Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-29 23:06, Rob T wrote:

For the moment, let's talk about ddoc, or unit testing in D. That's the
difference, it's not an external tool set, it's instead a a part of the
standard language feature set. BTW, IMO ddoc was implemented poorly,
using comments, which I fully agree with you would be a vary bad way to
go about implementing the feature. In that case, I would rather use Ruby.

The built-in support for unit testing is too simplistic. I think one 
needs an external tool anyway that makes use of the built-in support 
unit tests.

I just want to be able to do something like:

$ test a.d b.d

And it will run all unit tests in the modules "a" and "b". In D I need 
to manually creating a test module which imports all modules I want to 
test. This will give the most basic functionality. This is a few things 
of that's missing:

* Run a single test
* Names or context for the tests
* Nice report of which tests failed
* Continue running other tests if a given test failed

I would say that the build specific code would have to go into the
main.d file, but since libraries do not have a "main" file, the build
process code would have to go into another file, perhaps named
"build.d", that contains the entire build section which the compiler
uses to kick off the build process. The build.d files can be chained so
that multiple related projects can be constructed.

That's the exact same thing as I'm proposing, except it's the compiler 
handling it.

In any event, I'd ask how do the current build systems do it? They read
and parse through the source files to learn about dependencies

No, they:

1. Run "$ dmd -o- -c main.d -deps=deps.txt" which will write out all 
dependencies of "main.d" to "deps.txt"

2. Read the "deps.txt" file and pass all files to dmd

OR a programmer specifies all of it manually, which is a complete nightmare
to maintain on large projects.

I completely agree.

Now, if things were designed correctly, I
don't see why a semi-automated build, using internally specified build
options for manual tweaking where needed, cannot be done with an
embedded build system.

If it was designed correctly the compiler would be built as a library. 
The build tool could the use this library to get all the dependencies of 
a given source file.

Another analogy is to think about languages that have embedded
reflection - unfortunately D currently lacks a generalized solution for
reflection, but you can see hints of the potential it offers.
Simplifying how builds are performed through "reflection" will increase
productivity, and will potentially offer new ways of solving old
problems well past what was considered possible before.

Do you have any example?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-29 22:46, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Actually I figured it out - rdmd can simply read its own file argument
and look at the shebang line. Then there's no more issue of space
coalescing, line length limitations etc.

I don't know if you intended to answer to my post but having a separate 
build system is no problem. What Gor suggested was having the build 
system in the compiler, that will cause problems.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: The future of UDAs.

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-30 03:39, Walter Bright wrote:

It's not a complete solution, since using a symbol S from module A does
not necessarily mean dependency on S being statically constructed in A.
But it would be a start.

Well, not using any symbol from module A means it has no dependency for 
sure on A in the static constructor.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 11/29/2012 5:51 PM, Max Samukha wrote:

On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 15:18:11 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Maybe you care to provide an example?

The general problem is constructing global data structures based on data
introspected at compile-time.

My specific problem is extending scarce runtime type information
provided by the language with something usable for runtime reflection.
With lots of detail omitted:

module reflect;

Meta[string] metas;
mixin template Reflect(alias object) {
 static this()
 auto m = meta!(object);
 metas[m.fullName] ~= m;

module a;
import reflect;

struct S
mixin Reflect!S;

The meta-object for S is automatically made available at runtime through
the global metas array. Note that we do not want to force the user to
register the meta-object manually because then it would not be a "better

The important (Andrei somehow thinks it is not) requirement is there
must not be circular dependency issues for the users of the "reflect"

How about running your own set of "constructors" searching the module 
info array, searching for specific classes in the module that are added 
by a mixin:

module register;

RegisterBase[string] registry;

void doRegister(string name, RegisterBase r) { registry[name] = r; }

class RegisterBase
abstract void _register();

template Register(string name)
enum string Register = "
class Register : RegisterBase
override void _register() { doRegister(\"" ~ name ~ "\", this); 

void registerAll()
foreach(m; ModuleInfo)
TypeInfo_Class[] clss = m.localClasses();
foreach(c; clss)
if(c.base is RegisterBase.classinfo)
if(auto reg = cast(RegisterBase) c.create())

module a;
import register;


module main;
import std.stdio;
import register;

void main()
foreach(a, o; registry)
writeln(a, " ", o);

This might also work for the benchmark module.

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Tavi Cacina
On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 20:47:49 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
What's the difference compared to any other build tool. Where 
you have to learn some kind of special syntax. This is a 
special syntax as well, just happens to be a real language as 

In D could be quite elegant. Here a simplified sample how I think 
it could look like:

// Builder Library
module dlang.builder;

struct Target
string output;
string[] source;
string[] libs;

alias Target Executable;

alias Target StaticLib;

struct Environment
bool tests = false;
bool verbose = false;
string[] importDirs;

mixin template Builder()
int main(string[] args)
// enumerate and build the targets...

// build.d in project folder
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd

import dlang.builder;

// version(X) to differentiate
Environment env = {
tests: true,
verbose: true,
importDirs: ["../deimos"]

Executable myapp = {
output: "myapp.exe",
source: ["app/a.d", "app/b.d"],
libs: ["libutil"]

StaticLib libutil = {
source: ["util/*.d"]

mixin Builder;

invocation would be basically rdmd build.d

./build.d --variant=release --toolset=dmd_2_060

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread deadalnix
OK, first debian system is not suitable for a programing language 
IMO. They have to solve the exact opposite problem than ours : 
debian relies on programs, programs rely on programming languages.

Second doing that in a separate project, with people volunteering 
in it is a bad idea. This increase the workload instead of 
decreasing it. It is beneficial for D users, but not beneficial 
for D devellopers, and as it is a open source project where 
people participate on their free time, I don't think this will 
work. Anyway, I don't want to discourage you because if it does 
work, this is awesome. I'd love to be proven wrong on that one, 
so if you believe in it, go for it !

Secondly, some people were talking about roadmap, people in 
charge and everything. This is required for very important task, 
but likely to fail again on a project where people participate on 
their free time.

It would be much more beneficial to improve what occasional dev 
on D can do to help. We have to allow people to work on the stuff 
they moticate them ATM : fix a bug that occurs in their programs, 
learn some new area of programming, or whatever.

Such thing is easier to do on something stable. Currently, to 
work on D, you need to know what is the current state of thing, 
what is the intended state, why isn't it tat way (historical 
reasons, difficulties of implementations, etc . . .) and new 
feature addition tend to continue this situation (as new bugs are 
introduced hen other are removed, and real profound issue get 
harder to solve).

This is important because even if you don't use the new 
functionality, you don't get rid of the bugs. They'll manifest 
themselves because 3rd party code will use such feature.

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-29 22:43, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

They just let you blow your foot off. All static variables can be directly
initialized at runtime, so it's easy to use variables before they're actually
initialized. I don't know how they decide what order to run static
constructors in, but AFAIK, it never worries about circular dependencies.
We're only running into this problem beacuse we're trying to provide higher
safety and better guarantees with regards to when and how variables are

I see.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Artur Skawina
On 11/29/12 23:34, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, November 29, 2012 23:28:07 Timon Gehr wrote:
>> On 11/29/2012 01:17 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>> In the past when I've brought up similar solutions, he's been completely
>>> opposed to them. ...
>> It is not a solution, it is a workaround.
> What do you mean? The runtime sees circular dependencies between modules even 
> when there's no actual circular dependency between static constructors. We 
> need to fix that. One way is to just make the runtime not care, which 
> wouldn't 
> be particularly safe. Another is to explicitly tell it that there are no such 
> dependencies. I don't see how that's not a solution. And unless someone can 
> come up with a way for the runtime to somehow determine on its own that 
> there's no actual, circular dependency, I don't see how anything better could 
> be done.

It's relatively easy for the /compiler/ to figure it out; it's just that
implementing a simple user-provided flag requires the least amount of work.
What Walter suggested can be tweaked to be sane (per-ctor flag) and will
still be useful if/when the compiler becomes smarter (think lazily initted
module fields).
For the compiler to check if the value of every imported symbol accessed
inside a mod-ctor can be evaluated at compile-time (if you encounter a case
where this is not true it means there (potentially) is a true dependency and
the ctors should be ordered) would require more work.


Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-30 09:19, Tavi Cacina wrote:

// version(X) to differentiate
Environment env = {
 tests: true,
 verbose: true,
 importDirs: ["../deimos"]

That's quite a clever syntax, but you forgot the trailing semicolon and 
isn't that syntax intended to be deprecated? It's also quite limiting, 
it would be nice to be able to execute arbitrary code for a given target.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread 1100110

On 11/30/2012 02:22 AM, deadalnix wrote:

OK, first debian system is not suitable for a programing language IMO.
They have to solve the exact opposite problem than ours : debian relies
on programs, programs rely on programming languages.

Second doing that in a separate project, with people volunteering in it
is a bad idea. This increase the workload instead of decreasing it. It
is beneficial for D users, but not beneficial for D devellopers, and as
it is a open source project where people participate on their free time,
I don't think this will work. Anyway, I don't want to discourage you
because if it does work, this is awesome. I'd love to be proven wrong on
that one, so if you believe in it, go for it !

Secondly, some people were talking about roadmap, people in charge and
everything. This is required for very important task, but likely to fail
again on a project where people participate on their free time.

It would be much more beneficial to improve what occasional dev on D can
do to help. We have to allow people to work on the stuff they moticate
them ATM : fix a bug that occurs in their programs, learn some new area
of programming, or whatever.

Such thing is easier to do on something stable. Currently, to work on D,
you need to know what is the current state of thing, what is the
intended state, why isn't it tat way (historical reasons, difficulties
of implementations, etc . . .) and new feature addition tend to continue
this situation (as new bugs are introduced hen other are removed, and
real profound issue get harder to solve).

This is important because even if you don't use the new functionality,
you don't get rid of the bugs. They'll manifest themselves because 3rd
party code will use such feature.

Debian relies on third-party code.

One of the major draws of a programming language is third-party code.
The more libraries we support, and the easier we make D to target for 
stable code, the better.

Sure, there are practical differences, I'm not going to deny that.

But there are practical similarities as well. We should use the metaphor 
only as far as it works.  If you want to suggest another successful 
system currently in use, please do.  I don't want to repeat anyone 
else's mistakes.

The most important thing right now is to come up with a system that 
works, and isn't a hassle for anyone.  DMD developers should find it 
easy and useful, D users should find it easy and helpful.

I'm not going to suggest that D Stable take the Debian route of 
requiring all third-party code be forked by us for inclusion.  That's 
not what this should be about. As so a (very) large part of their system 
is currently being ignored by me.

That is a task that a D package manager should deal with.  We would just 
greatly simplify their job of making sure that the packages work where 
they say they should.  They can make their own requirements for the 
actual third-party code.

Walter's support is a key part of this.  Scheduled releases are a must, 
even if there are no new features or important changes. IMO Version bump 
releases are fine because it is expected.

Andrei's support is also necessary, IIRC he is one of main person behind 
phobos.  A stable version of D is not useful without a stable version of 
phobos and druntime to go with it.

Equally important is third party code.  If code claims to target the 
current stable version of D, it should work as expected.(excepting Bugs 
of course, I'm not that crazy)  It should be easy to tell exactly what 
needs to be changed in order to make it work.  There should be tools 
that assist this process.

And yes, it should be as easy as possible to contribute.  One-off 
commits should be completely welcome, and encouraged.

I would love to hear advice on how to simplify that process.  Look at  You can click a button, edit the file online, and create a 
pull request.  I noticed a typo.  I was curious as to how easy it would 
be to fix. I was done approximately 2 minutes later (I dawdled on the 
commit message).  The pull was accepted a few hours later.  It was 

Now how can we make everything else that easy?

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Peter Alexander
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 01:07:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/29/12 5:43 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/30/2012 12:09 AM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
I don't think this is sufficient. Imagine a group of modules 
that really
_do_ have a cyclic dependency, and a mixin that adds an 

this. Ideally you'd be able to mark the mixed-in constructor 

without tainting the whole module.

So just make the pragma apply to declarations, you either 
mark specific
functions (which can then be mixed in) or put `pragma(...):` 
at the

top of
your module and you get your behaviour.

It is possible for each static constructor to specify 
independently of
the other static constructors which imports must be 
constructed first.

But do we really want to go that far?

I think we either do it right or leave it as it is. It's not 
like there's no workaround so if we take a stand here we better 
have something compelling.



FWIW, I think this proposal sounds like a massive hack. Not a fan.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Robert
My github account is eskimor. I think the model described in:

is a really good one, to get started. If we want to keep changes to a
minimum, then the development branch in the model could simply be the
current master.

The master branch in the model would be the master branch of dmd-stable.

Feature branches already exist in form of pull requests.

Release/hotfix branches would have to be introduced. A little education
of people would be needed. (E.g. where and when to merge things,
bugs/features.) Where and how changes are documented.

I would volunteer to help writing an automatic upgrade tool. We should,
define things there, so reports of breaking changes/deprecations, the
developers provide, could then be already in a format the tool can

On Thu, 2012-11-29 at 23:49 -0600, 1100110 wrote:
> On 11/29/2012 11:17 PM, Rob T wrote:
> > On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 04:30:10 UTC, 1100110 wrote:
> >> Let's do this thing.
> >
> > I can help with formulating a process and I can also help write up the
> > guidelines and so forth, so I'll sign up.
> >
> > If we can decide on a road map and write it up, and get enough consensus
> > for implementing it, then everyone will know what they should be working
> > on, and also what to expect.
> >
> > How many people do you think we need to get started, 5 or so?
> >
> > --rt
> >
> I've started work on the specification here 
> I'd like for someone else to start with the writeup, since I've pretty 
> much made my ideal known by this point.
> If you have a github account, give me your user name and I'll add you to 
> the Project.
> It'll at least give us a public place to define things for right now.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Robert
On Fri, 2012-11-30 at 07:31 +0100, Rob T wrote:
> One quick suggestion before I call it a day, is for there to be 
> an "experimental branch" for the great minds behind D to play 
> around with (eg UDA's etc). We probably don't want experimental 
> stuff going directly into a branch that is destined for stable. 
> Unstable should be for items that are relatively finalized in 
> terms of design and agreement that the concept is to be 
> eventually incorporated into stable, i.e., moving a new feature 
> into unstable starts the refinement process towards a stable 
> release of that feature. 

Totally agreed. In the development branch only already finalized things
should be merged.

Having official experimental branch(es) is a good idea.  I think the
things people are working on should be easily accessible. So other
people can contribute and test the stuff. These branches should then
also be included in Maybe a dmd-experimental project,
where people can get access to, very easily. So they can push their
branches there. It should be as easy for people to try out experimental
things as to try out things from the development branch, to get as much
early testing as possible. Automatic creation of binary releases would
also be cool.

So the workflow could be something like: 

1. Document on a dedicated wiki page that you start working on feature X
or bug fix Y.
2. Get started on a private/semipublic feature branch.
3. As soon as you got something push it to dmd-experimental
4. Continue to work and improve things there
5. Experimental branches are considered for inclusion in devel.
6. Things are tested in an integrated way in devel, with binary releases
every two months or so. (Much like we have now)
7. At predefined intervals you branch of a release branch and stabilize
things further.
8. Release branch is merged in dmd-stable/master

Someone posted this, as why not to use feature branches:

I personally don't think that feature branches are the problem, but more
a lack of communication. If people work on the same stuff you get merge
conflicts, that is granted, so you should know on what people are
working before starting to work. A wiki page where you add a link to
your feature branch and what you are currently working on and
dmd-experimental could help in this regard.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread r_m_r

On 11/30/2012 12:48 PM, 1100110 wrote:

Raid it for ideas!

Since we're raiding for _ideas_, I guess we can have a look at the 
development process used by other languages.

Here's what the cPython mercurial repository looks like 


and here's the revision graph:

This is what Wikipedia had to tell about Python's development process 

CPython's public releases come in three types, distinguished by which 
part of the version number is incremented:

***Backwards-incompatible versions**, where code is expected to 
break and must be manually ported. The first part of the version number 
is incremented. These releases happen infrequently—for example, version 
3.0 was released 8 years after 2.0.
***Major or "feature" releases**, which are largely compatible but 
introduce new features. The second part of the version number is 
incremented. These releases are scheduled to occur roughly every 18 
months, and each major version is supported by bugfixes for several 
years after its release.
***Bugfix releases**, which introduce no new features but fix bugs. 
The third and final part of the version number is incremented. These 
releases are made whenever a sufficient number of bugs have been fixed 
upstream since the last release, or roughly every 3 months. Security 
vulnerabilities are also patched in bugfix releases.

A number of alpha, beta, and release-candidates are also released as 
previews and for testing before the final release is made. Although 
there is a rough schedule for each release, this is often pushed back if 
the code is not ready. The development team monitor the state of the 
code by running the large unit test suite during development, and using 
the BuildBot _continuous integration system_.


Re: typeid() broken for interfaces?

2012-11-30 Thread Maxim Fomin
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 10:05:21 UTC, Gor Gyolchanyan 

interface I { }
class C: I { }

I object = new C;
assert(typeid(object) == typeid(C)); // fails

Is this normal or is it a bug?
Note, that the same works fine in case of a base class, rather 
then an


It works according to spec. Object is expression of type 
interface I, so no dynamic type search is performed.

Re: typeid() broken for interfaces?

2012-11-30 Thread Maxim Fomin
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 11:04:10 UTC, Gor Gyolchanyan 
So the interfaces aren't supposed to hold a TypeInfo? That 
doesn't sound
right. That makes interfaces useless in a very large set of use 

You can find information about interfaces and classes at (interfaces have a pointer to vtbl[] 
which entries have pointers to TypeInfo). You can also write 
enhancement request if you consider your proposal worth 
implementing (but I don't understand what exactly you want).

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread 1100110

On 11/30/2012 04:22 AM, Robert wrote:

My github account is eskimor. I think the model described in:

I have just been reading that for advice and find the --no-ff comments 
confusing.  Can you explain that please?  I see two contradicting claims.

Also you have been added as a member.

is a really good one, to get started. If we want to keep changes to a
minimum, then the development branch in the model could simply be the
current master.

The master branch in the model would be the master branch of dmd-stable.

I agree that we should be smart about this, but I'm not quite following 
you.  Please explain the best design that you have in mind.

In my mind, stable is just an abstraction over the stable branch, we 
should be working as close to the development branch as we can, to 
prevent useless duplication.

Feature branches already exist in form of pull requests.

Release/hotfix branches would have to be introduced. A little education
of people would be needed. (E.g. where and when to merge things,
bugs/features.) Where and how changes are documented.

Exactly. We develop a standard. We follow that standard.

I would volunteer to help writing an automatic upgrade tool. We should,
define things there, so reports of breaking changes/deprecations, the
developers provide, could then be already in a format the tool can

Very good!  And yes, I think that a proper automatic upgrade tool(and 
warning system!) should work with the existing systems as much as 
possible.  That would be beautiful.

You are in the "Trusted" team on the project since everything is in 
flux.  Expect to move or be moved to a team that is limited to something 
similar to a tools repo for what you want to work on.

If you want to actually get started, I'll create a Tools repo(or a 
better name?) and give you commit access.  But right now, you do not 
have commit access.

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Walter Bright

On 11/30/2012 9:05 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 01:07:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I think we either do it right or leave it as it is. It's not like
there's no workaround so if we take a stand here we better have
something compelling.



FWIW, I think this proposal sounds like a massive hack. Not a fan.

Andrei has a point.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread 1100110

On 11/30/2012 04:40 AM, Robert wrote:

On Fri, 2012-11-30 at 07:31 +0100, Rob T wrote:

One quick suggestion before I call it a day, is for there to be
an "experimental branch" for the great minds behind D to play
around with (eg UDA's etc). We probably don't want experimental
stuff going directly into a branch that is destined for stable.
Unstable should be for items that are relatively finalized in
terms of design and agreement that the concept is to be
eventually incorporated into stable, i.e., moving a new feature
into unstable starts the refinement process towards a stable
release of that feature.

Totally agreed. In the development branch only already finalized things
should be merged.

Having official experimental branch(es) is a good idea.  I think the
things people are working on should be easily accessible. So other
people can contribute and test the stuff. These branches should then
also be included in Maybe a dmd-experimental project,
where people can get access to, very easily. So they can push their
branches there. It should be as easy for people to try out experimental
things as to try out things from the development branch, to get as much
early testing as possible. Automatic creation of binary releases would
also be cool.

So the workflow could be something like:

1. Document on a dedicated wiki page that you start working on feature X
or bug fix Y.
2. Get started on a private/semipublic feature branch.
3. As soon as you got something push it to dmd-experimental
4. Continue to work and improve things there
5. Experimental branches are considered for inclusion in devel.
I think you would end up targeting experimental to prevent clashes with 
other stuff that has also yet to be merged.  From what I see, whatever 
you call it, upstream should remain upstream.  Maybe its a good Idea, 
but I would consider that out of our hands.

A Testing branch that new features are pulled to after inclusion in 
upstream would be nice, and allow Testing to handle it's own releases 
and have it's own guarantees.  That would enable the short term releases 
and early testing.  But I do not want to interfere with devel.

6. Things are tested in an integrated way in devel, with binary releases
every two months or so. (Much like we have now)
7. At predefined intervals you branch of a release branch and stabilize
things further.
8. Release branch is merged in dmd-stable/master

Someone posted this, as why not to use feature branches:

Fixin to sleep, I'll watch it in the morning and respond.

I personally don't think that feature branches are the problem, but more
a lack of communication. If people work on the same stuff you get merge
conflicts, that is granted, so you should know on what people are
working before starting to work. A wiki page where you add a link to
your feature branch and what you are currently working on and
dmd-experimental could help in this regard.

This is a a question for Walter et al to answer.

I don't think we should define their workflow, In fact I'd prefer that 
the devel remain completely under Walter's domain.  Testing branch could 
be useful, though.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 11/30/2012 05:30 AM, 1100110 wrote:

A few of the requests were:(in no specific order)
Base Update and Upgrade paths on successful projects, such as Debian's
Three branches.

To be honest, I don't think that what is needed is a detailed proposal for the 
branch structure etc.  There are only so many ways you can do it, after all, and 
the details don't matter so much as long as an effective stable version comes 
out of it.

What _is_ needed is to get people committed to actually doing the work to 
maintain a stable version.  Once you have the people, they can work out the 
details for themselves.

I can also include specific versions of LDC and GDC (and any other compiler
willing to target a release.)

I think that before bringing LDC/GDC into the equation, it would help if we got 
to the point where the frontend was genuinely portable, as discussed e.g. here:

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Nick Treleaven

On 29/11/2012 12:10, Maxim Fomin wrote:

On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 10:41:46 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:

I'm just not understanding the whole "the default construction of a
struct should be a compile time creature, not a runtime one".

Don't you have to initialize the struct with zero's either way?

So either way, you're going to have to initialize it... so no perf
increase in any way. Why prevent the user from default-initializing it
the way he wants to?

Every type has a CT-known default initializer, even classes have (null).
If structures had a runtime one, this would break code (especially
templates and CTFE) which relies on knowing something about constant
default instance of a type at CT.

extern bool foo();

struct S
   int i;
   this() {
 i = foo() ? 1 : -1;
S s;
//somewhere in Phobos

void dosmth(T) (T obj)
   T val; // is i 0, -1 or 1 ?

I think s.i and val.i should be zero. S.this() should never be called 
implicitly IMO, but instead like this:

// runtime code
S s = S();

These two should always be equivalent, and compile-time evaluated:

S s;
S s = S.init;

If we actually need non-trivial compile-time 'default' constructors, 
they should have a different syntax:

// runtime ctors
this(int x = 0);
this(T...)(T args);

// CT ctor (if actually needed)
default this(){...}

S.init would imply a call to the above CT constructor.

Re: mixin templates with name parameter

2012-11-30 Thread js.mdnq

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 04:04:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/29/2012 05:08 PM, js.mdnq wrote:
mixin templates seems like they could benefit from an extra 
that one can pass a name. The name, a string literal, sort of 
acts like

a preprocessor token:

mixin template InjectX!(T)
private T x;
T get#name#( ) { return x; }
void set#name#(T y)
// Checks
x = y;

Then something like "mixin InjectX!int Mylnt;" will create the 


getMylnt and setMylnt.

The scope names are a nice solution and sometimes what one 
wants. But

sometimes one would like to avoid an extra referencing step.

In fact, it would be nice if one could inject code into the 
code. One, could example, even supply an object or another 
mixin with
the mixin to compose the code. If, say, I wanted slightly 
different set
functions above I would have to write a template for each one, 
but if I

code compose mixins then I could avoid that.

In any case, it can get rather complicated and notation is the 
issue(how to describe it all elegantly). I think the idea and 
the way D
does it is pretty elegant though and probably good enough for 
cases. I just imagine cases where a very complex mixin might 
need slight
changes from one use to the next but unfortunately would 
require some

inelegant methods to use it.

Possibly one could compose mixins in a way that all common 

overlap are serialized.

"alias mixin InjectX!int with InjectY!int Mylntalias;"
"mixin MyIntalias!int MyInt;"

will produce a mixin s.t., the set functions of Y are 
serialized with
those of X. (the new set function will first call the set of 

then that of InjectX)

This way, we can "extend" a mixin relatively easy by simply 

code to it's functions.

Just some food for thought.

There are also string mixins, which provide some help:

string getFunction(string name)()
return "T get" ~ name ~ "( ) { return x; }";

string setFunction(string name)()
return "void set" ~ name ~ "(T y)" ~ q{
// Checks
x = y;

string varDeclaration(string name)()
return "private T " ~ name ~ ";";

template InjectX(T, string name)
mixin (varDeclaration!name);
mixin (getFunction!name);
mixin (setFunction!name);

class C
mixin InjectX!(int, "x");

void main()
auto c = new C;

There is a warning though: The current compiler is very slow 
when there are too many little string mixins. I heard that one 
large function that generates all three string above would be 
way faster than the three that I have used.


Yeah, it's a bit "stringy" for my tastes but it does provide a 

I suppose one can actually store the templates in another file 
and parse them beforehand(sort of preprocessing) and just replace 
all occurrences of #name# with the name provided? e.g.,

templates = import("templates.dtp")
mixin parsename(templates, "myname");

(just pseudo code, I don't know enough about D yet to get it to 

templates.dtp would be normal template mixins(not stringified) 
except using #name# as a name token. parsename will simply 
replace #name#(or whatever symbol used) with the 2nd parameter. 
mixin will mix it in as normal.

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread foobar
On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 23:02:17 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/30/2012 9:43 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
It is possible for each static constructor to specify 
independently of
the other static constructors which imports must be 
constructed first.

But do we really want to go that far?

One way to do that might be to borrow syntax from classes:

   static this() : std.stdio, a, c

and the  this static constructor only requires that modules 
std.stdio, a, and c be constructed first.

   static this() : void

means it has no dependencies on other imports.

   static this()

has the current behavior (all imported modules must be 
constructed first).

Why not simplify?

static this()
import std.stdio, a, c; // existing syntax

static this()
{ // no imports -> no dependencies

The current behavior should just be dropped.

Re: Strange struct/atomicLoad behaviour

2012-11-30 Thread Maxim Fomin
This is another bug with structures. Consider posting this to 

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 11/29/2012 02:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/28/12 11:26 PM, bearophile wrote:

There are few things left to implement for purity (they are listed in
Bugzilla), but what's left to do for const and immutable?

Construction flow and copy conversion.

... meaning e.g. being able to effectively .dup or .idup any class, struct, 

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Tove

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 14:09:48 UTC, foobar wrote:

Why not simplify?

static this()
import std.stdio, a, c; // existing syntax

static this()
{ // no imports -> no dependencies

The current behavior should just be dropped.

Simple & Elegant.

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Regan Heath

On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 14:29:19 -, Tove  wrote:

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 14:09:48 UTC, foobar wrote:

Why not simplify?

static this()
import std.stdio, a, c; // existing syntax

static this()
{ // no imports -> no dependencies

The current behavior should just be dropped.

Simple & Elegant.

Confusing.  What is the scope of the import?  How does it interact with  
imports above/below the static this?


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Strange struct/atomicLoad behaviour

2012-11-30 Thread d coder
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Maxim Fomin  wrote:

> This is another bug with structures. Consider posting this to bugzilla.

Thanks for confirming. I have posted this to Bugzilla.

- Puneet

Re: The future of UDAs.

2012-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 11/29/12 9:39 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/30/2012 1:17 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

A possibly better approach would be e.g. to do a simple analysis of the
static constructor's use of symbols, and use that set to decide whether
two static constructors must be ordered or not.

It's not a complete solution, since using a symbol S from module A does
not necessarily mean dependency on S being statically constructed in A.
But it would be a start.

From what I see it would solve most problems there are out there, 100% 
automatically, without any syntax addition, and without any downside risk.


Re: The future of UDAs.

2012-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 11/30/12 3:12 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-11-30 03:39, Walter Bright wrote:

It's not a complete solution, since using a symbol S from module A does
not necessarily mean dependency on S being statically constructed in A.
But it would be a start.

Well, not using any symbol from module A means it has no dependency for
sure on A in the static constructor.

Exactly. It would be the sensible thing to do. It would disallow only 
modules with static constructors that use stuff in other modules with 
static constructors. Though that is still conservative, it would catch a 
vast majority of cases with a simple and easy to understand policy.


Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Chris
Is there a way of telling when things in the library will calm 
down and it'll be save to develop in D and update old code?

I started with D2 version 2.051 and created a medium-sized 
project fairly quickly, but now I have a lot of deprecated 
methods in my code. I couldn't keep up with all the changes and I 
have been hesitant to update my code because there are still a 
lot of "Will be removed in September/November/December ..." 
warnings in the library. Much that I like D, I simply cannot 
develop in D at the moment due to the constant changes in the 
Phobos library. I have this sinking feeling that this is killing 
the language.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 11/30/12 4:49 AM, 1100110 wrote:

Andrei's support is also necessary, IIRC he is one of main person behind
phobos. A stable version of D is not useful without a stable version of
phobos and druntime to go with it.

I'm very supportive of a serious, meaningful initiative.

My perception is that we're having growing pains - our process is 
lagging behind the participation in the project and the attention it 
receives. If Walter and I do not acknowledge that in time and act 
swiftly on it, we're heading toward a crisis in the community much, much 
larger and dangerous than the D1/D2 schism.


Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 11/30/12 9:09 AM, foobar wrote:

On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 23:02:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/30/2012 9:43 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

It is possible for each static constructor to specify independently of
the other static constructors which imports must be constructed first.
But do we really want to go that far?

One way to do that might be to borrow syntax from classes:

static this() : std.stdio, a, c


Why not simplify?


Why not further simplify?

static this()

There is no need to redundantly specify what modules are used because... 
well they are right there in the body of the static constructor.

* no extra syntax
* no change in the symbol visibility rules (why are symbols invisible by 
default in static cdtors?)

* no change to the manual
* no breakage of existing code (only code that was broken will be accepted)
* no acceptance of actual circular dependencies go through compilation

This would be purely an improvement to the implementation that would 
allow more correct programs to compile. It's a removal of limitation - 
the best kind of language change there ever is.

We should have a "bootcamp" area with small compiler and library 
projects (such as this after we reach consensus). People who are 
interested in helping D, whether or not they've done it before, could 
find this area things that are well defined and will definitely be 
accepted if properly executed.


Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 11/30/12 10:04 AM, Chris wrote:

Is there a way of telling when things in the library will calm down and
it'll be save to develop in D and update old code?

I started with D2 version 2.051 and created a medium-sized project
fairly quickly, but now I have a lot of deprecated methods in my code. I
couldn't keep up with all the changes and I have been hesitant to update
my code because there are still a lot of "Will be removed in
September/November/December ..." warnings in the library. Much that I
like D, I simply cannot develop in D at the moment due to the constant
changes in the Phobos library. I have this sinking feeling that this is
killing the language.

Thanks for this testimony.


Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Dejan Lekic

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 04:30:10 UTC, 1100110 wrote:
In the thread: Breaking D2 Language/Spec, A lot of good points 
were made regarding a Stable branch for D.

A few of the requests were:(in no specific order)
Base Update and Upgrade paths on successful projects, such as 

Three branches.

1. Stable branch
- Stable branch only receives bug fixes and is updated at 
predetermined intervals.

- Updates are clones of upstream.
- Do not update too often, as that causes too much work. (6, 8, 
12 months)

- Do not break code unless extremely necessary. (Not even then?)
- Document all changes, Document every release
- Make each transition as simple as possible.
- Warn stable users about soon to be broken code.
- Do not allow Stable and upstream to diverge too much. (See 
Walters's comment regarding D1.)

2. Tools
- Provide Tools to allow easier transition between releases.

3. Testing branch.
- What should go here?  Need clear lines in the sand.

There's more, but this is already way too much for one person 
to handle.

But with enough support, all of them are entirely possible.

So here I have a few questions, both for the D maintainers and 
the community.

1. What did I miss that is requested?
2. What should definitely be removed?

The question was raised as to why I created a project instead 
of a simple branch.

If people want to volunteer, I can set permissions to allow 
them access.

A project and a branch are not mutually exclusive.
Druntime and Phobos depend on specific versions on D, do they 

So those projects would need to remain in sync as well.

A project simplifies things to an extent.
The dmd developers do not need to have any involvement at all, 
or it can be as tightly integrated as they wish.

I can also include specific versions of LDC and GDC (and any 
other compiler willing to target a release.)

I wanted room to expand.
The worse that can happen is that this is completely ignored, 
nobody uses it, and I eventually lose interest in something 
that has no support from the community or the devs. (I'm not 
stopping for any other condition. You're stuck with me.)

The best that can happen is that D Stable receives support from 
the D Developers and the community, allowing for many tools to 
be created targeting a Stable specification of the Language.

Let's define a specification for this thing, shall we?
First things first!

How long should support of the Stable branch last?
1. 6 months
2. 12 months
3. longer (specify and give reasons)

Now how do we organize this?
The current git master will be considered Unstable, and will 
freeze to define the next Stable.

Are there better ideas than this?

Do we want to go with Stable, Testing, Unstable or another 

I'd like to see some pros and cons before making any decisions.
I'm leaning towards the 3 stage system.

Yes, this is ambitious.  So is D.  And D appears to be thriving.
Yes, I know that I cannot even accomplish half of this alone.
That's the point.  There was a lot of discussion, so this 
obviously interests many people.
By myself, I can maintain a specific version of DMD with 
non-breaking bugfixes.  That is about it.

Let's do this thing.

For all this to actually be possible we need branch maintainers - 
it is not an easy job and not many people are capable of doing it 
on production level. It is easy to complain and whine about 
problems. I haven't seen people actually offer to help here...

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 15:04:02 UTC, Chris wrote:

I have this sinking feeling that this is killing the language.

I feel your pain. I often wonder if the Phobos developers 
actually use D.

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread bearophile


I started with D2 version 2.051 and created a medium-sized 
project fairly quickly, but now I have a lot of deprecated 
methods in my code. I couldn't keep up with all the changes and 
I have been hesitant to update my code because there are still 
a lot of "Will be removed in September/November/December ..." 
warnings in the library. Much that I like D, I simply cannot 
develop in D at the moment due to the constant changes in the 
Phobos library. I have this sinking feeling that this is 
killing the language.

Phobos is young, and several of its parts were designed by one or 
very few persons. So I think some changes are inevitable. 
Deprecation messages have the purpose to reduce the pain of 
updated. So those are not killing the language.

In Phobos some changes are planned or are expected, like in 
std.algorithm.max/min, reduce, etc.


Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread jerro
In Phobos some changes are planned or are expected, like in 
std.algorithm.max/min, reduce, etc.

What changes to std.algorithm.max/min are expected?

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-11-30 16:04, Chris wrote:

Is there a way of telling when things in the library will calm down and
it'll be save to develop in D and update old code?

I started with D2 version 2.051 and created a medium-sized project
fairly quickly, but now I have a lot of deprecated methods in my code. I
couldn't keep up with all the changes and I have been hesitant to update
my code because there are still a lot of "Will be removed in
September/November/December ..." warnings in the library. Much that I
like D, I simply cannot develop in D at the moment due to the constant
changes in the Phobos library. I have this sinking feeling that this is
killing the language.

You can either stay at a given version of D. Or you could use something 
more stable than Phobos. Tango, for example, is very stable. The problem 
is that it doesn't receive much changes at all.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread bearophile


What changes to std.algorithm.max/min are expected?

Some time ago I have asked for some changes in max/min:

Later Andrei has shown related different functions in two of his 
recent talks. I don't know what Andrei now thinks about such 


Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 08:05:25 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
That's the exact same thing as I'm proposing, except it's the 
compiler handling it.

Which would be better because it is integrated and not an 
external tool.

In any event, I'd ask how do the current build systems do it? 
They read

and parse through the source files to learn about dependencies

No, they:

1. Run "$ dmd -o- -c main.d -deps=deps.txt" which will write 
out all dependencies of "main.d" to "deps.txt"

Personally, I don't see how that would work using the current 
form of the output. I tried it with Make to figure out 
dependencies and the problem I immediately ran into was that the 
output did not contain full path information for the projects 
modules, and without that information, there was no way to 
combine builds from related project under a separate folder. What 
I find, is that with D, people seem to be building in simple 
ways, everything under one folder. This works perhaps for many 
people, but not for everyone. Currently I want send all build 
output to a separate folder outside my project folder onto a 
separate drive, but I can't do something even that simple. Sure I 
can hack it with perhaps a symbolic, but that's a hack which 

2. Read the "deps.txt" file and pass all files to dmd
OR a programmer specifies all of it manually, which is a 
complete nightmare

to maintain on large projects.

I completely agree.

Now, if things were designed correctly, I
don't see why a semi-automated build, using internally 
specified build
options for manual tweaking where needed, cannot be done with 

embedded build system.

If it was designed correctly the compiler would be built as a 
library. The build tool could the use this library to get all 
the dependencies of a given source file.

No doubt the compiler should be a library. Why isn't it? If it 
was a library, then perhaps it could use itself in some very 
interesting ways. The compiler should also accept plugins for 
extensibility. I have not looked at the code yet, but I suspect 
what we have under the hood will make me want to cry.

Another analogy is to think about languages that have embedded
reflection - unfortunately D currently lacks a generalized 
solution for

reflection, but you can see hints of the potential it offers.
Simplifying how builds are performed through "reflection" will 
productivity, and will potentially offer new ways of solving 

problems well past what was considered possible before.

Do you have any example?

If there's information inside the source, then the compiler could 
use that information during a build. A very simple example of 
this, would be the imports. So instead of manually dumping a deps 
file, and working some build script magic, the compiler could 
have that information available internally, thereby saving the 
programmer from hacking away at an external build script to get 
it. My guess that's the least of the advantages, there's probably 
a lot more that could be done.

To me, building is just an ugly hack and patch process caused by 
a broken system that is unable to build itself. It's a total 
mess. The best place to fix the problem is right at the source.


Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread jerro

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 17:00:15 UTC, bearophile wrote:


What changes to std.algorithm.max/min are expected?

Some time ago I have asked for some changes in max/min:

Later Andrei has shown related different functions in two of 
his recent talks. I don't know what Andrei now thinks about 
such changes.


Those proposed changes to min and max look useful. They shouldn't 
break much code either.

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Chris
There have been quite a few changes since 2.051 and I cannot 
stick to that version, because I would introduce more deprecated 
code. I wanted to update my code but saw in the library that 
again loads of methods were scheduled for deprecation. So what's 
the point?

Changes are necessary and I think they are reasonable (like the 
regex algorithm), but as a developer who uses D, you need some 
sort of security, i.e. that your code won't break in a few 
months' time. I really appreciate the fantastic work on D, but 
sometimes it seems to me like a "code laboratory" where 
programmers test certain ideas, algorithms, approaches etc, which 
would be fine for a college project. But if you have to use and 
work with the library to develop real world applications, it's a 
nightmare. If this doesn't change, I fear D will never take off. 
Most frameworks at least "tolerate" deprecated functions until 
developers have time to update their code.

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Dan

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 17:12:10 UTC, Rob T wrote:
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 08:05:25 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
That's the exact same thing as I'm proposing, except it's the 
compiler handling it.

Which would be better because it is integrated and not an 
external tool.

Why would it be better and why would you care one way or the 
other? Some people are pointing out that integration of features 
related to code, but that are not actual code is not necessarily 
desirable (e.g. comment processing). Many of us use git, so why 
don't we have dmd do our diffs against the git repository for us 
as well? Hyperbole, but what happened to the single 
responsibility principle? Let the compiler do its thing, compile 
- but let a more knowledgeable entity than the source give it its 

What I don't understand is how the writer of source would know 
how it is to be built everywhere and in every way a client might 
want it. They probably wouldn't - so leave the description of 
that out of the source entirely.

When rdmd does work for the simple case, you would not complain: 
well this stinks having to type rdmd instead of dmd. No, you'd 
use it and be happy with its simplicity. Lack of integration into 
dmd has not hurt at all. It does not satisfy all cases - but it 
seems it adds great value without disrupting dmd. Why wouldn't a 
more complex build system want the same thing?


No doubt the compiler should be a library. Why isn't it?

20/20 hindsight maybe.

If it was a library, then perhaps it could use itself in some 
very interesting ways. The compiler should also accept plugins 
for extensibility. I have not looked at the code yet, but I 
suspect what we have under the hood will make me want to cry.

The beauty of encapsulation ... don't look.

To me, building is just an ugly hack and patch process caused 
by a broken system that is unable to build itself. It's a total 
mess. The best place to fix the problem is right at the source.

I don't think it is that bad at all - but then I'm using rdmd for 
everything for now. And I agree that the best place to fix the 
problem is right at the source... the problem is which source. I 
would say the build source, not the D source as they serve 
different purposes. Right now we don't have standard build source 
is the issue and it sounds like you are advocating the two go 

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread bearophile


But if you have to use and work with the library to develop 
real world applications, it's a nightmare. If this doesn't 
change, I fear D will never take off.

It's useful to know your pain experience, but please don't turn 
this thread into FUD 
(,_uncertainty_and_doubt ). 
Possible solutions only come from more rational discussions.

In another thread people are discussion a solution that will help 
you, a "Stable D", updated only once in a time, like every 6-8-12 
months, that has no know regressions and where only nonbreaking 
changes are allowed (here Phobos modules deprecations are 
probably to be intended as breaking changes).


Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread jerro
In any event, I'd ask how do the current build systems do it? 
They read

and parse through the source files to learn about dependencies

No, they:

1. Run "$ dmd -o- -c main.d -deps=deps.txt" which will write 
out all dependencies of "main.d" to "deps.txt"

Personally, I don't see how that would work using the current 
form of the output. I tried it with Make to figure out 
dependencies and the problem I immediately ran into was that 
the output did not contain full path information for the 
projects modules, and without that information, there was no 
way to combine builds from related project under a separate 

It's easy to work around that. It's certainly orders of magnitude 
easier than parsing the source files. Besides, parsing them isn't 
even enough because imports can be inside static if blocks or 
templates. You need pretty much an entire D frontend to correctly 
find dependencies from source files.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread deadalnix
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 15:08:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/30/12 4:49 AM, 1100110 wrote:
Andrei's support is also necessary, IIRC he is one of main 
person behind
phobos. A stable version of D is not useful without a stable 
version of

phobos and druntime to go with it.

I'm very supportive of a serious, meaningful initiative.

My perception is that we're having growing pains - our process 
is lagging behind the participation in the project and the 
attention it receives. If Walter and I do not acknowledge that 
in time and act swiftly on it, we're heading toward a crisis in 
the community much, much larger and dangerous than the D1/D2 

The thing is that I don't see that succeed as an external project.

This is like we wanted both vegetarian and non vegetarian food, 
and reached that goal by cooking everything all together and then 
some people spent their time to separate the meat from the rest.

Most likely they'll get bored rapidly as it is a lot of boring 
work, that is useless if the process don't mix everything in the 
first place.

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

11/30/2012 9:27 PM, Chris пишет:

There have been quite a few changes since 2.051 and I cannot stick to
that version, because I would introduce more deprecated code. I wanted
to update my code but saw in the library that again loads of methods
were scheduled for deprecation. So what's the point?

Java has plenty deprecated stuff. So does *cough* php. So do other 
languages. That alone is not an indication of anything except of the 
on-going development. There are always references to (usually) better 

There are still cases of simple renaming  to make functions follow the 
convention, but these ones are easily fixed with find/replace.

Changes are necessary and I think they are reasonable (like the regex
algorithm), but as a developer who uses D, you need some sort of
security, i.e. that your code won't break in a few months' time. I
really appreciate the fantastic work on D, but sometimes it seems to me
like a "code laboratory" where programmers test certain ideas,
algorithms, approaches etc, which would be fine for a college project.
But if you have to use and work with the library to develop real world
applications, it's a nightmare.

I'd just keep certain version of the compiler & phobos + libs that are 
needed. And then when deadlines are passed do some refactoring/tweaking 
to bump used versions up a notch. I agree that it's far from ideal.

If this doesn't change, I fear D will
never take off. Most frameworks at least "tolerate" deprecated functions
until developers have time to update their code.

The deprecated APIs do still work if you use the -d switch. What is far 
more shattering are compiler changes (and bugfixes, sadly) given that 
2.051 is 9 versions behind he latest it won't surprise me that it breaks 
a _lot_.

> Most frameworks at least "tolerate" deprecated functions
> until developers have time to update their code.

Problem is these frameworks also have certain version requirement last 
time I checked it goes like this: requires  php 5.3+ or say python 2.5+ 

So we'd better have certain D versions that are more lasting. But 
that'll make sense once the feature set is fully implemented and polished.

Anyway see D stable topic.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Chris

Great to hear that. I'd like to see D take off one day.

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

11/30/2012 12:05 PM, Jacob Carlborg пишет:

On 2012-11-29 23:06, Rob T wrote:

For the moment, let's talk about ddoc, or unit testing in D. That's the
difference, it's not an external tool set, it's instead a a part of the
standard language feature set. BTW, IMO ddoc was implemented poorly,
using comments, which I fully agree with you would be a vary bad way to
go about implementing the feature. In that case, I would rather use Ruby.

The built-in support for unit testing is too simplistic. I think one
needs an external tool anyway that makes use of the built-in support
unit tests.

I just want to be able to do something like:

$ test a.d b.d

And it will run all unit tests in the modules "a" and "b". In D I need
to manually creating a test module which imports all modules I want to

AFAIK you don't need to import module to run its tests. So
   rdmd --main -unittest a.d b.d
should work.

Then we should also be able to make rdmd more extendable. There is e.g. 
quite interesting --eval switch but I feel it could be something more 
customizable w/o a lot of extra work.

This will give the most basic functionality. This is a few things
of that's missing:

* Run a single test
* Names or context for the tests
* Nice report of which tests failed
* Continue running other tests if a given test failed

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:19:08 -0500
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu :

> On 11/30/12 10:04 AM, Chris wrote:
> > Is there a way of telling when things in the library will calm down
> > and it'll be save to develop in D and update old code?
> Thanks for this testimony.
> Andrei

I think what we need is a "hard cut" for phobos.
We could release 2.061 and then stop all regular bug fixing /
enhancement work on phobos for two weeks. In those two weeks all work
would be concentrated on reviewing the existing phobos modules. So we'd
start a wiki page, assign every module to at least one person reviewing
it. Those people should correct naming and codig style of the module in
their local repositories. Controversial changes could be discussed on
the wiki. If names have to be changed to match the coding conventions
the old names should be deprecated.

Some modules should be deprecated as a whole, even if we do not yet
have a proper replacement yet. For example we know for many years that
std.xml is broken and nobody is fixing it, but we still ship it with
phobos. std.signal is written in an old D1 style. std.json should
probably be removed as well. We should get rid of all that legacy even
if we don't have a replacement yet.

In the end we would have a 2.062 release with all the old functionality
(deprecated) and new functionality / names matching our coding
conventions. Some releases later (e.g. 2.064) all deprecated
functionality will be removed. Then everyone knows that:

* The new functions in 2.062 should be used ASAP. 
* 2.063 will be the last version supporting the deprecated
* 2.064 will be 'clean'. All deprecated features will be removed and
  the rest of the functions will be stable. (At very least there will
  be no more naming changes or similar stuff)

So we'd end up with a phobos with less functionality because of the
dropped features and upgrading user code to 2.064 might be a bigger
task, but we will guarantee that there will be no (or at least very few)
breaking changes after 2.064 and obeying the naming conventions in all
modules should lead to a better user experience.

If someone really needs a deprecated module like std.xml it could
always be maintained in a different repository / project but we should
remove everything from phobos which doesn't fit our quality standards.

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 17:59:23 UTC, jerro wrote:
It's easy to work around that. It's certainly orders of 
magnitude easier than parsing the source files. Besides, 
parsing them isn't even enough because imports can be inside 
static if blocks or templates. You need pretty much an entire D 
frontend to correctly find dependencies from source files.

It may be easy, but it's not obvious, which makes it hard. That's 
the problem with external builds.

You make a very good point about the static ifs and so on, which 
means the best place to get that kind of information is directly 
from the compiler during the build process, but why assume that 
the compiler can only partly build rather than perform full 
builds, including an installation?

It just seems like a good idea to use D as the build language 
rather than something else.

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

11/30/2012 3:31 AM, Jonathan M Davis пишет:

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 20:27:32 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

11/29/2012 7:24 AM, Walter Bright пишет:

On 11/29/2012 4:47 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

On Sunday, 25 November 2012 at 16:47:08 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:


I don't know about "killing" T(), but I think there *needs* to be an
(easy) mechanism to declare ***and*** run-time initialize an object, in
a single and comprehensive line.

I had proposed something 2 months ago here:

The proposal wasn't perfect, but still. We need to figure something

The original idea is that there should be *no such thing* as default
construction of a struct as being anything other than T.init. The
default construction of a struct should be a compile time creature, not
a runtime one.

Okay let it be. I'm not against having a defined blank default
constructed object.

Just don't make T() mean it, please!

I'm all for T() meaning T.init if T doesn't have a static opCall, but T()
shouldn't be guaranteed to be T.init. I'd very much like to see code like

auto t = T();

to continue to work regardless of whether T has a static opCall or not.

And what you'd expect 't' to be then? And why such code is useful 
anyway? The only sane way I see is to make it an explicit call of 0-arg 
constructor then one can safely assume:

1. t is of type T
2. t is properly constructed and not some invalid state like T.init may be

Currently with opCall it could be anything otherwise it ends up T.init 
or compiler error if T is a built-in type.

But it
should be able to have a static opCall, and T() should work if it doesn't have
one. Assuming that T() means T.init makes no sense.

Why in the nine hells we have static opCall to begin with?
Probably to workaround 0-argument ctor situation. I haven't seen a 
better or at least sensible use case. Yet it has great potential for abuse.

(and the fact that compiler picks opCall first (static or not) instead 
of constructor doesn't help matters much)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread jerro

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:16:56 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 17:59:23 UTC, jerro wrote:
It's easy to work around that. It's certainly orders of 
magnitude easier than parsing the source files. Besides, 
parsing them isn't even enough because imports can be inside 
static if blocks or templates. You need pretty much an entire 
D frontend to correctly find dependencies from source files.

It may be easy, but it's not obvious, which makes it hard. 
That's the problem with external builds.

If you are writing a build tool, I don't imagine writing those 
few extra lines to convert relative paths to absolute would be a 

You make a very good point about the static ifs and so on, 
which means the best place to get that kind of information is 
directly from the compiler during the build process

And you already can get that info from the compiler using -deps 

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 18:14:58 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

The thing is that I don't see that succeed as an external 

I agree that it cannot be an external project, and instead it has 
to become the official D process.

For example, as was discussed, and i think generally agreed on, 
we have to change the way the version numbering works to a 
major.minor.revision model  (unless someone has a better idea to 
propose, which I'd love to know about).

There's been mention that maintaining multiple branches will 
fail, and I see that someone has previously attempted to create a 
stable version of D that has in fact failed.

Rather than taking on a defeatist attitude, we need to look at 
those past failures and learn from them, so as not to repeat the 
same mistakes over again, and also to figure out a better 
solution that has a better chance for success.

There's been mention that branch maintenance will be a great deal 
of tedium for a maintainer, so I think that's an area that needs 
to be dealt with first. If it's too difficult to maintain, I 
agree it probably won't be maintained for very long.

We have to make it so that the path of least resistance for 
everyone is to follow whatever process is eventually worked out.

I also do expect to see some failures here and there, but that's 
normal and to be expected, we just have to be persistent until a 
workable solution is found.

The issue here, as stated by Andrei, which I fully agree with, is 
that D is fighting for its own life. We have no choice but to 
improve the process, otherwise D will never grow past the current 
point it is at and will eventually fade away into obscurity.

This is a do or die situation IMO.


Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:42:12 UTC, Rob T wrote:
The issue here, as stated by Andrei, which I fully agree with, 
is that D is fighting for its own life. We have no choice but 
to improve the process, otherwise D will never grow past the 
current point it is at and will eventually fade away into 

This is a do or die situation IMO.


Sorry, that came out in an overly bleak way. The really REALLY 
good news, is that D has grown to the point where we are being 
forced to adapt to the growth. What we're hoping to achieve is a 
way that removes the limiters that are holding D back from 
further growth.

The "do or die" scenario only happens if D cannot continue to 
grow, and other competing languages take over, like Rust and 
perhaps Go. That's the only dire part to pay attention to, the 
optimistic point being that we are forced to grow because of D's 
success, not because of its failures.


Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:52:44 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:42:12 UTC, Rob T wrote:
The issue here, as stated by Andrei, which I fully agree with, 
is that D is fighting for its own life. We have no choice but 
to improve the process, otherwise D will never grow past the 
current point it is at and will eventually fade away into 

This is a do or die situation IMO.


Sorry, that came out in an overly bleak way. The really REALLY 
good news, is that D has grown to the point where we are being 
forced to adapt to the growth. What we're hoping to achieve is 
a way that removes the limiters that are holding D back from 
further growth.

The "do or die" scenario only happens if D cannot continue to 
grow, and other competing languages take over, like Rust and 
perhaps Go. That's the only dire part to pay attention to, the 
optimistic point being that we are forced to grow because of 
D's success, not because of its failures.


A much simpler way to state the current situation is that we're 
in fact experiencing a "good problem"!


Re: Errors compiling DSSS

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:35:38 UTC, jerro wrote:
If you are writing a build tool, I don't imagine writing those 
few extra lines to convert relative paths to absolute would be 
a problem.

How does the script know what is a relative path and what is not? 
It's not that easy, and the programmer should not have to be 
fooling around solving non-productive problems like this.

You make a very good point about the static ifs and so on, 
which means the best place to get that kind of information is 
directly from the compiler during the build process

And you already can get that info from the compiler using -deps 

But it does not supply enough information and the -deps thing 
externalizes the build process, which only supports the 
externalized build mess. The whole thing was designed based on 
using an external build process, but I don't think it has to be 
done in that way.

Re: Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, November 30, 2012 16:04:01 Chris wrote:
> Is there a way of telling when things in the library will calm
> down and it'll be save to develop in D and update old code?
> I started with D2 version 2.051 and created a medium-sized
> project fairly quickly, but now I have a lot of deprecated
> methods in my code. I couldn't keep up with all the changes and I
> have been hesitant to update my code because there are still a
> lot of "Will be removed in September/November/December ..."
> warnings in the library. Much that I like D, I simply cannot
> develop in D at the moment due to the constant changes in the
> Phobos library. I have this sinking feeling that this is killing
> the language.

A lot of changes were being done for a while to try and rename stuff to the 
follow the correct naming scheme and make other needed adjustments. That has 
dropped off considerably however and the goal is to make deprecations rare. 
It's just that there were a lot of changes that needed to be made to clean up 
the library. Most of that has been done has been done now, and the remainder 
is likely to just not be cleaned up or to stick around long term with an 
alternative which has been cleaned up. We don't want a lot of churn in the 
standard library. We want it to be stable so that people can rely on their 
code continuing to compile.

At present, there should be very little which is currently scheduled for 
deprecation, and it's unknown how long the stuff which has been actually 
deprecated will stay around. We were removing after 6 months of deprecation 
but have been re-examining that.

What we're trying to get Walter to do is to make it so that deprecated just 
generates warnings, not errors (rather a new flag will be added to make them 
generate errors if that's what you want, and -d will stay the same). With 
that, anything that gets deprecated should stick around for quite a while 
(though there's a good chance that it'll end up being undocumented after a 
while in order to further discourage its use), and it won't actually prevent 
compilation, just bug you to update your code. But as deprecations should 
become much rarer, even that won't happen anywhere near as often. There's an 
open pull request to make the change, but Walter hasn't agreed to it yet:

I'd very much like to see the large blocks of stuff that was renamed or moved 
fully removed rather than sticking around as deprecated (e.g. std.ctype and 
all of the deprecated functions in std.string should go away), but we do want 
to be moving away from making large breaking changes like that, and 
deprecations should become quite rare. Pretty much all of those kind of 
changes which have been suggested recently have been rejected.

- Jonathan m Davis

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, November 30, 2012 10:27:31 Artur Skawina wrote:
> On 11/29/12 23:34, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 23:28:07 Timon Gehr wrote:
> >> On 11/29/2012 01:17 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> >>> In the past when I've brought up similar solutions, he's been completely
> >>> opposed to them. ...
> >> 
> >> It is not a solution, it is a workaround.
> > 
> > What do you mean? The runtime sees circular dependencies between modules
> > even when there's no actual circular dependency between static
> > constructors. We need to fix that. One way is to just make the runtime
> > not care, which wouldn't be particularly safe. Another is to explicitly
> > tell it that there are no such dependencies. I don't see how that's not a
> > solution. And unless someone can come up with a way for the runtime to
> > somehow determine on its own that there's no actual, circular dependency,
> > I don't see how anything better could be done.
> It's relatively easy for the /compiler/ to figure it out; it's just that
> implementing a simple user-provided flag requires the least amount of work.
> What Walter suggested can be tweaked to be sane (per-ctor flag) and will
> still be useful if/when the compiler becomes smarter (think lazily initted
> module fields).
> For the compiler to check if the value of every imported symbol accessed
> inside a mod-ctor can be evaluated at compile-time (if you encounter a case
> where this is not true it means there (potentially) is a true dependency and
> the ctors should be ordered) would require more work.

It can't be evaluated at compile time because of .di files. The compiler 
doesn't necessarily have all of the source to work with - including the static 
constructors - and if it doesn't have that, it can't do it. If anything figures 
this out automatically, it has to be the runtime. If we can do that, great, 
but it means that it'll have actually have to look at individual symbols 
rather than just at the module level like it's doing now, and right now, we 
have nothing even close to that. Regardless, while the compiler may be able
to provide additional information to the runtime, it's still the runtime that
needs to figure this out and not the compiler.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, November 30, 2012 23:34:04 Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> 11/30/2012 3:31 AM, Jonathan M Davis пишет:
> > I'm all for T() meaning T.init if T doesn't have a static opCall, but T()
> > shouldn't be guaranteed to be T.init. I'd very much like to see code like
> > 
> > auto t = T();
> > 
> > to continue to work regardless of whether T has a static opCall or not.
> And what you'd expect 't' to be then? And why such code is useful
> anyway? The only sane way I see is to make it an explicit call of 0-arg
> constructor then one can safely assume:
> 1. t is of type T
> 2. t is properly constructed and not some invalid state like T.init may be
> Currently with opCall it could be anything otherwise it ends up T.init
> or compiler error if T is a built-in type.


auto t = T();

works then you don't have to care whether the type has a static opCall or not. 
You get the most valid default-constructed object that there is (or at least, 
the closest thing that there is to a default-constructed object). If that's 
init, then it's init. If it's static opCall, then it's static opCall. I don't 
want to have to care which it is. Also, if I see

T t;

I'm likely to think that was supposed to be initialized, but the programmer 
forgot, whereas with

auto t = T();

it's clear that that it was intended to be initialized to whatever T() is (be 
it T.init or the result of a static opCall), and it's clear that the 
programmer didn't forget to initialize it.

> > But it
> > should be able to have a static opCall, and T() should work if it doesn't
> > have one. Assuming that T() means T.init makes no sense.
> Why in the nine hells we have static opCall to begin with?
> Probably to workaround 0-argument ctor situation. I haven't seen a
> better or at least sensible use case. Yet it has great potential for abuse.
> (and the fact that compiler picks opCall first (static or not) instead
> of constructor doesn't help matters much)

I don't know why we have static opCall, but it's used heavily for no-arg 
constructors, and it's extremely useful to be able to have those.

Interestingly enough though, if you were to give all of your class static 
opCalls, it would become possible to construct classes as if they were structs 
and not care which you're dealing with (similar to what std.container.make 
tries to do). I don't know that that's necessarily a good idea, but it's at 
least another potentially useful way to use static opCall other than providing 
no-arg constructors to structs.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

2012-11-30 Thread deadalnix
On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 20:40:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
It can't be evaluated at compile time because of .di files. The 
doesn't necessarily have all of the source to work with - 
including the static
constructors - and if it doesn't have that, it can't do it. If 
anything figures
this out automatically, it has to be the runtime. If we can do 
that, great,
but it means that it'll have actually have to look at 
individual symbols
rather than just at the module level like it's doing now, and 
right now, we
have nothing even close to that. Regardless, while the compiler 
may be able
to provide additional information to the runtime, it's still 
the runtime that

needs to figure this out and not the compiler.

I'd bet you can solve most cases anyway.

Re: The future of UDAs.

2012-11-30 Thread Walter Bright

On 12/1/2012 1:53 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/29/12 9:39 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/30/2012 1:17 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

A possibly better approach would be e.g. to do a simple analysis of the
static constructor's use of symbols, and use that set to decide whether
two static constructors must be ordered or not.

It's not a complete solution, since using a symbol S from module A does
not necessarily mean dependency on S being statically constructed in A.
But it would be a start.

 From what I see it would solve most problems there are out there, 100%
automatically, without any syntax addition, and without any downside risk.

I don't know that it will solve them 100%, because it will have to be 
conservative, but I think this is definitely the next step.

For example, in module a:

int x;
static this() { x = 3; }
int foo() { return 2; }

Now, in our module b:

import a;
int y;
static this() { y =; }

You might think, aha! this does not depend on b's static this(), so I 
can construct in any order. The trouble is, though, that D is a 
separately compiled language, and changing to:

int foo() { return x; }

will not change the object file of b, and the bug will go unnoticed.

Essentially, it must work like purity inference. The inference works 
only for functions where the source must be available - lambdas and 
function templates. For other functions, the conservative view must be 
taken that the function might depend on a static constructor.

Note that even detecting the existence or not of a static constructor in 
module a is not sufficient to determine if b's constructor depends on 
it, as the maintainer may add one later.

To sum up, I don't think it is at all clear that this will solve 100% of 
the issue, but it is a big step towards that and may reduce the problem 
to only a rare annoyance that is more easily worked around.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread Robert
On Fri, 2012-11-30 at 06:02 -0600, 1100110 wrote:
> I have just been reading that for advice and find the --no-ff
> comments 
> confusing.  Can you explain that please?  I see two contradicting
> claims.

Well the comments say that --no-ff does not create a single commit of
the merged in commits, but only create a merge commit. Which is right,
but it suffices to preserve the merge information and what was merged.
In a fast forward merge basically the following happens:

You branch to my_branch and do a commit


If you merge mybranch into master now:

The information is now lost that the last commit actually came from
mybranch, with --no-ff you get a merge commit, which is special because
it has two parents:

git merge --no-ff mybranch:

---**-*-* * master

You can now list the commits that came from mybranch with the following
git log master^..master^2

or simply visually print the merge graph in the log messages:
git log --graph

Re: Garbage Collector

2012-11-30 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 11/30/2012 03:21 PM, js.mdnq wrote:

> I noticed that in both x64 and x86 builds the GC seems to get
> exponentially slower as the objects are allocated.


> Since the sample code

that you have forgotten to show ;)

> allocates objects sequentially without any
> deallocation it seems there is a huge "bug" in the GC code.


> Can we expect improvements of the GC at in time in the near
> future(months, not years)?

Yes. There is already a precise GC implementation for D, which should be 
available with dmd as early as 2.062.


Re: Garbage Collector

2012-11-30 Thread js.mdnq

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 23:35:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/30/2012 03:21 PM, js.mdnq wrote:

> I noticed that in both x64 and x86 builds the GC seems to get
> exponentially slower as the objects are allocated.


> Since the sample code

that you have forgotten to show ;)

> allocates objects sequentially without any
> deallocation it seems there is a huge "bug" in the GC code.


> Can we expect improvements of the GC at in time in the near
> future(months, not years)?

Yes. There is already a precise GC implementation for D, which 
should be available with dmd as early as 2.062.


Cool. The code is basically taken off the first link. I modified 
it a little but the original code should work. All I did was 
increase the size of objects that are being allocated. I was 
mainly using GDC x64 though.

What I did was run the code and watch the memory usage as it ran. 
I noticed that it was getting slower and slower. Now, one could 
expect such if the main memory was fragmented and GDC could not 
allocate contiguous blocks, but I do not think that was the case 
and it happens for much smaller amounts of memory.

My guess, and just a guess, is that it does not reserve large 
enough blocks of memory once it is initial memory block is full.

Re: D Stable Proposal

2012-11-30 Thread 1100110

On 11/30/2012 09:08 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/30/12 4:49 AM, 1100110 wrote:

Andrei's support is also necessary, IIRC he is one of main person behind
phobos. A stable version of D is not useful without a stable version of
phobos and druntime to go with it.

I'm very supportive of a serious, meaningful initiative.

My perception is that we're having growing pains - our process is
lagging behind the participation in the project and the attention it
receives. If Walter and I do not acknowledge that in time and act
swiftly on it, we're heading toward a crisis in the community much, much
larger and dangerous than the D1/D2 schism.


I know, I feel the same way.

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Walter Bright

On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:

If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits entirely.

The only justification I've ever been able to come up with for postblits 
is implementing a reference counting type.

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Saturday, December 01, 2012 15:32:39 Walter Bright wrote:
> On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:
> > If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits entirely.
> The only justification I've ever been able to come up with for postblits
> is implementing a reference counting type.

Any struct which contains reference types needs them. For instance, a struct 
containing int[] needs to dup that array if it doesn't want to have the copy 
referring to the same elements as the original and therefore risk having them 
be mutated. Arrays with immutable elements don't have that problem, but those 
with mutable elements (and to some extent those with const) do have such a 
problem, as to structs with classes or structs which are reference types, etc. 
I'm surprised that you'd think that postblit constructors were only useful for 
implementing reference counting types. IMHO, the language would be crippled 
without a postblit or copy constructor for structs.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread deadalnix

On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:32:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:
If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits 

The only justification I've ever been able to come up with for 
postblits is implementing a reference counting type.

Which have to check for null all over the place because it can be 

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Saturday, December 01, 2012 05:42:23 deadalnix wrote:
> On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:32:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> > On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:
> >> If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits
> >> entirely.
> > 
> > The only justification I've ever been able to come up with for
> > postblits is implementing a reference counting type.
> Which have to check for null all over the place because it can be
> uninitialized.

That's only an issue with a ref-counting type which is attempting to be non-
nullable. Most shared pointers are nullable, making such checks be required 
regardless. In most cases, I would consider this to be a complete non-issue.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Garbage Collector

2012-11-30 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 23:35:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/30/2012 03:21 PM, js.mdnq wrote:
> Can we expect improvements of the GC at in time in the near
> future(months, not years)?

Yes. There is already a precise GC implementation for D, which 
should be available with dmd as early as 2.062.


Please elaborate about GC plans for 2.062. I saw thread related 
to GC GSOC project and precise GC, however I do not remember 
about announcements to pull it in master branch.

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Rob T

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 07:20:39 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Why doesn't:
"auto a = int(5);"
work? and, even more importantly, why don't we have this? :
"int* p = new int (5);"
The fact that we have "T()/T(arg)", but not "int()/int(arg)" 
makes *zero* sense to me. THAT has been a source of initial 
confusion when I moved to D.

I'd like to point out that what you are describing are examples 
of inconsistencies in D, and inconsistencies tend to be a 
significant cause of productivity loss in many areas. They 
needlessly complicate the learning curve, the users code, and 
even the documentation, and unless eliminated they will forever 
taint the user experience to a degree.

As for the way structs are default constructed, I found it to be 
very difficult to comprehend. The documentation needs to be made 
better and more detailed. However, I've come around to think that 
the behaviors are correct and worth putting up with. Yes it can 
be very confusing at times, so if there's a way to make it less 
confusing, that would be a big help.


Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread deadalnix
On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:51:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Saturday, December 01, 2012 05:42:23 deadalnix wrote:
On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:32:44 UTC, Walter Bright 

> On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:
>> If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits
>> entirely.
> The only justification I've ever been able to come up with 
> for

> postblits is implementing a reference counting type.

Which have to check for null all over the place because it can 


That's only an issue with a ref-counting type which is 
attempting to be non-
nullable. Most shared pointers are nullable, making such checks 
be required
regardless. In most cases, I would consider this to be a 
complete non-issue.

- Jonathan M Davis

The reference to the counter can be null too, not only the 

Re: Time to kill T() as (sometimes) working T.init alias ?

2012-11-30 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Saturday, December 01, 2012 08:26:54 deadalnix wrote:
> On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:51:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> wrote:
> > On Saturday, December 01, 2012 05:42:23 deadalnix wrote:
> >> On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 04:32:44 UTC, Walter Bright
> >> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > On 11/30/2012 3:31 PM, Mehrdad wrote:
> >> >> If that's the case, then we need to get rid of postblits
> >> >> entirely.
> >> > 
> >> > The only justification I've ever been able to come up with
> >> > for
> >> > postblits is implementing a reference counting type.
> >> 
> >> Which have to check for null all over the place because it can
> >> be
> >> uninitialized.
> > 
> > That's only an issue with a ref-counting type which is
> > attempting to be non-
> > nullable. Most shared pointers are nullable, making such checks
> > be required
> > regardless. In most cases, I would consider this to be a
> > complete non-issue.
> > 
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> The reference to the counter can be null too, not only the
> payload.

Not a big deal, because you just have it so it would only be null if the 
payload is null, so you wouldn't need to check it much, if ever. At most, 
you'd have to check it when setting the payload to something other than null, 
and if the counter is set to null if the payload is set to null, then you 
don't even need to do that.

- Jonathan M Davis