Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:02:30 -0400, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 01:36:46 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:47:22 -0400, Marc Schütz  

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 16:12:36 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
If you initialized the next element in both constructor and popFront,  
then you'd get rid of both these checks.

... but of course lose laziness.

In this case, laziness is not critical. Decoding the element is an O(1)  
operation, and when looping through, you will decode it anyway.

When processing a 20 element string, the cost of checking to see if you  
have decoded on every empty or front call may override the front-loaded  
cost of decoding the first element on construction. It's sure to add to  
the cost if you are processing all 20 elements, since you decode them  
all anyway.

On other ranges, it's more important when the first element costs a lot  
to fetch. HOWEVER, it's not critically important to delay that unless  
you are not going to process that element. For example, if you are  
foreach'ing over all the elements, the delay doesn't matter.

I'd rather the higher level code decide whether to delay or not,  
depending on the situation. Requiring a protocol change for such  
detailed knowledge seems unbalanced.

I was more thinking of the fact that you need to read something on  
construction, rather than on consumption, and this reading might be  
noticeable. There was the example of `stdin.byLine().filter(...)` (or  
something similar, don't remember exactly), which reads from stdin on  
construction. This changes the behaviour of the program, because the  
read operation will (probably) block.

Blocking operations may have a noticeable impact, but they may not. It  
depends on what you do between construction and processing.

For example, if you have:

foreach(l; stdin.byLine)

Lazily fetching the first line makes no operational difference whatsoever,  
even if it blocks, because you're immediately going to process it.

But if it *is* lazily fetched, you are paying some possibly small, but  
nonzero, cost for that laziness that you didn't need to pay.

This is why I said it's not critically important to delay unless you are  
not going to process the first element. Because there is no primitive to  
prime the range, we must do it on a property fetch, or on construction.  
But after that, popFront is a perfectly reasonable place to get the next  

All this fuss is over the *first* element in the range. I think providing  
a mechanism to decide whether you want it now or later is reasonable. For  
example a lazy range wrapper.

Note, however, the case Andrei was arguing about was one of the string  
decoders. When you are blocking for input, hell, even if you aren't  
blocking, but need to call system calls to get it, the performance cost of  
checking a boolean every call is negligible. But when you are decoding 1-4  
bytes of data in memory, checking a boolean becomes significant.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:23:29 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/28/2014 3:42 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is  

Returns 0 elements read.

Meaning it must also write through a pointer if it did read something.

How is that faster than a 1 element buffer?

I don't understand this point/question.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:58:35 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

Following the protocol empty-front-popFront always works.

Where the differences come in is when people skip calling empty.

-- when it is known empty will return false through logical deduction.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-31 Thread Marc Schütz
On Monday, 31 March 2014 at 11:40:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Blocking operations may have a noticeable impact, but they may 
not. It depends on what you do between construction and 

For example, if you have:

foreach(l; stdin.byLine)

Lazily fetching the first line makes no operational difference 
whatsoever, even if it blocks, because you're immediately going 
to process it.

But if it *is* lazily fetched, you are paying some possibly 
small, but nonzero, cost for that laziness that you didn't need 
to pay.

This is why I said it's not critically important to delay 
unless you are not going to process the first element. Because 
there is no primitive to prime the range, we must do it on a 
property fetch, or on construction. But after that, popFront is 
a perfectly reasonable place to get the next element.

All this fuss is over the *first* element in the range. I think 
providing a mechanism to decide whether you want it now or 
later is reasonable. For example a lazy range wrapper.

I've found the example I was talking about:

I misremembered, filter wasn't even involved. But similar 
situations may arise from using filter or another range that 
eagerly fetches the first element, even if its source doesn't.

Note, however, the case Andrei was arguing about was one of the 
string decoders. When you are blocking for input, hell, even if 
you aren't blocking, but need to call system calls to get it, 
the performance cost of checking a boolean every call is 
negligible. But when you are decoding 1-4 bytes of data in 
memory, checking a boolean becomes significant.

That's what I meant by a tight loop. My hypothesis is that in 
such cases the optimizers of at least GDC and LDC are good enough 
to remove the check for the boolean completely, and that at least 
LDC can then remove the boolean itself from the range structure.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-31 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:43:05 -0400, Marc Schütz wrote:

I've found the example I was talking about:

I misremembered, filter wasn't even involved. But similar situations may  
arise from using filter or another range that eagerly fetches the first  
element, even if its source doesn't.

Sure, but fetching lazily adds cost. It's possible to add it as an option  
when needed, but it's not easy to reclaim the cost if it's the default  

That's what I meant by a tight loop. My hypothesis is that in such cases  
the optimizers of at least GDC and LDC are good enough to remove the  
check for the boolean completely, and that at least LDC can then remove  
the boolean itself from the range structure.

I suspect that this is an optimization that will break down when not done  
in the right way. I'd rather be able to choose, do I need lazy  
evaluation or not? The cases where lazy evaluation is needed are not  


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-30 Thread monarch_dodra

On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 09:06:45 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 00:14:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

It increasingly seems to me we need to do this. -- Andrei

Question: Should this new restriction only be applied to 
*Input*Ranges? If so, then it might make more sense.

Ranges that also satisfy the *Forward* interface (which has 
save), or specifically, the *Output* interface (that doesn't 
even have empty) should not have this obligation. In 
particular, output ranges *write*, so usually can't even buffer 

*Input*-only Ranges are the ones that are usually implemented 
over streams, and that are most subject to the test empty 
issue too, so they are the ones that need this restriction.

Could this maybe be a good solution for everyone?

Did this conversation die the instant I actually had something 
smart to say?

@andralex, @WalterBright ? Thoughts?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-30 Thread Oscar Martín

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 23:14:56 UTC, Tobias Müller wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 20:49:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:21 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or 
front multiple times
or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as if 
they are properties


I can concede that. But I can't concede being able to call 
front without first calling empty, or calling popFront without 
calling empty and front, or requiring 'pump priming' in the 

Disclaimer: I'm a C++ programmer just lurking here, I've never
actually used D.

I find it very counter-intuitive that 'empty' is required before
front or popFront.
Since 'pump priming' in the constructor isn't wanted either, i'd
suggest the following protocol:

while (popFront())

popFront is then required to return !empty.
'empty' as a separate property getter can stay but is not
required for the protocol.

This way, it's clear that the work to fetch the next element is
always done in popFront.

Generally I find dependecies between functions problematic that
require a specific call sequence. If they can be removed, they

With my proposed solution, there's still one minor dependency,
namely that front is not valid before the first popFront. This
could be solved by again combining the two, as proposed by
someone else in this thread.


First sorry for my english.

I agree.

All work is done in bool popFront() (well, this name may no 
longer be the most appropriate).
In this function the first / next item is obtained and caches. 
Returns true if any element, false otherwise.
front return de cached element as now, as many times as desired 
and without side effects.
empty function is no longer necessary, but it might be useful 
to keep changing the return type for example to int:

1 - Sure there is more elements
0 - Sure there is NO more elements
   -1 - I don't known. Try popFront to know if more element

Of course this function as front, without side effects

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread monarch_dodra
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 00:14:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

It increasingly seems to me we need to do this. -- Andrei

What I find funny here is that walter is saying we must enforce 
that empty always be called in the range - for performance.

Yet about a year ago, he made a proposal for a 
SentinelInputRange, where you could do away with empty 
altogether because tl,dr: PERFORMANCE!.$1v8b$

If you need to deviate from the rules for extra performance, then 
fine. Just document that it is a lower level range, with useage 

However, making a global design change because *1* type of range 
needs it, for performance, I'm not fine with.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

29-Mar-2014 06:47, Andrei Alexandrescu пишет:

On 3/28/14, 11:40 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

28-Mar-2014 22:29, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 10:11 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

WAT? The overhead is in issuing system calls, you'd want to do as
little of them
as possible. Reading byte by byte is an exemplar of idiocy in I/O code.

That's why we have things like byLine().

Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte via getc.
Even though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a function
call per byte. No wonder it's SLOW.

byLine doesn't use getc. -- Andrei

Indeed not every version. Linux looks almost OK.

There is still this stuff in empty:

And looking through the code I see that Win64, OSX and FreeBSD versions 
still use getc. Win32 hacks right into DMC run-time, and on linux 
getdelim is used.

The point about ranges only ever making sense over buffered I/O still 
stands. Preferably not C runtime.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

29-Mar-2014 02:05, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 11:40 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte via
getc. Even
though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a function call
per byte.
No wonder it's SLOW.

How about a PR to fix it?

Sorry, I'm not inclined to do any work on hacking arbitrary C runtime 
libraries. Too much work on reverse engineering and making sure it stays 
in sync. We need new I/O package and hopefully Steven has something brewing.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread monarch_dodra
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 00:14:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

It increasingly seems to me we need to do this. -- Andrei

Question: Should this new restriction only be applied to 
*Input*Ranges? If so, then it might make more sense.

Ranges that also satisfy the *Forward* interface (which has 
save), or specifically, the *Output* interface (that doesn't even 
have empty) should not have this obligation. In particular, 
output ranges *write*, so usually can't even buffer data.

*Input*-only Ranges are the ones that are usually implemented 
over streams, and that are most subject to the test empty issue 
too, so they are the ones that need this restriction.

Could this maybe be a good solution for everyone?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Peter Alexander

On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 00:50:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's become clear to me that we've underspecified what an 
InputRange is.

As someone who has missed this discussion, can I just say this: 
can we please document the result somewhere, and possibly even 
announce it clearly so that people know that something has 

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Marc Schütz
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 01:36:46 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:47:22 -0400, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 16:12:36 UTC, monarch_dodra 
If you initialized the next element in both constructor and 
popFront, then you'd get rid of both these checks.

... but of course lose laziness.

In this case, laziness is not critical. Decoding the element is 
an O(1) operation, and when looping through, you will decode it 

When processing a 20 element string, the cost of checking to 
see if you have decoded on every empty or front call may 
override the front-loaded cost of decoding the first element on 
construction. It's sure to add to the cost if you are 
processing all 20 elements, since you decode them all anyway.

On other ranges, it's more important when the first element 
costs a lot to fetch. HOWEVER, it's not critically important to 
delay that unless you are not going to process that element. 
For example, if you are foreach'ing over all the elements, the 
delay doesn't matter.

I'd rather the higher level code decide whether to delay or 
not, depending on the situation. Requiring a protocol change 
for such detailed knowledge seems unbalanced.

I was more thinking of the fact that you need to read something 
on construction, rather than on consumption, and this reading 
might be noticeable. There was the example of 
`stdin.byLine().filter(...)` (or something similar, don't 
remember exactly), which reads from stdin on construction. This 
changes the behaviour of the program, because the read operation 
will (probably) block.

I'd suggest to make it a requirement for ranges and algorithms 
_not_ to start consuming the underlying data until one of 
empty/front/popFront is called, even if that has a negative 
effect on performance. That's why I was asking for performance 
numbers, to see whether there even is an effect. If there isn't, 
that's just another argument for adding that requirement.

This is then, IMO, a very acceptable additional burden to place 
on the writers of ranges. I agree, however, that it's not a good 
idea to change the range protocol, i.e. what _users_ of ranges 
have to abide by. That would be a breaking change, and it would 
be an especially bad one because there I see no way to detect 
that a user failed to call `empty` in an iteration if they knew 
that there are more elements available.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Marco Leise
Am Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:23:29 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright

 On 3/28/2014 3:42 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
  I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is empty.
  Returns 0 elements read.

I guess we all have a clear concept of streams in our mind
from all kinds of programming languages. They typically
operate on bytes, have an EOF flag and offer read/write
methods that you pass a byte pointer and a length into. The
result is the count of bytes read or written.
Optionally they have an available property and handle any
combination of the following:
o all basic data types of the programming language
o POD structs
o formatted strings
o bitwise operations
o seeking after calculating offsets

They are used for I/O on heterogeneous data like binary
file formats or network protocols.

Ranges on the other hand work on sequences of items of the
same type, which is a small subset of what streams are
supposed to support. While there should be a connection
between both worlds, one cannot replace the other. There will
always be a separate raw stream type in Phobos.

 Meaning it must also write through a pointer if it did read something.
 How is that faster than a 1 element buffer?

You can write your stream in such a way that you map a
memory area. E.g. you call stream.waitForSoManyBytes(123);
and then ubyte[] arr = stream.mapMemory(123); where arr is
then a slice into the stream's internal buffer.
(This also requires a mechanism to release the
 buffer after use, so the stream can reuse it:


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-29 Thread Daniel Murphy
Luís Marques  wrote in message

- Is it allowed for an InputRange to become empty and then not empty 
again? For a finite RandomAccessRange to increase in length? E.g.:

Not by itself - if a range's empty has returned true, calling empty 
repeatedly should continue to return true.

If you change it externally (ie not by using the range interface) then it 
can become non-empty.


int[] arr;

arr ~= 3;
// no longer empty, but we used a method outside the range interface to 
change it.

I don't think a random number generator or some hardware device producing 
more data would be a good reason to change empty - range.empty is not asking 
'is there more data ready', it's asking 'are there items left to iterate 

- Is it allowed to not call front? E.g.:


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread monarch_dodra

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 02:14:40 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I'm with Walter on this one. Generic code should NOT assume 
about a range it was given, and therefore it should call .empty 
calling .front or .popFront. If you know that a particular 
doesn't require calling .empty beforehand, then by definition 
your code
is no longer generic, and you just have to live with the 
consequences of
that. Nothing stops you, for example, from exposing a .get 
function or
whatever else, *in addition* to the standard range API. Then 
code that
knows how to deal with .get will use it, and your range remains 

with other generic code.

It's not that *you* know a particular range doesn't need empty 
called, it's that the algorithm you are using has already 
previously validated there are elements in it.

For example, the splitter algorithm will first save a copy of its 
range, and then walk it, searching for the splitting elements. 
It then realizes it has walked N elements.

From there, it takes the original range, and packs it into a 
takeExactly(N) of the original range. Iterating that 
takeExactly(N) is faster than a raw take, *because* 
takeExactly was already promised that the range holds N 
elements, and as such, *doesn't* check for empty.

Ditto for findSplit.

And again, there are functions, such as copy, then simply 
*require* that a certain range have at least a certain amount of 
elements. Why check for it, if not providing it is a violation of 
its interface.

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 23:52:46 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I know that you want to get rid of empty. But getting rid of 
empty means that front may fail. This is why there is an empty, 
and any generic code MUST respect that.

Front only fails *if* the range is empty. Not if you fail to call 
empty. Generic code respects that.

What you can do is, in your range:

enum empty = true;

That's not the same. That's making the assumption your range will 
*never* be empty, which is a whole other concept (infinite 

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:20:25 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright

 On 3/27/2014 2:56 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
  On 3/27/14, 2:24 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
  The range protocol is designed to work with streams.
  It's designed to work with containers.
 I know we talked about streams when we designed it.
  It's a giant fail
  if they do not, or if you want to create a separate, non-range
  universe to deal with streams.
  It's not a giant fail, we just need to adjust the notion.
 Are you suggesting that ranges needn't support streams?
 Note also that I suggested a way Steven could create an adapter with
 the behavior he desired, yet still adhere to protocol. No notion
 adjustments required.

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D. 

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Paolo Invernizzi

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 00:41:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 3:23 PM, QAston wrote:

The protocol is not intuitive.

I find empty-front-popFront as perfectly intuitive. I don't 
find the counter proposals, which come with baggage like 
constructors that may fail, and front() that may fail in 
unspecified ways, or throwing entire paradigms out the window, 
as intuitive.

But I concede that other people think differently. Not everyone 
thinks the same. But consider this: floating point math is not 
intuitive. There has never been a shortage of proposals to make 
fp intuitive, but they've all failed because they are 

Sometimes ya gotta go with what works.

I _strongly_ agree with Walter: people learning D in my groups 
have no problems with the empty-front-popFront sequence.

Please don't complicate or change the notion of range: you can 
find an adjustment that don't break code, but for sure that will 
break the mindset of people.

For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that 
empty *must* be checked prior to front/popFront.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread RivenTheMage

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 21:54:00 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 1:58 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah, agreed. -- Andrei

Completely unworkable. To determine if a range is empty or 
not, it may
have to actually read from its input. TTYs are an example. 
empty may then cache the result, and not read the second time 
it is
called, an observer of TTY could see that an item was read 
from the TTY.

That's a good point too.


Maybe new kind of range can help?
Which has bool popFront() instead of bool empty() + void

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi  
paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:
For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that empty  
*must* be checked prior to front/popFront.

This is actually not true.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/28/2014 1:32 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.

Do you see a point to be able to, in an algorithm, seamlessly swap a socket with 
a string?

empty-front-popFront works with streams and non-streams. Why break this?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:25:56 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 2:31 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Adding range primitives on top of a stream does not make sense.

Are ready to implement a parallel universe of stream based algorithms to  
go alongside all the range based ones and be ready to constantly justify  
that to everyone?

Not necessary. You just need to implement one range on top of a buffered  
stream, and then it works with all other algorithms that accept input  

I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is  

Returns 0 elements read.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Marc Schütz

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 16:12:36 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 15:45:14 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/27/14, 8:44 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:40:59 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 5:35 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing 
on dust when
we are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless 
dust. This does
not solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams 
don't make
good ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as 
I can tell.

I think byXchar are important and are not streams. -- Andrei

What's broken about those?


I call shenanigans. This is the code:

@property bool empty()
if (nLeft)
return false;
if (r.empty)
return true;

If you initialized the next element in both constructor and 
popFront, then you'd get rid of both these checks.

... but of course lose laziness.

Furthermore, popFront() has a guaranteed 1 call per element. 
Weareas empty and front may be called several times in a 
row for a single element.

If you want efficiency, stop being member-wise lazy, and put 
some eagerness in your code.

Does a flag isInitialized even have an effect on performance 
where it matters?

It should only be relevant in tight loops, and there I expect a 
moderately well-working optimizer to inline calls to `empty` and 
`front`. It can then see that it has just set isInitialized to 
true/false, and remove the checks completely, effectively 
generating code as if the value were only fetched/computed in 
`empty`. That only leaves the larger struct size as a potential 
problem. However I've seen LDC being able to decompose a struct 
into separate variables, so I guess it can remove the unnecessary 
member in our case.

In other situations, where you already have more complex code, an 
additional conditional branch will not have as much weight anyway.

Does somehow have numbers for realistic programs, with 
GDC/LDC/DMD? I suspect this entire discussion is moot, because we 
can easily have non-eagerly initialized ranges without 
sacrificing performance in most situations.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Chris

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 04:58:28 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 3:21 AM, Chris wrote:

I agree. I've been using ranges for a while now and have tried
different implementations based on advice given on this forum 

depending on each case. After reading this thread I looked at
some of my ranges and I have to say I still have no clue as to
what should and should _not_ be done (regardless of whether you
_can_ do it). For a while I thought that it's my lack of
understanding, but this thread shows that everyone has a
different view of ranges. Guidelines with use cases would be
great. I remember I mentioned this in another thread already. 
thing is that experimenting without proper guidelines leaves 

code in an inconsistent state where you have two or more ranges
doing technically the same thing but each with a different 

Following the protocol empty-front-popFront always works.

Where the differences come in is when people skip calling empty.

Not only there. The whole issue of front and popFront has not 
been made clear yet (unless it's my lack of understanding). What 
should and should not be done there, even if you stick to the 
basic protocol (!empty  front  popFront).

I like the concept of ranges and use them a lot, because they 
help me to create independent components. But sometimes I think 
they are just glorified for-loops in the sense that we know more 
or less what the input is, and part of the reason why we have 
this thread is that we want everything to be specialized and 
generic at the same time. E.g.

@monarch_dodra wrote:

It's not that *you* know a particular range doesn't need empty
called, it's that the algorithm you are using has already
previously validated there are elements in it.

For example, the splitter algorithm will first save a copy of its
range, and then walk it, searching for the splitting elements.
It then realizes it has walked N elements.

But then it's no longer generic. If your range depends on another 
algorithm (that you assume or know to have checked something), 
then it's no longer generic. In many cases generic means an 
overhead of checks, and is anathema to performance tuning. I 
think it's the issue of generic vs. specialized / optimized that 
started this thread. And this is a tough one to sort out.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread w0rp
I think something has gone wrong in this discussion somewhere. It 
is like this.

Do not assume .empty is const, this is unreasonable.

Do not assume .front is const, this is unreasonable.

.popFront has the only high-level observable difference in 
removing something from the front of an InputRange.

I say it is unreasonable to expect .empty or .front to be const 
because a range which is strictly an InputRange (not a 
ForwardRange...) is likely to be doing some kind of work where 
stepping through its sequence of data is destructive. As soon as 
the thing is read in the implementation of the InputRange, you 
can't read that thing again. You've cached it or it is gone. Thus 
.empty and .front must be non-const and lazily evaluate caching 
the next value.

I do not see it as a major issue to check .empty or call .front 
many times, even with this caching behaviour. Commonly this is as 
simple as checking whether or not you still have a value to 
provide inside the InputRange. We use assert(!empty) etc. because 
honestly I cannot imagine another way to make this safe.

If you really, really hate this double-checking in .empty or 
.front, you could try to change InputRanges so they behave like 
Java Iterators. I believe this is a really bad idea. You have to 
start thinking about returning nullable types. You have to push 
the job of caching values on to users of the InputRanges, as in 
each and every algorithm. It's just a really bad choice, and with 
the kind of boxing you'll need to do for nullable types, you'll 
surely end off worse as far as performance goes anyway.

Really, the range protocol is as Walter specified at the start of 
this thread. The documentation should reflect how .empty or 
.front may result in caching the next value. I really don't think 
this is a major performance problem worth worrying about, though. 
If it's really, really worth it for certain standard algorithms, 
perhaps something can be done in private range methods or similar 
to offer some kind of speed boost. ('package' privacy for std.* 
is feasible.) I don't think there is a lot to be gained from this 
in general, though.

Streams are different, and may be more appropriate for some 
functions for performance reasons. I still prefer ranges for code 
where performance is less critical, because if you aren't very 
worried about performance, the range API is a lot nicer. I'm not 
dead set on maximum performance if it makes life a lot harder in 
my code, personally. I view these kinds of improvements as 
premature optimisations if I'm writing something new.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Regan Heath

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:15:10 -, Chris wrote:

Earlier Walter wrote:

I don't like being in the position of when I need high performance  
code, I have
to implement my own ranges  algorithms, or telling customers they need  
to do so.

I don't think there is a one size fits all. What if customers ask for  
maximum security? In any language, if I want high performance, I have to  
be prepared to walk on thin ice. If I want things to be safe and / or  
generic, I have to accept additonal checks (= perfomance penalties). I  
don't think that a language can solve the fundamental problems  
concerning programming / mathematical logic with all the contradictory  
demands involved. It can give us the tools to cope with those problems,  
but not solve them out of the box.

You can build safety on top of performance.  You cannot do the opposite.   
Meaning, one could wrap an unsafe/fast range with a safe/slower one.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Chris

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 15:49:06 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:15:10 -, Chris 

Earlier Walter wrote:

I don't like being in the position of when I need high 
performance code, I have
to implement my own ranges  algorithms, or telling customers 
they need to do so.

I don't think there is a one size fits all. What if customers 
ask for maximum security? In any language, if I want high 
performance, I have to be prepared to walk on thin ice. If I 
want things to be safe and / or generic, I have to accept 
additonal checks (= perfomance penalties). I don't think that 
a language can solve the fundamental problems concerning 
programming / mathematical logic with all the contradictory 
demands involved. It can give us the tools to cope with those 
problems, but not solve them out of the box.

You can build safety on top of performance.  You cannot do the 
opposite.  Meaning, one could wrap an unsafe/fast range with a 
safe/slower one.


But should unsafe+fast be the default or rather an option for 
cases when you really need it?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:30:36 -, John Stahara wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:23:11 +, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 09:30:25 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi
paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:

For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that empty
*must* be checked prior to front/popFront.

This is actually not true.


What I'm meaning, it's that we don't care: we are always respecting the
sequence empty  front  pop, and everybody here find it natural.

To clarify for Mr. Invernizzi: the we to which he refers is the group
of people he works with, and /not/ the members of this newsgroup.


Thanks, that was confusing me :)


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Mar-2014 13:55, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 1:32 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.

Do you see a point to be able to, in an algorithm, seamlessly swap a
socket with a string?

Certainly NOT a socket. There is no escaping the fact that there are 
specifics to unbuffered direct streams.
What you mention only makes sense with buffering either implicit or (I'd 
prefer) explicit.

empty-front-popFront works with streams and non-streams. Why break this?

Pipe dream.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Regan Heath

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:04:29 -, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 15:49:06 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:15:10 -, Chris wrote:

Earlier Walter wrote:

I don't like being in the position of when I need high performance  
code, I have
to implement my own ranges  algorithms, or telling customers they  
need to do so.

I don't think there is a one size fits all. What if customers ask for  
maximum security? In any language, if I want high performance, I have  
to be prepared to walk on thin ice. If I want things to be safe and /  
or generic, I have to accept additonal checks (= perfomance  
penalties). I don't think that a language can solve the fundamental  
problems concerning programming / mathematical logic with all the  
contradictory demands involved. It can give us the tools to cope with  
those problems, but not solve them out of the box.

You can build safety on top of performance.  You cannot do the  
opposite.  Meaning, one could wrap an unsafe/fast range with a  
safe/slower one.


But should unsafe+fast be the default or rather an option for cases when  
you really need it?

Pass.  My point was only that it needs to exist.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:55:45 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright

 On 3/28/2014 1:32 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
  Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
  iterators in c++,
  IEnumerator in c#,
  Iterator in java
  all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
  think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.
 Do you see a point to be able to, in an algorithm, seamlessly swap a
 socket with a string?

Sorry, but no. It sure sounds nice first, but I can't really imagine a
use case where I would want any generic algorithms to work directly on a
socket. Having a look on the cheat sheet of std.algorithm 99% of these
algorithms do not make sense to operate on sockets, those that do
(count, until) would be bad in performance terms when operating
directly byte per byte.

You at least want buffered reads when doing IO operations. If you then
extend range interface to give access to an internal buffer you just
reinvented streams.

 empty-front-popFront works with streams and non-streams. Why break

It 'works' with streams but it's way too slow. You don't want to read
byte-per-byte. Of course you can always implement ranges on top of
streams. Usually these will not provide byte-per-byte access but
efficient higher level abstractions (byLine, byChunk, decodeText).

The point is you can implement ranges on streams easily, but you can't
use ranges as the generic primitive for raw data. What's the element
type of a data range?
ubyte - performance sucks
ubyte[n], ubyte[] now you have a range of ranges, most algorithms wont
work as expected (find, count, ...).

(the call empty/don't call empty discussion is completely unrelated to
this, btw. You can implement ranges on streams either way, but again,
using ranges for raw data streams is not a good idea.)

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 04:30:36PM +, John Stahara wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:23:11 +, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
  On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 09:30:25 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
  On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi
  paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:
  For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that empty
  *must* be checked prior to front/popFront.
  This is actually not true.
  What I'm meaning, it's that we don't care: we are always respecting
  the sequence empty  front  pop, and everybody here find it
 To clarify for Mr. Invernizzi: the we to which he refers is the
 group of people he works with, and /not/ the members of this

FWIW I find it perfectly natural as well. (But I know not everyone
agrees. :P)


The two rules of success: 1. Don't tell everything you know. -- YHL

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Mar-2014 04:20, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/27/2014 2:56 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 2:24 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

The range protocol is designed to work with streams.

It's designed to work with containers.

I know we talked about streams when we designed it.

If streams are like hot raw sockets then certainly it doesn't make 
sense. Ranges work nice when there are some slots down below, that is 
a buffer.

It's a giant fail
if they do not, or if you want to create a separate, non-range universe
to deal with streams.

It's not a giant fail, we just need to adjust the notion.

Are you suggesting that ranges needn't support streams?

Yes they don't support streams. They are an abstraction somewhere on 
top of buffering. This is where they fit nicely.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Paolo Invernizzi

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 09:30:25 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi 
paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:
For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that 
empty *must* be checked prior to front/popFront.

This is actually not true.


What I'm meaning, it's that we don't care: we are always 
respecting the sequence empty  front  pop, and everybody here 
find it natural.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread w0rp

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 16:59:05 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
It 'works' with streams but it's way too slow. You don't want 
to read
byte-per-byte. Of course you can always implement ranges on top 

streams. Usually these will not provide byte-per-byte access but
efficient higher level abstractions (byLine, byChunk, 

The point is you can implement ranges on streams easily, but 
you can't
use ranges as the generic primitive for raw data. What's the 

type of a data range?
ubyte - performance sucks
ubyte[n], ubyte[] now you have a range of ranges, most 
algorithms wont

work as expected (find, count, ...).

(the call empty/don't call empty discussion is completely 
unrelated to
this, btw. You can implement ranges on streams either way, but 

using ranges for raw data streams is not a good idea.)

I think a key is to offer something with gives you chunks at a 
time right at the top, and the use .joiner on that. I read files 
this way currently.

auto fileByteRange = File(something).byChunk(chunkSize).joiner;

I believe this to be a very good way to get good performance 
without losing the functionality of std.algorithm.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread John Stahara
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:23:11 +, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

 On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 09:30:25 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi
 paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:
 For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact that empty
 *must* be checked prior to front/popFront.

 This is actually not true.

 What I'm meaning, it's that we don't care: we are always respecting the
 sequence empty  front  pop, and everybody here find it natural.

To clarify for Mr. Invernizzi: the we to which he refers is the group 
of people he works with, and /not/ the members of this newsgroup.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Mar-2014 21:07, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 9:48 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

28-Mar-2014 13:55, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 1:32 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.

Do you see a point to be able to, in an algorithm, seamlessly swap a
socket with a string?

Certainly NOT a socket. There is no escaping the fact that there are
to unbuffered direct streams.
What you mention only makes sense with buffering either implicit or
(I'd prefer)

Yes, it does require a one element buffer. But seriously, does a one
character buffer from a socket have a measurable impact on reading from
a network?

WAT? The overhead is in issuing system calls, you'd want to do as little 
of them as possible. Reading byte by byte is an exemplar of idiocy in 
I/O code.

I'm an efficiency wonk as much or more than anyone, and this
appears to me to be a false savings.

Oh crap. This is very wrong. Do you often work with I/O and networking?

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/28/2014 9:48 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

28-Mar-2014 13:55, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 1:32 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I don't
think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.

Do you see a point to be able to, in an algorithm, seamlessly swap a
socket with a string?

Certainly NOT a socket. There is no escaping the fact that there are specifics
to unbuffered direct streams.
What you mention only makes sense with buffering either implicit or (I'd prefer)

Yes, it does require a one element buffer. But seriously, does a one character 
buffer from a socket have a measurable impact on reading from a network? I'm an 
efficiency wonk as much or more than anyone, and this appears to me to be a 
false savings.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:22:26 +
schrieb w0rp

 I think a key is to offer something with gives you chunks at a 
 time right at the top, and the use .joiner on that. I read files 
 this way currently.
 auto fileByteRange = File(something).byChunk(chunkSize).joiner;

byChunk is implemented on top of the file rawRead API though, and
that's a stream API ;-)
As said before implementing ranges on top of streams is fine, but if you
want ranges to replace streams as the lowest level interface you'll
either suffer from performance issues or you'll have to extend the
range interface and effectively make it a stream interface. (For example
byChunk doesn't offer a way to provide a buffer. I'd expect a low level
API to offer this, but it'll complicate range API a lot. File.rawRead
on the other hand provides exactly that and you can implement byChunk
on top of rawRead easily. The other way round is not as easy).

BTW: If this code performs well of course depends what you with that
fileByteRange range. For example if you only read the complete file into
a memory buffer joiner would reduce performance significantly.

 I believe this to be a very good way to get good performance 
 without losing the functionality of std.algorithm.

Yes, that's exactly how ranges/streams should interface, there's no
real problem for users.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Chris

Earlier Walter wrote:

I don't like being in the position of when I need high 
performance code, I have
to implement my own ranges  algorithms, or telling customers 
they need to do so.

I don't think there is a one size fits all. What if customers ask 
for maximum security? In any language, if I want high 
performance, I have to be prepared to walk on thin ice. If I want 
things to be safe and / or generic, I have to accept additonal 
checks (= perfomance penalties). I don't think that a language 
can solve the fundamental problems concerning programming / 
mathematical logic with all the contradictory demands involved. 
It can give us the tools to cope with those problems, but not 
solve them out of the box.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/28/2014 10:11 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

WAT? The overhead is in issuing system calls, you'd want to do as little of them
as possible. Reading byte by byte is an exemplar of idiocy in I/O code.

That's why we have things like byLine().

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread QAston

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 08:34:08 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:20:25 -0700
schrieb Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 2:56 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 3/27/14, 2:24 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 The range protocol is designed to work with streams.

 It's designed to work with containers.

I know we talked about streams when we designed it.

 It's a giant fail
 if they do not, or if you want to create a separate, 

 universe to deal with streams.

 It's not a giant fail, we just need to adjust the notion.

Are you suggesting that ranges needn't support streams?

Note also that I suggested a way Steven could create an 
adapter with
the behavior he desired, yet still adhere to protocol. No 

adjustments required.

Ranges have equivalents in other languages:
iterators in c++,
IEnumerator in c#,
Iterator in java

all these languages have special stream types for raw data. I 

think it's bad if we also have streams/ranges separate in D.

There are stream iterators in C++:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

28-Mar-2014 22:29, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 10:11 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

WAT? The overhead is in issuing system calls, you'd want to do as
little of them
as possible. Reading byte by byte is an exemplar of idiocy in I/O code.

That's why we have things like byLine().

Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte via getc. 
Even though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a function 
call per byte. No wonder it's SLOW.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Paolo Invernizzi

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 16:30:36 UTC, John Stahara wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:23:11 +, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 09:30:25 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:59:34 -, Paolo Invernizzi
paolo.invernizzi@no.address wrote:
For what concern us, everyone here is happy with the fact 
that empty

*must* be checked prior to front/popFront.

This is actually not true.


What I'm meaning, it's that we don't care: we are always 
respecting the
sequence empty  front  pop, and everybody here find it 

To clarify for Mr. Invernizzi: the we to which he refers is 
the group
of people he works with, and /not/ the members of this 


Thank you John, that's exact: I'm talking about my colleagues 
working with D.

-- Paolo

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/28/2014 11:40 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte via getc. Even
though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a function call per byte.
No wonder it's SLOW.

How about a PR to fix it?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Tobias Müller

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 20:49:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:21 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or 
front multiple times
or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as if 
they are properties


I can concede that. But I can't concede being able to call 
front without first calling empty, or calling popFront without 
calling empty and front, or requiring 'pump priming' in the 

Disclaimer: I'm a C++ programmer just lurking here, I've never
actually used D.

I find it very counter-intuitive that 'empty' is required before
front or popFront.
Since 'pump priming' in the constructor isn't wanted either, i'd
suggest the following protocol:

while (popFront())

popFront is then required to return !empty.
'empty' as a separate property getter can stay but is not
required for the protocol.

This way, it's clear that the work to fetch the next element is
always done in popFront.

Generally I find dependecies between functions problematic that
require a specific call sequence. If they can be removed, they

With my proposed solution, there's still one minor dependency,
namely that front is not valid before the first popFront. This
could be solved by again combining the two, as proposed by
someone else in this thread.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Szymon Gatner

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 23:14:56 UTC, Tobias Müller wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 20:49:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:21 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or 
front multiple times
or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as if 
they are properties


I can concede that. But I can't concede being able to call 
front without first calling empty, or calling popFront without 
calling empty and front, or requiring 'pump priming' in the 

Disclaimer: I'm a C++ programmer just lurking here, I've never
actually used D.

I find it very counter-intuitive that 'empty' is required before
front or popFront.
Since 'pump priming' in the constructor isn't wanted either, i'd
suggest the following protocol:

while (popFront())

In c++ if you had a list or deque you would obviously did 
if(empty()) before calling front() too, and the before a call to 
pop_front(). Container is kind of range and in c++ it looks 
exactly the same:

while (!cont.empty())
  auto var = cont.front();
  cont.pop_front(); // consume

3 operations are needed.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/28/14, 3:42 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:25:56 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 2:31 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Adding range primitives on top of a stream does not make sense.

Are ready to implement a parallel universe of stream based algorithms
to go alongside all the range based ones and be ready to constantly
justify that to everyone?

Not necessary. You just need to implement one range on top of a buffered
stream, and then it works with all other algorithms that accept input

I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is

Returns 0 elements read.

It increasingly seems to me we need to do this. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread w0rp

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 22:05:33 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/28/2014 11:40 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte 
via getc. Even
though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a 
function call per byte.

No wonder it's SLOW.

How about a PR to fix it?

Yes. I hold the opinion that there is not a whole lot of reason 
why something like byChunk can't be fast like we might desire. If 
it's down to getting chunks of data the right way, whatever that 
is, and the problem is an IO bound problem, then I don't see why 
we can't submit pull requests to offer optimisations on it. I 
don't think we need to go down this the way it does IO isn't 
fast enough so we need to replace it route. Just optimise the 
existing thing more.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread w0rp

On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 23:14:56 UTC, Tobias Müller wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 20:49:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:21 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or 
front multiple times
or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as if 
they are properties


I can concede that. But I can't concede being able to call 
front without first calling empty, or calling popFront without 
calling empty and front, or requiring 'pump priming' in the 

Disclaimer: I'm a C++ programmer just lurking here, I've never
actually used D.

I find it very counter-intuitive that 'empty' is required before
front or popFront.
Since 'pump priming' in the constructor isn't wanted either, i'd
suggest the following protocol:

while (popFront())

popFront is then required to return !empty.
'empty' as a separate property getter can stay but is not
required for the protocol.

This way, it's clear that the work to fetch the next element is
always done in popFront.

Generally I find dependecies between functions problematic that
require a specific call sequence. If they can be removed, they

With my proposed solution, there's still one minor dependency,
namely that front is not valid before the first popFront. This
could be solved by again combining the two, as proposed by
someone else in this thread.


Well, it might seem kind of weird at first that an InputRange has 
these concepts in three distinct methods, but they really are 
three separate operations. After I have spent enough time working 
with Java Iterators, I have found it much nicer to be able to get 
the current value or see if I'm at the end or not without having 
to worry about caching the current value myself. Also as I've 
said before it gives you some opportunity to make trying to fetch 
something out of an empty range less error prone, because you 
don't have to check for a null value, etc.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:14:39 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/28/14, 3:42 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:25:56 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 2:31 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Adding range primitives on top of a stream does not make sense.

Are ready to implement a parallel universe of stream based algorithms
to go alongside all the range based ones and be ready to constantly
justify that to everyone?

Not necessary. You just need to implement one range on top of a buffered
stream, and then it works with all other algorithms that accept input

I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is

Returns 0 elements read.

It increasingly seems to me we need to do this. -- Andrei

It is in the works. I need to finish it. I've been incorporating Dmitry's  
I/O buffer into my design.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:52:52 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 2:46 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
What I am protesting is the idea that you *know* input exists, you must  
still call empty.

Front is enough in that case.

You can't use that on generic code, because generic code cannot assume  
that front will not fail.

There is a difference here that I want to establish.

First, I completely agree that for generic code, for when an unknown range  
is passed in, empty is required to be called to verify that front is valid.

Second, while I agree that empty should be required to verify front is  
valid on unknown ranges, it should not be required, when it is known that  
it's not empty.

What you are proposing is that we take advantage of the requirement for  
empty on unknown ranges to require it on known ones. I disagree, the code  
looks awkward and incorrect. When I know something is empty, calling empty  
again doesn't give me information. instead empty now becomes is it empty,  
and if it needs priming, prime it. I'd rather see another primitive,  
since empty does not convey that message.

A counter proposal -- What if we create a global method in std.range  
called prime. prime(r) will call if it exists, otherwise calls  
r.empty, and ignores the result. Code that wants to work with primable  
ranges, can call that function, and it's harmless for normal ranges, but  
will allow primable ranges to fetch the first element.

I think penalizing all range-using code to force a non-functional empty  
call would 1. artificially invalidate lots of currently valid code and 2.  
look completely awkward in cases where it's not normally necessary.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:47:22 -0400, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 16:12:36 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

I call shenanigans. This is the code:

@property bool empty()
if (nLeft)
return false;
if (r.empty)
return true;

If you initialized the next element in both constructor and popFront,  
then you'd get rid of both these checks.

... but of course lose laziness.

In this case, laziness is not critical. Decoding the element is an O(1)  
operation, and when looping through, you will decode it anyway.

When processing a 20 element string, the cost of checking to see if you  
have decoded on every empty or front call may override the front-loaded  
cost of decoding the first element on construction. It's sure to add to  
the cost if you are processing all 20 elements, since you decode them all  

On other ranges, it's more important when the first element costs a lot to  
fetch. HOWEVER, it's not critically important to delay that unless you are  
not going to process that element. For example, if you are foreach'ing  
over all the elements, the delay doesn't matter.

I'd rather the higher level code decide whether to delay or not, depending  
on the situation. Requiring a protocol change for such detailed knowledge  
seems unbalanced.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/28/2014 3:42 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I'm also curious what a generic read() should do when the stream is empty.

Returns 0 elements read.

Meaning it must also write through a pointer if it did read something.

How is that faster than a 1 element buffer?

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-28 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/28/14, 11:40 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

28-Mar-2014 22:29, Walter Bright пишет:

On 3/28/2014 10:11 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

WAT? The overhead is in issuing system calls, you'd want to do as
little of them
as possible. Reading byte by byte is an exemplar of idiocy in I/O code.

That's why we have things like byLine().

Which uses C's BUFFERED I/O and it reads from it byte by byte via getc.
Even though sys calls are amortized by C runtime, we have a function
call per byte. No wonder it's SLOW.

byLine doesn't use getc. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:36:08 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 3/26/14, 8:37 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
  On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:09:04 -0400, Regan Heath
  On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:30:53 -, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
  Gah, I didn't cut out the right rules. I meant the two rules that
  empty must be called before others. Those are not necessary.
  I see.  I was thinking we ought to make empty mandatory to give more
  guaranteed structure for range implementors, so lazy initialisation
  can be done in one place only, etc etc.
  Yes, but when you know that empty is going to return false, there isn't
  any logical reason to call it. It is an awkward requirement.
  I had the same thinking as you, why pay for an extra check for all 3
  calls? But there was already evidence that people were avoiding empty.
 I think requiring users to call empty before front on input ranges is a
 concession we should make.

I don't know. It's not the end of the world if we require it (at least with a 
range that doesn't have length), since you're almost always going to be forced 
to call empty anyway, because ranges are generally used in generic code. 
However, it seems really off to me for there to be any real work going on in 
empty, and I'd be leery of any range which actually required empty to be 
called before calling front (though I definitely think that calling front on 
an empty range should not be considered okay and would expect that to 
generally be undefined behavior).

Regardless, if the range has length, then I'd think that quite a few of the 
algorithms which actually used length wouldn't actually need to call empty, 
making calling empty unnecessary overhead. But for the most part, I think that 
a lot of the weird cases go away when you end up with length and random-access 
ranges and the like, since that usually means that the range isn't generative 
but likely has an array underneath (though map certainly has its quirks thanks 
to the fact that front could technically allocate a new object on every call, 
and it can be random-access).

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 27.03.2014 03:48, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 7:19 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

auto r2 = map!(x = x * 2)(r);
   auto x = r2.front;
} while(!r2.empty);

Should we be required to re-verify that r2 is not empty before using
it? It
clearly is not, and would be an artificial requirement (one that map
would not enforce!).

This sounds so much like a convention that simply won't be followed,
and the
result will be perfectly valid code.

The idea is that there are three functions: empty, front, and popFront.
The functionality of the range will be distributed between these 3
functions. Different things being ranged over will naturally split their
operations into the 3 functions in different ways.

If the 3 functions can be called in any order, then extra logic has to
be added to them to signal to each other. This slows things down.

To write generic code calling ranges, it's necessary to stop assuming
what is happening under the hood of empty, front, and popFront, and
stick to the protocol.

IIUC what you are proposing would be covered better by removing front 
and return the value by popFront.

Instead of forcing strong, breaking and sometimes unintuitive semantics 
we could also improve dmd's optimizer. This caching range example:

T getc(T)();

struct irange(T)
  bool _cached;
  T _cache;

  this(T[] arr) { _cached = false; }
  bool empty() {
if(_cached) return false;
_cache = getc!T();
return (_cache  0);
  T front() { empty(); return _cache; }
  void popFront() { _cached = false; }

int foo(irange!int rg)
  int sum = 0;
sum += rg.front;
  return sum;

generates this code with dmd2.065 -O -inline -release -noboundscheck -m64:

  : pushrbp
  0001: mov rbp,rsp
  0004: pushrax
  0005: pushrsi
  0006: mov qword ptr [rbp+10h],rcx
  000A: xor esi,esi
  000C: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
  0010: sub rsp,20h
  0014: call_D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
  0019: add rsp,20h
  001D: xor al,1
  001F: je  0050
  0021: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
  0025: sub rsp,20h
  0029: call_D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
  002E: add rsp,20h
  0032: mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+14h]
  0035: add esi,eax
  0037: mov byte ptr [rbp+10h],0
  003B: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
  003F: sub rsp,20h
  0043: call_D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
  0048: add rsp,20h
  004C: xor al,1
  004E: jne 0021
  0050: mov eax,esi
  0052: pop rsi
  0053: lea rsp,[rbp]
  0057: pop rbp
  0058: ret

  : pushrbp
  0001: mov rbp,rsp
  0004: mov qword ptr [rbp+10h],rcx
  0008: cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
  000B: je  0011
  000D: xor eax,eax
  000F: pop rbp
  0010: ret
  0011: sub rsp,20h
  0015: call_D7irange211__T4getcTiZ4getcFZi
  001A: add rsp,20h
  001E: mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+10h]
  0022: mov dword ptr [rcx+4],eax
  0025: shr eax,1Fh
  0028: mov byte ptr [rcx],al
  002A: xor al,1
  002C: pop rbp
  002D: ret

and this with gdc (-O2 on

mov rax, rdi
xor ebx, ebx
shr rax, 32
testdil, dil
je  .L5
add ebx, eax
callint example.getc!(int).getc()
testeax, eax
js  .L2
mov eax, ebx
pop rbx

All traces of the caching but the initial state check have been removed, 
no extra calls.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 27.03.2014 07:53, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

bool empty() {
 if(_cached) return false;
 _cache = getc!T();
 return (_cache  0);

Ouch, pasted before fixing:

  bool empty() {
if(_cached) return false;
_cache = getc!T();
_cached = _cache = 0; // this line added
return !_cached;

The asm is with an unintended _cached = _cache  0;, but that's the 
same, just accepting negative input instead of non-negative.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Wednesday, 26 March 2014 at 18:04:44 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Wednesday, 26 March 2014 at 17:36:08 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
I think requiring users to call empty before front on input 
ranges is a concession we should make.

Then the name should change to ready. It makes sense to 
require the user to check that the range is ready, but not to 
check that it is not empty. This will also make more sense 
for async implementations that will block if not ready.

IMO the whole interface needs rethinking if you want to 
gracefully support async data streams where you need to 
distinguish between: ready vs empty, front vs 
firstavailable. Both quick-sort, merge-sort, filter and map 
work well with async data streams.

Why not?

It is how iterators work in most OO languages.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/26/2014 11:53 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

IIUC what you are proposing would be covered better by removing front and return
the value by popFront.

Different things being ranged over make different decisions as to what goes into 
each function.

Instead of forcing strong, breaking and sometimes unintuitive semantics

I don't understand what is so unintuitive about:

while (!empty) { ... front ...; popFront(); }

What I do find unintuitive and unattractive is all those flags in the range 

we could also improve dmd's optimizer.

Yes, that's true. The thing about optimizers, though, is they work on patterns. 
If your code doesn't quite match the right pattern, it won't tickle the 
optimization you might be expecting. The pattern for recognizing the ROL and ROR 
patterns is one such.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/26/2014 11:53 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

 This caching range example:

T getc(T)();

struct irange(T)
   bool _cached;
   T _cache;

   this(T[] arr) { _cached = false; }
   bool empty() {
 if(_cached) return false;
 _cache = getc!T();
 return (_cache  0);

What happens if empty is called twice in a row? Two characters get read! That 
isn't right.

   T front() { empty(); return _cache; }

What happens if empty returns true? EOF? I don't think that's intuitive. You 
could have front throw, but that prevents anyone from building nothrow ranges.

   void popFront() { _cached = false; }

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/26/2014 11:48 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

However, it seems really off to me for there to be any real work going on in

Many things, like some ttys, can not be tested for being empty without reading 
it, and reading of a tty is destructive.

and I'd be leery of any range which actually required empty to be
called before calling front (though I definitely think that calling front on
an empty range should not be considered okay and would expect that to
generally be undefined behavior).

That's exactly why empty should be called before front - because front is 
expected to succeed.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Chris

On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 01:07:27 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 00:50:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's become clear to me that we've underspecified what an 
InputRange is. The normal way to use it is:

   while (!r.empty) {
   auto e = r.front;
   ... do something with e ...

no argument there. But there are two issues:

1. If you know the range is not empty, is it allowed to call 
r.front without calling r.empty first?

If this is true, extra logic will need to be added to r.front 
in many cases.

2. Can r.front be called n times in a row? I.e. is calling 
front() destructive?

If true, this means that r.front will have to cache a copy in 
many cases.

It would be nice to have ranges full stop described. And how to 
use/make them in D. I have yet to learn them because of no 
official documentation on them.
On this topic we also need to work on common patterns and 
creating documentation on e.g. the site or wiki for it. Saw 
that we do have a bit in the wiki under tutorials. Maybe if I 
get some time I'll work on that.

I agree. I've been using ranges for a while now and have tried
different implementations based on advice given on this forum and
depending on each case. After reading this thread I looked at
some of my ranges and I have to say I still have no clue as to
what should and should _not_ be done (regardless of whether you
_can_ do it). For a while I thought that it's my lack of
understanding, but this thread shows that everyone has a
different view of ranges. Guidelines with use cases would be
great. I remember I mentioned this in another thread already. The
thing is that experimenting without proper guidelines leaves your
code in an inconsistent state where you have two or more ranges
doing technically the same thing but each with a different logic.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Regan Heath
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:44:13 -, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Regan Heath  wrote in message

What guarantees range2 is longer than range1?  The isArray case checks  
explicitly, but the generic one doesn't.  Is it a property of being an  
output range that it will expand as required, or..

Some ranges will give you their length...

Sure.  And generally you could use it.  copy() doesn't, and I was talking  
specifically about that example.  :)


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Marc Schütz

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 04:17:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 7:55 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
OK, but it's logical to assume you *can* avoid a call to empty 
if you know
what's going on under the hood, no? Then at that point, you 
have lost the
requirement -- people will avoid calling empty because they 
can get away with
it, and then altering the under-the-hood requirements cause 
code breakage later.

Case in point, the pull request I referenced, the author 
originally tried to
just use empty to lazily initialize filter, but it failed due 
to existing code
in phobos that did not call empty on filtered data before 
processing. He had to

instrument all 3 calls.

As with *any* API, if you look under the hood and make 
assumptions about the behavior based on a particular 
implementation, assumptions that are not part of the API, the 
risk of breakage inevitably follows.

If you've identified Phobos code that uses ranges but does not 
follow the protocol, the Phobos code is broken - please file a 
bugzilla issue on it.

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look 
at the documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of 

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would 
have, returned false.

(And the same for `popFront()`.)

That is, the documentation more or less explicitly states that 
you don't actually need to call `empty` if you know it returned 


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Regan Heath
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:19:13 -, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

auto r2 = map!(x = x * 2)(r);
   auto x = r2.front;
} while(!r2.empty);


auto r2 = map!(x = x * 2)(r);
   auto x = r2.front;
   r2.popFront();  //bug fix for your version which I noticed because I  
followed the pattern :D


ahh.. much better.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Regan Heath

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:49:42 -, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 04:17:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 7:55 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
OK, but it's logical to assume you *can* avoid a call to empty if you  
what's going on under the hood, no? Then at that point, you have lost  
requirement -- people will avoid calling empty because they can get  
away with
it, and then altering the under-the-hood requirements cause code  
breakage later.

Case in point, the pull request I referenced, the author originally  
tried to
just use empty to lazily initialize filter, but it failed due to  
existing code
in phobos that did not call empty on filtered data before processing.  
He had to

instrument all 3 calls.

As with *any* API, if you look under the hood and make assumptions  
about the behavior based on a particular implementation, assumptions  
that are not part of the API, the risk of breakage inevitably follows.

If you've identified Phobos code that uses ranges but does not follow  
the protocol, the Phobos code is broken - please file a bugzilla issue  
on it.

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the  
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of `isInputRange()`):

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have,  
returned false.

(And the same for `popFront()`.)

That is, the documentation more or less explicitly states that you don't  
actually need to call `empty` if you know it returned `true`.


That's because up until now we've made no attempt to set this in stone,  
and as such many interpretations have surfaced.  This documentation would,  
of course, change to match the final decision made.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 08:13:28 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Why not?

It is how iterators work in most OO languages.

Why not what? A query for empty() should not have any side 
effects. In what library does that happen? Tests should in 
general not have side effects unless the name suggest so.

Anyway, I wish D was more clear about use scenarios. If D is 
going to be efficient in the server space then it should also 
make low latency programming easier, meaning supporting async 
collections out-of-the-box.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:17:21 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 7:55 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
OK, but it's logical to assume you *can* avoid a call to empty if you  
what's going on under the hood, no? Then at that point, you have lost  
requirement -- people will avoid calling empty because they can get  
away with
it, and then altering the under-the-hood requirements cause code  
breakage later.

Case in point, the pull request I referenced, the author originally  
tried to
just use empty to lazily initialize filter, but it failed due to  
existing code
in phobos that did not call empty on filtered data before processing.  
He had to

instrument all 3 calls.

As with *any* API, if you look under the hood and make assumptions about  
the behavior based on a particular implementation, assumptions that are  
not part of the API, the risk of breakage inevitably follows.

Like It's required, but frequently omitted, without any  
consequences. I'm not saying requiring it would be an invalid decision,  
I'm saying requiring it would be a futile gesture -- the requirement would  
be ignored.

What happens when one of our clients code breaks severely because we  
make a change in phobos that assumes empty is always called first on a  
newly-created range?

If you've identified Phobos code that uses ranges but does not follow  
the protocol, the Phobos code is broken - please file a bugzilla issue  
on it.

I think we should work on making a protocol that does not require awkward  
calls, rather than alienating developers who don't follow the awkward  

BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing on dust when we  
are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless dust. This does not  
solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams don't make good  
ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as I can tell.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 12:35:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
What happens when one of our clients code breaks severely 
because we make a change in phobos that assumes empty is always 
called first on a newly-created range?

You probably can run-time test this in Debug builds, but…

I think we should work on making a protocol that does not 
require awkward calls, rather than alienating developers who 
don't follow the awkward protocol.

This is it. There is way too much awkwardness in D already. And 
essentially, the closer the design is to mainstream the more 
annoying it is when you diverge and are inconsistent.

Code should behave as expected without any need for memorizing. 
Having to differentiate between dialects is so much harder than 
differentiating between orthogonal languages.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of `isInputRange()`):

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have,
returned false.

Probably we need to amend that. For efficient ranges, front() and 
popFront() should only be guaranteed to work if either empty() or 
length() were evaluated first, and they returned false or nonzero, 


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 5:35 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing on dust when
we are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless dust. This does
not solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams don't make
good ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as I can tell.

I think byXchar are important and are not streams. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:19:15 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of  

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have,
returned false.

Probably we need to amend that. For efficient ranges, front() and  
popFront() should only be guaranteed to work if either empty() or  
length() were evaluated first, and they returned false or nonzero,  

This is a misleading statement. An array is probably the most efficient of  
ranges, which does not require this.

We should be more specific here. For certain types of *nonempty* ranges,  
front is only guaranteed to work if empty/length was called before front  
is called. I would not necessarily lump popFront into that requirement  
automatically, popFront may be able to cope with not having cached the  
first element without losing efficiency.

Questions to answer:

1. What types of ranges does this rule apply to?
2. What is the cost of not requiring this in terms of efficiency and ease  
of implementation.
3. Is there a better mechanism to use than misusing empty? should we  
introduce another property/call?

At the moment, the only candidates I can think of are lazy caching ranges.  
How many of those exist?


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:40:59 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 5:35 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing on dust when
we are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless dust. This does
not solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams don't make
good ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as I can tell.

I think byXchar are important and are not streams. -- Andrei

What's broken about those?


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 8:44 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

At the moment, the only candidates I can think of are lazy caching
ranges. How many of those exist?

filter comes to mind. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 8:44 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:40:59 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 5:35 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing on dust when
we are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless dust. This does
not solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams don't make
good ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as I can tell.

I think byXchar are important and are not streams. -- Andrei

What's broken about those?


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread monarch_dodra
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 15:19:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/27/14, 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:
I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer 
look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of 

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or 
would have,

returned false.

Probably we need to amend that. For efficient ranges, front() 
and popFront() should only be guaranteed to work if either 
empty() or length() were evaluated first, and they returned 
false or nonzero, respectively.

I just want to point out that I think allowing empty to have an 
*observable* side effect will have cataclysmic repercussion in 
validating a release build, what with all our assert(!empty); 
calls and all.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread monarch_dodra
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 15:45:14 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/27/14, 8:44 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:40:59 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 5:35 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
BTW, I think there has been recent talk about not focusing 
on dust when
we are laying bricks. This would have my vote as useless 
dust. This does
not solve the problem of streams-as-ranges, because streams 
don't make
good ranges. It doesn't really solve any problems as far as 
I can tell.

I think byXchar are important and are not streams. -- Andrei

What's broken about those?


I call shenanigans. This is the code:

@property bool empty()
if (nLeft)
return false;
if (r.empty)
return true;

If you initialized the next element in both constructor and 
popFront, then you'd get rid of both these checks.

Furthermore, popFront() has a guaranteed 1 call per element. 
Weareas empty and front may be called several times in a row 
for a single element.

If you want efficiency, stop being member-wise lazy, and put 
some eagerness in your code.

filter comes to mind. -- Andrei

You *just* turned down a pull that did exactly that, for exactly 
the same reasons.

Have byXChar function like filter: construction and popFront do 
the work, and front/empty is 0(1), and const, and strongly pure 
to boot. I *know* the compiler likes that in terms of speed.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Luís.Marques

On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 00:50:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's become clear to me that we've underspecified what an 
InputRange is.

Some thoughts:

- A while ago I realized I did not know how some of those 
underspecified details should be implemented (I think my initial 
doubt was if the range was expected/required to enforce(!empty)). 
Assuming it was just my ignorance (and incomplete or hard to find 
documentation), I asked in the IRC channel and, IIRC, the answer 
I got there was that ranges are an abstract concept, so such 
minutia were supposed to be implementation details. From this 
forum thread and that IRC feedback, it seems that, indeed, people 
have been operating under an illusion of a shared universal 
assumption. I'm very happy to see this addressed.

- (Lots of text deleted because I was no longer sure about it ...)

- Is it allowed for an InputRange to become empty and then not 
empty again? For a finite RandomAccessRange to increase in 
length? E.g.:

// Example 1: (with outside control flow)

// Example 2: (with only range-related control flow)
auto n = someQueue.length;
assert(someQueue.length == n-1); // can this fail?

- Is it allowed to not call front? E.g.:

void dropAll(Range)(Range range)

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:02:16 -0400, monarch_dodra  

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 15:19:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of  

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have,
returned false.

Probably we need to amend that. For efficient ranges, front() and  
popFront() should only be guaranteed to work if either empty() or  
length() were evaluated first, and they returned false or nonzero,  

I just want to point out that I think allowing empty to have an  
*observable* side effect will have cataclysmic repercussion in  
validating a release build, what with all our assert(!empty); calls  
and all.

This is an excellent point. assert(!empty) is everywhere.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

filter comes to mind. -- Andrei

You *just* turned down a pull that did exactly that, for exactly the
same reasons.

I was on the verge, and we need to discuss this more. A constructor that 
does arbitrary work for a lazy range doesn't sit well. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread monarch_dodra
On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 19:03:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/27/14, 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

filter comes to mind. -- Andrei

You *just* turned down a pull that did exactly that, for 
exactly the

same reasons.

I was on the verge, and we need to discuss this more. A 
constructor that does arbitrary work for a lazy range doesn't 
sit well. -- Andrei

I still think there's ambiguity in the word lazy. I think this 
is the distinction most make:

Not lazy:
auto r = getSomeRange();
auto arr = someRange.array();
foreach( ref e ; arr)
return arr;

return getSomeRange()

What you are talking about (IMO) is better described as eager 
vs not eager.

A constructor does some work for a lazy range that does eager 
processing of its elements: I think this is a better 
description, and I think is acceptable.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 27.03.2014 09:42, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 11:53 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

IIUC what you are proposing would be covered better by removing front
and return
the value by popFront.

Different things being ranged over make different decisions as to what
goes into each function.

Instead of forcing strong, breaking and sometimes unintuitive semantics

I don't understand what is so unintuitive about:

 while (!empty) { ... front ...; popFront(); }

This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or front 
multiple times or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as 
if they are properties then.

What I do find unintuitive and unattractive is all those flags in the
range implementation.

we could also improve dmd's optimizer.

Yes, that's true. The thing about optimizers, though, is they work on
patterns. If your code doesn't quite match the right pattern, it won't
tickle the optimization you might be expecting. The pattern for
recognizing the ROL and ROR patterns is one such.

I guess gcc doesn't use patterns here, but value propagation and notices 
that all the checks are unnecessary.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 27.03.2014 10:06, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/26/2014 11:53 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

 This caching range example:

T getc(T)();

struct irange(T)
   bool _cached;
   T _cache;

   this(T[] arr) { _cached = false; }
   bool empty() {
 if(_cached) return false;
 _cache = getc!T();
 return (_cache  0);

What happens if empty is called twice in a row? Two characters get read!
That isn't right.

Good catch. Somehow I pasted the wrong version, but posted the 
corrections a few minutes later.

   T front() { empty(); return _cache; }

What happens if empty returns true? EOF? I don't think that's intuitive.
You could have front throw, but that prevents anyone from building
nothrow ranges.

The caller is told to guarantee that empty must not return true. I just 
didn't wanted to repeat the stuff in empty. GDC removed it anyway...

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 11:53 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:02:16 -0400, monarch_dodra wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 15:19:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/27/14, 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have,
returned false.

Probably we need to amend that. For efficient ranges, front() and
popFront() should only be guaranteed to work if either empty() or
length() were evaluated first, and they returned false or nonzero,

I just want to point out that I think allowing empty to have an
*observable* side effect will have cataclysmic repercussion in
validating a release build, what with all our assert(!empty); calls
and all.

This is an excellent point. assert(!empty) is everywhere.


Yah, agreed. -- Andrei

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 12:24 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

The caller is told to guarantee that empty must not return true.

I think that is the very definition of looking under the hood in order to 
violate protocol. A range CANNOT be written generically and support that.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 12:21 PM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

This loop is intuitive. Not being allowed to call empty or front multiple times
or not at all is unintuitive. They should not be named as if they are properties

I can concede that. But I can't concede being able to call front without first 
calling empty, or calling popFront without calling empty and front, or requiring 
'pump priming' in the constructor.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

If you initialized the next element in both constructor

As mentioned earlier, requiring this of a range constructor makes it impossible 
to separate composition of a range with using it.

As also mentioned earlier, this throws under the bus entire categories of use 
cases for ranges, all to avoid a single call to 'empty'.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 3:49 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

I was originally going to do that, but then I took a closer look at the
documentation, which says ([1] in the documentation of `isInputRange()`):

Calling r.front is allowed only if calling r.empty has, or would have, returned

(And the same for `popFront()`.)

That is, the documentation more or less explicitly states that you don't
actually need to call `empty` if you know it returned `true`.


Right, it does say that, and it is seriously wrong.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 12:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah, agreed. -- Andrei

Completely unworkable. To determine if a range is empty or not, it may have to 
actually read from its input. TTYs are an example. Although empty may then cache 
the result, and not read the second time it is called, an observer of TTY could 
see that an item was read from the TTY.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:53:35 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

If you initialized the next element in both constructor

As mentioned earlier, requiring this of a range constructor makes it  
impossible to separate composition of a range with using it.

Not impossible. Use lazy initialization.

As also mentioned earlier, this throws under the bus entire categories  
of use cases for ranges, all to avoid a single call to 'empty'.

This is going to look weird:


// now we can use it...

It only makes sense if you are using empty in your processing of the range.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright
On 3/27/2014 5:45 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 12:35:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I think we should work on making a protocol that does not require awkward
calls, rather than alienating developers who don't follow the awkward protocol.

This is it.

Sure, but what is awkward about empty-front-popFront?

You can still always use:

foreach (e; range) { ... }

which will follow the correct protocol automatically.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:58:12 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah, agreed. -- Andrei

Completely unworkable. To determine if a range is empty or not, it may  
have to actually read from its input. TTYs are an example. Although  
empty may then cache the result, and not read the second time it is  
called, an observer of TTY could see that an item was read from the TTY.

In the land of ranges, it's construction and popFront that generally  
advances the range. Empty does not. This is why assert(!empty) is all over  
the place, it's considered to be non-destructive.

Note that a stream makes a terrible range, simply because of what you say  
-- reading is destructive, and determining emptiness is dependent on  
reading. You need a buffered stream to make a good range, and then the  
logic becomes much more straightforward.

The awkwardness for shoehorning streams into ranges I see is that the  
advancement (popFront) and the check for termination (empty) are  
decoupled, when in reality they are synced for a stream. This REQUIRES a  
sticky bit for popFront to communicate with empty on whether it is EOF or  

Even a single byte buffer is not enough, you need a bool to indicate the  
stream is done.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:06:35 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 5:45 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 at 12:35:04 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I think we should work on making a protocol that does not require  
calls, rather than alienating developers who don't follow the awkward  

This is it.

Sure, but what is awkward about empty-front-popFront?

You can still always use:

 foreach (e; range) { ... }

which will follow the correct protocol automatically.

If this is all we needed, ranges would never have been invented.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 2:13 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Note that a stream makes a terrible range, simply because of what you say --
reading is destructive, and determining emptiness is dependent on reading. You
need a buffered stream to make a good range, and then the logic becomes much
more straightforward.

The range becomes the one element buffer in this case. It is completely 

The awkwardness for shoehorning streams into ranges I see is that the
advancement (popFront) and the check for termination (empty) are decoupled, when
in reality they are synced for a stream. This REQUIRES a sticky bit for popFront
to communicate with empty on whether it is EOF or not.

The range protocol is designed to work with streams. It's a giant fail if they 
do not, or if you want to create a separate, non-range universe to deal with 

Even a single byte buffer is not enough, you need a bool to indicate the stream
is done.

Right. But empty for a stream still has to read. Just follow the protocol, and 
the range will work, even with streams.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 1:59 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:53:35 -0400, Walter Bright

On 3/27/2014 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

If you initialized the next element in both constructor

As mentioned earlier, requiring this of a range constructor makes it
impossible to separate composition of a range with using it.

Not impossible. Use lazy initialization.

That still doesn't work, because then you could be calling front, and front 
might fail if there's no input.

What is wrong with following the protocol? Why must we introduce all these 
caveats for ranges, like streams not working, front that can fail, can't do C# 
style LINQ, etc.? For what gain?

It only makes sense if you are using empty in your processing of the range.

I.e. follow the danged protocol and it works.

Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:24:11 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 2:13 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Note that a stream makes a terrible range, simply because of what you  
say --
reading is destructive, and determining emptiness is dependent on  
reading. You
need a buffered stream to make a good range, and then the logic becomes  

more straightforward.

The range becomes the one element buffer in this case. It is completely  

A 1 byte buffered stream? If it's performance you are looking for, you  
will not find it there.

The range protocol is designed to work with streams. It's a giant fail  
if they do not, or if you want to create a separate, non-range universe  
to deal with streams.

Ranges work well on top of buffered streams, but not AS streams.

Even a single byte buffer is not enough, you need a bool to indicate  
the stream

is done.

Right. But empty for a stream still has to read. Just follow the  
protocol, and the range will work, even with streams.

A stream requires one primitive -- read. In one function call, you get the  
data you want, you can tell if it's empty, and the stream object does not  
need to concern itself with projecting a cached element. Adding range  
primitives on top of a stream does not make sense.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:28:05 -0400, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 1:59 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:53:35 -0400, Walter Bright


On 3/27/2014 9:12 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

If you initialized the next element in both constructor

As mentioned earlier, requiring this of a range constructor makes it
impossible to separate composition of a range with using it.

Not impossible. Use lazy initialization.

That still doesn't work, because then you could be calling front, and  
front might fail if there's no input.

In the cases where you know there is input, that's not true. What I am  
protesting is the idea that you *know* input exists, you must still call  
empty. Front is enough in that case.

What is wrong with following the protocol? Why must we introduce all  
these caveats for ranges, like streams not working, front that can fail,  
can't do C# style LINQ, etc.? For what gain?

There is no gain to requiring empty on ranges where you logically prove  
they are not empty. It's a wasted call. For things where you're not sure  
if they are empty or not (e.g. an input file), of course empty is required  
to be called, and of course it may do some processing to determine that.  
But I would only expect that on the first call. Subsequent checks would  
already be done by popFront.

It only makes sense if you are using empty in your processing of the  

I.e. follow the danged protocol and it works.

I mean, if you are calling empty regularly, because you aren't sure  
whether the elements are there. That's not always the case, sometimes you  
are sure the elements are there. Requiring a call to empty to do anything  
other than to check whether a range is empty, is just plain wrong. I'm  
sure there's better ways to implement what you want without stitching the  
functionality onto empty.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 1:58 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2014 12:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yah, agreed. -- Andrei

Completely unworkable. To determine if a range is empty or not, it may
have to actually read from its input. TTYs are an example. Although
empty may then cache the result, and not read the second time it is
called, an observer of TTY could see that an item was read from the TTY.

That's a good point too.


Re: protocol for using InputRanges

2014-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/14, 2:24 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

The range protocol is designed to work with streams.

It's designed to work with containers.

It's a giant fail
if they do not, or if you want to create a separate, non-range universe
to deal with streams.

It's not a giant fail, we just need to adjust the notion.


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