Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-16 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
  I think that you should avoid making this an exercise in marketing 
  Mozilla's Let's Encrypt initiative.
 Perhaps that's why Richard took the time to make a comprehensive list of
 all known sources of free certs, rather than just mentioning LE?

Yeah, that's what I thought when I first posted here.  Now I'm not so sure.  
You do not seem interested in hearing about any other technical possibilities 
other than Let's Encrypt, which you seem to have already chosen.

For example:
- You say there is only secure/not secure.  Traditionally, we have things 
like defense in depth, and multiple levels of different sources of 
authentication.  I am hearing: You will either have a Let's Encrypt 
certificate or you don't.  Heck, let's get rid of EV certificate validation 
too while we are at it: we don't want to have to do special vetting for banking 
and medical websites, because that doesn't fit in with Let's Encrypt's business 

- You don't want to hear about non-centralized security models.  DANE provides 
me with control over certificate pinning for people visiting my websites.  You 
seem to be saying: Mozilla's CA will have full control over all websites.  I'm 
not sure why you'd want that level of responsibility.  If you don't like DANE, 
explain why, and propose something else that is non-centralized and not under 
Mozilla's control.

- Personally, I think that the move away from http:// is a good idea, and the 
opportunistic encryption features are an excellent start.  I am not clear why 
you think that we *technically* need to go beyond this.  Other than to force 
people to use a centralized identity system.  Which is?  Hmm... Let's Encrypt.

I *really* hope I am misunderstanding this thread...  I don't think of Mozilla 
as a company that would try to do this.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-16 Thread david . a . p . lloyd

 You're pretty far off in the weeds here. I'll try to help you with some 
 of your misconceptions.

I pretty much knew I was.  Good luck with the project, I'm looking forward to 
at least no-passive attack encryption being on-by-default...  I hope that you 
don't get abducted by people in black helicopters!
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-14 Thread david . a . p . lloyd

Yawn - those were all terrible articles.  To summarise their points: NSA is 
bad, some DNS servers are out of date, DNSSEC may be still using shorter 
1024bit RSA key lengths  (hmm... much like TLS then)

The trouble is:  Just because something isn't perfect, doesn't make it a bad 
idea.  Certificates are not perfect, but they are not a bad idea.  Putting 
certificate thumbprints in DNS is not perfect, but it's not half a *good* idea.

Think about it: if your completely clear-text, unauthenticated DNS connection 
is compromised, then your browser is going to go to the wrong server anyway.  
If it goes to the wrong server, so will your email, as will the identity 
verification messages from your CA.

Your browser needs to retrieve A and  addresses from DNS anyway, so why not 
pull TLSA certificate hashes at the same time?  Even without DNSSEC, this could 
only improve things.

Casepoint, *absolutely* due to the frankly incomprehensible refusal to do this:

There is nothing you can do to fix this with traditional X509, or any single 
chain of trust.  You need multiple, independent proofs of identity.  A 
combination of X509 and a number of different signed DNS providers seem like a 
good way to approach this.

Finally - you can audit DNSSEC/TLSA responses programmatically as the response 
records are cached publicly in globally dispersed DNS servers, it's really hard 
to do the equivalent of send a different chain when IP address 

I have my own opinions why TLSA certificate pinning records are not being 
checked and, having written an implementation myself, I can guarantee you that 
it isn't due to any technical complexity.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-14 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
 realistic idea. Meanwhile, HTTPS exists, is widely deployed, works,
 and is the focus of this thread.

Sure it works :)
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-14 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
 Something entirely off-topic: I'd like to inform people that your replies to 
 popular threads like this unsigned, with only a notion of identity in an 
 obscure email address, makes me - and I'm sure others too - skip your message 
 or worse; not take it seriously. 

Not everyone has the luxury of being public on the Internet.  Especially in 
discussions about default Internet encryption.  The real decision makers won't 
be posting at all.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-14 Thread david . a . p . lloyd

 There are already multiple sources of free publicly-trusted certificates,
 with more on the way.

I think that you should avoid making this an exercise in marketing Mozilla's 
Let's Encrypt initiative.  Let's Encrypt is a great idea and definitely has 
a place in the world, but it's very important to be impartial.

In my mind there is no particular advantage in swapping lock in from one CA to 
another.  Even if the Mozilla one is free.  
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-14 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
 Yep. That's the system working. CA does something they shouldn't, we
 find out, CA is no longer trusted (perhaps for a time).
 Or do you have an alternative system design where no-one ever makes a
 mistake and all the actors are trustworthy?

Yes - as I said previously.  Do the existing certificate checks to a trusted CA 
root, then do a TLSA DNS look up for the certificate PIN and check that *as 
well*.  If you did this (and Google publish their SHA512 hashes in DNS) you'd 
could have had lots of copies of Firefox ringing back potential compromise 
messages.  Who knows how long those certificates were out there (or what other 
ones are currently out there that you could find just by implementing TLSA).

The more routes to the trust the better.  Trusted Root CA is all eggs in one 
basket.  DANE is all eggs in one basket, DNSSEC is all eggs in one basket.

Put them all together and you have a pretty reliable basket :)

This is what I mean by working a security rating A,B,C,D,Fail - not just a 
yes/no answer.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-13 Thread david . a . p . lloyd

 2) Protected by subresource integrity from a secure host
 This would allow website operators to securely serve static assets from 
 non-HTTPS servers without MITM risk, and without breaking transparent caching 

Is that a complicated word for SHA512 HASH? :)  You could envisage a new http 
URL pattern http://video.vp9?SHA512-HASH
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-13 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
 I would politely ask you how many users you think are
 both interested in, able to understand, and willing to take decisions
 based on _six_ different security states in a browser?

I think this thread is about deprecating things and moving developers onto more 
secure platforms.  To do that, you'll need to tell me *why* I need to make the 
effort.  The only thing that I am going to care about is to get users closer to 
that magic green bar and padlock icon.

You may hope that security is black and white, but in practice it isn't.  There 
is always going to be a sliding scale.  Do you show me a green bar and padlock 
if I go to, but the certificate is issued by my intranet?  Do 
you show me the same certificate error I'd get as if I was connecting to a 
clearly malicious certificate.

What if I go to, but the certificate has been issued incorrectly 
because Firefox ships with 500 equally trusted root certificates? 

So - yeah, you're going to need a rating system for your security:  A, B, C, D, 
Fail.  You're going to have to explain what situations get you into what group, 
how as a developer I can move to a higher group (e.g. add a certificate hash 
into DNS, get an EV certificate costing $10,000, implement DNSSEC, use PFS 
ciphersuites and you get an A rating). I'm sure that there'll be new security 
vulnerabilities and best practice in future, too.

Then it is up to me as a developer to decide how much effort I can 
realistically put into this...

...for my web-site containing pictures of cats...
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2015-04-13 Thread david . a . p . lloyd
 * If we have to rely, cost of certificates must be zero. These for the simple 
 reason than not everyone is living in a rich industrialized country.

Certificates (and paying for them) is an artificial economy.  If I register a 
DNS address, I should get a certificate to go with it.  Heck, last time I got 
an SSL certificate, they effectively bootstrapped the trust based on my DNS MX 

Hence IMO TLS should be:
- DANE for everyone
- DANE  Trusted Third Party CAs for the few
- DANE  TTP  EV for sites that accept financial and medical details

The Firefox opportunistic encryption feature is a good first step towards this 
goal.  If they could just nslookup the TLSA certificate hash, we'd be a long 
way down the road.  
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