Re: Performant method for reading huge text files

2014-02-05 Thread Kagamin

You can also try a BufferedRange.$2he3$

Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread Mike
In this article ( there is an 
example showing how one could explicitly allocate and deallocate 
an object.  However, the article seems to be sorely neglected and 
out of date ('delete' is deprecated, right?).  Could someone 
modify the example below using current best practices.

import std.c.stdlib;
import core.exception;
import core.memory : GC;

class Foo
new(size_t sz)
void* p;

p = std.c.stdlib.malloc(sz);

if (!p)
throw new OutOfMemoryError();

GC.addRange(p, sz);
return p;

delete(void* p)
if (p)


scope attribute vs scope keyword vs scope storage class

2014-02-05 Thread Mike
This article ( mentions a 
scope attribute.

The following section ( 
mentions a scope storage class.

This deprecated list 
states that the scope keyword has been deprecated.

Are all these terms (scope attribute, scope keyword, and 
scope storage class) referring to the same thing?


Re: scope attribute vs scope keyword vs scope storage class

2014-02-05 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:01:00 UTC, Mike wrote:

Are all these terms (scope attribute, scope keyword, and 
scope storage class) referring to the same thing?

scope keyword and scope storage class stay:

Although AFAIK it's not yet implemented.

Re: Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread bearophile


class Foo
new(size_t sz)

Also that usage of new() is deprecated.


Re: Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread Mike

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:19:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:


class Foo
   new(size_t sz)

Also that usage of new() is deprecated.


Thank you, but can you please point me to your source.  It's not 
listed here (

Re: Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:23:57 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:19:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:


class Foo
  new(size_t sz)

Also that usage of new() is deprecated.


Thank you, but can you please point me to your source.  It's 
not listed here (

It's mentioned here:

Perhaps a bugreport or even a pull request is in order?

Re: Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread bearophile

Stanislav Blinov:

Perhaps a bugreport or even a pull request is in order?


Re: Explicit Class Instance Allocation

2014-02-05 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 12:12:12 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Why do I sense another holy war in the bugzilla coming? :)

Re: scope attribute vs scope keyword vs scope storage class

2014-02-05 Thread Dicebot

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:01:00 UTC, Mike wrote:
This article ( mentions a 
scope attribute.

The following section ( 
mentions a scope storage class.

This deprecated list 
states that the scope keyword has been deprecated.

Are all these terms (scope attribute, scope keyword, and 
scope storage class) referring to the same thing?


D documentation has rather incosistent naming for attribute 

- scope classes are deprecated, but usage of scope as storage 
class is still legal (it is expected to be a no-op for now)

- scope storage class for function parameters is also accepted as 
no-op. For delegates it actually has a meaning. No deprecation.

- scope statement as in scope(exit) was never suggested to be 

- scope attribute most likely refers to declaration of scope 
classes and this is deprecated with them

Getting NotNull Right

2014-02-05 Thread Nordlöw


I've changed Adam D Ruppes module notnull.d a bit to allow 
assignment of a NotNull inherited class instance to a NotNull 
base class using

/** Assignment from $(D NotNull) Inherited Class $(D rhs) to 
$(D NotNull) Base

Class $(D this). */
typeof(this) opAssign(U)(NotNull!U rhs) @safe pure nothrow if 
(isAssignable!(T, U)) {

this._value = rhs._value;
return this;

This allows

class A {}
class B : A {}
NotNull!B b = assumeNotNull(new B);
NotNull!A a = assumeNotNull(new A);
a = b;
assert(a is b);

However I haven't figure out how to allow the follow code to 

class A {}
class B : A {}
void f(NotNull!A a) {}
NotNull!B b = assumeNotNull(new B);

which I believe should work automatically.

How do I make that happen?

Complete source of module notnull.d follows:

#!/usr/bin/env rdmd

module notnull;

import std.traits: isAssignable;

/** Note that NotNull!T is not NotNullable :) */
alias NotNullable(T) = isAssignable!(T, typeof(null));

   NotNull ensures a null value can never be stored.

   * You must initialize it when declared

   * You must never assign the null literal to it (this is a 
compile time error)

   * If you assign a null value at runtime to it, it will 
immediately throw an Error

   at the point of assignment.

   NotNull!T can be substituted for T at any time, but T cannot 
   NotNull without some attention: either declaring NotNull!T, or 

   the convenience function, notNull.

   Condition: T must be a reference type.
   Instead of: __traits(compiles, { T t; assert(t is null); }.

   TODO: Merge with

   int myInt;
   NotNull!(int *) not_null = myInt;
   // you can now use variable not_null anywhere you would
   // have used a regular int*, but with the assurance that
   // it never stored null.
struct NotNull(T) if (NotNullable!T)
@disable this(); // Disallow default initialized (to null)

/** Assignment from $(D NotNull) Inherited Class $(D rhs) to 
$(D NotNull) Base

Class $(D this). */
typeof(this) opAssign(U)(NotNull!U rhs) @safe pure nothrow if 
(isAssignable!(T, U)) {

this._value = rhs._value;
return this;

NotNull!U opCast(U)() @safe pure nothrow if (isAssignable!(U, 
T)) {

return NotNull!_value;

// this could arguably break the static type check because
// you can assign it from a variable that is null.. but I
// think it is important that NotNull!Object = new Object();
// works, without having to say assumeNotNull(new Object())
// for convenience of using with local variables.

/// Constructs with a runtime not null check (via assert()).
this(T value) @safe pure nothrow
assert(value !is null);
_value = value;

/** Disable null construction. */
@disable this(typeof(null));
/** Disable null assignment. */
@disable typeof(this) opAssign(typeof(null));

private T _value;
@property inout(T) _valueHelper() inout
assert(_value !is null); // sanity check of invariant
return _value;
// Apparently a compiler bug - the invariant being 
uncommented breaks all kinds of stuff.

// invariant() { assert(_value !is null); }

alias _valueHelper this; /// this is substitutable for the 
regular (nullable) type

/* void toMsgpack  (Packer)  (ref Packer packer) const { 
packer.pack(_value); } */
/* void fromMsgpack(Unpacker)(auto ref Unpacker unpacker) { 
unpacker.unpack(_value); } */


/** A convenience function to construct a NotNull value from 
something $(D t)

you know isn't null.
NotNull!T assumeNotNull(T)(T t) if (NotNullable!T)
return NotNull!T(t); // note the constructor asserts it is 
not null


/** A convenience function to check for null $(D t). If you pass 
null to $(D t),

it will throw an exception. Otherwise, return NotNull!T.
NotNull!T enforceNotNull(T, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = 
__LINE__)(T t) if (NotNullable!T)

import std.exception: enforce;
enforce(t !is null, t is null!, file, line);
return NotNull!T(t);

import core.exception;
import std.exception;

void NotNullCompiliationTest1()() // I'm making these 
templates to defer compiling them

NotNull!(int*) defaultInitiliation; // should fail 
because this would be null otherwise

assert(!__traits(compiles, NotNullCompiliationTest1!()()));

void NotNullCompiliationTest2()()
NotNull!(int*) defaultInitiliation = null; // should fail 
here too at compile time

assert(!__traits(compiles, NotNullCompiliationTest2!()()));

int dummy;
NotNull!(int*) foo = dummy;

assert(!__traits(compiles, foo = null)); // again, literal 
null is caught at compile time

int* test;

test = dummy;


Re: Getting NotNull Right

2014-02-05 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
The alias this could be changed to allow conversion to the base 
class one step at a time. I'm not happy with it since it'd 
essentially do a big chain down to Object and it also ignores 
interfaces, but it's a start:

static if(is(T == class)  !is(T == Object))
@property NotNull!(BaseClassesTuple!T[0]) _valueHelper() inout
assert(_value !is null); // sanity check of invariant
return assumeNotNull(cast(BaseClassesTuple!T[0]) _value);
@property inout(T) _valueHelper() inout
assert(_value !is null); // sanity check of invariant
return _value;

(Previously, it just had the second _valueHelper)

Do you have any suggestions for project directory structure?

2014-02-05 Thread Orfeo
Suppose I have a project protocols that uses DMock and a  
library Foo.
I would like to use a structure dub style..Which solution is 


 ├── bin
 │   └── protocols.a
 ├── dmocks
 │   └── *.d
 ├── foo
 │   └── *.d
 ├── src
 │   └── protocols
 │   └── *.d


 ├── bin
 │   └── protocols.a
 ├── src
 │   ├── dmocks
 │   │└── *.d
 │   ├── foo
 │   │└── *.d
 │   └── protocols
 │└── *.d

Or another solution?

Re: Do you have any suggestions for project directory structure?

2014-02-05 Thread Dicebot
I'd try to keep external libraries out of the main source 
directory or as part of separate git submodule hierarchy if using 
stuff like dub is not an option. They don't belong to project 

Re: std.parallelism: How to wait all tasks finished?

2014-02-05 Thread Chris Williams

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 15:38:14 UTC, Cooler wrote:

Will not help. I don't know beforehand what tasks will be
created. procData is recursive and it decides create new task or

You seem to be saying that you want to be able to wait for all 
tasks to complete an indefinite number of times, adding more 
tasks after each one. Why would you want to do that? The queue 
for the pool is infinitely long, so just keep adding tasks till 
you have no more tasks to add. Or if you have a progression of 
types, like all tasks of type A have to be complete before you 
can start running the tasks of type B, then you should be able to 
have a separate thread pool for each type.

Re: Getting NotNull Right

2014-02-05 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 21:58:08 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Members of a derived class T become inaccessible in NotNull!T 
with this approach. Do you have any clue to why?

aaah, of course, now alias this returns the base class instead of 
the derived one. We could possibly work around it with opDispatch 
forwarding to the methods... or think of a new approach for the 
implicit conversion.

blargh, i don't have a good answer right now

Re: Getting NotNull Right

2014-02-05 Thread Nordlöw
On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 22:13:00 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 21:58:08 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Members of a derived class T become inaccessible in NotNull!T 
with this approach. Do you have any clue to why?

aaah, of course, now alias this returns the base class instead 
of the derived one. We could possibly work around it with 
opDispatch forwarding to the methods... or think of a new 
approach for the implicit conversion.

blargh, i don't have a good answer right now

Thanks anyway.

If we get it right maybe we could propose it for Phobos :)


Re: Do you have any suggestions for project directory structure?

2014-02-05 Thread Dicebot

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 22:01:08 UTC, Orfeo wrote:

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 21:54:15 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

I'd try to keep external libraries out of the main source [cut]

Something like this?
 ├── protocols
 │   └── src
 ├── dmocks
 │   └── *.d
 ├── foo
 │   └── *.d

Yes. And make sure build script for your project allows to define 
path to external import folder(s).

dub automates that for you

Re: Do you have any suggestions for project directory structure?

2014-02-05 Thread Jesse Phillips
I'm not sure I would recommend this, but I've been using 
something like this:

  ├── dmocks (I don't use this)
  │   └── *.d
  ├── libs
  │   └──foo
  │   └── *.d
  │   └── bar
  │   └── source
  │ └── *.d
  ├── source
  │   └── protocols
  │   └── *.d

The libraries can actually have dependencies on other libraries, 
in this case bar requires foo and will expect to find ../foo