Some latest change makes ASDoc fail to build, so global build fails

2020-05-11 Thread Carlos Rovira

since yesterday, ASDoc is failing to build. I suppose is due to some latest

[*INFO*] *--< *org.apache.royale.examples:ASDoc*

[*INFO*] *Building Apache Royale: Examples: Royale: ASDoc 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT

[*INFO*] *[ swf


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean *(default-clean)* @ ASDoc*


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce *(enforce-maven-version)*
@ ASDoc* ---*


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:copy-resources
*(copy-resources-debug)* @ ASDoc* ---*

[*INFO*] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

[*INFO*] Copying 2 resources


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:copy-resources
*(copy-resources-release)* @ ASDoc* ---*

[*INFO*] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

[*INFO*] skip non existing resourceDirectory


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.7.0:process
*(process-resource-bundles)* @ ASDoc* ---*

[*INFO*] Preparing remote bundle org.apache:apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.4

[*INFO*] Copying 3 resources from 1 bundle.


[*INFO*] *--- *maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources *(default-resources)*
@ ASDoc* ---*

[*INFO*] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

[*INFO*] Copying 2 resources

[*INFO*] Copying 3 resources


[*INFO*] *--- *royale-maven-plugin:0.9.8-SNAPSHOT:compile-app
*(default-compile-app)* @ ASDoc* ---*

[*INFO*] Executing MXMLC in tool group Royale with args:

Loading configuration:

133263 bytes written to
in 0,341 seconds

Internal error: java.lang.NullPointerException

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Christofer Dutz
I folks,

I reviewed the release, not using the automated script, but with the procedure 
I usually use for PLC4X and all other projects I'm involved in.

From what I see I would vote -1 on this as the number of findings was a little 
too high to feel comfortable with. 

Some I'd consider minor, but some other not.

I'm not yet finished but thought I'd send off this email as the 72 hour border 
is coming closer ... I'll add more information to the DISCUSS thread.


[OK] Download all staged artifacts under the url specified in the release vote 
email into a directory we’ll now call download-dir.
[OK] Verify the signatures are correct
[NOT OK] Check if the signature references an Apache email address. (The GPG 
signature references
[OK] Unzip the archives
[OK] Verify the existence of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files in 
the extracted source bundle.
[NOT OK] Verify the content of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files in 
the extracted source bundle
[OK] Verify the staged source README, RELEASE_NOTE files correspond to those in 
the extracted source bundle.
[NOT OK] Run RAT externally to ensure there are no surprises
[NOT OK] Search for "SNAPSHOT" references
[NOT OK] Search for "Copyright" and cross-reference mentions in the NOTICE file
[OK] Build the project according to the information in the file.
[OK] Build with the information in the README 
[OK] Maven: OK as no additional profile was enabled (Built with clean 
maven local repo)
[OK] ANT (Without SWF stuff though)
[NOT OK] Build the project with all with-xyz profiles and tests enabled and an 
empty maven local repo: by appendng -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2.
- [OK] compiler: mvn clean install -P option-with-swf 
- [OK] typedefs: mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2
- [NOT OK] asjs: mvn clean install -P 
 -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2 -DdistributionTargetFolder=../distribution 
- [NOT OK] When doing a "ant clean" this failed.

- Apache releases should be signed with a gpg signature associated with the RMs 
apache email address.
- The files in the LICENSE and NOTICE file in the source-bundle reference paths 
that don't exist. I know where to find them, but someone not familiar with the 
structure wouldn't find them
- Some files in the LICENSE reference completely wrong paths as they seem to 
reference the directory structure before the mavenization of the directories.
- Super-Minor: README line 24, last word "sourc" is missing an "e".
- In ASJS there is a binary file which is obviously copied from outside, but 
not listed in either NOTICE nor License 
- SNAPSHOT references: 
- There are several poms that don't seem to be updated (Probably the 
profiles adding them to the build weren't enabled when preparing the release): 
- The archetypes reference SNAPSHOT versions
- jewel/TourDeJewel/pom.xml (The release plugin doesn't seem to see the 
SNAPSHOT version inside the artifact items ... switch to "project.version" or 
some other property which is ensured to be updated during the release)
- mxroyale/FileReference/pom.xml
- royale/Ace/pom.xml
- roylae/ColorPickerExample/pom.xml
- royale/FileProxy/pom.xml
- royale/RemoteObjectAMFTestBasic/pom.xml
- projects/ACE/pom.xml
- royale-framework-parent "mvn-scm-provider-jgit"
- Multiple Files have Copyright headers in place, but are not listed in the 
NOTICE file:
- royale-asjs/examples/crux/CruxQuickStart (Multiple Files)
- Multiple files have old year dates with the Apache copyright
- When doing a "ant clean" or "super-clean" I get a failure: 
tmp/zip/royale-asjs/build.xml:631: Basedir 
/Users/christofer.dutz/tmp/zip/royale-asjs/manualtests does not exist
- Building with Maven with all profiles enabled:
- examples/examples-integrationtests (all versions were not updated)
- manualtests not included in the distribution at all
What I did to fix the build:
- Manually updated the versions in "examples-integrationtests"
- Omitted the "with-maualtests" profile

Am 08.05.20, 13:28 schrieb "" 

This is the vote for the 0.9.7 release of Apache Royale.  The release 
candidate can be found here;

Before voting please review the section,'What are the ASF requirements on 
approving a release?', at: 

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Christofer Dutz
Ok ... last finding ... the "distribution" directory is empty, therefore you 
can't build a maven distribution with this ...

Am 11.05.20, 10:43 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

I folks,

I reviewed the release, not using the automated script, but with the 
procedure I usually use for PLC4X and all other projects I'm involved in.

From what I see I would vote -1 on this as the number of findings was a 
little too high to feel comfortable with. 

Some I'd consider minor, but some other not.

I'm not yet finished but thought I'd send off this email as the 72 hour 
border is coming closer ... I'll add more information to the DISCUSS thread.


[OK] Download all staged artifacts under the url specified in the release 
vote email into a directory we’ll now call download-dir.
[OK] Verify the signatures are correct
[NOT OK] Check if the signature references an Apache email address. (The 
GPG signature references
[OK] Unzip the archives
[OK] Verify the existence of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files 
in the extracted source bundle.
[NOT OK] Verify the content of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files 
in the extracted source bundle
[OK] Verify the staged source README, RELEASE_NOTE files correspond to 
those in the extracted source bundle.
[NOT OK] Run RAT externally to ensure there are no surprises
[NOT OK] Search for "SNAPSHOT" references
[NOT OK] Search for "Copyright" and cross-reference mentions in the NOTICE 
[OK] Build the project according to the information in the file.
[OK] Build with the information in the README 
[OK] Maven: OK as no additional profile was enabled (Built with clean 
maven local repo)
[OK] ANT (Without SWF stuff though)
[NOT OK] Build the project with all with-xyz profiles and tests enabled and 
an empty maven local repo: by appendng -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2.
- [OK] compiler: mvn clean install -P option-with-swf 
- [OK] typedefs: mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2
- [NOT OK] asjs: mvn clean install -P 
 -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2 -DdistributionTargetFolder=../distribution 
- [NOT OK] When doing a "ant clean" this failed.

- Apache releases should be signed with a gpg signature associated with the 
RMs apache email address.
- The files in the LICENSE and NOTICE file in the source-bundle reference 
paths that don't exist. I know where to find them, but someone not familiar 
with the structure wouldn't find them
- Some files in the LICENSE reference completely wrong paths as they seem 
to reference the directory structure before the mavenization of the directories.
- Super-Minor: README line 24, last word "sourc" is missing an "e".
- In ASJS there is a binary file which is obviously copied from outside, 
but not listed in either NOTICE nor License 
- SNAPSHOT references: 
- There are several poms that don't seem to be updated (Probably the 
profiles adding them to the build weren't enabled when preparing the release): 
- The archetypes reference SNAPSHOT versions
- jewel/TourDeJewel/pom.xml (The release plugin doesn't seem to see the 
SNAPSHOT version inside the artifact items ... switch to "project.version" or 
some other property which is ensured to be updated during the release)
- mxroyale/FileReference/pom.xml
- royale/Ace/pom.xml
- roylae/ColorPickerExample/pom.xml
- royale/FileProxy/pom.xml
- royale/RemoteObjectAMFTestBasic/pom.xml
- projects/ACE/pom.xml
- royale-framework-parent "mvn-scm-provider-jgit"
- Multiple Files have Copyright headers in place, but are not listed in the 
NOTICE file:
- royale-asjs/examples/crux/CruxQuickStart (Multiple Files)
- Multiple files have old year dates with the Apache copyright
- When doing a "ant clean" or "super-clean" I get a failure: 
tmp/zip/royale-asjs/build.xml:631: Basedir 
/Users/christofer.dutz/tmp/zip/royale-asjs/manualtests does not exist
- Building with Maven with all profiles enabled:
- examples/examples-integrationtests (all versions were not updated)
- manualtests not included in the distribution at all
What I did to fix the build:
- Manually updated the versions in "examples-integrationtests"
- Omitted the "with-maualtests" profile

Am 08.05.20, 13:28 schrieb "apachero

Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Hi Guys,

I run into the same problem with TDJ and Maven build as you. However I have
a question - ApproveRoyale.xml - build first stuff by ANT, next Maven - as
I remember in the results of that build by ANT I should have somewhere IDE
ready to use SDK - where it should be ?


niedz., 10 maj 2020 o 23:12 Greg Dove  napisał(a):

> I created this for now:
> Feel free to improve it as you see fit.
> On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 1:21 PM Alex Harui 
> wrote:
> > We definitely should try to prevent these problems, but the
> responsibility
> > for fixing it and preventing it in the future is not the RMs, it is the
> all
> > of our responsibility.  So if you can think of a way to clear snapshots,
> > add it to the approval script.  If you can think of a way to scan poms
> for
> > -SNAPSHOT, add that too, although we currently do use a few snapshots as
> > build tools.  I haven't looked at the pom for TDJ but it could be that it
> > should not use explicit versions but rather, a property that is set by
> the
> > 13 steps.  The online release notes may need to be created in the wiki.
> > Feel free to pitch in and do that, and add whatever you think will help
> our
> > users.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> > On 5/9/20, 3:49 PM, "Greg Dove"  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, I generally agree with that,  although I don't think it
> should
> > ever
> > be an excuse for avoiding improvements to enhance quality in the
> > future,
> > and we should make sure we avoid this specifically in the future.
> > Nothing is perfect, software development is not particularly unique
> in
> > that
> > regard. But we can assure 'quality' if we have specific standards to
> > meet.
> > So hopefully it makes sense that ensuring that all examples build
> > (same as
> > CI) for future releases makes sense.
> >
> > So I will apply the same approach as you for now and vote EOD my time
> > after
> > a few more checks.
> > I don't know if there is a 'fix' for this for the future, unless the
> 13
> > steps 'automate' the search and replace in pom files for version
> > and for some reason this part is being skipped. Otherwise if it is a
> > manual
> > 'search-and-replace in files'  step, then it is probably just
> > something to
> > note for the next release.
> > Perhaps the approve script can be set to clear the snapshots from
> > local m2
> > so we always trap this early?
> >
> > Maybe for this release, the 'fix' can go in as advice in the
> > post-release
> > release notes? With or without a patch (I have one - I was able to
> > complete
> > the ApproveRoyale script after fixing the pom file).
> > Also hopefully we can get to 0.9.8 quickly, which should be possible
> > now
> > with all the work that has been put into the release process, that
> > definitely limits the impact of something like this.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 8:14 AM Alex Harui  >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I voted +1 because the default build scripts for our repos do not
> > build
> > > examples.   Most of the examples do build.  Please fix or file bugs
> > for the
> > > problems you found.  I'm sure other bugs will eventually be found
> and
> > > filed.  The release does not have to be perfect.
> > >
> > > I also voted +1 because, despite the problems reported so far, it
> is
> > my
> > > opinion that the project and community are better off having this
> > package
> > > as its official release instead of having PMC members spend more
> > energy on
> > > the release instead of features and fixes our users really need.
> > There
> > > appear to be simple workarounds for the problems reported.
> > >
> > > I don't think there are any absolute definitions.  It is often a
> > judgement
> > > call since software is rarely perfect.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Alex
> > >
> > > On 5/9/20, 12:56 PM, "Greg Dove"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for confirming that.
> > > So what does that mean in terms of our standards for release?
> > How do I
> > > apply the rules for assessing things here?
> > >
> > > Can I understand clarity about this wording:
> > >
> > > At a minimum you would be expected to check that:
> > > 
> > > - That the build script completes successfully
> > > - That you can compile and crosscompile a simple example using
> > the SDK.
> > >
> > >
> > > I realise that this is a configuration issue with the build of
> > one
> > > example
> > > only. I feel comfortable that the framework part is building ok
> > and
> > > although I did not check with outside projects, I tested a few
> of
> > > the built examples, and those that built (that I tested) were
> > fine.
> > >
> > > I guess it

Re: Routing (was Re: Spectrum Components)

2020-05-11 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Hi Harbs,

Today I have wiped out my cached Maven artifacts and tried build our
application where I'm using all stuff which you have lately added. I'm
getting following type of issues and cannot build my project:

 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: IRouter.

function get router():IRouter;

Error: Access of possibly undefined property BrowserRouter.

var router:BrowserRouter = as

I'm wondering what is being missed? I was trying to add those classes
in BasicClasses
but it doesn't help. Note that I'm able to build my application using ANT
build from Jenkins.

Any thoughts ?


wt., 21 kwi 2020 o 14:18 Harbs  napisał(a):

> It should be fixed.
> > On Apr 21, 2020, at 2:47 PM, Harbs  wrote:
> >
> > Yeah. I’ll fix that…
> >
> >> On Apr 21, 2020, at 10:59 AM, Piotr Zarzycki 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Harbs,
> >>
> >> I see some properties which would no longer work [1] - If I use
> >> BrowserRouter as a host. In this specific class that property is not
> used,
> >> but I'm pointing to the issue. Maybe HasRouter and BrowserRouter should
> >> have some common interface ?
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Piotr


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-asjs-agent2 #95

2020-05-11 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 2.05 MB...]



[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

 [copy] Copying 1 file to 

 [copy] Copying 1 file to 

[touch] Creating 

[touch] Creating 

[touch] Creating 


 [echo] ant main target completed on 05/11/2020 12:47:00 PM





   [delete] Deleting: 



 [echo] Compiling mustella.swc
 [echo] ROYALE_HOME: 


 [java] args:
 [java] +playerglobal.version=11.7
 [java] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
 [java] +env.AIR_HOME=C:\adobe\air\4.0\AdobeAIRSDK
 [java] -compiler.strict-xml=true
 [java] -compiler.targets=SWF,JSRoyale
 [java] target:SWF
 [java] target:JSRoyale
 [java] COMPC
 [java] Loading configuration: 

 [java] 58086 bytes written to 

 in 2.044 seconds
 [java] COMPCJSCRoyale
 [java] 3.185394 seconds
 col: 8 No definitions matching* could be found.
 [java] import*;
 col: 8 Definition could not be found.
 [java] import;
 [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m 
 [java] Java Result: 2





 [echo] Making lib directory 
[mkdir] Created dir: 


[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

  [get] Getting:
  [get] To: 


Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #883

2020-05-11 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 47.71 KB...]
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:26 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:332: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.removeEventListener = function(
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:26 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:340: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(evt) {};
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:26 PM printSummary
[junit] WARNING: 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)

[junit] Math parameters not found!  0
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:27 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:322: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, 
listener, opt_options) {
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:27 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:332: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.removeEventListener = function(
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:27 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:340: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(evt) {};
[junit] May 11, 2020 1:11:27 PM printSummary
[junit] WARNING: 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.396 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] foo parameters not found!  0
[junit] bar parameters not found!  0
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.017 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.003 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
[junit] foo parameters not found!  0
[junit] bar parameters not found!  0
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.038 sec


 [echo] using externc.jar from 
 [java] Math parameters not found!  0
 [java] Reflect parameters not found!  0
 [java] Atomics parameters not found!  0
 [java] Intl parameters not found!  0
 [java] 3.7196525 seconds
 [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g

 [echo] basedir is 


 [echo] Making lib directory 

 [echo] basedir is 



 [echo] checking for 

 [echo] basedir is 



Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Harbs,

I use as well homebrew and installed ANT with it. I have this in my

export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7/libexec

and I'm using it without any problem



El dom., 10 may. 2020 a las 17:53, Harbs () escribió:

> I’m having trouble with the approval script.
> I have ant installed with Homebrew and I don’t have a ANT_HOME var. I’m
> not sure why it’s necessary, but I can’t figure out what to use.
> Homebrew puts ant in the following location: /usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7
> If I set ANT_HOME to that, ant becomes non-functional and I get Error:
> Could not find or load main class
> Suggestions?
> Harbs

Carlos Rovira

RE: Modules in IE

2020-05-11 Thread Yishay Weiss
These lines in


get transpiled to

document.head.innerHTML += '";>'

But that’s making IE11 fail in loading the module. It doesn’t matter what the 
src is, IE will silently fail. For example, I’m getting the same result if I 
replace the above with

document.head.innerHTML += ''

From: Alex Harui 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 7:35:55 PM
Subject: Re: Modules in IE

Does dialog-polyfill load correctly?  Does it muck with the window object?

On 5/10/20, 9:13 AM, "Yishay Weiss"  wrote:

Test1.js isn’t different, but Test1_deps.js is.

diff --git "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js" 
index 73eccbe..3e1a8a7 100644
--- "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
+++ "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
@@ -211,4 +211,4 @@ 
goog.addDependency('../../../org/apache/royale/graphics/GradientEntry.js', ['org
goog.addDependency('../../../XML.js', ['XML'], []);

-document.head.innerHTML += '

RE: Modules in IE

2020-05-11 Thread Yishay Weiss
Carols, I think 65c67ee27f8d0d068b3e2163445d48cf200cddc3 in compiler code 
doesn’t work for IE11. Any ideas on how to fix this?

From: Yishay Weiss
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: Modules in IE

These lines in


get transpiled to

document.head.innerHTML += '";>'

But that’s making IE11 fail in loading the module. It doesn’t matter what the 
src is, IE will silently fail. For example, I’m getting the same result if I 
replace the above with

document.head.innerHTML += ''

From: Alex Harui 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 7:35:55 PM
Subject: Re: Modules in IE

Does dialog-polyfill load correctly?  Does it muck with the window object?

On 5/10/20, 9:13 AM, "Yishay Weiss"  wrote:

Test1.js isn’t different, but Test1_deps.js is.

diff --git "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js" 
index 73eccbe..3e1a8a7 100644
--- "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
+++ "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
@@ -211,4 +211,4 @@ 
goog.addDependency('../../../org/apache/royale/graphics/GradientEntry.js', ['org
goog.addDependency('../../../XML.js', ['XML'], []);

-document.head.innerHTML += '

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-asjs-agent2 #96

2020-05-11 Thread apacheroyaleci


[hiedra] Fix - When there is only one button its style should be first and last,

[hiedra] Code optimization

[...truncated 2.05 MB...]



[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

 [copy] Copying 1 file to 

 [copy] Copying 1 file to 

[touch] Creating 

[touch] Creating 

[touch] Creating 


 [echo] ant main target completed on 05/11/2020 02:13:38 PM





   [delete] Deleting: 



 [echo] Compiling mustella.swc
 [echo] ROYALE_HOME: 


 [java] args:
 [java] +playerglobal.version=11.7
 [java] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
 [java] +env.AIR_HOME=C:\adobe\air\4.0\AdobeAIRSDK
 [java] -compiler.strict-xml=true
 [java] -compiler.targets=SWF,JSRoyale
 [java] target:SWF
 [java] target:JSRoyale
 [java] COMPC
 [java] Loading configuration: 

 [java] 58086 bytes written to 

 in 2.110 seconds
 [java] COMPCJSCRoyale
 col: 8 No definitions matching* could be found.
 [java] import*;
 col: 8 Definition could not be found.
 [java] import;
 [java] 3.2822649 seconds
 [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m 
 [java] Java Result: 2





 [echo] Making lib directory 
[mkdir] Created dir: 


[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

  [get] Getting:
  [get] To: 

RE: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Yishay Weiss
I think 72 hours have passed. So far I see four +1 and one -1. It looks like 
Harbs and Piotr are still working on it, so I’ll wait for their votes before we 

From: Carlos Rovira 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:32:54 PM
To: Apache Royale Development 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

Hi Harbs,

I use as well homebrew and installed ANT with it. I have this in my

export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7/libexec

and I'm using it without any problem



El dom., 10 may. 2020 a las 17:53, Harbs () escribió:

> I’m having trouble with the approval script.
> I have ant installed with Homebrew and I don’t have a ANT_HOME var. I’m
> not sure why it’s necessary, but I can’t figure out what to use.
> Homebrew puts ant in the following location: /usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7
> If I set ANT_HOME to that, ant becomes non-functional and I get Error:
> Could not find or load main class
> Suggestions?
> Harbs

Carlos Rovira
From: Carlos Rovira
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:33 PM
To: Apache Royale Development
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

Hi Harbs,

I use as well homebrew and installed ANT with it. I have this in my

export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7/libexec

and I'm using it without any problem



El dom., 10 may. 2020 a las 17:53, Harbs () escribió:

> I’m having trouble with the approval script.
> I have ant installed with Homebrew and I don’t have a ANT_HOME var. I’m
> not sure why it’s necessary, but I can’t figure out what to use.
> Homebrew puts ant in the following location: /usr/local/Cellar/ant/1.10.7
> If I set ANT_HOME to that, ant becomes non-functional and I get Error:
> Could not find or load main class
> Suggestions?
> Harbs

Carlos Rovira

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #884

2020-05-11 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 46.43 KB...]
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:332: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.removeEventListener = function(
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:340: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(evt) {};
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM printSummary
[junit] WARNING: 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:322: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, 
listener, opt_options) {
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:332: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.removeEventListener = function(
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM println
[junit] WARNING: [missing]:340: WARNING - name BaseAudioContext is not 
defined in the externs.
[junit] BaseAudioContext.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(evt) {};
[junit] May 11, 2020 2:40:37 PM printSummary
[junit] WARNING: 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)

[junit] Math parameters not found!  0
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.358 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] foo parameters not found!  0
[junit] bar parameters not found!  0
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.014 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.003 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] foo parameters not found!  0
[junit] bar parameters not found!  0
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.033 sec
[junit] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


 [echo] using externc.jar from 
 [java] Math parameters not found!  0
 [java] Reflect parameters not found!  0
 [java] Atomics parameters not found!  0
 [java] Intl parameters not found!  0
 [java] 3.8487235 seconds
 [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g

 [echo] basedir is 


 [echo] Making lib directory 

 [echo] basedir is 



 [echo] checking for 

 [echo] basedir is 



Re: Modules in IE

2020-05-11 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Yishay,

talking without a huge analisys of the problem. I think Jewel Alert works
ok in IE11 so that should mean dialogpolyfil is loading ok. if not the case
something broke recently since I checked that in TDJ and other apps we did.

Anyway, the commit you state is just to give the support we needed. I
didn't tested in IE11, so don't know if we support it. Normally IE11 use to
some special way of writing the code for some particular things, so I think
the way to solve this is:

1.- search in SOF or other sources how IE11 expect scripts to be added
2.- upgrade the compiler code to use that way with that considerations to
make it IE11 compatible and check if that works for IE11 and rest of

sorry to not be able to say much more, but I'm these days with few time


El lun., 11 may. 2020 a las 16:12, Yishay Weiss ()

> Carols, I think 65c67ee27f8d0d068b3e2163445d48cf200cddc3 in compiler code
> doesn’t work for IE11. Any ideas on how to fix this?
> From: Yishay Weiss
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Modules in IE
> These lines in
>  * 
>  *
> ">
> get transpiled to
> document.head.innerHTML += '
> ">'
> But that’s making IE11 fail in loading the module. It doesn’t matter what
> the src is, IE will silently fail. For example, I’m getting the same result
> if I replace the above with
> document.head.innerHTML += ''
> From: Alex Harui 
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 7:35:55 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Modules in IE
> Does dialog-polyfill load correctly?  Does it muck with the window object?
> On 5/10/20, 9:13 AM, "Yishay Weiss"  wrote:
> Test1.js isn’t different, but Test1_deps.js is.
> diff --git "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> index 73eccbe..3e1a8a7 100644
> --- "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> +++ "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> @@ -211,4 +211,4 @@
> goog.addDependency('../../../org/apache/royale/graphics/GradientEntry.js',
> ['org
> goog.addDependency('../../../XML.js', ['XML'], []);
> goog.require('Test1');
> -document.head.innerHTML += '

Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

2020-05-11 Thread Alex Harui
There should be a apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf or apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js 
folder with the binary Ant artifact.  If you want SWF support you have to run 
the setup described in the README


On 5/11/20, 4:17 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:

Hi Guys,

I run into the same problem with TDJ and Maven build as you. However I have
a question - ApproveRoyale.xml - build first stuff by ANT, next Maven - as
I remember in the results of that build by ANT I should have somewhere IDE
ready to use SDK - where it should be ?


niedz., 10 maj 2020 o 23:12 Greg Dove  napisał(a):

> I created this for now:
> Feel free to improve it as you see fit.
> On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 1:21 PM Alex Harui 
> wrote:
> > We definitely should try to prevent these problems, but the
> responsibility
> > for fixing it and preventing it in the future is not the RMs, it is the
> all
> > of our responsibility.  So if you can think of a way to clear snapshots,
> > add it to the approval script.  If you can think of a way to scan poms
> for
> > -SNAPSHOT, add that too, although we currently do use a few snapshots as
> > build tools.  I haven't looked at the pom for TDJ but it could be that 
> > should not use explicit versions but rather, a property that is set by
> the
> > 13 steps.  The online release notes may need to be created in the wiki.
> > Feel free to pitch in and do that, and add whatever you think will help
> our
> > users.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> > On 5/9/20, 3:49 PM, "Greg Dove"  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, I generally agree with that,  although I don't think it
> should
> > ever
> > be an excuse for avoiding improvements to enhance quality in the
> > future,
> > and we should make sure we avoid this specifically in the future.
> > Nothing is perfect, software development is not particularly unique
> in
> > that
> > regard. But we can assure 'quality' if we have specific standards to
> > meet.
> > So hopefully it makes sense that ensuring that all examples build
> > (same as
> > CI) for future releases makes sense.
> >
> > So I will apply the same approach as you for now and vote EOD my 
> > after
> > a few more checks.
> > I don't know if there is a 'fix' for this for the future, unless the
> 13
> > steps 'automate' the search and replace in pom files for version
> > and for some reason this part is being skipped. Otherwise if it is a
> > manual
> > 'search-and-replace in files'  step, then it is probably just
> > something to
> > note for the next release.
> > Perhaps the approve script can be set to clear the snapshots from
> > local m2
> > so we always trap this early?
> >
> > Maybe for this release, the 'fix' can go in as advice in the
> > post-release
> > release notes? With or without a patch (I have one - I was able to
> > complete
> > the ApproveRoyale script after fixing the pom file).
> > Also hopefully we can get to 0.9.8 quickly, which should be possible
> > now
> > with all the work that has been put into the release process, that
> > definitely limits the impact of something like this.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 8:14 AM Alex Harui  >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I voted +1 because the default build scripts for our repos do not
> > build
> > > examples.   Most of the examples do build.  Please fix or file 
> > for the
> > > problems you found.  I'm sure other bugs will eventually be found
> and
> > > filed.  The release does not have to be perfect.
> > >
> > > I also voted +1 because, despite the problems reported so far, it
> is
> > my
> > > opinion that the project and community are better off having this
> > package
> > > as its official release instead of having PMC members spend more
> > energy on
> > > the release instead of features and fixes our users really need.
> > There
> > > appear to be simple workarounds for the problems reported.
> > >
> > > I don't think there are any absolute definitions.  It is often a
> > judgement
> > > call since software is rarely perfect.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Alex

RE: Modules in IE

2020-05-11 Thread Yishay Weiss
Hi Carlos, thanks. The issue is with inject_html in modules on IE, 
dialogPolyfill.js just happened to be the target src here. I’ve been searching 
the net for solutions on IE and I think the trick is to append elements instead 
of changing the inner html. I see two options of transpiling  that 
would work on IE:

  1.  Parse the  contents in the compiler and create js that would 
work for IE. Difficult.
  2.  Replace each line in  with dummy elements and change their 
outerHTML to match each line contents. This one looks easier, but I seem to 
remember a thread where we were trying to eliminate use of outerHTML.

Any thoughts are welcome.

From: Carlos Rovira
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 6:06 PM
To: Apache Royale Development
Subject: Re: Modules in IE

Hi Yishay,

talking without a huge analisys of the problem. I think Jewel Alert works
ok in IE11 so that should mean dialogpolyfil is loading ok. if not the case
something broke recently since I checked that in TDJ and other apps we did.

Anyway, the commit you state is just to give the support we needed. I
didn't tested in IE11, so don't know if we support it. Normally IE11 use to
some special way of writing the code for some particular things, so I think
the way to solve this is:

1.- search in SOF or other sources how IE11 expect scripts to be added
2.- upgrade the compiler code to use that way with that considerations to
make it IE11 compatible and check if that works for IE11 and rest of

sorry to not be able to say much more, but I'm these days with few time


El lun., 11 may. 2020 a las 16:12, Yishay Weiss ()

> Carols, I think 65c67ee27f8d0d068b3e2163445d48cf200cddc3 in compiler code
> doesn’t work for IE11. Any ideas on how to fix this?
> From: Yishay Weiss
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Modules in IE
> These lines in
>  * 
>  *
> ">
> get transpiled to
> document.head.innerHTML += '
> ">'
> But that’s making IE11 fail in loading the module. It doesn’t matter what
> the src is, IE will silently fail. For example, I’m getting the same result
> if I replace the above with
> document.head.innerHTML += ''
> From: Alex Harui 
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 7:35:55 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Modules in IE
> Does dialog-polyfill load correctly?  Does it muck with the window object?
> On 5/10/20, 9:13 AM, "Yishay Weiss"  wrote:
> Test1.js isn’t different, but Test1_deps.js is.
> diff --git "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> index 73eccbe..3e1a8a7 100644
> --- "a/.\\dir_with_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> +++ "b/.\\dir_without_import\\/js-debug/Test1__deps.js"
> @@ -211,4 +211,4 @@
> goog.addDependency('../../../org/apache/royale/graphics/GradientEntry.js',
> ['org
> goog.addDependency('../../../XML.js', ['XML'], []);
> goog.require('Test1');
> -document.head.innerHTML += '

Re: Routing (was Re: Spectrum Components)

2020-05-11 Thread Alex Harui
What version of Basic does your project use?  Could it still be a 0.9.7*?  I 
think the dev branch is on 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT


On 5/11/20, 5:37 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:

Hi Harbs,

Today I have wiped out my cached Maven artifacts and tried build our
application where I'm using all stuff which you have lately added. I'm
getting following type of issues and cannot build my project:

 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: IRouter.

function get router():IRouter;

Error: Access of possibly undefined property BrowserRouter.

var router:BrowserRouter = as

I'm wondering what is being missed? I was trying to add those classes
in BasicClasses
but it doesn't help. Note that I'm able to build my application using ANT
build from Jenkins.

Any thoughts ?


wt., 21 kwi 2020 o 14:18 Harbs  napisał(a):

> It should be fixed.
> > On Apr 21, 2020, at 2:47 PM, Harbs  wrote:
> >
> > Yeah. I’ll fix that…
> >
> >> On Apr 21, 2020, at 10:59 AM, Piotr Zarzycki 

> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Harbs,
> >>
> >> I see some properties which would no longer work [1] - If I use
> >> BrowserRouter as a host. In this specific class that property is not
> used,
> >> but I'm pointing to the issue. Maybe HasRouter and BrowserRouter should
> >> have some common interface ?
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Piotr


Piotr Zarzycki



Re: Modules in IE

2020-05-11 Thread Alex Harui
What if we abandon "inject_html" and go with "inject_script" instead?  Then 
when adding to the html output, each script would be wrapped with a  
tag, but for modules the code could be added to the main module .js file.

Also, it is possible that inject_html is being overused.  Any external 
dependency that isn't required before class initialization probably doesn't 
need to use inject_html.  Depending on the external code, a static initializer 
could bring in the code, and most of the Application classes have a 
delayed-start mechanism that could be used as well.  I doubt that Alert needs 
any dependencies before the first call to and could even check that 
it is running on IE before requesting the polyfill get loaded.

My 2 cents,

On 5/11/20, 8:36 AM, "Yishay Weiss"  wrote:

Hi Carlos, thanks. The issue is with inject_html in modules on IE, 
dialogPolyfill.js just happened to be the target src here. I’ve been searching 
the net for solutions on IE and I think the trick is to append elements instead 
of changing the inner html. I see two options of transpiling  that 
would work on IE:

  1.  Parse the  contents in the compiler and create js that 
would work for IE. Difficult.
  2.  Replace each line in  with dummy elements and change 
their outerHTML to match each line contents. This one looks easier, but I seem 
to remember a thread where we were trying to eliminate use of outerHTML.

Any thoughts are welcome.

From: Carlos Rovira<>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 6:06 PM
To: Apache Royale Development<>
Subject: Re: Modules in IE

Hi Yishay,

talking without a huge analisys of the problem. I think Jewel Alert works
ok in IE11 so that should mean dialogpolyfil is loading ok. if not the case
something broke recently since I checked that in TDJ and other apps we did.

Anyway, the commit you state is just to give the support we needed. I
didn't tested in IE11, so don't know if we support it. Normally IE11 use to
some special way of writing the code for some particular things, so I think
the way to solve this is:

1.- search in SOF or other sources how IE11 expect scripts to be added
2.- upgrade the compiler code to use that way with that considerations to
make it IE11 compatible and check if that works for IE11 and rest of

sorry to not be able to say much more, but I'm these days with few time


El lun., 11 may. 2020 a las 16:12, Yishay Weiss ()

> Carols, I think 65c67ee27f8d0d068b3e2163445d48cf200cddc3 in compiler code
> doesn’t work for IE11. Any ideas on how to fix this?
> From: Yishay Weiss<>
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:52 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: RE: Modules in IE
> These lines in
>  * 
>  *