Re: Why does this mixin fail to compile?

2024-07-01 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 July 2024 at 13:00:55 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
please stick to what i wrote, i don't want string 
concatenation, i provide a reduced example from my project, 
everything should be a single template block, no extra 
functions other than the append() one

Mixin templates are a declaration scope, not a function scope, so 
they aren't necessarily analyzed top to bottom. This is why 
allowing partial string mixins would be complicated, consider 
this example:

mixin template implement()
mixin("struct " ~ str);


immutable string str = "T";


It's not obvious how this should be compiled, and this is before 
throwing `static if` and `static foreach` in the mix! If you want 
to procedurally build a type in sequential steps, you'll have to 
do that in a function scope.

If your concern is that such a function would add needless code 
generation, you can use an immediately invoked anonymous function 
like so:

mixin template implement(string typeName, string[] members)
mixin(() {
string result = "struct " ~ typeName ~ " {";
foreach (name; members)
result ~= "int " ~ name ~ ";";
result ~= "}";
return result;
} ());

mixin implement!("S", ["x", "y", "z"]);

immutable s = S(x: 3, y: 5, z: 7);

You can use your fixed size array append function to try and 
improve CTFE performance, but I'd start with straightforward 
concatenation, and see if it's actually too slow. In that case, 
maybe see if you can reduce it to a self-contained example and 
post it on bugzilla as a performance bug.

Re: Why does this mixin fail to compile?

2024-07-01 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 July 2024 at 09:25:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

This simple mixin fails to compile, anyone know why?

mixin implement;

mixin template implement() {
mixin("struct _gen(T) {");

A string mixin must form a complete declaration / statement / 
expression / type, so you can't end on an open brace.

Re: Boneheaded question regarding compilation...

2024-04-02 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 April 2024 at 18:21:58 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
An easier fix may be perhaps to just use 'dub' and install the 
glfw dependency. In my talk, I did everything from scratch (my 
preferred way), though I suspect using dub with glfw-d 
( may provide less 

glfw-d also provides an OpenGL hello world triangle example:

It uses bindbc-opengl instead of glad to load OpenGL functions.

Re: Using C header libs with importC

2024-01-08 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 January 2024 at 21:56:10 UTC, Renato wrote:

but I tried exactly that! Which gives a seg fault.

Looks like there's a bug with the -H switch:

But that shouldn't be necessary, you should just be able to 
import the c file.

I also tried just importing this little C file, but then no 
symbols from the h file are found at all. Kind of interesting, 
as if I just write the code using the library in the C file 
itself, that works fine.

That's weird, I'll see if I can reproduce this.

Re: Compiler analysis fault?

2023-12-20 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 11:33:22 UTC, DLearner wrote:

The code below fails to compile with
 Error: function `` no `return exp;` or `assert(0);` 
at end of function

unless the commented-out assert(0) is included.

The compiler basically gives up control flow analysis when 
encountering a goto statement or labeled break/continue.

bool foo()
goto L2;
//   assert(0);

Re: Changing behavior of associative array

2023-12-16 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 December 2023 at 21:30:55 UTC, kdevel wrote:

If you comment out this line

//m[f] = 1;

in your main function of your posted code you can catch up with 

real programm insofar as you now need a ref parameter here, too.

That's because `m[f] = 1` initializes the associative array to 
something non-null. If you pass a `null` AA to a function which 
adds things, the caller will still have a null pointers. You can 
initialize a non-null empty AA like this:

uint[Foo] m = new uint[Foo];

Then, `m` can be passed by value and you can make additions or 
removals which the caller sees, unless you assign a new AA in the 

Re: struct initializer

2023-11-30 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 07:21:29 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:
So, why supporting the (somewhat strange looking) version with 
curly backets at all?
It only works in one special place, so is simply overhead to 
Again a superfluous way to do the same - but only under 
specific circumstances.

I think a syntax should work either always or never.

The syntax was inherited from C. The 'special place' is called 
initialization, and it's special because the target type of the 
initializer is known in advance, while normal expression 
assignments are analyzed bottom up. Since there is no 
`typeof({10, 10})`, struct initializers don't work as expressions.

C99 added Compound literals `(S){.a = 10, .b = 20}`, and with 
named arguments you can do the same in D: `S(a: 10, b:20)`, and 
since the type name is included, they do work as standalone 

Walter tried to deprecate the old struct initializer syntax:

But it got some resistance, since {} initializers still have an 
advantage when you want to define an array of structs, and don't 
want to repeat the (potentially long) struct name for every entry.

Also note that even when {} is removed, there are still other 
special cases with initialization, for example with arrays:

void main()
short[] a = [3: 10]; // ok
a = [3: 10]; // cannot implicitly convert expression `[3:10]` 
of type `int[int]` to `short[]`


Re: mixin issue

2023-11-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 13:31:14 UTC, DLearner wrote:

it works but doesn't seem correct.

You're mixing in an expression that creates an empty function and 
calls it. What do you want it to do?

Re: How to use ".stringof" to get the value of a variable and not the name of the variable (identifier) itself?

2023-10-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 October 2023 at 16:33:32 UTC, rempas wrote:
However, in my example, "stringof" returns the character "i" 
itself and turns that into a string instead of getting its 
actual value (number).

The result of `.stringof` is implementation defined, it can be 
used for debugging but don't make your program's semantics depend 
on the output of it.



...That being said, this trick can be used to convert an integer 
to string at compile time:

enum itoa(int i) = i.stringof;

static foreach(i; 0 .. 10) {

Technically not reliable, but I don't expect integers to ever get 
printed differently than a string of base 10 digits.

Re: How can overloads be distinguished on attributes alone?

2023-07-31 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 31 July 2023 at 16:09:11 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
Is there a reason it would be difficult to make this not 

No, except that might result in code breakage.

Re: How can overloads be distinguished on attributes alone?

2023-07-31 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 31 July 2023 at 10:55:44 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:

What am I missing here?

The duplicate definition check doesn't consider whether a 
function is actually unambiguously callable (without e.g. traits 
getOverloads), it only prevents creating the same linker symbol 
multiple time. So you can even do this:

  void f() { }
extern(C) void f() { }

But this straight up looks like a bug:
   void g() { }
static void g() { } // static doesn't even do anything here

Re: dub Fetches Wrong Package Version

2023-07-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 29 July 2023 at 16:47:34 UTC, Ruby The Roobster 
Dub refuses to fetch the ~master branch of a package, even when 
dub.json tells it to.  Is there any workaround to this?

Delete dub.selections.json, which locks in dependency versions 
until you explicitly upgrade.

Re: Perspective Projection

2023-07-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 July 2023 at 16:08:43 UTC, Ruby The Roobster wrote:
Everything displays fine (with orthographic projection, of 
course) if you leave the projection as the identity matrix, but 
setting it as I have done results in a blank screen.

How do you pass the matrix to OpenGL? Be careful that gl3n uses 
row major matrices, but OpenGL uses column major matrices, so you 
either need to transpose it yourself, or pass `true` to the 
`transpose` argument in `glUniformMatrix4fv`.

Re: Syntax for Static Import of User Define Attributes

2023-07-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 28 July 2023 at 12:20:05 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/28/23 8:10 AM, Vijay Nayar wrote:
It might be possible to expand the grammar. It seems very 
specific to UDAs, as it doesn't just throw out `Expression` or 
whatnot. It probably has to do with the spot that it's in 

Yes, parsing arbitrary expressions after an `@` would result in 

void f(int x) @att in (x > 0) { }

Being parsed as:

void f(int x) @(att in (x > 0)) { }

And things like `@3 + 3` don't look like they would be parsed as 
`@(3 + 3)`, it looks like `(@3) + 3`.

So the syntax as `@(expression)` to make it clear where the 
expression ends. Then there's `@identifier` and 
`@identifier(args)` as shorthand for common cases that do look 
clear. I recently added `@TemplateSingleArgument` so you can do 
`@"abc"` or `@3` as well. Perhaps the syntax can be expanded to 
allow `@a.b.c(d)` as well, as well as `@a.b.c!d`, though there's 
a risk of the rules getting convoluted.

Re: Syntax for Static Import of User Define Attributes

2023-07-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 21:19:08 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
Attempted Fix 2: Enclose the entire attribute name in 

static import;

class ChatCompletionFunctions {



Re: AA vs __gshared

2023-07-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 15:57:51 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
The faults happen seemingly at random, and from pretty mundane 
stuff like `if(auto x = y in z)` that run very often:

Are you accessing the AA from multiple threads?

Re: Which D compiler is the most maintained and future-proof? [DMD GDC and LDC]

2023-07-24 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 July 2023 at 13:30:27 UTC, cc wrote:
Is there any list of known significant "gotchas" with moving to 
LDC from DMD?  Any unexpected surprises to watch out for or be 
careful for?

- DMD has weak linking for all functions by default (mostly as a 
workaround to several bugs). In LDC, you might get 'duplicate 
definition' errors when linking D objects that succeeds when 
compiled with dmd.

- DMD supports C opaque struct definitions in headers (though 
arguably a bug as well) while LDC will complain, see

Known edge cases of compiler optimization causing different 
behavior between vendors?

LDC can optimize much more aggressively, so if your code has 
undefined behavior, it's more likely to manifest as a bug with 
LDC. I had a unittest that succeeded with dmd but failed with 
`ldc2 -O3` because there was a bitshift larger than 63. DMD 
didn't care much (it would just do modulo 64), but LDC optimized 
the function based on the assumption that a parameter could never 
be 0, which I didn't intend.

Re: Print debug data

2023-07-20 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 19 July 2023 at 01:13:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
It's kind of a terrible message, I wish it would change to 
something more informative.

As of, there's a new 

accessing non-static variable `freeSize` requires an instance of 
type `Stats`


Re: getOverloads order

2023-07-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2023 at 11:04:40 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
However, the spec doesn't specify that this is how 
`getOverloads` **must** work; is this guaranteed behaviour but 
the spec simply omits it?

The order is not guaranteed. I don't know why you need a specific 
order, but perhaps you can sort based on `__traits(getLocation)`.

Re: getOverloads order

2023-07-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2023 at 08:03:02 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
I've noticed that `__traits(getOverloads)` always returns the 
overloads in lexical order across DMD, LDC, and GDC. Is this 
reliable at all?

No. It depends on the order the compiler analyzes the symbols, 
which is often lexical order, but it can vary based on static if, 
mixin, forward references etc. Here's a counter example:

   void f(int  x);
mixin("void f(float y);");
   void f(char z);

Here you get overloads of `f` in the order (x, z, y) instead of 
(x, y, z).

Re: Strange behaviour of __traits(allMembers)

2023-06-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 10:21:16 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
Whaat why has this not been fixed in the 
last 4 years!

It's now fixed:

Re: pragma msg field name?

2023-06-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 05:03:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
However, I would point out that getSymbolsByUDA gives you 
symbols, not strings, whereas pragma(msg, ...) wants a string.

For some time now, it accepts any number of objects, which will 
all be converted to strings and concatenated to form the message. 
The same applies to `static assert()`.

Re: Problem with dmd-2.104.0 -dip1000 & @safe

2023-06-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 June 2023 at 04:05:27 UTC, An Pham wrote:

Getting with below error for following codes. Look like bug?

Filed as

You can work around it by marking parameter `a` as `return scope`

Re: How to deal with interdependent dlang PRs?

2023-05-25 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 15:37:00 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:

Is there a process? I can’t be the first one running into this.

Doing it in 3 PRs is the process. This is one of the reasons why 
druntime was merged into dmd's repository. I remember someone 
saying that if you name the git branches the same, the CI checks 
out the PR's corresponding branch in other repositories, but I 
have no experience doing this so I'm not sure it will work.

Re: cast expressions

2023-05-03 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 09:03:38 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:
I know, (c) is a constructor call, but for basic types that's 
the same as (a) isn't it?

No, a cast allows for overflow `cast(ubyte) 256`, while the 
constructor needs an integer that fits. `ubyte(256)` is an error.

If t provides a constructor for typeof(x) and x provides opCast 
to type t, which one is called?

When casting, opCast has precedence over a constructor.

Does all three forms work if only the constructor or only the 
opCast is provided?

A constructor call will not be lowered to opCast, but a cast can 
be lowered to a constructor call.

And is (b) always equivalent to (a)?

C style cast syntax is not allowed in D.

Re: -preview=in deprecation warning

2023-04-20 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 20 April 2023 at 09:14:48 UTC, Jack Applegame wrote:

Can anyone help me get rid of this depreciation?

Annotate `getFoo` with `return scope`:

struct Foo {
string foo;
string getFoo() return scope const @safe { return foo; }

Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-16 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 21:00:01 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 15:50:18 UTC, Dennis wrote:

care about the type / mutability of the pointer.

Returning `i`'s address in a long does not trigger the escape 

It doesn't care about the type of pointer, but it does care about 
whether the type is/has a pointer in the first place. `T*`, 
`T[]`, `K[V]` (Associative arrays), `class`, `function`, 
`delegate` are pointers. Static arrays and structs depend on what 
they contain. Basic types such as `long` are not pointers, so 
lifetime checking doesn't apply.

Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 14:33:52 UTC, kdevel wrote:

Does that make sense?

Whether it makes sense is subjective, but it is by design. Escape 
analysis considers every  pointer the same, it doesn't care about 
the type / mutability of the pointer. In `@system` / `@trusted` 
code, you could coerce `i` to become a string and return it:

string foo(string s, return ref int i)
   return (cast(immutable char*) )[0..4];

Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 14:10:57 UTC, Dennis wrote:
This adds complexity, just to add some 'intermediate' safety 
between `@system` and `@safe` in a few cases. It's better to 
keep the rules simple and consistent.

To quote my past self:

There used to be different rules for lifetime errors in all of 

- explicit `@system` functions
- `@system` by default functions (yes, [they were 

- inferred functions
- `@safe` functions
- `@trusted` functions

It was really complex and confusing, and I've worked on 
simplifying it such that all lifetime errors are safety 
violations like any other. The only exception is directly 
returning a dangling pointer to a stack variable, which is just 
an error even in @system code ([issue 
19873]( I 
don't want to go back to more special cases, especially with 
the dip1000 by default transition which is complex enough as is.

Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 13:20:09 UTC, kdevel wrote:
Under which circumstances is it a mistake to insert the 
`return` at the indicated position? If there are none why can't 
it be done implicitly (automatically)?

It could be done in the easy example you posted, but generalizing 
it is harder.

When importing a module, the compiler currently doesn't need to 
analyze function bodies to get the signature of regular 
(non-auto/template) functions, which would have to change. 
Programmers can also currently rely on the fact that the 
signature they see is the signature they get, but not any longer.

The identity function is really simple, but as soon as control 
flow (if-statements) come into play, the annotations and their 
inference become a conservative approximation, which might give 
false positives in `@system` code. There would need to be a 
second system, one which assumes the best instead of assuming the 

This adds complexity, just to add some 'intermediate' safety 
between `@system` and `@safe` in a few cases. It's better to keep 
the rules simple and consistent.

Re: Returning a reference to be manipulated

2023-04-14 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 April 2023 at 10:31:58 UTC, kdevel wrote:

But in fact it is returned unless it is `return ref`.

When using `return ref`, `return scope`, `scope` etc., you should 
be using the latest compiler and annotate functions you want 
checked with `@safe`. In previous versions, the compiler would 
often conflate `return ref` and `return scope`, and it was also 
inconsistent in whether it would do checks in `@safe`, `@system`, 
and even 'default/unannotated' functions.

Now, it is more consistent, performing checks in `@safe` code 

I don't get it! Is there any legitimate use of returning a ref 
such that it outlives the matching argument's lifetime? If not: 
Isn't this `return ref` completely redundant?

The annotation is needed because the compiler can't always figure 
out what you're doing with a `ref` parameter:

ref int mysteryFunc(ref int x) @safe; // external implementation

ref int escape() @safe
int local; // allocated on stack frame, should not escape 
this function

return mysteryFunc(local); // is this safe?

Is this indeed `@safe`? It is, provided that `mysteryFunc` 
doesn't return its parameter `x`. It can be implemented like this 
for example:

ref int mysteryFunc(ref int x) @safe
return *(new int);

But it wouldn't be safe if `x` were returned, so the compiler 
must know about that when it happens, hence `return ref`:

ref int mysteryFunc(return ref int x) @safe
return x;

Now the compiler can catch that `return mysteryFunc(local)` is 
unsafe. Note that if `mysteryFunc` is a template function, nested 
function, or returns `auto`, then the compiler infers attributes 
automatically, including `return ref`. Then you can still write 
it as `mysteryFunc(ref int x)` and it will automatically be 
treated as `return ref`.

Re: Is this code correct?

2023-04-01 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 31 March 2023 at 13:11:58 UTC, z wrote:
I've tried to search before but was only able to find articles 
for 3D triangles, and documentation for OpenGL, which i don't 

The first function you posted takes a 3D triangle as input, so I 
assumed you're working in 3D. What are you working on?

Determines if a triangle is visible.

You haven't defined what 'visible' means for a geometric triangle.

Re: Why are globals set to tls by default? and why is fast code ugly by default?

2023-03-31 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 31 March 2023 at 16:26:36 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
That the same bad advice as telling people to "embrace OOP and 
multiple inheritance" and all the Java BS

"just put your variable into a class and make it static, and 
then have your singleton to access your static variables"

I agree that singletons aren't any better than global variables. 
The better way is to pass state through function parameters.

Re: Why are globals set to tls by default? and why is fast code ugly by default?

2023-03-31 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 31 March 2023 at 15:52:21 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
the point i bring is ``__gshared`` is ugly, so we want an ugly 

Good code shouldn't look ugly, but global mutable variables are 
bad, so it's appropriate that they look ugly.

You can still put a single `__gshared:` at the top of your module.

Re: Is this code correct?

2023-03-30 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 March 2023 at 10:29:25 UTC, z wrote:

Is this code correct or logically sound?

You need to be exact on what 'correct' is. The comment above 
`triangleFacesCamera` says:

Indicates wether a triangle faces an imaginary view point.

There's no view point / camera position defined anywhere in your 
Instead, all it's doing is comparing the angle of one triangle 
side (A->B) with another (B->C) in the XZ plane. This suggests 
you want to know the triangle winding order: clockwise or counter 

If you search for "triangle winding order" you'll find simple and 
correct ways to do that. Your code needlessly computes angles, 
only considers the XZ plane, and doesn't compare the angles 

r2 -= r1;

return r2 > 0;

You need to wrap (r2 - r1) into [-τ/2, τ/2] range, then you can 
compare with 0.

Re: The Phobos Put

2023-03-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 March 2023 at 11:10:42 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
Why does my `put` work but the Phobos `put` doesn't work with a 

Your `put` doesn't take `range` by `ref`, so it allows you to 
pass an rvalue. Consequently, it doesn't advance the range from 
the callers perspective.

Re: Problem with ImportC example?

2023-01-17 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 January 2023 at 11:16:25 UTC, DLearner wrote:


C:\Users\SoftDev\Documents\BDM\D\ImportC>dmd ex01.c
ex01.c(1): Error: C preprocessor directive `#include` is not 

ex01.c(1): Error: no type for declarator before `#`
ex01.c(5): Error: no type for declarator before `return`
ex01.c(6): Error: no type for declarator before `}`

What is your `dmd --version`? I suspect you have a version where 
you still have to manually pre-process the .c file, instead of a 
more recent version which invokes the pre-processor itself.

Re: Unittests on a module

2023-01-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 19:07:46 UTC, DLearner wrote:

Is this intended?

It is by design, though opinions differ on whether it's a good 

It's not a problem to add temporary
void main() {

to the bottom of the module,

You can add the `-main` flag to make dmd automatically add such 
an empty main function when there isn't a `main` already.

Re: Should importC fail on invalid C code?

2023-01-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:50:44 UTC, kdevel wrote:

Should importC fail on invalid C code?

In general, no. The purpose is to build / interface with existing 
C code, not to develop new C code with it. ImportC also has its 
own extensions by borrowing D features such as __import, CTFE, 
and forward references. A strict C compiler would reject those.

Re: Why does the importC example not compile?

2023-01-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:33:28 UTC, kdevel wrote:
What must be added or changed in order to test every example 
which is intended to produce an executable?

Support for separate compilation / ImportC would need to be added 
to dspec_tester:

Re: Why does the importC example not compile?

2023-01-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for reporting this. PR:

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 11:10:23 UTC, kdevel wrote:
I would have expected that each and every piece of code in the 
documentation is automatically compiled with any new compiler 

Individual D snippets can be tested when given the right DDoc 
macro, such as `SPEC_RUNNABLE_EXAMPLE_RUN` or 
`SPEC_RUNNABLE_EXAMPLE_FAIL`. (Thanks to Nick Treleaven for 
adding it to many examples that didn't have it before!)

I don't think there's a way to test examples of separate 
compilation in the spec currently.

Re: How Can i see associative array implement , is where has pseudocode write in Dlang?

2022-12-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 29 December 2022 at 11:24:38 UTC, lil wrote:
How Can i see associative array  implement , is where  has 
pseudocode write in Dlang?

If you're asking for the implementation of Associative Arrays, 
you can find that in druntime in the `rt.aaA` module:

There's no pseudo code of it, but it's a pretty standard hash 

Re: How often I should be using const? Is it useless/overrated?

2022-11-18 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 18 November 2022 at 11:51:42 UTC, thebluepandabear 
A question I have been thinking about whilst using D is how 
often I should be using const.

This should be a good read for you:

[Is there any real reason to use 

Re: Making sense out of scope and function calls

2022-11-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 November 2022 at 19:06:40 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:

Why does only the latter sample compile?
The former leads to the following warning:

Can you please provide a full example? I'm missing the 
definitions of _headers, hstring, values, and I suspect there's 
at least one `@safe` annotation somewhere.

Re: dmd as a library

2022-11-09 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 November 2022 at 05:48:54 UTC, vushu wrote:

Ah thanks that's nice to have some examples.

Here's an example of tools using dmd as a library:

Re: Hipreme's #4 Tip of the day - Don't use package.d

2022-11-05 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 4 November 2022 at 10:57:12 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
3. I'm currently having a bug on my API module that every 
duplicated file name, even when located at different 
directories(modules), are generating duplicate symbol. The 
major problem is that this is currently undebuggable, as the 
MSVC Linker does not show the full directory of the 
libraries/object files that caused this clash, not even the 

Do you have a (reduced) example of this?

Re: how to benchmark pure functions?

2022-10-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 17:17:01 UTC, ab wrote:
How can I prevent the compiler from removing the code I want to 

With many C compilers, you can use volatile assembly blocks for 
that. With LDC -O3, a regular assembly block also does the trick 

void main()
import std.datetime.stopwatch;
import std.stdio: write, writeln, writef, writefln;
import std.conv : to;

void f0() {}
void f1()
foreach(i; 0..4_000_000)
// nothing, loop gets optimized out
void f2()
foreach(i; 0..4_000_000)
// defeat optimizations
asm @safe pure nothrow @nogc {}
auto r = benchmark!(f0, f1, f2)(1);
writeln(r[0]); // 4 μs
writeln(r[1]); // 4 μs
writeln(r[2]); // 1 ms

Re: How to workaround assignment not allowed in a condition?

2022-10-12 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 10:09:31 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
I'm actually very surprised that just wrapping the statement in 
an == expression doesn't do the trick, what is the possible 
logic behind outlawing that?

I looked into it, there are actually two different places where 
dmd files the very same error:

void main()
int x;

// Directly in loop conditions
if (x = 3) {}
while (x = 3) {}
for (; x = 3; ) {}

// when an assignment is implicitly cast to a boolean
bool b = !(x = 3);
assert(x = 3);
true && (x = 3);

Wrapping in `==` actually does do the trick, but you need to get 
rid of the `!` operator. So instead of `while(!(x=3) == true)` 
make it `while ((x=3) == false)`

Re: How to workaround assignment not allowed in a condition?

2022-10-12 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 02:15:55 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

Porting some C code to D

This results in an error:

I had the same issue, where the pattern was this:

void f()
int err;
if (err = some_api_call()) {
if (err = some_other_api_call()) {
I would either declare the variable in the if statement:

void f()
if (auto err = some_api_call()) {
if (auto err = some_other_api_call()) {

Or take the assignment out of the condition:

void f()
int err;
err = some_api_call();
if (err) {
err = some_other_api_call();
if (err) {

I haven't seen it used in a while condition yet, perhaps you can 
transform that into a for loop?

Re: Convert array of simple structs, to C array of values

2022-10-03 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2022 at 07:45:47 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
I know there's gotta be some simple one liner function in D, 
but I can't think of it.

I don't know if you're looking for type safety, but you can just 
do `cast(float*) values.ptr;` or `cast(float[]) values[]`.

Re: can not take const struct member address at CTFE , is this a bug?

2022-09-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 September 2022 at 04:13:56 UTC, test123 wrote:

I hope we have github bugs.

It's being worked on.

Please help me create a bug report if who has free time and 
bugs account.

Here you go:

Re: need help to translate C into D

2022-09-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 11:03:30 UTC, test123 wrote:
and upb_MiniTable_Enum can include a lot diff types. (for 
example mixed diff size upb_MiniTable_Enum)

I think you'll need a `void*` array then, since pointers to 
different structs can all implicitly convert to `void*`.

Re: need help to translate C into D

2022-09-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 10:45:03 UTC, test123 wrote:
Is there a way to init the __gshared fixed length 
upb_MiniTable_Enum array ?

I don't think so. You could leave your array typed as 
`validate_KnownRegex_enum_init_type` and access it through a 
function that casts it to `upb_MiniTable_Enum`.

Side node, you can use `immutable` instead of `__gshared const`, 
it amounts to the same for global variables.

Re: need help to translate C into D

2022-09-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 09:43:46 UTC, test123 wrote:

This will not work since the C have no array like D.

You can use a 0-size static array:
struct mystruct {
	uint32_t mask_limit;   // Limit enum value that can be tested 
with mask.

uint32_t value_count;  // Number of values after the bitfield.
uint32_t[0] data;  // Bitmask + enumerated values follow.

Then you have to index with `[i]` to avoid 
bounds checking.

Re: Validate static asserts

2022-09-09 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 9 September 2022 at 16:41:54 UTC, Andrey Zherikov 
What's about new `compileOutput` trait that returns compiler 

static assert(__traits(compileOutput, {  }) == 


As a compiler dev, that sounds terrifying. It would make 
basically every change to dmd a breaking change.

Re: Reference to an unresolved external symbol

2022-09-07 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 10:14:22 UTC, Injeckt wrote:
I guess you right. But I don't know how i gonna link libs when 
I'm using "dmd main.d".

Another way is to add this to your code:

pragma(lib, "User32");

Re: Compile time int to string conversion in BetterC

2022-08-17 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 17 August 2022 at 08:44:30 UTC, Ogi wrote:

Maybe I’m missing something?

I had the same problem, and came up with the following trick:

enum itoa(int i) = i.stringof;

enum major = 3;
enum minor = 2;
enum patch = 1;

enum versionString = itoa!major ~ "." ~ itoa!minor ~ "." ~ 

static assert(versionString == "3.2.1");

Now I need to warn you that the output of `stringof` is 
technically implementation defined per the specification, so you 
shouldn't rely on it. In practice [this doesn't stop 
people](, and I 
don't think integers will ever not be printed as a string of base 
10 digits.

Re: Programs in D are huge

2022-08-16 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 August 2022 at 08:25:18 UTC, Diego wrote:

It seams huge in my opinion for an empty program

What are the best practices to reduce the size?

The problem is that the druntime, the run time library needed to 
support many D features, is large and linked in its entirety by 
default. The linker could strip unused functions, but even in an 
empty program, a lot is done before `main` that pulls in most of 

- initializing floating point settings, signal handlers, stdout 
and stderr
- parsing --DRT command line options for configuring the Garbage 

- running module constructors / unit tests

There is a goal to make druntime more 'pay as you go' so these 
things only happen when they're needed, but progress is slow. In 
the mean time, if you can live without a lot of D features that 
require the runtime, you can use `-betterC`:

With the LDC2 compiler, you can use `--link-defaultlib-shared`, 
so your program dynamically links with the run time library. This 
doesn't help for a single D program, but multiple D programs can 
reuse a single shared library.

Finally, you could look at customized versions of the runtime, 
such as Light Weight D Runtime:

Re: Some user-made C functions and their D equivalents

2022-07-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2022 at 18:19:34 UTC, pascal111 wrote:

The library link:

It would help if the functions had a comment explaining what 
they're supposed to do, but it looks like most of them are string 
functions. In D, you can concatenate strings with the `~` 
operator, and utility functions like `strip` and `replace` are in 
the `std.string` module:

I also think you defined the equivalent of these functions:
import std.algorithm: swap;
import std.math: sgn, trunc;

Re: BetterC Name Mangling Linker Errors

2022-07-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2022 at 12:26:59 UTC, MyNameHere wrote:

void Main(void* Instance)

This is equivalent to `WNDCLASSEXA WindowClass = 

If the struct's fields all initialize to 0, the compiler would 
simply set the variable's bytes to 0, but the definition in 
druntime gives fields with non-zero default value:

UINT  cbSize = WNDCLASSEXA.sizeof; // <-- non zero init
UINT  style;
WNDPROC   lpfnWndProc;
int   cbClsExtra;
int   cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR   hCursor;
HICON hIconSm;

Because of this, the compiler defines an 'init symbol' in 
druntime that gets copied into your variable to initialize it. 
Because druntime isn't linked when using BetterC, the linker 
fails to find the init symbol.

I think removing the default initialization will fix it:
WNDCLASSEXA WindowClass = void;

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-20 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 00:33:06 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
Where did you find it though ? I checked dmd --help and man dmd 
before making this thread, but to no avail.

It was implemented as an internal debugging tool, not a 
documented feature:

It turned out to be useful for users as well though, and got 
exposure through the "AST" button on

Maybe it's time to document it, currently there's only this:

Re: Expanding CTFE code during compilation

2022-07-19 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 July 2022 at 21:43:01 UTC, Azi Hassan wrote:
I'm wondering if the offers has the option of executing the 
parts that can be evaluated at compile time and then replacing 
them with the result of this evaluation.

Try the `-vcg-ast` flag:
import object;
import std;
void main()
enum int x = 24;
return 0;

// ... and a bunch of template instances

Re: Enforce not null at compile time?

2022-06-20 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 June 2022 at 17:48:48 UTC, Antonio wrote:
Is there any way to specify that a variable, member or 
parameter can't be null?

Depends on the type. Basic types can't be null. Pointers and 
classes can always be `null`, though you could wrap them in a 
custom library type that doesn't allow them to be `null`. Dynamic 
arrays and associative arrays can be null, but it's equivalent to 
them being empty, so you can still use them like normal. You can 
pass a struct as a `ref` parameter, which passes it by reference 
but it's still typed as a plain struct, so it can't be `null`.

Re: Whats the proper way to write a Range next function

2022-06-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 13:52:24 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

looks like there should be tons of annotations/attributes on it.

Because you have a template function, most attributes will be 
inferred based on the Range type. `const` is not inferred, but 
`popFront` mutates so it doesn't apply in your case. `@property` 
is not inferred either, but the spec says "Using property 
functions is not recommended until the definition is more certain 
and implementation more mature."

Re: C-like static array size inference - how?

2022-06-07 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 00:20:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> it's complaining about TypeInfo being absent.

What an unfortunate error message! Trying writeln() causes 
equally weird error messages.

Walter just improved it!

Perhaps try a [nightly 

Re: Unexplainable behaviour with direct struct assignment.

2022-05-18 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at 20:05:05 UTC, HuskyNator wrote:

This will print:

Which compiler and flags are you using? For me it just prints 50, 
you might be stumbling on some (old) bugs in the DMD backend with 
floating point registers. Examples of such bugs are:

Re: Including C sources in a DUB project

2022-05-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 20:50:12 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:
And if there are two compilers in the system - `dmd` and `ldc`, 
which compiler chooses `dub.json`?

It depends on whether your DMD or LDC installation comes first in 
your PATH environment variable. Both ship with a `dub` executable 
that uses their compiler as default.

And how do I specify the specific compiler I want?

On the command line you can use the `--compiler=dmd` flag. You 
can't specify this in the dub.json, since your project is 
supposed to be compiler agnostic.

Re: Including C sources in a DUB project

2022-05-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 17:19:23 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
It would be nice if dub included a directory of example 
configurations for common issues like this.

It has an example directory:

If your configuration is missing, you could make a Pull Request 
to add it.

Re: dip1000 return scope dmd v 2.100

2022-05-06 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 May 2022 at 09:24:06 UTC, vit wrote:
 It look like examples at page are no longer relevant.

They were recently updated to match the implementation in 2.100.

What difference are between `return scope`, `scope return` and 

`return scope` means pointer members (such `this.ptr`, `C.ptr`) 
may not escape the function, unless they are returned. If you 
call `test()` on a `scope` variable, the return value will be a 
scope pointer.

`scope return` on a struct member is `scope` + `return ref`, 
meaning pointer members may not escape the function (the `scope` 
part), but you can return a reference to the struct member itself 
(``, the `return ref` part). If you call `test()` on a 
local variable (`scope` or not), the return value will be a scope 

Just `return` allows you to return a reference to the struct 
member itself (``), and also to escape pointer members 
(`this.ptr`) since there is no `scope`. However, that means you 
can't call `test` on `scope` variables.

int* test() scope return{
		return  // Error: returning `` escapes a 
reference to parameter `this`


I think you're using an older DMD version, the error should be 
gone in 2.100

Why void* ptr in struct change effect of scope return ?

`scope` is ignored when the struct has no pointers, and before 
2.100, the meaning of `return` + `scope` on `ref` parameters was 
very inconsistent.

Re: DMD failed with exit code -1073741819

2022-05-03 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 18:22:49 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

Does anyone have any idea what causes these types of errors?

Sounds like a stack overflow, maybe your code has a 
complex/recursive part that makes DMD's call stack very deep.

Re: T... args!

2022-04-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 April 2022 at 15:13:08 UTC, Tejas wrote:
It's not a keyword yet it's recognised specially by the 
compiler... What?

It's not really recognized by the compiler, there's a little bit 
of magic to print `string` in outputted D code (e.g. error 
messages) instead of `immutable(char)[]`, but that's it.

Re: Is T.init allowed?

2022-04-29 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 April 2022 at 11:30:49 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:

Is it a compiler issue so this shouldn't be allowed?

Members called `init` are in the process of being deprecated, see:

Re: CTFE and BetterC compatibility

2022-04-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 12:10:44 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 April 2022 at 15:40:49 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

but this got killed due to internal D politics. A pity.

A tale as old as time itself

In this case, it was actually a trailing whitespace in the 
changelog entry making the test suite fail, but the PR author 
ceased activity before fixing it and now it has merge conflicts.

Re: How do I get the screen resolution?

2022-04-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 11:22:15 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 

Are there any methods to get the screen resolution?

Example with GLFW:

Note that there can be multiple monitors, but you can use 
`glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()` to find the main one.

Re: Library for image editing and text insertion

2022-04-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 April 2022 at 07:42:31 UTC, Alexander Zhirov 

~/programming/d/pic $ dmd app.d

Try passing the `-i` flag: `dmd -i app.d`. This way, imported 
modules are actually compiled and linked too. Currently it looks 
like you import arsd, but then don't link the library, so it 
complains about undefined references to functions in arsd.

Re: unexpected noreturn behavior

2022-04-21 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 12:41:08 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
which I think is a little bug-prone, but at least that would 
solve my issues.

What issue do you have with it returning `true`? Note that this 

import std.sumtype;
void main()
SumType!(int, string) s = assert(0);


Re: Install D lang on Windows 10 : an installation step by step tutorial made by a beginner who loves D !

2022-04-18 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 April 2022 at 08:22:43 UTC, SMAOLAB wrote:
I tried to install D on a Windows 10 but encountered some 
difficulties (even though I was reading the official D langage 
tutorial available on the official website).

What went wrong when you used the DMD installer? Installing 
Visual Studio should not be necessary, since DMD ships with the 
lld linker and MinGW Windows import libraries. If it doesn't work 
out of the box, it should be fixed.

Nevertheless, thanks for writing the detailed instructions.

Have a nice reading and don't hesitate to send me your 
comments, I will improve the document...

I don't see the guide (explicitly) installing git, but I recall 
dub needing it to install packages. Is that covered?

Re: scope variable `b` assigned to `a` with longer lifetime (-dip1000)

2022-04-09 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 April 2022 at 10:39:33 UTC, vit wrote:

Why doesn't this code compile?

`proxySwap1` is lying about its attributes. It says `rhs` is 
`scope`, but it escapes by assignment `this.ptr = rhs.ptr;`. The 
compiler doesn't raise an error because it's marked `@trusted`.

`proxySwap2` is simply a template function wrapping `proxySwap1`, 
attributes are inferred based on the signature you specified for 
`proxySwap1` (even if it's wrong).

`proxySwap3` is a template function, so the compiler infers `rhs` 
to be `return scope`. While a `@trusted` function allows you to 
escape `scope` variables, the compiler will still try to infer 
`scope`, `return scope` or `return ref` on its parameters as far 
as it can, and that can spawn errors in its `@safe` callers.

Swapping `scope` variables is not something you can do in `@safe` 
code with dip1000's current design, because of this:

void main() @safe {
scope Foo a;
int x;
scope Foo b = Foo();
		a.proxySwap3(b); // scope variable `b` assigned to `a` with 
longer lifetime

// a is now a dangling pointer

Re: Check if Key exists in Associative Array using D language.

2022-04-05 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 April 2022 at 11:26:27 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
I'd like to know if there is similar function: that can check 
if a **key** inside a [Associative Array][2] can be found.

You can use the `in` operator for that:

Re: Embarrassed to ask this question because it seems so trivial but genuinely curious...

2022-01-27 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 17:42:09 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:
So I guess my question is, is this just a matter of esthetics 
or is some more nuanced goal at work here?

It doesn't matter much for constructors, but in general, the 
problem with placing qualifiers in front is that it looks 

struct S
immutable int[] f()
return [];

This reads as if it returns an `immutable(int[])`, but it 
doesn't, the `immutable` means that it can only be called on 
`immutable` instances of `S`.

Re: How to create a function that behaves like std.stdio.writeln but prepends output with __FILE__:_LINE_

2022-01-25 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 12:11:01 UTC, JG wrote:
Any ideas how one can achieve what is written in the subject 

void f(T...)(auto ref T args, string file = __FILE__, int line = 

writeln(file, ":", line, ": ", args);

Re: Returning value by ref does not create a ref. Is this intentional?

2022-01-05 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 5 January 2022 at 05:38:45 UTC, Tejas wrote:
The entire reason I wanted to get a `ref` was so that I can 
avoid the `*` :(

I don't know what the real code behind the reduced example is, 
but maybe you can structure your code such that the subsequent 
modification `c = 10` happens in its own function. Then you can 
pass the result of `func(a)` to that function by `ref`.

Re: Thread exits immediately with no reason.

2021-12-21 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 December 2021 at 07:08:53 UTC, bauss wrote:
It should at the very least warn people about functions that 
may throw errors.

What is "It"? I was looking to make a spec PR, but it already 
says here:

Nothrow functions can only throw exceptions derived from class 

Re: Attributes (lexical)

2021-11-25 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 12:09:55 UTC, Dennis wrote:

This should also be fixed in the spec.

Filed as:

Issue 22543 - [spec] grammar blocks use unspecified notation:

Issue 22544 - [spec] C++ and Objective-C are not single tokens

Re: Attributes (lexical)

2021-11-25 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 10:41:05 UTC, Rumbu wrote:


#line IntegerLiteral Filespec? EndOfLine

Having EndOfLine at the end means for me that there are no 
other EOLs between, otherwise this syntax should pass but it's 
not (DMD last):

#line 12

The lexical grammar section starts with:

The source text is decoded from its source representation into 
Unicode Characters. The Characters are further divided into: 
WhiteSpace, EndOfLine, Comments, SpecialTokenSequences, and 
Tokens, with the source terminated by an EndOfFile.

What it's failing to mention is how in the lexical grammar rules, 
spaces denote 'immediate concatenation' of the characters/rules 
before and after it, e.g.:

DecimalDigit DecimalDigits
`3 1  4` is not a single `IntegerLiteral`, it needs to be `314`.

Now in the parsing grammar, it should mention that spaces denote 
immediate concatenation of *Tokens*, with arbitrary *Comments* 
and *WhiteSpace* inbetween. So the rule:

@ nogc
Means: an @ token, followed by arbitrary comments and whitespace, 
followed by an identifier token that equals "nogc". That explains 
your first example.

Regarding this lexical rule:
#line IntegerLiteral Filespec? EndOfLine
This is wrong already from a lexical standpoint, it would suggest 
a SpecialTokenSequence looks like this:


The implementation actually looks for a # token, skips 
*WhiteSpace* and *Comment*s, looks for an identifier token 
("line"), and then it goes into a custom loop that allows 
separation by *WhiteSpace* but not *Comment*, and also the first 
'\n' will be assumed to be the final *EndOfLine*, which is why 
this fails:

#line 12
It thinks it's done after "12".

In conclusion the specification should:
- define the notation used in lexical / parsing grammar blocks
- clearly distinguish lexical / parsing blocks
- fix up the `SpecialTokenSequence` definition (and maybe change 
dmd as well)

By the way, the parsing grammar defines:
C++ and Objective-C cannot be single tokens currently, so they 
are actually 2/3, which is why these are allowed:

void f() {}

void g() {}
This should also be fixed in the spec.

I am not asking this questions out of thin air, I am trying to 
write a conforming lexer and this is one of the ambiguities.

That's cool! Are you writing an editor plugin?

Re: Attributes (lexical)

2021-11-25 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 08:06:27 UTC, rumbu wrote:
Also, this works also for #line, even if the specification 
tells us that all tokens must be on the same line

Where does it say that?

Re: What is D's "__debugbreak()" equivalent?

2021-10-28 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 October 2021 at 16:54:49 UTC, Simon wrote:

What is the equivalent in D?

With LDC, you have:

import ldc.intrinsics: llvm_debugtrap;

Combining that with previous answers, you can make something like 

void debugbreak() nothrow @nogc @trusted {
version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) {
asm nothrow @nogc {
int 3;
} else version(LDC) {
import ldc.intrinsics: llvm_debugtrap;
} else {
assert(0); // No `breakPoint` for this compiler configuration

Re: Unexpected path of execution

2021-10-19 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 16:20:39 UTC, Charles Hixson wrote:

core.exception.RangeError@source/freqs.d(32): Range violation

??:? _d_arrayboundsp [0x56041325a70d]
??:? _Dmain [0x560413233beb]

DMD64 D Compiler v2.097.2

By the way, if you upgrade to 2.098.0, you get a better error 
message for out of bounds array access.

Re: Obtaining type and value of a variable named in another variable

2021-10-16 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 October 2021 at 19:28:04 UTC, DLearner wrote:

How does one obtain from strVar:
1. The type of fooVar;


2. The value of fooVar?


Re: __traits(compiles) is true with warnings as errors

2021-10-15 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 11:08:24 UTC, bauss wrote:
What could be useful is a new trait (to not break existing 
code) like __traits(warning, ...) which does the same as 
__traits(compiles) but also checks whether the arguments would 
cause a warning by the compiler.

N! Warnings suck. Errors are fine, nothing is fine, a big bag 
of unspecified 'maybes' that are put on either side depending on 
the user is not.

Unfortunately, dub makes warnings into errors by default, but you 
can use `buildRequirements "silenceWarnings"` or 
`buildRequirements "allowWarnings"` to mitigate it.

If implicit float truncation is really error prone, it should be 
deprecated. Otherwise the compiler should shut up about it.

Re: avoid codegen pass

2021-10-02 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 October 2021 at 16:57:48 UTC, max haughton wrote:
Do you have optimizations turned on? i.e. are you compiling 
with -O by accident?

Not needed, it's declared:
pragma(inline, true) @property _timezone() @safe const pure 
nothrow @nogc


DMD does inlining in the frontend, and without the `-inline` flag 
it still inlines functions when requested by `pragma(inline, 
true)`. That's why you see it logged even without codegen or 

That's not what causes the long compile time though, `dmd -v` 
logs passes before doing them, not after, so it's the semantic3 
before the inline pass that's taking all the time.

Re: How can we view source code that has been generated (say via "static foreach") ?

2021-09-17 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 19:59:43 UTC, james.p.leblanc 

However, with various combinations of templates, UDAs, and
mixins it has not been easy.

Apart from -mixin, there's also the undocumented -vcg-ast switch 
that prints the AST before code generation, showing instantiated 
templates and unrolled static foreach loops.

Re: Development of the foundation of a programming language

2021-09-13 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 September 2021 at 03:21:37 UTC, leikang wrote:
Are there any recommended books or videos to learn about the 
principles of compilation? What else should I learn besides the 
principles of compilation?

Check out this video: [DConf 2016 Day 2 Keynote: Spelunking D 
Compiler Internals -- Walter 
Just browsing [dmd's source 
and watching [dmd's Pull Request 
queue]( is a good way to get 
familiar with the code and see what a bug fix looks like. Try to 
start with something small, like error message improvements or 
[refactorings listed in the contributing 
guide]( If you have any questions along the way, just ask them.

Re: Phobos Unittest

2021-09-04 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 September 2021 at 09:42:46 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:

Yes, but they are lexed and parsed, right?

Right, but that's the case regardless of `version(StdUnittest)`.

Re: C to D convertor

2021-08-24 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 August 2021 at 08:14:22 UTC, Виталий Фадеев wrote:

Any more ?


Re: Union member positions?

2021-08-17 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 13:46:22 UTC, z wrote:

Is it possible to set a "position" on a union member?

You can use anonymous `struct` and `union` blocks.

union UnionExample{
uint EAX;

struct {
union {
ushort EAHX;
struct {
ubyte EAHH;
ubyte EAHL;
union {
ushort EALX;
struct {
ubyte EALH;
ubyte EALL;

Re: .tupleof for static array

2021-08-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for this solution as well.

On Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 13:10:23 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Would definitely be nice to have this in the language, though.

Do you know more use cases for this?

Re: .tupleof for static array

2021-08-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks! I was considering turning the static array into an 
AliasSeq directly, but casting it to a struct and doing tupleof 
on that is pretty smart.

On Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 12:50:55 UTC, jfondren wrote:
And I don't see very many static-array-generic functions in 

Indeed, static arrays could use some more love in my opinion.

.tupleof for static array

2021-08-10 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

struct Vec {
float x, y, z;

void setPosition(float x, float y, float z) {


void main() {
Vec posS = Vec(10, 20, 30);
setPosition(posS.tupleof); // pass

float[3] posA = [10, 20, 30];
setPosition(posA.tupleof); // Error: no property `tupleof` 
for type `float[3]`


Does anyone know a library utility to make expanding a static 
array like this work?

Re: Tracy

2021-08-08 Thread Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 August 2021 at 01:37:42 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:

Could this be fixed? Or is this intentional?

Of course it *could*, anyone can go to [the dlang 
wiki]( and add a page for it. Johan 
Engelen is still working on [improving the 
feature](, maybe 
he is intentionally waiting for the feature to reach maturity 
before putting it on the wiki or [his 
blog](, but I can't say.

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