Re: [SailfishDevel] GPLv3 warning

2014-12-03 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Franck,

This is related to package inclusion to Mer. Mer requires packages to be non 
(L)GPLv3 because of some issues with this license. Since the Mer build-engine 
uses spectacle, that is used for packaging Mer packages too, there is a warning 

However, as you are developing your own app, just ignore the warning.


- Mail original -
De: Franck Routier (perso)
Envoyé: Mercredi 3 Décembre 2014 09:52:25
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] GPLv3 warning


Le 03/12/2014 07:18, Kimmo Lindholm a écrit :
 Just for that your yaml says:

 License: GPLv3
Yes, that's intended. Why a warning ? What's the problem ?

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Wrap data in Item to get notifiable properties ?

2014-12-02 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi François,

The best way to do this is to use QML ListModel. Instead of loading the 
properties in a JS object, you can load them as model properties (via 
Accessing the properties would be done via model:

DetailItem {
label: qsTr(MyProp)
value: model.myProp

If you don't want to use a ListModel, prefer using QtObject instead of Item. 
QtObject provides a non-graphical component to store properties, unlike Item 
that implies having a box (x, y, width, height, anchors etc.)


- Mail original -
De: François K.
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Mardi 2 Décembre 2014 10:31:46
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Wrap data in Item to get notifiable properties ?


I'm writing a small app for SailfishOS in JS + QML (I don't know C++ so please 
don't tell me to do this in C++).

I'm getting data from LocalStorage and hence get a Javascript Object with its 
own properties. Let's call it myObj.
Then I bind some field in a view to these properties :

DetailItem {
label: qsTr(MyProp)
value: myObj.myProp

Now, if I update myObj.myProp, the value of the DetailItem doesn't get updated.
For what I understand, this is normal because the properties of my Javascript 
Object (myObj) aren't notifiable and thus, QML doesn't know it has been updated.

To fix this, I wonder if it's OK to wrap my JS object into a QML Item. This 
would give me notifiables properties and would certainly allow me to get 
working bindings.

What do you think about this ? Is it OK ?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Best wishes,

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Refreshing pages

2014-12-01 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Franck,

What do you experience with this flow. Isn't the cardname the same in 
CardPage.qml and in your delegate ?


- Mail original -
De: Franck Routier (perso)
Envoyé: Lundi 1 Décembre 2014 16:56:56
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] Refreshing pages

well, in fact the cardPage itself is pushed from the mainPage with:

delegate: Card {
 id: myCard

 backImageSource: ico
 value: val
 name: cardname
 height: gridView.cellHeight-3
 fullSize: false

 onClicked: {
{appSettings: settings,
backImageSource: myCard.backImageSource,
backsLibrary: backsLibrary

So here is the flow:

MainPage - CardPage - AboutBackPage

Le 01/12/2014 16:40, a écrit :
 Hi Franck

 How do you push the cardPage ? How do you expect backname to change ?


 PS: Sorry for top-posting (my webmail don't give me any other option :()

 - Mail original -
 De: Franck Routier (perso)
 Envoyé: Lundi 1 Décembre 2014 16:27:10
 Objet: [SailfishDevel] Refreshing pages


 I have aproblem with a page that has a property I can't update.
 I'm using this page in a PullDownMenu, as this:

 Page {
   id: cardPage
   property string backname
   property CardBacksLibrary backsLibrary

   SilicaFlickable {
   Loader {
   id: pageLoader

   PullDownMenu {
   MenuItem {
   text: qsTr(About this card back...)
   onClicked: {
 {backname: backname, backsLibrary: backsLibrary})

 But once loaded, the backname property stays forever unchanged, while
 I'd like to change it each time the cardPage  is shown again.

 I know I'm missing some fundamental point about pages / objects
 lifecycle / etc, but any pointer would be welcome.

 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView vs Repeater

2014-10-10 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hello Olah,

I would not recommand using Repeater for long list views, as Repeater do not 
manage the items. As you have guessed, ListView destroys items that are out of 
the view, to save memory and have better performances.

In your case, the best way is to animate the removal only if the item is 
visible. This can be achieved quite easily:

1. create a signal inside the ListView (like doRemoval(int index)), and give it 
an id
2. inside each delegate, connect this signal to a method to perform animation 
and removal. Don't forget if the index sent by doRemoval matches the index of 
the delegate.
3. Send the signal when an item have to be removed, passing the index. If this 
item is out of the displayed items, nothing will happen, but if it is inside, 
the item will be removed.


- Mail original -
De: Krisztian Olah
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Vendredi 10 Octobre 2014 17:00:42
Objet: [SailfishDevel] ListView vs Repeater

Hi everyone, 

I need some help between choosing ListView or Repeater. 

I've got a SilicaListView whose elements I want to remove(only remove, never 
add) dynamically from GUI. When I have fairly a long list count(~25), reaching 
the element with ListView.contentItem.children[index] is not possible for the 
mid to end of the list, probably because ListView destroys items that are not 
visible. When that happens children[index] will not refer to the same element 
as model.index and therefore I cannot call remove() on the item. Using a 
Repeater would of course prevent this, but I don't think I can have a 
RemoveAnimation and I think I would have to reset the model. 

Is there another way that I didn't think of that would allow me to remove items 
from my model with animation and would allow me to have a list up to 1000 
members(in real use it will probably be under 100) long? 

Thanks in advance 
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Pause application on system events

2014-08-08 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Riccardo,

At the moment, you can use nemo-keepalive [1] to make your phone not to enter 
in deep sleep, as well as controlling the screen state etc (you can even make 
the phone's screen stay permanently on).

nemo-keepalive is not allowed in harbour, so you need to dynamically (rpath) or 
statically link it. Depending on the license of your app, you might chose the 
former or latter option.

As for incoming calls, I don't know how to handle this. Maybe it is handled 
automatically with pulseaudio ? 



- Mail original -
De: Riccardo Ferrazzo
Envoyé: Lundi 4 Août 2014 08:51:53
Objet: [SailfishDevel]  Pause application on system events

I'm writing a Metronome application just to get started with Sailfish.
I want the application to not to pause when the screens turns black or when it 
is minimized but to pause on incoming calls or alarms ringing.

At the moment i'm using this:

onApplicationActiveChanged: {
metronome._running = false;

But i want to be less restrictive. can someone give me any hint on how to 
acheive it?

Riccardo Ferrazzo
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Elevating process privileges?

2014-08-07 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Michal,

Depending on what you want to do, there are several ways. Using sudo or su 
might be quite clumsy, especially su, where you need to have the user entering 
the root password. sudo can be used if you add in /etc/sudoers.d/ and install 
sudo, that requires mer-tools repo to be enabled IIRC.

The best way to gain privileges is (in my opinion), to write a system daemon 
that will be invoked via DBus and runs as root. It do not mess with sudo etc, 
and works rather well for many cases. Example of code in


- Mail original -
De: Michał Radwański
Envoyé: Jeudi 7 Août 2014 09:41:19
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Elevating process privileges?

Hi all! 
Is Jolla user able to run processes that require root account? I mean something 
like 'nemo' is in `/etc/sudoers`. And if it is possible, how to gain privileges 
from C++? Is it like in Android, where I have to execute `su` command? 

Best regards, 

Michał Radwański a.k.a enedil 
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Platform icons

2014-08-04 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Kris,

The fastest way would be open a terminal and

cd /usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/icons

But I agree that an index in developers doc is welcomed.


- Mail original -
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Lundi 4 Août 2014 15:21:58
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Platform icons

Hi all, 
Is there a way to see a list/dictionary  of platform icons, such as 
image://theme/icon-[s/m/l]-iconname; Preferebly with the corresponding 
pictures, but a path in the OS will do just fine.

Ideally it could be available in the Sailfish reference under Theme object or 

Thanks in advance
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[SailfishDevel] [API] Ambience DBus API

2014-07-22 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hello list,

Following what has been decided during today's Sailfish OSS meeting, I would 
like to open a first discussion about internal API to be provided for 
developers to take advantages of all the capabilities of Sailfish OS.

One of the specific capabilities of Sailfish OS is the ambience system. It's a 
profile system that is extended to changing the whole phone (currently 
wallpaper + sounds). 

Accessing this feature is currently done via a QML module (Sailfish.Ambience), 
that is only usable from privileged applications. It can also be accessed via 
an userspace daemon, *ambienced*, that provides a DBus API accessible through 

This API is quite limited as it only allows setting an ambience from an image.

I can understand that allowing the QML module to be used might cause problems, 
either with API breakage, or with security, since the Ambience db is privileged 
for a reason. In the other hand, the DBus API is safer: an API change will only 
trigger a runtime error, and the API can be made to only leak minimal data for 
the developer. That's why I'm asking to extend this API to allow developers to 
take advantage of Ambiences.

I would like to discuss with you about the API the developers want to see for 
Ambience, and what sailors can provide. What I expect personally as a basis 
would be
- Setting an ambience (already existing)
- Getting the list of favourited ambiences (name + image path)

Some more advanced API can be welcomed too
- Getting a favourited ambience highlight colors
- Favouriting / unfavouriting an ambience

TJC post is here:
It is a wiki and will be used to log the final APIs when a concensus has been 
reached, to have a basic documentation for devs, and a todolist for sailors.

Feel free to elaborate on this topic, propose more APIs or detail those I 
proposed (the best would be to provide a DBus introspect XML file). You are 
also free to post a new thread on ML about other APIs you want to see from 


PS: link for today's meeting minutes:
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Is support for commercial apps a TABOO subject?

2014-07-18 Thread sfietkonstantin

I nemo-qml-plugin-configuration is not used to manage settings inside the 
Settings app, you need actually to put some QML files in specific subfolders 
(/usr/share/jolla-settings/something) of the system. However, you are not 
allowed to install files here.

I think that (for now), the settings should be defined inside your app.


PS: I think that the subject line is wrong.

- Mail original -
De: Marcin M.
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014 14:28:41
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] Is support for commercial apps a TABOO subject?

When the Harbor becomes open for paid apps, will we be permitted to use 
nemo-qml-plugin-configuration? Should we then put the apps' settings into the 
Settings app or should they be handed inside the app? 

-- Marcin 

2014-05-29 9:22 GMT+02:00 Giuliettasw  : 

Another cool thing could be possibility to have beta testing on end users (as 
for example steam does for games). 

Von meinem iPad gesendet 

Am 29.5.2014 um 2.32 schrieb Artem Marchenko : 

Hi there 

 In the mean time, you have time to get your apps ready, tested and polished. 
 let us know what additional APIs you need for your Harbour app so that by the 
 payments are available, your app is ready to sail. 

As for harbour-related APIs and functions, subscription-based and 
try-before-you-buy would have been very nice [for me at least] as IMHO they 
motivate developers for continuous app improvement. 

I'd love to have platform support for something like WhatsApp is doing: have 
free usage for a substantially long time (a month at least, maybe a year), and 
then something like $1 or even $0.1 per half a year. That would motivate for 
paying only for the actually useful apps (you tried app for a long time and 
still use it) and for continuing development (if app doesn't improve, user 
uninstalls and goes for another app). 

Sure, how to implement it technically without touching user privacy too much is 
a separate story (who will check whether user still has the app 
installed/running?). One option could be to encourage implementing this via 
in-app purchase of subscriptions (a'la iOS?) that could be verified completely 
on device without contacting the home base except for the act of purchase. 


On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Karl Granström  


We see the payment support in store as a really important part of our developer 
offering. We are currently working to support payments in our Jolla Store and 
Harbour but there are a lot of things for us to do. Our current target is to 
provide you the monetizing possibility durign the 2nd half of 2014. 

In the mean time, you have time to get your apps ready, tested and polished. 
Also, let us know what additional APIs you need for your Harbour app so that by 
the time payments are available, your app is ready to sail. 

Jolla Store team 

On 24 Apr 2014, at 14:34, Mohammed Hassan  

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 09:33:22AM +0200, tw_bolek wrote: 
 So my question is: is this some kind of taboo subject, or something of as 
 little importance that for over 4 months now no Jollan has said A WORD about 
 it despite numerous requests? 
 A couple of my friends already gave up after waiting so long for even just 
 any information, and I must say that I'm slowly losing hope, too. We all 
 understand and are aware of the enormous job Jolla has been doing, so we're 
 asking for just INFORMATION about the progress, even just if AT ALL there 
 are any plans to do it in a foreseeable future, and if so then knowing even 
 just as little as if it will take a month or half a year would be all we 
 There will be support for commercial apps and those will have copy 
 protection. This was 
 mentioned bt Rainisto long ago already. 
 I cannot give more info nor can I give an ETA for that though :/ 
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Artem Marchenko 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] How to properly hide and show UI elements?

2014-07-18 Thread sfietkonstantin
Add an opacity change from 1 to 0 inside your animation ?
Or add a SequentialAnimation with a PropertyChanges to set visible at false at 
end of animation. Don't forget to disable reversible property, and write the 
reverse animation too.

- Mail original -
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Vendredi 18 Juillet 2014 13:09:37
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] How to properly hide and show UI elements?

Visible = false is instant so it can't be animated. It won't look really nice 
without animation 

On 18.07.2014 12:42 Dmitriy Purgin wrote: 

so you try to hide a component by setting its height = 0? have you 
tried visible = false? 

2014-07-18 16:30 GMT+06:00 Marcin M. : 
 I'm want to display some elements only when needed. So I did it like this 
 (the components are inside a Column): 
 id: switchTextColor 
 text: qsTr(Override text color) 
 checked: settings.overrideTextColor 
 states: State 
 name: checked; when: switchTextColor.checked == true; 
 PropertyChanges { target: textColorButton; height: 
 transitions: Transition 
 from: *; to: checked; reversible: true 
 NumberAnimation { property: height; duration: 200; 
 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } 
 id: textColorButton 
 height: 0 
 And the ColorButton component is: 
 id: root 
 property string color: transparent 
 width: parent.width 
 id: colorIndicator 
 color: root.color 
 width: Theme.itemSizeSmall 
 height: Theme.itemSizeSmall 
 border.color: black 
 border.width: 5 
 id: button 
 text: Choose a color 
 var dialog = pageStack.push(Sailfish.Silica.ColorPickerDialog) 
 dialog.accepted.connect(function() { root.color = dialog.color 
 Instead of hiding, the textColorButton is at the top of the Page. If I check 
 switchTextColor, then it goes where it should be. If then I uncheck the 
 Switch, the component below goes up, but the textColorButton doesn't 
 disappear (screenshot)? 
 What am I doing wrong? 
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On 18.07.2014 12:42 Dmitriy Purgin wrote: 

so you try to hide a component by setting its height = 0? have you 
tried visible = false? 

2014-07-18 16:30 GMT+06:00 Marcin M. : 
 I'm want to display some elements only when needed. So I did it like this 
 (the components are inside a Column): 
 id: switchTextColor 
 text: qsTr(Override text color) 
 checked: settings.overrideTextColor 
 states: State 
 name: checked; when: switchTextColor.checked == true; 
 PropertyChanges { target: textColorButton; height: 
 transitions: Transition 
 from: *; to: checked; reversible: true 
 NumberAnimation { property: height; duration: 200; 
 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } 
 id: textColorButton 
 height: 0 
 And the ColorButton component is: 
 id: root 
 property string color: transparent 
 width: parent.width 
 id: colorIndicator 
 color: root.color 
 width: Theme.itemSizeSmall 
 height: Theme.itemSizeSmall 
 border.color: black 
 border.width: 5 
 id: button 
 text: Choose a color 
 var dialog = pageStack.push(Sailfish.Silica.ColorPickerDialog) 
 dialog.accepted.connect(function() { root.color = dialog.color 
 Instead of hiding, the textColorButton is at the top of the Page. If I check 
 switchTextColor, then it goes where it should be. If then I uncheck the 
 Switch, the component below goes up, but the textColorButton doesn't 
 disappear (screenshot)? 
 What am I doing wrong? 
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Error building buteo caldav plugin

2014-07-15 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi !

I see that you are trying to build this plugin with the SDK, but some packages 
(most ?) from NemoMobile are made to be buildable on OBS but not on SDK 
directly. You need to patch the spec file to have it buildable. Actually, the 
best way is even to write a yaml file (taking inspiration from the spec), and 
let the SDK generate a spec for you.


- Mail original -
De: Simon Brown
Envoyé: Mardi 15 Juillet 2014 15:30:52
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Error building buteo caldav plugin


I'm trying to build the buteo caldav sync plugin and the ide is just
giving me the qmake help message. 

The source is here:

and the last few lines of the build log before the qmake help are:
Building target platforms: armv7hl-meego-linux
Building for target armv7hl-meego-linux
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.DS53HQ
Usage: /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake [mode] [options] [files]

It looks like a problem with my sdk setup, any ideas?

P.S. as a system package I'm assuming it should build and the problem is
with my setup.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Pagestack problems

2014-07-10 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hello, looking a bit at your code, you are using a pagestack.push, meaning that 
you effectively adds another page to your pagestack.

For adding a new beer, I think that the best would be using a Dialog component.

- Mail original -
De: Chris Walker
Envoyé: Jeudi 10 Juillet 2014 15:53:10
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] Pagestack problems

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:45:28 +0600
Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:

 you do not need to reload page, so there wouldn't any navigation 
 problems at all :)

I'm afraid you have me thoroughly confused now.

Can you do me a favour and take a look at my code and let me know where
I'm going wrong and what I should be doing?

It's here -

The only change I've made since I uploaded that is to add #include
QQmlContext to beertent.cpp

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Why this error now?

2014-07-08 Thread sfietkonstantin
A wild guess:
When debugging, you have QML debug enabled, that causes including of QtQuick, 
that itself includes the QQmlContext header ?

- Mail original -
De: Chris Walker
Envoyé: Mardi 8 Juillet 2014 14:13:01
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Why this error now?

I'm trying to deploy my app to my phone and on the emulator it works -
in debug mode. But as soon as I switch to release mode, it keels over.

Here's the cpp code where it fails :-

#include QtQuick

#include QGuiApplication
#include QQuickView

#include sailfishapp.h
#include DatabaseManager.h

Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QScopedPointerQGuiApplication app(SailfishApp::application(argc,
argv)); QScopedPointerQQuickView view(SailfishApp::createView());

DatabaseManager* db = new DatabaseManager();

view-rootContext()-setContextProperty(db, db);



return app-exec();

The error is invalid use of incomplete type 'struct QQmlContext'

I can easily fix it by adding #include QQmlContext and it all then
works as expected but my query is this. Why does it work in debug mode
with no errors but fails in release mode?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] my letter on switching sides [non-technical]

2014-06-12 Thread sfietkonstantin
Thank you a lot for work done in SDK !
And good luck for the future :)

- Mail original -
De: Jarko Vihriala
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Mercredi 11 Juin 2014 20:25:50
Objet: [SailfishDevel] my letter on switching sides [non-technical]

Hello there! 

This is my announcement to Sailfish developer community that I'm switching 
sides. That's right, after next week I will be present in the community only as 
private person with no direct connection to Jolla Oy. If you did not read 
between the lines - I have resigned from my post as chief SDK Engineer in Jolla 
and my last working day is tomorrow, 12.6.2014. 

I recently got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at somewhere else and just 
could not resist to take it on, you'll find out about it soon enough. Making 
the decision to leave Jolla was not easy. 

What now? Actually the SDK team has received new members and they are already 
working on to get the next release out, so there should not be any stalling of 
the engine. The harbour ranks stay intact also, so the biggest difference is 
that you'll see someone else posting SDK announcement mails after this week is 
over. Traditional support channels (#sailfishos irc, devel mailing list and 
TJC) keep running just like before. 

I would like to thank you all in the community so far for such unforgettable 
journey. We have shown the world together what it means to be part of this 
tribe. Yes, there have been ups and downs but overall the atmosphere has been 
and is great. 

So there, I hate long goodbyes (like I told my colleagues yesterday) so - let's 
keep on rowing and keep those apps hitting the Jolla Store! 

with love, Jarko (jake9xx) 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla release plan for high-level features - update 8

2014-06-11 Thread sfietkonstantin
In a slightly more technical level, can we expect Qt 5.2 to land, or is this 
migration still uncertain ?
(Sorry for top post, web client etc.)

- Mail original -
De: Soumya Bijjal
Envoyé: Mercredi 11 Juin 2014 19:10:00
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Jolla release plan for high-level features - update  

Hi all,

We will release another update (update8) in July before we take a
break. ETA for the following update is end of August/beginning of
September. Here is a quick summary of what we have planned for update8:

* Ability to set synchronization schedule for different  accounts separately

* Support filtering file selection by file type and uploading multiple 
files in Browser

* Ability to define email signature per account

* Ability to define sender name per account

* Save unsent messages as drafts when messages app is pushed to background

* Add shortcuts to webpages in the launcher area

* Stroke entry for writing in Chinese

* Improved HTML email viewer

* Improved tutorial app for beginners

* Display each Android app in its own window in the home screen

* Search word auto-completion in the Store client

* Enhanced layout for Google and generic mail accounts settings

Changes to resource policy implementation in QtMultimedia
With update8,

1. QSoundEffect will behave  nicely with resource manager and doesn't 
need user to do the resource  policy integration themselves. Earlier, a 
bug in policy enforcement has allowed QSoundEffect to function even 
without acquiring resources.

2. QAudioOutput will have internal resource  policy implementation. This 
will conflict with possible external resource policy implementation.

3. Resource-enabled objects residing in same binary will share the 
resource connection,  thus allowing multiple objects to play along 
correctly. Previously multiple resource-enabled objects would conflict 
with themselves (a shortcoming of resource manager implementation).

There will be an additional mail outlining the changes in more detail.

Changes to RPM side-loading and packagekit authorization

With update8,

  1. “pkcon” will only work as privileged and root users (privileged =
setgid privileged nemo aka “devel-su --privileged”)

  2. “sdk-deploy-rpm” will be available in developer mode, and can be
used to install single RPMs (right now, this does not have any
confirmations, but we will add it later, so that the user knows
when packages are installed, and not silently installed in the background)
So if you had e.g. “pkcon install-local -y” kind of commands in your
“deploy from sdk to device” scripts, you have to change that to
“sdk-deploy-rpm”. If you are using the SDK (Qt Creator), it will
continue working as before (the SDK has been updated to make
use of the new command).

  3. Third party apps should just open the RPM file with
xdg-open/QDesktopServices::openUrl()/Qt.openUrlExternally(), which will
give the RPM to store-client and it shows a nice GUI for installing the
RPM (only when sideloading is enabled; this also works without developer
mode being enabled, therefore can be used by apps submitted to Harbour too)

  4. If for some reason your app really requires access to the full
PackageKit API, you can use the normal polkit
( mechanisms to allow
your app to access PackageKit (this might require installing additional
polkit config files alongside your application - this doesn't work for
Harbour apps, but will work for apps distributed through other means)
So if you had e.g. “pkcon install-local -y” kind of commands in your
“deploy from sdk to device” scripts, you have to change that to
“sdk-deploy-rpm”. If you are using the SDK (Qt Creator), it will
continue working as before (the SDK has been updated to make use of the
new command).


Disclaimer:  This is an intent of the release content  and not a
promise. We will do  our best to keep you informed on the  changes since 
the planning.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Recover WLAN password

2014-06-06 Thread sfietkonstantin
Hi Alex,

Try /var/lib/connman (and the subfolders).


- Mail original -
De: Goulagman
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Vendredi 6 Juin 2014 17:44:38
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Recover WLAN password


I'm working on an information retrieval / backup app and, despite all my 
efforts, I can't find where the WLAN keys are stored. I thought that they would 
be available through gconftool but I can't see them. 

Any hint? 


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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread sfietkonstantin
TMO is often the forum of choice for many developers (me included), to 
communicate with users.
TJC could have taken this role, but the flat hiearchy, and the focus on QA, it 
don't fit that much for a discussion (especially between users and devs).

- Mail original -
De: Ruediger Gad
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:16:34
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

On 05/26/2014 09:50 AM, Stefano Mosconi wrote:
 Should we invest our time into making a better rather
 than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?

Thanks for you answer, both Norbert and you. :)
Indeed, the time overhead to manage multiple platforms as well as the
points Nobert mentioned are important aspects and to be honest I have no
clue about weighting the real trade-offs.

With respect to the question what a forum has that the other platforms
don't have:
In a forum, e.g., I feel that I somehow get better contact to users of
my apps.
See, e.g., the SkippingStones work-in-progress thread as example:
I also enjoy to read some rather off-topic discussions like Look what I
drew on my phone once in a while (which I wouldn't like ending up in my
e-mail inbox btw.).
There were also other aspects that got mentioned throughout this
discussion that I found important.
Unfortunately, I am pretty much on the run at the moment so I cannot
repeat everything in detail.

Generally, I got quite accustomed to using a forum.
But then this is all about personal habits that one got used to.

Right now, I am primarily using the Sailfish OS etc. sections at as semi-official Sailfish OS/Jolla forum replacement.
So, in a sense, there is already something like a forum.
Maybe this is a viable approach that can be used in the meantime?



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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread sfietkonstantin
I went active on TMO while developing for SFOS. 
It's not even a habit but more about easiness to use.

Forum have a clear hiearchy (better than TJC), and a thread system (like in 
ML). It's focused on discussion (unlike TJC), and provides some useful tools 
(edit, formatting, thanks button; better than a ML). IMO it's the perfect mix 
for engaging discussions inside the users community, and between devs and users.

It might not work well to provide feedback to Jolla (TJC might do this better), 
and is less efficient than ML for devs to devs discussions.

So I appreciate to have the 3 tools available, and would love to see Jolla 
cooperate with TMO as a forum of choice for discussions. 

- Mail original -
De: Denis Zalevskiy
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:55:10
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

On Monday 26 May 2014 10:49:51 wrote:
 TMO is often the forum of choice for many developers (me included), to

maybe because you are using TMO for a long time and have a habbit to use it ? 
Also because many people who develop and developed for mobile linux also has 
the same habbit :) So, it is easier to find 'em there.

- denis

 communicate with users. TJC could have taken this role, but the flat
 hiearchy, and the focus on QA, it don't fit that much for a discussion
 (especially between users and devs).
 - Mail original -
 De: Ruediger Gad
 À: Sailfish OS Developers
 Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:16:34
 Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum
 On 05/26/2014 09:50 AM, Stefano Mosconi wrote:
  Should we invest our time into making a better rather
  than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?
 Thanks for you answer, both Norbert and you. :)
 Indeed, the time overhead to manage multiple platforms as well as the
 points Nobert mentioned are important aspects and to be honest I have no
 clue about weighting the real trade-offs.
 With respect to the question what a forum has that the other platforms
 don't have:
 In a forum, e.g., I feel that I somehow get better contact to users of
 my apps.
 See, e.g., the SkippingStones work-in-progress thread as example:
 I also enjoy to read some rather off-topic discussions like Look what I
 drew on my phone once in a while (which I wouldn't like ending up in my
 e-mail inbox btw.).
 There were also other aspects that got mentioned throughout this
 discussion that I found important.
 Unfortunately, I am pretty much on the run at the moment so I cannot
 repeat everything in detail.
 Generally, I got quite accustomed to using a forum.
 But then this is all about personal habits that one got used to.
 Right now, I am primarily using the Sailfish OS etc. sections at as semi-official Sailfish OS/Jolla forum replacement.
 So, in a sense, there is already something like a forum.
 Maybe this is a viable approach that can be used in the meantime?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread sfietkonstantin
Thanks for the lengthy discussion. Don't forget that the topic will also be 
discussed tomorrow during the weekly sailfish OS meeting 

Please come and discuss on actions to be taken :)


- Mail original -
De: Thomas Tanghus
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 17:59:07
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

On Monday 26 May 2014 10:18 Luca Donaggio wrote:
 +1 for keeping this ML and (eventually) improving TJC.
 Personally, TJC currently suffers of one big drawback, which is not even
 technical: it is perceived more as a generic issue-reporting /
 feature-requesting tool than anything else.
 Developer related questions have always been reported on this ML first, and
 later on TJC mainly when it resulted in a bug of some sort.
 I'm not against forums, I just can't afford following another on-line
 source, two is more than enough for my (limited I must admit) spare time :-)
Also a +1 from me. 
Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Screenshots in silica reference

2014-05-23 Thread sfietkonstantin
+2 it could be very welcomed.

And it could be nice to discuss Silica API docs for next SFOS meeting, what do 
you think ?
Will add it in the agenda.

- Mail original -
De: Gabriel Böhme
À: Sailfish OS Developers, Andrea Bernabei
Envoyé: Vendredi 23 Mai 2014 10:37:36
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] Screenshots in silica reference



Von meinem Nokia N9 gesendet 

Andrea Bernabei schrieb am 23.05.14 10:33: 

I agree, that'd be very convenient :) 

2014-05-23 7:21 GMT+02:00 Kimmo Lindholm  : 


I so would like to see screenshots in silica reference. 

Like there is on common pitfails -page. 

Lähetetty Jollastani 
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Screenshots in silica reference

2014-05-23 Thread sfietkonstantin
No, just ask Jolla to put some screenshots inside the documentation, to show 
components in action.

- Mail original -
De: Andrey Kozhevnikov
Envoyé: Vendredi 23 Mai 2014 11:13:30
Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] Screenshots in silica reference

like this?

23.05.2014 15:11, Luca Donaggio пишет: 

+1 for the screenshots 

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Kimmo Lindholm  


I so would like to see screenshots in silica reference. 

Like there is on common pitfails -page. 

Lähetetty Jollastani 
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Luca Donaggio 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] qt5 ?

2014-05-23 Thread sfietkonstantin
- Mail original -
Envoyé: Vendredi 23 Mai 2014 15:29:34
Objet: [SailfishDevel] qt5 ?

 Hi sorry if missed this previously on some announcement or mailing list,
 are there any plans / ETA to move the sailfishos SDK to qt version 5 ?

Hello ! Trying to not post with webmail client (not sure of the result)

The SDK uses Qt 4 to display Qt Creator, however you are already using Qt 
5 to develop. Indeed SailfishOS is based on Qt 5. So technically, SailfishOS
SDK is already on Qt 5.

 Also, do you know if QML on qt 5 is much different from the current one ?

Developing with QtQuick in Qt 5 should be quite close to Qt 4. However, you
won't be able to develop apps like on Symbian or the N9. The API used on
SailfishOS for their UI components is called Silica, and you have the 
documentation here:

 btw I love the phone and I love to develop on it, QML is very relaxing!
 I have a neo, my primary phone is an n900 from years,
 had a firefox os (cheap htc) but is currently, sadly, very flawled by 
 hardware and software problems
 and the jolla, I think, is the natural evolution of the neo and the n900.
 I loved it from the first moment, I'm very impressed by it, everything worked 
 out of the box,
 which for a techie power user is not to be taken for granted.
 Also, the battery duration is from another planet, I don't know how you did 
 it :)
 True that I don't use it with a sim card but it lasts ages!
 Btw number 2, sorry .. what about lte support ? :)

LTE support is coming with the next update, as stated in this mailing list

 I work with phones, as many of you I had dozens, from the first StarTac ones 
 The Jolla phone and Sailfish OS beats, destroys, pulverizes, hands down, 
 everything else I've used and  I use now.
 The usability (gestures) is genius, very quick and natural, and still power 
 And it is OPEN .. so fresh and inspiring!!
 Thanks and have a nice day, pls stop the drama!

Have a nice day !

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Next meeting on SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 13-May @ 10:00 UTC

2014-05-16 Thread sfietkonstantin
When will the next meeting be ?

- Mail original -
De: Carsten Munk
À: Sailfish OS Developers
Envoyé: Lundi 12 Mai 2014 12:32:26
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Next meeting on SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 
13-May @ 10:00 UTC


Sorry for taking so long with this. I've had a child baptisement this 
weekend so that ended up taking more AFK time than I had hoped for.

Thanks to everyone who've responded on

Date: 13 May 2014
Time: 10:00 UTC, for your local time:
Duration 90 minutes
Chair: Carsten Munk, Chief Research Engineer @ Jolla
Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC

Those without an IRC client can access it here:

This is more of a discussion session this time around.


* Introductions (5 min)
* Chum Sync (Basil/lbt/tbr)
* More closed source discussion (Carsten) - how can the community help
* Accepting graphical contributions by community

Carsten Munk
Chief Research Engineer @ Jolla
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla release plan for high-level features - update 6 / 7

2014-05-15 Thread sfietkonstantin
(Sorry for top-posting, webmail)

Thanks Somya for this summary !
I would also love to know if some developers would comment about the open-source
components to be impacted. Folders support work seems to be started, since 
pull requests have been done on lipstick library, but how about the other work 
might be done ? Anyone from Jolla can give us some hint ?


- Mail original -
De: Soumya Bijjal
Envoyé: Jeudi 15 Mai 2014 16:50:04
Objet: [SailfishDevel] Jolla release plan for high-level features - update  
6 / 7

Hi all,

As agreed in the community meeting on May 7, we will start sharing a
high level software release content plan after each iteration planning
day at Jolla. Based on the feedback received, we can re-visit the
agreement later and discuss how to make things better for all of us.

This reflects the current status. We are having a iteration planning
session soon where we hope to add more technical details on where we
intend to focus our efforts in software development.

We are currently mid way through iteration 4, in the implementation
phase for update7. In the meantime, we are finalising update 6 and here
is a glimpse of what to expect with this release:
  * 4G support for users in Finland, Hong Kong and Estonia

  * New events view sub-page for displaying Facebook notifications

  * File picker and real tabs support in browser

  * Personalise shortcuts on lockscreen pull-down menu

  * Support for additional Bluetooth profiles: PBAP and HID

  * Support for traditional and simplified Chinese Handwriting
Recognition in virtual keyboard

  * Quick access to Sailfish OS updates in Settings

For the next update (update 7), we have planned the following new additions:
* LTE enabled for everyone

* Folder support in app launcher area

* Google contacts 2-way sync

* Save unsent messages as drafts when messages app is pushed to background

* Option to clear browser history only

* Clean cookies from browser

* Do not track option under Browser settings

* Enable quick scrolling feature in Sailfish views

Disclaimer:  As discussed during the meeting, this is an intent of the
release content and not a promise. We will do  our best to keep you
informed on the changes since the planning.


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