Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Tove

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 21:21:31 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
- Safe alloca wrapper using the alloca default argument hack 
together with this. (i.e. bearophile's dynamically-sized 
strongly typed stack-based arrays.)

Oh Yes please! I've been waiting for this for a long time, there
even was an enhancement request written to facilitate the alloca
default argument hack!

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-27 22:12, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

I see...
That depends on the format and for these that have no keys or markers of
any kind versioning might help here. For instance JSON/BSON could handle
permutation of fields, but I then it falls short of handling links e.g.
pointers (maybe there is a trick to get it, but I can't think of any
right away).

For pointers and reference types I currently serializing all fields with 
an id then when there's a pointer or reference I can just do this:


I suspect it would be best to somehow see archives by capbilities:
1. Rigid (most binary) - in-order, depends on the order of fields, may
need to fit a scheme (in this cases D types implicitly define one)
Rigid archivers may also enjoy (per format in the future) a code
generator that given a scheme defines D types with a bit of CTFE+mixin.

2. Flexible - can survive reordering, is scheme-less, data defines
structure etc. easer handles versioning e.g. XML is one.

Yes, that's a good idea. In the binary archiver I'm working on I'm 
cheating quite a bit and relax the requirements made by the serializer.

This also neatly answers the question about scheme vs scheme-less
serialization. Protocol buffers/Thrift may be absorbed into Rigid
category if we can get the versioning right. Also solving versioning is
the last roadblock (after ranges) mentioned on the path to making this
an epic addition to Phobos.

Versioning shouldn't be that hard, I think.

+ Some kind of capability flag (compile-time) if it can serialize full
graphs or if the format is to limited for such. Taking that with Rigid
would cover most adhoc binary formats in the wild, with Flexible it
would handle some simple hierarchical formats as well.

Sounds like a good idea.

Was it DOM-ish too?


I've meant at least a check of 'mode' on each call to (de)serialize +
some other branch-y stuff that tests overridden serializers etc.

It could be a relatively new idiom to follow but there is a great value
in having a lean common path aka 90% of use cases that need no extras
should go the fastest route potentially at the _expense_ of *less
frequent cases*.
Simplified - the earlier you can elide extra work the better performance
you get. To do that you may need to do double the overhead (checks) in
less frequent case to remove some of it in the common case.

Yes, I understand the checking for "mode" wasn't the best approach. The 
internals are mostly coded to be straight forward and just work.

See below. I was talking namely about calling functions to see that no
events are fired anyway.

I can probably add a static-if before calling the functions.

Yeah, I see, but it's still a call to delegate that's hard to inline
(well LDC/GDC might). Would it be hard to do a compile-time check if
there are any events with the type in question at all and then call

No, I don't think so. I can also make the triggerEvents take the 
delegate by alias parameter, if that helps. Or inline it manually.

While we are on the subject of delegates - you absolutely should use
'scope delegate' as most (all?) delegates are never stored anywhere but
rather pass blocks of code to call deeper down the line.
(I guess it's somewhat Ruby-style, but it's not a problem).

Good idea. The reasons for the delegates is to avoid begin/end 
functions. This also forces the use of the API correctly. Hmm, actually 
it may not. Since the Serializer technically is the user of the archiver 
API and that is already correctly implemented. The developer do need to 
implement the archiver API correctly, but there's nothing that stops 
him/her from _not_ calling the delegate. Am I over thinking this?

Aye, as any faithful Phobos dev absolutely :)
Seriously though ATM I just _suspect_ there is no need for Archive to be
an interface. I would need to think this bit through more deeply but
virtual call per field alone make me nervous here.

Originally it was using templates. One of my design goals back then was 
to not have to use templates. Templates forces slightly more complicated 
API for the user:

auto serializer = new Serializer!(XmlArchive);

Which is fine, but I'm not very about the API for custom serialization:

class Foo
void toData (Archive) (Serializer!(Archive) serializer);

The user is either forced to use templates here as well, or:

class Foo
void toData (Serializer!(XmlArchive) serializer);

... use a single type of archive. It's also possible to pass in anything 
as Archive. Now we have template constraints, which didn't exist back 
then, make it a bit better.

About the large API to implement for an Archive, this is the criteria I 
had when creating the API, in order of importance.

1. Should be easy for a consumer to use
2. Should be easy for an archive implementor
3. Should be easy to implement the serializer

In this case, point 1 made it less easy for point 2. Point 2 made me 
push as much as possible to the serializer instead of

Re: Best practices

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-27 23:29, H. S. Teoh wrote:

It is surprisingly pleasant to read,
and very much how regular D code should look like (except for a few dark
corners that, hopefully, will be cleaned up eventually).

The fact that there are modules with 35+k lines of code, I would say 
that's a dark room rather than a corner :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-27 23:51, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Personally I think a much more useful feature would be (and this
doesn't block this feature but it's related to default arguments):

struct S
 void foo(int x = this.y)

 int y;

I agree, I've wanted this a couple of times.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-27 21:56, Walter Bright wrote:

No reason. It simply never occurred to anyone. I've never heard of
anyone wanting this in all my years of C, C++, and D.

void foo (ubyte[] source, ubyte[] destination = source);

Do some operation, by default override "source":

void scale (int width, int height = width);

I'd reject an enhancement request for this unless someone could
demonstrate significant utility for it.

So consistency is not a good argument?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 04:27, Andre Artus wrote:

2. The example from p.69 [TDPL]. It seems to be missing a colon after
enum size_t g_maxDataSize = 100_000_000, g_maxMemory = 1_000_000_000;

I hope someone can clear up what is and isn't a valid enum.

I haven't looked at this in TPL but the above is a manifest constant. 
Which basically has nothing to do with enums. It's a way to declare a 
constant that doesn't have any storage and which address cannot be 
taken. Basically the same as "#define foo 0" in C.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 01:53, captaindet wrote:

i admit that i am not very good at reading/understanding language
definition syntax. but yet i think the given enum specs ( ) are not quite in order.

they seem to imply that both

enum ;
enum WhatAmI ;

That doesn't look entirely correct. Currently the docs read:

enum EnumBody

Should probably be:

enum EnumMembersBody:

are correct. while the first one throws an error as expected, the second
one passes and is partially usable, potentially similar to C's #define
OPTION. however, typedef's throwing of an error makes me doubt that this
is legal:

import std.stdio, std.traits;

enum test;// passes but is it really legal?

int main(string[] args)
 writeln( __traits(compiles, test) );// true

 writeln( is( test == enum ) );// true

 writeln( isBasicType!(test) );// true

 writeln( isSomeFunction!(test) );// false

 //  writeln( typeof(test).stringof );// Error: argument
test to typeof is not an expression

 return 0;

The last one will fail since "typeof" expects an expression and not a type.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-27 22:12, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Feel free to nag me on the NG and personally for any deficiency you come
across on the way there ;)

About making Serializer a struct. Actually I think the semantics of 
Serializer should be a reference type. I see no use case in passing a 
Serializer by value. Although I do see the overhead of allocating a 
class and calling methods on it.

I do plan to add a free function for deserializing, for convenience. In 
that function Serializer, if it's a class, would be allocated using 
emplace to make it stack allocated.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Aug-2013 11:13, Jacob Carlborg пишет:

On 2013-08-27 22:12, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

I see...
That depends on the format and for these that have no keys or markers of
any kind versioning might help here. For instance JSON/BSON could handle
permutation of fields, but I then it falls short of handling links e.g.
pointers (maybe there is a trick to get it, but I can't think of any
right away).

For pointers and reference types I currently serializing all fields with
an id then when there's a pointer or reference I can just do this:


That would be tricky in JSON and quite overheadish (e.g. wrapping 
everything into object just in case there is a pointer there).

I suspect it would be best to somehow see archives by capbilities:
1. Rigid (most binary) - in-order, depends on the order of fields, may
need to fit a scheme (in this cases D types implicitly define one)
Rigid archivers may also enjoy (per format in the future) a code
generator that given a scheme defines D types with a bit of CTFE+mixin.

2. Flexible - can survive reordering, is scheme-less, data defines
structure etc. easer handles versioning e.g. XML is one.

Yes, that's a good idea. In the binary archiver I'm working on I'm
cheating quite a bit and relax the requirements made by the serializer.

Yes, instead of cheating you can just define them as different kinds. It 
would ease the friction and prevent some "impedance mismatch" problems.

This also neatly answers the question about scheme vs scheme-less
serialization. Protocol buffers/Thrift may be absorbed into Rigid
category if we can get the versioning right. Also solving versioning is
the last roadblock (after ranges) mentioned on the path to making this
an epic addition to Phobos.

Versioning shouldn't be that hard, I think.

Then collect some info on how to approach this problem.
See e.g. Boost serialziation, Protocol Buffers and Thrift.
The key point is that it's many things to many different people.

Was it DOM-ish too?


That nails it. DOM isn't quite serialization but rather a hierarchical 
DB. BTW Sqlite and other DBs may be an interesting backend for 
serialization (though they wouldn't have lookup untill deserialization).

Yeah, I see, but it's still a call to delegate that's hard to inline
(well LDC/GDC might). Would it be hard to do a compile-time check if
there are any events with the type in question at all and then call

No, I don't think so. I can also make the triggerEvents take the
delegate by alias parameter, if that helps. Or inline it manually.

Great, anything to lessen the extra load.

While we are on the subject of delegates - you absolutely should use
'scope delegate' as most (all?) delegates are never stored anywhere but
rather pass blocks of code to call deeper down the line.
(I guess it's somewhat Ruby-style, but it's not a problem).

Good idea. The reasons for the delegates is to avoid begin/end
functions. This also forces the use of the API correctly. Hmm, actually
it may not. Since the Serializer technically is the user of the archiver
API and that is already correctly implemented. The developer do need to
implement the archiver API correctly, but there's nothing that stops
him/her from _not_ calling the delegate. Am I over thinking this?

Seems like, after all library implementors should be trusted to not do 
truly awful things.

Aye, as any faithful Phobos dev absolutely :)
Seriously though ATM I just _suspect_ there is no need for Archive to be
an interface. I would need to think this bit through more deeply but
virtual call per field alone make me nervous here.

Originally it was using templates. One of my design goals back then was
to not have to use templates. Templates forces slightly more complicated
API for the user:

auto serializer = new Serializer!(XmlArchive);

Which is fine, but I'm not very about the API for custom serialization:

class Foo
 void toData (Archive) (Serializer!(Archive) serializer);

Rather this:

void toData(Serializer)(Serializer serializer)

There is no need to even know how archiver looks like for the user code 
(wasn't it one of the goals of archivers?).

The user is either forced to use templates here as well, or:

class Foo
 void toData (Serializer!(XmlArchive) serializer);

The main problem would be that it can't overriden as templates are final.

After all of this I think Archivers are just fine as templates user only 
ever interacts with them during creation. Then it's serializers 
templates that pick up the right types.

Serializers themselves on the other hand are present in user code and 
may need one common polymorphic abstract class that provides 'put' and 
forwards it to a set of abstract methods. All polymorphic wrappers would 
inherit from it.

This won't prevent folks from using templated version of toData/fromData 
if need be.

... use a single type of archive. It's also possible to

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Aug-2013 12:08, Jacob Carlborg пишет:

On 2013-08-27 22:12, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Feel free to nag me on the NG and personally for any deficiency you come
across on the way there ;)

About making Serializer a struct. Actually I think the semantics of
Serializer should be a reference type. I see no use case in passing a
Serializer by value. Although I do see the overhead of allocating a
class and calling methods on it.

Here you are quite right... just add a factory that hides away its true 
origin (and ctor as well so it can be changed later if need be) we.g.:

auto serializer = serializerFor!(XmlArchiver)(archiver);

I do plan to add a free function for deserializing, for convenience. In
that function Serializer, if it's a class, would be allocated using
emplace to make it stack allocated.

Good idea. API should have many layers so that power users may keep 
digging to the bottom and these that just need to get the job done can 
do it in one stroke.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Aug-2013 13:58, Dmitry Olshansky пишет:

28-Aug-2013 11:13, Jacob Carlborg пишет:

On 2013-08-27 22:12, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Rather this:

void toData(Serializer)(Serializer serializer)

There is no need to even know how archiver looks like for the user code
(wasn't it one of the goals of archivers?).

The user is either forced to use templates here as well, or:

class Foo
 void toData (Serializer!(XmlArchive) serializer);

The main problem would be that it can't overriden as templates are final.

After all of this I think Archivers are just fine as templates user only
ever interacts with them during creation. Then it's serializers
templates that pick up the right types.

Serializers themselves on the other hand are present in user code and
may need one common polymorphic abstract class that provides 'put' and
forwards it to a set of abstract methods. All polymorphic wrappers would
inherit from it.

Taking into account that you've settled on keeping Serializers as 
classes just finalize all methods of a concrete serializer that is 
templated on archiver (and make it a final class).

Should be as simple as:

class Serializer {
void put(T)(T item){ ...}
//other methods per specific type

final class ConcreteSerializer(Archiver) : Serializer {
//use Archiver here to implement these hooks

Then users that use templates in their code would have concrete types, 
for others it quickly "decays" to the base class they use.

The boilerplate of defining a lot of methods now moves to Serializer but 
there should be only one such (template) class anyway.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Prevention of UFCS hijacking

2013-08-28 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 8/27/13, Maxim Fomin  wrote:
> What should I tell except you are surprising of current state of
> things?

I'm just raising awareness of the issue. And it's surprising when
you're coding and not expecting it.

Imagine adding an import to a 3rd party library and no longer getting
errors at compile time when you assign to a field that doesn't exist.
Anyone could be caught off-guard by this.

Re: Prevention of UFCS hijacking

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 08:41:39AM +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2013-08-27 20:40, Maxim Fomin wrote:
> >Let's start from basics:
> >
> >writeln = 42;
> >
> >and this is also by design.
> I see no reasons for why this should be allowed. I say:
> * Getters marked with @property: call without parentheses
> * Getters not marked with @property: call with or without parentheses
> * Setters marked with @property: require assignment syntax
> * Setters not marked with @property: disallow assignment syntax

+1, I agree with all of the above.


Старый друг лучше новых двух.

Re: Best practices

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 09:19:24AM +0200, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2013-08-27 23:29, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >It is surprisingly pleasant to read, and very much how regular D code
> >should look like (except for a few dark corners that, hopefully, will
> >be cleaned up eventually).
> The fact that there are modules with 35+k lines of code, I would say
> that's a dark room rather than a corner :)

lol... well, then, let's get cracking on that pull request to split up
std.algorithm. :)

std.datetime is another dark room, but Jonathan is working on that


What do you get if you drop a piano down a mineshaft? A flat minor.

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread captaindet

On 2013-08-28 02:21, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-08-28 04:27, Andre Artus wrote:

2. The example from p.69 [TDPL]. It seems to be missing a colon
after "enum". enum size_t g_maxDataSize = 100_000_000, g_maxMemory
= 1_000_000_000;

I hope someone can clear up what is and isn't a valid enum.

I haven't looked at this in TPL but the above is a manifest constant.
Which basically has nothing to do with enums. It's a way to declare a
constant that doesn't have any storage and which address cannot be
taken. Basically the same as "#define foo 0" in C.

don't know what you mean. since they are defined with the enum keyword they 
have everything to do with enum, especially the official syntax presented here:

enum keyword covers both, enumeration constants and manifest constants. the 
specs cover both in one. moreover, they explain that manifest constants are 
only syntactic sugar for anonymous enums:

enum { A = 2, B = 4 }

is the same as

enum A = 2;
enum B = 4;

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread captaindet

On 2013-08-28 02:26, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

That doesn't look entirely correct. Currently the docs read:

enum EnumBody

Should probably be:

enum EnumMembersBody:


The last one will fail since "typeof" expects an expression and not a type.

a) so are you saying

enum WhatAmI;

is legal? (just asking because i don't know)

b) what typeof expects/tolerates seems to be a bit of a minefield by itself.

enum test = true;
writeln( typeof(test).stringof );   //prints: bool

enum wtf;
writeln( typeof(wtf).stringof );//Error: argument wtf to typeof is not 
an expression



Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-28 Thread ilya-stromberg

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 13:39:47 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Friday, 23 August 2013 at 13:34:04 UTC, ilya-stromberg wrote:
It's a serious issue. May be it's more important than range 
support. For example, I have to change class (bug fixing, new 
features, etc.), but it comparable with previos version 
(example: it's always possible to convert "int" to "long"). I 
that case I can't use std.serialization and have to write own 
solution (for examle, save data in csv file).

I don't think it as an issue at all. Behavior you want can't be 
defined in a generic way, at least not without lot of UDA help 
or similar declarative approach. In other words, the fact that 
those two classes are interchangeable in the context of the 
serialization exists only in the mind of programmer, not in D 
type system.

More than that, such behavior goes seriously out of the line of 
D being strongly typed language. I think functionality you want 
does belong to a more specialized module, not generic 
std.serialization - maybe even format-specific.

Maybe you are right.
But I think it's not so difficult to implement, at least for 
simle cases.

We can follow a simple rules, for example like this:

Does element "b" exists in the archive? - Yes.
Does element "b" has type "long"? - No, the type is "int".
Can we convert type "int" to "long"? - Yes, load element "b" to 
tempory variable and convert it to "long":

int _b = 4;
long b = to!long(_b);

Is it difficult to implement?
Also, we can provide a few deserialize models: strict (like 
current behavior) and smart (like example above). May be even 3 
levels: strict, implicit conversions (like int to long) and 
explicit conversions (like long to int).

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-28 Thread Dicebot
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 16:02:09 UTC, ilya-stromberg 


There was a good proposal by Dmitry to separate sequential strict 
serialization for random-access one as two distinct entities. I 
like it and I think it that is also can solve your problem.

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-28 Thread ilya-stromberg

On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 16:10:03 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
There was a good proposal by Dmitry to separate sequential 
strict serialization for random-access one as two distinct 
entities. I like it and I think it that is also can solve your 

The problem is not only my. Actually, I didn't use C# 
serialization due this problem - any minimal code change breaks 
all previously serialized data. But I used .Net 1, maybe in 
current version solve this.

Can you print the link, please?

Re: std.getopt error

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 09:20:09AM +0200, Ramon wrote:
> On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 07:06:07 UTC, growler wrote:
> >Given:
> >
> >int colOrder = 1;
> >...
> >Could it be that "-c 1" is ignored because it is in invalid and
> >the default colOrder value is used?
> Sorry for expressing myself clumsily.
> if the commandline arg is "-c 1" (which according to getopt doc is
> illegal) it actually *does* work properly.
> if the commandline arg is "-c1" (which  according to getopt doc is
> legal) then the result of getopt is false/wrong.
> "-c 1" then sets the variable to -1.
> Same with 2. So the problem is not 1 or 1 being the var default.

I'd say file a bug for this, since the docs claim that -c1 works, but
actually it doesn't.


It only takes one twig to burn down a forest.

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-28 Thread Dicebot
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 16:19:20 UTC, ilya-stromberg 

Can you print the link, please?$1ash$

(Rigid vs Flexible part)

Re: New Lagged Fib. PRNG gen and random2.d

2013-08-28 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 27/08/13 20:41, monarch_dodra wrote:

The BAD news though, is that it would appear the floating point generation on
linux is *bad*. As in, so bad, it's faster to just generate integrals and
divide. Arguably, I think the "native" double generation might be of slightly
higher quality, but I don't think it is worth the cost.

"Bad" is a relative term.  It might be slower, but you might (I don't know) be 
getting something that has better statistical quality.  So, what you might 
prefer to use depends on your use-case.

Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Yota

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 21:51:48 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 8/27/13, " 
<"\"Luís".Marques"> wrote:

 // Not OK
 int foo(int x, int y = x)
 return x*y;

Personally I think a much more useful feature would be (and this
doesn't block this feature but it's related to default 

struct S
void foo(int x = this.y)

int y;

I used to do something similar to that in another language.  
Something like...

void toggle(bool newState = !this.state) { this.state = newState; 

A function that could set state to a given value, or toggle it if 
omitted.  Then again, that language didn't have overloading at 

Another example, but with more complex processing.
void speak(string msg, bool bypassMute = { ... }

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 23:52:59 UTC, captaindet wrote:

enum WhatAmI ;

I suppose this is legal for the same reasons as class A; or 
struct S; is legal - forward declaration (although in case of 
enums it is pretty useless).

Re: New Lagged Fib. PRNG gen and random2.d

2013-08-28 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 25/08/13 18:58, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

   (2) Should we provide a generic payload wrapper, or require RNG creators
   to implement everything manually?  I strongly support a generic wrapper,
   as there is too great a risk of implementation error if we require
   the wrapping-of-a-reference to be done manually each time.

A few issues I ran into when trying to create such a wrapper:

* Function properties are not necessarily (easily) consistent between
  different RNGs.  For example, it makes sense that popFront() should
  be @safe pure nothrow, but in the Linear Congruential generator
  there are casts which mean that it can't be @safe.

  Now, we _could_ go with the lowest common denominator, but that's not
  a very nice state of affairs.  Is there any way for a wrapper to
  effectively inherit the properties of the functions it's wrapping?

* @disable this() doesn't seem appropriate for all RNGs, e.g. Xorshift.
  In fact, for _all_ RNGs you probably want to have a default
  initialization.  So, in this case, classes rather than structs start
  to look appealing.

Re: A Class in Composition

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 04:13:24PM +0200, Chris wrote:
> I had a very simple method that would read a text file, parse it and
> create a lexicon of the type string[string].
> public void loadLexicon(ref string[string] lex, string src)
> It was high time I made the method more sophisticated and flexible
> (allowing for comments in the source file, checking for formatting
> errors etc). Because neither the comment bit (C-style line comments
> "//") nor the formatting check are too demanding I decided to do it
> in the existing loop that looked something like:
> while (file.readln(buf)) {
>   line = to!string(buf);
>   // Do something with line
> }
> Soon, very soon indeed, I ran into all the problems associated with
> loops, which basically boils down to "Where the f.. am I now?".

Yep, this is a typical structure conflict caused by the mismatch between
the lines in a file and the structures they represent. :)

> So I said to myself that component programming was the perfect fit for
> this kind of problem. I rearranged the program and now I have one line
> in the function that does the job:
> public void loadLexicon(ref string[string] lex, string src) {
>   // ...
>   // arr is of type string[] and holds the lines of the source file.
>   auto dictionary = Lexicon(); // The output range
>   lex = arr.byCommentFilter().byEntry().copy(dictionary).lexicon;
> }
> It's very nice indeed. The beauty of it is not only that I now have
> a nice, sequentially ordered "one-liner", the outsourcing of checks
> and filters freed my head from the loop logic, which helped me to
> focus on the respective algorithms. This lead to a leaner and
> cleaner implementation of each algorithm, because there are no
> dependecies on loop conditions or the position in the loop.

I usually separate out the loop body into smaller functions that handle
each part of the parsing. Since code is the most straightforward when
its structure matches that of the data, this usually means the outer
loop no longer iterates over lines, but over larger, logical structures
(e.g., an entry in your lexicon). That way, your code becomes something

void loadLexicon(...) {
auto dictionary = Lexicon();
do {
dictionary.put(parseEntry(input, ...));
} while (!input.empty);

Entry parseEntry(...) {
auto key = parseHeadword(...);
auto value = parseBody(...);
return Entry(key, value);

Key parseHeadword(...) { ... }

Value parseBody(...) { ... }

This way, your code structure has 1-to-1 correspondence with the format
of your input, which makes it far more readable and less bug-prone.

Of course, we can then take this to the next level, which is to
encapsulate each of these functions into a range-based component, and so
we end up with your nice one-line function. :)

> I could easily remove the comment filter, if the deployment version
> of the program ships with tidied up source files, or I could add a
> new component if necessary. In a loop, however trivial it may appear
> at first glance, it would not be so simple to add or remove parts of
> the logic.

Yeah, when loops get beyond the simplest incarnations, their complexity
quickly explodes into something unmanageable, usually resulting in tight
coupling between distant parts of the code. That makes it very hard (or
outright impossible) to add/remove parts.

> One drawback is, that using ranges creates some overheads and code
> duplication. But the neatness of it is amazing, and I daresay that a
> lot of bugs are hidden in loops simply because the loop logic
> distracts and confuses the programmer and bugs finally find
> loopholes they can slip through.

Overly complex loops make a programmer go loopy and bugs crawl out from
loopholes... ;-)

As for overheads, I wonder if, given enough experience over time, we can
one day identify common patterns that the compiler can take advantage of
and optimize into more efficient code. For example, if the compiler
recognizes a linear composition of range-based components, it could
transform them into optimized nested loops that eliminate some of the
overhead involved. I'm not sure how feasible this is with the current
DMD implementation, though. But it's certainly something to keep in mind
for the future.

> Another drawback is that ranges demand a lot of boilerplate code. If
> properly implemented, there is a lot of code you have to write over
> and over again such as
> if (isInputRange!Range && isInputRange!(ElementType!Range) &&
> is(ElementType!(ElementType!Range) == MyType))
> I don't know if this could possibly be reduced. Or maybe it's just
> my lack of experience.

You can encapsulate this into a template:

template isRoR(R, ElemType) {
enum isRoRMyType = isInputRange!R &&

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 11:58, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

That would be tricky in JSON and quite overheadish (e.g. wrapping
everything into object just in case there is a pointer there).


Yes, instead of cheating you can just define them as different kinds. It
would ease the friction and prevent some "impedance mismatch" problems.

Yes, that's better.

Then collect some info on how to approach this problem.
See e.g. Boost serialziation, Protocol Buffers and Thrift.
The key point is that it's many things to many different people.

I'll do that.

Rather this:

void toData(Serializer)(Serializer serializer)

There is no need to even know how archiver looks like for the user code
(wasn't it one of the goals of archivers?).

Right, didn't think of using a template argument for the whole serializer.

Serializers themselves on the other hand are present in user code and
may need one common polymorphic abstract class that provides 'put' and
forwards it to a set of abstract methods. All polymorphic wrappers would
inherit from it.

This won't prevent folks from using templated version of toData/fromData
if need be.

That's a good idea.

I'd suggest to maximally hide away (Un)Archivers API from end users and
as such it would be more convenient to just stay templated as it won't
be seen.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Range interface for std.serialization

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 13:20, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Taking into account that you've settled on keeping Serializers as

Not necessary.

just finalize all methods of a concrete serializer that is
templated on archiver (and make it a final class).

Should be as simple as:

class Serializer {
 void put(T)(T item){ ...}
 //other methods per specific type

final class ConcreteSerializer(Archiver) : Serializer {
 //use Archiver here to implement these hooks

Then users that use templates in their code would have concrete types,
for others it quickly "decays" to the base class they use.

The boilerplate of defining a lot of methods now moves to Serializer but
there should be only one such (template) class anyway.

This is a good idea.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: std.serialization: pre-voting review / discussion

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 18:02, ilya-stromberg wrote:

Maybe you are right.
But I think it's not so difficult to implement, at least for simle cases.
We can follow a simple rules, for example like this:

Does element "b" exists in the archive? - Yes.
Does element "b" has type "long"? - No, the type is "int".
Can we convert type "int" to "long"? - Yes, load element "b" to tempory
variable and convert it to "long":

int _b = 4;
long b = to!long(_b);

Is it difficult to implement?
Also, we can provide a few deserialize models: strict (like current
behavior) and smart (like example above). May be even 3 levels: strict,
implicit conversions (like int to long) and explicit conversions (like
long to int).

I don't think we should add too much of this kind of functionality. 
There's a reason for why it supports custom serialization. This is a 
perfect example.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 19:31, Maxim Fomin wrote:

I suppose this is legal for the same reasons as class A; or struct S; is
legal - forward declaration (although in case of enums it is pretty

It's useful for UDA's:

enum foo;

@foo bar ();

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 17:34, captaindet wrote:

The last one will fail since "typeof" expects an expression and not a

a) so are you saying

enum WhatAmI;

is legal? (just asking because i don't know)

Yes, it's sometimes usable to be able to declare dummy types like this. 
Especially now when we have UAD's (User Defined Attribute):

enum foo;

@foo bar ();

b) what typeof expects/tolerates seems to be a bit of a minefield by

enum test = true;
writeln( typeof(test).stringof );//prints: bool

enum wtf;
writeln( typeof(wtf).stringof );//Error: argument wtf to typeof is
not an expression

That seems strange. Perhaps worth a bugzilla report:

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: New Lagged Fib. PRNG gen and random2.d

2013-08-28 Thread monarch_dodra
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 17:57:13 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 25/08/13 18:58, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
  (2) Should we provide a generic payload wrapper, or require 
RNG creators
  to implement everything manually?  I strongly support a 
generic wrapper,
  as there is too great a risk of implementation error if 
we require
  the wrapping-of-a-reference to be done manually each 

A few issues I ran into when trying to create such a wrapper:

* Function properties are not necessarily (easily) 
consistent between
  different RNGs.  For example, it makes sense that 
popFront() should
  be @safe pure nothrow, but in the Linear Congruential 

  there are casts which mean that it can't be @safe.

  Now, we _could_ go with the lowest common denominator, 
but that's not
  a very nice state of affairs.  Is there any way for a 
wrapper to
  effectively inherit the properties of the functions it's 

* @disable this() doesn't seem appropriate for all RNGs, 
e.g. Xorshift.
  In fact, for _all_ RNGs you probably want to have a 
  initialization.  So, in this case, classes rather than 
structs start

  to look appealing.

I agree that classes over structs is appealing, but I still think 
that having "semi-Public payload implementations" is important. 
There are a lot of devs out there that don't use the GC, in 
particular video games. It would be nice for them to not have to 
re-write the wheel.

With that said, even with classes, we'd need an easy way to 
create the classes from the payloads.

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 8/28/13, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> Yes, it's sometimes usable to be able to declare dummy types like this.
> Especially now when we have UAD's (User Defined Attribute):
> enum foo;
> @foo bar ();

Good tip, I used to use structs for this but I wanted something

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 09:12:44PM +0200, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 8/28/13, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> > Yes, it's sometimes usable to be able to declare dummy types like
> > this.  Especially now when we have UAD's (User Defined Attribute):
> >
> > enum foo;
> >
> > @foo bar ();
> Good tip, I used to use structs for this but I wanted something
> non-instantiable.

Good idea! I also don't like using structs everywhere just for UDA's.


MSDOS = MicroSoft's Denial Of Service

New linker error with xml2

2013-08-28 Thread ollie
I have been seeing a new linker error while building xml2.

  OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
  Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined

   (demangled for your convenience)
   const(bool function(ref const(alt.zstring.KeyValRec!(immutable(char)[], 
immutable(char)[]).KeyValRec))) alt.zstring.KeyValRec!(immutable(char)[], 

The error starts with commit:
  commit 751353c8217596726ab219b7d3a690e8950e409e
  Author: k-hara 
  Date:   Sat Aug 24 15:07:18 2013 +0900

To compile xml2, I have made the following changes:

  change struct Array member toConstArray from @safe to @trusted because
  pointers cannot be transformed into arrays in safe code.

  changed several occurences of 'delete this;' to 'this.destroy();'

  changed auto doc = new Document(TagData("catalog");
  to  auto td = TagData("catalog");
  auto doc = new Document(td);
  because of an lvalue problem. (should td be allocated on heap instead?)

  changed some readln to return to a string instead of passing a string.

I am using Win32 with Walter's snn.lib with HeapAlloc calls and obviously
git head for dmd etal. Anyone have any ideas why dmd would generate that
template function for test\sxml.d after that commit but not before?

Re: New linker error with xml2

2013-08-28 Thread ollie
If anyone is interested, here is the patch I use to compile xml2:

diff --git a/alt/zstring.d b/alt/zstring.d
index 356cfda..e021cca 100644
--- a/alt/zstring.d
+++ b/alt/zstring.d
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ struct Array(T)
 /// Return  unwriteable slice of the buffer.
-const(T[]) toConstArray() const @safe @property nothrow
+const(T[]) toConstArray() const @trusted @property nothrow
if (ptr_ !is null)
return ptr_[0..length_];
@@ -1350,7 +1350,8 @@ struct PackedArray(T)
 /// Element of sortable array of pairs on key
 struct KeyValRec(K,V)
-   alias KeyValRec!(K,V) SameType;
+// alias KeyValRec!(K,V) SameType;
+alias SameType = KeyValRec!(K,V);
 K id;
 V value;
@@ -1723,4 +1724,4 @@ unittest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.bat b/build.bat
index 4be9aaf..052d670 100644
--- a/build.bat
+++ b/build.bat
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 rem Delete all outputs
 del xmlp.lib sxmltest.exe bookstest.exe conformance.exe 2>NUL
-dmd -property -lib -ofxmlp.lib -O -noboundscheck -release -w ^
+dmd -lib -ofxmlp.lib -O -noboundscheck -release -w ^
"alt/zstring.d" "std/xml1.d" "std/xml2.d" ^
"std/xmlp/arraydom.d" "std/xmlp/arraydombuild.d"  "std/xmlp/builder.d" ^
"std/xmlp/domparse.d" "std/xmlp/dtdtype.d" ^
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ dmd -property -lib -ofxmlp.lib -O -noboundscheck -release 
-w ^
-dmd -property -ofsxmltest -O -noboundscheck -release "./test/sxml"  xmlp.lib
+dmd -ofsxmltest -O -noboundscheck -release "./test/sxml"  xmlp.lib
-dmd -property -ofbookstest -O -noboundscheck -release "./test/books" xmlp.lib
+dmd -ofbookstest -O -noboundscheck -release "./test/books" xmlp.lib
-dmd -property -ofconformance -O -noboundscheck -release ^
+dmd -ofconformance -O -noboundscheck -release ^
"./test/conformance.d"  std/xmlp/jisx0208.d xmlp.lib
diff --git a/std/xml1.d b/std/xml1.d
index 941c373..3799474 100644
--- a/std/xml1.d
+++ b/std/xml1.d
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ class Tag
if (tag_.attr.length > 0)
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
@@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ abstract class Item
void explode(bool del)
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ public:
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
@@ -2130,4 +2130,4 @@ void UnitTest1()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/std/xmlp/arraydom.d b/std/xmlp/arraydom.d
index 0b7a34c..75e23da 100644
--- a/std/xmlp/arraydom.d
+++ b/std/xmlp/arraydom.d
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ abstract class Item
void explode(bool del)
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
 /// This item as text
diff --git a/std/xmlp/builder.d b/std/xmlp/builder.d
index 98cc176..3274d63 100644
--- a/std/xmlp/builder.d
+++ b/std/xmlp/builder.d
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ abstract class Builder {
void explode(bool del)
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
diff --git a/std/xmlp/coreprint.d b/std/xmlp/coreprint.d
index 1a81011..6cf191a 100644
--- a/std/xmlp/coreprint.d
+++ b/std/xmlp/coreprint.d
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ struct XmlPrinter
 uintptr_t i = indent;
 buf[i++] = '<';
 buf[i++] = '/';
-buf[i .. i + taglen] = tag;
+buf[i .. i + taglen] = tag[];
 i += taglen;
 buf[i] = '>';
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ struct XmlPrinter
 uintptr_t i = indent;
 if(i > 0)
 buf[0..i] = ' ';
-buf[i .. $] = s;
+buf[i .. $] = s[];
diff --git a/std/xmlp/linkdom.d b/std/xmlp/linkdom.d
index 582fb9b..678c2a7 100644
--- a/std/xmlp/linkdom.d
+++ b/std/xmlp/linkdom.d
@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ public:
void explode(bool del)
if (del)
-   delete this;
+   this.destroy();
 /// Not supported
diff --git a/test/Conformance.d b/test/Conformance.d
index 68dd9a6..ab7518b 100644
--- a/test/Conformance.d
+++ b/test/Conformance.d
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
 string dinp;
+dinp = stdin.readln();
 return 0;
diff --git a/test/books.d b/test/books.d
index 6c14403..7c6bd71 100644
--- a/test/books.d
+++ b/test/books.d
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ void std_xml1(string s)
Book[] books;

Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 8/28/2013 12:16 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-08-27 21:56, Walter Bright wrote:

No reason. It simply never occurred to anyone. I've never heard of
anyone wanting this in all my years of C, C++, and D.

void foo (ubyte[] source, ubyte[] destination = source);

Do some operation, by default override "source":

void scale (int width, int height = width);

Is this really a problem that needs solving?

I'd reject an enhancement request for this unless someone could
demonstrate significant utility for it.

So consistency is not a good argument?

Is it really consistent if you have to add a new section in the documentation 
explaining it?

Building 2.063.2 from source produces non-working toolchain??

2013-08-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
While trying to track down a 2.063.2 problem someone posted to the
D.learn forum, I tried to build dmd/druntime/phobos 2.063.2 from source,
and to my chagrin, discovered that the resulting toolchain is
non-functional.  Even the simplest program:

void main() {}

doesn't compile:

 In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
test.o: In function `no symbol':
test.d:(.text+0x6): undefined reference to `_Dmodule_ref'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Attempting to run Phobos unittests also aborts with undefined references
to `_Dmodule_ref'.

Am I doing something wrong?? How did 2.063.2 even build in the first

P.S. I'm on Linux 64-bit, in case that matters. (Also, I don't have
32-bit development libraries installed -- could that be a problem?)


May you live all the days of your life. -- Jonathan Swift

bug in typeof or wrong enum specs?

2013-08-28 Thread captaindet

a recent discussion ($1tff$ ) about the 
official enum dox ( ) was not conclusive whether


is officially allowed/supported. jacob pointed out that it has an important use case in 
that it can serve as UDA. as UDAs are fairly new, this cannot be the reason why this 
syntax was allowed in the first place though, *if* it is allowed. also, it might be used 
in meta stuff similar to "#define IDENTIFIER" in C - playing with this idea i 
run into this issue...

while much code behaves with such an empty enum declaration,

writeln( __traits(compiles, IDENTIFIER) );  // true
writeln( is( IDENTIFIER == enum ) );// true

typeof() is not happy at all (DMD 2.063.2):

writeln( typeof(IDENTIFIER).stringof ); 
// Error: argument IDENTIFIER to typeof is not an expression

typeof() expects an expression and a bare identifier is a "PrimaryExpression" ( ) and hence a valid argument.

either the empty enum declaration is not allowed (and should be removed from 
the dox and throw a compilation error) or there is a bug in typeof().


Re: bug in typeof or wrong enum specs?

2013-08-28 Thread Dicebot

On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 23:28:14 UTC, captaindet wrote:
a recent discussion ($1tff$ ) 
about the official enum dox ( ) was 
not conclusive whether


is officially allowed/supported. jacob pointed out that it has 
an important use case in that it can serve as UDA. as UDAs are 
fairly new, this cannot be the reason why this syntax was 
allowed in the first place though, *if* it is allowed. also, it 
might be used in meta stuff similar to "#define IDENTIFIER" in 
C - playing with this idea i run into this issue...

while much code behaves with such an empty enum declaration,

writeln( __traits(compiles, IDENTIFIER) );  // true
writeln( is( IDENTIFIER == enum ) );// true

typeof() is not happy at all (DMD 2.063.2):

writeln( typeof(IDENTIFIER).stringof ); 
// Error: argument IDENTIFIER to typeof is not an expression

typeof() expects an expression and a bare identifier is a 
"PrimaryExpression" ( ) and hence 
a valid argument.

either the empty enum declaration is not allowed (and should be 
removed from the dox and throw a compilation error) or there is 
a bug in typeof().


typeof only accepts expressions, not types. enum symbol acts as a 
type here as it does not have associated value (typeof(int) will 
result in same error message)

Re: New Lagged Fib. PRNG gen and random2.d

2013-08-28 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 18:43:53 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
With that said, even with classes, we'd need an easy way to 
create the classes from the payloads.

Don't understand. With classes you don't need payloads. Just 
converting existing RNG structs to final classes is sufficient.

obsolete D libraries/modules

2013-08-28 Thread Ramon
Apologies if this is the wrong forum or even the wrong place but 
it seems to me there is a kind of tight connection between dlang 
and (to which the following relates).

I can perfectly well understand that any group around a not yet 
globally known language with a not yet richly endowed assortment 
of libraries isn't eager to push the kill button on 3rd 
party/user created modules.

And yes, it sure gives a new user a warm nice feeling to discover 
lots of available modules (which after all translates to a quick 
start and efficiency for many taskS).

Let me, however, also share my experience and feelings as a 
(exited and pleased) newbie to D when one finds out that what 
seems to be easily 2/3rd of seemingly available modules are 
"dead, exitus, this bird is passed away, gone, dead, and only 
sitting there because someone drove a nail through the poor 
animal" or, at best optimistically pre-early-alpha (speaking with 
a friendly grin).

Feels like a 16 ton weight coming down (if I may borrow again 
from Python, here).

And there is another unpleasant side effect: It doesn't feel 
profoundly attractive to write something and put it in between 
all those dead parrots.

I'd like to suggest therefore that we begin to mildly weed out 
dead or stuck-in-dream stage modules or at least discreetly mark 
them as RIP.

In case someone is interested in what disappointed me most, it's 
hto2 and bcd-gen, bot of which address an important need and both 
of which don't look healthy and useful.
This is particularly troublesome as "make C libs work in D" type 
tools are essential in any effort to bring D forward in the world 
out there.

In case someone feels like hitting me: Hold it. This thread was 
written with good intention and the honest worry that a lack of 
libs and a lack of some support for bringing in C stuff might 
turn out to be regrettable bumps in the road.

A+ -R

Re: Dynamic array of pointers to opaque structs

2013-08-28 Thread Mike Parker

On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 20:34:17 UTC, Johan F. wrote:
I'm fiddling around with SDL2 using Derelict3, and I'm trying 
to make an array of SDL_Texture pointers, like so:

SDL_Texture*[] frames;
... make texture ...
frames ~= texture;

However, this yields the following error:

Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture is forward 
referenced when looking for 'toHash'
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture is forward 
referenced when looking for 'opCmp'
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture is forward 
referenced when looking for 'toString'
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture unknown size
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture no size yet for 
forward reference
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture unknown size
Error: struct derelict.sdl2.types.SDL_Texture no size yet for 
forward reference

At line 1865 in types.d is the opaque struct declaration

struct SDL_Texture;

The program compiles and works fine if I change this line to

struct SDL_Texture {};

This seems weird to me. Why is making an array of _pointers_ to 
SDL_Texture dependant on how the SDL_Texture struct is 
declared? Also, is simply adding {} the right way of fixing it, 
or will that possibly break something else?

For anyone stumbling across this thread in the future, there's a 
report for this in bugzilla[1]. It's an issue in the compiler 
with the handling of opaque structs.


Re: New linker error with xml2

2013-08-28 Thread Kenji Hara
2013/8/29 ollie 

> I have been seeing a new linker error while building xml2.
>   OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
>   Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
>   sxmltest.obj(sxmltest)
>Error 42: Symbol Undefined
>(demangled for your convenience)
>const(bool function(ref const(alt.zstring.KeyValRec!(immutable(char)[],
> immutable(char)[]).KeyValRec))) alt.zstring.KeyValRec!(immutable(char)[],
> immutable(char)[]).KeyValRec.opEquals
> The error starts with commit:
>   commit 751353c8217596726ab219b7d3a690e8950e409e
>   Author: k-hara 
>   Date:   Sat Aug 24 15:07:18 2013 +0900

Did you rebuild xml2 library after updating/rebuilding dmd code?
Because the dmd commit changes the object file places where some
instantiated template code are emitted.

Kenji Hara

Re: Building 2.063.2 from source produces non-working toolchain??

2013-08-28 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:18:47 -0700
"H. S. Teoh"  wrote:
>  (Also, I don't have
> 32-bit development libraries installed -- could that be a problem?)

Possibly, although I don't know what the expected symptoms of that would

Could you post the exact steps you're using to checkout, build and test
the toolchain? Also, are you sure your dmd.conf is right and that the
right dmd.conf is being picked up?

Re: Building 2.063.2 from source produces non-working toolchain??

2013-08-28 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:27:08 -0400
Nick Sabalausky  wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:18:47 -0700
> "H. S. Teoh"  wrote:
> > 
> >  (Also, I don't have
> > 32-bit development libraries installed -- could that be a problem?)
> > 
> Possibly, although I don't know what the expected symptoms of that
> would be.
> Could you post the exact steps you're using to checkout, build and
> test the toolchain? Also, are you sure your dmd.conf is right and
> that the right dmd.conf is being picked up?

The following works for me, although my Linux box is a 32-bit VM (stupid
consumer-level Intel CPU with no hardware virtualization...). But doing
s/32/64/ *should* make it work on a 64-bit:

Re: obsolete D libraries/modules

2013-08-28 Thread Rikki Cattermole

On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 01:13:15 UTC, Ramon wrote:
Apologies if this is the wrong forum or even the wrong place 
but it seems to me there is a kind of tight connection between 
dlang and (to which the following relates).

I can perfectly well understand that any group around a not yet 
globally known language with a not yet richly endowed 
assortment of libraries isn't eager to push the kill button on 
3rd party/user created modules.

And yes, it sure gives a new user a warm nice feeling to 
discover lots of available modules (which after all translates 
to a quick start and efficiency for many taskS).

Let me, however, also share my experience and feelings as a 
(exited and pleased) newbie to D when one finds out that what 
seems to be easily 2/3rd of seemingly available modules are 
"dead, exitus, this bird is passed away, gone, dead, and only 
sitting there because someone drove a nail through the poor 
animal" or, at best optimistically pre-early-alpha (speaking 
with a friendly grin).

Feels like a 16 ton weight coming down (if I may borrow again 
from Python, here).

And there is another unpleasant side effect: It doesn't feel 
profoundly attractive to write something and put it in between 
all those dead parrots.

I'd like to suggest therefore that we begin to mildly weed out 
dead or stuck-in-dream stage modules or at least discreetly 
mark them as RIP.

In case someone is interested in what disappointed me most, 
it's hto2 and bcd-gen, bot of which address an important need 
and both of which don't look healthy and useful.
This is particularly troublesome as "make C libs work in D" 
type tools are essential in any effort to bring D forward in 
the world out there.

In case someone feels like hitting me: Hold it. This thread was 
written with good intention and the honest worry that a lack of 
libs and a lack of some support for bringing in C stuff might 
turn out to be regrettable bumps in the road.

A+ -R

I agree we do need to deal with older projects. However I don't 
think we can.
Instead maybe we should work towards keeping the wiki up to date 
with notable projects?

With regards to c libraries maybe it would be a good idea to 
implement a shared library function loader for phobos itself. 
That would mean both shared libraries and static libraries are 
very easy to implement.
There is e.g. DerelictUtil[0] which provides it if you want it 

With regards to making a converter for between C/D bindings. 
There is SWIG but I have yet to get that to work well either.

Maybe someone else can elaborate more on this side of things.

I will say this, one thing about D that has annoyed me from the 
beginning is the state of the gui libs. Hence why in last month 
I've been having a real good play around with OpengGL and 
creating my own library [1].
There is also a few tools missing here and there. For example the 
conversion of binary assets to D arrays [2]. Works, but not the 

I know I'm advertising some of my own projects here but I think 
it's relevant to point out my own experience.

Another area that does need some work is database connectivity. I 
did make some bindings to OpenDBX[3]. Which I need to redo as of 
Derelict3 being split up.

I might get that into DUB if somebody wants it.
OpenDBX[4] has multiple database interfaces using a common api.
We do have sqlite bindings in Phobos however and sqlite itself 
bundled with dmd (not zip on Windows I believe however).

On that note DUB[5] is becoming quite "community official" build 
These packages _should_ all be up to date however we may need to 
focus on that?
Somebody else should suggest regarding this as I haven't got 
experience on it yet. This may solve the issue you mentioned with 



Re: obsolete D libraries/modules

2013-08-28 Thread Peter Williams

On 29/08/13 16:11, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

I will say this, one thing about D that has annoyed me from the
beginning is the state of the gui libs. Hence why in last month I've
been having a real good play around with OpengGL and creating my own
library [1].

On this topic, I started looking at porting one of my PyGTK applications 
to GtkD and found that the knowledge of PyGTK API wasn't a great deal of 
help in this endeavor.  I think the problem is Python's "duck typing" 
and dynamic typing allow for a very flexible API that is much simpler 
than GTK+'s and GtkD's is much like GTK+'s.  The problem is complicated 
by the fact that the amount of documentation is huge and it's often 
difficult to find where something is defined.

Anyway, long story short, I've decided to investigate the feasibility of 
rewriting the parts of GTK+ that I like directly in D.  It's early days 
yet and the code is in a private repository on github.  I'll keep it 
private until I have some useful subset working at which time I'll make 
it public.  Of course, if I find that it's all too hard I'll just delete it.

Early indications are that the code will be much simpler than the 
original as GTK+ implements its own OOP and GC where I'll just delegate 
that to D. :-)


Re: param2 = param1

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 23:51, Walter Bright wrote:

Is this really a problem that needs solving?

It's not that important. You asked for use cases, I showed a couple.

Is it really consistent if you have to add a new section in the
documentation explaining it?

That sounds like the documentation is not very well structured. Either 
this is missing from the documentation, and should be added, or it 
should already be documented somewhere. If it is already documented, and 
documented for templates, it should be moved to a section covering 
arguments both for templates and regular functions.

So yes, possibly depending on how the documentation currently look like.

BTW, if I recall correctly "consistency" is usually one of your 
arguments for doing, or not doing, something.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 17:34, captaindet wrote:

b) what typeof expects/tolerates seems to be a bit of a minefield by

enum test = true;
writeln( typeof(test).stringof );//prints: bool

enum wtf;
writeln( typeof(wtf).stringof );//Error: argument wtf to typeof is
not an expression

Actually, I previously misread this. This is working as it should.

The first declares a manifest constant:

enum test = true

Is short for:

enum bool test = ture;

"bool" is the type, "test" is the name.

The second declares a new type, where "wtf" is the name of the type.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

2013-08-28 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 27.08.2013 15:40, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Am 27.08.2013 15:33, schrieb Andrej Mitrovic:

On 8/27/13, Benjamin Thaut  wrote:

Well, a link would have been great:

Using export(identifier) is not going to be reliable, since chances of
clashes are high.
E.g. if libFoo uses export(Foo) and libBar also uses export(Foo), you
won't be able to distinguish between the two.

Instead I think 'identifier' should be a module name.

However, I have a better idea. Why not only introduce compiler
switches that are based on module names rather than having to annotate
what export does in code? For example:

dmd -m64 -export libB.* -import libA.* -of"libB.dll" dllmain.d libB.d
-L/DLL -L/IMPLIB:"libB.lib" -LlibA.lib

"-export libB.*" means all modules and subpackages of the libB package
should be exported, whereas "-import libA.*" means the opposite for

This way you don't have to edit any existing code.

I thought about something along those lines aswell. But wouldn't that
create a very long command line if you do it for druntime?

I think export (at module granularity) can be handled by building the 
modules with symbols to export using a command line switch "-exportall", 
and all other modules without.

I'd prefer if the compilation against the imported library would be 
agnostic whether it is later linked against a static or dynamic library.

How is this done on linux right now? It does not need "export"/"import" 
to build against a shared phobos library. Is "import" assumed for any 
data access and later removed by some magic in the linker?

Re: [dox] enum specs vs reality

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-28 17:26, captaindet wrote:

enum keyword covers both, enumeration constants and manifest constants.
the specs cover both in one. moreover, they explain that manifest
constants are only syntactic sugar for anonymous enums:

enum { A = 2, B = 4 }

is the same as

enum A = 2;
enum B = 4;

The above is short for:

enum int A = 2;
enum int B = 4;

They declare manifest constants, not types.

It's the same as:

immutable int A = 2;

But you can't take the address of "A", which you can if it's declared as 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: obsolete D libraries/modules

2013-08-28 Thread Rikki Cattermole

On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 06:34:23 UTC, Peter Williams wrote:

On 29/08/13 16:11, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

I will say this, one thing about D that has annoyed me from the
beginning is the state of the gui libs. Hence why in last 
month I've
been having a real good play around with OpengGL and creating 
my own

library [1].

On this topic, I started looking at porting one of my PyGTK 
applications to GtkD and found that the knowledge of PyGTK API 
wasn't a great deal of help in this endeavor.  I think the 
problem is Python's "duck typing" and dynamic typing allow for 
a very flexible API that is much simpler than GTK+'s and GtkD's 
is much like GTK+'s.  The problem is complicated by the fact 
that the amount of documentation is huge and it's often 
difficult to find where something is defined.

Anyway, long story short, I've decided to investigate the 
feasibility of rewriting the parts of GTK+ that I like directly 
in D.  It's early days yet and the code is in a private 
repository on github.  I'll keep it private until I have some 
useful subset working at which time I'll make it public.  Of 
course, if I find that it's all too hard I'll just delete it.

Early indications are that the code will be much simpler than 
the original as GTK+ implements its own OOP and GC where I'll 
just delegate that to D. :-)


Nice :)
Although be careful it was designed for more Posix environment.
I'm keeping DOOGLE as far limited in terms of platform dependence.
So porting is literally implement the OpenGL context creation and 
Window creation classes.

Also for anyone interested I'm keeping the controls that require 
text out of DOOGLE because of the font rasterizer dependency.

Re: bug in typeof or wrong enum specs?

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-29 01:28, captaindet wrote:

a recent discussion ($1tff$ ) about the
official enum dox ( ) was not conclusive whether


is officially allowed/supported. jacob pointed out that it has an
important use case in that it can serve as UDA. as UDAs are fairly new,
this cannot be the reason why this syntax was allowed in the first place
though, *if* it is allowed.

No, but now it's a useful use case.

also, it might be used in meta stuff similar
to "#define IDENTIFIER" in C - playing with this idea i run into this

while much code behaves with such an empty enum declaration,

 writeln( __traits(compiles, IDENTIFIER) );// true
 writeln( is( IDENTIFIER == enum ) );// true

typeof() is not happy at all (DMD 2.063.2):

 writeln( typeof(IDENTIFIER).stringof );
 // Error: argument IDENTIFIER to typeof is not an expression

typeof() expects an expression and a bare identifier is a
"PrimaryExpression" (
) and hence a valid argument.

either the empty enum declaration is not allowed (and should be removed
from the dox and throw a compilation error) or there is a bug in typeof().

No, I previously misread your post.

enum foo;

The above declares a type, with the name "foo".

enum bar = 1;

Declares a manifest constant, short for:

enum int bar = 1;

The type is "int", the name of the constant is "bar".

typeof(bar); // ok, "bar" is not a type
typeof(int); // error, "int" is a type
typeof(foo); // error, "foo" is a type

Although I do think that typeof(type) should work and just return "type".

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: New linker error with xml2

2013-08-28 Thread ollie
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 13:11:14 +0900, Kenji Hara wrote:

> 2013/8/29 ollie 
>> I have been seeing a new linker error while building xml2.

> Did you rebuild xml2 library after updating/rebuilding dmd code?
> Because the dmd commit changes the object file places where some
> instantiated template code are emitted.
> Kenji Hara

Thanks for the reply Kenji.

Yes, because it is so fast to recompile with dmd, I always
recompile both xml2 and GtkD after dmd/druntime/phobos/tools
to stay ahead of changes.

Using the dmpobj.exe from OpenWatcom, I searched for the missing
function in the test program sxmltest.obj and xmlp.lib for
compilations just before commit 751353c8217596726ab219b7d3a690e8950e409e
and for git-head. The function is only emitted into sxmltest.obj as a
EXTDEF record type.

EXTDEF(8c) recnum:1545, offset:00010cc8h, len:009ah, chksum:00h(aa)
821 - '_D3std9exception7bailOutFNaNfAyakxAaZv' Type:0
822 - 


Re: New Lagged Fib. PRNG gen and random2.d

2013-08-28 Thread monarch_dodra
On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 00:04:08 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 18:43:53 UTC, monarch_dodra 
With that said, even with classes, we'd need an easy way to 
create the classes from the payloads.

Don't understand. With classes you don't need payloads. Just 
converting existing RNG structs to final classes is sufficient.

Yes, that'd be the idea, but I mean that if you do that, you 
close the door to giving straight access to a 

Also, placing a value-type payload in a class is pretty trivial.

Re: Building 2.063.2 from source produces non-working toolchain??

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-29 00:18, H. S. Teoh wrote:

While trying to track down a 2.063.2 problem someone posted to the
D.learn forum, I tried to build dmd/druntime/phobos 2.063.2 from source,
and to my chagrin, discovered that the resulting toolchain is
non-functional.  Even the simplest program:

void main() {}

doesn't compile:

Using a clone from git or the zip release?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

2013-08-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2013-08-29 08:43, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

How is this done on linux right now? It does not need "export"/"import"
to build against a shared phobos library. Is "import" assumed for any
data access and later removed by some magic in the linker?

"export" is noop on Posix. Every symbol is accessible.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: bug in typeof or wrong enum specs?

2013-08-28 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 29.08.2013 01:28, captaindet wrote:

a recent discussion ($1tff$ ) about the
official enum dox ( ) was not conclusive whether


is officially allowed/supported. jacob pointed out that it has an
important use case in that it can serve as UDA. as UDAs are fairly new,
this cannot be the reason why this syntax was allowed in the first place
though, *if* it is allowed. also, it might be used in meta stuff similar
to "#define IDENTIFIER" in C - playing with this idea i run into this


was used to help resolving forward references to type IDENTIFIER when 
the resolving of forward references was a lot less capable than it is 
now. I don't think it is still needed for that. The same syntax exists 
for struct or class.

Please also note that using it as in C/C++ to declare a type that is 
actually defined in another module does not work. The type is bound to 
the current module and the definition has to be in that module.

Decrease DMD memory usage

2013-08-28 Thread Marek Janukowicz
How can I decrease DMD memory usage? My program does now use about 3.5GB 
during compilation, which is horrible, as even machines with 4GB RAM 
sometimes fail to compile successfully :(

Marek Janukowicz