Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:37:38 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no 
need to have a formal split. One example is that it's really 
nice to have the GC available for part of the program and 
avoid it for another part. @nogc gives you a guarantee. 
Different variants of the language are a special case of this 
that is equivalent to annotating the entire program to 
restrict behavior. That's rarely desirable.

What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe 
that should be "which type of domain" or "which type of 
developer") where you would want part of it to do garbage 
collection and the rest of it do not do garbage collection?

I believe that's how the Weka guys say they use D for their 
distributed, parallel filesystem, so you can add it to the list 
of applications others gave you:

Re: SecureD Futures (v2.0)

2018-05-29 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d

On 05/29/2018 11:29 AM, Brad Roberts wrote:

On 5/29/2018 1:57 AM, Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d wrote:
One of the pillars of SecureD is that ONLY safe, well-known, 
algorithms are presented. If reasonable we will only present one 
algorithm for a specific purpose. If there is a good reason to add 
more than one algorithm, we will.

One of the pillars of crypto is that eventually a problem will be found 
with every algorithm, it's just a matter of time.  So, having just one 
available means that eventually the library will be horribly broken. The 
corollary here is that having a fallback is pretty essential.

Sure. For example, TLS 1.3 supports AES, Camellia, ARIA, and 
ChaCha20-Poly1305 for symmetric ciphers. However, when you look at the 
best-practice recommendations, AES is the clear winner. And when you 
look at what actually gets used, it's AES. AES is the Gold Standard and 
it would take a fundamental breakthrough in cryptanalysis for that to 

But what happens to TLS1.3 if there is a fundamental breakthrough?
- ARIA uses an AES derived substitution-permutation network.
- Camellia uses the same S-box that AES does. (It was an AES contender)
- Poly1305 for ChaCha20 directly uses AES in it's PRF.
Which algorithm do you switch to? Anything that breaks AES can also be 
used against these other algorithms. In this case, ChaCha20 is probably 
the best answer, but only if you apply a different MAC to it.

It's a good thing that a fundamental breakthrough in cryptanalysis is 
unlikely in the foreseeable future. Of course, that's what we told 
ourselves before 3DES and Differential Cryptanalysis.

I don't disagree with you. But the overwhelming cacophony of choice 
presents it's own issues. (See: The Paradox of Choice) SecureD v2 could 
easily support these ciphers, and I don't really have a problem adding 
them for the purposes of compatibility. But the default is going to be 
AES for the forseeable future. The design premise of SecureD is to make 
the the safe defaults easy and everything else hard.

In cases where there are known weaknesses SecureD does intend to support 
multiple algorithms, but usually only two, for example SHA2 potentially 
suffers from the same weaknesses as SHA1, and as a result SecureD v2 
will be getting SHA3 support whenever OpenSSL 1.1.1 drops. But it's not 
going to add things like Whirlpool or Skein.

Or RSA versus ECC. I am considering adding Curve25519 support to v2, but 
with NSA/NIST deprecating ECC altogether (as it is less resistant to 
quantum computing than RSA, see: 
it may be better to wait-and-see what comes of the work being done on 
quantum-resistant public-key cryptography. The new Supersingular Isogeny 
Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) looks like a strong contender, but nothing 
implements it, and it's way too new to put any trust in it yet.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 at 01:46:30 UTC, Chameleon wrote:

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 20:13:49 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

Here is my solution that does not solve problem 2:

import std.stdio;


this is not programming. this is witchcraft!

Just call me Dandalf the D Slayer!

At least I finally got it to work. It's terrible that I have to 
use import and read the file in directly to do this ;/ It is 
working though.

Re: SmartRef: The Smart Pointer In D

2018-05-29 Thread Aedt via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 13 January 2017 at 16:50:37 UTC, Dsby wrote:

I write the ref count pointer and the scoped point in D.
it just Like cpp's shared_ptr , waek_ptr and unique_ptr .
Now, it is  Developing.
I will write more test before the frist release.
And the docs is null.
It on github:

Very nice. Do you have a dub package for this?

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread Chameleon via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 20:13:49 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

Here is my solution that does not solve problem 2:

import std.stdio;


this is not programming. this is witchcraft!

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Chameleon via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 23:55:07 UTC, Dave Jones wrote:

Which is ironic considering...

Ken Thomson : " Stroustrup campaigned for years and years and 
years, way beyond any sort of technical contributions he made 
to the language, to get it adopted and used. And he sort of ran 
all the standards committees with a whip and a chair. And he 
said “no” to no one. He put every feature in that language that 
ever existed. It wasn’t cleanly designed—it was just the union 
of everything that came along. And I think it suffered 
drastically from that."

Donald Knuth : "Whenever the C++ language designers had two 
competing ideas as to how they should solve some problem, they 
said "OK, we'll do them both". So the language is too baroque 
for my taste."

good old Ken and Don are from a generation where you could 
(typically) understand the whole langauge.

those times have passed. no really.. they have...I'm not 

It is now just complete nonsense that one person should be able 
to understand a modern programming langauge. At best, they will 
understand some of it.

These days, it must be about collaboration - which is something D 
suffers from not having, due to people believing that they should 
be able to understand it all, and therefore progress should stop 
when this no longer becomes possible.

That is essentially a human-ego driven perspective, that holds 
back progress.

Progress in modern times requires collaboration. People who know 
and understand parts, connecting and collaborating with people 
who know and understand other parts.

That is the way the C++ design by committee works. It might not 
be perfect, but its much better than having a King that you 
cannot say 'no' too (ie Vasa), or a King that always says 'no' to 
the people.

D needs more collaborators, and less kings.

[Issue 18913] New: Cannot move static array of non-copyable type

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

  Issue ID: 18913
   Summary: Cannot move static array of non-copyable type
   Product: D
   Version: D2
  Hardware: All
OS: Windows
Status: NEW
  Severity: major
  Priority: P1
 Component: phobos

This code fails

struct NoCopy
int payload; // some payload
~this() { } // destructor to observe moving
this(this); // make it non copyable

void f(NoCopy[2]) { }

void main()
import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
NoCopy[2] ncarray = [ NoCopy(1), NoCopy(2) ];
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
f(ncarray) // would copy
f(move(ncarray)); // fails

move wants to copy content.

This is not a dup of 8067.


Re: Tiny D suitable for embedded JIT

2018-05-29 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 30/05/2018 11:59 AM, Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 22:14:50 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
Sad to hear. Was interested to see if this was feasible.  I don't have 
much experience with the backend but if you're still up for the task, 
take a look at `dmd/glue.d`.  I don't know how much of the glue layer 
this includes but it would be a good start.  DMD does have a common 
"glue layer" shared by DMD, LDC and GDC, so you'd basically need to 
find the API to build this glue layer and that's what you would use.

Hi - not really as I don't know what this does. In any case my 
understanding is the interface between the front-end and GDC/LDC is at 
the level of ASTs.


The input is the AST, the output to the backend is some form of IR in 

It just maps one understanding of the code to another form, that's all.

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:53:14 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:26:52 UTC, arturg wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 19:06:24 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 22:15:40 UTC, arturg wrote:

this might help you,

you can use them to generate the functions as strings.


So, the problem I'm having is that I cannot use the generated 
interface for the abstract class because the abstract class 
needs the interface defined. I need to be able to forward 
define the interface then extend it.

D doesn't like this

main.d(10): Error: interface `main.B` base `A` is forward 

interface A;
interface B : A


abstract class C : B


would it work if you define the interface but mixin the 

interface A

Yes, I made a post about it but it didn't get through or I 
forgot to send ;/

Doing it this way solves the original problems but creates a 
new problem in that any class that inherits from an abstract 
class that implements A doesn't work.

interface A

abstract class B : A
A foo() { return this; }
int bar() { return 3; }

class C : B
// compiler says foo, bar not implemented

so, instead

interface A

abstract class B
A foo() { return this; } // requires cast
int bar() { return 3; }

class C : B, A


works but requires casting this in B which happens to work in 
C. So It is a fessible solution but I'm not sure why the 
compiler things the first case doesn't implement the methods 
when it clearly does. I think it looks at A and doesn't compute 
the mixin first when parsing C because if I put the output of 
the mixin directly it works. Probably a bug...

This method, which imports the source code and extracts the 
members works but is very fragile and requires using -J:

// Directly copies the data to the interface with a few hacks to 
fix the bug from the original, it excepts a well formatted input

template InterfaceFromClass(alias T)

string InterfaceFromClass(string file = __FILE_FULL_PATH__)()
string res;
import std.path, std.string, std.algorithm;
enum data = import(file.baseName);
enum mc = "abstract class "~T.stringof~" : ";
enum im = `@("InterfaceMembers")`;
int level = 0;
auto baseIndentLevel = -1;
int funcIndentLevel = -1;
foreach(v; data.splitLines)
string l = v;
auto indentLevel = l.length - l.stripLeft().length;
auto ll = l.strip();
if (ll.length == 0) continue;

			//res ~= to!string(l.length) ~"\n" ~ l[0..min(mc.length, 
l.length)] ~ "\n";
			if (level == 0 && ll.length >= mc.length && 
ll[0..min(mc.length, ll.length)] == mc) { baseIndentLevel = 
indentLevel; level = 1; continue; }	// Finds "abstract class  
: "
			if (level == 1 && ll.length >= im.length && 
ll[0..min(im.length, ll.length)] == im) { level = 2; continue; 
}	// Finds "@("InterfaceMembers))" near by

if (level >= 2 && l == "}") break;
if (level == 2 && ll.length > 1)
if (funcIndentLevel < 0) funcIndentLevel = 
if (funcIndentLevel < indentLevel) continue;

// A simple function definition(ends with a 
if (!ll.canFind("=") && l.length > 2 && l[$-2..$] == ");") { 
res ~= l ~ "\n"; continue; }

// ignore fields(assumes it has no {, } but 
ends with a ';')
if (!ll.canFind("{") && l[$-1] == ';' && ll[$-2..$] != "};") 

// ignore functions with inline blocks
if (ll.canFind(") {")) { l = l[0..$ - ll.find(") {").length] 
~ ")"; }

// must get function signature only(ignore 
res ~= l ~ ((ll[$] != ';') ? ";" : "") ~ "\n";


return res;

Why the original code is being broke by using D's traits to build 
the functions properly is beyond me. I'm pretty sure it is a bug 
given the example I gave earlier.

Re: Tiny D suitable for embedded JIT

2018-05-29 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 19:24:58 UTC, MrSmith wrote:

You may like the project of a compiler I am doing
TLDR: fully in D. No dependencies. Currently for amd64 + Win64 
calling convension.

Cool - I will keep an eye on it.


Re: Tiny D suitable for embedded JIT

2018-05-29 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 22:14:50 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
Sad to hear. Was interested to see if this was feasible.  I 
don't have much experience with the backend but if you're still 
up for the task, take a look at `dmd/glue.d`.  I don't know how 
much of the glue layer this includes but it would be a good 
start.  DMD does have a common "glue layer" shared by DMD, LDC 
and GDC, so you'd basically need to find the API to build this 
glue layer and that's what you would use.

Hi - not really as I don't know what this does. In any case my 
understanding is the interface between the front-end and GDC/LDC 
is at the level of ASTs.


Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Dave Jones via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:29:00 UTC, Ali wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 03:56:05 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
It seems C++ is following the road of PL/I, which is growing 
language way beyond the point anyone can understand or 
implement all of it.

A key line from this paper

 We now have about 150 cooks; that’s not a good way to get a 
tasty and balanced meal.

I don't think Bjarne is against adding feature to C++, or even 
constantly adding feature
he even admits to support some of the features he mention in 
his list

I think he is worried about
1. the huge number of features being targeted at once
2. the features coming from different independent teams, making 
them less likely to be coherent

Which is ironic considering...

Ken Thomson : " Stroustrup campaigned for years and years and 
years, way beyond any sort of technical contributions he made to 
the language, to get it adopted and used. And he sort of ran all 
the standards committees with a whip and a chair. And he said 
“no” to no one. He put every feature in that language that ever 
existed. It wasn’t cleanly designed—it was just the union of 
everything that came along. And I think it suffered drastically 
from that."

Donald Knuth : "Whenever the C++ language designers had two 
competing ideas as to how they should solve some problem, they 
said "OK, we'll do them both". So the language is too baroque for 
my taste."

dub subpckages and how to depend on them internally

2018-05-29 Thread aliak via Digitalmars-d
Hi, I'm trying to get dub working with subpackages and I just 
can't quite seem to hit the nail on the head. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

This is the current setup is like this, and there's a shared 
source folder as well called "common" and "sub2" depends on 

 |-- dub.json
 |-- source/
| -- sub1/
 | -- package.d
 | -- dub.json
| -- sub2/
 | -- package.d
 | -- dub.json
| -- common/

"targetPath": "bin",
"targetType": "library",
"dependencies": {
"lib:sub1": "*",
"lib:sub2": "*",
"subPackages": [

And then sub1/dub.json and sub2/dub.json:

"name": "sub1",
"targetType": "library",
"sourcePaths": ["./", "../common"],
"importPaths": ["./"],
"targetPath": "../bin"

"name": "sub2",
"targetType": "library",
"dependencies": { "lib:sub1": "*" },
"sourcePaths": ["./", "../common", "../sub1"],
"importPaths": ["./"],
"targetPath": "../bin"

So with the current set up, running dub test lib:sub1 works and 
dub test lib:sub2 works.

What doesn't work is if I try "import lib.sub1" from a test 
project. So in test project dub.json I have:

"dependencies": {
  "lib": {
"path": "../../lib"

I get error:

source/app.d(2,8): Error: module `sub1` is in file 'lib/sub1.d' 
which cannot be read. The output from dub shows one of my import 
paths is: import path[6] = ../../lib/source/sub1/. But I guess 
I'm missing something, or doing something wrong.

I also tried:

"dependencies": {
  "lib:sub1": {
"path": "../../lib"

But that gives me the same problem.


Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Dave Jones via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 21:06:52 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 08:43:33 rikki cattermole via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 30/05/2018 8:37 AM, Tony wrote:
> On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
>> I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's 
>> no need to have a formal split. One example is that it's 
>> really nice to have the GC available for part of the 
>> program and avoid it for another part. @nogc gives you a 
>> guarantee. Different variants of the language are a special 
>> case of this that is equivalent to annotating the entire 
>> program to restrict behavior. That's rarely desirable.

> What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe 
> that should be "which type of domain" or "which type of 
> developer") where you would want part of it to do garbage 
> collection and the rest of it do not do garbage collection?

GUI's, audio systems, language tooling, games, I'm sure 
somebody can come up with a much more longer list.

Basically, stuff that can't afford to have the GC pause the 
program for more than a millisecond or two has to be careful 
with the GC, but your average program is going to be perfectly 
fine with it, and in many cases, it's just part of the program 
that can't afford the pause - e.g. a thread for an audio or 
video pipeline. The rest of the program can likely afford it 
just fine, but that thread or group of threads has to be at 
least close to realtime, so it can't use the GC.

You cant call any code that might take a lock if you're doing 
real time audio, so that means no malloc/free either. That's 
standard practice. You either allocate everything up front or you 
do something like I do which is lock free queues ferrying things 
to and from the audio thread as needed.

I mean the point is needing different memory management for 
different parts of the program is already a thing with real time 
audio, GC doesnt really change that.

Re: Getter an lvalue and cannot be modified

2018-05-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/27/18 5:23 AM, IntegratedDimensions wrote:

C[] c;
@property C[] get() { return c; }

get ~= something;

errors out, yet

auto q = get;
q ~= something;

is fine.

It's "fine", but not doing what you may expect.

This appends an element to q, but does nothing to c.

While an array is not exactly a value type, it's also not exactly a 
reference type. This is why the compiler complains -- your original code 
will append an element and then throw that addition away.

Why is D thinking that ~= is being applied to get, the function, rather 
than what it returns?

When I try this, it says "get() is not an lvalue and cannot be 
modified", which seems to indicate that the expression get() (meaning 
what it returns) is not an lvalue. While it's a bit ambiguous in this 
case, a more complicated expression would be self-explanatory. Maybe the 
error message could be prepended with 'the expression' to make it clearer.

When I converted a field in to a property, an AA, it is returning null 
rather than being initialized by default.

AAs are initialized as null, not sure what you are expecting here? An 
example may clear things up.

Seems like properties are 
broke. I'd expect a property getter to behave, for all intents and 
purposes as if it were field. I shouldn't have to have a temp variable 
to be able to use it as such.

You don't normally, but if you want to treat it as an lvalue, 
unfortunately, you do.

The workaround is to spell things out:

prop = prop + 1; // instead of prop += 1

But this doesn't work in all cases.


Re: full path to source file __FILE__

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 21:41:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 05/29/2018 02:34 PM, DigitalDesigns wrote:
 > auto x(string fp = __FULL_FILE_PATH__)()

    pragma(msg, fp);




Lol, thanks:

Re: full path to source file __FILE__

2018-05-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/29/18 5:34 PM, DigitalDesigns wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 13:58:22 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 19:54:34 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
Is there a way to get the full path of the current source file? 
Something like:


I'm asking because I'm rewriting a batch script in D, meant to be ran 
with rdmd.  However, the script needs to know it's own path.  The 
original batch script uses the %~dp0 variable for this, but I'm at a 
loss on how to do this in D.  Since rdmd compiles the executable to 
the %TEMP% directory, thisExePath won't work.

echo "Directory of this script is " %~dp0

import std.stdio;
int main(string[] args) {
    writeln("Directory of this script is ", ???);

For others who may see this thread, the __FULL_FILE_PATH__ special 
trait was added to the dmd compiler with this PR:

At the time of this post, the latest released version of D is 2.071.1, 
so this trait should be available on any release after that.

Except it doesn't?

auto x(string fp = __FULL_FILE_PATH__)()
    pragma(msg, fp);


__FILE_FULL_PATH__, not __FULL_FILE_PATH__ (yes, it was wrong in the 
post you quoted).

In addition, you must instantiate the template:

void main()


Re: full path to source file __FILE__

2018-05-29 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 05/29/2018 02:34 PM, DigitalDesigns wrote:
 > auto x(string fp = __FULL_FILE_PATH__)()

    pragma(msg, fp);




Re: full path to source file __FILE__

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 13:58:22 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 19:54:34 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
Is there a way to get the full path of the current source 
file? Something like:


I'm asking because I'm rewriting a batch script in D, meant to 
be ran with rdmd.  However, the script needs to know it's own 
path.  The original batch script uses the %~dp0 variable for 
this, but I'm at a loss on how to do this in D.  Since rdmd 
compiles the executable to the %TEMP% directory, thisExePath 
won't work.

echo "Directory of this script is " %~dp0

import std.stdio;
int main(string[] args) {
writeln("Directory of this script is ", ???);

For others who may see this thread, the __FULL_FILE_PATH__ 
special trait was added to the dmd compiler with this PR:

At the time of this post, the latest released version of D is 
2.071.1, so this trait should be available on any release after 

Except it doesn't?

auto x(string fp = __FULL_FILE_PATH__)()
   pragma(msg, fp);


string mixin output works when directly used but when generator is used D fails

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

Just delete 9 to 29 for the code to work. Note that none of the 
code effects the output but D gives strange errors. In my code it 
says the interface members are not implemented(which they are)

foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, T))
static foreach (overload; MemberFunctionsTuple!(T, 
static if (__traits(getProtection, __traits(getMember, T, 
member)) == "public")

foreach(a; __traits(getAttributes, 
		static if (is(typeof(a) == string) && a.length > 0 && a == 

string q;
__traits(getAttributes, overload))
static if (is(typeof(b) == string) && b.length > 0 && b 
== "InterfaceMembers")

q ~= 
"@("~b.stringof~") ";

//s ~= 
"\t"~q~cloneFunction!(overload, T) ~ ";\n";

is somehow breaking the interface. It should have no effect on it 
at all. Seems like a bug to me.

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 08:43:33 rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d 
> On 30/05/2018 8:37 AM, Tony wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> >> I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no need to
> >> have a formal split. One example is that it's really nice to have the
> >> GC available for part of the program and avoid it for another part.
> >> @nogc gives you a guarantee. Different variants of the language are a
> >> special case of this that is equivalent to annotating the entire
> >> program to restrict behavior. That's rarely desirable.
> >
> > What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe that should
> > be "which type of domain" or "which type of developer") where you would
> > want part of it to do garbage collection and the rest of it do not do
> > garbage collection?
> GUI's, audio systems, language tooling, games, I'm sure somebody can
> come up with a much more longer list.

Basically, stuff that can't afford to have the GC pause the program for more
than a millisecond or two has to be careful with the GC, but your average
program is going to be perfectly fine with it, and in many cases, it's just
part of the program that can't afford the pause - e.g. a thread for an audio
or video pipeline. The rest of the program can likely afford it just fine,
but that thread or group of threads has to be at least close to realtime, so
it can't use the GC. It's kind of like @safe vs @system. It's not uncommon
for most of your program to be able to be @safe just fine, but certain stuff
just can't be. However, that's not necessarily a good reason to make it so
that the entire program is @system. So, you make that piece @sytem and use
@trusted appropriately. With the GC, you typically use it and then turn it
off or avoid it in select pieces of code that can't afford it. In most
cases, it should not be necessary to avoid it entirely even if you can't
afford it in part of your program (though as with pretty much everything,
there are bound to be exceptions).

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:26:52 UTC, arturg wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 19:06:24 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 22:15:40 UTC, arturg wrote:

this might help you,

you can use them to generate the functions as strings.


So, the problem I'm having is that I cannot use the generated 
interface for the abstract class because the abstract class 
needs the interface defined. I need to be able to forward 
define the interface then extend it.

D doesn't like this

main.d(10): Error: interface `main.B` base `A` is forward 

interface A;
interface B : A


abstract class C : B


would it work if you define the interface but mixin the members?

interface A

Yes, I made a post about it but it didn't get through or I forgot 
to send ;/

Doing it this way solves the original problems but creates a new 
problem in that any class that inherits from an abstract class 
that implements A doesn't work.

interface A

abstract class B : A
A foo() { return this; }
int bar() { return 3; }

class C : B
// compiler says foo, bar not implemented

so, instead

interface A

abstract class B
A foo() { return this; } // requires cast
int bar() { return 3; }

class C : B, A


works but requires casting this in B which happens to work in C. 
So It is a fessible solution but I'm not sure why the compiler 
things the first case doesn't implement the methods when it 
clearly does. I think it looks at A and doesn't compute the mixin 
first when parsing C because if I put the output of the mixin 
directly it works. Probably a bug...

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 30/05/2018 8:37 AM, Tony wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no need to 
have a formal split. One example is that it's really nice to have the 
GC available for part of the program and avoid it for another part. 
@nogc gives you a guarantee. Different variants of the language are a 
special case of this that is equivalent to annotating the entire 
program to restrict behavior. That's rarely desirable.

What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe that should 
be "which type of domain" or "which type of developer") where you would 
want part of it to do garbage collection and the rest of it do not do 
garbage collection?

GUI's, audio systems, language tooling, games, I'm sure somebody can 
come up with a much more longer list.

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no 
need to have a formal split. One example is that it's really 
nice to have the GC available for part of the program and avoid 
it for another part. @nogc gives you a guarantee. Different 
variants of the language are a special case of this that is 
equivalent to annotating the entire program to restrict 
behavior. That's rarely desirable.

What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe that 
should be "which type of domain" or "which type of developer") 
where you would want part of it to do garbage collection and the 
rest of it do not do garbage collection?

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread arturg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 19:06:24 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 22:15:40 UTC, arturg wrote:

this might help you,

you can use them to generate the functions as strings.


So, the problem I'm having is that I cannot use the generated 
interface for the abstract class because the abstract class 
needs the interface defined. I need to be able to forward 
define the interface then extend it.

D doesn't like this

main.d(10): Error: interface `main.B` base `A` is forward 

interface A;
interface B : A


abstract class C : B


would it work if you define the interface but mixin the members?

interface A

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 17:40:39 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:31:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon 
I believe.

Within D, there is a bit smaller and cleaner language 
struggling to get out!

Seems like it could be broken into two languages, one a garbage 
collected object-oriented language. The other, C with 
metaprogramming and other "betterC" type stuff.

I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no need 
to have a formal split. One example is that it's really nice to 
have the GC available for part of the program and avoid it for 
another part. @nogc gives you a guarantee. Different variants of 
the language are a special case of this that is equivalent to 
annotating the entire program to restrict behavior. That's rarely 

Re: Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

2018-05-29 Thread Vijay Nayar via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 12:58:20 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:

I believe that is the case. Normally that will be fine, because 
you can't modify them. Type-deduced lambda is a very special 
case, as in their parameter types are deduced on first use, so 
in a sense, they are "modified" by the first instantiation.

BTW, I can't find the documentation about defining lambda with 
their parameter types omitted anywhere.

I tried this again, this time completely ignoring lambdas and 
completely specifying the desired type like so:

final class BTree(
KeyT = ValueT,
const(KeyT) function(ValueT) nothrow pure @nogc KeyF =
function KeyT(ValueT a) { return a; }) {

  KeyT getKey(ValueT val) {
return KeyF(val);

But unfortunately, the following code still produces an error:

void main()
auto btree1 = new BTree!(char);
auto btree2 = new BTree!(int);  // The error is on this line.

onlineapp.d(17): Error: template instance `BTree!int` does not 
match template declaration `BTree(ValueT, KeyT = ValueT, 
const(char) function(char) pure nothrow @nogc KeyF = function 
KeyT(ValueT a)

return a;

I think at this point this may be a bug in the compiler.  What do 
you think?

Re: How do I break from loop when using parallel()?

2018-05-29 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 2018-05-28 at 21:04 +, Dr.No via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>   import std.parallelism : parallel;
>   foreach(t; parallel(arr))
>   {
>   if(!doSomething(t)) {
>   return false;
>   }
>   }
> It reuturns the run time error:
> > std.parallelism.ParallelForeachError@(0): Cannot break from a 
> > parallel foreach loop using break, return, labeled 
> > break/continue or goto statements.
> What's the proper way to break from loop?

It isn't a loop, it is a task scatter/gather, with each task running to
completion independent of all other tasks. Thus the concept of
break/return doesn't exist.

It could be argued that this is a bad use of foreach, but it is what it

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Build interface from abstract class

2018-05-29 Thread DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 22:15:40 UTC, arturg wrote:

this might help you,

you can use them to generate the functions as strings.


So, the problem I'm having is that I cannot use the generated 
interface for the abstract class because the abstract class needs 
the interface defined. I need to be able to forward define the 
interface then extend it.

D doesn't like this

main.d(10): Error: interface `main.B` base `A` is forward 

interface A;
interface B : A


abstract class C : B


I could see that D wants A so it can have the complete picture 
for B, but this is one of those problems where it shouldn't 

This requires hoops and ultimately does not solve the problem. 
Any time A is used it will be treated as undefined by the 
compiler and throw an error.

For example:

pragma(msg, InterfaceFromClass!(C, "A"));

mixin(InterfaceFromClass!(C, "A"));

interface B : A


abstract class C
int xe = 3;
@(3) void foo() { }

@property int x() { return 3; };

B bar() { return null; }


abstract class D : C, B


fails because returns a B, which has not yet fully been 
defined because A has not yet fully been defined. Now, if I could 
just get the function signature without using the type system, 
this wouldn't be a problem. I don't really care if B is defined 
yet, I just need to know it's name. I guess D tries to enforce 
consistency at all steps, which is a problem here because C uses 
a yet to be defined type, even though it will be defined soon 
enough without problems.

One of the main culprits is isCallable which is what errors out 
because of the yet to be defined B.

So, I guess some other method will have to work.

Re: SecureD Futures (v2.0)

2018-05-29 Thread Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d

On 5/29/2018 1:57 AM, Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d wrote:
One of the pillars of SecureD is that ONLY safe, well-known, 
algorithms are presented. If reasonable we will only present one 
algorithm for a specific purpose. If there is a good reason to add 
more than one algorithm, we will.

One of the pillars of crypto is that eventually a problem will be found 
with every algorithm, it's just a matter of time.  So, having just one 
available means that eventually the library will be horribly broken.  
The corollary here is that having a fallback is pretty essential.

[Issue 18905] [Reg 2.079] C++ classes can no longer be used with -betterC

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |FIXED


[Issue 18905] [Reg 2.079] C++ classes can no longer be used with -betterC

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #4 from ---
Commits pushed to master at
fix Issue 18905 - [Reg 2.079] C++ classes can no longer be used with -betterC
Merge pull request #8304 from WalterBright/fix18905

fix Issue 18905 - [Reg 2.079] C++ classes can no longer be used with …
merged-on-behalf-of: Walter Bright 


Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:31:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon I 

Within D, there is a bit smaller and cleaner language 
struggling to get out!

Seems like it could be broken into two languages, one a garbage 
collected object-oriented language. The other, C with 
metaprogramming and other "betterC" type stuff.

[Issue 6063] Make cases where hiddenfuncerror would be thrown an error without -w

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Steven Schveighoffer  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |FIXED

--- Comment #3 from Steven Schveighoffer  ---
Here is a modernized link (Took me a bit to find this, as it seems the webnews
link isn't working any more, it just shows the PHP script):$24ci$

That shows the example that Andrei tested. Compiling this now gives a
compile-time error:

Note that even back to 2.060, it was a compiler error with a deprecation.

I also tested a local example that I had to test the same thing. It fails now,
builds with 2.050 and throws the error.

So I think this is fixed as of some version prior to 2.060.


Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Arjan via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 01:46:47 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

A cautionary tale we should all keep in mind.

Hmm reminds me of this Scott Meyers talk:

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread bpr via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:31:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon I 

What are the things that you think will be simplified? I thought 
that D had some of the same issues about breaking backward 
compatibility that C++ had.

Within D, there is a bit smaller and cleaner language 
struggling to get out!

Ha, one of my favorite Stroustrup quotes about C++!

One of the reasons I like the betterC switch is that it does 
simplify the language, perhaps too much, but preserves some of 
the best parts of D, like metaprogramming and modules.

[Issue 6589] is(int*==int*); and template X(T : int*=int*) should compile

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6589] is(int*==int*); and template X(T : int*=int*) should compile

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6447] iota(BigInt) too

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #16 from Dmitry Olshansky  ---
Works now.


[Issue 18813] fromStringz should work with char, wchar and dchar

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |FIXED


[Issue 18813] fromStringz should work with char, wchar and dchar

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #1 from ---
Commit pushed to master at
fix Issue 18813 add wchar/dchar fromStringz template function

This adds a wide string template functions to complement the existing
fromStringz function.


[Issue 6421] Require initialization of static arrays with array literals not to allocate

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6350] Const array static usage optimization

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

anonymous4  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 OS|Windows |All


[Issue 6371] Small improvements to aid auto-building DMD from git

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #5 from Dmitry Olshansky  ---
Far as I can tell sc.ini and dmd.conf are not required anymore to build.


[Issue 18907] Support cross-compiling

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Andrea Fontana  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #4 from Andrea Fontana  ---
I always hoped this. And I hope someone will patch dmd.


Re: Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

2018-05-29 Thread Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 12:37:04 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:36:11 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:

No, wait a second. (a)=>a is in default argument list, so it 
is in the global scope. And it was instantiated when you 
instantiate BTree with char.

Could you explain that part a bit for me?  Yes, (a) => a is a 
default value, but when you say it is in the global scope, are 
you saying that a single object "(a) => a" is created in the 
global scope and not created for each template argument list, 
e.g. "BTree!int" and "BTree!char"?

I actually do not know in what scope such objects would be 
created, I had assumed it was per template-parameter list, but 
are you saying this is not the case?

I believe that is the case. Normally that will be fine, because 
you can't modify them. Type-deduced lambda is a very special 
case, as in their parameter types are deduced on first use, so in 
a sense, they are "modified" by the first instantiation.

BTW, I can't find the documentation about defining lambda with 
their parameter types omitted anywhere.

[Issue 18786] AV program detects malware in windows download of DMD

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #9 from anonymous4  ---
(In reply to David M from comment #8)
> * I, as a new D user, do not have the knowledge and background to state to a
> vendor that it is truly virus free.  If the runtime causes problems, I can't
> explain what and why.  You can't ask I report it, because you're asking me
> to make statements to the vendor that I don't have the knowledge to back up.
> ("Can you take this package on board the airplane for me? No bombs,
> promise."  Later, at security, "No, no bombs. Oh, no, it's not my package. 
> No, I don't know what's in it.  It's locked, I don't have the key.  But no
> bombs.  I'm sure.")

Don't worry, they won't believe you blindly :) virus analysts will check if
it's truly clean. You only need to report, the rest will be done for you, no
expertise is required from you at all.

> * This impacts your users.  Currently, no-one on Windows 10 can install D
> because the installer is captured by Windows Defender.

I just downloaded dmd-2.080.0.exe and windows defender doesn't detect it as a


Re: Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

2018-05-29 Thread Vijay Nayar via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:36:11 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:

No, wait a second. (a)=>a is in default argument list, so it is 
in the global scope. And it was instantiated when you 
instantiate BTree with char.

Could you explain that part a bit for me?  Yes, (a) => a is a 
default value, but when you say it is in the global scope, are 
you saying that a single object "(a) => a" is created in the 
global scope and not created for each template argument list, 
e.g. "BTree!int" and "BTree!char"?

I actually do not know in what scope such objects would be 
created, I had assumed it was per template-parameter list, but 
are you saying this is not the case?

[Issue 6350] Const array static usage optimization

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 18884] getSymbolsByUDA fails on AliasSeq members

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #3 from Simen Kjaeraas  ---
(In reply to Walter Bright from comment #2)
> This has been pulled. Has this issue been resolved?

Should be. The unittest in the PR is taken almost verbatim from here. Since
it's a regression, it targets stable, and the bot only auto-closes issues when
it makes its way to master, as I understand it.


[Issue 6226] Switch with impossible cases

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6092] Can't cast primitive to same-sized static array

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6082] Constructors of templated types should be callable via IFTI

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



[Issue 6063] Make cases where hiddenfuncerror would be thrown an error without -w

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #2 from Dmitry Olshansky  ---
Steve, any chance to dig up that example code?


[Issue 6060] Refuse wrong final switch

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

Dmitry Olshansky  changed:

   What|Removed |Added



Re: Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

2018-05-29 Thread Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:34:03 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:56:30 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
I've been experimenting with code that uses std.functional : 
binaryFun and unaryFun, but I have found that using these 
methods makes it impossible to add function attributes like 
@safe, @nogc, pure, and nothrow, because no guarantee can be 
made about the functions created via a stream.  For example, 
if you expect a comparator function like "a == b", someone can 
pass in "" instead.


This is probably a bug. BTree!char.lambda is clearly not the 
same as BTree!int.lambda, but the compiler seems to disagree?

No, wait a second. (a)=>a is in default argument list, so it is 
in the global scope. And it was instantiated when you instantiate 
BTree with char.

Re: Clash When Using Function as Template Value-Parameters?

2018-05-29 Thread Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:56:30 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
I've been experimenting with code that uses std.functional : 
binaryFun and unaryFun, but I have found that using these 
methods makes it impossible to add function attributes like 
@safe, @nogc, pure, and nothrow, because no guarantee can be 
made about the functions created via a stream.  For example, if 
you expect a comparator function like "a == b", someone can 
pass in "" instead.


This is probably a bug. BTree!char.lambda is clearly not the same 
as BTree!int.lambda, but the compiler seems to disagree?

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon I 

Within D, there is a bit smaller and cleaner language struggling 
to get out!

[Issue 18837] MMFile should have opDollar

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |FIXED


[Issue 18837] MMFile should have opDollar

2018-05-29 Thread d-bugmail--- via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #2 from ---
Commits pushed to master at
[trivial] fix issue 18837 - MMFile should have opDollar
Merge pull request #6521 from BBasile/issue-18837

[trivial] fix issue 18837 - MMFile should have opDollar
merged-on-behalf-of: Nathan Sashihara 


OT: today in reddit ProgrammerHumor - The Evolution of C

2018-05-29 Thread Markus via Digitalmars-d

Re: SecureD Futures (v2.0)

2018-05-29 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d

On 05/28/2018 04:02 PM, sarn wrote:

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 07:52:43 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:

I understand that.

Sorry, not for nothing, but you obviously don't.  For starters, if you 
were familiar with the key derivation tools available 24hrs ago, you 
wouldn't have come up with PBKDF2 on PBKDF2.  I suggest slowing down a 
little, and asking people on a crypto forum if you're still not sure.  
If you explain your problem from the start, they might even have some 
better ideas.

When that RFC (correctly) recommends using a salt, it's talking about 
HKDF-Extract, which is a tool for taking a large amount of mostly-random 
data and turning it into an appropriate KDK. That's not the problem you 
have here.  The problem you have is generating keys for different 
purposes from a KDK.  That's a problem HKDF-Expand addresses, and it 
doesn't use a salt.

Let me ask the question a different way. What is the reason NOT to use 
2 different salts for the MAC and KEY generation steps?

You might choose to not use extra salts for the same reason you've 
already chosen to not encrypt three times, or add extra HMACs for each 
individual block of ciphertext: it's not solving any problems.

Ok, but I am not harming anything either. I asked specifically what 
would be reasons not to do something, you replied with "it's not solving 
any problems". In a technical sense you are correct. I am not solving 
any problems. However. I am not creating any either. Adding a salt to an 
HKDF does not hurt anything. Ever.

As to the PBKDF2 comment. I'll concede that I am not perfect. Which is 
why I asked for input and I obviously "slowed down" enough to bother to 
ask. And when my mistake was pointed out I corrected it without further 
comment. We make all make mistakes sometimes, and cryptography is much 
harder than most to get right. So when we aren't sure we ask. And my 
statement was posed as a question. I was inviting feedback.

One of the pillars of SecureD is that ONLY safe, well-known, algorithms 
are presented. If reasonable we will only present one algorithm for a 
specific purpose. If there is a good reason to add more than one 
algorithm, we will.

For example, I am well aware of the BCrypt/SCrypt family as well as 
Argon2. At this point Argon2 appears to be the heir-apparent. Sadly, 
Argon2 is so new that neither Botan or OpenSSL implement it. So that one 
is ruled out for practical purposes, at least for now. I would also like 
to point out the OpenSSL will never implement BCrypt, but does implement 
SCrypt, and an Argon2 implementation is an open question due to it's use 
of threads.

It turns out the key-stretching field is very active right now, and 
precisely what will become the de-facto standard is impossible to say. I 
don't feel comfortable trying to pick a winner to implement. For the 
moment, PBKDF2 is stable, broadly implemented, and most importantly, 
well-understood. SecureD v2 will default to 1,000,000 iterations which 
yields roughly 650ms on an Intel 8700K. As older hardware is unlikely to 
be as fast, times of over one second could be seen in production while 
still providing some buffer against the future. That said the default 
PBKDF2 method will be tune-able.

I have long hoped for a reasonable replacement for PBKDF2, and with all 
the recent activity it is likely that something will shake out. But the 
attacks against Argon2 coming out so soon after it's release do not bode 
well for it in the future. And SCrypt requiring 16MB of RAM to achieve 
BCrypt's security makes it challenging to recommend for use on servers, 
especially in today's cloud environments where memory costs money. I 
know PBKDF2 is the conservative choice, but SecureD is all about 
conservative. For the moment, there aren't any great options, so 
conservative wins by default.

SCrypt Memory Math:
Assuming a 4GB VM in the cloud and we are willing to dedicate 1GB to 
SCrypt per second at BCrypt equivalent security.

That's 64 connections per second, that is ... not great. And dedicating 
1/4 of your systems RAM just for password hashing is being very 
generous. You're not going to see that in production because it is 
terribly expensive.

As PBKDF2 and SCrypt are the only key-stretching algorithms available in 
both OpenSSL and Botan, and I cannot recommend SCrypt for cloud/server 
scenarios. PBKDF2 it is.

To be perfectly honest, key-stretching is a mitigation. Weak passwords 
will be easily guessed no matter what algorithm is used. The real fix is 
to force better passwords.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender

Re: Tiny D suitable for embedded JIT

2018-05-29 Thread dell support via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 28 May 2018 at 19:24:58 UTC, MrSmith wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 18:49:05 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 


You may like the project of a compiler I am doing
TLDR: fully in D. No dependencies. Currently for amd64 + Win64 
calling convension.

P.S. Sorry for late response.

 I read your comment, I have a solution for you can take A help 
of to solve the problem.

Re: Native PDB Error

2018-05-29 Thread Begah via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 07:53:49 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 29/05/2018 7:47 PM, Begah wrote:
I have recently reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 10. I 
installed DMD 1.9.0 and compiled my code ( that was compiling 
before reinstalling Windows ).


That is definitely not a valid dmd version for D2.

Sorry, that was the dub version. I ment 2.080.0

Re: Native PDB Error

2018-05-29 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 29/05/2018 7:47 PM, Begah wrote:
I have recently reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 10. I installed 
DMD 1.9.0 and compiled my code ( that was compiling before reinstalling 
Windows ).


That is definitely not a valid dmd version for D2.

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Wu Wei via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 07:25:39 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

As a a compiler developer, I can guarantee that at some point 
you _need_ to understand all of the language.

If you don't you will mis-compile code.

Also the more complex the language gets the more special-case 
handling needs to be added to the compiler making it slower and 
more brittle.

Unconstrained complexity growth is a pretty scary thing.

Could this be more a problem of compiler 'architecture'?

Or perhaps hardware architecture?

Can we design better architecture (at all levels) to better 
accomodate inevitable change?

Could it be a problem of not having enough compiler writers - 
where each knows some part(s), but together they know all the 
parts? Collaboration is good way to manage complexity.

A compiler writer insisting they must know it all, (while 
understandable) is an unatural constraint. You'll end up like 
Scott Meyers - decades of effort learning, but can never 
understand it, because change is a moving target.

Native PDB Error

2018-05-29 Thread Begah via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have recently reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 10. I 
installed DMD 1.9.0 and compiled my code ( that was compiling 
before reinstalling Windows ).

I get this error at the linking phase :
Native PDB Error: The entry already exists.  The specified module 
already exists

I made a simplified project that gets the same error :

import imageformats;
import derelict.glfw3;

void main() {
IFImage i0;

and dub.json :
"dependencies": {
"derelict-glfw3": "4.0.0-beta.1",
"imageformats": "~>7.0.0"

Compiling for 32-bit works.
Compiling for 64-bit gives that error : dub --arch=x86_64
Changing imageformats version to 5.2.0 compiles but any higher 
I tried compiling the code with and without admin privileges but 
it doesn't do anything.
I know that PDB is used for debugging but I don't understand this 

Any ideas?

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:47:32 UTC, Let-It-Go wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon I 

There is the core of the problem.

Because you want to understand it all, therefore it must be 

This is not something that nature imposes on itself. It's 
entirely a product of the human mind.

Why constrain ourselves in this way?

Let it go, and let it grow ;-)

As a a compiler developer, I can guarantee that at some point you 
_need_ to understand all of the language.

If you don't you will mis-compile code.

Also the more complex the language gets the more special-case 
handling needs to be added to the compiler making it slower and 
more brittle.

Unconstrained complexity growth is a pretty scary thing.