Re: [l10n-dev] Japanese translation of the text on Help - about dialog

2010-11-12 Thread Reiko Saito


This looks like the about dialog title to me.



I see Help  Information.. About dialog
where Copyright contents (1) are included, on OO.o 3.2.1



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Reiko Saito | Senior Language Specialist | +81-3-6834-5746
Oracle Japan, Worldwide Product Translation Group - Japan
Oracle Aoyama Center 22F, 2-5-8, Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0061 JAPAN

Re: [l10n-dev] Japanese translation of the text on Help - about dialog

2010-11-11 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Hirano-san,

I can help you about (1) :-)

I believe majority of the text can be leveraged with existing 
translation that we store in our

translation memory.

When I run a project on our server, 48% matched completely and 45% are 

Only 2 % is new.  Now I am working on fixing fuzzy matches - they are from
the slight format difference with \n.

Once it's done, let me send you the results so you can reuse the translation
to Pootle.



(2010/11/12 8:48), Kazunari Hirano wrote:

Hi Rafaella,

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Rafaella Braconi wrote:

This text is very long.  :)  Are you sure this is the text on Help -
about dialog?

Yes. :-)

Thanks. :-)

This consists of 3 pages which I copied and pasted at the bottom of this mail.

When I say the text on Help-about dialog, I mean (2.).

Now I have questions.
1. Where do we see (1.) and (3.) within the product?
2. Can we translate (1.) into our native languages?
Did any language team translate (1.) ?

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Reiko Saito | Senior Language Specialist | +81-3-6834-5746
Oracle Japan, Worldwide Product Translation Group - Japan
Oracle Aoyama Center 22F, 2-5-8, Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0061 JAPAN

Re: [l10n-dev] OpenCTI use?

2010-07-20 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi JC,


Could you or anyone let me know how you want to
use TBX format of glossary ?

I believe OmegaT supports csv format in
glossary feature.

Could anyone let me know why TBX is desireble,
rather than csv in your translation ?



(2010/07/19 7:41), Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

On 19 juil. 10, at 06:23, Elsa Blume wrote:

Hi Sophie,

Getting back to you on this topic!
And gathering info about the import/export option in TBX format to help you 
update the TD.
Could you please tell me which are the tools/editors the Community wants to use 
to work with TBX format?

OmegaT or Virtaal both support TBX.

Jean-Christophe Helary

work: (ja/en  fr)

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Re: [l10n-dev] Glossary, how do you handle it?

2009-09-29 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi all,

I am Japanese Language Lead at Sun, and working for JA glossary
with OO.o JA translation team.

I understand SunGloss is not handy enough to allow
direct update except for Terminologist role.

Here is my personal idea.  It is no problem that the community
uses another tool to manage glossary.  The important thing is
to keep the format and translation policy compatible between
Sun and Community.

For example, Community tool and Sun tool can be different
in the interface and how to manage terms.  But the following
should be consistent:

1. File format when downloaded, e.g. TBX

2. Terminology (translation) policy

If the format is compatible, we can find a way to
synchronize the contents.

If the terminology selection/definition and translation
policy is common, we can share the terms in both translation.
This is important especially for the users.  Whoever translates.
the terms have to be consistent to improve the usability.

Let me talk to Sun engineer to confirm which format Sun
can provide, other than current one for SunGloss.



Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Globalization Project Management
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

Sophie wrote:

Hi André,
André Schnabel wrote:


Sophie schrieb:

I would like to know how you handle your glossary for your language.

As for now I use SunGloss [1]. But it seems that it is no more 
updated for English language and it's difficult for us to maintain 
our own language (this is not a criticism, it has been really helpful 
for me).
Although German was/is available in SunGloss, it never has been very 
complete. (German SunGloss contains only about 20% of the French 
Glossary - and most of these terms are generic, not OOo specific).

Yes, thanks to Brigitte Le Grand and Elsa Blume, we have a very valuable 
glossary on SunGloss. We also have the Gnome one uploaded.

SunGloss has some other drawbacks:
- we cannot directly edit / update

+1 this is one of my most important concern, that the community has no 
direct access to it

- there is no direct integration in translation tools

+1 also, this could be a major improvment

- export from SunGloss is a somewhat complex procedure
- you cannot export to standard formats (like TMX)

For this two points, this is may be manageable?

esp.for the first two reasons, we do not really use SunGloss anymore. 
What unfortunately means, that we do not use a Glossary at all at the 
moment. (Ok, in fact we use Brain 1.0 Glossary provided by our 

My concern actually is to loose the work done by Sun and to not have an 
alternative solution for the community. I really think glossaries are 
important for localization and for translation.

During translation of OOo 3.0 I set up a glossary from our old 
translations using translate toolkit. This then was used by me as 
translation memory (for UI) and had been provided to help translators 
as Calc document (fast search).

Yes, most of the time this is how documentation translators use it. Also 
I know that OmegaT can be helpfull here.

We actually have the offer from a German company, that they will help 
us to establish a glossary (or terminology). But I did not really 
follow this yet, as we have no idea how to maintain this glossary and 
how to include in our tools.

To me seamless integration in your translation tool is the key point.

ok, I get your point, one update for two actions :)

Could we have a discussion on this and see if we need a tool that 
allow us to build and maintain our glossaries, with an easy search 
through languages, able to handle comments or definitions and with 
some revision tags.

I can only give an answer about the file format you should use for 
this: TBX ;) (TBX-basic flavour should be sufficent)

Thank you also very much for your feedback. Let see what others tell us, 
I'm sure we will be able to make progress on this :)

Kind regards

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[l10n-dev] does not respond

2009-01-05 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

Japanese community is working on Help/UI translation,
and using wiki as our project page.

We cannot access
since yesterday, and the problem has not been solved yet.

Could anybody help us ?



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Re: [l10n-dev] L10n mailing list for translation tools

2008-04-08 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

I support your idea.

To be honest, I really want the place to share and discuss
the translation tools and process as soon as possible.
Now I am holding my post about Pootle until the discussion
is finished.  Going through the Pootle process first time,
I have a lot of findings, feedback, suggestion I want to share.



Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Dear All,

despite my initial assumption that the traffic on Pootle and various 
tools would decrease, I must admit that this hasn't happened. I take it 
as a sign that there is a a great need to share best practices and to 
propose features, work flows and tools which can make the localizer's 
life much easier.

I'm still convinced that we do not need a *Pootle* only mailing list, 
and this because Pootle is not the only tool we are using to localize 
OOo. What I am proposing here is actually what Olivier Hallot suggested 
during our last l10n meeting on IRC: to set up a translation tool list 
where to discuss all tool related topics. Just to clarify: translation 
schedules and deadlines will still be posted to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list which 
is to be considered the main discussion list of the l10n project. But 
information and discussion on Pootle and its functionality will be moved 
there (I am quite sure some people will be happy about that).

If I get your support, I will go ahead and set up a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list - discussion list on translation tools 
and workflows.

Kind Regards,

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] SCA information ?

2008-03-20 Thread Reiko Saito
Hi Eike,

Thanks so much for the pointer.
It is really helpful.  Japanese community has just started
to contribute to the translation, and not familiar with
contribution process yet.   I will keep it in my bookmark
and share it with all.

Thanks again for such a quick reply.
It was so nice of you.



Eike Rathke wrote:
 Hi Reiko,
 On Wednesday, 2008-03-19 18:37:35 +0900, Reiko Saito wrote:
 Does anybody know where we can submit SCA ?
 JA community has new members and they are going to
 sign the license, but it was changed from JCA to
 SCA late last year.

 I read the announcement and SCA contents
 but cannot find out where to send SCA...
 Still to be found at the same place as before:


Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] POOTLE: Content update on March 13th

2008-03-11 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Aijin,

What happens if the translation is in Suggestion status ?

Japanese community started to translate but have not completed
review and the status is still Suggested.

We've just changed plan to fit 1-week delay as informed, and
cannot change gear so fast.

Could you advice ?



Aijin Kim wrote:

Dear Pootle user,

As Rafaella announced, there will be no delay on the schedule. And 
Pootle will be updated with new content around this Thursday. So, please 
make sure to upload all your work before Pootle update.


Rafaella Braconi 쓴 글:

Dear All,

here is the latest release update:
After reviewing the current status we are now confident that we'll be 
able to manage the remaining integration and translation handover in 
time this week, otherwise we would also rush into a 2 week delay 
because of easter and various holidays.

sorry for the back and forth,

So please refer to the translation delivery dates as reported below.


Dear All,

just a friendly reminder / headsup about the upcoming Beta release:

Translation delivery for BETA is April 3rd. For Beta, I recommend 
to make sure that at least the GUI is completely translated.

For more detailed information please go to:


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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] Translatable contents extraction ?

2008-03-10 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Friedel,

 pofilter and pomerge will help you do this. In fact, if you send your
 translations right back to Pootle, you can just upload the translated
 subsets when you upload (as long as you don't choose overwrite when
 you download. The default behaviour should be merge, which is what you

I confirmed they worked well.

After merging the fuzzy/new back to the original,
should I remove #,fuzzy comment ?

Anything I should do before I upload the files back to Pootle ?



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[l10n-dev] How to upload ?

2008-03-07 Thread Reiko Saito
Hi Aijin,

I was trying to upload the updated files and
mistakenly created extra folder and files:

Could you remove the shared-merge folder ?

Let me confirm... To upload the files correctly,
I have to create the zip file with the same name
as I donload them ?

On which layer should I upload the zip ?

Since the filed to enter the zip file is
always available to the right top of Pootle interface,
I am not sure on which level, e.g. the top of HC2,
or in the folder level (shared), I should click
the button Upload file.

Could you kindly advise ?




Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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[l10n-dev] Re: [ja-translate] Re: [l10n-dev] How can we review with Pootle ?

2008-02-24 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi JC,

Thanks very much for your time.

If the number of fuzzy is small, we can work on Pootle
directly, can't we ?

If the update volume is high, such as in HC,
we can use [TM] mark to be inserted to the leverage
from TMX, right ?  Is there any way to do the opposite,
taht is, mark new translation ?

If there's any mark put on the new translation,
we can search that segment with that mark.

Even if there's no such a way, your workaround
will be a big help.  Thank you again for your help!



Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

On 18 févr. 08, at 18:48, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

Let me confirm.  I understand the new/fuzzy is identified on OmegaT,
but once the translator did the translation and put the translated
string to the untranslated segment, how the reviewer can
recognize which one is the strings to review ?


PO is not exactly the strong point of OmegaT :)

I'll check tonight with a PO from Pootle and will get back to you 
later. Maybe on the ja list ?


I have just tried OmegaT with Localization.po from javainstaller2.

The file is translated at 97% and contains only 2 fuzzies to check.

The conclusion is that OmegaT is useless for files that mostly contain 
translated and fuzzy strings. Ideally, a source file should not contain 
such strings and all the reference should be stored in a TMX. The 
fuzzies should be left empty for normal translation.

If you work with a file that is mostly untranslated and where the 
reference parts are clearly separated from the source, it is trivial to 
set OmegaT to insert the TM reference with a prefix to distinguish it 
from the Translator's input.

Just set OmegaT to automatically insert 100% matches with a [TM] prefix, 
or anything you want. The translator will still be in control of the 
process and will be able to do modifications to the input if necessary.

When the reviewer checks the file, only the parts that are not marked 
with [TM] will have to be checked.

I understand that this is not an ideal workflow though...

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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[l10n-dev] How can we review with Pootle ?

2008-02-18 Thread Reiko Saito

Let me ask you about how to review with Pootle.

I've read and even translated Pootle User Guide
# Thanks Aijin for great documentation!
and now get a picture of how to manage the translation
with Pootle ... I know it's very late :-(

Only the way I do not understand is how to review.

Suppose the translator downloads the file, translate,
and upload them as suggested to Pootle,

1. Is there any way to accept all suggested sgements
   in a single step on Pootle?

2. If we review the files off-line, how can we identify
   the new translation on OmegaT ?

Thanks in advance!



Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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[l10n-dev] How can we review with Pootle ?

2008-02-18 Thread Reiko Saito
Let me resend this since it has not come in
my mail box yet...


 Original Message 
Subject: How can we review with Pootle ?
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 18:04:31 +0900
From: Reiko Saito [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Let me ask you about how to review with Pootle.

I've read and even translated Pootle User Guide
# Thanks Aijin for great documentation!
and now get a picture of how to manage the translation
with Pootle ... I know it's very late :-(

Only the way I do not understand is how to review.

Suppose the translator downloads the file, translate,
and upload them as suggested to Pootle,

1. Is there any way to accept all suggested sgements
   in a single step on Pootle?

2. If we review the files off-line, how can we identify
   the new translation on OmegaT ?

Thanks in advance!



Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912


Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] Ja project human relation (was Re: 3.0 Translation)

2008-02-18 Thread Reiko Saito

Thanks Aijin!

I want reiko active.  Sorry for confusion.  I made
reikos just as a tentative one.  You can remove reikos,
and set Administrative priviledge to reiko.



Aijin Kim wrote:

Hi Reiko,

I can see two accunts for you, 'reiko' and 'reikos'.
Can you let me know which one is active?


Reiko Saito 쓴 글:

Hi Aijin,

I confirmed the previledges are set to my account reikos
for HC2, but not for UI.

Could you add Administrative rights to UI as well ?



Aijin Kim wrote:

Hello Nakata-san,

Thanks a lot for your information.
I could see the accounts of Reiko and you on the server. Could you 
please configure your language and project in 'My account' page so 
that I can set the admin privilege for you? I already gave Reiko the 
And I'll also set the right for Hirano-san after he register and set 


Maho NAKATA wrote:

Dear Aijin and Rafaella,

Could you please grant us the administrative privilege on the Pootle?

Here is the correspondance of OOo 3.0 translation.

Translation Coordinator: Kazunari Hirano (Account: khirano)
Sun Language Support: Reiko Saito (Account: reiko)
JA project lead: Maho Nakata (Account: maho)
We - Hirano Kazunari, Saito Reiko, and Nakata Maho are very happy
to participate 3.0 translation on the Pootle.
Nakata Maho, the Japanese language project lead, decided to go above 

and roles by discussion with Hirano-san and Saito-san.

All the best,

Subject: Re: [l10n-dev] 3.0 - Translation Schedule
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:36:15 +0800

Hi Pootle users,

As you know, the translation cycle for OO.o 3.0 is already started 
and many languages are newly uploaded to Pootle.

There is a most frequently asked question: How can I start 
translation on Pootle?

For the beginner, you can refer to the Pootle user guide to start 
the first step:

I'd like to reminder that the default permission when you register 
is 'suggest', which means you only can suggest but can't submit 
your translation.
For submission, you need a 'submit' privilege and your language 
lead will give you the privilege.

If you're a language lead but you don't get the right of language 
lead, please let me know. I'll set the proper right for you.

-- Nakata Maho ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] How can we review with Pootle ?

2008-02-18 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi JC,

 It is not trivial.

 The best way to work with OmegaT is to have untranslated files (without
 fuzzies, those are handled separately by the TM matching process), to
 translate them and to review them within OmegaT, or in a plain text|PO

Let me confirm.  I understand the new/fuzzy is identified on OmegaT,
but once the translator did the translation and put the translated
string to the untranslated segment, how the reviewer can
recognize which one is the strings to review ?



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Re: [l10n-dev] How can we review with Pootle ?

2008-02-18 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi JC,

 I'll check tonight with a PO from Pootle and will get back to you later.
 Maybe on the ja list ?

That will be great.

I am curious how French community is reviewing the translation ?
How are you identifying the segments for review ?
I don't think you are reading all of the segments, but focus
on the newly tranlsated ones, right ?

I understand Pootle shows Suggested translation, but if there are
many segments, you are working off-line and upload them to Pootle,
I assume.

If you are reviewing them only on Pootle, are you accepting
the new translation one by one ?  It seems to take time.



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Re: [l10n-dev] 3.0 - Translation Schedule

2008-02-04 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

 Is it possible to provide update TMs?
 TMs for all languages uploaded to Pootle for which we already have


Yes, the latest TMs which includes the translation of 2.4.

Translators can use that TM on OmegaT or other
translation memory tool.

Last time, that TM worked very well and the translation
quality and efficiency was kept excellent.




Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] 3.0 - Translation Schedule

2008-02-04 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Aijin,

Thank you so much for your information and update to the user guide.

I realized you added the section Localized Documents for me.
-- I had added link JapaneseTranslation for JA community :-)

Let me translate the additional part and ask you if I have any



Aijin Kim wrote:

Sorry, you even don't have to merge the po files.
I.e. the step to create tmx are:
1. download po files from Pootle
2. run po2tmx


Aijin Kim 쓴 글:

Hi Reiko, Paolo,

As all the latest translations for OO.o are already in Pootle, I think 
we don't have to export TM from other sources.

You can simply download all the contents of Pootle, merge all the po 
files to a single file, and convert it to tmx file.

Please refer to below page for how to create TM: 


Reiko Saito 쓴 글:

Hi Rafaella,

 Is it possible to provide update TMs?
 TMs for all languages uploaded to Pootle for which we already have


Yes, the latest TMs which includes the translation of 2.4.

Translators can use that TM on OmegaT or other
translation memory tool.

Last time, that TM worked very well and the translation
quality and efficiency was kept excellent.



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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] 3.0 - Translation Schedule

2008-02-03 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Aijin,

Let me ask basic questions about Pootle.
Japanese community will use Pootle for the first time,
and it would be great if you or anybody share your wisdome
with us

I tried to reginster myself to Pootle with [EMAIL PROTECTED],
but email including login detail have not reached my
mail box.

When I tried with my private email address,
it worked fine.  Pootle will not send activation code
to sun address ?

If that's so, can I change the address to
in user setting to receive any notification ?

Let me ask three more questions.  I've read user guide
but could not understand the following sections:

1. Menu names

Translating with Pootle
*  Click on 'Quick Translate' or 'Translate All'.

I cannot find those menues in my editing fuctions.
Is this because of my permission ?

All I see is Show Goals, Show My Strings,
Show Untranslated, and Zip Folder.

2. How to Import/Export ?

If we want to work on OmegaT or other editor,
how can we export the files in .xlf or .po ?
Also how can we import (upload) the files
back to Pootle ?

3. Translation Memory

As Paolo asked on 2/3, Updated TM would be a big help.
Could anybody send the updated memory ?  Rafaella ?



Aijin Kim wrote:

Hi Pootle users,

As you know, the translation cycle for OO.o 3.0 is already started and 
many languages are newly uploaded to Pootle.

There is a most frequently asked question: How can I start translation 
on Pootle?

For the beginner, you can refer to the Pootle user guide to start the 
first step:

I'd like to reminder that the default permission when you register is 
'suggest', which means you only can suggest but can't submit your 
For submission, you need a 'submit' privilege and your language lead 
will give you the privilege.

If you're a language lead but you don't get the right of language lead, 
please let me know. I'll set the proper right for you.


Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Dear Translators/Localizers,

we are ready to start working for the next major release :-) .

You have done an incredible great job for 2.x and I look forward to 
work with all of you on the localization of 3.0.

Let me share with you some information regarding translation schedule 
and estimated volume we will need to localize

*Release schedule for 3.0 release:*
Final Translation Delivery Date:*
April 3rd, 2008

*Estimated New/Changed Translation Volume for 3.0 - 1st handoff*
GUI + Help: 20,000 words (compared to a full localized 2.4 OOo version)

*Languages Uploaded to Pootle (sunvirtuallab):*

*Translation Schedule for Pootle Users:*
There will be 3 handovers:
1st Translation Handover: January 30th - YOU CAN START WORKING :-)
2nd Translation Handover: February 20th
3rd Translation Handover: March 13th

IMPORTANT: before each handover it is important that complete 
translated files are uploaded to Pootle. It is NOT important that you 
translate everything but please make sure you upload all you have 
translated so far to Pootle (otherwise you may risk to lose the 
translated content or  to overwrite the content of the second handoff 
with old translation).
After the Pootle content gets updated with the second handoff you'll 
need to go to Pootle and download the files you want to translate.

I will send out reminders when the second and third translation 
handover dates are approaching.

Best Regards,

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] TMX files (List of UI strings/translation)

2007-11-28 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi JC,

I understood your point.
To increase the leverage, we may be able to lower the lowest match-rate,
or will use this tmx just for reference and search a certain string
as a file... what do you think ?

Can anyone generate csv file from these tmx ?
I need the list of User Interface translation to use as the glossary
for OmegaT.



Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

On 28 nov. 07, at 10:24, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

I forgot to add the following:

1) The TMXs contain all the XML code escaped with \ as per the sdf 
file: they are not proper TMX level2 files
2) Since they conform to the sdf contents they can be used directly to 
translate it (either in OpenLanguageTools or OmegaT)

The problem is that translators who use such tools (or any TMX 
supporting software) _do not_ work with the sdf file but with a PO file 
created from the sdf.

The PO file adds another layer of escapes, which makes matches from the 
sdf based TMX even harder to find.

For example, the TMX contains the following translation unit:

seg\lt;emph\gt;Title\lt;/emph\gt;: String expression displayed in 
the title bar of the dialog box./seg

Which corresponds to the following sdf string:

\emph\Title\/emph\: String expression displayed in the title bar of 
the dialog box.

(you see how the sdf format escapes the  and )

A tool that uses the TMX would get a match between this string and a sdf 
file that contains a similar string.

But the PO that will be our sources will come as:

\\emph\\Title\\/emph\\: String expression displayed in the title bar 
of the dialog box.

So the matches between the TMX and the PO files will be of lower quality 
because of the noise added by the extra escapes.

I hope what I just wrote means something to somebody here :)

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] List of UI strings/translation

2007-11-26 Thread Reiko Saito
Hi Rafaella,

Exported stgings include English and translation, right ?
If so, yes that was great and perfectlly serves my purpose.

I prefer CSV format, but if it is not possible,
.gsi is fine.  I can convert it to CSV if necessary.

# .sdf and .tmx include more information than the translation.



Rafaella Braconi wrote:
 Hi Reiko,
 Reiko Saito ha scritto:
 Hi Rafaella,

 Does any of the community or translation vendor use
 the list of the UI messages/translation for reference ?

 While translating Help or UI messages, the translator
 will often need to confirm the existing translation.

 For example, in the following strings:
 You can view the detail by clicking Expand Tree
 and come back to the simple view by clicking
 Contract Tree.

 The strings Expand Tree and Contract Tree are
 already translated and exist in the current product,
 but since they are not new, the translator does not
 have the file including those translation, and cannot
 identify their translation.

 This will lead to inconsistent translation between
 UI messages and Help.

 Can the translator get the list of existing
 UI messages with translation ?
 The list formatted as csv, like


 Expand Tree: ツリーを展開
 Contact Tree: ツリーを収縮


 If those files are available,
 any Translation Memory Editor, e.g. OmegaT,
 can read the file and present them as the glossary
 on the tool.
 would a full extract of translated strings out of the GUI serve your
 purpose? If yes, which format would you prefer .gsi, .sdf or tmx?


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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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[l10n-dev] List of UI strings/translation

2007-11-25 Thread Reiko Saito
Hi Rafaella,

Does any of the community or translation vendor use
the list of the UI messages/translation for reference ?

While translating Help or UI messages, the translator
will often need to confirm the existing translation.

For example, in the following strings:

You can view the detail by clicking Expand Tree
and come back to the simple view by clicking
Contract Tree.

The strings Expand Tree and Contract Tree are
already translated and exist in the current product,
but since they are not new, the translator does not
have the file including those translation, and cannot
identify their translation.

This will lead to inconsistent translation between
UI messages and Help.

Can the translator get the list of existing
UI messages with translation ?
The list formatted as csv, like


Expand Tree: ツリーを展開
Contact Tree: ツリーを収縮

If those files are available,
any Translation Memory Editor, e.g. OmegaT,
can read the file and present them as the glossary
on the tool.




Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] IMPORTANT: Translation Schedule for 2.4 - 2nd handoff

2007-11-25 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

Japanese community can commit appx. 3500 - 4000 words of

The preferred modules are Helps files, rather than
UI messages, and those with higher visibility
to the users, such as writer, calc, or impress.



Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Hi Riko,

Reiko Saito ha scritto:

Hi Rafaella,

Japanese community is going to check the number of members
who will join the translation over this weekend.

So, let us get back to you on Monday 11/26.

at latest :-)

May we request the preferable modules for translation ?

yes, whatever works for you best.




Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Dear Translators/Localizers,

here some updates on the translation schedule as well as volume for 
the second and last translation round for the 2.4 
Update release.
All details can be found at:

Here below the highlights:

Translation schedule:

- final delivery deadline has been extended one week to December 20th
- sdf files for translation will be available on November 29th
- Pootle content will be updated November 26th to November 29th - no 
work on Pootle during the updating process.

Translation volume for the 2nd handoff for all teams who have 
completed translation by November 26th:

- GUI: approx. 1,200 words
- Help: approx. 13,800 words

Teams who jointly work on localization with Sun/Globalization are:

#  Dutch Community
# French Community
# Germanophone Community
# Italian Community
# Spanish Community
# Brazilian Community
# Swedish Community
# Russian Community
# Chinese Community (for Simplified Chinese)
# Korean Community
# Japanese Community

Please let me know by Friday the volume you can commit to translate 
by December 20th so that I can arrange the translation work accordingly.

Kind Regards,

P.S. I still have some giveaways to give you  :-) . Just send an 
email directly to me, subject *OOo Giveaways*, indicating your name, 
address and language you contributed to

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] For the next handoff

2007-11-15 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

JA community confirmed the l10n build at,
but the files we translated have not been integrated.

Files to be integrated:

Will they be available in the next build ?



Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Hi Alexandro,

based on the recent information, I think that we can proceed with the 
following schedule:

All teams: please continue to translate on Pootle: deadline for 
translation completion is: Monday, November 26th.

We will then update the Pootle content on November 26 - 29th
November 29th - December 13th - second translation round.

Kind Regards,

Alexandro Colorado ha scritto:
Yes I understand and we have been working hard these past days to get 
it done. However since the first hand of was delayed by one week I 
wonder how this affect the rest of the groups.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 02:22:17 -0600, Aijin Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Alexandro,

I'm concerning that we don't have enough time to import the 
translations and prepare the next hand-off if we delay. Can you 
please let us know how long do you expect to complete?

I'm not sure how shall we handle the untranslated contents. Shall we 
expand the translation period for the 1st hand-off?


Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Unfortunately we still have some strings to go through. 2000 strings 
to go.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 00:24:54 -0600, Aijin Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dear Pootle users,

This is a reminder. Today is the deadline of the translation for 
the 1st hand-off. Pootle will be down during the period between  
Nov. 16th and 22nd due to preparation for the 2nd hand-off.

So, please make sure that your work is finished by today.


Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Paolo and all Pootle users,

I believe it's worth to work with Pootle because the content are 
going to be imported into the database before the 2nd hand-off. 
The schedule is as below:

11/15 Deadline for the rest of the 1st hand-off translations 
(which are currently untranslated in Pootle)
11/15-11/22 Import all the translations into the database and 
update Pootle contents with new strings for the 2nd hand-off

11/22 Start the 2nd hand-off.

This information has now been updated to the wiki at: 


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--Alexandro Colorado
Help the Tabasco Relief efforts: 

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] Pootle and JCA

2007-10-10 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Rafaella,

New Japanese contributors are trying to submit signed SCA,
but the address to send it is not available on

Could you let us know where to submit SCA for ?



Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Hi Ain,

last week I was asked a similar question and actually I think that the 
SCA would be more indicated.


Ain Vagula wrote:

How is planned to satisfy JCA requirement for Pootle users?


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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation Language and Information Services (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] Translation Schedule for 2.4

2007-09-26 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Aijin,

Yes.  I talked to Japanese Translation Project Manger, Kaoru,
and confirmed the translation has not started yet.


I am working with Japanese community to join the
translation work for 2.4.

Could you let me know what you expect
the review schedule followed by the community translation is like ?
I read the procedures on

but not sure what the milestone date is for each step.

Hirano san,

I'm looking forward to working closely with you,
and hope more people will take this opportunity.



Naoyuki Ishimura wrote:

Hi Hirano-san,

I have no problem to be Central Engineer for Japanese.


Reiko Saito at Sun initiated this Japanese community translation
for 2.4 with her backup plan (I guess), so I believe there is no
problem to start Japanese community participation now.
I really hope Japanese community translation will go well
as other languages.


Aijin Kim wrote:

Hi Khirano,

For Japanese, I believe Naoyuki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) should be a 
central engineer.
However, I'm not sure whether the internal translation for Japanese 
has already started.

Rafaella, Naoyuki,
Can you please confirm if  Japanese community still can participate in 
the translation for OO.o 2.4


Kazunari Hirano wrote:

Hi Rafaella,

I have added Japanese Community to the wiki page.

I need your help;
Who should be Central Engineer(s)? Aijin Kim?


On 9/14/07, Rafaella Braconi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Translators/Localizers,

it's time again to provide you with some information about the 
upcoming 2.4 update release.

Translation deadline for 2.3 is December 13th, 2007 which is also 
the bug fixing deadline for all language
relevant issues. After this deadline only very critical l10n bugs 
will be fixed.

For teams translating with Pootle on the sunvirtuallab as well as 
for teams working jointly with Sun
on translation please follow the translation schedule and 
instructions you can find at:

Release Map with translation deadlines specific for the 2.4 release can
be found at:

For this release following languages/teams will be translating using 
the Pootle Server we recently set up on the virtuallab:

Italian, Khmer, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

Kind Regards,

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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Re: [l10n-dev] Re: [native-lang] L10n Meeting on IRC

2007-09-26 Thread Reiko Saito

Hi Hirano san, Rafaella,

I will also join the meeting this evening.
See you then!



Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Great! Talk to you tomorrow!


Kazunari Hirano wrote:


CEST means Central European Summer Time, Paris time, right? 

It's 27 September 2007, 09:00:00 UTC and 18:00 JST for me in Japan.
I will try to attend it 11:00-11:30 CEST.
See you!

On 9/26/07, Rafaella Braconi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear All,

it's time again to start scheduling regular l10n meeting on IRC.

Tomorrow at 11:00 am CEST Aijin and myself will be on IRC to provide 
you with information around the 2.4 translation schedule as well as 
on Pootle.

Here the details for the meeting:

Date/Time: September 27th at 11:00 am CEST - Channel: IRC network
FreeNode, #ooonlc.


- Update on Pootle / translation workflow: update (approx. 30

- Update on translation deadlines, estimated volume, etc. for 2.4
(approx. 30 minutes) 

Please feel free to join to get information on the above topics.

Kind Regards,

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Reiko Saito
Japanese Language Lead
Translation and Language Information (TLIS)
Globalization Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: +81 3 5962 4912

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