Re: OFBiz Premier League – Reviewers Choice Award

2016-11-12 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
>>>>> Please take a look at the reports and then assign your rating score for
>>>>> each team. (I've taken a quick preview of the reports already and it's
>>>>> going to be a tough decision!). All the scores will be totalled and the
>>>>> winning team will be the one with the most points. The scores and
>>>>> winner
>>>>> will be announced on the OFBiz mailing lists.
>>>>> *IMPORTANT NOTE*: All the Hotwax team members who are involved with any
>>>> of
>>>>> the OPL teams _*will not*_ participate in the rating or scoring of any
>>>>> of
>>>>> the teams.
>>>>> _*Rate The Teams*_
>>>>> To rate the teams I've setup a short survey (see link) with the name of
>>>>> each team and a sliding scale that you can rate them and their work
>>>>> from
>>>> 1
>>>>> (Poor) to 10 (Excellent).
>>>>> Anyone from the OFBiz Community can participate in the rating the OPL
>>>>> teams. The survey will be open for the next 7 days and will close on
>>>> 17^th
>>>>> November 2016. The scores will be totalled and hopefully we'll find out
>>>>> which team has won the award.
>>>>> Good luck to all the teams and thanks for all the OFBiz contributions
>>>> that
>>>>> have been made.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sharan

Bilgin Ibryam
Camel Committer at ASF & Integration Architect at Red Hat
Blog: | Twitter: @bibryam

Camel Design Patterns
Instant Apache Camel Message Routing

Re: OFBiz and Camel integration updated

2019-08-16 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
hi all,

I will not have time to work on integrating the repo into Ofbiz, but if
anybody wants to do it, feel free to do so.
Use the code in my repo as you wish.


On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 1:46 PM Girish Vasmatkar <> wrote:

> Moving it to DEV list. My apologies if it is a nuisance.
> I have attached plugin tar to the ticket for everybody to take a look at.
> Please review and try to run the plug-in and see if there is any issue with
> it.
> Best,
> Girish
> - Forwarded message -
> From: Girish Vasmatkar 
> Date: Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 9:38 PM
> Subject: Re: OFBiz and Camel integration updated
> To: ofbizuser 
> I've created OFBIZ-11147 <
>> to
> track camel integration. I will provide the plug in along with relevant
> details.
> Best,
> Girish
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 5:07 PM Mathieu Lirzin 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Girish Vasmatkar  writes:
> >
> > > Thanks Bilgin for taking care of pull request. If everyone is okay with
> > the
> > > changes, I will go ahead and create a ticket for the same to add it as
> an
> > > ofbiz plugin. Let me know of any issues or concerns anyone may have.
> > >
> > > While writing a few test cases for the various camel components (and I
> am
> > > using CamelTestSupport), it turned out OFBiz test container does not
> pick
> > > them up because it is still based on inheritance (extending TestCase)
> and
> > > not on annotation (any class with @Test annotated methods). I will
> > probably
> > > elaborate further in a separate thread, but I feel we need to add
> support
> > > for considering such classes as part of test suite as well. We are
> using
> > > JUnit 4 but it is hardly being used except for being available on the
> > > classpath. Using JUnit 4 classes will make sure both mechanisms will be
> > > supported.
> >
> > Supporting the JUnit4 runner API which make use of annotations would be
> > nice if it helps improving the *sad* state of OFBiz integration tests in
> > term of error reporting.
> >
> > For the record Junit4 annotations are already supported by OFBiz unit
> > tests run by ‘./gradlew test’ which by the way should be preferred over
> > integration tests in most cases because they run faster.
> >
> > As a side note, please avoid cross-posting to ‘devel’ and ‘user’ mailing
> > lists.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > Mathieu Lirzin
> > GPG: F2A3 8D7E EB2B 6640 5761  070D 0ADE E100 9460 4D37
> >

Bilgin Ibryam
ASF Member | Architect at Red Hat | @bibryam <>

Kubernetes Patterns
Camel Design Patterns

Form widget pagine

2009-12-15 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,

On the form widget I see an attribute called paginate="true/false" but 
it is not used at all, because its value is always overriden.
Can someone tell me what was the purpose of this attribute? I suppose it 
was intended for disabling pagination and rendering all rows in one page?
Currently we achieve this by setting a big page size number, which I 
don't like much, and I'm planning to fix that.


Re: Ajaxifying lookup fields

2009-12-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi Bilgin,

Thanks for your comments, I'm not actually against your approach and 
think it is a good idea to reuse existing search functionalities.  
I've had a quick look at your patch (finally) and I have to agree that 
you're solution is better than mine.  About the verbosity my inline 
event, I did that on purpose to show the concept in a single file, the 
actual intention is that you would call minilang or a service to 
process the event.  But anyway, there are a few things that I think we 
need to improve in your patch, I'll try and find some time tomorrow to 
gather my thoughts and put some comments in jira.


Hi Scott,

could you write down what needs to be improved in OFBIZ-3211 whenever 
you got some free time. I'm planning to work on this issue these days.


Re: Form widget pagine

2009-12-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

Hi all,

On the form widget I see an attribute called paginate="true/false" but 
it is not used at all, because its value is always overriden.
Can someone tell me what was the purpose of this attribute? I suppose 
it was intended for disabling pagination and rendering all rows in one 
Currently we achieve this by setting a big page size number, which I 
don't like much, and I'm planning to fix that.


Done in r892264

Re: Form widget pagine

2009-12-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

very cool, Bilgin.
Is it possible to also set and pass the "paginate" boolean from the screen? In 
this way, the same form could be used with pagination in some screens and without 
pagination in other screens.



Jacopo, thanks for the idea. I added this feature in r892371


Re: Delegator rollback per test case?

2009-12-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Scott Gray wrote:
I'd really rather not have this idea die with a single response, I've 
done my best to describe the perceived benefits and it would be good 
to get some additional feedback from anyone who is interested.


 + 1

I will not need to write separate test-suit only for rollback purpose 


Re: Form widget pagine

2009-12-28 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi Bilgin,

thanks for doing this; a small suggestion, what if we do this:

On Dec 18, 2009, at 9:25 PM, wrote:


+if (this.paginate == null || formElement.hasAttribute("paginate")) {
+this.paginate = 

else if (this.paginate == null) {
this.paginate = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("${paginate}");

In this way we will be able to set the "paginate" variable even if the form 
doesn't explicitly define the paginate attribute.

What do you think?



thanks for the suggestion. In r894179 I set ${paginate} as default 
value for paginate attribute in the schema and  it worked  w/o  any 
other modifications.


Re: Naming pattern of test definition files

2009-12-29 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Vikas Mayur wrote:


The test definition files name is not consistent throughout the 
project. Some of the files name is all lowercase and others have camel 
case pattern.

I think we can follow the pattern used in service definition files.

The files under accounting/testdef are


and would be (after this change)

tests.xml (generic test)
tests_invoice.xml (tests specific to invoices)
tests_payment.xml (tests specific to payments)
tests_fixedasset.xml (tests specific to fixed assets)

Any thoughts?


+ 1 for a naming pattern. The above proposal is fine for me.


Re: Moving securityext to the framework

2009-12-30 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bruno Busco wrote:

One thing we need in the framework is the possibility to create a
userLogin with an associated email address and have the possibility to
have the password emailed if forgotten.
This is actually done in
public static String emailPassword(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
that is located in in securityext.

To get the email address, emailPassword(...) checks if the userLoginId
exists, then find the related party, then find a related ContactMech
with PRIMARY_MAIL purpose.
To get the email body and other details, emailPassword(...) starts
from a ProductStore and gets the related ProductStoreEmailSetting.

So, being dependent from both party and product, emailPassword(...)
service needs to be in applications/securityext and cannot be
available in a framework-only distribution.

the emailPassword(...) sevice in the securityext is OK for the
ecommerce application (that depends on party and product) but IMO is
not the right implementation for the backoffice (and thus for the

I propose to do the following:
1) Put an email address in the userLogin entity. This would be used to
retrieve the password.
What about if someone wants to implement retrieving forgotten passwords 
through sms (short messaging service) instead of email? Are we going to 
add telephone number to userLogin entity?
So my vote is to let forgotten password feature in applications or move 
the related entities to framework.


Re: Message in (current) default theme

2010-01-08 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:


When it was 1st created the Business Time theme (current default 
theme) used a time out for the message popup. After some time we
decided that this was not convenient because in certain occasions the 
message could not be read. Then we replaced the message popup
with time out by a popup which needs to be clicked on to disappear. 
But now that I use it in real life I find it boring, because any
time you create or edit something you need to validate the message. So 
I propose to change this behaviour and to have something like

we had before : it shows somewhere but you don't need to validate.

Of course using the  Dropping Crumb theme as default theme is another 
way, but it would not fix the current behavior of the Business

Time theme.

What do you think?


What about having both versions together: the message will disappear 
after sometime (as it was before) but you can still click on it for 
faster closing?

An improvement would be to add a [x]  sign at the message corner, so 
users guess that it can be clicked and closed.

Having old version back has a drawback: users might not be able to read 
the message before it disappears automatically.


Re: How to include forms into FTL?

2010-01-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bruno Busco wrote:

I need to include a form widget from an ftl file.

Is there an instruction equivalent to:
 ${screens.render(ScreenLocation, ScreenName)}

but for forms?

Something like
 ${forms.render(FormLocation, FormName)}

Many thanks for any help.


Hi Bruno,

Look at HtmlFormWrapper usage in  EditShipment.groovy and 
EditShipment.ftl for an example.


Re: How to include forms into FTL?

2010-01-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bruno Busco wrote:

Thank you Bilgin,
there is no way to do everything in the FTL?
I'm not aware of a way to do it in ftl. But may be you can create a 
generic screen, which has only one form and takes the form name and 
location from context. Then in your ftl you can set the form name and 
location and render the screen. Just an idea.


I need to add a groovy?



Re: How to include forms into FTL?

2010-01-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bruno Busco wrote:

Bruno, I cannot see an easy way to set the variables in context, but 
there is still a way to do it. Please see inline

I mean, I have this:

FTL file
  <#list portalPagePortlets as portlet>
  <#if (portlet.editFormName?has_content &&


${setRequestAttribute("editFormName", editFormName)}


and in the PortalPageScreens.xml file:




The fields portlet.editFormName and portlet.editFormLocation have no
value in the screen. How can I make the FTL file set a field in the

Thank you,


Re: Apache retreat in Ireland

2010-02-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi all,

will there be any OFBiz committer at the Apache retreat in Ireland 
next April ?

I'm also willing to visit this event but couldn't see any ofbiz 
committers in the attendee list. Anyone else?


Re: svn commit: r904922 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: images/webapp/images/fieldlookup.js widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl

2010-02-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Hi Scott,

Yes sorry for that, I forgot again :/

The only real change was the introduction of FieldLookupPopup2 which 
solves an issue that can't be reproduced with OFBiz OOTB has
this functionnality is not used in OFBiz (yet?). It allows to show 
names instead of Ids in lookups fields. This was needed by a
client but introduces some complexity  when you use it (easier to deal 
directly with an Id like the lookups do OOTB)


Hi Jacques,

would you share some code from your implementation to show names instead 
of Ids in lookup fields? I'm also interested in implementing this 
functionality in form widgets.


Re: svn commit: r906526 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml

2010-02-07 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adrian Crum wrote:

There is no UEL interpretation error.

For some reason the labels were changed in rev 882948. I don't know 
what "raw string literal" means - but the change that was made in that 
commit is wrong.

To escape an expression, you precede the dollar sign with a backslash:


There are two labels in example application which are intended to print 
something like ${ .. } 
But after introducing macro renderers, everything (labels /data) is 
included in ftl files for rendering, and  freemaker tries to expand  the 
${...}  fragments.
That's why I introduced raw string literal. It is a way to escape ${} in 
ftl files: For example to print ${foo} we need the following code 

It was working in r882948 but now I can't have it working. May be we 
simply should modify the labels, as raw string literals introduce markup 
in the labels.



Re: svn commit: r906526 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml

2010-02-08 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adrian Crum wrote:

What if the labels are used somewhere other than a Freemarker template? We 
should not put Freemarker expressions in UI labels.

I agree.  The raw string literals are removed in r907610

It is important to understand what is causing the problem before trying to fix 
it. In this case, the problem is the expression is being evaluated twice.
Yes, and the last evaluation happens in the freemarker, and \$ is not a 
valid escape in freemarker, that's why I introduced raw string literal.

Anyway just before giving up I found another solution, which I suppose 
is acceptable (is it???): instead of escaping $ sign, use its unicode 
value \x0024
After the change a label example is this:  Uses the 
\x0024{date:dayStart(nowTimestamp, timeZone, locale)} UEL expression to 
set the default value to the start of today



2010-02-09 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,

I need to upload and assign documents to facilities. These includes maps 
of the facility, documents related to the facility etc.
To achieve this, I'm planning to create FacilityContent and 
FacilityContentType entities which will be similar to existing entities 
used to assign content to other entities (PartyContent, OrderContent). 
Also I will provide a screen in facility application where the user can 
upload and see content related to the selected facility.

Are there any objections or ideas to incorporate into this proposal?


Re: FacilityContent

2010-02-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Ean Schuessler wrote:

Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

I need to upload and assign documents to facilities. These includes
maps of the facility, documents related to the facility etc.
To achieve this, I'm planning to create FacilityContent and
FacilityContentType entities which will be similar to existing
entities used to assign content to other entities (PartyContent,
OrderContent). Also I will provide a screen in facility application
where the user can upload and see content related to the selected

Are there any objections or ideas to incorporate into this proposal?

Seems like a worthwhile addition. I've always been a little bit bothered
by the seeming redundancy of the _content_type fields but that is
the established pattern. I can see exactly why you want the feature. I'd
say go for it!


Adam, Ean,

In data mode resource book content entities are not described and I 
don't know what was the original idea behind _content_type entity.
I suppose it is not the type of the content but the type of the 
relation. I decided to include it only to keep the consistency with the 
previous entities. I also don't need it and ContentPurpose seems to be 
I also see the last addition - CustRequestContent didn't follow this 
pattern - there is not CustRequestContentType. I will add only 
FacilityContent entity.

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Re: FacilityContent

2010-02-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Committed to trunk in r908602


Re: svn commit: r908602 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications: content/script/org/ofbiz/content/layout/ product/config/ product/entitydef/ product/script/org/ofbiz/product/storage/ product/servicedef/ produc

2010-02-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:


simply copy this file

to your .subversion folder (in your user "home" folder) and the standard properties will 
be automatically associated to the new files ("svn add") you will commit.


On Feb 10, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


Use config subversion file


Thanks guys, I copied the file.


MSSQL datetime issue with ofbiz UtilDatetime.getDayEnd function

2010-02-15 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,

I have a problem with UtilDate.getDayEnd function used with MSSQL database.
Ofbiz timestamp fields on the forms usually have millisecond precision, 
like this 2010-2-25 1:10:15.268
But when UtilDate.getDayEnd is used, it sets the nano seconds to 
9 and the timestamp is stored in DB as 2010-2-25 23:59:59.9
And when MSSQL is used this timestamp gets rounded and becomes 2010-2-26 
00:00:00.0 because MSSQL datetime field has accuracy of 3 milliseconds 
ie there is no .999 but only .997 and then .000 milliseconds.

Any idea how to deal with this problem? Do we really need  nano second 
precision for day end? May we should have it configurable so MSSQL users 
can set a value of 99000 in their instances

Thanks in advance.

Re: svn commit: r910235 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/common: servicedef/services_test.xml src/org/ofbiz/common/

2010-02-15 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adrian Crum wrote:

Adam Heath wrote: wrote:

Author: bibryam
Date: Mon Feb 15 15:14:32 2010
New Revision: 910235

Added a generic cascadeDelete service which can be used for data 
deletion. It uses recursion to delete all the related data entries.



Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/servicedef/services_test.xml


--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/servicedef/services_test.xml 
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/servicedef/services_test.xml Mon 
Feb 15 15:14:32 2010

@@ -210,4 +210,11 @@
 Test Ping Service

+Remove generic value and its related 




Mon Feb 15 15:14:32 2010

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
 import static org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics.checkList;

@@ -54,6 +55,8 @@
 import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
 import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
 import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelRelation;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelViewEntity;
 import org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil;
 import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
 import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
@@ -534,5 +537,42 @@
 return ServiceUtil.returnError("Invalid count returned 
from database");

++public static Map 
cascadeDelete(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {

+Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
+String entityName = (String) context.get("entityName");
+Map pkFields = 

++try {
+GenericValue value = 
delegator.findByPrimaryKey(entityName, pkFields);
+ModelEntity modelEntity = 
+List relations = 
++if (value == null || modelEntity 
instanceof ModelViewEntity) { +return 

++for (ModelRelation relation : relations) {
+String combinedName = relation.getCombinedName();
+List relatedValues = 

+for (GenericValue relatedValue : relatedValues) {
+pkFields = 

+entityName = relatedValue.getEntityName();
+Map newContext = 
UtilMisc.toMap("entityName", entityName, "pkFields", pkFields);
+Mapresult = 
CommonServices.cascadeDelete(dctx, newContext);

+if (ServiceUtil.isError(result)) {
+return result;
+Debug.logInfo("Removing value: " + value , module);
+} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
+ +return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

No, don't do this.  This is very bad.


You could end up removing everything from the database so easily.
Please remove this service, it's too dangerous.

I agree. This type of thing has been deliberately left out of the 
project for that reason.

Thanks for your review guys, I appreciate that. I agree that it is 
dangerous(as ant clean-all ;) and I was not sure to commit it or not.  
But I'm just curious how can this service end up removing everything 
from the database?
Also the example you gave is not correct because the service would 
delete only the ContactMech of the given party, not all the 
ContactMechs, so then not all the Parties.

I was plann

Re: FormFields in FTL files

2010-02-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Bruno Busco wrote:

Hi list,
in many forms implemented in FTL there are fields that generates a
different HTML from the one that is generated for the equivalent
formfield widget.

For example many lookup fields are implemented in the FTL like this:

A completely different HTML is generated for the formfield widget
using the markup that is defined in the htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl file.

Could we think a way to let to easily generate in the FTL the same
HTML of the form widget?

I mean, could we think to define a macro that calls the macro
htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl so, in place of the code above, we could use
something like:
<@tpl.fieldLookup name="productId" fieldId="productId"
size=20 maxlength=20 value="" lookup="LookupProduct"/>
The fieldLookup macro should call the renderLookupField in the
htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl file.

What do you think?
Does this make sense?

Thank you

+ 1
Then we will have some of widget lookup features in ftl lookups 
(autocompleter, layered lookup)


Re: MSSQL datetime issue with ofbiz UtilDatetime.getDayEnd function

2010-02-22 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Thanks for the solution Adrian. Done in trunk rev 912509


We could set the nanoseconds to zero with a note that it is for MySql 


--- On Mon, 2/15/10, Bilgin Ibryam  wrote:


From: Bilgin Ibryam 
Subject: MSSQL datetime issue with ofbiz UtilDatetime.getDayEnd function
Date: Monday, February 15, 2010, 3:25 AM
Hi all,

I have a problem with UtilDate.getDayEnd function used with
MSSQL database.
Ofbiz timestamp fields on the forms usually have
millisecond precision, like this 2010-2-25 1:10:15.268
But when UtilDate.getDayEnd is used, it sets the nano
seconds to 9 and the timestamp is stored in DB as
2010-2-25 23:59:59.9
And when MSSQL is used this timestamp gets rounded and
becomes 2010-2-26 00:00:00.0 because MSSQL datetime field
has accuracy of 3 milliseconds -   ie
there is no .999 but only .997 and then .000 milliseconds.

Any idea how to deal with this problem? Do we really
need  nano second precision for day end? May we should
have it configurable so MSSQL users can set a value of
99000 in their instances

Thanks in advance.


Consistent result messages

2010-02-26 Thread Bilgin Ibryam


When call-service element is used in simple method and there is no error 
or success message in the result, a default message is returned "The 
action was performed successfully"
The problem is that this message is returned only in simple methods when 
call-service is used, and the user gets a wrong impression that other 
clicks don't perform any actions.
Recently I even faced a screen where simple method was used for data 
gathering and the message was displayed w/o performing an action on the 

My proposal is to remove this default message value (actually it is the 
default value for the default-message element in call-service), and if 
there is no default-message specified, to return no message as it is 
other places.


Re: Form extension mechanims and sort-order

2010-02-26 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:


Is there a reson why the sort-order block is not extended by default 
when you extend a form?

I don't see any reason.

You have to duplicate it in case it's the same...


+ 1 to extend also sort-order element.


Re: svn commit: r916710 - in /ofbiz/branches/release09.04: ./ applications/workeffort/src/org/ofbiz/workeffort/workeffort/

2010-02-26 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I'm using for the first time mergefromtrunk.bat and I wonder are these 
prop changes coming from it? wrote:

Author: bibryam
Date: Fri Feb 26 15:15:33 2010
New Revision: 916710

"Applied fix from trunk for revision: 916703" 

r916703 | bibryam | 2010-02-26 16:59:14 +0200 (ЇҐв, 26 䥢а 2010) | 3 lines

Committed a modified patch from Chris Snow
"workeffort calendar bug when no demo data is installed"

ofbiz/branches/release09.04/   (props changed)


Propchange: ofbiz/branches/release09.04/
--- svn:mergeinfo (original)
+++ svn:mergeinfo Fri Feb 26 15:15:33 2010
@@ -1 +1 @@


Re: svn commit: r916710 - in /ofbiz/branches/release09.04: ./ applications/workeffort/src/org/ofbiz/workeffort/workeffort/

2010-02-26 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Yes it is


ok, thanks Jacques


Re: Consistent result messages

2010-03-01 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Thanks guys, done in rev 917467


Re: svn commit: r902341 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/conversion/

2010-03-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

Author: adrianc
Date: Sat Jan 23 05:38:09 2010
New Revision: 902341

Small improvement to ClobToString converter.


Sat Jan 23 05:38:09 2010
@@ -108,15 +108,13 @@
 public String convert(Clob obj) throws ConversionException {

-StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder();
-char[] inCharBuffer = new char[CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE];
-int charsRead = 0;
+char[] charBuffer = null;
 Reader clobReader = null;
 try {
-clobReader =  obj.getCharacterStream();
-while ((charsRead =, 0, 
-strBuf.append(inCharBuffer, 0, charsRead);
+int clobLength = (int) obj.length();
+charBuffer = new char[clobLength];
+clobReader = obj.getCharacterStream();, 0, clobLength);
 } catch (Exception e) {
 throw new ConversionException(e);
@@ -127,7 +125,7 @@
 } catch (IOException e) {}
-return strBuf.toString();
+return new String(charBuffer);


Adrian, there is a problem with this improvement:

the following line, 0, clobLength);

can't read more than 8192 chars when used with derby database (I didn't check 
with other databases).
The bug appeared when I tried to read big xml file stored in ElectronicText 
entity and got the xml truncated.
Also I think this is the cause for


Re: add story field also on custRequest header

2010-03-12 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Scott Gray wrote:

Hi Hans,

I would recommend using the custRequestItem for the story, the implementation 
can be simple enough by using a service to create the header and item in a 
single call and a view entity could could them back to you as a single record.  
Conceptually what you really have is a customer request with a single item.

I don't like the idea of modifying the data model when it is already quite 
capable of meeting your needs.

Agreed with Scott. Having two places for the same information will be 
confusing/redundant and such a change should not go to ofbiz svn in that 


Valid party Ids

2010-03-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
createPerson and createPartyGroup services don't accept party Ids 
starting with a number. I wonder what is the reason for this restriction?

I suppose it is done to prevent users from entering numbers as partyId 
which may interfere with auto generated Ids. If this is the case I 
propose to change the logic, so instead of checking only the first 
character, it checks all the characters from the Id and refuse it ONLY 
IF all the characters are numbers. WDYT?

I faced this problem while trying to import data in ofbiz, where the Ids 
start with number but contains also some letters. In this case it is not 
possible to interfere with auto generated Ids but still they are not 
accepted as valid Ids.


Re: Valid party Ids

2010-03-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Marc Morin wrote:

We use a prefix for each instance, so our id's are of the format "\\d+-\d+".

So, looks like this kind of check, is a function of how your entityengine.xml 
file is configured.

Scott, I can't find the method in StringUtil, but the regex proposed by 
Adam is enough.

Marc, could you elaborate more on how these IDs are related to entityengine?


Re: Valid party Ids

2010-03-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Scott Gray wrote:

On 17/03/2010, at 10:37 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:



I guess Scott spoke about ContainsOnly at

That's the right class but I was talking about StringUtils.isNumeric(String)



From: "Bilgin Ibryam" 

Marc Morin wrote:

We use a prefix for each instance, so our id's are of the format "\\d+-\d+".

So, looks like this kind of check, is a function of how your entityengine.xml 
file is configured.

Scott, I can't find the method in StringUtil, but the regex proposed by Adam is 
Marc, could you elaborate more on how these IDs are related to entityengine?



Thanks all.
Done in trunk rev 924685

Re: Icons for Tomahawk.

2010-03-24 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adam Heath wrote:

Scott Gray wrote:

Hi Erik,

A few questions:
Where would this launch screen go?
What happens if everybody gives you a different list?
I'm sure this might be useful for new users, but will it get in the way of 
people who use OFBiz everyday in their job?


HotWax Media

On 23/03/2010, at 5:50 PM, Erik Schuessler wrote:

Ah yes, understood Jacques.

What I am working on is a set of icons for the main menu items on ofbiz. I want 
to make the top 9 for a launch screen to make navigation easier for new users.

Example icon menu items would be - Parties, Catalog, Content, etc.

Exactly, everyone has their own list of 'important' sections of ofbiz.
 So, we(the community) need to provide a way for each end-user of
ofbiz to make their own 'landing' page.

I was expecting the applications from main menu to appear on the 
landing/starting page. Also it it easy to configure which applications 
to put there.
Another option would be to let each user specify the applications he/she 
uses most and store it as user preference.


Re: Calendar Popup Issues

2010-03-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adrian Crum wrote:
There is a Jira issue somewhere. I remember suggesting that we should 
serve the calendar popup from the server (like we do with lookup 
windows) to solve those issues.


I think this was the calendar:


Re: squareFootage with decimals

2010-04-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
The only piece we could possibly neglict is IMO the service part (it's 
the longer part). If we
provide a simple SQL script I think it's enough for people to at least 
infer what to do on their own DB(s).

Jacques, I agree with you on this proposal - the process should be 
easier for developers but also available for users willing to do the 
data migration.


Re: Use of internal direct variable access, or using accessor methods

2010-04-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adam Heath wrote:

ComparableRange has inconsistent access to the instance variables of
other ComparableRanges.  There are several methods that do some kind
of comparison with another range.  Sometimes, those methods call the
accessor methods.  Other times, direct variable access is used.

Here's my take on this issue, based on the Concurrency in Practice
book.  If ComparableRange is final, and not meant to be extended, then
always do direct access, period.  If ComparableRange is supposed to be
extended by other classes, then make the instance variables final(to
force extended classes to use the accessors), 
How can making an instance variable final force using accessors? Do you 
mean private instead of final?


then the base class
always must use the accessors.

Of course, this kind of design pattern needs to be imployed in the
rest of the code too.

Re: [VOTE] [RELEASE] Apache OFBiz 09.04

2010-04-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
This is the vote thread to transform our release candidate 09.04 into an official release. 

The files can be downloaded from here:


[ +1] release as Apache OFBiz 09.04
[ -1] do not release

For more details about this process please read this

Kind Regards,



+ 1


Re: Bug in svn commit: r931416 - Added support for setting a class attribute (using widget-style) on the div rendered by ContainerField.

2010-04-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Blas Rodriguez Somoza wrote:


   There is an bug in this commit, htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl expects 
arguments id and className and and provides id and class.

   The error is visible in SFA Manager-> [Accounts |  Contacts | Leads ]

Macro renderContainerField has no such argument: class The problematic 
instruction: -- ==> macro renderContainerField [on line 505, 
column 1 in component://widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl] in 
user-directive renderContainerField [on line 1, column 1 in Mon Apr 12 
03:01:04 CEST 2010] -- Java backtrace for programmers: 
-- freemarker.template.TemplateException: Macro 
renderContainerField has no such argument:

<#macro renderContainerField id className>class="${className}"/>
   public void renderContainerFindField(Appendable writer,
   Map context, ContainerField containerField)
   throws IOException {
   String id = containerField.getId();
   String className = 

   StringWriter sr = new StringWriter();
   sr.append("<@renderContainerField ");
   sr.append("\" class=\"");
   sr.append("\" />");
   executeMacro(writer, sr.toString());
   public void renderContainerFindField(Appendable writer, MapObject> context, ContainerField containerField) throws IOException {

   writer.append("   String className = 

   if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(className)) {
   writer.append("\" ");


Thanks for reporting Blas, fixed in rev 933099


Re: svn commit: r935387 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/accounting/data/ applications/party/data/ applications/workeffort/data/ framework/service/data/ framework/service/entitydef/ framework/webtools/

2010-04-19 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adrian Crum wrote:


Thank you for working on this. It would be better to make the descriptions more like plain English. 
Instead of "Day of Week Range 1" just have "Sunday", etc. Maybe spend some time 
constructing a few temporal expressions to help find a balance between plain English and selecting 
the correct expression.


Thanks for the suggestions Adrian. Updated some of the descriptions in 
rev 935695

Feel free to change them if you think that are not appropriate.


Re: [VOTE] [RELEASE] Apache OFBiz 4.0

2010-04-20 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

+ 1




On Apr 20, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:




Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

This is the vote thread to transform our release candidate 4.0 into an official 
ASF release.
OFBiz 4.0 is an *old* release that will be archived (and removed from the ASF 
mirrors) right after it will be released: we are doing this vote/process just 
to be able to call it an official ASF release. We will not promote this release 
and people should not really use it and should prefer our latest stable release 
The voting period will be approx (no less than) 72 hours.
The files can be downloaded from here:
[ +1] release as Apache OFBiz 4.0
[ -1] do not release
For more details about this process please read this
Kind Regards,


Re: Lookups desccriptions

2010-04-22 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Jacques Le Roux wrote:


At r933130 Bilgin introduced a nice feature which allows to show the 
related descriptions (if exist) of Ids used/rendered in lookups 
fields. There is also a showDescription lookup attribute to hide if 
I wonder if we could not show them by default (Bilgin set the 
widget.lookup.showDescription to N in and hide 
descriptions where they will be annoying (for instance in the Catalog 
main/landing page left column )


In rev 936638 I enabled lookup descriptions. They are annoying when 
there is not enough space, for instance if the lookup is on the left 
bar, or when the form has more than one column.
Anyway, it is easy to disable them if needed. Or we can make the 
descriptions to appear as html tooltips  ie they may appear only when 
user puts the mouse over the ID.


Consistent required field indicators

2010-04-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

I see 3 different ways to indicate required fields in the system:

1. "asterix" generated from form widget when required-field="true" (55 
occurrences + 346 auto-fields-service occurrences which also have some 
required fields)
2. "gray background of text field " done by widget-style="required" (122 
occurrences )
3. "required" the label is set in FTLs and also in form widgets using 
tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired} (280 occurrences )

There are also different combinations of above 3 ways

I don't know why there are 3 different ways and what is the current best 
practice but I think we should agree on one way to indicate required 
fields and use it all over the framework.

Here is what I propose:
Remove all the ${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired} tooltips from form 
definitions. The tooltip should be used to provide other information as 
it is for not required fields (the purpose of the field, the format)

Remove all the widget-style="required" from form definitions.
If a field is required, (on form widget) set only its attribute 
required-field="true". In cases when the form is based on service 
definition (auto-fields-service) it is not neccessary to set this 
attribute. Then  no need to add tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired} or 
widget-style="required" attibutes on the form definition. The renderer 
should decide how to indicate the required field.

Change form renderer, so if a field is required it is indicated by 
asterix plus required style ( same as widget-style="required")


Bilgin Ibryam

Re: Consistent required field indicators

2010-04-24 Thread Bilgin Ibryam


Adrian Crum wrote:

--- On Fri, 4/23/10, Robert Morley  wrote:

+1 - I think properly modeling the
field using the required-field attribute makes perfect
sense.  I would think our html form renderer
implementation should probably just apply a class "required"
at render time and the visual should be handled by css.

I believe I was the one who introduced the required CSS class and that was my 
reasoning - have the style sheet determine what a required field looks like.

At the time, the asterisk was being used to indicate a required field. The 
problem was, most forms didn't have an explanation as to what the asterisk 
meant. So the result looked odd.

Asterix is used to indicate required fields, and it is pretty common 

No "best practice" was discussed or decided upon. I just put the new CSS class 
in the style sheet and I left it to the community to decide by using it or not.

It seems community is still not agreed on what to use, and the result is 
a mess

I like the idea of service definitions driving the required fields.


When a form is based on a service definition (auto-fields-service) not 
optional fields are marked as required. My intention is not to change or 
extend this behavior. It is already working correct. My intention is to 
cleanup other forms which have manually set required indicators.

Sure, that would be nice.  However, what happens when service A calls
service B, and service C sometimes dependening on the situation.  How
would you chain the validations, so that no processing code was run in
A until both B and C were satisified that the data was correct?

This thread is only about:

1. Cleaning up the forms: remove the "required" label 
(tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}") and css style 
(widget-style="required") and add in their place required-field="true"
2. Change macro renderer so that if a field is required it is indicated 
by asterix (as it is right now) plus a css style (the same as 

Are there any objections to this?




On Apr 23, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:


Here is what I propose:
Remove all the ${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired} tooltips

from form definitions. The tooltip should be used to provide
other information as it is for not required fields (the
purpose of the field, the format)

Remove all the widget-style="required" from form


If a field is required, (on form widget) set only its

attribute required-field="true". In cases when the form is
based on service definition (auto-fields-service) it is not
neccessary to set this attribute. Then  no need to add
tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired} or
widget-style="required" attibutes on the form definition.
The renderer should decide how to indicate the required

Change form renderer, so if a field is required it is

indicated by asterix plus required style ( same as


Re: [VOTE] [BRANCH] Creation of the Release Branch "release10.04"

2010-04-29 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

+ 1


This is the vote thread to create a new release branch (not a release yet) named 
This branch will represent a feature freeze and releases will be created over 
time out of it: all the commits in this  branch will be for bug fixes only, no 
new features.


[ +1] create the branch "release10.04"
[ -1] do not create the branch

We will use the same rules for votes on releases (vote passes if there are more 
binding +1 than -1 and if there are at least 3 binding +1)
For more details about this process please read this

Kind Regards,


Re: svn commit: r942576 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/example: config/ExampleUiLabels.xml widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml

2010-05-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> This is great and I better explained all that in the user ML. But I wonder
> now why there is no "show-description" boolean attribute for the lookup
> field.
> Also a bit of documentation (at least in widget-form.xsd, maybe a word in
> new feature wiki page) would not hurt, Bilgin? Do I still miss something?


there is no "show-description" but I will add it very soon. Also will update
the xsd.

Thanks for the reminder.


> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
>  Hi Scott,
>> Yes you are right this was not what I was looking for, and BTW it's true
>> by default.
>> I remember now that at r936638 Bilgin has activated by default the option
>> (Enabled lookup descriptions) I was looking for (for an explanation on
>> lookups on user ML).
>> It's just that sometimes it does not work just because of
>> client-autocomplete-field, sometimes it does (on the same browser), not sure
>> why, anyway not a big deal.
>> I removed  it, since it's redundant and useless, at r942667
>> Thanks
>> Jacques
>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if this affects what you've committed but
>>> client-autocomplete is not ajax autocomplete, it just tells the browser
>>> whether or not to try and autocomplete with values previously entered.
>>> Regards
>>> Scott
>>> HotWax Media
>>> On 10/05/2010, at 6:39 AM, wrote:
>>>  Author: jleroux
 Date: Sun May  9 18:39:03 2010
 New Revision: 942576

 Show client-autocomplete-field usage



 Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/config/ExampleUiLabels.xml
 ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/config/ExampleUiLabels.xml (original) +++
 Sun May  9 18:39:03 2010 @@ -447,8 +447,8 @@
Lookup de type layer (only test)

 -Examples Lookup Fields (first of type
 popup, second layered)
 -Exemples de champs de recherche (le
 premier de type popup, le second de type layer)
 +Examples Lookup Fields (first of type
 popup using also autocomplete, second layered and showing
 use of set_values underneath, ie returning not only Id but also another
 value) +Exemples de
champs de recherche (le premier de type popup utilisant aussi
 l'autocompletion, le second de type layer avec usage
sous-jacent de set_values qui permet de traiter non seulement une
 référence mais aussi une autre valeur)
  >>> xml:lang="en">Example Main Page

 (original) +++
 Sun May  9 18:39:03 2010 @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ under the
 >>> title="${uiLabelMap.CommonPartyID} ${uiLabelMap.CommonFrom}"> ->>> target-form-name="LookupPartyExample" presentation="window"/> +
>>> presentation="window" client-autocomplete-field="true"/> 


Re: subcribe

2010-05-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
You can do it from here


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Parihar, Awdesh wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to subscribe developer mailing list on my Id , I have been working
> with ofbiz for last 2.5 year .
> --
> Thanks
> Awdesh Parihar

Re: Using only ${OFBIZ_HOME}/specialpurpose/ecommerce component

2010-05-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
You can disable specialpurpose components w/o much worries.
As for the components in application and framework, you have to do that by
checking each component separately, because most of them are internally used
by ecommerce. For example party, catalog, order, facility, accounting,
content are all required for ecommerce  to work properly.

If you need only a web store application, you may even consider other
solutions (like osCommerce), because ofbiz is more than a web store.


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 10:40 AM, rrhati2010  wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to use only the "ecommerce" component. So what all components I need
> to prevent from loading during the ofbiz application start-up i.e from
> "component-load.xml" present the
> a. application
> b. framework
> c. specialpurpose
> folders, so that, the application uses less memory and improve it's
> performance.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: svn commit: r948439 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp/control/

2010-06-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
We should probably restart the conversation about why it is included in
OFBiz at some point.

> Regards
> Scott

Good idea


Re: Removing the ShoppingCart.containOnlyDigitalGoods

2010-07-07 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
+ 1


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> What about removing the ShoppingCart.containOnlyDigitalGoods methods and
> use instead the
>   public boolean shippingApplies()
> ?
> (We will also need a new shippingApplies method that takes as input the
> shipgroup).
> In fact the logic in shippingApplies is the one used in several other
> places to determine the shipping charges.
> Kind regards,
> Jacopo

Re: svn commit: r995384 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/

2010-09-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I have no access to eclıpse for one more week. Feel free to make changes ıf

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Ashish Vijaywargiya <> wrote:

> Thanks Scott for your comment.
> Bilgin, can you please look into this issue and provide/propose better
> solution that works for both of us?
> --
> Ashish
> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Scott Gray 
> wrote:
> > Hi Ashish,
> >
> > It looks like you and Bilgin are going back and forth on this:
> >
> > Regards
> > Scott
> >
> > HotWax Media
> >
> >
> > On 9/09/2010, at 11:32 PM, wrote:
> >
> >> Author: ashish
> >> Date: Thu Sep  9 11:32:28 2010
> >> New Revision: 995384
> >>
> >> URL:
> >> Log:
> >> Fixing bug of reading node name. When we read first child element of the
> response of any third party integration for example ups etc, node name can't
> be read using "node.getLocalName()". So changing  node.getLocalName() -->
> node.getNodeName().
> >>
> >> Thanks Vivek for the contribution.
> >>
> >> Modified:
> >>ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/
> >>
> >> Modified:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/
> >> URL:
> >>
> ==
> >> --- ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/
> (original)
> >> +++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/ Thu
> Sep  9 11:32:28 2010
> >> @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ public class UtilXml {
> >> if (node != null) {
> >> do {
> >> if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
> (childElementName == null ||
> >> -childElementName.equals(node.getLocalName(
> {
> >> +childElementName.equals(node.getNodeName( {
> >> Element childElement = (Element) node;
> >> return childElement;
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

Re: Multi events same action on widget?

2010-09-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi Jacques,

I assume you are asking about javasript events and actions. Even the event
attribute documentation says "events" in multiple, the code is able to
handle only one event and action. Having the same action would not be a
aproblem, the problem is that you can specify one event only for a field.
I think for now you will end up writing some additional javascript to catch
multiple events (which is very simple with jquery)


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to set multi events and same action on a field in a form?
> Else I will certainly take the time to add that later...
> Also, if it does not exist yet, more than one event each with its action.
> Thanks
> Jacques

Re: Opinions wanted

2010-11-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi Jacques, I didn't see your message because you used the same thread for
jQuery UI docs and demo which was resolved with Jacopo's help :)

I think the whole point of moving to jQuery was to have only one javascrip
library, so we should get rid of prototype and dojo. But the way to do it
should be similar to deprecating methods from the framework: mark the use of
these libraries as deprecated, and keep them up to the next ofbiz release.


Bilgin Ibryam

Re: Develop Screen as Google Web Toolkit

2010-11-26 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Good points Jacques.

In case both projects are doing the same thing, it would make reviewing and
eventual inclusion of gwt to ofbiz sooner than later.
(btw it is no my todo list to check both projects)


On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> BTW, there is also
> Maybe and
> could work together?
> My 2 cts
> Jacques
> From: "Chatree Srichart" 
>  I added the changing language feature to the
>> OFBiz-GWTproject. It would get
>> different languages from exist UI label files. To try
>> this please apply ofbiz-patches and re-compile again.
>> Regards,
>> Chatree Srichart

Re: Create/New Terminology Best Practice

2010-12-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Adrian Crum  wrote:

> I like Create New - it removes all ambiguity.
> -Adrian
I like it too


> On 12/22/2010 12:48 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:
>> ...and even "Create New [Artifact]" !!! :-)
>> My proposal is to use "New [Artifact]" everywhere.
>> I faced the same issue with the "create" buttons. I changed many of them
>> using the "New [Artifact]" pattern.
>> This is why now I suggest to use the same for the title.
>> Thank you,
>> Bruno
>> 2010/12/22 Adrian Crum
>>  The OFBiz UI is very inconsistent in the terminology for creating
>>> something
>>> new - for example creating a new order, a new fixed asset, a new party,
>>> etc.
>>> Some screens are titled New [Artifact], others are titled Create
>>> [Artifact],
>>> and lately Edit [Artifact].
>>> Can we agree on one term and add it to the UI Best Practices?
>>> -Adrian

Re: ajaxAutocompleteOptions screen

2011-01-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder about this in ajaxAutocompleteOptions screen
> framework/common/widget/CommonScreens.xml
> < security hole.>>
> Should we care about it, or simply remove the commentted out snippet?
> Thanks
> Jacques
You can remove the comment without worries. It applies to the old version of
the FindAutocompleteOptions.groovy where entityName was retrieved from
parameters, thus allowing users to query any entity.


Re: [VOTE] [RELEASE] Apache OFBiz 10.04

2011-01-14 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
+ 1


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> This is the vote thread to transform our release candidate 10.04 into an
> official release. This will be the first release of the 10.04 series (that
> contains the features up to 2010-04).
> The files can be downloaded from here:
> Vote:
> [ +1] release as Apache OFBiz 10.04
> [ -1] do not release
> For more details about this process please read this
> Kind Regards,
> Jacopo

Re: Groovysh container

2011-01-24 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I agree with BJ here - keep it same as beanshell container.
If you want to comment them out (which I don't mind), we should discuss it
in another thread for default enabled containers/features in trunk...

my 2c

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 6:25 PM, BJ Freeman  wrote:

> I would say keep the dev friendly pattern in the trunk.
> I would change it in the relaase branches since they are more targeted as
> end users.
> write up a docbook section for the Tech on how to deal with them and the
> security issues. use the id="" in the section so you can put a link on the
> wiki to the section on the localhost.
> add demo server script to comment them out if necessary.
> on a side note, it would be great to add a note on the nightly builds that
> these are meant for users without configuration.
> =
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 1/23/2011 10:04 AM:
>  Hi,
>> Thanks to Rene Scheibe, I have just commited (completed at revision:
>> 1062476) a Groovysh container. It's just fine (though when you
>> type a char on Windows it's duplicated, but it works, see
>> but I wonder if we
>> should not rather provide those Beanshell and Groovysh containers
>> commented out. I know it will break the policy we use that
>> provide OOTB a develop friendly version rather than an user/production
>> ready. But it will prevent any admin/user oversights,
>> because it's an important security concern. If a dev needs them, it's
>> really easy to uncomment? What do you think?
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

Re: Wicket in OFBiz

2011-01-24 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Hi devs,
> James yong submitted a patch (simple enough to be quickly read) proposing
> to introduce Wicket as an OFBiz framework component. I's be interested to
> read your comments about pros and cons
> Note the urlrewrite stuff...
> One cons I see is maintenance... (We will see if James is still around, he
> created the Jira issue in August)

I tried that patch, it is working and demonstrates an interesting way to use
wicket  as ofbiz frontend, but it is kind of a hack.
I don't think it would be useful at its current stage to the community.

For now we use jira for this kind of POC code, but I think there the code
dies after some time.
May be it is a good idea to have a branch in svn for stuff like this: code
that is not complete enough to go in example component or special purpose
folder but still valuable as POC or starting point. GWT patch is another
similar candidate for it, but it is currently part of googlecode.

Bilgin Ibryam

Re: Autocomplete at 1st letter

2011-01-31 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Isn't it configurable in or somewhere else?


On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Hi,
> IIRW previously we waited the 3rd entered letter before activating the
> autocomplete stuff. Now it's at 1st, I'd like to be at 2d, agreed?
> Jacques

Re: externalLoginKey

2011-01-31 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

I think it is related to OFBIZ-3862, ie if there is any ajax event on a page
that triggers a screen rendering (even partial one) this generates a new
externalLoginKey at the server side, and makes the current externalLoginKey
that is already appended to urls not valid.
In my opinion the solution is to prevent generating of new externalLoginKeys
for ajax calls as proposed on the OFBIZ-3862

Bilgin Ibryam

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know why but now (for a week or a month?) when I switch from an app
> to another I have more than before to re-enter the credentials. I tested
> with FF, Opera and Chrome .
> Have a delay been changed, any other ideas?
> Jacques

Re: Welcome to Sascha Rodekamp as new committer

2011-02-15 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Contrats Sascha!


On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> Sascha Rodekamp has accepted the invitation of the OFBiz PMC to become a
> new committer.
> Welcome aboard Sascha!
> Jacopo
> "With great power comes great responsibility."


2011-02-21 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

it is not clear to me what is your question but I have used svg to visualize
ofbiz data the following way:

Create/modify an svg template using inkscape or even a simple xml editor.
Then before rendering it as part of ofbiz screen, parse it (it is an xml)
and populate with real data from the system.
You can also call javascript functions (when the user clicks or mouseover on
different elements) or create links in the svg file, which makes it kind of
interactive compared to other image formats

Bilgin Ibryam

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:30 AM, BJ Freeman  wrote:

> is see it is defined for FOP.
> I have not dug into how it is implemments, hopeing someone will give me a
> pionter to docs that will help me.
> what I want to use this for is diagraming ofbiz using this
> where a toplevel black box you could click on and get the links to the
> black box that are included.
> then you finally get down to the code of a minilanq for a method in a
> class.
> ultimately this would be used to automatically generate junit tests and to
> give representation in projectmgr of process requirements, in a task.
> =
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
>  <>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Re: soap web service simplifications

2011-03-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi Chris,

did you see OFBIZ-3877 in Ofbiz jira? If it gets committed we will get rid
of this annoying xml structure.

Bilgin Ibryam

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 9:51 PM, chris snow  wrote:

> The current soap web service implementation uses
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.SoapSerializer to serialize/deserialize requests
> and responses.
> This results in an awkward xml structure, e.g.
> ...
> There are many options for tidying up the xml, one example is:
>  *value-class*="String" value="1"/>
>  *value-class*="String" value="2"/>
> Does anyone have any experience or views on how the xml should be
> structured?
> Many thanks,
> Chris

Re: My vision for the OFBiz Framework

2011-04-18 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Ean Schuessler  wrote:

> To me the convenience is being able to program to a straight AWT like
> interface. It is just so convenient to be able to do things like:
> myButton = new Button("Click Me", new Button.ClickListener() {
> public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
> myLabel.setValue("You clicked my button"); // simple stuff like this
> dispatcher.runSync("SetPartyRole", [roleTypeId: 'BUTTON_CLICKER']); // or
> even things like this
> }
> });
> The process of binding these events to URLs to trigger services and
> worrying through AJAX processing just falls away. I could add a dozen
> buttons to a page and concentrate on the logic they trigger instead of a
> pile of oddly named events and url bindings. Sure there is some memory
> overhead there, sure it has state but man does it make some things easier.
> I think your answer (as I've illustrated above) makes perfect sense and you
> can definitely just trigger a service engine from these other frameworks.
> However, I've wondered for a while why we couldn't construct stateful graphs
> of UI objects from the XML widget descriptors and have the event bindings
> attach directly to the widgets.

There is "Declarative Layout" in GWT which is similar to what you have
described, but it still requires writing java classes. You can see it here:


> - "David E Jones" wrote:
> > That's a tough one. I just did some research on Vaadin, and in some ways
> it looks similar to Wicket, and I suppose in some ways similar to JSF as
> well, though Vaadin appears to be a sort of extension to GWT and the unlike
> Wicket where the Java code is mostly run on the server (if I understand
> right) in Vaadin most of the Java code is transformed using GWT and run on
> the client, turning the client into almost a desktop app that communicates
> with the server to mostly pass data around.
> > How to get any two technologies like these to work together is a good
> question, or at least how to get them to work together seamlessly. Say you
> want to write part of your app in Vaadin and part of it in Wicket... how
> will you get them to work together well? I think the answer is that you
> could have them both deployed in the same webapp, and pages written in each
> could link to each other, but sharing decoration (except by including the
> same text or using a tool to interpret a template that they can both
> include) and navigation and such would be a nightmare.
> > In Moqui, like in OFBiz, most of the web UI stuff is based on writing to
> a writer or stream and being able to assemble various pieces of text to
> create a single web page. Without getting into lower level code, I looked at
> each of these three (Vaadin, JSF, and Wicket) and it does not look like they
> have a way to generate text to be included in a web page, and perhaps worse
> handling navigation and links is so ingrained in the way the tools are
> designed that nothing there could be shared (not in ways that I could find,
> though of course with enough creative coding anything could be done in
> theory).
> > So, I guess the answer is that just like with OFBiz, with Moqui Framework
> if you want to use one of those web UI frameworks then use that instead of
> the Moqui XML Screens/Forms, and just use other parts of the Moqui API
> through the ExecutionContext that could be inited/destroyed in an event
> listener instead of the MoquiServlet (since the MoquiServlet wouldn't be
> used in that case), or if desperate you could use the Moqui class for static
> init of the ExecutionContextFactory and ExecutionContext.
> > That parts easy, ie use Moqui API for services, entities, and other tools
> but not for the web UI... trying to merge and share artifacts between these
> kinds of restrictive UI approaches would be tough. On the other hand, if you
> can get plain text out of them, you can include that in any Moqui XML
> Screen.
> > I don't think a better solution to this exists. Personally, I blame JSP
> and their restrictive nature that has been considered acceptable over the
> years, and those sorts of restrictions now seem to bleed into all sorts of
> web UI frameworks.
> --
> Ean Schuessler, CTO
> 214-720-0700 x 315
> Brainfood, Inc.

Re: how to print Invoice in WebPOS?

2011-04-20 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I think it is not implemented in webpos yet, but surely you can add a
printing functionality similar to the one in order manager.
Please take a look at it: Order Manager -> Find Orders and then select a
printer to print on.

Bilgin Ibryam

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:41 AM, hmalovekar wrote:

> any one reply to me
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Discussion: New Methods

2011-04-25 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I like it, seems less error prone and I don't see any bad consequences using


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

> Setting up transactions properly can be complicated. I've seen cases where
> it was done wrong. Even when it's done right, it adds a lot of client code
> that gets repeated every time a transaction is used. I have an idea to make
> transaction handling easier and more reliable:
> 1. Create an interface:
> public interface TransactionTask {
>  void run() throws GenericEntityException;
> }
> 2. Add a method to
> public static void runTransactionTask(TransactionTask task, boolean
> suspendCurrent) throws GenericEntityException, GenericTransactionException {
> ...
> }
> The TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask method will contain all of the
> correct begin, suspend, commit, resume, rollback, try, catch, finally logic.
> All the client code needs to do is put the transaction-protected code in a
> TransactionTask instance run() method and call the
> TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask method. Bottom line - less code, better
> results.
> Example:
> TransactionTask task = new TransactionTask() {
>public void run() throws GenericEntityException {
>GenericValue target = delegator...;
>target.set("someField", "someValue");
> };
> TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask(task, true);
> What do you think?
> -Adrian

Re: Search Products in webpos

2011-05-11 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi hmalovekar, please ask further OFBiz usage question in the user list.

This is one of the areas in webpos that needs to be improved before use.

The reason for the slow response I believe is due to the fact that it
searches all the product in the system, i.e. there is no filtering by store,
catalog, category...
Also this exposes products that are not supposed the displayed to the user
(expired products, configurable product components...). Another thing to fix
is restrict the number of results returned in the response, as currently it
returns all of the found products.

Bilgin Ibryam

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 8:26 AM, hmalovekar wrote:

> in Webpos Main Screen
> search products say by product name it is very Slow
> i must wait about 1 minute then i start writing to make autocomplete
> how can i make it operate faster?
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Freemarker Macro Library

2011-06-03 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi Adrian,

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

> I'm working on a project where screen widgets can't be used and I need to
> use Freemarker templates instead. I would like to use the Freemarker macros
> found in the widget macro library, but they are cumbersome to use because
> they have MANY parameters - and almost all of them are set up as required
> parameters. The markup the macros generate requires only a handful of the
> parameters, and the rest of them are optional. So, I would like to work on
> the macro library and provide default arguments for any parameters that
> aren't required by the markup. Any thoughts or objections?

I reused form widget lookup macros in freemarker templates using similar
approach. Just create a wrapper macro with default values and then call the
widget macros. For an example check how htmlTemplate.lookupField macro is
used and implemented in htmlTemplate.ftl

Bilgin Ibryam

Re: svn commit: r1137433 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget: src/org/ofbiz/widget/form/ templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl

2011-06-20 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

> Are you serious? That macro has the exact same parameters and they aren't
> documented either. Actually, all that macro does is call the
> renderLookupField macro, so I don't understand why it's even there.

htmlTemplate.lookupField  is there(I created it during ajax lookup
implementation) to set some default values, otherwise you I had to call
renderLookupField from other FTLs with 30 attributes.
BUT I agree with you that it duplicates the code, could get easily
I think default values should be set only in one place, preferably from
renderLookupField macro itselft but not from and


> I would prefer to use the same macro the widgets use for one very good
> reason that is made obvious in this commit: Those macros will be maintained,
> while the htmlTemplate macros will not.
> -Adrian
> On 6/20/2011 10:46 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> Why not using <@htmlTemplate.lookupField ? There are plenty of examples
>> HTH
>> Jacques
>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Jacques,
>>> Coincidentally, I am trying to use the renderLookupField macro in a
>>> Freemarker template. Do you have any idea what all of the macro
>>> parameters are for? I am having a difficult time sorting out what
>>> arguments to pass to get it to work.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On 6/19/2011 9:59 PM, wrote:
 Author: jleroux
 Date: Sun Jun 19 20:59:35 2011
 New Revision: 1137433

 A patch from Leon<<"setUserPreference" goes to main page instead last
 view if current form includes any lookup field>>**jira/browse/OFBIZ-4313When
  I open a form which include lookup field and then click the
 expand/collapse button around the upper right corner in the the
 header, the page will go to "main" after user preference is settled. The
 cause is the requests initiated by lookup field does not remember the last
 view name. It simply use "main" instead.

 Patch to make lookup requests remember the LAST_VIEW_NAME correctly.


 Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/**src/org/ofbiz/widget/form/**
 (original) +++
 Sun Jun 19 20:59:35 2011 @@ -2149,6 +2149,14 @@
 public class MacroFormRenderer implement boolean showDescription =
 "Y".equals(UtilProperties.**getPropertyValue("widget", "widget.lookup.*
 *showDescription", "N"));

 +// lastViewName, used by lookup to remember the real last view
 +String lastViewName = request.getParameter("_LAST_**VIEW_NAME_");
 // Try to get it from parameters firstly
 +if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(**lastViewName)) { // get from
 +lastViewName = (String) request.getSession().**
 +if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(**lastViewName)) {
 +lastViewName = "";
  StringWriter sr = new StringWriter();
  sr.append("<@renderLookupField ");
  sr.append(" className=\"");
 @@ -2208,6 +2216,8 @@ public class MacroFormRenderer implement
  sr.append("\" initiallyCollapsed=\"");
 +sr.append("\" lastViewName=\"");
  sr.append("\" />");
  executeMacro(writer, sr.toString());

 Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/**templates/**

Re: showcartitems.ftl: should desired delivery date use renderDateTimeField?

2011-08-07 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
renderDateTimeField will render it as html input field, whereas
desired delivery date is only displayed, isn't it?


On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Paul Foxworthy  wrote:
> Hi all,
> The line in showcartitems.ftl  that presents the desired delivery date
> doesn't use the renderDateTimeField macro, so won't be internationalised.
> See:
> Lines 199 and 205 do have the renderDateTimeField.
> Is there a good reason for this? I'll submit a Jira issue and patch if not.
> Cheers
> Paul Foxworthy
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: cdyne

2011-08-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I'd suggest we mark it as @Deprecated and remove after some time.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Jacques Le Roux
> Then indeed we could consider to remove it. If anybody really need it s/he
> could still find it in one of the releases...
> Jacques
> From: "Tim Ruppert" 
>> They changed their name and rebuilt all of the web services a few years
>> ago.  That being said, I have no idea if anyone is using it any longer - but
>> it stopped working for us a while back so we stopped using it.
>> Cheers,
>> Ruppert
>> On Aug 8, 2011, at 12:41 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>> We have a general precedence for not removing things people might be
>>> using, which is anything in the project, especially without reasonable
>>> notice (like waiting a while for comment).
>>> On the other hand, if the company behind these services no longer existed
>>> or something like that (I don't know if this is the case), then yes might as
>>> well remove them right away.
>>> -David
>>> On Aug 8, 2011, at 12:37 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
 Everybody agree?


 From: "Tim Ruppert" 
> It's a likely out of date old web services API - my guess is we could
> drop it all together.
> Cheers,
> Ruppert
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I really wonder if should be in commons or rather
>> in commonext. It looks like an application util to me.
>> Jacques


Re: showcartitems.ftl: should desired delivery date use renderDateTimeField?

2011-08-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:54 AM, Paul Foxworthy  wrote:
> Yes, thanks Bilgin.
> Input fields and the display widget use the locale for date formatting, but
> at least some Freemarker templates don't. It would be nice if they were
> consistent.

Can you give an example what you want to achieve?

The datetime_format for freemarker in ofbiz is set to -MM-dd
HH:mm:ss.SSS that's why it is rendered in this format for any locales.

If you want to display timestamps in a specific format containing i18n
part (for example the day/month printed in a specific language) you
can do it by explicitely setting the formatting in that ftl file like

${cartLine.getDesiredDeliveryDate()?string(",  dd, yyyy,
hh:mm:ss a '('zzz')'")}

Bilgin Ibryam

> Cheers
> Paul Foxworthy
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Policy about supported releases

2011-09-12 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Jacques Le Roux
> In my mind, it's only about bug fixes backport, nothing else.
> I do as much as I can, but for instance it's a while now I don't do it for
> R4.0.
> I want to make that clear and have a reference for users...

+ 1

> Jacques
> From: "David E Jones" 
>> Do we even have a policy about supporting releases, let alone a policy
>> about which releases to support?
>> In other words, what can a user of Apache OFBiz expect to get as part of
>> this "official" support?
>> -David
>> On Sep 6, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> Thanks Hans,
>>> Yes of course this is only Apache OFBiz policy...
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "Hans Bakker" 

 When you do not get a response in a reasonable time. I would suggest to
 ahead with the subject as you proposed.

yes, I think it is safe to assume "Lazy Consensus" in this case

 In general this is a fair statement, in practice providers will support
 the customers independent of the version they use?


 On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 06:41 +0200, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> I can't believe nobody is interested in this?
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
> > I'd simply suggest to not support releases older than 4 years... This
> > would be a perfect timing for R4.0 (was in 2007) that > we
> > can't reasonnably no longer support and is a simple policy anybody
> > can remember easily
> >
> > So we could annonce that officialy has did Tomcat team below,
> > opinions?
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> > From: "Jacques Le Roux" 
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'd suggest that we define a simple official policy about supported
> >> releases. There are still people asking for support on >>  >> 4.0.
> >> But this version is more than 4 years old and I think any of the
> >> commiters still use it regularly and want to support it. >> For
> >> instance it's now hard to backport things there.
> >>
> >> We could take Tomcat policy as an example:
> >>
> >>> The Apache Tomcat team announces that support for Apache Tomcat
> >>> 5.5.x
> >>> will end on 30 September 2012.
> >>>
> >>> This means that after 30 September 2012:
> >>> - releases from the 5.5.x branch are highly unlikely
> >>> - bugs affecting only the 5.5.x branch will not be addressed
> >>> - security vulnerability reports will not be checked against the
> >>> 5.5.x
> >>> branch
> >>>
> >>> Three months later (i.e. after 31 December 2012)
> >>> - the 5.5.x download pages will be removed
> >>> - the latest 5.5.x release will be removed from the mirror system
> >>> - the 5.5.x branch in svn will move from /tomcat/tc5.5.x to
> >>> /tomcat/archive/tc5.5.x
> >>> - the links to the 5.5.x documentation will be removed from
> >>>
> >>> - The bugzilla project for 5.5.x will be made read-only
> >>>
> >>> Note that all 5.5.x releases will always be available from the
> >>> archive.
> >>>
> >>> It is anticipated that the final 5.5.x release will be made shortly
> >>> before 30 September 2012.
> >>
> >> Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >
> >

 Ofbiz on twitter:
 Alternative ofbiz website: : Quality services for competitive rates.

Re: widgetVerbose

2011-09-13 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Adrian Crum
> Thanks Scott - those are my feelings exactly.
> I like the way the design worked previously, and changing it because a user
> might accidentally leave the comments enabled in production seems silly.
> That is a user's QC problem, not a widget comment design problem.
> -Adrian

+ 1


Re: configproductdetail.ftl useless block

2011-10-20 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
If I remember correct, it was used for debugging purpose and it is
safe to delete/cleanup.

The more interesting questions is do we have a generic way in place to
extract/display error/warning messages generated by ajax requests?


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux
> In both configproductdetail.ftl files, we have this whole useless block
> if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ != undefined) {
>  //console.log(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_);
>  //alert(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_);
> }else if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_ != undefined) {
>  //console.log(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
>  //alert(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
> }else {
>  //console.log(data.totalPrice);
>  //console.log(data.configId);
> Is there a reason to keep it?
> Jacques

Re: latest trunk code is broken

2011-10-28 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Trunk is working fine for me.  You might have corrupted instance.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Wai  wrote:
> After checking out the latest source from the trunk.
> I get the following error message when trying to access the partymgr
> component.
> org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering screen
> [component://common/widget/CommonScreens.xml#GlobalDecorator]:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Template location is empty (Template
> location is empty)
> Thanks
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: configproductdetail.ftl useless block

2011-11-09 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Jacques Le Roux
> The answer is less interesting: I think we don' far. Do you have an
> idea?

I can see that there are code snippet doing it, but they are copied
and pasted in various places already. For example selectall.js, lines
350 to 370

It would be better to have only one js function, that checks the ajax
responses for error messages and displays in the framework.

my 2 cents


> Jacques
> From: "Bilgin Ibryam" 
>> If I remember correct, it was used for debugging purpose and it is
>> safe to delete/cleanup.
>> The more interesting questions is do we have a generic way in place to
>> extract/display error/warning messages generated by ajax requests?
>> Bilgin
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux
>>  wrote:
>>> In both configproductdetail.ftl files, we have this whole useless block
>>> if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_ != undefined) {
>>> //console.log(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_);
>>> //alert(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_);
>>> }else if (data._ERROR_MESSAGE_ != undefined) {
>>> //console.log(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
>>> //alert(data._ERROR_MESSAGE_);
>>> }else {
>>> //console.log(data.totalPrice);
>>> //console.log(data.configId);
>>> Is there a reason to keep it?
>>> Jacques

Re: [VOTE] Merging Jackrabbit Branch into trunk

2011-11-15 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I promise to have a look this weekend and give my opinion and vote.

I know you asked about it on dev list some time ago, but I think more
time is needed, so at least few more committers have a look.

It is a major feature, thanks for pushing hard for it Sascha


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Sascha Rodekamp
> Hi *,
> I would like to start a vote for merging the jackrabbit branch back
> into the trunk.
> In my opinion the first step, integrating a jcr repository in ofbiz,
> is done. The new API can now be used by any developer for storing,
> retrieving or manipulating data in the jackrabbit content repository.
> A bigger user group would help me to improve the integration.
> Have a good day
> Sascha
> --
> Sascha Rodekamp
>     Visit the new german OFBiz Blog:
>     Lynx-Consulting GmbH
>     Johanniskirchplatz 6
>     D-33615 Bielefeld

Re: deprecated JSON classes

2011-11-17 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Erwan de FERRIERES <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> the following classes are deprecated since December 2009

more than 2 years as deprecated is long enough
+ 1


> (https://fisheye6.atlassian.**com/changelog/ofbiz?cs=892685)
> :
> framework/webapp/src/org/**ofbiz/webapp/event/**
> framework/webapp/src/org/**ofbiz/webapp/event/**
> framework/webapp/src/org/**ofbiz/webapp/event/**
> JSONServiceMultiEventHandler.**java
> and this one should be also deprecated, since we are no more using dojo in
> OFBiz.
> framework/webapp/src/org/**ofbiz/webapp/event/**
> DojoJSONServiceEventHandler.**java
> Is this OK to remove those files ?
> Cheers,
> --
> Erwan de FERRIERES

Re: [VOTE] Merging Jackrabbit Branch into trunk

2011-11-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
I'm looking into it, sorry for the delay.

BTW is there any discussion thread about this branch? (I know the
confluence page)


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Sascha Rodekamp
> ping
> 2011/11/15 Bilgin Ibryam :
>> I promise to have a look this weekend and give my opinion and vote.
>> I know you asked about it on dev list some time ago, but I think more
>> time is needed, so at least few more committers have a look.
>> It is a major feature, thanks for pushing hard for it Sascha
>> Bilgin
>> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Sascha Rodekamp
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi *,
>>> I would like to start a vote for merging the jackrabbit branch back
>>> into the trunk.
>>> In my opinion the first step, integrating a jcr repository in ofbiz,
>>> is done. The new API can now be used by any developer for storing,
>>> retrieving or manipulating data in the jackrabbit content repository.
>>> A bigger user group would help me to improve the integration.
>>> Have a good day
>>> Sascha
>>> --
>>> Sascha Rodekamp
>>>     Visit the new german OFBiz Blog:
>>>     Lynx-Consulting GmbH
>>>     Johanniskirchplatz 6
>>>     D-33615 Bielefeld
> --
> Sascha Rodekamp
>     Visit the new german OFBiz Blog:
>     Lynx-Consulting GmbH
>     Johanniskirchplatz 6
>     D-33615 Bielefeld

Re: jackrabbit branch

2011-11-23 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Hi guys,

here are some notes from my first look at JCR branch:

There are some jars which already exists in the project (with
different versions though). Is that needed?

I see also some interfaces and classes not used at all.

HealthCheck, HealthCheckJackrabbit
JcrUtil - Do we need an interface for a utility class?

OfbizRepositoryMappingJackrabbitArticle - can we shorten this naming
convention. For example to ArticleNode
RepositoryAccess - may be change it to JcrRepositoryAccessor
Dublicate code in JcrFileHelper getRepositoryContent method

JcrTests - may be indicate in the name that we are testing the
Jackrabbit implementation.

There are tests which rely on the previous test to pass successfully.
I think each test should be independent.

Then there are tests which are actually not asserting the actual
operation stated in its name. Instead they are asserting that the
intermidiate object was created.
testUpdateRepositoryNewsNode (for example in this test there is no
need to assert assertNotNull(orm) but instead a check that the content
was updated as expected is needed)

Example component
Change label jackrabbitsandbox

What about creating a factory class that instantiates
RepositoryAccessJackrabbit object and returns it as RepositoryAccess
Then we can use that factory in JackrabbitEvents, where currently
RepositoryAccessJackrabbit is created explicitely. This way we can
hide the jackrabbit implementation.
I was expecting to not see any jackrabbit packages, but only jcr in
JackrabbitEvents but that will require more work

Are there any changes to Content component, in the svn history there
are changes, but then I cannot see any?

Bilgin Ibryam

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Sascha Rodekamp
> Hi Sam,
> that is possible. At the moment the Jackrabbit Repository runs
> embedded in the ofbiz instance. But it is not much work to run the JCR
> Repository on an separate server instance and let this server stream
> your content.
> Descripted here
> The only thing that have to be changed is the Repository Connection in
> something like:
> Repository repository =
>    new URLRemoteRepository("http://localhost:8080/rmi";);
> (This could also be made configurable).
> Just a side node. For step one i didn't migrated all the content applications.
> There is only the API to work with the content repository, everything
> else will follow ...
> 2011/11/11 Sam Hamilton 
>> Hi Sascha - thanks for the reply!
>> So if I understand right images will not be stored on the app servers but on 
>> another server that is running the jackrabbit storage services? After these 
>> changes are merged only one copy of a product image will need to be saved in 
>> jackrabbit and now removes the need to sync image files between app servers 
>> if you are running a load balanced or cluster setup??
>> Thanks
>> Sam
>> On 11 Nov 2011, at 15:27, Sascha Rodekamp wrote:
>> > Hi Sam,
>> > nope. Content information (images, text, files ...) will be stored in a
>> > content repository beside our normal (SQL) Database.
>> >
>> > A content repository is an information management system that provides
>> > various services for storing, accessing, and managing content. In addition
>> > to a hierarchically structured storage, common services of a content
>> > repository are versioning, access control, full text searching, and event
>> > monitoring (see 
>> >
>> > ).
>> >
>> > In our current configuration of Jackrabbit we have to differentiate between
>> > file and other content.
>> > Because files are normally larger than normal text i adviced Jackrabbit to
>> > store files directly on the file system and create a reference in the
>> > repository (that have performance reasons). On the other side text content
>> > is directly stored in the repository nodes (each item in a repository is
>> > called node, a node have different attributes which contains the content
>> > and metadata).
>> >
>> > Hope that answered your question?!
>> > Regards
>> > Sascha
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/11/11 Sam Hamilton 
>> >
>> >> Hi Sascha,
>> >>
>> >> Please excuse my ignorance but does this branch mean that conte

Re: Discussion: Handling Security In Nested Services

2011-11-27 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
We have lot's of fine grained small services with permission service
SECAs and the current permission checks doubles its execution time
because each service call requires a permission service call.

With the changes you propose I believe there will be significant
performance improvement.

+ 1


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Adrian Crum
> I am running into that familiar problem of handling authorization in nested
> services. Example:
> Application A
>  Invoke Service "A"
>    Authorized with permissions "A"
>    Invokes Service "C" in Application "C"
>      Authorized with permissions "C"
> In order for a user to run Service "A", I have to give them permission to
> run Service "A" and Service "C". This might not be desirable because
> granting permission "C" to the user could give them access to other things I
> didn't intend to give them access to.
> So far, we have handled that permission issue with permission service SECAs
> - where a second permission service is invoked if the first one fails. SECA
> Example:
> Invoke permission service for permissions "C"
>  If permission service fails, invoke permission service for permissions "A"
>    Return results of permission service "A"
>  Else
>    Return results of permission service "C"
> This solves the problem (an example can be found in the Asset Maint
> application), but it is cumbersome to implement.
> There are other places in the project where the problem is solved by
> invoking Service "C" with "system" or "admin" user credentials - which looks
> hackish to me.
> It seems to me this could be made a lot simpler by having the service
> dispatcher keep track of previous authorizations. In other words, move the
> authorization tracking (which is currently handled outside the service
> dispatcher) into the service dispatcher. Example:
> Service invoked
>  If user previously authorized
>    Execute service
>  Else
>    Execute permission service
>    If user authorized
>      Set previously authorized to true
>      Execute service
>      Set previously authorized to false
> With this change, giving the user permission to run Service "A" will
> automatically authorize them to run any services called by the service.
> Naturally, this approach does not solve the problem if permission checks are
> embedded in service code - it depends on the use of permission services.
> So, what do you think?
> -Adrian

Re: svn commit: r1213183 - in /ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr: access/ access/jackrabbit/ api/ api/jackrabbit/ test/

2011-12-12 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Introducing this checked exception prevents JackrabbitFileHelper from compiling


On 12 December 2011 10:48,   wrote:
> Author: sascharodekamp
> Date: Mon Dec 12 10:48:04 2011
> New Revision: 1213183
> URL:
> Log:
> Add a new test and change the exception handling when reading content from 
> the repository. A Path not found exception will now be thrown, when a path 
> not exist.
> Modified:
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/jackrabbit/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/jackrabbit/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/api/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/api/jackrabbit/
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/test/
> Modified: 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
> URL: 
> ==
> --- 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
>  (original)
> +++ 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
>  Mon Dec 12 10:48:04 2011
> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
>  package org.ofbiz.jcr.access;
> +import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
>  import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
>  import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult;
> @@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ public interface ContentReader {
>      *
>      * @param nodePath
>      * @return
> +     * @throws PathNotFoundException
>      */
> -    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath);
> +    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath) throws 
> PathNotFoundException;
>     /**
>      * Return an OfbizRepositoryMapping Object in the specified language and
> @@ -28,8 +30,9 @@ public interface ContentReader {
>      * @param language
>      * @param version
>      * @return
> +     * @throws PathNotFoundException
>      */
> -    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath, String version);
> +    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath, String version) 
> throws PathNotFoundException;
>     /**
>      * Returns a tree of all content nodes (except folders and files) in the
> Modified: 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
> URL: 
> ==
> --- 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
>  (original)
> +++ 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/
>  Mon Dec 12 10:48:04 2011
> @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.ofbiz.jcr.access;
>  import java.util.List;
>  import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException;
> +import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
>  import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
>  import javax.jcr.Session;
>  import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult;
> @@ -25,8 +26,9 @@ public interface JcrRepositoryAccessor {
>      *
>      * @param nodePath
>      * @return
> +     * @throws PathNotFoundException
>      */
> -    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath);
> +    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath) throws 
> PathNotFoundException;
>     /**
>      * Return an OfbizRepositoryMapping Object in the specified version from 
> the
> @@ -36,8 +38,9 @@ public interface JcrRepositoryAccessor {
>      * @param language
>      * @param version
>      * @return
> +     * @throws PathNotFoundException
>      */
> -    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath, String version);
> +    OfbizRepositoryMapping getContentObject(String nodePath, String version) 
> throws PathNotFoundException;
>     /**
>      * Stores the OfbizRepositoryMapping Class in the content repository.
> Modified: 
> ofbiz/branches/jackrabbit20100709/framework/jcr/src/org/ofbiz/jcr/access/jackrabbit/
> URL: 

Re: svn commit: r1220622 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/manufacturing/data/ applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/order/ applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ applications/order/webap

2011-12-19 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
On 19 December 2011 14:14, Hans Bakker  wrote:
> Hi Jacopo,

Hello Hans,

> thanks for helping me, it is good try to work together instead of personally
> accusing people. With the amount of commits we produce here at
> Antwebsystems, it can once in a while go wrong and have errors.

The amount of code can be an explanation for the amount of errors, but
not for its quality

> I am setting
> up a Jenkins automated test system in our company to improve on the
> situation.

CI without self testing code doesn't mean anything (except that the
code compiles). On the hand having something like Sonar (and paying
attention to what it says) may help to improve the code quality.

> I join other committers that we also worry about the amount of changes that
> go into the system which could introduce errors. On the other hand without
> them, it will quickly kill the OFBiz system.  Perhaps in the future we
> should insist on having junit tests for new functions and enhancements to
> existing functions.

I totally agree with you here (about having test coverage for any new
feature in the system)


> Thanks again for your help,
> Regards,
> Hans
> On 12/19/2011 03:38 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Yep,
>> the problem was the line:
 ->>> description="Image"/>
 +>>> description="Image"/>
>> I have fixed it.
>> Even without reviewing this big commit, this kind of errors (that imply
>> that very few tests were done) makes me feel nervous about the quality of
>> the code committed.
>> Jacopo
>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 9:24 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> This commit is throwing a lot of exceptions during data loading. See the
>>> buildbot report.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On 12/19/2011 6:40 AM, wrote:

 Author: hansbak
 Date: Mon Dec 19 06:40:18 2011
 New Revision: 1220622

 new producttype: configurable product service, using inventory













 Dec 19 06:40:18 2011
 @@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ under the License.
      >>> dateAcquired="2005-01-01 00:01:00.0" expectedEndOfLife="2010-01-01"
 calendarId="DEMO_CALENDAR" salvageValue="50" purchaseCost="1000"
      >>> geoPointId="9000" fromDate="2009-01-09 00:00:00.000"/>

 +>>> fixedAssetTypeId="GROUP_EQUIPMENT" fixedAssetName="Demo Book Group"/>
 +>>> fromDate="2011-08-02 00:00:00.000"/>
 +>>> fixedAssetTypeId="PRODUCTION_EQUIPMENT" 
 calendarId="DEMO_CALENDAR" purchaseCost="200" purchaseCostUomId="USD"/>
 +>>> fromDate="2011-08-02 00:00:00.000"/>
      >>> depreciationCustomMethodId="STR_LINE_DEP_FORMULA"
      >>> depreciationCustomMethodId="DBL_DECL_DEP_FORMULA"



Re: Potential OFBiz opportunity.

2012-02-20 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
The user list is for all topics related to OFBiz usage including this one.
If a topic is not related to OFBiz, I dont see how having another list may

my two cents

> I think these kinds of discussions can lend valuable insight into how and
> where others in the community may be using ofbiz and potentially promoting
> cooperation and such that may be related to, but not directly to the ofbiz
> proper.
> I would like to see another mailing list being created that would foster
> these kinds of discussions.  Does anyone else think this would be useful?
> Thanks,
> Wai
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

Re: Fw: Apache Extras changes?

2013-12-31 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
There are other projects (like Apache Camel for example) which still use
camel-extra actively.

I'm also thinking to contribute to


On 22 December 2013 10:53, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> FYI in case you are not monitoring Apache Infra ML.
> So it seems this means that Apache Extras is doomed :/
> Jacques
> PS: sorry, I had this message in my draft folder for 2 months :/
> Rob Weir wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Andrea Pescetti 
> wrote:
> >> Tony Stevenson wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Comedev run Apache Extras.
> >>
> >>
> >> Could you elaborate just a bit? OpenOffice uses Apache Extras for
> storing
> >> optional dependencies, and the URL is hard-coded in our build
> configuration
> >> files. I included a paragraph about our concerns with Apache Extras in
> the
> >> last two OpenOffice Board reports, but if there is an ongoing discussion
> >> somewhere I would very much like to know where I can find it!
> >>
> >
> > Apache Extras is backed by Google Code, so maybe the concern is over
> > the announced ending of file download support in 2014?
> >
> >
> >
> > It sounds like existing download files will continue to work into the
> > indefinite future, but new downloads will not able to be added.
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> >> Thanks,
> >>   Andrea.

Bilgin Ibryam

Apache Camel & Apache OFBiz committer
Twitter: @bibryam <>

Author of Instant Apache Camel Message Routing

Re: Adding issuedDateTime to createItemIssuance and updateItemIssuance services

2009-08-19 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
+ 1


On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 17:03 +0200, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
> createItemIssuance and updateItemIssuance services don't allow to  
> specify a issuedDateTime because the entity field is excluded by the  
> service definition; the field is then populated with the nowTimestamp  
> value.
> I would like to add the issuedDateTime as an optional IN parameter so  
> that it is possible to specify an item issuance that happened in the  
> past (for example when orders are imported from external system).
> Is it ok?
> Jacopo

Re: Product Pricing Problem

2009-10-16 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Pal InfoCom Technologies wrote:

It looks some problem has happened either at our server end or on nabble, as most of the mails/request we have been posting for last more than a year, have re-surfaced without any action from our side. 

We will check on this further. Sorry for inconvenience. 



  - Original Message - 
  From: Bilgin Ibryam (via Nabble) 
  To: Pal InfoCom Technologies 
  Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 2:46 PM

  Subject: Re: Product Pricing Problem


  Jacques already told you two times to use [hidden email] for 
  these questions. I am sure you will get the answer there. 

  P.S. I already answered to your question here

  Why not give it a try? 



  View message @ 
  To unsubscribe from Product Pricing Problem, click here. 



I also received lots of old emails from nabble. No idea why this happened.
Thanks for checking that.


Re: partymanager consistency with the other components

2009-10-21 Thread Bilgin Ibryam
Here is the old discussion

I would also prefer to have all the widgets under widget folder.

- Bilgin

Adrian Crum wrote:
No, I didn't mean myself. I already stated that I would prefer them 
kept in the widget folder.

I tried to Google the conversation, but I can't find it. I recall 
someone some time ago suggesting form widget XML files being put in 
the widget folder, and you objected to it - saying graphic artists or 
web authors would expect forms to be inside the webapp folder. You 
have also used the same explanation for keeping scripts in the webapp 


David E Jones wrote:

Who are the "some developers" who believe that under the webapp 
folder is the best place for that? Do you mean yourself? If so, why 
do you like them there? If not, then whoever the "some developers" 
are... could you comment on why you like them there?

That should be much easier to discuss than where this is going...


On Oct 20, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

No, that is not the reason they are there. As I said previously, 
some developers believe that is the most appropriate place for them.


Bruno Busco wrote:

The reason why some forms files are in the webapp is the same:
becouse they were originally implemented as FTL files and then moved
to XML when the FORM widget
was created.
2009/10/20 Adrian Crum :

I was referring to form widgets, not menu widgets.


Bruno Busco wrote:

I do not see any -1 so... ;-)

I think they are in the webapp becouse they were originally
implemented as FTL files and then moved to XML when the menu widget
was created.
I personally converted lots of TabBar menus but at that time I named
all files just Menus.xml and I did not move them to the widget 

but now may be its time to clean this up.


2009/10/20 Adrian Crum :
The location of the form widget XML files has been discussed 

are two perspectives: 1) The form widget XML files belong with 
the rest

the widget XML files in the widget folder, and 2) The form 
widget XML

are part of the web application - so they belong in the webapp 

My personal preference is that they be kept with the other 
widget XML

but I'm sure others will disagree.


Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi all,

when looking at the party manager component, I've seen two 
things that
aren't the same as the other components, and I was wondering if 
this was
intentional or not yet done (in this case I will provide a 
patch to

it) :

* the file with the menus is named PartyMenus.xml, and in most 
of other
components, it is just named Menus.xml. Should we name all the 

by the name of the component and add Menus.xml to them, or just 

with Menus.xml ?

* the file containing the forms in Party is located in
webapp/partymgr/party/, but for most of the components, it is in
widget// or widget//forms. Should we move 
it to

same place as others ?


service-multi results

2009-10-21 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,
I noticed that ServiceMultiEventHandler puts OUT parameters from each 
service invocation to request attributes using the service parameter name.
This way, each service result overrides the result from previous 
invocation. As a result it is possible to get only the service results 
from the last service invocation.
I propose while adding service result to request attributes, to add to 
the service parameter name also UtilHttp.MULTI_ROW_DELIMITER and 
rowCount This change will prevent overriding service results/

Any comments/objections for this change?
Bilgin Ibryam

Re: svn commit: r831166 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/tree/

2009-10-29 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Scott, thanks for the code review. It is fixed now.
BTW I made the mistake by copying it from existing Ofbiz file, which is 
another indicator that only well written code should go to the project.


Scott Gray wrote:

Hi Bilgin

The parameter separator should be & rather than & to conform to 
xhtml standards.


HotWax Media

On 30/10/2009, at 1:11 PM, wrote:

Author: bibryam
Date: Fri Oct 30 00:10:59 2009
New Revision: 831166

Add request parameters to the links created by tree widgets.




Fri Oct 30 00:10:59 2009

@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@

+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
import org.ofbiz.base.util.StringUtil;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilFormatOut;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
@@ -177,6 +179,21 @@
expColReq = s1;
+//append also the request parameters
+Map paramMap = 

+if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(paramMap)) {
+Map requestParameters = new 

+String queryString = 
UtilHttp.urlEncodeArgs(requestParameters, false);

+if (expColReq.indexOf("?") < 0) {
+expColReq += "?";
+} else {
+expColReq += "&";
+expColReq += queryString;
return expColReq;

Test run question

2009-11-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,

I couldn't figure out why run-single-test and run-single-test-suite 
targets have a call to _restore-runtime-data target at the beginning. 
Why we need to restore data with ant, when the delegator is already 
reversing all the changes done during the test run?

Thanks in advance.

Re: svn commit: r832551 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget: src/org/ofbiz/widget/form/ templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl

2009-11-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Mridul Pathak wrote:

Hi Bilgin,

  and  macros in
foFormMacroLibrary.ftl and xmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl needs to be updated too
with the new arguments introduced here in htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl.  I have
attached the patch for the same on  Please have a look at it.


Thanks Mridul. I will check that.

Re: svn commit: r830789 - in /ofbiz/trunk/themes/bluelight: includes/header.ftl webapp/bluelight/help.png webapp/bluelight/style.css

2009-11-04 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

after this commit, ofbiz pages using blue light theme are much wider than
they should be.
I think it is caused by this line text-indent:2000px;  I use FF 3.0 on


Change in AgreementWorkEffortAppl entity

2009-11-10 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Hi all,

I have a question regarding AgreementWorkEffortAppl entity.
I need to assign WorkEfforts to an Agreement instead of separate 
Agreement Items, but current data model doesn't allow that.

The reason is in the relations of AgreementWorkEffortAppl entity:



In my opinion the relation to Agreement entity should be "one" but not 
"one-nofk" and the relation to AgreementItem should be "one-nofk" 
instead of "one". This change would allow adding workefforts to the 
agreement w/o specifying an AgrementItem.

Do you think that this change is right and acceptable in the project? 
(together with a service for data migration...)

Bilgin Ibryam

Re: Layout Problems

2009-11-16 Thread Bilgin Ibryam

Adam Heath wrote:

Adrian Crum wrote:


Please be careful when changing HTML element compounds. The recent

changes to certain themes are breaking the layout of the Flat Grey
theme - which shouldn't have been affected.

Um, huh?  So, because *new* things were done, possibly adding more
features, but it broke something else, you want to stop the new
feature?  Why not just fix the thing that broke?
I'm a little confused now, because in OFBiz Committers Roles and 
Responsibilities is written this:

*Rule #1 for a committer is the same as for a doctor:* *first do no 
harm*. Nothing should be committed that breaks existing functionality 
without replacing it either before or in the same commit.


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >