Re: Fwd: A question about multithreading in gecko using javascript

2012-12-20 Thread Neil

David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

On 12/20/12 7:27 AM, Ray You wrote:

How can we start a real thread in gecko using javascript and use XPCOM in it?

Is dispatching events to /nsIStreamTransportService/ or
/nsIThreadManager.newThread(0) /the right way?

I don't think this is supported anymore. As far as I can tell, if you truly 
need to call XPCOM from JS in a background thread, you need to do the following:
- write extern C code that calls into XPCOM;
- launch a Chrome Worker from JS;
- link JS to your C shared lib through js-ctypes;
- call your C code from JS through js-ctypes.

IIRC XPCOM exposes a C-compatible API, but I don't want to be the person 
who writes a wrapper for NS_InvokeByIndex ;-)

Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Tablet vs. Touch: decision

2012-12-20 Thread Gervase Markham

On 19/12/12 10:21, Gervase Markham wrote:

On 18/12/12 18:51, Alex Keybl wrote:

Agreed that major fallout is unlikely - do we have a list of the most
heavily used mobile tablet sites to verify that this change will not
cause severe web regressions though?

I will consult the wonderful Mr. Mandel.

It appears that no-one has tablet-specific data. We will have to make do 
with mobile-specific data. :-|

When do you expect to have a final comms plan (blog posts and
necessary TE)? Thanks!

It might be in the New Year now, but hopefully sooner.

Please critique this:

0) We make sure that everyone who needs to know about the change knows
   that it's in the pipeline, even if we can't give a final ship date.
   That's the product owner of Fennec, the Toolkit module owner, and
   Fennec release-drivers.

1) We make a patch and check it in to Nightly, and uplift to Aurora.
   Rationale: attempt to reduce the number of browser versions out
   there with this change. Rather than 6 weeks on Nightly and 6 on
   Aurora, better to skip straight to Aurora for wider coverage and
   stay there longer if necessary.

2) We ask the Mobile testing team to be on particular lookout for site
   regressions in Aurora, and use Phony to try and test whether it's a
   UA issue.

3) Every time a significant problem is reported, the change is put on
   hold and does not advance until we deal with it.

4) Once the change moves to Beta, we set off the sirens again, making
   blog posts, warning product owners, release drivers etc. and make
   sure everyone is still OK with it. That gives 6 weeks of warning.

If this doesn't work, please supply improvements :-)


dev-platform mailing list

Filing bugs for intermittent failures on TBPL - new keyword

2012-12-20 Thread Ed Morley
Hi all

Bugs filed for intermittent failures (aka random oranges) seen on our test 
automation have now been transitioned to using a new bugzilla keyword instead 
of the whiteboard annotation. This helps to reduce the load on bugzilla caused 
by TBPL's BzAPI calls, when it searches for bugs to suggest for failures. 

** As such, if filing a bug for an intermittent failure on TBPL, please 
remember to add the keyword intermittent-failure, otherwise TBPL will not 
suggest it. **

The whiteboard annotation [orange] and meta bug dependency should no longer 
be set.

If you have any questions about the best way to file an intermittent failure 
(or are not sure if it is new), I'm more than happy to assist on IRC (:edmorley 
#developers / #ateam) or drop me an email. (For plans to add a bug filing 
mechanism to TBPL, see bug 779529. This will likely be implemented as part of 

Best wishes,


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Fwd: A question about multithreading in gecko using javascript

2012-12-20 Thread Ray You

1. Can we call XPCOM in js-ctype code?

2. What about this code in DeviceStorage implementation?

   nsCOMPtrnsIEventTarget  =do_GetService;
 have stream transport service);

   nsCOMPtrInitCursorEvent  =new  InitCursorEvent,mFile;

I notice that there are assertions on both /NS_IsMainThread()/ and 
/!NS_IsMainThread()/. Seems like it really starts a backstage thread in 
DeviceStorage implementation. Is this true?/



Best regards,
??(Ray You)

On 12/20/12 7:35 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

On 12/20/12 7:27 AM, Ray You wrote:

How can we start a real thread in gecko using javascript and use XPCOM
in it?

Is dispatching events to /nsIStreamTransportService/ or
/nsIThreadManager.newThread(0) /the right way?

I don't think this is supported anymore. As far as I can tell, if you
truly need to call XPCOM from JS in a background thread, you need to do
the following:
- write extern C code that calls into XPCOM;
- launch a Chrome Worker from JS;
- link JS to your C shared lib through js-ctypes;
- call your C code from JS through js-ctypes.


dev-platform mailing list

Removing writable [Replaceable] properties

2012-12-20 Thread Jeff Walden
Gecko (not specs) has a concept of writable [Replaceable] attributes.  It uses 
them for these properties:


In our implementation, a writable [Replaceable] property lives on the 
[[Prototype]] and has getter/setter-ish semantics associated with it, although 
(bug) you can't use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor to tell, as they use the 
old bindings code.  Getting such a property gets a value.  Setting it creates a 
shadowing property on window itself, using the exact value passed in.

  // Current Gecko
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
  window.screenX = 123;
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // string, not number

I'm making some changes near the code that implements this.  These are very 
desirable changes, but they make it complicated to preserve these bizarre 

The easiest change is to get rid of writable [Replaceable] entirely, and make 
all these accessor-y properties: getting them gets whatever, setting them 
invokes the setter, getting them again gets whatever value the setter coerced 
it to.  

  // Proposed Gecko
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
  window.screenX = 123;
  alert(typeof window.screenX); // number (setter coerces string-number, or 
the setter silently did nothing)

This is compatible with IE9 (standards or quirks mode -- and not in IE9 compat 
mode, and it seems not in older IE modes; I don't have IE10 to test) and Opera 
behaviors.  IE9 puts the accessor on Window.prototype, and Opera puts it on 
window, but there's no visible difference in behavior for getting or setting.

But there's still a supposed compatibility bugaboo to changing, because sites 
might have relied on the old behavior (notwithstanding that browsers are all 
over the map here), and other browsers aren't quite the same.

WebKit gives the old behavior, but only for some of the listed properties -- it 
doesn't for status or name.  (And it provides writable-[Replaceable] behavior 
for other properties beyond these: 
 definitely.  It might also for 
window.event/length/self/window/frames/opener/parent/top, but there's some 
extra complexity to these, so I'm unsure how they look.)

Anyway.  I think the compatibility bugaboo is just that -- we have no hard 
evidence of dependence on our current bizarre semantics, and we have 
other-implementation evidence that the proposed behavior is web-shippable.  
Thus I think we clearly should switch as proposed, aligning us with IE going 
forward and with Opera, and with the specs as well.  Thoughts?


P.S. -- The SunSpider test that used an undeclared name variable no longer 
does in SunSpider 1.0, so concerns about particularly are 
unfounded.  (Not to mention SunSpider is increasingly obsolete as a benchmark, 
and all the JS engines are doing their best to kill/ignore it.)
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Removing writable [Replaceable] properties

2012-12-20 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/20/12 12:14 PM, Jeff Walden wrote:

 Setting it creates a shadowing property on window itself, using the exact 
value passed in.

   // Current Gecko
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
   window.screenX = 123;
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // string, not number

Er...  no.  If you do that, you get number for the second alert, because 
you did a qualified set.  That's the whole complication with these 
properties: they behave differently for qualified and unqualified sets.

   // Proposed Gecko
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
   window.screenX = 123;
   alert(typeof window.screenX); // number (setter coerces string-number, or 
the setter silently did nothing)

This is compatible with IE9 (standards or quirks mode -- and not in IE9 compat 
mode, and it seems not in older IE modes; I don't have IE10 to test) and Opera 
behaviors.  IE9 puts the accessor on Window.prototype, and Opera puts it on 
window, but there's no visible difference in behavior for getting or setting.

But there's still a supposed compatibility bugaboo to changing, because sites 
might have relied on the old behavior (notwithstanding that browsers are all 
over the map here)

So specifically, for unqualified sets right now Gecko and WebKit 
reconfigure the property to a data property, as do older IE, but not 
newer IE or Opera, right?

And the proposal here is to align with new IE and Opera?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Removing writable [Replaceable] properties

2012-12-20 Thread Robert O'Callahan
Seems like a reasonable change to me, for the inner*, outer* and screen*
properties. I don't know about the others.

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority
over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among
you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your
slave — just
as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his
life as a ransom for many.” [Matthew 20:25-28]
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Removing writable [Replaceable] properties

2012-12-20 Thread Jeff Walden
On 12/20/2012 03:38 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 12/20/12 12:14 PM, Jeff Walden wrote:
  Setting it creates a shadowing property on window itself, using the exact 
 value passed in.

// Current Gecko
alert(typeof window.screenX); // number
window.screenX = 123;
alert(typeof window.screenX); // string, not number
 Er...  no.  If you do that, you get number for the second alert, because you 
 did a qualified set.  That's the whole complication with these properties: 
 they behave differently for qualified and unqualified sets.

Oops, sorry, you're right.

I suppose I should mention for clarity that what I'm doing is trying to remove 
this difference.  There is no spec way to distinguish between a qualified and 
an unqualified access to a variable, to get or set it.  The [[GetP]] and 
[[SetP]] hooks that are part of ES6 (which is slightly reformulating this), and 
the [[GetOwnProperty]] and [[DefineOwnProperty]] hooks that are part of ES5, do 
not allow passing along qualification.  In the case of getting a property, all 
you get is the object, and the property name being looked up.  In the case of 
setting, you also get the value that goes along.  And if you're defining, you 
get a descriptor with a value and some set of property attributes.  The other 
operations, like [[HasProperty]] and [[HasOwnProperty]], also all take just the 
object and a property name/key.

 And the proposal here is to align with new IE and Opera?


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