Re: Keeping imports clean

2012-04-01 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 4/2/12, James Miller  wrote:
> So in short, it isn't relevant at all.

It is relevant to build times. Compare the build times of this:

import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.typetuple;
import std.typecons;
import std.traits;
import std.range;

void main() { }

With this:
void main() { }

$ timeit dmd test.d
Elapsed Time: 0:00:00.296

$ timeit dmd test.d
Elapsed Time: 0:00:00.031

That's not a lot of time wasted but it does affect compile times a
little bit. I wonder if DMD could be improved a bit in this regard.

Re: Keeping imports clean

2012-04-01 Thread Guillaume Chatelet
Thanks for the quick answer. Indeed it's by far less relevant 
than for C++ but a build tool still needs to figure out the 
dependencies. I know D is very fast to compile but you still want 
to keep compilation at a minimum. Wouldn't it matter for a very 
big project ?

Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread Tim Krimm

Oops, I think I had a "brain fart".

The compiler is written in C++, but the executable is DMD which 
compiles D code, which allows unit testing.

Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread Tim Krimm

I was not being critical of D development, I was just curious.

BTW - I am the guy that started the discussion on creating a 
subset of D called "D-" or "embedded D", i.e. D without garbage 

D for the low resource, 32 bit microcontroller world.

I guess I was just trying to put "my 2 cents" in the discussions.

Note 1: I am a D novice but I have been watching the language for 
several years.

NOTE 2: I have been showing my support of the effort by buying 
Andrei's book and Walter's C++ CD

Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread bearophile

James Miller:

and most people don't have the compiler
suddenly pull the rug from underneath them (unless they were 
relying on the buggy behaviour).

Relying on "buggy behavior" (or on deprecated features) is not 
rare. An example:

Fixing this will cause some problems, and the more we wait, the 
more problems it will cause (and this stuff _must_ be fixed):

There are several other similar examples. Like enforcing 
properties and requiring override, and generally using deprecated 
features like complex numbers. The more we wait now, the more 
pain will be felt later.

Walter now likes to design D features strict at first and then 
"loosen" them later, this has worked quite well (this has 
happened with inout and pure). But Walter has not applied this 
strategy since the beginning on "tags" as shown in issue 3934, 
that are managed in an very very sloppy way now, and will need to 
be tightened later to produce a decent enough language.


Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 12:02:56AM +0200, foobar wrote:
> Regarding DMD - Walter has a test suite for it for the same purpose.
> I don't know the specifics of it as I never looked at it and not even
> sure whether it's open source or not. The core devs would be able to
> provide more specifics.

The source code is right here:

It comes with an extensive set of unit tests, which can be run by
specifying the 'unittest' target for the makefile. The tests range from
sources that should be compilable, sources that should fail compilation,
sources that can be run, and win32-specific tests. I've run the tests
before; they do take quite some time to complete because they're quite

> Please note that while Walter writes in c++ he has a unique style of
> it - some claim it's very D like.



People walk. Computers run.

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread James Miller
On 1 April 2012 22:12, Davita  wrote:
> Well, that's what i'm talking about. D is such a wonderful language that it
> should scream on different forums and sites such as stackoverflow or
> codeproject, but instead it's very quite, passive. And I think this is due
> to the lack of quality development tools. :(
> None of the companies or organizations I know would never start development
> on DWT or QtD. Shouldn't D team address those issues? I mean, only
> enthusiasmic community can't do much here. I think a sponsor or some
> commercial interest is a must, or as I already mentioned above, to work with
> Nokia guys and bring D with QtCreator. Or maybe to work with MS and
> integrate D in VS and WinRT api. If one big organization starts using D,
> then more and more people will have trust in D and start using it. Otherwise
> I don't think the future of D will be as bright as it should :(

Please don't assume that all people using D want big IDEs and
toolchains, I'm perfectly happy with Vim + dmd, and I know several
people that work in similar ways (substitute Vim with another editor,
dmd with gdc, ldc2 or sdc).

As for the "D Team", there isn't really one. There's Walter, the
creator of the language and dmd, Andrei, a signficant contributor to
several key language features. There are several people that have
contributed heavily, Jonathon Davis,  Brad Roberts, David Simcha wrote
the Garbage collector, Steven Schveighoffer does a lot, and other that
I can't remember right now. But all of these people have day jobs.
Walter does... whatever he does, Andrei works for Facebook. So its not
like there's a dedicated team of people working hardcore on this, so
they focus on what is worth focusing on, like compiler bugs and broken
features (like AA's that H.S. Teoh is writing a replacement for).

So IDE's and gui support isn't something that the "D Team" is working
on, and it isn't what they should be working on. Other people should
work on IDE's and graphics libraries, and they are. Andrej is working
on wxD, somebody could pick up the QtD project and get that back up
and running, there's VisualD which gives Visual Studio D support and
MonoD which adds D support to MonoDevelop.

As for "working with other companies", what is the reason for these
people to do that? MS are focused on .NET and C#, they don't want to
promote and improve D, for free. There is a business aspect to all of
this, and D isn't a money making venture. It is pretty much a charity,
people donate their time and don't expect anything concrete back. But
businesses don't do charity, it's just not good sense.

I guess I'm just concerned that there are developers that think IDEs
and fancy toolchains are what makes a language, but it's the
requirement of an IDE that shows a language's flaws and faults.
Ideally you should be able to write code in a simple text editor
without much issue, and that is what you can do in D, because that is
what I do in D.
James Miller

Re: Keeping imports clean

2012-04-01 Thread James Miller
On 2 April 2012 10:12, Guillaume Chatelet  wrote:
> In C++ it clearly matters to have very clean dependencies to keep
> compilation time as low as possible ( Google even built a tool to check
> unused #include - ).
> So I was telling to myself it would be great to have the D compiler report
> about unused import because it might already have all the necessary
> information. But maybe such a tool already exists ? Or maybe this is simply
> irrelevant ?

D doesn't have includes, importing a module that you don't use doesn't
matter because D only needs the imports to find function declarations.
This is clear in the import syntax:

import std.random : uniform //import only uniform from the std.random module

so it is a symbolic import, not a textual import. Also note that while
D has .di ("D Interface") files, they are not required, and often
people don't even bother with them, merely distributing the source.

So in short, it isn't relevant at all, since there is no preprocessor
to f**k things up.

James Miller

Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread James Miller
On 2 April 2012 10:02, foobar  wrote:
> Or in other words you did regression testing.
> Regarding DMD - Walter has a test suite for it for the same purpose. I don't
> know the specifics of it as I never looked at it and not even sure whether
> it's open source or not. The core devs would be able to provide more
> specifics.
> Please note that while Walter writes in c++ he has a unique style of it -
> some claim it's very D like.

There are unit tests in D for almost all features and bug fixes.
Sometimes there is a regression, if it's found a test for it is added
when the fix is pushed, to make sure that it doesn't happen again. If
the tests don't compile, that's very bad and all the tests have to
pass before a release.

D's development is pretty solid, there are very, very, few breaking
changes that aren't explicit and most people don't have the compiler
suddenly pull the rug from underneath them (unless they were relying
on the buggy behaviour).

In general, the actual output of the compiler doesn't matter that
much, its the behaviour of the code that matters, so that is why the
tests are in D, it doesn't matter if the codegen changes, as long as
the software still functions the same. That is why we have several
thousand tests for the compiler that check various behaviours.

James Miller

Re: Keeping imports clean

2012-04-01 Thread q66

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 22:13:00 UTC, Guillaume Chatelet wrote:
In C++ it clearly matters to have very clean dependencies to 
keep compilation time as low as possible ( Google even built a 
tool to check unused #include - ).

So I was telling to myself it would be great to have the D 
compiler report about unused import because it might already 
have all the necessary information. But maybe such a tool 
already exists ? Or maybe this is simply irrelevant ?

in c++ it's text expansion, D imports are symbolic; it's not by 
far as relevant

Re: traits getProtection

2012-04-01 Thread James Miller
On 2 April 2012 06:27, Adam D. Ruppe  wrote:
> I've prepared a dmd pull request to add a new __trait:
> getProtection.
> It is meant to be used along with getMember() to add to
> the reflection capabilities, letting us use the existing
> protection qualifiers as strings.
> From the test:
> ==
> class Test {
>    public int a;
>    private int b;
>    export string c;
>    protected int d;
>    package void e() {}
> }
> void main() {
>    Test t;
>    static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, "a")) ==
> "public");
>    static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, "b")) ==
> "private");
>    static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, "c")) ==
> "export");
>    static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, "d")) ==
> "protected");
>    static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, "e")) ==
> "package");
> }
> ==
> This will help D automatically generate things like
> external interfaces that use the protections.
> For instance, I plan to use it in my web.d to only
> make functions marked "export" available via the
> web interface. Currently, you have to use a naming
> convention to hide functions - a leading underscore -
> even on private members. This is ok, but not great.
> But with the protection trait, we can mark it with
> a much more natural "private", or any of the other
> specifiers D has.
> I'm sure other uses will come up too.

Looks good, adds a lot to the compile-time reflection capabilities. My
thoughts for it are similar to yours, generating bindings from
"export"ed members, so you don't need to maintain separate lists or
use a naming convention.

James Miller

Re: Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread foobar

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 21:26:44 UTC, Tim Krimm wrote:

What is the process for developing the dmd compiler?

Years ago, when I worked on the IBM PLX/PLAS compiler, we had a
large collection of test case files.

We would create two executable versions of the compiler.
One executable was the "good" version and the other version was
the 'GOOD' version with the developers changes.

We would run a script.

  1) first compiler runs the test cases.
  2) second compiler runs the test cases.
  3) each compiler generated its own unique directory 

of results.
  4) the results can be compiler lists, assembly listings, 
  5) the two directory structures are compared with a 

  6) the developer looks through the compare program output
  7) if the differences make sense, the changes are added to
code base.

   helps reduce breakage of existing code when adding new

   can slow down development looking through a bunch of 


Our script was very complex, it allowed us to change compiler
settings and change what we wanted to compare and what was
generated by the compiler.
Also the compare utility had settings that allowed it to only 

out differences or differences with a couple of lines before and
after to help locate the cause of the differences. or the
developer could just go back and rerun the particular test case
if it needed further analysis.

Note:The dmd compiler is written in C++ not D, so you do not 

the luxury of builtin unit tests.

Or in other words you did regression testing.

Regarding DMD - Walter has a test suite for it for the same 
purpose. I don't know the specifics of it as I never looked at it 
and not even sure whether it's open source or not. The core devs 
would be able to provide more specifics.

Please note that while Walter writes in c++ he has a unique style 
of it - some claim it's very D like.

Compiler development

2012-04-01 Thread Tim Krimm

What is the process for developing the dmd compiler?

Years ago, when I worked on the IBM PLX/PLAS compiler, we had a
large collection of test case files.

We would create two executable versions of the compiler.
One executable was the "good" version and the other version was
the 'GOOD' version with the developers changes.

We would run a script.

  1) first compiler runs the test cases.
  2) second compiler runs the test cases.
  3) each compiler generated its own unique directory 

of results.
  4) the results can be compiler lists, assembly listings, etc
  5) the two directory structures are compared with a compare
  6) the developer looks through the compare program output
  7) if the differences make sense, the changes are added to
code base.

   helps reduce breakage of existing code when adding new

   can slow down development looking through a bunch of 


Our script was very complex, it allowed us to change compiler
settings and change what we wanted to compare and what was
generated by the compiler.
Also the compare utility had settings that allowed it to only put
out differences or differences with a couple of lines before and
after to help locate the cause of the differences. or the
developer could just go back and rerun the particular test case
if it needed further analysis.

Note:The dmd compiler is written in C++ not D, so you do not have
the luxury of builtin unit tests.

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread q66

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 20:32:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 1:12 PM, q66 wrote:
Cool. I'll try to get some other lib bindings up in the future 
as well. :)

That would be most appreciated.

I'm preparing my game engine for possible migration to D. Means I
need all the libs ready, they already are, some of them are
supplied by the Derelict project. But, there is this thing with
dynamic loading of libs at runtime. I need the possibility of
static linkage so having Deimos style bindings would surely be

I'm also binding Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
( to D, featuring low
level (plain) and high level bindings. It's a lot of separate
libraries, and E SVN has a special directory for bindings to
various languages, so I'm yet unsure whether to get it into
Deimos or to E SVN.

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/1/2012 1:12 PM, q66 wrote:

Cool. I'll try to get some other lib bindings up in the future as well. :)

That would be most appreciated.

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/1/2012 1:00 PM, q66 wrote:

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 19:34:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 11:35 AM, q66 wrote:

Figured so. I was asking because I ported ODE D bindings from Derelict 2 to
Derelict 3 and making it without comments would be basically just about some sed
processing. Anyway, I've been working on it in the meantime and finished it,
leaving the original comments intact, as well as complete ODE 0.12 API macros
and odemath inclusive: It's structured like
any other Deimos project.

I've added a Deimos project. Can you do a pull request to add it in?


and done. Thanks!

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread q66

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 20:09:40 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 1:00 PM, q66 wrote:

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 19:34:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 11:35 AM, q66 wrote:
Figured so. I was asking because I ported ODE D bindings 
from Derelict 2 to
Derelict 3 and making it without comments would be basically 
just about some sed
processing. Anyway, I've been working on it in the meantime 
and finished it,
leaving the original comments intact, as well as complete 
ODE 0.12 API macros
and odemath inclusive: 
It's structured like

any other Deimos project.

I've added a Deimos project. Can you do a pull request to add 
it in?


and done. Thanks!

Cool. I'll try to get some other lib bindings up in the future as 
well. :)

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread q66

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 19:34:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 11:35 AM, q66 wrote:
Figured so. I was asking because I ported ODE D bindings from 
Derelict 2 to
Derelict 3 and making it without comments would be basically 
just about some sed
processing. Anyway, I've been working on it in the meantime 
and finished it,
leaving the original comments intact, as well as complete ODE 
0.12 API macros
and odemath inclusive: It's 
structured like

any other Deimos project.

I've added a Deimos project. Can you do a pull request to add 
it in?


Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/1/2012 11:35 AM, q66 wrote:

Figured so. I was asking because I ported ODE D bindings from Derelict 2 to
Derelict 3 and making it without comments would be basically just about some sed
processing. Anyway, I've been working on it in the meantime and finished it,
leaving the original comments intact, as well as complete ODE 0.12 API macros
and odemath inclusive: It's structured like
any other Deimos project.

I've added a Deimos project. Can you do a pull request to add it in?

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread q66

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 18:32:05 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/1/2012 7:11 AM, q66 wrote:
I'm currently writing ODE plain C-D bindings and I have a 
question about
requirements for inclusion into Deimos; is it required to keep 
the original
documentation comments in the .d files? I see all Deimos 
projects include them,
but IMO they are not too useful, as they are already present 
in the C headers,

they just make it look ugly.

I'd like them so that someone can easily compare the D versions 
with the C versions. Leaving the comments in will make that 
comparison easier.

Figured so. I was asking because I ported ODE D bindings from 
Derelict 2 to Derelict 3 and making it without comments would be 
basically just about some sed processing. Anyway, I've been 
working on it in the meantime and finished it, leaving the 
original comments intact, as well as complete ODE 0.12 API macros 
and odemath inclusive: It's 
structured like any other Deimos project.

Re: Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/1/2012 7:11 AM, q66 wrote:

I'm currently writing ODE plain C-D bindings and I have a question about
requirements for inclusion into Deimos; is it required to keep the original
documentation comments in the .d files? I see all Deimos projects include them,
but IMO they are not too useful, as they are already present in the C headers,
they just make it look ugly.

I'd like them so that someone can easily compare the D versions with the C 
versions. Leaving the comments in will make that comparison easier.

Re: traits getProtection

2012-04-01 Thread Adam D. Ruppe


traits getProtection

2012-04-01 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

I've prepared a dmd pull request to add a new __trait:

It is meant to be used along with getMember() to add to
the reflection capabilities, letting us use the existing
protection qualifiers as strings.

From the test:
class Test {
public int a;
private int b;
export string c;
protected int d;
package void e() {}

void main() {
Test t;
static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, 
"a")) == "public");
static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, 
"b")) == "private");
static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, 
"c")) == "export");
static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, 
"d")) == "protected");
static assert(__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, t, 
"e")) == "package");


This will help D automatically generate things like
external interfaces that use the protections.

For instance, I plan to use it in my web.d to only
make functions marked "export" available via the
web interface. Currently, you have to use a naming
convention to hide functions - a leading underscore -
even on private members. This is ok, but not great.

But with the protection trait, we can mark it with
a much more natural "private", or any of the other
specifiers D has.

I'm sure other uses will come up too.

Re: Creating a shared library in D : undefined symbol: _deh_beg

2012-04-01 Thread Timo Westkämper

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 13:16:50 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-03-31 22:13, "Timo Westkämper" 
" wrote:
I just created a shared library in D using DMD in Ubuntu and 
run into

the following error when trying to use it

undefined symbol: _deh_beg

I found this old thread where it is suggested to create a 
dummy main

method :

I did that and it fixed the error, but it doesn't seem quite 

My DMD call looks like this

dmd -shared -fPIC  -I../src

As far as I know the runtime is not ready for shared libraries 

I will try something like this

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread Mike Parker

On 4/1/2012 7:12 PM, Davita wrote:

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 07:53:37 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/1/12, dsimcha  wrote:

I think QtD is now usable since the relevant compiler bugs were
ironed out.

I doubt that it even compiles. The last update was almost a year ago,
and I've had access violations with D2 back then.

Well, that's what i'm talking about. D is such a wonderful language that
it should scream on different forums and sites such as stackoverflow or
codeproject, but instead it's very quite, passive. And I think this is
due to the lack of quality development tools. :(
None of the companies or organizations I know would never start
development on DWT or QtD. Shouldn't D team address those issues? I
mean, only enthusiasmic community can't do much here. I think a sponsor
or some commercial interest is a must, or as I already mentioned above,
to work with Nokia guys and bring D with QtCreator. Or maybe to work
with MS and integrate D in VS and WinRT api. If one big organization
starts using D, then more and more people will have trust in D and start
using it. Otherwise I don't think the future of D will be as bright as
it should :(

The core D "team" already have enough on their plates in developing the 
DMD compiler, DRuntime, and Phobos. There's just not enough manpower 
there to go off on tangents, however beneficial they may be. It's a 
matter of priorities. For the time being, that sort of thing has to be 
community-driven. The situation now is a far sight better than it used 
to be.

Eventually, the tool chain will be there and those who can't live 
without all of the frilly bells and whistles will be satisfied. Until 
that time, those of us who *can* live without all of that can use D 
quite happily. And the more of us who do, the closer we get to Nirvana. 
Baby steps and all that.

Deimos - ODE bindings

2012-04-01 Thread q66
I'm currently writing ODE plain C-D bindings and I have a 
question about requirements for inclusion into Deimos; is it 
required to keep the original documentation comments in the .d 
files? I see all Deimos projects include them, but IMO they are 
not too useful, as they are already present in the C headers, 
they just make it look ugly.


Re: Breaking backwards compatiblity

2012-04-01 Thread Boris Wang
the ABI of linux is good enough,  it's based on a mature os : UNIX.

forget the name of D, name is not important.

There is no need for a replacement for c in OS area, because c is the best
high level language match current CPU architecture
Why c++ is so complexity? because the cpu architecture is not object

energy save, high performance, develop effective, in the area focus on
these, is the market for D : "Half" system program language.
and the big point for growth, can call c/c++ binary from D source.

sorry about digressing from the subject.

2012/3/10 Walter Bright 

> On 3/9/2012 3:09 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> Keep in mind, too, that Linux has decades of legacy and millions of users.
>> That's a *very* different situation from Phobos. Apples and oranges.
> Linux has had a habit of not breaking existing code from decades ago. I
> think that is one reason why it has millions of users.
> Remember, every time you break existing code you reset your user base back
> to zero.
> I'm *still* regularly annoyed by the writefln => writeln change in D1 to
> D2, and I agreed to that change. G.

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-04-01 00:13, dsimcha wrote:

On 3/31/2012 4:23 PM, Davita wrote:

3) Crypto libs for hashing and with asymmetric algorithm implementations.

You would probably be best off linking to a C library for this. The
headers are in Deimos.

Tango has some kind of support for cryptography.

5) networking libs with several main protocol implementations such as
Http, FTP and SMTP. was just added to the latest Phobos release.

Tango also have some net related modules.

6) and of course, RAD styled IDE.

Visual D might do what you want.

You could also have a look at the Eclipse plugin DDT:

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Creating a shared library in D : undefined symbol: _deh_beg

2012-04-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-03-31 22:13, "Timo Westkämper" " wrote:

I just created a shared library in D using DMD in Ubuntu and run into
the following error when trying to use it

undefined symbol: _deh_beg

I found this old thread where it is suggested to create a dummy main
method :

I did that and it fixed the error, but it doesn't seem quite right.

My DMD call looks like this

dmd -shared -fPIC  -I../src

As far as I know the runtime is not ready for shared libraries yet.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread Gour
On Sun, 01 Apr 2012 12:12:43 +0200
"Davita"  wrote:

> Well, that's what i'm talking about. D is such a wonderful 
> language that it should scream on different forums and sites such 
> as stackoverflow or codeproject, but instead it's very quite, 
> passive. And I think this is due to the lack of quality 
> development tools. :(

Well, Andrej is heavily working on new wxD...that's definitely something
for C++, although not necessarily, Qt developer. ;)


There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the 
fruits of action. One who understands this truth about Me also 
does not become entangled in the fruitive reactions of work. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread Davita

On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 07:53:37 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/1/12, dsimcha  wrote:
I think QtD is now usable since the relevant compiler bugs 
were ironed out.

I doubt that it even compiles. The last update was almost a 
year ago,

and I've had access violations with D2 back then.

Well, that's what i'm talking about. D is such a wonderful 
language that it should scream on different forums and sites such 
as stackoverflow or codeproject, but instead it's very quite, 
passive. And I think this is due to the lack of quality 
development tools. :(
None of the companies or organizations I know would never start 
development on DWT or QtD. Shouldn't D team address those issues? 
I mean, only enthusiasmic community can't do much here. I think a 
sponsor or some commercial interest is a must, or as I already 
mentioned above, to work with Nokia guys and bring D with 
QtCreator. Or maybe to work with MS and integrate D in VS and 
WinRT api. If one big organization starts using D, then more and 
more people will have trust in D and start using it. Otherwise I 
don't think the future of D will be as bright as it should :(

Re: Creating a shared library in D : undefined symbol: _deh_beg

2012-04-01 Thread mta`chrono
The compiler is able to generater position independant code but as far
as I remember, there are still some issues in druntime which make it
difficult to create dynamic librarys in D. You need to somehow
initialize the runtime.

Re: D for a Qt developer

2012-04-01 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 4/1/12, dsimcha  wrote:
> I think QtD is now usable since the relevant compiler bugs were ironed out.

I doubt that it even compiles. The last update was almost a year ago,
and I've had access violations with D2 back then.