Re: Encapsulating trust

2014-09-01 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

31.08.2014 17:47, Dmitry Olshansky пишет:

Quite recently a lot of work has been done to make most of Phobos usable
in @safe code.

While a very welcome effort, it caused a number of doubts in particular
due to the boilerplate required to isolate a small amount of unsafe
operations and slap "@trusted" over it.

See e.g. Denis argument:

There were proposals for language changes along the lines of having
@trusted block alike to debug/version blocks, but nothing ever came out
of them.

Without language support I decided it worth a shot to create a universal
wrappers to establish a consistent convention. A use of such wrapper
should indicate that a @system function call or language feature was

Names and complete set of primitives are up for debate, but here is the

A bit of usage:

import core.stdc.string;
import trusted;

void main() @safe

 char[] msg = "Hello!".dup;
 char[] msg2 = msg;
 import trusted; // may also use static import for absolute clarity
 assert(call!memcmp(addrOf(msg[0]), addrOf(msg2[0]), msg.length) == 0);

What do you guys think?

The language works fine for me as it is in this aspect. E.g. functions 
from `std.file` like `read` should be marked as `@trusted` because this 
is what `@trusted` is for, a function operating unsafe stuff and 
providing a safe interface to it.

Currently the only problem is with templates like `std.array.Appender` 
when we want the compiler to infer attributes from user type and have to 
carefully wrap our code in `@trusted` blocks leaving calls to user code 

Yes, my opinion here is the same as Daniel's one.

About related `std.file` pulls:

I wrote my original comment [1] to the pull because it blows the code 
size and reduce its readability by using `@trusted` nested functions 
(lambdas not used just because they currently can't be inlined, but it's 
silly as these functions work with disk and thus slow anyway).

This introduces a bad anti-pattern in the library and should be 
reverted. Just imagine a D newbie who just started leaning the language 
and is reading `std.file` module to see how easy can he use native API 
in D (e.g. I was such newbie). With all these pulls merged (current 
HEAD) he will be terrified of the code ugliness and either decide this 
is the only way to use native API in D (wrap every native function in 
`@trusted` nested function in `@safe` function) or will spend 
significant time discovering the history of this module and who is 
guilty in such bad design (e.g. I spend a lot of time when learned D 
because of `TypeTuple` used with expressions which completely confused me).


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: What about DGui?

2014-05-18 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

15.05.2014 7:58, FrankLike пишет:

1.DFL's Memory Usage is the least than other. winsamp.exe is
2.1M,DFL's example's exe is 2.7M.
2.The size of DFL's example's exe files is the least than other,
and only a single file.
3.DFL's source code is the most easy to understand.

D need Christopher E. Miller.

DFL isn't boost licensed, that's the problem for me. And Christopher 
didn't answered anything on my proposal to change the license.

I'd suggest to put the effort in DGui [1] instead because its author, 
Antonio Davide Trogu, kindly changed the license to Boost as he want the 
library to be used.

By the way, see DGui examples at Downloads page [2], they are smaller, 
than DFL ones. Also one of DGui goals was a source code simplicity. )


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: Allocating a wstring on the stack (no GC)?

2014-05-18 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

07.05.2014 22:26, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert пишет:

I have a very specific use case (JIT compiler) in which I have a
pre-allocated array of wchar string data stored somewhere in memory. I'd
like to be able to create a temporary D wstring object to pass this as a
"regular" string to other functions. For performance reasons, it would
be preferable not to dynamically allocate or copy any data. Dynamically
allocating the strings tends to trigger the D GC which severely impacts
the performance.

So, my question is, would it be possible for me to allocate a wstring
object on the stack, and manually set its string data pointer and
length? If so, how? Your wizardly help is much appreciated.

If you have a preallocated data, just using slicing will be enough. A 
result will be `wstring` for immutable data or `const(wchar)[]` for 
non-immutable, if you respect a typesystem.

If a new data is generated but you want it to be put on stack if it's 
small enough (you can't put big data on stack anyway) you need some 
allocation facility. E.g. `unstd.memory.allocation.tempAlloc` [1] will 
do the work.


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: What about DGui?

2014-05-20 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

18.05.2014 14:52, FrankLike пишет:

On Sunday, 18 May 2014 at 09:22:53 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

DFL isn't boost licensed, that's the problem for me. And Christopher
didn't answered anything on my proposal to change the license.

I'd suggest to put the effort in DGui [1] instead because its author,
Antonio Davide Trogu, kindly changed the license to Boost as he want
the library to be used.

By the way, see DGui examples at Downloads page [2], they are
smaller, than DFL ones. Also one of DGui goals was a source code
simplicity. )


Why not put it in

Because personally I like Bitbucket (it has side-by-side diff and Github 
some time ago switched to completely unusable fonts for source code 
making it unreadable for Windows XP users like me).

Thank you.

And put it in

Will do as soon as its Bitbucket support will be restored.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: What about DGui?

2014-05-20 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

18.05.2014 18:25, FrankLike пишет:


Where is the DGui?
This dgui is very cool.

The link is to my personal page. DGui isn't my library, I only manage it 
so it can't be listened in "my open-source projects" page.

As for x64 support, yes is isn't ready. If it is needed just like any 
other feature feel free to open an issue.


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: What about DGui?

2014-05-20 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

18.05.2014 19:14, FrankLike пишет:

On Sunday, 18 May 2014 at 14:54:44 UTC, FrankLike wrote:

1.DFL's Memory Usage is the least than other. winsamp.exe is
2.1M,DFL's example's exe is 2.7M.

DGui's Memory Usage is 3.2M.


You will put it in and

DGui is very cool,the exe's size is a half of DFL's,and it's easy to

If It will be used on Linux ,Mac Os X,it will be the coolist of all
gui libs.

Thank you.


And there are some controls are not implement,such as
Thank you.

There is no plans for cross-platform porting or adding new controls in 
near future. Probably the situation may be improved in case developers 
of DFL unofficial fork [1] will join DGui development.


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: Thank you Kenji

2014-05-24 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

23.05.2014 8:11, Martin Nowak пишет:

Today at DConf we learned, once again, that people are doing and
starting amazing projects using D. A lot of which wouldn't have
been possible without your contribution. So I just wanted to say
thank you.


Finally a thread to thank the man who fights all these corner cases and 
bugs. )

Thank you Kenji very much!

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Just curious: who do know current purity rules?

2014-06-06 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d
As Kenji Hara just created purity fixing pull [1] we will probably soon 
have more intuitive rules so it's interesting who do understand current 
purity rules. The following code is proposed to check your understanding:

alias F = bool function(int) pure;
alias D = bool delegate(int) pure;

D foo1(immutable F  f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // ok or error?
D foo2(const F  f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // ok or error?
D foo1(immutable F* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // ok or error?
D foo2(const F* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // ok or error?

Who passes this test? By "pass" I mean completely understand what the 
compiler do and why.

By the way, personally I would fail the test. )

[1] [spoiler!]

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

Re: Just curious: who do know current purity rules?

2014-06-06 Thread Denis Shelomovskij via Digitalmars-d

06.06.2014 13:05, Kagamin пишет:

Do you mean true purity rules or whatever is implemented in the compiler?

"whatever is implemented". )

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij