Re: [Development] Changing qreal to a float

2012-02-20 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 20 February 2012 16:02:09 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> I also thought we had agreed that QRectF should be float on all
> platforms and we don't need double-precision geometric classes
> anyway.

I think we agreed on the former, but hopefully not on the latter. Many 
geometric classes, such as QLineF, have functions that are used 
outside rendering, so having double-precision classes are very useful 
to have.

Maybe add explicit QRectS and QRectD classes, and deprecate QRectF 
(same for QPointF, QLineF and friends)?

Christoph Feck
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating Girish Ramakrishnan for Approver status

2012-03-06 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 06 March 2012 19:52:42 Girish Ramakrishnan wrote:
> Most of my work predates the qt-project. I can review anything in
> graphicsview, itemviews, styles, widgets and gui/kernel.

Great! Having someone who also cares about style and widgets, even if 
it is not a complete maintainership, will be much appreciated by those 
who plan to submit patches for those rusty areas ;)

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Painting an image onto itself

2012-04-10 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 11 April 2012 00:52:33 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> The guarantees we give change how we can optimise this code. I'll
> be satisfied if we require that no single pixel is both source and
> destination.

I have seen code that do tiled fills by first blitting a source image 
(lets say 100x100 pixels) to pos (0, 0), then blitting rect 
(0,0,100,100) to (0,100,100,100), then (0,0,200,100) to 
(0,200,200,100) etc., effectively doubling the filled size with each 

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 missing features

2012-04-10 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 09 April 2012 20:02:49 BogDan wrote:
>  First and foremost congrats for Qt5 alpha release, it is great to
> see Qt moving forward.
> [...]
> IMHO both QML and classic widgets should use a single theme manager
> to draw the widgets, of course every single platform should be able
> to create its own implementation.
> [...]
> IMHO these features are too important to miss the opportunity to
> include them in Qt5.0.
> Kindly please consider to include these features in final Qt5.0, I
> don't know if it will be a second chance to include them without
> any compromise, without not worry about API/ABI compatibility.

I do not see a need to rush here.

Remember the Qt 4.0 release? It did not support SVG, had no CSS-like 
stylesheets for widgets, did not have any animation features besides 
QMovie (animated GIFs FTW), there was no QDBus, no audio support 
besides QSound, no nothing. Still, several years later, we have a 
rocking Qt 4.8, which is still API and ABI compatible to Qt 4.0.

Instead of rushing half-baked APIs, the 5.0 release should be a solid 
base from which new and well designed APIs can be launched. The less 
APIs are included into 5.0, the lower the frustation will be when it 
is later discovered that they are ill-designed.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 missing features

2012-04-11 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 11 April 2012 11:40:15 BogDan wrote:
> There is no QMenu::show, and this is the problem !:)

QMenu::show() calls QWidget::show(), which simply calls 
QWidget::setVisible(true). And this one is virtual, case closed ;)

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0

2012-05-04 Thread Christoph Feck
On Friday 04 May 2012 13:37:04 Samuel Rødal wrote:
> Hello,
> to be able to achieve smooth animations in QML 2, the animations
> should ideally use a fixed timestep, and not a timer which might
> have inaccuracies depending on the platform and won't give fully
> smooth results.

Does OpenGL 2 have API to drive animations by vertical blanking 
interrupts instead of using a timer? From my experience with movie 
players, you always get tearing or stuttering, if the frame rate of 
the display is not a 100% exact multiple of that of the animation or 
the video.

> In the context of this, and to avoid having values of 60 hard-coded
> (we have a couple of those in qtdeclarative/src/quick already), we
> really need to know the refresh rates of the screens we're
> rendering to. I've therefore added QScreen::refreshRate(), which
> gives the screen's vertical refresh rate, and thus can be used to
> run visual animations with a fixed timestep without the animation
> running faster or slower on different displays.
> The change is up for review at
> --
> Samuel
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0

2012-05-07 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 07 May 2012 15:03:29 Samuel Rødal wrote:
> On 05/04/2012 04:22 PM, ext Samuel Rødal wrote:
> > As for the open source drivers I don't know of any reliable way
> > of enabling vsync. There's the GLX_SGI_video_sync extension
> > which is supposed to give a uniform way to sync rendering
> > regardless of graphics driver, but when I've tried it I've
> > gotten the same tearing in a single location issue as described
> > above.
> Actually, I take that back, it seems at least Intel's Mesa DRI
> drivers do proper vsync by default, which is great news.

So the question is, if the API for driving animations should be based 
on QTimer and per-screen refresh interval values, or if there should 
be a special QScreenTimer or QAnimationTimer, which fires a signal 
whenever the vblank is received. It could fall back internally to an 
interval based QTimer, in case the platform's screen cannot handle the 
VBlank signal.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Move math3d from QtGui to QtCore

2012-07-05 Thread Christoph Feck
On Thursday 05 July 2012 14:08:45 Laszlo Papp wrote:
> Using eigen for managing some coordinates sounds utterly overkill.

Either you haven't looked at Eigen, or you haven't understood it.

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Color Profile support on Qt

2012-07-16 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 16 July 2012 17:42:45 wrote:
> (Sorry for top-posting, as-well)
> Great to see Qt soon supporting color profiles! I agree with Johan
> that color profile handling and conversion should be an opt-in
> feature.

I agree with the previous posters that any color correction should be 
in control of the application author. A single "convert to appropriate 
colors for screen/printer" call is nothing compared to the trouble of 
automatic conversions that cannot be undone, or only undone with loss 
of quality.

> Just a few questions:
> 1) Would Qt use (and ship) a color conversion library, or would the
> system library be used where available (e.g. on OSX and Windows)?

Regarding native platform support, we should work together with 
Oyranos developers. While their API is horrible (maybe because it is 
so non-Qt'ish), they have in-depth knowledge about the theory and the 
praxis of color management. Maybe with their expertise, we can create 
a nice API for application developers to interface the platforms.

> 2) Would the screen color profiles that are specified in the
> system screen settings automatically be used? 3) Sometimes, there
> are different profiles defined -one per screen (and printer)-.
> Would we have an additional parameter to specify the screen id?

Color correction opens another can of worms: Qt only supports 8 bit 
per component images, which was state of the art twenty years ago.

Having QImage support at least 16 bit per component would not only 
increase precision when doing conversions, but also allow it to load 
"modern" image formats, such as PNG, PBM, TIFF, EXR, JPEG-LS, 
JPEG-2000, etc. (I am not talking about pixmaps or rendering here, the 
final result may be displayed at 8 bit precision, but internally Qt 
needs more depth when it comes to correctly colored images).

Also, the new printing framework in Qt should use the new 
QtColorManagement module, so some coordination with experts would be 

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team

> I hope not to complicate things with my questions :)
> From:
> []
> on behalf of Dermenakis Alexandros (Nokia-MP/Oslo) Subject:
> [Development] Color Profile support on Qt
> Hi,
> I am working on adding support for color profiles on Qt 5. It is
> under discussion if the default behavior of QImage shall be:
> 1) converting from an embedded color profile to the screen color
> profile when loading an image OR
> 2) keep the loaded image in the source color space, until the
> programmer explicitly requests color conversion.
> Solution 1 : QImage(, QColorProfile = Preserve_Embedded)
> * Keeps the old Qt behavior (providing backwards compatibility
> without the need of tweaking the code)
> Solution 2 : QImage(, QColorProfile = Convert_To_Screen)
> * Fixes some "bugs" in applications that use QImage directly for
> visualizing images (i.e. okular) * Better for newly developed
> applications since color profile conversion takes place
> automatically Presently when an image is loaded it always gets
> interpreted as sRGB and no color conversion takes place.
> Thanks in advance!
> From:
> []
> on behalf of ext [] Sent:
> Monday, July 16, 2012 17:03
> To:; Dermenakis Alexandros
> (Nokia-MP/Oslo) Subject: Re: [Development] Color Profile support
> on Qt
> Sorry for top posting.
> Be aware that all usages of QImage goes not target the local
> screen. I.e. explicitly requesting a conversion seems to be the
> best option to me.
> Regards,
> Johan
> On 2012-07-16 16:31 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on adding support for color profiles on Qt 5. It is
> under discussion if the default behavior of QImage shall be:
> 1) converting from an embedded color profile to the screen color
> profile when loading an image OR
> 2) keep the loaded image in the source color space, until the
> programmer explicitly requests color conversion.
> Solution 1 : QImage(, QColorProfile = Preserve_Embedded)
> * Keeps the old Qt behavior (providing backwards compatibility
> without the need of tweaking the code)
> Solution 2 : QImage(, QColorProfile = Convert_To_Screen)
> * Fixes some "bugs" in applications that use 

Re: [Development] Removing Wacom support in Qt5

2012-09-05 Thread Christoph Feck
On Thursday 06 September 2012 00:53:37 Ariel Molina wrote:
> 5) Nobody cares about Wacom anyway

I do, every day. I reported bugs for Qt 4, until it worked correctly 
on a Tablet PC, and expect me to do the same for Qt 5.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] High-dpi Qt best practices

2012-10-09 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 09 October 2012 10:37:50 Sorvig Morten wrote:
> While preparing an upcoming blog entry I've collected some best
> practices regarding raster graphics (QImage and QPixmap). These
> apply to internal Qt development as well. The patch is still
> pending so they are open for discussion.

>From what I know, OS X applications do not use something similar to 
QLayout. Widgets are positioned in absolute pixel coordinates, so they 
cannot adapt to different font sizes. To make it less of a burden to 
port those applications, Apple decided to keep the metrics, and let 
the OS scale them to larger pixels.

To be honest, I do not like the idea to introduce the same artificial 
scaling factor to Qt. Our layout system already adapts to different 
text pixel sizes automatically. The added API looks complicated and I 
am irritated where I have to apply a scaling factor, and where not. 
Additionally, it is not clear, if I have to multiply with or divide by 
that factor.

Lets say I want to draw text to a high resolution pixmap. What should 
I be doing? Does fontMetrics.height() return physical pixels or 
artificial points? Do I have to multiply the font point size, or use 
the font size the user has configured unmodified? What if I place text 
besides a pixmap that has text rendered into it, i.e. how can I make 
sure they are equally sized? How does font.setPixelSize() work?

Can widgets be positioned exactly on high-DPI applications, not only 
in steps of 2 pixels (widget coordinates are integers)? This could 
introduce gaps, which can be visible even on high-DPI displays 
(imagine a white line between two black boxes).

What happens when I save() a pixmap to a file? Is the scaling factor 
kept in a way, so that loading it again results in pixel-identical 
resolution? Is the DPI reported by the file changed as well?

If I understand correctly, existing applications will automatically be 
upscaled by the Quartz compositor, so here we do (and cannot) change 

For new applications, that say they are aware of high-DPI displays, we 
want to address each pixel on the screen individually. To do this, the 
dimensions of pixmaps must be in pixels. How big they eventually 
appear physically on screen is controlled by the screen's DPI setting, 
which is also used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes. 
Applications that want to use units such as "cm", need to query the 
screen's DPI setting anyway.

What I would be doing is this: For applications that say they are 
high-DPI aware, simply return the screen's DPI, which could be 144 
dpi, or even 384 dpi. For other applications, return a legacy DPI 
(e.g. half the value, depending on what scaling factor the compositor 
uses for legacy applications).

QStyle has functions to return different icon sizes, and the values 
they return should be bigger for aware applications. If the graphics 
supplied is not large enough, Qt should automatically scale it (as far 
as I know, it refuses to do it in current versions).

To me this sounds much less work to adapt an application. What am I 

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QList

2017-05-25 Thread Christoph Feck

On 25.05.2017 13:53, André Somers wrote:

Op 25/05/2017 om 12:38 schreef Konstantin Tokarev:

Other problem, that IMO is more serious, is that Qt *requires* user to use 
by returning or taking it as and argument in various places. That's almost only
reason why I use QList in my code[*].

If Qt 6 APIs are changed from QList to QVector, lots of user code dealing with
this APIs will break, unless QList will become an alias of QVector.

[*] And, fwiw, almost only reason I use QString, but that's off-topic here

I think you bring up a good point there. Would not the best way out be
to fix exactly this problem? If these functions would not return a
container, but some type of view into such a container, that would leave
users free to choose the type of container they need for their job
instead of being forced into the direction Qt choose for its API. A view
might take the form of a pair of iterators, a range, or perhaps even
some specialized class that basicaly wraps a pair or iterators and that
provides convenience functions to/from the Qt containers.

If you only return a view to the container, then if the container is 
modified, the return value is no longer valid. Returning a full 
container (referenced, with copy-on-write semantics) will not have this 

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QList

2017-05-25 Thread Christoph Feck

On 25.05.2017 19:03, André Somers wrote:

On 25 May 2017, at 18:40, Christoph Feck  wrote:

On 25.05.2017 13:53, André Somers wrote:
Op 25/05/2017 om 12:38 schreef Konstantin Tokarev:

Other problem, that IMO is more serious, is that Qt *requires* user to use 
by returning or taking it as and argument in various places. That's almost only
reason why I use QList in my code[*].

If Qt 6 APIs are changed from QList to QVector, lots of user code dealing with
this APIs will break, unless QList will become an alias of QVector.

[*] And, fwiw, almost only reason I use QString, but that's off-topic here

I think you bring up a good point there. Would not the best way out be
to fix exactly this problem? If these functions would not return a
container, but some type of view into such a container, that would leave
users free to choose the type of container they need for their job
instead of being forced into the direction Qt choose for its API. A view
might take the form of a pair of iterators, a range, or perhaps even
some specialized class that basicaly wraps a pair or iterators and that
provides convenience functions to/from the Qt containers.

If you only return a view to the container, then if the container is modified, 
the return value is no longer valid. Returning a full container (referenced, 
with copy-on-write semantics) will not have this problem.

Sure, but do you always or even most of the time need that feature? If not, why 
always pay for it? And it would be easy to turn it into a container when 
needed, but then you can choose the most appropriate for your task instead of 
always getting a QList (now) or a QVector (Qt6?)

Indeed in most cases you really do not need this feature, but unless 
there will be a compile-time error, we will see subtle bugs/crashes 
introduced where that feature was relied upon.

I have seen many crashes in the big KDE code base from Qt3->Qt4 porting 
just because the code compiled fine (e.g. after mass-renaming class or 
method names), but semantics changed in subtle or unexpected ways.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [Interest] QT expert's help required for mentoring Linux Foundation GSoC project.

2017-06-30 Thread Christoph Feck

On 09.06.2017 17:17, Aveek Basu wrote:

This is Aveek from Linux Foundation. Currently myself and Till Kempeter,
are working as the org admins of the LF GSoC project. This year have
undertaken a project of developing the Common Print Dialog for Linux (
17-openprinting-projects). This project will for sure improve the user
experience on how we all print in Linux today.

The project involves development of the complex Common Print dialogs in QT.
We are badly in need of someone who has development experience in QT
upstream to guide our students. It will be of great help if someone from
the community could could show interest.

Is the aim to merge this printing dialog into Qt sources to replace the 
current Qt print dialog?

If yes, then the GSoC students should contact Qt developers at the Qt 
development mailing list, and discuss their plans. Unfortunately, the 
former QPrinter maintainer is busy with his paid job, so I see 
difficulties here.

If not, then I suggest that the GSoC students just post questions to the 
Qt interest mailing list, #qt IRC channel, or official Qt forum at

Please do not use any other Qt mailing list.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] How is Quick Controls 2 deployment meant to be ?

2017-07-08 Thread Christoph Feck

On 08.07.2017 13:24, Massimo Callegari via Development wrote:

2) Security ? There is none.
If you deploy an application using a TextField control with echoMode: 
TextInput.Password, one can easily add some trivial JavaScript code to the 
comfortably reachable QtQuick/Controls.2/TextField.qml file and somehow 
display/log a password.
In general, an end user can seriously mess up an application by changing a few 
text files.
I'm also wondering how Linux distributions can accept this. In my KDE Neon 
distro I've got /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/ full of QML files that I can 
edit and compromise my system.

If you have root access.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] How to get Qt_5.9.1_PRIVATE_API

2017-10-11 Thread Christoph Feck

On 11.10.2017 08:56, Martin Koller wrote:

on openSuse 42.2 I have a self-built 5.9.1 version and also the openSuse 5.9.1 
installed one.
For some reason (which is not important for my question) my application picks 
up the openSuse library
but fails with the error version `Qt_5.9.1_PRIVATE_API' not found (required by 

I just want to know how do I have to configure my self-built Qt so that the 
missing private_api symbol is included?

See patch 'tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch' at

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] A bug or not a bug, that's the question

2013-08-26 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 26 August 2013 13:53:38 Kurt Pattyn wrote:
> QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")
> codec->toUnicode(someUtf8StringContainingNonCharacters, …);
> When toUnicode is called with a string containing Unicode
> non-character codes, QTextCodec returns a conversion error.
> [...]
> But, non-character codes are valid in Unicode, and should be
> maintained as is; Unicode published a corrigendum clarifying the
> handling of non-characters:

What do you mean with "maintained as is"? The document you cite does 
not mention anything related to invalid UTF-8.

Since this is the Qt development list, please discuss code changes 
needed to clarify what you mean.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] A bug or not a bug, that's the question

2013-08-26 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 26 August 2013 14:39:50 Kurt Pattyn wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2013, at 14:26, Christoph Feck  
> > What do you mean with "maintained as is"? The document you cite
> > does not mention anything related to invalid UTF-8.
> Unicode strictly requires no loss of information when going between
> the different representations. Currently the QTextCodec class
> replaces the non-character codes with a replacement character.
> Because there was much confusion whether non-character codes were
> valid or not, the corrigendum was published. That document clearly
> states that they are valid for interchange.
> I did the test with UTF-8 encoded non-characters, and QTextCodec
> fails, so it is not unicode compliant.
> > Since this is the Qt development list, please discuss code
> > changes needed to clarify what you mean.
> I don't have any problem of solving this myself, but first I want
> to be sure if this is considered by the Qt developers as a bug,
> before I move on. I am quite new to this list, so I don't know
> whether this was intentional or not. For that, I don't need to
> point to code I think. Looking into the unit tests of QTextCodec,
> you can clearly see that non-characters are explicitly not allowed
> (so, the QTextCodec behaves as intended). So, was this
> intentional?

Sorry, I was misunderstanding you. I thought you were talking about 
invalid UTF-8.

I looked at the code, and it indeed has explicit handling for 
QChar::isNonCharacter, which should probably get removed.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?

2013-10-01 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 01 October 2013 21:20:29 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Since we decided to roll back support for exceptions in our
> container classes, the only thing that currently needs exception
> support is the mainloop allowing std::bad_alloc through.
> Is it worth it?
> Should we disable exceptions in QtCore?

If it allows us to get a backtrace actually showing where the 
unhandled exception was thrown (instead of saying it was caused by the 
Qt event loop), I am all for disabling exception support in QtCore.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?

2013-10-01 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 02 October 2013 00:41:56 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013 00:04:58, Christoph Feck 
> > On Tuesday 01 October 2013 21:20:29 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> > > Should we disable exceptions in QtCore?
> > 
> > If it allows us to get a backtrace actually showing where the
> > unhandled exception was thrown (instead of saying it was caused
> > by the Qt event loop), I am all for disabling exception support
> > in QtCore.
> In order to properly do that, we should remove all try/catch blocks
> in QtCore and replace with scoped pointers and scoped values. We
> should let the destructors handle the cleanup.

Sounds "a bit" more work than simply disabling exceptions, so might be 
something out of scope for 5.x.

> Turning exceptions off may or may not get you the backtrace. It may
> also get you a std::terminate or a crash.

A crash is fine, as long as I see the origin, or are you implying that 
those crashes would record no backtrace at all?

For example, shows the 
backtrace of a re-thrown exception, but unless there are reproducible 
steps, the report is useless, because the trace originates from the 
event loop. We have hundreds of those reports, and the hope to find a 
reporter who can follow linked gdb instructions is next to zero.

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)

2013-10-30 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 30 October 2013 11:36:12 Luka Vilar wrote:
> Hi all,
> using Qt 5.2 beta on Windows 7 x64, compiled with Visual Studio
> 2012 update 3 i am getting two annoying reports of memory leaks.
> First is from using ICU and not calling u_cleanup() API on module
> unload and the second is from QPrinterInfo::defaultPrinter() not
> cleaning up QPlatformPrinterSupport singleton.
> I know this is not high priority issue but still i would be nice to
> get rid of this annoyances, so when using leak detection tools
> developers would only get their own leaks.
> Best regards,
> Luka

Please use to report issues.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Color Management support in Qt 5?

2013-11-09 Thread Christoph Feck
On Saturday 09 November 2013 12:50:24 Olivier Goffart wrote:
> I think milestones could rather be:
> 1) QImage[Reader] converts automatically to linear color space, so
> that all QImage's are in the linear color space

Needs a 48 bit QImage. I remember a proposal to add support for larger 
bit depths was rejected, but cannot find the reference right now (to 
check how old the proposal was).

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enabling SSE2 by default on x86 builds (32-bit)

2013-11-10 Thread Christoph Feck
On Sunday 10 November 2013 08:19:03 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> [...]
> Here's what we're proposing:
> 1) in the Linux 32-bit packages generated by the Qt Project, we
> switch to generating SSE2 code by default and also ask GCC to use
> that instead of x87 for FPU operations (add to the command-line:
> -msse2 -mfpmath=sse).
> [...]

>From :
"There is also a new instruction to convert floating point values to 
integers without having to change the global rounding mode, thus 
avoiding costly pipeline stalls."

According to the SSE3 
set is available on all CPUs since 2005, so I suggest to go for SSE3 
(not SSSE3) as the default.

> Additional benefits of this change are:
>  a) all FP math done in Qt will be done using SSE instead of the
> slower x87 stack

Note that x87 math has higher precision, because it computes with 80 
bits internally before rounding final results, but I doubt it has any 
impact on the computations that Qt does.

>  b) the drawhelpers will be unconditionally enabled
>  c) the SSE2-based code for the Latin1 and UTF-8 codecs will be
> unconditionally enabled

I have seen crashes ending in Qt SSE2 helper functions, probably 
because they access more data than needed due to the SIMD nature of 
the instructions. This can cause access violations on page boundaries. 
Has the Qt SSE2 code been audited for avoiding these?

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Proposal to deprecate the amazing QApplication::globalStrut

2019-12-04 Thread Christoph Feck

On 12/04/19 12:56, Volker Hilsheimer wrote:


QApplication::globalStrut is a property that has outlived its purpose.

IIRC, then I added that in the early Qt 2 days, anticipating that with 
Qt/Embedded we might see our widgets landing on touch screens “any moment now”. 
The idea was to have a global setting that ensured that widgets and other 
interactables (such as menu items, list items, checkbox markers etc) are at 
least x,y pixels large.

Well, the world has moved on, and the value has never been consistely used in 
styles or widgets anyway.

I am not in the position to object code changes, but the Skulpture 
widget style fully respects the globalStrut for all widgets since many 

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Using SSE/NEON in Qt 6

2020-02-06 Thread Christoph Feck

On 02/06/20 12:45, Lars Knoll wrote:

As a side note: SSE 4.1 offers some nice additional instructions that would 
simplify some of the operations. Should we keep the minimum requirement for SSE 
at version 2, or can we raise it to 4.1?

I have a classroom-sized deployment of Intel Centrino Duo based
tablets which only support sse, see2, and pni (sse3), but not tni 
(ssse3) or any later additions.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] How bad QList really is

2020-04-28 Thread Christoph Feck

On 04/28/20 11:04, Kevin Kofler wrote:

QList and QVector should remain as they are in Qt 5.

But ... some developers are not able to understand the difference, so
we need to remove one class!!1!

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [HiDPI] Rethinking the scaling algorithm

2016-11-16 Thread Christoph Feck

On 16.11.2016 17:22, Niccolò Belli wrote:

Hi Morten,
I'm sorry, I missed your reply.

RoundPreferFloor   Round up for .75 and higher
RoundPreferFloor is the new default. Do you think this is sufficient?

qFloor would help for my monitor, of course.

Unfortunately the default (RoundPreferFloor) wouldn't be enough, because
my monitor is 282.42 PPI and 282.42/96=2.94
Also RoundPreferFloor would break the 4K 27" monitor previously
mentioned, because 161.18/96=1.6998

I thought about a better default: round up for ratios lesser than 2 but
always round down for ratios higher than 2.

Such a way the new formula will work for both categories of monitors: it
will basically keep the current algorithm but it will be a bit more
conservative when handling extreme scalings (>=3x).
The 4K 27" will get 2x scaling, the 13" 3200x1800 will get 2x scaling
and both a 13" and a 15" 4K monitors will get 3x scaling. It seems
perfect to me, especially if you plan to change the base DPI on a per-OS

There is no perfect solution except to make sure the user can configure 
the pixmap scale (as he can configure the font size).

I have Firefox set to 1.5 scaling on a 163 DPI display. Neither 1, nor 2 
looks good.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Calendar Systems proposal

2017-01-05 Thread Christoph Feck

On 05.01.2017 17:12, Edward Welbourne wrote:

Sérgio Martins very helpfully linked to KCalendarSystem - thank you.
One of the things we should clearly aim for is to make it easy for
KCalendarSystem to (when its developers care to and can find the time,
with no pressure to do so) adapt to use QCalendarSystem and the adapted
QDate.  TODO: I also need to find and talk to its maintainers.

Maintainer for KCalenderSystem was John Layt.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Printer-specific options in Qt5's print dialog (Linux, CUPS)

2017-01-31 Thread Christoph Feck

On 31.01.2017 09:55, Michael Weghorn wrote:

[...] The links about the plans for the Qt print system that
John provided in his email [1] give some kind of overview, but are
currently not enough for me to deduce the concrete next steps that need
to be taken for the implementation.

If you (or somebody else) can give more information on that, this is
certainly something we would be happy about and that we will examine
more closely.

According to John 
also did a big triage of reported issues in the printing system, which 
has a master bug at


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Binary Compatibility question (KDE)

2014-02-27 Thread Christoph Feck
On Thursday 27 February 2014 21:06:04 Tony Van Eerd wrote:
> Sorry, there is probably a KDE email list or something that I
> should post this to, but I know it is very closely related to Qt:
> On
> C%2B%2B there is:
> You cannot...
> - For existing functions of any type:
>   - add an overload (BC, but not SC: makes &func ambiguous), 
> overloads to already overloaded functions is ok (any use of &func
> already needed a cast).
> There is another issue - implicit casting. ie
> Foo.hpp // old
>   int foo(const char * ptr);
> MyCode.cpp
>   #include 
>   int x = foo(NULL);
> Foo.hpp // NEW (1)
>   int foo(const char * ptr);
>   int foo(Bar *);
> MyCode (same as above) now has SC break - "ambiguous function 
> Foo.hpp  // NEW(2) - WORSE
>   int foo(const char * ptr);
>   int foo(int);
> MyCode.cpp now still compiles, *but calls a different function!* - 
> foo(int), as NULL is 0 is an int, and that is a closer match that
> foo(const char *).
> Anyone care?  Where should I forward this email to?
> Thanks,
> Tony

You are right, but what is your actual question?

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] FTP in Qt5

2014-03-07 Thread Christoph Feck
On Friday 07 March 2014 12:05:09 Tom Isaacson wrote:
> I needed this functionality in our application so I've written a
> demo app to handle pausing and resuming HTTP and FTP downloads:
> We use Qt 4.8.2 so the FTP download is implemented with QFtp. We're
> intending to migrate to Qt5 later this year but since QFtp is
> deprecated in Qt5 this functionality isn't possible.

Is an option?

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
openSUSE Review Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Question about Qt's future

2014-04-21 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 21 April 2014 05:27:33 Joshua Kolden wrote:
> I’m curious why you are not interested in QML.
> [...]
> I see no reason to stay with Qt Widgets at all other than legacy
> application support.  So what is your concern?
> [...]

Not speaking for Michael, but let me add that C++ is much easier to 
debug compared to QML, if you get a crash. We have nearly hundred 
backtraces in the Plasma bug tracker that point back to crashes in 
QtDeclarative, without a single clue where the crash comes from. For 
examples see bugs 328234, 332131, 331060, 333621, 333532, 34, 
332995, or 332646 to cite only some fairly recent ones.

I am not blaming QML here, all those bugs are possibly caused by 
errors in Plasma itself, but the fact that you cannot see from the 
backtrace what caused the crash is a major concern for me.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
openSUSE Review Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Debugging crashes in QML / QtDeclarative [was: Question about Qt's future]

2014-04-24 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 22 April 2014 23:11:59 Kleint Friedemann wrote:
> Hi Christoph,
> > Christoph Feck wrote: Not speaking for Michael, but let me add
> > that C++ is much easier to debug compared to QML, if you get a
> > crash. We have nearly hundred backtraces in the Plasma bug
> > tracker that point back to crashes in QtDeclarative, without a
> > single clue where the crash comes from. For examples see bugs
> > 328234, 332131, 331060, 333621, 333532, 34, 332995, or
> > 332646 to cite only some fairly recent ones.
> Please take a look at
> and
> the related changes in Qt Creator 3.1 . When doing pure C++
> debugging, Qt Creator now has a context menu entry "Load QML
> frames" in the stack window. This basically checks the stack trace
> for a value of a  QV4::ExecutionContext *, tries to extract the
> JavaScript stack frames from it and displays those frames in
> addition to the C++ frames.

I wasn't aware it's actually possible to get QML backtraces. I filed 
an enhancement request for KDE's crash handler DrKonqi as KDE bug 
333816, citing your and Simon's reply.


Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
openSUSE Review Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] New company name for Qt part of Digia and unified web site

2014-09-16 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 16 September 2014 14:11:26 Knoll Lars wrote:
> In addition, we also now have a new company name for the Qt part of
> Digia. It’s simply ‘The Qt Company’.

How boring! But you can rename the company hundred times... For me, it 
will always be The Trolls™ ;)

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] The life of a file name and other possibly mal-encoded strings on non-Windows systems

2014-10-07 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 07 October 2014 23:19:23 Tony Van Eerd wrote:
> > The problem is serious enough, indeed, that Python 3 has resorted
> > to a hack where they use a private Unicode range to encode the
> > bytes between 128 and 255 in strings that fail normal decoding.
> > I think that putting this hack into QString is unthinkable, and
> > the concept of a platform string has to be taken with heads up
> > and in a manner that will make it useful, usable and
> > unobtrusive. I don't claim that it's a trivial task, but then
> > I'm not asking anyone else but myself to deal with it :)
> > 
> > Cheers, Kuba
> I think that hack should be given serious consideration.  Sure it
> is a hack, but it might still be the best solution.

We are using the same hack in KDE4Libs, but it relies on 
QFile::setDecodingFunction. Unfortunately, this function is no longer 
available in Qt5, so in a few years, we will see the same long 
discussion as in

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 subpixel rendering differs from Qt4

2014-11-10 Thread Christoph Feck
On Monday 10 November 2014 12:04:27 Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
> Have anyone noticed that Qt5 subpixel font rendering is different
> from Qt4?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Why can't QString use UTF-8 internally?

2015-02-11 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 11 February 2015 17:20:04 Guido Seifert wrote:
> Minor OT, but I am too curious... do you have an example?
> Are there really cases were turning lower case into upper case or
> vice versa changes the length of a string?

office (4 code points) -> OFFICE (7 code points)
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Why can't QString use UTF-8 internally?

2015-02-11 Thread Christoph Feck
On Wednesday 11 February 2015 17:23:51 Christoph Feck wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 February 2015 17:20:04 Guido Seifert wrote:
> > Minor OT, but I am too curious... do you have an example?
> > Are there really cases were turning lower case into upper case or
> > vice versa changes the length of a string?
> office (4 code points) -> OFFICE (7 code points)

Looks like I cannot count, but you get the idea.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QImage Support for Grayscale Images

2011-10-25 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 25 October 2011 18:18:19 Keith Gardner wrote:
> Is there a plan for adding grayscale support to QImage?  I know
> that there are enums in place in preparation for this capability. 
> I have also looked at the bug tracker and found pages of bugs
> requesting this feature.  I personally would like to see it
> implemented because I use grayscale textures in my apps and am
> also using a grayscale camera.  This one missing feature is
> forcing me to use FreeImage directly to do my load/save operations
> even though I want to use only use Qt data types.
> Thanks,
> Keith

QImage supports 8 bit grayscale images via QImage::Format_Indexed8. 
Depending on how you initialize the palette, you can have value 255 
mean black or white.

Rendering to 8 bit images is not supported, though.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] New feature to qstring | QString::toBool()

2011-10-26 Thread Christoph Feck
On Tuesday 25 October 2011 22:53:02 Frans Klaver wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 22:19:29 +0200, Antonis Tsiapaliokas
>  wrote:
> > Also, please read the comment from the John Brooks, which i think
> > that he isright. So what do you think?
> I would say he is right. He strongly hints at the possibility that
> bool is too context dependent. And I agree with that.
> This thing is tricky to tackle. QString was created to easily
> handle localization. Chances are you are going to not only
> interpret true/false, but also ja/(nee|nein|nej), oui/non, si/no
> and whatever may mean true or yes (or OK?) in whatever language.
> What if a language introduces a new word to mean true? You just
> don't have to handle natural language issues with doubles, floats
> and integers, which is why that can be done by QString hands down.

As far as I remember, POSIX locales offer strings or regexps for YES 
and NO, so it might be possible to add something to QLocale to access 
those strings.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Implementing small SVG 1.1 features (as opposed to SVG Tiny 1.2)

2021-10-13 Thread Christoph Feck

On 10/13/21 11:58, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development wrote:

On 13/10/2021 11:43, Albert Astals Cid via Development wrote:

Should we allow some small features outside of the declared SVG Tiny 1.2

I'm not against in principle (liberal in what you accept, etc.etc.), but
as you say, it's going to become a nightmare to document exactly what
it's supported or not.

It is simplest to not document any extra features. A Tiny conformant
renderer is not supposed to render Full features wrong on purpose; if
it renders those correctly, so be it. If it doesn't, nobody is to blame.

Development mailing list