Re: Researcher question – what's the point of semicolons and curly braces?

2016-05-03 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
Another thing is that some people (like me) likes to shape the 
code as they wish, some classic examples being :


return predicate() ? a
   : b;

Re: Logo for DlangScience

2016-04-09 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 9 April 2016 at 10:16:36 UTC, 9il wrote:


Where I can find old and new D logo from in svg 
Can I use them as basis for logo for ?

Best regards,


You should be able to download a svg of the new logo from the 
banner. Or you got this :

I am not sure to know which is the old logo you are looking for.

ps: Thanks for ndslice and mir.

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-06 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 2 April 2016 at 16:00:29 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Work on containers has been on hold for three reasons:

1. Paper submission to a conference (more details soon)

2. DConf organizing stuff

3. RCString work, which can proceed in the current language

4. Work on a DIP that allows safe reference counting.

I am confident we'll have good results for all of the above 
(and containers too).


Thanks for the updates (and for your work !), can't wait for 
DConf ! :)

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 15:45:13 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 12:57:12 UTC, matovitch wrote:
I don't know about the implementation of redblack tree in 
phobos, but I am willing to bet on a large performance 
drawback if you compare it against an optimized hash table 
(for example using robin-hood open addressing techniques). And 
I guess it is for sorted set (like a heap) with O(log N) 
insertion and deletion (although this may be just a 
theoretical worry)...Furthermore, the template constraint 
indicate the need of a less predicate which you may not need 
or want to define.

There, save everyone the trouble of implementing this in the 
compiler and complicating the language with special casing by 
just using that.

Yep ! The code is even there.

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 15:39:05 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, April 01, 2016 12:57:12 matovitch via Digitalmars-d 
On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 12:45:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> As it stands, if someone wants a set with Phobos, we have 
> RedBlackTree in std.container. So, we actually have sets 
> already. But all of that will presumably be getting an 
> overhaul with what Andrei has been up to.

I don't know about the implementation of redblack tree in 
phobos, but I am willing to bet on a large performance 
drawback if you compare it against an optimized hash table 
(for example using robin-hood open addressing techniques). And 
I guess it is for sorted set (like a heap) with O(log N) 
insertion and deletion (although this may be just a 
theoretical worry)...Furthermore, the template constraint 
indicate the need of a less predicate which you may not need 
or want to define.

RedBlackTree is a red-black-tree, so it's a sorted set with 
whatever pros and cons come with that. Having a hash set would 
have different pros and cons. Ideally, we would have both, and 
I expect that we will eventually, but at the moment, we just 
have RedBlackTree, but that's more than nothing, and it's 
exactly what would be needed for many use cases even if a hash 
set were available.

- Jonathan M Davis

Indeed, just wanted to point that out. (I guess that's why the 
set was introduced before the unordered one in the c++ stl as 
well). I feel like containers are an old topic. Last time I asked 
I was told : wait for the allocators. What is the advancement on 
this side ? Are there any plan at writing more containers for 
phobos ? (I know that I am in the bad position of 
complaining...but if there is no obstacle...I am ready to write a 
draft of hashset in D, although surely not to phobos standards)

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 12:45:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, April 01, 2016 19:26:46 Daniel Murphy via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 1/04/2016 6:24 AM, deadalnix wrote:
> Pretty much as per title. I has that in the back of my mind 
> for a while. Would that work ?

Don't forget that builtin AAs have been an epic disaster, and 
this would require an appalling amount of effort to implement 
in the compiler types, ctfe, druntime, new traits etc.

Phobos seems like a better place - and while not quite as 
concise, the syntax should still be pretty intuitive.

Given that we already have built-in AA's, I like the idea of 
adding sets like this, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it 
were ultimately a bad idea. Certainly, I agree that having AA's 
built into the language has turned into a disaster even though 
it's theoretically very nice to have - and it has turned out 
quite well for the basic use cases. It just falls apart 
completely once you start caring about stuff like const and 
immutable and anything complicated.

As it stands, if someone wants a set with Phobos, we have 
RedBlackTree in std.container. So, we actually have sets 
already. But all of that will presumably be getting an overhaul 
with what Andrei has been up to.

- Jonathan M Davis

I don't know about the implementation of redblack tree in phobos, 
but I am willing to bet on a large performance drawback if you 
compare it against an optimized hash table (for example using 
robin-hood open addressing techniques). And I guess it is for 
sorted set (like a heap) with O(log N) insertion and deletion 
(although this may be just a theoretical worry)...Furthermore, 
the template constraint indicate the need of a less predicate 
which you may not need or want to define.

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-04-01 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 April 2016 at 11:59:29 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

On Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 19:24:14 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Pretty much as per title. I has that in the back of my mind 
for a while. Would that work ?

I am not sure about that... I would rather have a completely 
new type (`set`) for this purpose.

Agreed, although it looked like a good idea at first, void[T] is 
kind of obscture when you compare it to std::unordered_set in 
C++. Although unordered_map are really practical to the point lua 
made it its only data structure (behind the scene of a dynamic 
language), when I first encountered D I thought this was sad to 
have add it as a build-in construct (phobos would have done 
fine). This thread point out one don't have a satifactory way to 
insert or erase keys and code a specific behavior for void[T] 
just remove all the interest of the similarty with AAs that we 
are looking for in the first place.

Re: Looking for someone that could work on 32 bits support for SDC

2015-10-04 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 3 October 2015 at 18:51:56 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 3 October 2015 at 09:44:06 UTC, ponce wrote:

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 22:35:51 UTC, BBasile wrote:

Tu arrives encore à porter des boots ? au niveau des 
chevilles enflées ca passe encore ?

Keep it civil please.

He knows, that's why he wrote in french. We'll know if he is 
serious about it if he reopens and rebase his PR.

Vu que ca parle francais, je vais pas me gener. ;) Ca sera pas 
pour t'insulter en echappant a la censure mais pas pour ajouter 
quelque chose de productif non plus. Je n'ai vraiment pas le 
temps de participer a un projet comme SDC mais j'ai largement le 
temps de te remercier pour le boulot que ca represente. J'avais 
regarde ta pres a la dconf 2014, l'idee de processer les noeuds 
de maniere asynchrone c'est juste genial (n.b. : je suis sur que 
tu fais gaffe aux chevilles). Keep it up !

p.s.: Il me semble que t' avais besoin d'une hashmap pour le 
runtime. J'ai recement code une hashtable en C++ utilisant une 
des meilleures technique d'open adressing (Robinhood hashing) bcp 
plus rapide que les hashmap de boost ou gcc (3x plus rapide en 
O3) tout en ayant un load factor raisonnable. Ici : En esperant que ca puisse t' aider.

Re: formal review

2015-07-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

Hi Sonke,

Great to see your module moving towards phobos inclusion (I have 
not been following the latest progress of D sadly :() ! Just a 
small remark from the documentation example.

Maybe it would be better to replace :




using a well-named enum instead of a boolean which could seem 
obscure I now Eigen C++ lib use a similar thing for static vs 
dynamic matrix.

Thanks for the read. Regards,


Re: D vs nim

2015-04-14 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at 10:09:15 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:

On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at 06:31:08 UTC, Jadbox wrote:
btw : I think D should get rid off un-bracketed if statement, 
program king is not about sparing the number of lines...but 
that’s again a matter of taste.

I'm that guy on the other side of the fence. I view unbracked 
IFs as an essential part of concise code readability. Brackets 
are the symbolization of a block of logic, meaning multiple 
steps of logic. Being forced to express "this is a block of 
code" for just a single statement after an IF seems bloaty and 
hurts scanning through code. I also feel reducing line numbers 
is something to strive for as long as no readability is 

+1. I personally think that whenever you use unbracketed if the 
statement should be on the same line as the if - but that 
should be checked by configurable style-checkers, not by the 

I also don't like the idea of introducing these kinds of 
breaking changes when the language is supposed to be stable. 
Enforcing some best practices from the beginning of the 
language is beneficial, since I can be sure all code written in 
that language uses these best practices. But if such best 
practices are introduced when the language claims to be stable, 
forcing me to go all over my project to make sure it complies 
to it, and then forking some of the dependencies' repositories 
so I can do the same with them(only this time it's code that 
I'm unfamiliar with) - I'll seriously consider if migrating my 
project to a more stable language might actually be less work 
in the long run, considering that more breaking changes like 
this might be introduced in the future.

Please I wouldn't like to divert this thread into a 
bracketed/un-bracked flame war...In fact I mostly don't care. In 
fact if people like it thats probably the good choice, I just 
like to got only one way to do it *syntax-wise*. But please talk 
about feature, I regret my '.btw:' section.

Re: D vs nim

2015-04-13 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
Sorry if I don't make my point accurately, it's been not so long 
since I started learning English. I often found programming 
language community relates to churchs. I find D to be really 
present on reddit and that’s great because other people can 
discover that wonderful language. But blaming other language for 
doing the same is just plain hypocrite : if it's on top, people 
are interested, it's that simple. That been said I am not 
familiar with nim, but I am really excited about the next 
generation of languages like D and rust. To express my opinion 
about these language and note those are just *opinions*. I think 
D is extraordinary expressive...such a complex language too. From 
a metaprogramming point of view, I am mixed about string mixins, 
the syntax of the 'is' statement (seriously ?), do we need so 
many traits ? Rust opted for type classes over templates 
constraints and ast macros, D had no shame introducing imperative 
programming into the compile time a choice and I kind 
of like even though some might think it's not really pretty. I 
don't like the GC much and I think I wouldn't missed the features 
it allowed, but that won't say I am very grateful about the 
recent improvements (I think it's Martin Nowak to thanks). I 
don't like associative arrays built-in, those are no trivial data 
structure and should be available in phobos. About Phobos, it's 
clearly a big win compare to Rust standard library...for now 
(only...I hope), ranges are plain awesome, algorithm is good. 
Modules, distinction between struct and class, ref and others 
storage classes well that's beyond word : awesome ! Unittests : 
thats political. ;) Foreach is good but why adding an index is 
restricted to built-in arrays and I know about ennumerate, that's 
not the question. Why auto ref arguments taking function should 
be templates (I understand there is a method duplication but that 
is so weird especially not coherent with auto ref *returning 
function) ? I have noticed something about D, sometimes some 
stuff might seems weird at first but often when you dig about it, 
you discover there is a really well thought design choice behind 
it. I don't now rust that much, but I have to admit it looks much 
prettier and a bit less expressive/powerful but again it's D I am 
comparing it to. The two are a great improvement on C++ I get my 
pittance with since four month now, that feels good. A bad think 
about those languages though is that they can also make you kinda 
hate your job sometimes. ;) Well anyway, thanks to all the people 
involved in the design of such heavy machineries as compilers, I 
hope I get more time and experience to help some day (I am more 
in applied maths, so I think I will try to get on this side).

btw : I think D should get rid off un-bracketed if statement, 
programming is not about sparing the number of lines...but that’s 
again a matter of taste.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-12 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 07:17:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

A quick read of this suggests it is doing the Rust model of 
only one mutable reference at a time. Is this really viable 
with D?

I would love to see a storage class to add the rust ownership 
model to D. I surely don't know if it's feasible.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-12 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 04:18:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/11/15 5:35 AM, matovitch wrote:
I am not convinced by the dip77, what about raii managed 
classes with
costly opAssign operator (like in w0rn example) ? The goal of 
passing an

object by reference is to avoid the copy and here you guess the
parameter is ref-counted and made a (pseudo-)copy ? Then any 

opAssign should be marked @system ?

Expensive opAssign or expensive postblit? -- Andrei

Well both in the example given by w0rp. I guess D as no "rule of 
five" but still a "rule of three" (which is in fact rule of four 
with the copy-and-swap idiom) about coding posblit, opAssign and 
destructor together ?

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 11:33:51 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:41:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/11/2015 2:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
" wrote:
It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations

must be explicit.

Don't know of a better solution.

How about this?

Btw, I also made other changes: No implied scope for @safe 
functions, no overloading on scope (instead postblit and 
destructor are skipped), and added a terminology section 
(rather important!).

Just passing, a bit off topic and clearly not familiar enough 
with the discussed subject but in case you missed it the last 
rust blog post is an nice and motivated introduction to their 
ownership system :

I need to read about Marc's scope proposal...I am not convinced 
by the dip77, what about raii managed classes with costly 
opAssign operator (like in w0rn example) ? The goal of passing an 
object by reference is to avoid the copy and here you guess the 
parameter is ref-counted and made a (pseudo-)copy ? Then any 
allocating opAssign should be marked @system ?

Re: Template constraints

2015-03-15 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
Sorry for the mistakes in the above message (and in this one). I 
didnt gave earlier my personnal opinion on the matter but 
essentially if I like the syntax of type classes very much, you 
can do much more with templates constraint and D meta programming 
abilities...But you still have to fix some kind of pragmatic 
limit in the compile time introspection I think...

Re: Template constraints

2015-03-15 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 10:40:17 UTC, w0rp wrote:

On Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 08:29:01 UTC, bearophile wrote:


Is this change the partial proof of another failure of a part 
of D language design? What's the point of template 
constraints? Aren't C++ Concepts better? Or to rephrase that 
in a less trollish way, can D be enhanced to add user-defined 
error messages to template constraints, and is such 
enhancement a good idea?


It's funny you mentioned concepts, because I was just watching 
Bjarne's CppCon 2014 keynote again and I took away two things 
from it.

1. For the overwhelming majority of things Bjarne wants from 
C++ mentioned in that keynote, D has done all of them, and 

2. ...except for concepts.

I believe D does the template error message thing a *whole lot* 
better than C++. That's all because of template constraints, 
static if, and static assert, and I believe those are down to 
Andrei's influence. (Though others likely deserve credit for 
their design, implementation, and maintenance. As always you'll 
probably have to nod to Kenji who works like crazy.)

I've been wondering what we can do to make specifying 
constraints for something like ranges a little easier to write, 
with obviously some underlying complexities which will be hard 
to implement. This doesn't address your concern about error 
messages for constraints really, but what I've thought of is 
roughly this.

Say you write 'copy' currently. You'll do something like this.

void copy(InputRange, OutputRange)(InputRange inputRange, 

if (isInputRange!InputRange && isOutputRange!OutputRange) {
/* Some implementation of copying. */

Maybe you'll use less verbose names and all kinds of things, 
but essentially that is what you're after. I've been wondering 
if it's possible to use compiler magic to make this possible.

// These names conflict with our interfaces in std.range, 
whatever, imagine

// some other name place of them if you like.
template InputRange(T) {
enum InputRange = isInputRange!T;

// The newer syntax makes the above easier...
enum OutputRange(T) = isOutputRange!T;

// Now this works with magic...
void copy()(InputRange inputRange, OutputRange outputRange) {
/* Some implementation of copying. */

If you write this now, the compiler will print an error saying, 
"Hey, you just attempted to use this template which takes one 
argument as a type in this paramter list right here." My idea 
is to take that information and instead of returning an error, 
just go, "Oh, I'll just add another template parameter onto the 
end of your template parameter list here, replace the thing 
which really should be a type here with T from the parameter 
list, use deduction to insert the type for T and then use it, 
then use the template you had originally as a test on the type 
T yielding our boolean expression." I left the extra parens in 
there for 'copy' as I reckon they'll probably be a requirement 
anyway, and then you can't make accidental templates.

You might have to read what I wrote four times to make sense of 
it, but that's my crazy idea others can destroy. I'm more of a 
wild idea guy than a formal specification guy.

I am not sure of what you want to do but that looks like 
"meta-type" like :

void copy(InputRange IRage, OutputRange ORange) (IRange src, 
Orange dest)  {

 /* Some implementation of copying. */

Hashkell has something like that for a long times (early 90s I 
think) wich is call type classes. Essentially, it checks that the 
type implement a certain interface (operators included). You 
could do the same in c++ with boost (now maybe std)::is_base_of I 

Re: A Refcounted Array Type

2015-02-24 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:16:00 UTC, Ulrich Küttler 

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:13:36 UTC, matovitch wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:11:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:08:23 UTC, matovitch wrote:
That's why:

  if (count)

Hmm, I don't see why that's why... :(

The counter is shared amount all "copies" of the array.

Ah yes, what an idiot ! Thanks !

Re: A Refcounted Array Type

2015-02-24 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:11:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 10:08:23 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 09:44:13 UTC, Walter Bright 
On 2/24/2015 1:32 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 

The issue is that delete is considered @safe by the compiler,

I thought more people would be interested in how to do a 
memory safe reference counted container.

This is really interesting ! Thought as a beginner, I am 
wondering why the counter need to be a pointer ?

That's why:

if (count)

Hmm, I don't see why that's why... :(

Re: A Refcounted Array Type

2015-02-24 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 09:44:13 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 2/24/2015 1:32 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

The issue is that delete is considered @safe by the compiler,

I thought more people would be interested in how to do a memory 
safe reference counted container.

This is really interesting ! Thought as a beginner, I am 
wondering why the counter need to be a pointer ?

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 19:57:49 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 19:02:22 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 18:38:33 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Does it really matter ? Please put your first post in there 
and be done with it. These proposal are not gonna happen 
anyway (the ROI is simply not there).

Post is up.  I agree with you that the ROI is not there, 
however, if someone doesn't understand why then it's good to 
help them understand.  It produces better developers and helps 
bring the D community together to have a common understanding. 
In an ideal world with infinite time we could answer 
everyone's questions with great detail and walk them through 
all their concerns and ideas.  However, since time is a finite 
resource, I think having a wiki we can point people to is a 
great compromise.  I saw this suggestion in the thread by 
multiple people and I think it would help to address it in the 

This attitude of thinking that addressing people's concerns 
doesn't matter is a bit harsh and hurts the language.  I've 
seen that many upper developers share this attitude and it 
pushes people away from wanting to contribute.

I like *your* attitude ;)

I am reading and realizing how 
subtle this can be...indeed, the distinction of qualifier vs 
attributes is fuzzy in my head even, qualifiers are defined to 
be attributes in the spec...Attribute is a node of the grammar 
in fact so the def is really accurate but I think with more 
thinking one could think of something more consistent than it 
has @ because this is a keyword because the next question will 
be then why isn't this a keyword because that is a 

Write the FAQ a wiki can always be improved.

You wrote it ! This looks great ! :)

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 19:02:22 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 18:38:33 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Does it really matter ? Please put your first post in there 
and be done with it. These proposal are not gonna happen 
anyway (the ROI is simply not there).

Post is up.  I agree with you that the ROI is not there, 
however, if someone doesn't understand why then it's good to 
help them understand.  It produces better developers and helps 
bring the D community together to have a common understanding. 
In an ideal world with infinite time we could answer everyone's 
questions with great detail and walk them through all their 
concerns and ideas.  However, since time is a finite resource, 
I think having a wiki we can point people to is a great 
compromise.  I saw this suggestion in the thread by multiple 
people and I think it would help to address it in the wiki.

This attitude of thinking that addressing people's concerns 
doesn't matter is a bit harsh and hurts the language.  I've 
seen that many upper developers share this attitude and it 
pushes people away from wanting to contribute.

I like *your* attitude ;)

I am reading and realizing how 
subtle this can be...indeed, the distinction of qualifier vs 
attributes is fuzzy in my head even, qualifiers are defined to be 
attributes in the spec...Attribute is a node of the grammar in 
fact so the def is really accurate but I think with more thinking 
one could think of something more consistent than it has @ 
because this is a keyword because the next question will be then 
why isn't this a keyword because that is a keyword...etc.

Write the FAQ a wiki can always be improved.

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

About the lists

Qualifiers : const (can be an method attribute), immutable (can
be an method attribute), inout, shared, (scope ?)

Attributes : const (can be a type qualifier), immutable (can be a
type qualifier), final (even so I don't understand why private
final is so special), pure, @nothrow, @property, @nogc,...

Neither qualifier nor attributes : abstract, override,... and
many others

Why "override" is not a method attribute...because if you remove
it you've change the "semantic" of the code..."final" doesn't
change anything if you remove it. To me, a function/method
attribute enforce a behaviour on the function but you should be
able to remove it without changing the "semantic".

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 16:13:59 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 16:02:44 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 15:54:54 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 15:39:18 UTC, matovitch wrote:
Yes, if @ttributes are better because you can create 
identifier with the same name why aren't they used 
everywhere ? By the way, the denomination makes sense too : 
function attibutes are either built-in or user defined 
attributes. But const can be a qualifier or a 
function/method attribute that is two very different 
things...maybe not beeing able to use const as a function 
attribute but @const would make more sense ?

The purpose of this thread wasn't to re-discuss what was 
already discussed.  The answer to your idea can be found in 
the other thread
It's gonna be a long read so I'll summarize what I believe is 
the correct answer.

The problem we are trying to solve is that the function 
attributes are inconsistent.  Some use @ like "@safe" and 
"@nogc" and some don't like "pure" and "nothrow".

So one idea is to require an '@' symbol in front of all of 
them for the sake of consistency.  The problem with this idea 
is that you've now introduced inconsistency somewhere else.  
Every keyword that you put an '@' symbol in front of, will be 
used somewhere else without an '@' symbol.  Like this:

abstract class MyClass { }
@abstract void myfunc();

See the inconsistency?  You're gonna end up with alot of 
these types of inconsistencies. In addition, you've made the 
rule of when to use the '@' symbol more complex.  Before it 
was, "Use '@' if it is not a keyword".  Now it's, "Use '@' if 
it is not a keyword except when it's a function attribute".  
This definition will likely be made worse since people will 
want to solve the newly introduced inconsistencies.  So the 
new definition will become, "Use '@' if it is a keyword 
except if it's a function attribute or a class specifier".  
By the time you solve every inconsistency you'll have made 
every usage of every keyword use the '@' symbol.  Then the 
rule will be "Always use the '@' symbol".

This will definitely be included on the FAQ :)  I'll reword 
it and modify it but I agree that people will want an 
explanation for this.

One can argue that it's hard to remember what is a keyword 
(especially in D where there are many) and easier to 
distinguish beetween qualifiers and attributes. But I 
understand legacy code is an issue and I agree that the FAQ 
should just state the facts.

This doesn't really have to do with Legacy code.  You can 
always support both ways for a time and deprecate the old way.  
It appears my answer did not address your idea well enough.  
I'll have to put together a better explanation.  In the mean 
time, could you help me by giving me the gritty details of your 
idea.  I know others will also want an explanation for this so 
I'd like to include one in the FAQ so as to prevent us from 
explaining the same thing over and over.  You idea was to put 
'@' on words if they are attributes and to omit them on 
qualifiers.  Could you list what words are qualifiers and what 
words are attributes?  I don't think this idea would work but 
hey, maybe you'll prove me wrong, I'll admit I haven't gone 
through the details of what problems this idea would create.

Sorry this may be my fault. I think there were only 4 qualifier 
in D : const, immutable, share and inout (I am not aware of this 
new "scope" thing). pure is a function attribute and a keyword, 
this is inconsistant with other built-in attributes with @ in 
front of them like @property or @nogc. I think (and my opinion 
doesn't worth much as I am not experienced as a programmer and I 
didnt used D very much) that it would be more consistant if we 
hadn't this keyword and be forced to use @pure instead. (const 
can be a method annotation/attribute too, so should be @const 
keeping const as a variable/parameter qualifier).

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 15:54:54 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 15:39:18 UTC, matovitch wrote:
Yes, if @ttributes are better because you can create 
identifier with the same name why aren't they used everywhere 
? By the way, the denomination makes sense too : function 
attibutes are either built-in or user defined attributes. But 
const can be a qualifier or a function/method attribute that 
is two very different things...maybe not beeing able to use 
const as a function attribute but @const would make more sense 

The purpose of this thread wasn't to re-discuss what was 
already discussed.  The answer to your idea can be found in the 
other thread
 It's gonna be a long read so I'll summarize what I believe is 
the correct answer.

The problem we are trying to solve is that the function 
attributes are inconsistent.  Some use @ like "@safe" and 
"@nogc" and some don't like "pure" and "nothrow".

So one idea is to require an '@' symbol in front of all of them 
for the sake of consistency.  The problem with this idea is 
that you've now introduced inconsistency somewhere else.  Every 
keyword that you put an '@' symbol in front of, will be used 
somewhere else without an '@' symbol.  Like this:

abstract class MyClass { }
@abstract void myfunc();

See the inconsistency?  You're gonna end up with alot of these 
types of inconsistencies. In addition, you've made the rule of 
when to use the '@' symbol more complex.  Before it was, "Use 
'@' if it is not a keyword".  Now it's, "Use '@' if it is not a 
keyword except when it's a function attribute".  This 
definition will likely be made worse since people will want to 
solve the newly introduced inconsistencies.  So the new 
definition will become, "Use '@' if it is a keyword except if 
it's a function attribute or a class specifier".  By the time 
you solve every inconsistency you'll have made every usage of 
every keyword use the '@' symbol.  Then the rule will be 
"Always use the '@' symbol".

This will definitely be included on the FAQ :)  I'll reword it 
and modify it but I agree that people will want an explanation 
for this.

One can argue that it's hard to remember what is a keyword 
(especially in D where there are many) and easier to distinguish 
beetween qualifiers and attributes. But I understand legacy code 
is an issue and I agree that the FAQ should just state the facts.

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 15:10:12 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:43:37 UTC, matovitch wrote:

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:38:46 UTC, matovitch wrote:

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:34:37 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 22:32:55 UTC, Jonathan 
Marler wrote:

Why don't we make all the function attributes keywords?

As a newbie, I would have asked the reversed question :

Why don't we make all the function attributes attributes?

To be clear, what are the avantages of keywords vs attributes 
? Why should the most used function attributes be keywords ?

"In theory, the increased consistency is welcome, but the 
increased visual
noise definitely is not.  And if we leave in pure and nothrow 
without @,
then we're going to have code out there doing both, which adds 
to the
confusion, and if we deprecate pure and nothrow without @, 
then we'll be
forced to change pretty much every D program in existence." JM 

Ok !

I'm not sure I understand your question.

Why don't we make all the function attributes attributes?

Is this what you mean? "Why don't we require an '@' symbol 
before all function attributes?"

Yes, if @ttributes are better because you can create identifier 
with the same name why aren't they used everywhere ? By the way, 
the denomination makes sense too : function attibutes are either 
built-in or user defined attributes. But const can be a qualifier 
or a function/method attribute that is two very different 
things...maybe not beeing able to use const as a function 
attribute but @const would make more sense ?

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:38:46 UTC, matovitch wrote:

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:34:37 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 22:32:55 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

Why don't we make all the function attributes keywords?

As a newbie, I would have asked the reversed question :

Why don't we make all the function attributes attributes?

To be clear, what are the avantages of keywords vs attributes ? 
Why should the most used function attributes be keywords ?

"In theory, the increased consistency is welcome, but the 
increased visual
noise definitely is not.  And if we leave in pure and nothrow 
without @,
then we're going to have code out there doing both, which adds to 
confusion, and if we deprecate pure and nothrow without @, then 
we'll be
forced to change pretty much every D program in existence." JM 

Ok !

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 10:34:37 UTC, matovitch wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 22:32:55 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

Why don't we make all the function attributes keywords?

As a newbie, I would have asked the reversed question :

Why don't we make all the function attributes attributes?

To be clear, what are the avantages of keywords vs attributes ? 
Why should the most used function attributes be keywords ?

Re: FAQ for newbies who see pure @safe nothrow @nogc

2015-01-29 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 22:32:55 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

Why don't we make all the function attributes keywords?

As a newbie, I would have asked the reversed question :

Why don't we make all the function attributes attributes?

Re: What is the D plan's to become a used language?

2014-12-21 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at 11:18:43 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Native efficiency combined with expressiveness and ease of use, 
as the front page says.  That's too general-purpose to just go 
build some specialized app like docker, but in the long run may 
lead to much bigger wins.

I think so too, D aims at a broader goal than most of the new 
languages out there.
I find the people in here quite grumpy these days. D is already a 
great usable and enjoyable language. I agree that some features 
should be removed and other extended for closure. But it's 
nothing that can't be achived in a few years.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-18 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 12:33:52 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
If you migrate your projct from x86 to x64,you will find the 
length is error,you must modify it ,such as:

  int i= (something).length
  size_t i = (something).length

but now ,'int' is enough for use,not huge and not small,only 

'int' is easy to write,and most people are used to it.
Most importantly easier to migrate code,if  'length''s return 
value type is 'int'.

Thank you all.

I'm using size_t and std::size_t in C/C++...but sure I am a bit 

Re: Integral literals with Exp?

2014-09-15 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 13 September 2014 at 07:23:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Is it a good idea to accept code like this, to shorten some 

void main() {
int x = 1e6;


Well, I guess it wouldn't help the lexer. To be consistent :

int x = 1.73e2;

should be allowed but not

int y = 1.73e1;

Not a good idea IMHO.

Re: zero-ing is not enough

2014-09-09 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 at 07:09:52 UTC, bearophile wrote:

John Colvin:

D could incorporate something like this, no?


Walter seems OK with adding something like that to the D 


I am by no mean a security expert and this article scared me *a 
lot*. Are there any truly secure TLS implementation ?

There may be room for an @crypto attribute where the stack, the 
registers or the dynamically allocated memory would be zeroed out 
in the end ? But as stated in the comments, it's probably more of 
an OS job since a program may always crash.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-22 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 13:00:19 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 22.08.2014 14:47, schrieb matovitch:
Ok. I think I remember there was a stdx.d.lexer's Json parser 

as sample.

I see, so you just have to write your own number/string parsing 

It's kind of "low level" indeed...I don't know what kind of back 
magic are doing all these template mixins but the code looks 
quite clean.

Confusing :

// Therefore, this always returns false.
bool isSeparating(size_t offset) pure nothrow @safe
return true;

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-22 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 12:39:08 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 22.08.2014 14:17, schrieb matovitch:
Very nice ! I had started (and dropped) a json module based on 
too. So without opDispatch you plan to use a syntax like 
= 10 ? You didn't use stdx.d.lexer. Any reason why ? (I am 
asking even

if I never used this module.(never coded much in D in fact))

Exactly, that's the syntax you'd use for JSONValue. But my 
favorite way to work with most JSON data is actually to 
directly read the JSON string into a D struct using a 
serialization framework and then access the struct in a 
strongly typed way. This has both, less syntactic and less 
runtime overhead, and also greatly reduces the chance for field 
name/type related bugs.

Completely agree, I am waiting for a serializer too. I would love 
to see something like cap'n proto in D.

The module is written against current Phobos, which is why 
stdx.d.lexer wasn't really an option. I'm also unsure if 
std.lexer would be able to handle the parsing required for JSON 
numbers and strings. But it would certainly be nice already if 
at least the token structure could be reused. However, it 
should also be possible to find a painless migration path 
later, when std.lexer is actually part of Phobos.

Ok. I think I remember there was a stdx.d.lexer's Json parser 
provided as sample.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-22 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
Very nice ! I had started (and dropped) a json module based on 
Algebraic too. So without opDispatch you plan to use a syntax 
like jPerson["age"] = 10 ? You didn't use stdx.d.lexer. Any 
reason why ? (I am asking even if I never used this module.(never 
coded much in D in fact))

Re: DSLs for high performance computing

2014-06-25 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 21:01:34 UTC, Guillaume Chatelet 

On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 19:00:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
A coworker brought this list to my attention:

The work on such DSLs (reminiscent of Don's work on optimizing 
matrix operations years ago) seems be on the rise.

I didn't know most of them.

I encourage everybody interested in Image/Signal Processing to
have a look at  Halide

I don't know if it's already available in the source code but
they mention the scheduling part can now be optimized through
genetic algorithms : the code will autotune to use the best of
your hardware, exploring the space of  precomputing (stencil
buffer), inlining, multithreading, vectorization, unrolling,
sliding window ...

Thanks for sharing Andrei :)

Halide looks just *mind-blowing* though I couldn't find any 
project using it on github (other than toy-examples). I couldn't 
find anything either in the doc about the automatic scheduling 
they mention in their paper. I am wondering if it is possible to 
perform linalg operations, it seems rather convolution-oriented. 
Anyway, it would be awesome to have a D front-end (not that I 
have the time to code it, I usually just talk ;)).

Else :
Preferably to DSLs though, I am more waiting something as basic 
as containers based on std.allocator or a standard 
multi-dimensional array (with range behaviour based on a 
permutation of the dimensions and allow borrowed slices of any 
subspace). Well in fact I am not waiting since I do not have the 
time to code in D but if I had the time this is what I would be 
waiting/working for. Keep it up !

Re: Stable topN?

2014-06-24 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 11:50:37 UTC, Xinok wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 04:40:48 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 22:47:20 UTC, Xinok wrote:
What do you all think? Do you agree with my definition of 
stable topN? Do you know of a better algorithm/approach for 
implementing this function?

I agree with your definition, and can't think of a better
algorithm, but wouldn't a stable sort have the same effect as
your algorithm? Both are O(n lg(n)) time and O(n) space.

A stable sort would lose the original ordering of the elements 
though. Furthermore, the entire point of the topN function is 
to be faster than simply sorting the range.

Yes you can't use stable sort. However you can use a priority 
queue, which would made the algorithm worst case O(M log N) in 
time and O(N) in space. (M is the number of elements in the 
original array and N the number of top elements)

Re: DIP63 : operator overloading for raw templates

2014-06-16 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

Well I realized I was a bit off-topic there since it is not about
ctfe operators but raw template operators. I'm out.

Re: DIP63 : operator overloading for raw templates

2014-06-16 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 16 June 2014 at 08:56:24 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Sunday, 15 June 2014 at 18:32:31 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

This is solution for a problem I am currently having with 
implementing (afair it was also 
mentioned by Timon Gehr during old discussion of that DIP)

New proposed semantics ( to catch your attention and get to 
read the link ;) ):

template Pack(T...)
   alias expand = T;

   alias opIndex(size_t index) = T[index];
   alias opSlice(size_t lower, size_t upper) = 

   alias opDollar = T.length;

// no ambiguity as Pack!(int, int) is not a valid type
// is(element == int)
alias element = Pack!(int, int)[1];

I guess there's no way around it, but it seems inconsistent 
that the operators are defined as templated aliases instead of 
functions as anywhere else. Could you add a paragraph to the 
DIP which points this out and give a short justification?


And why these operators only ?

struct StaticVariant
alias opAssign(T t) = (immutable T x = t; alias x this;)

struct Json
immutable (StaticVariant[string]);
alias opDispatch(string s, T t) = (data[s] ~= t);
alias opDispatch(string s) = data[s];

void main()

   Json john;

   john.size = 1.78; = "John";

   float johnSize = john.size;
   string johnName =;

Ok I am a dreaming D beginner. In this case multiple alias this 
would be better. Also, I don't understand why we can't append 
immutable array thanks to CTFE too. D is awesome in lots of ways 
but it's quite frustrating too because it frees your imagination. 
Where do we set the limit in terms of meta-meta-stuff ?

Re: A crazy idea for accurately tracking source position

2014-04-17 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

You are doing it all wrong. The easiest way to compute
the col position is the following :

col_pos = 0;

if (non_tab_character_encounter)
 col_pos += tab_length - col_pos % tab_length;

That's it.