Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2010-08-19 Thread Christopher Blizzard

You guys should add Arun + Jonas to this conversation if you can.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-15 Thread Gervase Markham
Sid Stamm wrote:
 Gerv: what are your thoughts on (mis)use of the Report-URI to
 determine which browsers support CSP?  For example, given a policy X-
 Content-Security-Policy: allow self, Report-URI
 report and a tag served script src='', a
 report would be generated.  Assuming the report URI and the page
 containing the violation are in the same domain, cookies could be used
 to connect the report to a specific client.   It seems to me that
 unless client browsers *never* send CSP-related data to the server
 then the server can ultimately determine which clients are using CSP.

I have no objection in principle to servers knowing that clients have
CSP capability. What I object to is bulking up every HTTP request with
that information, or making the protocol or system more complicated in
order to allow people to do things they shouldn't be doing (like relying
on it as a first line of defence).

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-15 Thread Gervase Markham
bsterne wrote:
 I think that CSP should be considered part of the browser security
 model.  Mike and others have made the excellent point that there are
 significant costs to bear for a website that wants to start using this
 model: policy development as well as migrating inline scripts to
 external script files.  Websites will not be willing to pay this cost
 if user agents are not strongly committed to enforcing the policies.
 We won't be able to make security guarantees like XSS will never
 happen on your site, but we can provide smaller guarantees like
 inline script will not execute in this page if the CSP header is

I completely agree that we should make these guarantees, in the sense
that if that doesn't work, it's a bug :-) That's not the sort of
guarantee I'm objecting to. The sort I'm objecting to is you don't have
to validate and escape user input properly because even if you let a
script tag through accidentally, CSP will catch it and save you.

Some understandings of CSP being strongly part of the browser security
model would have us making such guarantees. And I think they would be a
mistake. If CSP being strongly part of the browser security model just
means we guarantee that it does what it says on the tin then I have no
problem with it :-) My reduced commitment to guarantees was not designed
as an ass-covering measure for shoddy coding ;-)

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-13 Thread bsterne
Sorry I haven't been more vocal on this thread lately.  I think it's
important that we keep our momentum moving forward here if we hope to
get something meaningful implemented any time soon.

I am getting the sense that we aren't in agreement on one or two of
the fundamental goals of this project and I think it potentially
jeopardizes overall progress if we are working with different base
assumptions.  My near-term goal is to start driving toward a stable
design (if not specification) for CSP.  The design is certainly still
open for comments and feedback, but those discussions will be easier
to resolve after we've settled the issue of project goals.  More

On Dec 23 2008, 7:34 am, Gervase Markham wrote:
 I am not arguing we should make CSP work a random 50% of the time. I am
 arguing that CSP is not a security model, it's a phew, I would have
 just got stuffed, but it saved me this time model.  Security models are
 things you rely on. CSP is a second line of defence for when your
 security model fails, and it doesn't promise to save your ass every time.

I think that CSP should be considered part of the browser security
model.  Mike and others have made the excellent point that there are
significant costs to bear for a website that wants to start using this
model: policy development as well as migrating inline scripts to
external script files.  Websites will not be willing to pay this cost
if user agents are not strongly committed to enforcing the policies.
We won't be able to make security guarantees like XSS will never
happen on your site, but we can provide smaller guarantees like
inline script will not execute in this page if the CSP header is

I have previously agreed with Gerv's belt-and-(suspenders|braces)
logic with regard to CSP as it had twofold appeal to me: 1) it is
consistent with the defense-in-depth approach found elsewhere in
computer security, and 2) it provided an escape hatch from design
flaws, implementation bugs, or other deficiencies later discovered
with the model.  It appears now, though, that this issue is impeding
us a bit and I am going to weigh in on the side of stronger commitment
to policy enforcement.  Perhaps a stronger design is produced as the
result of a firm commitment to CSP as a part of the browser security
model (or perhaps it is required by such a commitment).
dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-12 Thread Gervase Markham
Sid Stamm wrote:
 Gervase Markham wrote:
 Security is a multi-faceted beast.
 Point taken, and I agree, it was a crappy analogy.
 Again, CSP is here being used as a front line of
 defence, and it shouldn't be.
 I agree with you... optimally, CSP should not be front-line defense.
 But for it to be helpful in practice, there must be a motivation for
 people to put it on their sites.
 What worries me is that with no assurance that they're enforced, CSP
 policies won't be provided by web sites since it takes time (granted,
 not much of it) to compose them.  It's likely that a profit-driven
 company might rather have their engineers spend time fuzzing or bug
 fixing than designing a good CSP string that may or may not ever be

It really doesn't take long - it's not a complicated spec. I'm not sure
we need to make it more attractive by promising what we can't deliver.

 Another feature of CSP is herd immunity -
 it doesn't have to be used by everyone to
 be helpful.

Sorry, I realise that in hindsight I was ambiguous here. I meant that
not all end-users have to use it for it to be helpful in the case of a
particular site which is using it. I say this because once the site
owner is warned of the problem, he can fix it. If no-one has CSP, it may
take much longer for people to notice the compromise.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-12 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Gervase Markham wrote:

Sid Stamm wrote:

What worries me is that with no assurance that they're enforced, CSP
policies won't be provided by web sites since it takes time (granted,
not much of it) to compose them.  It's likely that a profit-driven
company might rather have their engineers spend time fuzzing or bug
fixing than designing a good CSP string that may or may not ever be

It really doesn't take long - it's not a complicated spec. I'm not sure
we need to make it more attractive by promising what we can't deliver.

One concern is the time and effort required to refactor existing code to 
use only external scripts (a non-trivial task).  Development of new web 
code can take this restriction into account but still requires 
deliberate effort throughout the development cycle to maintain support 
for CSP.

I think utilizing CSP will be a very conscious decision by web site 
operators, weighing the benefits CSP offers, the cost of implementing 
and maintaining CSP support, and the risks of not adding CSP to their 
web site.  While it would be nice to have a low cost, effective, add-on 
layer of security, it seems the requirement of no inline script code 
adds significantly to the cost of CSP.  Therefore site owners should be 
able to estimate the benefit CSP will give them by measuring the level 
of browser support among the site's visitors, so it can be weighed 
against the cost of CSP deployment.

Is it correct that the rule against inline scripts is in effect for all 
CSP policies, even when script-src is not used?

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-12 Thread Sid Stamm
On Jan 12, 5:53 am, Gervase Markham wrote:
 not all end-users have to use it for it to be helpful in the case of a
 particular site which is using it. I say this because once the site
 owner is warned of the problem, he can fix it. If no-one has CSP, it may
 take much longer for people to notice the compromise.

Of course, unless the site breaks in a noticeable way when violations
of CSP occur, there is no additional help for the site developer...
and I don't believe that CSP is intended to have a violation reporting
mechanism.  Additionally, it is my impression that a lot of attacks
stopped by CSP would break un-noticed.  For example, a cross-site
exploit that simply embeds a script and steals cookies would likely
not modify the page visually, so whether or not it fails, the end-user
wouldn't notice.

Maybe something to add value to CSP support would be a CSP developer
mode or warning logo somewhere in the browser that alerts the end-user
when a policy is violated.  That would indeed be an easy-addon, and
perhaps testers could just flip it on for sites they fool with on a
daily basis.

Or do we want phone-home features for CSP so the browser will
automatically tell a site when its policy is violated?  This sounds
like it could be abused to help sites identify which browsers support
CSP (essentially providing that 'this-browser-supports-csp' flag
you're arguing against).

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-12 Thread Bil Corry
Sid Stamm wrote on 1/12/2009 12:52 PM: 
 Or do we want phone-home features for CSP so the browser will
 automatically tell a site when its policy is violated?

It already has this feature, see #6:

- Bil

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-23 Thread Gervase Markham
Sid Stamm wrote:
 I'm not sure I agree with that... take for instance a browser that
 only supports SSL v2 (and not 3): 

That's a difficult for instance to accept, because there aren't any.
At least, not that anyone uses.

 a site concerned with avoiding MITM
 attacks might serve different content (or none) to someone whose
 browser only supports SSL v2, and serve all the site's content to
 someone whose browser supports v3.  That doesn't warrant blocking
 content to all visitors regardless of what security constructs their
 browser supports.  

Right. In that far-fetched scenario, they might. But the security
provided by SSL (privacy, authentication) is very different to the
security provided by CSP (anti-XSS), so the analogy doesn't hold.
Security is a multi-faceted beast.

 I see your point.  One would hope X is not *designed* to be unsafe,
 but it might not be rock-solid, with a history of security issues
 (like Flash).  The webmaster might not feel completely comfortable
 with his mastery of it, so only feels comfortable providing Flash-
 based content to people whose browsers will help protect them. 

In which case, for the forseeable future, he won't be providing it to
many people. :-) Again, CSP is here being used as a front line of
defence, and it shouldn't be.

Another feature of CSP is herd immunity - it doesn't have to be used
by everyone to be helpful.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-23 Thread Gervase Markham
Lucas Adamski wrote:
 Developers rely on the browser security model in countless ways
 already.   A fundamental attribute of security models is reliability. 

I am not arguing we should make CSP work a random 50% of the time. I am
arguing that CSP is not a security model, it's a phew, I would have
just got stuffed, but it saved me this time model. Security models are
things you rely on. CSP is a second line of defence for when your
security model fails, and it doesn't promise to save your ass every time.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-19 Thread Gervase Markham
Sid Stamm wrote:
 Gervase Markham wrote:
 If a server is to rely on CSP to reliably enforce security constraints
 If it's doing that, it's broken. CSP is explicitly not designed for
 this. (As I understand it.)
 Maybe it's not completely bad for browsers to advertise whether or not
 they support CSP (and which versions).  There's a benefit for web
 developers who can decide to serve more restricted/filtered content to
 browsers that won't catch them when they fall. 

If there's additional filtering they know how to do, they should be
doing it for everyone.

 example, consider a webmaster who is just learning some new technology
 X may not be comfortable enough to serve X content without a safety
 net that CSP provides, but is being pressured to add features to his

Then he shouldn't use X. (Who designed X to be unsafe by default? Go
shoot them. :-)

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-19 Thread Gervase Markham
Lucas Adamski wrote:
 Well, I think any security feature/model has to have some properties
 that are reliable.  So CSP may not prevent XSS is the blanket sense, but
 it still needs to be able to enforce some set of restrictions that the
 developer can rely upon.

Your second sentence doesn't follow from your first, in this context.

Yes, if CSP promises it'll prevent exact attack scenario X, it should
prevent X, and if it doesn't prevent X, it's a bug. (But all that's
really saying is that it's deterministic.) No, that doesn't mean that
developers should rely on a particular browser preventing attack X.
There may be a bug, the user may have turned it off, there may be a very
similar attack Y using the same flaw which CSP can't prevent, and so on.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-17 Thread Sid Stamm
It seems to me that version-compatibility announcement is helpful
unless CSP is intended to be a short-lived or rarely-used security
construct (which I gather is not the point).   It is very likely that
CSP's governing scope will change in the future, or an additional
policy may be created to govern other pieces.  It is fairly likely
that different, incompatible policy-version support may need to be
treated differently by the web server.

In fact, supported version announcement is probably necessary, not
just useful, if implementations of CSP are initially rolled out in
browser add-ons; suddenly there's the possibility of multiple browser/
add-on version combinations, especially when people delay updating
browsers or updating plugins when prompted (old-browser + new-addon,
new-browser + old-addon, etc).  In these scenarios user-agent
profiling just won't work reliably.  Also, it's not clear we should
burden the web site developers to stay up-to-date on which browsers
support which policies; it might be difficult to track which agents
support which engines, especially for unknown or niche browsers.
Instead, it might be ideal to explicitly tell the server what is
supported so regardless of the user-agent, the server can be fairly
confident it serves an appropriate policy.

A reasonable approach to specify the CSP version might be seen in the
Accept-Charset header, or really any of the Accept-* request headers.
It need not be present, but if it is, such an Accept-Security-Policy
request header can contain which versions the user agent supports
(e.g., CSP-1.0), and can be comma-separated in case multiple versions
or multiple policies are supported.  Another option would be to shove
the supported CSP versions into the  user agent string, but that's a
nasty abuse of the User-Agent header (though arguably the security
policy enforcement is part of the platform on which web apps will

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-17 Thread Sid Stamm
Gervase Markham wrote:
  If a server is to rely on CSP to reliably enforce security constraints
 If it's doing that, it's broken. CSP is explicitly not designed for
 this. (As I understand it.)

Maybe it's not completely bad for browsers to advertise whether or not
they support CSP (and which versions).  There's a benefit for web
developers who can decide to serve more restricted/filtered content to
browsers that won't catch them when they fall.  This benefit is not
there if the browser's don't advertise what they will enforce.  For
example, consider a webmaster who is just learning some new technology
X may not be comfortable enough to serve X content without a safety
net that CSP provides, but is being pressured to add features to his
site.  If a client doesn't support CSP, his server can simply not
serve any script content that he isn't sure about, but when CSP is
present and can be enforced, he has that to fall back on and can serve
experimental stuff.   While in an ideal world, all developers should
understand how all the code their site serves will behave in every
situation, but I doubt this is the case in reality, especially for
smaller, feature-driven sites.

I can see both sides of this issue, though.  It is not healthy to rely
on CSP for a primary layer of security, especially since it will take
some time for CSP to be adopted widely (and we *really* don't want to
encourage sloppy design).

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-08 Thread Gervase Markham
Bil Corry wrote:
 No, so that in the event CSPv2 is incompatible with CSPv1, it won't
 require two response headers to be sent to every client.  Instead,
 since the browser tells the server which version of CSP it's
 accepting, the server can send back the CSP header in the most recent
 format that both the client and server understand (e.g. server knows
 CSPv2, client knows CSPv3, server sends CSPv2 header).

That makes no sense. You are saying that servers won't send any policy
at all, now, because in the future they might have to send two headers?

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-03 Thread Gervase Markham
bsterne wrote:
 I think what Lucas is saying is that servers won't send policy to
 clients who don't announce that they support CSP.

To save 60 bytes in a header?

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-03 Thread Bil Corry
Gervase Markham wrote on 12/3/2008 4:56 PM: 
 bsterne wrote:
 I think what Lucas is saying is that servers won't send policy to
 clients who don't announce that they support CSP.
 To save 60 bytes in a header?

No, so that in the event CSPv2 is incompatible with CSPv1, it won't require two 
response headers to be sent to every client.  Instead, since the browser tells 
the server which version of CSP it's accepting, the server can send back the 
CSP header in the most recent format that both the client and server understand 
(e.g. server knows CSPv2, client knows CSPv3, server sends CSPv2 header).

- Bil

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-01 Thread Bil Corry
On Nov 22, 2:03 pm, Lucas Adamski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, my understanding is that Access Control is actually intended as a
 generic cross-site server policy mechanism, and XHR is just its first

Anne confirmed that it's not intended to be XHR-only, however it's not
intended for all types of requests either.  He specifically said it
would not work for iframe due to cross-site scripting issues.

- Bil
dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-12-01 Thread Lucas Adamski
I think this is true, but it kind of depends on how you look at it.  I
think sometimes different types of cross-domain operations can get
conflated together:

* cross-domain scripting - when code in one domain has the ability to
access another domain's code or DOM
* cross-domain data importing - transferring data from the context of
one domain into another domain (XHR with AC, stylesheets)
* cross-domain content loading - hands-off content loading operations
such as IFRAME and IMG tags that leave content in their respective
security domains--aka embedding

In this (conveniently simplified) model, since iframe is a content
loading operation, it doesn't need Access Control.   Nor am I sure what
it would really even mean to apply Access Control to it (would it be
permitting data importing or scripting?)

Probably the biggest fly in my otherwise nicely-simple ointment is
SCRIPT SRC=.  Is it cross-domain scripting or data importing?  It may
seem like scripting at first blush, but you may not have even
instantiated any code from the source domain, and in the end its not
much different than loading data via XHR+AC and then calling eval() on
it.  So I would argue that even SCRIPT SRC= is a data import
operation, just one that is (alas) permitted by default and
automatically evals everything it loads.

So perhaps we are just agreeing insofar that Access Control should never
govern cross-domain scripting.  Whether it could/should be extended to
govern (opt-out of) cross-domain loading/embedding is an interesting
one.  Thanks,

Bil Corry wrote:
 On Nov 22, 2:03 pm, Lucas Adamski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, my understanding is that Access Control is actually intended as a
 generic cross-site server policy mechanism, and XHR is just its first
 Anne confirmed that it's not intended to be XHR-only, however it's not
 intended for all types of requests either.  He specifically said it
 would not work for iframe due to cross-site scripting issues.
 - Bil
 dev-security mailing list
dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-11-21 Thread Bil Corry
On Nov 20, 4:37 pm, bsterne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2:19 pm, Bil Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  (1) Something that appears to be missing from the spec is a way for
  the browser to advertise to the server that it will support Content
  Security Policy, possibly with the CSP version.  By having the browser
  send an additional header, it allows the server to make decisions
  about the browser, such as limiting access to certain resources,
  denying access, redirecting to an alternate site that tries to
  mitigate using other techniques, etc.  Without the browser advertising
  if it will follow the CSP directives, one would have to test for
  browser compliance, much like how tests are done now for cookie and
  JavaScript support (maybe that isn't a bad thing?).

 This isn't a bad idea, as I have seen this sort of compatibility
 level used successfully elsewhere.  If future changes are made to the
 model which would define restrictions for new types of content (e.g.
 video), or which would affect the default behaviors for how content
 is allowed to load, then it will be useful to servers to have their
 clients' CSP version information.  If we are going to add this to the
 model, then we should do so from the beginning to avoid the
 potentially messy browser compliance testing that would result after
 the first set of changes.

I personally see value there for the website, but if 99.9% of websites
will never do anything with the header, then it probably isn't
worthwhile (or it may take version 2 before the need is evident).  The
big challenge here is making sure the CSP announcement header can not
be spoofed via XHR, so to that end, I'd recommend prefixing the header
name with Sec- such as Sec-Content-Security-Policy -- the latest
draft of XHR2 specifies that any header beginning with Sec- is not
allowed to be overwritten with setRequestHeader():

Of course, XHR2 would have to be implemented in the browsers first in
order to take advantage of the requirement.

  (2) Currently the spec allows/denies based on the host name, it might
  be worthwhile to allow limiting it to a specific path as well.  For
  example, say you use Google's custom search engine, one way to
  implement it is to use a script that sits〈=en).
  By having an allowed path, you could prevent loading other scripts

 I don't have a strong opinion on this one.  My initial reaction is
 that it adds complexity to the model, but perhaps complexity that's
 warranted if people feel it's a useful feature.  Do you have some
 specific use cases to share which would demonstrate the usefulness of
 your suggestion?

I don't have a specific use case, I'm thinking more of the edge cases
where content is allowed from a domain that allows a multitude of
third-party content.  Maybe this is something to explore for v2 if

  (3) Currently the spec focuses on the host items -- has any thought
  be given to allowing CSP to extend to sites being referenced by host
  items?  That is, allowing a site to specify that it can't be embedded
  on another site via frame or object, etc?  I imagine it would be
  similar to the Access Control for XS-XHR[2].

 I would agree with Gerv, that this feels a bit out of scope for this
 particular proposal.

Then maybe something to consider down the road.  It would be useful to
prevent hot linking and clickjacking

- Bil
dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2008-11-20 Thread Gervase Markham
Bil Corry wrote:
 Giorgio Maone mentioned CSP on the OWASP Intrinsic Security list[1]
 and I wanted to provide some feedback.
 (1) Something that appears to be missing from the spec is a way for
 the browser to advertise to the server that it will support Content
 Security Policy, possibly with the CSP version. 

That's intentional. CSP is a backstop solution, not front-line security.
If you are depending on the presence of CSP, as the lolcats say, U R
Doin It Wrong.

 (2) Currently the spec allows/denies based on the host name, it might
 be worthwhile to allow limiting it to a specific path as well.  For
 example, say you use Google's custom search engine, one way to
 implement it is to use a script that sits on (e.g.;lang=en).
 By having an allowed path, you could prevent loading other scripts
 from the domain.

For this and the next one, I'll wait for bsterne to reply, as he's doing
the implementation and speccing work.

 (3) Currently the spec focuses on the host items -- has any thought
 be given to allowing CSP to extend to sites being referenced by host
 items?  That is, allowing a site to specify that it can't be embedded
 on another site via frame or object, etc?  I imagine it would be
 similar to the Access Control for XS-XHR[2].

I would suspect that would be out of scope.

dev-security mailing list