Re: dmd 1.056 and 2.040 release

2010-02-04 Thread Walter Bright

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2010-02-04 01:39:44 -0500, Walter Bright  

Michel Fortin wrote:

It's about something interesting I added to this bug report.

I submitted a patch for it, 363.


The linker keeps sections in the right order now... except for 
__tlscoal_nt. If I'm not mistaken, this section should probably get the 
same treatment as the *_beg and *_end sections.

I think you're right.

Re: dmd 1.056 and 2.040 release

2010-02-04 Thread Walter Bright

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2010-02-04 01:39:44 -0500, Walter Bright  

Michel Fortin wrote:

It's about something interesting I added to this bug report.

I submitted a patch for it, 363.


The linker keeps sections in the right order now... except for 
__tlscoal_nt. If I'm not mistaken, this section should probably get the 
same treatment as the *_beg and *_end sections.

Changeset 365

dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-07 Thread Walter Bright
Lots of meat and potatoes here, and a cookie! (spelling checker for 
error messages)

Thanks to the many people who contributed to this update!

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-08 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

While this hangs my compiler, I don't know why:

double[100_000] arr = 0.0;
static this() {
arr[] = typeof(arr[0]).init;
void main() {}

Well, it didn't hang, it just took a while. I found the problem.

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-08 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

Note: this produces the same very large binary, I don't know why:

double[100_000] arr = void;
static this() {
arr[] = typeof(arr[0]).init;
void main() {}

obj2asm tells the tale. (obj2asm is an incredibly useful tool, I don't 
know why nobody uses it.)

   double[100_000] arr = void;

puts arr in the thread local storage segment. Unfortunately, there is no 
bss for TLS.

   __gshared double[100_000] arr = void;

puts arr in the BSS segment, which takes up space in your executable but 
not the executable *file*.

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-08 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:

Bug 1914 Array initialisation from const array yields memory trample

was fixed, in D2 only. Can we get this into D1 as well?

The problem is I don't think it's the right fix, and I haven't spent the 
time figuring it out yet.

Re: obj2asm

2010-03-08 Thread Walter Bright

Trass3r wrote:

obj2asm tells the tale. (obj2asm is an incredibly useful tool, I
don't know why nobody uses it.)

Maybe because it's not free (and not much advertised). obconv also
supports disassembling various object file formats + conversion
between them and it's open source:

obj2asm might provide something fancy that objconv doesn't but its
page doesn't show anything that would justify paying 10$.

At first glance, obj2asm will pretty-print the codeview debug info in 
the object file, and will mix source lines with corresponding assembler 

Obj2asm also comes with a bunch of other utilities, any one of which is 
worth the $15 if you need them:

◦chmod Change/list file attributes
◦coff2omf Convert COFF object and lib files to OMF
◦diff Compare text files
◦diffdir Compare directory trees
◦dump Dump files
◦dumpexe Dump executable files
◦dumpobj Dump object files
◦flpyimg Read/Write floppy disk image
◦grep Search files for strings
◦libunres Scan libraries for unresolved externals
◦makedep Makefile dependency generator
◦obj2asm Object file disassembler
◦patchobj Patch object files
◦smake Advanced make program
◦whereis Search for files

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 09/03/10 09:12, Walter Bright wrote:

obj2asm tells the tale. (obj2asm is an incredibly useful tool, I don't
know why nobody uses it.)

Maybe a minor quibble, but obj2asm is really slow. If I'm going to 
disassemble something, I am never going to reach for obj2asm:

Hmm, I never noticed it being slow at all. I wonder what's going on.

`ds` is a dmdscript testscript.d executable:

[~]$ time objdump -d ~/bin/ds >ds.s

[~]$ time obj2asm ./bin/ds >ds.s  # If you pass an absolute path (starts 
with '/'), obj2asm tries to interpret it as an argument. >_<


And out of curiosity, why do you charge for it on Windows, but provide 
it on Linux for free? Because the rest of the utilities are fairly 

Yes, it's because I don't have a similar group of stuff I can bundle for 

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 10/03/10 08:57, Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 10/03/10 07:54, Walter Bright wrote:

Hmm, I never noticed it being slow at all. I wonder what's going on.

Obviously, I can't tell from here, but I can tell you what my system
says obliquely.

It spends that minute at 100% CPU, and about 100 megs resident (which it
allocates quickly, and then hovers about at). It isn't spending a lot
(almost none,
AFAICT via iotop, it just does its reading and writing in a couple of
big chunks) doing IO.

And of course, as you can see, it spends an atypical amount of time in 
kernel space. Large blocking syscall?

It's a mystery. The only I/O it does is merely read the file.

dmd 1.057 and 2.041 deb packages

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

are now up thanks to Jordi Sayol

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release - operator overloading docs typo

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Treleaven wrote:

BTW on this page:

The 'Index Operator Overloading' link text at the top is duplicated for 
the link to the 'Slice Operator Overloading' section ;-)

Not any more!

Re: April 13th: Presenting D at the Beijing Linux User Group

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

Lionello Lunesu wrote:

I'll be presenting the D Programming Language at the next monthly BLUG
meeting. It'll mostly be for people who haven't heard of D yet. There'll
be a fair chunk of D1 in there, but I'm hoping to touch some of D2's new
features as well.


(I'm fairly new to 'presenting stuff' in general, so all tips are highly

I've noticed that things seem to go better if the presenter tries to 
engage the audience by asking them questions thereby inviting more of a 
group discussion, as opposed to just reading the slides to them.

Re: April 13th: Presenting D at the Beijing Linux User Group

2010-03-09 Thread Walter Bright

Lionello Lunesu wrote:

Good tip, thanks.


I'm wondering: should I do the 'scrolling HTML', in true D style? The
lazy part of me says yes :))

I've abandoned it in favor of pdf:

1. HTML rendering sucks compared with pdf rendering. I don't know why, 
but when it gets blown up on a big screen, the HTML looks lousy. (The 

2. HTML tends to not scale well to different screen resolutions. So, if 
you're using a projector or something with a different screen res than 
you developed the presentation on, it can look cropped or otherwise 
goofy. PDF seems to scale well automatically.

3. It's hard to do any sort of simple graphics in HTML. It's easy with a 
powerpoint program.

4. I've had problems with margins on HTML, i.e. some projectors would do 
things like just cut off the left side. No problems with PDF.

5. The scrolling HTML comes off as quirky to a lot of people, and that 
reflects poorly on the presenter and what they're presenting.

6. I've been using Impress (part of Openoffice) and while it can be a 
wacky thing to use now and then, the result can be exported to a pdf 
which is pretty bulletproof and looks great when projected.

7. PDF packs everything you need into one convenient file. HTML is a 
directory full of files.

8. Your presentation computer may have a different browser than the one 
you developed the presentation on, and so may render unexpectedly 
differently, or even fail completely.

Always always always carry an extra copy of your PDF's on a USB stick 
and an SD card, and carry them separately from your laptop. Laptops 
break and get stolen. With your presentation on a USB stick, you're good 
to go with just about any computer available.

I've also found it worthwhile to bring along a laser pointer. It's 
easier than running around at the last minute trying to scrounge one 
from the event organizers. Same goes for a wireless remote that plugs 
into your laptop to page up and down. The remote and the laser are often 
in one convenient device.

Bring fresh batteries for the remote!

Re: April 13th: Presenting D at the Beijing Linux User Group

2010-03-10 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 03/10/2010 01:55 AM, Lionello Lunesu wrote:

I don't have a watch, but it seems that I might need one then.

Wouldn't hurt. You can always borrow one from an attendee.

Heck, you can get one for $10 from the corner drugstore.

Announcing bugzilla for dmdscript

2010-03-11 Thread Walter Bright

Both C++ and D versions:

Re: dmd 1.057 and 2.041 release

2010-03-13 Thread Walter Bright

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
It seems array literals have become dynamic arrays, but I can't find any 
mention of that in the change log.

I'll fix.

Re: Tango built as a dynamic library

2010-03-16 Thread Walter Bright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I've managed to build Tango as a dynamic library with DMD on Mac OS X. I 
had some problems first but I managed to solve them and everything seems 
to work now.

Thanks for doing this.

In the next update, I plan to remove the special deh sections, and instead make 
the EH tables available through the ModuleInfo. This should simplify the 
management of multiple sections, as the only data structure that needs to be 
aggregated will be the ModuleInfo array.

Re: Tango built as a dynamic library

2010-03-16 Thread Walter Bright

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2010-03-16 15:01:43 -0400, Walter Bright  
In the next update, I plan to remove the special deh sections, and 
instead make the EH tables available through the ModuleInfo. This 
should simplify the management of multiple sections, as the only data 
structure that needs to be aggregated will be the ModuleInfo array.
Shouldn't that also apply to TLS sections for when the linker does not 
support the feature? I'm thinking of Mac OS X and Windows XP with 
dynamically-loaded DLLs.

Rainer Schuetze has found a way to work with the system TLS properly. It's not 
the linker that's the problem, it's Windows systems earlier than Vista.

dmd 2.042 release

2010-03-20 Thread Walter Bright
This is necessary to fix a memory corruption problem with arrays introduced in 

Thanks to the many people who contributed to this update!

DMDScript now under Boost license

2010-03-22 Thread Walter Bright

Re: DDebber Request for Review

2010-03-24 Thread Walter Bright

Jesse Phillips wrote:

I would like to announce DDebber.

Looks like we have an embarrassment of riches here. Jordi Sayol i Salomó has 
sent me a shell script to do it, and Cristi has contributed a script to do it 
that is in

Re: DMDScript now under Boost license

2010-03-26 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:

Now on reddit!

Re: DMDScript now under Boost license

2010-03-28 Thread Walter Bright

strtr wrote:

Walter Bright Wrote:

Would it be possible to have some sort of scripting as part of D?

What did you have in mind?

Re: DMDScript now under Boost license

2010-03-29 Thread Walter Bright

strtr wrote:

Scripting in de form of a dialect/subset of D in the std/language.
I don't know enough about scripting to say anything specific/useful.
It's just that if scripting were part of D, I would have used it already where 
the possibilities mentioned by Robert Clipsham just look that much bigger a 
And being part of the language/community simply instils trust.

I thought about that a lot, but CTFE seems to fill that gap well enough.

dmd 1.058 and 2.043 release

2010-04-08 Thread Walter Bright

Thanks to the many people who contributed to this update!

Re: dmd 1.058 and 2.043 release

2010-04-09 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

In the situation I've shown in 3972 a better error message is the two error
messages (or something similar):

spam.d(2): Error: module 'test' has mismatched file name 'spam.d'. foo.d(2):
Error: module 'bar' has mismatched file name 'foo.d'.

The error is not a mismatched file name, which is perfectly legitimate in D. The 
error is two different files have the same module name.

Re: dmd 1.058 and 2.043 release

2010-04-10 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:

Please don't clutter the announce newsgroup with bug reports.
And in general, do NOT put multiple bugs in one report. In particular, 
it's worth saying this to everyone: if something causes a compiler 
segfault or an internal compiler error, ALWAYS put it in its own report. 
In > 95% of cases it's a different bug, even if it looks the same as 
something else.

Don's right. But it is ok to reply with a link to a bugzilla report.

Re: dmd 1.058 and 2.043 release

2010-04-10 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

Thank you for your answer.

The error is not a mismatched file name, which is perfectly legitimate in

Do you mean that in D it is OK to have a file named "foo.d" with inside it at
the top written "module bar;" ?


What's the rationale behind this? (I don't like this).

The flexibility comes in handy now and then.

Going to ACCU next week

2010-04-10 Thread Walter Bright
with Andrei to do a full day D tutorial. I'm not sure how connected I'll be with 
email and stuff.

Re: April 13th: Presenting D at the Beijing Linux User Group

2010-04-14 Thread Walter Bright

Lionello Lunesu wrote:

The presentation came and went, and was much appreciated, judging from
the reactions :)

Great! I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Re: Visual D released

2010-04-18 Thread Walter Bright

Rainer Schuetze wrote:



Re: Visual D released

2010-04-19 Thread Walter Bright

Mike Parker wrote:

FYI, I posted about this announcement on my blog (The One With D) and
someone submitted the post to Reddit. Several of my D blog posts have
been submitted to Reddit before, but none have had the sort of response
I'm seeing now. I just checked my stats on a whim and the post about
Visual D has the most single-day hits of any post in the 4 years I've
been running the blog. Every time I refresh the stats page the hit count
climbs higher.

The missing link:

Re: Going to ACCU next week

2010-04-21 Thread Walter Bright

Bruno Medeiros wrote:

On 10/04/2010 18:55, Walter Bright wrote:

with Andrei to do a full day D tutorial. I'm not sure how connected I'll
be with email and stuff.

Hum, I read last weekend the ACCU booklet they gave with all the 
descriptions of the conferences, started to feel a bit more disheartened
that I wouldn't stay for the whole conference, they had some pretty 
interesting talks! No regrets though, and there's always next year.

But anyways, it was nice meeting you guys, Walter and Andrei, and maybe 
next time you are here in Europe we'll meet again, and maybe can garner 
a few more D enthusiasts from the community. :P

Yes, it was great meeting you in 3D land!

Re: Going to ACCU next week

2010-04-23 Thread Walter Bright

Chris Mueller wrote:

I also hope some videos will be available for this event :)
That would be great!

Sorry, there were no videos taken of the event.

Bob Martin talks about FP at the OpenVolcano10 conference

2010-04-24 Thread Walter Bright

Not terribly interesting, but what the heck.

I appear about 8 minutes in.

The OpenVolcano10 conference was organized by Roy Osherove in one day! We were 
all stuck behind the ash cloud in England. My presentation on D unfortunately 
didn't get recorded.

BTW, Bob was actually able to explain monads to me a bit later, and I'm grateful 
to him for that.

More on OpenVolcano10 can be found here:

Re: Masahiro Nakagawa and SHOO invited to join Phobos developers

2010-04-29 Thread Walter Bright

Moritz Warning wrote:

Walter takes any possible copyright taint very serious.

Yes, I do. It is extremely important for D's future that D and Phobos be clear 
of any intellectual property legal problems.

Phobos is now under the Boost license, which is the most liberal one we could 
find that was in common use and meets with corporate and lawyer approval. All 
submissions to Phobos must be under this license.

Better someone told W about it before he does an emergency blow up of 
phobos. ;)

Yes, I'm glad to hear about it sooner rather than later.

Maybe you can talk to the Tango devs to clear up this matter?

I suggest that the Tango devs convert the Tango modules that can get full 
agreement by their respective devs be converted to the Boost license. The Boost 
license is free of the legal problems that BSD has, and is compatible with the 
Phobos license.

Re: Masahiro Nakagawa and SHOO invited to join Phobos developers

2010-04-29 Thread Walter Bright

Moritz Warning wrote:

On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:24:22 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:

Moritz Warning wrote:


Maybe you can talk to the Tango devs to clear up this matter?

I suggest that the Tango devs convert the Tango modules that can get
full agreement by their respective devs be converted to the Boost
license. The Boost license is free of the legal problems that BSD has,
and is compatible with the Phobos license.

As far as I have heard, Tango changed it's license to be compatible with 
Phobos in the first place.

Tango is originally based on Phobos code, and I gave explicit permission for it 
to be incorporated into the Tango project & BSD license, but the BSD license 
does not permit code to flow the other way without the explicit permission of 
the Tango devs.

Some code has moved back to Phobos, in particular Sean & Don's work, because 
Sean & Don are the developers of that code and it is their prerogative to do 
what they please with it.

But Phobos then changed it's license and now 
it's incompatible again. 
What were the reasons for Phobos to change the license?

I suspect is was discussed before, do you have a link?

Phobos was formerly actually a collection of different licenses, Phobos 1.0 
still is. Some was public domain.

The reason it was switched (for Phobos 2) to Boost was:

1. Boost is corporate and lawyer approved, making it a no-brainer for 
commercial, professional use of Phobos

2. Boost is the most liberal license we were able to find

3. Public domain is not recognized in many countries

4. Having one license for Phobos makes it much easier to manage and deploy

The perennial problem with the BSD license is the binary attribution clause. 
Tango believes it has a solution to this by embedding the appropriate string in 
object.d, but I don't know if this has been legally tested and it still puts a 
constant burden of explanation on the Tango team.

It's just a problem that I can see no reason to adopt.

Re: Masahiro Nakagawa and SHOO invited to join Phobos developers

2010-04-29 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
It looks like the Tango devs are pretty much settled on BSD-only with some 
hack to get around the binary attribution thing:

The problem with the hack is everyone trying to use the library professionally 
will (if one is lucky) ask about the binary attribution thing, and one would 
have to convince them that the hack takes care of it. This puts a never ending 
burden on the team.

If one is unlucky, they'll just avoid the library because of that license, and 
you'll never hear from them about the lost opportunity.

Those options are bad and worse, hence changing the license is a much more 
attractive proposition going forward.

Re: GDB Patched

2010-04-29 Thread Walter Bright

Jesse Phillips wrote:

GDB has had the patch accepted!

Great news!

Re: Can we all please stop overreacting?

2010-04-30 Thread Walter Bright

Chris Wright wrote:

Walter said, basically, that since it's possible that SHOO may have used
code from Tango, Tango devs should relicense their work.

Not exactly. To rephrase, I said that since SHOO has viewed Tango's source code, 
there is the appearance of impropriety. Not that there actually is any 
impropriety. It's the appearance I wish to avoid. I am not accusing anyone of 
infringement, and have no basis to.

I have asked the Tango devs to relicense their work. I feel that if that can be 
accomplished, this would bury this issue once and for all, and the rift between 
the communities should heal.

insulting. It's admitting theft and demanding that the victim call it a
gift. If it were a policy, Walter would have a way of badgering us into
relicensing most of Tango against our will.

I can't make you do anything you don't want to. I especially have no means, 
desire, or intention of forcing anyone to change their license or give up their 

I'm not saying that SHOO copied any Tango code. Walter's reaction,
though, means I would never relicense any code for Phobos.

I've repeatedly stated, and say so again, that I give explicit permission to 
Tango to incorporate any or all of code I have written for Phobos into Tango, 
and to relicense those derived works as necessary to be compatible with Tango. 
Tango's garbage collector is such a derived work, and I have no issue with it.

As for Phobos code I did not write, in order to relicense it, you'd have to get 
the permission of the author(s) of it, which is stated in each module. But it is 
entirely unnecessary to relicense it - the Boost license allows you to use it 
any way you want to. The Boost license is not viral, it will not "infect" 
anything you hook it up to (neither does the BSD license - in fact, the only 
real difference between the BSD and Boost licenses is the binary attribution 

Re: Can we all please stop overreacting?

2010-04-30 Thread Walter Bright

Daniel Keep wrote:

I won't discuss the details, but I *have* been accused of ripping off
someone else's code.

So have I, falsely, many times. Perhaps I am overly cautious about these issues, 
but I feel compelled to be.

(I've also been on the other side, my game Empire was once described as the 
"most ripped-off game in history" , with not only people making ripoff 
versions, but people actually deleting my name out of the source code and 
putting their own name in. Having a registered copyright of the source code 
saved the day on that one.)

It was particularly hurtful given that my code was
written entirely separately without ever having even used, let alone
seen, the other person's code.  The accusation was based, literally, on
the name of a single function.

And yeah, it really upset me to be called, more or less, of being a
cheat and a liar.

I totally am sympathetic to this. It is just as bad to be falsely accused as it 
is to have someone take what is yours.

But I didn't copy from them, and I knew that the accusation was
baseless.  Rather than throw away my code, I double-checked that there
was nothing that could be reasonably seen to be copied and moved on.

One of the great things about svn is it provides a verifiable legal trail of the 
evolution of the source code, so when and where bits of it came from can be 
documented if necessary.

Ironically, making things open source seems to greatly reduce the chances of 
code theft!

Re: Can we all please stop overreacting?

2010-04-30 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Second, I recall a similar accusation (I'm not sure whether it 
was coming from 'retard' or someone else) about an arrogant [...]

Probably meaning me .

dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright
Highlights are the improved gdb support, better error messages, better json 
support, unittest changes, and a number of nuisance compiler bugs fixed.

Thanks to the many people who contributed to this update!

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

Bernard Helyer wrote:
Unfortunately, GDB still doesn't work with it over here. Robert is going 
to try one of my test cases and see what he can see.


Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

Bernard Helyer wrote:

On 03/05/10 11:40, Walter Bright wrote:

Bernard Helyer wrote:

Unfortunately, GDB still doesn't work with it over here. Robert is
going to try one of my test cases and see what he can see.


I can't stop laughing. I assume you meant to trim that quote down some!  

LOL, I meant good that Robert is working on it, not good that it doesn't work!

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:
It seems changeset 451, your version of the fix, doesn't work... Despite 
me testing that it worked when you committed it :/ Reverting the change 
fixes the issue.

Any ideas why?

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

It contains two wrong unit tests, but dmd prints just about the first one, 
maybe I am missing something:

Looks like I broke it with a last minute change. Sigh.

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

It contains two wrong unit tests, but dmd prints just about the first one,
maybe I am missing something:
test(3): unittest failure 
core.exception.asserter...@test(3): unittest failure

changeset 289 fixes it

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

Bernard Helyer wrote:

I've had the infinite loop thing, too. As well as the '2:' to ouput.

My fault, grr.

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:
And other cases. Simplest solution seems to be to revert the change, but 
it's up to you what you do... As long as it's fixed I don't care how 
it's done :)

Dang, I found the problem. Working on a fix.

Re: dmd 1.059 and 2.044 release

2010-05-02 Thread Walter Bright

bearophile wrote:

It contains two wrong unit tests, but dmd prints just about the first one, 
maybe I am missing something:
test(3): unittest failure
core.exception.asserter...@test(3): unittest failure

How about signing up for the beta mailing list?

dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Walter Bright

This is to fix the unittest and dwarf screwups in the last release.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:
Still a long way to go though, various (much!) smaller issues that need 
fixing... If no one else gets to them I'll go on a debug fixing spree at 
some point in a couple of months and see if we can't get bug #4044 
(debugging tracker) closed :)

I agree that getting all the gdb issues sorted out will be a nice win.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:
While you're reading, is there any chance you could take a look at my 
post on the dmd-internals ML and give me some feedback? I noticed you 
agreed with Brad in a bug report, but to what extent? When I get around 
to fixing all those bugs I'd like to know where you stand so I can work 
on some enhancements to debug info as well as just bug fixes :)

Basically, I don't think the switches need to change, just:

-g: debugger can handle D data types and extensions

-gc: make it work with whatever the debugger can handle, i.e. for debuggers that 
don't know about D

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:

You'd be ok with, for example:
  -g add symbolic debug info
  -gcadd symbolic debug info, pretend to be C++

Instead of C then? Or some other language that debuggers support? I say 
this as C++ supports more of D's features, so we'd be able to give 
better debugging info for debuggers without explicit D support.


There was another point in that post, about the D extensions to DWARF... 
I think it is unlikely that patches to support D's extensions to DWARF 
would be accepted into gdb, particularly as the values for the DW_TAG's 
conflicts with things in the DWARF4 spec. I think there should be a way 
to act like D but without these extensions. Ideally the solution to this 
is to try and get the extensions officially into the DWARF spec, which 
I'd be willing to push for if possible.

That's the problem with D extensions; unless they get officially adopted they 
conflict with future changes to the spec. We need to get them officially adopted.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-04 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 04/05/10 19:50, Walter Bright wrote:

That's the problem with D extensions; unless they get officially adopted
they conflict with future changes to the spec. We need to get them
officially adopted.

Too late for this, DWARF 4 has introduced conflicts with them already. 
We could try and get them pushed for dwarf 4, but if they get in the 
values of the tags will have to change (not really a problem, as only 
one debugger supports them I think, and to my knowledge it isn't widely 
used for D yet... So we'd be able to talk to the developers and work 
around this). I'd be willing to take action to get them pushed for DWARF 
4 or (if it's too late for that) DWARF 5, if that's OK with you?

Yes, do it!

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-05 Thread Walter Bright

Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 05/05/10 20:36, Robert Clipsham wrote:

On 04/05/10 20:43, Walter Bright wrote:

Yes, do it!

Please feel free to comment on it/make corrections :)

"This has been assigned issue #100504.1.

We are not accepting extension proposals for DWARF Version 4,
but will consider this for the next version."

Looks like we'll have to wait a while for its inclusion. In the mean 
time could I suggest we move the DW_TAG's of dmd's extensions to the 
area of the spec specified for language specific extensions? I'm not 
sure if this was specified in DWARF 2 which dmd uses, or what the range 
is (I don't have the spec to hand), but it would be good not to conflict 
with DWARF 4.

Good idea.

Another good idea could be to decide how else DWARF could be extended to 
help with debug info so we have more chance of getting some useful 
things for debugging into DWARF 5.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-05 Thread Walter Bright

Alex Makhotin wrote:
It takes ~40 seconds 50% load on the dual core processor(CentOS 5.3 
kernel, to get the actual error messages about the undefined 

Definitely there's a problem.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-05 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:

Alex Makhotin wrote:
It takes ~40 seconds 50% load on the dual core processor(CentOS 5.3 
kernel, to get the actual error messages about the undefined 

Definitely there's a problem.

The problem is the spell checker is O(n*n) on the number of characters in the 
undefined identifier.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-05 Thread Walter Bright

Alex Makhotin wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Alex Makhotin wrote:
It takes ~40 seconds 50% load on the dual core processor(CentOS 5.3 
kernel, to get the actual error messages about the 
undefined identifier.

Definitely there's a problem.

The problem is the spell checker is O(n*n) on the number of characters 
in the undefined identifier.

Is there a way to disable it?

Currently, no.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-06 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
That can't be it.  The identifier shown by Alex is only 33 characters.  
O(n^2) is not that slow, especially for smaller variables.  There must 
be other factors you're not considering...

I recompiled dmd with the profiler (-gt switch) which confirmed it.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-06 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 06 May 2010 17:07:12 -0400, Walter Bright 

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
That can't be it.  The identifier shown by Alex is only 33 
characters.  O(n^2) is not that slow, especially for smaller 
variables.  There must be other factors you're not considering...

I recompiled dmd with the profiler (-gt switch) which confirmed it.

So a single unknown symbol (from Alex's example) which can be checked 
against each existing symbol in O(n^2) time, takes 40 seconds on a 
decent CPU?  How many other symbols are there?  33^2 == 1089, if there 
are 1 symbols, that's 10 million iterations, that shouldn't take 40 
seconds to run, should it?  Are there more symbols to compare against?  
Do you use heuristics to prune the search?  For example, if the max 
distance is 2, and the difference in length between two strings is >2, 
you should be able to return immediately.

Check out the profiler output. It's clearly the vast number of calls to the 
symbol lookup, not the time spent in each call.

  Num  TreeFuncPer

50409318   632285778   145858160   2 Dsymbol *syscall 
ScopeDsymbol::search(Loc ,Identifier *,int )
50411264   131394915   106356855   2 void **syscall 
StringTable::search(char const *,unsigned )
50409329   341960075   105532978   2 Dsymbol *syscall 
DsymbolTable::lookup(Identifier *)
50409329   236427096   105037393   2 StringValue *syscall 
StringTable::lookup(char const *,unsigned )
12602340   61389061967393753   5 Dsymbol *syscall 
Scope::search(Loc ,Identifier *,Dsymbol **)
12602178   69391519766918360   5 void *cdecl 
scope_search_fp(void *,char const *)
25204505   46135292052529164   2 Dsymbol *syscall 
Module::search(Loc ,Identifier *,int )
504121372503847425038474   0 unsigned cdecl 
Dchar::calcHash(char const *,unsigned )
   3520  1428323068203493755781 void *cdecl spellerX(char const 
*,void *cdecl (*)(void *,char const *),void *,char const *,int )
12602664 6811916 6811916   0 syscall 
Identifier::Identifier(char const *,int )

12602178 6299089 6299089   0 void cdecl Module::clearCache()
12602183 6151175 6151175   0 Module *syscall 
   1600   113294261   2 StringValue *syscall 
StringTable::update(char const *,unsigned )


Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-06 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:

I recompiled dmd with the profiler (-gt switch) which confirmed it.

For those interested, try out changeset 470.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-06 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

I recompiled dmd with the profiler (-gt switch) which confirmed it.

For those interested, try out changeset 470.

On my timing tests, the time spent is linear with the number of characters in 
the identifier. It's still too slow, though.

Re: dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release

2010-05-10 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
It may not be an issue, the spell checker is simply a nice hint, but 
isn't essential to determine errors.

It's a good summary of the situation. I've felt that as long as the message took 
under a second to generate, it was ok. Realistically, I don't see anyone using 
identifiers as long as you tested unless they were machine generated.

In my own code, I've found the spell checker is more than a nice hint. Most of 
the time it nails it and speeds fixing the problem because I don't need to 
myself go and manually look up the correct spelling.

Iterating through the symbol table is not impossible, it's just a lot of work as 
it is not designed for that. There are also some issues with shadowing. 
Furthermore, I'd like the speller to work with the symbol table in the C++ 
compiler, too, which I don't wish to reimplement.

Re: Shin Fujishiro joins Phobos

2010-05-12 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Please join me in welcoming Shin Fujishiro to Phobos.


Re: I rewrite std.time for Phobos

2010-05-13 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
First, I hope this can be included, it looks like very solid code.  
Second, if it cannot be included, I hope this does not dissuade you from 
contributing to Phobos for other modules.

Basically, the next time there's a suggestion of infringement from anyone, I'd 
like a specific list of the lines of source that are infringing. I don't think 
there's any reasonable way to deal with it otherwise. It shouldn't be necessary 
to guess what those lines might be.

dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-14 Thread Walter Bright
This is to fix the spell corrector speed problems and several forward reference 

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-14 Thread Walter Bright

Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:
This is to fix the spell corrector speed problems and several forward 
reference bugs.

Add hints for missing import declarations.

What does that mean?

Write the following program:

void main()
writeln("hello world!");

compile it and see what happens. I think it'll be clear!

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-14 Thread Walter Bright

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

I saw the patches, and having all hardcoded in the compiler doesn't seems
like a good idea =/

I know the hardcoding is probably not the best, but I wanted to try it out to 
see if it was a good feature before committing a lot of work to it.

The alternative is to use some sort of configuration file for it. The problem, 
though, is that the hints are for newbies, and newbies probably aren't going to 
get a configuration file properly set up, especially if there are multiple such 

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:
I saw the patches, and having all hardcoded in the compiler doesn't 

like a good idea =/

I know the hardcoding is probably not the best, but I wanted to try it 
out to see if it was a good feature before committing a lot of work to 

The alternative is to use some sort of configuration file for it. The 
problem, though, is that the hints are for newbies, and newbies 
probably aren't going to get a configuration file properly set up, 
especially if there are multiple such files.

I think the only purpose of such a feature is to increase the chance 
that a newbie's "hello world" compiles successfully. The importance of 
that can't be underestimated, I think. First impressions matter.

Yes, or at least have a to-the-point error message rather than just an undefined 

It's amazing how much information we take for granted. For example, I've been 
trying to use Apple's xcode system. I find it hard to do the most trivial 
things, like trying to figure out how to just start the thing.

Apple's web site isn't much better, it's got to be the most hard to read site 
I've ever encountered. The text is a faint grey on white, of all things, and the 
font is so poorly rendered my eyes turn red and painful after a while reading 
it. I have to actually select the text in order to read it. I find this 
astonishing, am I doing something wrong?

It won't render at all in Explorer.

The D web site is rather pedestrian, but at least it's easy on the eyes.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 5/15/10 11:00, Walter Bright wrote:

Apple's web site isn't much better, it's got to be the most hard to read
site I've ever encountered. The text is a faint grey on white, of all
things, and the font is so poorly rendered my eyes turn red and painful
after a while reading it. I have to actually select the text in order to
read it. I find this astonishing, am I doing something wrong?

Looking at Apple's developer site and the API reference, for me the body 
of the text is black using firefox, some minor parts are in gray.

I'm using firefox. Even on their main, 
most of the text is light grey on white.

Now click on "getting started documents", which brings you to a page that will 
not render in Explorer or Firefox, only Safari.

In the docs themselves, a very light blue font is used for links that is 
illegible. The code examples in the docs are even lighter grey on white. Couple 
this with the unusually small font used, and it's literally painful to read.

For a company that prides itself on excellent readability, I am astonished, and 
I can't believe I'm the only one with problems reading their pages.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

I think the feature could be nice if it needs no configuration at all (it
searches the import path and looks for modules where a missing symbol is).

The problem with that is often newbies have trouble setting up import paths.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Jérôme M. Berger wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 5/15/10 11:00, Walter Bright wrote:

Apple's web site isn't much better, it's got to be the most hard to read
site I've ever encountered. The text is a faint grey on white, of all
things, and the font is so poorly rendered my eyes turn red and painful
after a while reading it. I have to actually select the text in order to
read it. I find this astonishing, am I doing something wrong?

Looking at Apple's developer site and the API reference, for me the
body of the text is black using firefox, some minor parts are in gray.

I'm using firefox. Even on their main, most of the text is light grey
on white.

Text is black here. But it is very thin, are you sure this isn't an
anti-aliasing issue?

Yes, because there is some legible black text on other parts of the page.

Now click on "getting started documents", which brings you to a page
that will not render in Explorer or Firefox, only Safari.

Works fine here. Firefox 3.6.3 on Linux.

3.0.18 on Ubuntu.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-16 Thread Walter Bright

Charles Hixson wrote:

On 05/15/2010 02:00 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

The D web site is rather pedestrian, but at least it's easy on the eyes.


The D web pages are a marvel of clarity and utility.  Compare them to 
the Python web pages, which I rate a second best.  Things are documented 
with relative clarity, one can generally find what one needs with a bit 
of searching, even if one doesn't know what it's named.  Etc.

The D web site has only two minor (*minor*!) problems
One is the search engine which doesn't work on local copies.
The other is that one needs to disable google translation on local 
copies, or everything loads too slowly.
(The first of those is probably impossible to deal with, but the second 
looks trivial.)

If by pedestrian you mean clean, clear, and easy to use, then give me 
more pedestrian.

People often say it doesn't look professional. I agree it could probably use 
better colors, etc. But for this kind of web site, I think it's just wrong to 
use flash, javascript, or anything that takes a long time to load. I don't like 
pages that have a tiny bit of content surrounded by acres of flashy, blinky, 
hovering advertisements. I don't like websites that sacrifice readability in 
favor of a "look". I don't like web pages that refuse to reflow if the window 
size is changed. The site should print properly, and be mechanically convertible 
to a reasonably decent looking pdf.

The site needs to be friendly to search engines, and usable by screen readers. 
Yes, there are blind programmers, and at least one blind D programmer. It's 
obnoxious to make a site they cannot use.

I'm also old, and just don't like sites that use small fonts, cute fonts, blurry 
fonts, fonts with poor contrast, etc. They're hard, even painful, to read. When 
I was a kid writing letters to my aged relatives, my mom told me that they'd 
struggle to read typical handwriting, and that it's nice to use a typewriter 
instead. I always remembered that advice, and when I started using word 
processors for letters, the ones I'd send to them I'd always enlarge the font 
quite a bit. Web sites should avoid setting specific font sizes, so low vision 
users can enlarge it.

I recently completed a revamp of the digitalmars site that got rid of the table 
based layout in favor of using floating CSS layout. The result looks a bit 
nicer, and the printing should be much better.

My sole problem with D is one that's probably impossible to address: the 
lack of libraries.  When I need libraries, I usually end up using some 
other language.  But it sure isn't the web page.

(DSource is marvelous, but most of the libraries listed appear to be 
either moribund or morbid.)

The library situation hopefully will get better over time.

And thanks for the kind words about the site (!), it is nice to hear them.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-16 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I recently completed a revamp of the digitalmars site that got rid of the 
table based layout in favor of using floating CSS layout. The result looks 
a bit nicer, and the printing should be much better.

Speaking as a web developer, I've found that floating CSS is irritatingly 
gimped compared to tables when trying to adjust how things flow upon 
resizing. (Speaker as a web user, I've never cared one bit whether a site 
used floating CSS vs tables.)

Doing them as floating CSS makes it possible to "nodisplay" the navigation 
sections when formatting for print.

The whole HTML/CSS design is such a horrific kludge it's a wonder it works at 

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-17 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Mon, 17 May 2010 13:29:19 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic 

Charles Hixson Wrote:

The D web pages are a marvel of clarity and utility.  Compare them to
the Python web pages, which I rate a second best.


The funny thing about the Python website, is that I never managed to 
find a direct link to the package repo (pypi) from the main site.

And yet if I google PyPI, and follow a link to, a 
Package Index tab suddenly appears on the top left. If I click on 
another tab, it dissapears again. Needlessly inconsistent imo. (+ how 
are newbies supossed to find the libraries if they're not linked from 
the main site?)

The D website's navigation bar suffers the same problems.

 I cannot reproduce such bad behavior.

Re: dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

2010-05-17 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
The end result is, sometimes I can't find a link I clicked on before, 
because I'm no longer on the exact right page -- the nav bar is totally 
dependent on the current page!

I agree, the nav bar changes from page to page. Not sure that's a problem, 

Bartosz' Message Passing talk tonight

2010-05-19 Thread Walter Bright

Title: The Anatomy of Message Passing
Speaker: Bartosz Milewski
Date: May 19, 2010
Time: 7 pm
Place: Microsoft Eastside Campus, Bldg 41, Townsend (see our website for directions).

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-21 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I wrote a solution to the problem in native D. It goes like this:

alias Container!(int, addable | purgeable) Messerschmidt;

void messWith(Messerschmidt i) {
... use i's capabilities to add and purge ...

I agree with Michael Fortin that the | is questionable. I'd like to suggest 
instead that it should instead be a variadic list of names, like:

alias Container!(int, addable, purgeable) Msserschmidt;

Perhaps the names should follow a naming convention,

alias Container!(int, ContainerAddable, ContainerPurgeable) Msserschmidt;

The problem with using scoped names, like Container.Addable, is scoped names 
cannot be added to.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-21 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

See the -mergefunc compiler switch of LDC, to merge identical
functions (like ones produced by template instantiations). This
feature is not very powerful yet, but it's present and I have seen it

Indeed. I'm no expert in linkers, but in my opinion this is one of the
most basic optimizations a linker should perform. And C++ has pushed
linkers to do that for years now so I'd expect most linkers to do that

The problem with templates are more the multiple slightly different
instanciations. In general this is good for performance, but it's only
needed for the code paths that need to be fast. I think generic
containers should be fast.

There's been talk that Walter's slow porting of the linker to C and then 
D will put him in the position to introduce such an optimization.

Unfortunately, it's an agonizingly slow process. It also does nothing for Linux 
or OSX.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-21 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 05/19/2010 09:59 PM, Robert Jacques wrote:

Yes and No. I understand where your coming from, but I think it's a bad
idea. First, I think it needlessly expands the radius of comprehension
needed to understand and use the library. (See Tangled up in tools

For the record, I strongly agree with this.

I do too, but that's the easy part. Living up to those ideals is extremely hard, 
usually because most designers think they have designed simple interfaces when 
everyone else thinks they didn't.

In this whole container discussion, I'd like to point out something Andrei 
pointed out to me. The one extremely successful example of pluggable components 
is the unix filter model. Essentially, one program pipes its output to the next, 
which pipes its output to the next, etc. The unix console is designed around 
that paradigm.

If we can get anywhere close to that level of success with ranges and 
containers, we should all be well pleased.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-21 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:
If we can get anywhere close to that level of success with ranges and 
containers, we should all be well pleased.

Mike Taylor has a phrase for that I think is well-coined: "impedance matching",
defined as the work necessary to get one library module to work with another
library module.

One example of bad impedance matching is C++ iostreams' attempt to make a memory
buffer look like a file. Phobos propagated that mistake in its own streams.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-21 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:
If we can get anywhere close to that level of success with ranges and 
containers, we should all be well pleased.

Mike Taylor has a phrase for that I think is well-coined: "impedance matching", 
defined as the work necessary to get one library module to work with another 
library module.

One example of bad impedance matching is C++ iostreams' attempt to make a memory 
buffer look like a file. Phobos propagated that mistake in its own streams. A 
better way is to use ranges, where the file is accessed via a range and a memory 
buffer is accessed via a range. Then anything that operates on data is written 
to the range, not a fake file interface.

Re: dcollections 1.0 and 2.0a beta released

2010-05-22 Thread Walter Bright

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2010-05-21 22:55:16 -0400, Walter Bright  

Walter Bright wrote:
If we can get anywhere close to that level of success with ranges and 
containers, we should all be well pleased.

Mike Taylor has a phrase for that I think is well-coined: "impedance 
defined as the work necessary to get one library module to work with 

library module.

This makes me think about something.

In principle, I like the idea of containers being reference type. It 
works well when passing a container to functions. But at the same time, 
I despite it. By-reference containers forces you to have extra 
indirections even when you don't need them, and you have to worry about 
null. Sometime a value-type would be better, when creating more complex 
data structures for instance:

class Channel {
private {
Array!Message inbound;
Array!Message outbound;


What's the point of having extra indirection here?

Good question. I think the answer is:

1. When do you ever want to copy a collection? I almost never do, because 
copying one is an inherently expensive operation.

2. When you copy a collection, do you copy the container or the elements in the 
container or both? One would have to carefully read the documentation to see 
which it is. That increases substantially the "cognitive load" of using them.

3. Going to lengths to make them value types, but then disabling copying them 
because you want people to use them as reference types, seems like a failure of 
design somewhere.

4. That silly extra level of indirection actually isn't there. Consider that 
even value locals are accessed via indirection: offset[ESP]. For a reference 
collection we have: offset[EBX]. No difference (yes, EBX has to be loaded, but 
if it is done more than once it gets cached in a register by the compiler).

5. Just making them all reference types means the documentation and use become a 
lot simpler.

Re: [OT] Web font sizing

2010-05-27 Thread Walter Bright

Stewart Gordon wrote:
But maybe it's acceptable if all you're doing is compensating for the 
font you've chosen looking a little bigger or smaller at the same point 
size than the default Times New Roman.  That said:
- somebody might have set a different font as default in browser 
settings or a user stylesheet
- who decreed that the factory default in all graphical browsers shall 
be Times New Roman, anyway?

With style sheets, you can set the font size as larger or smaller than the 
default. This should be good enough. Setting fonts as pixel sizes is just wrong.

Re: "D Programlama Dili" is almost finished

2010-05-28 Thread Walter Bright

Ali Çehreli wrote:

It is a Turkish D2 book.

I know that this news is not very useful for the members of this forum, 
but I am proud to announce that my D book targeting the Turkish reader 
is almost complete.

It is for the novice programmer. Complete with exercises and solutions, 
it starts with the assignment operator and gradually builds other 
concepts. (I must say that D is an easy language to teach to novice 

Since starting in July 2009, I've been making the chapters freely 
available at

The free pdf version is around 520 pages these days.

After finishing the final two chapters, I will get back to bringing the 
information up to date, e.g. the new operator overloading syntax should 
replace the old one.

On a personal note, as far as I know, this book has been the first in 
computer technology where Turkish precedes any similar work in English. :)

Thank you,

This is great work, and thanks for adding the google translator widget too! I 
put a link and on

D Programming now on twitter

2010-05-28 Thread Walter Bright

also use #d_lang to connect D related tweets

Re: OT: Use of D-icon

2010-05-28 Thread Walter Bright

Matthias Pleh wrote:

Am 28.05.2010 20:06, schrieb Walter Bright:

also use #d_lang to connect D related tweets

I'm working on a redesign for wiki4d. Now I've seen the D-logo on 
twitter and I like it. :)

Can we use this picture for wiki4d?

That was submitted by a user many years ago, the problem is I lost track of who 
it was. But I do recall he meant it to be used, so go ahead.

Re: new layout on wiki4d

2010-05-28 Thread Walter Bright

Matthias Pleh wrote:

For those, who aren't yet aware of the wiki-site:


Re: Bartosz' Message Passing talk tonight

2010-06-10 Thread Walter Bright

Phil Deets wrote:
The website has a new post for a June meeting now, but there is no date 
or time posted. I e-mailed the contact e-mail address about this, but I 
got a delivery failure notification so the address must be out of date. 
Does anybody know when the June meeting is?

Here's the announcement for the June meeting. I plan on attending, I think it'll 
be fun. Of course, it will be great to see there as many of our D community as 
can come! (Afterwards, we go out for a drink & some food at the local watering 

Next week Gavriel Plotke will be talking about the harnessing of the
power of the graphics chip as a massively parallel supercomputer that
sits, mostly idly (uless we play a lot of games, that is), inside most

Title: Massive Multithreading on the GPU. GigaFlops or...  TeraFlops?

Speaker: Gavriel Plotke, Microsoft Senior SDET

Date: Wednesday, June 16the

Place: Microsoft Eastside Campus, Bldg 41, Townsend (see our website for directions).


The modern GPU is a massively parallel supercomputer that has 2 orders
of magnitude more processing power then a single CPU Core. But the
threading model is very different than the CPU. Don't get left behind
on knowing about this different paradigm.

I've been with Microsoft for 3 years on the DirectX High Level Shader
Language compiler test team. I've been a champion of the new Compute
Shader features of DirectX11. While I have some graphics background,
it was my assembler language and compiler writing background that got
me the job.  Early in my career I worked on the internals of a
mainframe spreadsheet product as a competitor to VisiCalc and
Lotus123.  It was a time when everyone in a big office would have a
mainframe terminal and no one had a PC.  It was a great product, but
time moved on, and Excel on inexpensive PCs ate our lunch. After that
I spent a many years doing business contract work - different
projects, different platforms, lots of database design.  Now I help
support programming on today's supercomputer, the modern graphics

dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-12 Thread Walter Bright
There are a lot of improvements in this release, done by quite a lot of people 
working on it. Thanks to everyone who pitched in!

Re: dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-13 Thread Walter Bright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Lutger wrote:
I noticed both std.concurrency and std.json are not (yet?) included in 
the documentation. Does that have any bearing on their status, are 
they usable and / or stable? 

std.container too.


Re: dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-15 Thread Walter Bright

strtr wrote:

My project takes 4 times longer to compile with 1.062 (iso 1.061).
It now takes 1min 20sec on my p4 and memory doesn't seem to be the problem 
I'd rather have it below 30sec :)

I have no idea why that might be. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-15 Thread Walter Bright

strtr wrote:

It's the optimization :)
Without -O compilation took only a few seconds!

Well, that explains it! Little attempt is made in the optimizer to make it 
compile faster if that would interfere with generating faster code.

Re: dmd 1.062 and 2.047 release

2010-06-15 Thread Walter Bright

Brad Roberts wrote:

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Walter Bright wrote:

strtr wrote:

It's the optimization :)
Without -O compilation took only a few seconds!

Well, that explains it! Little attempt is made in the optimizer to make it
compile faster if that would interfere with generating faster code.

Chances are that the changes to allow more inlining contribute to handing 
the optimizer more work to chew on too.

You're very likely right.

D rpm packages for Linux

2010-06-24 Thread Walter Bright
D rpm packages now available thanks 
to Jordi Sayol.

D web site facelift

2010-07-02 Thread Walter Bright
David Gileadi was kind enough to spend some time redesigning the look of the D 
web site. A preview of it is up on This isn't about 
the content, just the look/style/feel.

Comments welcome.

Please don't put links to anything other than the front page yet, as the 
organization may change.

Re: D web site facelift

2010-07-02 Thread Walter Bright

Walter Bright wrote:

Re: D web site facelift

2010-07-02 Thread Walter Bright

Adam Ruppe wrote:

The text is borderline illegible, due to poor contrast combined with a
small text size.

What browser are you using? In IE it renders well, and I'm picky about that sort 
of thing.

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