Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Timon Gehr

On 01/20/2013 06:59 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

The somewhat related fact that static foreach over a sequence of enum
values does not work is a compiler bug.

I guess this is your problem. (The original post was confusing because 
it contained pseudo code.)

To prevent confusion in the future, please always post the full code 

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Timon Gehr

On 01/20/2013 04:55 AM, F i L wrote:

Ali Çehreli wrote:

The following program produces this output:


Awesome! Thanks, I wasn't expecting it to actually be as easy as that. I
tried all sort of difference combinations with __traits(allMembers, ..)
but it looks like I just needed to move it into the foreach loop itself.
I wounder why there's a difference when assigning to an enum...

foreach over an enum constant is not magically unrolled statically like 
foreach over a sequence ("TypeTuple") is.
(The somewhat related fact that static foreach over a sequence of enum 
values does not work is a compiler bug.)

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread F i L

Ali Çehreli wrote:

The following program produces this output:


Awesome! Thanks, I wasn't expecting it to actually be as easy as 
that. I tried all sort of difference combinations with 
__traits(allMembers, ..) but it looks like I just needed to move 
it into the foreach loop itself. I wounder why there's a 
difference when assigning to an enum...

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Timon Gehr

On 01/20/2013 03:41 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

void main()
 auto ship = new Ship;
 alias T = typeof(ship);

 foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, T))
 writefln("member %s", m);

 enum atrs = __traits(getAttributes, mixin(T.stringof ~ "." ~ m));

This only works because Ship happens to be defined in the same module. 
Use __traits(getMember, T, m) instead of the mixin.

 foreach (a; atrs)
 writefln("  attribute %s", a);
 if (is(typeof(a) == Bind))
 Engine.bindActors(ship, a.pattern);


Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Timon Gehr

On 01/20/2013 03:59 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/19/2013 06:41 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 > class Engine
 > {
 > static bindActors(Actor, string pattern)
 > {
 > writefln(" Binding actor with pattern %s", pattern);
 > }
 > }

How come that function compiles without a return type? The following is
a bug, right?

class C
 static foo()  // <-- no return type; void is assumed

void main()
 static assert(is(typeof( == void));


Not a bug. This is function return type deduction. If you return 
something from foo, then the return type will change. What is often 
missed is that 'auto' does not mean anything. It exists just to make the 
parser happy.

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 01/19/2013 06:41 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> class Engine
> {
> static bindActors(Actor, string pattern)
> {
> writefln(" Binding actor with pattern %s", pattern);
> }
> }

How come that function compiles without a return type? The following is 
a bug, right?

class C
static foo()  // <-- no return type; void is assumed

void main()
static assert(is(typeof( == void));


Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 01/19/2013 12:10 PM, F i L wrote:
> Is there a function in phobos which will return a Tuple of a Type's
> members, for use in a foreach statement?

The following program produces this output:

member update
  attribute Bind("Stage.update")
Binding actor with pattern Stage.update
member draw
  attribute Bind("Canvas.draw")
Binding actor with pattern Canvas.draw
member toString
member toHash
member opCmp
member opEquals
member Monitor
member factory

I had to use a mixin and had to move __traits(allMembers) into the 
foreach loop. It was necessary so that 'm' could be evaluated at compile 
time. I can kind of see why but one would expect your 'enum mbrs' to 
work as well.

import std.stdio;

interface Actor

struct Bind
string pattern;

class Ship : Actor
@Bind("Stage.update") void update()
// ...

@Bind("Canvas.draw") void draw()
// ...

class Engine
static bindActors(Actor, string pattern)
writefln("Binding actor with pattern %s", pattern);

void main()
auto ship = new Ship;
alias T = typeof(ship);

foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, T))
writefln("member %s", m);

enum atrs = __traits(getAttributes, mixin(T.stringof ~ "." ~ m));
foreach (a; atrs)
writefln("  attribute %s", a);
if (is(typeof(a) == Bind))
Engine.bindActors(ship, a.pattern);


Re: Assembly - 64-bit registers supported?

2013-01-19 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 12:45:06 UTC, deed wrote:

void main()
movRAX, 3;

results in:
Error: undefined identifier 'RAX'

AX and EAX work.

Anything missing or isn't it yet implemented?

 Hmm. I know there's a one byte 'escape code' that for x86 allows 
you to force it to a higher/lower level, perhaps that was just 
the 16/32 bit code and won't work for 64bit (different escape 
code?). I think it was 0x66, so you might get away 'db' 
prepending that, but I wouldn't rely on it. Sides there's lots of 
little intricacies of the instruction set; like you could have a 
one byte assignment to any register; That's assuming they aren't 
taking them away in the 64bit versions of x86.

 db 66h;
 movEAX, 3;   //may work, likely 1 byte assignment
 db 66h;
 movEAX, 300; //4 byte assignment from 32bit register
 //4 byte padding needed for 64bit.
 //Little endian would allow this to work
 db 0,0,0,0;

 But that's mostly informational, refer to the technical manual 
from Intel  before attempting.

 Hmmm I wonder, with the 64 bit systems, do they still use the 
segment registers (CS, DS, SS)? I can see it being used for 
telling apart virtual memory and code/data, but not for hardly 
anything else; Plus it's original use has long since been 

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread F i L

bearophile wrote:
I have not fully understood the problem, but have you tried 
[__traits(getAttributes, m)] ?

yes, that's not really relevant to my problem. 'm' in your 
example, can't be read at compile time, because 
__traits(derivedMembers, ..) returns a Tuple of strings, not 
Symbols. I can get the attributes of a specific member just fine, 
the problem is iterating over *all* members, then finding the 
attributes for each member.

It's relatively easy to solve with recursion, I'm just trying to 
cover my tracks here and see if there's a better way I'm unaware 

Re: Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread bearophile

F i L:

I need this for collecting info on all Type Members's User 
Attributes. Currently, I have written a recursive function 
which does this, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.

I have not fully understood the problem, but have you tried 
[__traits(getAttributes, m)] ?


BitArray new design - Hashing out general thoughts and ideas (with slices too)

2013-01-19 Thread Era Scarecrow
On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 09:07:03 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
opBinaryAssign --> opOpAssign. opSlice/opSlice assign. In any 
case it seems to me that (I think you already did this trick 
before) you can reuse a lot of code by making an operator 
string a template parameter (for functions that implement  =, 
|=, &=, ^=, and therefore ^, |, &) and use string mixins.

 Yes I did when I could; The slice versions can only forwards 
them to the bitarray one.

Other then this - don't forget the '~' _unary_ operator as it 
makes a lot of sense for bit-vectors. Now since slices don't 
support '~' concatenation it won't look so bad. Worst case:

auto ba = BitArray(...);
auopt slice = ba[...];
ba ~= ~slice;

 Only works if you create a new version and append it; And all 
opBinary operations make duplicates due to their nature. So the 
above couldn't work if slice is a separate type, and instead:

  auto slice = ba[...];   //slice type of BitArraySlice
  auto bc ~= ~slice;  //ba/bc type of BitArray

  ba = (ba ~ (~slice))[]; //type of BitArraySlice

And it's not much of problem.

 Hmmm.. Well as mentioned I don't think a separate slice/range 
type is the best design or as practical; I have it half working 
but one problem I'm really having is trying to make sense of the 
errors after I converted to use a pointer. It's confusing since 
it was compiling before and is an annoyance more-so now; And 
suddenly can't deduce the type when it should be able to, and if 
I explicitly call it with the type it doesn't help any.

Error: template 
SL)(const SL rhs) if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArray") || 
hasMember!(SL, "isBitArraySlice")) forward reference to template 
opEquals(alias SL)(const SL rhs) if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArray") 
|| hasMember!(SL, "isBitArraySlice"))
Error: template 
bitmanip.BitArray!(Fixed!(1024)).BitArray.opEquals cannot deduce 
template function from argument types 

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
((*this.slice).toString(this.start, this.end)) of type string to 


  //isBitArray and isBitArraySlice are enums in the structs
  //almost all functions templated to handle fixed/dynamic
  //types as compatible. Plus constness for range(s).

  //auto ref would be nice/preferred in a lot in these functions..
  //Otherwise copying is required unless i do more 
duplication/code forwarding

  //if opSlice is @system, then almost all these are @system, or 

  //slice forwarding
  bool opEquals(SL)(const SL rhs) const
  if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArray") || hasMember!(SL, 

//opSlice always returns BitArraySlice
return opEquals(rhs[], 0, length);

  bool opEquals(SL)(const SL rhs, ulong sliceStart, ulong 
sliceEnd) const

  if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArraySlice"))
if ((sliceEnd-sliceStart) != rhs.length)
  return false;

  return opCmp(rhs, sliceStart, sliceEnd) == 0;

  //slice forwarding
  int opCmp(SL)(const SL rhs) const
  if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArray"))
//opSlice always returns BitArraySlice
return opCmp(rhs[], 0, length);

  int opCmp(SL)(const SL rhs, ulong sliceStart, ulong sliceEnd) 

  if (hasMember!(SL, "isBitArraySlice"));

 A small consideration was coming to mind in cases where storage 
management if you only needed to prepend a few bits or append 
just after for a few bits but don't need to do a full 
reallocation. In that case perhaps a before/after allocated 
memory would serve nice.

  size_t beforeArray, afterArray;
  int beforeUsed, afterUsed; //course would likely be bitfield or 

 Now if we use that it comes to mind that although it wouldn't be 
perfect storage for small compact arrays (as was the original 
complaint(s)), you could however rely on them just as much as the 
main array and the first size_t bits (*2 if you prepend/append to 
the array a lot. It would also be useful to append past the end 
of a sliced area without tampering with data outside it's access 
area until it's forced to resize.

 Fixed BitArraySizes seem far more wanted where you don't want to 
do extra memory allocation, so using reference counting wouldn't 
work, but with dynamic arrays you could. So if you did all the 
slices to a particular bit array could always point to the proper 

 If you did do that, prepending to an array would be a nightmare 
unless you could offset it with a virtual offset to represent the 
actual beginning. So...

  //start in the middle
  struct STORE {
//virtualOffset instead?
ulong startOffset = ulong.max / 2;
size_t[] store;

  //in slice/Bitarray, hope that's right
  RefCounted!(STORE) store;
  ulong start, end;

 With these three you can safely do dynamic slices while all 
slices point to the same data; in cases where there's only one 
reference store, start, en

Phobos Members-Tuple function?

2013-01-19 Thread F i L
Is there a function in phobos which will return a Tuple of a 
Type's members, for use in a foreach statement?

I need this for collecting info on all Type Members's User 
Attributes. Currently, I have written a recursive function which 
does this, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.

Let's say I have an Ship Actor class:

class Ship : Actor
@Bind("Stage.update") void update()
// ...

@Bind("Canvas.draw") void draw()
// ...

and I want to iterator over all it's members.. and, in turn, 
iterate over all their attributes. If I use 
"__traits(derivedMembers, Ship)" it returns a Tuple of strings, 
which I can't use with __traits(getAttributes, ..). So what are 
my options here? Ideally, I'd like to be able to do this:

auto ship = new Ship;
enum mbrs = membersOf(Ship); // returns Tuple
foreach (m; mbrs)
enum atrs = __traits(getAttributes, m);
foreach (a; atrs)
if (is(a : Bind))
Engine.bindActors(ship, a.pattern);

Like I said, I've already accomplished this using recursion. I'm 
just wondering if there's an easier way (like above). Also, if 
recursive functions are required, I'd love to hear ideas on the 
best way to write a general purpose recursive function for this 
kind of thing.

Re: Pull 1019

2013-01-19 Thread Namespace

Does anyone else think, that merging this pull:
would be better then waiting for pull 1019?
Pull 1428 is ready to merge and use.
If someday pull 1019 is ready, it can replace pull 1428.
Fact is, that this problem has caused big issues by using 
structs. That's why a fast solution would be preferable.

Re: Assembly - 64-bit registers supported?

2013-01-19 Thread nazriel

On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 13:12:47 UTC, deed wrote:

Missing -m64 or something?

Probably. I am on Windows using dmd 2.061 and optlink 8.00.12

dmd main.d -m64
Con't run 'bin\amd64\link.exe', check PATH

Setting LINKCMD64 to the same path as for LINKCMD in sc.ini:

dmd main.d -m64
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : MERGE
OPTLINK : Error 8: Illegal Filename
/NOLOGO prog   /MERGE:.minfobg=.minfodt 
/MERGE:.minfoen=.minfodt /MERGE:._deh_bg=._deh_eh 

--- errorlevel 1

Do I need another linker?

Ach, Windows.

Yeah, you need VS Linker when compiling for 64bits on Windows.
Can't help you more with this. I think there is somewhere 
step-by-step guide for 64bits+windows. ( maybe? not 

Re: Assembly - 64-bit registers supported?

2013-01-19 Thread deed

Missing -m64 or something?

Probably. I am on Windows using dmd 2.061 and optlink 8.00.12

dmd main.d -m64
Con't run 'bin\amd64\link.exe', check PATH

Setting LINKCMD64 to the same path as for LINKCMD in sc.ini:

dmd main.d -m64
OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : MERGE
OPTLINK : Error 8: Illegal Filename
/NOLOGO prog   /MERGE:.minfobg=.minfodt /MERGE:.minfoen=.minfodt 
/MERGE:._deh_bg=._deh_eh /MERGE:._deh_en=._deh_eh

--- errorlevel 1

Do I need another linker?

Re: Assembly - 64-bit registers supported?

2013-01-19 Thread nazriel

On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 12:45:06 UTC, deed wrote:

void main()
movRAX, 3;

results in:
Error: undefined identifier 'RAX'

AX and EAX work.

Anything missing or isn't it yet implemented?

Missing -m64 or something?

Assembly - 64-bit registers supported?

2013-01-19 Thread deed

void main()
movRAX, 3;

results in:
Error: undefined identifier 'RAX'

AX and EAX work.

Anything missing or isn't it yet implemented?

Re: Pull 1019

2013-01-19 Thread Namespace

On Friday, 18 January 2013 at 20:56:43 UTC, Namespace wrote:

Not sure what you mean?

Nobody will tell you when your pull fails the unittests.

When your pull actually gets merged for real into the "head", 
you aren't notified either (sadly), but the puller usually 
leaves a "merged" comment, and you get *that* notification.

It isn't my pull but I want to know if this pull is merged in 
the near future because it fix the "auto ref" problem and that 
is a very big issue.

Also I want to know if someone is working on the pull currently.

As they say here:
the working on less important things is apparently more important 
instead to merge something like the "auto ref" pull or the other 
116 pulls.

Re: BitArray new design - slice problems

2013-01-19 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

19-Jan-2013 11:14, Era Scarecrow пишет:

On Friday, 18 January 2013 at 16:42:04 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Slices should have a pointer and length so they can check range (in
debug builds), alternatively just a pointer to storage that nows the

  So write an alternate opIndex...

I think slice ops could be made @safe if the primitives for bulk
transfer and opIndex in the Storage are @trusted.

If we just mark all of opSlice on Fixed-sized one as @system then it
should be good enough. In other words (I'm lost in terminology):

The idea is to make code responsible for the "root" of unsafety to be
@system everything else then can be @safe or @trusted(where compiler
can't see it).

  Hmmm okay... Somehow this seemed so much more complex than it's put here.

I think that the most of slice ops can be @safe/@trusted. It's the
process of taking a slice out of stack-based container that is not
@safe. The one taking a slice out of GC-based one is @safe.

  And depending on if it is fixed or dynamic will determine if the slice
is @system or @safe... Makes sense. That sets me straight.

  So for the slice/range, what all should it support? I've tried to have
it support (or foward) opBinary, opBinaryAssign, comparing, slicing,
copying, as well as inputRange, bidirectional, opIndex & opIndex assign,
opDollar and length. If it should support a much smaller sub-set I'll
need to know; Could greatly affect how it is written.

opBinaryAssign --> opOpAssign. opSlice/opSlice assign.
In any case it seems to me that (I think you already did this trick 
before) you can reuse a lot of code by making an operator string a 
template parameter (for functions that implement  =, |=, &=, ^=, and 
therefore ^, |, &) and use string mixins.

Other then this - don't forget the '~' _unary_ operator as it makes a 
lot of sense for bit-vectors. Now since slices don't support '~' 
concatenation it won't look so bad. Worst case:

auto ba = BitArray(...);
auopt slice = ba[...];
ba ~= ~slice;

And it's not much of problem.
Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Opening a web

2013-01-19 Thread SaltySugar

On Saturday, 19 January 2013 at 08:09:01 UTC, Mirko Pilger wrote:

How to open a website in D with your default browser?

import std.process;

int main(string[] args)
  return 0;

Thank you, man!

Re: Opening a web

2013-01-19 Thread Mirko Pilger

How to open a website in D with your default browser?

import std.process;

int main(string[] args)
  return 0;