Re: [dev] How to check whether nas is working?

2007-02-12 Thread Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg


Christian Lohmaier wrote:

repost becasue I didn't recieve any answer...
cc this time.

Hi *,

How would I check whether nas support is working in an installation set?

There's a compiletime option to disable or enable nas, but apart from
its name (network audio support) I don't have a clue what it is used for
and how to check whether it is really working in an installation.

So could anybody give me some hints please?
VCL has NAS support. I always stumble over it while building OOo (just 
because NAS enabled builds fail for me most of the time :-). Don't know 
if there is a (unit) test, so.



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[dev] Open Office

2007-02-12 Thread IBSODOK - Ivar Solli


Jeg vurderer å teste ut ”Open Office” på min bærbare PC i første omgang. Jeg
lager imidlertid også Poweroint-presentasjoner. Fins også Powerpoint i Open


Vennlig hilsen 

Ivar Solli


IBSODOK - Fagerlivegen 9 - 2818 Gjövik - Norway

Tel: +47 47751012 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Web: 


Re: [dev] datamatrix 2d barcodes for Calc

2007-02-12 Thread Alessandro Zummo
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 14:44:09 +0100
Christian Lohmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  I guess this would work, but would also require having a web server
> >  to generate the image. looks ugly ;(
> I think you misunderstool the URL-part. That doesn't mean that you need
> a webserver. OOo uses URLs for "everything", a local file is
> file:///tmp/somedir/some.file on linux for example (or
> file:///c:/tmp/somfile.txt on windows)

 ok, but the barcode is supposed to change
 based on the contents of a cell, how can
 you do that with a file based image?

 If you use a webserver you can maybe add
 the code to the url and have a cgi generate
 it, but you can't with a file url.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Torino, Italy

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[dev] OfficeBean LocalOfficeConnection UNO url bug

2007-02-12 Thread Terry Alexis Lurie has a bug[1].

In the setUnoUrl() function the mPipe variable is not initialized properly.
It is set to null regardless of the value passed in.

This null value causes problems later. In the OfficeService.getIdentifier() 
function, a null mPipe means that getPipeName() is called again to provide a 
So if you would like to set a custom UNO connection you cannot, as getPipeName 
always returns a JVM wide constant.

The bug is that the requested key is "pipe", when in fact the key should be 

My suggested fix (r1.10) is to change the line in setUnoUrl():

mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "pipe" );


mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "name" );

Unfortunately all the member variables are marked private, so you cannot fix 
the binary jar at runtime: by creating a subclass and overriding the setUnoUrl 
Maybe to reduce further unfixable binaries most member variables and methods 
could be changed to protected instead.

At the moment I have altered the binary officebean.jar to remove the 
LocalOfficeConnection class and compiled my own revision based on the source.




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[dev] Questions about qatest failures

2007-02-12 Thread Matthias B.


I've run the on my own build of OOo 2.1 and I have
some questions about the tests that failed. The first failure is

- check the number of gallery-themes
Warning: Difference in count of gallery themes; found: '6'; expected: '30'
- check the names of gallery-themes
 file for comparison is :

I've checked several other OOo installations (from the PrOOo Box) on
Linux and Windows. In every case the Gallery had only the 6 entries
"Begrenzungen", "Bullets", "Eigenes Thema", "Hintergründe", "Homepage"
and "Klänge".

Where are the other 24 themes supposed to come from?

The next failure (well, not technically a failure) is

This could be a (patched) OOo installation on Solaris Sparc/Intel - No
Online Update Feature available.

This used to be

Warning: Online Update Feature isn't available in this build? (no
'UpdateURL' in file: '/opt/openoffice.org2.1/program/versionrc')

then I entered


in versionrc and it turned into the message about a patched OOo
installation. I've checked the OOo from the PrOOo box. The Windows
version has the Check for Updates item in the Help menu, but even
after entering the above URL in versionrc the Linux version 2.1 and
2.2 from the PrOOo box don't have the Check for Update item. Is this
normal? What are (aside from the UpdateURL) the conditions that have
to be met for the menu item to appear under Linux.


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Re: [dev] about the new feature.

2007-02-12 Thread Carsten Driesner
blueeagle wrote:
>> Hi carsten,Hi peter,Hi all,
>> I have added a new freture named "Preview Web_Html"In the
>> This feature can be described as follows:
>> Added a new menu item in the File menu which named 'Web Html'. This menu 
>> item can make the current document browsed in web page. text, picture and 
>> media that can be edit in the document are all can be browsed successful. 
>> you can discuss and give me your opinion in this 
>> page:
>> You also can download the Specification in the 
>> page.
>> don't hesitate to point out if there are still some unseemliness.

Hi LiuTao,

I read your specification on the wiki server. From my point of view your
feature specification is in a good shape. The only thing I miss is a
string table where you describe the user interface strings. There you
have to add the English and Chinese strings for your new menu entry.

Could you please write an issue using IssueZilla, set the type to
"FEATURE", set "cd" as owner and add your code changes as a diff. I will
check your changes and if I don't find anything critical we can add your
feature to one of our CWS for 2.3.


Carsten Driesner (cd) - Project Lead Framework
Framework wiki: Engineering at Sun:

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Re: [dev] OfficeBean LocalOfficeConnection UNO url bug

2007-02-12 Thread Juergen Schmidt

Hi Terry,

Terry Alexis Lurie wrote: has a bug[1].

In the setUnoUrl() function the mPipe variable is not initialized properly.
It is set to null regardless of the value passed in.

This null value causes problems later. In the OfficeService.getIdentifier() 
function, a null mPipe means that getPipeName() is called again to provide a 
So if you would like to set a custom UNO connection you cannot, as getPipeName 
always returns a JVM wide constant.

The bug is that the requested key is "pipe", when in fact the key should be 

My suggested fix (r1.10) is to change the line in setUnoUrl():

mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "pipe" );


mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "name" );

Unfortunately all the member variables are marked private, so you cannot fix 
the binary jar at runtime: by creating a subclass and overriding the setUnoUrl 
Maybe to reduce further unfixable binaries most member variables and methods 
could be changed to protected instead

At the moment I have altered the binary officebean.jar to remove the 
LocalOfficeConnection class and compiled my own revision based on the source.

you should simply submit an issue for this problem






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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

sorry, was away for a week with no access to e-mail, hence my late answer:

> [However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
> either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
> "unopkg" works there.]
 What is broken with the extension manager?
>>> It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
>>> Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make
>>> sure
>>> that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.
>> You mean you select "Tools - Extension Manager" but no dialog
>> appears? That's strange.  It should not have anything to do with
>> Java.  Probably Joachim Lingner (jl at ooo) is interested in that, as
>> he maintains the extension manager.
> The Extension Manager Dialog is contained in a service. This service
> is used when starting the Etension Manager from the Tools menu or when
> runngin unopkg gui. You mentioned that unopkg works, does that mean
> unopkg add / remove works  and unopkg gui as well ?

O.K. unopkg runs in command line mode, but not in gui mode; running
"unopkg gui" yields:

Hope that helps, regards,


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Re: [dev] OfficeBean LocalOfficeConnection UNO url bug

2007-02-12 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Terry Alexis Lurie wrote: has a bug[1].

In the setUnoUrl() function the mPipe variable is not initialized properly.
It is set to null regardless of the value passed in.

This null value causes problems later. In the OfficeService.getIdentifier() 
function, a null mPipe means that getPipeName() is called again to provide a 
So if you would like to set a custom UNO connection you cannot, as getPipeName 
always returns a JVM wide constant.

The bug is that the requested key is "pipe", when in fact the key should be 

My suggested fix (r1.10) is to change the line in setUnoUrl():

mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "pipe" );


mPipe = (String) aURL.getConnectionParameters().get( "name" );


Thanks for this analysis.  Did you file an issue (see 
; make jl 
the owner of the issue)?

Unfortunately all the member variables are marked private, so you cannot fix 
the binary jar at runtime: by creating a subclass and overriding the setUnoUrl 
Maybe to reduce further unfixable binaries most member variables and methods 
could be changed to protected instead.

Nah, a class' subclassing API needs to be designed just as carefully as 
its public API.  I would not want to weaken that.  (I also think that 
"final" should be the default for classes.)

At the moment I have altered the binary officebean.jar to remove the 
LocalOfficeConnection class and compiled my own revision based on the source.

With open source, I think that is the best solution anyway: fix it 
properly, test it, get it upstream.

Thanks again,



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Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

sorry, was off for a week witohut access to e-mail, hence my late answer
(keeping the quotings so only this e-mail is needed).

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Hi Stephan,
 , in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

 * there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be
   (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
   is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
 * there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
   BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
   accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
   them into "OOoHome/program".
>>> Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs)
>>> how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If
>>> it is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to
>>> access them directly within the extension.)
>> Code which is invoked via the OOo scripting framework, here's what
>> happens:
>> * An ooRexx macro is invoked via Tools->Macro
>> * the Java support part for the scripting language uses BSF (Apache
>>   Java archive) to load the Rexx interpreter (via the DLL/so
>>   residing in OOHome/program) and supplies the script and makes the
>>   arguments available to it;
> I still do not understand how "the DLL/so residing in OOHome/program"
> (lets call it X) is loaded.  Is it supplying UNO services/singletons
> and is thus loaded via the UNO framework?  
Yes, the ooRexx script provider package for OOo adheres to UNO
("ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar") which invokes bsf.jar (an jar
which invokes the DLL/so via JNI, which then invokes the ooRexx

> Is it loaded from some Java code Y via System.loadLibrary?  Is it
> loaded from some native code Z via dlopen?
If an ooRexx script is run by OOo, then the ooRexx script provider
package (ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar) is used to dispatch the macro
using bsf.jar which uses JNI to load the [lib]BSF4Rexx.{dll|so}which
then will load the ooRexx interpreter and supply the macro for
execution. Such ooRexx macros need access to UNO.CLS (which itself needs
access to BSF.CLS and UNO_XINTERFACES.REX) to make it really easy to
interface with OOo. Placing the DLL/so and the ooRexx files (plain
textfiles) into "$OOO_HOME/program" makes the ooRexx script provider run
successfully, i.e., these files will be found.

Therefore I have been under the impression, that OOo sets that directory
($OOO_HOME) to the PATH (and maybe LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux systems?)
environment variable, as otherwise these files could hardly be found.

>> * the Rexx interpreter executes the script which itself calls
>>   UNO.CLS (specific UNO/OOO support, which itself uses
>>   UNO_XINTERFACES.REX), which calls BSF.CLS (bridge to Java); all
>>   these scripts are plain text files and are found in their location
>>   (OOHome/program).
> *Why* are they found in the program directory?  
Good question (but I am *very* happy that they are found!) !

> Does the Rexx interpreter (is that the library X above?) look next to
> itself for them?  (That is, if the Rexx interpreter were instead
> located in your extension, would those text files automatically be
> found in your extension, too?)
The Rexx interpreter is not placed in the script provider package, but
accessible globally (on Windows it is installed for all users, on Linux
it is installed in /opt and the executable is linked to /usr/bin the to /usr/lib). So the interpreter lives independently of OOo,
but every process can access it given the above environment setup.



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Re: [dev] Questions about qatest failures

2007-02-12 Thread Thorsten Bosbach

Hi Matthias,

I would like to invite you to the mailing list
for further questions regarding VCL TestTool application and tests.

Answers inline...

Matthias B. wrote:


I've run the on my own build of OOo 2.1 and I have
some questions about the tests that failed. The first failure is

- check the number of gallery-themes
Warning: Difference in count of gallery themes; found: '6'; expected: '30'
- check the names of gallery-themes
 file for comparison is :

I've checked several other OOo installations (from the PrOOo Box) on
Linux and Windows. In every case the Gallery had only the 6 entries
"Begrenzungen", "Bullets", "Eigenes Thema", "Hintergründe", "Homepage"
and "Klänge".

Where are the other 24 themes supposed to come from?

That is because the test writer assumed that he always has a StarOffice 
version to test ;-)

He updated his test for OOo 2.2 and SRC680: on 14.12.2006

The change wasn't done for the tests in the branch for OOo 2.1
I will ask him, if he will do it for OOo 2.1 also...

The next failure (well, not technically a failure) is

This could be a (patched) OOo installation on Solaris Sparc/Intel - No
Online Update Feature available.

This is just a black on white message?
That is correct, because the feature is disabled in selfmade OOo builds.
It is just enabled in Sun provided developer builds if I remember correctly.

This used to be

Warning: Online Update Feature isn't available in this build? (no
'UpdateURL' in file: '/opt/openoffice.org2.1/program/versionrc')

Hmm, strange, the test shouldn't come to this point.
It would mean
- Help->Check for updates is enabled
- The slot that TestTool calls succeeds, even if the menu item is disabled.

then I entered


in versionrc and it turned into the message about a patched OOo
installation. I've checked the OOo from the PrOOo box. The Windows
version has the Check for Updates item in the Help menu, but even
after entering the above URL in versionrc the Linux version 2.1 and
2.2 from the PrOOo box don't have the Check for Update item. Is this
normal? What are (aside from the UpdateURL) the conditions that have
to be met for the menu item to appear under Linux.

How to get this Update feature enabled is described in:



Thorsten Bosbach Sun Microsystems GmbH
Quality Assurance Engineer   20097 Hamburg, Germany

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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi there,

sorry, was away for a week with no access to e-mail, hence my late answer:

[However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
"unopkg" works there.]

What is broken with the extension manager?

It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make
that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.

You mean you select "Tools - Extension Manager" but no dialog
appears? That's strange.  It should not have anything to do with
Java.  Probably Joachim Lingner (jl at ooo) is interested in that, as
he maintains the extension manager.

The Extension Manager Dialog is contained in a service. This service
is used when starting the Etension Manager from the Tools menu or when
runngin unopkg gui. You mentioned that unopkg works, does that mean
unopkg add / remove works  and unopkg gui as well ?

O.K. unopkg runs in command line mode, but not in gui mode; running
"unopkg gui" yields:

Hm, if the error message tells the truth, there is some problem 
accessing that log.txt file.  I assume you are on Linux; you could try

  strace -f ./unopkg gui

and grep for log.txt on stderr to see if there are indeed any problems. 
 (If a non-gui "./unopkg list" does not fail, similar data for "strace 
-f ./unopkg list" would also be interesting.)


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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,
> Hm, if the error message tells the truth, there is some problem
> accessing that log.txt file.  I assume you are on Linux; you could try
>   strace -f ./unopkg gui
O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
please advise.

> and grep for log.txt on stderr to see if there are indeed any
> problems.  (If a non-gui "./unopkg list" does not fail, similar data
> for "strace -f ./unopkg list" would also be interesting.)
Running "./unopkg list" yields the same error it seems, whereas
"./unopkg list --shared" works. Again, if it helps to create anothe
strace for the failing version, please advise.


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Re: [dev] Questions about qatest failures

2007-02-12 Thread Matthias B.

On 2/12/07, Thorsten Bosbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where are the other 24 themes supposed to come from?

That is because the test writer assumed that he always has a StarOffice
version to test ;-)
He updated his test for OOo 2.2 and SRC680: on 14.12.2006

The change wasn't done for the tests in the branch for OOo 2.1
I will ask him, if he will do it for OOo 2.1 also...

Thanks, but all that I wanted to know is that there's not some hidden
switch I have to set at build time to get more themes.

How to get this Update feature enabled is described in:

That's where I got the UpdateURL from. It says

"The visibility of the new menu item "Check for Updates..." will be
triggered by a new key entry in the version.ini|rc files. The key is
called "UpdateURL" and should provide a valid http URL to the update
server. The menu item will be visible if this key has a value,
otherwise menu item will be hidden. The following line illustrates the
new key in the version.ini|rc file:"

That's why I'm surprised that setting the UpdateURL does not make the
item appear (on Linux). Apparently there's more to it than is written
in the specification.


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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Stephan Bergmann

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi there,

Hm, if the error message tells the truth, there is some problem
accessing that log.txt file.  I assume you are on Linux; you could try

  strace -f ./unopkg gui

O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
please advise.

Only of interest are lines containing "log.txt".  Should be few enough 
to post inline.  (Also, does an ls -l on that log.txt file show any 

and grep for log.txt on stderr to see if there are indeed any
problems.  (If a non-gui "./unopkg list" does not fail, similar data
for "strace -f ./unopkg list" would also be interesting.)

Running "./unopkg list" yields the same error it seems, whereas
"./unopkg list --shared" works. Again, if it helps to create anothe
strace for the failing version, please advise.

Ah, this difference caused by the --shared flag makes sense.  With 
--shared, probably a different log file (in the OOo share tree) is used.


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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

>> O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
>> e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
>> please advise.
> Only of interest are lines containing "log.txt".  Should be few enough
> to post inline.  (Also, does an ls -l on that log.txt file show any
> anomalies?)
Ad "ls -l log.txt": just noticed that the owner and group is "root"! So
here is the entire listing:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ ls -al
insgesamt 32
drwxr-xr-x 4 rony rony  4096 2007-02-12 13:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 rony rony  4096 2007-01-20 22:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   212 2007-02-04 12:46 log.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 registry
-rw-r--r-- 1 rony rony 1 2007-02-12 13:18 stamp
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 uno_packages
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 2007-02-04 12:46 uno_packages.db
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ 

Not sure, how this came into being though. Did a "normal" install (using
alien to turn the rpm packages into deb ones and installing the deb

Changing owner and group to "rony" (recursively) solved the problem: all
variants of unopkg as well as "Tools->Extension Manager" work now!



Re: [dev] Open Office

2007-02-12 Thread Inge Wallin
On Saturday 10 February 2007 00.20, IBSODOK - Ivar Solli wrote:
> Hei
> Jeg vurderer å teste ut ”Open Office” på min bærbare PC i første omgang.
> Jeg lager imidlertid også Poweroint-presentasjoner. Fins også Powerpoint i
> Open Office?

Hei Ivar

(Ursäkta svenskan, jag kan inte skriva norska)

Ja.  Motsvarigheten till PowerPoint i heter ooimpress, och kan 
importera PowerPointfiler alldeles utmärkt.  Det finns vissa effekter som 
inte stöds, men du får prova själv. Jag använder det nästan dagligen och det 
fungerar hur bra som helst.

Med vänlig hälsning
Inge Wallin

> Vennlig hilsen
> Ivar Solli
> IBSODOK - Fagerlivegen 9 - 2818 Gjövik - Norway
> Tel: +47 47751012 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Web:  

Inge Wallin   | Thus spake the master programmer:   |
  |  "After three days without programming, |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   life becomes meaningless."|
  | Geoffrey James: The Tao of Programming. |

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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread G. Roderick Singleton
On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 15:57 +0100, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> >> O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
> >> e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
> >> please advise.
> >
> > Only of interest are lines containing "log.txt".  Should be few enough
> > to post inline.  (Also, does an ls -l on that log.txt file show any
> > anomalies?)
> Ad "ls -l log.txt": just noticed that the owner and group is "root"! So
> here is the entire listing:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ ls -al
> insgesamt 32
> drwxr-xr-x 4 rony rony  4096 2007-02-12 13:18 .
> drwxr-xr-x 3 rony rony  4096 2007-01-20 22:41 ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   212 2007-02-04 12:46 log.txt
> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 registry
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rony rony 1 2007-02-12 13:18 stamp
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 uno_packages
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 2007-02-04 12:46 uno_packages.db
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ 
> Not sure, how this came into being though. Did a "normal" install (using
> alien to turn the rpm packages into deb ones and installing the deb
> packages)..
> Changing owner and group to "rony" (recursively) solved the problem: all
> variants of unopkg as well as "Tools->Extension Manager" work now!
> Regards,
> ---rony

Is it possible that you have fallen victim to as mentioned in
the Debian section of ?

G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[dev] Window Scrolling Performance with Images

2007-02-12 Thread Terry Alexis Lurie
Hi! I would like to improve the performance of scrolling in OO when there are 
images being displayed.

In Draw if there are images displayed scrolling is slow and jerky when zoomed 
in. I have confirmed this on Linux Fedora 6 and Windows XP.
I am using partly-transparent PNGs, but i have confirmed the slowness with CMYK 
Tiffs as well.

It looks as though the buffer is blocking and copying in the bitmap 100% before 
switching back to other tasks.
So if the copy is not as fast as the scrolling action, then the scroll lags 
while it completes.

I am a Java Soft Eng, so I'd need some pointing in the correct .cxx / 
appropriate config direction. But I'm more than happy to do the work. I need 
quick scrolling for my embedded OpenOffice app.

My thoughts are:

1) Find out where the bitmap copy-in operation is and make it cancellable. 
Cancel if further scroll action requested
2) You guys have done a good job with the wireframe ZOOM_PANNING which is nice 
and quick. Maybe I could make an option to switch that into the scroll action 
3) A cheap cache with a mem-resident downsampled image. This is what Adobe 
Ilustrator does when scrolling.

4) Some combination of those three.

Can you help me out? I'm confused by the inter-relationships between vcl and 
canvas and the UI scroll weels.



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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Roderick,

> as mentioned in
> the Debian section of 
> ?
thank you for the links, and indeed, it seems that this is the same bug
(even 18 months later). [Will look into the version of "alien" that I
have used as the docs indicate (so it seems) that the bug should have
been removed after v8.50.]



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Re: [dev] about the new feature.

2007-02-12 Thread blueeagle

Hi carsten,
I have uploaded the new version of the specification.Please have a look.

> blueeagle wrote:
>>> Hi carsten,Hi peter,Hi all,
>>> I have added a new freture named "Preview Web_Html"In the
>>> This feature can be described as follows:
>>> Added a new menu item in the File menu which named 'Web Html'. This menu 
>>> item can make the current document browsed in web page. text, picture and 
>>> media that can be edit in the document are all can be browsed successful. 
>>> you can discuss and give me your opinion in this 
>>> page:
>>> You also can download the Specification in the 
>>> page.
>>> don't hesitate to point out if there are still some unseemliness.
> Hi LiuTao,
> I read your specification on the wiki server. From my point of view your
> feature specification is in a good shape. The only thing I miss is a
> string table where you describe the user interface strings. There you
> have to add the English and Chinese strings for your new menu entry.
> Could you please write an issue using IssueZilla, set the type to
> "FEATURE", set "cd" as owner and add your code changes as a diff. I will
> check your changes and if I don't find anything critical we can add your
> feature to one of our CWS for 2.3.
> Regards,
> Carsten
> -- 
> Carsten Driesner (cd) - Project Lead Framework
> Framework wiki:
> Engineering at Sun:
> -
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Re: [dev] about the new feature.

2007-02-12 Thread Pei Feng Lin
Great feature.

This makes more useful in web application.

One question for this spec. If I use Window OS and the default browser
is Firefox, whether Firefox or IE is used to open the html file?

I prefer to the following string for the menu item

English: Web Preview
Chinese: 网页预览

What do you think?

Best Regards & Thanks!
 Fong Lin

>>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 10:17 AM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "blueeagle"

> Hi carsten,
> I have uploaded the new version of the specification.Please have a
> Regards,
> LiuTao

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