VBScript helper

2012-04-08 Thread Denis Shelomovskij
MS Windows is shipped with Windows Script Host (WSH), for every single 
malware developer to be able to do everything once he finally forced you 
to double-click on a small text file.

Now WSH works for D developer too by providing easy (but not very fast) 
access to system information (yes, and COM objects). See example in docs.

For now it only reads objects from VBScript. Writing data back and 
calling functions on VBScript objects can be added if someone really 
needs it (just contact me).

Sources: https://bitbucket.org/denis_sh/misc/src/tip/vbscripthelper.d
Docs: http://deoma-cmd.ru/d/docs/misc/vbscripthelper.html

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: unzip parallel, 3x faster than 7zip

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sat, 07 Apr 2012 21:45:04 +0200
schrieb Jay Norwood j...@prismnet.com:

 So ... it looks like the defrag helps, as the 109 sec values are 
 at the low end of the range I've seen previously.  Still it is 
 totally surprising to me that deleting files should take longer 
 than creating the same files.

Maybe the kernel caches writes, but synchronizes deletes? (So the seek times 
become apparent there, and not in the writes)
Also check the file creation flags, maybe you can hint Windows to the final 
file size and they wont be fragmented?

Re: unzip parallel, 3x faster than 7zip

2012-04-08 Thread Jay Norwood

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 13:55:21 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Maybe the kernel caches writes, but synchronizes deletes? (So 
the seek times become apparent there, and not in the writes)
Also check the file creation flags, maybe you can hint Windows 
to the final file size and they wont be fragmented?

My understanding is that a delete operation occurs after all the 
file handles associated with a file are closed, assuming there 
other handles were opened with file_share_delete.  I believe 
otherwise you get an error from the attempt to delete.

I'm doing some experiments with myFrag sortByName() and it 
indicates to me that there will be huge improvments in delete 
efficiency available on a hard drive if you can figure out some 
way to get the os to arrange the files and directories in LCNs in 
that byName order.  Below are the delete time from win7 rmdir on 
the same 2GB folder with and without defrag using myFrag 

This is win7 rmdir following  myFrag sortByName() defrag ... less 
than 7 seconds

G:\cmd /v:on /c echo !TIME!  rmdir /q /s tz  echo !TIME!

This is the same rmdir without defrag of the folder.  2 minutes 
14 secs.

G:\cmd /v:on /c echo !TIME!  rmdir /q /s tz  echo !TIME!

This is all on win7 ntfs, and I have no idea if similar gains are 
available for linux.

So, yes,  whatever tricks you can play with the win api in order 
to get it to organize the unzipped archive into this particular 
order is going to make huge improvements in the speed of delete.

Re: DMagick image processing with D.

2012-04-08 Thread nrgyzer
Thanks for DMagick... works great, except toBlob(). When I try the following:

Image example = new Image(Geometry(100, 100), new ColorRGB(0, 255, 0));

I get an access violation. Do I anything wrong or is it a bug? (I'm using 
6.7.6, DMD64 and CentOS)

Re: I'll be in Seattle at Lang.NEXT

2012-04-08 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

 Slides are online:

Putting the slides online before the talk is a very good idea, thank you.

Page 31: the title of this slide is D array = pointer + length, but the image 
shows two pointers inside the array struct/fat pointer. Walter has said several 
times his desire to replace the pointer + length with two pointers. Are those 
desires going to produce a change?
And even if this is a bit OT: why aren't D array fat references composed by 3 
fields: pointer + length + capacity? I think Go slices are like this.

Page 34, Convenient: I don't know how well DMD will optimize this code, but 
it's one of the simplest to read array-twiddling palindrome functions I've seen.
But probably I write:
Instead of:

Page 36, Palindrome generalized: unfortunately D doesn't map syntaxes like 
a[1..$-1] to range functions :-)

Page 51: An horizontal line needs to be at 1.0 too. But I prefer a graph that 
shows run-time seconds.

Very nice slides pack.

Re: I'll be in Seattle at Lang.NEXT

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 11:31 AM, bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Slides are online:

Putting the slides online before the talk is a very good idea, thank

Page 31: the title of this slide is D array = pointer + length, but
the image shows two pointers inside the array struct/fat pointer.

I mention during the talk that the concept is the same regardless of 
that representation detail.


code to get LCN from filename

2012-04-08 Thread Jay Norwood
I hacked up one of the file.d functions to create a function that 
returns the first Logical Cluster Number for a regular file.  
I've tested it on the 2GB layout that has been defragged with the 
myDefrag sortByName() operation, and it works as expected.  
Values of 0 mean the file was small enough to fit in the MFT.  
The LCN numbers would be a good thing to sort by before doing 
accesses on entries coming from any large directory operations 
... for example zip, copy, delete of directories.

enum {
uint CTL_CODE(uint t, uint f, uint m, uint a) {
return (t  16) | (a  14) | (f  2) | m;


extern (Windows) int DeviceIoControl(void *, uint, void *, uint, 
void *, uint, uint *, _OVERLAPPED *);

from WinIoCtl.h in SDK

ulong getStartLCN (in char[] name)
int[] buffer = [ 0 ];
alias TypeTuple!(GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, null, 

auto h = useWfuncs
? CreateFileW(std.utf.toUTF16z(name), defaults)
: CreateFileA(toMBSz(name), defaults);

cenforce(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, name);
scope(exit) cenforce(CloseHandle(h), name);

alias long LARGE_INTEGER ;
inputVcn.StartingVcn = 0;

struct RPExtents{
DWORD ExtentCount;
RPExtents rpExtents[1];

DWORD numBytes;

//expect only a partial return of one rpExtent
cast(void*)inputVcn, inputVcn.sizeof,
cast(void*)rpBuf, rpBuf.sizeof,
 numBytes, null

return cast(ulong)rpBuf.rpExtents[0].Lcn;
else version(Posix)
return 0; // not implemented

Re: Modern COM Programming in D

2012-04-08 Thread Sam Hu

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 14:10:32 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 07:49:28 UTC, Sam Hu wrote:

Sorry the link http://dpxml-lio/d is unreachable from my side
(maybe someone blocked it :P).Could you please provide an
alternative place for download?



Most of his code isn't available as it was kind of under
Microsoft. However I revived Juno for D2 awhile ago (still need
to play with it myself). Juno provides some nice tools and API.



Thanks for the reply.Yes,Juno is great,I use it since D1.


Re: custom attribute proposal (yeah, another one)

2012-04-08 Thread foobar

After reading the thread my vote goes to the struct proposal.
The two approaches functions vs. structs are functionally 
equivalent but conceptually structs are preferable. Attributes 
are meta _data_ which is conceptually associated with types 
whereas functions are conceptually associated with behaviour.  
simply put - structs are the more intuitive choice.
There are valid concerns raised about the implementation - code 
bloat, struct default ctor, etc. those are implementation 
concerns that should be handled in the compiler and not in the 
language design.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Daniel Murphy
Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org wrote in message 
 Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization in 
 string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

 On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first byte 
 as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars need no 
 memory allocation at all.

 It turns out statistically a lot of strings are small. According to a 
 variety of systems we use at Facebook, the small buffer optimization is 
 king - it just works great in all cases. In D that means better speed, 
 better locality, and less garbage.

This sounds like it would be a great addition to phobos.

 For this to happen, we need to start an effort of migrating built-in 
 arrays into runtime, essentially making them templates that the compiler 
 lowers to.

- This has been a disaster for AAs
- Is it worth doing for 32 bit?
- Would generate false pointers
- Run-time check on every array access?
- Why should this be in the language/compiler instead of phobos?

April 1st was last week!! 

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Sean Kelly
On Apr 7, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Walter Bright newshou...@digitalmars.com wrote:

 Of course, many of us have been thinking about this for a looong time, and 
 what is the best way to go about it. The usual technique is for the compiler 
 to emit some sort of table for each TypeInfo giving the layout of the object, 
 i.e. where the pointers are.
 The general problem with these is the table is non-trivial, as it will 
 require things like iterated data blocks, etc. It has to be compressed to 
 save space, and the gc then has to execute a fair amount of code to decode it.
 It also requires some significant work on the compiler end, leading of course 
 to complexity, rigidity, development bottlenecks, and the usual bugs.
 An alternative Andrei and I have been talking about is to put in the TypeInfo 
 a pointer to a function. That function will contain customized code to mark 
 the pointers in an instance of that type. That custom code will be generated 
 by a template defined by the library. All the compiler has to do is stupidly 
 instantiate the template for the type, and insert an address to the generated 
 The compiler need know NOTHING about how the marking works.
 Even better, as ctRegex has demonstrated, the custom generated code can be 
 very, very fast compared with a runtime table-driven approach. (The slow part 
 will be calling the function indirectly.)
 And best of all, the design is pushed out of the compiler into the library, 
 so various schemes can be tried out without needing compiler work.
 I think this is an exciting idea, it will enable us to get a precise gc by 
 enabling people to work on it in parallel rather than serially waiting for me.

With __traits and such, I kind of always figured we'd go this way. There's 
simply no reason to have the compiler generate a map. Glad to see it's working 

Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev
On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:41:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
3) benchmark_relative_file read should be replaced with a 
construct. E.g. a function call like relativeBenchmark(file 
read), or

an enum value like getopt's.

No can do. Need a function name-based convention so we can 
automate scheduleForBenchmarking.

Hmm, maybe there's a misunderstanding, but what I meant was:

The benchmark_relative_ prefix makes sense for function names 
(for scheduleForBenchmarking), but not so much for string 
literals for benchmark names. The string literal 
benchmark_relative_file read looks like the words benchmark 
relative file are grouped together, with read added on. So, my 
suggestion would be to wrap the benchmark_relative_ prefix - 
when used with benchmark name strings - into a semantical 
function / enum / etc. In my example above, relativeBenchmark 
would be:

string relativeBenchmark(string s) { return benchmark_relative_ 
~ s; }

I suppose it can be summed up as a tradeoff between complexity 
(you need to explain both the function name usage and the 
relativeBenchmark wrapper usage) vs. code prettiness.

Re: Custom attributes (again)

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
I don't want this thread to disappear. The ideas presented here have common 
basic features among the nice-to-haves.

1. Attributes add meta data baggage to a symbol
2. This meta data is thought of as a read-only hash (has, get, iterate)
3. Can be queried at compile-time
4. The syntax is concise (i.e. improves over implementing attributes 'manually' 
with mixins)

Now the compiler has solved things (what is a symbol, an AST, ...) in one 
specific way and to keep it stable and the amount of work within bounds, any 
implementation details of attributes that make invasive changes necessary 
should be postponed. I don't know the compiler, so it is just my gut feeling 
when I say that annotating local variables could be a refinement to 1) that 
doesn't work well. You get the point.

With that in mind it would be good to know exactly what can simply be tacked 
onto the front-end (rather than refactoring a complex part of it). What do you 
want to hear? I hear you ask. Ok, here is my shameless since D is supposed to 
be argument: D is supposed to be pragmatic, so I would start with a collection 
of use cases. Really, I want attributes to be like this is not enough. The 
use case should be stated in a fashion, that programmers without experience in 
the field can follow. The standard use cases for attributes are must-haves, the 
rest can be nice-to-haves.

Add to the list, what you need from the attribute system:

** Serialization/RPC **

A relational SQL database comes with meta information on data types. We want to 
annotate D types with the corresponding types in the DB. This can be used to 
validate the value ranges at runtime, generate the correct SQL to work with the 
tables or even create tables that don't exist already. It is also common to 
establish relations between tables. The struct Parent may have a 'Child*[]' 
field and Child a 'Parent*' field.
The same applies to RPC. For example we may want to return a bool[] using a 
special case in the RPC system for bit arrays: '@Rpc(type = 
RpcType.native_bit_array, mode = RpcMode.async) bool[] foo() { … }'. This 
annotation applies to the symbol foo. If make this a more complex return type, 
it becomes this:

enum RpcMode …;
enum RpcType …;

struct Rpc …;
struct RpcStruct …;
// has a single field, syntax options:
// @RpcTypeMap(type = RpcType.int)
// @RpcTypeMap(RpcType.int)
// @RpcTypeMap(int) ?
struct RpcTypeMod { RpcType type };

@RpcStruct struct MyRet {
string name;
@RpcTypeMap(RpcType.native_bit_array) bool[] flags;

@Rpc(mode = RpcMode.async) MyRet foo() { … }

For RPC it is also necessary, to annotate parameters in the same way:

void foo(@RpcTypeMap(RpcType.native_bit_array) bool[] flags) { … }

** Edit object properties in a GUI (as suggested by Manu) **

As seen in GUI builders, often the need occurs to generate bindings to data 
structures in order to edit their properties in a convenient user interface. A 
uint field may be edited using a RGB+Alpha color selector and serialized into a 
data file. The requirements for the annotations are the same as above. (I know 
that RTTI would make life easier here, but it isn't a show stopper.)

For these to work it would require:
- user annotations to functions/methods/structs/classes
- only CTFE support (as annotations don't change at runtime)
- no influence on language semantics
And I agree with others that it is a good idea to implement annotations as 
structured types (POD structs at least) to avoid spelling mistakes and 
encourage IDE support. Just as an idea: Such structs, could contain their own 
logic. So some annotations which work stand-alone could validate themselves 
(invariant()?), print debug msgs, write binding definitions to text files (if 
CTFE I/O happens) or actually mixin code if used on structs/classes. But that's 
just brain-storming to give an idea why annotations as key/value pairs could be 
Generally C# and Java annotations have both been a success, so they are both 
what people mostly expect and a good 'template' for D aside from runtim vs. 
compile-time issues.

thanks for reading :)


Re: a pretty exciting result for parallel D lang rmd following defrag by name

2012-04-08 Thread Jay Norwood

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 01:18:49 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
in it.  Same 3.7 second delete.   I'll have to analyze what is 
happening, but this is a huge improvement.   If it is just the 
sequential LCN order of the operations, it may be that I can 
just pre-sort the delete operations by the file lcn number and 
get similar results.

I ran  rmd in the debugger to look at the order of entries being 
returned from the depth first search.  The directory entry list 
returned is sorted alphabetically  the same whether or not the 
sortByName() defrag script has been executed.

This article confirms that directory entries are sorted 


Directory entries are sorted alphabetically, which explains why 
NTFS files are always printed alphabetically in directory 

I'll have to write something to dump the starting lcn for each 
directory entry and see if  the sortByName defrag is matching the 
DirEntries list exactly.

Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Somedude
Le 08/04/2012 05:25, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
 I finally found the time to complete std.benchmark. I got to a very
 simple API design, starting where I like it: one line of code.
 Code is in the form of a pull request at
 https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/529. (There's some
 noise in there caused by my git n00biness). Documentation is at
 If reasonable and at all possible, I'd like to bump the priority of this
 proposal. Clearly D's user base is highly interested in efficiency, and
 many of the upcoming libraries have efficiency a virtual part of their
 design. So we should get std.benchmark in soon and require that new
 addition come with benchmarks for their essential functionality.
 My vision is that in the future Phobos will have a significant
 benchmarks battery, which will help improving Phobos and porting to new

Like it. Would it be a good idea to add a column with an average memory
used ?

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 03:56 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

Of course, many of us have been thinking about this for a looong time,
and what is the best way to go about it. The usual technique is for the
compiler to emit some sort of table for each TypeInfo giving the layout
of the object, i.e. where the pointers are.

The general problem with these is the table is non-trivial, as it will
require things like iterated data blocks, etc. It has to be compressed
to save space, and the gc then has to execute a fair amount of code to
decode it.

It also requires some significant work on the compiler end, leading of
course to complexity, rigidity, development bottlenecks, and the usual

An alternative Andrei and I have been talking about is to put in the
TypeInfo a pointer to a function. That function will contain customized
code to mark the pointers in an instance of that type. That custom code
will be generated by a template defined by the library. All the compiler
has to do is stupidly instantiate the template for the type, and insert
an address to the generated function.

The compiler need know NOTHING about how the marking works.

Even better, as ctRegex has demonstrated, the custom generated code can
be very, very fast compared with a runtime table-driven approach. (The
slow part will be calling the function indirectly.)

And best of all, the design is pushed out of the compiler into the
library, so various schemes can be tried out without needing compiler work.

I think this is an exciting idea, it will enable us to get a precise gc
by enabling people to work on it in parallel rather than serially
waiting for me.

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

Shared library in D on Linux

2012-04-08 Thread Timo Westkämper
I am still testing which setup gives me reliable shared D 
libraries which can be used from C.

Here is my latest test:

* test.d:
import std.stdio;
extern (C) {
  void hiD() {
writeln(hi from D lib);

* main.c
#include stdio.h
#include dlfcn.h
#include stdlib.h
void main() {
void (*hiD)(void);
void* handle = dlopen(./libtest.so, RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle == NULL) {
printf(%s\n, dlerror());
hiD = dlsym(handle, hiD);
if (hiD != NULL) {
} else {
printf(hiD is null\n);

* Makefile
#gdc-4.6 -g -c test.d -fPIC -o test.o
#gdc-4.6 -shared -o libtest.so -fPIC test.o -lc -nostartfiles
dmd -g -c test.d -fPIC
ld -shared -o libtest.so test.o -lrt -lphobos2 -lpthread
gcc -g main.c -ldl -lpthread
rm -rf *.so *.o *.out

With this setup I get

  ./libtest.so: undefined symbol: _deh_beg

With a fake main method added I get

  make: *** [test] Segmentation fault

This is what I get from gdb

  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
  0xb7fd1ed3 in std.stdio.__T7writelnTAyaZ.writeln() 
(_param_0=...) at   /usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d:1550

  1550  enforce(fprintf(.stdout.p.handle, %.*s\n,

Event with the following startup hooks

extern(C) {

  void gc_init();
  void gc_term();

  void _init() {

  void _fini() {


I get the same error. I am using dmd 2.058 on Ubuntu 11.10 (32 

With gdc I get different errors, but it seems even more difficult 
to get it working.

Does anyone know what is missing to get proper shared library 
support working on Linux?

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

Make sure that the compiler does not actually rely on the fact that the 
template generates a function. The design should include the possibility 
of just generating tables. It all should be completely transparent to 
the compiler, if that is possible.

Re: D projects list

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Fri, 6 Apr 2012 14:52:38 -0400
schrieb Nick Sabalausky a@a.a:

 H. S. Teoh hst...@quickfur.ath.cx wrote in message 
  On Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 12:34:09PM +0400, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
  And adobe Flash of course should also die.
  +1. It should have died a DECADE ago. Except that certain interests kept
  its decaying worm-infested corpse animating even till today.
 Funny, that's also how I feel about C++. As I've been saying for awhile, a 
 decade of near-zero interest in anything but VM languages is what kept it on 
 life support. Fortunately, D's quickly becoming the successor that's always 
 been needed so C++ will finally be able to RIP.

Hehe, that might work for your own projects, but realistically look at how many 
more people are knowledgeable about C++, companies have big projects written in 
C++, desktop environments are written in C++, many tools (internal, commercial, 
free) exist for C++, it is a stable target and so on. D is still adding 
features that make it interesting for certain audiences: SSE intrinsics for the 
Manus of the world (game devs), annotations for GUI/ORM/RPC bindings, short 
lambda syntax.
Not every feature of D is subjectively better than what is available in C++, 
but I assume most C++ devs miss _something_ that D offers or will offer (in 
case of the shared implementation).


Re: Issue with module destructor order

2012-04-08 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Created bug ticket: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7855

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Benjamin Thaut
While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither const 
nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently 
working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared 
among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const 
data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have 
any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function 
itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:

const: can be casted back to mutable
immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the 
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage 
class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not be 
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable implicitly 
convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of 
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the 
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Discussion on Go and D

2012-04-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 4/7/12, Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org wrote:
 3. The ability to dispose of memory will disappear along with the delete

Pull this and hopefully that myth will come to an end:

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

I understand that the stack will still have to be scanned 
conservatively, but how does the scheme deal with closures?

Re: a pretty exciting result for parallel D lang rmd following defrag by name

2012-04-08 Thread Somedude
Le 08/04/2012 09:34, Jay Norwood a écrit :
 On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 01:18:49 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
 in it.  Same 3.7 second delete.   I'll have to analyze what is
 happening, but this is a huge improvement.   If it is just the
 sequential LCN order of the operations, it may be that I can just
 pre-sort the delete operations by the file lcn number and get similar
 I ran  rmd in the debugger to look at the order of entries being
 returned from the depth first search.  The directory entry list returned
 is sorted alphabetically  the same whether or not the sortByName()
 defrag script has been executed.
 This article confirms that directory entries are sorted alphabetically.
 Directory entries are sorted alphabetically, which explains why NTFS
 files are always printed alphabetically in directory listings.
 I'll have to write something to dump the starting lcn for each directory
 entry and see if  the sortByName defrag is matching the DirEntries list


You seem to have done a pretty good job with your parallel unzip. Have
you tried a parallel zip as well ?
Do you think you could include this in std.zip when you're done ?

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:16:40 Benjamin Thaut wrote:
 While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither const
 nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently
 working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared
 among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const
 data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have
 any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function
 itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:
 const: can be casted back to mutable
 immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads
 The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
 data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
 class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not be
 implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable implicitly
 convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
 their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
 function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.
 Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

I would point out that casting const to mutable and then altering the variable 
is subverting the type system. The compiler does not support casting away 
either const or immutable to alter _anything_. So, as far as the type system 
is concerned, if you want a function that takes both const and immutable, it 
should take const.

Now, you _can_ cast away const and alter a variable if you're careful, but 
you're subverting the type system when you do so and throwing away any 
guarantees that the compiler gives you. It's far from safe.

Given that casting away const on a variable and then mutating is subverting 
the type system and thate therefore the compiler is free to assume that you 
will never do it, I don't see what your idea of readonly would buy us. It's 
the same as const.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 11:16 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither const
nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently
working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared
among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const
data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have
any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function
itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:

const: can be casted back to mutable

It cannot.

immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not be
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable implicitly
convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

I don't get the problem. Can you demonstrate the issue with an example?

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 4/8/12, Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org wrote:
 essentially making them templates

I just hope that doesn't cause:
1) Awful template errors
2) Slower build times
3) More ICEs

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/8/2012 2:21 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

I understand that the stack will still have to be scanned conservatively, but
how does the scheme deal with closures?

For now, just treat them conservatively.

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 08.04.2012 11:28, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:

On Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:16:40 Benjamin Thaut wrote:

While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither const
nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently
working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared
among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const
data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have
any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function
itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:

const: can be casted back to mutable
immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not be
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable implicitly
convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

I would point out that casting const to mutable and then altering the variable
is subverting the type system. The compiler does not support casting away
either const or immutable to alter _anything_. So, as far as the type system
is concerned, if you want a function that takes both const and immutable, it
should take const.

Now, you _can_ cast away const and alter a variable if you're careful, but
you're subverting the type system when you do so and throwing away any
guarantees that the compiler gives you. It's far from safe.

Given that casting away const on a variable and then mutating is subverting
the type system and thate therefore the compiler is free to assume that you
will never do it, I don't see what your idea of readonly would buy us. It's
the same as const.

- Jonathan M Davis

I'll come up with a example.
But if what you say is true, why is immutable not implicitly convertible 
to const?

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Manu
On 8 April 2012 11:56, Timon Gehr timon.g...@gmx.ch wrote:

 On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

 That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

 Make sure that the compiler does not actually rely on the fact that the
 template generates a function. The design should include the possibility of
 just generating tables. It all should be completely transparent to the
 compiler, if that is possible.

This sounds important to me. If it is also possible to do the work with
generated tables, and not calling thousands of indirect functions in
someone's implementation, it would be nice to reserve that possibility.
Indirect function calls in hot loops make me very nervous for non-x86

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:39:03 Benjamin Thaut wrote:
 I'll come up with a example.
 But if what you say is true, why is immutable not implicitly convertible
 to const?

It _is_ implictly convertible to const.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev
On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Walter and I discussed today about using the small string 
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small 

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the 
first byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 
16 chars need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting 
arrays to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much 
nicer limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Simen Kjaeraas
On Sun, 08 Apr 2012 11:39:03 +0200, Benjamin Thaut  
c...@benjamin-thaut.de wrote:

Am 08.04.2012 11:28, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:

On Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:16:40 Benjamin Thaut wrote:
While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither  

nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently
working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared
among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const
data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have
any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function
itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:

const: can be casted back to mutable
immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not  
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable  

convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

I would point out that casting const to mutable and then altering the  
is subverting the type system. The compiler does not support casting  
either const or immutable to alter _anything_. So, as far as the type  
is concerned, if you want a function that takes both const and  
immutable, it

should take const.

Now, you _can_ cast away const and alter a variable if you're careful,  

you're subverting the type system when you do so and throwing away any
guarantees that the compiler gives you. It's far from safe.

Given that casting away const on a variable and then mutating is  
the type system and thate therefore the compiler is free to assume that  
will never do it, I don't see what your idea of readonly would buy us.  

the same as const.

- Jonathan M Davis

I'll come up with a example.
But if what you say is true, why is immutable not implicitly convertible  
to const?

It is.

Re: Discussion on Go and D

2012-04-08 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 4/8/2012 12:04 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/07/2012 04:43 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 4/7/2012 8:24 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 07.04.2012 2:08, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 4/6/2012 8:01 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/6/2012 10:37 AM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

I hope there is something wrong with my reasoning, and that you could
give me
some hints to avoid the memory bloat and the application stalls.

A couple of things you can try (they are workarounds, not solutions):

1. Actively delete memory you no longer need, rather than relying on
gc to catch it. Yes, this is as unsafe as using C's free().

Actually, having to deal with lifetime issues myself takes away the
biggest plus of the GC, so I am a bit reluctant to do this.

How about this:

Or you can wrap-up something similar along the same lines.

Thanks for your and other's hints on reducing garbage collected memory,
but I find it hard to isolate larger blocks of memory for manual
management. Most of the structs and classes are rather small.

As you apparently just re-parse the whole source and throw the old AST
away, wouldn't it be rather simple? You could just create a region
allocator and free all the memory at once after the re-parse.

If you only use the syntax error highlighting feature that might work. 
As soon as semantic analysis kicks in modifications on a copy of the 
parse tree are done lazily, and as symbols get resolved, references into 
other trees are remembered. It can get rather involved to figure out 
when it is safe to delete a memory block manually.

The region allocator has the advantage that it does not need the 
alignment to the power of 2 for each allocation, so memory could be 
saved, too.

I guess, I'll try something along the line with some additional 
functions to avoid bad references after deletion.

I'm rather unhappy to sell D with the hint Go back to manual memory
management if you need more than 64MB of memory and want your
application to be responsive.

I think it is actually awesome that manual memory management is possible.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Manu
On 8 April 2012 12:46, Vladimir Panteleev vladi...@thecybershadow.netwrote:

 On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization in
 string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

 On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first byte
 as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars need no
 memory allocation at all.

 Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

 The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting arrays to
 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much nicer limitation
 than making assumptions about the memory layout.

What is the plan for 32bit?

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 09:46:28 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Walter and I discussed today about using the small string 
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small 

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the 
first byte as discriminator, which means that all strings 
under 16 chars need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting 
arrays to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a 
much nicer limitation than making assumptions about the memory 

Erm... never mind, I thought the pointer was the first field.

Even so, how would you use the lowest-order byte of the length as 
a discriminator? Unless you allocated bytes 2-8 for the length 
(which would be an unaligned read, or a shift every time...)

making assumptions about the memory layout now seems like the 
only solution.

Also, what will be .ptr for such arrays? It can't point inside 
the string, because the type is immutable and the array is on the 
stack. Duplication can be expensive as well.

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 4/8/2012 11:21 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

I understand that the stack will still have to be scanned
conservatively, but how does the scheme deal with closures?

I guess the compiler should generate an (anonymous) struct type 
corresponding to the closure data layout. There probably has to be a 
template for compiler generated structs or classes anyway.

This new type could also be used as the type of the context pointer, so 
a debugger could display the closure variables.

Re: Custom attributes (again)

2012-04-08 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-04-08 09:27, Marco Leise wrote:

I don't want this thread to disappear. The ideas presented here have common 
basic features among the nice-to-haves.

For these to work it would require:
- user annotations to functions/methods/structs/classes
- only CTFE support (as annotations don't change at runtime)

I don't see why the attributes should be accessible at runtime. Even if 
they're read-only it's still good to be able to read the attributes at 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I finally found the time to complete std.benchmark. I got to a very
simple API design, starting where I like it: one line of code.

Code is in the form of a pull request at
https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/529. (There's some
noise in there caused by my git n00biness). Documentation is at

For algorithms that process sequences, it would be nice to have results 
represented in cycles per item, This should give more consistent results 
across different CPU familes and different clock speeds.

Specifically, I think about cycles per byte, see 

Example: http://www.cryptopp.com/benchmarks.html

Re: Shared library in D on Linux

2012-04-08 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-04-08 10:45, Timo Westkämper timo.westkam...@gmail.com wrote:

I am still testing which setup gives me reliable shared D libraries
which can be used from C.

Here is my latest test:

* test.d:
import std.stdio;
extern (C) {
void hiD() {
writeln(hi from D lib);

* main.c
#include stdio.h
#include dlfcn.h
#include stdlib.h
void main() {
void (*hiD)(void);
void* handle = dlopen(./libtest.so, RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle == NULL) {
printf(%s\n, dlerror());
hiD = dlsym(handle, hiD);
if (hiD != NULL) {
} else {
printf(hiD is null\n);

* Makefile
#gdc-4.6 -g -c test.d -fPIC -o test.o
#gdc-4.6 -shared -o libtest.so -fPIC test.o -lc -nostartfiles
dmd -g -c test.d -fPIC
ld -shared -o libtest.so test.o -lrt -lphobos2 -lpthread
gcc -g main.c -ldl -lpthread
rm -rf *.so *.o *.out

With this setup I get

./libtest.so: undefined symbol: _deh_beg

With a fake main method added I get

make: *** [test] Segmentation fault

This is what I get from gdb

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7fd1ed3 in std.stdio.__T7writelnTAyaZ.writeln() (_param_0=...) at
1550 enforce(fprintf(.stdout.p.handle, %.*s\n,

Event with the following startup hooks

extern(C) {

void gc_init();
void gc_term();

void _init() {

void _fini() {


I get the same error. I am using dmd 2.058 on Ubuntu 11.10 (32 bit)

With gdc I get different errors, but it seems even more difficult to get
it working.

Does anyone know what is missing to get proper shared library support
working on Linux?

This is what I can think of for now:

* Proper initialization of TLS data
* Setting up exception handling tables
* Setting up module info

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-04-08 07:56, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

For this to happen, we need to start an effort of migrating built-in
arrays into runtime, essentially making them templates that the compiler
lowers to. So I have two questions:

Just don't make the same mistake as with AA.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: custom attribute proposal (yeah, another one)

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Fri, 06 Apr 2012 16:53:56 +0200
schrieb Timon Gehr timon.g...@gmx.ch:

 On 04/06/2012 04:23 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
  Why should we be restricted to only structs? Or any type for that matter?
 A restriction to only structs is not a restriction because structs can 
 have arbitrary field types.


  The benefit to using CTFE functions is that the compiler already knows
  how to deal with them at compile-time. i.e. less work to make the
  compiler implement this.
 It is exactly the same amount of work because CTFE is able to execute 
 struct constructors.

Yep. Well, in the end the older idea of attributes == structs/classes is - as 
Adam D. Ruppe said - exchanging the constructor for a function call. You can do 
the same as with structs/classes and a little more (return basic types). IDEs 
can work with this proposal. And if we have to prepend @attribute to our 
CTFE-attribute-functions or attribute-structs that's fine, too with me. :)

While I give Steven a virtual karma point for making it clear that not 
everything is an object (or struct) with his idea, 
I prefer structs-only over functions, because we could augment these structs 
with compiler recognized methods/fields at a later point. Think of the range 
interface here, which is implicit. Some examples:

@attribute struct MyAttribute {
// this attribute-struct is allowed multiple times on a symbol
enum bool allowMultiple = true;

// cannot be used on classes, but structs, methods and fields
enum uint appliesTo = Fields | Methods | Structs;

// Run any action in context of the filled attribute structure and 
// the type it is applied to. With CTFE I/O, it could generate
// binaries or text files with bindings.
void onInvokation(T)() { … }

void invariant() { static assert(author, Author must be given.) }

string author;
string email = no email;

@MyAttribute(author = Some Name, email = some@email)
@MyAttribute(author = Someone Else, email = else@email)
struct Test { … }

All of this is nice-to-have at most. I imagine it becomes interesting when 
attributes are offered by libraries, and you want to give the user of your 
attributes some validation and convenience. E.g. the compiler can guarantee 
that only allowMultiple-attributes appear multiple times, so you can focus on 
implementing the logic instead of checking for usage errors.


Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Benjamin Thaut wrote:

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
class readonly.

Const is really a readonly view of data. I think that immutable should 
be named const, and const should be named readonly, so they won't cause 

If you need a function that don't change data just mark parameters as 
const. All mutable, const and immutable types are implicitly convertible 
to const.

It can not be casted back to mutable and it can not be
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable implicitly
convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Yes, this is how const (as readonly) works. If you think about 
readonly, use const. The only drawback are the names.

A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky
I think it's been ages since I meant to ask why nobody (as in compiler 
vendors) does what I think is rather simple optimization.

In the short term the plan is to introduce a link-time flavored 
optimization at code generation or (better) link step.

For simplicity let's assume compiler does all of the following during 
generation of an object file.

1. Every time a function is generated (or pretty much any symbol) not 
only a size calculated but also a checksum* of it's data.
(If we go for link-time optimization we should find a place to stick it 
to in the object file)

2. Compiler maintains a hash-table of symbol_size --- list( ~ array) of 
pairs (references to data, checksum) of all symbols with given size. 
Call it a duplicate table. Every function generated and more generally 
global immutable data should end up there.

3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the 
duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and 
only then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that 
there is a match compiler just throws generated code away and _aliases_ 
it's symbol to that of a matched entry.

(so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)

*Yes, checksum. I think it should be real simple and easy to parallel 
hash function. The original checksum is no reliable but some amount 
balancing and profiling are obviously required when picking this function.

It's not only const-immutable bloat, it can be alleviated with inout. 
Yet there are plenty of places the exact same code is being generated: 
e.g. sealed containers of int vs uint, std.find on dchar[] vs 
uint[]/int[] an so on.
In general, the coarse grained parametrization is the root of all evil 
and it is inevitable since we are just humans after all.

1. If we do checksum calculation on the fly during codegen it gets at 
virtually no cost as the data is in CPU data cache. Preliminary version 
can avoid hacking this part of backend though.

2. By _alias_ I mean the ability of compiler to emit references to a 
given symbol as if it was some other symbol (should be really straight 

3. Linker have more data and is able to achieve colossal size savings, 
essentially running through the same algorithm before actually linking 
things. Again it's easily separable step and can be an opt-in.

4. Ironically the same exact thing works with any kind of immutable data 
structures. It looks like string pooling is superseded by this proposal.


Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 08-04-2012 12:07, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 4/8/2012 11:21 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

I understand that the stack will still have to be scanned
conservatively, but how does the scheme deal with closures?

I guess the compiler should generate an (anonymous) struct type
corresponding to the closure data layout. There probably has to be a
template for compiler generated structs or classes anyway.

This new type could also be used as the type of the context pointer, so
a debugger could display the closure variables.

This sounds sensible to me. No reason closure marking can't be precise 
if the compiler just emits the relevant type info (pretty much any other 
compiler with closures does this; see C#, F#, etc).

- Alex

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Piotr Szturmaj wrote:

If you need a function that don't change data just mark parameters as

^ doesn't

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-08 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 08-04-2012 11:42, Manu wrote:

On 8 April 2012 11:56, Timon Gehr timon.g...@gmx.ch
mailto:timon.g...@gmx.ch wrote:

On 04/08/2012 10:45 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea.

Make sure that the compiler does not actually rely on the fact that
the template generates a function. The design should include the
possibility of just generating tables. It all should be completely
transparent to the compiler, if that is possible.

This sounds important to me. If it is also possible to do the work with
generated tables, and not calling thousands of indirect functions in
someone's implementation, it would be nice to reserve that possibility.
Indirect function calls in hot loops make me very nervous for non-x86

Yes, I agree here. The last thing we need is a huge amount of 
kinda-sorta-virtual function calls on ARM, MIPS, etc. It may work fine 
on x86, but anywhere else, it's really not what you want in a GC.

- Alex

Re: Issue with module destructor order

2012-04-08 Thread Kevin Cox
On Mar 26, 2012 5:11 AM, Benjamin Thaut c...@benjamin-thaut.de wrote:
 Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug? I assume this happens
because of the mixin template and the public import.
 I'm using dmd 2.058.

 Kind Regards
 Benjamin Thaut

I don't think the order of destructors is defined. There would be no way to
have semantic control because it wouldn't work when you link different
files together.  The only solution would be to have the compiler analyse
the code and figure out what should be destructed first which would be and
impressive feat.

The solution to solving your problem is not to close the file object in the
destructor and let the OS clean it up when your program terminates.

Re: Custom attributes (again)

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:44:17 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg d...@me.com:

 On 2012-04-08 09:27, Marco Leise wrote:
  I don't want this thread to disappear. The ideas presented here have common 
  basic features among the nice-to-haves.
  For these to work it would require:
  - user annotations to functions/methods/structs/classes
  - only CTFE support (as annotations don't change at runtime)
 I don't see why the attributes should be accessible at runtime. Even if 
 they're read-only it's still good to be able to read the attributes at 

Yeah, it was supposed to mean it requires CTFE support, runtime support is 
possible :)


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:01:56 +0400
schrieb Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.o...@gmail.com:

 I think it's been ages since I meant to ask why nobody (as in compiler 
 vendors) does what I think is rather simple optimization.
 In the short term the plan is to introduce a link-time flavored 
 optimization at code generation or (better) link step.
 For simplicity let's assume compiler does all of the following during 
 generation of an object file.
 1. Every time a function is generated (or pretty much any symbol) not 
 only a size calculated but also a checksum* of it's data.
 (If we go for link-time optimization we should find a place to stick it 
 to in the object file)
 2. Compiler maintains a hash-table of symbol_size --- list( ~ array) of 
 pairs (references to data, checksum) of all symbols with given size. 
 Call it a duplicate table. Every function generated and more generally 
 global immutable data should end up there.
 3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the 
 duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and 
 only then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that 
 there is a match compiler just throws generated code away and _aliases_ 
 it's symbol to that of a matched entry.
 (so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)
 *Yes, checksum. I think it should be real simple and easy to parallel 
 hash function. The original checksum is no reliable but some amount 
 balancing and profiling are obviously required when picking this function.
 It's not only const-immutable bloat, it can be alleviated with inout. 
 Yet there are plenty of places the exact same code is being generated: 
 e.g. sealed containers of int vs uint, std.find on dchar[] vs 
 uint[]/int[] an so on.
 In general, the coarse grained parametrization is the root of all evil 
 and it is inevitable since we are just humans after all.
 1. If we do checksum calculation on the fly during codegen it gets at 
 virtually no cost as the data is in CPU data cache. Preliminary version 
 can avoid hacking this part of backend though.
 2. By _alias_ I mean the ability of compiler to emit references to a 
 given symbol as if it was some other symbol (should be really straight 
 3. Linker have more data and is able to achieve colossal size savings, 
 essentially running through the same algorithm before actually linking 
 things. Again it's easily separable step and can be an opt-in.
 4. Ironically the same exact thing works with any kind of immutable data 
 structures. It looks like string pooling is superseded by this proposal.

Thoughts? Nothing much. I thought of that a while ago, but as an external 
program, that finds function calls by disassembling and removing dead/duplicate 
code. So I agree with you. A similar feature is a CTFE cache (or general code 
cache) that checksums a function's source code and gets the compiled version 
from a cache.
Template bloat could be especially important to 'fix' on embedded systems. But 
I don't consider it important enough at the moment. :/   Let's wait till the 
bugs and important features are implemented or hack the compiler ourselves.


Re: Issue with module destructor order

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 02:14 PM, Kevin Cox wrote:

On Mar 26, 2012 5:11 AM, Benjamin Thaut c...@benjamin-thaut.de
mailto:c...@benjamin-thaut.de wrote:
  Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug? I assume this happens
because of the mixin template and the public import.
  I'm using dmd 2.058.
  Kind Regards
  Benjamin Thaut

I don't think the order of destructors is defined. There would be no way
to have semantic control because it wouldn't work when you link
different files together.  The only solution would be to have the
compiler analyse the code and figure out what should be destructed first
which would be and impressive feat.

Actually that is what is normally done. (it is quite conservative 
though, cyclical imports where multiple modules have static 
constructors/destructors are just disallowed and terminate the program 
on startup.)

The solution to solving your problem is not to close the file object in
the destructor and let the OS clean it up when your program terminates.

This would be a workaround.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 12:56:38AM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 1. What happened to the new hash project? We need to take that to

Sorry, I've been busy at work and haven't had too much free time to work
on it.  The current code is available on github:


The major outstanding issues are:

- Qualified keys not fully working: the current code has a few corner
  cases that don't work with shared/immutable/inout keys. One major
  roadblock is how to implement this:

alias someType T;
inout(T) myFunc(inout(T) arg, ...) {
int[inout(T)] aa;

  The problem is that inout gets carried over into the AA template,
  which breaks because it instantiates into something that has:

struct Slot {
hash_t hash;
inout(T) key;   // -- this causes a compile error
Value value;

  Ideally, AA keys should all be stored as immutable inside the AA, and
  automatically converted to/from the qualified type the user specified.

- Template bloat: the current code uses template member functions, and
  will instantiate a new function for every implicit conversion of input
  key types. This also depends on IFTI, which has some quirks (compiler
  bugs) that make the code ugly (e.g., strings and arrays not treated
  equally by the compiler, requiring hacks to make implicit conversion
  work). Timon has suggested an alternative way of handling implicit
  conversions, which I think is better, but I need to take some time to
  actually implement it.

- Static initialization of AA's (AA literals that compile directly into
  object code). This should be possible in principle, but I've run into
  what may be a CTFE bug that prevents it from working.

- A not-so-major issue is to finish the toHash() implementations for all
  native types (currently it works for some common key types, but
  coverage is still incomplete). Once this is done, we can finally get
  rid of getHash from TypeInfo; UFCS will let us simply write x.toHash()
  for pretty much any type x.

Once these issues are resolved, there remains the major task of actually
integrating this code with druntime/dmd. A lot of work is expected on
the dmd end, because of the current amount of hacks in dmd to make AA's


Valentine's Day: an occasion for florists to reach into the wallets of
nominal lovers in dire need of being reminded to profess their
hypothetical love for their long-forgotten.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Tove

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 13:53:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 12:56:38AM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu 

1. What happened to the new hash project? We need to take that 



Sorry, I've been busy at work and haven't had too much free 
time to work

on it.  The current code is available on github:


The major outstanding issues are:

- Qualified keys not fully working: the current code has a few 
  cases that don't work with shared/immutable/inout keys. One 

  roadblock is how to implement this:

alias someType T;
inout(T) myFunc(inout(T) arg, ...) {
int[inout(T)] aa;

  The problem is that inout gets carried over into the AA 

  which breaks because it instantiates into something that has:

struct Slot {
hash_t hash;
inout(T) key;   // -- this causes a compile error
Value value;

  Ideally, AA keys should all be stored as immutable inside the 
AA, and
  automatically converted to/from the qualified type the user 

- Template bloat: the current code uses template member 
functions, and
  will instantiate a new function for every implicit conversion 
of input
  key types. This also depends on IFTI, which has some quirks 
  bugs) that make the code ugly (e.g., strings and arrays not 
  equally by the compiler, requiring hacks to make implicit 
  work). Timon has suggested an alternative way of handling 
  conversions, which I think is better, but I need to take some 
time to

  actually implement it.

- Static initialization of AA's (AA literals that compile 
directly into
  object code). This should be possible in principle, but I've 
run into

  what may be a CTFE bug that prevents it from working.

- A not-so-major issue is to finish the toHash() 
implementations for all
  native types (currently it works for some common key types, 
  coverage is still incomplete). Once this is done, we can 
finally get
  rid of getHash from TypeInfo; UFCS will let us simply write 

  for pretty much any type x.

Once these issues are resolved, there remains the major task of 
integrating this code with druntime/dmd. A lot of work is 
expected on
the dmd end, because of the current amount of hacks in dmd to 
make AA's



doesn't this work?
immutable std.traits.Unqual!(inout(T)) key;

Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 03:01:56PM +0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 I think it's been ages since I meant to ask why nobody (as in
 compiler vendors) does what I think is rather simple optimization.
 In the short term the plan is to introduce a link-time flavored
 optimization at code generation or (better) link step.

This would be incompatible with how current (non-dmd) linkers work. But
I do like the idea. Perhaps if it works well, other linkers will adopt
it? (Just like how the gcc linker adopted duplicate template code
elimination due to C++ templates.)

 For simplicity let's assume compiler does all of the following
 during generation of an object file.
 1. Every time a function is generated (or pretty much any symbol)
 not only a size calculated but also a checksum* of it's data.
 (If we go for link-time optimization we should find a place to stick
 it to in the object file)

We'd have to make sure the checksum doesn't end up in the final
executable though, otherwise the bloat may negate any gains we've made.

 2. Compiler maintains a hash-table of symbol_size --- list( ~
 array) of pairs (references to data, checksum) of all symbols with
 given size. Call it a duplicate table. Every function generated and
 more generally global immutable data should end up there.
 3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the
 duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and
 only then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that
 there is a match compiler just throws generated code away and
 _aliases_ it's symbol to that of a matched entry.
 (so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)

I think you don't even need an alias table; IIRC the OS dynamic linker
can easily handle symbols that have the same value (i.e. that point to
the same place). All you have to do is to change the value of the
duplicated symbols so that they all point to the same address.

 It's not only const-immutable bloat, it can be alleviated with
 inout. Yet there are plenty of places the exact same code is being
 generated: e.g. sealed containers of int vs uint, std.find on
 dchar[] vs uint[]/int[] an so on.
 In general, the coarse grained parametrization is the root of all
 evil and it is inevitable since we are just humans after all.

I'm not sure I understand the last sentence there, but duplicate code
elimination is definitely a big plus. It will also mean that we can use
templates more freely without having to worry about template bloat.

 1. If we do checksum calculation on the fly during codegen it gets
 at virtually no cost as the data is in CPU data cache. Preliminary
 version can avoid hacking this part of backend though.
 2. By _alias_ I mean the ability of compiler to emit references to a
 given symbol as if it was some other symbol (should be really
 straight forward).

Like I said, I think this isn't even necessary, if the compiler can just
generate the same value for the duplicated symbols.

 3. Linker have more data and is able to achieve colossal size
 savings, essentially running through the same algorithm before
 actually linking things. Again it's easily separable step and can be
 an opt-in.

This assumes the (maybe external) linker knows how to take advantage of
the info. But IMO, linkers *should* be a lot smarter than they currently
are, so I don't see a problem with this as long as a dumb linker will
still produce a working executable (just without the space savings).

Alternatively we can have an external pre-link tool that scans a given
set of object files and eliminates duplicated code (by turning
duplicated symbols into external references in all but one of the
instances), before we hand the files off to the OS's native linker.
Come to think of it, this might be a good way to experiment with this
idea before we commit lots of effort into integrating it with a real

 4. Ironically the same exact thing works with any kind of immutable
 data structures. It looks like string pooling is superseded by this

Not really... string pooling can take advantage of overlapping
(sub)strings, but I don't think you can do that with code. But I think
your idea has a lot of merit. I'm for making linkers smarter than they
currently are.


It always amuses me that Windows has a Safe Mode during bootup. Does
that mean that Windows is normally unsafe?

Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Artur Skawina
On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the duplicate 
 table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only then (if 
 required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a match 
 compiler just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to that of 
 a matched entry.
 (so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)

Don't forget that this needs to work:   

   static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 04:11:10PM +0200, Tove wrote:
 On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 13:53:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 12:56:38AM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
 1. What happened to the new hash project? We need to take that to
 The major outstanding issues are:
 - Qualified keys not fully working: the current code has a few corner
   cases that don't work with shared/immutable/inout keys. One major
   roadblock is how to implement this:
  alias someType T;
  inout(T) myFunc(inout(T) arg, ...) {
  int[inout(T)] aa;
   The problem is that inout gets carried over into the AA template,
   which breaks because it instantiates into something that has:
  struct Slot {
  hash_t hash;
  inout(T) key;   // -- this causes a compile error
  Value value;
 doesn't this work?
 immutable std.traits.Unqual!(inout(T)) key;

I suppose so, but the problem is more with the return type of various AA
functions. If the user writes int[inout(T)] aa, then he would expect
that aa.keys should return inout(T)[]. But the problem here is that this
is impossible to express in the current system, because inout has a
different meaning when you write it in the AA method, than its meaning
in the context of the calling function. For example, this doesn't quite

struct AA {
inout(Key) keys() {
// Problem: inout here doesn't mean what it
// means in the context of the caller


Tech-savvy: euphemism for nerdy.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Manu
On 8 April 2012 12:54, Manu turkey...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 8 April 2012 12:46, Vladimir Panteleev vladi...@thecybershadow.netwrote:

 On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization
 in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

 On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first
 byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars need no
 memory allocation at all.

 Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

 The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting arrays to
 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much nicer limitation
 than making assumptions about the memory layout.

 What is the plan for 32bit?

The only way I can see this working is if the marker happens to be the top
bit of the size (limiting arrays to 2gb on 32bit systems, which is probably
fine), and if set, the next 7 bits are the size, leaving 7 bytes for a
string... 7 bytes is pushing it, 15 bytes is very useful, 7 is borderline...

That all said, I'll ultimately end out with my own string type anyway which
is multiples of, and aligned to 16 bytes, which will support SSE string
opcodes. I wonder if these considerations can be factored into the built-in

Is it realistic that anyone can actually use raw d-string's in an app that
performs a lot of string manipulation? I bet most people end up with a
custom string class anyway...
Who's written a string-heavy app without their own string helper class? I
ended up with a string class within about half an hour of trying to work
with D strings (initially just to support stack strings, then it grew).

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 1:33 AM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

- This has been a disaster for AAs

Making them magic has been the problem. We must revert that.

- Is it worth doing for 32 bit?

Probably not.

- Would generate false pointers

Fair point but we're also moving to precise collection :o).

- Run-time check on every array access?

Cost is negligible in most cases according to the extensive measurements 
we've done.

- Why should this be in the language/compiler instead of phobos?

People use built-in immutable(char)[] as strings. We want to benefit 
existing uses.


Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 2:02 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

The benchmark_relative_ prefix makes sense for function names (for
scheduleForBenchmarking), but not so much for string literals for
benchmark names. The string literal benchmark_relative_file read looks
like the words benchmark relative file are grouped together, with
read added on. So, my suggestion would be to wrap the
benchmark_relative_ prefix - when used with benchmark name strings -
into a semantical function / enum / etc. In my example above,
relativeBenchmark would be:

string relativeBenchmark(string s) { return benchmark_relative_ ~ s; }

I suppose it can be summed up as a tradeoff between complexity (you need
to explain both the function name usage and the relativeBenchmark
wrapper usage) vs. code prettiness.

I understand, thanks.


Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 3:16 AM, Somedude wrote:

Like it. Would it be a good idea to add a column with an average memory
used ?

Interesting idea. I saw 
and it looks like it's not an easy problem. Should we make this part of 
the initial release?


Re: Discussion on Go and D

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 4:20 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/7/12, Andrei Alexandrescuseewebsiteforem...@erdani.org  wrote:

3. The ability to dispose of memory will disappear along with the delete

Pull this and hopefully that myth will come to an end:



Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 4:46 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization
in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first
byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars
need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting arrays
to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much nicer
limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

Hehe. Good idea. On big endian machines the last byte is the ticket!


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 4:30 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/8/12, Andrei Alexandrescuseewebsiteforem...@erdani.org  wrote:

essentially making them templates

I just hope that doesn't cause:
1) Awful template errors
2) Slower build times
3) More ICEs

Walter and I agree that relying on sheer D for instead of 
compiler-generated magic (in this case, bitmaps etc) is the better 
solution. Implementing a generic marker as a template using 
introspection is very simple - I predict a few dozen lines. Once that is 
finished there will obviously be no template errors. I don't know 
whether build times would be impacted. There will be fewer ICEs because 
there will be less reliance on the compiler.


Re: Shared library in D on Linux

2012-04-08 Thread Ellery Newcomer
On 04/08/2012 03:45 AM, Timo Westkämper timo.westkam...@gmail.com 

extern(C) {

void gc_init();
void gc_term();

void _init() {

void _fini() {


I think you want rt_init and rt_term here.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 4:55 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 09:46:28 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first
byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars
need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting arrays
to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much nicer
limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

Erm... never mind, I thought the pointer was the first field.

Me too, actually.

Even so, how would you use the lowest-order byte of the length as a
discriminator? Unless you allocated bytes 2-8 for the length (which
would be an unaligned read, or a shift every time...)

It's amazing how fast shift works :o).

making assumptions about the memory layout now seems like the only

Also, what will be .ptr for such arrays? It can't point inside the
string, because the type is immutable and the array is on the stack.
Duplication can be expensive as well.

Once anyone asks for .ptr a conservative copy will be made.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 9:49 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/8/12 4:46 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization
in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first
byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars
need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting arrays
to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much nicer
limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

Hehe. Good idea. On big endian machines the last byte is the ticket!


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 5:45 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-04-08 07:56, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

For this to happen, we need to start an effort of migrating built-in
arrays into runtime, essentially making them templates that the compiler
lowers to. So I have two questions:

Just don't make the same mistake as with AA.

The mistake with AAs was done long ago, but it was forced as AAs 
predated templates.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 4:54 AM, Manu wrote:

On 8 April 2012 12:46, Vladimir Panteleev vladi...@thecybershadow.net
mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the
first byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under
16 chars need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting
arrays to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much
nicer limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

What is the plan for 32bit?

We can experiment with making strings shorter than 8 chars in-situ. The 
drawback will be that length will be limited to 29 bits, i.e. 512MB.


Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 5:46 AM, Piotr Szturmaj wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I finally found the time to complete std.benchmark. I got to a very
simple API design, starting where I like it: one line of code.

Code is in the form of a pull request at
https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/529. (There's some
noise in there caused by my git n00biness). Documentation is at

For algorithms that process sequences, it would be nice to have results
represented in cycles per item, This should give more consistent results
across different CPU familes and different clock speeds.

Specifically, I think about cycles per byte, see
Example: http://www.cryptopp.com/benchmarks.html

The framework aims at generality and simplicity. I'd rather have it 
simple and universal rather than subtle.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2012-04-08 05:56:38 +, Andrei Alexandrescu 
seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org said:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization 
in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the first 
byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under 16 chars need 
no memory allocation at all.

It turns out statistically a lot of strings are small. According to a 
variety of systems we use at Facebook, the small buffer optimization is 
king - it just works great in all cases. In D that means better speed, 
better locality, and less garbage.

Small buffer optimization is a very good thing to have indeed. But… how 
can you preserve existing semantics? For instance, let's say you have 

string s = abcd;

which is easily representable as a small string. Do you use the small 
buffer optimization in the assignment? That seems like a definitive yes.

But as soon as you take a pointer to that string, you break the 
immutability guaranty:

immutable(char)[] s = abcd;
immutable(char)* p = s.ptr;
s = defg; // assigns to where?

There's also the issue of this code being legal currently:

immutable(char)* getPtr(string s) {
return s.ptr;

If you pass a small string to getPtr, it'll be copied to the local 
stack frame and you'll be returning a pointer to that local copy.

You could mitigate this by throwing an error when trying to get the 
pointer to a small string, but then you have to disallow taking the 
pointer of a const(char)[] pointing to it:

const(char)* getPtr2(const(char)[] s) {
return s.ptr;

const(char)* getAbcdPtr() {
string s = abcd;

		// s implicitly converted to regular const(char)[] pointing to local 
stack frame

const(char)* c = getPtr2(s);

// c points to the storage of s, which is the local stack frame
return c;

So it's sad, but I am of the opinion that the only way to implement 
small buffer optimization is to have a higher-level abstraction, a 
distinct type for such small strings.

Michel Fortin

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Manu
On 8 April 2012 17:52, Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.orgwrote:

 On 4/8/12 4:54 AM, Manu wrote:

 On 8 April 2012 12:46, Vladimir Panteleev vladi...@thecybershadow.net
 mailto:vladimir@**thecybershadow.net vladi...@thecybershadow.net

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed today about using the small string
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the
first byte as discriminator, which means that all strings under
16 chars need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting
arrays to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a much
nicer limitation than making assumptions about the memory layout.

 What is the plan for 32bit?

 We can experiment with making strings shorter than 8 chars in-situ. The
 drawback will be that length will be limited to 29 bits, i.e. 512MB.

29 bits? ...not 31?
How does this implementation actually work? On 32/64 bits, and little/big
I can only imagine it working with a carefully placed 1 bit. bit-0 of the
size on little endian, and bit-31 of the size on big endian. That should
only halve the address range (leaving 31 bits)... where did the other 2
bits go?

I also hope this only affects slices of chars? It will ignore this
behaviour for anything other than char arrays right?

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 8:54 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

- Qualified keys not fully working: the current code has a few corner
   cases that don't work with shared/immutable/inout keys. One major
   roadblock is how to implement this:

alias someType T;
inout(T) myFunc(inout(T) arg, ...) {
int[inout(T)] aa;

I wonder how frequently such code is used.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 8:54 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Sorry, I've been busy at work and haven't had too much free time to work
on it.  The current code is available on github:


Thanks for the update! Let me reiterate this is important work for many 
reasons, so it would be great if you got around to pushing it through. 
Do you think someone else in the community could help you?


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 9:59 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

But as soon as you take a pointer to that string, you break the
immutability guaranty:

immutable(char)[] s = abcd;
immutable(char)* p = s.ptr;
s = defg; // assigns to where?

Taking .ptr will engender a copy. A small regression will be that 
address of individual chars cannot be taken.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 10:03 AM, Manu wrote:

29 bits? ...not 31?

Sorry, 31 indeed.

How does this implementation actually work? On 32/64 bits, and
little/big endian?
I can only imagine it working with a carefully placed 1 bit. bit-0 of
the size on little endian, and bit-31 of the size on big endian. That
should only halve the address range (leaving 31 bits)... where did the
other 2 bits go?

Essentially it will use either the first or the last bit of the 
representation as discriminator. That bit is most likely taken from 
the length representation. Shifting and masking can easily account for 
it when computing length of large strings.

I also hope this only affects slices of chars? It will ignore this
behaviour for anything other than char arrays right?

It works for any arrays of sufficiently small immutable data type (e.g. 
immutable(byte)[]), but the most advantage is reaped for string.


Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 9:26 AM, Manu wrote:

Is it realistic that anyone can actually use raw d-string's in an app
that performs a lot of string manipulation?


I bet most people end up
with a custom string class anyway...

That does happen, but much more rarely than one might think.

Who's written a string-heavy app without their own string helper class?
I ended up with a string class within about half an hour of trying to
work with D strings (initially just to support stack strings, then it grew).

A lot of people write string-heavy apps with the built-in strings. 
Heavy actually describes a continuum. No matter how you put it, 
improving the performance of built-in strings is beneficial.


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.04.2012 18:21, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the duplicate 
table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only then (if 
required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a match compiler 
just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to that of a matched 
(so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)



Don't forget that this needs to work:

static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }


A reference to spec page plz.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-04-08 16:54, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/8/12 5:45 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-04-08 07:56, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

For this to happen, we need to start an effort of migrating built-in
arrays into runtime, essentially making them templates that the compiler
lowers to. So I have two questions:

Just don't make the same mistake as with AA.

The mistake with AAs was done long ago, but it was forced as AAs
predated templates.


I'm referring to the new template implementation of AAs that got 
reverted due everything breaking, if I recall correctly.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.04.2012 12:16, Somedude wrote:

Like it. Would it be a good idea to add a column with an average memory
used ?

In general it's next to impossible and/or entirely OS-specific.
What can be done I think is adding a query function to GC interface that 
returns amount of RAM currently allocated on it's heap.

So adding GC heap usage can be done albeit it's not really a stable 
metric. This way one gets a nice hint on why something is slow ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2012-04-08 15:06:13 +, Andrei Alexandrescu 
seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org said:

On 4/8/12 9:59 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

But as soon as you take a pointer to that string, you break the
immutability guaranty:

immutable(char)[] s = abcd;
immutable(char)* p = s.ptr;
s = defg; // assigns to where?

Taking .ptr will engender a copy. A small regression will be that 
address of individual chars cannot be taken.

You know, many people have been wary of hidden memory allocations in 
the past. That's not going to make them happy. I'm not complaining, but 
I think .ptr should return null in those cases. Let people use 
toStringz when they need a C string, and let people deal with the ugly 
details themselves if they're using .ptr to bypass array bound 
checking. Because if someone used .ptr somewhere to bypass bound 
checking and instead he gets a memory allocation at each loop 
iteration… it won't be pretty.

And what about implicit conversions to const(char)[]? That too will 
require a copy, because otherwise it could point to the local stack 
frame where your immutable(char)[] resides. That said, maybe copies of 
small-string optimized immutable(char)[] could be small-string 
optimized const(char)[]. That'd not have any side effect since no one 
can have a mutable pointer/slice to the const copy anyway.

Michel Fortin

Re: Shared library in D on Linux

2012-04-08 Thread mta`chrono
I'm interessting in the same stuff. I've a question to _tlsend and
_tlsstart. What are they used for? My disputable presumption was that
they point to the begin of TLS segment.

What is _deh_begin and _deh_end used for?

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 10:48 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

On 2012-04-08 15:06:13 +, Andrei Alexandrescu
seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org said:

On 4/8/12 9:59 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:

But as soon as you take a pointer to that string, you break the
immutability guaranty:

immutable(char)[] s = abcd;
immutable(char)* p = s.ptr;
s = defg; // assigns to where?

Taking .ptr will engender a copy. A small regression will be that
address of individual chars cannot be taken.

You know, many people have been wary of hidden memory allocations in the

Well, the optimization makes for fewer allocations total. In fact .ptr 
does the allocation that was formerly mandatory.

That's not going to make them happy. I'm not complaining, but I
think .ptr should return null in those cases.

That would be too large a regression I think. And it's not detectable 
during compilation.

Let people use toStringz
when they need a C string, and let people deal with the ugly details
themselves if they're using .ptr to bypass array bound checking. Because
if someone used .ptr somewhere to bypass bound checking and instead he
gets a memory allocation at each loop iteration… it won't be pretty.

Only one allocation. First invocation of .ptr effectively changes 

And what about implicit conversions to const(char)[]? That too will
require a copy, because otherwise it could point to the local stack
frame where your immutable(char)[] resides. That said, maybe copies of
small-string optimized immutable(char)[] could be small-string optimized
const(char)[]. That'd not have any side effect since no one can have a
mutable pointer/slice to the const copy anyway.

I think casting to const(char)[] should work without allocation.


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Artur Skawina
On 04/08/12 17:20, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 On 08.04.2012 18:21, Artur Skawina wrote:
 On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the 
 duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only 
 then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a 
 match compiler just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to 
 that of a matched entry.
 (so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)

 Don't forget that this needs to work:

 static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }

 A reference to spec page plz.

A reference to *a* D spec, please...

There isn't one, but that does not mean that common sense does
not need to apply.

Do you really suggest making different template instantiations
identical, just because the compiler happened to emit the same
code? The situation is not very different from 

   const int a = 1; const uint b = 1; assert(a!=b);

The user can take the addresses, compare them, use as AA keys, 
set breakpoints etc.

Note that my point is just that the compiler needs to emit a dummy
so that the addresses remain unique, eg

   jmp module.f!int

that only is used when taking the address. Even calling f!int()
instead of the uint version could be acceptable, as long as there
is a compiler option to turn this optimization off (think breakpoints).


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 8 Apr 2012 07:18:26 -0700
schrieb H. S. Teoh hst...@quickfur.ath.cx:

 We'd have to make sure the checksum doesn't end up in the final
 executable though, otherwise the bloat may negate any gains we've made.

Executables (and object files) are made up mostly of sections, some of which 
are 'special cased' to contain the code, zero initialized data, thread local 
storage etc. and some user defined. The checksums would most probably end up in 
their own section, like is already happening for debug info or comments. Using 
a tool like strip you can remove any section by its name.

Once a linker knows how to use the checksums, it would strip them by default.


Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 08.04.2012 11:49, schrieb Simen Kjaeraas:

On Sun, 08 Apr 2012 11:39:03 +0200, Benjamin Thaut
c...@benjamin-thaut.de wrote:

Am 08.04.2012 11:28, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:

On Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:16:40 Benjamin Thaut wrote:

While typing D code I usually come across the problem that neither
nor immutable describe the usage pattern of the memory I'm currently
working on 100%. Sometimes I have immutable data that has been shared
among threads that I want to pass to a function. Then I have some const
data that I want to pass to the same function. Currently you don't have
any other choice but to write that function two times. But the function
itself does not need the extended properties of const or immutable:

const: can be casted back to mutable
immutable: can be implicitly shared among threads

The only thing the function cares about is, that it will not change the
data passed to it. It would be kind of nice to have a thrid storage
class readonly. It can not be casted back to mutable and it can
not be
implicitly shared among threads, but both const and immutable
convert to readonly, because both of these storage classes lose one of
their properties during conversion. That way you only have to write the
function once and can pass both const and immutable data to it.

Just an idea, comments and critics welcome.

I would point out that casting const to mutable and then altering the
is subverting the type system. The compiler does not support casting
either const or immutable to alter _anything_. So, as far as the type
is concerned, if you want a function that takes both const and
immutable, it
should take const.

Now, you _can_ cast away const and alter a variable if you're
careful, but
you're subverting the type system when you do so and throwing away any
guarantees that the compiler gives you. It's far from safe.

Given that casting away const on a variable and then mutating is
the type system and thate therefore the compiler is free to assume
that you
will never do it, I don't see what your idea of readonly would buy
us. It's
the same as const.

- Jonathan M Davis

I'll come up with a example.
But if what you say is true, why is immutable not implicitly
convertible to const?

It is.

Thanks, then this is a misunderstanding on my side, and this topic is 
irrelevant. But what about calling const methods on immutable objects?

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: a pretty exciting result for parallel D lang rmd following defrag by name

2012-04-08 Thread Jay Norwood

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 09:21:43 UTC, Somedude wrote:


You seem to have done a pretty good job with your parallel 
unzip. Have

you tried a parallel zip as well ?
Do you think you could include this in std.zip when you're done 

I'm going to do a parallel zip as well.  There is already 
parallel zip utility available with 7zip, so I haven't looked 
closely at D's std.zip.

These parallel implementations all bring in std.parallelism as a 
dependency, and I don't know if that is acceptable.  I'm just 
putting them in my github for now, along with examples.

Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 08 Apr 2012 16:21:14 +0200
schrieb Artur Skawina art.08...@gmail.com:

 On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
  3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the 
  duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only 
  then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a 
  match compiler just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to 
  that of a matched entry.
  (so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)
 Don't forget that this needs to work:   
static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }

Do you actually rely on that behavior? It is the same as asking this to work, I 

string a = abc;
string b = abcdef;
assert(a.ptr !is b.ptr);

There should be ways to logically check the unequality of your two functions, 
not by comparing their memory addresses.


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 10:59 AM, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 04/08/12 17:20, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 08.04.2012 18:21, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the duplicate 
table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only then (if 
required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a match compiler 
just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to that of a matched 
(so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)



Don't forget that this needs to work:

 static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }

A reference to spec page plz.

A reference to *a* D spec, please...

There isn't one, but that does not mean that common sense does
not need to apply.

Doesn't apply to C++.


Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Marco Leise
Am Sun, 08 Apr 2012 09:35:14 -0500
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org:

 On 4/8/12 3:16 AM, Somedude wrote:
  Like it. Would it be a good idea to add a column with an average memory
  used ?
 Interesting idea. I saw 
 and it looks like it's not an easy problem. Should we make this part of 
 the initial release?

Oh please, I use these functions already and with the similarities amongst 
operating systems they should be somewhere in Phobos! My thought was more in 
the line of std.procmgmt/std.process though. Since they are process management 
functions useful for server monitoring as well, not just benchmarking.


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.04.2012 19:59, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 04/08/12 17:20, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 08.04.2012 18:21, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 04/08/12 13:01, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the duplicate 
table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and only then (if 
required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that there is a match compiler 
just throws generated code away and _aliases_ it's symbol to that of a matched 
(so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)



Don't forget that this needs to work:

 static auto f(T)(T a) { return a; }

A reference to spec page plz.

A reference to *a* D spec, please...

Yeah, sorry.

There isn't one, but that does not mean that common sense does
not need to apply.

There is common sense and that is (in my book):
don't tie up compiler's hands for no benefit.

Do you really suggest making different template instantiations
identical, just because the compiler happened to emit the same
code? The situation is not very different from

const int a = 1; const uint b = 1; assert(a!=b);

I wouldn't expect this assert to always hold. Moreover (all things being 
equal) I would expect taking address of constant integers a poor practice.

The user can take the addresses, compare them, use as AA keys,
set breakpoints etc.

Yes, that's what I call poor practice ( I mean function pointer as AA 
_key_, seriously?). As for breakpoints, obviously one debugs 
non-optimized program (at least most of the time).

Note that my point is just that the compiler needs to emit a dummy
so that the addresses remain unique, eg

jmp module.f!int

Could work as a conservative option. But I don't think it's justified.

that only is used when taking the address. Even calling f!int()
instead of the uint version could be acceptable, as long as there
is a compiler option to turn this optimization off (think breakpoints).

Yup, that's what optimizations are.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.04.2012 18:18, H. S. Teoh wrote:

1. Every time a function is generated (or pretty much any symbol)
not only a size calculated but also a checksum* of it's data.
(If we go for link-time optimization we should find a place to stick
it to in the object file)

We'd have to make sure the checksum doesn't end up in the final
executable though, otherwise the bloat may negate any gains we've made.

Easy the symbol size is in object file (obviously) but it surely not 
present in the executable. If I worth anything legacy formats have a 
plenty of slack space reserved for future. Nwo is the future :)


3. After any function was generated compiler checks an entry in the
duplicate table that matches size, followed by matching checksum and
only then (if required) doing a straight memcmp. If it happens that
there is a match compiler just throws generated code away and
_aliases_ it's symbol to that of a matched entry.
(so there has to be an alias table if there isn't one already)

I think you don't even need an alias table; IIRC the OS dynamic linker
can easily handle symbols that have the same value (i.e. that point to
the same place). All you have to do is to change the value of the
duplicated symbols so that they all point to the same address.

Nice to know.


It's not only const-immutable bloat, it can be alleviated with
inout. Yet there are plenty of places the exact same code is being
generated: e.g. sealed containers of int vs uint, std.find on
dchar[] vs uint[]/int[] an so on.
In general, the coarse grained parametrization is the root of all
evil and it is inevitable since we are just humans after all.

I'm not sure I understand the last sentence there, but duplicate code
elimination is definitely a big plus. It will also mean that we can use
templates more freely without having to worry about template bloat.

It's easy - define a template on type T. Code it up.
Now how many times you did consider that e.g. you can parametrize on the 
size of the type instead of the type itself? I'm making a point that 
it's almost always the case with sealed containers of PODs for instance.

(now multiply the argument for total number of parameters)

1. If we do checksum calculation on the fly during codegen it gets
at virtually no cost as the data is in CPU data cache. Preliminary
version can avoid hacking this part of backend though.

2. By _alias_ I mean the ability of compiler to emit references to a
given symbol as if it was some other symbol (should be really
straight forward).

Like I said, I think this isn't even necessary, if the compiler can just
generate the same value for the duplicated symbols.

OK, I'm not much into how *exactly* linker works these days. I know the 
basics though.

4. Ironically the same exact thing works with any kind of immutable
data structures. It looks like string pooling is superseded by this


Not really... string pooling can take advantage of overlapping
(sub)strings, but I don't think you can do that with code. But I think
your idea has a lot of merit. I'm for making linkers smarter than they
currently are.

Sorry, it's just me running ahead of train somewhat. Basically once this 
initial version is in place I have one cool refinement for it in mind. 
For now we just need to keep the hash function transitive and 
associative for the gods sake. 128/64bit checksum please ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 08.04.2012 16:37, Marco Leise wrote:

Template bloat could be especially important to 'fix' on embedded systems.

I think I this idea largely formed years ago when I was working with c++ 
on 8bit micros. You won't believe the amount of code size one can save 
by using one separate generic save-it-all-then-load-it-all prolog/epilog 
for all functions (and esp ISRs).

 Let's wait till the bugs and important features are implemented or hack the 
compiler ourselves.

Let's hack the compiler ;)
BTW I think it should be possible to apply the idea on the IR level not 
on the actual machine code.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: std.benchmark ready for review. Manager sought after

2012-04-08 Thread Denis Shelomovskij
Very good but minimum isn't a best guess. Personally I (and there will 
be a lot of such maniacs I suppose) will think that this (minimum) time 
can be significantly smaller than average time.

So a parameter (probably with a default value) should be added. 
Something like enum of flags telling what we want to know. At least 
these looks usable: minTime, some mean time, maxTime, 
standardDeviation, graph (yes, good old ASCII art).

Yes, graph is needed.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/8/2012 7:53 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Once anyone asks for .ptr a conservative copy will be made.

That could get expensive. You cannot just point into the small string part, 
because that may only exist temporarily on the stack. There are some 
pathological cases for this.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 05:35:50PM +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 2012-04-08 16:54, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 4/8/12 5:45 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 Just don't make the same mistake as with AA.
 The mistake with AAs was done long ago, but it was forced as AAs
 predated templates.
 I'm referring to the new template implementation of AAs that got
 reverted due everything breaking, if I recall correctly.

Huh? When was this?


I suspect the best way to deal with procrastination is to put off the
procrastination itself until later. I've been meaning to try this, but
haven't gotten around to it yet.  -- swr

Re: readonly storage class

2012-04-08 Thread Timon Gehr

On 04/08/2012 06:09 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Am 08.04.2012 11:49, schrieb Simen Kjaeraas:

On Sun, 08 Apr 2012 11:39:03 +0200, Benjamin Thaut
c...@benjamin-thaut.de wrote:

I'll come up with a example.
But if what you say is true, why is immutable not implicitly
convertible to const?

It is.

Thanks, then this is a misunderstanding on my side, and this topic is
irrelevant. But what about calling const methods on immutable objects?

That works.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 10:00:37AM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 4/8/12 8:54 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 Sorry, I've been busy at work and haven't had too much free time to work
 on it.  The current code is available on github:
 Thanks for the update! Let me reiterate this is important work for
 many reasons, so it would be great if you got around to pushing it

I'll try my best to work on it when I have free time.

 Do you think someone else in the community could help you?

Well, I put the code up on github for a reason. :-) I'll only be too
glad to have someone else contribute. The code itself isn't all that
complicated; it's basically just a facsimile of aaA.d with many bugs
fixed due to the fact that we now have direct access to key/value types.


Life is all a great joke, but only the brave ever get the point. -- Kenneth 

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2012-04-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 4/8/12 12:05 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/8/2012 7:53 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Once anyone asks for .ptr a conservative copy will be made.

That could get expensive. You cannot just point into the small string
part, because that may only exist temporarily on the stack. There are
some pathological cases for this.

As I mentioned, the first call to .ptr changes representation, thus 
making the allocation that the optimization had saved. Things are not 
worse off than before.


Re: A modest proposal: eliminate template code bloat

2012-04-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 08:45:19PM +0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 On 08.04.2012 18:18, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 We'd have to make sure the checksum doesn't end up in the final
 executable though, otherwise the bloat may negate any gains we've
 Easy the symbol size is in object file (obviously) but it surely not
 present in the executable. If I worth anything legacy formats have a
 plenty of slack space reserved for future. Nwo is the future :)

I agree!

 It's not only const-immutable bloat, it can be alleviated with
 inout. Yet there are plenty of places the exact same code is being
 generated: e.g. sealed containers of int vs uint, std.find on
 dchar[] vs uint[]/int[] an so on.
 In general, the coarse grained parametrization is the root of all
 evil and it is inevitable since we are just humans after all.
 I'm not sure I understand the last sentence there, but duplicate code
 elimination is definitely a big plus. It will also mean that we can
 use templates more freely without having to worry about template
 It's easy - define a template on type T. Code it up.
 Now how many times you did consider that e.g. you can parametrize on
 the size of the type instead of the type itself? I'm making a point
 that it's almost always the case with sealed containers of PODs for
 (now multiply the argument for total number of parameters)

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. This would be a very big gain for
the new AA implementation, for example. I wouldn't have to worry so much
about template bloat if most of the instantiations are going to get
merged anyway. :-)

 Not really... string pooling can take advantage of overlapping
 (sub)strings, but I don't think you can do that with code. But I
 think your idea has a lot of merit. I'm for making linkers smarter
 than they currently are.
 Sorry, it's just me running ahead of train somewhat. Basically once
 this initial version is in place I have one cool refinement for it in
 mind. For now we just need to keep the hash function transitive and
 associative for the gods sake. 128/64bit checksum please ;)

And what would the cool refinement be? :-)


It's bad luck to be superstitious. -- YHL

Re: Discussion on Go and D

2012-04-08 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/6/2012 9:07 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

A few more samples of people's perception of the two languages:


At least we don't have this issue: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3814020

The D gc allocates smallish chunks as required, not one giant virtual arena.

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