Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-30 Thread Martin Dengler
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:18:24AM +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
 Could you run on your machine and share the results? Currently I do 
 not have access to an XO.

Probably not the results you were looking for:

bash-3.2$ echo `cat /ofw/ec-name`
bash-3.2$ echo `cat /ofw/model`
bash-3.2$ echo `cat /boot/olpc_build`
joyride 1897
bash-3.2$ uname -r
bash-3.2$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

bash-3.2$ gcc calibrator.c -o calibrator -lm
calibrator.c:132: warning: conflicting types for built-in function ÃoundÃ
bash-3.2$ ./calibrator 431 2M calibrator_OLPC_C2

Calibrator v0.9e
b7b50008 -1212874744 4096 -4088
b7b50fff -1212870657 4096-1
b7b51000 -1212870656 4096 0


analyzing cache throughput...
  range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
2621440   4  655360   125443136

analyzing cache latency...
  range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
2621440   4  655360  195740   97870

analyzing TLB latency...
  range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
324403210563072Segmentation fault


Description: PGP signature
Devel mailing list

Re: Datastore and Core Data

2008-04-30 Thread Tomeu Vizoso
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
  I suggest that people interested in datastore design should become
  familiar with Apple's Core Data (

  Core Data is a strongly typed high-level data persistence framework
  provided as an operating system service.  Notably, it is in userspace, and
  has a variety of backends (including extensible storage backends for
  authors whose data is most efficiently stored in a particular way).

  It seems to me that a layer like Core Data is distinctly missing from
  current Linux-based GUI systems, and is precisely the sort of layer on top
  of which the datastore would sit most comfortably.

I'm a bit confused about how you see something like Core Data helping
us with the Datastore. Can you elaborate a bit on this?


Devel mailing list

Re: Signed build for Italy

2008-04-30 Thread Chris Ball

A side note: they also badly want to rename Pippy because
apparently it's an obscenity in Turkish :-)

We're already localizing it to a different name in some other cases --
Peppy in Spanish locales, and Python in Mexico's build.  Since Sugar
uses gettext for the activity name, we can translate it to whatever
they'd like.

- Chris.
Devel mailing list

Re: Journal Suggestions

2008-04-30 Thread James Simmons
To be truthful I would be perfectly happy if the SD card just had 
metadata, including screenshots, like regular journal entries have.  The 
other Journal features aren't necessary.  If there was a way of doing a 
Move from the Journal to the SD card that would be helpful.  Finally, 
since both are constrained in space, it would be desireable to prevent 
copies and moves if the target did not have enough free disk space.  
This is my biggest frustration with the XO.  If I'm reasonably careful 
it has more than enough disk space for my needs.  The problem is that it 
makes it difficult to be careful.  I have had an experience where it 
copied a Journal entry to the SD card and ran out of disk space before 
the copy completed, and there was no indication of this at all, other 
than the fact that my Activity didn't work.  I had to open the Terminal 
to find out what went wrong.

James Simmons

Eben Eliason wrote:

 | In other words, the Journal and the interactions with it are so tied
 | to the system already, that one would still have to manually copy
 | pretty much anything one wants onto the SD card or external device
 | anyway.  The only difference would be in whether or not the copied
 | files get indexed, with metadata, similar to the way the Journal
 | entries do; it can never serve as a replacement for the Journal, or
 | as an extension of it, which seems to remove most of the benefits
 | that it could otherwise offer.  Perhaps you could instead register
 | an SD card *as* the Journal, so that in the future the Journal
 | activity ignores NAND and instead operates only on the registered
 | device instead. This doesn't really extend the simply
 | swaps it out (for something with, presumably, much more), which is
 | still not that great.

Devel mailing list

Re: Journal Suggestions

2008-04-30 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:15 AM, James Simmons
 To be truthful I would be perfectly happy if the SD card just had metadata,
 including screenshots, like regular journal entries have.  The other Journal

Quoting Jameson:

Technically, I think this would mean that the metadata are stored on
the NAND, with some UID of the associated file. The file, if not
present on the NAND, would be looked for on SD, USB, and then server,
in that order.

And quoting myself from the other thread on the Journal designs:

Well, this has been a point of debate. Some feel that absolutely
nothing should change on removable media unless the user specifically
copies to it or modifies files on it.  It's very questionable if
reading a pdf on my USB drive should amount to modifying the pdf on
my USB drive.  I'm actually leaning towards no on this point, to
retain the idea that the Journal itself is the thing which retains
history.  Files which aren't in it are thus not versioned.  That seems
like a clear distinction to me, and one that can be learned.

The addendum to this idea, which stems from the new Journal designs,
is that the Journal can record actions on objects that don't actually
reside in the Journal, which in some sense gets around the issue.  For
instance, it could say You read all_about_sharks.pdf on
your_USB_drive today.  The Journal entry records the action, and the
metadata (such as the page you stoppped on), but keeps only a
reference to the file on the USB drive, instead of manually copying
it.  You could resume this entry only when the USB drive was present,
of course.  This opens the dangerous door of aliases, which is why
we've been operating under a copy-almost-everything model, so that
it's always possible to resume old entries.

We may find a good way to handle this type of approach.  It's still
not inherently correct.  For instance, even if we store the metadata
on NAND and reference another object on an external device, there's a
question of whether or not we redundantly store that metadata on the
device itself.  Without it, we keep the USB drive (for instance)
clean, as many have claimed we must do.  On the other hand, without it
we can't ever truly restore from that device, which is a firm
requirement of the backup server.  So there may still need to be
differences...perhaps instead we always keep the local metadata, but
we have the option to treat external devices of any kind as Normal or
Backup devices.

Assume the above for a moment.  As I mentioned before, saves will
always save into the Journal (by default, at least).  If we open a pdf
from the Backup SD, we'll get an entry in the Journal for that.  Do we
also get an entry on the SD?  Are there mirror entries?  Conversely,
do actions I take on objects in local NAND get mirrored in the Backup
SD?  If we want to treat them as local backup, then yes.  But perhaps
this is again not the use case you had in mind, in which you wanted
metadata actually *on* the device.  For that matter, what reasons
might you have for needing the metadata on the device itself other for
backup, assuming you can actually manage all of the history within the
Journal, and reference the files which live on the external drive?

The other problem is how and when to handle aliases, and how to expose
that to kids.  For instance, we've been operating to the extent
possible under the assumption that we'll copy any files used or viewed
into NAND so we can retain the history locally, and so kids don't have
to always think about when to copy or not, and can always go back into
the Journal and resume an entry.  Maybe this is the wrong approach.
If we don't automatically copy for them, how do we expose that, make
them aware of it, and offer a simple way for them to do it?  Perhaps
an entry with an alias has a special button which pulls the aliased
content in upon request, automatically.

- Eben

PS. Please submit tickets for the feedback issues you see.  We need to
close up holes like that and make sure the laptop keeps the kids
properly informed about such things.
Devel mailing list

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 30/04/08 10:18 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:

 On 29/04/08 17:41 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
 On this page
 I have named some instructions as Synchronized ops (in the MMX 
 section). Are those real or did I mismeasured something?

 That section is very difficult to understand.  I'm not sure which
 operations you have invented this name for.
 As you probably have already noticed I am not a native English speaker (and 
 neither learned advanced English in school, just picked it up). What I 
 wanted to write in that section, every MMX op, whose source/destination 
 operand is an integer register (and not a MOV), will consume absolutely 
 different clock cycles than 2 (2 is listed for almost every MMX op in the 
 databook, at least in my version). Is it real?

I still don't understand what you mean, but the clock timings that are
in the data sheet, are the same ones on my documentation.  You would have
to find somebody more skilled then I to debate if they are correct or not.

 If those are real then would somebody from AMD just go through the 
 databook and fix the instruction clock cycle numbers? Because in that 
 case it is sure that they do not match reality and clearly I have better 
 things to do than measuring clock cycles. 

 Clearly you must have some basis for assuming that the numbers are
 wrong, so you must have done some measurement.  I consulted the
 secret documentation that you claim I am withholding from you, and the 
 timings there are the same as in the datasheet.  I believe that
 you are correct in that these are the clock counts for the instruction to
 go through the FPU and don't include the stall time for the pipeline
 to clear up.
 There is a Test results section in that page. The first two test were 
 conducted via email. I have emailed to this list test programs and there 
 were people who run them and emailed back the result. Especially the first 
 test has some stupid bugs because I wrote them essentially blind. The third 
 one is the result of my session logged into a physical machine. It can be 
 that only this stall time is missing from the databook but the fact is 
 that I as a programmer am not interested in how many clock cycles does the 
 FPU take to execute some internal operation (which seems the databook to 
 list) but I would like to know the real time consumed.

I think you'll probably have to measure that.  I can't find any further
documentation as to what the penalty is for scheduling two FPU instructions

 I am not a silicon designer, so I'm not the final word on if they are
 correct or not, but at least that should prove that there isn't a
 massive marketing conspiracy to hide the details of the processor
 from our customers.  If they are lying to you, they are lying to me,
 and they're not lying to me.

 This conspiracy thing was not serious, I have used a smiley at the end. 
 However from my perspective there is no difference if there is some 
 conspiracy or if there is not. In fact what I think is either that I am 
 mistaken and made some errors measuring this or the technical writer made 
 mistakes years ago and nobody cared to fix it.

You need to be careful when tossing about opinions, especially if you do not
mean it.  My collegues and I have spent a lot of effort to ensure that
the documentation and software for this processor is open and freely
available.  I would wager it would be rather difficult to find another
x86 processor on the market today with such complete documentation and
software to accompany it (BIOS and operating system).  I take allegations
that we're hiding something very seriously.

 I don't have any information about L2 cache miss penalties, but they are 
 easy to calculate. Please see:
 Could you run on your machine and share the results? Currently I do not 
 have access to an XO.

I don't have a machine currently handy to do that test, but I'll try to get 
to it when I do.

 I will talk to somebody about documenting the FP unit pipeline.
 It does handle 1 instruction per clock from the integer unit.
 In practice we know that two floating point instructions back to
 back will stall the IU.  I can also tell you that it is optimized
 for single precision, so double precision is handled by microcode
 and needs to go through the path again. 
 I would also like to know how many ALU units does the FPU have? I mean FMUL 
 costs 1, PFMUL costs 2. Is it because it only has 1 multiply unit and it 
 executes PFMUL serially? If that is the case, does that mean that the 3DNOW 
 support is only compatibility and will not be faster than simple FP?

I believe that is a reasonable assertion to make if you have instructions
that perform similar behavior.  There are some 3DNow! operations that
cannot be performed with a single FP operation, and those will still win.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development 

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-30 Thread Dafydd Harries
Ar 29/04/2008 am 14:56, ysgrifennodd Eben Eliason:
 I could very well be way off target with this suggestion, but an
 implementation of Groups (background reading, though not quite up to
 seems like a perfect place for some additional help.  It's a feature
 that's very much wanted, as far as I can tell, and its very closely
 tied to the network space which you hope to focus on.  It's also a
 space which has a number of plateaus, I think, which can be reached
 stage by stage depending on time, or in smaller groups as you have so
 many people to work on it.
 This is something that would have to go hand in hand with all of the
 collaboration work that Collabora has been doing.  I know it's been in
 the back of their minds for some time.  I'm not sure if it would be
 feasible to work on Groups separately from their efforts or not, but
 it would be worth asking.  If it's indeed possible, they might be
 grateful to have help working on some of these items, since they
 certainly have a list of bugs that take priority over this feature in
 the short term.
 I've CC'd Daf, of Colllabora, to see if he has any insight into the
 feasibility of such an endeavor.

There are lots of areas in the collaboration space which might make a suitable
project. I'll try to suggest a few options.

Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Sugar\Windows won't ship

2008-04-30 Thread Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício
The video that Scott are saying are available at

2008/4/28 Carol Lerche [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I assume many people may already have seen this 
  associated video, but those who have not definitely should.  It greatly
 enhanced my appreciation of the design goals of sugar, and in my opinion
 should be featured on the officially maintained wiki pages about the sugar

 On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:02 AM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Incidentally, this whole topic of getting Sugar to play nicely with
  Linux was the *exact* topic of my talk at FISL this year.  The slides
  can be downloaded from ; I'm
  under impression that the actual video will be available at some point
  from but my Portuguese is not
  at a sufficient level for me to know if this has been done yet, and if
  not when it might be available.
   ( )
  Devel mailing list

 Always do right, said Mark Twain. This will gratify some people and
 astonish the rest.
 Devel mailing list

Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício
Devel mailing list

Re: FAQ software

2008-04-30 Thread Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero

i did a little googling on this..

Results only include scripts in python or perl to generate the FAQS.
Also drupal and other CMS have especial modules for this purpose.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Charles Merriam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi John,

 A text file and raw HTML to the web page work very well if there is a
 single FAQ maintainer.


 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:21 PM, John Watlington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Any recommendations for software for Peru to build an FAQ site ?
   Yes, there are Wikis.
   Votes for the easiest to install and maintain ?
   Is there anything better out there ?
   Devel mailing list
 Devel mailing list

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
One Laptop Per Child
Devel mailing list

Re: Translation refresh

2008-04-30 Thread Charles Merriam
FYI:  The tracking of activities, and marking which ones were in the
best state to ship, was part of the build debate earlier this year.
The proposal was for OLPC F. to mark some activities as mature enough
to consider for deployment and to push them to have a consistent
branch name for each time based deployment.

OLPC F. couldn't hit the minimum buy-in (put a year number in the
versioning) so I dropped all the build fixes.  Try again next year.

-- Charles

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:58 AM, Bernie Innocenti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kim Quirk wrote:

   Collaboration is really important to any release... so we need to include
   some activities that collaborate as part of formal testing. Similarly,
   Journal is much more than just an activity... so that will have to be part
   of systematic testing.
   Browse has to work as it is our connection to the outside world and to our
   local or school library. So that will have be part of any good test plan.

  What version(s) of Browse and other important activities are we going
  to test each OS release with?

  Here's an example: I installed the G1G1 activity pack some time ago,
  and I don't even know what versions of activities I'm using.

  Will this random bunch of activities keep working when Update.2
  comes out?   Vice-versa, can we expect activities released next
  year to work with my build 703 system or will I be forced to
  upgrade at some point?

  The complexity of an N-to-M compatibility testing is the reason
  why Linux distributors tend to bundle all the existing
  applications with the OS (either on installation media or on
  online repositories).

  Not addressing these dependencies now will lead to the same
  compatibility hell that has swamped a well known desktop OS.

|___|Bernie Innocenti -

 \___\   CTO OLPC Europe  -

 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] FAQ software

2008-04-30 Thread Aaron Huslage
Faq-o-Matic used to work great.

2008/4/30 Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 i did a little googling on this..

 Results only include scripts in python or perl to generate the FAQS.
 Also drupal and other CMS have especial modules for this purpose.

 On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Charles Merriam 

  Hi John,
  A text file and raw HTML to the web page work very well if there is a
  single FAQ maintainer.
  On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:21 PM, John Watlington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any recommendations for software for Peru to build an FAQ site ?
Yes, there are Wikis.
Votes for the easiest to install and maintain ?
Is there anything better out there ?
Devel mailing list
  Devel mailing list

 Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
 One Laptop Per Child
 Server-devel mailing list

Aaron Huslage - 503.860.1634
IM: AIM - ahuslage; Yahoo - ahuslage; MSN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]; GTalk -
Server-devel mailing list

Re: Build Debate: Followup on Build Naming

2008-04-30 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Charles Merriam
  After a small novel worth of posts about having time-based release
  numbers, the push from those that make that choice seem to be to have
  function based release numbers.   The time-based release number was my
  minimum buy-in as stated, so I'll bow out of build and release
  problems for another year.

I've given up, and I'm just calling it the August release until we
decide who makes the decisions around here.

 ( )
Devel mailing list


2008-04-30 Thread Edward Cherlin
I have made a new Wiki page,,
with sections for the major arguments that we have been having over
OLPC strategy and tactics. I have also included links to blog posts,
mailing list threads, and interviews with Nicholas Negroponte.
Additional topics and resources welcome.

The purpose is not to promote my own view of things exclusively, but
to let everybody involved see who said what when, and to state their
own positions on the issues. I request that if you object to something
stated on the page, that you say so on the talk page, and include a
_brief_ statement of the issue from your point of view on the main
page, together with a link to the original documents, or a note saying
that it was a personal conversation, and how and where it took place.

Interpretation is welcome. When you say this, it sounds like you also
mean that, is fine. But no edit wars, please. There is room for
multiple points of view. I won't edit what you think if you don't try
to tell me what I think. %-[

When I want to hear _your_ opinion, I'll TELL it to you.--any tyrant

Next question: Would anybody like us to take these arguments somewhere
else? Maybe create a new Policy mailing list?

Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.--Alan Kay
Devel mailing list

Gamepad and Rocker Images?

2008-04-30 Thread Robert Myers
Are there any images (.png or whatever) of the rocker and gamepad keys?

Foe example, to use if you wanted to include an image along with 'press 
square gamepad key' or 'press rocker left' in documentation?

I couldn't find anything easily on the wiki.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Extreme Linux Server Available to North America

2008-04-30 Thread John Watlington

On Apr 29, 2008, at 7:00 PM, Martin Langhoff wrote:

 2008/4/30 Holger Levsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Tuesday 29 April 2008 22:41, Martin Langhoff wrote:
 If those same machines could be ordered with RAM ranging from 512 to
 2GB... instant love ;-) -- add a fanless ext USB drive enclosure and
 run run run.

  did you contact the manufacturer?

 No. But if there are higher spec'ed machines in the pipeline, it'd be
 good to hear about them.

Yes, Peru is in contact and I will try to start a direct discussion.


Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Extreme Linux Server Available to North America

2008-04-30 Thread Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
 This is cool but what about $$ ?

Sorry this question was aimed to determine possible better solutions about
i'm not involved in decisions about money (talking about  my country's
pilot) but it would be nice to have a reference, because all the schools and
pilots are different and this issue is really important for deployments.

So anyway i'm investigating this..but is off-topic right now. pardon.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 Server-devel mailing list

 Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
 One Laptop Per Child

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
One Laptop Per Child
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Collaboration between schools

2008-04-30 Thread Greg Smith (gregmsmi)
Hi John et al,
One minor clarification.
I think you mean L3 (IP) VPN (virtual private network) not VLAN (virtual
LAN). Let me know if that is not right as you can send an IP packet from
one VLAN to another but not from one VPN to another (except in special
BTW sounds like people have spent a lot of time at customers lately. If
you have time a brief write up of what is important (or not) at each
customer would be very helpful.
e.g. Peru - Inter-school collaboration not important, managing school
servers is a challenge (need GUI?), off the shelf HW is not good fo XS
and need customer box, XO updates are a problem, what build of XO and XS
they are on etc.
You can post that to the wiki (e.g.
and or just send it to the list and I'll
copy it over.
If you can also bring back a technical contact we can use that to come
up with a list of questions which you can run by the customers. Then we
can put customer names next to each item on the roadmap and in general
verify the priorities of the roadmap with the customers.
I don't mean to pile on the work. Just want to make sure we use your
unique position of having direct contact with implementers to focus the
Greg S
I learned more about the network built by the MED in Peru for their
schools.   Each school is in its own VLAN, and cannot route to the
other schools, only to the Internet and to MED servers.

They have good economic reasons for encouraging this, but
it means that inter-school collaboration will have to happen
through data pushed to an MED server (and won't be real-time
activity collaboration).

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Collaboration between schools

2008-04-30 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:28 PM, John Watlington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I learned more about the network built by the MED in Peru for their
  schools.   Each school is in its own VLAN, and cannot route to the
  other schools, only to the Internet and to MED servers.

  They have good economic reasons for encouraging this, but
  it means that inter-school collaboration will have to happen
  through data pushed to an MED server (and won't be real-time
  activity collaboration).

This is exactly why I wrote the document.  We should tell
Peru that their network infrastructure does not allow collaboration
between schools, not feel compelled to solve their problems for them
by engineering some fancy multihop proxy system to live on MED
servers.  In the future, they can create tunnels through the MED
servers if they wish to allow collaboration.

 ( )
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Collaboration between schools

2008-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I would love to hear what are those economic reasons.  I am sure that 
most of you know that if they are
connecting to the Internet then the big cost is paid.  The rest are 
peanuts.  So... what are those economic reasons to
don't allow collaboration between schools?  Today economic reasons... 
don't get surprise when you hear new
and different rationalizations.

Collaboration between schools would mean total communication between them.

You need to understand what is an UGEL (UGEL = administrative unit in 
charge of many schools in what you would call a county)
... Every UGEL in Peru feels they are owners of this or that 
territory.  If the schools (teachers and pupils)
join then they are going further than the UGEL borders.  This, in the 
eyes of UGEL authorities, is not seen as a good control policy
(control in all aspects that you can imagine). 

Are the XOs property of the children? Yes? Then I shut my big mouth.
Not? Then we (you, me, all) need to think that this no communication 
between schools is just the tip
of the iceberg.

We need to think in different ways to force (friendly) the 
collaboration and bring down the walls that
every small (or big) educative authority needs to put over what they 
think they control (the XOs, the project, etc.)

Best regards,

Javier Rodriguez
Lima, Peru

C. Scott Ananian wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:28 PM, John Watlington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I learned more about the network built by the MED in Peru for their
  schools.   Each school is in its own VLAN, and cannot route to the
  other schools, only to the Internet and to MED servers.

  They have good economic reasons for encouraging this, but
  it means that inter-school collaboration will have to happen
  through data pushed to an MED server (and won't be real-time
  activity collaboration).

 This is exactly why I wrote the document.  We should tell
 Peru that their network infrastructure does not allow collaboration
 between schools, not feel compelled to solve their problems for them
 by engineering some fancy multihop proxy system to live on MED
 servers.  In the future, they can create tunnels through the MED
 servers if they wish to allow collaboration.


Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] GPRS connectivity

2008-04-30 Thread James Cameron
Similar but different ... using HSDPA in Australia with an XO.  To test
with another modem, find the USB vendor and product codes from lsusb or
/proc, and try the usbserial module.

James Cameronmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Server-devel mailing list