Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-11-10 Thread Greg Smith

We are collecting all well formed ideas for future development at:

Add your suggestions to that page. In the near future we will start 
prioritizing them and choosing the target set for inclusion in the next 
release, 9.1.0.

Product management and support now have regular calls and a tight 
synchronization with the technical teams in Uruguay and Peru. We are 
working with them to qualify 8.2 for their deployments and to track 
their feature requests for future releases.

The agenda for a technical conference in January is being set at: The first review of all proposals 
should be done by next week. Next, we will create detailed materials and 
pick lead presenters for each session.

User links:

Link of the week (Spanish):
Shows eToys presentations built in Uruguay. See also the Blogósfera 
link on the right. Blog posts by XOs in Uruguay have taken off again in 
the last month!

Link of the week (English):
US University-style evaluation of the XO deployment in Nepal.

Goals and to do list.

Status of last weeks goals:

1 - Continue prioritization of January Mini-conference proposals and 
start filling in next level of detail for each.

GS - Underway. Meeting every Wed. at 2PM US ET on IRC 
#olpc-meeting to review proposals.

2 - Update roadmap page:
Follow up with deployments to verify priorities. Get a second level of
detail from deployments on what they need.

GS - Partially done. Focusing on the Activation Lease Security:
Now drilling down on top priorities for largest deployments.

Everyone, please add your feature ideas. Each should have a Requirement 
Definition, some software design comments (AKA Specification), target 
users and engineering or product management owners. Any of the above can 
be URLs to web pages, Trac IDs, or e-mail threads. Put me down as 
interim owner if no one else is available.

3 - Start writing detailed use cases, complete ideas for using XO/XS
(probably a requirements definition for supporting learning projects),
and presentations for mini-conference.

GS - Not done. Top priority is Asynchronous collaboration (AKA 
multi-user projects)

Goals for next week:

1 - Finish first review of January mini-conference proposals. Transition 
conference work to follow up and status only. Add agenda items to weekly 
Future Feature planning meeting (Wed. at 2PM US ET on IRC 
#olpc-meeting) to prioritize full feature roadmap and decide how we will 
pick 9.1.0 target features.

2 -  Update roadmap page:
Follow up with deployments to verify priorities. Get a second level of
detail from deployments on what they need.

3 - Start writing detailed use cases, complete ideas for using XO/XS
(probably a requirements definition for supporting learning projects),
and presentations for mini-conference.

Inspired by Greg D's recent comments on creating team, I'm thinking of 
starting a roadmap team which will work on the Feature roadmap page and 
strategy. We already have a weekly meeting, minutes and action items. 
All we need now is a wiki page and a better todo list! I'll send out 
more details and URLs on that soon.

Questions and comments welcome.


Greg S

Devel mailing list

Greg Smith's Weekly Report, week ending 10/17

2008-10-20 Thread Greg Smith
Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (English):
8.2.0 question, posted and resolved by the community in the same day!

Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (Spanish):
Public Moodle with Forums created and used by teachers in Peru since 2006.

Bonus URL courtesy of Seth.
Recent blog posts about 8.2.0:

Status of last weeks goals:
1 - Send out 8.2 announcement e-mail to public lists and technical leads 
at deployments.

GS - Done!

2 - Update and restructure 9.1 page. Continue to engage learning team, 
Ed, engineering and others to come up with use cases and high level 
strategic plans which can motivate development over the course of 
multiple releases.

GS - Mostly not done. Held first 9.1 meeting and sent out invite for 
conference in November. Continued discussions with learning and operations.

3 - Join more sugar and other design meetings. I want to add more 
motivation and customer side info to features planned. Also want to 
communicate better what work is essentially underway and being worked on 
now. Lastly want to write more detailed requirements and see if I can 
get an engineer to write at least one full design document (best chance 
is design for activation/security management in response to:

GS - Partially done. Joined Journal meeting but didn't make any sugar 
meetings. No design proposals (AKA functional specifications) received 
yet. May make progress if Chris implements a spec. writing tool...

4 - Update deployments page with the latest status details.

GS - Not done.

5 - Engage more users to understand their needs. Focus especially on Sur 
list and country technical leads (top targets: Peru, Uruguay, Ethiopia, 
Rwanda and Haiti).

GS - Partially done. Debriefed Brian on his Rwanda trip. Talked with 
Peru leads on IRC and e-mail. Kept up with torrent of Sur list e-mails 
and talked to Uruguay contacts.

Goals for next week:
1 - Update and rename 9.1.0 page. Prioritize and organize requirements. 
Flesh out two more requirement definitions.

2 - Work on agenda for miniconference. Review proposals, submit a few of 
my own, and update conference page.

3 - Meet with deployment teams and learning teams. Write use cases and 
collect more user input.

4 - Update deployments page.


Greg S
Devel mailing list

Greg Smith's Weekly Report for 9/29 to 10/3

2008-10-06 Thread Greg Smith
New Feature of the Weekly Report.

Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (English):
This is a great evaluation of an XO pilot in a NYC school.

Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (Spanish):
New forum for volunteers and teachers out of Uruguay.


Status of last weeks goals:
1 - Get 8.2 to manufacturing. Catch up on bug triage.

GS - Done! 8.2-767 has gone to Quanta for manufacturing test. Barring 
any surprises 8.2.0 will be manufactured on new XOs starting Monday 
October 13.

2 - Finish 8.2 Release notes and get final review of them from engineering.

GS - Done. Final draft Release notes is ready. A short and sweet version 
is at: with links
from there to the detailed version at:
Last call for edits and final sign off needed from management and

3 - Finalize blurb used to promote the release and start sending it out
to internal lists. Write more generally usable Release message.

GS - Not done. Last weeks blurb is the current best version.

4 - Update deployments page and releases page.

GS - Partially done. Deployments page 
( updated with the XOs
delivered, shipped, and ordered. Status section needs more updating 
and timeline needs editing/bug fixing. No changes to Releases page 
( this week.

5 - Post more detailed 8.2.1 page and restructure 9.1 page.

GS - Partially done. Some minor edits to 9.1 page. 8.2.1 page removed 
and link to unscheduled release process page left. If/when we hear a 
specific blocking issue for a deployment we will start filling it out again.

Goals for next week:
1 - Get sign off and incorporate final edits on 8.2 release notes.

2 - Write 8.2 availability announcement e-mail. Update wiki home page to 
link to 8.2. Should be in place for posting on or before Monday 10/13.

3 - Start weekly 9.1 meetings. Do major restructuring of 9.1 page. Start 
planning in person 9.1 conference.


Greg S

Devel mailing list

Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-30 Thread Sameer Verma
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:41 AM, Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Here's my weekly report for week ending 9/26.

 Status against last week goals:
 1 - Hound engineers to close all 8.2.0 blockers (see and get a firm date for the Release
 Candidate build. Triage bugs and keep the release on schedule.

 GS - Done! In the end, no hounding was needed :-) Triaged bugs but fell
 a little behind the incoming rate this week. Also picked and tested
 a set of additional activities to add to the G1G1 default install.

 2 - Clean up open bugs section of 8.2. release notes. Get release notes
 ready for final review.

 GS - Mostly done. Top section finished and ready for final review. Human
 readable explanation and categorization of key bugs started. Final edits
 and comments welcome:

 3 - Write 8.2 launch plan and technical overview presentation.

 GS - Not done. Wrote brief blurb on the release for re-use in promoting
 it. Still need to list communication vehicles, choose the right landing
 page (Release notes?) and refine the high level message for the release.

 First pass release message:
 8.2 has major enhancements including:
 - A flexible Home view and Journal with several options for searching
 and organizing activities.
 - An enhanced Frame for accessing other XOs and peripherals and for
 switching between running activities.
 - A Graphical Control Panel for setting language, network, power and
 other defaults.
 - An automated Software Update tool which finds the latest version of
 activities and updates them over the Internet.
 - Capability to backup XOs to a school server and restore files to the
 Journal as needed.
 - A new manual shipped with the XO as an activity.
 - Many other bug fixes and enhancements.

 For more details, see the final draft of the Release Notes at:

 4 - Share and post 8.2.1 time frame and operating procedure (e.g. Trac
 queries). Start planning for Early Field Trial/Beta of 8.2.1. Keep
 pushing for an engineering leader/owner of 8.2.1.

 GS - Not done. Pushed for an engineering owner a little but not too hard
 until 8.2 is done.

 5 - Review and finalize short 9.1 strategy description. Restructure
 requirements section to align with strategy. Fold in more deployment
 requirements. Keep pushing for an engineering leader/owner of 9.1.
 Stretch goal: prepare to write detailed requirements sections and start
 scrubbing bugs to create working Trac queries.

 GS - Mostly not done. Added a few more details, discussed strategy and
 country demands. Added some more detailed requirements for deployability

 6 - Update deployments page. Update releases page and start using new
 semantic format (thanks to S Page for laying out the structure). Also
 update XS sections of releases page.

 GS - Not done but did get approval to repost statistics on XOs
 Delivered, shipped and ordered by country. See also this URL for new
 deployment and XO information:
 Some of this will be integrated in my next update of the Deployments page.

 Goals for next week in priority order:

 1 - Get 8.2 to manufacturing. Catch up on bug triage.

 2 - Finish 8.2 Release notes and get final review of them from engineering.

 3 - Finalize blurb used to promote the release and start sending it out
 to internal lists. Write more generally usable Release message.

 4 - Update deployments page and releases page.

 5 - Post more detailed 8.2.1 page and restructure 9.1 page.

 6 - Once 8.2 ships, open a bottle of Champagne. One glass then start
 work on the next release :-)

One glass is inefficient. You'll lose all the fizz if you don't finish
the rest. Or, just share! :-)
Devel mailing list

Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-29 Thread Greg Smith
Hi All,

Here's my weekly report for week ending 9/26.

Status against last week goals:
1 - Hound engineers to close all 8.2.0 blockers (see and get a firm date for the Release
Candidate build. Triage bugs and keep the release on schedule.

GS - Done! In the end, no hounding was needed :-) Triaged bugs but fell 
a little behind the incoming rate this week. Also picked and tested
a set of additional activities to add to the G1G1 default install.

2 - Clean up open bugs section of 8.2. release notes. Get release notes
ready for final review.

GS - Mostly done. Top section finished and ready for final review. Human
readable explanation and categorization of key bugs started. Final edits
and comments welcome:

3 - Write 8.2 launch plan and technical overview presentation.

GS - Not done. Wrote brief blurb on the release for re-use in promoting 
it. Still need to list communication vehicles, choose the right landing 
page (Release notes?) and refine the high level message for the release.

First pass release message:
8.2 has major enhancements including:
- A flexible Home view and Journal with several options for searching 
and organizing activities.
- An enhanced Frame for accessing other XOs and peripherals and for
switching between running activities.
- A Graphical Control Panel for setting language, network, power and
other defaults.
- An automated Software Update tool which finds the latest version of
activities and updates them over the Internet.
- Capability to backup XOs to a school server and restore files to the
Journal as needed.
- A new manual shipped with the XO as an activity.
- Many other bug fixes and enhancements.

For more details, see the final draft of the Release Notes at:

4 - Share and post 8.2.1 time frame and operating procedure (e.g. Trac
queries). Start planning for Early Field Trial/Beta of 8.2.1. Keep
pushing for an engineering leader/owner of 8.2.1.

GS - Not done. Pushed for an engineering owner a little but not too hard
until 8.2 is done.

5 - Review and finalize short 9.1 strategy description. Restructure
requirements section to align with strategy. Fold in more deployment
requirements. Keep pushing for an engineering leader/owner of 9.1.
Stretch goal: prepare to write detailed requirements sections and start
scrubbing bugs to create working Trac queries.

GS - Mostly not done. Added a few more details, discussed strategy and
country demands. Added some more detailed requirements for deployability

6 - Update deployments page. Update releases page and start using new
semantic format (thanks to S Page for laying out the structure). Also
update XS sections of releases page.

GS - Not done but did get approval to repost statistics on XOs
Delivered, shipped and ordered by country. See also this URL for new
deployment and XO information:
Some of this will be integrated in my next update of the Deployments page.

Goals for next week in priority order:

1 - Get 8.2 to manufacturing. Catch up on bug triage.

2 - Finish 8.2 Release notes and get final review of them from engineering.

3 - Finalize blurb used to promote the release and start sending it out
to internal lists. Write more generally usable Release message.

4 - Update deployments page and releases page.

5 - Post more detailed 8.2.1 page and restructure 9.1 page.

6 - Once 8.2 ships, open a bottle of Champagne. One glass then start 
work on the next release :-)


Greg S

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-29 Thread Bobby Powers
On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 3:47 AM, S Page [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey activity maintainers,

 I shrank the wasteful junky layout slightly and got rid of all the
 warning triangles for empty values.  If you see any yellow triangles
 after updating your activity page, please let me know.

thanks a lot, the wiki has been looking pretty sharp these days :)


 The Template:Activity_page could omit altogether table rows that have no
 value.  That would shrink it further but you'd lose the reminder to fill
 in Related projects, Contributors, etc.  Speak up if you want empty rows

 Gary C Martin wrote:
 I think the main weird oddity I see now is that every activity page now
 using the new for has two blocks of apparently duplicate data showing,
 very confusing. There's a nicely formatted table at the very bottom
 (Facts about Moon),

 That's the factbox you see on pages with semantic info.  (Since it
 repeats info that's annotated somewhere else on the page, the newer
 version of Semantic MediaWiki hides it by default.)

  but before it is a great long ~page screed of the
 same data in a wasteful junky layout (Activity Summary).

 =S Page   user:skierpage
 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-28 Thread S Page
Hey activity maintainers,

I shrank the wasteful junky layout slightly and got rid of all the 
warning triangles for empty values.  If you see any yellow triangles 
after updating your activity page, please let me know.

The Template:Activity_page could omit altogether table rows that have no 
value.  That would shrink it further but you'd lose the reminder to fill 
in Related projects, Contributors, etc.  Speak up if you want empty rows 

Gary C Martin wrote:
 I think the main weird oddity I see now is that every activity page now 
 using the new for has two blocks of apparently duplicate data showing, 
 very confusing. There's a nicely formatted table at the very bottom 
 (Facts about Moon),

That's the factbox you see on pages with semantic info.  (Since it 
repeats info that's annotated somewhere else on the page, the newer 
version of Semantic MediaWiki hides it by default.)

  but before it is a great long ~page screed of the 
 same data in a wasteful junky layout (Activity Summary).

=S Page   user:skierpage
Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Seth Woodworth
So far the semantic form for activities is very rough in actual data-points
and very rough in layout.

On the actual form, I think that there needs to be some small changes; a
drop down for languages, ability to add wiki-pages in certain fields instead
of urls, etc.

On the form's display, it would be possible to wrap the current data into a
box on the right hand side of the page, much like the current Activities
box.  I will try to describe what I would like to see more clearly on the
wiki-gang list and try to implement it (if I can).

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On 15 Sep 2008, at 23:58, Seth Woodworth wrote:

  Gary, the wiki is generally discussed on the library list, and on the new
 wiki-gang(@lists.l.o) list.  That may be why you missed information about
 the implementation of SMW.

 Thanks Seth, I'm still contemplating the changes (+ links as per your
 previous email). Just to be clear, I do like the move direction, I'm just
 trying to work out if it's now 'done' and if I (and other activity)
 developers should now go back and spend time revisiting and revising their
 activity wiki pages to comply.

 I think the main weird oddity I see now is that every activity page now
 using the new for has two blocks of apparently duplicate data showing, very
 confusing. There's a nicely formatted table at the very bottom (Facts about
 Moon), but before it is a great long ~page screed of the same data in a
 wasteful junky layout (Activity Summary). I initially thought my browser was
 showing some hidden or accidental field of junk data, but Firefox shows it


Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Bert Freudenberg
Am 16.09.2008 um 22:27 schrieb Seth Woodworth:

 So far the semantic form for activities is very rough in actual data- 
 points and very rough in layout.

 On the actual form, I think that there needs to be some small  
 changes; a drop down for languages, ability to add wiki-pages in  
 certain fields instead of urls, etc.

 On the form's display, it would be possible to wrap the current data  
 into a box on the right hand side of the page, much like the current  
 Activities box.  I will try to describe what I would like to see  
 more clearly on the wiki-gang list and try to implement it (if I can).

As an activity author I'd love to have a single place to edit when a  
new release is made. The box appearing on the Activities page should  
be automatically created from the the activity's page, if you know  
what I mean.

I made an approximation of this for the X activity (inspired by the  
small boxes on top of the Activities page):

which includes the activity box at

that is also referenced in the Activities page:

(hehe, wouldn't be a nicer  
link? No way to do that I fear)

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Bert Freudenberg

Am 16.09.2008 um 23:14 schrieb Walter Bender:

 You can add anchors to pages in the wiki, so you could do Activities#X

My wiki-fu is not strong enough ... and I do not see anchors  
mentioned on

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Gary C Martin
On 16 Sep 2008, at 21:54, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

 As an activity author I'd love to have a single place to edit when a  
 new release is made. The box appearing on the Activities page should  
 be automatically created from the the activity's page, if you know  
 what I mean.

 I made an approximation of this for the X activity (inspired by the  
 small boxes on top of the Activities page):

 which includes the activity box at

 that is also referenced in the Activities page:

Oooh. Nice idea using wiki includes! I do like. Anyone see any  
potentially nasty issues here? Control Panel software update happy  
with it? How about we do a sweep of all the Activity pages and use the  
same recipe? Objections?

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Seth Woodworth
Actually, even more interestingly you could update data in any one of these
forms, and then call that data in a different format on the [[Activities]]
page, the [[/Activities/G1G1]] page, or even in another language.

Setting that the Property:LatestVersion for the page [[Help_(activity)]] can
be aggregated on another page to fill in a field...

Let me try to find a good example...

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Am 16.09.2008 um 22:27 schrieb Seth Woodworth:

  So far the semantic form for activities is very rough in actual
 data-points and very rough in layout.

 On the actual form, I think that there needs to be some small changes; a
 drop down for languages, ability to add wiki-pages in certain fields instead
 of urls, etc.

 On the form's display, it would be possible to wrap the current data into
 a box on the right hand side of the page, much like the current Activities
 box.  I will try to describe what I would like to see more clearly on the
 wiki-gang list and try to implement it (if I can).

 As an activity author I'd love to have a single place to edit when a new
 release is made. The box appearing on the Activities page should be
 automatically created from the the activity's page, if you know what I mean.

 I made an approximation of this for the X activity (inspired by the small
 boxes on top of the Activities page):

 which includes the activity box at

 that is also referenced in the Activities page:

 (hehe, wouldn't be a nicer link? No
 way to do that I fear)

 - Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-16 Thread Bert Freudenberg
Am 16.09.2008 um 22:54 schrieb Bert Freudenberg:

 (hehe, wouldn't be a nicer  
 link? No way to do that I fear)

Oh, thanks to Walter this works now :)

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

semantic black ops for Activities? (Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report)

2008-09-13 Thread S Page
Summary: What do you want from activity wiki pages? (reply here or add 
to )

A while ago Gary C Martin wrote:
 Any information on what the semantic wiki plan is/was all about?

I never heard of any master plan, however people should note wiki pages
that could or do use semantic annotations at The SMW extension is
basically annotating information in wiki pages so you can browse, query, 
and reuse it; a bit like categorizing pages on steroids.  Also someone 
installed the Semantic Forms extension which builds on SMW so you can 
edit certain page data in a form.

 Seems to have been some black ops project 
 inside OLPC with no public documentation 

Dick Cheney denied this secret black ops project run outside of normal 
channels, so it must exist!

 I noticed a few weeks back that my activity page had turned into some 
 monster QA template page if I now try and edit it...

I haven't worked on the activity templates and forms.  I
think user:Xavi added the OBX templates to activity pages
a while back; recently user:Femslade added Activity_page and
Activity_bundle templates that annotate similar info, and you can edit
them in a form.  I don't know if anything reuses info like

Greg Smith asked me:
 If we can edit activities page safely do you feel up to making some
 edits there... Maybe propose something on devel then we can approve and
 execute. Let me know if what we are looking for there is not clear.

Sorry, I have no idea what people are looking for (Cheney keeps us all 
on a need-to-know basis, damn these freedom-destroying wikis with no 
congressional oversight!). My proposal would just be guesses, e.g.:
* Unify the OBX templates and the semantic properties?
* Unify the Creating_an_activity page and the new Form:Activity?
* Automatically generate tables of activities?
** Replace (outdated?) Bundled/Core/Extra distinctions with a property?
** Display activity and versions compatible with a particular build?
* Generate the Activity_microformat data for the pages that Software 
update parses (scary...)?

Y'all can reply here, or edit, or some 
other talk page in the wiki.

=S Page   user:skierpage
Devel mailing list

Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-06 Thread Gary C Martin
On 6 Sep 2008, at 06:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Thanks for fixing and
 make it reference the correct version of
 Develop.  Tested it and software updater now downloads Develop V35.
 Now maybe people can start looking for valid bugs and give the
 developer useful feedback.
 Develop launches nicely in 8.2-759.

 I went ahead and updated the reference to Colors! to Colors! V4 and
 software updater successfully downloaded that it.

I notice that the .xo bundle for Colors linked from 
  is still going to v3 even though v4 is listed on Colors own wiki  
page. Was just testing on the 759 stream and noticed it didn't pick-up  
the new version of Color (or Develop-35 for that matter) as the  
Control Panel (obviously) doesn't use the Activities/Joyride  

Installed both new versions manually using Browse (note that Colors  
doesn't respond to the stop icon in its activity tool bar, but you can  
use the keyboard shortcut alt-esc to get out).

 The architecture of the wiki activity group pages is interesting to
 say the list.

Yea, I was hoping the whispers of semantic wiki stuff was going to  
help keep all the various wiki references in sync. Perhaps it's  
implementation is still incomplete? Any information on what the  
semantic wiki plan is/was all about? Seems to have been some black ops  
project inside OLPC with no public documentation (that I've stumbled  
over yet). I noticed a few weeks back that my activity page had turned  
into some monster QA template page if I now try and edit it...

Devel mailing list

Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sep 6, 2008, at 8:40 AM, Gary C Martin wrote:

 On 6 Sep 2008, at 06:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Thanks for fixing and
 make it reference the correct version of
 Develop.  Tested it and software updater now downloads Develop V35.
 Now maybe people can start looking for valid bugs and give the
 developer useful feedback.
 Develop launches nicely in 8.2-759.

 I went ahead and updated the reference to Colors! to Colors! V4 and
 software updater successfully downloaded that it.

 I notice that the .xo bundle for Colors linked from http:// is still going to v3 even though v4  
 is listed on Colors own wiki page. Was just testing on the 759  
 stream and noticed it didn't pick-up the new version of Color (or  
 Develop-35 for that matter) as the Control Panel (obviously)  
 doesn't use the Activities/Joyride information.

The Software Update control has a Modify activity groups in the  
lower left. This control is revealed once the Refresh of software  
update completes.  Click on this and the Group URL field is release.   
You can add or subtract groups here by supplying the URL.
I discovered that the Group URLs are stored in the hidden file /home/ 
Next time I perform an update from 656 I will have to remember to  
delete .groups and see what it gets populated with.

 Installed both new versions manually using Browse (note that Colors  
 doesn't respond to the stop icon in its activity tool bar, but you  
 can use the keyboard shortcut alt-esc to get out).
How do we get the component activity-Colors! added to track?

 The architecture of the wiki activity group pages is interesting to
 say the list.

 Yea, I was hoping the whispers of semantic wiki stuff was going to  
 help keep all the various wiki references in sync. Perhaps it's  
 implementation is still incomplete? Any information on what the  
 semantic wiki plan is/was all about? Seems to have been some black  
 ops project inside OLPC with no public documentation (that I've  
 stumbled over yet). I noticed a few weeks back that my activity  
 page had turned into some monster QA template page if I now try  
 and edit it...

Yes curious mind are awaiting...Does any one know if it is possible  
to have field level help for the form pages?

Devel mailing list

Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-05 Thread Greg Smith
Hi All,

We write a weekly report for the OLPC management and employees.

In order to keep the community involved, motivated and knowledgeable,
Michael suggested we share it with this list.

Its FYI but I'm open to help, comments or suggestions, as always.


Greg S

Status against last weeks goals:
1 - Identify, triage and clarify 8.2 blocker bugs.
GS - Done. Triaged all incoming bugs for 8.2. Helped get the 8.2 release
down to a manageable set of blocking bugs which must be fixed. See:
As of this writing, there are only 9 left with the next action of 
Diagnose, Design or Code!

2 - Update 8.2 release notes
GS - Made some progress with review of update instructions. Added text
to all open bugs in preparation for final review:
Also read and commented on the new manual which will be linked from
release notes when ready.

3 - Update 9.1 page with more requirements. Re-check that all Peru input
is in 9.1 page. Add Uruguay, Haiti, Rwanda, Birmingham and Mongolia
GS - Done for Peru. Some Uruguay items in but not all. Not done for the
rest. Also started engagement with sugar list re: their 0.84 which maps
to 9.1.

4 - Prune outdated material off OLPC home page:
GS - Not done.

5 - Follow up on Cmap tools
GS - Done. Proposed X windows wrapper activity. CMap
developers will consider it and are looking in to the feasibility now.

Goals for next week in priority order:
- Identify, triage and clarify 8.2 blocker bugs. Help get to a well
defined final release schedule.

- Update 8.2 release notes

- Write 8.2 marketing launch plan. To include lists, web sites and other
ideas for getting the word out. Once done, this will sit on the shelf
until the release is final.

- Update 9.1 page with more requirements. Add Uruguay, Haiti, Rwanda,
Birmingham, Mongolia, Ethiopia, others. Start writing strategy section
and set schedule.

- Find engineering lead for 8.2.1. If none is identified, start laying
out the parameters anyway (e.g. date, target customers, goals, target
bug fixes and featurettes, etc.).

- Find a volunteer and partner to write Beta/Early Field Trial plan. The
plan should get pre-release code in to real classes at target deployment
countries for comment and review prior to 8.2.1 release.

- Update deployments page with latest data, improve timeline and add
timeline to releases page.

- Prune outdated material off OLPC wiki home page.

Devel mailing list

Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-05 Thread Martin Dengler
On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 11:55:33AM -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
 In order to keep the community involved, motivated and knowledgeable,
 Michael suggested we share it with this list.

This a great suggestion and great practice.  I hope we don't abuse the

 Greg S


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Devel mailing list

Re: Greg Smith's Weekly Report

2008-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for fixing and  
make it reference the correct version of
Develop.  Tested it and software updater now downloads Develop V35.  
Now maybe people can start looking for valid bugs and give the  
developer useful feedback.
Develop launches nicely in 8.2-759.

I went ahead and updated the reference to Colors! to Colors! V4 and  
software updater successfully downloaded that it.

The architecture of the wiki activity group pages is interesting to  
say the list.

Robert H.

On Sep 5, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Greg Smith wrote:

 Hi Robert,

 Thanks for the info. We should probably do this on the list so  
 others learn too if you don't mind. If you reply again, just add in  

 I edited the Joyride page ( 
  to point to the new Devel v35

 I just updated the activity bundle value by copying and pasting it  
 from the main activities page:

 and I updated the version value to 35.

 Try running the SW updater again and let me know if that fetches  
 the right one. If so, maybe we can close another bug!

 The policy on where the SW updater gets stuff is at:

 Can you try to fix Colors too if you know where the right one is  
 and how to edit its wiki page from those instructions?


 This could be an ongoing challenge if we have the SW updater coded  
 to use our wiki. Its a little complicated to figure out what  
 version you are using (e.g. Joyride, shipping, peru etc) then to  
 determine where the SW updater is  pulling from and then update the  
 right page.

 Its solvable but needs a lot of communication and takes some time.  
 I wonder if there is some semantic wiki solution here to change it  
 once and have it update everywhere

 Also, we still need a way to post older versions of activities when  
 they are not backward compatible (e.g. if develop 35 doesn't run on  
 656 or 708, we need to say that on the main page and post the one  
 (e.g. v25) that does run on older releases somewhere).

 If we edit the main activities page, to include some more fields in  
 the table will that be a problem for SW updater?


 If we can edit activities page safely do you feel up to making some  
 edits there... Maybe propose something on devel then we can approve  
 and execute. Let me know if what we are looking for there is not  

 BTW don't mean to give you all the hard problems, its just that   
 you do great work so I try you first :-)


 Greg S

 Regarding item 1. I came across  
 Develop doesn't launch (not a blocker) for which I provided a  
  I left the ticket as Diagnose because I did not know were to move  
 it to next as it did not seem to be a code problem but an  
 infrastructure problem.   Basically the wrong version of Develop  
 is being fetched by software upgrade for joyride activities group.  
 (Also there is a caveat for using it on old builds were a patch  
 has to be applied to the journal).  This is a low hanging bit of  
 fruit that could easily be fixed if I knew the correct process for  
 updating the file that gets fetched by software update.
 I have also noticed this problem with Colors! for the joyride  
 activities group were an old version is being fetched instead of  
 the latest.
 Late for work so will follow up later if you need more information..
 Robert H.
 On Sep 5, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Greg Smith wrote:
 Hi All,

 We write a weekly report for the OLPC management and employees.

 In order to keep the community involved, motivated and  
 Michael suggested we share it with this list.

 Its FYI but I'm open to help, comments or suggestions, as always.


 Greg S

 Status against last weeks goals:
 1 - Identify, triage and clarify 8.2 blocker bugs.
 GS - Done. Triaged all incoming bugs for 8.2. Helped get the 8.2  
 down to a manageable set of blocking bugs which must be fixed. See:
 As of this writing, there are only 9 left with the next action of
 Diagnose, Design or Code!

 2 - Update 8.2 release notes
 GS - Made some progress with review of update instructions. Added  
 to all open bugs in preparation for final review: 
 Also read and commented on the new manual which will be linked from
 release notes when ready.

 3 - Update 9.1 page with more requirements. Re-check that all  
 Peru input
 is in 9.1 page. Add Uruguay, Haiti, Rwanda, Birmingham and Mongolia
 GS - Done for Peru. Some Uruguay items in but not all. Not done  
 for the
 rest. Also started engagement with sugar list re: their 0.84  
 which maps
 to 9.1.

 4 - Prune outdated material off OLPC home page: