Re: Mono-D 2.0 - XamarinStudio 5.0 support, completion improvements

2014-05-01 Thread Dejan Lekic via Digitalmars-d-announce

You are my personal hero!

Re: Announcing TitaniumD - A D Binding for the Botan Cryptography Library

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 4/30/14, 6:28 PM, Adam Wilson wrote:


Re: Announcing TitaniumD - A D Binding for the Botan Cryptography Library

2014-05-01 Thread brad clawsie via Digitalmars-d-announce

Adam, this is very cool!

do you have any examples showing its use? In particular, examples 
highlighting D code using AES and SHA libs


Re: Announcing TitaniumD - A D Binding for the Botan Cryptography Library

2014-05-01 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thu, 01 May 2014 14:55:05 -0700, brad clawsie wrote:

Adam, this is very cool!

do you have any examples showing its use? In particular, examples  
highlighting D code using AES and SHA libs


You're welcome. There are no example yet. And the build script only  
supports Windows. Pull requests using *make tools most welcome.

A little walkthrough:

Build TitaniumCore, TitaniumD and TDI as static libraries. TitaniumCore  
and TitaniumD can be compiled with any C++ compiler and the availability  
of Boost Filesystem and ASIO. Although you'll have to specify the paths to  

Once those libraries are built you'll need to pass all three of them to  
DMD along with your project.

Then the following code should work:

module test;
import std.stdio;
import Titanium.TDI; //Make sure to specify the correct search path with  
-I on the DMD commandline.

void main(string[] args)
auto t = new TitaniumLibrary();
//Hash Test Vectors
string vec1 = The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog;
string vec2 = The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.;
//Hash Testing
writeln(HashSHA2(HashSize.Size256, vec1));
SHA2 h = new SHA2(HashSize.Size256);
AES c = new AES(CipherKeySize.Key128, CipherMode.GCM, 16);
ubyte[] enc1 = c.Encrypt(cast(ubyte[])vec1.dup);
string dec1 = cast(string)c.Decrypt(enc1);
ubyte[] enc2 = c.Encrypt(cast(ubyte[])vec2.dup);
string dec2 = cast(string)c.Decrypt(enc2);

The above sample shows SHA2 and AES-128/GCM.

Please submit bug reports and pull requests on GitHub if you run into any  

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Aurora Project

Re: Mono-D 2.0 - XamarinStudio 5.0 support, completion improvements

2014-05-01 Thread Misu via Digitalmars-d-announce

Great work, thank you !

Re: python vs d

2014-05-01 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 15:21 -0400, Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d
 I've heard this a lot, but I've yet to hear anyone explain concretely 
 how this dynamic mindset causes the lack of things like static code 
 checks and low-overhead primitives from being actual drawbacks. Maybe it 
 really is a case of me not getting it, but it always sounds to me like 
 this dynamic mindset gets around these issues simply by ignoring them. 
 Since I don't personally do heavy development in dynamic languages, I'd 
 be interested in a strong rebuttal to this.

The best way of approaching this is not to try and attempt a long
theoretical essay, but to try (a possibly lengthy exchange of question
and answer accompanied by actually writing code in both Python and D.
Also looking at things like Rosettacode and all Bearophile and others'
work there.

There are two questions above to kick start things, let's take the
second first:

Low-overhead primitives: This immediately implies you are looking for
raw CPU-bound performance or you are undertaking premature optimization.
Python has no direct play in this game. If a Python code requires out
and out CPU-bound performance, you profile to find the small bit of the
total code that is performance critical. If it is not already a function
you extract it as a function, put it in it's own module and Cythonize it
(*). Still Python code but with a few judicious extra annotations so as
to enable Cython to generate C which is then compiled to native code.

Static code checks: The object (aka data) model, and variable model of
Python (and indeed other dynamic languages) means there cannot be any
static code checks. At this point, I have to yield (in this co-routine
exchange :-) with a question: what is it about static code checks that
you feel you have to have in order to be able to program?

(*) There are other techniques, but this is the lowest overhead in terms
of programmer time, and it gives excellent runtime speed-up.
Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d

Am 01.05.2014 01:05, schrieb Ary Borenszweig:

On 4/30/14, 10:38 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:19:15 UTC, Russel Winder via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

Of course, I doubt the gap will ever be closed, since Ruby's awfulness
isn't dependent on my experience level. It's not like it will ever get
static typing even if I used it all the time.

Nah, that will never happen. But you can get very close ( ), although you loose some dynamism at runtime...

Nice to see Crystal still alive.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:32:33 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

 On 4/30/14, 10:01 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
  I'm all for parallelizing all unittest blocks that are pure, as
  doing so would be safe, but I think that we're making a big mistake
  if we try and insist that all unittest blocks be able to be run in
  parallel. Any that aren't pure are not guaranteed to be
  parallelizable, and any which access system resources or other
  global, mutable state stand a good chance of breaking.
 There are a number of assumptions here: (a) most unittests that can
 be effectively parallelized can be actually inferred (or declared) as
 pure; (b) most unittests that cannot be inferred as pure are likely
 to break; (c) it's a big deal if unittests break. I question all of
 these assumptions. In particular I consider unittests that depend on
 one another an effective antipattern that needs to be eradicated.

Even if they don't depend on each other, they can depend on the system.
std.file's unit tests will break if we parallelize them, because it
operates on files and directories, and many of those tests operate on
the same temp directories. That can be fixed by changing the tests, but
it will break the tests. Other tests _can't_ be fixed if we force them
to run in parallel. For instance, some of std.datetime's unit tests set
the local time zone of the system in order to test that LocalTime works
correctly. That sets it for the whole program, so all threads will be
affected even if they're running other tests. Right now, this isn't a
problem, because those tests set the timezone at their start and reset
it at their end. But if they were made to run in parallel with any other
tests involving LocalTime, there's a good chance that those tests would
have random test failures. They simply can't be run in parallel due to
a system resource that we can't make thread-local. So, regardless of
how we want to mark up unittest blocks as parallelizable or not
parallelizable (be it explicit, implict, using pure, or using something
else), we do need a way to make it so that a unittest block is not run
in parallel with any other unittest block.

We can guarantee that pure functions can safely be run in parallel. We
_cannot_ guarantee that impure functions can safely be run in parallel.
I'm sure that many impure unittest functions could be safely run in
parallel, but it would require that the programmer verify that if we
don't want undefined behavior - just like programmers have to verify
that @system code is actually @safe. Simply running all unittest blocks
in parallel is akin to considering @system code @safe in a particular
piece of code simply because by convention that code should be @safe.

pure allows us to detect guaranteed, safe parallelizability. If we want
to define some other way to make it so a unittest block can be marked as
parallelizable regardless of purity, then fine. But
automatically parallelizing impure functions means that we're going to
have undefined behavior for those unittest functions, and I really
think that that is a bad idea - in addition to the fact that some
unittest blocks legitimately cannot be run in parallel due to the use
of system resources, so parallelizing them _will_ not only break them
but make them impossible to write in a way that's not broken without
adding mutexes to the unittest blocks to stop the test runner from
running them in parallel. And IMHO, if we end up having to do that
anywhere, we've done something very wrong with how unit tests work.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Walter Bright:

Actually, I think inference of the ability to implicitly and 
safely convert from mutable to immutable or shared to be very 
powerful. I also think it is superior than requiring the user 
to add ever more annotations, which some research (and my 
experience) shows that users are reluctant to do.

I agree the people are reluctant to add annotations, but I think 
it's also depends on the return of investment of the specific 
annotation. I am annotating all my code carefully with pure, 
but the ROI of all those purity annotations is not great.

And I agree the piling of special cases is a not clean design. 
It's now simpler to ask the compiler if a certain assignment to 
immutable is allowed or not. Because I can't remember the 
supported cases.

So I suggest a more principled and visible approach at the 
problem of ownership and uniqueness.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/14, 11:31 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:32:33 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

There are a number of assumptions here: (a) most unittests that can
be effectively parallelized can be actually inferred (or declared) as
pure; (b) most unittests that cannot be inferred as pure are likely
to break; (c) it's a big deal if unittests break. I question all of
these assumptions. In particular I consider unittests that depend on
one another an effective antipattern that needs to be eradicated.

Even if they don't depend on each other, they can depend on the system.

Understood, no need to repeat, thanks.

std.file's unit tests will break if we parallelize them, because it
operates on files and directories, and many of those tests operate on
the same temp directories.

Yah, I remember even times when make unittest -j broke unittests because 
I've used the file name deleteme in multiple places. We need to fix those.

That can be fixed by changing the tests, but
it will break the tests.

I'm not too worried about breaking tests. I have in mind that we'll 
display a banner at the beginning of unittesting explaining that tests 
are ran in parallel and to force serial execution they'd need to set 
this thing or that. In a way I don't see it as breakage in the 
traditional tests. Unittests are in a way supposed to break :o).

Other tests _can't_ be fixed if we force them
to run in parallel. For instance, some of std.datetime's unit tests set
the local time zone of the system in order to test that LocalTime works

Sure. We could specify that tests are to be run serially within one 
specific module, or to use classic interlocking in the unittest code. I 
see it as a problem relatively easy to address.

We can guarantee that pure functions can safely be run in parallel. We
_cannot_ guarantee that impure functions can safely be run in parallel.
I'm sure that many impure unittest functions could be safely run in
parallel, but it would require that the programmer verify that if we
don't want undefined behavior - just like programmers have to verify
that @system code is actually @safe. Simply running all unittest blocks
in parallel is akin to considering @system code @safe in a particular
piece of code simply because by convention that code should be @safe.

I don't think undefined behavior is at stake here, and I find the simile 
invalid. Thread isolation is a done deal in D and we may as well take 
advantage of it. Worse that could happen is that a unittest sets a 
global and surprisingly the next one doesn't see it.

At any rate I think it's pointless to insist on limiting parallel 
running to pure - let me just say I understood the point (thanks) so 
there is no need to restate it, and that I think it doesn't take us a 
good place.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Andrei Alexandrescu:

We're considering deprecating ~this() for classes in the future.

Such changes could happen in parallel to the (planned?) removal 
of some of the methods of Object.


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 20:36:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/30/14, 12:25 PM, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 19:08:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2014-04-30 11:43, Dicebot wrote:

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have 
never ever
wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If 
running all
module tests at once creates problems than either module is 
too big or

unit tests are not really unit tests.

Why would I run more tests than I have to?

Because you hardly notice difference between 0.1 and 0.5 

*cough* std.datetime *cough* :o)

Pretty much everyone agrees that std.datetime needs to be split 
into smaller module which was one of my original points.

One good example is networking tests - if I worked on an 
airplane I'd love to not test tests that need connectivity with 
a simple regex.

Again, networking (as well as any other I/O) has no place in unit 
tests. Never. Supporting such kind of tests natively means 
designing completely new system not changing existing one.

For most simple example, you can't run non-unit tests in parallel 
without explicit annotations from programmer (your other thread).

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 20:20:26 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 19:30, Dicebot wrote:
I believe only missing step right now is propagation of UDA's 
to RTInfo

when demanded. Everything else can be done as Phobos solution.

I don't see why this is necessary for this case.

It is not strictly necessary but you can't reliably get all unit 
test blocks during compile-time (must be transitively imported) 
and current run-time reflection for tests is missing any data but 
actual function pointers. I am personally perfectly satisfied 
with single root module imports all approach but it is likely 
to be complained if proposed as standard way.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 21:49:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:09:14 +0100
Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d 

On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 11:19 -0700, Jonathan M Davis via 

 unittest blocks just like any other unit test. I would very 
 consider std.file's tests to be unit tests. But even if you 
 want to call them unit tests, because they access the file 
 the reality of the matter is that tests like them are going 
 to be
 run in unittest blocks, and we have to take that into 
 account when

 we decide how we want unittest blocks to be run (e.g. whether
 they're parallelizable or not).

In which case D is wrong to allow them in the unittest blocks 
should introduce a new way of handling these tests. And even 
then all
tests can and should be parallelized. If they cannot be then 
there is

an inappropriate dependency.

Why? Because Andrei suddenly proposed that we parallelize 
blocks? If I want to test a function, I'm going to put a 
unittest block

after it to test it. If that means accessing I/O, then it means
accessing I/O. If that means messing with mutable, global 
then that means messing with mutable, global variables. Why 
should I
have to put the tests elsewhere or make is that they don't run 
-unttest flag is used just because they don't fall under your 

of unit test?

You do this because unit tests must be fast. You do this because 
unit tests must be naively parallel. You do this because unit 
tests verify basic application / library sanity and expected to 
be quickly run after every build in deterministic way (contrary 
to full test suite which can take hours).

Also you do that because doing _reliably_ correct tests with I/O 
is relatively complicated and one does not want to pollute actual 
source modules with all environment checks.

In the end it is all about supporting quick edit-compile-test 
development cycle.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 01:45:21 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:
Splitting all features at an absolute atomic level can be 
achieve for open-source libraries, but it's pretty much 
impossible for an industrial software. Why being so restrictive 
when it's possible to support both vision by extending a little 
the language by something already logical?

You are pretty much saying here writing good code is possible 
for open-source libraries but not for industrial software.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 23:56:53 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
 I don't think undefined behavior is at stake here, and I find the
 simile invalid. Thread isolation is a done deal in D and we may as
 well take advantage of it. Worse that could happen is that a unittest
 sets a global and surprisingly the next one doesn't see it.
 At any rate I think it's pointless to insist on limiting parallel 
 running to pure - let me just say I understood the point (thanks) so 
 there is no need to restate it, and that I think it doesn't take us a 
 good place.

I'm only arguing for using pure on the grounds that it _guarantees_
that the unittest block is safely parallelizable. If we decide that that
guarantee isn't necessary, then we decide that it isn't necessary,
though I definitely worry that not having that guarantee will be
problematic. I do agree though that D's thread-local by default helps
quite a bit in ensuring that most tests will be runnable in parallel.
However, if we went with purity to indicate parallelizability, I could
easily see doing it implicitly based on purity and allowing for a UDA
or somesuch which marked a unittest block as trusted pure so that it
could be run in parallel. So, I don't think that going with pure would
necessarily be too restrictive. It just would require that the
programmer do some extra work to be able to treat a unittest block as
safely parallelizable when the compiler couldn't guarantee that it was.

Ultimately, my biggest concern here is that it be possible to guarantee
that a unittest block is not run in parallel with any other unittest
block if that particular unittest requires it for any reason, and some
folks seem to be arguing that such tests are always invalid, and I
want to make sure that we don't ever consider that to be the case for
unittest blocks in D. If we do parallel by default and allow for some
kind of markup to make a unittest block serial, then that can work. I
fully expect that switching to parallel by default would break a number
of tests, which I do think is a problem (particularly since a number
of those tests will be completely valid), but it could also be an
acceptable one - especially if for the most part, the code that it
breaks is badly written code. Regardless, we will need to make sure that
we message the change clearly in order to ensure that a minimal number
of people end up with random test failures due to the change.

On a side note, regardless of whether we want to use purity to infer
paralellizability, I think that it's very cool that we have the
capability to do so if we so choose, whereas most other languages
have no way of even coming close to being able to tell whether a
function can be safely parallelized or not. The combination of
attributes such as pure and compile-time inference is very cool indeed.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 21:09:51 UTC, Átila Neves wrote:
I don't know about anyone else, but I make my tests fail a 

I think this is key difference. For me failing unit test is 
always exceptional situation.

I TDD a lot. Tests failing are normal. Not only that, I 
refactor a lot as well. Which causes tests to fail. Fortunately 
I have tests failing to tell me I screwed up.

I dream of a day when TDD crap will be finally discarded and fade 
into oblivion.

Even if failing tests were exceptional, I still want everything 
I just mentioned.

Probably. But will you still _need_ it? ;)

And if test group is complex
enough to require categorization then either my code is not 
procedural enough or module is just too big and needs to be 

And when I split them I put them into a subcategory.

This is somewhat redundant as they are already categorized by 
module / package.

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 4/30/2014 11:57 PM, bearophile wrote:

I agree the people are reluctant to add annotations, but I think it's also
depends on the return of investment of the specific annotation. I am annotating
all my code carefully with pure, but the ROI of all those purity annotations
is not great.

That's why I want to move more towards attribute inference.

And I agree the piling of special cases is a not clean design. It's now simpler
to ask the compiler if a certain assignment to immutable is allowed or not.
Because I can't remember the supported cases.

 So I suggest a more principled and visible approach at the problem of 
 and uniqueness.

The supported cases are not random special case hacks. They are based on a 
solid principle - if the expression represents a unique reference to an object, 
then it is implicitly convertible to immutable or shared.

For example,

new int;

Formerly, that created a pointer to a mutable int object. It could not be 
implicitly cast to a pointer to an immutable int. But we know that operator new 
returns the only pointer to what it created, so it should be convertible. This 
knowledge was simply added to the compiler.

I don't see anything unprincipled about that, or hard to understand, or hackish, 
or whatever.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 04:50:30 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
std.file's unit tests would break immediately. It wouldn't 
surprise me
if std.socket's unit tests broke. std.datetime's unit tests 
probably break on Posix systems, because some of them 
temporarily set
the local time zone - which sets it for the whole program, not 
just the
current thread (those tests aren't done on Windows, because 
Windows only
lets you set it for the whole OS, not just the program). Any 
tests which
aren't pure risk breakage due to changes in whatever global, 

state they're accessing.

We really should think about separating Phobos tests into unit 
tests and higher level ones (in separate top-level source folder).

The fact that importing std.file in my code with `rdmd -unittest` 
may trigger file I/O makes me _extremely_ disgusted. How did we 
even get here? _

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Walter Bright:

On 4/30/2014 8:54 AM, bearophile wrote:
I'd also like some built-in way (or partially built-in) to use 
a module only as
main module (to run its demos) or as module to be imported. 
This problem is

solved in Python with the if __name__ == __main__: idiom.

dmd foo.d -unittest -main

I think you are greatly missing the point. The unittests are 
mainly for the developer, while the demo is for the user of the 
demo. The unittests validate the code, while the demo shows how 
to use the module (and surely the demo is not meant to run in 
parallel with the other unittests). Sometimes the demo part is 
more than a demo, it contains usable and useful code, with a 
command-line interface, to allow stand alone usage of the module 
functionality. Currently this is how I do it:

module foobar;

// Here functions and
// classes with their unittests

version (foobar_main) {
void main() {
// foobar module demo code here.

I can't use just version(main), because the module could import 
other modules with their own demo sections. So I need something 
to tell them apart from each other.

This could be simplified with a solution similar to the Python 

version (__is_main) {
void main() {
// foobar module demo code here.

Now if I have module A and B, where B imports A, and both have 
the demo main, I can use this to compile A stand-alone with its 

dmd A.d

And I can use this to not compile the demo of A and compile the 
demo section of B:

dmd A.d B.d

This is just the basic idea, and perhaps people suggested 
something better than this.


Re: std.allocator: primitives for helping GC

2014-05-01 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d

01-May-2014 08:05, Andrei Alexandrescu пишет:

So far allocators have been quite GC-agnostic; deallocation would be
needed for each allocation, and there was little structure to help tracing.

The primitive resolveInternalPointer has made a step toward more precise
structuring of heaps, and now it's time to look at some real GC helpers.

These are markAllAsUnused, markAsUsed, and doneMarking. Find their
description here:

There are a few proof of concept implementations here:

The basic idea is that the GC would initiate a collection by calling
markAllAsUnused. That would cause the underlying untyped allocator to
softly mark all memory as free, but without actually messing it up.
(Many allocators are capable of implementing such a primitive cheaply.)

It would be interesting to define where GC sits and how it integrates
with allocators to begin with. Given that currently GCAllocator is 
somewhere at the bottom of heap layers I'm really at loss about how 
these helpers fit into the picture.

Then, the GC would trace objects starting from roots. Whenever it finds
a used pointer, it would mark the corresponding memory as allocated by
using markAsUsed, effectively undoing the soft freeing for it.

How GC determines which allocator an object belongs to ?

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 01 May 2014 07:26:59 +
Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 04:50:30 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
 Digitalmars-d wrote:
  std.file's unit tests would break immediately. It wouldn't 
  surprise me
  if std.socket's unit tests broke. std.datetime's unit tests 
  probably break on Posix systems, because some of them 
  temporarily set
  the local time zone - which sets it for the whole program, not 
  just the
  current thread (those tests aren't done on Windows, because 
  Windows only
  lets you set it for the whole OS, not just the program). Any 
  tests which
  aren't pure risk breakage due to changes in whatever global, 
  state they're accessing.
 We really should think about separating Phobos tests into unit 
 tests and higher level ones (in separate top-level source folder).
 The fact that importing std.file in my code with `rdmd -unittest` 
 may trigger file I/O makes me _extremely_ disgusted. How did we 
 even get here? _

Honestly, I see no problem with std.file's unit tests triggering I/O.
That's what the module _does_. And it specifically uses the system's
temp directory so that it doesn't screw with anything else on the
system. Separating the tests out into some other set of tests wouldn't
buy us anything IMHO. The tests need to be run regardless, and they
need to be run with the same frequency regardless. Splitting those
tests out would just make them harder for developers to run, because
now they'd have to worry about running two sets of tests instead of
just one. As far as I can see, splitting out tests that do I/O would be
purely for ideological reasons and would be of no practical benefit. In
fact, it would be _less_ practical if we were to do so.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 05/01/2014 12:48 AM, deadalnix wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 22:24:29 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

However, then, whether to do const(S!T) = S!(const(T)) or const(S!T)
= S!(TailConst!T) should maybe be specified on a per-parameter basis,
because this is in general not easy to figure out for the compiler.

That is the whole problem :D

Well, actually, just check whether there is a field that would need to 
change type, of the exact type of some parameter. If so, try to do the 
second thing for that parameter, otherwise try to do the first.

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:21:33 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

 Walter and I have had a long chat in which we figured our current 
 offering of abstractions could be improved. Here are some thoughts. 
 There's a lot of work ahead of us on that and I wanted to make sure 
 we're getting full community buy-in and backup.
 First off, we're considering eliminating destructor calls from within 
 the GC entirely. It makes for a faster and better GC, but the real 
 reason here is that destructors are philosophically bankrupt in a GC 
 environment. I think there's no need to argue that in this community. 
 The GC never guarantees calling destructors even today, so this
 decision would be just a point in the definition space (albeit an
 extreme one).

I really don't like the fact that struct destructors are not called by
the GC, and if anything, I'd be inclined to argue for finding a way to
guarantee that they get run rather than guaranteeing that they never
get run. It's just far too easy to have a struct expect that its
destructor will be run and then have issues when it's not run. But it
would be better to define struct destructors as never getting run rather
than having it be undefined as it is now.

 We're considering deprecating ~this() for classes in the future.

While it's not good to rely on finalizers, they're good to have as
backup if the appropriate cleanup function doesn't get called like it's
supposed to. They're not as critical as they'd be in Java, since we
have structs, but I'd be disinclined to remove finalizers from D
without a really good reason.

 Also, we're considering a revamp of built-in slices, as follows.
 Slices of types without destructors stay as they are.
 Slices T[] of structs with destructors shall be silently lowered into 
 RCSlice!T, defined inside object.d. That type would occupy THREE
 words, one of which being a pointer to a reference count. That type
 would redefine all slice primitives to update the reference count
 RCSlice!T will not convert implicitly to void[]. Explicit
 cast(void[]) will be allowed, and will ignore the reference count (so
 if a void[] extracted from a T[] via a cast outlives all slices,
 dangling pointers will ensue).
 I foresee any number of theoretical and practical issues with this 
 approach. Let's discuss some of them here.

I'm really going to have to think about this one. It's such a radical
change that I really don't know what to think about it. It will be
interesting to see what others have to say about.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 07:32:43 UTC, bearophile wrote:
This is just the basic idea, and perhaps people suggested 
something better than this.


Yeah I sometimes have commented out main() for that purpose.
Sounds like a useful generic addition.

Re: static unittest

2014-05-01 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 22:14:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/30/2014 2:34 PM, Meta wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 21:04:19 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 4/30/2014 1:38 PM, Meta wrote:
Also, while we're thinking about static unittest, what about 
contracts? I've
seen Bearophile suggest it quite a few times, and I agree 
that it'd be very
useful to have contracts that are able to check a subset of 

contracts/object invariants at compile time.

Already have them - template constraints.

Your function needs to be a template for that.

Adding () turns a function into a function template. Also, 
static asserts.

Also, object invariants.

Easily handled with static asserts.

Just a thought, this might be a good idea for the problem of not 
knowing which condition fails when a template instantiation 
fails, i.e.:

auto reduce(alias fun, Args...)(Args args)
//We don't know which condition fails when this template fails to 
if (Args.length  0  Args.length = 2  isIterable!(Args[$ - 


Instead we could do:

auto reduce(alias fun, Args...)(Args args)
static in
assert(Args.length  0);
assert(Args.length = 2);
assert(isIterable!(Args[$ - 1]));

And the error message which show you exactly which condition 
failed. You could also just use static asserts in the contract, 
but the topic of this thread is about `static unittest`, which is 
more or less redundant as well.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 07:47:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Honestly, I see no problem with std.file's unit tests 
triggering I/O.
That's what the module _does_. And it specifically uses the 
temp directory so that it doesn't screw with anything else on 
system. Separating the tests out into some other set of tests 
buy us anything IMHO. The tests need to be run regardless, and 
need to be run with the same frequency regardless. Splitting 
tests out would just make them harder for developers to run, 
now they'd have to worry about running two sets of tests 
instead of
just one. As far as I can see, splitting out tests that do I/O 
would be
purely for ideological reasons and would be of no practical 
benefit. In

fact, it would be _less_ practical if we were to do so.

- Jonathan M Davis

I have just recently went through some of out internal projects 
removing all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp 
was full and those tests were randomly failing when testing my 
own program that have used the library. This _sucks_. You can't 
do any test with I/O without verifying the environment (free 
space, concurrent access from other processes, file system access 
etc). And once you do it properly such beast has no longer fits 
into the same module because of sheer size.

There is a very practical reason to separate tests - to become 
sure that you always can run -unittest build to verify basic 
sanity of your program and it will never spuriously fail or take 
eternity to complete.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:31:30 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

 I'd argue for regular identifiers instead of strings - they can be
 seen in stack traces, accessed with __FUNCTION__ etc. -- Andrei

If we actually want to make unittests work just like functions
(__FUNCTION__, identifier which are visible in stacktraces) then we
could also simply declare functions and mark them as (@)unittest:

unittest void myUnittest()


This then allows for further improvements in the future, for example a
unit test can then return a result value (skipped, error, ..) or it
could optionally receive parameters (like some kind of state from a
unittest framework)

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:00:31 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

 On 4/30/14, 1:57 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
  On 04/30/2014 10:45 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
  An extreme one indeed, it would break a lot of my code. Every D
  project I wrote that does networking manages memory using a class
  that resides on the managed heap, but holds the actual wrapped
  data in the unmanaged heap.
  So should I take it those classes all have destructors? -- Andrei
  (Yes, those destructors free the unmanaged memory.)
 Thanks... that would need to change :o). -- Andrei

And it doesn't even work now, because it's not guaranteed that
finalizers get run. And IIRC, based on some of the discussions at dconf
last year, dealing with the GC and unloading shared libraries would
probably make the situation even worse.

But not being able to rely on finalizers running does put us in a bit
of a pickle, because it basically means that any case where you need a
finalizer, you should probably be using reference counting rather than
the GC. That would tend to mean that either classes are going to need
to be wrapped in a struct that reference-counts them and/or they're
going to need to be allocated with a custom allocator rather than the

This problem makes me think of C#'s using blocks where the object is
created at the beginning of the using block, and it's dispose method is
called when that block is exited (it may also be collected then, but I
don't remember). I don't think that that's quite what we want, since
there are plenty of cases where you want to pass a class around, so
some kind of reference counting would be better, but we probably should
consider having some kind of standard function similar to dispose so
that there's a standard method to call when a class needs to be cleaned
up. And that could tie into a struct in Phobos that we would have to do
the reference counting by wrapping the class.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:19:24 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg


I've always wondered, but never asked: Doesn't __traits(getUnitTests)
usage suffer from the same problem std.benchmark had?

That in order to make it work for all modules you
a) have to explicitly mention every module
b) use module constructors, leading to module constructor dependency
   hell (afaik the main reason we don't have a std.benchmark now)

Re: python vs d

2014-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 06:04:57 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 15:21 -0400, Nick Sabalausky via 

I've heard this a lot, but I've yet to hear anyone explain 
concretely how this dynamic mindset causes the lack of 
things like static code checks and low-overhead primitives 
from being actual drawbacks. Maybe it really is a case of me 
not getting it, but it always sounds to me like this 
dynamic mindset gets around these issues simply by ignoring 
them. Since I don't personally do heavy development in dynamic 
languages, I'd be interested in a strong rebuttal to this.

The best way of approaching this is not to try and attempt a 
theoretical essay, but to try (a possibly lengthy exchange of 
and answer accompanied by actually writing code in both Python 
and D.
Also looking at things like Rosettacode and all Bearophile and 

work there.

There are two questions above to kick start things, let's take 

second first:

Low-overhead primitives: This immediately implies you are 
looking for
raw CPU-bound performance or you are undertaking premature 
Python has no direct play in this game. If a Python code 
requires out
and out CPU-bound performance, you profile to find the small 
bit of the
total code that is performance critical. If it is not already a 
you extract it as a function, put it in it's own module and 
Cythonize it
(*). Still Python code but with a few judicious extra 
annotations so as
to enable Cython to generate C which is then compiled to native 

In my experience the problems with this approach are as follows:

1. The workflow: you write Python code, then profile it, extract 
the bottlenecks and then compile them to native code. A lot of 
2. It can soon become messy when the code is changed, and there's 
a mess of different technologies applied over the years (Swig, 
Cython and whatnot).

In my opinion it's cleaner to write a project in D (C/C++). Code 
 native, in one go. I always feel uneasy, when I have to bring 
in third party software (i.e. a blackbox) to boost the 
performance of my code. I accept that, if you already have a 
substantial code base in Python, technologies like Cython are the 
way to go. But when I start a new project, why on earth should I 
go down that rocky path again?

Static code checks: The object (aka data) model, and variable 
model of
Python (and indeed other dynamic languages) means there cannot 
be any
static code checks. At this point, I have to yield (in this 
exchange :-) with a question: what is it about static code 
checks that

you feel you have to have in order to be able to program?

(*) There are other techniques, but this is the lowest overhead 
in terms

of programmer time, and it gives excellent runtime speed-up.

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 20:21:33 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

First off, we're considering eliminating destructor calls from 
within the GC entirely. It makes for a faster and better GC, 
but the real reason here is that destructors are 
philosophically bankrupt in a GC environment. I think there's 
no need to argue that in this community. The GC never 
guarantees calling destructors even today, so this decision 
would be just a point in the definition space (albeit an 
extreme one).

That means classes that need cleanup (either directly or by 
having fields that are structs with destructors) would need to 
garner that by other means, such as reference counting or 
manual. We're considering deprecating ~this() for classes in 
the future.

I'm all for it, this will break code that was not correct in the 
first place, and was working by accident.

Also, being called by the GC from any thread prevent many kinds 
of cleanup, such as those with a thread-wise bound context (CUDA, 
OpenGL, etc...).

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 08:51:47 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:19:24 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg


I've always wondered, but never asked: Doesn't 

usage suffer from the same problem std.benchmark had?

That in order to make it work for all modules you
a) have to explicitly mention every module
b) use module constructors, leading to module constructor 
   hell (afaik the main reason we don't have a std.benchmark 


You only need to make sure all modules are transitively imported
from initial one. Everything else can be done via recursive
reflection with __traits(allMembers), module constructors are not
needed either.

One can also generate special test entry module that imports all
project modules using build system help.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 08:51:47 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:19:24 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg


I've always wondered, but never asked: Doesn't 

usage suffer from the same problem std.benchmark had?

That in order to make it work for all modules you
a) have to explicitly mention every module
b) use module constructors, leading to module constructor 
   hell (afaik the main reason we don't have a std.benchmark 


You only need to make sure all modules are transitively imported 
from initial one. Everything else can be done via recursive 
reflection with __traits(allMembers), module constructors are not 
needed either.

Re: A few considerations on garbage collection

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:08:03 -0400
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

 On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:15:03 -0400, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
  IIRC they do, it's only arrays of such that doesn't. Anyhow having
  such a dangerous construct built-in (new = resource leak) in the
  language becomes questionable.
 No, they don't. Only objects are marked as having a finalizer. The  
 finalize flag in the GC assumes that the first size_t in the block is
 a pointer to a vtable. A struct cannot have this.
 We need to fundamentally modify how this works if we want finalizers
 for structs to be called, but I think it's worth doing. IIRC,
 Rainer's precise GC does this.

It would be _very_ cool if we could make it so that struct destructors
get run when they're on the GC heap. I'm sure that the fact that
they're not called currently creates a number of subtle bugs when
structs are used which assume that they're destructor is going to be
called when they're destroyed/freed.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 22:48:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/30/14, 3:08 PM, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 21:51:17 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/30/14, 2:47 PM, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 20:57:26 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
Finally, immutable is sharable accross thread. That mean, 
even if we
bypass the type system, that RC must be atomic for 

As they
convert automatically for co,st, that mean that all const 
code will be
full of atomic increment/decrement. They are bad for the 
CPU, and

be optimized away.

Good point. I see that as a problem, albeit a solvable one.

How? Having lock; instructions implicitly appearing in 
normal looking

slice code is unacceptable.

I'm thinking e.g. non-interlocked refcounts go like 1, 3, 5, 
... and

interlocked refcounts go like 2, 4, 6, ...

Then you do an unprotected read of the refcount. If it's odd, 
it's impossible to having originated as an interlocked one. 
So proceed
with simple increment. If it's even, do an interlocked 


I don't think I fully understand.

Either all RC changes for a given type need to be atomic or 
none do, and

that information is given by the type (everything that is
immutable/const/shared). I don't see any feasible way of 
escaping this,
or any advantage to a runtime convention like the odd/even 
trick above.

An object starting as shared or immutable would always need to 
be atomically refcounted. That information is statically known. 
For those we'd initialize the refcount to 2.

An object starting as regular mutable would always be 
refcounted non-atomically. That's also known statically. So 
that constructor initializes the refcount to 1.

Then a const object would dynamically choose the approach to 
refcounting depending on the counter's evenness.


Ah ok, that makes sense.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 22:11, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

This cannot be a good idea. If the block says unittest then it contains
unit tests, not integration tests or system tests, just unit tests.

Then we need to come up with a separate framework for doing all other 
kinds of tests.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

2014-05-01 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:56:15 +0100, Timon Gehr wrote:

If this is a problem, I guess the most obvious alternatives are to:

1. Get rid of namespace scopes. Require workarounds in the case of  
conflicting definitions in different namespaces in the same file. (Eg.  
use a mixin template.) I'd presume this would not happen often.

2. Give the global C++ namespace a distinctive name and put all other  
C++ namespaces below it. This way fully qualified name lookup will be  

3. Use the C++ namespace for mangling, but not lookup.  C++ symbols will  
belong in the module they are imported into, and be treated exactly the  
same as a D symbol, e.g.

module a;
extern(C++, std) ..string..

module b;
extern(C++, std) ..string..

module c;
import a;
import b;

void main() { .. string .. }   // error could be a.string or b.string
void main() { .. a.string .. } // resolved


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 23:19:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 03:55:38PM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu 
via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 4/30/14, 3:47 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I don't like the sound of that. I haven't found myself in a 
where I needed to do something like this, but if I had to, 
I'd be

very unhappy if struct dtors only work when they're not class
members. Can we make them always work, and if necessary 

using them as class members?

Then we're back to effectively class destructors. I think we've
gathered quite a bit of evidence there are pernicious issues
associated with them. -- Andrei


How so? If we prohibit structs with dtors from being class 

then it could work.

Why would we prohibit structs with destructors from being class 
members? That don't make sense to me.

A class is allowed to have a destructor = A class can have 
members with destructors.

So we either kill off class destructor entirelly (which would 
mean no members with destructors) (But that seems like a bad 
idea), or we keep both.

Or did I miss something in the argument?

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 01:04:08 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
That means classes that need cleanup (either directly or by 
having fields that are structs with destructors) would need to 
garner that by other means, such as reference counting or 
manual. We're considering deprecating ~this() for classes in 
the future.

So essentially, any class with a dtor needs reference counting? 
How does one clean up a cycle of them?

Yeah, what he said. This has me very worried. Making cycles is 
actually incredibly easy. Any inteligently implemented 
node-based data structure, implemented with classes, such as a 
linked list, a tree or a graph, is virtually guaranteed to have a 
cycle somewhere...


is the idea that reference counting only works for finalization, 
but the memory is still managed by the GC? In that case, the 
destructors would leak, but the memory still be released?

That's still bad, of course, but not as bad...

Re: DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

2014-05-01 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 01 May 2014 11:03:21 +0100, Regan Heath  

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:56:15 +0100, Timon Gehr wrote:

If this is a problem, I guess the most obvious alternatives are to:

1. Get rid of namespace scopes. Require workarounds in the case of  
conflicting definitions in different namespaces in the same file. (Eg.  
use a mixin template.) I'd presume this would not happen often.

2. Give the global C++ namespace a distinctive name and put all other  
C++ namespaces below it. This way fully qualified name lookup will be  

3. Use the C++ namespace for mangling, but not lookup.  C++ symbols will  
belong in the module they are imported into, and be treated exactly the  
same as a D symbol, e.g.

module a;
extern(C++, std) ..string..

module b;
extern(C++, std) ..string..

module c;
import a;
import b;

void main() { .. string .. }   // error could be a.string or b.string
void main() { .. a.string .. } // resolved

Sorry, #1 is the same suggestion :)


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: FYI - mo' work on std.allocator

2014-05-01 Thread Temtaime via Digitalmars-d
Hi Andrey. Have you even test your allocator on different 
arch(32/64) and/or with different compiler flags ?

On Windows, 32 bit.

dmd allocator.d -main

allocator.d(1492): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (x 
/ 64LU) of typ

e ulong to immutable(uint)
allocator.d(1494): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (y 
/ 64LU) of typ

e ulong to immutable(uint)
allocator.d(1518): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (x 
/ 64LU) of typ

e ulong to uint
allocator.d(1524): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(i) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1525): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(i) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1542): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(w) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1551): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(w) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1570): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(w) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1580): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(w) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1596): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(x) of type ulong

 to uint
allocator.d(1596): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(y) of type ulong

 to uint

If i fix these errors it's ok, but not ok with unittests.

dmd allocator.d -main -debug -unittest

allocator.d(4042): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4082): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(2123): Error: template instance 
std.allocator.InSituRegion!(10240, 6

4) error instantiating
allocator.d(2391): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(4096LU * i) of t

ype ulong to uint
allocator.d(2391): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(4096LU * j) of t

ype ulong to uint
allocator.d(6513): Error: template instance 
nternalPointers!4096, resolveInternalPointer) error 
allocator.d(2266):instantiated from here: 
testAllocator!(delegate () =

(HeapBlockWithInternalPointers!4096 __ctmp2115 = 0;
 , __ctmp2115).this(m))
allocator.d(2439):instantiated from here: 

allocator.d(4042): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4082): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(2740): Error: template instance 
std.allocator.InSituRegion!16384 err

or instantiating
allocator.d(3838): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(3882): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(3993): Error: template instance 
std.allocator.Region!() error instan

allocator.d(4042): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4082): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4135): Error: template instance 

64) error instantiating
allocator.d(4042): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4082): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4140): Error: template instance 
std.allocator.InSituRegion!131072 er

ror instantiating
allocator.d(4042): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4082): Error: function 
std.allocator.roundUpToMultipleOf (uint s, ui

nt base) is not callable using argument types (ulong, uint)
allocator.d(4161): Error: template instance 
std.allocator.InSituRegion!4096 erro

r instantiating

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 22:38, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Yeah, foreign keys are really an absolute must. So are uniqueness
constraints. Rails can kinda do these, but in its own reinvented ways
that don't actually hit the DB (at least not without add on gems)

Rails unique constraints do hit the DB, but they can be painfully slow. 
It's usually faster to let the DB handle it and handle the exception in 

I also find myself really missing outer joins and views.

For outer joins:

1. You can always use raw SQL, also in combination with ActiveRecord

Post.joins(:comments).joins(outer join foos on foos.post_id = bar)

2. My preferred choice, using Squeel [1] (another gem). With Squeel the 
above would look like this:

Post.joins(:comments).joins{ foos.outer }.where(title: bar)

It also supports queries like this:

Post.where{ |q| = 3 }

For views you can use raw SQL in the migration to create the view. Then 
it behaves just like a regular table. ActiveRecord won't know the 

At my previous work we used the SchemaPlus [3] gem. It supports foreign 
keys, views and indexes.

That doesn't change the race condition because the database is still
shared across those processes. With a regular SQL query, the database
guarantees consistent, atomic operations in the DB engine itself, but
with active record pattern, you give that up... while still having the
shared data.

I'm not sure I understand. ActiveRecord does regular SQL queries. The 
example you wrote:

account = BankAccount.find(1)
account.balance -= 10!

Are you referring to if one process executes line 1 and another line 2?

It also hides all the beauty of it :(

Properly escape values

If you're escaping values, unless you're writing some low level database
library, you're almost certainly doing it wrong.

I don't know how other libraries do it these days but last time I didn't 
use ActiveRecord it looked something like this:

query(select * from foo where name = ?, foobar);

BTW, this is still how you need to do it in ActiveRecord when needing 
something more than the equal operator. It was quite similar in Rails 2 
as well. Rails 3 and later makes it a bit better. Very ugly. All values 
are far to the right and the query is to the left. It's get a quick 
overview of which values go where.

Therefore I prefer Squeel as soon I need to do something more advanced 
than the equal operator:

Foo.where{ |q| q.size = 4 }

You can also use SQL functions:

Foo.where{ |q| q.created_at == q.getdate() }

CSS is the view in that scenario. The HTML the object returns is just
its fields wrapped up in tags and classes. Works really well, for my
last big job, the designer worked almost exclusively in CSS and we got a
lot of stuff done.

I never get that working. The HTML always need to change when the design 

It calls functions on the variable. So like {$foo|capitalize} would be
kinda like %= capitalize(foo) %. The plural example uses arguments to
the function too so we can customize the words if it is plural or no.

Ah, I see.

html% some ruby here %/html

I hate that stuff, especially when the view starts doing implicit
database queries! Defeats the whole point of MVC separation if you ask me.

That's useful for looping and if-statements. I also sometimes but a 
variable there at the top. In Haml:

- @posts.each do |post|
  %h3= post.title
  .body= post.body

  - if current_url == post_url(post)
= post.title

  - else
= link_to post.title, post

This would of course be better handled with a partial and a view helper.

Yeah, I agree that it's ugly with database queries in the view. But it's 
very easy to end up with something like this, instead of the above:

- Post.all.each do |post|

Queries in the view can be good, it depends on how you look at it. If 
you write the query in the controller and then access the result in the 
view, the query will be executed in the view because since Rails 3 
queries are lazy. The advantage of this is the you can stream out the 
response [2].

meh, with my libs, they might not be accessible to others, being poorly
documented and all, but I know them and have used them for almost
everything that's come up over the years. So for me, getting work done
means spending an hour using D instead of days searching the web for
some gem that won't even work right anyway.

For me it's the same with Rails. I know Rails and know a lot of useful gems.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 22:36, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Aren't you talking about databases? Single-threading won't save you from
races there unless the DBMS itself is single-threaded (which would be a
pretty undesirable DBMS).

Are you referring to if one process executes line 1 while another 
executes line 2? I don't see how ActiveRecord make this any worse.

Or does the ORM above automatically lock the row/table behind-the-scenes?

It does saves in transactions but I don't think it locks.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 19:25:40 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 19:08:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2014-04-30 11:43, Dicebot wrote:

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have 
never ever
wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If 
running all
module tests at once creates problems than either module is 
too big or

unit tests are not really unit tests.

Why would I run more tests than I have to?

Because you hardly notice difference between 0.1 and 0.5 seconds

The compilation time is often more of a problem than the runtime.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 23:25, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Sure, that helps, but it's trivial to write a unittest block which
depends on a previous unittest block

There for the tests should be run in random order.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 15:04:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 07:14:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
I think one of the great things about Rails and Ruby is all 
the libraries and plugins that are available. If I want to do 
something, in RoR there's a big chance there's already a 
library for that. In D, there's a big chance I need to 
implement it myself.

I like implementing things myself :P

That's the question I dread most at meetings now: is there a 
gem for this? idk, in the time it takes to search for and 
evaluate third party code, I could have just written it myself. 
Especially since libraries almost always need some kind of 
customization for our specific case anyway!

There's a few exceptions where something is hard to write, but 
most things just aren't that hard.

I agree with this, but with a caveat:

The valuable work in a 3rd party lib is more often the design 
than the body of the implementation. Designing a good API and 
general design for a library requires experience and perspective 
that I don't have in most problem spaces, but a quick bit of 
reading and the internals are often trivial to reproduce.

I think this is particularly relevant in D; Implementation is 
made easy, but the flexibility available makes the design stage 
especially important. That is not to say that it's harder to make 
good designs with D, more that it's feasible to make *even 
better* designs if you have the expertise and time.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. -- Andrei

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

/Jacob Carlborg

DIP(?) Warning to facilitate porting to other archs

2014-05-01 Thread Temtaime via Digitalmars-d

Hi everyone.
I think it's need to have -w64(or other name, offers ?) flag that 
warns if code may not compile on other archs.

size_t a;
uint b = a; // ok on 32 without a warning but fail on 64 with 

And on 32 with -w64 it'll be :
Warning : size_t.sizeof may be greater than 32 bit

What you thinks ?
Should i create proposal or nobody cares about porting and it's 
useless ?

Any ideas are welcome.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 21:12, bearophile wrote:

Are UDAs enough?

@uname(foo) unittest {}

What I'd like is to tie one or more unittests to other entities, like
all the unittests of a specific function.

Something similar is done in RSpec. A BDD framework in Ruby. In D it 
might look like this:

@it(does something useful) unittest

@it(also does some other stuff) unittest

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-05-01 11:37, Dicebot wrote:

You only need to make sure all modules are transitively imported from
initial one.

The solution for that would be RMInfo [1], like RTInfo but for modules 
instead of types.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-05-01 09:10, Dicebot wrote:

It is not strictly necessary but you can't reliably get all unit test
blocks during compile-time (must be transitively imported) and current
run-time reflection for tests is missing any data but actual function
pointers. I am personally perfectly satisfied with single root module
imports all approach but it is likely to be complained if proposed as
standard way.

The current runner wouldn't work. It needs to be replace with one that 
uses __traits(getUnitTests).

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Thu, 01 May 2014 09:38:51 +
schrieb Dicebot

 On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 08:51:47 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
 You only need to make sure all modules are transitively imported
 from initial one. Everything else can be done via recursive
 reflection with __traits(allMembers), module constructors are not
 needed either.
 One can also generate special test entry module that imports all
 project modules using build system help.

Is there some boost licensed reflection code somewhere which shows how
to do recursive reflection correctly? I know the basic idea but stuff
like dealing with protection of members would take some time to
figure that out.

Maybe someone familiar with the details could sketch up a quick
std.test proof-of-concept which parses the following (with all
necessary protection checks + detecting unittest blocks in


@_unittest void namedTest()


@Andrei do you think having to explicitly import modules to be tested
is an issue? Apart from this limitation such an approach sounds great
to me. There are quite some possibilities how user frameworks could
extend std.test so it sounds like an interesting idea. (And
std.benchmark could work in the same way)

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:02:54 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

  To summarize: It provides a function pointer for every  unit test to
  druntime or user code. This is actually easy to do. Naming tests
  requires changes in the parser, but I guess that shouldn't be
  difficult either.  
 That's fantastic, would you be willing to reconsider that work?

Are you still interested in this?

I guess we could build a std.test phobos module to completely replace
the current unittest implementation, see:$lg6$

This seems to be a better solution, especially considering extension

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-04-30 22:41, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah I think that's possible but I'd like the name to be part of the
function name as well e.g. unittest__%s.

Why is that necessary? To have the correct symbol name when debugging?

I'm using something quite similar to RSpec from the Ruby world:

describe! toMsec in {
 it! returns the time in milliseconds in {

This uses the old syntax, with UDA's it becomes something like this:

 @it(returns the time in milliseconds) unittest

That looks... interesting.

The Ruby syntax looks like this:

describe toMsec do
  it reruns the time in milliseconds do
assert true

  context when the time parameter is nil do
it returns nil do
  assert true

The interesting part about the Ruby implementation is that each it-block 
(the code between do/end) is executed in the context of an anonymous 
class instance. Each describe/context-block is turned in to a class, 
nested blocks inherit from the outer block. In D the implementation 
would look like this:

class __toMsec
void __someUniqueName123 ()

class __SomeUniqueName456 : __toMsec
void __someUniqueName789 ()

Each it-block (unit test) will be executed in a new instance of the 
closest surrounding class. This means you can have helper methods and 
instance variables shared across multiple test, but they will each get a 
fresh copy of the data.

Since the describe-blocks are implemented with classes that inherit you 
can override helper methods in subclasses.

The unit test runner can also print out a documentation, basically all 
text in the it and describe parameters. Something like this:

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all 
unittests. -- Andrei

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even 
if bugs are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the 
same thing every time.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Thu, 01 May 2014 13:24:07 +0200
schrieb Jacob Carlborg

 On 2014-05-01 11:37, Dicebot wrote:
  You only need to make sure all modules are transitively imported
  from initial one.
 The solution for that would be RMInfo [1], like RTInfo but for
 modules instead of types.

But on a quick look I don't understand how this (or DRT #775) completely
solves the issue.

Now you don't have to import the modules anymore, which is a step
forward, but let's say I want to used this to find all SubClasses of a

Now I can inspect that code in CTFE, but how do I build a list of all
subclasses? In the most generic way (with DLLs/shared libraries) this
can only work if code can be executed at runtime, so we'd need a way to
emit module constructors AFAICS. These should be able to avoid the
usual constructor dependency rules though.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Xavier Bigand via Digitalmars-d

Le 01/05/2014 09:23, Dicebot a écrit :

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 01:45:21 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:

Splitting all features at an absolute atomic level can be achieve for
open-source libraries, but it's pretty much impossible for an
industrial software. Why being so restrictive when it's possible to
support both vision by extending a little the language by something
already logical?

You are pretty much saying here writing good code is possible for
open-source libraries but not for industrial software.

It's just a lot harder when you are under pressure.
I am working for a very small company and our dead lines clearly doesn't 
help us with that, and because I am in the video game industry it's not 
really critical to have small bugs.

Not every body have the capacity or resources (essentially time) to 
design his code in the pure conformance of unittests definition, and IMO 
isn't not an excuse to avoid tests completely.
If a language/standard library can help democratization of tests it's a 
good thing, so maybe writing tests have to stay relatively simple and 

My point is just when you are doing things only for you it's often 
simpler to them like they must be.

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d
Removing class destructors would break my DQt library as it 
currently stands, which wraps C++ classes with D classes, Qt uses 
classes for polymorphism, for protected overrides and slots. I 
would have to consider some other means of wrapping C++. It might 
also be confusing for a few people.

So, having said that... I am completely in favour of removing 
class destructors. It's a simple principle. When you have to do 
less work, things can run faster. So I can see removing class 
destructors as a feature leading to reduced pause times. 
Destructors exist only for resource management. Doing resource 
management through GC... is a bad idea.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Ary Borenszweig via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 6:58 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 22:11, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

This cannot be a good idea. If the block says unittest then it contains
unit tests, not integration tests or system tests, just unit tests.

Then we need to come up with a separate framework for doing all other
kinds of tests.

Yes. And then you need two different commands to check if the system 
works. And if you want, for example, coverage analysis I wonder how 
you'd do that... That can't be good.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Byron via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 01 May 2014 11:44:11 +, w0rp wrote:

 On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
 On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

 I recommend running the tests in random order as well.
 This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even if bugs
 are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the same thing every

Running tests in random order helps find hidden dependencies, but I 
wouldn't want it as a default.  I lot of unittesting libraries offer 
this.  If you don't run tests often it doesn't help much, but if you do 
TDD it can help. 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 17:17:02 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 16:56:11 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
Sounds pretty much exactly what I'd expect from just about any 
PHP-based application. :/

Modern PHP isn't so bad. I can write acceptable code in PHP. 
Though, I only do so when there is no other option, since it is 
the least desirable option next to Perl. The good thing about 
PHP is that default installs tend to have good C libraries. I 
think it would have died without that.

So, if PHP is ok then it must be the PHP programmers that are 
to blame. I shudder to think what happens with a niche 
community if they pick it as the next fad… It could destroy any 
upcoming programming community with spaghetti-hell. Are you 
sure you want to market D as a web platform?

This hasn't happened to Ruby (or Rails for that matter), which is 
definitely marketed as a web platform. Most of the Ruby code that 
I've seen is of exceptionally high quality. That's true not only 
regarding the code itself, but also for the interfaces it 
provides (in the case of libraries), which are usually well 
thought out. For PHP, on the other hand...

I believe this has a lot to do with the language. Apparently it's 
harder to write bad code in some languages than in others.

familiarity with the other stuff than I do. Ugh, but SQL can 
be such a pain, especially with all the vendor differences, 
and when compared to accomplishing something in whatever 
language I'm invoking SQL from.

You can implement it in the ORB or wherever unit that provides 
transactions. I was more pointing to what I find useful 
conceptually in terms of layers:

1. user input on the client
2. validate on client
3. post using ajax
4. server unwraps the data and blindly inserts it into the 

5. if transaction fails, notify client, goto 1
6. done.

IMO the client shouldn't do any validation, unless you can 
really, really trust it. That's why I like to do things the 
following way:

1. user input on the client
2. post using ajax
3. server validates and stores the data
4a. if transaction or data is invalid fails, send errors to the 
4b. if everything's ok, tell the client to redirect to the next 
5. on the client, add error CSS classes to the relevant fields, 
or execute the redirect

I've created a gem that does almost all of that transparently. I 
just need to mark the form with remote: true, and adhere to a 
few simple naming conventions (which Rails' form generators do 

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 10:44:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 22:38, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

I also find myself really missing outer joins and views.

For outer joins:

1. You can always use raw SQL, also in combination with 

Post.joins(:comments).joins(outer join foos on foos.post_id = bar)

2. My preferred choice, using Squeel [1] (another gem). With 
Squeel the above would look like this:

Post.joins(:comments).joins{ foos.outer }.where(title: bar)

You can also use the built-in `includes()`, which does a LEFT 

Post.includes(:comments).where(comments: {title: bar})

(It also eager-loads the comments, but this is usually desired 
anyway, because an OUTER JOIN doesn't make sense if you're not 
going to use the joined records.)

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 06:30:16PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 4/30/2014 4:17 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 If we're going
 to have dtors at all, let's do it *right*. Guarantee they always work,
 and reject all usages that break this guarantee (like putting a struct
 with dtor inside a class,
 Seems to work when I try it:
   import core.stdc.stdio;
   struct S { ~this() { printf(S.~this()\n); } }
   class C { S s; }
   void main()
 C c = new C();
 c = null;

The proposal was to get rid of class dtors, in which case this code will
no longer work. Is that really the direction we want to move in?


Let's call it an accidental feature. -- Larry Wall

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:44:12 UTC, w0rp wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all 
unittests. -- Andrei

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. 
Even if bugs are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly 
the same thing every time.

They _should_ do exactly the same thing every time. Which is why 
running in threads or at random is a great way to enforce that.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, May 01, 2014 at 10:06:17AM +, monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 23:19:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
 On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 03:55:38PM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via
 Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 4/30/14, 3:47 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 I don't like the sound of that. I haven't found myself in a place
 where I needed to do something like this, but if I had to, I'd be
 very unhappy if struct dtors only work when they're not class
 members. Can we make them always work, and if necessary prohibit
 using them as class members?
 Then we're back to effectively class destructors. I think we've
 gathered quite a bit of evidence there are pernicious issues
 associated with them. -- Andrei
 How so? If we prohibit structs with dtors from being class members,
 then it could work.
 Why would we prohibit structs with destructors from being class
 members?  That don't make sense to me.

The proposal was to get rid of class dtors at some point. Which will
introduce the problem of what to do when a class member is a struct with
a dtor, since that dtor will never run.

 A class is allowed to have a destructor = A class can have
 members with destructors.
 So we either kill off class destructor entirelly (which would mean no
 members with destructors) (But that seems like a bad idea), or we keep
 Or did I miss something in the argument?

Yes that's the gist of it. But Andrei seems to be convinced that class
dtors are a bad idea, so to me, that also implies that class members
with dtors are an equally bad (or worse) idea, so therefore they must be
gotten rid of too.


All problems are easy in retrospect.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On Thu, 01 May 2014 09:26:39 -0400, Byron wrote:

On Thu, 01 May 2014 11:44:11 +, w0rp wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even if bugs
are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the same thing every

Running tests in random order helps find hidden dependencies, but I
wouldn't want it as a default.  I lot of unittesting libraries offer
this.  If you don't run tests often it doesn't help much, but if you do
TDD it can help.

Note the order of unit tests is defined by druntime. It can easily be  


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d
I dream of a day when TDD crap will be finally discarded and 
fade into oblivion.

I think most people who don't like TDD don't fully understand it. 
At the same time I think people who like TDD tend to abuse it. 
Either way, I like it, do it, and want my workflow to be the best 
it is with it.

Even if failing tests were exceptional, I still want 
everything I just mentioned.

Probably. But will you still _need_ it? ;)

Yes. :P

And if test group is complex
enough to require categorization then either my code is not 
procedural enough or module is just too big and needs to be 

And when I split them I put them into a subcategory.

This is somewhat redundant as they are already categorized by 
module / package.

Which is why my library uses the fully qualified name of the test 
to categorise them.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 04:33:23PM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
 On 4/30/14, 4:17 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 and they stop working as one might expect.  Wasn't this whole fiasco
 the whole reason std.stdio.ByLine was recently rewritten to use ref
 counting? It relied on struct dtors before, and look how well that
 turned out.
 But ref counting IS destructors.

Which will stop working once class dtors are deprecated, yet you still
allow putting File in a class member.

 Basically, you can't allow something to have dtors, yet have no way
 to guarantee it will be called at the expected time.
 I don't think so - it's navigating close enough to the so let's not
 use cars anymore fallacy. There are plenty many situations in which
 dtors are working fabulously well, and throwing them away because we
 can't guarantee they'll work absolutely well seems bad decision making
 to me.

No, allowing the user to specify a struct with a dtor, and put that
struct in a class, and then saying nyah nyah class dtors don't exist
anymore so your struct will never destruct -- *that* is bad decision
making. At the very least, the compiler should complain loudly and
clearly that structs with dtors should not be put inside a class. Isn't
this what D philosophy is supposed to be? Things should *work* by
default, and unexpected behaviour (dtor never gets called) should only
happen when the user explicitly asks for it.

 That kind of under-specification is the source of endless
 hard-to-trace bugs, gotchas, unfixable issues, and holes in the type
 system. If we're going to have dtors at all, let's do it *right*.
 Guarantee they always work, and reject all usages that break this
 guarantee (like putting a struct with dtor inside a class, putting it
 inside a dynamic array in GC memory, etc.). If we can't guarantee
 anything at all, then let's not have dtors at all.  Trying to stay in
 the gray zone in between does nothing but cause endless problems down
 the road. Not to mention language smells. What's the use of a feature
 that only sometimes works, where sometimes is un(der)specified,
 left to implementation, or depends on undefined behaviour?
 A lot of other languages have such imperfections, and nobody raises a

I thought D is here because we want to do better than that?


GEEK = Gatherer of Extremely Enlightening Knowledge

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2014-05-01 14:00, Johannes Pfau wrote:

But on a quick look I don't understand how this (or DRT #775) completely
solves the issue.

Now you don't have to import the modules anymore, which is a step
forward, but let's say I want to used this to find all SubClasses of a

Now I can inspect that code in CTFE, but how do I build a list of all
subclasses? In the most generic way (with DLLs/shared libraries) this
can only work if code can be executed at runtime, so we'd need a way to
emit module constructors AFAICS. These should be able to avoid the
usual constructor dependency rules though.

RMInfo only helps with all the modules the compiler sees during a given 
compile run.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, May 01, 2014 at 01:37:28AM -0700, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
 On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:21:33 -0700
 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
  First off, we're considering eliminating destructor calls from
  within the GC entirely. It makes for a faster and better GC, but the
  real reason here is that destructors are philosophically bankrupt in
  a GC environment. I think there's no need to argue that in this
  community.  The GC never guarantees calling destructors even today,
  so this decision would be just a point in the definition space
  (albeit an extreme one).
 I really don't like the fact that struct destructors are not called by
 the GC, and if anything, I'd be inclined to argue for finding a way to
 guarantee that they get run rather than guaranteeing that they never
 get run. It's just far too easy to have a struct expect that its
 destructor will be run and then have issues when it's not run. But it
 would be better to define struct destructors as never getting run
 rather than having it be undefined as it is now.


  We're considering deprecating ~this() for classes in the future.
 While it's not good to rely on finalizers, they're good to have as
 backup if the appropriate cleanup function doesn't get called like
 it's supposed to. They're not as critical as they'd be in Java, since
 we have structs, but I'd be disinclined to remove finalizers from D
 without a really good reason.

I'd like to hear an enumeration of those reasons as well.

While in principle I agree with the sentiment to get rid of class dtors,
I'm concerned about the rippling side-effects this will have throughout
the rest of the language. Such as class members that are structs with
dtors, which will mean that the struct dtors will never get called.

Using another poster's argument: if dtors are used for resource
management, then it's a bad idea to mix dtors with GC (i.e. classes). So
in this sense I agree with getting rid of class dtors. But we have to
consider what happens to the case where you stick a struct with a dtor
into a class. I'm inclined to say that we should outright prohibit that,
because again, the dtor (struct dtor this time) is used for resource
management, and therefore shouldn't be mixed with a GC'd resource (i.e.,
classes). I find it unacceptable that the compiler will silently accept
such a usage, and yet have no semantic guarantees (that dtor will run).
This is the kind of behaviour I expect from C/C++, but not from D.  Next
thing you know, somebody is gonna start wrapping structs inside classes
as a way of suppressing the dtor. I don't think that's the kind of thing
the language should allow. I contend that it will do the language a
great deal of good to outright ban such a kind of usage.

(Structs with no dtors, OTOH, can be safely used as class members,


It only takes one twig to burn down a forest.

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 12:17:56 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

On 5/1/14, 6:58 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 22:11, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

This cannot be a good idea. If the block says unittest then 
it contains
unit tests, not integration tests or system tests, just unit 

Then we need to come up with a separate framework for doing 
all other

kinds of tests.

Yes. And then you need two different commands to check if the 
system works. And if you want, for example, coverage analysis I 
wonder how you'd do that... That can't be good.

Two commands effectively. `rdmd -unittest` for development cycle 
of single module and `make test` to verify everything after 
feature/bugfix is completed. This is what I tend to do with 
existing tools (by splitting higher level tests in separate 
applications), adding some in-language support will just make 
intention a bit more clear.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 01 May 2014 00:49:53 -0400, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:33:06 -0400
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:50:10 -0400, Jonathan M Davis via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

 On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 08:59:42 -0700
 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

 On 4/30/14, 8:54 AM, bearophile wrote:
  Andrei Alexandrescu:
  A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in
  In D we have strong purity to make more safe to run code in
  pure unittest {}

 This doesn't follow. All unittests should be executable
 concurrently. -- Andrei

 In general, I agree. In reality, there are times when having state
 across unit tests makes sense - especially when there's expensive
 setup required for the tests.

int a;
// set up a;

// use a;


int a;
   // set up a;
   // use a;

It makes no sense to do it the first way, you are not gaining

It can make sense to do it the first way when it's more like

LargeDocumentOrDatabase foo;

// set up foo;

   // test something using foo

  // do other tests using foo which then take advantage of changes made
  // by the previous test rather than doing all of those changes to
  // foo in order to set up this test

In general, I agree that tests shouldn't be done that way, and I
don't think that I've ever done it personally, but I've seen it done,
and for stuff that requires a fair bit of initialization, it can save
time to have each test build on the state of the last. But even if we
all agree that that sort of testing is a horrible idea, the language
supports it right now, and automatically parallelizing unit tests will
break any code that does that.

I recommend optimizing using a function.


  LargeDocumentOrDatabase foo;

  auto getFoo() {/* check to see if foo is set up, return it*/}

I understand what you are saying. I think the largest problem with  
parallelizing unit tests is that people haven't been careful to make sure  
that's possible. Now they should, or face the consequences.

The point I was making, however, is that within a module, you can choose  
whether you want parallel or serial unit tests. If you want parallel,  
separate them into multiple unittest blocks. If you want serial, put them  
in one.

For the super-rare cases where it needs to be serial, put them in one.  
It's not hard.

 Honestly, the idea of running unit tests in parallel makes me very
 nervous. In general, across modules, I'd expect it to work, but
 there will be occasional cases where it will break.

Then you didn't write your unit-tests correctly. True unit

In fact, the very quality that makes unit tests so valuable (that
they are independent of other code) is ruined by sharing state across
tests. If you are going to share state, it really is one unit test.

All it takes is that tests in two separate modules which have separate
functionality access the file system or sockets or some other system
resource, and they could end up breaking due to the fact that the other
test is messing with the same resource. I'd expect that to be a
relatively rare case, but it _can_ happen, so simply parallelizing
tests across modules does risk test failures that would not have
occurred otherwise.

Right, and with the knowledge that unit tests are being run in parallel,  
one can trivially change their design to fix the problem.

I agree my assumptions were not what you were thinking of. I wasn't  
thinking of shared system resources. But this isn't too difficult to  
figure out.

I do think there should be a way to mark a unit test as don't parallelize  

 Across the unittest
 blocks in a single module, I'd be _very_ worried about breakage.
 There is nothing whatsoever in the language which guarantees that
 running them in parallel will work or even makes sense. All that
 protects us is the convention that unit tests are usually
 independent of each other, and in my experience, it's common enough
 that they're not independent that I think that blindly enabling
 parallelization of unit tests across a single module is definitely
 a bad idea.

I think that if we add the assumption, the resulting fallout would be
easy to fix.

Note that we can't require unit tests to be pure -- non-pure
functions need testing too :)

Sure, they need testing. Just don't test them in parallel, because
they're not guaranteed to work in parallel. That guarantee _does_ hold
for pure functions, because they don't access global, mutable state.
So, we can safely parallelize a unittest block that is pure, but we
_can't_ safely paralellize one that isn't - not in a guaranteed way.

A function may be impure, but run in a 

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 3:06 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

A class is allowed to have a destructor = A class can have members
with destructors.

No equivalence, but implication. If a class has at least one member with 
a destructor, the compiler might need to generate a destructor for the 
class. -- Andrei

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 1:34 AM, Dicebot wrote:

I have just recently went through some of out internal projects removing
all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp was full

Well a bunch of stuff will not work on a full /tmp. Sorry, hard to 
elicit empathy with a full /tmp :o). -- Andrei

Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 3:50 AM, John Colvin wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 19:25:40 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 19:08:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 11:43, Dicebot wrote:

This is common complaint I still fail to understand. I have never ever
wanted to run a single unit test, why would one need it? If running all
module tests at once creates problems than either module is too big or
unit tests are not really unit tests.

Why would I run more tests than I have to?

Because you hardly notice difference between 0.1 and 0.5 seconds

The compilation time is often more of a problem than the runtime.

That's the case for phobos. -- Andrei

Re: std.allocator: primitives for helping GC

2014-05-01 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 04:06:02 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
So far allocators have been quite GC-agnostic; deallocation 
would be needed for each allocation, and there was little 
structure to help tracing.

The primitive resolveInternalPointer has made a step toward 
more precise structuring of heaps, and now it's time to look at 
some real GC helpers.

These are markAllAsUnused, markAsUsed, and doneMarking. Find 
their description here:

There are a few proof of concept implementations here:

The basic idea is that the GC would initiate a collection by 
calling markAllAsUnused. That would cause the underlying 
untyped allocator to softly mark all memory as free, but 
without actually messing it up. (Many allocators are capable of 
implementing such a primitive cheaply.)

Then, the GC would trace objects starting from roots. Whenever 
it finds a used pointer, it would mark the corresponding memory 
as allocated by using markAsUsed, effectively undoing the soft 
freeing for it.

At the end of the process, what's left is the memory 
effectively in use. Everything else got free by construction.

It seems to me that these three primitives (together with 
resolveInternalPointer) are sufficient for conservative 
tracing. I plan to make tracing more precise by adding more 
structure, but the scanning logic will stay the same.

Now is the time to destroy. I might be missing something by a 

This marking will usually be implemented by setting a flag near 
the memory in question, which is not COW and cache friendly, 
because it tends to write all over the place.

For this reason, some GCs use a temporary bitmap for marking, and 
leave the marked memory untouched. By pushing the marking to the 
specific allocators, this can no longer be implemented globally.

But I guess a GC is not required to use these helper functions, 
so I guess it's fine...

And just to be sure: doneMarking is _not_ supposed to actually 
free the memory (and call the destructors), is it? That's still 
the GC's job, right?

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 3:10 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 01:04:08 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

That means classes that need cleanup (either directly or by having
fields that are structs with destructors) would need to garner that
by other means, such as reference counting or manual. We're
considering deprecating ~this() for classes in the future.

So essentially, any class with a dtor needs reference counting? How
does one clean up a cycle of them?

Yeah, what he said. This has me very worried. Making cycles is actually
incredibly easy. Any inteligently implemented node-based data
structure, implemented with classes, such as a linked list, a tree or a
graph, is virtually guaranteed to have a cycle somewhere...

In my experience classes with destructors are simpler (files, 
sockets)... Lists, trees, and graphs tend to be in-memory objects. But 
of course this is just speculation.


is the idea that reference counting only works for finalization, but the
memory is still managed by the GC? In that case, the destructors would
leak, but the memory still be released?

That's still bad, of course, but not as bad...

Yah, that would be the case. Essentially we're talking about making the 
entire GC heap passive.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 14:55:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/1/14, 1:34 AM, Dicebot wrote:
I have just recently went through some of out internal 
projects removing

all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp was full

Well a bunch of stuff will not work on a full /tmp. Sorry, hard 
to elicit empathy with a full /tmp :o). -- Andrei

So you are OK with your unit tests failing randomly with no clear 
diagnostics? Including automated test servers? Really?

Bunch of stuff can go wrong. Higher level tests verify their 
expectations from environment (if written carefully), which is 
impractical to do in unit tests. Also such reliance on 
environment makes running in parallel impossible without explicit 
resource dependency tracking for any kind of bigger test suite.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 4:05 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

Great idea! -- Andrei

Re: FYI - mo' work on std.allocator

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 3:36 AM, Temtaime wrote:

Hi Andrey. Have you even test your allocator on different arch(32/64)
and/or with different compiler flags ?

Thanks, I'll look into that! -- Andrei

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 4:31 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

@Andrei do you think having to explicitly import modules to be tested
is an issue?

Well it kinda is. All that's written on the package is unittest, we 
should add no fine print to it. -- Andrei

Re: std.allocator: primitives for helping GC

2014-05-01 Thread Orvid King via Digitalmars-d
On 4/30/14, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 So far allocators have been quite GC-agnostic; deallocation would be
 needed for each allocation, and there was little structure to help tracing.

 The primitive resolveInternalPointer has made a step toward more precise
 structuring of heaps, and now it's time to look at some real GC helpers.

 These are markAllAsUnused, markAsUsed, and doneMarking. Find their
 description here:

 There are a few proof of concept implementations here:

 The basic idea is that the GC would initiate a collection by calling
 markAllAsUnused. That would cause the underlying untyped allocator to
 softly mark all memory as free, but without actually messing it up.
 (Many allocators are capable of implementing such a primitive cheaply.)

 Then, the GC would trace objects starting from roots. Whenever it finds
 a used pointer, it would mark the corresponding memory as allocated by
 using markAsUsed, effectively undoing the soft freeing for it.

 At the end of the process, what's left is the memory effectively in use.
 Everything else got free by construction.

 It seems to me that these three primitives (together with
 resolveInternalPointer) are sufficient for conservative tracing. I plan
 to make tracing more precise by adding more structure, but the scanning
 logic will stay the same.

 Now is the time to destroy. I might be missing something by a mile.


I actually do have a design in mind for integrating your allocators
with my GC design, but there are really only 3 methods that a
user-land allocator needs to implement. Below are a few snippets from
my current working design describing the `markAsReferenced`, `sweep`,
and `free` methods, as implemented by the GC allocators. A user-space
allocator will need to call `GC.takeOwnership` passing in the pointer
to the memory and it's length in order to tell the GC that it wants to
handle the scanning and sweeping of the block of memory itself.

A method by the name of `markAsReferenced` accepting a single `size_t`
containing a pointer to an object, or a pointer to the interior of an
object that, if valid, lies within the allocator’s page. This should
mark the object, and any heap-allocated value referenced by the object
by passing a pointer to the object to `GC.markAsReferenced`, so that a
subsequent call to `sweep` doesn’t result in one of the values
referenced by this object being freed by another allocator. This
should treat the final possible pointer as a special case to allow the
compiler to perform tail-call optimizations.

A method by the name of `sweep` accepting no parameters, returning a
`size_t` with the number of objects freed. This return value will only
ever be used for statistics, so, while it is encouraged for an
allocator to implement this, it is permissible to unconditionally
return `0`, as the return value will never be essential to the
functioning of the GC. This method is to be invoked only after every
root has been recursively marked as referenced. This method must not
move any marked heap-allocated objects unless the global setting
asyncSweep is disabled. An allocator is free to do whatever it wants
with the freed allocations, however all freed allocations need to be
passed to `GC.finalize` which will return true if the value is
actually free due to pending finalizers. It is encouraged for
allocator implementations to take lock contention into account when
implementing this method, as the Allocator Dispatch may request an
allocation while the sweep is still being performed. It is recommended
for an allocator to treat a completely un-marked heap as a special
case, so that, if there are finalizers pending, time is not wasted
attempting to add them to the finalizer list. If there are no
remaining live allocations belonging to an allocator, that allocator
should pass a pointer to itself to `GC.releaseAllocator`, so that it
can be released if it is no longer needed.

A method by the name of `free` accepting a single pointer to an
allocation owned by this allocator. This method should assume that the
finalizer has already been called if applicable, and is free to use
the block of memory in whatever way it wants. It is not required for
an allocator to immediately make the memory available to be
re-allocated, as it is permitted for it to wait until the next time
that `sweep` is called. While generally errors should not be thrown in
the GC, if a pointer to an object is passed to an allocator’s free
method that is not in fact owned by that allocator, the allocator
should throw an Error, due to the fact there are likely even bigger
problems. It will be possible to catch this error via a global

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 4:35 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:02:54 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu

To summarize: It provides a function pointer for every  unit test to
druntime or user code. This is actually easy to do. Naming tests
requires changes in the parser, but I guess that shouldn't be
difficult either.

That's fantastic, would you be willing to reconsider that work?

Are you still interested in this?


I guess we could build a std.test phobos module to completely replace
the current unittest implementation, see:$lg6$

This seems to be a better solution, especially considering extension

I think anything that needs more than the user writing unittests and 
adding a line somewhere would be suboptimal. Basically we need all we 
have now, just run in parallel.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 01 May 2014 00:07:42 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/30/14, 7:20 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:51:38 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/30/14, 6:04 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
destructors are for cleaning up non-GC resources. File handles,  

memory, etc. I don't see why these need to be eliminated.

Virtually all GCs are known to be horrible at managing scarce
resources (including memory itself).

The destructor can be a crutch, but it's not good to leave open
resources when the user of your code has not cleaned them up manually.

Sounds like defensive programming to me.

Not at all. I've written programs that run for weeks at a time without  
ever crashing, who continually manage such resources via the GC.

If the GC cleans up your object, but your object wasn't finalized, you  
would have to make that a hard error. i.e. crash.

Still not talked about that I have seen, is the fact that with RC, we need  
a solution for cycles. If that's the GC then the GC WILL be cleaning up  
objects, even if they are ref counted.

I can see no reason to disallow destruction from cleaning up resources
that nobody else has managed to clean up.

Make memory management faster and better for everyone. I'm not saying  
it's reason enough, but it's a reason.

It doesn't make it better. The GC still is cleaning up the memory. Having  
it call close(fd) doesn't delay or make worse anything.

The largest problem with D destructors comes from trying to clean up D
objects in destructors of structs, that you never expected to be done
via the GC.

Cleaning up files and malloc'd memory is not an issue.

Not getting this...

class C
   private int fd = -1;
   private ubyte[] buffer;
   this(string fname) {
  fd = open(fname, O_CREAT);
  buffer = (cast(ubyte*).malloc(100))[0..100];

   ~this() {
  if(fd != -1) { close(fd); fd = -1;}
  if(buffer.ptr) { .free(buffer.ptr); buffer = null}

There is no problem with this code. It works correctly in all cases. It's  
not inefficient. It's not cumbersome or awkward or confusing. It's exactly  
what class destructors are for.

However, this *is* a problem:

class C
   RCValue s;

I have no way to say how s will be destructed, unless I poison it somehow.  
Even still, s.~this() will be called when C.~this() is done. This can be  
run in a separate thread as another object that is calling s.~this() at  
the same time.

Removing ~this() for classes just ADDS complication that we don't need.  
You are trying to fix the problem for the second situation by introducing  
a problem for the first that is unnecessary.

Solutions for the second problem are not predicated on jettisoning class  
dtors. You can, for instance, try and run the dtor for the instance of C  
in the same thread where it is owned. You could, as you say, force C into  
a ref counted mechanism. But this doesn't mean you should prevent C from  
cleaning up its resources!

Please understand that I'm not arguing for the status quo. What I'm  
arguing is that class destructors DO have some valid uses, and removing  
them would introduce new problems. I agree we need to find a solution to  
the ref counting + GC problem.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 12:04:57 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:

It's just a lot harder when you are under pressure.
I am working for a very small company and our dead lines 
clearly doesn't help us with that, and because I am in the 
video game industry it's not really critical to have small bugs.

Not every body have the capacity or resources (essentially 
time) to design his code in the pure conformance of unittests 
definition, and IMO isn't not an excuse to avoid tests 
If a language/standard library can help democratization of 
tests it's a good thing, so maybe writing tests have to stay 
relatively simple and straightforward.

My point is just when you are doing things only for you it's 
often simpler to them like they must be.

I know that and don't have luxury of time for perfect tests 
either :) But it is more about state of mind than actual time 
consumption - once you start keeping higher level tests with I/O 
separate and making observation how some piece of functionality 
can be tested in contained way, you approach to designing modules 
changes. At some point one simply starts to write unit test 
friendly modules from the very first go, it is all about actually 
thinking into it.

Using less OOP and more functional programming helps with that 
btw :)

I can readily admit that in real industry projects one is likely 
to do many different dirty things and this is inevitable. What 
I do object to is statement that this is the way to go in 
general, especially in language standard library.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 4:41 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 22:41, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah I think that's possible but I'd like the name to be part of the
function name as well e.g. unittest__%s.

Why is that necessary? To have the correct symbol name when debugging?

It's nice to have the name available in other tools (stack trace, debugger).

The Ruby syntax looks like this:


The unit test runner can also print out a documentation, basically all
text in the it and describe parameters. Something like this:

That's all nice, but I feel we're going gung ho with overengineering 
already. If we give unittests names and then offer people a button 
parallelize unittests to push (don't even specify the number of 
threads! let the system figure it out depending on cores), that's a good 
step to a better world.


Re: D For A Web Developer

2014-05-01 Thread Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 13:33:50 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

IMO the client shouldn't do any validation, unless you can 
really, really trust it. That's why I like to do things the 
following way:

1. user input on the client
2. post using ajax
3. server validates and stores the data
4a. if transaction or data is invalid fails, send errors to the 
4b. if everything's ok, tell the client to redirect to the next 
5. on the client, add error CSS classes to the relevant fields, 
or execute the redirect

That's a lot of unnecessary back and forth to the server for a
JS-based design. Plus it avoids some of the nicer UX enhancements
JS can enable, like validate-as-you-type, and does so without the
benefit of not requiring JS. Kind of a worst of both worlds (no

Naturally, the server needs to do validation no matter what. But
there's nothing wrong with doing an optional preliminary
validation on the client side first.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 4:44 AM, w0rp wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even if bugs
are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the same thing every

I do random testing all the time, and I print the seed of the prng upon 
startup. When something fails randomly, I take the seed and seed the 
prng with it to reproduce. -- Andrei

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 5:04 AM, w0rp wrote:

Removing class destructors would break my DQt library as it currently
stands, which wraps C++ classes with D classes, Qt uses classes for
polymorphism, for protected overrides and slots. I would have to
consider some other means of wrapping C++. It might also be confusing
for a few people.

So, having said that... I am completely in favour of removing class
destructors. It's a simple principle. When you have to do less work,
things can run faster. So I can see removing class destructors as a
feature leading to reduced pause times. Destructors exist only for
resource management. Doing resource management through GC... is a bad idea.

I've decided what I'll do. I'll implement both and let the user choose. 
Push policy up, implementation down! -- Andrei

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 7:17 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 04:33:23PM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
No, allowing the user to specify a struct with a dtor, and put that
struct in a class, and then saying nyah nyah class dtors don't exist
anymore so your struct will never destruct -- *that* is bad decision
making. At the very least, the compiler should complain loudly and
clearly that structs with dtors should not be put inside a class. Isn't
this what D philosophy is supposed to be? Things should *work* by
default, and unexpected behaviour (dtor never gets called) should only
happen when the user explicitly asks for it.

Problem is there's a lot of correct code that e.g. closes the File 
members properly etc. All that code would be disable together with the 
risky code.

That kind of under-specification is the source of endless
hard-to-trace bugs, gotchas, unfixable issues, and holes in the type
system. If we're going to have dtors at all, let's do it *right*.
Guarantee they always work, and reject all usages that break this
guarantee (like putting a struct with dtor inside a class, putting it
inside a dynamic array in GC memory, etc.). If we can't guarantee
anything at all, then let's not have dtors at all.  Trying to stay in
the gray zone in between does nothing but cause endless problems down
the road. Not to mention language smells. What's the use of a feature
that only sometimes works, where sometimes is un(der)specified,
left to implementation, or depends on undefined behaviour?

A lot of other languages have such imperfections, and nobody raises a


I thought D is here because we want to do better than that?

Better != perfection at all costs.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On Thu, 01 May 2014 11:04:31 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 5/1/14, 4:05 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

Great idea! -- Andrei

I think we can configure this at runtime.

Imagine, you have multiple failing unit tests. You see the first failure.
You find the issue, try and fix the problem, or instrument it, and now a
DIFFERENT test fails. Now focus on that one, yet a different one fails.

This is just going to equal frustration.

If you want to run random, we can do that. If you want to run in order,
that also should be possible. In fact, while debugging, you need to run
them in order, and serially.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 7:30 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Thu, May 01, 2014 at 01:37:28AM -0700, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 

While it's not good to rely on finalizers, they're good to have as
backup if the appropriate cleanup function doesn't get called like
it's supposed to. They're not as critical as they'd be in Java, since
we have structs, but I'd be disinclined to remove finalizers from D
without a really good reason.


I'd like to hear an enumeration of those reasons as well.

1. Most scarce resources must be released eagerly. GC collections occur 
relatively rarely and are triggered by different signals (low on memory).

2. The notion of running the GC when one runs out of file handles or 
sockets is terribly inefficient.

3. Destructors are odd - they will run in a different thread than the 
one that created the object. They also are limited in surprising ways, 
i.e. may not allocate memory or block on other threads directly or 

4. Due to imprecision, there's no actual guarantee any given destructor 
will end up running. Leaving a scarce resources at the whim of a 
best-effort approach is poor design.

While in principle I agree with the sentiment to get rid of class dtors,
I'm concerned about the rippling side-effects this will have throughout
the rest of the language. Such as class members that are structs with
dtors, which will mean that the struct dtors will never get called.

Using another poster's argument: if dtors are used for resource
management, then it's a bad idea to mix dtors with GC (i.e. classes). So
in this sense I agree with getting rid of class dtors. But we have to
consider what happens to the case where you stick a struct with a dtor
into a class. I'm inclined to say that we should outright prohibit that,

That can't happen.


Re: std.allocator: primitives for helping GC

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 8:00 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

This marking will usually be implemented by setting a flag near the
memory in question, which is not COW and cache friendly, because it
tends to write all over the place.

Depends. HeapBlockWithInternalPointers uses the same flag as the 
allocation flag (nice!), and all flags are together at the front of the 
managed chunk. One perk is that once tracing is done, there's nothing 
else to do - free memory stays free.

For this reason, some GCs use a temporary bitmap for marking, and leave
the marked memory untouched. By pushing the marking to the specific
allocators, this can no longer be implemented globally.

Yah, probably I'll implement such a tracer too. For more generality (to 
work on discontiguous blocks of varied granularity) I'm thinking of 
having it use an interval tree instead of a bitmap.

But I guess a GC is not required to use these helper functions, so I
guess it's fine...

And just to be sure: doneMarking is _not_ supposed to actually free the
memory (and call the destructors), is it? That's still the GC's job, right?

Yah, doneMarking would only do whatever low-level postprocessing the 
untype GC would need to do. Calling dtors will be done right after that.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 8:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 14:55:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 5/1/14, 1:34 AM, Dicebot wrote:

I have just recently went through some of out internal projects removing
all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp was full

Well a bunch of stuff will not work on a full /tmp. Sorry, hard to
elicit empathy with a full /tmp :o). -- Andrei

So you are OK with your unit tests failing randomly with no clear

I'm OK with my unit tests failing on a machine with a full /tmp. The 
machine needs fixing. -- Andrei

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 15:37:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/1/14, 8:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:
On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 14:55:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/1/14, 1:34 AM, Dicebot wrote:
I have just recently went through some of out internal 
projects removing
all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp was 

Well a bunch of stuff will not work on a full /tmp. Sorry, 
hard to

elicit empathy with a full /tmp :o). -- Andrei

So you are OK with your unit tests failing randomly with no 


I'm OK with my unit tests failing on a machine with a full 
/tmp. The machine needs fixing. -- Andrei

It got full because of tests (surprise!). Your actions?

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 9:07 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 15:37:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 5/1/14, 8:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 14:55:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 5/1/14, 1:34 AM, Dicebot wrote:

I have just recently went through some of out internal projects
all accidental I/O tests for the very reason that /tmp was full

Well a bunch of stuff will not work on a full /tmp. Sorry, hard to
elicit empathy with a full /tmp :o). -- Andrei

So you are OK with your unit tests failing randomly with no clear

I'm OK with my unit tests failing on a machine with a full /tmp. The
machine needs fixing. -- Andrei

It got full because of tests (surprise!). Your actions?

Fix the machine and reduce the output created by the unittests. It's a 
simple engineering problem. -- Andrei

Re: std.allocator: primitives for helping GC

2014-05-01 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 5/1/14, 12:43 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

01-May-2014 08:05, Andrei Alexandrescu пишет:

So far allocators have been quite GC-agnostic; deallocation would be
needed for each allocation, and there was little structure to help

The primitive resolveInternalPointer has made a step toward more precise
structuring of heaps, and now it's time to look at some real GC helpers.

These are markAllAsUnused, markAsUsed, and doneMarking. Find their
description here:

There are a few proof of concept implementations here:

The basic idea is that the GC would initiate a collection by calling
markAllAsUnused. That would cause the underlying untyped allocator to
softly mark all memory as free, but without actually messing it up.
(Many allocators are capable of implementing such a primitive cheaply.)

It would be interesting to define where GC sits and how it integrates
with allocators to begin with. Given that currently GCAllocator is
somewhere at the bottom of heap layers I'm really at loss about how
these helpers fit into the picture.

Well currently GCAllocator is only included for completeness. The 
purpose of std.allocator/std.typed_allocator is to be a complete 
redesign, not an adaptation, of the current GC.

Then, the GC would trace objects starting from roots. Whenever it finds
a used pointer, it would mark the corresponding memory as allocated by
using markAsUsed, effectively undoing the soft freeing for it.

How GC determines which allocator an object belongs to ?

The idea is, for each root (whether conservative or typed), the GC first 
calls resolveInternalPointer. That gives the memory chunk encompassing 
that pointer. The GC uses that chunk to retrieve metadata about it and 
then passes it to setAsUsed.


Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Xavier Bigand via Digitalmars-d

Le 01/05/2014 13:44, w0rp a écrit :

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even if bugs
are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the same thing every

I am in favor of randomized order, cause it can help to find real bugs.

Re: Parallel execution of unittests

2014-05-01 Thread Xavier Bigand via Digitalmars-d

Le 01/05/2014 16:01, Atila Neves a écrit :

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:44:12 UTC, w0rp wrote:

On Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 11:05:55 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-04-30 23:35, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Agreed. I think we should look into parallelizing all unittests. --

I recommend running the tests in random order as well.

This is a bad idea. Tests could fail only some of the time. Even if
bugs are missed, I would prefer it if tests did exactly the same thing
every time.

They _should_ do exactly the same thing every time. Which is why running
in threads or at random is a great way to enforce that.



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