Re: Thanks for the bounty!

2014-07-04 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 21:57:14 UTC, Benoit Rostykus wrote:

We just set up a significant bounty for this bug:

However, it is referenced on BountySource under the "DLang's
Issue Tracking System - D" project instead of the (more
publicized) "D Programming Language" project, so it is hard to
Andrei, is there any reason to have 2 different projects there?
How to make sure our bounty also appears on the main project 

on BountySource?


I had a similar problem, and had to contact the folks at 
BountySource to get it straightened out.


Re: Some Observations on the D Development Process

2018-01-04 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 5 January 2018 at 03:28:10 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

There's a lot of technical debt I've been trying to fix with 
that, and nobody else seems willing to do it. For example, 
fixing the error messages so they make use of color syntax 
highlighting. It's boring, tedious, unfun work, meaning I get 
to do it :-)

If you have simple, mundane work that needs to be done, make a 
list and send it my way; you should have my e-mail address.  But 
please be specific; "fix error messages" is just going to get a 
reply from me asking questions.


Re: Some Observations on the D Development Process

2018-01-09 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 6 January 2018 at 02:53:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

For example, there were several uses of the word 'ctor' instead 
of 'constructor'.

I couldn't find any cases like that.  If you know of them, please 
explicitly identify them for me.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 22 January 2018 at 23:30:16 UTC, Aedt wrote:
I was asked in Reddit 
( how would D handle the following similar D code. I'm surprised that both dmd and ldc provides no warnings even with -w argument passed.

import std.stdio;

void main()
string foo = "foo";
string* p1, p2;

string*[] ls;
ls ~= &foo;
p1 = ls[0];
p2 = ls[0];


D is not memory safe by default (unfortunately), so it's not 
surprising to me that you can do this in `@system` code.  I would 
be surprised if the compiler allowed you to do something like 
this in `@safe` code.  To make your programs memory safe, you 
should add `@safe` to your `main` function.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 01:08:19 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

If you add `@safe`, the compiler rejects this line:

ls ~= &foo;

But that line would only be problematic if the pointer would 
leave the scope of the function. It doesn't, so this is 
actually safe. But the compiler isn't smart enough to see this.

Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 01:08:19 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

The real question is about this line:

p2 = ls[0];

That's an out-of-bounds access, and the compiler does not catch 
this statically. Instead, it inserts bounds-checking code that 
crashes the program safely with an `Error`.

In trying to work out a solution to that, I ran across this 

Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 01:08:19 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

The real question is about this line:

p2 = ls[0];

That's an out-of-bounds access, and the compiler does not catch 
this statically. Instead, it inserts bounds-checking code that 
crashes the program safely with an `Error`.

Due to the aforementioned bugs in my prior posts, I couldn't even 
make an example to demonstrate in @safe code, so I modified the 
example slightly in an effort to reproduce the same problem.

import std.stdio;

void main() @safe
string foo = "foo";
string* ls0;
string* p1, p2;

ls0 = &foo;
p1 = ls0;
p2 = ls0;

Error: program killed by signal 11

Yeah, that's pretty poopy.

Not sure how to precisely define the problem here.  Should 
`destroy` be `@system` so it can't be called in `@safe` code, or 
should the compiler be smart enough to figure out the flow 
control and throw an error?


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 02:25:57 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

Due to the aforementioned bugs in my prior posts, I couldn't 
even make an example to demonstrate in @safe code, so I 
modified the example slightly in an effort to reproduce the 
same problem.

import std.stdio;

void main() @safe
string foo = "foo";
string* ls0;
string* p1, p2;

ls0 = &foo;
p1 = ls0;
p2 = ls0;

Error: program killed by signal 11

Gah!!! I screwed up that example, and I can't edit the post.  See 
the example here:

import std.stdio;

void main() @safe
string foo = "foo";
string* ls0;
string* p1, p2;

ls0 = &foo;
p1 = ls0;
p2 = ls0;

Compile with `-dip1000`

Error: program killed by signal 11

So that's bad.  But it looks like a bug in `-dip1000`, because if 
I compile without `-dip1000`, I get:

onlineapp.d(9): Error: cannot take address of local foo in @safe 
function main


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 02:38:42 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

So that's bad.  But it looks like a bug in `-dip1000`

Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 02:25:57 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

Should `destroy` be `@system` so it can't be called in `@safe` 
code, or should the compiler be smart enough to figure out the 
flow control and throw an error?

Interestingly, `destroy` is an unsafe operation for classes.

import std.stdio;

class A
void hello() @safe { writeln("hello"); }

void main() @safe
A a = new A();
destroy(a);  // onlineapp.d(12): Error: @safe function 'D 
main' cannot call

 // @system function 'object.destroy!(A).destroy'

But it's not an unsafe operation for structs

import std.stdio;

struct A
int i;
void print() @safe { writeln(i); }

void main() @safe
A* a = new A();
a.print();  // OK
a.print();  // Error!

Not sure if that's a bug or not.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 21:53:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Interestingly, `destroy` is an unsafe operation for classes.

Because it's calling a @system function, rt_finalize. This 
function calls whatever is in the destructor, and because it 
works on Object level, it has no idea what the actual 
attributes of the derived destructor are.

This needs to be fixed, but a whole host of issues like this 
exist with Object.

Are there any bugzilla issues that you are aware of that document 


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 21:53:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

[1] Note: the reason they are safe is because they generally 
result in a segfault, which doesn't harm any memory. This is 
very much a user-space POV, and doesn't take into account 
kernel-space where null dereferences may actually be valid 
memory! It also doesn't (currently) take into account possible 
huge objects that could extend into valid memory space, even in 
user space.

That's what kindof ticks me off about this "null is memory safe" 
argument; it seems to be only applicable to a specific platform 
and environment.  I have a micocontroller in front of me where an 
address of null (essentially 0) is a perfectly valid memory 


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 at 01:44:51 UTC, Walter Bright 

Microcontroller code tends to be small and so it's unlikely 
that you'll need to worry about it.

I think you need to get involved in programming microcontrollers 
again because the landscape has changed drastically.  The 
microcontrollers I use now are more powerful than PCs of the 90's.

The project I'm currently working on is an HMI for industrial 
control with a full touchscreen 2D GUI.  The code base  is 
240,084 lines of code and that doesn't even include the 3rd party 
libraries I'm using (e.g. 2D graphics library, newlib C library, 
FreeType font rendering library).  That's not "small" by my 
standard of measure.

And with devices such as this being increasingly connected to the 
Internet, such carelessness can easily be exploited as evident in   And that's 
not to mention the types of critical systems that run on such 
platforms that we are increasingly becoming more dependent on.

We better start worrying about it.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 at 03:46:41 UTC, lobo wrote:

Well if your embedded device has all that on it you should be 
sitting on an OS with proper memory management support.

I don't see how the OS can help if the underlying hardware 
doesn't have an MMU.  That being said, admittedly, the more 
capable microcontrollers do have an MPU that can be configured to 
throw a hardware exception.

We don't use D, it is all C++ and some Ada in the older systems.

Why don't you use D?


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 02:41:53 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Ok, but are these devices with 0 being a valid address?

It seems weird to me that any sane modern CPU design that can 
access megabytes of memory would have 0 be a valid address.

Yes, 0 is a valid address and typically points to ROM 

"The initial stack pointer and the address of the reset handler 
must be located at 0x0 and 0x4 respectively." 

So you read address 0, dereference it, and you're at the bottom 
of the stack.

Some microcontrollers have an MPU to mitigate this.  You can read 
one technique here:  But 
the MPU is an optional component, and many microcontrollers in 
the ARM Cortex-M family do not have one.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 04:01:47 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

"The initial stack pointer and the address of the reset handler 
must be located at 0x0 and 0x4 respectively." 

Sorry!  Wrong link.  Try this one:

Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 04:45:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

This implies a ROM must be located there. Else how do initial 
values get there?

I'm not sure what you mean.  When you upload your firmware to the 
MCU, it writes the initial stack pointer to address 0x00 and the 
address of the reset handler to 0x04.  It is up the developer to 
set these values properly in the linker script (a.k.a scatter 


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 04:45:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

This implies a ROM must be located there. Else how do initial 
values get there?

Yes, ROM is at address 0.  Address 0 contains the initial stack 
pointer.  So you read address 0, dereference it, and then do your 


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 04:59:55 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

Yes, ROM is at address 0.  Address 0 contains the initial stack 
pointer.  So you read address 0, dereference it, and then do 
your damage.

Keep in mind too that the ROM, on these devices, is actually 
reprogrammable from the firmware itself, so one could do some 
clever exploitation of that feature to insert whatever they want 
into the product's firmware.


Re: Shouldn't invalid references like this fail at compile time?

2018-01-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 at 09:35:44 UTC, lobo wrote:

And I'm broken after using D, going back to C++ is awful and 
Rust just has too much friction to be enjoyable.

Yep, I know exactly what you mean.

Re: The daily D riddle

2018-01-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 28 January 2018 at 06:25:51 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

What will the following code print? Do not use the compiler:

import std.stdio;

struct A {
int a = 1;

void initialize() {
a = a.init;

void main() {
A a;


I find this behavior unexpected.

Works exactly as I predicted.

Re: What libraries should support?

2018-01-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 28 January 2018 at 15:39:41 UTC, Seb wrote:
As I just addded emsi_containers to it, I was wondering what 
other libraries would be useful for you?

What about adding a small frame buffer on the page for displaying 
2d graphics, or to render vibe.d's html output?  Then add 
libraries like cairo, or some other for rendering 2d images.

Re: What libraries should support?

2018-01-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 at 11:03:07 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Sunday, 28 January 2018 at 15:39:41 UTC, Seb wrote:
As I just addded emsi_containers to it, I was wondering what 
other libraries would be useful for you?

What about adding a small frame buffer on the page for 
displaying 2d graphics, or to render vibe.d's html output?  
Then add libraries like cairo, or some other for rendering 2d 

Maybe it would be as simple as providing 3 different "views" of 
the output:  Text, HTML, Image (RGB888-fixed size).

#dbugfix Issue 2043

2018-02-06 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

It's a really old bug, and top-voted in bugzilla according to

Re: missing HexString documentation

2018-02-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 23:30:57 UTC, Walter Bright 

Can you please provide a list of these issues, and file issues 
that aren't on bugzilla yet, and tag them with the betterC 

I see only one:

Don't search for "[betterC]".  Instead, use "betterC" (without 
the brackets).

We can't reliably rely on informal conventions.


Re: missing HexString documentation

2018-02-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 16:03:36 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

They are deprecated:

Wow, that's... a little superfluous.

I agree with the notion that the language should be an aggregate 
of primitives, and anything that can be composed of those 
primitives should be implemented in a library (unless a 
compelling reason is found to justify otherwise).  The 
deprecation of hex string literals has exposed flaws in the 
library implementation and the compiler's template 
implementation.  That doesn't mean deprecation was the wrong 
thing to do; it just brings the aforementioned flaws to the 
forefront, so let's not shoot the messenger.

Here's a few fundamental flaws I see in our library 
* Some library implementations are not very cohesive, and have 
too many interdependencies.  This is what seems to prevent 
`HexString` from being used in -betterC.
* Some Phobos implementations would be quite useful in Druntime 
and in code that doesn't want to employ the runtime (e.g. 
libraries consumed by other languages, resource-constrained 
systems, and bare-metal programming), but alas, Druntime can't 
have a circular dependency on Phobos (nor should it).

This is a difficult problem, and I don't have any solutions; just 
ideas.  Maybe Phobos and Druntime should be divided into 3 

1.  A library with no dependencies whatsoever, not even druntime, 
c runtime, or the C standard library.  Some stuff in 
`std.traits`, `std.conv`, and even `HexString` could go here.  
Let's call this library DLib.
2.  Druntime would only depend on DLib, but never publicly expose 
3.  Phobos could depend on DLib or Druntime, but again, never 
publicly expose it.
4.  Phobos could be refactored by identifying packages that have 
too much coupling, and factoring out the dependencies into a 3rd, 
more cohesive library, imported by the previous two.

For extra credit:
2a. Move C/C++ standard library bindings to Deimos, and have the 
desktop OS ports import it privately.  There's no reason to 
impose this interface on bare-metal ports, and it's a superficial 
dependency anyway.
3a. Phobos shouldn't have any dependency on C/C++ language 
bindings.  DRuntime should expose an idiomatic D (and preferably 
@safe) interface for Phobos to use.

DLib could then be used in -betterC and other use cases where 
Druntime is more of a liability than an asset.


Re: missing HexString documentation

2018-02-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 00:25:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

hexString is in Phobos, and druntime can't use Phobos.

Should templates like octal and hexString be in druntime 

IMO, no.  I think the interdependencies between the compiler, 
druntime, phobos, and even the packages contained within needs 
some remodeling.  I posted some of my initial thoughts here:


#dbugfix Issue 1983

2018-02-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

A PR addressing this issue 
(, is the oldest PR in the 
DMD repository.  The issue also is almost a decade old.  I'd love 
to see it finally resolved.

Re: A betterC base

2018-02-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 11:06:15 UTC, ixid wrote:
How difficult would it be for D at this point to move towards a 
pay for what you use system that out of the box is betterC and 
requires the garbage collector to be explicitly imported?

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I've been 
trying to work on something like that, and have successfully 
submitted a few PRs:

Opt-in ModuleInfo

Opt-in Throwable

Opt-in TypeInfo (not yet merged; someone 
please review it)

With all of the above PRs merged, the compiler will no longer 
complain about the above missing runtime features if your code 
doesn't use them.  It also allows one to create really small 
binaries with no dependencies.

Example 1


module object;

private alias extern(C) int function(char[][] args) MainFunc;
private extern (C) int _d_run_main(int argc, char** argv, 
MainFunc mainFunc)

return mainFunc(null);

void main() { }

dmd -conf= -defaultlib= main.d object.d -of=main
size main
   textdata bss dec hex filename
   1403 584  162003 7d3 main

Example 2
This will avoid linking in the C standard library and C runtime.  
But you have to provide your own replacements.



module object;

extern(C) void __d_sys_exit(long arg1)
mov RAX, 60;
mov RDI, arg1;

extern void main();
private extern(C) void _start()

void main() { }

dmd -c -lib main.d object.d -of=main.o
ld main.o -o main
size main
   textdata bss dec hex filename
 56   0   0  56  38 main

If you are creating a library to be consumed by another language, 
you just need to add an empty object.d file in your current 
directory.  I tried to remove that silly limitation, but it met 

I have a changelog PR describing all this at, with the intention of it 
being available in the next DMD release, but I need my other PRs 
reviewed and merged before I can move forward.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, though.  After this stage, I 
would like to start tackling the overuse of TypeInfo in the 
coupling between the compiler and the runtime.  See this comment 
( for more 
about what I mean there.


Re: A betterC base

2018-02-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 17:10:00 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

What are D's limitations on do-it-yourself reference counting?

 * Types that are built into the language like dynamic arrays, 
associative arrays, and exceptions won't benefit from DIY 
reference counting.
 * Much of Phobos probably wouldn't be compatible with DIY 
reference counting.

That being said, there may be a way to override some runtime 
hooks like _d_newclass 
(, etc... 
to make it work.  But I haven't tried.

Also, I think Walter is currently working on getting reference 
counted exceptions into the language:


Re: A betterC base

2018-02-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 9 February 2018 at 01:31:41 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 17:10:00 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

What are D's limitations on do-it-yourself reference counting?

 * Types that are built into the language like dynamic arrays, 
associative arrays, and exceptions won't benefit from DIY 
reference counting.
 * Much of Phobos probably wouldn't be compatible with DIY 
reference counting.

That being said, there may be a way to override some runtime 
hooks like _d_newclass 
etc... to make it work.  But I haven't tried.

Also, I think Walter is currently working on getting reference 
counted exceptions into the language:


Also, I think DIY reference counting is already done for us in 
the automem library


#dbugfix Issue 18068 - No file names and line numbers in stack trace

2018-02-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

I tried to fix this one myself, but it beat me. It's also 
currently causing me friction when working on DMD.  I would love 
to see it fixed.

Interestingly, however, it works fine in the auto-tester.  But, 
problem can be reproduced at (e.g.  Maybe it's dependent on the 
host compiler being used; I don't know.


Re: Being Positive

2018-02-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 14:17:00 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 2/12/18 11:29 PM, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:

A bunch of stuff I 100% agree with.

Me too.  So refreshing to read.


Re: OT: Photo of a single atom by David Nadlinger wins top prize

2018-02-14 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 01:11:33 UTC, David Nadlinger 

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 23:09:07 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

David (aka klickverbot) is a longtime D contributor […]

… who is slightly surprised at the amount of media interest 
this has attracted. ;)

David, this is so cool.  Congratulations!

But I've been wondering something:  Obviously atoms are not this 
large, so what are we seeing in that photograph?  atom 


Re: Status of @nogc with the runtime

2018-02-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 17 February 2018 at 12:18:28 UTC, Peter Campbell 
I was checking the 2017 vision pages and was wondering why 
there hasn't been a 2018H1 vision page but also what the 
current status of being able to use D without a garbage 
collector is?

There are a number of ways to use D without the garbage 
collector.  However, one of the easiest is with the -betterC 
flag.  You'll want to read the two blog articles here 
( for more information 
about that.

2.079, the upcoming release will also have a way to use D without 
the runtime and without -betterC.  What this allows you to do is 
partially implement just the runtime features you wish to 
support.  You can read more about it in the nightly changelog 
here (

You might also be interested in this article:


Re: -libpath?

2018-02-20 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 17:49:33 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
What do people think of adding an argument to DMD to add 
library search paths?  Currently the only way I know how to do 
this would be via linker-specific flags, i.e.

GCC: -L-L/usr/lib
MSVC: -L-libpath:C:\mylibs
OPTLINK: -L+C:\mylibs\

NOTE: the optlink version only works if no .def file is 
specified.  If you have a .def file, then you can't add any 
library search paths :)

If we added a new "linker-independent" flag to dmd, then you 
could add paths using the same interface regardless of which 
linker you are using.  I'd expect the argument to be something 


The disadvantage is it would be another command line option 
added to DMD.  If there is general agreement that this is a 
desirable feature, I'll go ahead and implement it.

Given the current state of things, and the issue described above, 
I think a linker/platform independent flag would be nice.

However, I'd much rather have the compiler just be a compiler and 
not have to worry about all the intricacies building.  IMO, the 
compiler should get out of the linking business altogether, and 
just generate object files.  A separate build tool could then 
call the compiler, linker, and whatever else to do builds.  But 
that ship has probably sailed.


Re: can we un-deprecate .ptr on arrays in @safe code? cf issue 18529

2018-02-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at 08:43:32 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

see rationale in

It looks like the actual deprecation was made with this PR:  Meaning it's been 
deprecated for more than a year and a half.

I think you're going to have to take it up with Walter.


Re: C++ launched its community survey, too

2018-02-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at 15:52:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 


"If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about any 
part of C++, what would it be, and how would that change help 
your daily work?"

Deprecate C++, endorse D, and allocate all existing resources to 
either improving D, or implementing a fork of D.

"Do you have any additional feedback for C++ standardization?"

It's time for C++ to retire, and make room for better, emerging 
languages.  I hate having to use it.

Re: Opt-in non-null class references?

2018-02-28 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 at 13:43:37 UTC, SimonN wrote:


Andrei said in 2014 that not-null-references should be the 
priority of 2014's language design, with consideration to make 
not-null the default. In case the code breakage is too high, 
this can be an opt-in compiler flag.

You might be interested in this little experiment:


Re: Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-03-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 22:02:17 UTC, sarn wrote:

When I wrote Xanthe a year ago, I rolled my own classes using 
alias this and explicit vtables:
(I did this because normal D classes use the druntime library, 
and Xanthe was an experiment in not using the D runtime at all.)

Nice!  I was thinking about something almost exactly like this 
recently since 2.079.0 has features to further decouple the 
language from the runtime.  It would be nice to read a blog post 
about this technique.


Re: Question over C++ to D conversion

2018-03-11 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 01:10:41 UTC, Richard wrote:

There's a couple of outstanding things at the moment though

The first is the use of BetterC, although from what I can tell 
DMD now has support for a minimal runtime feature as part of 
so hopefully when this makes it's way into LDC I can then make 
use of it for an Arm MCU for creating class's without the full 

I'm hoping for that to land soon as well.  The minimal runtime 
features and -betterC do have some overlap, but there are some 
specific things -betterC does that the minimal runtime doesn't 
do.  See  At least one such 
feature is "assert failures are directed to the C runtime 

The minimal runtime has uses for those wishing to port the 
druntime to a new platform or architecture and do so 
incrementally.  It's also useful for those that may choose to 
implement minimal subset of runtime features or provide an 
alternate implementation of a runtime feature for their 
application.  This is especially useful in the embedded domain 
where there is typically one process running, and you know 
upfront what features you will need or not need; and you won't 
have to do the work of porting everything just to get a build.

-betterC, on the other hand, is somewhat of a blunt instrument, 
and removes certain features of the runtime wholesale.

With the minimal runtime features, you will be able to create a 
betterC-like application by simply avoiding features that you 
haven not implemented in your port of the runtime.  That wasn't 
possible prior to 2.079.0.

I was wondering if there are any other ways that are known 
about for translating C++ into D, or accessing C++ libraries.

I'm sorry I don't know of any reliable tool that can create 
bindings to C++ libraries automatically.


Re: #dbugfix Issue 5710

2018-03-19 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 00:00:22 UTC, ciechowoj wrote:

Digging out and old yet important issue.


Re: #dbugfix Issue 5710

2018-03-19 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 02:28:21 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 19 March 2018 at 17:17, Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d 

On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 00:00:22 UTC, ciechowoj wrote:

Digging out and old yet important issue.


Oh oh, !!

Submit a #dbugfix 5227 to the General Forum to make sure this 
gets counted.  For more information see


Re: #dbugfix Issue 5710

2018-03-19 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 02:45:34 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

IMHO, it would be _huge_ if this issue could be fixed.

Mike Parker, I think that means +1.

Re: Bachelor level projects

2018-03-20 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 14:44:39 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 


At the Polytechnic University of Bucharest we are organizing a 
special program called CDL[1], where Bachelor students are 
mentored to make their first open source contributions.

I think it's a great idea to involve D in this program, but for 
this to be successful, I need your help in finding ideas for 
Bachelor level projects, which can be solved until the end of 
May (anything from new features to more impactful bugs).

If there is anything on your wish list which matches the 
criteria above, feel free to share.

Alex J

There's a lot of good low-barrier-to-entry stuff in this post by 

It's not really a project in itself, but it is an excellent 
stepping stone for getting involved in contributing to DMD.


Re: Bachelor level projects

2018-03-20 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 14:44:39 UTC, Alexandru Jercaianu 

If there is anything on your wish list which matches the 
criteria above, feel free to share.

There's also a lot of low-barrier-to-entry stuff in this project 
I created a while ago:

I haven't worked on it because it's not a high priority to me, 
but it would be nice to have an aspiring software developer start 
picking away at it.


Re: #dbugfix 17592

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 21:27:53 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
This is very important to me as I am very interested in using 
the language for game development.

Yes I know that it's marked as "Duplicated", but I strongly 
disagree as it is different enough to consider is own issue.


Yeah that's pretty poopy.  I looked into this and I think this is 
fixable.  Here's my proof of concept:

import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.traits;

* This code was copied right out of druntime and
* attributed with @nogc
extern (C) void rt_finalize(void *data, bool det=true) @nogc;
void destroy(T)(T obj) @nogc if (is(T == class))

* This emplace implementation below was copied
* right out of std.conv and attributed with @nogc
@nogc pure nothrow @safe
void testEmplaceChunk(void[] chunk, size_t typeSize, size_t 
typeAlignment, string typeName)

assert(chunk.length >= typeSize, "emplace: Chunk size too 
assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % typeAlignment == 0, 
"emplace: Chunk is not aligned.");


T emplace(T, Args...)(T chunk, auto ref Args args) @nogc
if (is(T == class))
static assert(!isAbstractClass!T, T.stringof ~
" is abstract and it can't be emplaced");

// Initialize the object in its pre-ctor state
enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
(() @trusted => (cast(void*) chunk)[0 .. classSize] = 

static if (isInnerClass!T)
static assert(Args.length > 0,
"Initializing an inner class requires a pointer to 
the outer class");

static assert(is(Args[0] : typeof(T.outer)),
"The first argument must be a pointer to the outer 

chunk.outer = args[0];
alias args1 = args[1..$];
else alias args1 = args;

// Call the ctor if any
static if (is(typeof(chunk.__ctor(args1
// T defines a genuine constructor accepting args
// Go the classic route: write .init first, then call ctor
static assert(args1.length == 0 && !is(typeof(&T.__ctor)),
"Don't know how to initialize an object of type "
~ T.stringof ~ " with arguments " ~ 

return chunk;

T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args) @nogc
if (is(T == class))
enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
testEmplaceChunk(chunk, classSize, classInstanceAlignment!T, 

return emplace!T(cast(T)(chunk.ptr), args);

* This code was copied from

* and attributed with @nogc
class TestClass
int x;

this(int x) @nogc
puts("TestClass's constructor called");
this.x = x;

~this() @nogc
puts("TestClass's destructor called");

T heapAllocate(T, Args...) (Args args) @nogc
import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
import core.memory : GC;

// get class size of class instance in bytes
auto size = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);

// allocate memory for the object
auto memory = malloc(size)[0..size];
import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;

puts("Memory allocated");

// notify garbage collector that it should scan this memory
GC.addRange(memory.ptr, size);

// call T's constructor and emplace instance on
// newly allocated memory
return emplace!(T, Args)(memory, args);

void heapDeallocate(T)(T obj) @nogc
import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
import core.memory : GC;

// calls obj's destructor

// garbage collector should no longer scan this memory

// free memory occupied by object

puts("Memory deallocated");

void main() @nogc
// allocate new instance of TestClass on the heap
auto test = heapAllocate!TestClass(42);

printf("test.x = %d\n", test.x);

Step 1.  Make `emplace` @nogc
So we need to attribute `std.conv.emplace` as @nogc.  Based on 
the code above, that looks feasible.  The difficulty, though will 
be writing thorough tests for it.

Step 2. Make `destroy` @nogc
`destroy` simply calls `rt_finalize` in the runtime, at least for 
classes.  I declared it as `@nogc` in the cod

Re: understanding Auto-Test

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 01:46:08 UTC, John Belmonte wrote:
I'm trying to understand why my pull request was queued in D2 
Auto-Test for only 2 of 8 tests, with the remaining left in 
pending state.

Since there are pending tests, I'd expect it to appear in the 
standard priority pull queue under "Has passes".

What I'm I overlooking?


I believe what happened is a different PR was merged.  When a PR 
is merged, all tests are invalidated, and the autotester begins 
testing them again.

There is also a priority affecting which PRs get tested first.  
Those that are labeled with "AutoMerge" are given a higher 


Re: understanding Auto-Test

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 04:17:52 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

Let's see what happens after the auto-tester starts testing it 

Note that it could be a while, as there are PRs that will be 
getting merged in the next 24 hours that will restart the test 


Re: understanding Auto-Test

2018-03-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 04:12:00 UTC, John Belmonte wrote:

I'm still rather puzzled.  My pull request remains with 8 tests 
pending after several hours.  I can't find any confirmation on 
the pulls display that 
it intends to run the tests.   Surely being listed in the "Old 
results" table doesn't imply pending runs against a new SHA, 
otherwise why would there be entries there dated 2017?

I see.  It appears GitHub didn't pick of the latest status (or 
the auto-tester didn't notify GitHub; I'm not which way the data 

Let's see what happens after the auto-tester starts testing it 
again.  I'll keep an eye on it.


Re: Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-04-02 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 07:02:07 UTC, sarn wrote:

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 22:07:24 UTC, sarn wrote:

On Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 04:37:08 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
Nice!  I was thinking about something almost exactly like 
this recently since 2.079.0 has features to further decouple 
the language from the runtime.  It would be nice to read a 
blog post about this technique.


I didn't realise there was any interest.  Sure, I'll try to 
make it one of my next few posts.

I decided to pull some basic background info about vtables, 
etc, into its own post.  I'll write about taking advantage of 
alias this and template metaprogramming in a later post.

Nice!  Looking forward to part 2.


Re: Vtable for virtual functions in D

2018-04-02 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 22:02:17 UTC, sarn wrote:

When I wrote Xanthe a year ago, I rolled my own classes using 
alias this and explicit vtables:
(I did this because normal D classes use the druntime library, 
and Xanthe was an experiment in not using the D runtime at all.)

I'm curious about this comment in the code:

Unfortunately, "protected" doesn't work, so a lot of members 
end up being public.  This seems to just be an oversight in the 
language, so maybe it will change in future versions of D.

What specifically do you think should be changed in the language 
to support your idea?


Re: [OT] Unity migrating parts of their engine from C++ into High Performace C# (HPC#)

2018-04-03 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 18:54:28 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:

Interesting that they are going the "No classes allowed" 
approach. It looks like the bullet points can be done in better 
c mode of D.

I think you'll find Sarn's work on Xanthe quite interesting:

D provides some remarkable features (type introspection, mixins, 
templates, etc...) that could make something like this possible 
in D.

Regardless, I been pushing for a way to deallocated classes in 
the @nogc context, which apparently not very much people here 
seemed to care about.

I think people care, but it's a difficult problem to solve due to 
the burden of some of D's technical debt.  I know you are aware 
of the proposed ProtoObject which may provide an eventual 
solution.  I, for one, am considering abandoning classes 
altogether and looking for ways to build on Sarn's aforementioned 
work to make object hierarchies in D using only structs.


Re: DIP 1013: The Deprecation Process -- Community Review Round 1

2018-04-05 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 07:05:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1013 is titled "The Deprecation Process".

I think there should be some clarification on the stages of 
deprecation.  For example, something like this:

Stage 1: T0 - Start of deprecation
  1. The deprecated feature is added to the Deprecated Features 
page to notify the public that a decision has been made to 
deprecate the feature.
  2. Pull requests are submitted to update relevant sections of 
the documentation notifying readers that the feature has been 
  3. Pull requests are submitted to remove all usages of the 
deprecated feature from DLang repositories.
  4. Pull requests are submitted to cause the compiler to emit 
deprecation messages for any usage of the deprecated feature, and 
to update the Deprecated Features page with the release version 
of this change.  A changelog entry is also required at this time.

Stage 2: T0 + 5 non-patch releases
  1. Pull requests are submitted to cause the compiler to emit 
error messages for any usage of the deprecated feature, and to 
update the Deprecated Features page with the release version of 
this change.  A changelog entry is also required at this time.

Stage3: T0 + 10 non-patch releases
  1. Pull requests are submitted to remove all knowledge of the 
deprecated feature from both the documentation and the 
implementation.  The Deprecated Features page is updated with the 
release version of this change.  A changelog entry is also 
required at this time.

In order to facilitate on schedule deprecations, a comment of 
the format @@@DEPRECATED_[version]@@@ should be added to the 
top of the code to be removed/disabled.

Is `[version]` the version in which the deprecation took place, 
or the future version in which the next stage is to take place.  
For example, if I'm deprecating a feature in 2.080, should 
`[version]` be 2.080, or 2.085 (the version in which the features 
is changed to an error)?


Re: Embedded Systems (STM32) LDC Absolute minimal runtime

2018-04-05 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 5 April 2018 at 15:58:28 UTC, Cora Dias wrote:

Hi...i am a new user here.


As per my observation as suggested above you need a minimal 
runtime implementation that implements the features of D that 
your code is using, some that your code is not using but is 
required by the compiler just to get a build.

Yeah, so D can be both a systems programming language and an 
applications programming language, and it's even convenient 
enough to use a scripting language :-)  But that means that it 
has both high level and low level features.

If you want to do bare-metal programming on the STM32 (or any 
resource-constrained micrcontroller), you may not want or need 
things like the garbage collector, runtime type information, etc. 
(though with something like the STM32F7, it may be the right 
choice). To do the low-level stuff, you just need the fundamental 
compiler facilities, and not much, if anything, from the runtime. 
 So, you have a few options:

1) The -betterC switch - This switch allows you to use D like C.  
No classes, No runtime-type information, no exceptions, but you 
still get the compiler facilities like templates, mixins, etc. 
that aren't found in C.  Thus it is a "better C".  See and for lots of information 
about that.

I am, personally, not a fan of betterC, and affectionately call 
it worseD.  IMO, if the compiler would just be fixed to reduce 
coupling to the runtime (as was done recently in 2.079.0) betterC 
would not be needed.

2) A v2.079.0 compliant compiler - 2.079.0 did some long overdue 
decoupling of the compiler from the runtime so you no longer get 
compiler errors for missing features that your code doesn't even 
make use of.  See for more 
information about that.

3) A pre-2.079.0 version of a compiler with useless stubs to get 
the compiler to shut up and generate your binary.  Trying to make 
a minimal runtime with the current LDC release is fraught with 
problems: (1) 
(2)  GDC is much 
better, but still requires a few useless stubs to get a build 

LDC is currently working on adding the 2.079.0 features:  I hope it will 
be in the next LDC release.  When that's done it will be a much 
better competitor with GDC (and may even surpass it) when it 
comes to ARM Cortex-M programming in D.  I'm currently trying to 
find a way to contribute to GDC to accelerate its progress, but I 
have a lot to learn.

A few resource which you may find interesting: - probably the most complete 
port of the D runtime to the ARM Cortex-M platform.  I think it's 
only compatible with GDC at the moment though. - A proof of 
concept illustrating the bare-metal programming ARM Cortex-M 
microcontrollers without the need for -betterC, opting for 
minimal runtime instead, is feasible., - A 
very cool way of using D's mixin features to simulate classes without the D 

I hope that will give you some of what you were looking for.


Re: #dbugfix 18493

2018-04-16 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 13:40:55 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 13:01:44 UTC, Radu wrote:

A blocker for more advanced 'betterC' usage.

From what I can gather this appears to be caused by a 
`scope(failure)` statement 
being added to the Postblit body (a.k.a. __fieldPostblit 
internally in the compiler).  I'm assuming `scope(failure)` is 
just syntactic sugar for a try-catch.

I don't know how Walter wants to handle such a situation in 
-betterC.  If I knew, I might be able to fix this bug.


Re: #dbugfix 18493

2018-04-16 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 00:27:07 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

It is odd though since

void foo (){}
extern(C) void main()
scope(exit) foo();

compiles and runs with -betterC

I believe `scope(exit)` is fine because it is basically 
try-finally, but `scope(failure)` won't work because it is 


Re: #dbugfix 18493

2018-04-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 05:33:53 UTC, Radu wrote:

This is very odd, as the following compiles:
struct S


struct C
S s1;

If the scope failure would cause this then I assume it would 
not work at all in any case.

Yeah! I think that is also a bug.  So (at least right now in my 
investigation) I think we first need to fix it so that it emits 
the error even with a single statement, and then fix it so it no 
longer generates the `scope(failure)` in -betterC.


Re: #dbugfix 18493

2018-04-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 12:13:06 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 05:33:53 UTC, Radu wrote:

This is very odd, as the following compiles:
struct S


struct C
S s1;

If the scope failure would cause this then I assume it would 
not work at all in any case.

Yeah! I think that is also a bug.

Nope, that's not a bug.  The reason the try-catch is only 
generated with two or more fields is to ensure that if an 
exception is thrown while blitting `s2`, `s1`'s destructor will 
still be called.

I'm not sure what the proper fix is yet.  The compiler could 
require you to attribute `this(this)` with `nothrow` in order to 
promise the compiler that it won't throw.  Then the compiler 
would know that it wouldn't need to add the try-catch around the 
postblit because there's no way for it to throw.  That would also 
ensure consistent behavior when compiling the same code with or 
without -betterC.

However, since throwing is off-limits entirely for -betterC, it 
doesn't make much sense to generate try-catch statements, only to 
have the compiler emit an error about it.

Maybe I should implement both. I need to sleep on it.


Re: DIP 1013: The Deprecation Process -- Community Review Round 1

2018-04-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 April 2018 at 07:05:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1013 is titled "The Deprecation Process".

I've been thinking about the deprecation schedule being measure 
in terms of releases, and I don't like it. How was the 10-version 
schedule determined anyway; probably because it equated to 2 
years under the current release schedule (1 year as a deprecation 
warning, 1 year as an error).  So time is the intrinsic impetus.  
If we were to move to a schedule of releases every 6 months, 
would that require a deprecation period of 5 years? I sure hope 
not.  Or, if we were to move to a schedule of releases every 
month, would the deprecation period be only 10 months?  Cool!

I suggest making it "a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 10 
releases", or something of that nature.


Re: DIP 1013: The Deprecation Process -- Community Review Round 1

2018-04-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 12:28:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> In order to facilitate on schedule deprecations, a comment 
> of the format @@@DEPRECATED_[version]@@@ should be added to 
> the top of the code to be removed/disabled.

Is `[version]` the version in which the deprecation took 
place, or the future version in which the next stage is to 
take place. For example, if I'm deprecating a feature in 
2.080, should `[version]` be 2.080, or 2.085 (the version in 
which the features is changed to an error)?

As I said before, it's never changed to an error. The DIP quite 
specifically never does that, and really I don't think that it 

The current process, as I understand it for language features, is 
the deprecated feature is a deprecation message for a year, and 
then an error for a year.  After 2 years of being deprecated it 
is removed.  Perhaps you were only referring to a deprecated 
library feature.


Re: Using D without libphobos

2018-04-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 26 April 2018 at 03:04:55 UTC, A. Nicholi wrote:

I am working on a large cross-platform project, which will be 
written primarily in D, interfacing to C as necessary. To get 
finer control over memory safety, binary size, and use of the 
GC, we would like to disclude libphobos as a dependency in lieu 
of our own code. The project is compiled using LDC.

I am not sure if this is possible though, as it seems there are 
certain things in libphobos that are tightly coupled into the D 
runtime. There are several things in the core namespace that 
would be helpful for us (SIMD, C bindings, etc), but I am not 
sure if that is not also part of libphobos along with the other 

How do I remove libphobos as a runtime dependency with ld and 
MSVC’s link.exe? Is it possible to decouple core from other 
parts of the runtime, and if so, how?

I suggest reading the following 2 items before digging deeper:

Next you should realize that Phobos and DRuntime are actually 2 
different things that are, unfortunately, often compiled together 
into one "libphobos2" binary when the compiler is released.

Phobos is the standard library:

DRuntime contains C language bindings, OS bindings, and some D 
language feature implementations, including the GC.

It's quite unfortunate there so much hard coupling between all of 
these components, but that's the way it is.  Phobos depends on 
DRuntime.  DRuntime depends on C language bindings and OS 

Compiling the simplest of programs with DMD 
( results in the following C 
compiler invocation:

cc onlineapp.o -o /tmp/dmd_run3nK4IS -g -m64 -Xlinker -v 
-L/dlang/dmd/linux/bin64/../lib64 -Xlinker --export-dynamic 
-Xlinker -Bstatic -lphobos2 -Xlinker -Bdynamic -lpthread -lm -lrt 

Which in turn calls the following linker invocation:
GNU gold (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu 2.29.1) 1.14
collect2 version 7.2.0
/usr/bin/ld -plugin 
-plugin-opt=-pass-through=-lgcc -plugin-opt=-pass-through=-lgcc_s 
-plugin-opt=-pass-through=-lc -plugin-opt=-pass-through=-lgcc 
-plugin-opt=-pass-through=-lgcc_s --sysroot=/ --build-id 
--eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 --hash-style=gnu --as-needed 
-dynamic-linker /lib64/ -pie -z now -z relro 
-o /tmp/dmd_run3nK4IS 
-L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu 
-L/usr/lib/../lib -L/dlang/dmd/linux/lib64 
-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/../../.. onlineapp.o -v 
--export-dynamic -Bstatic -lphobos2 -Bdynamic -lpthread -lm -lrt 
-ldl -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed -lc -lgcc 
--as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed 

The compiler uses the C compiler (unfortunately again) to do its 
linking; and it becomes evident that D is in some ways a layer on 
top of C.

You can compile some D programs without linking libphobos2, but 
will require separate compilation and linking because the 
compiler itself actually hard-codes the call to the linker 
(actually the C compiler as demonstrated above).  Example 3 at 
demonstrates this.

If you use that method, you won't be able to use certain features 
of D that have runtime implementations.  The obvious ones are 
classes, dynamic arrays, and exceptions.

I could go on, but I'd have to make some assumptions about what 
you're really after.  Feel free to ask more specific questions 
and I'll be happy to share what I know (or at least what I think 
I know; sometimes I'm wrong).


Re: Using D without libphobos

2018-04-26 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 26 April 2018 at 09:24:19 UTC, A. Nicholi wrote:

So in a way, the D runtime is similar to libstdc++, providing 
implementations of runtime language features.

I would argue that Phobos is more analogous to libstc++, but 
there are some language features in C++ that are implemented in 
libstc++.  For example, if you try to compile the following code.

int main()
throw 1;
return 0;

$g++ -c main.cpp
$ld main.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 

main.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to 

main.cpp:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `typeinfo for int'
main.cpp:(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `__cxa_throw'

So, yeah those "__cxa_..." functions are very similar to what 
you'll find in Druntim.  D calls them runtime hooks, and you can 
find an unmaintained list of them here:

Here's similar experiment in D.  IMO D is actually better than 
C++ in this regard because it emits a compile-time error, instead 
of a linker error, when it can't find something in the runtime 
that it needs.

module object;
// this useless object.d file is currently required, though I'm 
trying to

// find a way to get rid of such nonsense.
// See

void main()
throw new Exception("whatever");

$dmd -conf= -defaultlib= main.d
main.d(3): Error: Cannot use throw statements because 
object.Throwable was not declared

But it is also like C++ in that those language features can be 
avoided, correct?

That was the goal with the "minimal runtime" features released in 
v2.079.  It's still a work in progress though.  See

But, yes, as long as you avoid certain features that require 
runtime implementations in your code, you should still be able to 
write software in D.  And, if I am allowed to have may way, it 
should get even better.

At least with the use of minimal D, I mean. This means that as 
a language, there is enough granularity to theoretically 
provide as few or as many features as one desires for their use 
case, making the penning of new C and C++ code redundant? Do I 
get this right?

Not sure if I totally understand that, but it sounds right on.  
The goal with the minimal runtime features is to allow one use D 
on any platform in a pay-as-you-go fashion.  That is, you only 
need to implement what you intend to use.  The primary use case I 
have in mind is using D for resource-constrained 
microcontrollers, though it would also be useful for libraries 
written in D, but intended to be linked in by applications 
written in other languages.  I'm there are also use cases that I 
haven't even thought of.


Re: Bugzilla & PR sprint on the first weekend of every month

2018-05-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 18:48:15 UTC, Seb wrote:
What do you guys think about having a dedicated "Bugzilla & PR 
sprint" at the first weekend of very month?

We could organize this a bit by posting the currently "hot" 
bugs a few days ahead and also make sure that there are plenty 
of "bootcamp" bugs, s.t. even newcomers can start to get 

Even if you aren't too much interested in this effort, being a 
bit more active on Slack/IRC or responsive on GitHub on this 
weekend would help, s.t. newcomers interested in squashing D 
bugs get over the initial hurdles pretty quickly and we can 
finally resolve the long-stalled PRs and find a consensus on 

What do you think? Is this something worth trying?

Maybe the DLF could also step in and provide small goodies for 
all bug hunters of the weekend (e.g. a "D bug hunter" shirt if 
you got more than X PRs merged).

I like the idea, but our current deficiency is not contributions, 
but reviews.  If we do something like this, we'll probably get 
more PRs in the queue, but they may end up sitting there waiting 
for a decision through to the next sprint.  I, alone, could 
easily fill the PR queue with more contributions from my backlog, 
but that will just take resources away from other PRs waiting for 

IMO what we need is a way to increase the number of people who 
have the talent and good judgement to quickly bring PRs to a 
resolution (merge or close), and to mentor contributors so they 
can become mentors themselves.  With more review capacity (and 
velocity) we'd probably get more contributions organically 
without any additional effort or organization.


Re: Is D releasing too often?

2018-05-14 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 14 May 2018 at 07:20:48 UTC, Joakim wrote:

There are obviously pros and cons to each pace, and this has 
been debated internally before, with one of the ldc devs again 
posting to the Internals mailing list today questioning the 
current speed.

The post is here:

My interpretation of that post is it's not the frequency of 
releases that's the problem, but rather that bug fixes and 
language changes are mixed together in each release.  If it's 
really a problem, one potential solution could be to keep bug fix 
releases every 2 months, but only release language changes every 
4 or 6 months.  But that's not cost-free either, as it will put 
more of a burden on compiler developers and release managers to 
maintain parallel branches and deal with the inevitable hassle 
and controversy involved in deciding which PR goes in which 
branch, as sometimes bug fixes and language changes are the same 
thing.  Reviewing PRs requires quite a bit of subjective 
judgement and conflicting opinions, and it's best to not add more 
aggravation to an already aggravating process.

I thought I'd open it up to the community: now that you've 
experienced this faster pace, as a user of the D compilers, how 
do you like it? Would you prefer a slower release schedule, say 
3-4 major releases a year?

I think the pace is just about right, though I could even 
tolerate even more frequent releases.  Less frequent releases 
would actually be a somewhat irritating to me.  For example, I 
have a language change in 2.081 that I really need in LDC today, 
but it looks like I'm going to have to wait at least 4 months to 
get it.

IMO, the current schedule is working out quite well.


Re: DIP 1011 library alternative

2018-05-15 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 22:26:54 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I _think_ that it only works if the function isn't templated.

A PR to remove that limitation has been submitted at, but once again, we're 
waiting on someone from the top to give it their blessing.


Re: Arduino and D

2018-05-16 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 08:48:26 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Is D wthout Phobos useful for IoT or should one stick with 
C,Lua, and MicroPython? Is IoT an opportunity for D or is it a 
false direction given D is an x86/x86_64 oriented programming 

Using D for programming ARM Cortex-M 32-bit microcontrollers is 
one of my primary interests for learning and contributing to D.

When 2.081 arrives at LDC, I'll hopefully get that demonstration 
working with LDC.

-betterC is not necessary, but you have to be selective about 
which features you use in D.  Some parts of Phobos could be used, 
but they'd have to be selectively pulled out of  the source code.


Re: Expression based contract syntax

2018-05-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:28:10 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran wrote:

Has this been implemented in DMD master?

So I was looking at the changelog[1] and tried to build the 
example, but it erred.

I believe it will arrive in the next release, 2.081.  I think you 
can use it from one of the nightly builds, but there might 
currently be a problem with our the publishing of our nightlies:


Re: Help me please fix the bug

2018-05-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:


[majestio@freebsd ~/Projects/webapp]$ dub
Performing "debug" build using /usr/local/bin/dmd for x86_64.
taggedalgebraic 0.10.11: target for configuration "library" is 
up to date.

eventcore 0.8.34: building configuration "kqueue"...
 Error: function 
'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this.__lambda1' is not nothrow
 Error: nothrow constructor 
'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this' may throw
 Error: function 'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kevent' is not nothrow
 Error: nothrow function 
'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.doProcessEvents' may throw
/usr/local/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.

I'm not sure, but I recently fixed an issue very much related to 

I'm curious if you could download one of the nightly compilers 
and test if it is still problem:


Re: Help me please fix the bug

2018-05-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:

@safe nothrow {
m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
m_events.length = 100;
assert(m_queue >= 0, "Failed to create kqueue.");

Also, I believe this is __lambda1:

m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();

Is `kqueue()` nothrow?  You probably need to decorate that lambda 
with `nothrow`.  (i.e. put a `nothrow` right after `@trusted`.


Re: Help me please fix the bug

2018-05-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 09:35:28 UTC, Majestio wrote:

Also, I believe this is __lambda1:

m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();

Is `kqueue()` nothrow?  You probably need to decorate that 
lambda with `nothrow`.  (i.e. put a `nothrow` right after 


`kqueue()` is not nothrow. From log: "Error: function 
'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kqueue' is not nothrow"

This decoration does not solve the problem :(

But you're calling it from a `nothrow` function through a lambda 
that is also not `nothrow`.  Decorate your lambda as `nothrow` 
and then, if you can't make `kqueue()` `nothrow`, put it in a 
try-catch and figure out what to do if it does throw.

m_queue = () @trusted nothrow
return kqueue();
catch(Exception ex)
// what do you want to do about it?
} ();


Re: Need help with the dmd package on NixOS

2018-05-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 10:28:37 UTC, Thomas Mader wrote:

On Friday, 11 May 2018 at 04:27:20 UTC, Thomas Mader wrote:
My suspicion about the switch to glibc 2.27 being the problem 
was wrong.
I did a very timeconsuming bisection and found the problem 
commit to be the one which bumped binutils to 2.30.

Can somebody help me to answer the question from please.
The object is created by the dmd backend but where in the code 
is binutils used?

I'm not sure I understand.  Does binutils need to be used to 
generated an object file?  My understanding is the DMD creates 
the object file without the help of binutils.  The only time 
binutils is really called is when it calls `gcc` to do  the link 


Re: CI buildbots

2018-05-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 07:21:31 UTC, Manu wrote:

A few of those machines can build AND run the tests in 5-6 
mintues. A

lot under 10 minutes...
Then there's a few that take 45+ minutes. Why are they in the 
pool? Is
it really worth having 20 machines build the thing, especially 
when a

few of them blow the turn-around time to into hours rather than

I'm not sure of the best way to elicit action on this issue, but 
if it were me, I'd try filing and issue at and see what Brad says.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

I would like to see a dependency-less Phobos-like library that 
can be used by the DMD compiler, druntime, -betterC, and other 
runtime-less/phobos-less use cases.  It would have no 
dependencies whatsoever.

There's a lot of useful stuff in Phobos that does not need to be 
dependent on other Phobos modules or Druntime.  std.meta is the 
first that likely comes to mind, but then there's also traits, 
typecons, demangle, etc..

As a contrived illustration, take a look at the code in  Those same features are also in Phobos.

Such a library would make more D idioms available to the 
compilers, druntime, and those that are programming runtime-less 
applications like bare-metal, operating systems, 
microcontrollers, or libraries used from other languages.

I already started a project at 
just a few days ago.  It'd be great is someone else could do the 
work instead :-)


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

It might be useful for measuring D's progress if we had some kind 
of stats about D updated on a daily basis.

This is the most useful page I know of at the moment:

Some stats that would be nice to see:
  * Pull Requests per hour/day/week/month/year
  * PR reviews per hour/day/week/month/year
  * Stats about website (basically the kind of stuff you'd get 
from google analytics dashboard)

  * Number of D repositories on Github/Bitbucket/whatever
  * Number of contributions to D repositories per 

Those are just things that popped into my head while writing this 
post.  I'm sure someone invested in such a project could come up 
with more useful stats.

We just want some data to measure progress (or lack thereof) so 
we can inform where to allocate resources.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Make WebAssembly a thing in D.


Currently C++ and Rust dominate that domain.  D could kick some 
web asm there too.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

An apprentice for Walter.

I think Walter needs an apprentice (or 10).  Too much knowledge 
about D's design decisions, present, and future are locked up in 
his mind.  He needs to be disseminating his knowledge, training 
the next generation of D maintainers, and widening the bottleneck 
that currently exists for fixing bugs and evolving the language.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Get some help allocated to GDC.

It seems progress on GDC has stalled for reasons I'm not quite 
sure of.  I'm trying to help, but it's becoming more apparent 
that I'm not the right person for the job.  Getting GDC up to 
date as much as possible with DMD's frontend and getting GDC 
merged into the next GCC release would be a boon for D.  Is there 
something we can do to move that along?


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Find a way to improve the performance of our CIs.  See

The more time a PR is "green" the higher the likelihood it will 
be reviewed.  Having a more performant CI infrastructure could 
help with our review bottleneck, and also make the experience for 
contributors less frustrating.

GDC is using Buildbot ( for some of its 
CIs.  I've been wondering if it might be less costly and more 
performant to create a distributed Buildbot CI for the dlang 
repositories, and allow community members volunteer their 
hardware resources to bring down the cost and increase the 
throughput of our testing.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Fork newCTFE and bring it to completion:


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

I haven't looked into this myself, but I vaguely remember an 
ongoing problem with DMDs performance (especially memory usage) 
gradually degrading with time.  I think it would be a nice 
exercise for someone to do some profiling on DMD and make some 
recommendations, or under the guidance of Walter, do some 
refactoring to improve DMDs performance.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

An LDC or GDC cross-compiler generator for the Raspberry Pi.

There are already some instructions out there (e.g., but what we really need are shell scripts for Linux and Windows that we can download and run, and out pops a read-to-use compiler that can generate binaries on either Windows or Linux for the Raspberry Pi.

See my GDC cross-compiler generator at

I do a lot of support for scientists, engineers, and 
entrepreneurs of other non-software-related disciplines.  The all 
need to write code and all want to create embedded systems for 
their research or their product.  I believe many of them would 
enjoy D (due to their current knowledge of C) for their work if 
there wasn't such a high barrier to entry just to get the 
development tooling set up.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Building and running the DMD test suite on vanilla Windows is a 
pain.  I never succeeded but it appears to require the user to 
first set up a posix environment and then battle environment 
configuration, and other vague dependencies such as whether you 
are building for 32-bit or 64-bit and whether Visual Studio 2017 
is installed.

I believe most contribute to D with a Linux development machine, 
but sometimes there are Windows-only issues that need to be 
solved.  For that we need to be able to build and test our 
changes on Windows without hassle.

I'd like to see the requirement for a posix environment lifted by 
porting all makefiles to D, so the same code (with appropriate 
`version`ing of course) could be used to compile and build dlang 
repositories on all platforms without a lot of environment setup 
and configuration.  All that would be required a recent D 
compiler in one's PATH.

See for some working 
moving in that direction.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Try to replace some of the basic software building blocks 
(memcpy, memcmp, malloc, free, realloc) that are currently 
leveraged from the platform's C library with counterparts, and 
provide a D API that uses `T[]` instead of void* and provides 
some of D's compile-time guarantees like safety, purity, and 

Implementation would take into consideration a platform's unique 
features such a SIMD.

Determine if there are any special features of D that can 
actually improve the performance of the highly optimized C 
implementations, perhaps leveraging information known at 

The project would provide an exemplary illustration of D's 
capabilities with benchmarks comparing it with C, and hopefully 
demonstrate that we don't need to have artificial dependencies on 
libc anymore.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 04:17:19 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

Try to replace some of the basic software building blocks 
(memcpy, memcmp, malloc, free, realloc) that are currently 
leveraged from the platform's C library with counterparts, and

Sorry, I didn't really complete my thought well in that sentence. 
 I meant to say "... with counterparts written in D".


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 04:58:17 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

In essence a -betterC libc with wrapper functions for extern(D).

I'd prefer to not even need to link in libc.  I mean rewrite 
memcpy, memcmp, malloc, free, and realloc in D.  Once those 
building blocks exist in D, everything becomes possible without 


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

I've often wondered if D has the right features to implement a 
borrow-checker in the library.  Something similar to this:

Probably not, but it would be a fun exercise.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 03:43:16 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

An LDC or GDC cross-compiler generator for the Raspberry Pi.

There are already some instructions out there (e.g., but what we really need are shell scripts for Linux and Windows that we can download and run, and out pops a read-to-use compiler that can generate binaries on either Windows or Linux for the Raspberry Pi.

See my GDC cross-compiler generator at

I do a lot of support for scientists, engineers, and 
entrepreneurs of other non-software-related disciplines.  The 
all need to write code and all want to create embedded systems 
for their research or their product.  I believe many of them 
would enjoy D (due to their current knowledge of C) for their 
work if there wasn't such a high barrier to entry just to get 
the development tooling set up.

Clarification:  It's not just the cross-compiler that we need.  
We need the whole toolchain including druntime, phobos, and a 
linker that can generated both dynamic and static-liked libraries 
from a host PC.  Including other utilities from binutils, LLVM, 
and even a debugger for remote-debugging from the host 
development PC would be ideal.


Re: add scrolling window and possibly src line mapping

2018-05-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 22:33:05 UTC, IntegratedDimensions 
Large code is produced for assmly and others and it would be 
nice if it had it's own window to scroll rather than scrolling 
the entire window.

Also it would be nice if clicking on a line in the src scrolled 
to the proper location in the output

It would also be nice if the imports were removed or hiddable 
from the source.

Probably would be easier to read if also the source code lines 
that generate the assembly were inserted in the code where they 
are disassembled.

Please file issues for at


Contributing to DMD

2018-05-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 14:25:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Common questions I have when looking at dmd code:

Where is this in the source?
How do I know I'm in a function?
How do I know I'm in a template?
What module am I in?
How do I know what has been run?
What is the proper way to generate lowered code?

I hear you, I think most of us have been there.  Razvan also 
mentioned this in the beginning of his DConf talk.  The only 
documentation that I know of is  I believe its very 
outdated, but probably still helpful.  You get to it from the 
from page of the wiki by going to "Compilers & Tools" --> "DMD".

I'll share how I got started, as I think it might serve as a path 
for others.
1.  I filed this issue about `static alias this`:
2.  Vladimir identified it as a regression, and posted the PR 
that broke it.
3.  The PR that broke it was super simple, so I figured if it was 
simple to break, it would be simple to fix.
4.  Yep, after a lot of grepping, it was pretty simple to fix:
5.  It got a little euphoric about fixing this and that motivated 
me to do more.  And it just took off from there.

I recognize not everyone will have a simple fix like this to get 
them past the barrier to entry.  And fewer will get their PR 
reviewed and merged like mine was (Thanks Petar).

I actually learned a lot by studying other people's PRs, trying 
to learn what they were doing any why.  If you have a bug you'd 
like to fix, search through the open and closed PRs and see if 
you can find something similar.  Study it and see if you can 
extrapolate any understanding from it.

I also received a LOT of help from Iain when I attempted this 
ambitions fix:  Again, 
few people will receive such valuable help, so I am very 
fortunate, but it may be a strategy to just try, knowing your fix 
is wrong, and hope in the review process you'll get the 
information you need to make it correct.  But you could also 
irritate a lot of people if such a PR shows little effort on your 

A few questions I had when I got started:
Q.  How do I build the compiler?
A:  `make -f posix.mak -j4`

Q:  How do I run the test suite locally?
A:  `make -C test/ -f Makefile -j4`

Finally, if anyone needs help, please ask questions on the forum 
(General or Internals for compiler devs), slack, IRC, etc.  If 
you don't get an answer, it doesn't mean you're being ignored; 
not many people know how to answer such questions.

That all being said, here's the kicker which both Steven and 
Rikki alluded to:  We have a review bottleneck, not a 
contribution bottleneck.  If we could attract more talent with 
the domain expertise needed to certify a PR, then the 
contributions would increase organically.  That's a terrible 
reality, but I fear that if anyone heeds any of what I said and 
starts making PRs, their PRs will just rot in the PR queue 
waiting for a review.  Finding minuscule problems with a PR is 
easy, being able to say "yes, this is the right fix" is 
hard...very hard, and comes with consequences if you're wrong. 
Unfortunately, those with the expertise to certify difficult PRs 
tend to be very part-time reviewers, and sorry, I'm not one of 

There are a few characteristics of a PR that will increase 
likelihood of review:

  * Has tests and passes the test suite
  * Is noncontroversial
  * Benefit is obvious (i.e. Fixes a bug, especially a 
regression, and is not an enhancement).  This is preventing me 
from certifying Rikki's PR.
  * Has clear explanation of the problem and the fix so anyone 
can understand it.  Not everyone has an intimate understanding of 
the problem like you, help them out.  This is what is preventing 
me from reviewing and certifying Steven's and Rikki's PRs.

  * It's simple.  The fewer lines of change, the better.

There are few characteristics of a PR that will decrease 
likelihood of a review:

  * No tests and/or test suite shows a red X
  * Is controversial or benefit is not obvious
  * Reviewer has to spend a lot of time studying the code to 
figure out why and what
  * Has a lot of refactoring changes that aren't needed for the 
actual fix

I was thinking about making a set of videos about how to get 
started contributing to the compiler, but I decided it wouldn't 
be a good idea until we can do something about our PR bottleneck; 
it'd probably just fill the PR queue making matters worse.

Anyway, that's my two-cents.  Take everything I've said with a 
grain of salt (as they say); I'm often wrong.


Re: D's Destructors are What Scott Meyers Warned Us About

2018-05-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 13:12:57 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Hm.. that should be fixed. I don't see why we can't just do = 
T.init, we should at least be optimizing to this for small 
enough structs.

The problem I ran into with this is that if you use T.init 
directly you end up making copies (postblit) and then needing to 
destruct those copies since they are temporary.  That's why I had 
to lower it to simpler byte array primitive.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 14:25:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

How do I know I'm in a function?

I don't think you're ever actually "in a function". The code is 
just data passing through the compiler.  I think what your may be 
asking is "How do I know I'm working on a function?". That 
depends on what stage in the the code->binary translation process 
your at (parsing, semantic, {not sure about others}).  Usually 
this is done with a `visit(` method.  grep for 
`visit(FuncDeclaration` or `visit(FuncExp`.  You may be deep in 
the body of a function, processing some other expression, though. 
 For that, you'll want to turn on the logging features in DMD 
when you do a build so you can see output each time an expression 
is visited; grep for `LOGSEMANTIC`.

How do I know I'm in a template?

Same principle as above.  grep for `visit(TemplateInstance` or 

What module am I in?

grep `visit(Module`, maybe?

I think for all of my answers above, you can also navigate up the 
AST using the `.parent` property of a symbol; see the 
dmd.dsymbol.Dsybmol class.

How do I know what has been run?

I'd say by turning on logging in the various source files.

What is the proper way to generate lowered code?

You're basically writing D code with D code.  The `Expression` 
class and it's derived classes are where its at.  See my failed 
attempt at lowering array literals to template here:

Also my Binary Assignment Operators PR is an exemplary exercise 
in lowering:

Hope that helps at least a little.  It'll probably just generate 
more questions, but keep them coming.


Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 18:08:35 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

As a contrived illustration, take a look at the code in  Those same features are also in Phobos.

OT, numberDigits enters an infinite loop if radix == 1.

and crashes for radix == 0

All the more reason to implement my proposal.

Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 12:23:35 UTC, Seb wrote:

I just gave converting the DMD Make build script to D a quick 
shot and it doesn't look too complicated:

Very Nice!  Many thumbs up!  And, welcome back!


Re: Draft for DIP concerning destroy is up.

2018-05-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 20:08:23 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:

Feedback would be very appreciated.

I was under the impression that Andrei's ProtoObject was supposed 
to remedy that:$1lud$


Re: D's Destructors are What Scott Meyers Warned Us About

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 19:05:38 UTC, Manu wrote:

For my money it would be:
destroy() <- just destroy
reset() <- destroy and re-init

Or something like that.

class.destruct(); <- destroy without init?

Yeah that. I'll make a PR!

I had an in-depth discussion with Andrei about this at

He ultimately gave up on trying to explain it to me and created 
his own PR here:

It's be good to review that discussion, and perhaps weigh in on 


Re: D's Destructors are What Scott Meyers Warned Us About

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 23:47:33 UTC, sarn wrote:

That std.signals code that Steven filed a bug report for is 
example of why we can't just fix the behaviour, though.  If we 
just fixed __dtor/__xdtor, any code that used std.signals would 
start having ugly bugs at run time.

I think that longer term we'll have to deprecate and remove 
these functions.

I'm very much interested in doing something about these 
functions.  __xdtor is just one.  There are others at  __xtoHash is currently causing problems at

TypeInfo has become my nemesis.  I've been trying to replace 
runtime hooks that depend on TypeInfo with templates that can get 
their information at compile-time, but I'm running into all sorts 
of problems.  e.g. Did you know array.length can be set in @safe 
nothrow pure code, but it lowers to runtime functions that are 
neither @safe, nothrow, nor pure?

Anyway, I'm getting better at modifying the compiler/runtime 
interface.  If we can come up with a solution to this mess, and I 
can understand it, I might be able to implement it.


Re: DIP 1012--Attributes--Preliminary Review Round 1

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 27 July 2017 at 14:44:23 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1012 is titled "Attributes".

All review-related feedback on and discussion of the DIP should 
occur in this thread. The review period will end at 11:59 PM ET 
on August 10 (3:59 AM GMT August 11), or when I make a post 
declaring it complete.

I don't know what's happening with this DIP, but I've recently 
encountered a real-world problem for which there is no palatable 
workaround that this DIP would likely solve:

My attempts to workaround the issue I posted at

That PR may be useful for motivating this DIP.


Re: D's Destructors are What Scott Meyers Warned Us About

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 May 2018 at 16:06:21 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:

You are replacing runtime typeinfo with compiletime templates. 
Unless you can guarantee that the type information won't change 
during runtime, you are going to have a hard time.

Read this thread for context$2hc$

See this PR for an example

And see this talk for a demonstration of the benefits


Re: The problem with D's properties

2018-05-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 01:49:42 UTC, DigitalDesigns wrote:

The problem given in the list, is that a ref getter is used 
when a setter does not exist. Why have a setter then?

One problem is that if the setter has different behavior than 
the getter there will be problems.

The other problem is that += modifies the value.

normally getters are thought to be immutable in the since that 
they just return a value.


a += will modify what a points to.

Using setters, we might want to trigger an event when the value 
changes. But since the getter is used and can modify the event 
won't be triggered.

This is a bad design.

any modifying operator should call the setter. This is 
precisely what "set mean".

a += b is suppose to be syntactic sugar for a = a + b, yet we 
get different behavior. In one case only a getter is called and 
in the second case the getter and then the setter.

How D currently handles this is wrong and error prone. Either 
depreciate the use of op assignments using properties or fix 
it! lvalues should ALWAYS use the setter, it makes no sense 

In case you're not already aware, there is a DIP in progress to 
remedy this issue:  A few 
bugs have already been filed on this, and the DIP intends to 
address that.  If you have anything to add, please voice your 
thoughts in the DIP's PR.


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