Re: that is bug?

2018-04-08 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 10:03:33 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 07:22:19 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

You may find an in-depth discussion of the C++ case in

My formulation was ambiguous, it is the same precedence as the 
link says. The link also says that's it's right to left 
evaluation. This means that for expression:

a ? b = c : d = e;

right to left evaluation will make the = e assignment higher 
priority than the b = c assignment or the ternary even if they 
have the same priority level.

To summarize: C++ works as expected and C prevents the 
assigment because the conditional operator does not yield an 


Now, the only thing is to clearly define what it is in D, as 
apparently it is neither the C++ nor the C behaviour. The old 
precedence table on the D wiki seems to say it is like C, but the 
example of that thread seems to show it's not.

Re: that is bug?

2018-04-08 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 16:47:59 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 10:03:33 UTC, kdevel wrote:
On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 07:22:19 UTC, Patrick Schluter 


To summarize: C++ works as expected and C prevents the 
assigment because the conditional operator does not yield an 


Now, the only thing is to clearly define what it is in D, as 
apparently it is neither the C++ nor the C behaviour. The old 
precedence table on the D wiki seems to say it is like C, but 
the example of that thread seems to show it's not.

To follow up. What's surprizing for a C guy like me is that D 
accepts without problems


i.e. that (a=1) is a lvalue.

Re: that is bug?

2018-04-09 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 14:28:54 UTC, MattCoder wrote:

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 03:35:07 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I don't have any problem with that part either. The following 
makes sense to me. I may have even used it in the past (likely 
in C++):

(cond ? a : b) = foo;

For me as a C programmer this is different. What happens in 
this case? It will be assign foo to either a or b?

Except that it is not allowed in standard C. gcc says

 error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

to that.

Re: Small Buffer Optimization for string and friends

2018-04-15 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 09:46:28 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Walter and I discussed today about using the small string 
optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small 

On 64 bit machines, string occupies 16 bytes. We could use the 
first byte as discriminator, which means that all strings 
under 16 chars need no memory allocation at all.

Don't use the first byte. Use the last byte.

The last byte is the highest-order byte of the length. Limiting 
arrays to 18.37 exabytes, as opposed to 18.45 exabytes, is a 
much nicer limitation than making assumptions about the memory 

If the length has multi purpose it would be even better to 
reserve more than just one bit. For all practical purpose 48 bits 
or 56 bits are more than enough to handle all possible lengths. 
This would liberate 8 or even 16 bits that can be used for other 

Re: core.stdc and betterC

2018-04-29 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 29 April 2018 at 15:40:20 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2018-04-29 16:42, dd886k wrote:


Looks like "putchar" is inlined [1]. That means the "putchar" 
you're referencing is not the one in the C standard library but 
it's implemented in druntime. That means you need to link with 
druntime/phobos, it's not enough to link with the C standard 

I don't know why it was done this way. Perhaps it's just a 
macro on some platforms.


Yes, putchar is often implemented as a the macro

#define putchar(x) putc(x, stdout)

Re: Sealed classes - would you want them in D?

2018-05-15 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 02:32:05 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 02:00:17 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 00:28:42 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:

On Monday, 14 May 2018 at 19:40:18 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:


If 'getting a module to respect the enscapsulation boundaries 
the programmer puts in place would change the language so 
'fundamentally', then the language 'already' presents big 
problems for large complex application development.

Evidence for this claim please.

- Object independence
- Do not violate encapsulation
- Respect the interface

All large software projects are done in (or moving toward) 
languages that respect these idioms.

Those that don't, are the ones we typically have problems with.

Isn't that evidence enough?

That's not evidence, that's pure opinion. There's not a shred of 
data in that list.

Re: Of possible interest: fast UTF8 validation

2018-05-17 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 05:01:54 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 20:11:35 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 5/16/18 1:18 PM, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 16:48:28 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 15:48:09 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 11:18:54 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

Sigh, this reminds me of the old quote about people 
spending a bunch of time making more efficient what 
shouldn't be done at all.

Validating UTF-8 is super common, most text protocols and 
files these days would use it, other would have an option to 
do so.

I’d like our validateUtf to be fast, since right now we do 
validation every time we decode string. And THAT is slow. 
Trying to not validate on decode means most things should be 
validated on input...

I think you know what I'm referring to, which is that UTF-8 
is a badly designed format, not that input validation 
shouldn't be done.

I find this an interesting minority opinion, at least from the 
perspective of the circles I frequent, where UTF8 is 
unanimously heralded as a great design. Only a couple of weeks 
ago I saw Dylan Beattie give a very entertaining talk on 
exactly this topic:

Thanks for the link, skipped to the part about text encodings, 
should be fun to read the rest later.

If you could share some details on why you think UTF8 is badly 
designed and how you believe it could be/have been better, I'd 
be in your debt!

Unicode was a standardization of all the existing code pages 
and then added these new transfer formats, but I have long 
thought that they'd have been better off going with a 
header-based format that kept most languages in a single-byte 

This is not practical, sorry. What happens when your message 
loses the header? Exactly, the rest of the message is garbled. 
That's exactly what happened with code page based texts when you 
don't know in which code page it is encoded. It has the 
supplemental inconvenience that mixing languages becomes 
impossible or at least very cumbersome.
UTF-8 has several properties that are difficult to have with 
other schemes.
- It is state-less, means any byte in a stream always means the 
same thing. Its meaning  does not depend on external or a 
previous byte.
- It can mix any language in the same stream without acrobatics 
and if one thinks that mixing languages doesn't happen often 
should get his head extracted from his rear, because it is very 
common (check wikipedia's front page for example).
- The multi byte nature of other alphabets is not as bad as 
people think because texts in computer do not live on their own, 
meaning that they are generally embedded inside file formats, 
which more often than not are extremely bloated (xml, html, 
xliff, akoma ntoso, rtf etc.). The few bytes more in the text do 
not weigh that much.

I'm in charge at the European Commission of the biggest 
translation memory in the world. It handles currently 30 
languages and without UTF-8 and UTF-16 it would be unmanageable. 
I still remember when I started there in 2002 when we handled 
only 11 languages of which only 1 was of another alphabet 
(Greek). Everything was based on RTF with codepages and it was a 
braindead mess. My first job in 2003 was to extend the system to 
handle the 8 newcomer languages and with ASCII based encodings it 
was completely unmanageable because every document processed 
mixes languages and alphabets freely (addresses and names are 
often written in their original form for instance).
2 years ago we implemented also support for Chinese. The nice 
thing was that we didn't have to change much to do that thanks to 
Unicode. The second surprise was with the file sizes, Chinese 
documents were generally smaller than their European 
counterparts. Yes CJK requires 3 bytes for each ideogram, but 
generally 1 ideogram replaces many letters. The ideogram 亿 
replaces "One hundred million" for example, which of them take 
more bytes? So if CJK indeed requires more bytes to encode, it is 
firstly because they NEED many more bits in the first place 
(there are around 3 CJK codepoints in the BMP alone, add to 
it the 6 that are in the SIP and we have a need of 17 bits 
only to encode them.

as they mostly were except for obviously the Asian CJK 
languages. That way, you optimize for the common string, ie one 
that contains a single language or at least no CJK, rather than 
pessimizing every non-ASCII language by doubling its character 
width, as UTF-8 does. This UTF-8 issue is one of the first 
topics I raised in this forum, but as you noted at the time 
nobody agreed and I don't want to dredge that all up again.

I have been researching this a bit since then, and the stated 
goals for UTF-8 at inception were that it _could not overlap 

Re: Of possible interest: fast UTF8 validation

2018-05-17 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 15:37:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 05/17/2018 09:14 AM, Patrick Schluter wrote:
I'm in charge at the European Commission of the biggest 
translation memory in the world.

Impressive! Is that the Europarl?

No, Euramis. The central translation memory developed by the 
Commission and used also by the other institutions. The database 
contains more than a billion segments from parallel texts and is 
afaik the biggest of its kind. One of the big strength of the 
Euramis TM is its multi-target language store this allows fuzzy 
searches in all combinations including indirect translations 
(i.e. if a document written in english was translated in Romanian 
and in Maltese it is then possible to search for alignments 
between ro and mt). It's not the only system to do that but on 
that volume it is quite unique.
We publish also every year an extract of it of the published 
legislation [1] from the official journal so that they can be 
used by the research community. All the machine translation 
engines use it. It is one of most accessed data collection on the 
European Open Data portal [2].

The very uncommon thing about the backend software of EURAMIS is 
that it is written in C. Pure unadultered C. I'm trying to 
introduce D but with the strange (to say it politely) 
configurations our server have it is quite challenging.



Re: Of possible interest: fast UTF8 validation

2018-05-17 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 15:16:19 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 13:14:46 UTC, Patrick Schluter 
This is not practical, sorry. What happens when your message 
loses the header? Exactly, the rest of the message is garbled.

Why would it lose the header? TCP guarantees delivery and 
checksums the data, that's effective enough at the transport 

What does TCP/IP got to do with anything in discussion here. 
UTF-8 (or UTF-16 or UTF-32) has nothing to do with network 
protocols. That's completely unrelated. A file encoded on a disk 
may never leave the machine it is written on and may never see a 
wire in its lifetime and its encoding is still of vital 
importance. That's why a header encoding is too restrictive.

I agree that UTF-8 is a more redundant format, as others have 
mentioned earlier, and is thus more robust to certain types of 
data loss than a header-based scheme. However, I don't consider 
that the job of the text format, it's better done by other 
layers, like transport protocols or filesystems, which will 
guard against such losses much more reliably and efficiently.

No. A text format cannot depend on a network protocol. It would 
be as if you could only listen to a music file or a video on 
streaming and never save it on offline file as there was nowhere 
the information of what that blob of bytes represents. It doesn't 
make any sense.

For example, a random bitflip somewhere in the middle of a 
UTF-8 string will not be detectable most of the time. However, 
more robust error-correcting schemes at other layers of the 
system will easily catch that.

That's the job of the other layers. Any other file would have the 
same problem. At least, with utf-8 there will be at most only 
ever 1 codepoint lost or changed. Any other encoding would fare 
better. This said if a checksum header for your document is 
important you can add it to externally anyway.

That's exactly what happened with code page based texts when 
you don't know in which code page it is encoded. It has the 
supplemental inconvenience that mixing languages becomes 
impossible or at least very cumbersome.
UTF-8 has several properties that are difficult to have with 
other schemes.
- It is state-less, means any byte in a stream always means 
the same thing. Its meaning  does not depend on external or a 
previous byte.

I realize this was considered important at one time, but I 
think it has proven to be a bad design decision, for HTTP too. 
There are some advantages when building rudimentary systems 
with crude hardware and lots of noise, as was the case back 
then, but that's not the tech world we live in today. That's 
why almost every HTTP request today is part of a stateful 
session that explicitly keeps track of the connection, whether 
through cookies, https encryption, or HTTP/2.

Again, orthogonal to utf-8. When I speak above of streams it 
doesn't limit to sockets, file are also read in streams. So stop 
of equating UTF-8 with the Internet, these are 2 different 
domains. Internet and its protocols were defined and invented 
long before Unicode and Unicode is very usefull also offline.

- It can mix any language in the same stream without 
acrobatics and if one thinks that mixing languages doesn't 
happen often should get his head extracted from his rear, 
because it is very common (check wikipedia's front page for 

I question that almost anybody needs to mix "streams." As for 
messages or files, headers handle multiple language mixing 
easily, as noted in that earlier thread.

Ok, show me how you transmit that, I'm curious:


EFTA Surveillance Authority Decision

Beschluss der EFTA-Überwachungsbehörde

EFTA-Tilsynsmyndighedens beslutning

Απόφαση της Εποπτεύουσας Αρχής της ΕΖΕΣ

Decisión del Órgano de Vigilancia de la AELC

EFTAn valvontaviranomaisen päätös

Décision de l'Autorité de surveillance AELE

Decisione dell’Autorità di vigilanza EFTA

Besluit van de Toezichthoudende Autoriteit van de EVA

Decisão do Órgão de Fiscalização da EFTA

Beslut av Eftas övervakningsmyndighet

EBTA Uzraudzības iestādes Lēmums

Rozhodnutí Kontrolního úřadu ESVO

EFTA järelevalveameti otsus

Decyzja Urzędu Nadzoru EFTA

Odločba Nadzornega organa EFTE

ELPA priežiūros institucijos sprendimas

Deċiżjoni tal-Awtorità tas-Sorveljanza tal-EFTA

Rozhodnutie Dozorného orgánu EZVO

Решение на Надзорния орган на ЕАСТ

- The multi byte nature of other alphabets is not as bad as 
people think because texts in computer do not live on their 
own, meaning that they are generally embedded inside file 
formats, which more often than not are extremely bloated (xml, 
html, xliff, akoma ntoso, rtf etc.). The few bytes more in the 
text do not weigh that much.

Heh, the other parts of the tech stack are much more bloated, 
so this bloat is okay? A unique argument, but I'd argue that's 
why those bloated formats you mention are largely dying off too.

They don't, i

Re: Of possible interest: fast UTF8 validation

2018-05-17 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 May 2018 at 23:16:03 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 07:13:23PM +, Patrick Schluter via 
Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]


Yes.  Imagine if we standardized on a header-based string 
encoding, and we wanted to implement a substring function over 
a string that contains multiple segments of different 
languages. Instead of a cheap slicing over the string, you'd 
need to scan the string or otherwise keep track of which 
segment the start/end of the substring lies in, allocate memory 
to insert headers so that the segments are properly 
interpreted, etc.. It would be an implementational nightmare, 
and an unavoidable performance hit (you'd have to copy data 
every time you take a substring), and the @nogc guys would be 
up in arms.

That's what rtf with code pages was essentially. I'm happy that 
we got rid of it and that they were replaced by xml, even if 
Microsoft's document xml being a bloated, ridiculous mess, it's 
still an order of magnitude less problematic than rtf (I mean at 
the text encoding level).

Re: Online impersonation

2018-05-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 06:32:23 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 17:31:40 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
The IP address is included in the headers of the newsgroup. 
All of them came from the same IP. I have a filter on my 
thunderbird client to flag certain IPs, and his was added to 
the list recently.

Then again, it's possible they're family members or neighbours 
using the same IP. How likely this is, I won't comment.

I don't this is a case of inpersonation if you're right, since 
the aliases have not been trying to inpersonate any real, exact 
person. But dishonourable action nonetheless.

It was quite obvious that KingJoffrey could be the sock puppeteer 
as he was childish and unreasonable all along the thread about 
private class members.

Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 18:07:53 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 01:33:19 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu 

Let the brainstorming begin!

I would like to see a dependency-less Phobos-like library that 
can be used by the DMD compiler, druntime, -betterC, and other 
runtime-less/phobos-less use cases.  It would have no 
dependencies whatsoever.

As a contrived illustration, take a look at the code in  Those same features are also in Phobos.

OT, numberDigits enters an infinite loop if radix == 1.

and crashes for radix == 0

Re: Ideas for students' summer projects

2018-05-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 01:33:19 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 16:27:05 UTC, Eduard Staniloiu wrote:

Let the brainstorming begin!

I would like to see a dependency-less Phobos-like library that 
can be used by the DMD compiler, druntime, -betterC, and other 
runtime-less/phobos-less use cases.  It would have no 
dependencies whatsoever.

As a contrived illustration, take a look at the code in  Those same features are also in Phobos.

OT, numberDigits enters an infinite loop if radix == 1.

Re: Morale of a story: ~ is the right choice for concat operator

2018-05-26 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 23:05:51 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Sure, it can be argued that this should be unnecessary and that 
the programmer should just get it right, but it's not an 
altogether uncommon bug to screw up case statements and 
invadvertently fall through to the next one when you meant to 
put a break or some other control statement there. Originally, 
implicit fallthrough was perfectly legal in D just like it is 
in C or C++. However, when it was made illegal, it caught quite 
a few bugs in existing programs - including at companies using 
D. This change to the language fixed bugs and almost certainly 
saved people time and money.

and that the issue is real in C is also illustrated by the fact 
that gcc now warns about implicit fallthrough since version 7. 
One has to add at least a comment to suppress the warning (btw 
the implementation of the heuristic to analyse the comments is 
more or less broken, I had to file my first bug report to gcc 
about it).

Re: Replacing C's memcpy with a D implementation

2018-06-10 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 13:45:54 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 13:16:21 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

memcpyD: 1 ms, 725 μs, and 1 hnsec
memcpyD2: 587 μs and 5 hnsecs
memcpyASM: 119 μs and 5 hnsecs

Still, the ASM version is much faster.

rep movsd is very CPU dependend and needs some precondtions to be 
fast. For relative short memory blocks it sucks on many other CPU 
than the last Intel.

See what Agner Fog has to say about it:

String instructions (all processors)
String instructions without a repeat prefix are too slow and 
should be replaced by simpler instructions. The same applies to 
LOOP on all processors and to JECXZ
on some processors. REP MOVSD andREP STOSD are quite fast if the 
repeat count is not too small. Always use the largest word size 
possible (DWORDin 32-bit mode, QWORD in 64-bit mode), and make 
sure that both source and destination are aligned by the word 
size. In many cases, however, it is faster to use XMM registers. 
Moving data in XMM registers is faster than REP MOVSD and REP 
in most cases, especially on older processors. See page 164 for 
Note that while the REP MOVS instruction writes a word to the 
destination, it reads the next word from the source in the same 
clock cycle. You can have a cache bank conflict if bit 2-4 are 
the same in these two addresses on P2 and P3. In other words, you 
will get a penalty of one clock extra per iteration if ESI
+WORDSIZE-EDI is divisible by 32. The easiest way to avoid cache 
bank conflicts is to align both source and destination by 8. 
Never use MOVSB or MOVSW
in optimized code, not even in 16-bit mode. On many processors, 
REP MOVS and REP STOS can perform fast by moving 16 bytes or an 
entire cache line at a time
. This happens only when certain conditions are met. Depending on 
the processor, the conditions for fast string instructions are, 
typically, that the count must
be high, both source and destination must be aligned, the 
direction must be forward, the distance between source and 
destination must be at least the cache line size, and the memory 
type for both source and destination must be either write-back or 
write-combining (you can normally assume the latter condition is 
met). Under these conditions, the speed is as high as you can 
obtain with vector register moves or even faster on some 
While the string instructions can be quite convenient, it must be 
emphasized that other solutions are faster in many cases. If the 
above conditions for fast move are not met then there is a lot to 
gain by using other methods. See page 164 for alternatives to REP 

Re: DIP 1015--removal of implicit conversion from integer and character literals to bool--Community Review Round 1

2018-06-21 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 08:16:21 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
This is the feedback thread for the first round of Community 
Review for DIP 1015, "Deprecation and removal of implicit 
conversion from integer and character literals to bool":

All review-related feedback on and discussion of the DIP should 
occur in this thread. The review period will end at 11:59 PM ET 
on July 4, or when I make a post declaring it complete.

At the end of Round 1, if further review is deemed necessary, 
the DIP will be scheduled for another round. Otherwise, it will 
be queued for the Final Review and Formal Assessment by the 
language maintainers.

Please familiarize yourself with the documentation for the 
Community Review before participating.

Just a little remark in the Rationale section. C does have a bool 
alias of _Bool type and false and true keywords since C99. So it 
is wrong to say C doesn't have them. Doesn't change anything on 
the rest of the paper but is it better to not propagate 

Re: Sign the installers

2018-06-27 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 01:34:22 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Wednesday, June 27, 2018 17:59:42 Brad Roberts via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 6/27/2018 5:34 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Wednesday, June 27, 2018 17:26:36 Manu via Digitalmars-d 
> wrote:
>> I guess people feel nervous about installing allegedly 
>> potentially dangerous software on their corporate 
>> workstation.

> Honestly, that's exactly the sort of thing that I always 
> ignore. I'd pay
> attention if anti-virus software outright said that it found 
> a virus,

> but
> "unrecognized software?" That's exactly the sort of thing 
> that's just
> going to get me pissed off at Microsoft for getting in my 
> way. Though
> honestly, Microsoft pops up so many useless messages that it 
> becomes
> easy to miss any that actually matter, because you have to 
> skip through
> so many of them all the time that you stop paying attention 
> to them.
> So, I'm definitely surprised to hear about programmers 
> refusing to
> install something just because Microsoft doesn't recognize 
> it.

> - Jonathan M Davis

It's all about removing resistance and raising the level of 
professionalism.  D isn't a hobby project and shouldn't act 
like one. This is an obvious barrier that's worth removing.  
In this day and age of rampant actively dangerous software, 
it's an obvious improvement to sign it and make the strong 
claim that this is produced and vended by the d foundation and 
we vouch for it's contents.  We already do for some (all?) of 
the posix distribution bundles.

Well, as I said in my initial response, I have no problem with 
the installer being signed. I'm just surprised that any 
programmers would care.

The issue in professional setting is not just necessarily about 
the programmer himself but the policies of its company or the IT 
team in charge of the devs PC.
As stated elsewhere, I work in a public adminsitration and the IT 
is handled by another directorate than the directorate I work 
for. The IT department is in charge of more than 15,000 PC's. You 
can imagine that they do everything to have their control over 
that fleet by normalising and tightening policies. They 
acknowledge that the developpers need a little bit more leverage 
and freedom on their machines by providing some local admin 
rights, but even with that, it is sometime quite difficult to 
install anything not from the official approved list.
Unfortunately, D has been quite annoying to install. The last 
version i.e. 2.080 for instance didn't install as there is one of 
the binaries that get quarantained by the anti-virus. Anti-virus 
I cannot influence because local admin rights are not sufficient 
to whitelist a file.
Installing 64 bit code is also a chore as dmd delegates the 
installation of the required libs to the Microsoft installer. The 
problem, the Microsoft installer is incapable to get through our 
proxy and there's no offline installation option anymore since 
2017. I know it's a Microsoft issue, but it is part of the things 
that makes using D quite challenging. I'm highy motivated and am 
not pressed by deadlines so it doesn't bother me too much, but I 
can imagine that somehow reluctant devs will stop at the first 
hurdle encountered.

Re: Sutter's ISO C++ Trip Report - The best compliment is when someone else steals your ideas....

2018-07-13 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 13 July 2018 at 20:12:36 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/13/18 3:53 PM, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
On Friday, 13 July 2018 at 13:15:39 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/13/18 8:55 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:


But it doesn't scale if you use OS processes, it's too 
heavyweight. Of course, it depends on the application. If you 
only need 100 concurrent connections, processes might be OK.

Came on, Steve...  100 concurrent connections?

Huh? What'd I say?

orders of magnitudes too small. 100 concurrent connections you 
can handle with a sleeping arduino... :-)

Re: Truncate is missing from std.stdio.File, will this do the trick?

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 00:15:37 UTC, spikespaz wrote:
I needed a truncate function on the `std.stdio.File` object, so 
I made this function. Does it look okay? Are there any 
cross-platform improvements you can think of that should be 

import std.stdio: File;

void truncate(File file, long offset) {
version (Windows) {
import SetEndOfFile;;

version (Posix) {
import core.sys.posix.unistd: ftruncate;

ftruncate(file.fileno(), offset);

Error handling is completely missing. It should throw a 
FileException or something when encountering an error, and there 
can be a lot of errors. Here the list of errno errors that 
ftruncate() can fail with: EFBIG, EINTR, EINVAL, EIO, EISDIR, 

for Windows it will be probably quite similar.

Re: Comparing D vs C++ (wierd behaviour of C++)

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:08:26 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

I am not C++ expert so this seems wierd to me:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char c = 0xFF;
std::string sData = {c,c,c,c};
unsigned int i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));

if (i != 0x) { // it is true why?
// this print 18446744073709551615 wow
std::cout << "WTF: " << i  << std::endl;
return 0;

compiled with:
g++ -O2 -Wall  -o "test" "test.cxx"
when compiled with -O0 it works as expected

Vs. D:

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
char c = 0xFF;
string sData = [c,c,c,c];
uint i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));
if (i != 0x) { // is false - make sense
writefln("WTF: %d", i);

int promotion rule. char is signed. The 256 are signed. When the 
result goes above INT_MAX it overflows (i.e. we're in UB 
territory) and the result can be anything. The registers of the 
CPUs are 64 bit wide so it sign extends the calculation and as 
the optimization removes the truncating memory write and reload, 
the value of the complete register is then printed by the cout>>.

Conclusion: typical C(++) undefined behavior due to signed value 

Fix: 256u
and always compile with -ftrapv . In your case it would have 
catched the overflow.

In D, signed overflow is not UB so everything works as planned.

compiled with:
dmd -release -inline -boundscheck=off -w -of"test" "test.d"

So it is code gen bug on c++ side, or there is something wrong 
with that code.

Re: Comparing D vs C++ (wierd behaviour of C++)

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:41:17 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:08:26 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

I am not C++ expert so this seems wierd to me:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char c = 0xFF;
std::string sData = {c,c,c,c};
unsigned int i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));

if (i != 0x) { // it is true why?
// this print 18446744073709551615 wow
std::cout << "WTF: " << i  << std::endl;
return 0;

compiled with:
g++ -O2 -Wall  -o "test" "test.cxx"
when compiled with -O0 it works as expected

Vs. D:

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
char c = 0xFF;
string sData = [c,c,c,c];
uint i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));
if (i != 0x) { // is false - make sense
writefln("WTF: %d", i);

compiled with:
dmd -release -inline -boundscheck=off -w -of"test" "test.d"

So it is code gen bug on c++ side, or there is something wrong 
with that code.

As the C++ char are signed by default, when you accumulate 
several shifted 8 bit -1 into a char result and then store it 
in a 64 bit unsigned buffer, you get -1 in 64 bits : 

That's not exactly what happens here. There's no 64 bit buffer. 
It's signed overflow which is undefined behavior in C and C++.
He gets different results with and without optimization because 
without optimization the result of the calculation is spilled to 
the i unsigned int and then reloaded for the print call. This 
save and reload truncated the value to its real value. In the 
optimized version, the compiler removed the spill and the 
overflowed value contained in the register is printed as is.

Re: Comparing D vs C++ (wierd behaviour of C++)

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 19:24:05 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 15:08:35 UTC, Patrick Schluter 

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:41:17 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:08:26 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

I am not C++ expert so this seems wierd to me:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char c = 0xFF;
std::string sData = {c,c,c,c};
unsigned int i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));

if (i != 0x) { // it is true why?
// this print 18446744073709551615 wow
std::cout << "WTF: " << i  << std::endl;
return 0;

compiled with:
g++ -O2 -Wall  -o "test" "test.cxx"
when compiled with -O0 it works as expected

Vs. D:

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
char c = 0xFF;
string sData = [c,c,c,c];
uint i = (sData[0]&0xFF)*256
+ (sData[1]&0xFF))*256)
+ (sData[2]&0xFF))*256
+ (sData[3]&0xFF));
if (i != 0x) { // is false - make sense
writefln("WTF: %d", i);

compiled with:
dmd -release -inline -boundscheck=off -w -of"test" "test.d"

So it is code gen bug on c++ side, or there is something 
wrong with that code.

As the C++ char are signed by default, when you accumulate 
several shifted 8 bit -1 into a char result and then store it 
in a 64 bit unsigned buffer, you get -1 in 64 bits : 

That's not exactly what happens here. There's no 64 bit buffer.

Sure about that ? ;)

Yes, there are no "buffers" only register and a place on the 
stack for the variable i.

As said it's undefined behaviour so anything goes. I just checked 
on godbolt what code is generated.

So with -O0 this happens:
From line 41 to line 77 the instruction to make the calculation. 
At line 78
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-40], eax which is writing out 32 bits to 
reserved space of i.
At line 85  mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-40] reloads that value in 
eax, this annuls the high part of RAX => RAX contains 

On the -O2 version it's even simpler. The calculation is done at 
compile time and the endresult -1 is put directly to the output. 
The test is even removed. Everything happens in the compiler.

Re: Comparing D vs C++ (wierd behaviour of C++)

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 19:39:10 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
He gets different results with and without optimization 
because without optimization the result of the calculation is 
spilled to the i unsigned int and then reloaded for the print 
call. This save and reload truncated the value to its real 
value. In the optimized version, the compiler removed the 
spill and the overflowed value contained in the register is 
printed as is.

Btw you are actually confirming what I said.

if (i != 0x) ...

In the optimized version, when the 64 bits "i" value is 
compared to a 32 bits constant, the test fails...

Proof that the value is stored in a **64** bits register, not 

We're nitpicking over vocabulary. For me buffer != register. 
Buffer is something in memory in my mental model (or is hardware 
like the store buffer between register and the cache) but never 
would I denominate a register as a buffer.

Re: Comparing D vs C++ (wierd behaviour of C++)

2018-07-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 20:59:22 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 19:24:05 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 15:08:35 UTC, Patrick Schluter 
On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:41:17 UTC, Ecstatic Coder 

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 14:08:26 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:


As the C++ char are signed by default, when you accumulate 
several shifted 8 bit -1 into a char result and then store 
it in a 64 bit unsigned buffer, you get -1 in 64 bits : 

That's not exactly what happens here. There's no 64 bit 

Sure about that ? ;)

Yes, there are no "buffers" only register and a place on the 
stack for the variable i.

As said it's undefined behaviour so anything goes. I just 
checked on godbolt what code is generated.

So with -O0 this happens:
From line 41 to line 77 the instruction to make the 
calculation. At line 78
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-40], eax which is writing out 32 bits to 
reserved space of i.
At line 85  mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-40] reloads that value in 
eax, this annuls the high part of RAX => RAX contains 

what I forgot to mention, for the compiler the type deduction for 
the >> operator is done with the i variable, so it chooses the 
right template with unsigned int. For the optimized code as the 
calculation is done during compilation and there is no spill to 
the variable the type deduction for the >> operator for cout is 
done with that internal promoted temporary value and it deduces 
it as long (funnily declaring i as volatile doesn't change that 
even if the value is spilled to the stack).

On the -O2 version it's even simpler. The calculation is done 
at compile time and the endresult -1 is put directly to the 
output. The test is even removed. Everything happens in the 

Re: Engine of forum

2018-08-21 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 06:53:18 UTC, Daniel N wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 03:42:21 UTC, Ali wrote:
Many of those new comers who ask about the forum software .. 
they never stick, they dont complain, or question, or try to 
change for the better, they simply leave

I think this is the best forum I have ever used, it's a big 
contributing factor to that I post here! I don't post every 
month praising the forum, I'm silently happy. But if we changed 
I would likely complain every month.

Second that.

The 2 big things this forum frontend has, is forcing to snip 
quotes (go look on realworldtech to see whole threads of quote 
galore of 400 lines where the answer is just one word) and speed.
The thing that comments cannot be edited is also an advantage. 
This forces to put a little be more thought in them.

Re: Is @safe still a work-in-progress?

2018-08-22 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 04:49:15 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 04:23:52 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

The reality of the matter is that the DIP system is a formal 
way to propose language changes in order to convince Walter 
and Andrei that those changes should be implemented, whereas 
if Walter or Andrei writes the DIP, they're already convinced. 
This isn't a democracy. Walter is the BDFL, and it's his call. 
So, I really don't think that it's hypocritical

Walter and Andrei need to have their ideas vetted by the 
community, not in an effort to convince anyone, but for quality 
assurance, to ensure they're not overlooking something.

It is hypocritical an arrogant to believe that only our ideas 
have flaws and require scrutiny.

The formal DIP process was put in place after DIP1000. I would 
even daresay that the process was put in place because of the 
issue with DIP1000 (the rigorously checked DIP's are all >1000 
for that reason).

Re: This thread on Hacker News terrifies me

2018-09-02 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 04:21:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Saturday, September 1, 2018 9:18:17 PM MDT Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d wrote:

So honestly, I don't find it at all surprising when an 
application can't handle not being able to write to disk. 
Ideally, it _would_ handle it (even if it's simply by shutting 
down, because it can't handle not having enough disk space), 
but for most applications, it really is thought of like running 
out of memory. So, isn't tested for, and no attempt is made to 
make it sane.

One reason why programs using stdio do fail with disk space 
errors is that they don't know that fclose() can be the function 
reporting it, not the fwrite()/fputs()/fprintf(). I can not count 
the number of times I saw things like that:

FILE *fd = fopen(...,"w");

if(fwrite(buffer, length, 1)<1) {
  fine error handling

on disk fullness the fwrite might have accepted the data, but 
only the fclose() really flushed the data to disk, only detecting 
the lack of space at that moment.

Honestly, for some of this stuff, I think that the only way 
that it's ever going to work sanely is if extreme failure 
conditions result in Errors or Exceptions being thrown, and the 
program being killed. Most code simply isn't ever going to be 
written to handle such situations, and a for a _lot_ of 
programs, they really can't continue without those resources - 
which is presumably, why the way D's GC works is to throw an 
OutOfMemoryError when it can't allocate anything. Anything 
C-based (and plenty of C++-based programs too) is going to have 
serious problems though thanks to the fact that C/C++ programs 
often use APIs where you have to check a return code, and if 
it's a function that never fails under normal conditions, most 
programs aren't going to check it. Even diligent programmers 
are bound to miss some of them.

Indeed, since some of those error checks also differ from OS to 
OS, some cases might detect things in one setting but not in 
others. See my example above, on DOS or if setvbuf() was set to 
NULL it would not possibly happen as the fwrite() would always 
flush() the data to disk and the error condition would be catched 
nearly 99.% of times.

Re: This is why I don't use D.

2018-09-05 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 15:34:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 9:28:38 AM MDT H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 09:18:24AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]

> 3rd party libraries are usually the real problem if there is 
> one. They need to be maintained, and if something happens 
> that breaks them from one release to another, that can 
> prevent you from upgrading until it's fixed - which may or 
> may not be quick even if they're maintained. And if they're 
> not maintained, well, then that's a serious problem. Now, 
> that would be a big problem in pretty much any language, but 
> the greater rate of change in D does make it worse than it 
> would be in languages that change at a much more glacial 
> pace.


And that is why I think we should implement my idea of putting 
*all* dub packages on into our CI 
infrastructure, and log all successes / failures to a database 
that can then be used to display the range of version(s) of 
compilers that successfully built each package on Then people can quickly see, at a glance, 
whether the package still works with the version of the 
compiler that they're using (usually the most recent release, 
but not always, so this information can be super useful in 
making decisions).

Oh, I think that that's a good idea, and it should help with 
folks picking libraries to use, but it doesn't fix the 
fundamental problem that whoever wrote the library needs to 
continue to maintain it or pass it on to someone else to 
maintain it when they don't want to maintain it anymore, or 
anyone using it is going to be screwed. So, while your 
suggestion will definitely help with a piece of the problem, it 
doesn't solve the part that I was talking about.

I have more radical proposition. Why not check regularly the 
maintainers of a library querying for feedback. If no response or 
negative response simply remove the package from the main list. 
Put it in a section for unmaintained projects.
It would not change fundamentaly the state of the packages, but 
would at least rein in on too high expectations.
OP would probably not reacted as badly as he did if he had known 
that the package he tried was unmaintained.
This might reduce the number of packages available, but it is 
often much better to have fewer choices than chosing the the 
wrong one (or two or three).

Re: DIP25/DIP1000: My thoughts round 2

2018-09-05 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 01:06:47 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 16:36:20 UTC, Nick Treleaven 
My syntax for parameters that may get aliased to another 
parameter is to write the parameter number that may escape it 
in its scope attribute:

On Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 05:14:58 UTC, Chris M. wrote:
void betty(ref scope int*'a r, scope int*'a p) // okay it's 
not pretty

void betty(ref scope int* r, scope(1) int* p);

p is documented as (possibly) escaped in parameter 1.

Would using parameter names instead of numbers work? As an 
unfamiliar reader, it wouldn't be clear at all to me what 
`scope(1)` meant, but `scope(r) int* p` would at least suggest 
that there's some connection between `p` and `r`.

It's indeed imho better as numbered parameters are a pita. Any 
change is annoying and fragile. I cannot count how often in C I 
had issues with annotations like __attribute__((nonnnul(5,9))) 
and __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) when I had to change 
the parameters.

Re: This is why I don't use D.

2018-09-06 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 12:33:21 UTC, Everlast wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 12:32:33 UTC, Andre Pany 

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 06:47:00 UTC, Everlast wrote:


You showed as a painful issue in our eco system which we can 
work on, thank you.

You do not need to work on this but do you have a proposal for 
a solution? What would you help (ranking according to last 
update, ...)

Kind regards

The problem is that all projects should be maintained. The 
issue, besides the tooling which can only reduce the problem to 
manageable levels, is that projects go stale over time.

This is obvious! You say though "But we can't maintain every 
package, it is too much work"... and that is the problem, not 
that it is too much work but there are too many packages. This 
is the result of allowing everyone to build their own kitchen 
sink instead of having some type of common base types.

It's sort of like most things now... say cell phone 
batteries... everyone makes a different one to their liking and 
so it is a big mess to find replacements after a few years.

See, suppose if there were only one package... and everyone 
maintained it. Then as people leave other people will come in 
in a continual basis and the package will always be maintained 
as long as people are using it.

This is why D needs organization, which it has none. It needs 
structure so things work and last and it isn't a continual 

It's like if someone doesn't take care of their car. Eventually 
it starts to break down and when they do shitty fixes it only 
buys them a little time before it breaks down again and again.

The issue isn't the fixes nor the car but how they use the car 
and not maintain it properly. That is, it is their mindsets. 
Since D seems to be full of people with very little 
understanding how how to build a proper foundation for 
organization, D has little chance of surviving. As the car 
breaks down more and more it is just a matter of time before it 
ends up in the junk heap. It was a great car while it lasted 

That's what I have said elsewhere in the thread. Checking the 
maintainer of a package, if there's no feedback, put the package 
out of the main list and put it in a purgatory where it can get 
stale for itself. If a new maintainer appears for a specific 
package, it can be reinstated in the approved list when it works 
What annoys people is not that there are broken packages in the 
list, but that there is no way to know beforehand if one is 
choosing a reliable package or a hobby experiment gone wrong. 
This uncertainty is grating imo.

Re: Source changes should include date of change

2018-09-08 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 8 September 2018 at 12:36:01 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Saturday, 8 September 2018 at 11:29:15 UTC, Josphe Brigmo 

Um, I didn't say don't use Git!

Your illogic is that you believe that one can have only one or 
the other when one can have both. Hence, you are excluding a 
completely valid addition. You think it is an alternative. You 
are wrong. Please think about the question before you answer 
next time so that you don't get in the habit of doing it. No 
one said that Git couldn't be used and telling me to use it is 
very arrogant of yourself.

The fact of the matter is that dates in source code will help 
when git is not available and one only has the source code.

Git does a better job of tracking history automatically than 
anyone could ever realistically do by hand. So not only would 
date comments be useless duplication of work, they'd be useless 
duplication of inferior quality to the original.

It would be like keeping a horse at your house at all times, in 
case your car breaks down. Even if it's occasionally useful, it 
is not worth the constant maintenance costs of feeding the 
horse, cleaning the stable, etc.

If your car breaks down, you find a way to get it fixed. If git 
isn't available to you, you find a way to make it available.

Interactive programs like GitExtension show exactly the the date 
of each line with the git blame view.
Visual Studio Code with the D extension also shows the commit 
info when hovering over the code.
There are a lot of nice way to use the git info to get the date 
of the line.

Dates in the comments are utterly useless. They are imo even 
counter productive. The information has not bearing with the 
actual code.
There is no point in putting dates in the comments when the code 
is managed by git.

Re: Mobile is the new PC and AArch64 is the new x64

2018-09-16 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 15 September 2018 at 15:25:55 UTC, Joakim wrote:

You've probably heard of the possibly apocryphal story of how 
Blackberry and Nokia engineers disassembled the first iPhone 
and dismissed it because it only got a day of battery life, 
while their devices lasted much longer. They thought the 
mainstream market would care about such battery life as much as 
their early adopters, but they were wrong.

It they'd ask me they would have known. I was a very late adopter 
of mobile phone and got my first phone in 2000. It was the used 
Siemens E10D of my brother. It had maximum 1 day of battery life. 
Then I got at work an Alcatel then a Nokia with ludicrously long 
battery life, nearly 2 weeks. Result -> my Siemens was always 
charged properly and I was always reachable. With the others, 
they were always crapping out on me at the most inapropriate 
times. With the short battery life, you would never forget to put 
it on charge. With the long battery life, you would always wait 
till it's too late.

Re: phobo's std.file is completely broke!

2018-09-17 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 17 September 2018 at 12:37:13 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
On Sunday, 16 September 2018 at 22:49:26 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:

To elaborate:

On Sunday, 16 September 2018 at 22:40:45 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:
If *YOU* are OK with the consequences of complexity, 
implement this in YOUR code, but do not enforce it upon 

This is much better done in user code anyway, because you only 
need to expand / normalize the path and prepend the prefix 
only once (root of the directory tree you're operating on), 
instead of once per directory call.

We could add a `string longPath(string)` function in Phobos 
(no-op on POSIX, expands and prepends prefix on Windows). I 
believe I suggested the same in the bug report years ago when 
we discussed it.

It is absolutely not acceptable behavior. Complain to 
Microsoft. The OS should not allow users to create or select 
paths that programs cannot operate on without jumping through 
crazy hoops.

Microsoft could have solved this easily enough:

extern(System) void AllowLongPaths();

Programs (or programming language runtimes) which can handle 
paths longer than MAX_PATH could call that function. It can 
also be used as a hint to the OS that file/directory selection 
dialogs, as you mentioned, are allowed to select paths longer 
than MAX_PATH.

It's problem with phobos.
It should be able handle all the paths whatever length they 
have, on all the platforms without noising the user.

Even with performance penalty, but it should.

No, that's completely nuts!
A library, especially a standard library, should not introduce 
new limitations, but pampering over the limitations of the 
platform is not the right thing to do. If the platforms API is 
piling POS, there's nothing a sane library can do about.
If your app writes to a FAT12 formatted floppy disk you don't 
expect the library to implement code to alleviate its limitation, 
like 8+3 filenames or fixed number of files in the root directory.

Re: Walter's Guide to Translating Code From One Language to Another

2018-09-21 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 21 September 2018 at 06:24:14 UTC, Peter Alexander 
On Friday, 21 September 2018 at 06:00:33 UTC, Walter Bright 
I've learned this the hard way, and I've had to learn it 
several times because I am a slow learner. I've posted this 
before, and repeat it because bears repeating.

I find this is a great procedure for any sort of large 
refactoring -- minimal changes at each step and ensure tests 
are passing after every change.

Also, use a git commit for each logical change. If you discover a 
change that should have been put in a previous commit, use rebase 
--interactive to put it in right commit (of course that branch 
you're working on is purely local). Only when all the changes 
have been made can you decide to squash or not, or reorder them, 
or push them partially.


git can help to organize the refactoring, not be solely a 
recording device.

Re: Updating D beyond Unicode 2.0

2018-09-24 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 September 2018 at 13:26:14 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
2. There are no rules about what *encoding* is acceptable, it's 
implementation defined. So various compilers have different 
rules as to what will be accepted in the actual source code. In 
fact, I read somewhere that not even ASCII is guaranteed to be 

Indeed. IBM mainframes have C compilers too but not ASCII. They 
code in EBCDIC. That's why for instance it's not portable to do 
things like

 if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') printf("CAPITAL LETTER\n");

is not true in EBCDIC.

Re: OT: Bad translations

2018-09-25 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 02:12:07 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

On 09/24/2018 08:17 AM, 0xEAB wrote:

> - Non-idiomatic translations of tech terms [2]

This is something I had heard from a Digital Research 
programmer in early 90s:

English message was something like "No memory left" and the 
German translation was "No memory on the left hand side" :)

The K&R in German was of the same "quality". That happens when 
the translator is not an IT person himself.

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