Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-06-18 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 19:44:48 UTC, Adrian Matoga wrote:

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 00:26:39 UTC, Mike wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 10:06:19 UTC, Adrian Matoga 

If there's anything I can help with, let me know. My experience 
with GDC is close to non-existent (I managed to make some 
one-line hacks to make it compile for AVR or to show the sizes 
of TypeInfos, but that was pretty easy), and I didn't even 
bother to build LDC, but I want to write stuff for STMs in D so 
I'm motivated to learn by doing.

Today I'll start using launchpad's GCC with GDC, because it has 
support for the Cortex-M7, plus that it's the official ARM 
toolchain, and it seems to be slightly ahead of the official GCC 

Here it is:

I like small; I like simple - so I like it. :)

Feel free to grab the startup-files here:

(see for more info and how to contact me if you 
need to).

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-06-14 Thread Adrian Matoga via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 00:26:39 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 10:06:19 UTC, Adrian Matoga wrote:

Generally, if we stick to the pay-as-you-go approach most
features of D runtime (even exceptions and RTTI) can be ported.
They will not imply any costs when not used, but will be ready 

use out-of-the-box when they're needed.

I haven't had a pay-as-you-go experience with RTTI.  In fact 
TypeInfo has become my mortal enemy [1].  I submitted a bug 
report for now [2].

[1] TypeInfo not garbage collected (discussion) -
[2] TypeInfo not garbage collected (bug report) -

There is an implementation of an -fno-rtti switch [3], but 
unfortunately, I have found it compromises on a few things 
(slicing, postblit, and maybe others).  I think
the best way forward is to move TypeInfo to the runtime as 
described in [4].  I'm currently working on an initial pull 
request for it, but I have to admit that I don't know much 
about what I'm doing in the compiler and am struggling with it.
 But I'm afraid if I don't do it, it won't happen.  I can't 
even continue with my work without it.

[3] -fno-rtti implementation -
[4] Move TypeInfo to the D Runtime -

If there's anything I can help with, let me know. My experience 
with GDC is close to non-existent (I managed to make some 
one-line hacks to make it compile for AVR or to show the sizes of 
TypeInfos, but that was pretty easy), and I didn't even bother to 
build LDC, but I want to write stuff for STMs in D so I'm 
motivated to learn by doing.

I'll try to push this work on github later this week.

I look forward to seeing it.  It's encouraging to see more 
interest in using D for this Domain.

Here it is:
It's just a playground where I try adding different features by 
trial and error, so it's very far from being as clean and 
organized as your projects.
I wouldn't even start without your and Adam Ruppe's work, so 
thank you for that.

Apart from first steps towards formatted print and exception 
support I mentioned earlier, there's a try on running static 
constructors (which is most likely broken anyway) in the correct 
order. The machinery used to make it work wastes some text and 
data memory to do it in run time, but since we're linking 
everything statically in the end, I wonder if the linker could be 
forced to put it all together instead.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-06-10 Thread Adrian Matoga via Digitalmars-d

I somehow missed this topic earlier but I played a bit with
embedded runtime last month so I'll share some thoughts.

On Sunday, 10 May 2015 at 06:55:07 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:

On Sunday, 10 May 2015 at 01:55:53 UTC, Mike wrote:
I've also considered another interesting approach.  It seems 
possible to port all features of D right to the metal, 
essentially embedding the RTOS directly into the runtime.  
Then D is your RTOS :-)

I do like this approach better, and that resembles the way I've 
been thinking until now.
Yes, it might require more work, but strongly I think it's 
worth it.
I believe this would also give the user the most convenient 
D-compiler (and toolchain).

I'm also strongly in favor of integrating an RTOS with the
runtime, especially if we publish it under a liberal license,
just as the D runtime is distributed now.
Since most of existing RTOSes are distributed under either
proprietary license or  GPL, having a ready-to-use RTOS without
legal restrictions could work towards the adoption of D in the
embedded market. I would start with evaluating the existing
concurrency APIs in terms of their applicability in such RTOS.

Generally, if we stick to the pay-as-you-go approach most
features of D runtime (even exceptions and RTTI) can be ported.
They will not imply any costs when not used, but will be ready to
use out-of-the-box when they're needed. We could advertise it
using e.g. automatically generated charts showing the cost of
each feature. Also, there are already compiler switches to show
GC allocations and TLS variables, so a similar approach could be
used for other potentially costly features.

As for TLS, I think we should not change D semantics by
implicitly making all globals __gshared, but instead follow Dan's
suggestion to create a specific TLS model which statically
resolves thread-local variables to regular globals in
single-threaded builds.

I did some experiments with porting small parts of Phobos and
Initial tests show that e.g. semihosted writefln costs about 4KB
of flash initially + about 0.5KB per each new argument type list
(GDC, -Os, Cortex-M3). Sure, it may seem a lot if your uC has
16KB or less, but in such case you probably wouldn't use
formatted output much in C either. You don't pay for it when you
don't call it, and when you need it - it's there and it's fully
functional and type safe (unlike C's printf). And of course
there're probably ways to optimize it.

Also I think exceptions could be possible to implement without
large costs. I've already got scope(exit) and scope(success)
working, and IMHO this is already a huge advantage over manual
cleanup. I started working on unwinding using the libgcc support
but other duties stopped me from finishing it. I'll try to push
this work on github later this week.

I've run the above on LM3S6965 (qemu) and STM32F103

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-06-10 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 10:06:19 UTC, Adrian Matoga wrote:

Generally, if we stick to the pay-as-you-go approach most
features of D runtime (even exceptions and RTTI) can be ported.
They will not imply any costs when not used, but will be ready 

use out-of-the-box when they're needed.

I haven't had a pay-as-you-go experience with RTTI.  In fact 
TypeInfo has become my mortal enemy [1].  I submitted a bug 
report for now [2].

[1] TypeInfo not garbage collected (discussion) -
[2] TypeInfo not garbage collected (bug report) -

There is an implementation of an -fno-rtti switch [3], but 
unfortunately, I have found it compromises on a few things 
(slicing, postblit, and maybe others).  I think
the best way forward is to move TypeInfo to the runtime as 
described in [4].  I'm currently working on an initial pull 
request for it, but I have to admit that I don't know much about 
what I'm doing in the compiler and am struggling with it.  But 
I'm afraid if I don't do it, it won't happen.  I can't even 
continue with my work without it.

[3] -fno-rtti implementation -
[4] Move TypeInfo to the D Runtime -

I'll try to push this work on github later this week.

I look forward to seeing it.  It's encouraging to see more 
interest in using D for this Domain.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-10 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 10 May 2015 at 01:55:53 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 14:48:08 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:

I already have supplied those options in my toolchain.
But does anyone know if this is advisable when using FreeRTOS 
(or any other RTOS for that matter) ?
-I'm asking, because I'm not using any RTOS myself, but there 
are loads of people who do.

In order to make the full stack in D, I think we eventually 
will need to make 2 toolchains: a bare-metal kernel toolchain, 
and an application programming toolchain.

That does not sound too appealing, because as far as I know, you 
have your bare-metal arm-none-eabi toolchain with C and C++, 
which can build RTOS. Then you'll need another arm-rtos-eabi, 
which can build RTOS, but cannot build bare-metal. I think people 
will not like this, because they don't want to switch toolchains 
when they work on different projects.
The arm-linux-eabi toolchain will be a third toolchain, because 
RTOS is not Linux, though Linux may be some kind of RTOS. ;)

The bare-metal kernel toolchain would not have some of the 
high-level features of D, like threading and synchronization, 
as that has yet to be built.  However, once a D RTOS is created 
with all necessary features for theading and synchronization, 
then the application programming toolchain can be made with a 
druntime ported the D RTOS's API.

Another (annoying) input: If I decide to write a context-switcher 
in assembly language, I suddenly have threads, which I'd of 
course like to be able to use with my bare-metal toolchain.

I've also considered another interesting approach.  It seems 
possible to port all features of D right to the metal, 
essentially embedding the RTOS directly into the runtime.  Then 
D is your RTOS :-)

I do like this approach better, and that resembles the way I've 
been thinking until now.
Yes, it might require more work, but strongly I think it's worth 
I believe this would also give the user the most convenient 
D-compiler (and toolchain).

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-09 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 14:48:08 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:

I already have supplied those options in my toolchain.
But does anyone know if this is advisable when using FreeRTOS 
(or any other RTOS for that matter) ?
-I'm asking, because I'm not using any RTOS myself, but there 
are loads of people who do.

In order to make the full stack in D, I think we eventually will 
need to make 2 toolchains: a bare-metal kernel toolchain, and an 
application programming toolchain.

The bare-metal kernel toolchain would not have some of the 
high-level features of D, like threading and synchronization, as 
that has yet to be built.  However, once a D RTOS is created with 
all necessary features for theading and synchronization, then the 
application programming toolchain can be made with a druntime 
ported the D RTOS's API.

I've also considered another interesting approach.  It seems 
possible to port all features of D right to the metal, 
essentially embedding the RTOS directly into the runtime.  Then D 
is your RTOS :-)


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-09 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 02:25:48 UTC, Mike wrote:

The ports folder in this experiment is essentially the 
platform abstraction layer.  However, it's resolved at 
link-time.  What do you suggest:  A reserved module/package 
implementing a standard interface that is imported at 
compile-time?  I could do that.

I'd like to help out (where I can).

As far as I remember, you have a STM32F4xx, correct ?

If we all have the same model STM32F4xx and we all have one or 
more different MCUs, we could probably do some initial drafts.
-Because I'm sure there are obstacles we do not think about in 
Testing some drafts on several MCUs in the beginning, will help 
us avoid a lot of trouble later on.

I have STM32F407, STM32F427, STM32F429 (I use these regularly).
On the shelf, I have LPC812, LPC1114, LPC1342 (seems to be dead 
though), LPC1549 (I don't have any libraries for this one yet), 
LPC1751, LPC1768, LPC1788 and LPC4337.
Though I have a few from Freescale, I am not able to 
flash-program them, as I have no driver for them in OpenOCD.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-08 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 02:25:48 UTC, Mike wrote:
What do you suggest:  A reserved module/package implementing a 
standard interface that is imported at compile-time?  I could 
do that.

You just import the right PAL (maybe renamed private import) and 
everything is typechecked.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
Mike writes:
 I've gotten even further thanks to everyone's help, but LDC is still
 giving me a little grief.  Take a look at these undefined references
 (abbreviated for this forum):

 (_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x8): undef ref

-- snip --

 Are there any compiler flags I can add to help trim the fat?

Mike, try creating an empty ldc2.conf file where you compile from (I
just tried so it should work). That will override the one that came with
your ldc2 installation that has searches the real druntime/phobos before
your versions. It looks like there will be an option -conf with 0.16.0
to override the default conf file.

You can put -v on your command ldc2 command line to see where it is
picking up files.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Thu, 07 May 2015 16:29:50 +
schrieb Jens Bauer

  Every port is in its own branch
 In this case, the files must share the same parent directory, in 
 order to be updated by a merge with master; correct ?

IIRC it's not always necessary. Git can detect if you moved files or
you can tell git by using git mv. It'll then merge changes into the
moved files as well*. But I wouldn't really want to rely on this

* (in GDC it always tries to merge gcc-4.10.diff
changes into gcc-4.9.diff which never works...)

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 02:26:28 UTC, Mike wrote:

Porting to a New Platform
The platform-agnostic code in d delgates implementation 
details to the platform-specific code using `extern(C) extern 
_d_sys_name` system calls (for lack of a better term).

You plan to have a sizable API without type safety? Why PAL is 
not good?

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 07:00:58 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:

Mike, try creating an empty ldc2.conf file where you compile 
from (I
just tried so it should work). That will override the one that 
came with
your ldc2 installation that has searches the real 
druntime/phobos before
your versions. It looks like there will be an option -conf with 

to override the default conf file.

That did it!  But I thought defaultLib= did the same thing.  
Anyway, Thanks for all your help, Dan.

I now have support for all 3 compilers porting to 2 different 
platforms (one bare metal microcontroller, one modern OS).  It 
can't do anything more than Hello, World!, but it's a start :-)


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 09:55:11 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 02:26:28 UTC, Mike wrote:

Porting to a New Platform
The platform-agnostic code in d delgates implementation 
details to the platform-specific code using `extern(C) extern 
_d_sys_name` system calls (for lack of a better term).

You plan to have a sizable API without type safety? Why PAL is 
not good?

The ports folder in this experiment is essentially the platform 
abstraction layer.  However, it's resolved at link-time.  What do 
you suggest:  A reserved module/package implementing a standard 
interface that is imported at compile-time?  I could do that.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 02:26:28 UTC, Mike wrote:

Putting it all Together

Users are not expected to use this code directly.  Rather, I 
envision toolchain, silicon, and board vendors will use this 
code as a small, but essential part of, their platform's D 
programming package.  For example, a package for the ARM 
Cortex-M family of MCUs might contain the following:

* arm-none-eabi GDC cross-compiler
* a library containing compiled code for the d folder in this 
* a library containing the compiled code for the 
ports/arm/cortexm folders in this repository

I'd like to insert CMSIS here. CMSIS should be shared between all 
Cortex-M platforms.
My impression is that it's fairly easy to do; CMSIS also provides 
convenience functions like WFI(), WFE(), ROR(), NOP(), CLZ(), 
REV(), RBIT(), etc...

Note: It might be a good idea to add these as well: CLO(), CTZ() 
and CTO()

* cortex-m core startup files
* the newlib C library
* the C library bindings from Deimos
* multilibs from the GNU toolchain.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Thu, 07 May 2015 11:52:29 +
schrieb Mike

 On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 17:38:38 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
  I would probably split the runtime into at least two, probably 
  * Compiler support library (object.d, gcc/*.d, exception
implementation) (module rt/ no module name)
  * Higher level library (portable, micro)
  * Hardware specific library (not portable, avr/ stm/)
  I think some basic portability between microcontrollers is 
  useful. The
  compiler support library should be only a few 100 lines of code 
  should be without external dependencies. This way it's also 
  useful for
  very small platforms (8bit) or use-cases where you inject code 
  other processes. It's trivial to port: we should have an ansi-c 
  and native ports should be implementable in 1-2 hours.
  The higher level library should contain stuff like 
  emplace, allocator framework, Volatile!T, register wrapper 
  types, etc.
  The implementation could be hardware specific, but it should 
  provide a
  common interface (e.g. a delay!Duration function has got a 
  interface but different implementation, malloc is similar).
  Namespace micro = import micro.time; import micro.memory;
  So everything in the micro namespace is portable.
  The hardware library the provides access to hardware specific
  peripherals. In reality the high-level-library might require the
  hardware library or they could actually be merged. The 
  important part
  is portable vs platform specific module API for user code.
 Sorry for the late reply, but I'm still chewing and digesting 
 this.  How do you propose delegating implementation down the 
 supply chain?  I suppose you may have answered that with your git 
 idea below, but did you have something else in mind?

Mostly the git idea. It makes sense to keep the 'customization' points
to a minimum and have well-defined hooks like in newlib and like you
suggested. But the git branch way also allows modifying code
everywhere, in case the generic hooks don't fit one platform for some

 I think that's really what I'm trying to work out with this 
 experiment:  How to delegate the implementation so it's obvious 
 what porters need to do without a lot of explanation, and they 
 can implement just the features they need.

Let me explain the git idea:

core library; branch 'common':

class Object


void traceLine(string msg)
static assert(false, Not implemented);

branch avr

class Object


version(none) // Not implemented for AVRs right now
void traceLine(string msg)
static assert(false, Not implemented);

branch nintendo-ds

class Object
//Lots of memory, let's add some useful methods
void toString(scope delegate(const(char)[] buf))

void traceLine(string msg)
asm (print to port xyz...)

Porters simply grep for 'Not implemented' and implement the function
or comment/remove it.
If we now change the interface in the common branch:
void traceLine(string msg) = void traceLine(string msg, int level = 0)

Both branches will get the changes or a merge conflict by simple merging
the common branch. This way we can keep a kinda common interface and
have lots of customization possibilities.

Note 1: The core lib might be a bad example. It should be mostly
portable and have little user-facing code so keeping a common interface
is not important here. It's more useful for a high-level library (e.g.
keep emplace/allocator interface compatible while still allowing custom
malloc or other allocator implementations)

Note 2: Even a simple 'traceLine' function depends on board
definitions. So a port targeting many boards could not even implement a
'traceLine' in the corlib. It would have to delegate the implementation
to the hardware library* effectively tying the core library to the
hardware library. I think this is sometimes unavoidable for low-level
code but this should probably be a decision porters make. The 'common'
corlib should not depend on other libraries.

*or even user code.

Note 3: It could still make sense to keep all the 'to-be-implemented'
functions/hooks in a special module or package. But instead of having
ports/arm/ ports/avr we could have one port/*.d with template files as
described above and the actual platform specific implementations in

  A radically different approach instead of using ports 
  directories is
  using git features: Have a base repository with a master branch 
  only includes the interfaces, probably with static assert 
  platform specific code is necessary. Then have 

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:56:52 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

On 5 May 2015 at 08:39, Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d wrote:

How about a -disable-tls option so that when there are no 
threads and
thus no TLS, you can compile exising D code as-is.  Otherwise 
you have
to rewrite normal variables to __gshared everywhere (I 
actually have this

option in a ldc fork).

Configure GDC with --disable-tls --disable-threads to get the 
behaviour (disabling only TLS just makes codegen fallback to 

thread support).

I already have supplied those options in my toolchain.
But does anyone know if this is advisable when using FreeRTOS (or 
any other RTOS for that matter) ?
-I'm asking, because I'm not using any RTOS myself, but there are 
loads of people who do.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 16:12:36 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Let me explain the git idea:

I think it's a great idea.


Porters simply grep for 'Not implemented' and implement the 

This sounds easy.

(Even if we define formal hooks and a port/ directory structure 
could of course still forkmodify the code instead. They could 

use the techniques described here without our explicit support.

That was the only 'downside' I could think of; eg. if I wanted to 
develop firmware for both the LPC and STM series, switching 
branch for my repository all the time would not be ideal. ;)
-But of course, it can be solved easily by making a repository, 
which contains a read-only directory structure of all branches 
(or something similar).
-Such a repository could be generated automatically and tagged by 
a script very easily.


Every port is in its own branch

In this case, the files must share the same parent directory, in 
order to be updated by a merge with master; correct ?

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
Mike writes:
 That did it!  But I thought defaultLib= did the same thing.  Anyway,
 Thanks for all your help, Dan.

 I now have support for all 3 compilers porting to 2 different
 platforms (one bare metal microcontroller, one modern OS).  It can't
 do anything more than Hello, World!, but it's a start :-)

You may not have h/w to test this on, but support for x86_64 OSX could
be added easily. Syscall assembly is same as linux x86_64, just the
syscall # is different:

exit rax=0x201
write rax=0x204

I just tried in a test D program and it worked. Anyway, probably little
value to have OSX here as a platform. I think interesting platforms will
be no OS, where end user plugs in their write handler to write fd 1,2 to
serial port or to go through gdbstub protocol over serial, or ...

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-07 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 17:38:38 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

I would probably split the runtime into at least two, probably 


* Compiler support library (object.d, gcc/*.d, exception
  implementation) (module rt/ no module name)
* Higher level library (portable, micro)
* Hardware specific library (not portable, avr/ stm/)

I think some basic portability between microcontrollers is 
useful. The
compiler support library should be only a few 100 lines of code 
should be without external dependencies. This way it's also 
useful for
very small platforms (8bit) or use-cases where you inject code 
other processes. It's trivial to port: we should have an ansi-c 

and native ports should be implementable in 1-2 hours.

The higher level library should contain stuff like 
emplace, allocator framework, Volatile!T, register wrapper 
types, etc.
The implementation could be hardware specific, but it should 
provide a
common interface (e.g. a delay!Duration function has got a 

interface but different implementation, malloc is similar).
Namespace micro = import micro.time; import micro.memory;
So everything in the micro namespace is portable.

The hardware library the provides access to hardware specific
peripherals. In reality the high-level-library might require the
hardware library or they could actually be merged. The 
important part

is portable vs platform specific module API for user code.

Sorry for the late reply, but I'm still chewing and digesting 
this.  How do you propose delegating implementation down the 
supply chain?  I suppose you may have answered that with your git 
idea below, but did you have something else in mind?

I think that's really what I'm trying to work out with this 
experiment:  How to delegate the implementation so it's obvious 
what porters need to do without a lot of explanation, and they 
can implement just the features they need.

A radically different approach instead of using ports 
directories is
using git features: Have a base repository with a master branch 
only includes the interfaces, probably with static assert 

platform specific code is necessary. Then have AVR/STM32/LPC/...
branches where you simply implement these functions. (We could 

have different repositories instead of branches)

+ you can modify all code
+ you already start with a common interface
+ changes are easy to compare by comparing git branches
+ changes have descriptions (in their git commits)
+ it's easy to merge further generic changes

I'll have to think about this and give it a try.  I fear, 
however, that it might be a little too radical for what people 
are used to, but maybe not.

Phobos and core.stdc should then also be separate libraries.


*  Add -fno-rtti compiler switch

This is something I could probably finish up in a few hours next

That would be an immense help and productivity boost.  Thanks for 
your support.

*  Add attribute support so programmer can choose which types 
to generate runtime-time info for.

I can add an @attribute(notypeinfo) in GDC but it'll be 
implemented in
the backend. This means we can prevent TypeInfo output but we 
reliably warn on TypeInfo usage. You'll get linker errors 

Probably a good idea to table that for now.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 07:20:38 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

What I would like to see, however, is a friendly compiler 
error like This platform does not support thread-local 
storage.  Please decorate your global variables with 
__gshared. rather than undefined reference '_d_get_address' 
from the linker.


That's easy:

(Well, the error message could be a little bit friendlier ;-)

You know, that fork of yours has some really interesting stuff in 
it :0

The -ftls-support option would be really great, but I'd call it 
-fno-tls :)

I think such an option would be most useful at configure-time.  
That is, if GDC is configured with --disable-tls or 
--disable-threads, then -fno-tls is ON by default.  That way it's 
more a definition of the target platform than user choice.

And now that I think of it, tying some of those compiler options 
to the configure options might be a better way to define platform 
support rather than reading .di files or enums from a special 
configuration module.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 06 May 2015 04:47:53 +
schrieb Suliman

 Maybe it's stupid question, but is there any chance to get D on 
 AVR(8/16 bit)?

Yes! I've written small D test programs for AVR.

The only problem could be far pointers. However, far pointers are
very rare in AVR code and it's hard to find documentation. It seems
there's no compiler support for far pointers and everything is
implemented in the library[1]. In that case there's no issue for D.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 06 May 2015 02:44:53 +
schrieb Mike

 On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 17:27:05 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
  Am Tue, 05 May 2015 08:41:13 -0700
  schrieb Dan Olson
  Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d 
   If the cost is too much (ie: there is no heap), then we 
   should be
   able to stop emutls from kicking in by preventing the D 
   from returning true on isThreadLocal calls.
  Iain, I think something like this would be good in GDC.  Makes 
  it so
  much easier to compile for no thread environments.
  I'm not really sure about this. It's trivial to implement but it
  generates a semantic difference which harms code portability 
  (e.g. if
  you have code where you want a global variable, don't mark it as
  __gshared and then move to an environment with threads).
 I'm coming around and feeling inclined to agree with this.  One 
 of the things I want to avoid is creatIng an embedded dialect of 
 the D.  I hope D for microcontrollers, kernels and such looks 
 very much like the idiomatic D in the application programming 
 What I would like to see, however, is a friendly compiler error 
 like This platform does not support thread-local storage.  
 Please decorate your global variables with __gshared. rather 
 than undefined reference '_d_get_address' from the linker.

That's easy:

(Well, the error message could be a little bit friendlier ;-)

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d

Yes! I've written small D test programs for AVR.
you mean 8-bit AVR? It's very cool! Could you show sources code 

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 08:13:21 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:39:42 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:

LDC Folks: 

currently preventing me from supporting LDC with this runtime.

I looked at this and found a workaround and noted it in the 
above issue


Many Thanks!

I've gotten further thanks to your help, but now I'm stuck on


I've gotten even further thanks to everyone's help, but LDC is 
still giving me a little grief.  Take a look at these undefined 
references (abbreviated for this forum):

(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x8): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x10): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x18): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x20): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x28): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x30): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x38): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x40): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x48): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x50): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x58): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x60): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x68): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x70): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x78): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x80): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x88): undef ref 
(_D10TypeInfo_l6__vtblZ+0x90): undef ref 

 In function `_D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv':
undef ref `_D3std5stdio6stdoutS3std5stdio4File'
undef ref `fprintf'
undef ref 

 In function `_Dmain':
(.text._Dmain+0x36): undef ref `memset'
undef ref `_D10TypeInfo_g6__initZ'
(_D4main9TestClass6__vtblZ+0x8): undef ref 
(_D4main9TestClass6__vtblZ+0x10): undef ref 
(_D4main9TestClass6__vtblZ+0x18): undef ref 
(_D4main9TestClass6__vtblZ+0x20): undef ref 
(_D12TypeInfo_Axm6__initZ[_D12TypeInfo_Axm6__initZ]+0x0): undef 
ref `_D14TypeInfo_Array6__vtblZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xm6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xm6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_m6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_ya6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_ya6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_a6__initZ'
(_D12TypeInfo_xAa6__initZ[_D12TypeInfo_xAa6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D12TypeInfo_Axa6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xb6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xb6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_b6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xi6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xi6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_i6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xa6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xa6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_a6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xh6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xh6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_h6__initZ'
(_D11TypeInfo_xk6__initZ[_D11TypeInfo_xk6__initZ]+0x10): undef 
ref `_D10TypeInfo_k6__initZ'
undef ref `_D12TypeInfo_Aya6__initZ'

This is far more than what I get with DMD and GDC.  You can see 
why TypeInfo is a major pain, and as far as I can tell, I don't 
have any code that needs it.

But what's most surprising is the call to fprintf for 
std.writeln, even though my implementation is actually a system 
call in assembly:

I'm compiling with: ldc2 -c -defaultlib=  -release

Are there any compiler flags I can add to help trim the fat?


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Wed, 06 May 2015 07:44:03 +
schrieb Suliman

 Yes! I've written small D test programs for AVR.
 you mean 8-bit AVR? It's very cool! Could you show sources code 

Yes [1] [2] [3]. Only Hello-World / proof of concept kind of code for
now. There are no fundamental issues, just a lack of time to finish
this. I've focused on small and optimized codegen rather than nice
examples for now. It also uses the avr-libc instead of custom startup
code (because of lack of time). 

The next step is generating all the register wrappers. It's a very
tedious task but I've got a script 90% ready to parse the register
tables out of the Atmel pdfs. The output should still be checked
manually though. Unfortunately I don't have time to work on this for
now, but I'll get back to it at some point ;-)

[3] (mixin generator is ready but not yet on github)

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-06 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
The progress here is nice.  I'd like to do similar stuff with LDC but
have a couple other projects to finish up first.

More thoughts on supporting systems without threads:

Mike writes:
 On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 17:27:05 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
 I'm not really sure about this. It's trivial to implement but it
 generates a semantic difference which harms code portability
 (e.g. if
 you have code where you want a global variable, don't mark it as
 __gshared and then move to an environment with threads).

I think this could happen anyway.  I write some D code on linux, but my
program doesn't create additional threads so I don't realize I should
have used __gshared somewhere.

Sometime later when I use code in program with multi threads, I discover
my problem that I should have used __gshared on a var.

 I'm coming around and feeling inclined to agree with this.  One of the
 things I want to avoid is creatIng an embedded dialect of the D.  I
 hope D for microcontrollers, kernels and such looks very much like the
 idiomatic D in the application programming domain.

I don't think it changes D, does it?  I want to try to convince here
because I think it opens up a lot of D code for no-thread systems that
would otherwise need to be edited and have __gshared added here and

The language just says a non-immutable global declaration [without
shared or __gshared] lives in thread local storage.  In a single thread
environment, a thread local degenerates to a global, doesn't it?

Looking at it another way.  I could design a TLS model for a
non-threaded system that has the compiler puts all thread local vars
in section named .tls instead of .data.  Because there is only one
thread, there is only one .tls section.  But I could then have linker
merge .tls and .data sections.  And instructions to reference tls and
non-tls vars are identical.

I don't think going the other way is safe.  If a system supports threads
but not TLS, then turning D thread local vars into globals is not good
(however I did do that so I could get initial work done on iOS before I
added TLS to backend).

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 18:13:03 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

It should also be possible for compilations to succeed without
rt/typeinfo - and for the compiler to not assume they exist

That would also be most welcome.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 17:27:05 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Tue, 05 May 2015 08:41:13 -0700
schrieb Dan Olson

Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d 

 If the cost is too much (ie: there is no heap), then we 
 should be
 able to stop emutls from kicking in by preventing the D 

 from returning true on isThreadLocal calls.

Iain, I think something like this would be good in GDC.  Makes 
it so

much easier to compile for no thread environments.

I'm not really sure about this. It's trivial to implement but it
generates a semantic difference which harms code portability 
(e.g. if

you have code where you want a global variable, don't mark it as
__gshared and then move to an environment with threads).

I'm coming around and feeling inclined to agree with this.  One 
of the things I want to avoid is creatIng an embedded dialect of 
the D.  I hope D for microcontrollers, kernels and such looks 
very much like the idiomatic D in the application programming 

What I would like to see, however, is a friendly compiler error 
like This platform does not support thread-local storage.  
Please decorate your global variables with __gshared. rather 
than undefined reference '_d_get_address' from the linker.


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d
Maybe it's stupid question, but is there any chance to get D on 
AVR(8/16 bit)?

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
Mike writes:

 On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:39:42 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:

 LDC Folks: is
 currently preventing me from supporting LDC with this runtime.

 I looked at this and found a workaround and noted it in the above

 Many Thanks!

 I've gotten further thanks to your help, but now I'm stuck on


Mike, Just updated the issue (you probably got an email). It is caused
by a change from 2.066 to 2.067 in DMD front end versions, not specific
to LDC.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d writes:

 If the cost is too much (ie: there is no heap), then we should be able
 to stop emutls from kicking in by preventing the D frontend from
 returning true on isThreadLocal calls.

Iain, I think something like this would be good in GDC.  Makes it so
much easier to compile for no thread environments.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Tue, 05 May 2015 08:41:13 -0700
schrieb Dan Olson

 Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d writes:
  If the cost is too much (ie: there is no heap), then we should be
  able to stop emutls from kicking in by preventing the D frontend
  from returning true on isThreadLocal calls.
 Iain, I think something like this would be good in GDC.  Makes it so
 much easier to compile for no thread environments.

I'm not really sure about this. It's trivial to implement but it
generates a semantic difference which harms code portability (e.g. if
you have code where you want a global variable, don't mark it as
__gshared and then move to an environment with threads).

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d
Mike writes:

 Read on GitHub:

 There was recently a discussion about how we could create a portable,
 pay-as-you-go, D runtime to help bring the promise of D to
 free-standing platforms and devices with tight resource constraints
 (e.g. microcontrollers).  Thread started here:$31id$

This is cool stuff.  Embedded has been the bulk of my software life and
is most fun.  I see there has been a lot of discussion that I'll have to
read up on before I say much more though.

 * the newlib C library

newlib has treated me well in the past, especially being so highly
customizable.  I think it is a good choice.  It would be fun to rewrite
it in D, but that perhaps is much work for little immediate benefit.

 Plea to Compiler Implementers
 We need better control over codegen.  TypeInfo and dead-code removal
 is preventing me from making progress
 ( I've
 resorted to compiling to assembly, using sed to hack the assembly, and
 then compiling the assembly.  Things like that make me want to not use
 D at all.

Yeah, this should be improved.

How about a -disable-tls option so that when there are no threads and
thus no TLS, you can compile exising D code as-is.  Otherwise you have
to rewrite normal variables to __gshared everywhere (I actually have this
option in a ldc fork).

 LDC Folks: is
 currently preventing me from supporting LDC with this runtime.

I looked at this and found a workaround and noted it in the above issue
Dan Olson

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d
On 5 May 2015 at 08:39, Dan Olson via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 Mike writes:

 Read on GitHub:

 There was recently a discussion about how we could create a portable,
 pay-as-you-go, D runtime to help bring the promise of D to
 free-standing platforms and devices with tight resource constraints
 (e.g. microcontrollers).  Thread started here:$31id$

 This is cool stuff.  Embedded has been the bulk of my software life and
 is most fun.  I see there has been a lot of discussion that I'll have to
 read up on before I say much more though.

 * the newlib C library

 newlib has treated me well in the past, especially being so highly
 customizable.  I think it is a good choice.  It would be fun to rewrite
 it in D, but that perhaps is much work for little immediate benefit.

 Plea to Compiler Implementers
 We need better control over codegen.  TypeInfo and dead-code removal
 is preventing me from making progress
 ( I've
 resorted to compiling to assembly, using sed to hack the assembly, and
 then compiling the assembly.  Things like that make me want to not use
 D at all.

 Yeah, this should be improved.

 How about a -disable-tls option so that when there are no threads and
 thus no TLS, you can compile exising D code as-is.  Otherwise you have
 to rewrite normal variables to __gshared everywhere (I actually have this
 option in a ldc fork).

Configure GDC with --disable-tls --disable-threads to get the desired
behaviour (disabling only TLS just makes codegen fallback to emulated
thread support).

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:56:52 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Configure GDC with --disable-tls --disable-threads to get the 
desired behaviour (disabling only TLS just makes codegen 
fallback to emulated thread support).

I didn't know this.  You mean if I configure with those options,
TLS variables will be treated as __gshared?


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:39:42 UTC, Dan Olson wrote:

LDC Folks: is
currently preventing me from supporting LDC with this runtime.

I looked at this and found a workaround and noted it in the 
above issue


Many Thanks!

I've gotten further thanks to your help, but now I'm stuck on


Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d
On 5 May 2015 at 09:48, Mike via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 06:56:52 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

 Configure GDC with --disable-tls --disable-threads to get the desired
 behaviour (disabling only TLS just makes codegen fallback to emulated thread

 I didn't know this.  You mean if I configure with those options,
 TLS variables will be treated as __gshared?


I have no control over what the backend does, but if it generates
control variables for them (emulated tls), then __get_address would
incur a small heap cost when first retrieved.

If the cost is too much (ie: there is no heap), then we should be able
to stop emutls from kicking in by preventing the D frontend from
returning true on isThreadLocal calls.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d
Am Tue, 05 May 2015 02:26:26 +
schrieb Mike

 Read on GitHub:
 There was recently a discussion about how we could create a 
 portable, pay-as-you-go, D runtime to help bring the promise of D 
 to free-standing platforms and devices with tight resource 
 constraints (e.g. microcontrollers).  Thread started here:$31id$
 The primary motivation is to create an arm-none-eabi GDC 
 cross-compiler toolchain for programming ARM Cortex-M 
 microcontrollers in D, but I think there's a way to achieve 
 broader platform support by delegating implementation details 
 down the supply chain.  I hope to articulate that strategy in 
 this post.
 To prove the concept, provide a place to start, and discuss 
 ideas, I created the most minimal D runtime I could:  I've 
 also included Phobos, so we could still have `std.stdio.write` 
 and `std.stdio.writeln` for console output, as every device needs 
 a console for development.
 ├── phobos
 │   └── std
 └── runtime
  └── rt
  └── typeinfo
 ├── arm
 │   └── cortexm4
 │   ├── phobosWe
 │   │   └── phobosPort.d
 │   └── runtime
 │   └── runtimePort.d
 ├── posix
 │   └── linux
 │   ├── phobos
 │   │   └── phobosPort.d
 │   └── runtime
 │   ├── c_types.d
 │   └── runtimePort.d
 There are two main folders: d and ports.  d provides the 
 patform-agnostic code, or code that is relevant to a large number 
 of platforms.  The ports directory provides the 
 platform-specific implementation.  Building simply requires 
 importing d/runtime, d/phobos, and your platform's hierarchy 
 in the ports folder.  At the moment, I've only implemented a 
 Linux 64-bit port and an ARM Cortex-M4 port to illustrate the 
 concept.  This is roughly how I wish the official runtime could 
 be structured in the spirit of Issue 11666.
 The official runtime includes platform-specific bindings in 
 `core.sys` and `stdc`, but I think that is a design anomaly.  
 While a port may find it convenient to use those bindings, they 
 should not be part of the D language's public API.  Rather, they 
 should be deported to Deimos, and if needed, imported privately 
 by a platform's port.  For the Linux port, I chose to write the 
 platform's system calls in assembly to illustrate that it is not 
 even necessary to use those bindings if one wants to do the due 
 diligence in D.
 Porting to a New Platform
 The platform-agnostic code in d delgates implementation details 
 to the platform-specific code using `extern(C) extern 
 _d_sys_name` system calls (for lack of a better term).  This is 
 how the newlib C library delegates platform-specific 
 implementations:  See
 At the moment, for the sake of demonstration, only 2 system calls 
 have been defined:
 * `__d_sys_write` - Equivalent to C's `write` system call
 * `__d_sys_exit` - Equivalent to C's `exit` system call
 These two system calls allow us to create a simple Hello World.  
 runtimePort.d implements `__d_sys_exit` and phobosPort.d 
 implements the `__d_sys_write`.
 Putting it all Together
 Users are not expected to use this code directly.  Rather, I 
 envision toolchain, silicon, and board vendors will use this code 
 as a small, but essential part of, their platform's D programming 
 package.  For example, a package for the ARM Cortex-M family of 
 MCUs might contain the following:
 * arm-none-eabi GDC cross-compiler
 * a library containing compiled code for the d folder in this 
 * a library containing the compiled code for the 
 ports/arm/cortexm folders in this repository
 * cortex-m core startup files
 * the newlib C library
 * the C library bindings from Deimos
 * multilibs from the GNU toolchain.
 A silicon vendor like ST, may then take that package and add more 
 platform-specific for their family of products:
 * startup files with interrupt vectors for their peripherals
 * linker scripts for each of their MCUs
 * flash memory programmer
 * library for on-dye peripherals
 * etc..
 A board vendor may choose to create yet another layer on top of 
 the silicon vendor's package.
 * library for peripherals external to the MCU (external RAM, IO 
 expanders, gyroscope, LCD, etc...)
 In short, this repository just provides just the foundation to 
 get D working, and delegates to toolchain, silicon, and board 
 vendors to fill in the details for their products.
 For those who have stake in this code base (kernel developers, 
 embedded developers, toolchain and package maintainers, etc...) 
 your constructive criticism and ideas are most welcome.  I am 
 unsure yet how this will play out, and what 

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-05 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d
On 5 May 2015 at 19:38, Johannes Pfau via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 I would probably split the runtime into at least two, probably three

 * Compiler support library (object.d, gcc/*.d, exception
   implementation) (module rt/ no module name)
 * Higher level library (portable, micro)
 * Hardware specific library (not portable, avr/ stm/)

 I think some basic portability between microcontrollers is useful. The
 compiler support library should be only a few 100 lines of code and
 should be without external dependencies. This way it's also useful for
 very small platforms (8bit) or use-cases where you inject code into
 other processes. It's trivial to port: we should have an ansi-c port
 and native ports should be implementable in 1-2 hours.

It should also be possible for compilations to succeed without
rt/typeinfo - and for the compiler to not assume they exist

RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-05-04 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d
Read on GitHub:

There was recently a discussion about how we could create a 
portable, pay-as-you-go, D runtime to help bring the promise of D 
to free-standing platforms and devices with tight resource 
constraints (e.g. microcontrollers).  Thread started here:$31id$

The primary motivation is to create an arm-none-eabi GDC 
cross-compiler toolchain for programming ARM Cortex-M 
microcontrollers in D, but I think there's a way to achieve 
broader platform support by delegating implementation details 
down the supply chain.  I hope to articulate that strategy in 
this post.

To prove the concept, provide a place to start, and discuss 
ideas, I created the most minimal D runtime I could:  I've 
also included Phobos, so we could still have `std.stdio.write` 
and `std.stdio.writeln` for console output, as every device needs 
a console for development.

├── phobos
│   └── std
└── runtime
└── rt
└── typeinfo

├── arm
│   └── cortexm4
│   ├── phobosWe
│   │   └── phobosPort.d
│   └── runtime
│   └── runtimePort.d
├── posix
│   └── linux
│   ├── phobos
│   │   └── phobosPort.d
│   └── runtime
│   ├── c_types.d
│   └── runtimePort.d

There are two main folders: d and ports.  d provides the 
patform-agnostic code, or code that is relevant to a large number 
of platforms.  The ports directory provides the 
platform-specific implementation.  Building simply requires 
importing d/runtime, d/phobos, and your platform's hierarchy 
in the ports folder.  At the moment, I've only implemented a 
Linux 64-bit port and an ARM Cortex-M4 port to illustrate the 
concept.  This is roughly how I wish the official runtime could 
be structured in the spirit of Issue 11666.

The official runtime includes platform-specific bindings in 
`core.sys` and `stdc`, but I think that is a design anomaly.  
While a port may find it convenient to use those bindings, they 
should not be part of the D language's public API.  Rather, they 
should be deported to Deimos, and if needed, imported privately 
by a platform's port.  For the Linux port, I chose to write the 
platform's system calls in assembly to illustrate that it is not 
even necessary to use those bindings if one wants to do the due 
diligence in D.

Porting to a New Platform
The platform-agnostic code in d delgates implementation details 
to the platform-specific code using `extern(C) extern 
_d_sys_name` system calls (for lack of a better term).  This is 
how the newlib C library delegates platform-specific 
implementations:  See

At the moment, for the sake of demonstration, only 2 system calls 
have been defined:

* `__d_sys_write` - Equivalent to C's `write` system call
* `__d_sys_exit` - Equivalent to C's `exit` system call

These two system calls allow us to create a simple Hello World.  
runtimePort.d implements `__d_sys_exit` and phobosPort.d 
implements the `__d_sys_write`.

Putting it all Together

Users are not expected to use this code directly.  Rather, I 
envision toolchain, silicon, and board vendors will use this code 
as a small, but essential part of, their platform's D programming 
package.  For example, a package for the ARM Cortex-M family of 
MCUs might contain the following:

* arm-none-eabi GDC cross-compiler
* a library containing compiled code for the d folder in this 
* a library containing the compiled code for the 
ports/arm/cortexm folders in this repository

* cortex-m core startup files
* the newlib C library
* the C library bindings from Deimos
* multilibs from the GNU toolchain.

A silicon vendor like ST, may then take that package and add more 
platform-specific for their family of products:

* startup files with interrupt vectors for their peripherals
* linker scripts for each of their MCUs
* flash memory programmer
* library for on-dye peripherals
* etc..

A board vendor may choose to create yet another layer on top of 
the silicon vendor's package.
* library for peripherals external to the MCU (external RAM, IO 
expanders, gyroscope, LCD, etc...)

In short, this repository just provides just the foundation to 
get D working, and delegates to toolchain, silicon, and board 
vendors to fill in the details for their products.

For those who have stake in this code base (kernel developers, 
embedded developers, toolchain and package maintainers, etc...) 
your constructive criticism and ideas are most welcome.  I am 
unsure yet how this will play out, and what roles players will 
assume, but let's give it a try.

Plea to Compiler Implementers
We need better control over codegen.  TypeInfo and