.c Fri Feb  4 17:12:21 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+/* Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, 
+ * as applicable.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/resolve_apache.c
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/resolve_apache.c (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/msi_dll/resolve_apache.c Fri Feb  4 17:12:21 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+/* Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, 
+ * as applicable.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

svn commit: r151457 - in httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk: Apache.Web/ Apache.Web/Helpers/ mod/ msi_dll/

2005-02-05 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Fri Feb  4 17:19:06 2005
New Revision: 151457


  Not a terribly interesting commit.  Adopt the newest copyright convention
  and update to this year.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h Fri Feb  4 
17:19:06 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+/* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, 
+ * as applicable.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.h (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.h Fri Feb  4 17:19:06 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+/* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, 
+ * as applicable.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.rc
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.rc (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.rc Fri Feb  4 17:19:06 2005
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   VALUE FileDescription, Apache.Web connector to the mod_aspdotnet 
module for the Apache HTTP Web Server\0
   VALUE InternalName, Apache.Web.dll\0
-  VALUE LegalCopyright, Copyright  2004 The Apache Software 
+  VALUE LegalCopyright, Copyright  2002-2005 The Apache Software 
Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.\0
   VALUE OriginalFilename, Apache.Web.dll\0
   VALUE ProductName, mod_aspdotnet/Apache.Web host module for Microsoft 
ASP.NET within the Apache HTTP Server\0
   VALUE ProductVersion, APACHE_WEB_VERSION \0

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/AssemblyInfo.cpp
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/AssemblyInfo.cpp (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/AssemblyInfo.cpp Fri Feb  4 17:19:06 
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+/* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, 
+ * as applicable.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
 [assembly:AssemblyDescriptionAttribute(Apache Web Hosting Architecture for 
Microsoft ASP.NET)];
 [assembly:AssemblyCompanyAttribute(Apache Software Foundation)];
-[assembly:AssemblyCopyrightAttribute(Copyright  2002-2004 Apache Software 
+[assembly:AssemblyCopyrightAttribute(Copyright  2002-2005 The Apache 
Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.)];

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/Helpers/_gcA_gcA_gcString.cs

svn commit: r123945 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp

2005-01-03 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sun Jan  2 22:26:02 2005
New Revision: 123945


  It's not possible for the module to free it's own refcount, 
  and we cannot be unloaded before process teardown.  Let the persist until Windows terminates the process.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/mod/mod_aspdotnet.cpp Sun Jan  2 22:26:02 2005
@@ -204,8 +204,11 @@
-if (global_conf-lock_module)
+// Although this module should remove itself, we end up in a broken
+// state by unloading ourself underneath the running code.
+// if (global_conf-lock_module)
 return APR_SUCCESS;

svn commit: r123947 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/STATUS.txt

2005-01-03 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sun Jan  2 22:59:06 2005
New Revision: 123947


  Status was -way- out of date - refreshing it.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/STATUS.txt
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/STATUS.txt(original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/STATUS.txtSun Jan  2 22:59:06 2005
@@ -3,23 +3,30 @@
-2.0.0   : tagged October 30, 2004
+   : released 20 Nov 2004
-* Vote to accept 2.0.0 for GA release
-* Vote to accept the cli subproject for graduation
-* Vote to accept the cli subproject mod_aspdotnet from httpd
+* Fails to run on WIN32 (98, ME).  WINNT (2k, XP, 2003) is required by 
+  the ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost method, see .NET docs and
+* Does not recover gracefully after a System.Web.Host is lost, see
+* Supports both Apache 2.0 or 2.1.3-dev (use Release 2.2/Debug 2.2
+  project configurations with the APACHE22_PATH environment variable 
+  pointing at the installed Apache 2.1/2.2 root)
+* Supports Microsoft's ASP.NET / .NET Runtime v1.1.4322 and v1.0.3705
+* There are no test reports from .NET Runtime v2.0, as of yet
-* Supports Microsoft's ASP.NET / .NET Runtime v1.1 and
-  Apache 2.0.  This can be made more flexible for the user
-  to select an alternate runtime.  Testing on Apache 2.1-dev 
-  version should begin immediately after graduation.

svn commit: r123948 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txt

2005-01-03 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sun Jan  2 23:03:13 2005
New Revision: 123948


  A few new footnotes related to Apache 2.2 and Win32 compatibility.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txt
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txt(original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txtSun Jan  2 23:03:13 2005
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
 README for mod_aspdotnet + Apache.Web 
 --- and Apache.Web.dll require Windows 2000 or later, they
+are not compatible with Windows 98 or Windows ME.
 Build Notes
 The top level workspace mod_aspdotnet.sln is invoked for a release build
-with the syntax;
+for Apache 2.0 with the syntax;
-  set APACHE_PATH=d:path\to\apache\serverroot
+  set APACHE_PATH=d:\path\to\apache2
   devenv mod_aspdotnet.sln /useenv /build Release /project installer
+or to build for Apache 2.1-dev or Apache 2.2, invoke with the syntax;
+  set APACHE22_PATH=d:\path\to\apache2.2
+  devenv mod_aspdotnet.sln /useenv /build Release 2.2 /project installer
 The necessary files, [+.pdb for debug symbols] and the
 Apache.Web.dll [+.pdb] are built into the installer.msi package at 

svn commit: r123861 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.cpp /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.h /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/http_header_arrays.h

2005-01-02 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sat Jan  1 16:08:46 2005
New Revision: 123861


  Transpose some of our table arrays to _name, _index and _value naming
  conventions.  Just making the code more consistant.


Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.cpp
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.cpp  (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.cpp  Sat Jan  1 
16:08:46 2005
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 : SimpleWorkerRequest(String::Empty, String::Empty, 0)
 // Initialize empty placeholders
-known_req_header_value = new String* [RequestHeaderMaximum];
+request_headers_value = new String* [RequestHeaderMaximum];
 unk_req_header_name = new ArrayList();
 unk_req_header_index = new ArrayList();
 unk_req_header_value = new ArrayList();
-env_var = new ArrayList();
+env_name = new ArrayList();
 env_value = new ArrayList();
 serverName = NULL;
 remoteName = NULL;
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 // rr-filename is utf-8 encoded for Apache 2.0/WinNT
 filename = new String(rr-filename ? rr-filename : , 0, 
-rr-filename ? strlen(rr-filename) : 0, 
+  rr-filename ? strlen(rr-filename) : 0, 
+  utf8_encoding);
 filename = filename-Replace(L'/', L'\\');
 // Now deal with the client's request headers
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
 String* key(pair-key);
 String* val(pair-val);
 String* key_index(key-ToLower(nullCulture));
-int ent = Array::IndexOf(request_headers_s, key_index);
+int ent = Array::IndexOf(request_headers_name_s, key_index);
 if (ent = 0) {
-known_req_header_value[ent] = val;
+request_headers_value[ent] = val;
 else {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 apr_table_entry_t __nogc* pair = (apr_table_entry_t *)(void*)(elt);
 String* var(pair-key);
 String* val(pair-val);

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.h(original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.hSat Jan  1 
16:08:46 2005
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@
   public __gc class WorkerRequest : public SimpleWorkerRequest
-static const char __nogc *response_headers_c __nogc[] = {
+static const char __nogc *response_headers_name_c __nogc[] = {
-static const char __nogc *request_headers_c __nogc[] = {
-static String* response_headers_s[] = {
+ // static const char __nogc *request_headers_name_c __nogc[] = {
+ // request_headers_m()
+ // };
+static String* response_headers_name_s[] = {
-static String* request_headers_s[] = {
+static String* request_headers_name_s[] = {
 static String* response_headers_index_s[] = {
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
 unsigned char query_raw __gc[];
-String* known_req_header_value[];
+String* request_headers_value[];
 ArrayList* unk_req_header_name;
 ArrayList* unk_req_header_index;
 ArrayList* unk_req_header_value;
-ArrayList* env_var;
+ArrayList* env_name;
 ArrayList* env_value;
 _gcA_gcA_gcString *unk_req_hdr_arr;
@@ -98,24 +98,24 @@
 static bool CodeValidate() {
-if (response_headers_s-get_Length() != ResponseHeaderMaximum)
+if (response_headers_name_s-get_Length() != ResponseHeaderMaximum)
 return false;
 if (response_headers_index_s-get_Length() != 
 return false;
 for (int i = 0; i  ResponseHeaderMaximum; ++i) {
 String *s

svn commit: r106320 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/HostFactory.h

2004-11-23 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Tue Nov 23 09:50:02 2004
New Revision: 106320


  Clean up the only compile emit, and in the process create two
  different warnings depending on which step fails.

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/HostFactory.h
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/HostFactory.h  (original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/HostFactory.h  Tue Nov 23 09:50:02 2004
@@ -238,9 +238,19 @@
 if (obj == NULL) {
-if (!ConnectHost(HostKey) || !(obj = 
hostObj-get_Item(HostKey))) {
+if (!ConnectHost(HostKey)) {
-msg = String::Concat(LMount failure restarting host ,
+msg = String::Concat(LMount failed to connect 
restarting host ,
+ L mapped to ,
+LogServerError(msg, APLOG_ERR, 0, rr-server);
+return 500;
+obj = hostObj-get_Item(HostKey);
+if (!obj) {
+msg = String::Concat(LMount failed to query 
restarting host ,

  L mapped to ,


svn commit: r105933 - httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk

2004-11-20 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Fri Nov 19 20:15:52 2004
New Revision: 105933


  Remove the blank line to test that mod_aspdotnet now notifies [EMAIL 

Modified: httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txt
--- httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txt(original)
+++ httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/README.txtFri Nov 19 20:15:52 2004
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 Build Notes

svn commit: r105925 - in httpd/mod_aspdotnet: branches tags

2004-11-20 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Fri Nov 19 19:08:35 2004
New Revision: 105925


  Create new tags and branches structure

svn commit: rev 56055 - incubator/httpd/cli/branches/mod_aspdotnet/v2.0.0

2004-10-30 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sat Oct 30 11:06:58 2004
New Revision: 56055

  - copied from rev 56054, incubator/httpd/cli/trunk/mod_aspdotnet/

  Branch r2.0.0

svn commit: rev 56056 - incubator/httpd/cli/branches/mod_aspdotnet/v2.0.0/Apache.Web

2004-10-30 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sat Oct 30 11:09:41 2004
New Revision: 56056

Bump as a release build.

Not sure if bump -n- tag or tag then bump makes the best sense.

   Sat Oct 30 11:09:41 2004
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 // Define APACHE_WEB_VER_RELEASE as 1 for a non-dev, release build, when 
 // the distribution .zip sources or binary release.

svn commit: rev 56057 - incubator/httpd/cli/trunk/mod_aspdotnet/Apache.Web

2004-10-30 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sat Oct 30 11:13:28 2004
New Revision: 56057

trunk is on 2.0.1

--- incubator/httpd/cli/trunk/mod_aspdotnet/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h 
+++ incubator/httpd/cli/trunk/mod_aspdotnet/Apache.Web/Apache.Web.Version.h 
Sat Oct 30 11:13:28 2004
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 // The n.n.SUBVS should reflect each mod_aspdotnet/Apache.Web release
 // The n.n.n.BUILD must be bumped every time Apache.Web class interfaces 
 // This ensures that a specific build of mod_aspdotnet loads it's correponding

svn commit: rev 56068 - incubator/httpd/cli/branches/mod_aspdotnet/v2.0.0/installer

2004-10-30 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Sat Oct 30 12:55:20 2004
New Revision: 56068


  Installer from InstallShield Windows Installer edition is now defunct

svn commit: rev 54688 - incubator/httpd/cli/trunk/mod_aspdotnet

2004-10-12 Thread wrowe
Author: wrowe
Date: Tue Oct 12 12:04:09 2004
New Revision: 54688

  - copied unchanged from rev 54000, 
  - copied unchanged from rev 54000, 

  Ok, this is Win32, use .txt suffixes for the README and LICENSE