Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

I just wanted to provide you with some background information from
my point of view on this topic.

A few weeks ago when someone raised the question about attending
LinuxWorld SF, I checked with Sun's desktop group event marketing
person if we could/would have an pod again. The
decision was made to have a much smaller presence at LinuwWorld
this year. Therefore, I did not offer any booth space. I did not
want to raise expectations that Sun would probably not be able
to meet.

In addition, at LinuxWorld Boston earlier this year it was
impossible to get any volunteers to help with the
pod on the Sun booth (admitting that there was also an
booth in the .org pavillion in parallel).

I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion. BTW, do we still have
an official marketing lead for the San Francisco area???

As I said, I should have proactively announced that Sun would not
have an pod at LinuxWorld SF, but I also have to
say that nobody ever asked me if Sun would have an
pod at LinuxWorld SF. Therefore, I'm a bit surprised about some of
the reactions in the press and verbally via people who did go
to LinuxWorld SF.

What are the next events we have to keep in mind? From a European
perspective EuroOSCON in Amsterdam and LinuxWorld Frankfurt come
to my mind in addition to the Conference in
Slovenia. Maybe we need an events calendar on the marketing
project pages where we list event ownership for each of the
events to make sure that we cover the important ones.


Graham Lauder wrote:

Deepankar Datta wrote:


This is a round up of the linuxworld 2005 expo written by an attendee,
with a sort of negative slant on OOo not attending, seen in these
choice quotes:

But the biggest surprise wasn't who was there, but who wasn't--the folks.

The bottom line is that not having a booth hurts in
particular, and the whole Open Source movement in general.

The author also goes into Sun's relationship and licencing of OOo, and
IBM's own deriviative.

An interesting read, and the marketing lessons might be something to
think about for the future.


Unfortunately, he is right
It was raised on the list back in May

Something flew under the radar here.

Are we seeing the beginning of the distancing of SUN from OOo.
Or is it simply that we have become so used to Erwin coming onto the 
list and asking for volunteers, that when he didn't this time we just 
missed it?

Have we become too reliant on SUN people hand feeding us this sort of 

Do we need a conference team as  part of the marketing project whose 
responsibility it is to keep the radar up for this sort of thing?

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Re: [Marketing] 2006 - MiniConf

2005-08-15 Thread Daniel Carrera

Thank you for doing this Jaqueline.


Jacqueline McNally wrote:


The Call for Miniconfs has just come out:

I pre-empted this at the end of July, and received a response from the

Subject: Re: MiniConf
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 15:01:39 +1200
From: Mike Beattie
To: Jacqueline McNally

On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 04:41:09PM +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:


I would like to propose an MiniConf at LCA 2006. The 
feedback from the inaugural MiniConf in Canberra was 
very positive, particulary from the point of view of getting end users 
and developers/integrators talking together.

Jacqueline, that sounds like a fantastic idea. We'll look at having a
Call for Miniconf's out real soon now, with an intention of deciding
which will be able to take place by the end of August.

We'll add your OO.o proposal to the list.


We will know whether the proposal was accepted Friday August 26, 2005.

All the best
Jacqueline McNally
Lead, Marketing Project

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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Dark Magician
I have to agree, bringing people out for dinner cannot be considered
bribery. I am in a non-tech distribution company and it is the way
business is done. take them to dinner, play golf with them etc. its a
great way to listen to what they need and you can discuss you
solutions to them in those areas without being hassled. It cannot be
considered bribery, what you are simply trying to do is to get their
time. And in this article, it seems that Linux did not take its time
to talk to the client. MS won this fairly. It simply means open source
advocates need to work harder. Following this story, there is a need
for better after sales service. Thats how MS won this.


On 8/15/05, Mark Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Lars D. Noodén [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: OOo Marketing
 Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 12:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]
  Before it was a lobbying organization / political movement, MS was first
  and foremost a marketing company and still retains that expertise.  So I'd
  expect that there was a fair amount of evening meetings involving
  all-expenses paid lavish dinners with MS representatives each and every
  evening preceding a meeting.
 Remember that they won this from a StarOffice customer - it would be
 interesting to compare the track records of MS and Sun in the matter of
 corporate entertainment.
 In a previous role, where I was on the end client side, I have been
 shmoosed be Sun on numerous occassions - they are not averse to the
 lavish dinner in any sense. As a client, it was a very useful opportunity
 to talk to them and explain what we were looking for. Every business case
 I've ever written for a technology strategy has been based around total cost
 / total value of ownership, and subject to rigorous strategy from the non-IT
 parts of the business. This idea that IT Directors have a carte blanche to
 recommend whoever buys the best dinner is completely out of touch. If
 nothing else, every organisation I've ever worked for has a strict policy
 that corporate hospitality must be declared, so everyone KNOWS who's been
 taking the IT Director out to dinner/rugby/opera/whatever.
 Now I'm a consultant, my own expense account is not short of expensive
 restaurants as I sell OpenSource solutions! Is it bribery - NO! Does it give
 me a far better opportunity to LISTEN to my customers and work out what kind
 of pitch would be succesful - hell yes! You get far more over dinner than
 you do in a month's worth of weekly one-hour meetings.
 One of my personal bugbears, by the way, is the subsection of the OpenSource
 community who go around assuming that every Microsoft gain must be due to
 underhand tactics. I've bought (and sold) MS solutions many times, and
 bought (and sold) OpenSource solutions many times - each has a place - and
 the key to sales is understanding the individual customers requirement, not
 trying to beat them over the head with rhetoric.
  Aren't there any privacy laws in the UK?  The MS EULAs for 2000 SP3 and XP
  SP1 grant admin rights to MS.  That's a back door by any other name and
  given MS' track record on security, it's accessible to more than just MS.
 Are you seriously under the impression that big companies take Windows PCs
 and stick them on the Internet? Any large scale rollout of ANY platform
 involves a defence-in-depth security strategy that assumes that ANY product
 has weaknesses, whether it's MS, Sun, IBM, or Linux.
 John McCreesh has already posted an intelligent and informed analysis of why
 this contract might have gone to MS.
 I'm sorry if this has come over as a rant, BUT the biggest criticism I hear
 of the OpenSource movement among my corporate clients - people who could
 change over tens of thousands of desktops if they wanted to - is that the
 OpenSource movement is full of people who want them to buy because
 Microsoft is Evil, and aren't prepared to have a discussion about the
 business requirements they have beyond the perceived need that they have a
 moral responsiblity to fight evil!
 I kid you not, the people I deal with use phrases like I don't want to have
 a religious debate, because of how the some in the OpenSource community
 tend to portray the alternatives.
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[Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

Since 2.0 should be ready for release in a few weeks,
I'd like to get an overview about important upcoming events where we
will or would like to present

Here are a few that come to my mind (from an obviously European

* Conference (OOoCon), Koper, Slovenia
  September 28-30, 2005

* EuroOSCON, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  October 17-20, 2005

* LinuxWorld, Frankfurt, Germany
  November 15-17, 2005

Government and education specific events might also be interesting,

* (Sorry, it's a German website!)

What other events come to your mind that we should track?


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[Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

For 1.1 some community members and I created a standard
presentation to be used as the basis for any kind of presentation about AFAIK, the presentation even got translated into other
languages than English.

Three questions:

1.) Do you think it would be useful to have such a set of slides for 2.0 as well?

2.) Does it already exist?

3.) I could take a stab at the presentation, but are there any
volunteers out there who want to do it or at least want to help
with this effort?


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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Erwin,

 What other events come to your mind that we should track?

there is one, where the German team will be present. I
don't know if it fits into your important category, but here we go: ;-)

* Systems, Munich, Germany
  October 24th-28th


## Florian Effenberger
## Marketing/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Presse
## -

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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Lars D . Noodén
As I wrote before, but may not have come across so clearly is that there 
are many factors in the Central Scotland case.  However, I still have the 
feeling that technological obstacles were not at the bottom of this.

One fact which is certainly an influence is the change of directors during 
the course of the project, which John McCreesh mentioned in another 
message.  However, many IT Directors go for the company with the best 
sales pitch without actually going for an independent analysis.

We're still really only getting the MS party line on that and can't do 
much more than (unproductive) speculation without info from an insider. 
It would help, though to see a copy of the actual report.  The article 
itself only contains two negative claims, both terribly vague and both 
filter through the MS rep.

1) What were the actual reasons for staff not being able to file remotely? 
Recalcitrant MCSEs can easily monkey wrench such activities, though there 
were probably other factors.  Staff with ties to MS win big points for 
contributing to a failure of the migration.

2) On what did they base the claims of disproportionate support costs? 
That runs contrary to everything I have observed since 1998 when I 
realized that MS was being a real problem.

To get anything out of the case, it would be necessary to see what really 
happened in the report and from the Star Office staff involved.  I have 
the feeling that technological obstacles were not at the bottom of this.

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005, Mark Harrison wrote:

This idea that IT Directors have a carte blanche to
recommend whoever buys the best dinner is completely out of touch. If
nothing else, every organisation I've ever worked for has a strict policy
that corporate hospitality must be declared, so everyone KNOWS who's been
taking the IT Director out to dinner/rugby/opera/whatever.

Mark, it works on several levels.  The IT Director can *recommend* whoever 
they want and I stand by my statement.

However, they are not the only link in the chain.  It's not necessary to 
lay it on too thick on any one level:  There is certainly influence, via 
*their* contacts with MS, on the IT staff reporting to the IT director. 
They're a way to feed ideas and false rumors (e.g. against Novell) so that 
when the IT director checks with his staff, they confirm what he heard 
from the MS pitch.

Or, if the sales team is not making progress, they can do an end run 
around the obstacle and go to his boss or a senior exec in another 
department and point out the 'grievous mistake' that is about to be made. 
CYA style career middle managers fear this critique and quickly assume the 
position.  It worked for IBM.  It works for MS.

I have seen where IT directors have admitted that MS products are 
problematic, fail to perform, cost too much, etc.  I have seen them agree 
to the metrics and the results.  I have seen even their most die-hard MS 
fanbois also confirm the data presented.  And I have seen both groups 
confirm that MS products don't come anywhere meeting the criteria 
specified for the activity for which they are used.  However, at the end 
of the day they put in another order for MS even though they freely admit 
that it does not meet the criteria.

Many other places simply have had a core group of MS fans maneuver over 
time into key positions and they simply will not even hear of looking at 
any sort of non-MS product, be it closed source or open source. 
Approaching the whole mess as if it were simply marketing is rather naive 
in this day and age.  MS operates as a political movement or ideology.

I agree with Charles that it would be useful to get to the bottom of 
the Central Scotland.  A case study like that would clarify the current 
tactics and methods.

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[Marketing] List of active open source and bloggers?

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

I'd like to know who is currently actively blogging about open source
in general and in particular. How up-to-date is the list

Hopefully some bloggers can help to create some buzz around 2.0 around the time when it gets released.
OpenSolaris was launched mainly via blogging and it worked pretty
well AFAIK.


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[Marketing] Promoting OOoCon 2005

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

Soon the agenda for OOoCon 2005 should be online. Once that
happens we all need to help promoting OOoCon 2005 in order to
attract more attendees.

Thus, if you are bloggers, members of other open source teams/
mailing lists or have close connections to popular web sites
(e.g. Slashot), please help to promote the event!

I will let you know when the agenda is online!


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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Erwin,

we have such a presentation, and if I remember correctly, Jacqueline and
André have two presentations for 2.0 as well. We, the German marketing
team, currently try to get all available presentations into a big one,
where possible presenters could take out some slides on a modular
basis, i.e. if they want to have a short talk, they only take out some
of them without losing consistency of the presentation; if they have a
long talk, they can take out more.

I don't know if this model works, but we thought it could be a good idea
to have one ready-to-use-presentation, available in different sizes.
However, so far, no volunteers have been found. :-(


## Florian Effenberger
## Marketing/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Presse
## -

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[Marketing] Logos, banners, buttons, CD labels, flyers, etc. for 2.0?

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

We still probably have a few weeks, but I would like to start getting
the marketing items for 2.0 ready, too.

Thus, Do we have all the logos, banners, buttons, CD labels, etc. that
we need for 2.0? Has everything been posted to Do we have a set of logos, 
banners, buttons, CD labels, etc. that follows one design pattern and

thus could be our recommended set?

What 2.0 flyers and feature web pages do we have?
Have they been localized yet? I realized that the 2.0 feature
overview page has already been translated into a few additional




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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

there is one, where the German team will be present. I
don't know if it fits into your important category, but here we go: ;-)

* Systems, Munich, Germany
  October 24th-28th

Great! Thanks! Yes, the Systems event is definitely one of the more
important ones.


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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Erwin,

 Great! Thanks! Yes, the Systems event is definitely one of the more
 important ones.


We will definitely be there, details will follow. Will you be there, too?


## Florian Effenberger
## Marketing/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Presse
## -

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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

I don't know if this model works, but we thought it could be a good idea
to have one ready-to-use-presentation, available in different sizes.
However, so far, no volunteers have been found. :-(

That is what I had in mind too when we created the 1.1
standard presentation. Nobody is forced to use all the slides, but also
nobody should be forced to create the same set of slides again and

So far my 2.0 presentations have been live demos. Thus,
I don't have nice 2.0 slides yet, but I think it would
be useful to have some.

Have your (most likely German) presentations been posted somewhere
on If yes, can you send me the links, so that I can
take a look at them? May the larger community take
your work as the basis for an English standard presentation which
then can be translated into more languages than German and

BTW, this is the issue that contains different versions of the
old standard presentation:


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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

We will definitely be there, details will follow. Will you be there, too?

I'm sorry, I won't, but I will be at EuroOSCON Amsterdam and LinuxWorld


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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Lars D . Noodén

Well, there is the IFLA conference in Oslo right now:

There is time to aim for the next one which is in Korea:

There are also other local or regional conferences:

But below are some larger ones, in no particular order, that I'd suspect 
are useful.  Ones with stars are probably more important.  There is a big 
trade off: at a smaller conference you probably get more contact, at a 
larger conference you get more people who may or may not glance at your 
table.  It more likely comes down to who can attend where.


American Association of School Librarians,  **
6 Oct - 8 Oct 2005

American Library Association (Midwinter Meeting),  ***
 20-25 Jan 2006
 San Antonio, TX, USA

Distance Learning Conference
2-4 August
Madison, WI, USA

Educause **
18 - 21 Oct 2005
Orlando, FL, USA

The Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians and Information
24-26 Oct 2005
Monterey, CA, USA

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
11 - 15 Jun 2006
Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Library  Information Technology Association **
29 Sept - 2 Oct 2005
San Jose, CA, USA

Association Of Mental Health Librarians
7 - 9 Oct 2005
San Diego, CA, USA

8th International Beilefeld Conference:
Academic Library and Information Services: New Paradigms for the
Digital Age
7 - 9 Feb 2006
Beilefeld, Germany

3rd International Evidence Based Librarianship Conference
16 - 19 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for
Digital Libraries **
18 - 23 Sep 2005
Vienna, Austria

8th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ***
28 - 30 Sep 2005
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The 8th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries **
12 - 15 Dec Bangkok, Thailand

9th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply International Conference *
20 - 23 Sep 2005
Tallinn, Estonia

Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:

On Mon, 15 Aug 2005, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi all,

Since 2.0 should be ready for release in a few weeks,
I'd like to get an overview about important upcoming events where we
will or would like to present

Here are a few that come to my mind (from an obviously European

* Conference (OOoCon), Koper, Slovenia
 September 28-30, 2005

* EuroOSCON, Amsterdam, Netherlands
 October 17-20, 2005

* LinuxWorld, Frankfurt, Germany
 November 15-17, 2005

Government and education specific events might also be interesting,

* (Sorry, it's a German website!)

What other events come to your mind that we should track?


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Graham Lauder

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion.

I wouldn't even go that far. No one here should assume that Sun would 
be present and have an OOo booth. So, a note saying we will not have 
an OOo pod should not be necessary. Nor should we depend on Sun to 
encourage us, or remind us of, an important conference.

OOo's own marketing project should take the initiative. These are 
basic things that OOo should be able to do itself.

I think it would be healthy to /not/ go terribly out of your way for 
this sort of thing, to help reduce this dependence.



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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[Marketing] 2.0 messaging ideas

2005-08-15 Thread Erwin Tenhumberg

Hi all,

A few weeks ago somebody mentioned the word upgrade as a possible
messaging theme, which I personally found really interesting.
In case people decide to create any t-shirts, cups or posters for 2.0, what do you think about the following statements:

* Upgrade to data freedom - 2.0
* Upgrade to free PDF generation - 2.0
* Upgrade to open standards - 2.0
* Upgrade to open document exchange - 2.0

And some other ideas without the word upgrade:

* Office 97 was yesterday, 2.0 is today
* Did you get your copy of 2.0 already?
* 2.0 - Be in charge of YOUR documents!
* 2.0 - Don't let others own YOUR data!
* 2.0 - For a world of freedom and choice!
* 2.0 - For a world with more than just one
   office suite!
* If you don't know this logo [ gull wings]
   you probably wasted money!
* I love my office suite! - 2.0
* You don't love your office suite anymore? - Get 2.0!
* 2.0 - The passion office!

And more contribution/community focussed:

* - Be part of it!
* - Where YOU can make a difference!
* - Don't let others create YOUR office suite!
* - Be in charge of YOUR office suite!
* - Hackers wanted!
* - The other dating forum!
* - Be connected!
* - Make friends around the globe!
* - Passion unleashed!
* Extreme Contributing:
* Do you have friends in all continents? I do! -


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Lars D . Noodén

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:

certainly yes. But I'm reading the official reasons the Scottish police
had to migrate back to MS and I have some trouble seeing only fake
reasons to it. It seems that somebody didn't do his/her job at catering
the Scottish Police StarOffice users in their daily use and (even more
important) the overall change management of the office suite

I don't see *only* fake reasons, but I am saying that they are going to be 
there in a big way.  Any slips are likely to go poorly, since MS execs 
have mandated that staff not lose ANY customers to open source.

Related to that is the fact that MS seems to be on the back foot right 
now.  SO and OOo can really gain further ground at this point, if things 
can be handled better.

Not only is MS having to fight OOo and SO, since it's already trying to 
push MS-Office, it will also be fighting its older versions of MSO. 
There has been very little uptake of MSO2003, around 15 %, which is far 
lower than what they've needed in the past to leverage market share of the 
new format into sales.

With so little uptake, that's got to be hurting their bottom line in a big 
way: MS-Windows and MS-Office are its only cash cows, the rest loses money 
and the whole juggernaut depends on those two to keep alive.  MS-Office is 
the most fragile, because less than 68% of sales come from OEMs, the 
remainder is presumably people being forced along by file format 
incompatibilities, once the new versions gain enough market share -- which 
is not happening.  That's compounding the desperation. So it is important 
to find some way to keep OOo / SO in the news (in a positive way).

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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi Erwin,

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi all,

For 1.1 some community members and I created a standard
presentation to be used as the basis for any kind of presentation about AFAIK, the presentation even got translated into other
languages than English.

Three questions:

1.) Do you think it would be useful to have such a set of slides for 2.0 as well?


2.) Does it already exist?

We (FR) used currently the one done by JA team :

3.) I could take a stab at the presentation, but are there any
volunteers out there who want to do it or at least want to help
with this effort?

For upcoming events and presentation templates, you should ask also on 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list. Most of us have an events page, see :
and most of us (when we have time :) reports the upcoming and past 
events where we have OOo booth on this list.

Kind regards


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Charles-H.Schulz
Hello Mark, John, all

On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 21:05 +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Lars D. Noodén [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: OOo Marketing
 Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 12:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]
  Before it was a lobbying organization / political movement, MS was first
  and foremost a marketing company and still retains that expertise.  So I'd
  expect that there was a fair amount of evening meetings involving
  all-expenses paid lavish dinners with MS representatives each and every
  evening preceding a meeting.
 Remember that they won this from a StarOffice customer - it would be
 interesting to compare the track records of MS and Sun in the matter of
 corporate entertainment.
 In a previous role, where I was on the end client side, I have been
 shmoosed be Sun on numerous occassions - they are not averse to the
 lavish dinner in any sense. As a client, it was a very useful opportunity
 to talk to them and explain what we were looking for. Every business case
 I've ever written for a technology strategy has been based around total cost
 / total value of ownership, and subject to rigorous strategy from the non-IT
 parts of the business. This idea that IT Directors have a carte blanche to
 recommend whoever buys the best dinner is completely out of touch. If
 nothing else, every organisation I've ever worked for has a strict policy
 that corporate hospitality must be declared, so everyone KNOWS who's been
 taking the IT Director out to dinner/rugby/opera/whatever.
 Now I'm a consultant, my own expense account is not short of expensive
 restaurants as I sell OpenSource solutions! Is it bribery - NO! Does it give
 me a far better opportunity to LISTEN to my customers and work out what kind
 of pitch would be succesful - hell yes! You get far more over dinner than
 you do in a month's worth of weekly one-hour meetings.
 One of my personal bugbears, by the way, is the subsection of the OpenSource
 community who go around assuming that every Microsoft gain must be due to
 underhand tactics. I've bought (and sold) MS solutions many times, and
 bought (and sold) OpenSource solutions many times - each has a place - and
 the key to sales is understanding the individual customers requirement, not
 trying to beat them over the head with rhetoric.
  Aren't there any privacy laws in the UK?  The MS EULAs for 2000 SP3 and XP
  SP1 grant admin rights to MS.  That's a back door by any other name and
  given MS' track record on security, it's accessible to more than just MS.
 Are you seriously under the impression that big companies take Windows PCs
 and stick them on the Internet? Any large scale rollout of ANY platform
 involves a defence-in-depth security strategy that assumes that ANY product
 has weaknesses, whether it's MS, Sun, IBM, or Linux.
 John McCreesh has already posted an intelligent and informed analysis of why
 this contract might have gone to MS.

thanks to you and John for this answer. What you say of course makes
sense. My own experience with all this just makes me say two things.
Aside NOT knowing the geography of Scotland at all I'd like to point out
-somebody who is part of the Central Scotland Police IT suppliers didn't
make his job at better taking care of the integration of StarOffice
inside the police IT infrastructure. I still believe that this migration
could have been avoided, but that is just my humble opinion as I do not
know the customer's precise need and problems.
-I don't think that MS wins customers by bribery, and most of the time
it wins them through a good sales pitch. But what MS does is frighten
the customer of all kinds of things, and for some key accounts it may
bribe them, but I have no evidence of that. So what MS does usually (and
I saw that myself)is to bring 10 sales reps on the table and pressure
the customer. NB: MS is not the only one to do this.
 I'm sorry if this has come over as a rant, BUT the biggest criticism I hear
 of the OpenSource movement among my corporate clients - people who could
 change over tens of thousands of desktops if they wanted to - is that the
 OpenSource movement is full of people who want them to buy because
 Microsoft is Evil, and aren't prepared to have a discussion about the
 business requirements they have beyond the perceived need that they have a
 moral responsiblity to fight evil!
 I kid you not, the people I deal with use phrases like I don't want to have
 a religious debate, because of how the some in the OpenSource community
 tend to portray the alternatives.
I think that we should not forget that the FLOSS movement is several
things to many people, and among them, some can take it as a
philosophical movement. Nonetheless, meeting a customer and selling him
FLOSS solutions should not imply any religious speech, because we're
only competing on the true products merits. We can 

Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Lars D . Noodén

8th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ***
28 - 30 Sep 2005
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I'd give this one special consideration for several reasons.

From the student/faculty perspective, OOo handles styles and long 
documents better than MSO.  Both are used a lot at universities, 
especially for dissertation.

From an archival or preservation point of view, OpenDocument is an *open* 
XML format.  That means, unlike the *closed* XML format used by MS, 
libraries and archives will be able to keep access for a very long time. 
For universities longer access means a better return on investment for 
their most valuable resource.

From a library and publishing point of view, the ability to produce PDF 
output even on legacy MS boxes is an asset.  Nearly all current approaches 
to so-called electronic publishing really means the electronic 
distribution of PDF documents.


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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 messaging ideas

2005-08-15 Thread Charles-H.Schulz

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 12:15 +0200, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
 Hi all,
 A few weeks ago somebody mentioned the word upgrade as a possible
 messaging theme, which I personally found really interesting.
 In case people decide to create any t-shirts, cups or posters for 2.0, what do you think about the following statements:
 * Upgrade to data freedom - 2.0
 * Upgrade to free PDF generation - 2.0
 * Upgrade to open standards - 2.0
 * Upgrade to open document exchange - 2.0

Why not simply Upgrade?
 And some other ideas without the word upgrade:
 * Office 97 was yesterday, 2.0 is today
 * Did you get your copy of 2.0 already?
 * 2.0 - Be in charge of YOUR documents!
 * 2.0 - Don't let others own YOUR data!
 * 2.0 - For a world of freedom and choice!
 * 2.0 - For a world with more than just one
 office suite!
 * If you don't know this logo [ gull wings]
 you probably wasted money!
 * I love my office suite! - 2.0
 * You don't love your office suite anymore? - Get 2.0!
 * 2.0 - The passion office!

Something that may recall OOo's German roots:
I see a picture of Goethe/Schiller/Heine (any famous German writer of
the Aufklärung movement) with a sentence: you don't have to speak
German to be free - 2.0 is available in 60~ languages
 And more contribution/community focussed:
 * - Be part of it!
 * - Where YOU can make a difference!
 * - Don't let others create YOUR office suite!
 * - Be in charge of YOUR office suite!
 * - Hackers wanted!
 * - The other dating forum!
 * - Be connected!
 * - Make friends around the globe!
 * - Passion unleashed!
 * Extreme Contributing:
 * Do you have friends in all continents? I do! -


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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Charles-H.Schulz

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 05:57 -0400, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
 Well, there is the IFLA conference in Oslo right now:
 There is time to aim for the next one which is in Korea:

I'll tell the Korean lead asap.
 There are also other local or regional conferences:



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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Benjamin Horst
Though a solitary wave recedes back into the ocean, it means nothing to 
the rising tide.

- He Jieming

The Tiny Guide to now available!

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Re: [Marketing] List of active open source and bloggers?

2005-08-15 Thread Graham Lauder

Charles-H.Schulz wrote:

Count me in :-) ...


And me


On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:23 +0200, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to know who is currently actively blogging about open source
in general and in particular. How up-to-date is the list

Hopefully some bloggers can help to create some buzz around 2.0 around the time when it gets released.
OpenSolaris was launched mainly via blogging and it worked pretty
well AFAIK.


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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Steven Shelton

Mark Harrison wrote:

I'm sorry if this has come over as a rant, BUT the biggest criticism I hear
of the OpenSource movement among my corporate clients - people who could
change over tens of thousands of desktops if they wanted to - is that the
OpenSource movement is full of people who want them to buy because
Microsoft is Evil, and aren't prepared to have a discussion about the
business requirements they have beyond the perceived need that they have a
moral responsiblity to fight evil!

I kid you not, the people I deal with use phrases like I don't want to have
a religious debate, because of how the some in the OpenSource community
tend to portray the alternatives.

At the risk of being too ironic, amen!

I get this a lot, myself. The impression really comes off as being one 
that open source supporters are so partisan about anything 
anti-Microsoft that they are blind to some of the real advantages 
offered by some Microsoft products. It's like trying to watch the news 
on one of the evangelical Christian stations here in the States; the 
political agenda is such a distraction that it overrides any sense of 
objectivity, and without objectivity there is no credibility.


Steven Shelton
Twilight Media  Design

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread swhiser

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion.

I would go even further.  What's wrong with Marketing that Erwin needs 
to initiate having a booth in the .ORG Pavilion?  I'd say it's 
symptomatic of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.


I wouldn't even go that far. No one here should assume that Sun would 
be present and have an OOo booth. So, a note saying we will not have 
an OOo pod should not be necessary. Nor should we depend on Sun to 
encourage us, or remind us of, an important conference.

OOo's own marketing project should take the initiative. These are 
basic things that OOo should be able to do itself.

I think it would be healthy to /not/ go terribly out of your way for 
this sort of thing, to help reduce this dependence.


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread swhiser

Benjamin Horst wrote:

Though a solitary wave recedes back into the ocean, it means nothing 
to the rising tide.

Wishful thinking wrapped in denial.  The first 10% was easy.  They are 
working every SINGLE migrating account.  They are trying to undo EVERYTHING.

There is no motivation for volunteers to compete.

Give up!


- He Jieming

The Tiny Guide to now available!

Free Culture and Open Source:

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread swhiser

swhiser wrote:

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion.

I would go even further.  What's wrong with Marketing that Erwin needs 
to initiate having a booth in the .ORG Pavilion?  I'd say it's 
symptomatic of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.


I will comment on my own post...

This must be true if we are headed into the OOo 2.0 launch !!!  and 
having a booth at LWE SANFRANCISCO!!! gets dropped...YOU'VE GOT TO BE 


I wouldn't even go that far. No one here should assume that Sun would 
be present and have an OOo booth. So, a note saying we will not have 
an OOo pod should not be necessary. Nor should we depend on Sun to 
encourage us, or remind us of, an important conference.

OOo's own marketing project should take the initiative. These are 
basic things that OOo should be able to do itself.

I think it would be healthy to /not/ go terribly out of your way for 
this sort of thing, to help reduce this dependence.


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Lars D . Noodén
Journals are just not doing benchmarks or product reviews anymore, 
so it gets harder to find anything published that's less than a warmed 
over press release.

Though their review of digital photo editing tools was egregious and 
heading a step in the direction of MS only product reviews, I think it 
would be a coup to get OOo, StarOffice, Hancom, and others reviewed by 
Consumer Reports.

Or how about pooling resources or at least coordinating with other groups 
using OpenDocument?  A lot of farmers do this, e.g. dairy council.

On Mon, 15 Aug 2005, Steven Shelton wrote:

I get this a lot, myself. The impression really comes off as being one that 
open source supporters are so partisan about anything anti-Microsoft that 
they are blind to some of the real advantages offered by some Microsoft 

I've seen far more of the opposite.  A few MS die-hards work their way 
into the bureacracy at a company, agency or institution and then turn a 
blind eye and a deaf ear to anything non-Microsoft be it closed source or 
open source.  That goes even after agreed upon in advance methodology show 
data which by agreed upon in advance critera show the MS products to be 
the least viable for that given context.


without objectivity there is no credibility.

This is true, but there are relatively few objective sources any more.
Pretty much everyone has already either 1) been burned badly by MS' 
defects or pricing or 2) pine away for a chance to meet Chairman Bill who 
is so wealthy.

Brand recognition cuts both ways.  If you make inefficient, defective 
products and over-charge for them and engage in illegal / predatory 
business practices (all established facts) for a long enough time, 
eventually people will remember.

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Re: [Marketing] List of active open source and bloggers?

2005-08-15 Thread Adam Moore
Yo Tambien

See below

Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog:

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Adam Moore
Hold on a second.  We can't be everywhere all the time.  People go to
these conferences and some if not most don't get paid for it.  The
fact that we didn't have a booth at LWE SF is not a huge loss to me,
but we are a large enough project to have one.  Unfortunately we are
not a well funded enough project to create a good booth.  And some of
these booths, not LWSF, require to be paid for and not a cheap sum.  I
agree with Simon that we could of had a booth and sold t-shirts and
probably would have made a reasonable sum of money, but we didn't.  We
did have volunteers and we should thank them for doing what they did,
because it was probably all they could do.  Sam your posts lately seem
of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.  Keep the faith, everything
goes through ups and downs and we just need to find a good income
stream to be able to support these conferences.

As far as going through a 2.0 launch I am sure alot of the people
there have heard of or tried the 2.0 beta, Fedora Core 4 ships with it
installed, so most of the questions will be when is it going to be
released.  At least that was my experience at OSCON.  This is an
answer we really can't give them especially in the marketing
department as we can't say how fast our coders will work.

Which brings me back to my previous point.  We need at least one
developer at these conferences.  That would make the biggest
difference of them all.

On 8/15/05, swhiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 swhiser wrote:
  Daniel Carrera wrote:
  Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
  I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
  not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
  the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion.
  I would go even further.  What's wrong with Marketing that Erwin needs
  to initiate having a booth in the .ORG Pavilion?  I'd say it's
  symptomatic of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.
 I will comment on my own post...
 This must be true if we are headed into the OOo 2.0 launch !!!  and
 having a booth at LWE SANFRANCISCO!!! gets dropped...YOU'VE GOT TO BE

Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog:

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread swhiser

Adam Moore wrote:

Hold on a second.  We can't be everywhere all the time.  People go to
these conferences and some if not most don't get paid for it.  The
fact that we didn't have a booth at LWE SF is not a huge loss to me,
but we are a large enough project to have one.  Unfortunately we are
not a well funded enough project to create a good booth.  And some of
these booths, not LWSF, require to be paid for and not a cheap sum.  I
agree with Simon that we could of had a booth and sold t-shirts and
probably would have made a reasonable sum of money, but we didn't.  We
did have volunteers and we should thank them for doing what they did,
because it was probably all they could do.  Sam your posts lately seem
of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.  Keep the faith, everything
goes through ups and downs and we just need to find a good income
stream to be able to support these conferences.

As far as going through a 2.0 launch I am sure alot of the people
there have heard of or tried the 2.0 beta, Fedora Core 4 ships with it
installed, so most of the questions will be when is it going to be
released.  At least that was my experience at OSCON.  This is an
answer we really can't give them especially in the marketing
department as we can't say how fast our coders will work.

Which brings me back to my previous point.  We need at least one
developer at these conferences.  That would make the biggest
difference of them all.


This response just reflects how lost the project is. We, volunteers, 
always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.  You all seem to be 
waiting for handouts.  This reflects an utter lack of passion.
LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on 
what's going on with the software and the project.
Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on! 

On 8/15/05, swhiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

swhiser wrote:


Daniel Carrera wrote:


Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:


I guess, I could have said explicitly on the list that Sun will
not have an pod at LinuxWorld SF this year. At
the same time I could have encouraged people to setup an pod in the .org pavillion.


I would go even further.  What's wrong with Marketing that Erwin needs
to initiate having a booth in the .ORG Pavilion?  I'd say it's
symptomatic of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.

I will comment on my own post...

This must be true if we are headed into the OOo 2.0 launch !!!  and
having a booth at LWE SANFRANCISCO!!! gets dropped...YOU'VE GOT TO BE



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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Jason Faulkner
 This response just reflects how lost the project is. We, volunteers,
 always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.  You all seem to be
 waiting for handouts.  This reflects an utter lack of passion.
 LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on
 what's going on with the software and the project.
 Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on!

Sam -- it's  good to see you back on list, buddy :).

I will say, Sam, that I know several of us volunteers are lucky to
have enough money to drive our car to work everyday -- that trips
cross-country are impossible. I think we have a major issue with lack
of funding. I see all these things, things that could be great, but
there is no money to implement it. Passion is one thing, Sam...
ability to act on it is another.

Jason Faulkner Owner/Admin / / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Certified INGOTS Gold Assessor Trainer / Marketing Volunteer / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 messaging ideas

2005-08-15 Thread Jason Faulkner
How about Don't sell your soul for an upgrade, get free, get

Or something along those lines. I think we need to market against the
rhetoric and sales department of microsoft.


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Re: [Marketing] Logos, banners, buttons, CD labels, flyers, etc. for 2.0?

2005-08-15 Thread John McCreesh
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:38 +0200, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
 Hi all,
 We still probably have a few weeks, but I would like to start getting
 the marketing items for 2.0 ready, too.


 What 2.0 flyers and feature web pages do we have?
 Have they been localized yet? I realized that the 2.0 feature
 overview page has already been translated into a few additional

The flyers etc are on

The only translations that I've seen on the issues are Sophie's. The
principle I've worked to is that the central marketing project is the
repository / clearing house based in English, and the translations will
go on the NL sites.


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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread John McCreesh
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:16 +0200, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
 Hi all,
 For 1.1 some community members and I created a standard
 presentation to be used as the basis for any kind of presentation about AFAIK, the presentation even got translated into other
 languages than English.
 Three questions:
 1.) Do you think it would be useful to have such a set of slides for 2.0 as well?
 2.) Does it already exist?
 3.) I could take a stab at the presentation, but are there any
  volunteers out there who want to do it or at least want to help
  with this effort?

There is one floating around - I'll see if I can find it and upload it
to an issue so people can hack it around.


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Re: [Marketing] Logos, banners, buttons, CD labels, flyers, etc. for 2.0?

2005-08-15 Thread Charles-H.Schulz
Hello John,

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 18:27 +0100, John McCreesh wrote:

 The flyers etc are on
 The only translations that I've seen on the issues are Sophie's. The
 principle I've worked to is that the central marketing project is the
 repository / clearing house based in English, and the translations will
 go on the NL sites.
thanks! I'll point the people of the NLC to this link. What I think
would be good, and what I've been told several times around the NLC
since one month now is to have some sales pitch for the OOo 2.0. 
I'm glad you got this material, and I actually hope for more. Do you
think it's possible? If you wish I can help!


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Re: [Marketing] Logos, banners, buttons, CD labels, flyers, etc. for 2.0?

2005-08-15 Thread John McCreesh
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 19:41 +0200, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
 Hello John,
 On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 18:27 +0100, John McCreesh wrote:
  The flyers etc are on
  The only translations that I've seen on the issues are Sophie's. The
  principle I've worked to is that the central marketing project is the
  repository / clearing house based in English, and the translations will
  go on the NL sites.
 thanks! I'll point the people of the NLC to this link. What I think
 would be good, and what I've been told several times around the NLC
 since one month now is to have some sales pitch for the OOo 2.0. 
 I'm glad you got this material, and I actually hope for more. Do you
 think it's possible? If you wish I can help!

What I think would be useful would be to produce marketing materials
specifically targeted at our target markets

We also identified a need for materials targeted at MS-Office users - again, any help
here would be appreciated.

I'd also ask your colleagues in NL who may have produced materials to
produce an English language version - if they are worried about their
English, that's no problem - we've plenty of people who can add polish.
These can then be added to the central marketing project library.


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Re: [Marketing] 2.0 Standard Presentation???

2005-08-15 Thread John McCreesh
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 18:33 +0100, John McCreesh wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:16 +0200, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
  Hi all,
  For 1.1 some community members and I created a standard
  presentation to be used as the basis for any kind of presentation about AFAIK, the presentation even got translated into other
  languages than English.
  Three questions:
  1.) Do you think it would be useful to have such a set of slides for 2.0 as well?
  2.) Does it already exist?
  3.) I could take a stab at the presentation, but are there any
   volunteers out there who want to do it or at least want to help
   with this effort?
 There is one floating around - I'll see if I can find it and upload it
 to an issue so people can hack it around.

Done - see issue 53340


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Re: [Marketing] [Fwd: [newsletter] MS lochs down Scots Police deal]

2005-08-15 Thread Ian Lynch
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 09:12 -0400, Steven Shelton wrote:
 political agenda is such a distraction that it overrides any sense of 
 objectivity, and without objectivity there is no credibility.

And there was me thinking that politics was the art of presenting
opinion as objective fact ;-)


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Ian Lynch
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 09:25 -0400, swhiser wrote:

 I will comment on my own post...
 This must be true if we are headed into the OOo 2.0 launch !!!  and 
 having a booth at LWE SANFRANCISCO!!! gets dropped...YOU'VE GOT TO BE 

I thought I heard somewhere that since Sun had open sourced Solaris it
was concentrating on Java Desktop on Solaris and not on Linux. Maybe
that was wrong but it would explain a lower commitment to Linux shows.
Any Sun people know if there is any substance to this?  


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Simon Phipps

On Aug 15, 2005, at 23:21, Ian Lynch wrote:

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 09:25 -0400, swhiser wrote:

I will comment on my own post...

This must be true if we are headed into the OOo 2.0 launch !!!  and
having a booth at LWE SANFRANCISCO!!! gets dropped...YOU'VE GOT TO BE


I thought I heard somewhere that since Sun had open sourced Solaris it
was concentrating on Java Desktop on Solaris and not on Linux. Maybe
that was wrong but it would explain a lower commitment to Linux shows.
Any Sun people know if there is any substance to this?

Sun is still supporting Linux, it is a key platform for the new Network 
Systems Group in Sun. Sun had a big stand at LWE San Francisco which 
was continually over-run with interested guests - see


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Ian Lynch
On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:58 -0400, swhiser wrote:

 This response just reflects how lost the project is. We, volunteers, 
 always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.

Me and Adam were in LA. I was at LUG Radio and Flossie recently. 

   You all seem to be 
 waiting for handouts. 

Not me. I'm planning to be able to give out the handouts - well in a
small way already done. NEA presence was paid for by me and the INGOTs.
Daniel is working full time now on the Website and we have made a small
contribution to OOoConf. I think I have been reasonably consistent in
saying that we need an income stream to help in these situations and I
have not asked anyone for any handouts in this respect. Neither has Adam
as far as I know. 

  This reflects an utter lack of passion.

Maybe the passion varies across people. I'm fairly passionate but I'm
also pretty rational and realistic. Its taking time to develop a
business model from scratch that can fund some of these things but so
far its worked at least to some extent and I hope this is just a

 LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on 
 what's going on with the software and the project.
 Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on! 

All I know is there is a lot going on in the circles I'm in! So much I'm
struggling to keep it all going.

Good and constructive meeting with Mark Shuttleworth this afternoon, and
Daniel got to see the London Science Museum, Houses of Parliament, Big
Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Tower Bridge. And we didn't
get blown up on the Undergound so a pretty good day ;-)


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Deepankar Datta


This response just reflects how lost the project is. We, volunteers, 
always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.  You all seem to be 
waiting for handouts.  This reflects an utter lack of passion.
LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on 
what's going on with the software and the project.

Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on! -Sam

You mention that the project is lost. Maybe this would be an 
interesting discussion on how to get things 'on track'. What would you 

I know there is a lot of things going on at the moment with the 
project, and that there now seem to be 2 main forks of the project (at 
novell and ibm).  Maybe after 2.0 it would be a good idea to get ideas 
from everyone on any organizational changes that are needed to help the 
project to be successful - esp. from the developer and marketing point 
of view - and to try and persuade the forks to re-merge.  It would be 
better if we could start getting more people interested and involved in 
the project, with a clear idea of what is going on, esp. with regards 
to attracting new talent.

Just some ideas.


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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Adam Moore
On 8/15/05, Ian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:58 -0400, swhiser wrote:
  This response just reflects how lost the project is. We, volunteers,
  always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.
 Me and Adam were in LA. I was at LUG Radio and Flossie recently.
You all seem to be
  waiting for handouts.
 Not me. I'm planning to be able to give out the handouts - well in a
 small way already done. NEA presence was paid for by me and the INGOTs.
 Daniel is working full time now on the Website and we have made a small
 contribution to OOoConf. I think I have been reasonably consistent in
 saying that we need an income stream to help in these situations and I
 have not asked anyone for any handouts in this respect. Neither has Adam
 as far as I know.

Thanks Ian, that last comment from Sam hurts.  I provide help in many
ways other than conferences and I never ask for handouts, other than
asking for donations for the conferences from companies for example .  I have been lucky enough to be able to be supported
lately, but I have never insinuated or directly asked for help.

   This reflects an utter lack of passion.
 Maybe the passion varies across people. I'm fairly passionate but I'm
 also pretty rational and realistic. Its taking time to develop a
 business model from scratch that can fund some of these things but so
 far its worked at least to some extent and I hope this is just a

I can guarantee that my wife can profess my passion to this. 

  LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on
  what's going on with the software and the project.
  Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on!
 All I know is there is a lot going on in the circles I'm in! So much I'm
 struggling to keep it all going.
 Good and constructive meeting with Mark Shuttleworth this afternoon, 

I would really like to know what happened here. :)

 Daniel got to see the London Science Museum, Houses of Parliament, Big
 Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Tower Bridge. And we didn't
 get blown up on the Undergound so a pretty good day ;-)

Good for Daniel.  Has he got to see you play rugby?  I'd like to see
if your as good as you make yourself out to be. ;)

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Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog:

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Daniel Carrera

Bruce Byfield wrote:

OOo had a good start about 15 months ago when Robin Miller from the OSTG
group (Newsforge, Slashdot) gave an IRC seminar in how to write an
effective news release. Unfortunately, nobody in OOo seems to have taken
what he said to heart.

I did. But trying to get a press release or an article through all the 
bureocracy is an exercise in frustration. I know of one volunteer who 
quit because she worked very hard for days on a press release that would 
have made interesting news and her work was promptly shot down.

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Adam Moore
On 8/15/05, Bruce Byfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 01:25 +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
  Bruce Byfield wrote:
   OOo had a good start about 15 months ago when Robin Miller from the OSTG
   group (Newsforge, Slashdot) gave an IRC seminar in how to write an
   effective news release. Unfortunately, nobody in OOo seems to have taken
   what he said to heart.
  I did. But trying to get a press release or an article through all the
  bureocracy is an exercise in frustration. I know of one volunteer who
  quit because she worked very hard for days on a press release that would
  have made interesting news and her work was promptly shot down.
 Yes, now that you remind me, you did. Unfortunately, being PR liasion
 would be a full-time effort. I think you could do the job, but you're
 focused on other things, and so far haven't got around to being cloned.
 Maybe a group working full-time on media contact is what's needed. A
 regular group that had proven itself to the project might eventually be
 able to get news out more quickly.
 If you're thinking of the same case as I am, she wasn't working on a
 news release, but a story, and her work was pre-empted by another story
 on the same topic.
 That was unfortunate, but such things happen sometimes. However, they
 happen much less frequently if editors know a writer and have learned to
 trust them from past performance. This is part of what I mean about
 building a relationship with media people.
 But, at any rate, a story isn't a news release, although many companies
 try to blur the distinction and less reputable journalists are only too
 happy to go along with them. What OOo needs isn't someone to write
 stories so much as someone to provide the bare bones of stories, either
 through writing news releases or announcing that they are available for
 interviews. That means developing a sense of what makes a story, knowing
 what type of story appeals to different people in the media, and then
 delivering the facts that can be shaped into a story as quickly as
 Bruce Byfield 604-421.7177

Good words Bruce, 

I am currently reading a book on how to conduct PR through the media
and your statements really hit home with this book.  I like your idea
of the PR group working with media contact.  *If* anything like this
does develop I think this should be a voted on position.  I would like
the ability for us to somewhat control who says what.  By no means do
I mean to make this more beureaucratic, the voted on group can make
decisions on their own, I would just like it to be a set of trusted

Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog:

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[Marketing] OOo in Slovenia

2005-08-15 Thread Jacqueline McNally

Have you packed your bags yet? Started to count sleeps :) Perhaps it is
a bit early for this, but it is the time to plan for the OOoCon 2005 in
Slovenia, 28 - 30 September 2005

To help with your planning I would like to give away my copy (current
edition) of Lonely Planet's Slovenia

I have enjoyed planning one to seven day itineraries before and after
OOoCon using Slovenia. From mountains, to coast, to castles, tasting
wine and taking the water. The book includes many illustrations, maps
and beautifully tempting photographs.

To assist you to begin to pack your bags, I will send Slovenia to the
person who gives me what I consider is the the best reason to attend
OOoCon in Slovenia. As it is my book, I get to decide :) If there are
lots of good reasons, then I will put them in a hat and draw one out.

The closing date to get your entry in is Wednesday 24 August. Send your
entries to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will announce
the winner the next day. Please don't provide your postal address with
your entry. I will request this privately once we have a winner.

I look forward to hearing your reasons to attend OOoCon in Slovenia.

Good luck.

All the best
Jacqueline McNally
Lead, Marketing Project

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Re: [Marketing] Important upcoming events?

2005-08-15 Thread Jeongkyu Kim
On 8/15/05, Charles-H.Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 05:57 -0400, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
  Well, there is the IFLA conference in Oslo right now:
  There is time to aim for the next one which is in Korea:
 I'll tell the Korean lead asap.

It would be exciting if can participate in the
conference in Korea! Please let me know if there is anything I can
help to materialize the plan.


Jeongkyu Kim Korean community lead

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Re: [Marketing] List of active open source and bloggers?

2005-08-15 Thread Adam Moore
If you can't find it it's

On 8/15/05, Louis Suarez-Potts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 15, 2005, at 5:23 AM, Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'd like to know who is currently actively blogging about open source
  in general and in particular. How up-to-date is the
 It very likely does not represent all. Planet OOo is more complete by
 far; it's listed from the OOo site.
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Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog:

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Re: [Marketing] article: LinuxWorld 2005 Thursday

2005-08-15 Thread Louis Suarez-Potts


I can't tell if you are trolling or just being yourself. Either way,  
it's unpleasant. As far as I can tell, your point--that we are  
wallowing in hopelessness--is false and an insult.

On Aug 15, 2005, at 11:58 AM, swhiser wrote:

Adam Moore wrote:

Hold on a second.  We can't be everywhere all the time.  People go to
these conferences and some if not most don't get paid for it.  The
fact that we didn't have a booth at LWE SF is not a huge loss to me,
but we are a large enough project to have one.  Unfortunately we are
not a well funded enough project to create a good booth.  And some of
these booths, not LWSF, require to be paid for and not a cheap  
sum.  I

agree with Simon that we could of had a booth and sold t-shirts and
probably would have made a reasonable sum of money, but we  
didn't.  We

did have volunteers and we should thank them for doing what they did,
because it was probably all they could do.  Sam your posts lately  
of deep disinterest bread by hopelessness.  Keep the faith,  

goes through ups and downs and we just need to find a good income
stream to be able to support these conferences.

As far as going through a 2.0 launch I am sure alot of the people
there have heard of or tried the 2.0 beta, Fedora Core 4 ships  
with it

installed, so most of the questions will be when is it going to be
released.  At least that was my experience at OSCON.  This is an
answer we really can't give them especially in the marketing
department as we can't say how fast our coders will work.

Which brings me back to my previous point.  We need at least one
developer at these conferences.  That would make the biggest
difference of them all.

This response just reflects how lost the project is. We,  
volunteers, always got ourselves there -- we did it OURSELVES.  You  
all seem to be waiting for handouts.  This reflects an utter lack  
of passion.
LWE is where users, developers and THE TECHNOLOGY PRESS catch up on  
what's going on with the software and the project.

Apparently, on the eve of 2.0 Final, NOTHING is going on! -Sam

Do recall that you were partly funded by Sun to do PR work for them.   
You also used OOo to directly aid your consulting company; perhaps  
you continue to, I haven't checked recently. I'm sure you have  
passion. But describing yourself as a somehow independent volunteer  
here is a bit of a stretch.


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