Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-18 Thread Daniel Bennett

You're the man, Martin.

Hopefully I'm out of your hair for a while now.

Da Godiya!


P.S.  if i first opened the website (
from a non-xo laptop, but didn't log in, the first XO will still get
semi-admin privileges, right?

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Martin Langhoff

 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Daniel Bennett
  Moodle is not working now.

 Bizarre! Can you try...

   # this will clear out the moodle database
   sudo -u postgres dropdb moodle-xs

   # clear out the install log
   rm /var/log/moodle-instupg.log

 and then retry the

/etc/init.d/moodle stop
   (bash -x /etc/init.d/moodle start 21) | tee moodleinit.log


 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-17 Thread Daniel Bennett

I ran :
yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update

It downloaded overnight and I ran the upgrade this morning.

It both seemed to work and seemed to fail.

Failure: during the install of the kernal module there was an I/O error
and I believe a second failure

cat /etc/issue returns:
OLPC School Server release 9-0.5.2
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
is this what I should see after update?

Success: The install as a whole seems to have completed successfully.

# uname -a returns
Linux #1 SMP TH Jun
18 12:47:50 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I am guessing that the fc9.686 means fedora 9?  That would be success right?

when I try to re-run the yum --enablerepo...  again it returns:
Setting up Upddate Process
No Packages marked for Update

After running the update ejabberd was still crashing when I started it.
However, I hadn't followed the instructions for clearing out ejabberd yet
from your first reply.  I tried following those steps (after upgrading to
.6) and they seem to have worked...

The service runs now without crashing, I can ping and successfully
#hostname -f returns

However, even though I can ping these from my laptop, I can't access the web
based jabber interface.  I'm certain that they are communicating further,
because when I open http://172.18.01/  (without :5280/admin) it leads me to
a page telling me that moodle is currently disabled.

Any ideas?

Thanks again!

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Daniel Bennett wrote:
  I installed what I think was 0.5.2 which was the newest stable release
  available when I brought it to Jimeta in late March of 09.

 What does the following command say?

  cat /etc/issue

  So the steps that I should take are:
  1) backup some part of my server (how should I go about doing this?)  Are
  talking about making a copy of a particular directory here, or running a
  utility of some kind?

 Uh, so many ways to skin this cat! You will need an external disk for
 this (usb?) and probably a LiveUSB disk (or LiveCD).

 If you are familiar with cloning Linux OSs with rsync, that's one path
 (that has a quota of DIY). If you want an easy-to-use answer, I hear
 Mondo Rescue is popular and good, but I haven't used it myself.

 Your 2,3,4 steps are right...

  5) Configure my magically working Jabbery goodness

 Step 5 is actually Enjoy magic workingness

  And how stable is this .6 pre-release candidate, because I want this to
  as stable as possible when I leave.

 Definitely more stable than 0.5.2 which messed up your ejabberd install :-)

 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-17 Thread Daniel Bennett
I've replied in line below.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Martin Langhoff

 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Daniel Bennett
  I ran :
  yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
  It downloaded overnight and I ran the upgrade this morning.


  It both seemed to work and seemed to fail.
  Failure: during the install of the kernal module there was an I/O error
  and I believe a second failure

 Hmmm. An I/O error sounds a serious problem. You can verify a
 successful install of the kernel by doing:

   rpm -V kernel

 it should return without printing anything (no news: good news).

 dan: I got no news, so I guess it worked

  cat /etc/issue returns:
  OLPC School Server release 9-0.5.2
  Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
  is this what I should see after update?

 that's normal until I formally release it :-)

  Success: The install as a whole seems to have completed successfully.


  After running the update ejabberd was still crashing when I started it.

 That is odd.

 dan: you may have answered this before reading the rest of my email, but if
it was unclear, ejabberd  is no longer crashing

  The service runs now without crashing, I can ping and successfully
  #hostname -f returns
  However, even though I can ping these from my laptop, I can't access the
  based jabber interface.

 The webbased interface is disabled now. No longer needed.

 dan: I ran:
 ejabberdctl connected-users
It returns long output like (the random string here is made up by me):

and the number of users has grown some this morning, from about 4 to over

(we have a number of XO's in use here this morning for continued teacher

So I definitely buy that some automagic is going on here.  Is there perhaps
documentation I can view that explains to me how to create different groups
for different classes and generally manage things without the now obsolete
web interface?
(real world example: I would like to put all of my 5th graders in a group
together, my 2nd graders in another, etc)  I might even want to change these
on a regular basis.

Is this all done through moodle perhaps?  Is there documentation I should be
using for that?  If you could send me a link it would be much appreciated.

  I'm certain that they are communicating further,
  because when I open http://172.18.01/  (without :5280/admin) it leads me
  a page telling me that moodle is currently disabled.

 Moodle is disabled? Did you restart the machine? Can you tell us the
 output of the commands below?

   service pgsql-xs status

Dan: postmaster is stopped

   chkconfig --list pgsql-xs

Dan: service pgsql-xs supports chkconfig, but is not reerenced in any
runlevel (run 'chkconfig --add pgsql-xs')

Should I run this as it says?

Other oddities noticed during reboot if they help..:

klogctl during boot returns 'invalid argument'
mshbonds and wmeshs do not seem to be present
could not connect to server postgres as well.


 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-17 Thread Daniel Bennett
We saw this message at boot, not sure if it's relevant:
AICCU is not configured go to /etc/aiccu

pssql now starts on boot, but we are still getting the same results when

The result is a page stating:
Moodle is disabled at the moment.

We have rebooted more than once at this point.

We've been digging around (but not changing) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and

and they both point to a document root of /var/www/html

Does this have anything to do with our problem?  I don't really know what
I'm doing...

So, in a nutshell, pssql is running at startup, but we still can't access
moodle through the web interface.

Any ideas?

Thanks yet again,
-Dan (and Michael Ishaku)

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Daniel Bennett
rpm -V kernel
  dan: I got no news, so I guess it worked


  dan: I ran:
   ejabberdctl connected-users
  It returns long output like (the random string here is made up by me):

 That all sounds right. Some more useful commands

   # will show 'Online' exists
   $ejabberdctl srg-list-groups `hostname -f`
# show the settings of the Online Shared Roster Group -
$ ejabberdctl srg-get-info 'Online'  `hostname -f`
name: Online
displayed_groups: [Online]
description: Created_by_ejabberd_init
online_users: true

  So I definitely buy that some automagic is going on here.

 Hey -- did you ever doubt it? :-)

  Is there perhaps
  documentation I can view that explains to me how to create different
  for different classes and generally manage things without the now
  web interface?
  (real world example: I would like to put all of my 5th graders in a group
  together, my 2nd graders in another, etc)  I might even want to change
  on a regular basis.
  Is this all done through moodle perhaps?  Is there documentation I should
  using for that?  If you could send me a link it would be much

 Yes, you can segregate what XOs see in the neighbourhood view by
 moodle course membership. This is mainly useful when you have schools
 with more than ~50 XOs.

 Quick howto:

 1 - Make sure you are using a recent Browse.xo (101 at least, I think)

 2 - The first XO to register (reboot) and visit moodle successfully
 gets some extra rights (is an 'admin' of sorts). So get an XO reg'd
 and visiting Moodle -- it will auto-authenticate into Moodle. Should
 see a 'site administration' block on the left.

 3 - Create some courses (Site Administration-courses-Add/edit-Add
 new), assign teachers and students. In the long and confusing new
 course form, all you need to set is Full Name and Short Name. Please
 ignore every other option.

 Note: when it comes to enrolling, setup some courses for XOs you have
 registered already -- this is mainly to have something to work with!
 You can add more courses  enrolments later.

  Might help:

 4 - In 'Site Administration', go to Courses-Presence Service, and set
 presencebycourse to Yes.

 5 - Within 10 minutes, issuing the same ejabberdctl queries as above
 should show that Online has been replaced by several SRGs -- one per
 course. Asking for the 'info' of those, will show you their

 6 - When you make the switch from one mode to the other on the XS
 side, the situation will be confusing for the XOs, so they might need
 to re-associate to the Access Point (so they re-query their group
 membership) before they see the changes.

 Note: All changes to the course membership take 5~10 minutes to appear
 in ejabberd on the XOs, and some changes may also need an XO to
 reassociate to the AP. Emphasis on 'some' :-)

  Dan: service pgsql-xs supports chkconfig, but is not reerenced in any
  runlevel (run 'chkconfig --add pgsql-xs')
  Should I run this as it says?

 Yes! and then restart the server. Both pgsql-xs and moodle will start
 up. On this first startup, moodle will perform its setup (so it'll
 take a tad longer). You can see the log of the install in

  klogctl during boot returns 'invalid argument'


  mshbonds and wmeshs do not seem to be present


  could not connect to server postgres as well.

 not normal but you'll have it fixed for the next reboot :-)

 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-17 Thread Daniel Bennett
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Daniel Bennett wrote:
  We saw this message at boot, not sure if it's relevant:
  AICCU is not configured go to /etc/aiccu

 That's normal.

  pssql now starts on boot, but we are still getting the same results when

 Just to confirm, what is the output of...?

  service pgsql-xs status  (we expect it to be running)


  service moodle status  (Moodle cron job is enabled)


  chkconfig --list pgsql-xs (should say that it's on in 3,4 and 5)


  chkconfig --list moodle (same)


 Note! There is a 'postgres' service too. That should be stopped.

couldn't find this service

  The result is a page stating:
  Moodle is disabled at the moment.

 That is because Moodle is having trouble starting up -- and that is
 all about getting the 'pgsql-xs' service going, and the initial moodle
 setup running.

 Some more debugging:

  - Does the file /etc/moodle/needsupgrade exist? (It should :-) )


  - Does the file  /var/log/moodle-instupg.log exist?


 You'll want to
 look at it. Lines with 'PHP Notice' are safe to ignore, you should see
 lots of SQL, and a final line saying [Wed Sep 16 05:12:57 EDT 2009]
 Finished install / upgrade - Success.

mentions of correcting version/local_version mangling - will error out on
fresh DBs UPDATE 0

EnvironmentPHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function
upgrade_fix_incorrect_mnethostides() in /var/moodle/web/lib/db/upgrade.php
on line 3167
[Time date] Finished install / upgrade - Failure

I haven't answered any questions below this line.  We are trying to find a
way to get these files off the server.  I can't figure out how to set it up
as an FTP server, I can't get any linux email sending to work ((al)pine, and
mutt don't seem to be installed, and when I use mail I get a message
telling me that root doesn't have mail)

We are trying to set another machine up to SSH into it (a machine with email
access) but no luck.

Any idea how I can send an email from the server?


 That file probably has the secret to your woes...

  - What happens if you do...?

   /etc/initd.d/moodle stop
   (bash -x /etc/initd.d/moodle start 21) | tee moodleinit.log

 The 'tee' command will show you the output but will also save it to
 the moodleinit.log file.

 So I am hoping you can post your  /var/log/moodle-instupg.log and
 moodleinit.log files so we can debug further.

  We've been digging around (but not changing) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

 That should not affect things. If moodle is showing you the Moodle is
 disabled at the moment msg, the apache config is doing its job just
 fine :-)

  and they both point to a document root of /var/www/html

  we are overriding it -- see the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory :-)

  Does this have anything to do with our problem?  I don't really know what
  I'm doing...

 You're doing pretty well, I gotta say -

 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server

2009-09-17 Thread Daniel Bennett

That curl to trick is nifty.
automatically posting text files to a web page on the net via shell /
command line .. I should have asked that question a long time ago :)
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Daniel Bennett wrote:
  EnvironmentPHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function
  upgrade_fix_incorrect_mnethostides() in
  on line 3167
  [Time date] Finished install / upgrade - Failure

 That might be the culprit. Very weird. Still, want to see the logs...

  We are trying to set another machine up to SSH into it (a machine with
  access) but no luck.
  Any idea how I can send an email from the server?

 email is a bit awkward, but there is a pastebin-style service we can use.

  cat /path/to/file | curl -F 'sprunge=-'

 After a few seconds it will reply with a URL, like

 where the file can be found.
/etc/initd.d/moodle stop
(bash -x /etc/initd.d/moodle start 21) | tee moodleinit.log

 I really want that moodleinit.log :-)


 -- -- School Server Architect
  - ask interesting questions
  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Roll Call - Who is using XS in the field and for what?

2009-07-29 Thread Daniel Bennett
Gentlemen (Michael, Akila, and Benjamin),
How are things going with the school server in Jimeta?  Can you reply to all
to let us know?  It would be great to hear how things are going!


Is Backup working yet?

How about collaboration with Jabber?

Last I heard you were working with 0.5.2, right?

I'm also guessing that Moodle is not yet functioning, is it?  We didn't even
attempt to approach it during my previous visit...

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Rodolfo D. rodolfo.arc...@gmail.comwrote:

 In Paraguay we're using servers for 10 schools (1 server per school)..
 the biggest school has 800 students

  Is it doing backup and restore for your XOs?
 Works just fine

  Is it doing jabber collaboration?

  Are your teachers using Moodle?

  What version are you running?

 I haven't tryed with SoaS YET.. but it's in my to-do list..


 Server-devel mailing list

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] binding ejabberd on XS

2009-06-12 Thread Daniel Bennett
I haven't looked at this for a while so take this with a grain of
salt, but have you tried:
Start service ejabberd

On 6/12/09, Vamsi Krishna Davuluri wrote:

 I'm following this guide,
 and i blindly changed the binding address to the
 one given in the link, I changed it again to localhost.localdomain
 and it gives me the following

 Node ejabb...@localhost is started. Status: started
 ejabberd is not running.

 I'd like to know what i'm doing wrong, and how to go around



Sent from my mobile device
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Hoping for assistance with XS 0.5 configuration difficulties (ejabberd)

2009-04-25 Thread Daniel Bennett
Hi all,
I am working on an unofficial 100 XO pilot project in Jimeta, Nigeria until
the end of the month and I've run into a wall configuring the school server.
 I outlined it on IRC before bringing it here.  Because of the time
difference and inconsistent internet connection, email is probably a better
medium for assistance.

I hope that someone can help.  I really need to move through this issue as
quickly as possible if we're going to have a working school server at this
deployment before Ieave town next Saturday morning.  There is much left to
do besides tackling the XS.


dbennetthi all, I'm working on a deployment in Nigeria this afternoon and we
are having a tough time getting the XS jabber server web admin interface to
work16:05dbennettwe have managed to get it to prompt for a user/pass combo
which seems to require u...@node.domain which in my case is
d...@schoolserver.lccnyola.org16:06dbennettif we get any part of that or the
password in correct, it just empties both fields of the prompt and waits for
new info. However, if we enter u...@fqdn as I showed above and enter the
correct password then it accepts our input and the prompt disappears.
However, all it returns is a 401 Unauthorized page16:11dbennettWe've added
the: {acl admin {user, dan,}}. line to the
access control list in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg16:11dbennettWe are running
XS 0.516:13dbennettWe are able to connect to the server with multiple users
via jabber clients like pidgin and psi. However, we can't seem to get admin
rights to stick to any of the users. I also can't figure out if there are
multiple types of admin rights (rights to http://server/admin/) vs admin
rights within a jabber client (show all online users, etc)16:18 *** jg
joined #olpc-devel anyone can
lend any insight it would be much appreciated. This is my 3rd day working on
this issue. I'm learning more bits about ejabberd, but i've only got a week
left before coming back to the states and would like to have my local server
admin running a working school server before I leave. 16:52dbennettIf you
reply to this later in the day and I don't reply to your reply, PLEASE send
your replies to the email based version of this request sent to as I have only infrequent internet access, and
no ability to use an external IRC client from my present location. Thanks!
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Fwd: Hoping for assistance with XS 0.5 configuration difficulties (ejabberd)

2009-04-25 Thread Daniel Bennett
I just sent this to Reuben.  I have done some digging through the log file
and haven't seen anything useful.  Do I perhaps need to set the ejabberd.cfg
file to 5:debug instead of 4:Verbose?  i remember seeing something about
that inside it.
Unfortunately, we we haven't set up a GUI, web browser, or emailing
capabilities of any kind on the server itself so emailing the log file will
be a roadblock for me.  I haven't worked in linux for about 5 years now
until trying to tackle this project.  I'm relearning how to do basic things
like ls, pipe to less, and use vi for simple text edits.  Setting that stuff
up is likely to take a lng time.  Is there anything specific I can do
offline to find what you're hoping for inside.  In writing you this email I
just recalled the existence of grep.  is there something I could grep for in
the log file and give you some feedback on it?

On  the subject of following instructions, there have been two of us working
on the server, sometimes one at a time so I can't guarantee that we've
followed them to a T, but we both believe that we have.  We've gone so far
as to rerun the initial scripts, recheck hostname, reset the acl lines in
ejabberd.cfg repeatedly, connect to the jabber server with 2 different
jabber clients (which has been successful, we've chatted back and forth
using our server.  We just can't access the admin inteface at, we keep getting 401 unauthorized), read
every wiki page that sounded remotely relevant, etc.

And we've been following hunches at each step so we have pulled some of the
instructions out of related pages from the wiki.

I've been careful to comment out all of the original lines in the
ejabberd.cfg file and mark all of my changes for easy resetting of each
segment to it's original state.  Which I've since done.  So theoretically,
the file should be in it's original state except for the {acl, admin {...
line that we added to give admin privs to our sample user.

But of course, I could have made missed something.  However, the server is
still working fine when we connect via 3rd party clients (pidgin pis), so I
don't think I've done anything critical...

Let me know if I should grep anything out of the log file for you.

Thanks for the help!

-- Forwarded message --
From: Daniel Bennett
Date: Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Hoping for assistance with XS 0.5 configuration
difficulties (ejabberd)
To: Reuben K. Caron
Cc: Michael Ishaku

Thank you for the quick reply and the hints.  I've cc'd Michael Ishaku on
this thread.  He's and I have been working on this issue together and he is
going to be administering the server once I head back to the states.

I've replied to your statements inline below to the best of my ability.
 Please take a look.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Reuben K. Caron wrote:


 I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties. I'd like to work with you
 to get this to work.

 If you cannot enter the ejabberd web interface to setup the online group
 then XOs will not collaborate.

 I'd like to know about your hardware, 2 nics or 1?

We have one LAN card for ethernet, but have also installed a wireless
networking card for communication with Access Points.  That should work,
right?  I'm really no IT professional... :)

 I'm sure you have read through this but please be sure to follow this line
 by line:

 One particular point I'd like to make in the instructions is this:

 ---Set the hostname of the machine like this (until we fix bug 8983) by
 editing /etc/sysconfig/network to set

contents of /etc/sysconfig/network:
/etc/sysconfig/network 2L, 50C

 --and restarting.

We had this problem yesterday when we left, and when i arrived this morning
I had to turn the server back on (it had powered off overnight due to the
generator being shut down and the UPS running out of juice).  I'm fairly
certain that we tried rebooting a couple of times during the day yesterday
as well.  I'm certain that we used the command shell to: service ejabberd
restart   many many times both days.  This would cover the restarting,

 It is important to restart before moving on; otherwise, the ejabberd db
 will be intialized using the wrong domain.

 Is the bandwidth too limited to download the new 0.5.2 ISO? If yes, I'd
 recommend a fresh install, connect to internet, and then after install run:
 yum update. After an up to date install run through the setup steps.

I left the states on 3/23/09.  I believe that 0.5.2 was released on 3/18/09.
 This is the file name for the image I brought with me (and that we are
currently running: OLPC-School-Server-0.5.2-i386.iso
we could probably download a fresh image with 12/24

Re: [support-gang] Harvard Square Chipotle One Burrito per OLPC!

2008-12-18 Thread Daniel Bennett
Sorry I missed it, my meeting didn't end til 1:45...
Hope they were tasty!

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Henry Edward Hardy hhard...@gmail.comwrote:

 I asked if I could bring 10 people, they said bring ten or as many as you

 The first ten responses are:

 1: Tyler
 2: Jeff
 3: Brian
 4: Seth
 5: Frances
 6: Justin
 7: Mel
 8: Richard
 9: Adam
 10. Dan B.

 If you still want to come and did not make the list, be at Chipotle by 1
 and I will try to add you to the free food. If not, the place is pretty
 cheap and we can still hang out a bit.

 Suggest bringing your business cards (so we can win more free food later),
 and XO's if you want to play XO games (no reliable free wireless that plays
 nice with XO in H Sq, regrettably).

 See you at Chipotle between 12:45 and 1.


 On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Daniel Bennett dant...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've got an 11:00 am meeting in Davis, but I can try to meet you Harvard
 by 12:30.  Bump me off the list if you manage to fill it with Solid

 On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Any chance that you can FedEx me a burrito? I love Chipotle! :-)


 Am 18.12.2008 um 16:07 schrieb Henry Edward Hardy

 We will leave from 1cc for Harvard Square Chipotle at 12:30 sharp this
 afternoon (Thurs, Dec 18, 2008).

 So far I have the following people confirmed:

 1: Tyler
 2: Jeff
 3: Brian
 4: Seth
 5: Frances
 6: Justin

 If you want to get in on this please respond asap, as I am going to open
 this to volunteers now. There are at least 4 places remaining.


 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Henry Edward Hardy wrote:

 Chipotle in Harvard Square called me Saturday, I won their weekly
 drawing again!

 I have set up lunch at Chipotle for us Thursday, Dec 18 at 1pm.

 First ten to respond to this email will get free food, anything on the
 menu but bottled drinks.


 ...since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that
 the defenses of peace must be constructed.
 --Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
 Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 16 November, 1945

 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to
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 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use
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