Re: OpenOffice icons

2022-09-13 Thread John D'Orazio
Wouldn't it be easier to simply remove the user from the list? I've seen
multiple messages now with the "Stop spamming" reply, they obviously are
not interested in receiving messages from the list. If they don't know how
to unsubscribe, perhaps it would be easier to unsubscribe them...

Il Sab 10 Set 2022, 01:12 Keith N. McKenna  ha

> 口 海 wrote:
> > Stop spamming
> >
> Your receipt of messages is not spam.At one point you subscribed to this
> mailing list and will receive all messages sent to it. This is how
> mailing lists work.
> At the bottom of all messages from the list you should see the 2 lines
>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>   For additional commands, e-mail:
> If you no longer want to receive messages from this list send an e-mail
> to the unsubscribe address. You will receive a reply, which may end up
> in your spam folder, so be sure to check there.
> Click reply, and you will receive a reply that you are unsubscribed.
> Regards
> Keith N. McKenna
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

references to in the wiki

2020-11-17 Thread John D'Orazio
I see that in the wiki pages at there are
still many references to . Am I correct in understanding
that this was the old brand name, and now it would be more correct to refer
to "Apache OpenOffice" or more simply "OpenOffice"? Is it alright if I
change the references from  to Apache OpenOffice or simply

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java freezing on Linux x64

2020-11-17 Thread John D'Orazio
On WSL2 I start GUI programs by installing VcXSrv on Windows 10, and then
in my bash profile I put:
*export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf
In order to get the Italian keyboard to work I have to set these parameters
when setting up VcXSrv:
-xkbmodel pc105 -xkblayout it -xkbvariant winkeys

In any case I'm guessing this issue is probably due to the WSL2
environment, which is kind of mixed with the Windows environment (it
actually picks up the PATH environment variable from Windows!)

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 11:14 PM Matthias Seidel 

> Hi John,
> Am 16.11.20 um 22:19 schrieb John D'Orazio:
> > Can anyone confirm if this is a real problem or if it's just me? When
> > launching OpenOffice 4.1.8 x64 on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04), if I open
> > Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java , instead of listing the JREs on my
> system
> > after a minute or so, the whole OpenOffice instance just freezes. I've
> > tried a number of times on two different computers, even leaving it for
> > over 10 minutes, but no luck, I had to "sudo pkill -f soffice".
> I just installed AOO 4.1.8 on Ubuntu 18.04 (in VirtualBox).
> AOO detects both OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 without problems.
> I didn't test Java 15.
> > On one instance I believe I had a default JDK 15 when I installed
> > OpenOffice 4.1.8 and I wanted to make sure that OpenOffice would instead
> > use JDK 11, but I couldn't change it from this menu item.
> > On the other instance I had JDK 11 as the active java version.
> >
> > I am using OpenJDK in both instances, on WSL 2 on Windows 10.
> I doubt that anyone has tested AOO before on WSL2... ;-)
> I am still on WSL and can not start GUI programs.
> Regards,
> >

don John R. D'Orazio
Cappellano Ingegneria e Scienze Roma Tre

Servizio di Cappellania - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Piazzale San Paolo 1/d - 00120 Città del Vaticano
tel. +39 06-69880809 - cell. +39 333/2545447
E-Mail: **  |

Sito Web:
Pagina Facebook:
Gruppo Facebook:
Pagina Google+:
Community Google+:

Per iscriversi al Calendario Pubblico della Cappellania (con account
gmail): [image: Iscriviti con Google Calendar]

Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java freezing on Linux x64

2020-11-16 Thread John D'Orazio
Can anyone confirm if this is a real problem or if it's just me? When
launching OpenOffice 4.1.8 x64 on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04), if I open
Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java , instead of listing the JREs on my system
after a minute or so, the whole OpenOffice instance just freezes. I've
tried a number of times on two different computers, even leaving it for
over 10 minutes, but no luck, I had to "sudo pkill -f soffice".

On one instance I believe I had a default JDK 15 when I installed
OpenOffice 4.1.8 and I wanted to make sure that OpenOffice would instead
use JDK 11, but I couldn't change it from this menu item.
On the other instance I had JDK 11 as the active java version.

I am using OpenJDK in both instances, on WSL 2 on Windows 10.

John R. D'Orazio

Re: downloads.html page is down?

2020-11-16 Thread John D'Orazio
It's online again, I guess it was a temporary glitch. I had refreshed
cache, in any case it's back now.

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 9:21 PM Matthias Seidel 

> Hi John,
> Download link work for me.
> Please reload the page or try to clear your browser cache...
> Regards,
> Am 16.11.20 um 21:11 schrieb John D'Orazio:
> > I was just trying to download the 4.1.8 SDK, to find that the page
> > is giving a 404 Not Found
> > error :-O
> >

John R. D'Orazio

downloads.html page is down?

2020-11-16 Thread John D'Orazio
I was just trying to download the 4.1.8 SDK, to find that the page is giving a 404 Not Found
error :-O

John R. D'Orazio

Writer add-on with system dependencies

2020-11-08 Thread John D'Orazio
I now have a dilemma, and I figure this is the best place to ask. I have
succeeded in getting the *Chrome Embedded Framework* to work correctly in
my Writer add-on, both in Windows and on Linux.

In Linux however, if the Chrome browser hasn't already been installed, a
number of system dependencies are required in order for the Chrome Embedded
Framework to function properly inside of Java Swing.
This means that in order to install the add-on in OpenOffice writer, these
system dependencies must be met first. I've been working over how to go
about doing this, probably the best path to take would be a shell script
that takes care of setting up the environment correctly. However, in order
to launch a shell script from Java at runtime, that attempts to install
system dependencies, either I would have to create a prompt asking the user
to type in their system password in order to allow the Java runtime to
launch a process with  *sudo apt-get install* , or I would have to ask the
end user to go to the command line and launch the shell script themselves
before using the Writer add-on.

When creating a similar add-on for Microsoft Word, I was able to create an
executable package installer which takes care of all system dependencies,
and which requires elevated privileges in order to install.
I'm not sure what the best approach here would be, because this can also
define the philosophy behind the software that the add-on is being
installed in. There's room to doubt whether asking a user for their
password from within a Writer add-on is good practice, even if explaining
why it is needed. Asking a user to go to the terminal and launch a shell
script before installing or being able to fully use the add-on could be
considered a bit daunting for some end users.

Specifically the system dependencies that need to be met, at least as far
as I could gather in my tests so far, are:

sudo apt-get install gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0
libatk-bridge2.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1
libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0
libgbm-dev libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0
libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1
libxcursor-dev libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2
libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation
libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils

Any suggestions on how to go about ensuring system dependencies are met,
without introducing any dubious practices for add-ons, or daunting tasks
for end users? And might I hint here again at the possibility, if the
Chrome Embedded Framework were to be integrated into OpenOffice itself,
then system dependencies would be taken care of upon installation of
OpenOffice, and Java add-ons would be able to simply add the necessary jar
files without worrying about system dependencies or environment variables
or linking native libraries. Thoughts?

update NSS libraries

2020-11-07 Thread John D'Orazio
Hello all, ss I continue building and debugging the next release of my
Writer add-on, in which I'm attempting to include the *Chrome Embedded
Framework* in it's Java flavoured build (I'm using the builds from this

), I've stumbled upon the following situation in my Linux build:

The Chrome Embedded Framework is requiring a ** and
** version of at least *3.22*, however OpenOffice also
utilizes these libraries and is packaging version *3.14*. Since the
OpenOffice libraries are the first ones picked up (I believe from the
*LD_LIBRARY_PATH* environment variable or similar), it is preventing my
add-on from building, complaining that CEF needs at least version 3.22. As
a test, I went and backed up the ** and ** found in*
/opt/openoffice4/program/* , and I copied my system's libraries to that
same folder. My system's libraries are at version *3.49* . After this I was
able to build the add-on and debug->run in OpenOffice, and at least at
first sight I didn't see any adverse effects in OpenOffice from the newer
NSS libraries.

Would it be feasible to update the NSS libraries in a next release of
OpenOffice, say 4.1.9? Carl Marcum was just confirming that in the current
4.1.8 release the packaged libraries are in fact at version 3.14.

Another idea, I just thought I'd throw it out there, as I've succeeded in
integrating the Chrome Embedded Framework in my Windows release and I see
the advantages of this, it allows to use all the latest web technologies
such as HTML5, CSS3, V8 javascript etc. etc. Perhaps it could be
interesting at some point to consider integrating the Chrome Embedded
Framework into OpenOffice itself. This could attract younger developers who
are often more versed in Web technologies than in C++ / Java, and would
allow to create some interesting User Interfaces, either in OpenOffice
itself or in the add-ons for OpenOffice that would be able to reuse an
already packaged CEF / JCEF framework. This framework is being widely
adopted now: VSCode uses it, Electron uses it, I believe Steam uses it, a
lot of program interfaces are now turning to Web technologies. Perhaps this
could be something new and interesting that would "distinguish" OpenOffice
in some way? Just a thought. In the meantime I'll pursue adopting it myself
for my own add-on and see where it brings me.


Re: Releasing the Apache OpenOffice API plugin for NetBeans

2020-11-06 Thread John D'Orazio
oh sorry I just realized this discussion was from 4 years ago! it seemed
more recent at first. I see there is a wiki page for Groovy , and I saw now a
reference to Carl's github repo .
-- John

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 3:48 PM John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> I've touched up the wiki page in the past week or so, as I've been using
> the Netbeans plugin on more recent versions of Netbeans.
> I believe Patricia was asking about the wiki for the Groovy / Gradle
> tests? Is there any information on how to proceed in testing the Groovy /
> Gradle implementation?
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 12:58 PM Carl Marcum  wrote:
>> On 03/27/2016 10:59 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>> > On 3/27/2016 3:53 PM, Carl Marcum wrote:
>> >> On 03/27/2016 05:01 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>> >>> On 3/27/2016 12:26 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> >>> ...
>> >>>> When we have three PMC members willing to commit to voting (at due
>> >>>> time)
>> >>>> on the NetBeans plugin, this discussion will make sense. Otherwise we
>> >>>> are wasting our time.
>> >>>
>> >>> I generally have at least one Windows box with Netbeans installed, so
>> >>> I should be able to participate.
>> >>
>> >> That great,  You will need v. 8.1
>> >
>> > Got v. 8.1 installed.
>> >
>> > I would like to attempt a build and test from what you now have. Is
>> > there a Wiki how-to page? If not, should we be constructing one?
>> >
>> > Patricia
>> >
>> Hi Patricia,
>> Thanks for working on this.
>> The wiki page is here [1]  the source is here [2].
>> Open in NetBeans, it's a NetBeans project.
>> RMB on project and "Create NBM"
>> You can then install the NBM file into NetBeans and test.
>> The version may not have been bumped yet.  Sorry I don't have time to
>> check.
>> The wiki page could use some love. I haven't had a chance to document
>> the build.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Thanks,
>> Carl
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> --
> John

Re: Releasing the Apache OpenOffice API plugin for NetBeans

2020-11-06 Thread John D'Orazio
I've touched up the wiki page in the past week or so, as I've been using
the Netbeans plugin on more recent versions of Netbeans.

I believe Patricia was asking about the wiki for the Groovy / Gradle tests?
Is there any information on how to proceed in testing the Groovy / Gradle

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 12:58 PM Carl Marcum  wrote:

> On 03/27/2016 10:59 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
> > On 3/27/2016 3:53 PM, Carl Marcum wrote:
> >> On 03/27/2016 05:01 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
> >>> On 3/27/2016 12:26 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> >>> ...
>  When we have three PMC members willing to commit to voting (at due
>  time)
>  on the NetBeans plugin, this discussion will make sense. Otherwise we
>  are wasting our time.
> >>>
> >>> I generally have at least one Windows box with Netbeans installed, so
> >>> I should be able to participate.
> >>
> >> That great,  You will need v. 8.1
> >
> > Got v. 8.1 installed.
> >
> > I would like to attempt a build and test from what you now have. Is
> > there a Wiki how-to page? If not, should we be constructing one?
> >
> > Patricia
> >
> Hi Patricia,
> Thanks for working on this.
> The wiki page is here [1]  the source is here [2].
> Open in NetBeans, it's a NetBeans project.
> RMB on project and "Create NBM"
> You can then install the NBM file into NetBeans and test.
> The version may not have been bumped yet.  Sorry I don't have time to
> check.
> The wiki page could use some love. I haven't had a chance to document
> the build.
> [1]
> [2]
> Thanks,
> Carl
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


Re: [DISCUSS] Groovy UNO Extensions

2020-11-06 Thread John D'Orazio
A Gradle implementation sounds good to me! I'm currently packaging some
libraries into the repo of my java plugin, but other developers interested
in participating in my project asked if I could implement Gradle to
simplify handling the dependencies.
And those helper methods look good! That would simplify things quite a bit.

Might I take the opportunity to ask, I'm currently in the process of
packaging JCEF (Java Chrome Embedded Framework) into my plugin. This
requires adding the path to the native libraries to the system path. I've
been successful in the build on Windows using JDK 1.8 since I'm able to use
reflection and reset the "java.library.path" at runtime. I haven't been as
successful with a Linux build, where I believe I need to set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to accommodate the path to the JCEF
native libraries. While in the testing phase just trying to get it working
on Linux, I've tried manually setting the  LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable on the command line before launching the "Debug install" from
Netbeans, however I'm seeing at runtime that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
is being overwritten, I'm guessing by the Ant script? I see three
references to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in build-uno-impl.xml but I don't think I can
change anything there? I believe that file is automatically generated by
the Netbeans plugin, in fact it says at the very top of the file:

I confess I have hardly any experience with Ant, until now I've depended on
the AOO Netbeans plugin taking care of that and it's been enough for my
purposes. Now I'm finding that I need to link to other native libraries and
so I probably need to edit the Ant scripts to set environment variables and
"java.library.path". Any pointers on how I should go about doing so?

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 12:49 PM Carl Marcum  wrote:

> On 12/17/2015 11:53 PM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
> > Hi Carl;
> >
> > You are definitely having quite awesome ideas lately :).
> > Actually, I tried to get the Groovy extension relicensed but I got
> > no reply from the developer of the old project.
> >
> > It sounds great to start a new effort from scratch.
> >
> > I am taking a forced break due to hardware issues but you
> > have my moral support! ;).
> >
> > Pedro.
> >
> Thanks Pedro !
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

don John R. D'Orazio
Cappellano Ingegneria e Scienze Roma Tre

Servizio di Cappellania - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Piazzale San Paolo 1/d - 00120 Città del Vaticano
tel. +39 06-69880809 - cell. +39 333/2545447
E-Mail: **  |

Sito Web:
Pagina Facebook:
Gruppo Facebook:
Pagina Google+:
Community Google+:

Per iscriversi al Calendario Pubblico della Cappellania (con account
gmail): [image: Iscriviti con Google Calendar]

check for updates broken?

2020-10-08 Thread John D'Orazio
On one computer I use I hadn't yet downloaded version 4.1.7 of OpenOffice.
I thought I would try using the "Check for Updates" button in the "Help"
menu instead of going directly to the sourceforge download, but I am seeing
an error message in this window :
STATUS: Checking for an update failed.
DESCRIPTION: Error reading data from the Internet.
Server error message: .

Is the "Check for Updates" function broken by chance? Or is it just me?
This is on a Windows 10 PC...

John R. D'Orazio

Re: help needed building AOO for the first time

2020-09-27 Thread John D'Orazio
Are you following one of these guides :

I confess I haven't done a build for a year or two now, but when I did a
successful build I contributed to the page in the first link to document
the process, and others have contributed in the meantime to make it
possible to build with 64bit cygwin.
Now that Windows 10 has WSL2 it might be interesting to try a build that
way instead of using cygwin, but for a first successful build I would
suggest following the above guides step by step.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020, 17:18 Shachar Arieli  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build AOO on windows 10 for the first time.
> I installed all the prerequisites as far as i understood.
> When i attempt to create the build i get an error " configure: error:
> cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub "
> See the output of the console below:
> shach@DESKTOP-1FFQPA8 /cygdrive/c/aoo/openoffice/main
> $ ./configure --build=BUILD
> checking whether configure is up-to-date... yes
> *  *
> *   Apache OpenOffice build configuration. *
> *  *
> *   The configure process checks your platform to see whether  *
> *   you can build Apache OpenOffice on it. *
> *   This process checks all pre-requisites and generates a file*
> *   containing the necessary environment variables.*
> *   Source this file after configure has ended successfully.   *
> *  *
> *   Warnings that are generated during the configure process   *
> *   must be taken into account since it can be a reason for*
> *   an unsuccessful build of Apache OpenOffice.*
> *  *
> *  *
> *   Checking the platform pre-requisites.  *
> *  *
> checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
> checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
> checking for gawk... gawk
> checking for gawk... /usr/bin/gawk
> checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed
> checking for solenv environment... default
> checking for custom pack.lst... no
> configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub
> Thanks

wiki pages erroring with 500 status

2020-07-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Going over some of the wiki pages, I'm seeing that many pages are giving
500 errors.






The list just goes on and on. Anybody know what is going on?

John R. D'Orazio

Re: extensions description xml doesn't exist

2019-02-25 Thread John D'Orazio
Not being an expert in xml structures, it does seem to me however that the
url isn't really to be considered an actual url, I guess it's just a string
(called a URI ) to identify the elements in this xml tree as belonging to
this family of elements.
So in that case it's really indifferent if the "URL" resolves or not, so I
guess I can safely ignore the warning message in Netbeans (and I'm not sure
why netbeans even tries to resolve that as a url?)

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 11:17 PM Pedro Lino  wrote:

> >     On February 25, 2019 at 8:38 PM John D'Orazio <
> mailto:
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > I don't see an XML descriptor at ? Should
> it be
> > at a URL such as
> ?
> >
> Actually that part seems to be ignored.
> The description.xml in all the extensions I use start with
> xmlns:d="";
> xmlns:xlink="";>
> But that address is a 404...
> Does anyone know what is the point of including this outdated header?
> Should it be fixed/updated or simply removed?
> > On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 5:53 PM Pedro Lino <
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > > > All extensions are now at
> > > If your extension is hosted at the new address maybe it needs
> a little URL
> > > editing
> > > Hope this helps...
> > >
> > > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > > > > On February 24, 2019 at 1:07 PM John
> D'Orazio <
> > > >
> > > > > > mailto:
> mailto:
> > > mailto:
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > > > Today I was rebuilding an extension I
> had written 4 years ago, and I
> > > >
> > > > > > just
> > >
> > > > > > happened to look at the "Retriever
> Output" window in Netbeans, and I
> > > >
> > > > > > found
> > >
> > > > > > this error:
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 23-feb-2019 19.14.23 : Retrieving
> Location:
> > > >
> > > > Error: File not found in the specified address :
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > >
> > >
> > > > > > If I try to navigate to
> > > >
> > > > > >
> I
> > >
> > > > > > get a "page not found".
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > In the wiki the only reference is to
> this page:
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > > > Should this xml descriptor still exist
> in this location?
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > John R. D'Orazio
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > >
> >
> > --
> > John R. D'Orazio
> >

don John R. D'Orazio

Re: extensions description xml doesn't exist

2019-02-25 Thread John D'Orazio
I don't see an XML descriptor at ? Should it be
at a URL such as ?

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 5:53 PM Pedro Lino  wrote:

> All extensions are now at
> If your extension is hosted at the new address maybe it needs a little URL
> editing
> Hope this helps...
> > On February 24, 2019 at 1:07 PM John D'Orazio <
> mailto:
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Today I was rebuilding an extension I had written 4 years ago, and I
> just
> > happened to look at the "Retriever Output" window in Netbeans, and I
> found
> > this error:
> >
> > 23-feb-2019 19.14.23 : Retrieving Location:
> >
> > Error: File not found in the specified address :
> >
> >
> >
> > If I try to navigate to
> I
> > get a "page not found".
> >
> > In the wiki the only reference is to this page:
> >
> >
> > Should this xml descriptor still exist in this location?
> >
> > John R. D'Orazio
> >

John R. D'Orazio

extensions description xml doesn't exist

2019-02-24 Thread John D'Orazio
Today I was rebuilding an extension I had written 4 years ago, and I just
happened to look at the "Retriever Output" window in Netbeans, and I found
this error:

23-feb-2019 19.14.23 : Retrieving Location:
Error: File not found in the specified address :

If I try to navigate to I
get a "page not found".

In the wiki the only reference is to this page:

Should this xml descriptor still exist in this location?

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Simpler Windows builds, oowintool, and Cygwin64

2017-11-16 Thread John D'Orazio
On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Matthias Seidel  wrote:

> I just updated config.guess and config.sub to the latest version.
> See:
> config_002eguess.html
> Regards, Matthias
Just wondering if after this update the configure script still runs fine?
About a year or so ago when I was testing a cygwin x64 build process, I
noticed that after updating config.guess and config.sub in the cygwin
terminal the configure script starting choking on config.sub. Were you able
to get past this?

Unfortunately I don't have my system set up to build ATM, unfortunately my
"powerful" HP laptop comes with a miserly 128GB SSD as the main drive and
Visual Studio can't be installed on a secondary drive... I'm having a heck
of a time finding a bigger compatible SSD but I hope to resolve this soon,
and set up my build system again...

As these obstacles are removed the Step by step guide can be updated, I had
opened a section about building with cywgwin x64 and I started jotting
provisional notes down, I'd say this looks like the time to update them:

Re: Facebook page

2016-12-05 Thread John D'Orazio
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Raphael Bircher 

> Hi Peter
> Am 11/29/2016 um 4:24 PM schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>> Hello all,
>> If we maintain the google+ page shouldn't we also maintain the apache open
>> office page?
>> It exists but is not claimed by apache.
> Sure, it is! This one is under Control
> of Apache OpenOffice. Or better it was... Moast of the admin are inactive
> now. This was also the reason why I don't kicked myself out the admin list.
> As I left the PMC i forgot to do this. Later I saw, that maybe not so many
> people monitoring this site and I desided to keep an eye on it. I'm sorry,
> that I'm not informated the PMC about it.
> But your right, it would be good to have some other (active) admins on
> board. There are often questions about OpenOffice on this site.
> I would never have seen this Facebook page if I weren't reading the posts
on this thread. If you do a search on facebook for pages about "Apache
OpenOffice", this page is not immediately visible, at least I could only
see a link to a generic page automatically generated by wikipedia. After
clicking the link in this thread I found this mysterious "official" page
which I was then able to "like".

It is also confusing that when searching for "Apache OpenOffice" one of the
main results is a user group by the name "Apache OpenOffice" which claims
to be the "official page" for Apache OpenOffice:
"This is the official Facebook page for the Apache OpenOffice project. Here
you can find information about the OpenOffice development status and other
important information." I don't think a "group" should be called an
"official page", a group is usually a place for discussion among users
where anyone can write pretty much anything. A facebook group doesn't
usually officialy represent anything.

Regards, Raphael
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

-- John R. D'Orazio

Re: OpenOffice Math development

2016-11-08 Thread John D'Orazio
Hello Ahmed, you can find some updated information on building Open Office
from source on different platforms at this wiki page:

There is more complete information also at this wiki page:

I hope this helps.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Ahmed Hassan 

> Dears OpenOfiice,
>I'm from university of Khartoum, I have a project that customize Math
> editor platform to accept math equations is arabic, we chose  OpenOffice to
> work in this project, if it possible, where to have the source code for
> this if there any tutorials to start development on it.
> Regards.
> --
> *Ahmed A. Moniem Hassan*
> *(+249)907915129*
> * *

don John R. D'Orazio

Re: Reporting broken download link

2016-10-22 Thread John D'Orazio
Hello, please make sure you are downloading from the correct places. You
can go here to find the correct package to download for your environment: . I have just tested once
more on Windows 10 using IE Explorer 11 and it works correctly. It links to
the sourceforge mirror and you get a notification from Internet Explorer if
you want to run or save. Please make sure you are choosing one of these two
options to continue with the download.

On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 5:52 PM,  wrote:

> Open Office will not download.  I am trying to download from IE Explorer
> 10 on Windows 8. Microsoft Internet Explorer

-- John R. D'Orazio

Re: Writing up the release process

2016-10-20 Thread John D'Orazio
I can confirm that opening Open Office today, without going into Tools or
other, I automatically received after about a minute the notification of
the new update available for version 4.1.3.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Andrea Pescetti 

> Marcus wrote:
>> You may want to review the text as there are some typos in the last
>> sentence. ;-)
> Thanks, there were some copy/paste issues. Keith already fixed the text a
> bit, and I've now edited it again. By the way, translators might want to
> update their localized version (they should have received a notification
> mail with details of changed text anyway).
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Failure to build on Windows 10

2016-10-18 Thread John D'Orazio
Not sure if this will fix but I myself found that avoiding paths with
spaces can fix a number of errors. So I had the Windows SDK installed to a
custom path where I substituted spaces with underscores. Then in my
configure script I have:


As for the JDK home path, I was not able to customize the installation path
but you can get the short form of the path using the cygpath tool. For

cygpath -m -s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_73"

will give you "C:/PROGRA~2/Java/JDK18~1.0_7", so in my configure script I


Same with NSIS, I installed it to a custom path with no spaces and in my
configure script I have:


For dmake and epm I am using the sourceforge mirrors as suggested by Andrea


Maybe give this a try and see if it helps any?

John R. D'Orazio

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

> I tried to build AOO413 on Windows 10, and got a failure:
> /MAP /OPT:NOREF -safeseh -nxcompat -dynamicbase -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE
> -out:../../../../../../../
> -map:../../../../../../../
> ../../../../../../../
> ../../../../../../../ ../../../../../../../
> msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib kernel32.lib
> user32.lib oldnames.lib
> linking ../../../../../../../
> xe.manifest ...
> dmake:  Error code 31, while making '../../../../../../../wntmsci1
> dmake:  '../../../../../../../'
> removed.
> dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'Contrib/CmdLine/create_sRGB_p
> rofile/create_sRGB_profile.exe'
> dmake:  Error code 255, while making './
> _built_icc'
> 1 module(s):
> icc
> need(s) to be rebuilt
> Reason(s):
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /cygdrive/c/OpenOfficeDev/AOO4
> 13/main/icc
> I've attached the complete log, zipped, and the script containing my
> configure parameters.

Re: Issue 63419 - New dialog control property Multiline has bad name in IDE

2016-10-03 Thread John D'Orazio
> does someon know where to find the IDE dialog Properties panel?
> Create a new dialog in the Basic IDE or open an existing dialog. (Please
> note that the dialogs that comes with AOO are loaded in read-only mode. So
> you don't can open the properties for a control.)
> Select a control and open the properties for it.
I believe he is referring to the source code, to fix a bad string. He is
asking, if I understand correctly, which module in the source code is used
for building the AOO dialogs...

Regards, John

Re: Introduction

2016-09-30 Thread John D'Orazio
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Xen  wrote:

> R. Mark Aldrich schreef op 28-09-2016 22:55:
> Section 5 starts with
>> "A useful shortcut notation you will often see on the lists.", which
>> makes sense if you read it as Yoda, but I think it would make more
>> sense to change it to "You will often see useful shortcut notations on
>> the lists."
> That has a different meaning.
> The author is not saying that you will often see useful shortcut notations
> on the lists. The phrase references a part that has not been uttered, so
> you would have to say something like "Some useful  you may come across
> on the lists are "dev" and "..." as abbreviations of mailing lists" --
> because the existing statement consists of parts, and so if you want to put
> it "back together" you must unite those parts.
> In general you cannot rewrite individual statements, you must rewrite the
> whole thing if you want the text to keep its flow and consistency and
> meaning.
> It's the same as
> "Something you may want to know about... Yesterday I came across something
> I want you to know, and it is that ...". It is just a way of conversing, or
> phrasing things.
> or
> "That thing I was thinking about. You have heard it before. It is ...".
> So if you change it, you must at least rewrite the whole section. But
> ideally you would change the whole thing (in style) ;-).
> Personally I would only do so if I thought a different style would be more
> readable and more comfortable or convenient as a way of relaxing.
> Less staccato, and more fluid, perhaps.
> Anyway, just saying ;-).
> However the current style precisely expresses what it needed to express.
> Fixing stuff and then discovering that the result is worse than before is
> not a good way to spend time ;-).
> Regards.

I still don't quite get what this phrase is trying to express, and it
really sounds like Yoda to me too. I would certainly try to rephrase it so
it flows better. My understanding is that this is what it's trying to get
"You will often find in the mailing lists that a shortcut notation is used
to refer to the same lists. Writing a list name in full, like can be tedious. So you will often see it called
just "dev"."

> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Windows 10 ./bootstrap failure

2016-09-23 Thread John D'Orazio
In fact I encountere the same problem following the Step by Step guide. I
found the Open Office Extras sourceforge mirror which solved that, and I
changed the url in the Step by Step guide so that nobody else would have
this problem.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Marcus  wrote:

> I use this URL for successfully downloading dmake:
> Marcus
> Am 09/21/2016 07:26 PM, schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>> I missed a couple of configure parameter changes I need.
>> On 9/21/2016 10:03 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>> I believe I have done all the preliminary steps. configure appeared to
>>> work, but I have a persistent bootstrap failure:
>>> ...
>>> all external libraries present
>>> downloading dmake-4.12.tar.bz2
>>> downloading to
>>> C:/OpenOfficeDev/AOO413/ext_sources/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2.part
>>> download from
>>> failed (404 Not Found)
>>> download failed
>>> epm-3.7.tar.gz exists
>>> making and entering
>>> C:/OpenOfficeDev/AOO413/main/solenv/
>>> can not find the dmake package
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-20 Thread John D'Orazio
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Ariel Constenla-Haile 

> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 07:12:29PM -0700, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
> > 4.1.3 does have changes to the language library URLs. Has anyone else
> done a
> > build that included Italian?
> His logs say aoo-trunk, so I assume John isn't building branch AOO413.
> NSIS >= 3.* is only on that branch.
> In fact I followed the instructions I found at

   - Check out source from Apache SVN repository

   svn co aoo-trunk
   cd aoo-trunk/main

So yes I am evidently building from aoo-trunk. I'll update the wiki with
the info about NSIS >= 3.* being compatible only with the AOO413 branch.

> Regards
> --
> Ariel Constenla-Haile

don John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-20 Thread John D'Orazio
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Ariel Constenla-Haile 

> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 03:22:40AM +0200, John D'Orazio wrote:
> > I wound up building in stages, since the build was breaking here and
> there.
> > I just picked it up from where it left off as I fixed things. So I don't
> > have a single output... unless there is a log file that collects various
> > build stages together into one single output?
> > I would also recommend installing as many packages in cygwin as possible
> > without going through the extra step of installing lynx or apt-cyg...
> While
> > that does make the environment more similar to a linux build environment,
> > it's still an extra step and I believe it could be indicated as a second
> > possibliity. Somewhere in the Step by Step guide I added which packages
> to
> > choose in the cygwin interface if installing them from the cygwin
> > interface. I think installing the packages from the cygwin interface
> should
> > be indicated as the first step to take when first installing cygwin,
> adding
> > all the necessary packages along with the first install.
> > The only package I couldn't find from the cygwin interface was the Perl
> > LWP::UserAgent package, so I installed that using "cpan -i
> LWP::UserAgent".
> That is perl-LWP-Protocol-https, please see the updated version of
> Guide_AOO#General_Build_Requirements

Yes in fact I saw that right after my last message and I've already updated

The process indicated in this last page should be a lot cleaner now I

> Regards
> --
> Ariel Constenla-Haile

John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-19 Thread John D'Orazio
I actually did see an error in the packaging phase, but it didn't seem to
affect the final output, I still got the setup.exe which worked just fine,
and I can open and use soffice.exe just fine after running setup. This is
the error I got:
ERROR: The following errors occurred in packaging process:

  273.923309 : ERROR: D:/NSIS/makensis.exe
D:/source/aoo-trunk/main/instsetoo_native/ | !
  273.923514 : !include: error in script:
"D:/source/aoo-trunk/main/instsetoo_native/\Italian_pack.nsh" on line 10
  273.923550 : Error in macro LANGFILE_INCLUDE on macroline 11
  273.923588 : Error in macro MUI_LANGUAGE_PACK on macroline 12
  273.923619 : Error in script
"D:/source/aoo-trunk/main/instsetoo_native/" on line
270 -- aborting creation process

Not sure what that might affect.

Also, here are my final working configure settings:


./configure --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%a, %d %b
--with-lang="en-US it"

For those cases where I couldn't customize the install path, I used the
cygpath tool to get the shortened path as suggested on this page
(e.g. cygpath -m -s "C:\Path With Spaces\That Needs Shortening").

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 3:22 AM, John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> I wound up building in stages, since the build was breaking here and
> there. I just picked it up from where it left off as I fixed things. So I
> don't have a single output... unless there is a log file that collects
> various build stages together into one single output?
> I would also recommend installing as many packages in cygwin as possible
> without going through the extra step of installing lynx or apt-cyg... While
> that does make the environment more similar to a linux build environment,
> it's still an extra step and I believe it could be indicated as a second
> possibliity. Somewhere in the Step by Step guide I added which packages to
> choose in the cygwin interface if installing them from the cygwin
> interface. I think installing the packages from the cygwin interface should
> be indicated as the first step to take when first installing cygwin, adding
> all the necessary packages along with the first install.
> The only package I couldn't find from the cygwin interface was the Perl
> LWP::UserAgent package, so I installed that using "cpan -i LWP::UserAgent".
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:
>> Congratulations! I'm about to do a Windows 10 build on a new machine, so
>> please make sure the step-by-step incorporates all that you learned in the
>> process.
>> I have a specific test I would like run. The current release process
>> calls for doing the Windows builds on Windows 7. I am wondering if that is
>> necessary. Could you test your Windows 10 build on a Windows 7 machine? Or
>> send me the output - that may be quicker than waiting for my Windows 10
>> build to go through.
>> On 9/19/2016 1:46 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-19 Thread John D'Orazio
I wound up building in stages, since the build was breaking here and there.
I just picked it up from where it left off as I fixed things. So I don't
have a single output... unless there is a log file that collects various
build stages together into one single output?
I would also recommend installing as many packages in cygwin as possible
without going through the extra step of installing lynx or apt-cyg... While
that does make the environment more similar to a linux build environment,
it's still an extra step and I believe it could be indicated as a second
possibliity. Somewhere in the Step by Step guide I added which packages to
choose in the cygwin interface if installing them from the cygwin
interface. I think installing the packages from the cygwin interface should
be indicated as the first step to take when first installing cygwin, adding
all the necessary packages along with the first install.
The only package I couldn't find from the cygwin interface was the Perl
LWP::UserAgent package, so I installed that using "cpan -i LWP::UserAgent".

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

> Congratulations! I'm about to do a Windows 10 build on a new machine, so
> please make sure the step-by-step incorporates all that you learned in the
> process.
> I have a specific test I would like run. The current release process calls
> for doing the Windows builds on Windows 7. I am wondering if that is
> necessary. Could you test your Windows 10 build on a Windows 7 machine? Or
> send me the output - that may be quicker than waiting for my Windows 10
> build to go through.
> On 9/19/2016 1:46 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>> I have now successfully completed the build on Windows 10, and after
>> changing the install path of NSIS to one without spaces, packaging also
>> completed successfully. I have added "Windows 10" alongside "Windows 7"
>> and
>> "Windows 8.1" in the Step by Step guide.
>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:
>> I had installed 64-bit Cygwin installed here before I started on compiling
>>> AOO. I hit problems, and had to go to the recommended 32-bit Cygwin.
>>> However, things have changed a bit since then, so it may be worth seeing
>>> if it works.
>>> On 9/19/2016 8:59 AM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I also read somewhere that maybe using 64 bit cygwin can resolve the
>>>> occupied addresses and child_fork_process errors. I made an attempt at
>>>> getting the build environment ready in 64 bit cygwin but configure is
>>>> complaining about not finding Visual Studio C++, while this does not
>>>> happen
>>>> in 32 bit cygwin (I'm passing in the with-cl-home flag so it shouldn't
>>>> have
>>>> any problem finding it... I'm reading it has something to do with
>>>> registry
>>>> keys, idk I have to look into this better).
>>>> ...
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-19 Thread John D'Orazio
I have now successfully completed the build on Windows 10, and after
changing the install path of NSIS to one without spaces, packaging also
completed successfully. I have added "Windows 10" alongside "Windows 7" and
"Windows 8.1" in the Step by Step guide.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

> I had installed 64-bit Cygwin installed here before I started on compiling
> AOO. I hit problems, and had to go to the recommended 32-bit Cygwin.
> However, things have changed a bit since then, so it may be worth seeing
> if it works.
> On 9/19/2016 8:59 AM, John D'Orazio wrote:
> ...
>> I also read somewhere that maybe using 64 bit cygwin can resolve the
>> occupied addresses and child_fork_process errors. I made an attempt at
>> getting the build environment ready in 64 bit cygwin but configure is
>> complaining about not finding Visual Studio C++, while this does not
>> happen
>> in 32 bit cygwin (I'm passing in the with-cl-home flag so it shouldn't
>> have
>> any problem finding it... I'm reading it has something to do with registry
>> keys, idk I have to look into this better).
> ...
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-19 Thread John D'Orazio
I installed some more things in my build environment such as the Windows
Drive Kit and I enabled the atl flags. I cleaned the whole build and
started over again with new config and using the multiprocessor and multi
threading capability, and have now made it close to the end of the build.
Only the last instsetoo_native module remains.

This last module is not completing, I keep getting perl child_fork_process
issues with address already busy etc.

I've been trying with solutions I'm finding online with a dash rebaseall,
haven't succeeded yet but will attempt again shortly.

I also read somewhere that maybe using 64 bit cygwin can resolve the
occupied addresses and child_fork_process errors. I made an attempt at
getting the build environment ready in 64 bit cygwin but configure is
complaining about not finding Visual Studio C++, while this does not happen
in 32 bit cygwin (I'm passing in the with-cl-home flag so it shouldn't have
any problem finding it... I'm reading it has something to do with registry
keys, idk I have to look into this better).

On Sep 18, 2016 20:05, "Patricia Shanahan"  wrote:

> Please excuse the delay responding - I put it aside hoping that someone
> with more knowledge would respond, and then got involved in other things.
> One possibility is that solver/420/ was partially built
> due to an earlier failure. I suggest deleting solver/420/
> and trying again.
> On 9/15/2016 5:52 AM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>> Patricia you are correct, after a few more attempts the desktop module did
>> build successfully. Now I'm up to the postprocess module, with this error:
>> Entering /cygdrive/d/source/aoo-trunk/main/postprocess/packcomponents
>> dmake:  Error: -- `/cygdrive/d/source/aoo-trunk/main/solver/420/
>>' not found, and can't be made
>> 1 module(s):
>> postprocess
>> need(s) to be rebuilt
>> Reason(s):
>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
>> /cygdrive/d/source/aoo-trunk/main/postprocess/packcomponents
>> When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by
>> running:
>> build --all:postprocess
>> Any ideas on this "chartcontroller.component"?
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:58 PM, John D'Orazio <
>>> wrote:
>> If it can be of any use to understand better the problem, I'm using this
>>> configuration:
>>> SDK_PATH="D:\Microsoft_SDKs\Windows\v7.0"
>>> ./configure --with-frame-home="$SDK_PATH" --with-psdk-home="$SDK_PATH"
>>> --with-midl-path="$SDK_PATH/bin" --with-directx-home="D:\
>>> Microsoft_DirectX_SDK_June_2010" --with-ant-home="/cygdrive/d/a
>>> pache-ant/apache-ant-1.9.7"
>>> --with-jdk-home="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_73"
>>> --with-csc-path="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"
>>> --with-dmake-url="
>>> oooextras.mirror/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2" --with-epm-url="http://www.
>>>" --disable-pch
>>> --disable-atl --disable-activex --without-junit
>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:39 PM, John D'Orazio >>> wrote:
>>> So I've taken courage thanks also to the work done by Patricia Shanahan
>>>> on building OpenOffice in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I'm using Windows
>>>> 10,
>>>> and I've sorted through the first few obstacles and my build has now
>>>> been
>>>> running for 5-6 hours without any trouble. Until now that is. It just
>>>> broke
>>>> while building "guistdio.exe" in the desktop module. I'm not really
>>>> seeing
>>>> much information that can help me though, can any pick out what the
>>>> trouble
>>>> might be? Here is the last part of the build output:
>>>> Compiling: desktop/test/deployment/active/active_native.cxx
>>>> Making:test_deployment_active.lib
>>>> Making:module definition file
>>>> Making:itest_deployment_active_t1.lib
>>>> lib -machine:IX86 @D:/cygwin/tmp/mktDdH6P
>>>> Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 9.00.30729.01
>>>> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reser

Re: [PROPOSAL] Consolidating all the build guides

2016-09-15 Thread John D'Orazio
On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:17 PM, Marcus  wrote:

> Am 09/08/2016 12:31 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>> Marcus wrote:
>>> As I have now some experience on building OpenOffice, I've also seen
>>> that there are alot of wikipages that describe to some degree of detail
>>> how to build.
>> The most important fix would be to annotate all outdated ones properly.
>> Search engines apparently love our outdated content and we've seen
>> examples on this list recently too.
>> I would like to consolidate them into a one or maybe very few:
>>> 1. Search for everything that's available.
>>> 2. Cluster the pages that are duplicates or similar.
>>> 3. Combine the content with moving, merging, rearranging, deleting.
>>> 4. Finally, we have one or a few references everyone can save as
>>> browser bookmarks.
>> The only browser bookmark should be
>> and the rest should be easily reachable from there.
I'm noticing that even in this page that is considered an official guide to
building, the epm module is downloaded from and not from the
sourceforge oooextras mirror. Does it make any difference? Was it really
patched, or can it be downloaded just the same from the url?

> that's a good point that I will following in any case. Just a single link
> to bookmark.
> It's really hidden in a good way as I havn't found it again. Where are
>>> the configure options for the official releases we have done so far?
>> I've apparently hidden it very well! I had to send the link a dozen
>> times to this list. Here it is again:
>> (it's best to use it as a link in the build-related wiki pages).
> OK
> FYI:
> At the moment it seems more traffic in the different build guide incl.
> updating than in the past. In order not to interferre them and not to upset
> new devs, I will wait a bit longer with my updates when the current ones
> have settle down.
> More time for me to think about structure, content and links.
> Marcus

> John R. D'Orazio

Re: dmake

2016-09-15 Thread John D'Orazio
It's good to know about the sourceforge copy of epm too, I'll update some
of the wiki links that are pointing to third party links.

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Andrea Pescetti 

> Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> epm is required and not under our control.
> We have a copy under our control at
> and I would recommend that one over an external site.
> In fact, epm 4.3 is out  and work much better for AOO
> That would be challenging but useful then. For epm, as Ariel already
> explained to you, we use a patched version so it's not a trivial task to
> replace it, but probably it's feasible.
> Or is this the typical warm and inviting behavior that all
>> "new" AOO contributors are subjected to?
> It wasn't meant to be rude. I hope you agree that starting a new project
> under your name at Github for a non-issue (we don't have actual issues with
> dmake right now; or I never heard about them) is not top priority, even
> though it might have advantages in the long term.
> We digress, but if I can make an example of a priority issue on Mac OS X I
> would pick (proper QA
> for a 4.1.3 release blocker). Of course, like all volunteers, you choose
> how to allocate your time and this will be appreciated in all cases. Thank
> you for helping out!
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-15 Thread John D'Orazio
Patricia you are correct, after a few more attempts the desktop module did
build successfully. Now I'm up to the postprocess module, with this error:

Entering /cygdrive/d/source/aoo-trunk/main/postprocess/packcomponents

dmake:  Error: -- `/cygdrive/d/source/aoo-trunk/main/solver/420/' not found, and can't be made

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making

When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by

build --all:postprocess

Any ideas on this "chartcontroller.component"?

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:58 PM, John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> If it can be of any use to understand better the problem, I'm using this
> configuration:
> SDK_PATH="D:\Microsoft_SDKs\Windows\v7.0"
> ./configure --with-frame-home="$SDK_PATH" --with-psdk-home="$SDK_PATH"
> --with-midl-path="$SDK_PATH/bin" --with-directx-home="D:\
> Microsoft_DirectX_SDK_June_2010" 
> --with-ant-home="/cygdrive/d/apache-ant/apache-ant-1.9.7"
> --with-jdk-home="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_73"
> --with-csc-path="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"
> --with-dmake-url="
> oooextras.mirror/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2" --with-epm-url="http://www.
>" --disable-pch
> --disable-atl --disable-activex --without-junit
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:39 PM, John D'Orazio> wrote:
>> So I've taken courage thanks also to the work done by Patricia Shanahan
>> on building OpenOffice in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I'm using Windows 10,
>> and I've sorted through the first few obstacles and my build has now been
>> running for 5-6 hours without any trouble. Until now that is. It just broke
>> while building "guistdio.exe" in the desktop module. I'm not really seeing
>> much information that can help me though, can any pick out what the trouble
>> might be? Here is the last part of the build output:
>> Compiling: desktop/test/deployment/active/active_native.cxx
>> Making:test_deployment_active.lib
>> Making:module definition file
>> Making:itest_deployment_active_t1.lib
>> lib -machine:IX86 @D:/cygwin/tmp/mktDdH6P
>> Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 9.00.30729.01
>> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
>> -out:../../../
>> -def:../../../
>>Creating library ../../../
>> st_deployment_active_t1.lib and object ../../../
>> st_deployment_active_t1.exp
>> Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.7600.16385
>> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
>> Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.30729.01
>> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
>> /MAP /OPT:NOREF -safeseh -nxcompat -dynamicbase -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE
>> -map:../../../
>> sc/ ../../../
>> st_deployment_active_t1.exp ../../../
>> ../../../ icppuhelper.lib
>> icppu.lib isal.lib msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib uwinapi.lib kernel32.lib
>> user32.lib oldnames.lib ../../../
>> linking ../../../ ...
>> Making:all_test_deployment_active.dpslo
>> mkdir.exe -p ../../../
>> /bin/rm -f ../../../
>> va.jar
>> /bin/rm -f -r ../../../
>> st_deployment_active/active_java.jar-zip
>> mkdir.exe ../../../
>> va.jar-zip
>> mkdir.exe -p ../../../
>> va.jar-zip/META-INF \
>> ../../../
>> va.jar-zip/com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java
>> cp MANIFEST.MF ../../../
>> st_deployment_active/active_java.jar-zip/

Re: building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
If it can be of any use to understand better the problem, I'm using this


./configure --with-frame-home="$SDK_PATH" --with-psdk-home="$SDK_PATH"
--with-jdk-home="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_73"
--with-csc-path="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" --with-dmake-url="";
--disable-pch --disable-atl --disable-activex --without-junit

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:39 PM, John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> So I've taken courage thanks also to the work done by Patricia Shanahan on
> building OpenOffice in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I'm using Windows 10, and
> I've sorted through the first few obstacles and my build has now been
> running for 5-6 hours without any trouble. Until now that is. It just broke
> while building "guistdio.exe" in the desktop module. I'm not really seeing
> much information that can help me though, can any pick out what the trouble
> might be? Here is the last part of the build output:
> Compiling: desktop/test/deployment/active/active_native.cxx
> Making:test_deployment_active.lib
> Making:module definition file
> Making:itest_deployment_active_t1.lib
> lib -machine:IX86 @D:/cygwin/tmp/mktDdH6P
> Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 9.00.30729.01
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> -out:../../../
> -def:../../../
>Creating library ../../../
> itest_deployment_active_t1.lib and object ../../../
> itest_deployment_active_t1.exp
> Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.7600.16385
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.30729.01
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> /MAP /OPT:NOREF -safeseh -nxcompat -dynamicbase -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE
> -map:../../../
> misc/ ../../../
> itest_deployment_active_t1.exp ../../../
> active_native.obj ../../../
> icppuhelper.lib icppu.lib isal.lib msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib uwinapi.lib
> kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib ../../../
> linking ../../../ ...
> Making:all_test_deployment_active.dpslo
> mkdir.exe -p ../../../
> /bin/rm -f ../../../
> java.jar
> /bin/rm -f -r ../../../
> java.jar-zip
> mkdir.exe ../../../
> java.jar-zip
> mkdir.exe -p ../../../
> java.jar-zip/META-INF \
> ../../../
> java.jar-zip/com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java
> cp MANIFEST.MF ../../../
> java.jar-zip/META-INF/
> cp ../../../
> deployment/active_java/Dispatch.class ../../../
> com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Provider.class ../../../
> Services.class \
> ../../../
> java.jar-zip/com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/
> cd ../../../
> && zip ../active_java.jar \
> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF com/sun/star/comp/test/
> deployment/active_java/Dispatch.class com/sun/star/comp/test/
> deployment/active_java/Provider.class com/sun/star/comp/test/
> deployment/active_java/Services.class
>   adding: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (deflated 9%)
>   adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Dispatch.class
> (deflated 54%)
>   adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Provider.class
> (deflated 52%)
>   adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/activ

building on Windows 10 breaks at guistdio.exe

2016-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
So I've taken courage thanks also to the work done by Patricia Shanahan on
building OpenOffice in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I'm using Windows 10, and
I've sorted through the first few obstacles and my build has now been
running for 5-6 hours without any trouble. Until now that is. It just broke
while building "guistdio.exe" in the desktop module. I'm not really seeing
much information that can help me though, can any pick out what the trouble
might be? Here is the last part of the build output:

Compiling: desktop/test/deployment/active/active_native.cxx
Making:module definition file
lib -machine:IX86 @D:/cygwin/tmp/mktDdH6P
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   Creating library ../../../ and object ../../../
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.7600.16385
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

/MAP /OPT:NOREF -safeseh -nxcompat -dynamicbase -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE
-DEBUG -INCREMENTAL:NO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /DLL -out:../../../ -map:../../../ ../../../ ../../../ ../../../ icppuhelper.lib icppu.lib
isal.lib msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib uwinapi.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
oldnames.lib ../../../
linking ../../../ ...
mkdir.exe -p ../../../
/bin/rm -f ../../../
/bin/rm -f -r ../../../
mkdir.exe ../../../
mkdir.exe -p ../../../ \
cp MANIFEST.MF ../../../
cp ../../../
cd ../../../
&& zip ../active_java.jar \
  adding: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (deflated 9%)
  adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Dispatch.class
(deflated 54%)
  adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Provider.class
(deflated 52%)
  adding: com/sun/star/comp/test/deployment/active_java/Services.class
(deflated 54%)
/bin/rm -f ../../../
/bin/rm -f -r ../../../
mkdir.exe ../../../
mkdir.exe -p ../../../
sed -e 's|@PATH@||g' \
-e 's|@PLATFORM@|windows_x86|g' < manifest.xml \
> ../../../
cp description.xml Addons.xcu ProtocolHandler.xcu ../../../ \
../../../ \
cd ../../../ && zip
../../active.oxt \
META-INF/manifest.xml description.xml Addons.xcu
ProtocolHandler.xcu \ active_java.jar
  adding: META-INF/manifest.xml (deflated 58%)
  adding: description.xml (deflated 50%)
  adding: Addons.xcu (deflated 67%)
  adding: ProtocolHandler.xcu (deflated 61%)
  adding: (deflated 58%)
  adding: active_java.jar (deflated 13%)
  adding: (

Re: I want to support OO development

2016-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

> In the long term, work on the build system would be extremely valuable.
> That would make it easier to convert initial interest to long term
> contributions.
> [...]

I made some changes recently to the step-by-step instructions for Windows,
> e_AOO/Step_by_step#Windows_7.2C_Windows_8.1. They should be tested by
> building on a machine that has not previously been used to build OpenOffice.

Thank you Patricia for your contribution to this, it has encouraged me to
give the building process a shot on my own Windows 10 system. I've made a
couple of changes to the step-by-step instructions as I followed along and
ran into a few issues, for example the dmake url was dead and needed to be
substituted with a working link from sourceforge, and the paths for the
Windows 7 SDK and DirectX SDK needed to be changed to paths without any
spaces (the build process was getting blocked by this). Also the necessary
perl modules hadn't been mentioned so I've added those in also. My build
has been running for about 5-6 hours now and has not yet finished, at least
it hasn't terminated with any errors so far! If it does terminate
successfully then I'll add "Windows 10" alongside Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
in the step-by-step guide.

John R. D'Orazio

Re: dmake

2016-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
I myself just ran into the problem of the missing apache-extras link, I've
used a sourceforge link for my build:
Most of the links indicated in your github repo's README are dead links...
I believe a downloadable tarball is useful for the building process, the
sourceforge tarball seems to be working for me so far (it's my first build,
and it's still building, but it's gotten past the initial dmake
installation stage at least).

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:

> Seeing that there is a dependency, still, on dmake, I've gone
> ahead and created
> based on what I've been using... Suggestions and patches
> welcome. Hoping we can use this to replace the apche-extras
> links.
> It's based on (
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Pending release tasks

2015-10-28 Thread John D'Orazio
That last URL does announce 4.1.2 but the url itself points to ...

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 11:14 PM, Andrea Pescetti 

> Marcus wrote:
>> IMHO we should stop to promote this old "other.html" webpage and also
>> delete it from the blog post.
> Done. I still see it useful to have a list of languages in table format,
> but if this simplifies the site management I won't oppose for sure!
> Updated post (same URL):
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-23 Thread John D'Orazio
Exactly, that's what I had in mind, a kind of helper function for a more
permanent solution. In the meantime I'm beginning to look over the source
code to familiarize myself, to see if I can contribute such a solution.
We'll see how far I get...
Il 23/set/2015 03:32, "Carl Marcum"  ha scritto:

> On 09/22/2015 01:25 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>> Damjan thank you for the interest, xPropertySet is coming from the current
>> ViewCursor:
>> //In the initialize method of the main class we get the XFrame of our
>> current application
>>  m_xFrame =
>> (
>>, object[0]);
>>  m_xController = m_xFrame.getController();
>>  m_xModel = (XModel) xController.getModel();
>>  m_xTextDocument = (XTextDocument)
>> UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class,m_xModel);
>> //Then at some point we get the text range that corresponds with current
>> cursor position in document, and the XPropertySet of that XTextRange
>>  XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier =
>> (XTextViewCursorSupplier)
>> UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextViewCursorSupplier.class,m_xController);
>>  m_xViewCursor = xViewCursorSupplier.getViewCursor();
>>  XTextRange xTextRange =
>> m_xViewCursor.getText().createTextCursorByRange(m_xViewCursor);
>>  XPropertySet xPropertySet =
>>  (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
>>  XPropertySet.class, xTextRange);
>> //Then we want to set the text color and the text background color
>> starting
>> from the current cursor position to a value chosen by the user of our
>> plugin
>>  Color userChosenTextColor = Color.BLUE; //let's just use
>> blue for this example, in my actual plugin I am using JColorChooser
>>  Color userChosenBackgroundColor = Color.YELLOW; //again
>> we'll just use yellow, in the actual plugin I am again using JColorChooser
>> xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("CharColor", userChosenTextColor.getRGB());
>>  xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("CharBackColor",
>> userChosenBackgroundColor.getRGB());
>> //Then we insert text into the document starting from the current cursor
>> position, the properties of which should reflect the properties set on the
>> XTextRange through the XPropertySet for that range
>>  m_xText.insertString(xTextRange, "This is a test with
>> text and YELLOW background", false);
>> The results of the above code is a Blue colored text with no background
>> color (it should have a Yellow background). However this workaround in the
>> above code will work to give a Yellow background:
>>  xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("CharBackColor",
>> userChosenBackgroundColor.getRGB() & ~0xFF00);
>> I hope this helps.
> Hi John,
> I've been trying to look into this.
> I don't think the problem is on the java uno side as it as they are
> generated from IDL files.
> Every java uno example I've found sets the color either as RBG in hex or
> decimal without the alpha high bits or with zero alpha bits.
> Background transparency is a separate boolean.
> I have found none that use the java Color.BLUE type method.  I suspect
> this has something to do with the IDL color property not handling the alpha
> bits in Java Color.  If you want to use the Java Colors you could use a
> utility method to strip the alpha bits as you have already found.
> It may be possible to add a utility method to one of the Java uno helper
> classes or add a new class for a more permanent solution.
> Best regards,
> Carl
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Damjan Jovanovic 
>> wrote:
>> Hi John
>>> Yes, you can see what the different directories are for on
>>> I understand about the colors. But I can't tell where your
>>> xPropertySet comes from. It is critical to know that. Is it obtained
>>> from the text cursor like the Basic example on that thread? Or
>>> something else?
>>> Damjan
>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:24 PM, John D'Orazio
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Ok I'll take a look at that area of the wiki, in the meantime I have

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-22 Thread John D'Orazio
Damjan thank you for the interest, xPropertySet is coming from the current

//In the initialize method of the main class we get the XFrame of our
current application
m_xFrame = (, object[0]);
m_xController = m_xFrame.getController();
m_xModel = (XModel) xController.getModel();
m_xTextDocument = (XTextDocument)

//Then at some point we get the text range that corresponds with current
cursor position in document, and the XPropertySet of that XTextRange
XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier =
m_xViewCursor = xViewCursorSupplier.getViewCursor();
XTextRange xTextRange =
XPropertySet xPropertySet =
XPropertySet.class, xTextRange);

//Then we want to set the text color and the text background color starting
from the current cursor position to a value chosen by the user of our plugin
Color userChosenTextColor = Color.BLUE; //let's just use
blue for this example, in my actual plugin I am using JColorChooser
Color userChosenBackgroundColor = Color.YELLOW; //again
we'll just use yellow, in the actual plugin I am again using JColorChooser

xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("CharColor", userChosenTextColor.getRGB());

//Then we insert text into the document starting from the current cursor
position, the properties of which should reflect the properties set on the
XTextRange through the XPropertySet for that range
m_xText.insertString(xTextRange, "This is a test with BLUE
text and YELLOW background", false);

The results of the above code is a Blue colored text with no background
color (it should have a Yellow background). However this workaround in the
above code will work to give a Yellow background:

userChosenBackgroundColor.getRGB() & ~0xFF00);

I hope this helps.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:

> Hi John
> Yes, you can see what the different directories are for on
> I understand about the colors. But I can't tell where your
> xPropertySet comes from. It is critical to know that. Is it obtained
> from the text cursor like the Basic example on that thread? Or
> something else?
> Damjan
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:24 PM, John D'Orazio
>  wrote:
> > Ok I'll take a look at that area of the wiki, in the meantime I have
> found
> > that the Writer code is under the main/sw folder (in fact I corrected a
> > page of the wiki that said it was under main/sd, which is instead the
> Draw
> > application...)
> >
> > I posted some code samples in the forum thread that I opened and that I
> > posted in the first message of this thread.
> >
> > Let me try to explain again. Basically, if you try setting the
> > "CharBackColor" property from Java using an RGB integer value from a Java
> > Color object, it simply doesn't work. I can "manually" set a value that
> > works by passing an RGB integer value with an "empty" alpha bit, for
> > example *xPropertySet.setProperty("CharBackColor", 0x00FF)* will
> > successfully set the text background color to Red.
> >
> > However, when working with the Java Color object, the alpha bit is
> > automatically set by the Java Color object to 0xFF (which corresponds to
> > full opacity, whereas 0x00 actually corresponds with full transparency).
> >
> > In my understanding, OpenOffice doesn't support alpha transparency for
> > background color and therefore assumes a value of 0x00 for the alpha bit,
> > and if any other value than 0x00 is set in the alpha bit OpenOffice just
> > doesn't like it and winds up not displaying the background color at all.
> >
> > This normally isn't a problem with Basic, because with Basic the color
> > operations don't automatically set the alpha bit. You can create an RGB
> > integer with Basic that has no alpha bit. You cannot however with the
> Java
> > Color object: *Color.YELLOW.getRGB()* in Java will give you an integer
> that
> > has the alpha bit set to 0xFF (= full opacity) by default. And OpenOffice

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-22 Thread John D'Orazio
Ok I'll take a look at that area of the wiki, in the meantime I have found
that the Writer code is under the main/sw folder (in fact I corrected a
page of the wiki that said it was under main/sd, which is instead the Draw

I posted some code samples in the forum thread that I opened and that I
posted in the first message of this thread.

Let me try to explain again. Basically, if you try setting the
"CharBackColor" property from Java using an RGB integer value from a Java
Color object, it simply doesn't work. I can "manually" set a value that
works by passing an RGB integer value with an "empty" alpha bit, for
example *xPropertySet.setProperty("CharBackColor", 0x00FF)* will
successfully set the text background color to Red.

However, when working with the Java Color object, the alpha bit is
automatically set by the Java Color object to 0xFF (which corresponds to
full opacity, whereas 0x00 actually corresponds with full transparency).

In my understanding, OpenOffice doesn't support alpha transparency for
background color and therefore assumes a value of 0x00 for the alpha bit,
and if any other value than 0x00 is set in the alpha bit OpenOffice just
doesn't like it and winds up not displaying the background color at all.

This normally isn't a problem with Basic, because with Basic the color
operations don't automatically set the alpha bit. You can create an RGB
integer with Basic that has no alpha bit. You cannot however with the Java
Color object: *Color.YELLOW.getRGB()* in Java will give you an integer that
has the alpha bit set to 0xFF (= full opacity) by default. And OpenOffice
isn't liking it.

So when working in Java, I have found it necessary to clear the alpha bit
before passing in the integer value: *Color.YELLOW.getRGB() & ~0xFF00* does
the trick here.

It took me a while to figure out what was going on here and to figure out
the necessary workaround with this bitwise operation. I don't think that
this is intended behaviour, it shouldn't be necessary to explicitly clear
the alpha bit with a bitwise operation in order to set the Character
Background Color. I'm figuring maybe in earlier versions of Java the alpha
bit was not set by default but now it is, or maybe this has been simply

I hope I have explained better now? I'm looking over the source code to see
where exactly OpenOffice is taking the integer value set in the
"CharBackColor" property and actually applying it to the text in the
document. That's probably where it's assuming an alpha bit of 0x00 but it
shouldn't be. If background transparency is not supported per design, then
OpenOffice not assume an empty alpha bit but should check for the alpha bit
value and simply clear it or set it to 0xFF (= full opacity).

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Damjan Jovanovic 

> Hi John
> Have you looked at the development documentation for Writer
> (
> It would also help if you posted a code sample so we can see what you
> are trying to set the color on.
> Damjan
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:17 PM, John D'Orazio
>  wrote:
> > Does anyone know if the Writer application uses some kind of canvas
> > interface for formatting and displaying text? I'm picking up on "canvas"
> > here and there but I'm not sure if it's only for the Drawing application,
> > or if all Applications use a form of canvas.
> > I'm guessing the problem with the Java values having the alpha bit and
> the
> > Uno/Basic values not having the alpha bit for Character Background Color
> > would need to be addressed somewhere around where the values are passed
> > between the two, or where the value is actually set to the Writer
> > interface. I'm still trying to get an idea of how the source code is
> > organized...
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:45 PM, John D'Orazio <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks for the tip on OpenGrok! it rocks :D did a search in 887
> >> milliseconds, not bad at all. I guess it has the source code already
> >> indexed so it's a lot faster. That's a big help!
> >>
> >> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Damjan Jovanovic 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I use Eclipse but I first build OpenOffice and then only open 1 module
> >>> at a time. If you plan to open the entire project, you'll need a lot
> >>> of RAM and to increase Eclipse/Java memory limits.
> >>>
> >>> Regards
> >>> Damjan
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:47 PM, John D'Orazio
> >>>  wrote:

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Does anyone know if the Writer application uses some kind of canvas
interface for formatting and displaying text? I'm picking up on "canvas"
here and there but I'm not sure if it's only for the Drawing application,
or if all Applications use a form of canvas.
I'm guessing the problem with the Java values having the alpha bit and the
Uno/Basic values not having the alpha bit for Character Background Color
would need to be addressed somewhere around where the values are passed
between the two, or where the value is actually set to the Writer
interface. I'm still trying to get an idea of how the source code is

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:45 PM, John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> Thanks for the tip on OpenGrok! it rocks :D did a search in 887
> milliseconds, not bad at all. I guess it has the source code already
> indexed so it's a lot faster. That's a big help!
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Damjan Jovanovic 
> wrote:
>> I use Eclipse but I first build OpenOffice and then only open 1 module
>> at a time. If you plan to open the entire project, you'll need a lot
>> of RAM and to increase Eclipse/Java memory limits.
>> Regards
>> Damjan
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:47 PM, John D'Orazio
>>  wrote:
>> > Ok I'm trying to get the sources on my local computer to take a better
>> look
>> > at them, it'll be easier to search them locally and start to get to know
>> > them. Does anyone use Eclipse to work with the source code? I'm giving
>> it a
>> > try to see if it is feasible... I saw this page
>> > <> that says it
>> > should be doable.
>> >
>> > On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 7:18 PM, John D'Orazio <
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Yes I tried setting the CharBackTransparent boolean also, it had no
>> >> effect. From my latest "research" I believe that it's not the case that
>> >> transparent and opaque values are being exchange, it's simply that
>> >> OpenOffice doesn't support transparency for background colors and
>> because
>> >> of this seems to use "0x00" for the alpha bit (which would normally
>> mean
>> >> transparent rather than opaque!).
>> >> The problem is that the Java Color Object and any other kind of Color
>> >> handling such as with JColorChooser, always set the alpha bit. So I'm
>> >> having to explicitly unset the alpha bit / set it to 0x00 before
>> trying to
>> >> set the background color.
>> >> I believe this is something that can / should be handled behind the
>> >> scenes, by the OpenOffice API. If it doesn't support transparency it
>> should
>> >> however check for the alpha bit and set it to whatever it likes it to
>> be.
>> >> So anyone trying to set transparency will simply get opaque, rather
>> than
>> >> get nothing.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Carl Marcum 
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> On 09/17/2015 07:24 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> I believe I have found what can be considered a bug, or at least not
>> >>>> intended behaviour, in the way the OpenOffice API takes values from
>> Java
>> >>>> when setting certain text properties (in this case "CharBackColor")
>> using
>> >>>> the XPropertySet interface. I have been discussing this on a forum
>> >>>> thread (
>> >>>>
>> >>>> )
>> >>>> and have opened an issue for it on the bugzilla tracker (
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I would be willing to look into it and work on a patch for this, if
>> >>>> anyone
>> >>>> can point me in the right direction of where exactly to look in the
>> Open
>> >>>> Office source code... I have been skimming over it in the svn repo (
>> >>>>, but for a
>> newcomer
>> >>>> it's hard to know where to look (I'm guessing it might have to do
>> with
>> >>>> the

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Thanks for the tip on OpenGrok! it rocks :D did a search in 887
milliseconds, not bad at all. I guess it has the source code already
indexed so it's a lot faster. That's a big help!

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Damjan Jovanovic  wrote:

> I use Eclipse but I first build OpenOffice and then only open 1 module
> at a time. If you plan to open the entire project, you'll need a lot
> of RAM and to increase Eclipse/Java memory limits.
> Regards
> Damjan
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:47 PM, John D'Orazio
>  wrote:
> > Ok I'm trying to get the sources on my local computer to take a better
> look
> > at them, it'll be easier to search them locally and start to get to know
> > them. Does anyone use Eclipse to work with the source code? I'm giving
> it a
> > try to see if it is feasible... I saw this page
> > <> that says it
> > should be doable.
> >
> > On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 7:18 PM, John D'Orazio <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Yes I tried setting the CharBackTransparent boolean also, it had no
> >> effect. From my latest "research" I believe that it's not the case that
> >> transparent and opaque values are being exchange, it's simply that
> >> OpenOffice doesn't support transparency for background colors and
> because
> >> of this seems to use "0x00" for the alpha bit (which would normally mean
> >> transparent rather than opaque!).
> >> The problem is that the Java Color Object and any other kind of Color
> >> handling such as with JColorChooser, always set the alpha bit. So I'm
> >> having to explicitly unset the alpha bit / set it to 0x00 before trying
> to
> >> set the background color.
> >> I believe this is something that can / should be handled behind the
> >> scenes, by the OpenOffice API. If it doesn't support transparency it
> should
> >> however check for the alpha bit and set it to whatever it likes it to
> be.
> >> So anyone trying to set transparency will simply get opaque, rather than
> >> get nothing.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Carl Marcum 
> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On 09/17/2015 07:24 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I believe I have found what can be considered a bug, or at least not
> >>>> intended behaviour, in the way the OpenOffice API takes values from
> Java
> >>>> when setting certain text properties (in this case "CharBackColor")
> using
> >>>> the XPropertySet interface. I have been discussing this on a forum
> >>>> thread (
> >>>>
> >>>> )
> >>>> and have opened an issue for it on the bugzilla tracker (
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I would be willing to look into it and work on a patch for this, if
> >>>> anyone
> >>>> can point me in the right direction of where exactly to look in the
> Open
> >>>> Office source code... I have been skimming over it in the svn repo (
> >>>>, but for a
> newcomer
> >>>> it's hard to know where to look (I'm guessing it might have to do with
> >>>> the
> >>>> XPropertySet interface, or wherever the Text Properties supported by
> the
> >>>> interface are defined). If anyone can point me in the right direction
> I
> >>>> can
> >>>> try to look into it...
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi John,
> >>>
> >>> I'm actually just beginning to look into how the java jars are built
> so I
> >>> may need corrected by someone.
> >>>
> >>> I think the java files are "Built" from IDL files and packaged into the
> >>> jar files during a build process.
> >>>
> >>> I have only svn checked out the AOO code last night and begun looking.
> >>>
> >>> For instance if you search the codebase for XPropertySet the only java
> >>> files I have found are in QA type directories.
> >>>
> >>> Have you tried to additionally set the CharBackTransparent boolean
> >>> property as well [1].
> >>>
> >>> [1]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Carl
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -
> >>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> >>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > John R. D'Orazio
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: update url with atom feed for update notifications

2015-09-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Ok good that's what I needed, so I just don't specify anything then and
they should still get an update notification at some point. Perhaps I'll
make this a little clearer on the wiki somewhere.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Andrea Pescetti 

> John D'Orazio wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me, when a plugin is uploaded and hosted on
>>, is an update url with relative atom
>> feed
>> automatically created? Or is it up to the plugin developer to provide the
>> atom feed on his own server, and point the update url for the plugin to
>> his
>> own atom feed?
> If you don't specify one (recommended) it will be automatically aggregated
> to the common feed, which will notify users of available updates at set
> times (twice a month?) to avoid that users are constantly asked to update
> the different plugins.
> If you do specify one, your updates are pushed faster but this may be more
> annoying to users and if your site is down all users of your extension will
> see an error message.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

update url with atom feed for update notifications

2015-09-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Can anyone tell me, when a plugin is uploaded and hosted on, is an update url with relative atom feed
automatically created? Or is it up to the plugin developer to provide the
atom feed on his own server, and point the update url for the plugin to his
own atom feed?

don John R. D'Orazio

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-21 Thread John D'Orazio
Ok I'm trying to get the sources on my local computer to take a better look
at them, it'll be easier to search them locally and start to get to know
them. Does anyone use Eclipse to work with the source code? I'm giving it a
try to see if it is feasible... I saw this page
<> that says it
should be doable.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 7:18 PM, John D'Orazio <> wrote:

> Yes I tried setting the CharBackTransparent boolean also, it had no
> effect. From my latest "research" I believe that it's not the case that
> transparent and opaque values are being exchange, it's simply that
> OpenOffice doesn't support transparency for background colors and because
> of this seems to use "0x00" for the alpha bit (which would normally mean
> transparent rather than opaque!).
> The problem is that the Java Color Object and any other kind of Color
> handling such as with JColorChooser, always set the alpha bit. So I'm
> having to explicitly unset the alpha bit / set it to 0x00 before trying to
> set the background color.
> I believe this is something that can / should be handled behind the
> scenes, by the OpenOffice API. If it doesn't support transparency it should
> however check for the alpha bit and set it to whatever it likes it to be.
> So anyone trying to set transparency will simply get opaque, rather than
> get nothing.
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Carl Marcum  wrote:
>> On 09/17/2015 07:24 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>>> I believe I have found what can be considered a bug, or at least not
>>> intended behaviour, in the way the OpenOffice API takes values from Java
>>> when setting certain text properties (in this case "CharBackColor") using
>>> the XPropertySet interface. I have been discussing this on a forum
>>> thread (
>>> )
>>> and have opened an issue for it on the bugzilla tracker (
>>> I would be willing to look into it and work on a patch for this, if
>>> anyone
>>> can point me in the right direction of where exactly to look in the Open
>>> Office source code... I have been skimming over it in the svn repo (
>>>, but for a newcomer
>>> it's hard to know where to look (I'm guessing it might have to do with
>>> the
>>> XPropertySet interface, or wherever the Text Properties supported by the
>>> interface are defined). If anyone can point me in the right direction I
>>> can
>>> try to look into it...
>>> Hi John,
>> I'm actually just beginning to look into how the java jars are built so I
>> may need corrected by someone.
>> I think the java files are "Built" from IDL files and packaged into the
>> jar files during a build process.
>> I have only svn checked out the AOO code last night and begun looking.
>> For instance if you search the codebase for XPropertySet the only java
>> files I have found are in QA type directories.
>> Have you tried to additionally set the CharBackTransparent boolean
>> property as well [1].
>> [1]
>> Thanks,
>> Carl
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

John R. D'Orazio

Re: help how to create a patch

2015-09-19 Thread John D'Orazio
Yes I tried setting the CharBackTransparent boolean also, it had no effect.
>From my latest "research" I believe that it's not the case that transparent
and opaque values are being exchange, it's simply that OpenOffice doesn't
support transparency for background colors and because of this seems to use
"0x00" for the alpha bit (which would normally mean transparent rather than
The problem is that the Java Color Object and any other kind of Color
handling such as with JColorChooser, always set the alpha bit. So I'm
having to explicitly unset the alpha bit / set it to 0x00 before trying to
set the background color.
I believe this is something that can / should be handled behind the scenes,
by the OpenOffice API. If it doesn't support transparency it should however
check for the alpha bit and set it to whatever it likes it to be. So anyone
trying to set transparency will simply get opaque, rather than get nothing.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Carl Marcum  wrote:

> On 09/17/2015 07:24 PM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>> I believe I have found what can be considered a bug, or at least not
>> intended behaviour, in the way the OpenOffice API takes values from Java
>> when setting certain text properties (in this case "CharBackColor") using
>> the XPropertySet interface. I have been discussing this on a forum thread
>> (
>> )
>> and have opened an issue for it on the bugzilla tracker (
>> I would be willing to look into it and work on a patch for this, if anyone
>> can point me in the right direction of where exactly to look in the Open
>> Office source code... I have been skimming over it in the svn repo (
>>, but for a newcomer
>> it's hard to know where to look (I'm guessing it might have to do with the
>> XPropertySet interface, or wherever the Text Properties supported by the
>> interface are defined). If anyone can point me in the right direction I
>> can
>> try to look into it...
>> Hi John,
> I'm actually just beginning to look into how the java jars are built so I
> may need corrected by someone.
> I think the java files are "Built" from IDL files and packaged into the
> jar files during a build process.
> I have only svn checked out the AOO code last night and begun looking.
> For instance if you search the codebase for XPropertySet the only java
> files I have found are in QA type directories.
> Have you tried to additionally set the CharBackTransparent boolean
> property as well [1].
> [1]
> Thanks,
> Carl
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

help how to create a patch

2015-09-17 Thread John D'Orazio
I believe I have found what can be considered a bug, or at least not
intended behaviour, in the way the OpenOffice API takes values from Java
when setting certain text properties (in this case "CharBackColor") using
the XPropertySet interface. I have been discussing this on a forum thread (
and have opened an issue for it on the bugzilla tracker (

I would be willing to look into it and work on a patch for this, if anyone
can point me in the right direction of where exactly to look in the Open
Office source code... I have been skimming over it in the svn repo (, but for a newcomer
it's hard to know where to look (I'm guessing it might have to do with the
XPropertySet interface, or wherever the Text Properties supported by the
interface are defined). If anyone can point me in the right direction I can
try to look into it...

John R. D'Orazio

Re: Wrongful information on the Wikipedia

2015-09-16 Thread John D'Orazio
By golly you are right, I didn't notice that mr. David Gerard has really
turned this into a personal crusade of his.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Larry Gusaas 

> On 2015-09-15, 5:17 PM John D'Orazio wrote:
>> Well actually the case of the wikipedia article is different, because the
>> adjective that is used for the project whether "dormant" or "moribund" is
>> not in fact actually being referred to the Apache project  but to the
>> pre-Apache project.
> No. It is Apache OpenOffice that is being called "moribund".
> See
> The Apache project is indicated as being a derivative
>> project, and has been given a separate page as such. T
> No. The Apache OpenOffice page states:
> "Apache OpenOffice (AOO) is an open-source office productivity software
> suite. It is a successor project of "
> he issue there is
>> that one or two users (who happen to also be moderators) are very set on
>> considering the Apache project a different project, and not the
>> "successor"
>> of the Oracle project. So it's actually the Oracle project that is being
>> called dormant.
> Wrong. Check the page
> --
> _
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
> theirs." - Edgard Varese
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Wrongful information on the Wikipedia

2015-09-15 Thread John D'Orazio
Well actually the case of the wikipedia article is different, because the
adjective that is used for the project whether "dormant" or "moribund" is
not in fact actually being referred to the Apache project  but to the
pre-Apache project. The Apache project is indicated as being a derivative
project, and has been given a separate page as such. The issue there is
that one or two users (who happen to also be moderators) are very set on
considering the Apache project a different project, and not the "successor"
of the Oracle project. So it's actually the Oracle project that is being
called dormant. I do believe that it is a bit confusing for any normal user
that goes to read wikipedia, a lot of simple users don't even realize the
history behind this (I myself didn't until just recently, as I've been
reading up on the evolution of the project). But it's fairly useless trying
to clear it up any, as there are a couple users who are very intent on
keeping everything as is, any changes will spark debate (as has already
happened). It's probably not worth it...

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Phillip Rhodes 

> Fair enough.   That is the dictionary definition.  I was thinking of how
> it's used colloquially, which seems
> to be more like a synonym for "stagnant."   I'd be OK with either
> "stagnant" or "stalled", if the change
> can be made without someone immediately reverting it.   I probably won't do
> it myself since I quickly tire
> of dicking around with wikipedia edit wars, but I fully support anybody who
> does.
> Phil
> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Donald Whytock 
> wrote:
> > "Moribund" means "dying".  It's a goofy word, yes, which means it's an
> > attention-getting word, which means people will look at it and say, "What
> > the hell does THAT mean?" and focus on why someone would call AOO that.
> >
> > Is "dying" more accurate than "dormant" to describe AOO?  "Dying"
> suggests
> > the project is in decline and will only continue to decline.  Does anyone
> > here think "dying" is more accurate than, say, "Stalled"?
> >
> > Don
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Phillip Rhodes <
> > >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > "Moribund" is a goofy word that almost nobody uses in conversation, but
> > > it's probably more accurate than "dormant".   I've spent enough time
> > > goofing around on Wikipedia lately, so, for myself, I'm quite happy to
> > > leave it as is, until the 4.1.2 release comes out.  At that point, I
> > think
> > > it's clear that it should then be made "Active".
> > >
> > > *shrug*
> > >
> > >
> > > Phil
> > >
> > > This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> > >
> > > On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Donald Whytock 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > There was a minor skirmish last week over it.  Looks like there'll be
> > one
> > > > this week too...someone changed it to "moribund".
> > > >
> > > > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Phillip Rhodes <
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Sorry, I missed the infobox when I looked at the page.  You're
> right,
> > > > > having "Dormant" there is flat out wrong and very misleading.
> > > > >
> > > > > I changed it to "Active" just now and added a ref pointer to the
> > 4.1.2
> > > > > release schedule that Andrea just provided.  I just hope there
> aren't
> > > > > certain parties with a vested interest in denigrating AOO sitting
> > > around
> > > > > planning to start a revert war over this.   :-(
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Phil
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Max Merbald 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Hi Phil,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > what I meant was the infobox at the top right. In that box it
> says
> > > that
> > > > > > AOO is dormat, which is not correct and which is not in the
> > > citations.
> > > > > The
> > > > > > presence of a citation does not necessry mean that the claimed
> info
> > > is
> > > > in
> > > > > > the citation. If people read on the Wikipedia that AOO is
> "dormant"
> > > > > they'll
> > > > > > start looking for different office software.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Max
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Am 03.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Phillip Rhodes:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >> I just looked at the Wikipedia page and don't see anything
> that's
> > -
> > > > > >> strictly speaking - incorrect, or lacking citations.  IOW, I
> don't
> > > see
> > > > > any
> > > > > >> supportable rationale for removing anything that's there,
> although
> > > one
> > > > > >> could question the motives of whoever made it a point to call
> out
> > > some
> > > > > >> concerns about lack of activity in the first paragaph of the
> > > article.
> > > > > >> Nonetheless, I think any attempt to modify that will face
> > > opposition.
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> In a related vein, The Guardian re

Re: Wrongful information on the Wikipedia

2015-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
Yes I just received a message from him on my Wikipedia page, after he
reverted my edits twice. Looking at his own Wikipedia talk page and on the
OpenOffice talk page, more than one Wikipedia user has confronted him about
having COI as regards the OpenOffice project. He answers that he has no
issues or COI and that he is completely external. And guess what, he
participates in Wikipedia as a "resolver of COI". Sounds to me like someone
who becomes a police officer so as not to get arrested...

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Matthias Seidel <> wrote:

> Well, he did it again...
> That is what he wrote to me on google+:
> "And don't do what the previous AOO editor did and inexplicably fail to
> reveal their COI."
> Am 14.09.2015 um 22:52 schrieb John D'Orazio:
>> Interestingly mr. David Gerard IS a moderator on Wikipedia it seems. He
>> still has to abide by the rules though. And there is quite a bit of
>> discussion on the talk page, where some users have opted to split the
>> "Apache OpenOffice" project onto its own page as a completely separate
>> derivative project. All that is needed is to chime in on the article talk
>> page citing references to legal info about being officially
>> in the hands of the Apache Software Foundation. If there is evidence of
>> that (which seems obvious to me, I'm a newcomer but I go to the webpage
>> and
>> I see Apache OpenOffice on the webpage), it just needs to
>> be
>> cited on the talk page to back any kind of edits to the article that
>> reflect that. Seems that the article has already been split and "Apache
>> OpenOffice" has it's own wikipedia article (
>>, I wouldn't make a big
>> deal about having a separate article but I would oppose the POV opinions
>> about Apache not having legal rights to the project (hence
>> the corrections to the infobox information).
>> I don't know all of the technicalities, so the edits I just made might not
>> be precise, for example which release was the first release to have the
>> Apache license?
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Kay Schenk 
>> wrote:
>>> On 09/14/2015 11:44 AM, John D'Orazio wrote:
>>>> I'll try to change it too. If someone on wikipedia reverts an edit up to
>>>> three times without founded reason, they can be blocked by a wikipedia
>>>> moderator. So they won't be able to continue reverting forever...
>>> Well this is interesting information. I was wondering if there might be
>>> editing wars forever! :)
>>>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Matthias Seidel <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Am 14.09.2015 um 17:03 schrieb Max Merbald:
>>>>> I changed it back. Who is this David Gerard person who obviously wants
>>>>>> to damage OpenOffice?
>>>>>> Am 14.09.2015 um 16:48 schrieb Donald Whytock:
>>>>>> There was a minor skirmish last week over it.  Looks like there'll be
>>>>>> one
>>>> this week too...someone changed it to "moribund".
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Phillip Rhodes
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry, I missed the infobox when I looked at the page.  You're right,
>>>>>>>> having "Dormant" there is flat out wrong and very misleading.
>>>>>>>> I changed it to "Active" just now and added a ref pointer to the
>>>>>>> 4.1.2
>>>> release schedule that Andrea just provided.  I just hope there aren't
>>>>>>>> certain parties with a vested interest in denigrating AOO sitting
>>>>>>> around
>>>> planning to start a revert war over this.   :-(

Re: Wrongful information on the Wikipedia

2015-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
Interestingly mr. David Gerard IS a moderator on Wikipedia it seems. He
still has to abide by the rules though. And there is quite a bit of
discussion on the talk page, where some users have opted to split the
"Apache OpenOffice" project onto its own page as a completely separate
derivative project. All that is needed is to chime in on the article talk
page citing references to legal info about being officially
in the hands of the Apache Software Foundation. If there is evidence of
that (which seems obvious to me, I'm a newcomer but I go to the webpage and
I see Apache OpenOffice on the webpage), it just needs to be
cited on the talk page to back any kind of edits to the article that
reflect that. Seems that the article has already been split and "Apache
OpenOffice" has it's own wikipedia article (, I wouldn't make a big
deal about having a separate article but I would oppose the POV opinions
about Apache not having legal rights to the project (hence
the corrections to the infobox information).
I don't know all of the technicalities, so the edits I just made might not
be precise, for example which release was the first release to have the
Apache license?

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Kay Schenk  wrote:

> On 09/14/2015 11:44 AM, John D'Orazio wrote:
> > I'll try to change it too. If someone on wikipedia reverts an edit up to
> > three times without founded reason, they can be blocked by a wikipedia
> > moderator. So they won't be able to continue reverting forever...
> Well this is interesting information. I was wondering if there might be
> editing wars forever! :)
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Matthias Seidel <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Am 14.09.2015 um 17:03 schrieb Max Merbald:
> >>
> >>> I changed it back. Who is this David Gerard person who obviously wants
> >>> to damage OpenOffice?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Am 14.09.2015 um 16:48 schrieb Donald Whytock:
> >>>
> >>>> There was a minor skirmish last week over it.  Looks like there'll be
> one
> >>>> this week too...someone changed it to "moribund".
> >>>>
> >>>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Phillip Rhodes
> >>>> 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Sorry, I missed the infobox when I looked at the page.  You're right,
> >>>>> having "Dormant" there is flat out wrong and very misleading.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I changed it to "Active" just now and added a ref pointer to the
> 4.1.2
> >>>>> release schedule that Andrea just provided.  I just hope there aren't
> >>>>> certain parties with a vested interest in denigrating AOO sitting
> around
> >>>>> planning to start a revert war over this.   :-(
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Phil
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Max Merbald 
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Phil,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> what I meant was the infobox at the top right. In that box it says
> that
> >>>>>> AOO is dormat, which is not correct and which is not in the
> citations.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> The
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> presence of a citation does not necessry mean that the claimed info
> >>>>>> is in
> >>>>>> the citation. If people read on the Wikipedia that AOO is "dormant"
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> they'll
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> start looking for different office software.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Am 03.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Phillip Rhodes:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I just looked at the Wikipedia page and don't see anything that's -
> >>>>>>> strictly speaking - incorrect, or lacking citations.  IOW, I don't
> see
> >>>>>>>
> >&g

Re: Wrongful information on the Wikipedia

2015-09-14 Thread John D'Orazio
I'll try to change it too. If someone on wikipedia reverts an edit up to
three times without founded reason, they can be blocked by a wikipedia
moderator. So they won't be able to continue reverting forever...

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Matthias Seidel  wrote:

> Am 14.09.2015 um 17:03 schrieb Max Merbald:
>> I changed it back. Who is this David Gerard person who obviously wants
>> to damage OpenOffice?
>> Am 14.09.2015 um 16:48 schrieb Donald Whytock:
>>> There was a minor skirmish last week over it.  Looks like there'll be one
>>> this week too...someone changed it to "moribund".
>>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Phillip Rhodes
>>> wrote:
>>> Sorry, I missed the infobox when I looked at the page.  You're right,
 having "Dormant" there is flat out wrong and very misleading.

 I changed it to "Active" just now and added a ref pointer to the 4.1.2
 release schedule that Andrea just provided.  I just hope there aren't
 certain parties with a vested interest in denigrating AOO sitting around
 planning to start a revert war over this.   :-(


 This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Max Merbald 

 Hi Phil,
> what I meant was the infobox at the top right. In that box it says that
> AOO is dormat, which is not correct and which is not in the citations.

> presence of a citation does not necessry mean that the claimed info
> is in
> the citation. If people read on the Wikipedia that AOO is "dormant"

> start looking for different office software.
> Max
> Am 03.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Phillip Rhodes:
> I just looked at the Wikipedia page and don't see anything that's -
>> strictly speaking - incorrect, or lacking citations.  IOW, I don't see
> any

> supportable rationale for removing anything that's there, although one
>> could question the motives of whoever made it a point to call out some
>> concerns about lack of activity in the first paragaph of the article.
>> Nonetheless, I think any attempt to modify that will face opposition.
>> In a related vein, The Guardian recently ran this article titled
> "Should I

> Switch From Apache OpenOffice to LibreOffice or Microsoft Office".

 I don't know if there's any easy way to counter this narrative that's
>> spreading through the press, about AOO being dead/dormant/whatever, or
> how

> LO is clearly "the winner", but it's definitely unfortunate to see
>> this
>> kind of stuff spread around so widely.  :-(
>> Phil
>> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>>> On 03 Sep 15, at 16:31, Max Merbald  wrote:
 Hi there,

 the Engish Wikipedia claims that AOO is dormant. I can't see where

>>> they

> have the information from. The sources they use don't say so. I think
>>> it's
>>> definitely bad for OpenOffice when people think no more is done about
>> it.

> The problem is also that LibreOffice has just published its
>>> version 5.0
>>> and
>>> is getting ahead of us.
>>> thanks for the alert.
>>> Wikipedia is composed by a crowd of editors, and you can change the
>> entry

> to reflect the facts.
>>> So can anyone on this list. Becoming an editor at Wikipedia is not
>>> arduous.
>>> Louis
>>> Max


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John R. D'Orazio

Re: [EXTENSIONS] how is the extension constructor called

2014-10-09 Thread John D'Orazio
Just wondering what would be considered the "fix" for this, someone
mentioned implementing more logic in the Netbeans plugin. Would a plausible
solution be to have Netbeans generate each add-in as a singleton? Or is
there maybe a better fix from the open office end in the way it implements
the java plugins? I have a hunch this could be the case, because I don't
see why the add-in class should be invoked / instantiated as many times as
there are menu items and toolbar items. Seems like there should be a better
integration scheme...

2014-10-02 15:22 GMT+02:00 John D'Orazio <>:

> Does this mean it's a bug in the way open office is implementing the java
> add-ins generated by the NetBeans plugin? (I'm the one that opened the
> issue about this in the forum, seeing I'm trying to create a Writer add-in
> using the NetBeans plugin.)
> don John R. D'Orazio
> cappellano coordinatore
> Servizio di Cappellania - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
> Piazzale San Paolo 1/d - 00120 Città del Vaticano
> Tel. - Cell. +39 333.25.45.447
> E-mail:,
> Sito Web:
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> Il 02/ott/2014 14:19 "Jürgen Schmidt"  ha scritto:
> On 01/10/14 12:19, Carl Marcum wrote:
>> >
>> > On 10/01/2014 02:25 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> >> On 01/10/14 02:19, Carl Marcum wrote:
>> >>> Amenel,
>> >>>
>> >>> I am cross posting to dev since the original message didn't get
>> copied:
>> >>>
>> >>> On 09/30/2014 09:39 AM, Amenel VOGLOZIN wrote:
>> >>>> Hi Carl,
>> >>>> I don't know whether it was intended behavior or not. I have ran into
>> >>>> this problem in an extension that I started writing in May or June
>> and
>> >>>> it was an issue in that the constructor was called about as many
>> times
>> >>>> as i opened the menu.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I posted a message similar to yours to this mailing list and Ariel
>> >>>> gave me a solution which was to use a singleton. As a result, I moved
>> >>>> the construction code, and handlers, and event listeners, and most of
>> >>>> my code actually, into a helper class which implemented a Singleton
>> >>>> pattern. From then on, things went smoothly, with the notable
>> >>>> exception that the application exit event is posted as many times as
>> >>>> there are frames opened. A specific boolean variable can guard a code
>> >>>> section so no problem there either.
>> >>
>> >> And this is the preferred way to do it, the NB plugin wizard generates
>> a
>> >> very basic and simplified skeleton only. There were plans to extend it
>> >> and include a little bit more logic but it was never implemented.
>> >>
>> >> Juergen
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > I was checking in to a new issue opened on the netbeans plugin. [1]
>> >
>> > For every menu item for the AddOn in the current context (ex Writer),
>> > the constructor is called then the Menu is first clicked.
>> > If there are 2 menu items the constructor is ran twice.
>> > This only happens on the first time per context opened.
>> >
>> > Is this expected behavior?
>> >
>> > Is the constructor called from office?
>> >
>> > If so it's not a bug in the plugin.
>> I don't think it's a bug in the plugin
>> Juergen
>> >
>> > [1]
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Carl
>> >
>> >>>>
>> >>>> You might want to search the archives for Ariel's reply to my
>> message.
>> >>>> Cheers,
>> >>>> -Amenel.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Le Dimanche 28 septembre 2014 20h36, Carl Marcum > >
>> >>>> a écrit :
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Hi All,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I was checking in to a new issue opened on the netbeans plugin. [1]
>> >>>>
>> >>>> For every men

Re: [EXTENSIONS] how is the extension constructor called

2014-10-02 Thread John D'Orazio
Does this mean it's a bug in the way open office is implementing the java
add-ins generated by the NetBeans plugin? (I'm the one that opened the
issue about this in the forum, seeing I'm trying to create a Writer add-in
using the NetBeans plugin.)

don John R. D'Orazio
cappellano coordinatore

Servizio di Cappellania - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Piazzale San Paolo 1/d - 00120 Città del Vaticano
Tel. - Cell. +39 333.25.45.447
Sito Web:

Il 02/ott/2014 14:19 "Jürgen Schmidt"  ha scritto:

> On 01/10/14 12:19, Carl Marcum wrote:
> >
> > On 10/01/2014 02:25 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> >> On 01/10/14 02:19, Carl Marcum wrote:
> >>> Amenel,
> >>>
> >>> I am cross posting to dev since the original message didn't get copied:
> >>>
> >>> On 09/30/2014 09:39 AM, Amenel VOGLOZIN wrote:
>  Hi Carl,
>  I don't know whether it was intended behavior or not. I have ran into
>  this problem in an extension that I started writing in May or June and
>  it was an issue in that the constructor was called about as many times
>  as i opened the menu.
>  I posted a message similar to yours to this mailing list and Ariel
>  gave me a solution which was to use a singleton. As a result, I moved
>  the construction code, and handlers, and event listeners, and most of
>  my code actually, into a helper class which implemented a Singleton
>  pattern. From then on, things went smoothly, with the notable
>  exception that the application exit event is posted as many times as
>  there are frames opened. A specific boolean variable can guard a code
>  section so no problem there either.
> >>
> >> And this is the preferred way to do it, the NB plugin wizard generates a
> >> very basic and simplified skeleton only. There were plans to extend it
> >> and include a little bit more logic but it was never implemented.
> >>
> >> Juergen
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I was checking in to a new issue opened on the netbeans plugin. [1]
> >
> > For every menu item for the AddOn in the current context (ex Writer),
> > the constructor is called then the Menu is first clicked.
> > If there are 2 menu items the constructor is ran twice.
> > This only happens on the first time per context opened.
> >
> > Is this expected behavior?
> >
> > Is the constructor called from office?
> >
> > If so it's not a bug in the plugin.
> I don't think it's a bug in the plugin
> Juergen
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Carl
> >
>  You might want to search the archives for Ariel's reply to my message.
>  Cheers,
>  -Amenel.
>  Le Dimanche 28 septembre 2014 20h36, Carl Marcum 
>  a écrit :
>  Hi All,
>  I was checking in to a new issue opened on the netbeans plugin. [1]
>  For every menu item for the AddOn in the current context (ex Writer),
>  the constructor is called then the Menu is first clicked.
>  If there are 2 menu items the constructor is ran twice.
>  This only happens on the first time per context opened.
>  Is this expected behavior?
>  [1]
>  Thanks,
>  Carl
>  -
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> >>>
> >>> Do you remember which list the post was on?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Carl
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> > -
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> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
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