Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Utilisation des diffs pendant la phase de passage à ODBL

2012-04-11 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo
Le 11 avril 2012 10:49, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Ce genre d'analyse me semble pertinent pour osmose.

 On a beau corriger les erreurs à un moment donné, elles peuvent
 réapparaitre par suite d'une mauvaise manip d'un contributeur.
 Pour ce genre de données de référence, ça me semble utile de garantir
 au maximum leur qualité.

Tout à fait, c'est bien le but d'Osmose de coder des tests unitaires.

 Je pensais aussi à croiser avec les repères géodésiques qui
 contiennent le code INSEE de la commune où ils se trouvent. Ils
 doivent être à l'intérieur du polygone de la commune (quand celui-ci

Comme tu l'avais déjà proposé, c'est déjà dans la todo liste d'Osmose.
Mais tu peux proposer une requête sql en deux étapes, une pour calcule
les limites de communes (dans un but de factorisation avec d'autres
analyses, mais je dois bien avoir déjà ça dans mes cartons) et l'autre
pour l'analyse elle même sur un schéma osmosis. Ou proposer un
analyseur externe sur un autre schéma.

 L'autre idée était de détecter les trous dans les limites de commune
 qui ne correspondent qu'à une seule commune et donc permette de créer
 la limite de cette commune. Là aussi, les repères géodésiques peuvent
 aider à leur détection si il y a unicité du code INSEE.

Le cas est assez rare pour ne pas nécessite un fort investissement et
il y a déjà un détecteur de trous dans osmose. On peut élargir la
taille des trous détectés si besoin.


dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Utilisation des diffs pendant la phase de passage à ODBL

2012-04-11 Thread Vincent de Chateau-Thierry

 De : Christian Quest 
 L'autre idée était de détecter les trous dans les limites de commune
 qui ne correspondent qu'à une seule commune et donc permette de créer
 la limite de cette commune. Là aussi, les repères géodésiques peuvent
 aider à leur détection si il y a unicité du code INSEE.
 Après place maker, boundary maker ?

Comme indiqué par Frédéric, Osmose propose déjà une détection, mais dans mon 
elle est volontairement ciblée sur des surfaces réduites : des artefacts plutôt 
que de
vraies communes.
De mon côté, je passe de temps en temps sur où 
l'affichage du
niveau admin 8 permet de détecter à l'oeil de possibles trous correspondant à 
commune. Il n'est pas rare d'en trouver à proximité des communes (vectorielles)
fraîchement saisies, merci aux jolies couleurs de Sly :-).


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

dev-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev-fr] Utilisation des diffs pendant la phase de passage à ODBL

2012-04-11 Thread Jocelyn Jaubert
Le 11 avril 2012, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Pour l'instant j'en suis à corriger les admin_centre foireux... les
 nodes en trop dans la relation de la commune,
 Ca serait possible de contribuer directement au backend d'osmose sur
 sa partie dev histoire de tester mes bricolages ?

C'est pas vraiment direct, mais tu peux déjà faire des modifs sur le
code disponible sur:

Il n'y a par contre rien pour tester des modifications sur le site de
dev d'osmose. La méthode actuelle est qu'on me soumet des patchs que je
vérifie rapidement (relecture et utilisation d'une base locale) avant de
les pusher sur les backends normaux d'osmose.

Par contre, il est très facile de tester localement des plugins Sax,
parce que ./ peut prendre en argument un fichier
d'extract .osm.bz2.


dev-fr mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] [OpenStreetMap] #4136: Amenity Icon do not show up in map correctly

2012-04-11 Thread OpenStreetMap
#4136: Amenity Icon do not show up in map correctly
  Reporter:  Tresken|   Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
  Type:  defect |  Status:  closed
  Priority:  major  |   Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2  | Version:  2.0   
Resolution:  fixed  |Keywords:
Changes (by Andy Allan):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = fixed


 Fixed by rnorris in

Ticket URL:
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

Potlatch-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] having a regularly updated OSM database?

2012-04-11 Thread Ákos Maróy

I wonder what is the best way to have a regularly updated, up-to-date
OSM database? By regularly, I mean an update about say once a month.

Previously I experimented with osm2pgsql, but that took me 5 days to
import, and the 'update' process was on the same order of magnitude.
(this is on an i7 3.2GHz system with 12GB RAM).

Is there any way that allows for faster updates down the line?

My understanding is that the osm2pgsql import will import all metadata
as well, like changeset ids, etc. actually I only need the data itself,
but such metadata. what might also help (?) is that I don't need all map
features, but basically just natural features and a limited number of
man-made features, such as roads between cities, large roads inside
cities, city  national boundaries, railroads, railway stations,  churches.

is there an efficient way of achieving an update of such data each month
within a reasonable amount of time, say below 8 hours?


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] (reverse) GeoCoding on Android

2012-04-11 Thread Graham Jones
Hi All,
I am trying to put together a little android application that works out
where it is, and sends the info on a text message to someone (it is for
someone who can not talk well).
The location finding and SMS bits are working now, but the location is
lat/lon, which is not very friendly for the recipient - I would like an

I could use an internet service for this, but I would really like it to
work without an internet connection, so am thinking of including an OSM
data extract on the phone sd card and trying to use that first, before
falling back to an internet service.

I wondered if anyone knows of any ready made code to process and search OSM
data on Android/java before I write something?   I guess Vespuccii must
have all the parsing stuff in it, but I will be needing to handle more data
that you would have in an editor - can anyone give me any pointers to the
best way to do this on a low powered mobile device?



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] (reverse) GeoCoding on. Android

2012-04-11 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Hello Graham,

You should be able to use, or at least adapt, any Java OSM parsing code (e.g. 
that used in JOSM, Osmosis etc)Android uses the same SAX parser as standard 

for a Java parsing library which I have successfully used in Android apps 
(OpenTrail and the experimental Hikar). This doesn't parse .osm, it parses a 
custom XML format geared for rendering applications, but the principles are 


-Graham Jones wrote: -
To: OSM-Dev Openstreetmap
From: Graham Jones
Date: 11/04/2012 07:26AM
Subject: [OSM-dev] (reverse) GeoCoding on Android

Hi All,
I am trying to put together a little android application that works out where 
it is, and sends the info on a text message to someone (it is for someone who 
can not talk well).
The location finding and SMS bits are working now, but the location is lat/lon, 
which is not very friendly for the recipient - I would like an address. 

I could use an internet service for this, but I would really like it to work 
without an internet connection, so am thinking of including an OSM data extract 
on the phone sd card and trying to use that first, before falling back to an 
internet service. 

I wondered if anyone knows of any ready made code to process and search OSM 
data on Android/java before I write something?   I guess Vespuccii must have 
all the parsing stuff in it, but I will be needing to handle more data that you 
would have in an editor - can anyone give me any pointers to the best way to do 
this on a low powered mobile device? 



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] having a regularly updated OSM database?

2012-04-11 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 11 April 2012 08:51, Paul Norman wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Ákos Maróy []
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 11:22 PM
 Subject: [OSM-dev] having a regularly updated OSM database?


 I wonder what is the best way to have a regularly updated, up-to-date
 OSM database? By regularly, I mean an update about say once a month.

 It depends what you want to do with the data. There's pgsnapshot databases,
 osm2pgsql databases, apidb databases and plenty of others.

 Previously I experimented with osm2pgsql, but that took me 5 days to
 import, and the 'update' process was on the same order of magnitude.
 (this is on an i7 3.2GHz system with 12GB RAM).

 I expect this is limited by your disks, not by your CPU.

 Is there any way that allows for faster updates down the line?

 If you're updating it may be easier to keep it continually up to date with
 minutely replication diffs.

But note that on usual hardware (the type that takes 5 days to import
the planet), applying replication diffs can take more than 2/3rds of
the time, which is ~3 weeks per month summed.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Updating own tile server

2012-04-11 Thread Anwar Azulfa
Hi All,

I want to update my Map on My Tile Server because i think every time map on
OSM server being updated.
Anyone could help me ? How to get it ?

Is with update database only it's can solve ?

Is there update script for it  ?


M.Iftakhul Anwar
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Updating own tile server

2012-04-11 Thread Graham Jones
If you search tue wiki for 'minutely mapnik' you should find what you
need.  I think the 'ubuntu tile server' page also includes this.


from my phone

On 12 Apr 2012 04:28, Anwar Azulfa wrote:

Hi All,

I want to update my Map on My Tile Server because i think every time map on
OSM server being updated.
Anyone could help me ? How to get it ?

Is with update database only it's can solve ?

Is there update script for it  ?


M.Iftakhul Anwar

dev mailing list
dev mailing list

[josm-dev] JOSM server move

2012-04-11 Thread Dirk Stöcker


probably tomorrow the old JOSM server will be turned down and move to its 
new destination. Expect small downtimes (maybe 30 minutes).

The installation on the new server seems to be stable, but very likely I 
will have overlooked something, so afterwards please report any errors 
which you notice.

-- (PGP key available)

josm-dev mailing list