Re: Tiles support

2022-08-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno mar 9 ago 2022 alle ore 07:32 Lukasz Lenart <> ha scritto:

> ... but from my perspective
> Struts 2 is using just a few features of the Apache Tiles and from
> project management perspective it will be easier to copy what is
> needed instead of managing & releasing a whole new project (instead
> just fixing in Struts 2, we would have to fix Tiles first, release it
> and fix Struts - this is similar thing we have with OGNL for example).
> Also as someone already pointed out, less dependency is better,
> especially if we would like to prepare support for JakartaEE.

Ok, I'd ask the attic about this topic, though, just to be sure. I think
there will be no problem. The only problem that I am aware of is that, if
you want to use a project in the attic *outside* of Apache, you have to
rename it (see iBATIS and MyBatis as an example).
But since it is everything in Apache this might be different.

Anyway, IANAL, ask the attic.


Re: Tiles support

2022-08-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno lun 8 ago 2022 alle ore 18:13 Antonio Petrelli <> ha scritto:

> Tiles is in the attic, this does not mean that it can get out of it, given
> that there is enough will to reboot a PMC.

I meant "can't" :-)


Re: Tiles support

2022-08-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno lun 8 ago 2022 alle ore 14:43 Lukasz Lenart <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> If you didn't notice the Apache Tiles project has retired and I wonder
> how to continue support for it. I thought maybe copying all the
> required code into the Strut Tiles Plugin is the right solution, wdyt?

Hello I am Antonio Petrelli, former PMC member of the Apache Tiles project.
Tiles is in the attic, this does not mean that it can get out of it, given
that there is enough will to reboot a PMC.
Copying code does not look like a good thing to do.

I have two questions:
1. Are you referring to a Struts 2 or Struts 1 Tiles plugin? Anyway
such plugins are not present in Tiles itself.
2. Are there really people using Tiles today?


Re: tld generator

2022-04-14 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno gio 14 apr 2022 alle ore 07:36 Lukasz Lenart <> ha scritto:

> There is also Tiles Autotag project, yet I never used it (there was a
> plan to use it instead Struts Annotations)
just to clarify what Tiles Autotag is (or was).

Tiles Autotag generates "tags" (JSP, Freemarker, Velocity) out from a
common core code. To do this, it needs to abstract the different
technologies into one model, so you develop one "pseudo-tag" and
automatically it generates JSP tags and related TLD, Freemarker and
Velocity "things" (sorry I don't remember how they are called, but you can
get the idea).
The problem is that it needs to use Tiles Request subproject, an
abstraction of the several requests (HttpServletRequest+HttpServletResponse
for servlets, PortletRequest for portlets, PageRequest for JSP etc.) to
integrate with the technologies under a common core.
So if you use Tiles Autotag you need to adopt Tiles Request too.

This made sense some years ago, now, where all the templates almost reside
on the client, I don't think this is the case. But I had fun developing for
it :-)

Best regards
Antonio Petrelli

Re: [VOTE] [FASTTRACK] Apache Struts

2021-12-16 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno gio 16 dic 2021 alle ore 19:38 Lukasz Lenart <> ha scritto:

> czw., 16 gru 2021 o 17:29 Antonio Petrelli
>  napisał(a):
> > Is there a reason why it has not been upgraded to 2.16.0?
> As Marc already pointed out, Log4j 2.16.0 requires JDK 8 while Struts
> 2.5.x is still using JDK7, besides that Log4j 2.12.2 gives exactly the
> same level of security as Log4j 2.16.0, see this
Ok thanks, mistakenly I thought that the 2.12 branch of Log4j was dead.

+1 GA non binding from an emeritus.


Re: [VOTE] [FASTTRACK] Apache Struts

2021-12-16 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Il giorno gio 16 dic 2021 alle ore 16:46 Lukasz Lenart <> ha scritto:

> The Apache Struts test build is now available. It includes
> the latest security patch which fixes security vulnerability:
> - Log4j has been upgrade to version 2.12.2 to address security
> vulnerability CVE-2021-45046

Is there a reason why it has not been upgraded to 2.16.0?


Re: Removal of my name from the Emeritus volunteers list

2021-03-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Thank you Rene
at least someone is hearing me, now I have to convince Velocity and
(hardly) the Attic (for Tiles) to remove my name.
Notice that my decision is against the higher roles at Apache, not the good
people, like you all, that give their spare time for the fun of
programming. At Apache I've learnt good practices that, at work, are seldom
I wish you all the best.

FWIW I managed to contact Marko via another person. He seems disheartened.
I think that, we all as Apache volunteers, must think what a decision like
the one Apache higher roles took can be destructive against a single person.

I don't think that I will change my decision, unless Apache members
apologize and the CoC is deleted for good.

Best regards and thanks for everything.


Il giorno mar 2 mar 2021 alle ore 09:38 Rene Gielen  ha

> Antonio,
> we are sorry to hear this, since this page entry first and foremost
> represents you personal, unexpirable merit in contributing to the growth
> and maintenance of a software project quite a few people found and still
> find useful.
> We respect your decision and wish you all the best. If your feelings
> change in future, just drop us a line and we will happily reestablish
> the former state.
> - René
> on behalf of the Struts PMC
> Am 25.02.21 um 10:18 schrieb Antonio Petrelli:
> > Greetings
> > I am Antonio Petrelli, former PMC member of Struts, Tiles and Velocity.
> > Following the removal of Marko Rodriguez from the TinkerPop project I
> would
> > like to express my disappointment against Apache Software Foundation,
> that
> > when I was involved was all about merit and meritocracy. Policing thought
> > and speech was never its mission and now the woke and cancel culture
> ruined
> > it all.
> >
> > So please I want to express my disappointment by asking you to remove my
> > name from the list of emeritus volunteers in your Struts website.
> >
> > I hope you understand
> >
> > Antonio Petrelli
> >
> --
> René Gielen

Removal of my name from the Emeritus volunteers list

2021-02-25 Thread Antonio Petrelli
I am Antonio Petrelli, former PMC member of Struts, Tiles and Velocity.
Following the removal of Marko Rodriguez from the TinkerPop project I would
like to express my disappointment against Apache Software Foundation, that
when I was involved was all about merit and meritocracy. Policing thought
and speech was never its mission and now the woke and cancel culture ruined
it all.

So please I want to express my disappointment by asking you to remove my
name from the list of emeritus volunteers in your Struts website.

I hope you understand

Antonio Petrelli

[OT] The russians that maintain the site (WAS: Re: Is it preferable to file tickets or report doc issues here?)

2011-04-10 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2011/4/10 Martin Gainty

 the russians that maintain the site there arent going to upgrade any of
 their Struts1 webapps to Struts2..their reason is that struts2 wont deploy
 to resin

I would like to meet these Russians. I hope they love children too ;-)


Re: AUTO: Markus Katz is out of office. (Rückkehr a m 09.08.2010)

2010-07-19 Thread Antonio Petrelli
A Julia Antonova/Tumlare wannabe? :-D


 Ich werde ab dem 16.07.2010 nicht im Büro sein. Ich kehre zurück am
 I will be out of the office starting 16.07.2010. I will be back on

 Ihre Nachricht werde ich nach meiner Rückkehr beantworten.
 I will answer your message after my return.

 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Best regards

 Markus Katz

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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.2.0 Vote

2010-06-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2010/6/29 Lukasz Lenart
 * []

Are you sure of this? Didn't you prepare zips to upload to


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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.2.0 Vote

2010-06-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2010/6/29 Lukasz Lenart
 2010/6/29 Antonio Petrelli
 Assemblies are an important part of the vote, at least if you are not
 doing a pure Maven-based distribution.
 It's not a question of remember to upload. In your call for a vote,
 you put the staging repository as the place to download the
 distribution: this is wrong, it is not obvious that you have to search
 inside the repository to find the assemblies.
 You *have to* cancel the vote and then, at least, rewrite the vote
 thread correcting the distribution piece. I don't think you need to
 upload the assemblies immediately (though I suggest you to do it), it
 could be enough to point to the subdirectory of the staging repository
 containing only the assemblies.

 Ok, I see your point, but the whole Maven base release is made by
 Nexus and I must write a script or a Maven task to do it

I don't think other Struts release managers uploaded automatically here:
However, in Tiles I did something that might help here:
Look at the release plugin and antrun configuration. Notice that I
have to fix it after our migration to Nexus (I need to use
apache-release profile, not release), but it worked with


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Re: Struts with JSF and Tiles error

2010-02-25 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask the Struts Users mailing list:

However your request to use JSF 2 together with Struts 1.3 and
Struts-Faces is likely to fail, since AFAIK Struts-Faces supports only
JSF 1.


2010/2/25 Sekar, Sowmya
 I have an existing Struts 1 application with Tiles and JSP. I would like to 
 use JSF 2 components instead of the JSP tags and leave the business logic and 
 actions as is.
 These are the steps I followed :

 1.       Copied jsf-impl , jsf-api.jar and struts-faces-1.3.8.jar in my 
 web-inf/lib folder of my application

 2.       Configured the faces servlet in my web.xml





 I also configured my action servlet as follows :




 I forwarded a menu option to a page through an action class using tiles. The 
 target page is /faces/pages/home.jsp.

 After the action is executed, it throws the following error -

 6,com.sun.faces.context.facescontexti...@1ebf89f) threw exception


 FacesContext is returned as null.

 Please help

 Sowmya Sekar

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Re: Struts/Tiles JIRA contents migrated (Re: JIRA downtime (Re: Merging Struts JIRA projects into main JIRA))

2010-02-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2010/2/3 Jeff Turner
 Please let me know if you spot any problems.

The Struts mailing list settings are not correct, I've fixed Tiles
ones (they were default) but probably a Struts JIRA admin knows better
than me what are the projects to fix.


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Re: JIRA downtime (Re: Merging Struts JIRA projects into main JIRA)

2010-02-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2010/2/1 Antonio Petrelli
 2010/2/1 Jeff Turner
 Please let me know if you notice any bigger problems (stacktraces, missing 
 content, etc).

 Nothing big, but I noticed that the Struts and Tiles project
 categories are not there.

Please don't mind, I've seen that you've imported them, thank you :-D


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Re: JIRA downtime (Re: Merging Struts JIRA projects into main JIRA)

2010-02-01 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2010/2/1 Jeff Turner
 Please let me know if you notice any bigger problems (stacktraces, missing 
 content, etc).

Nothing big, but I noticed that the Struts and Tiles project
categories are not there.

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Re: End of Life for Struts 1.1

2009-11-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/23 Paul Benedict
 I refer you to my previous answer. With the source code freely
 available, you are willing to alter it and submit pack patches at
 will. We are already at Struts 1.3.10 and 1.4 is in the oven, and
 2.0/2.1 is hot. As for 1.1, it is pretty old so I would upgrade -- at
 least to another 1.x -- if you want continued benefit.

To complete what Paul have written, a support contract never existed,
this is the point of a community-developed software.
Anyway usually at Apache we continue to support/fix the latest GA
version of a software. In the case of Struts 1, it is Struts 1.3.10.
So, you are encouraged to upgrade to Struts 1.3.10 and, if you find a
bug, file a JIRA issue and, if possible, post a patch so it will be
fixed ASAP.
In the case of Struts 1.1 (and even 1.2) your only way to get it fixed
is downloading the source code, fix it and build it yourself.


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Re: UEL plugin

2009-11-17 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/16 Musachy Barroso
 not really, but I can mail you the jar if you want.

Are you kidding?


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Re: Releasing a Maven-based project

2009-11-14 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/13 Martin Cooper
 Some of you may have seen this posted on the Incubator General list,
 but I thought this page, written up by Maven's Brett Porter, was worth
 sharing here too. It's a great summary of what it takes to release an
 Apache project that's built with Maven.

Since @Struts staged deploy is used, I suggest to look at the
release:stage goal:
This way the use of the Nexus ability to move staged releases is not
necessary, you can simply copy a directory.


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Re: ognl 2.7.3 performance

2009-11-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/3 Musachy Barroso
 I think I saw it in someone's blog but now I can't find it..did I make
 this up? Anyway, I am out of pet projects, so I might just play with a
 UEL plugin :)

Is it really necessary? Isn't it possible to let EL be used by the container?
In Tiles, in JSP support module, we solved the problem using two
separated attributes, one for the expression (in OGNL, MVEL and EL
[interpreted at Tiles-side]) and one for the value, that can be put
either with a string value or with an EL expression.


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Re: ognl 2.7.3 performance

2009-11-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/3 Musachy Barroso
 We also have FreeMarker , Velocity and we have a lot of expression
 evaluations from Struts code itself.

And in this case you're right, EL at Struts-side is obligatory.
But exactly, is a bad idea to use the capability of the container to
resolve EL expressions into values?
This is just an idea.


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Re: ognl 2.7.3 performance

2009-11-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/11/3 Musachy Barroso
 Well yes, that's by default, but with the new EL api you can plugin a
 new EL resolver like:

  JspApplicationContext jspApplicationContext =
  jspApplicationContext.addELResolver(new CompoundRootELResolver());

Maybe I did not explain myself.
In a JSP page, an expression of the type:
is treated as an expression. If you put such a string in a non-rtexpr
enabled attribute it will give you an error.

 BTW the JUEL plugin...

Leave JUEL and try Tomcat's EL like I did in tiles:
(notice that currently SVN seems down).
You can even load the default container EL implementation.
Take a look in particular at the configuration, because the EL API is
got from repository, and the implementation from Tomcat.


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Re: Struts 1 + Spring

2009-10-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/10/23 Paul Benedict
 Based on the latest javadocs, Spring 3.0 no longer includes Struts 1.x
 support. Because of this, I want to copy their struts package into a
 new struts-spring module to be distributed here at Apache. Their code
 is already published under the ASL -- must I go through IP clearance
 procedures? Or does Apache really believe ASL code is free?

Paul, do not confuse *license* with *copyright*
It is true that Spring gives everything under ASL, and it is true that
they still own their code.
You *can* grab their code to change it and add it to your codebase,
but it still derives from *their* code.
So there are two options:
* convince Spring to donate their code to Apache, so there are no
copyright issues, using the IP clerance procedure;
* take Spring code, modify it, but add a line in the NOTICE file and
add the whole license header on the top of every file that you grab
and/or modify.


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Re: embeddedJsp plugin causing jsp compilation issues

2009-09-27 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/9/27 Musachy Barroso
 It is a missmatch between the jsp-apis. The internal jasper implements
 2.0, while tomcat 6/jasper 6 implement 2.1, and in 2.1 there a new
 method called. It is not looking good.

You might wish to use JarJar to repackage, to avoid conflicts like
this. Lots of people use them to avoid dependencies, like


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Re: maven 3rd party repos

2009-09-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/9/26 Musachy Barroso
 do you mean this?

 I have no problem using it locally, but I need to add the
 repo, which I think we cannot do for releases.

Why not? Unless you are going to include this dependency in the
distribution, I don't think there is a problem.
For example, Tiles has a dependency on EL, that only the old Maven 1
repository of (of Glassfish) has.
(notice that this package has not such a strict license as JTA).


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Re: maven 3rd party repos

2009-09-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
 2009/9/26 Musachy Barroso
 yeah the problem is that I wanted to add a spring + hibernate example
 to the new showcase, and it needs that jar, which is then messed up.

Then you can add it as a dependency in the pom. Probably the problem
is more complex, since:
* you have to include the package in servlet containers, since in Java
EE application server should be included (i.e. provided dependency);
* what you cannot do is to include it in the published WAR. If you
deploy that WAR it is not an issue, since it is not downloadable. Add
a README file in the distribution and you're done.


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Re: Maven version

2009-09-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/9/18 Musachy Barroso
 I have no idea how to do that (require maven 2.2.1)

Use the enforcer plugin:


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Re: Seeking reflections on our tag library (as a framework)

2009-08-12 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/8/11 Musachy Barroso
 Like Eric said, one of the things that I dislike about the current
 tags is the inheritance of the attributes. Out tags for the tld
 generation have ways to hack around that problem, but it still smells.

I don't know how it is OT, but maybe it might interest you.
At Tiles I realized a pure Java template layer, mad only of start,
end and execute methods (with different parameters) that
represent, respectively, the start, the end or the execution of a tag
(the execution usually means a tag with no body).
Around that I created three tag layers, for JSP, FreeMarker and Velocity.
This was possible essentially because in Tiles there is an abstraction
of the request (TilesRequestContext) that can represent a servlet
request, a JSP's PageContext, a FreeMarker Environment, etc.
My idea is that, in a near future, this mechanism can be extended to
tag generation, starting from the template, for different template




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Re: Anybody else getting build errors in the Tiles plugin?

2009-08-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/8/3 Dave Newton
 I'm setting up a new machine and getting a POM-related error in the Tiles
 plugin--not sure if it's me, the machine, or what.

What error?


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[OT] Re: removing a user from the wiki

2009-07-30 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/7/30 Dave Newton
 Wes Wannemacher wrote:

 I have admin rights (AFAICT), it looks like I can remove him or change
 his password (among other things, but those two seem to be the most
 appropriate). Let me know which you think would work best.

 Remove him, unless among other things includes more entertaining ideas.

Just like creating a spamming-user-name haters group in facebook? :-D


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Re: svn commit: r798892 - in /struts/struts2/trunk: bundles/demo/ plugins/javatemplates/ plugins/oval/

2009-07-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Just a suggestion, why don't you ignore all the .* resources?


 Author: wesw
 Date: Wed Jul 29 13:24:43 2009
 New Revision: 798892

 adding ignores for target dir and IDE artifacts

    struts/struts2/trunk/bundles/demo/   (props changed)
    struts/struts2/trunk/plugins/javatemplates/   (props changed)
    struts/struts2/trunk/plugins/oval/   (props changed)

 Propchange: struts/struts2/trunk/bundles/demo/
 --- svn:ignore (added)
 +++ svn:ignore Wed Jul 29 13:24:43 2009
 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

 Propchange: struts/struts2/trunk/plugins/javatemplates/
 --- svn:ignore (added)
 +++ svn:ignore Wed Jul 29 13:24:43 2009
 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

 Propchange: struts/struts2/trunk/plugins/oval/
 --- svn:ignore (added)
 +++ svn:ignore Wed Jul 29 13:24:43 2009
 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

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Re: EPL license

2009-04-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/4/8 Musachy Barroso
 OVal is distributed under the Eclipse Public License, which is listed
 under Reciprocal Licenses in: Does this mean we can use
 it/distribute it?

You can use it and you can distribute it in binary form (remember to
add a line into the NOTICE.txt file and the license of that software).
Are you going to use the source? In this case you cannot use it with
the exception of DTD files and similar.


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Re: No Press?

2009-01-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/1/20 Musachy Barroso
 Well, I did check theserverside and infoq, and haven't seen anything,
 which is weird because they(TSS) announce new versions of anything,

Sorry Musachy, but since you did so much work for the latest release,
why don't you submit the news to TheServerSide? You are the best
person, since I think you know what are the new features.


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Re: No Press?

2009-01-20 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2009/1/20 Musachy Barroso
 Well, I did check theserverside and infoq, and haven't seen anything,
 which is weird because they(TSS) announce new versions of anything,

Heh... You're thinking about JT right? :-D


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Modifying .htaccess for redirection to Tiles

2008-10-14 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Hi all,
I need to modify the .htaccess file in Struts website, but that file
belongs to rgielen and it is not group-writable.
Can anyone with the correct privileges modify that file, or make it

The line to add is:

RedirectMatch permanent /struts-sandbox/tiles.*


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Re: how to get the struts2 configuration in program

2008-10-07 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/10/7 penny_hu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I remember that there is some way to get the configuration(action,form,.)
 in program in struts1, could I do that in struts2?
 Thank you!
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Struts - Dev mailing list archive at

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Re: Difference between action and forward attribute in html:link tag

2008-10-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask it to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/10/2 deksa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Why is it, when I use html:link tag's action attribute, I get my form
 validated on the initial view (for the first time) and if I use html:link
 tag's forward attribute, I don't get that behaviour?

 I am using Struts 1.3.8.
 I am using modules
 I am using Tiles
 I am using Struts Validator
 My folder structure looks like this:

 This is the code when I use forward attribute:

 • html:link forward=viewAddEmployeebean:message

 forward name=viewAddEmployee path=/employee/admin/ /

 action path=/admin/viewAddSearch

 definition extends=main.layout
put name=title
value=ABC, Inc. Human Resources Portal - Employee Search/
 put name=body   value=/employee/admin/addEmployee.jsp/


 When I run the application like this I don't get the validation on initial
 run (this is ok - I want this).

 But when I use the action attribute:
 • html:link action=/employee/admin/addEmployeebean:message


 action path=/admin/addEmployee
 type=org.jamesholmes.minihr.AddEmployeeAction name=addEmployeeForm
 scope=request validate=true

 definition extends=main.layout
put name=title
value=ABC, Inc. Human Resources Portal - Employee Search/
 put name=body   value=/employee/admin/addEmployee.jsp/


 If you need the validation.xml I can send it too.
 This way I get the validation done on the initial run. Can anyone explain to
 me why? I guess I don't have to always use forward but I don't know how this
 could be fixed.

 Thanks in advance!
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JIRA license expired

2008-09-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Hi all
can you please fix the license in the JIRA instance?


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Re: A few simple questions about Struts 1.3.8

2008-08-04 Thread Antonio Petrelli


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Re: Struts 1.3.8 and tiles -- I get a NoSuchDefinitionException

2008-08-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/8/3 ElCrackdel83 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 at org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib.InsertTag.processDe

Usually it happens when you mistyped your definition (that does not
seem your case) or when something wrong happened at startup.
Is there an error that happens at startup?


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Re: Struts 1.3.8 and tiles -- I get a NoSuchDefinitionException

2008-08-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please re-post this email to the Struts users mailing list.


2008/8/3 ElCrackdel83 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Actually I have a problem at the startup with the log4j that it did not
 happen before I configure tiles and definitions. So to try I had to remove
 log4j of my app. The error I get with log4j it seems to do with tiles. It's
 the next one:

 og4j:ERROR Failed to excute sql
 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error
 in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
 version for the right syntax to use near 'name is required and must be
 specified for element type definition. - org.apa' at line 1
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native

 Antonio Petrelli-3 wrote:

 Oh sorry, please ask it at the Struts Users mailing list:

 By the way, what is the struts mailing list?

 Thanks for your answer. Thank you so much.


 2008/8/3 Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2008/8/3 ElCrackdel83 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 at org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib.InsertTag.processDe

 Usually it happens when you mistyped your definition (that does not
 seem your case) or when something wrong happened at startup.
 Is there an error that happens at startup?


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Re: Struts 1.3.8 problem html:form

2008-08-03 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts users mailing list:


2008/8/3 AlexPresley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am using Struts 1.3.8 and when i want to try some of the examples or when
 i want to develop something
 i always have the same error in the line with html:form.
 This is a very simple example:

 Inside Web-inf,i have a lib folder with the following libs:

 Struts-config.xml with this Information:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?

 !DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
 Configuration 1.3//EN;

  !-- === Form Bean Definitions --

 form-bean name=RegistroForm

!-- ===Action Mapping Definitions --


 action path=/registro
forward name=exito
   forward name=fracaso


 Inside Web-inf-src i have a package app with 2 classes.


 package app;

 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;

 import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
 import org.apache.struts.action.*;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.lang.Object;

 public class RegistroAction extends Action {

public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

RegistroForm registroForm = (RegistroForm) form;

String user = registroForm.getUsername();
String pass1 = registroForm.getPassword1();
String pass2 = registroForm.getPassword2();

if (pass1.equals(pass2)) {

return mapping.findForward(sucess);

} else {
return mapping.findForward(error);



 package app;

 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

 public class RegistroForm extends ActionForm{
protected String username;
protected String password1;
protected String password2;
public String getPassword1() {
return password1;
public void setPassword1(String password1) {
this.password1 = password1;
public String getPassword2() {
return password2;
public void setPassword2(String password2) {
this.password2 = password2;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;


 In a folder call Pages i have a 2 .html error.html and succes.html
 And of course i have the index.jsp page,i use this page to
 start the application and there is where i have the error.


 %@ page language=java contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=html %
 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=bean %
 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=logic %


 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1


 html:form action=/registro

   Nombre Usuariohtml:text property=username /
  Contraseñahtml:text property=password1 /
  Repetir Contraseñahtml:text property=password2 /

  html:submit property=Registro/



 The error is in html:form action=/registro

 El servidor encontró un error interno () que hizo que no pudiera rellenar
 este requerimiento.
 That exeption in english it is:
 The server found an error,and cant fill this requirement.
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception in JSP: /index.jsp:16

 I am using Tomcat 5.5.26
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: bean inside iframe

2008-07-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/7/29 Nohinder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 i have an iframe and in the src part i have a bean: write...
 but surprinsingly my iframe does not make the height i have it in Firefox. i
 am aware that FF has issues with iframe, but if i place a link inside the
 iframe src, it works just fine, but only with a link.
 my question is simple, don't know if the answer is the same:  how do i make
 my iframe accept my height when having a bean inside the src. i have tryied
  Thank you! :working:

 iframe frameborder=0 style=width: 100%;z-index:1;
src=bean:write name=name property=url/
style=padding-top: 0px; clear:both; display: block; 
width=100%  marginwidth=0  marginheight=
 align=top scrolling=auto height=100% 

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Re: action's servlet is null

2008-07-28 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/28 Bartek Wasko [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 In our struts1 (1.3.8) application we encountered such a problem.

 getServlet() invoked from action code returns null.

 After quick investigation I found a bit susspicious place in the
 RequestProcessor#processActionCreate code.
 The synchronized block seems to be a bit risky in highly concurrent
 environment because it does not cover also
 the code injecting servlet into freshly created action. After I had extended
 it to mentioned code fragment, it seems,  our nullpointer vanished.

 What do you think of it?

It could be a bug. Can you open a JIRA issue and provide a patch?


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Re: [s2] Google XML Pages (GXP) to replace Freemarker in tags?

2008-07-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/26 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It is pretty well known that Google uses WebWork 2 and Struts 2 in
 many of its applications, but for the view layer, they use Google XML
 Pages (GXP) [1], which was just opened source yesterday or so.  There
 is a lot to like in GXP like type safety, speed, correct HTML
 generation, automatic support for HTML and XHTML (one of our frequent
 tickets), automatic encoding of untrusted content, and even things
 like mulitiple language support.

In particular, what I like is parameter-passing to sub-templates, a-la Tiles.


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Re: configuring the error handling of Struts

2008-07-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/7/23 Shining77 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello !!!

 My question is the following one:

 Is it possible to configure Struts in a way that Struts do not send a
 response by a forward (error handling) in the case of specific error but
 therefore declares the operation as successful ?

 Thanks for some help.


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Re: [s1] tiles2 plugin

2008-07-22 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/21 Yannick Haudry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Struts 1.3.9, Tiles 2.0.6 and struts-tiles2-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar plugin.

This configuration does not seem compatible to me. You have to try
with a snapshot of Struts 1.4.0.

 I followed the migration guide from the Tiles2 website and got it
 work, or almost !
 Everything was working nicely until I used the export feature from
 displaytag (see exception below)

 Taking a much closer look at the processTilesDefinition method from
 the TilesRequestProcessor class:

if (container.isValidDefinition(definitionName, new Object[] { request,
response })) {
retValue = response.isCommitted();
try {
container.render(definitionName, new Object[] { request,
response });
} catch (TilesException e) {
throw new ServletException(Cannot render definition '
+ definitionName + ');

 It appears that the retValue is always set to 'false' in any case,
 hence in the log statement my '.page.View' is always processed as uri
 and not as definition.

Yuk! It seems that you found a bug!
In fact the retValue was supposed to be true if a definition was
found. But in fact it was misused.
Can you open a JIRA issue?
(use the tiles2-plugin)
If you can, can you create a patch about it?


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Re: [s1] tiles2 plugin

2008-07-22 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/22 Yannick Haudry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 or would it be a better idea to consider migrating to struts2 where
 all the efforts are
 concentrated now ?

It depends. If you are maintaining an old application, then I suggest
to follow the Struts 1 way.
Otherwise, consider moving to another modern web framework, like
Struts 2, Spring MVC, JSF, Seam, Click, etc.
If you need to have a good integration with Tiles 2, Struts 2 and
Spring MVC are the best choices. Anyway you can use Tiles 2 without an
integration layer :-)


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Re: [s1] tiles2 plugin

2008-07-22 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/22 Yannick Haudry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Actually, referring to your last note, I was wondering if in this case
 (meaning Tiles2 without a plugin),
 can I still use Tiles definitions as Struts forward ?

No, but you can render your definition using the container directly,
with no forward. See:
(search for Render the definition).


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Re: [s2] Struts 2 OSGi Plugin

2008-07-14 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/7/14 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Actually, that bit isn't a problem - we could bundle the tiles jars in
 the struts 2 tiles plugin and generate the manifest for both

Sorry for the dumb question, but does bundling mean decompress and
recompress together? IMHO it's easier to add a bunch of lines in the
manifest of Tiles jars than decompressing and recompressing jars.
I suppose it's not difficult, so probably it could be added in Tiles
2.0.7 (the latest version is 2.0.6).


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Re: environment awareness (project stage in JSF)

2008-06-27 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/6/27 James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I like it. This is one of the features of RoR that I really found useful.

 Anyone else had thoughts of doing something like this for Struts 2?

I hope that my answer is not a flamebait, but I think that this
feature is pretty lame.
I think that it can be easily implemented, for example with JNDI (like
they did), or with a context param in web.xml, or whatever. Do we
really need it?
Moreover, I think that modifying behaviour of an application depending
on where it is deployed is a bad idea. Sometimes it is difficult to
figure out why bugs happen in production and not in our local
environment. If we have different behaviour, debugging becomes a

About the example in the blog:
Here is where ProjectStage comes in:  If the current stage is Development and
no h:messages is present in the view, we'll add one automatically for
the user.
If the stage is Production we'd take no action (assuming the user would have
this all corrected - no need to try to modify the tree).

Does it mean that, once in production, no message will appear? It's
fantastic, I see a message in development and I forget to hard code
it, because the framework puts one for me, and in production it does
not appear, so the user will be clueless on what's happening.

Just my 2 eurocents rant :-D


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Re: Tiles Conventions

2008-06-21 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/6/21 Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is there any interest in a Tiles Convention?

Well it could be nice :-)

 The problem I'm trying to solve is that with ajax html results (page
 fragments) a TilesResult can easily:
  - substitute a Tile based on the theme; and/or
  - substitute a Tile based on the locale; and
  - embed Tiles within another page without concern for the location and
 theme/locale (much better IMHO than s:include, jsp:include, ftl:include)

I don't know how it can be useful, but Tiles can be customized by
locale, by appending i18n codes (e.g. _en_US) in the name of the
file. The locale is resolved by using a LocaleResolver instance,
that can be easily implemented.

  2. if the Tiles plugin is installed, the convention's search is extended(?)
 to search for a Tile matching package.action.result (not sure how yet...)

I think that this solution is the best.
About the how, you can use the TilesContainer:
(search for Runtime Composition using APIs).

  3.Change TilesResult to accept variables in the tiles name
 @Result(name=show, type=TilesResult.class, value=tiles.{action}.show)
 (which doesn't reduce code, but starts a useful convention)

It could be useful, though. I think 2 and 3 could be implemented both.

 I get the impression that few users use TilesResult though (but do use Tiles
 within JSPs).

I don't think so, I read some people asking for support in
Struts-Users and Tiles-Users about it.

Anyway count on me :-) I don't know much about Struts 2, but I can
help in writing code to call Tiles correctly.


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Re: [S2] Can an interceptor save the request to use it later ?

2008-05-27 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/5/27 Andrea Vettori [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have a login interceptor that checks the presence of a token in the
 session. If the token is not present it returns LOGIN; if present it invokes
 the action. LOGIN is a global result that calls the login action.

 What I want to do is: after the login is completed the system should process
 the original request with all the parameters.

 I already can do this composing the request URL getting the action name,
 context, parameters name and values from ActionInvocation in the interceptor
 and storing it in a session variable and after the login redirect to that

 What I want to know is if it exists a better way to do this, for example
 saving the ActionInvocation object insted of composing the URL and then use
 that to execute the original action in the interceptor.

 Something like this :

 public String intercept (ActionInvocation ai) {

if (session contains saved invocation)
continue that invocation and clear session saved invocation
else {
if (session contains token)
return LOGIN

 I dont' like using the composed URL method even if it works, because it
 has some hardcoded values (i.e. the .action suffix) and because it
 converts all parameters to strings and then back to their original variables
 type when the URL is used in the redirect.


 Ing. Andrea Vettori
 Consulente per l'Information Technology

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Re: Should xml files have the Apache license header

2008-05-25 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/25 Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I came across one xml file
 with the Apache license header which got me to wondering, should they all
 have it?

There was a big debate about this question. Probably the pom.xml is
not a piece of intellectual property, but, in doubt, we decided to put
the license header there too.

 I might as well fix any files I'm working on anyway unless there is
 some automated way to do it.

Yes, there is one:
Notice that I prepared a patch that allows to put Struts headers:
If your task is only to check the header, though, you can run the
rat:check Maven goal.

 This is all in the sample apps for now.

We decided that sample apps do not need license headers.

 Everything I read on pages like
 seems to indicate that every text file should have a header

Sure, but putting license headers in sample apps makes the apps
themselves useless to the user.


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Re: validation problem

2008-05-23 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/5/23 Nuria Martínez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've got a problem with validation in my struts2 aplication. I have version
 I have a jsp page(page1) loaded in a div of another jsp page(page2). I need
 validate the form of the page1, and i haven't be able with struts
 Is it possible to do this type of validation? I've tried to validate in the
 action sending the response with a new action in struts.xml to the same
 page. Sometimes it do it and sometime not, loading the entire jsp in the
 explorer page. Probably because of the ajax.
 To have proper validation should I change the version of struts to 2.1 to
 use ajax validation?
 And the last it possible to validate a form with result
 name=input type=redirectAction some action???
 Sorry I used to use struts1 and I'm a bit confuse.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: Problem extending ExceptionMappingInterceptor, need help!

2008-05-22 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/5/22 Dallas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I´m having some issues trying to extend the ExceptionMappingInterceptor.

 The Struts 2 documentationen says that you can override the publishException
 but I´m not having any luck in doing so, the method never gets called...

 My interceptor:

 package se.ahlens.intranet.apps;

 ---Imports here-

 public class CustomInterceptor extends ExceptionMappingInterceptor {

protected void publishException(ActionInvocation invocation,
 ExceptionHolder exceptionHolder) {
// Implement logging
super.publishException(invocation, exceptionHolder);



package name=se.ahlens.intranet.apps extends=struts-default

interceptor name=test

interceptor-stack name=myStack
interceptor-ref name=test/interceptor-ref


  -Actions here -


 Anything wrong here?
 My publishException never gets called when an exception is thrown...
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Re: about GPL/Apache license compatibility ...

2008-05-16 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/15 Laurie Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I dug a little deeper, and found the work-in-progress policy covering this
 issue [3]. GPL and LGPL licensed libraries are explicitly excluded from
 being included in / distributed with Apache projects there, but it doesn't
 address the new (v3) revisions of those licenses.

Notice that this does not mean that you cannot use a LGPL package as a
dependency, but only that you must not distribute it.
For example, in Struts 2 there is a JasperReports plugin.
JasperReports is LGPL, so it is not distributed, but it is used to
create a plugin (the plugin, obviously, is distributed).
The user must download JasperReports by him/herself.


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Re: How to get elements from a list without using logic:iterate

2008-05-14 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/14 whitesox12 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


  I have a List that holds only 5 JavaBean Objects. Now I need to show the
  data on the JSP but don't want to use the logic:iterate

  Is there a way to manually get the List element by index and show data on
  the page in specific area and then get the next element i.e. List.get(0)
  then show the data and then List.get(1) etc. without using logic:iterate.

You could use EL:


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Re: dependancy on 1.5.0 tools

2008-05-12 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/12 Al Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 so should we bump this to 6.0, or if we don't actually need tools.jar maybe 
 remove it?

I think that we can remove it, I really cannot see the need for such a
dependency. Eventually, the only dependency we need is the runtime
library, if we want to be Java 5 compatible.
Please open a JIRA issue.


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[S2] EL support: Tomcat's Jasper instead of JUEL

2008-05-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Hi all!
I experimented the use of Tomcat's Jasper implementation of EL instead
of JUEL at Tiles, and it seems to work pretty well:

So I managed to remove dependency on JUEL (that is a nightmare when
deployed under a JSP 2.1 container, due to its javax.el libraries) and
use official Glassfish EL APIs and Tomcat implementation.
Do you think that we could do the same for Struts 2?


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Re: [S2] EL support: Tomcat's Jasper instead of JUEL

2008-05-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/8 Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Antonio Petrelli on 08/05/08 09:34, wrote:

  Hi all!
  I experimented the use of Tomcat's Jasper implementation of EL instead
  of JUEL at Tiles, and it seems to work pretty well:

Eh, it's a bit complicated, since the Glassfish team does not like
Maven 2 very much. Here they are anyway:


You have to add the repository too:


Notice that Maven 2 repository of contains a
not-compiled-correctly version of the API. I sent an e-mail to the
Glassfish team, but it seems that they won't update it :-(


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Re: [S2] EL support: Tomcat's Jasper instead of JUEL

2008-05-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/8 Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Does this replace the original jakarta-taglibs standard.jar or the

No, EL is part of the JSP specification since 2.0 version, so you can
find it (again!!! and I don't like it :-D ) under:


JSTL (API and implementation) 1.2 is here:



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Re: commercial: paying for work on features

2008-05-07 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/7 Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Often the consequence is that I contribute code in
 areas that direct benefit me and issues of importance to the community are

This is your mistake: you are thinking that you are not the
community. In fact, all the contributors (PMC members, committers and
patch makers) are the community, not the freeloaders that only ask
to fix a bug.
So, IMHO, don't feel guilty for this :-)


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Re: static resource problem

2008-05-05 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Please ask this question to the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/5/5 duschhaube [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I have some Problems with static content in struts.

  My package structure looks like this:

  org.apache.struts2.static.myjs.css - Here are the static css files

  org.apache.struts2.static.myjs.images - Here are some static images

  in the static css file I use this:
 background: url(../images/someimage.gif);
  but the image is not shown on the html page.

  Is this a common problem or do I something wrong??

  thanks in advance

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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.1.2 test build

2008-05-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/2 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  [X] Alpha (+0)

I vote +0 to Alpha because, from the License point of view, there are
minor problems, but I did not test the build as a software artifact.


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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.1.2 test build

2008-05-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/2 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What license issues do you see exactly?  The RAT tool passed, which
  checks all the code for headers, and that is really what matters.  If
  it is just some issues about licenses on test or example code, I don't
  see how that would provoke an alpha label.

You disabled RAT in 2.1.2, and I re-enabled in trunk, right?


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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.1.2 test build

2008-05-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/2 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Remember, beta means it is feature complete but there are
  known issues, and I think that is what we have here.

Well, not completely correct. Beta also means that the API won't
change much, while Alpha means that the API can change a lot.


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Re: [VOTE] Struts 2.1.2 test build

2008-05-02 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/5/2 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I disabled it for the Struts 2.1.1 build, but I just rolled the Struts
  2.1.2 build a hour or so ago from trunk, which has the RAT plugin
  enabled for releases.

Ok :-)
I change my vote to +0 for Beta (for the same reasons).


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Re: mvn assembly struts-2.1+

2008-04-30 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/30 Jay Bose [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm upgrading from WebWork-2 to the most recent Struts-2(.1.x) that contains 
 a working
  instance of Dojo. Following the directions on and, I successfully 
 ran this

   mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pextras,plugins,xwork

Try using the release,all,alljars,j4,pre-assembly profiles.


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Re: [s2] Struts 2.1.2 build target

2008-04-28 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/28 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Very cool, thanks Antonio.  It obviously works as Bamboo is running
  the release profile and it hasn't complained.  I sure wasn't looking
  forward to adding license headers to 600+ files :)

Magic of the License plugin :-)
This is pretty strange anyway, because it seems that there were only a
pair of files that were not licensed. Probably a RAT bug...


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Re: [s2] Struts 2.1.2 build target

2008-04-27 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/27 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Missing license headers:

The fix is almost ready, but I need to finish the RAT plugin configuration.


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Re: [s2] Struts 2.1.2 build target

2008-04-27 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/27 Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2008/4/27 Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Missing license headers:

  The fix is almost ready, but I need to finish the RAT plugin configuration.

Done :-)


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[S2] Adding configuration for Maven License Plugin

2008-04-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Hi all
Since the license headers are an annoying problem, I wish to add the
Maven License plugin:
This plugin can *add* license headers on top of files *automatically*



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Re: [S2] Adding configuration for Maven License Plugin

2008-04-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/18, Giovanni Azua [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 hi Antonio,

 Using Eclipse = Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Template -
 Comments - Files

 you can set a license header and it will be automatically applied to every
 new file.

In fact the problem is with *old* files :-(

Better yet, you can define a Struts coding standards xml configuration that
 any developer can import into their IDE (for either Eclipse etc) and the
 good news is that it does not take build time.

There is already one, using checkstyle:
And Checkstyle can be used inside Eclipse (with the Eclipse-CS plugin).

It is a trade off though because maybe (?) the maven license plugin keeps it
 in sync with license changes.

Yep, there is a variable replacement in headers, though we don't need
replacement, if I am correct.


Re: [S2] Adding configuration for Maven License Plugin

2008-04-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/18, Giovanni Azua [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ciao Antonio,

 Antonio Petrelli wrote:

  In fact the problem is with *old* files :-(
 Then an alternative way would be using find/sed once and having the coding
 style xml config for new files.

It's really hard to fix 600+ files :-(

I personally find that the perfect combination is coding std xml config +
 jalopy + checkstyle because checkstyle only signals mistakes and coding
 style config generates new files code respecting the defined conding std in
 the first place.

But the problem here is the lack of license file. I don't think that Jalopy
can help here, at least not for JSP, FTL etc, files.

Using a maven plugin for this would be nice but maybe better if activated on
 demand only as part of a profile and not running for every build.

Well, in fact the license:format goal will be run on-demand, only when
needed, the license:check (similar to RAT maven plugin, I don't know even if
it is necessary) will be activated in the release profile.

As I understood for your comments it is not possible because you have
 placeholders replaced in every build ...

Maybe I have not been clear: there are files completely without license
headers, without placeholders. The license plugin helps putting it in the
right places.
The placeholders (variables) I was referring to are in the txt file
containing the header to add to files. See:
(search for variable replacement).


Re: [S2] Adding configuration for Maven License Plugin

2008-04-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/18, Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I may be guilty of forgetting to add the license header as I always
 automatically collapse them.

No problem :-)

If not this plugin, it would be helpful if there was an svn hook (eg. commit
 failed due to missing license), otherwise to have a license check earlier in
 the build cycle.

Don configured Bamboo with the release profile, but deactivated the RAT
maven plugin. Once reactivated, the build will check for license headers.
Anyway, the meaning of the introduction of the License plugin is primarily
to restore license headers.


Re: [S2] Adding configuration for Maven License Plugin

2008-04-18 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/18, Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all
  Since the license headers are an annoying problem, I wish to add the
  Maven License plugin:
  This plugin can *add* license headers on top of files *automatically*

Sorry, I changed my mind... temporarily.
The headers are not added our way, so it needs some hacking.
Currently I am playing with the plugin to get the correct headers.
Once I find a correct way, I will post a patch to the plugin
maintainers and will update all the headers.
Notice that I feel pretty near to the solution :-)


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Re: [S1] Heads up: Incompatible change in Struts 1.3.6 (WAS: Re: 2.1 build - Possible problem)

2008-04-13 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/13, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Antonio Petrelli
   Hi all,
It seems that Al Sutton found an incompatible change in Struts 1.3. The
following issue added an incompatible change to Struts 1.3:
This leads to a compilation error for S2/S1 plugin:
In the ModuleConfig interface has been introduced the 
method. Extending classes, like:
cannot be built over a generic Struts 1.3.x version.

 Why not, just need to add that method to the WrapperModuleConfig - it
  should only be called if a Struts 1.3.6 or later is used.

Well, it is exactly the opposite: only Struts 1.3.6 or later calls that method.
Anyway, implementing it does not harm anything, you are right Niall.
Well, never mind :-)


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Re: 2.1 build - Possible problem

2008-04-10 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/10, Al Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 org.apache.struts2.s1.WrapperModuleConfig is not abstract and does not
 override abstract method findActionConfigId(java.lang.String) in

AFAIK, findActionConfigId has been introduced since S1.3.6


[S1] Heads up: Incompatible change in Struts 1.3.6 (WAS: Re: 2.1 build - Possible problem)

2008-04-10 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Hi all,
It seems that Al Sutton found an incompatible change in Struts 1.3. The
following issue added an incompatible change to Struts 1.3:

This leads to a compilation error for S2/S1 plugin:

In the ModuleConfig interface has been introduced the findActionConfigId
method. Extending classes, like:
cannot be built over a generic Struts 1.3.x version.


Re: 2.1 build - Possible problem

2008-04-10 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/10, Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  S2.1.1 isn't without bugs.  I want it tagged and released (non GA) so more 
 people can try it and so we can get some momentum again.

In fact I think that the bug is on the S1 side, I found the related issue:
The change introduces incompatibility between 1.3.5 and 1.3.6


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[OT] IP Clearance for Tiles-Kaolin: seeking a volunteer

2008-04-10 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Dear friends,
First of all, sorry for the cross posting.
I am Antonio Petrelli, PMC Member of Apache Tiles.
We would like to integrate Dimensions with the new name of Kaolin
inside the Tiles codebase:
The only developers of this projects are Aaron Roller and me. Aaron is
willing to give his software grant to donate it to ASF.

Currently I am in search of a volunteer for the IP clerance
processing. I already asked Tiles' PMC Chair (Greg Reddin) but he is
too busy to help. I already asked the Incubator mailing list, with no
answer. If anybody can help me, I will appreciate it much :-)

Thanks in advance

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Re: 2.1 build

2008-04-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/8, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm also not sure how the vote passed, if they were never signed

I think that the vote did not pass:


Re: 2.1 build

2008-04-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/9, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Actually, it did.  If you just add up the +1's, they are much more
 than the single -1, and even that was given under the assumption that
 as soon as there were signatures, it would turn into a +1.  My reading
 of the bylaws shows it only needed a majority vote after a 72 hour
 window, so yes, it did pass.

Sorry, I thought that my vote was a veto, I think I have to take a look
again at the rules :-)


Contributors list (WAS: Re: Feature sponsorship proposal)

2008-04-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/8, Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I meant, if a contributor helped with the help of a company, then we should
  Wendy Windham (FooBar Co.)
 with no links, something really simple.

With an e-mail in Tiles-dev mailing list, Greg Reddin made me notice
that Shale maintains a list of contributors in their master pom:
What about doing something similar in Struts?


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Re: Contributors list (WAS: Re: Feature sponsorship proposal)

2008-04-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/9, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Antonio Petrelli 

  2008/4/8, Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I meant, if a contributor helped with the help of a company, then we
Wendy Windham (FooBar Co.)
   with no links, something really simple.
  With an e-mail in Tiles-dev mailing list, Greg Reddin made me notice
  that Shale maintains a list of contributors in their master pom:
  What about doing something similar in Struts?

 How do you define contributor? Does someone who submits a patch to
 a typo in a comment get their name on this list?

Yes, he/she is a contributor, it does not matter if he/she provides a patch,
a piece of docs, or corrects a typo. I think it is a way of saying hey,
thank you even if he/she did little work.

This is similar to the @author discussion, and the questions I
 just asked are part of the reason that we decided, long ago, to not use
 @author tags. I'd just as soon not reintroduce the issue in this guise.

This is not similar, IMHO, since the code belongs to the foundation, but the
contribution came from the outside. Remember that, with a contribution, a
contributor does not have any copyright. At least we should thank him/her.
Moreover, this is a way for finding new committers.

I haven't had time to even start catching up with the thread that spawned
 this one, but note that AFAIK we cannot give attribution to companies for
 contributions to the project, due to the nature of the foundation.

In this thread I wish to talk about individuals, not companies.


Re: Contributors list (WAS: Re: Feature sponsorship proposal)

2008-04-09 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/9, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If we had been adding contributors to the POM from the beginning of
 the POM would have several hundred lines of contributor information in it

I got your point, in fact Struts (1 and 2) is a really big and popular
project, so the number of contributors is very large. If you don't like
putting it into the POM, why not a simple text file as Frank W. Zammetti
suggested? Moreover, we could force the contributor to check the presence of
his/her name in the file and post a patch for it too (otherwise, his/her
name won't appear).

I promise you, it will lead to insignificant patch
 submissions from people whose sole reason for submitting them is to get
 their name in lights on the Struts web site.

It seems like you already lived a situation like this :-D Anyway, if this
solution is not feasible, it's not a problem. I wanted only to explain the
situation from a contributor standpoint (not mine obviously :-) ).



 Martin Cooper

  I haven't had time to even start catching up with the thread that
   this one, but note that AFAIK we cannot give attribution to companies
   contributions to the project, due to the nature of the foundation.
  In this thread I wish to talk about individuals, not companies.

[S2] Signing and digesting artifacts (WAS: Re: 2.1 build)

2008-04-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/8, Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I've signed struts-annotations-1.0.3 using [EMAIL PROTECTED] and copied to

 Can some please take a moment to check these?  If they're okay I presume
 the artefacts then just need to be copied to the right location for rsync to
 ibiblio.  Any other formalities for struts-annotations?


They seem to be ok, in the sense that Struts artifacts in
people.apache.orgare signed this way, but...
In Tiles, we sign artifacts and then produce md5 and sha1 digests, so,
for every artifacts, we have:

See here for an example:

What do you think?


Re: Feature sponsorship proposal

2008-04-08 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/8, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Right, but in this case were talking about the corporations that
 contributors work for.

Sorry, I forgot an entire sentence :-O
I meant, if a contributor helped with the help of a company, then we should
Wendy Windham (FooBar Co.)
with no links, something really simple.
I doubt that a whole company helps, I see the contribution as work done by
individuals, let's show the individuals along with their companies
(obviously if the PRC wants it), even if there are lots of them.


Re: [s2] Get rid of optional dependencies

2008-04-07 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/7, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   * JUnit - Create struts2-junit-plugin (we'd probably have to copy the
  testcase into our test code to avoid the circular dependency, keeping
  the testhelper class in core)
   * TestNG - Create struts2-testng-plugin

This is a difficult one, since the core must depend on the JUnit and
TestNG artifact, while these two depend on the core. Yuk!


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Re: 2.1 build

2008-04-04 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/4, Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ted, I tried to get you started with a dryRun of release:prepare but I'm
 still missing xwork.jar:2.1.1.  The mvn output is at

This is strange, the XWork 2.1.1 artifacts are in the central repository...


Struts Annotations 1.0.3 status (WAS: Re: [VOTE] Publish Struts Annotations 1.0.3)

2008-04-01 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/4/1, Rainer Hermanns [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 just to make sure, is it correct that the Struts Annotations 1.0.3
 release never made it to the central repo
 and is still within the staging directory?

No, it is not correct. I think that we completely forgot about Struts
Annotations :-O
Don, are you still taking care of it or do you need help?


Re: 2.1 build

2008-03-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/29, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What do you mean by dry run?  The release:prepare goal has a
  -DdryRun=true parameter... but AFAIK Struts does not use the release
  plugin. (Yet?)

In fact it does:


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Re: 2.1 build

2008-03-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/29, Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  ie. is it safe to execute the release goal with -DdryRun=true?  or does
  this risk committing?

I suppose that you are referring to release:prepare goal.
It is safe, since all the changes are made locally and not committed
(tested with Tiles).


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Re: 2.1 build

2008-03-29 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/29, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Looks like another improvement
  could be made to attach the assemblies so they don't have to be
  built separately

In Tiles, the assemblies are attached and deployed to the Maven
repository, but they are significantly smaller artifacts than Struts
ones. And anyway, assembly upload must be done manually.

 It really should be
  as simple as 'mvn release:prepare; mvn release:perform'.  Eventually.

There are some problems with the profiles that need to be activated.
It needs some investigation...


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Re: Replacement for MessageResourcesConfig and MessageResourcesFactory in struts-2

2008-03-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Ask this question in the Struts Users mailing list:


2008/3/26, sandyvj83 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi All,
 Does someone now the replacement for MessageResourcesConfig and
 MessageResourcesFactory in struts2. And also need a brief description for
 using message resources in struts 2.

 Thanks in Advance,

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Re: Interview question Struts?

2008-03-26 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/26, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Please ask user questions on the users list.

Or better, in this case I suggest to read a basic tutorial :-D


Re: If I had 1000 hours to give...

2008-03-20 Thread Antonio Petrelli
Just one item:
- allow the use of JSTL, instead of special tags.
If it is already possible, well, forgive me :-)


2008/3/20, Al Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 My list;

 - Overhaul the AJAX plugins so that we're up to date on dojo and we have a
 framework for adding other AJAX library plug-ins whilst maintaining a core
 tag set.
 - Overhaul message passing so that action errors and action messages could
 be persisted through redirects with no user configuration or validation
 - Overhaul zero configuration to allow results to be defined at method
 - Complete the move to Generics.
 - Thrash the framework through a profiler to look for optimization
 - and with the spare time; build a school in a third work country :).


 - Original Message -
 From: Jeromy Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 7:08 AM
 Subject: If I had 1000 hours to give...

  It's been quiet lately so I thought I'd throw something out there.
  If you could give 1000 hours to the Struts 2 project, what would you do?
  I would like to it become the SOA framework of choice through :
  - SEO-friendly URLs become the default and users never have to think
  it again;
  - allow action methods to be bound to an http method and allow results
  be easily bound to the result code and requested content type (as per
  - support content in the request (eg text/xml or text/json
  deserialize and set the model of the action (the reverse of the REST
  - allow actions to be pojos and delete ActionSupport (without losing
  implicit i18n and validation functionality)
  - allow hot deployment  run-time management of actions (OSGi??)
  - refactor UIBean  XWork component so there's only one model and one
  template per tag and they're easy to unit test (code-generate the
  wrappers/template models/taglibs)
  - action scope and component scope become first-class concepts
  the plugins)
  - add run-time developer tools; configuration browser becomes standard
  developer mode and add a resource bundle browser
  - delete all ajax-like tags and funky tags; add standard interceptors 
  models to ease integration with the client-side libraries, groovy,
  JSF, struts1 (and others?). tags move to plugin.
  - I don't have an opinion about portal support but I'm sure it's
  I think I ran out of hours already!
  Jeromy Evans
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Re: Struts tags inside innerHTML

2008-03-20 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/20, efrat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 oCell.innerHTML = '*html:text styleClass=textbox7 name=MyForm
 property=dynamicField[${i}] value=/*';

Did you put html:text inside an html:form tag? I bet you did not :-)
I suggest you to use plain HTML in your case.


Re: Struts tags inside innerHTML

2008-03-20 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/3/20, Tsemach Hadad [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 1. I think you are in the wrong Mailing List - this list is for Struts
 Framework Development

Ops! Sorry I did not notice it!


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