Re: How can I tell what key strength is used to negotiate HTTPS content encryption keys?

2009-08-20 Thread Arshad Noor

Justin makes some valid points.

Risk-management in the future is going to increasingly be about
transparency and disclosure.  As long as Firefox and Thunderbird
provide information about the strengths of different keys in
the SSL/TLS negotiation, Mozilla will be advancing the cause of
better risk-management through more information.  Informed users
are. after all, the best defense against any form of attack.

I would recommend a button under the Technical Details section
of the Page-Info dialog that leads to the kind of detail Justin
is referring to.

Ideally, it would also be useful to have this detail output as
an XML file to the file-system, so that audit tools in the
future can automatically pick it up, parse it and determine if
the settings are in compliance with a defined security policy
at a company.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Justin wells wrote:

Hi Ian,

Thanks for your reply! It's very enlightening, and I do agree that in
the real world there are a lot of issues other than the cryptographic
issues. Just to be sure, I am not suggesting that the weakest link
should be as strong as the strongest link. I am just trying to
understand how weak the weakest link is.

So far I haven't been able to find any documentation, or anyone, who
can tell me what I actually get when I connect to a website. For all I
know my browser is exchanging keys with a 256bit RSA key and then
telling me that it's established a secure connection.

As you say RSA 2k is secure enough for most purposes, per NIST a
2048bit key is good enough for data that needs protection only to
2031, after which 3072 bit keys are acceptable. All I'm trying to do
is sort out whether I've got that level of protection or not, and it
seems tough to figure out.

For Firefox I'd like to make the recommendation that the text that
reads Connection Encryption: High-grade Encryption (AES 256bit) and
the like be altered to instead state the strength of the weakest link,
which in almost all cases is presumably the key exchange. Even AES 256
weakened by the recent attack is still providing some 110 to 112 bits
of security, which is most likely still better than whatever is being
used for key agreement.

If you are really going to assert that this is not the important
factor then perhaps some caveats should be added to the it is
unlikely anyone read this page message that Firefox prints just after
giving the content encryption strength.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: PKCS#11 Module for TPM availiable

2009-07-07 Thread Arshad Noor

Configuring Firefox with a PKCS#11 library is simple - all you have
to do is follow the Edit-Preferences-Advanced-Security Devices-
Load path and supply a name (of your choice) for the module and the
actual full-path of the PKCS11 library for the prompts.  If the P11
library is correctly implemented, FF will recognize the module and
you should now see it in the list of devices of the Device Manager
window in FF.

Once configured, FF treats the TPM no differently from any other
hardware device for generating keys, using certificates, etc.  Of,
course, the crypto-capabilities that FF can use on the TPM will
depend on what the TPM has to offer.

I am making some incremental progress with a specific vendor's TPM
library I have and the use of Java to generate keys and create a
self-signed certificate; but I have run into some other issues
(related to the TPM's security model) that I need to resolve and
am working with the vendor on resolving this.

Eventually, this code will show up in our open-source CSRTool (and
StrongKey) which will be able to do precisely what you're seeking
to do: generate a key-pair, create a CSR that can be submitted to a
CA (as a PKCS#10 blob) and get back a signed certificate that can
then be imported into the TPM.  Once done, all applications that
can interface with a TPM should be able to see and use those

We do plan to integrate it with Trousers, but rather than use the
openCryptoki library (which will necessitate using the SunPKCS11
bridge), we plan to use jTSS (
and eventually, the JSR-321 interface, which should provide native
access to the TPM (lesser integration headaches, hopefully).

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Martin Schneider wrote:

Hello Arshad,

I want to use Firefox with TPM preferably in Ubuntu Linux.

I'm not sure what I've got to do to link Firefox with the PKCS#11
interface. Do you need to implement some code or is this a mere
configuration thing?

The next question is: How does the creation of a TPM protected
certificate work? Do you have to externally create a Certification
Signing Request for a key protected inside the TPM, get a signature
for this CSR and import the cert to Firefox?

Best regards,

On 6 Jul., 19:18, Arshad Noor wrote:

Hi Martin,

Yes, TSS does apparently give you a PKCS#11 interface when layered
with openCryptoki (  I
haven't used this configuration personally (I'm trying to work with
a specific vendors PKCS#11 library and access the TPM using Java
through the SunPKCS11 bridge).

You didn't specify the platform - if you're using Windows, your TPM
provider probably has a PKCS#11 library already bundled in the TPM
software distribution.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Martin Schneider wrote:

Hello everybody,
I'm new to this topic, so it would be kind if some of you people could
give me some input.
I want to use certificates which according private key is protected
inside a Trusted Platform Module and use these Certificates for client
side authentication towards a web based service running on an Apache.
As far as I understand, there should be the possibility to somehow use
the TPM together with Firefox or Thunderbird if you have a suitable
PKCS#11 module. As far as I know, will TrouSerS or jTSS offer such a
PKCS#11 provider. But I do not understand how this must be used. Did
anybody of you set up something as I want to do and maybe put down
some notes?
Thanks for your replies

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: PKCS#11 Module for TPM availiable

2009-07-06 Thread Arshad Noor

Hi Martin,

Yes, TSS does apparently give you a PKCS#11 interface when layered
with openCryptoki (  I
haven't used this configuration personally (I'm trying to work with
a specific vendors PKCS#11 library and access the TPM using Java
through the SunPKCS11 bridge).

You didn't specify the platform - if you're using Windows, your TPM
provider probably has a PKCS#11 library already bundled in the TPM
software distribution.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Martin Schneider wrote:

Hello everybody,

I'm new to this topic, so it would be kind if some of you people could
give me some input.

I want to use certificates which according private key is protected
inside a Trusted Platform Module and use these Certificates for client
side authentication towards a web based service running on an Apache.

As far as I understand, there should be the possibility to somehow use
the TPM together with Firefox or Thunderbird if you have a suitable
PKCS#11 module. As far as I know, will TrouSerS or jTSS offer such a
PKCS#11 provider. But I do not understand how this must be used. Did
anybody of you set up something as I want to do and maybe put down
some notes?

Thanks for your replies

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Roots that are identical except for signature algorithm and serial number

2009-05-20 Thread Arshad Noor

Certificate-chain validation, primarily, works based on the Subject
Key Identifier and the Authority Key Identifier extensions.  When
validation code is presented with multiple certificates that have
the same AKIs in the chain, a good programmer will attempt to use
the stronger certificate if it can be successfully verified up to
the root.  (If it cannot, he/she will have no choice but to attempt
to chain up the alternate path, if possible).

In the example you've provided, the SHA256 hash on the signature
indicates a stronger signing algorithm than SHA1 (just as SHA1
indicates a stronger signing algorithm than MD5 in the 2nd example).
So, Mozilla correctly chose the right certificate and chain when it
saw the SHA256 hash on one root certificate and SHA1 on the other.
(It will be good to get confirmation from someone on the Mozilla
team that this is a deliberate decision, and not random).

Having both roots in the trust-store enables current and older
operating sytems (pre-SP3 versions of XP, for example, which do not
support SHA256) to chain up to a root successfully.  Whether the
browser user should trust a cert-chain based on a specific algorithm
is a subjective decision left up to their own tolerance for risk.  If
Mozilla chooses to include only certificates with stronger algorithms
in the NSS database - that's a different policy decision.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Kathleen Wilson wrote:

When processing a cert chain, does Mozilla use a specified algorithm/
order for determining which root to use when there are two roots
included that are identical except for signature algorithm and serial

Are there cases when Firefox might see a full cert chain, including
the root (which normally is omitted, at least for SSL/TLS), and NSS
would have a problem if the root presented as part of the cert chain
were not 100% bit-for-bit identical to the pre-loaded root?

Izenpe (bug #361957) would like to request inclusion into NSS of two
distinct root certificates which are identical with the exception of
Signature Algorithm, Signature Value, Serial Number, SHA-1
Fingerprint, and MD5 Fingerprint.
The two roots are attached to the bug in the following zip file.

Using the url to test…
When I only have the SHA-1 version of the root installed the website
cert chains up to the SHA-1 root.
When I have both the SHA-1 and the SHA-256 versions of the root
installed, the website cert chains up to the SHA-256 root.

In this case, is there any benefit to including both the SHA-1 and the
SHA-256 roots?

Also related, in bug #490895 VeriSign has requested inclusion of the
SHA-1 version of their roots to replace the corresponding old MD5
version of their roots. At the time of inclusion of the SHA-1 version
of the roots, is there any reason to keep the old MD5 version of the
roots in NSS?


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: How to export private key using pk12util

2009-04-24 Thread Arshad Noor

While it may be technically feasible, Jean-Marc, it would create a
lot of confusion for users, developers and system administrators to
see a P12 file on their file-system that would not have a digital
certificate in it.

I suspect this is the primary reason why the PKCS specs have a #8
specification distinct from the #12; otherwise they would have just
recommended using #12 for all stages of the certificate issuance

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:

It's technically feasible (it does not break the format) to create a 
private key only pkcs#12, 

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: How to export private key using pk12util

2009-04-23 Thread Arshad Noor


I'm afraid PKCS#8 *does* allow for protecting private-keys with
passwords, but you have to explicitly choose the ASN type when
creating the file.  Details can be found at:

While NSS itself has no use for the PKCS#8 format (since it stores
private-keys in the key3.db file, which is already protected with
a password), our open-source CSRTool uses the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
ASN type to protect the RSA/ECDSA keys in the PKCS#8 file.

The reason we use the PKCS#8 format is only because, in the multi-step
process of generating a key-pair, creating a CSR and getting a digital
certificate from an internal/external CA, the private-key needs to be 
temporarily stored securely until a CA issues the digital certificate.

At that time, the cert is combined with the keys to create a PKCS#12
file.  We chose PKCS#8 since it was a simpler Java exercise for us.

It's possible that NSS chose to not support the export of the keys
in PKCS#8 format for other reasons, but I don't believe it would be
because it poses a security risk - the PKCS12 file is subject to the
same risks as PKCS8 since it has the same level of protection: PBE
using a 3DES key.

For the person who's trying to export the key:

It is possible to write a little Java (or C if you prefer it) program
to read the NSS keystore, extract the key-pairs (assuming they are
legible and not corrupt in any way) and export them as PKCS#8 files.
If you go with Java, then much of the sample code can be derived from
a combination of specific modules of our open-source tools - StrongKey
(which has code that uses the NSS keystore) and CSRTool (which has the
P8/P12-related sources).  Both tools are available at
and a forum exists there for support on both tools.  Good luck.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson Bolyard wrote:

The NSS team participated in the process of defining PKCS#12 precisely
to avoid the security trap of exporting private keys in PKCS#8 format.
Avoiding that trap is precisely why PKCS#12, and not PKCS#8, is THE only
format for private key transport supported by all of NSS, Microsoft and OpenSSL.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: X509 per machine (not per user) - or equivalent needed

2009-01-30 Thread Arshad Noor

After reading the other postings on this thread, I think I
see what you're getting at.  You need a combination of two
items and a 2-phase authentication process to get the
assurance you're seeking:

1) A token-based credential per user, using a smartcard and
   a digital certificate for Client-Auth.  Your application
   will use this to establish an SSL session in phase 1; and

2) A GPS card in the PC which your application will interact
   with to get its physical GPS coordinates and then relay
   this as a signed message in phase 2 of the auth process.
   The message will be signed by the private key of the user
   who just established the SSL session with the application,
   which will corroborate the phase-1 authentication.

   Your application would receive the latitude/longitude values
   and verify that these coordinates matched up with the list
   of authorized PC's to establish an authenticated session.

   This mechanism can still be attacked because the smallest
   GPS measurement - a second - equates to approximately 100
   feet.  So, someone could move the GPS card from one PC to
   another in the same location and then log in from that PC
   (which might defeat what you're attempting to achieve).

This is about the closest you can get without the use of a TPM
chip.  What the TPM gives you is a keystore that is embedded on
the motherboard by the manufacturer and which cannot be moved
from one PC to another.

Hope that helps.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Denis McCarthy wrote:

Hello Arshad,
Thanks for the email. I suppose the one thing I'd like to stress again
is that we wish to authenticate a machine, not a user. Many users may
log in to a certain machine (via a username and password that we would
issue). What we need to do on our system is to ensure that the user
logging is valid to log in on that particular computer ('terminal' as
our customer calls them). The terminal itself is connected to the
company that the user works for in our database.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 12:08 AM, Arshad Noor wrote:


You have already made the appropriate leap to this conclusion.
I was going to suggest that there is something atypical about
your application architecture if you're relying on authentication
of the *machine* without the use of a hardware token - such as a
smartcard, TPM chip, etc.

What you want are FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (or above) certified crypto
tokens that generate keys on-board and store the certificate of
the user on the token (in addition to the browser).  The private
key, however, never leaves the token, thus ensuring its security.

Once your customers are issued these tokens with their personal
certificates, they can use it on any PC they desire (assuming
that the PC has been configured with the appropriate CA cert-

If you absolutely need to rely on authenticating the PC, then
the only option you have is the TPM chip, because it is built
with the chip on the motherboard by the manufacturer.

As an aside, StrongAuth, Inc., the company I represent has been
in the business of architecting, building  operating some of the
largest closed-PKIs in the world for enterprises, with the use of
crypto-tokens.  Most recently, we built a PKI for a bio-technology
company that embedded secure processors with digital certificates
into three different parts of their product, so that they may
strongly authenticate to each other before being used.  This was
designed to deter counterfeiters from cloning the consumable part
of their product.  The device is currently awaiting FDA approval
before coming to market.

Feel free to get in touch with us, if we can be of any help to you.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Denis McCarthy wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion David. Unfortunately we are not connecting
to an active directory domain - our application has to go out over the
internet. I did a bit of fiddling with the certificates snap ins, but
Microsoft only makes certificates installed in the user account
available to IE. One other thing I've been mulling over - is it
possible to get a cheap piece of hardware (i.e. a dongle of some sort)
that you can put an X509 certificate on? If so, could anyone point me
in the direction of a company that provides such a product?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: X509 per machine (not per user) - or equivalent needed

2009-01-29 Thread Arshad Noor


You have already made the appropriate leap to this conclusion.
I was going to suggest that there is something atypical about
your application architecture if you're relying on authentication
of the *machine* without the use of a hardware token - such as a
smartcard, TPM chip, etc.

What you want are FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (or above) certified crypto
tokens that generate keys on-board and store the certificate of
the user on the token (in addition to the browser).  The private
key, however, never leaves the token, thus ensuring its security.

Once your customers are issued these tokens with their personal
certificates, they can use it on any PC they desire (assuming
that the PC has been configured with the appropriate CA cert-

If you absolutely need to rely on authenticating the PC, then
the only option you have is the TPM chip, because it is built
with the chip on the motherboard by the manufacturer.

As an aside, StrongAuth, Inc., the company I represent has been
in the business of architecting, building  operating some of the
largest closed-PKIs in the world for enterprises, with the use of
crypto-tokens.  Most recently, we built a PKI for a bio-technology
company that embedded secure processors with digital certificates
into three different parts of their product, so that they may
strongly authenticate to each other before being used.  This was
designed to deter counterfeiters from cloning the consumable part
of their product.  The device is currently awaiting FDA approval
before coming to market.

Feel free to get in touch with us, if we can be of any help to you.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Denis McCarthy wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion David. Unfortunately we are not connecting
to an active directory domain - our application has to go out over the
internet. I did a bit of fiddling with the certificates snap ins, but
Microsoft only makes certificates installed in the user account
available to IE. One other thing I've been mulling over - is it
possible to get a cheap piece of hardware (i.e. a dongle of some sort)
that you can put an X509 certificate on? If so, could anyone point me
in the direction of a company that provides such a product?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: A / V / Text encryption methods

2009-01-08 Thread Arshad Noor


While this is not a real-time encryption protocol, if you're looking
for a protocol to manage symmetric-keys across the internet, OASIS
is working on a standard called the Symmetric Key Services Markup
Language (SKSML).  The current draft (DRAFT-8) of this protocol is at:

It is designed to manage trillions of symmetric keys per server, and
manages keys centrally through individualized policies.  An open-
source implementation of the DRAFT-1 version of the protocol is at, while an OASIS-specific (DRAFT-8) implementation will
be out later this year.

If there are specific symmetric key-management requirements you have
that are not addressed in this specification, now would be a good time
to let me know.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

D3|\||\|!$ wrote:

Hi All!

I am looking for real-time encryption methods/protocols for streaming
A / V / Text data. I plan to build an app similar to Skype and since
Skype doesn't really reveal much about its security architecture, I'm
looking for ingenious solutions. Any suggestions/help would be

From whatever research I did about Skype, I found the following

Skype has implemented majority of its encryption modules by itself and
which are built to comply with standards but applied in their own
ingenious ways such as the AES block cipher, the RSA public-key
cryptosystem, the ISO 9796-2 signature padding scheme, the SHA-1 hash
function, and the RC4 stream cipher.

It uses 256-bit encryption in order to actively encrypt the data in
each Skype call or instant message. Skype uses 1024 bit RSA to
negotiate symmetric AES keys. User public keys are certified by the
Skype server at login using 1536 or 2048-bit RSA certificates.
The key size used for signing here is 1536-2048, which is
significantly greater than 1024-bit keys that are a global norm.

It has also set up its own CA for authentication. On first usage, a
client contacts Skype's master server which issues a certificate from
its indigenous CA.

Besides the above cryptographic algorithms, Skype has also implemented
its own proprietary key-exchange protocol which it uses for key
exchange. I guess they have borrowed most of the features of SSL and
implemented it according to their needs besides fixing its need for
a connection-oriented protocol.

I guess we could also have the same functionality using IPSec in
transport mode and creating a indigenous CA.. I DO NOT PLAN TO USE
VPNs, so using tunnel mode is out of question...

The question is, can we use IPSec to secure UDP data communication??
If yes, HOW?? (since using TCP to transport A / V data would cause
huge delays.. So SSL is also out of question...)

One more option would be to use DTLS - I needed to know if NSS
supports DTLS... Have already developed apps with NSS.. so life could
be a lot more easier if NSS did support DTLS.. :D

Another option would be to use SSH but again, I'm not sure if it can
be used with UDP and also about its authentication methods. Comments
would be welcome.

Also, I'm looking for suitable forums/IRC channels to discuss the
topic more. Could the people here suggest me some???


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Anders' p2 challenge

2008-12-07 Thread Arshad Noor

Given this example, and using traditional technologies and
protocols, this problem appears intractable.  However, there
is a new solution - becoming an OASIS standard shortly - that
not only solves this problem, but goes beyond this stage of
the problem to address the next stage of the problem.

Everybody on this forum understands that when this Purchase
Order is sent encrypted, it has to be encrypted with a symmetric
key, and the symmetric key has to be encrypted with the public
key of the receiver(s) and packaged with the ciphertext PO (ala
S/MIME).  However, there is no current standard to do this with
groups - just individuals.

But, if the symmetric key is abstracted out of the package and
an infrastructure exists to support its secure distribution on
the internet, the problem is solved.

The infrastructure I speak of is a Symmetric Key Management System
(SKMS).  It is part of an Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure
(EKMI), which includes a PKI.

While the Purchasing problem is not very complex, lets run with
it to continue the thread:

a) When a Purchasing Manager (PM) wants to send an encrypted/signed
   PO to a vendor's Order Receiving System, the vendor issues the
   PM a signing and an encryption certificate from the vendor's EKMI.

b) After the PM prepares the PO, they sign it with their company
   issued digital certificate, and then using the vendor-issued
   signing certificate, request a symmetric key from the vendor's

c) The vendor's SKMS, validates the request based on the signature
   and cert-chain, and issues a symmetric key based on policies
   defined by the vendor in the SKMS; the key is transported after
   being encrypted under the vendor-issued encryption certificate
   to the PM;

d) The PM receives the key, verifies the response, encrypts the PO
   (into an XML Encryption-schema conformant document) and sends it
   off to the vendor's ORS; the PM erases the symmetric key from
   their system when done - they don't need it anymore;

e) Vendor's ORS is configured with its own pair of certificates from
   the SKMS.  When it receives the encrypted PO, it requests the same
   symmetric key from the SKMS;  the SKMS had escrowed it even before
   sending it to the PM; the ORS knows the key-identifier because it
   is embedded in the XMLEncryption document;

f) SKMS recieves request; based on access-control rules, it returns
   the symmetric key to the ORS, which now decrypts the signed PO 
   sends it off to the Order Receiving Group alias.  Any receiver on
   the vendor's side can now verify the signed PO and process the PO.

An alternate approach is to have the XMLEncryption document go to all
the Order Receiver's on the vendor's side.  When the receiver is ready
to process the PO, they request the symmetric key from their SKMS, and
after receiving the key based on their signed request and access control
rules, decrypt the PO and continue processing it.

Using S/MIME-like design, but abstracting the key out of the encrypted
document, this problem - and another more complex problem as shown in
slides 15-17 of this 18-month old presentation:

is solved.  (Using the purchasing system example, it would be analogous
to the order receivers being able to share the encrypted PO dynamically
with a select sub-group out of a group hundreds of thousands of parts
suppliers to the vendor).

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Anders wrote:

  When any of you guys have made a *public* write-up on how you
  would address the [related] issues mentioned on p.2 in this document
  you are ready for the real discussion.

1. How is the purchaser (P) going to select and acquire a suitable 
Order Receiver (OR) encryption certificate from the selling organization?

2. How is the buying organization’s Purchasing System Server (PSS) 
able to perform its logging, authorization, and control tasks if 
purchase orders already have been encrypted by the Purchaser using a 
public key from an external selling organization?

3. How is the selling organization’s Order System Server (OSS) 
supposed to decipher and validate incoming orders if they are 
encrypted by a public key of a specific Order Receiver (ORn) 
employee?  In case the
designated OR is unavailable, how is OSS going to be able to delegate 
order handling to another OR?

4. How are different Order Receivers (ORs) supposed to cooperate if 
they cannot see each others’ tasks?  Are the particular Order Receiver 
and Purchaser also the natural entities for handling associated invoices?

  I know that there is not a single person on this planet who can :-)

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: where does certutil put a cert's private keys?

2008-12-03 Thread Arshad Noor

I must apologize; I was in error about keytool being able to
export a P12 file out of the JCE keystore - this cannot be
done by keytool yet - you can only import P12's in JDK6.

However, if you're still interested in keytool for generating
keys and certs, keytool -help or man keytool provide all

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

fat.fuck wrote:

On 2 Dec, 22:11, Arshad Noor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Finally, if you're going to be using digital certificates, while
openssl will do the job for you, since you say you know Java, you
can also use keytool from the JDK to create your key, cert and P12 -
all using the same command; you can then just import the P12 to the
Mozilla databases.

keytool sounds like a plan! please, mr. noor. won't you share the
specific keytool command with me (and future readers) in this thread?
you would be doing the community a huge favor. thanks in advance.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: where does certutil put a cert's private keys?

2008-12-02 Thread Arshad Noor

I've never had to use ClientAuth with Sun's Directory Server,
but here are some observations:

1) Keys are *never* stored in certN.db; they're always in keyN.db;
   only certificates are in certN.db.  The association between the
   key and the cert is made via the cert's nickname (in your case:

2) You do not have the Private Key of your client cert in your
   keyN.db file, since you haven't imported it.  You need to use
   openssl to create a P12 file with your Private Key and cert,
   and then use the pk12util to import the P12 to the Mozilla
   (Netscape) databases (the key will automatically go to keyN.db
   and the cert will go to certN.db);  you need to get past this
   problem before you can do anything with ClientAuth.

However, I would recommend that you get the LDAP working with SSL
but *without* ClientAuth to ensure that your server-side SSL is
setup correctly, first.  Once you can access your directory server
over SSL without ClientAuth, the next step is to add ClientAuth.

Finally, if you're going to be using digital certificates, while
openssl will do the job for you, since you say you know Java, you
can also use keytool from the JDK to create your key, cert and P12 -
all using the same command; you can then just import the P12 to the
Mozilla databases.  If you want to use an industrial-strength tool
for your certificates, either use DogTag or EJBCA.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

fat.fuck wrote:

bebop$ /development/projects/dsrk52/lib/ldapcsdk/tools/ldapsearch -h
bebop -p 636 -Z -P /home/bebop/.netscape/cert7.db -N myClientCert -W
** -K /home/bebop/.netscape/key3.db -b  (objectClass=*)
ldapssl_enable_clientauth: Bad parameter to an ldap routine
ldapssl_enable_clientauth: additional info: unable to find certificate
SSL error -8174 (security library: bad database.)

now, if anybody could help shed light on this error i'm getting using
my certs and keys for 2-way ssl, please chime in:

  ldapssl_enable_clientauth: Bad parameter to an ldap routine
  ldapssl_enable_clientauth: additional info: unable to find
  SSL error -8174 (security library: bad database.)

thanks in advance for your help.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Unable to decode an encrypted message

2008-10-22 Thread Arshad Noor

If your friend is encrypting the message, whose digital certificate
is he using to encrypt it with?  Yours?  Do you have a digital
certificate with an associated Private Key in your Tbird keystore?
If so, are you trying to read the encrypted e-mail from the same
machine where you have your Private Key?

In order to sign an e-mail, a Sender (your friend, in this case)
must have a digital certificate and an associated Private Key to
sign it.  You do not need a certificate of your own to read signed
e-mails, since they are unencrypted.  However, to verify the signed
e-mail, you must have the certificate-chain of your friend's digital
certificate.  If your friend got his certificate from some public
certificate-issuer, you probably have the chain in Tbird already,
and that's why the signed e-mail can be verified.

However, in order to encrypt an e-mail, the Sender MUST HAVE the
*recipient's* digital certificate, and the recipient must have the
associated Private Key of that digital certificate to decrypt it.

If you do not have a digital certificate, I'm not sure whose digital
certificate he pointed to to encrypt it.  If you do have one, then
you must read the e-mail on the same machine that has the Private Key
to that digital certificate (assuming you're not using a smartcard or
some other external cryptographic device).

The encrypted e-mail from yourself to your friend works, because the
first time he sent you a signed e-mail and you verified it, Tbird
placed his digital certificate in your Tbird's certificate-store and
consequently, you had his (the recipient) digital certificate to
encrypt your message with.

Hope that helps.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Paul Kinzelman wrote:

I originally posted this issue on moz.sup.tbird and somebody
suggested posting it here. The suggestion I got over there was
to try
but that didn't change anything.

I'm using Tbird (20080914)

When a friend uses an Apple to digitally sign a message, I can
validate his signature OK (so that means I have his cert
properly in Tbird, right?), but when he encrypts the message,
I get a Thunderbird cannot decrypt this message error.
He's not using PGP, he's doing it in SMIME.

I can encrypt and sign a message with my cert that he can read.

I'll append first the header of the encrypted message that
I can't read, and then I'll append the header of the signed
message that I can read (because it's not encrypted)
and the signature validates OK.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm kind of new
at this encryption stuff so feel free to treat me as an idiot.  :-)


Here's the header of the encrypted message body that I can't read:

From - Tue Oct 21 13:36:49 2008
X-Account-Key: account4
X-UIDL: 514289371

Received: from SMTP32-FWD by
  (SMTP32) id A087B00A7AEC2; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:51:07 -0800
Received: from [] by
with ESMTP
  (SMTPD-8.22) id A87B018C; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:51:07 -0800
X-policyd-weight: passed - too many local DNS-errors in lookups
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 99EAC67819
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:50:31 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from [] (
by (8.13.4/8.12.10) with ESMTP id m9LG6LEA006885
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:07:17 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v753.1)
Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime; name=smime.p7m;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7m
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
From: Richard Haley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: HTML question
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:07:52 -0700
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.753.1)
Status: U
X-UIDL: 514289371
X-IMail-ThreadID: 087b0854630f
X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 8.0.173 [270.7.5/1708]


And here's a message that's not encrypted but is signed and I can
validate his signature successfully:

From - Tue Oct 21 13:37:06 2008
X-Account-Key: account4
X-UIDL: 514289377

Received: from SMTP32-FWD by
  (SMTP32) id A0C97008EAF92; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:08:39 -0800
Received: from [] by
with ESMTP
  (SMTPD-8.22) id AC97018C; Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:08:39 -0800
X-policyd-weight: passed - too many local DNS-errors in lookups
Received: from

Re: Certificate not approved for this operation

2008-08-22 Thread Arshad Noor
What are the key-usage and extended key-usage extension values
in the certificate issued by MS signtool?

Once a certificate has been issued, it cannot be changed.  You
have to reissue the certificate (as a new one) if you want any
changes in it.

You should be able to generate a certificate of whatever duration
you desire with the tools; you just need to specify it explicitly
when creating the certificate.

Out of curiosity, what is the key-size for the key-pair of this
40-year certificate?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 When you create a test certificate with signtool it is valid only for
 3 months.
 I would like to know whether it is possible to convert a microsoft
 test certificate and use it with Firefox for object signing.
 This is what I try to do:
 1., I have a test.pfx created with microsoft signtool valid for 40
 2., I use the pk12util to import it
 using signtool -L -d. my cert has no asterisk before the name, I guess
 that is the problem.
 When using with signtool, I get this (obviously)
 Generating zigbert.sf file..
 signtool: PROBLEM signing data (Certificate not approved for this
 Since it is a test certificate is not there a way to change it to be
 suitable for object signing as well?
 Using microsoft certificate store, there is a way to add any kind of
 object identification, anyone knows the code (OID) for this purpose
 (object signing)?
 Is there another way to create (with nss tools) a test certificate
 which is valid mush more time than 3 months?
 dev-tech-crypto mailing list
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: [P1619-3] Early Registration Deadline for KMS 2008 Extended to August 31, 2008]

2008-08-19 Thread Arshad Noor

 Original Message 
Subject:[P1619-3] Early Registration Deadline for KMS 2008 Extended to
August 31, 2008
Date:   Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:18:54 -0600
From:   Matt Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To:   Matt Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To give everyone a little more time, the early registration deadline for
the 2008 IEEE Key Management Summit has been moved about a week back to
August 31, 2008.  If you sign up on or before August 31, the rate is
$300/person (which is below cost, thanks to sponsor subsidies).
Afterwards, the rate increases to $500/person.  Don't wait, or the
deadline will sneak up on you!

This is also the same deadline for booking a room at the reduced rate of
$219/night at the Sheraton Inner Harbor hotel.  After August 31,
reservations will be exception on a space available basis.


 * IEEE Key Management Summit 2008 Homepage
 * Registration Homepage
 * Hotel Information

The IEEE Key Management Summit (KMS) 2008 will be from Sept 23-24, 2008
at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland.

Hope to see you there!

Matt Ball, IEEE P1619.x SISWG Chair
M.V. Ball Technical Consulting, Inc.
Phone: 303-469-2469, Cell: 303-717-2717
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Fwd: [ekmi] Public Review of SKSML v1.0

2008-07-25 Thread Arshad Noor

The OASIS EKMI Technical Committee would be grateful for any comments
received from members of this forum about the key-management protocol.

If you are interested in reviewing a working implementation of an early
version of this protocol, you can get the implementation here:  

One of the cryptographic libraries supported by this implementation is
NSS through the SunPKCS11 bridge.

Thank you.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Forwarded Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:04:49 PM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: [ekmi] Public Review of SKSML v1.0

To OASIS members, Public Announce Lists:

The OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC has recently
approved the following specification as a Committee Draft and approved the
package for public review:

Symmetric Key Services Markup Language (SKSML) Version 1.0

The public review starts today, 24 July 2008, and ends 23 September 2008. This
is an open invitation to comment. We strongly encourage feedback from potential
users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of
improving the interoperability and quality of OASIS work. Please feel free to
distribute this announcement within your organization and to other appropriate
mail lists.

More non-normative information about the specification and the technical
committee may be found at the public home page of the TC at: Comments may be
submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment
Facility which can be located via the button marked Send A Comment at the top
of that page, or directly at:

Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that TC) are
publicly archived and can be viewed at: All comments submitted to
OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback
you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC

The specification document and related files are available here:

Editable Source (Authoritative): 




This normative specification defines the first (1.0) version of the Symmetric
Key Services Markup Language (SKSML), an XML-based messaging protocol, by which
applications executing on computing devices may request and receive symmetric
key-management services from centralized key-management servers, securely, over
networks. Applications using SKSML are expected to either implement the SKSML
protocol, or use a software library - called the Symmetric Key Client Library
(SKCL) - that implements this protocol. SKSML messages are transported within a
SOAP layer, protected by a Web Services Security (WSS) header and can be used
over standard HTTP securely.

OASIS and the EKMI TC welcome your comments.

Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: 

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: certutil or PKI for NSS 3.11.9

2008-06-24 Thread Arshad Noor
I will defer to your experience in the war-stories you've heard, Nelson.
You've certainly seen a lot more people do stupid things in this area
than I have, I'm sure.  I tend to get involved only when people want to
do PKI the right way :-).

I am a strong believer that educating the general masses about doing
things the right way leads a better environment for all of us.  To that
extent, based on my experiences in setting up more than a dozen PKIs
over the last 9 years (from the world's largest pharmaceutical company
to a medical devices startup that is embedding digital certificates in
its devices for anti-counterfeiting) I have summarized some guidelines
in an article called Building a Successful PKI article that was
published in the ISSA Journal some years ago.  It is available to ISSA
members in their archives, or if interested readers send me an e-mail

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 Arshad Noor wrote, On 2008-06-23 15:58:

 I think you may want to qualify your message in this paragraph, so as
 to not mislead people who don't understand PKI very well.
 I want people who don't understand PKI very well to get one message,
 loud and clear: Don't try to make and use your own server certs.
 There are some very limited, very special circumstances in which
 self signed server certs make sense and aren't time bombs.  Those
 circumstances may constitute 0.1% of the cases where people contemplate
 using them.  But in the other 99.9+% of the cases, self signed server
 certs are a mistake, pure and simple.
 I have been developing and supporting SSL in browsers for 12 years now,
 and during that time I have heard hundreds of stories from people who got
 themselves into real binds by either trying to use self-signed server
 certs or trying to run their own CA (but not knowing what they're really
 doing).  I've witnessed individuals, corporations, universities, and banks
 stumble real hard over these mistakes.  (I can write about the problems
 at length, but won't unless asked.)
 Given the detailed specifics of a situation, it is possible to determine
 if self-signed server certs (or certs from a home grown CA) would work in
 that situation, but for the general case, the my best advice is: don't.
 If they do these two things and follow their self-directed policies and
 procedures with reasonable diligence, then I would argue that there is
 no difference between self-signed or public-CA issued certs.
 Self-signed certs, whether EEs or CAs, are great until they have to be
 replaced for any reason.  They they're typically a huge nightmare, a
 company-wide flag-day event for which no one is trained or prepared.
 I've heard of companies that almost went bust over this.
 There are certainly people who really understand PKI, and really know
 what they're doing.  They can setup a real PKI and run a real CA.
 They can devise a solution that meets their needs and fits their
 situation, even if it involves their own self signed CA certs.
 They know enough to avoid a setup that will someday cause that huge
 nightmare, and they know that they can ignore my warnings. :)
 The problem is that people who really aren't qualified often think they
 are qualified, and they choose to ignore warnings that they should not.
 Obtaining professional quality CA software may help avoid various problems
 with certificate formats, and is likely to avoid problems with serial
 number reuse, but even with such software, people who don't really
 understand PKI can make colossal mistakes.
 So, my general advice to people contemplating issuing their own certs is:
 unless you really know how to run a good CA, don't play CA and don't make
 your own certs.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: certutil or PKI for NSS 3.11.9

2008-06-23 Thread Arshad Noor

I think you may want to qualify your message in this paragraph, so as
to not mislead people who don't understand PKI very well.

As I'm sure most people on this list know, every Root CA certificate is
a self-signed certificate.  There is nothing inherently insecure about
such certificates, or the ones they issue.  It is the policies,
procedures and technology used to protect the components of a PKI that
make them secure or insecure (as some recent discussions on this list
are highlighting).

What makes self-signed *end-entity* certificates insecure is that RPs
are required to make trust decisions about the certificate(s) with
little or no knowledge about them.  However, there are many situations
where self-signed end-entity certs may be acceptable even in Production: 
point-to-point security between servers where the client and server are
controlled by a single individual/group.  Since this individual/group
is/are the creators and relying parties themselves, as long as the
components of their infrastructure are well-protected, these self-signed
certs could be deemed secure.

That said, any infrastructure that used PKCS components is better served
building a PKI - no matter how small it may be - to manage the certs and
the procedures used in managing them.  Additionally, they should also
use some hardware crypto module - smartcard, TPM or HSM - to protect the
private-key of their certificates.

If they do these two things and follow their self-directed policies and
procedures with reasonable diligence, then I would argue that there is
no difference between self-signed or public-CA issued certs.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 The big warning paragraph that you quoted (and I snipped) is really trying
 to warn against the use of certutil (or any tool that produces self-signed
 certificates) for certificate issuance in production environments.  The
 page is explaining how to setup a very small scale CA using certutil for
 use in very small scale test environments.  The warning is intended to be
 If you use self-signed server certs in production, you'll be sorry!.
 It doesn't say that very well.  The warning sounds like it's saying
 certutil does a bad job of issuing self-signed certs, but that's not the
 issue.  Some people read it as if it is saying don't use certutil for this,
 but instead use some other tool like OpenSSL, and that's exactly the wrong
 message.  The message is: don't use self-signed server certs in production.
  The tool that makes them doesn't matter. Self-signed certs are bad for
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Cannot encrypt cipher via pkcs11 in nss fips mode

2008-06-05 Thread Arshad Noor
FWIW, the StrongKey implementation of a Symmetric Key Management
System (SKMS) uses certificates and private keys from JKS keystores,
NSS databases (using the SunPKCS11 bridge) and smartcards (also using
SunPKCS11).  We're working on integrating various HSMs and the TPM.
Full source code is available at

We haven't tried it with the NSS store in FIPS mode, so I can't predict
what might happen.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Glen Beasley wrote:
 Yevgeniy Gubenko wrote:
 The main reason not to work with JSS is the following paragraph written in

 The following classes don't work very well:

 KeyStore: There are many serious problems mapping the JCA keystore interface 
 onto NSS's model of PKCS #11 modules. The current implementation is almost 
 useless. Since these problems lie deep in the NSS design and implementation, 
 there is no clear timeframe for fixing them. Meanwhile, the 
 org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoStore class can be used for some of this 

 We have a lot of use of keystore in our application.
 I didn't understand your observation:
 As long as you're using using NSS to store your certs and keys you 
 should have no problem using JSS.
 The Mozilla-JSS provider's keystore implementation is almost useless, 
 but you can use CryptoStore as the documentation states.
 Using JDK6 SunPKCS11 you may manage to access both the Java keystore and 
 NSS's but I have
 not tried this so I do not know  what your  issues  will be.
 yes NSS supports x509 but does
 What did you mean saying but does?
 it was a typo that I didn't edit correctly when I sent the email,  as I 
 looked at the time, and realized I had to catch my commuter train.
 do disregard the  but does.
 So if NSS supports X509, why do I get the below exception without adding 
 another 2 providers?
 sometimes error messages are not clear.
 As well, I wasn't able to run my class with the only dynamically added 
 crypto provider, until I enabled both of the following providers in 
 jre/lib/security/ configuration:

 These are default providers, you may be able to disable #2, but you 
 cannot disable #1 SunPKCS11 if you want
 the JDK to talk with NSS's PKCS11.
 ie. from your own code:
 String configFileName = /opt/nss/pkcs11.cfg; nss = new;
 If you have an actual issue with JSS or an actual bug with NSS's pkcs11 
 implementation you should use this forum.
 If you want to get your program working with the JDK's SunPKCS11 then I 
 would ask further questions in
 have a good day,
 Otherwise I got an exception:

 Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
 at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(DashoA13*..)
 at decryptPass.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
 at javax.crypto.SunJCE_b.clinit(DashoA13*..)
 ... 2 more
 Caused by: X.509 not found
 at Method)
 ... 3 more
 Caused by: X.509 not found
 at javax.crypto.SunJCE_b$*..)
 ... 4 more
 Caused by: X.509 CertificateFactory 
 not available

 Doesn't NSS3.11.4 crypto API support all X.509 stuff?

 yes NSS supports x509 but does
 Best Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glen Beasley
 Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 18:15
 To: mozilla's crypto code discussion list
 Subject: Re: Cannot encrypt cipher via pkcs11 in nss fips mode


 Your chosen set of operations to be performed is: DESede/CBC/NoPadding

 DESede is a block cipher and operates on 8-byte blocks. Thus, input to
 DESede Cipher with CBC mode and NoPadding
 scheme should be in multiple of 8 bytes for the encryption/decryption to

 I was able to get your program working by adding two bytes to the
 following line.

String password = passwordString!!;  //16 bytes

 If you need to have variable lengths of input you need to first pad your
 data, then encrypt.
 After you decrypt you need to remove the pad

Microsoft COFEE

2008-04-30 Thread Arshad Noor
It can be ordered to decrypt system passwords???  So, I wonder
what attackers can do with this...

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Microsoft revealed its development of a digital forensic analysis toolkit at a 
security conference yesterday as part of a wider discussion of how technology 
can be used to fight crime. The Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, or 
COFEE for short, is a USB thumb drive that contains software capable of 
executing approximately 150 separate commands. Once plugged in, COFEE can be 
ordered to decrypt system passwords, display a history of internet activity, 
and search the system for evidence
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: Secure Server e-Cert Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect Web Bank]

2008-04-23 Thread Arshad Noor

This may be the first phishing e-mail I've seen that uses
a message related to digital certificates for attacking the
client; I am not a customer of Comerica.

Has anyone else seen this before?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject:Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect
Web Bank
Date:   Tue, 22 Apr 2008 14:40:39 +
From:   Digital Certificate Update [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Comerica TM Connect Web Bank Renewal

Certificate Renewal
Personal (Smartcard) e-Cert  Personal e-Cert
Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date.
Your certificate expiration date - 1may 2008.
The system will send email (Certificate Renewal Notice) to the
certificate owner ten
days and 3 hours before the certificate is due to expire, if it has not
been renewed.
Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to
connect to
Comerica Bank Certificate Management System and present the client
Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert
Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before
expiry date.
Successful renewed application will receive an email notification from
Comerica Bank.
Applicant can just browse to the URL stated in the email and then
download the certificate.

Download now

2008 Comerica Treasury Management Connect Web (SM) Version 4.2

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: Secure Server e-Cert Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect Web Bank]

2008-04-23 Thread Arshad Noor

This may be the first phishing e-mail I've seen that uses
a message related to digital certificates for attacking the
client; I am not a customer of Comerica.

Has anyone else seen this before?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject:Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect
Web Bank
Date:   Tue, 22 Apr 2008 14:40:39 +
From:   Digital Certificate Update [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Comerica TM Connect Web Bank Renewal

Certificate Renewal
Personal (Smartcard) e-Cert  Personal e-Cert
Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date.
Your certificate expiration date - 1may 2008.
The system will send email (Certificate Renewal Notice) to the
certificate owner ten
days and 3 hours before the certificate is due to expire, if it has not
been renewed.
Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to
connect to
Comerica Bank Certificate Management System and present the client
Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert
Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before
expiry date.
Successful renewed application will receive an email notification from
Comerica Bank.
Applicant can just browse to the URL stated in the email and then
download the certificate.

Download now

2008 Comerica Treasury Management Connect Web (SM) Version 4.2

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Secure Server e-Cert Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect Web Bank]

2008-04-22 Thread Arshad Noor
Had to remove the link so it would get past the spam-filters;
apologies if you see multiple postings.

Arshad Noor wrote:
 This may be the first phishing e-mail I've seen that uses
 a message related to digital certificates for attacking the
 client; I am not a customer of Comerica.
 Has anyone else seen this before?
 Arshad Noor
 StrongAuth, Inc.
  Original Message 
 Subject: Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert. Comerica TM Connect
 Web Bank
 Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 14:40:39 +
 From: Digital Certificate Update [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Comerica TM Connect Web Bank Renewal
 Certificate Renewal
 Personal (Smartcard) e-Cert  Personal e-Cert
 Certificate owner must renew the certificate before expiry date.
 Your certificate expiration date - 1may 2008.
 The system will send email (Certificate Renewal Notice) to the
 certificate owner ten
 days and 3 hours before the certificate is due to expire, if it has not
 been renewed.
 Upon receiving the renewal notice, certificate owner is required to
 connect to
 Comerica Bank Certificate Management System and present the client
 Secure Server e-Cert  Developer e-Cert
 Certificate owner has the responsibility to renew the certificate before
 expiry date.
 Successful renewed application will receive an email notification from
 Comerica Bank.
 Applicant can just browse to the URL stated in the email and then
 download the certificate.
 Download now
 Link removed to get past spam-filters 
 2008 Comerica Treasury Management Connect Web (SM) Version 4.2
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Create private key

2008-03-23 Thread Arshad Noor
You could use the recently open-sourced Dogtag from Red Hat to
setup a CA and use their web interface to get client (and server)

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

brieweb wrote:
 How do I create a private key for Firefox, or mozilla for that matter?
 I want to take my browser, connect to a site with my private key
 similar to using ssh and connecting to another server. Then the web
 server checks its repository of authorized keys for my public public
 key and allows me to connect. All I seem to find is how to create a
 private key for a web server and then creating a signing request to be
 signed by a CA.
 dev-tech-crypto mailing list
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: YA digitally signed email protocol

2007-12-13 Thread Arshad Noor
No, this is news to me too, Nelson.

So, if I understand this correctly, the primary difference
between what this message contains and S/MIME is that they
chose to use a proprietary format for securing the e-mail
as opposed to an industry standard that has been around for
nearly 2 decades and is implemented in every major MUA.

Since they could have implemented the exact same business
capability using S/MIME, it sounds like this scheme was
created to only lock in merchants.  Doesn't appear to add
any new value to the field of security.

Heaven forbid that someone might figure out that they can
achieve the same effect with open-source libraries and one
signing certificate for less than $100 per year.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson Bolyard wrote:
 Maybe this is news only to me.  :-)
 Today I received an email from a nationally known merchant with whom I
 have done a lot of business.  The mail headers included a number of
 things I had never seen before (shown below).  A very brief examination
 showed that those headers included these items, all base 64-encoded:
 - an X.509v1 certificate w/ a 768 bit public key and a 2k bit signature
 - a 768-bit signature (bare RSA signature)
 - two SHA1 hashes (h  b)
 - a copy of the sender's From: address string (f)
 and other values, not base64 encoded, such as:
 - two date/time stamps (e and d)
 - other values not yet decoded
 Visits to these URLs
 revealed that this is a new system of digitally signed emails that are
 (or will soon be) recognized and validated by popular webmail hosting
 sites (e.g. Yahoo, AOL, various cable internet and DSL service
 providers), and may be sent only by companies, non-profits or
 governmental agencies that meet a strict set of criteria --
 approximately the same sorts of entities that might be eligible to
 receive EV certificates.
 IOW, this is EV signed email, using a proprietary format/protocol but
 pretty normal looking PKI.  The cert's subject was goodmail systems,
 not the merchant whose From: address was borne in the mail.  Maybe
 goodmail signs the emails on behalf of the merchants.
 The whole point of it seems to be to get consumers to overcome their
 reluctance to click on links in emails (which consumers have learned
 from their phishing experiences), and click-through in emails from the
 signers.  According to the flash demo in the page cited above, the web
 hosting companies' web sites will show special UI for messages so
 signed, indicating to the user that such messages are real (apparently
 meaning safe and trustworthy).
 So, one wonders:
 - Does signed email become something only EV-eligible parties can send?
 - Does this kill S/MIME?  or
 - Should we enlist the CABForum to issue EV certs for email, and promote
   a competing system based on S/MIME, for use in mail clients such as
   ThunderBird and Outlook Express (or its Vista equivalent), and try
   to keep S/MIME alive?
 - or maybe: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?  That is, add this format
   to Thunderbird as an alternative format for signed email?
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: sun pkcs11 bridge + nss + hw token

2007-10-05 Thread Arshad Noor
If you tried to go through the Bridge, and then the NSS library to talk
to the vendor-specific DLL, you will be going through two different
translation layers before you get to the crypto capability on the card.

By going from the Bridge to vendor DLL directly, you save yourself one
layer of translation.  However, you will need to configure each vendor's
library correctly in the Bridge configuration file.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: David Stutzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2007 10:14:58 AM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: sun pkcs11 bridge + nss + hw token

I was playing around with accessing NSS through the Sun PKCS11 bridge. 
I was successfully able to generate a keypair and do a signature for 
both RSA and EC (only using the 2 Suite B curves, which I imagine is the 
way the windows build of nss I'm using was made).  I was curious about 
accessing  a different token besides the softoken through the bridge. 
The directions on the java site don't really allude to being able to do 

If I have the following certdb is it possible to access the DK module 
(and TPKI Token specifically) through the bridge?  Or is this retarded 
and I should just be accessing the token's dll through the bridge 

Listing of PKCS #11 Modules
   1. NSS Internal FIPS PKCS #11 Module
  slots: 1 slot attached
 status: loaded

  slot: NSS FIPS 140-2 User Private Key Services
 token: NSS FIPS 140-2 Certificate DB

   2. Root Certs
 library name: ./nssckbi.dll
  slots: 1 slot attached
 status: loaded

 token: Builtin Object Token

   3. DK
 library name: dkck201.dll
  slots: 6 slots attached
 status: loaded

  slot: Datakey Reader

  slot: ActivCard USB Reader V2 0

  slot: Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 0

  slot: Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 1
 token: TPKI Token

  slot: Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 2

  slot: Rainbow Technologies iKeyVirtualReader 3
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: RE: About Firefox security.]

2007-09-21 Thread Arshad Noor
Alberto found his solution independently and requested that
I post this for him.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: About Firefox security.
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:30:19 -0500
From: Alberto Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Arshad Noor' [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!

We already found what was the difference between both signed messages. 
Well not exactly the difference but at least how to make our code to work

This is what we are doing... we want to test something for 
nonrepudiation... so using Crypto.signText we are asking Firefox to 
digitally sign the document. For IE you need to use an ActiveX named 
Capicom. Obviously the implementation from Firefox is much better... and 
it uses some kind of salt we couldn´t decipher using bouncycastle... you 
can't provide the original data if you don't know what the original data 

Here is some pseudo code
In IE Client

In the Serverside (BouncyCastle)

Bc.isValid(OriginalText, pkcs7SignedText)

Firefox was not working that way.. so we think that Firefox is using 
some kind of salt
Crypto.internally.signText(OriginalText + new Date() + username) or 

So in the Serverside (BouncyCastle)

Bc.isValid(OriginalText, pkcs7SignedText) Wouldn't work

But actually Sun's JDK came to the rescue

This code doesn't compile but the part we need to have... that means the 
PKCS#7 validation works fine.

// parse the PKCS7 input file...
PKCS7 p7 = new PKCS7(siginfile);
// original data is embedded or attached to this P7,
// implicit verification will do...
SignerInfo [] si = p7.verify();
// check the results of the verification
if (si == null)
throw new Exception(Signature failed verification, data has been 

It seems that we where not using the authentication params in our code.

Those params are being used by the internals of this code.

Thank you very much
Carlos Alberto

PD: Please resend this to the forum so this information gets stored 
somewhere for a future reference.

-Original Message-
From: Arshad Noor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:42 PM
To: Alberto Hernandez
Cc: dev-tech-crypto
Subject: Re: About Firefox security.


when you say PKCS #7 signature is different from Firefox than from IE..,
are you referring to the signatures used as part of the SSL/TLS protocol
when the browser is connecting up to the secure portal?

Or are you implying that you have created some plug-in that calls native
libraries from Mozilla/CAPI to create digital signatures from keys stored
in the Firefox/IE keystores?

Or is it something else?  The question is - how are the PKCS #7 signatures
being created and what role does the browser have in creating them?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Alberto Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:27:52 AM (GMT-0800) 
Subject: About Firefox security.

Hello Guys,

My name is Carlos Alberto… I’m working at the Bolsa de Valores (Stock
Exchange, ) of México in some software that is going
to be used for the non repudiation of the exchange instructions.

  My team has put some pressure under supporting Firefox in our portal. But
this time that got us into a problem, it seems that the PKCS #7 signature is
different from Firefox than from IE and we haven´t being able to detect how
is it different (rather than the most obvious places) for us to tweak our
process. We are trying to validate the signature using an OS library named
BouncyCastle but we have not being able to do that to the date. We think
that it could be some salt or maybe the encoding… but we can´t advance from
where we are.

  Is there a way to simply emulate IE's signature... I'm pretty sure 
that the
Firefox implementation is much better and that we are avoiding some other
attack using this salt (I think is a Salt) but we are working with huge
organizations that won´t easily change the way they are working... and that
means we will need to use IE signature style.

  Do you happen to have some information about the differences from IE 
content and Firefox signed one? How to tweak firefox using javascript for
that? Or any other information that could help us.

Thank you very much, we really appreciate your help
Carlos Alberto

PD: I already tried to send this to '' but
I got a cannot be reached error.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: RE: About Firefox security.]

2007-09-21 Thread Arshad Noor
I don't have the answer to this, Alberto.  Forwarding to the
list for you.  You should subscribe to this list so you can
post to it directly.  Happy to help this time.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: About Firefox security.
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 18:36:34 -0500
From: Alberto Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Arshad Noor' [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually we got into another problem.

We need to sign our PKCS#7 data several times... but crypto keeps asking 
for the password... is there a way to override that setting? Via 
javascript...I think
That we found a way to tweak firefox for that... but the idea is to use this
With end users who will not be able to do that.

Thank you very much
Carlos Alberto

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: About Firefox security.

2007-09-20 Thread Arshad Noor

when you say PKCS #7 signature is different from Firefox than from IE..,
are you referring to the signatures used as part of the SSL/TLS protocol
when the browser is connecting up to the secure portal?  

Or are you implying that you have created some plug-in that calls native
libraries from Mozilla/CAPI to create digital signatures from keys stored
in the Firefox/IE keystores?

Or is it something else?  The question is - how are the PKCS #7 signatures 
being created and what role does the browser have in creating them?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Alberto Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:27:52 AM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: About Firefox security.

Hello Guys,

My name is Carlos Alberto… I’m working at the Bolsa de Valores (Stock
Exchange, ) of México in some software that is going
to be used for the non repudiation of the exchange instructions.

 My team has put some pressure under supporting Firefox in our portal. But
this time that got us into a problem, it seems that the PKCS #7 signature is
different from Firefox than from IE and we haven´t being able to detect how
is it different (rather than the most obvious places) for us to tweak our
process. We are trying to validate the signature using an OS library named
BouncyCastle but we have not being able to do that to the date. We think
that it could be some salt or maybe the encoding… but we can´t advance from
where we are.
 Is there a way to simply emulate IE's signature... I'm pretty sure that the
Firefox implementation is much better and that we are avoiding some other
attack using this salt (I think is a Salt) but we are working with huge
organizations that won´t easily change the way they are working... and that
means we will need to use IE signature style.

 Do you happen to have some information about the differences from IE signed
content and Firefox signed one? How to tweak firefox using javascript for
that? Or any other information that could help us.

Thank you very much, we really appreciate your help
Carlos Alberto

PD: I already tried to send this to '' but
I got a cannot be reached error.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Fedora Crypto Consolidation

2007-09-12 Thread Arshad Noor
I am familiar with the SunPKCS11 Bridge, Jean-Marc.  However, I believe
that that is all it is - a bridge connecting two different environments.
I don't deny that the bridge does work, but it will always be constrained 
by the fact that the two sides on either side of the bridge may evolve at
different rates and in different directions - leading to development and
operational headaches for everyone.

If the Fedora community is taking the visionary step of consolidating the
different crypto-stores in the open-source community, then there is added 
benefit to including the Java community natively rather than through a 
bridge.  Many Linux developers are also Java developers - and vice-versa - 
and they would appreciate that they do not have to deal with the complexities 
of the Bridge for a new environment - I can understand the reason to leave 
things alone for the legacy environment.

Opportunities to do the right thing don't come often - PKCS#11 was good,
but the community splintered with many crypto-stores despite PKCS#11.  Sun 
had to come up with something that worked across all Java platforms - hence 
JKS.  Microsoft continues to crow because of their unified key-store in CAPI.  

FCC is good; but the open-source community now has the opportunity to 
bring all open-source crypto-stores together - on Linux and Java.  Whatever
design is created for FCC, if they take the Java community into consideration
(and create a JSR for future evolution of the key-store), this will ensure 
that FCC and the JCE environment stay in lock-step.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Jean-Marc Desperrier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:22:02 AM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: Re: Fedora Crypto Consolidation

Since java 1.5, there is a 
pkcs#11 base JCE included by default in the SUN JVM. It works with NSS, 
if you configure correctly some compatibility options :

So the best choice would be to rely on that instead, and see if it's 
possible to have the sun java rpm package preconfigured correctly to use 
it and to make it the default JCE.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Fedora Crypto Consolidation

2007-09-11 Thread Arshad Noor

I am gratified to see this effort on Fedora - it is
sorely needed.  However, there is one area of coverage
that is missing in this effort: that of Java developers.

As you know, Java has its own keystore and APIs for the
same functions (with some limitations) that NSS offers.
While Java developers have to currently deal with multiple
keystores (beyond the JKS), it at least gives them some
consistency across platforms - which is a great benefit.

Given that the Fedora community is embarking on an effort
to consolidate crypto keystores and libraries, it would
make sense to take the needs of the Java community also
into consideration in the design and implementation.

While you will rightly point out that JSS provides that
capability today, unfortunately, the JSS API is quite
different from the JCE API and requires application-level

What would be ideal is for JSS to evolve into becoming
just another pluggable JCE Provider and hide the access
to the consolidated Fedora crypto keystore/library
behind that interface.  You will then be doing two
communities a great service.

I'm looking forward to seeing this work come to fruition;
you can count on my support.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Robert Relyea wrote:

  It's part of the Fedora Crypto Consolidation project:
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox 2.0.x: tracking unsuspecting users using TLS client certificates

2007-09-07 Thread Arshad Noor
See below, Alex.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Alexander Klink [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The typical user does not have a client authentication certificate,
so after installing one for him, the browser will send that out
to anyone who is asking.

  My understanding of the TLS protocol is that the browser only sends
  the certificates signed by CAs that the server trusts; are you saying
  that the protocol allows for asking ANY certificate from the browser
  cert-store, regardless of who signed it?

 And what happens to the users
 who do not have have client-certs issued by this CA when they
 attempt to connect to the site?

Nothing, you can keep it configured as optional on the webserver.

  If so, how does the website track the client?  Wouldn't client-auth
  need to be on for the tracking to work?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Firefox 2.0.x: tracking unsuspecting users using TLS client certificates

2007-09-07 Thread Arshad Noor
Thanks for the deeper explanation, Bob. 

I continue to get a little more educated each day - I am grateful to 
all for that. :-)

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Robert Relyea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2007 4:24:15 PM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: Re: Firefox 2.0.x: tracking unsuspecting users using TLS client

Arshad Noor wrote:
 See below, Alex.

 Arshad Noor
 StrongAuth, Inc.

 - Original Message -
 From: Alexander Klink [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The typical user does not have a client authentication certificate,
 so after installing one for him, the browser will send that out
 to anyone who is asking.

   My understanding of the TLS protocol is that the browser only sends
   the certificates signed by CAs that the server trusts; are you saying
   that the protocol allows for asking ANY certificate from the browser
   cert-store, regardless of who signed it?
That's true of Firefox, not true of other browsers. Older versions only 
sent out certificates if those certificates match a cert on the server's 
CA list.  Newer versions can include other certs (IIRC), but only if you 
have ask always on, in which case you will get a certificate prompt.

Of course this doesn't change what Alexander describes. Servers 
participating in this data collection scheme are cooperating servers. 
They would know the CA that issued the particular client certificate and 
include it in it's Request/Not require client auth message.
 And what happens to the users
 who do not have have client-certs issued by this CA when they
 attempt to connect to the site?

 Nothing, you can keep it configured as optional on the webserver.

   If so, how does the website track the client?  Wouldn't client-auth
   need to be on for the tracking to work?
The server send 'request/not require' certs. Most modern client auth 
servers use this anyway. It allows you to tell the user why he didn't 
really get connected instead of just having a dropped connection. The 
SSL connection completes, and the server sees that no client cert was 
used, so it can restrict access to what it shows (in the normal case).

It's also essential for web sites that use smart card tokens. You can 
tell the user 'please insert your token'. With FF 1.5 and later you can 
use smart card insertion/removal events to cause the page to refresh and 
have automatic login/logout based on your token using this feature.

 dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Free IDtrust workshop in Barcelona

2007-09-04 Thread Arshad Noor
For those attending the Burton Group Catalyst conference, or those
anywhere in the vicinity, this free session will also cover a session
on Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) for managing
symmetric encryption keys across the enterprise (see following URL for
details on the work of the OASIS EKMI Technical Committee):


Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.


Registration opens for free IDtrust workshop in Barcelona
The OASIS IDtrust Member Section is hosting a free workshop in conjunction with
the Burton Group's Catalyst conference in Barcelona, Spain on 22 Oct.
Presentations will focus on the critical need for strong identity management
initiatives, protocols, and standards supported by scalable, data-protection
and integrity services. Speakers will include Abbie Barbir of Nortel, John Sabo
of CA, Eve Maler of Sun Microsystems, Anthony Nadalin of IBM, Juan Carlos
Cruellas of CATCert-Agencia Catalana de Certificacio, and others. 
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Personal crypto device (or smart card) success stories?

2007-08-31 Thread Arshad Noor
Two questions:

1) What is the difference between the commercial version of the software
   vs. OpenSC version?  

2) Why can they both not access the same objects (private keys and certs)
   if the objects are stored in industry-standard formats?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 1:20:57 PM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: Re: Personal crypto device (or smart card) success stories?

I'd like to note, that the software provided by Aladdin works on 
Windows, Linux and Mac. Similar the OpenSC software works on the same 
three platforms, but the softwares of each are not compatible with each 
other, which means, that both softwares can co-exist on the same 
token/smartcard, but one can't read the others keys and certificates. 
Hope I formulated that understandable enough.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Renewal of certificate using existing key-pair with certutil

2007-08-08 Thread Arshad Noor
I'm trying to use certutil to renew a certificate with an existing
key-pair.  However, it appears that the -R option always generates
a new key-pair; how does one generate a CSR using existing keys with
certutil?  Or should I be using some other tool?  TIA.

Arshad Noor
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Renewal of certificate using existing key-pair with certutil

2007-08-08 Thread Arshad Noor
Thanks Nelson.  Just after I sent out the question, I came up with
a workaround - exported the key/cert to a P12, imported into a JKS
keystore, generated the CSR using the existing key-pair, approved
the cert and imported the cert into the NSS database.  Worked like
a charm (of course, this wouldn't have worked with a token that
would not have given up the private key).

Glad to know that a new build of certutil will address this problem.

Arshad Noor

Nelson B wrote:
 Arshad Noor wrote:
I'm trying to use certutil to renew a certificate with an existing
key-pair.  However, it appears that the -R option always generates
a new key-pair; how does one generate a CSR using existing keys with
certutil?  Or should I be using some other tool?  TIA.
 Hi Arshad,
 This is the subject of bugzilla bug
 which is now fixed on the trunk, which will eventually become NSS 3.12.
 There are no builds of NSS 3.12 available yet, but if you're willing to
 pull and build the trunk, you can find a solution there.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: smart card - pki - mozilla/firefox

2007-06-06 Thread Arshad Noor
Why are you trying to recreate functionality that the smartcard 
vendor already provides you?  If you ask for the PKCS11 driver, you
can just add the module to Mozilla using the browser controls 
then point the browser to your PKI (if it has a web-enrollment
function).  The browser will use the PKCS11 driver to pop-up a
PIN prompt,
generate the keys, create the CSR and submit it to the CA.

If you do not have a web-enrollment interface to your PKI, and/or you
want more control over the keygen/CSR process, take a look at the
open-source CSRTool.  It allows you to generate key-pairs, 
create a CSR and then combine the keys and certificate into a P12
file.  While CSRTool does not work with smartcards yet, you can
extend the code using the SunPKCS11 bridge in the JDK.  If you're
looking for example code for that capability, you can find it in StrongKey,
another open-source tool (Google for both of these).

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2007 1:00 am
Subject: smart card - pki - mozilla/firefox

 Hello to all
 We curently use an open+custom PKI that supports smartcards with 
 IE. Now we 
 want to extend our capabilities to support also smartcards in 
 clients with PKCS#11. The functionality that we need is:
 1. key-pair generation ON PKCS#11 enabled smartcard
 2. Creation of the certificate request
 3. Load of the created certificate to the smartcard
 My main problem is that i have made a lot of effort to find out 
 which is the 
 best point to start?
 I have already tried without success, due to inexpirience in java 
 and java 
 script programming and of the confusing (for my opinion) 
 information that i 
 have found on internet.
 Mainly i have tried with JavaScript and the info from:
 For example:
 1. I get an error Cannot load module when i try to 
 2. Even if i find out how to load the module i am not sure how to 
 syntax the 
 FLAGS in order to have keypair-generation ON/BY the smartcard 
 and not 
 mozilla and after that how to tell to crypto.generateCRMFRequest 
 to use 
 3. the SmartCard has a PIN, how can i prompt for the PIN? 
 I am tottaly confused ... :(
 Thus, does anybody have sugestion, docs, example code, 
 guiedlines... even in 
 JAVA or C?
 Thank you very much in advanced
 dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Using Microsoft Authenticode cert with signtool?

2007-03-16 Thread Arshad Noor
You're welcome, Kevin.

The next time you're generating a key-pair for a digital certificate
that you anticipate using on multiple platforms or applications,
consider using CSRTool (
It is GUI-based, cross-platform, and will automatically create a P12
file for RSA and ECDSA key-pairs that is portable to any application
that recognizes P12 files.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

kcsasquatch wrote:
 Thanks Arshad, your comment led me to a solution that worked for me. has a
 step-by-step description of signing a jar file with an Authenticode
 cert, running the commands on a Windows system.  This happened to be
 exactly what I needed.
 I still haven't found a way to do this on the linux platform, but
 that's not an issue for me any more.
 On Mar 14, 3:49 pm, Arshad Noor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
See if the MS-certutil version gives you an option to convert your
private-key and certificate to a PKCS#12 file (PFX).  If it does,
then do so and then you can import the P12 file into the Mozilla
keystore with Mozilla-certutil.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 dev-tech-crypto mailing list
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Availability of CSRTool

2007-01-17 Thread Arshad Noor


I would like to announce the availability of a free and open-source
(LGPL) tool - CSRTool v0.01- to the PKI/Crypto/Security community.

CSRTool is a Java-based, GUI-driven utility that:

 * Generates RSA public and private key-pairs in sizes ranging from
   1024 to 8192 bits;

 * Generates Elliptic Curve DSA public and private key-pairs using
   either the ANSI X9.62 named curves, or custom parameters of your
   own curve, if so inclined;

 * Saves the private-key in a PKCS8 file with Password-Based-Encryption
   using the SHA1withTripleDES algorithm;

 * Generates a PEM-encoded CSR that can be submitted to a CA either
   through a web-form or e-mail;

 * Generates keyUsage and/or the subjectAltName extensions (optionally)
   in the RSA-based CSR;

 * Combines the private-key from the previously-stored PKCS8 file and
   the newly returned digital certificate, into a PKCS12 file that can
   be used for importation into desired applications; future releases
   will support the JKS  JCEKS key-stores, and crypto hardware tokens;

It was created to make working with PKIs a little easier.  Everything
it does can be done with various CLI-based utilities easily enough,
but the GUI makes it just a little easier for some people.

More information and downloads of the binary and source can be found
at  Documentation is included in
the downloads, and a forum for discussion of the tool is available at
that site.


Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

[Fwd: [ekmi] OASIS Call for Participation: EKMI TC]

2006-12-11 Thread Arshad Noor


Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject: [ekmi] OASIS Call for Participation: EKMI TC
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 21:09:13 -0500
Organization: OASIS

To:  OASIS members  interested parties

   A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS 
Enterprise Key
Management Infrastructure (EKMI) Technical Committee has been proposed 
by the
members of OASIS listed below. The proposal, below, meets the 
requirements of

the OASIS TC Process [a]. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of
deliverables, audience, and language specified in the proposal will 
the TC's official charter. Submissions of technology for consideration 
by the

TC, and the beginning of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the
TC's first meeting.

   This TC will operate under our 2005 IPR Policy [b]. The eligibility
requirements for becoming a participant in the TC at the first meeting (see
details below) are that:

   (a) you must be an employee of an OASIS member organization or an 

member of OASIS;
   (b) the OASIS member must sign the OASIS membership agreement [c];
   (c) you must notify the TC chair of your intent to participate at 
least 15
days prior to the first meeting, which members may do by using the Join 

TC button on the TC's public page at [d]; and
   (d) you must attend the first meeting of the TC, at the time and 
date fixed


Of course, participants also may join the TC at a later time. OASIS and 
the TC

welcomes all interested parties.

   Non-OASIS members who wish to participate may contact us about 
joining OASIS
[c]. In addition, the public may access the information resources 
maintained for
each TC: a mail list archive, document repository and public comments 

which will be linked from the TC's public home page at [d].

   Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other 
appropriate lists.

OASIS is an open standards organization; we encourage your feedback.



Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

[c] See

OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC


OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC

Statement of Purpose

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology has been around for more than a
decade, and many companies have adopted it to solve specific problems in the
area of public-key cryptography.  Public-key cryptography has been 
embedded in

some of the most popular tools -- web clients and servers, VPN clients and
servers, mail user agents, office productivity tools and many 

applications -- and underlies many mission-critical environments today.
Additionally, there are many commercial and open-source implementations 
of PKI
software products available in the market today.  However, many 
companies across

the world have recognized that PKI by itself, is not a solution.

There is also the perception that most standards in PKI have already been
established by ISO and the PKIX (IETF), and most companies are in
operations-mode with their PKIs -- just using it, and adopting it to other
business uses within their organizations. Consequently, there is not 
much left

to architect and design in the PKI community.

Simultaneously, there is a new interest on the part of many companies in the
management of symmetric keys used for encrypting sensitive data in their
computing infrastructure. While symmetric keys have been traditionally 

by applications doing their own encryption and decryption, there is no
architecture or protocol that provides for symmetric key management services
across applications, operating systems, databases, etc. While there are many
industry standards around protocols for the life-cycle management of 
(or public/private) keys -- PKCS10, PKCS7, CRMF, CMS, etc. -- however, 
there is

no standard that describes how applications may request similar life-cycle
services for symmetric keys, from a server and how public-key 
cryptography may

be used to provide such services.

Key management needs to be addressed by enterprises in its entirety -- 
for both

symmetric and asymmetric keys.  While each type of technology will require
specific protocols, controls and management disciplines, there is sufficient
common ground in the discipline justifying the approach to look at
key-management as a whole, rather than in parts.  Therefore, this TC will
address the following:


A) The TC will create use-case(s) that describe how and where

[Fwd: Proposed charter for OASIS EKMI TC]

2006-11-09 Thread Arshad Noor

FYI, a new Technical Committee is spinning up to create standards
around symmetric key-management - protocols, and guidelines for
establishing, operating and auditing symmetric key-management

Interested parties may join this effort as either individual or
corporate OASIS members.  I'd be happy to answer questions on it,
but official comments should go to the OASIS site.  Thanks.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject: Proposed charter for OASIS EKMI TC
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 18:24:53 -0800
From: James Bryce Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Arshad Noor [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mary McRae 

To: OASIS Members

  A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish an Enterprise
Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) Technical Committee at OASIS.
We circulate such draft charters for member review and comments, in
accordance with Section 2,2 of the OASIS TC Process rules:
The proposed charter below is open for comment. The comment period
shall remain open until 11:45 pm ET on 22 November 2006.

  OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting
comments on proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this
list by sending e-mail to:
All messages will be publicly archived at:

Members who wish to receive these messages via e-mail must join the
group by selecting join group on the list's home page:
Employees of organizational members do not require primary
representative approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss

  A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC
Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend shortly after
 the close of the comment period.  The time and call-in information
will be noted on the oasis-charter-discuss list and home page.

  We encourage member comment, and ask that you note the name of
the proposed TC (EKMI) in the subject line of your email message.

  Best regards   JBC

~ James Bryce Clark
~ Director of Standards Development, OASIS



OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC

Statement of Purpose

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology has been around for more
than a decade, and many companies have adopted it to solve specific
problems in the area of public-key cryptography.  Public-key
cryptography has been embedded in some of the most popular tools –-
web clients and servers, VPN clients and servers, mail user agents,
office productivity tools and many industry-specific applications --
and underlies many mission-critical environments today.
Additionally, there are many commercial and open-source
implementations of PKI software products available in the market
today.  However, many companies across the world have recognized
that PKI by itself, is not a solution.

There is also the perception that most standards in PKI have already
been established by ISO and the PKIX (IETF), and most companies are
in operations-mode with their PKIs –- just using it, and adopting it
to other business uses within their organizations. Consequently,
there is not much left to architect and design in the PKI community.

Simultaneously, there is a new interest on the part of many
companies in the management of symmetric keys used for encrypting
sensitive data in their computing infrastructure. While symmetric
keys have been traditionally managed by applications doing their own
encryption and decryption, there is no architecture or protocol that
provides for symmetric key management services across applications,
operating systems, databases, etc. While there are many industry
standards around protocols for the life-cycle management of
asymmetric (or public/private) keys -– PKCS10, PKCS7, CRMF, CMS, etc.
-- however, there is no standard that describes how applications may
request similar life-cycle services for symmetric keys, from a
server and how public-key cryptography may be used to provide such

Key management needs to be addressed by enterprises in its
entirety –- for both symmetric and asymmetric keys.  While each type
of technology will require specific protocols, controls and
management disciplines, there is sufficient common ground in the
discipline justifying the approach to look at key-management as a
whole, rather than in parts.  Therefore, this TC will address the


A) The TC will define the request/response protocols for:

1. Requesting a new or existing symmetric key from a server;
2. Requesting policy information from a server related to caching of
keys on the client;
3. Sending a symmetric key

Re: getting blank page with client cert

2006-11-03 Thread Arshad Noor

They usually indicate either a time-out on the server side, or some
form of application processing error on the web/application server.
Have you checked your server logs to see if there are any error

I'm assuming that you don't have the usual problems related to the
certificates: validity, trust, revocation status, key-usage, etc.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Christian Bongiorno wrote:
I attempt to access a web page that requires a client certificate. I get 
prompted for which cert to use, I select it, and then I get a blank 
page. I look at the page source, and nothing. This happens on several 
pages with the same server. I don't get an error message or anything

What does that mean?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Default Certs for Mozilla

2006-09-14 Thread Arshad Noor

If you keep the individual CA certs as PEM files in a distinct
location, as part of the login process, you can use a script to
check for the presence of these CA certs in the cert-store and
then add them as appropriate.

Using two files, I remove third-party CA's from internal server
applications using client-auth:

File cacerts has a list of all CA names

ABAecom (sub., Am. Bankers Assn.) Root CA
Access America by DST
Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
Verisign/RSA Commercial CA
Verisign/RSA Secure Server CA

File rmcerts removes them (written for Linux/UNIX)

# First parameter is the directory where cert7.db file exists
# Second parameter is the file that has list of certs to remove

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo Usage: $0 cert7.db directory file with list of certs 
to remove

exit 1

exec 3 $2
while read -u3
certutil -D -d $1 -n $REPLY
print -r Deleted $REPLY
certutil -L -d $1

Hope this helps.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.



question is how can I make an assigned set of CA certs be available
for any user that logs into the client.  If I export these from IE,
then import them into Mozilla.  I want them added so that the first time a user 
logs into the system, they are present. This is a classified system, so the 
certs are classified  Thanks, Mac

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dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: how do make importCertToPerm

2006-08-29 Thread Arshad Noor

One must be patient, Primo It (Igor).  Such lists are supported by
volunteers who give their time and energy freely, but have real work
which they must complete, to make a living.  Sometimes, people get
busy and cannot respond for days; but that's the price you pay for
free support.

Your implementation probably ignores the protected certProxy field,
as described in this JavaDoc:

Since you're trying to mix two different crypto providers together
(JSS and SunJCE), you should probably attempt to get the certificate
out into an industry standard encoding for import, rather than attempt
to read the objects and their members directly.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Primo It wrote:

Is Primo It escreveu:

shinigami escreveu:

E want install a cert in a db. But my cert when i receive from 
outside is a, and the method 
importCertToPerm can´t do it. I need to cast this cert to 
org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate. Or exist other way to do this??

To import a fisical certificate to permanent certs db i`ve implemented 
the org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate encapsulating a and making delegate methods.

But i have received the exception java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: certProxy
at org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager.importCertToPermNative(Native 

What field is certProxy that the Interface 
org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate does not make reference

Is anybody there???
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Encryption/Decryption with client-certificates

2006-08-21 Thread Arshad Noor

Ah, now I see what you're trying to do.

Let me go over this again:

a) If you're trying to encrypt data from the client to the server,
   then either requesting the server encryption certificate from
   the applet (or including it in the form in the applet) is one
   way of solving this;

b) If you're trying to encrypt data from the server to the client,
   then you must either have the client certificate beforehand, or
   have the applet send it to the server during the transaction.

   When the server finishes sending the encrypted data to the
   client, yes, the applet now needs the private key of the client
   certificate to decrypt the content.  However, in the default
   JVM policy, an applet is forbidden from accessing the local
   file-system of the client (due to the security risks involved).

   If your company's security policy allows it, by modifying the
   java.polify settings, a trusted applet from a specific domain
   can be allowed to access specific file on the client (including
   the keystore containing the private key; all the usual security
   checks on the keystore would still apply).

   Another approach to this problem is to have your own plug-in to
   the browser.  Your plug-in would interact with the native file-
   system and communicate with the contents of the browser/applet
   and/or the servlet itself (if desired).

I just saw a thread today that indicates a specific encryption
algorithm and some components will be exposed in Firefox 2.0:

This might provide a third option if you can wait for 2.0

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Erik Siegemund wrote:

Thanks very much!

But, to clearify - I'm not sure if there are some missunderstandings:

The client certificates data are stored in browsers database/keystore.
(assume it was requested from/with OpenCA and imported via download).

The only way to ask this certificate inside the applet is to
ask for this from the servlet (on the other side of communication
channel)? Or is this only the best/cheapest way?

What on other hand is then the way to decrypt data (encrypted with 
public key of the client certificate and sent from the servlet to the

applet) inside the applet. Now the private key associated with the
client certificate and stored in the keystore of the browser/plugin
is needed?!?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


Arshad Noor schrieb:

There are a number of things that your application must do,
both on the client and server side, Erik:

1) You must have a servlet that has access to the key-pair
   on the server side;
2) Your applet must communicate to the servlet and request
   the certificate from the servlet (you are free to use
   your own protocol for this communication, since you are
   the creator of the applet and servlet);
3) Your applet must be given access to read sections of the
   client computer *outside* the sandbox (unless the data
   that you want to encrypt is keyed in into the applet in
   a form) through changes in the java.policy file;
4) Your applet may now call the JCE to generate a symmetric
   key, encrypt the form data, encrypt the symmetric key
   with the certificate's public key and then transport it
   to the servlet (I would recommend using the XML Encryption
   standard to package your ciphertext content - see for details);
5) Your servlet receives the ciphertext and using the
   private key to which it is granted access, it decrypts
   the symmetric key, and then using the symmetric key, it
   decrypts the form content.  Voila!

Except for the applet part, the complete source code to this
design is available, if you wish, at

Hope that helps.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Erik Siegemund wrote:


I'm not sure if this is the correct site. But possible
it is and somone can help ...

I look for an answer for following problem:

In the mozilla was imported a client certificate.

1.) How is the way to get this certificate inside an applet
for using for encryption? (Assuming java sun plugin
2.) How is the way to use this certificate for decryption
of data encrypted with certificates public key?
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Encryption/Decryption with client-certificates

2006-08-18 Thread Arshad Noor

There are a number of things that your application must do,
both on the client and server side, Erik:

1) You must have a servlet that has access to the key-pair
   on the server side;
2) Your applet must communicate to the servlet and request
   the certificate from the servlet (you are free to use
   your own protocol for this communication, since you are
   the creator of the applet and servlet);
3) Your applet must be given access to read sections of the
   client computer *outside* the sandbox (unless the data
   that you want to encrypt is keyed in into the applet in
   a form) through changes in the java.policy file;
4) Your applet may now call the JCE to generate a symmetric
   key, encrypt the form data, encrypt the symmetric key
   with the certificate's public key and then transport it
   to the servlet (I would recommend using the XML Encryption
   standard to package your ciphertext content - see for details);
5) Your servlet receives the ciphertext and using the
   private key to which it is granted access, it decrypts
   the symmetric key, and then using the symmetric key, it
   decrypts the form content.  Voila!

Except for the applet part, the complete source code to this
design is available, if you wish, at

Hope that helps.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Erik Siegemund wrote:


I'm not sure if this is the correct site. But possible
it is and somone can help ...

I look for an answer for following problem:

In the mozilla was imported a client certificate.

1.) How is the way to get this certificate inside an applet
for using for encryption? (Assuming java sun plugin
2.) How is the way to use this certificate for decryption
of data encrypted with certificates public key?
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: My shy certificate

2006-08-09 Thread Arshad Noor

certutil is the standard Mozilla utility to do this; but
since certutil cannot see your certificate, you should
attempt to see if the certificate is in the Windows
certificate-store (it is more likely that the cert is
there than in the Mozilla cert-store).

Two ways of verifying this:

1) a) Select Start-Run and type in certmgr.msc
   b) When the Certificate window pops-up, expand
  Personal and select Certificates.  If you see
  your certificate on the right-hand side, then
  you've found it.
   c) Select the certificate itself, and either select
  Action- All Tasks-Export from the menu, or just
  right-click on the cert and select All Tasks-
   d) Use the wizard to export the certifcate to a
  Base64-encoded certificate in a filename of your
   e) Use certutil from the Command Prompt window (or
  the Firefox browser)to import it into NSS.

2) If you do not have certmgr.msc on your machine,

   a) Startup the Internet Explorer browser
   b) Select Tools-Internet Options from the IE men
   c) Select Content-Certificates from the panel that
   d) If you see your certificate under the Personal
  tab, you've found it
   e) Select the certificate and click on Export...
   f) Use the wizard to export the certifcate to a
  Base64-encoded certificate in a filename of your
   g) Use certutil from the Command Prompt window (or
  the Firefox browser)to import it into NSS.

Once you have the Base64-encoded certificate in a file,
you can paste it into an e-mail in this forum if you
need additional help on the certificate.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Dave Pinn wrote:
Is there a Mozilla utility with which I can attempt to import a 
certificate *into* my PKCS#11 module?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: My shy certificate

2006-08-09 Thread Arshad Noor

Well, you are in luck, Dave - your foresight has worked in
your favor.  You do have the Private Key; it is inside the
P12 file you created (I made the incorrect assumption that
the key was generated in the TCP chip and could not be

If you enrolled for the certificate using IE, then your
certificate was definitely in the Windows cert-store, and
the two methods I wrote a little while ago would have shown
them to you.

Now that you have the P12 file, you can import it back again
into ProtoectTools.  You can also export just the certificate
from your IE/Windows cert-store and import it into Thunderbird.
Once Thunderbird has your certificate, *and* it sees the TCP
module, it will see the certificate as one for which you have
the Private Key, thus allowing you to sign and/or receive
encrypted e-mails.  Good luck.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Dave Pinn wrote:

But if you did delete it from ProtectTools, where did you find a
certificate to import it into Thunderbird?

I obtained the certificate from Verisign, using IE, from which I 
exported a .p12 file. I cunningly saved the .p12 file for just an 

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) software

2006-08-03 Thread Arshad Noor


I am aware that there are ethics about posting self-serving commercials
in forums such as these. However, I hope my transgression will be over-
looked, given that the software I am about to mention, is *free and
open-source* (under the LGPL).

StrongAuth, Inc., the company I am affiliated with, has just announced
the availability of StrongKey(tm), a software product that can be used
to centrally manage symmetric keys for an enterprise. Details about the
software - as well as downloads - are available at

The software is designed to address the problem of managing symmetric
encryption keys across different operating systems, databases,
applications and devices, while providing for centralized policy-
definition, strong access controls and very strong protections of the
data (given that these comprise encryptions keys).  It is a building-
block of, what we call, an Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure

The reason for my posting this message in this forum is that StrongKey
specifically uses the NSS libraries through the SunPKCS11 Bridge in the
JCE, and we believe that information may be of interest to some.  The
software has many other features and I invite you take a look at the
website and take it for a spin, if it interests you.

I thank you for your indulgence, and apologize in advance to anyone
who may be offended by this posting - but I took the chance in the
hope that the inforamtion may be useful to some people.


Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) software

2006-08-03 Thread Arshad Noor

Thank you, Wan-Teh.

Yes, we chose not to use JSS directly for a couple of reasons:

1) The JSS interface does not map closely to the JCE in J2SE5
   and required us to write JSS-specific code.  This was
   something we wanted to avoid, to keep our focus above the
   abstraction layer provided by JCE.

2) We wanted to take advantage of the excellent work done by
   the people at Mozilla and Sun on the PKCS11 interface and
   the SunPKCS11 bridge, respectively, and minimize our
   reinventing the wheel.

I believe we have achieved both these objectives.

StrongKey uses no provider-specific code directly and with just
a change in the properties file of the application, it can use
either the SunJCE, NSS, BouncyCastle, one specific vendor's
smartcard or one-specifc vendor's HSM for crypto capabilities.
(We're integrating most major HSMs into the software).

With JDK6, we expect to go one step further by using the new
SunCAPI bridge and using Windows-specific drivers of CSP's
for which no PKCS11/JCE interface exists.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

P.S.  If you believe that JSS is evolving to map to the JCE
interfaces completely, and if there are specific advantages
to going to JSS directly instead of the SunPKCS11 bridge, do
let us know.  We would be interested in hearing them.  Thanks.

Wan-Teh Chang wrote:


Congratulations on the product launch.

You said that your product, StrongKey, specifically uses the NSS
libraries through the SunPKCS11 Bridge in the JCE.  I'd like to
know why you don't use the default JCE provider, and why you don't
use JSS or the Mozilla-JSS provider as the interface to NSS.

You are only using the softoken PKCS #11 library (
of NSS, right?


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dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Verify signText() on server

2006-07-18 Thread Arshad Noor

While it is possible to verify CMS messages using the Java
Security APIs directly, the Mozilla JSS and the BouncyCastle
providers provide CMS-specific classes that encapsulate a lot
of the lower-level APIs, making it easier to deal with CMS

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson B wrote:

Ian Coates wrote:

I used crypto.signtext() method on FireFox 1.5 to sign a Text, now I want to
verify that signature on a Java server.

I looked the documentation but I don't understand how to verify the
signature without the signer certificate. I suppose the certificate comes in
the signature, but I don't know how to access it.

The signature conforms to CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax, RFC 3369),
which is a superset of PKCS#7 v1.5.
The signature produced by signtext is an external signature (a term defined
in those standards, also known as a detached signature).
I'm sure there is some standard java class/method for checking these CMS
signatures, but off hand I don't know what it is named.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Sign/Verify text in FireFox

2006-06-20 Thread Arshad Noor

Anders Rundgren wrote:

An inherent problem with this suggestion is that it is not
backed by a specification that can be translated into code.

The point is that the XMLSEC code already exists and
conforms to W3C standards (the Java version conforms
to two different JSRs).  Whats missing is the
integration of such a library into Mozilla/Firefox,
and the JavaScript functions to expose the API.
Once defined and shaken out, the JS functions can be
proposed to ECMA for inclusion into the standard.

I also believe that the market-perception is questionable.  If
there actually is a strong demand for this functionality within the
enterprise, how come that none of the standards bodies have
something along those lines on their menu?

I don't believe that an advancement in technical
capability has to be preceded by a standard from a
standards body.  (If memory serves me right, ironically,
we are discussing this issue in a forum whose core
technology - SSL - established a new bar for web
security before the standard was created - TLS).

Standards bodies are useful for creating structure
in established markets; they don't necessarily lead

Any thoughts from the people at Mozilla/Firefox?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.


So, let me throw out a suggestion to the committers of Mozilla/Firefox:
given that Apache has a C++ library that supports the W3C XMLSignature/
XMLEncryption standard (, what are the
chances of having this library integrated into Mozilla/Firefox with
some new JavaScript functions expose this API to developers?  This will
solve many problems for enterprise applications:

- message level security, rather than transport-level;
- integrated signing/encryption functionality in the browser (and
   perhaps the Apache HTTP server?);
- eliminating a major barrier for corporate desktop support groups
   to support this functionality;

While I know that many PKCS7 afficionados will not see much benefit to
duplicating capabilities inherent in PKCS7, given the way corporate
applications are being developed today (they rely on XML very heavily)
and trends in future application development (BPEL, XML databases)
there is a natural predilection for developers to use tools that
support XML natively.

I think Mozilla/Firefox will set new standards in applications and
security by supporting such a capability natively.  Comments?

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc. 

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Client Authentication Problem (and solution!)

2006-05-02 Thread Arshad Noor

While the traditional definition of a digital certificate is taken to
be the binding of a name to a public key, why would you issue certs
with duplicate serial numbers?  Was this an oversight or a design
decision?  If the latter, it would help the forum to understand the
business/technical requirements leading to such a decision.  Thanks.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Michael Pratt wrote:

I'm cross posting this to crypto and ldap in the hopes nobody else will
waste months of effort on a simple issue :)

Those of you that frequent these boards have probably seen several posts
from me dating back to January regarding problems with client 

and Sun directory server.  We've been trying to set up our apps using
Mozilla Java and C APIs and have them authenticate with using SASL /
External.  The problem was when multiple users would run at the same time,
one of them would fail to authenticate on the directory server and return
error -12271: SSL peer cannot verify your certificate.

The problem was with the directory server (5.2 patch 4, Solaris 8) and how
it handles client certificates (or possibly in how we created the
certificates).  Apparently if the same DS machine receives two certifcates
at the same time with the same serial number value, only one will be
succesfully processed and the other will return the error above.  This was
pointed out to us by a Sun engineer, and it wasn't clear if this is a 
bug in

the version or if this is how DS was intended to work.  Regardless, once we
changed each user's cert to have a unique serial number the problem

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Client Authentication Problem (and solution!)

2006-05-02 Thread Arshad Noor

PKIX standards (RFC 3280) state the following about Serial Numbers:  Serial number

   The serial number MUST be a positive integer assigned by the CA to
   each certificate.  It MUST be unique for each certificate issued by a
   given CA (i.e., the issuer name and serial number identify a unique
   certificate).  CAs MUST force the serialNumber to be a non-negative

   Given the uniqueness requirements above, serial numbers can be
   expected to contain long integers.  Certificate users MUST be able to
   handle serialNumber values up to 20 octets.  Conformant CAs MUST NOT
   use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets.

   Note: Non-conforming CAs may issue certificates with serial numbers
   that are negative, or zero.  Certificate users SHOULD be prepared to
   gracefully handle such certificates.

If the product you were using to generate certificates was a commercial
product, I'm surprised that it generated certificates with duplicate
serial numbers (this is like having multiple records in a relational DB
table with the same primary key).

Thanks for the clarification.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Michael Pratt wrote:

It was an oversight.  Our SAs created a script to automatically generate
certs for all users, and when it came to assigning a value to serial number
they couldn't find any documentation or guidance on how to properly assign
this value.  Plus the fact that our combined experience with LDAP and SSL
was close to zero when we started.

So yeah, it was definitely an oversight on our part, but it would still be
nice if this was documented.  I couldn't find in any of the docs ( where it stated DS
would behave that way if the serial number wasn't unique.  Of course, this
may be such common practice (or even the standard) that documenting it 

silly, I don't know.


On 5/2/06, Arshad Noor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While the traditional definition of a digital certificate is taken to
be the binding of a name to a public key, why would you issue certs
with duplicate serial numbers?  Was this an oversight or a design
decision?  If the latter, it would help the forum to understand the
business/technical requirements leading to such a decision.  Thanks.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Michael Pratt wrote:
 I'm cross posting this to crypto and ldap in the hopes nobody else will
 waste months of effort on a simple issue :)

 Those of you that frequent these boards have probably seen several 

 from me dating back to January regarding problems with client
 and Sun directory server.  We've been trying to set up our apps using
 Mozilla Java and C APIs and have them authenticate with using SASL /
 External.  The problem was when multiple users would run at the same
 one of them would fail to authenticate on the directory server and
 error -12271: SSL peer cannot verify your certificate.

 The problem was with the directory server (5.2 patch 4, Solaris 8) and
 it handles client certificates (or possibly in how we created the
 certificates).  Apparently if the same DS machine receives two
 at the same time with the same serial number value, only one will be
 succesfully processed and the other will return the error above.  This
 pointed out to us by a Sun engineer, and it wasn't clear if this is a
 bug in
 the version or if this is how DS was intended to work.  Regardless, 

 changed each user's cert to have a unique serial number the problem

 dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Fwd:

2006-02-18 Thread Arshad Noor

Has the Mozilla Foundation considered using a self-audit in the form of
a Jurat?  There are some advantages to doing so for the CA operator, as
well as for the MF.

To those unfamiliar with the term, a Jurat is any document, where the
signer swears to the veracity of its contents, signs the document in
front of a licensed Notary Public (NP) and has the NP sign  stamp the
document.  (While this is true of most states in the US, I can only
speak for California).

Once the Jurat is signed by the NP, it is a legal document.  Any signer
who knowingly signs the document while swearing to false information in
it, has committed a felony per California law.  The Relying Party (MF in
this case) now has a hold on the signer that goes beyond even a WebTrust
audit - the threat of sending the signer to jail if the Jurat has false
information in it.

Advantages to the CA opertor?

1) They don't need to divulge details of the operation to anyone
   outside the company;
2) They know their PKI better than anyone else, and can perform
   the audit rapidly;
3) There is no audit cost other than the time spent writing the
   self audit and the NP's fee (less than US $25 if you go to the
   NP's office);

Advantages to MF?

1) A legal document that carries the weight of civil law behind it
   (and the threat of jail to offenders);
2) No need to authorize auditors if CA operators are willing to
   perform self-audits and submit the documentation in the form of
   a Jurat;
3) With a slightly modified architecture to Mozilla, it could even
   lead to some interesting revenue opportunities for MF, allowing
   it to fund future development and some vexing security problems
   on the Internet.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Frank Hecker wrote:
I didn't envision this as being something that a person would just do as 
an independent activity, with the Foundation in essence certifying 
people to do this sort of work. It's more something that would be done 
in the context of a particular CA and its application for inclusion, and 
then only if a) the CA weren't doing a formal WebTrust audit (or similar 
formal audit done by an authorized auditor), and b) the CA were willing 
to grant the person in question the necessary access to its internal 
operations. Thus far the only CA that's fit criterion (a) has been 
CAcert, and they're still figuring out who they want to help them.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Help with invalid certificate problem

2006-02-07 Thread Arshad Noor

This is definitely an Entrust product question.  Usually, you will not
see the certificate extensions when you're approving a CSR (unless the
PKI builders chose to make it visible to you).  Configuring the CA to
tweak the key-usage bits requires going into some configuration mode
(perhaps through an administrative interface/console) and then setting
the appropriate bits for key-usages for specific certificate types.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Nelson B wrote:

Vivek Kumar wrote:

Could anyone please tell me how to change the extension of the server
cert to include Key encipherment for KeyUsage? When creating the
server cert I did not see any options to modify the attribute..
We have setup the CA using Entrust and uisng IIS 6.0 as the web-server,..
Please help, very new to CA/ SSL security,..

Your question is how to set up an SSL server with an Entrust CA product
or service.  That's really a question about the product or service,
more than a question about certificates.

I don't know if anyone on this list has any Entrust CA experience, or not.
But this seems like a question that an Entrust customer would ask of
Entrust's tech support.

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