Re: Derelict SFML destructor crashes

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Parker

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 07:36:09 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 04:40:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
First, please take all Derelict trouble-shooting problems to 
the Derelict forums[1].

I'm posting here because I was unable to register with the 
derelict forum.

I filled out the registration form and press the register 
button, then a page opens with this message.

An Error Has Occurred!

Sorry, I've no idea what's going on there.

I hope you can help me get registered. Thanks!

If you email me the user name you want, I'll register an account 
for you.

Re: Derelict SFML destructor crashes

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Parker

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 08:14:01 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 07:36:09 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 04:40:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
First, please take all Derelict trouble-shooting problems to 
the Derelict forums[1].

I'm posting here because I was unable to register with the 
derelict forum.

I filled out the registration form and press the register 
button, then a page opens with this message.

An Error Has Occurred!

Sorry, I've no idea what's going on there.

I hope you can help me get registered. Thanks!

If you email me the user name you want, I'll register an 
account for you.

Re: Derelict SFML destructor crashes

2012-12-18 Thread Jeremy DeHaan

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 07:36:09 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 04:40:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
First, please take all Derelict trouble-shooting problems to 
the Derelict forums[1].

I'm posting here because I was unable to register with the 
derelict forum.

I filled out the registration form and press the register 
button, then a page opens with this message.

An Error Has Occurred!

I tried a few times being very careful not to make any mistakes.

I was going to post asking for a very small change to the 
derelict2 make process so that I could specify the compiler 
path. This is so I can pick a different version of dmd (or gdc, 
or ldc) as I have multiple versions installed (release and 

I modded the make files to allow me to specify the compiler by 
full path, so I'm OK for now, this is just a suggested 
improvement for you to consider.

I hope you can help me get registered. Thanks!


I had the same error actually. I just tried until it worked, 
which was the second time I tried.

Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread egslava
Hi! In the beginning, sorry for my very bad English (and, 
perhaps, for stupid idea too) :) I hope we'll find common 
language :)

I don't program with D a lot, but when I try to find information 
in google, I use that way:
dlang something. And google very often tries to change it to 
slang something :)
But I think, today, it's the best way. Because you can't look for 
d something. Because D - it's just a letter.
dlang - it's a word, so you can find something more ease, than 
just with D.

There're no any problem - you'll find necessary information on 
first-second page of searching results.

Problems appear when I try to find all open-source solutions for 

For example, if I wanna find all web-frameworks and compare them.
Recently, I tried to find package manager - it was a problem _for 
me_. I understand - there're package manager, but I can't compare 
all them, because I can't find them _quickly_.

I think, it would more better, if D had official phrase for 
searchings. For example:

d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49c9e0ecc1e2 (sha1).
If you'll find d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49c9e0ecc1e2 
web-framework - you'll find nothing. It's very cool. Because, if 
there aren't web framework for D - you'll just know about it. You 
won't move through 10 pages of noise from Google.

Hash may be more short:
bozf4qy (tinyurl for - it's more cognizable and still 

bozf4qy game engine - nothing. It's cool.

And try to use that:
dlang game engine - something usefull and MUCH noise.

And compare with that:
JavaScript game engine. projects, libraries, etc. Perfect 

It's very easy to integrate this technique with already existing 
projects: just add to string bozf4qy. Or ask you 
forum engine to add small, non-contrast label bozf4qy before 
every message - so you can look for answers for problems, not 
only for projects and libraries.

I think, it's very easy to use, to integrate.
But what do you think about it? Why not?

Sorry, if I spent your time for nothing :(

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

12/18/2012 1:47 PM, egslava пишет:

Hi! In the beginning, sorry for my very bad English (and, perhaps, for
stupid idea too) :) I hope we'll find common language :)


I think, it would more better, if D had official phrase for searchings.
For example:
d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49c9e0ecc1e2 (sha1).
If you'll find d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49c9e0ecc1e2 web-framework
- you'll find nothing. It's very cool. Because, if there aren't web
framework for D - you'll just know about it. You won't move through 10
pages of noise from Google.

Just LOL. Would be hard to integrate into a community at large but quite 
cool idea :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread Nekroze

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 09:47:24 UTC, egslava wrote:
I don't program with D a lot, but when I try to find 
information in google, I use that way:
dlang something. And google very often tries to change it to 
slang something :)
But I think, today, it's the best way. Because you can't look 
for d something. Because D - it's just a letter.
dlang - it's a word, so you can find something more ease, than 
just with D.

Personally, if i am looking for anything related to D i first 
search with the prefix d programming language so i would search 
for d programming language something then if that fails i would 
maybe try dlang something but i currently only do that if i 
think that something could be found on and this has 
so far worked well enough for me.

tldr: Try searching with d programming language as a prefix 

Re: Need help understanding Tuple

2012-12-18 Thread bearophile

d coder:

template Tuple(T...) {
  alias T Tuple;

enum Bar;
class Foo {
  @Bar int a;

void main()
  Foo foo = new Foo;
  alias Tuple!(__traits(getAttributes, foo.a)) tp;
  pragma(msg, tp);

As first step, don't use that Tuple, use std.typetuple.TypeTuple 
instead. It's the same, but using the standardized name helps 


Re: guidelines for parameter types

2012-12-18 Thread Dan

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 06:34:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I don't think this is well known at all. :) I have thought 
about these myself and came up with some guidelines at

Thanks - I will study it. I see that you have covered also in, 
out, inout, lazy, scope, and shared, so that should keep me busy 
for a while.

I don't know how practical it is but it would be nice if the 
price of copying an object could be considered by the compiler, 
not by the programmer.

I agree - would be nice if compiler could do it but if it tried 
some would just not be happy about the choices, no matter what.

According to D's philosophy structs don't have identities. If I 
pass a struct by-value, the compiler should pick the fastest 

Even if there is a postblit? Maybe that would work, but say your 
object were a reference counting type. If the compiler decided to 
pass by ref sneakily for performance gain when you think it is by 
value that might be a problem. Maybe not, though, as long as you 
know how it works. I have seen that literal structs passed to a 
function will not call the postblit - but Johnathan says this was 
a bug in the way the compiler classifies literals.

That's sensible. (In practice though, it is rarely done in C++. 
For example, if V is int and v is not intended to be modified, 
it is still passed in as 'V v'.)

Absolutely. I read somewhere it was pedantic to do such things. 
Then I read some other articles that touted the benefit, even on 
an int, because the reader of (void foo(const int x) {...} ) 
knows x will/should not change, so it has clearer intentions for 
future maintainers.

That makes a difference whether V is a value type or not. (It 
is not clear whether you mean V is a value type.) Otherwise, 
e.g. immutable(char[]) v has a legitimate meaning: The function 
requires that the caller provides immutable data.

When is 'immutable(char[]) v' preferable to 'const(char[]) v'? If 
you select 'const(char[]) v' instead, your function will not 
mutate v and if it is generally a useful function it will even 
accept 'char[]' that *is* mutable. I agree with the meaning you 
suggest, but under what circumstances is it important to a 
function to know that v is immutable as opposed to simply const?

| ref immutable(V) v | No need - restrictive with no benefit|
|| over 'ref const(V) v'|

I still has a different meaning: You must have an immutable V 
and I need a reference to it. It may be that the identity of 
the object is important and that the function would store a 
reference to it.

This may be a use-case for it. You want to store a reference to v 
and save it for later - so immutable is preferred over const. I 
may be mistaken but I thought the thread on 'rvalue references' 
talks about taking away the rights to take the address of any ref 

| V* v  | Use only when mutation of v is required.  |
|   | Prefer 'ref V v' unless null significant  |
|   | or unsafe manipulations desired   |


Also, pointers may be needed especially when interfacing with C 
and C++ libraries, but again, the D function can still take 
'ref' and pass the address of that ref to the C function.

By 'unsafe manipulations' I meant things such as low level memory 
management, interfacing with C and such. It may be that in the 
future you will not be able to take the address of any 'ref' 
parameter (see previous link). So, if you know you are going to 
do interfacing with C or pointer work it and other non-safe code 
it may be best to just take 'V* v'.

Again, if the function demands immutable(V), which may be null, 
then it actually has some use.

I agree - I just don't know yet when a function would demand 
'immutable(V)' over 'const(V)'.

| T t | T is primitive, dynamic array, or  assoc   |
| | array (i.e. cheap/shallow copies). For |
| | generic code no knowledge of COW or|
| | cheapness so prefer 'ref T t'  |

I am not sure about that last guideline. I think we should 
simply type T and the compiler does its magic. I don't know how 
practical my hope is.

Besides, we don't know whether T is primitive or not. It can be 
anything. If T is int, 'ref T t' could actually be slower due 
to the pointer indirection due to ref.

Agreed. In a separate thread 
I included some timings of passing a struct as 'in S', 'in ref 
S', and 'const ref S'. The very small sizes, matching up to sizes 
of primitives, showed litte if any benefit of by value over ref. 
Maybe the test/benchmark was flawed? But for big sizes, the by 
reference clearly won by a large margin. The problem with 
template code is you don't have any knowledge and the cost of 'by 
value' is unbounded, whereas difference between 'int t' 

Re: Need help understanding Tuple

2012-12-18 Thread John Chapman

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 11:06:12 UTC, d coder wrote:


Somebody please help me understand why we need the Tuple 
template in the
following code. Does not __traits(getAttributes, foo.a) return 
a tuple? So
what is the Tuple template doing here? Converting a tuple to a 

Also where to learn more about tuples in D. Info in TDPL is 

The spec goes into tuples in some depth:

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread egslava

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 11:39:29 UTC, Nekroze wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 09:47:24 UTC, egslava wrote:
I don't program with D a lot, but when I try to find 
information in google, I use that way:
dlang something. And google very often tries to change it to 
slang something :)
But I think, today, it's the best way. Because you can't look 
for d something. Because D - it's just a letter.
dlang - it's a word, so you can find something more ease, than 
just with D.

Personally, if i am looking for anything related to D i first 
search with the prefix d programming language so i would 
search for d programming language something then if that 
fails i would maybe try dlang something but i currently only 
do that if i think that something could be found on 
and this has so far worked well enough for me.

tldr: Try searching with d programming language as a prefix 

For example, I try to use that phrase:

d programming language sha256
I needed only sha-256 library for my course work. Only. Don't ask 
me why :)
And I really don't know: is there RIGHT library or not? And there 
are a lot of noise in google results. There're much noise and 
there're few common cipher libraries.
If I know - there aren't another libraries - I'll try to fit 
existance libraries for my purposes.
If I know - there is library more fitted for my purposes - I'll 
look for that.

It's very easy add to web-page:
bozf4qy (or something else)
And all problems about search are solved: you will look only for 
D2 libraries and solutions.

Why not?

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread Matthew Caron

On 12/18/2012 08:12 AM, egslava wrote:

For example, I try to use that phrase:

d programming language sha256

I needed only sha-256 library for my course work. Only. Don't ask me why :)
And I really don't know: is there RIGHT library or not? And there are a
lot of noise in google results. There're much noise and there're few
common cipher libraries.

Wouldn't one just use OpenSSL?

FYI - I search for d language something.

Matthew Caron, Software Build Engineer
Sixnet, a Red Lion business |
+1 (518) 877-5173 x138 office

Re: Derelict SFML destructor crashes

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Parker

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 07:36:09 UTC, Rob T wrote:

On Monday, 17 December 2012 at 04:40:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
First, please take all Derelict trouble-shooting problems to 
the Derelict forums[1].

I'm posting here because I was unable to register with the 
derelict forum.

I filled out the registration form and press the register 
button, then a page opens with this message.

An Error Has Occurred!

I tried a few times being very careful not to make any mistakes.

I *think* I've got it sorted. If you try again, it should work.

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread egslava

Wouldn't one just use OpenSSL?

I just looked for something simple like:
auto sha = sha256_digest(blah);

FYI - I search for d language something.
And I couldn't find that easily :( I found some library, but I 
had been modificating that about two hours.

But, please, ask me. Is it hard to add some string to your site? 
Just add string - that will do live easier for many D2 users.

Re: guidelines for parameter types

2012-12-18 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 12/18/2012 04:51 AM, Dan wrote:
 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 06:34:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 I don't think this is well known at all. :) I have thought about these
 myself and came up with some guidelines at

 Thanks - I will study it. I see that you have covered also in, out,
 inout, lazy, scope, and shared, so that should keep me busy for a while.

For convenience, here are the chapters and guidelines that are relevant:

1) Immutability:


* As a general rule, prefer immutable variables over mutable

* Define constant values as enum if their values can be
  calculated at compile time. For example, the constant value of
  seconds per minute can be an enum:

enum int secondsPerMinute = 60;

* There is no need to specify the type explicitly if it can be
  inferred from the right hand side:

enum secondsPerMinute = 60;

* Consider the hidden cost of enum arrays and enum associative
  arrays. Define them as immutable variables if the arrays are
  large and they are used more than once in the program.  Specify
  variables as immutable if their values will never change but
  cannot be known at compile time. Again, the type can be

immutable guess = read_int(What is your guess);

* If a function does not modify a parameter, specify that
  parameter as const. This would allow both mutable and immutable
  variables to be passed as arguments:

void foo(const char[] s)
// ...

void main()
char[] mutableString;
string immutableString;

foo(mutableString);  // ← compiles
foo(immutableString);// ← compiles

* Following from the previous guideline, consider that const
  parameters cannot be passed to functions taking immutable. See
  the section titled Should a parameter be const or immutable?

* If the function modifies a parameter, leave that parameter as
  mutable (const or immutable would not allow modifications

import std.stdio;

void reverse(dchar[] s)
foreach (i; 0 .. s.length / 2) {
immutable temp = s[i];
s[i] = s[$ - 1 - i];
s[$ - 1 - i] = temp;

void main()
dchar[] salutation = hellod.dup;

The output:


2) const ref Parameters and const Member Functions:


* To give the guarantee that a parameter is not modified by the
  function, mark that parameter as in, const, or const ref.

* Mark member functions that do not modify the object as const:

struct TimeOfDay
// ...
string toString() const
return format(%02s:%02s, hour, minute);

 This would make the struct (or class) more useful by removing an
 unnecessary limitation. The examples in the rest of the book
 will observe this guideline.

3) Constructor and Other Special Functions:


Immutability of constructor parameters

  In the Immutability chapter we have seen that it is not easy to
  decide whether parameters of reference types should be defined
  as const or immutable. Although the same considerations apply
  for constructor parameters as well, immutable is usually a
  better choice for constructor parameters.

  The reason is, it is common to assign the parameters to members
  to be used at a later time. When a parameter is not immutable,
  there is no guarantee that the original variable will not
  change by the time the member gets used.

 I don't know how practical it is but it would be nice if the price of
 copying an object could be considered by the compiler, not by the

 I agree - would be nice if compiler could do it but if it tried some
 would just not be happy about the choices, no matter what.

 According to D's philosophy structs don't have identities. If I pass a
 struct by-value, the compiler should pick the fastest method.

 Even if there is a postblit? Maybe that would work, but say your object
 were a reference counting type. If the compiler decided to pass by ref
 sneakily for performance gain when you think it is by value that might
 be a problem. Maybe not, though, as long as you know how it works. I
 have seen that literal structs passed to a function will not call the
 postblit - but Johnathan says this was a bug in the way the compiler
 classifies literals.

I am also keeping in mind that struct objects are supposed to be treated 
as simple values without identities:


  A struct is defined to not have an identity; that is, the
  implementation is free to make bit copies of the struct as

 That's sensible. (In practice though, it is rarely done in C++. For

Re: variable x cannot be read at compile time (ctfe)

2012-12-18 Thread bearophile

maarten van damme:

How can this be?

Maybe there are some mistakes in your assumptions.


Re: guidelines for parameter types

2012-12-18 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 01:51:31PM +0100, Dan wrote:
 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 06:34:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 That makes a difference whether V is a value type or not. (It is
 not clear whether you mean V is a value type.) Otherwise, e.g.
 immutable(char[]) v has a legitimate meaning: The function
 requires that the caller provides immutable data.
 When is 'immutable(char[]) v' preferable to 'const(char[]) v'? If
 you select 'const(char[]) v' instead, your function will not mutate
 v and if it is generally a useful function it will even accept
 'char[]' that *is* mutable. I agree with the meaning you suggest,
 but under what circumstances is it important to a function to know
 that v is immutable as opposed to simply const?

It's not just about whether the function mutates something or not.
Sometimes the function counts on the data not changing, ever. For
example, if you're implementing a library AA type, you'd want the key to
be immutable so that whatever hash value you computed for the bucket
will not suddenly become invalid just because the user changed it from
underneath you:

// Problematic example
struct AA {
struct Bucket {
const(char)[] key;
uint  hash;
const(char)[] value;

Bucket* next;
Bucket*[] htable;

void addEntry(const(char)[] key, const(char)[] value) {
// N.B.: Bucket now stores a reference to key
auto buck = new Bucket(key, hashof(key), value);

// The validity of this depends on the
// referenced key not changing, ever.
htable[buck.hash % htable.length] = buck;

const(char)[] opIndex(const(char)[] key) {
auto hash = hashof(key);
auto buck = htable[hash % htable.length];
while (buck) {
if (buck.key == key)
return buck.value;
buck =;
// throw out of bounds error here
void main() {
AA aa;
char[] myKey = abc;

// OK: char[] implicitly converts to const(char)[].
aa.addEntry(myKey, some value);

myKey[0] = 'c'; // --- oops! now the entry's Bucket is wrong!

auto v = aa[abc]; // this will throw, 'cos the
// right slot is found but the
// entry's .key value has
// changed, so it won't match

auto u = aa[cbc]; // in all likelihood, this will
// also throw because the hash
// of cbc is unlikely to be
// equal to the hash of abc so
// we won't find the right slot

In this case, the key passed to .addEntry *must* be immutable. That's
the only way to guarantee that the AA's internal structures won't get
invalidated by outside code.


Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects 
such as wickerwork picnic baskets.  Imagination without skill gives us modern 
art. -- Tom Stoppard

hello world with glib

2012-12-18 Thread Sonia Hamilton
Hi, I'm trying to get a hello world going to call a C function from
[1]glib. I'm having problems compiling, what would the correct command
line options?

% dmd -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 hello.d -L-L/usr/local/lib -L-lglib-2.0
hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GDateTime
hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GTimeZone

% cat hello.d
import std.stdio;
extern(C) GDateTime *g_date_time_new_now (GTimeZone *tz);
void main() {
  writeln(Hello, world);
  GDateTime *gdt;

I've got the [2]Interfacing to C page bookmarked :-)

Thanks for any help, Sonia.



Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread Sonia Hamilton
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012, at 22:39, Nekroze wrote:
 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 09:47:24 UTC, egslava wrote:
  I don't program with D a lot, but when I try to find 
  information in google, I use that way:
  dlang something. And google very often tries to change it to 
  slang something :)
  But I think, today, it's the best way. Because you can't look 
  for d something. Because D - it's just a letter.
  dlang - it's a word, so you can find something more ease, than 
  just with D.
 Personally, if i am looking for anything related to D i first 
 search with the prefix d programming language so i would search 
 for d programming language something then if that fails i would 
 maybe try dlang something but i currently only do that if i 
 think that something could be found on and this has 
 so far worked well enough for me.
 tldr: Try searching with d programming language as a prefix 

See this FAQ article [1].


Re: guidelines for parameter types

2012-12-18 Thread Dan

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 18:08:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

It's not just about whether the function mutates something or 
Sometimes the function counts on the data not changing, ever. 
example, if you're implementing a library AA type, you'd want 
the key to
be immutable so that whatever hash value you computed for the 
will not suddenly become invalid just because the user changed 
it from

underneath you:

In this case, the key passed to .addEntry *must* be immutable. 
the only way to guarantee that the AA's internal structures 
won't get

invalidated by outside code.

Thanks! You and Ali have presented good examples where 'ref 
immutable(T|V) t|v' trumps 'ref const(T|V) t|v' and if I 
understand them correctly it is for whenever the instance method 
(in the case of a member function) will hold onto the argument 
for later use. I'll refine my selection process accordingly.


Re: Derelict SFML destructor crashes

2012-12-18 Thread Rob T

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 13:47:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I *think* I've got it sorted. If you try again, it should work.

I tried it again just now and it worked. Thanks!


Re: variable x cannot be read at compile time (ctfe)

2012-12-18 Thread maarten van damme
My only assumption is that -version=runtime doesn't utilize ctfe and
the other does. The rest is simple timing on both linux and windows
and ctfe is way slower...

2012/12/18 bearophile
 maarten van damme:

 How can this be?

 Maybe there are some mistakes in your assumptions.


Re: hello world with glib

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Parker
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 18:24:03 UTC, Sonia Hamilton 

[1]glib. I'm having problems compiling, what would the correct 

line options?

% dmd -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 hello.d -L-L/usr/local/lib 

hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GDateTime
hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GTimeZone

Your problem isn't the command line options, but that you're 
missing definitions of GDateTime and GTimeZone. You'll need to 
define those somewhere, perhaps the top of your file here for 
testing, so that D can know what they are.

I've got the [2]Interfacing to C page bookmarked :-)

Thanks for any help, Sonia.



You might want to add this series as well, starting with part 1:

Re: hello world with glib

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Parker

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 19:21:09 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 18:24:03 UTC, Sonia Hamilton 

[1]glib. I'm having problems compiling, what would the correct 

line options?

% dmd -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 hello.d -L-L/usr/local/lib 

hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GDateTime
hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GTimeZone

Your problem isn't the command line options, but that you're 
missing definitions of GDateTime and GTimeZone. You'll need to 
define those somewhere, perhaps the top of your file here for 
testing, so that D can know what they are.

I just took a look at the GLib docs and see that both of these 
are opaque structs, so this should do it for you:

struct GDateTime;
struct GTimeZone;

Re: Help with Out Of Memory D v1.0

2012-12-18 Thread jose isaias cabrera

- Original Message - 


I have this program that zips a file and everything works perfectly, if 
the files are small enough.  But, I am having to zip files that are 
getting more and more extreme in size and I am running out of memory. 
Here is the output when executing a small program to zip a folder:

Zipping file no 0 huge\0.pdf
Zipping file no 1 huge\1.exe
Zipping file no 2 huge\2.exe
Zipping file no 3 huge\updates\
Zipping file no 4 huge\updates\q.html
Zipping file no 5 huge\updates\z.exe
finished all files...
Error: Out of memory


This is the program in question...

import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.zlib;
import jic.libs.MyFile;

int main(char[][] args)

 char[] folder = rc:\tmp\huge;
 return 0;

void ZipAFolder(char[] zipFolder)
 char[] fdname = std.path.getDirName(zipFolder);
 char[][] allfiles = std.file.listdir(zipFolder,*);
 char[] zipFile = zipFolder ~ .zip;
 int FilesCnt = 0; zr;
 zr = new;
 int one = 0;
 foreach(char[] f; allfiles)
   char[] f0 = std.string.replace(f,fdname ~ \\,);  // Filename
   writefln(Zipping file no  ~ std.string.toString(one) ~   ~ f0);

   ArchiveMember am = new ArchiveMember();
   am.compressionMethod = 8; = f0;
   //am.expandedData = cast(ubyte[]);
   am.expandedData = cast(ubyte[]);
   am.expandedSize = am.expandedData.length;
   FileData fd0 = GetFileInfo(f);
   long usedT0;
   if (fd0.creationTime  fd0.modifiedTime)
 usedT0 = fd0.creationTime;
 usedT0 = fd0.modifiedTime;
   am.time =;
   writefln( ** PLEASE WAIT FOR FILE # ~ std.string.toString(one) ~  TO 

 writefln(finished all files...);
 std.file.write(zipFile, cast(byte[]);
 writefln( **  ~ std.string.toString(one) ~  FILES ZIPPED ** );
 writefln(zipFile ~  created.);
 //return 1;

As you can see, the last two writelns do not get printed because of the 
Out Of Memory.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


So, can anyone help suggesting how to change this line,

std.file.write(zipFile, cast(byte[]);

so that do not get the out of memory?  I tried a few things, but I can not 
compile it.  Thanks so much.


Re: hello world with glib

2012-12-18 Thread Artur Skawina
On 12/18/12 20:23, Mike Parker wrote:
 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 19:21:09 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 18:24:03 UTC, Sonia Hamilton wrote:

 [1]glib. I'm having problems compiling, what would the correct command
 line options?

 % dmd -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 hello.d -L-L/usr/local/lib -L-lglib-2.0
 hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GDateTime
 hello.d(3): Error: undefined identifier GTimeZone

 Your problem isn't the command line options, but that you're missing 
 definitions of GDateTime and GTimeZone. You'll need to define those 
 somewhere, perhaps the top of your file here for testing, so that D can know 
 what they are.
 I just took a look at the GLib docs and see that both of these are opaque 
 structs, so this should do it for you:
 struct GDateTime;
 struct GTimeZone;

And if you don't want to do all of that manually, you could use

which would make a simple glib D hello-world program look like

   import glib = gtk2.glib2;
   import std.stdio, std.conv;

   void main() {
  auto tz = glib.TimeZone.new_local();
  scope (exit) tz.unref();
  auto dt = glib.DateTime.new_now(tz);
  scope (exit) dt.unref();
  writeln(Hello World! It is  ~ to!string(dt.format(%c)));

Compile with

   gdc -fdeprecated -O2 -I $PATH_TO_GIRTOD  glibhello.d 
$PATH_TO_GIRTOD/gtk2/glib2.o `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`

This might only work with GDC right now; I have no idea about DMD - never tried 
There are other gtk bindings out there (eg gtkd) that may work with that 
and probably support glib too.


Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread egslava
Yes, I know it, but I didn't suppose to rename the language :) 
No! No, no, no! :)
I supposed to all d users just add some tag for their libraries. 
It's simple. It doesn't require change the name of the language. 
It doesn't change something, except few lines of your CMS code :(

Really, why not?

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread Jeremy Sandell
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:47 AM, egslava wrote:

 Hi! In the beginning, sorry for my very bad English (and, perhaps, for
 stupid idea too) :) I hope we'll find common language :)

 I don't program with D a lot, but when I try to find information in
 google, I use that way:
 dlang something. And google very often tries to change it to slang
 something :)
 But I think, today, it's the best way. Because you can't look for d
 something. Because D - it's just a letter.
 dlang - it's a word, so you can find something more ease, than just with

 There're no any problem - you'll find necessary information on
 first-second page of searching results.

 Problems appear when I try to find all open-source solutions for D.
 For example, if I wanna find all web-frameworks and compare them.
 Recently, I tried to find package manager - it was a problem _for me_. I
 understand - there're package manager, but I can't compare all them,
 because I can't find them _quickly_.

 I think, it would more better, if D had official phrase for searchings.
 For example:
 d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49**c9e0ecc1e2 (sha1).
 If you'll find **d7ddb663512e4618b8f03d725d7f49**c9e0ecc1e2
 web-framework - you'll find nothing. It's very cool. Because, if there
 aren't web framework for D - you'll just know about it. You won't move
 through 10 pages of noise from Google.

While that's certainly the most interesting solution I've heard to this
sort of problem, in my own opinion I'd think that having a centralized
index and package tool (much like ruby's gem, python's pip, lua's
luarocks) would be a better way of handling the issue - I remember seeing
a bit of talk about this some months (years?) ago but have since been too
busy to worry about it. :D

Best regards,
Jeremy Sandell

Re: Googling about D

2012-12-18 Thread lomereiter

I often search libraries on Github — it allows to filter results
by language, and probably most D libraries are anyway hosted

Re: Writing unicode strings to the console

2012-12-18 Thread Sam Hu

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 00:29:56 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
I was playing with unicode strings the other day, and have been 
searching for a way to correctly write unicode to the console.

If I try something like:

dstring String = さいごの果実;


All I get is a bunch of nonsense as if it converts the dstring 
into a regular string. Is it possible to write the unicode 
string to the console correctly?

Re: MS ODBC encoding issue

2012-12-18 Thread Sam Hu

On Monday, 10 December 2012 at 14:43:08 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

Ahh, of course.  Now I'm having linking issues :p

I'm using VisualD and I've added odbc32.lib to the right place, 
but some symbols are still missing - specifically the W 
versions.  I've dumped the symbols in the DMC odbc32.lib and 
it's missing those symbols.


I have such extra lib files to link successfully but I don't find 
any way to upload here.Sorry.

Re: Writing unicode strings to the console

2012-12-18 Thread monarch_dodra

On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 00:29:56 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
I was playing with unicode strings the other day, and have been 
searching for a way to correctly write unicode to the console.

If I try something like:

dstring String = さいごの果実;


All I get is a bunch of nonsense as if it converts the dstring 
into a regular string. Is it possible to write the unicode 
string to the console correctly?

If all else fails, you can always just print to file instead. 
That's what I do.