Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-16 Thread Fernando via Digitalmars-d
I am Eng. (Electrical Engineer) Fernando Parillo of University of 
Cassino, Italy, author of several papers about sfloat24 math 
library. I conceived this library, in the early of 2007 and this 
library worked in stable manner in the middle of 2010, date of 
publication of the first paper concerning its usage on a FPGA 
device concerning the implementation of a control strategy 
applied to a Power Electronic converter, July 2010. As well known 
a FPGA is a programmable digital logic device by software. Thus, 
it can execute any logical function such as numeric processors, 
digital interface, controllers and decoders only in a single IC. 
The FPGA architecture contains programmable logic components 
called Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB), and a hierarchy of 
reconfigurable interconnects that allow the blocks to be wired 
together. The CLB can be configured to make complex combinational 
functions, or only simple logic gates like AND and XOR.
In most FPGA, the CLB also include memory elements, which can be 
simple flip-flops or more complete blocks of memory. FPGAs are 
programmed using a logic circuit diagram or a source code in 
Hardware Description Language (HDL). The main motivation to 
develop this library was to implement a floating-point numerical 
system on a low cost FPGA device, as an ALTERA Cyclone I. It is 
obvious that this library could be suitable also for low cost 
microcontrollers where the ALU has low performances. In view of 
the circumstances of the new programming language, development, 
as D language, could be useful to include a short floating-point 
number format in it, as native numbering system. A reduced 
floating-point library could be very useful for low cost 
processors programming. Nowadays low cost microcontrollers and/or 
microprocessors offer acceptable performances only if integer 
numbers are used. If you are interested to implement this format 
in the future D programming language, I could offer my support. 
For me this collaboration could be an excellent 
experience/opportunity to improve the sfloat24 math library and 
the same time to learn more about computer science skills. At 
moment I have implemented, the basic arithmetic operations, 
square root of a number, hyperbolic/trigonometric functions, etc. 
 To understand the utility of this floating-point format you 
could look for “sfloat24 converter tool ver. 1.1” available on 
the Apple® app. Store. For any questions do not hesitate to 
contact me by email o directly using SKYPE.

Best Regards
F. Parillo

University of Cassino Research Assistant, Apple® IOS developer
Website: , SKYPE account: 

Thanks a lot for your paid attention and have a nice day.

Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-05 Thread ponce
Wow many questions. I'll try my best but I'm not the most 
knowledgeable person out there.

On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 01:20:43 UTC, Bill Buckels wrote:
On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 21:06:52 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 

This seems out of place? What about D for .NET?

That was really my question:) If D was to have the sfloat24 
built-in data type, to what extent would that affect using an 
interface layer like .NET?

Wouldn't affect.

Or does anybody use D in .NET? Does anyone care what Microsoft 
does with their layers?
There was D.NET attempt but it has stalled, conflation of slices 
and dynamic arrays was one of the problems IIRC. So no, I think 
nobody runs D on the CLR.

How about IOs? Anything precise happening in D over there? OSX?

D runs native there.

Would the availability of sfloat24 in D expand the use of D in 
the .NET environment? Or for that matter any environment? 
Arduino? Raspberry Pi? Bluetooth?

No since D already have custom float, which can be tailored for 
the problem at hand (like you would tailor a fixed-point integer 
to a particular problem).

Anyone doing FPGA in D on some new contraption that isn't built 
Don't think so. FPGA men mostly have contempt for C code 
converted to FPGA code.

Exactly what are your views on sfloat24 after reading the 
papers? Rsik versus Reward for any language like D in this case 
that took a giant leap of faith and decided to provide support 
for sfloat24?

I personally don't need that type. I would say risk = reward = 0 
:), since custom numerical data-type can be easily implemented in 
Might be useful on small hardware with no accelerated float like 
you suggested.

Is this just something that electrical engineers are going to 
use doing experimental programming or has sfloat24 some 
practical merit that would make it desirable as a built-in data 
type for the D community.

Well it doesn't need to be builtin anyway, so you can go ahead 
and implement sfloat24.d

The banking software I wrote back then runs after-hours and 
nobody much cared if it was COBOL or C++ back then... is it 
still the same job market today for you even in D? Or does the 
bank just add a couple more blade servers when things bog-down?
I don't work in this field but performance is still paramount, 
and you can't just tell the customer to add blades, consumption 
and space are important too.

With the prevalence of blue-tooth and embedded systems today, 
are there any D programmers who are working in those 

There are a few.

If so, does anyone want it besides scientists? Where's the use 
case in D? If any?

Very high code reuse through classical OO polymorphism and static 
polymorphism. High performance, productivity and friendliness.
Doing any calculation at compile-time, then generating code out 
of it.

Not dealing with the high cost of writing C++ ;)
A lot of liberty in the way of doing things.

Questions of that nature...

Also is anyone working on a trajectory calculation for a lunar 
landing in D? My friend Jack Crenshaw is with one of the google 
ranger groups... but I don't get out much so I don't know what 
other people do anymore:)

So I thought I should ask.


Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-04 Thread Bill Buckels
On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 02:09:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
I think sfloat24 may only be more performant on 16 bit or low 
cost embedded processors. Currently D does not target these.

I understand D's current target, and rationale. So where's the 

Why would D need sfloat24?

Fernando's presence in a meaningful discussion would be 
interesting on that point.

I can't see how an emulated floating 24-bit floating point type 
could out-perform a native floating point type.

Fernando's presence in a meaningful discussion would be 
interesting on that point as well.

On the 386 without a 387 and using a soft floating point link 
library, the performance degradation was incredible.

Going back earlier, running Autocad on an 8086 without an 8087 
was impossible.


You don't mention precision, so I assume that's not an issue.

In general use like banking software, the floating types that we 
already have are sufficient, and also well understood.

Other applications that occasionally use floating point work well.

Fernando's presence in a meaningful discussion would be 
interesting on that point as well.

At this point, this thread seems a waste of everyone's time even 
in a general D language forum.


Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-04 Thread Walter Bright

On 4/3/2014 1:13 PM, Bill Buckels wrote:

As an example of how to efficiently implement a new floating point format as a 
library type:

Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-04 Thread Bill Buckels

On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 18:05:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
As an example of how to efficiently implement a new floating 
point format as a library type:

Thanks Walter...

Fernando and Riccardo (Grecco) are sure to have seen this by now. 
It was Ric who forwarded me the link.

This starts to give us more to chew-on.


Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-03 Thread anonymous

On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 20:13:35 UTC, Bill Buckels wrote:
The sfloat24 data type is half way between a float and a double 
in storage size.

Wait. 24 bits would be halfway between half (16 bits) and single
precision (32 b its).

Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-03 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 4/3/14, Bill Buckels wrote:
 D Compiler for .NET -- Compiles the code to Common Intermediate
 Language (CIL) bytecode rather than to machine code. The CIL can
 then be run via a Common Language Infrastructure (CLR) virtual

This seems out of place? What about D for .NET?

Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-03 Thread Bill Buckels

On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 20:33:51 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 20:13:35 UTC, Bill Buckels wrote:
The sfloat24 data type is half way between a float and a 
double in storage size.

Wait. 24 bits would be halfway between half (16 bits) and single
precision (32 b its).

Could save on byte aligned storage depending on implementation. 
If stored in 3 bytes.

Floats overflow even doing a hue calculation. sfloat24 is very 

Again depending on implementation, could be faster than doubles. 
But the precision seems to be the advantage.

Give the papers a read.

Does anyone do embedded systems or high precision engineering in 


Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-03 Thread Bill Buckels

On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 21:06:52 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 4/3/14, Bill Buckels wrote:

D Compiler for .NET -- Compiles the code to Common Intermediate
Language (CIL) bytecode rather than to machine code. The CIL 

then be run via a Common Language Infrastructure (CLR) virtual

This seems out of place? What about D for .NET?

That was really my question:) If D was to have the sfloat24 
built-in data type, to what extent would that affect using an 
interface layer like .NET?

Or does anybody use D in .NET? Does anyone care what Microsoft 
does with their layers? How about IOs? Anything precise happening 
in D over there? OSX?

Would the availability of sfloat24 in D expand the use of D in 
the .NET environment? Or for that matter any environment? 
Arduino? Raspberry Pi? Bluetooth? Anyone doing FPGA in D on some 
new contraption that isn't built yet?

Exactly what are your views on sfloat24 after reading the papers? 
Rsik versus Reward for any language like D in this case that took 
a giant leap of faith and decided to provide support for sfloat24?

Is this just something that electrical engineers are going to use 
doing experimental programming or has sfloat24 some practical 
merit that would make it desirable as a built-in data type for 
the D community.

I have none of these answers. I know the group advocating 
sfloat24 somewhat, and they believe strongly in this data type. I 
told one of the fellows that I would ask other programmers if 
they saw a need for sfloat24.

Early acceptors like D programmers likely have substantially more 
vision than complacent old C programmers like me.

Double precision has always worked for me in the C language over 
my last 30 years or so. However I don't do the kind of precision 
that they do. I also don't program small processors and haven't 
worried about running out of memory since CP/M, the Apple II and 
MS-DOS. I haven't worried much about speed in floating point 
calculations since intel started including a floating point 
co-processor in their CPU. But it was a real pain, back in the 
day, to wait for a double precision calculation to complete when 
we needed to link C with an floating point emulation library for 
folks who had no co-pros. I could've used a smaller quicker more 
precise double on those little boxes.

The banking software I wrote back then runs after-hours and 
nobody much cared if it was COBOL or C++ back then... is it still 
the same job market today for you even in D? Or does the bank 
just add a couple more blade servers when things bog-down? Do 
programmers still bury rounding errors in the largest number?

With the prevalence of blue-tooth and embedded systems today, are 
there any D programmers who are working in those environments. Or 
is most of the world like me, perfectly content to sit on a 
Windows or a Linux box, and just use the stuff that comes with 
the compiler.

Frankly, the only way I can tell the difference between a program 
compiled with MinGW, and with Microsoft C, is that the MinGW 
program is smaller. It doesn't seem faster, and since both map to 
the same Windows calls, maybe it isn't faster.

So does it work the same way in D?

When I used the .NET layer for years, I couldn't tell the 
difference in speed between VB.NET and C#. I couldn't notice any 
difference in Windows Mobile on a ARM processor either.

As far as Linux, whether it wws c or C++, or even the Qt 
applications I worked on, or even in earlier times using gcc on 
an IBM360 or whatever when I did 'em all, everything ended-up 
about the same, so is this more something a compiler might 
implement independent of any layer at all, and optimize 
internally based on data type?

If so, does anyone want it besides scientists? Where's the use 
case in D? If any?

Questions of that nature...

Also is anyone working on a trajectory calculation for a lunar 
landing in D? My friend Jack Crenshaw is with one of the google 
ranger groups... but I don't get out much so I don't know what 
other people do anymore:)

So I thought I should ask.


Re: sfloat24 Floating Point DataType - Request for Comments

2014-04-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:13:34 -0400, Bill Buckels wrote:

The sfloat24 data type is half way between a float and a double in  
storage size. It offers high precison and speed, but is currently not  
available as a built-in data type in any compiler that I am aware of.

Adding an aditional built-in datatype to a compiler would be alot of  
work, but for some folks sfloat24 may provide an advanatage over the  
cuurently available floating point types currently available.

If anyone is interested or wishes to comment on the efficacy or  
feasability of slfloat24, please fell free to weigh-in with your  

Paper One:

Paper Two:

Additional Links:

D Compiler for .NET — Compiles the code to Common Intermediate Language  
(CIL) bytecode rather than to machine code. The CIL can then be run via  
a Common Language Infrastructure (CLR) virtual machine:

All the best,


I think sfloat24 may only be more performant on 16 bit or low cost  
embedded processors. Currently D does not target these.

I can't see how an emulated floating 24-bit floating point type could  
out-perform a native floating point type.
