Re: Is this a bug ?

2016-07-11 Thread Chang Long via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 04:38:42 UTC, Chang Long wrote:

template newType(size_t N){
class NewType
enum Type   = N ;

just find it should be this:

template newType(size_t N){
class NewType
enum Type   = N ;
alias newType = NewType;

adding toString to struct

2016-07-11 Thread Adam Sansier via Digitalmars-d-learn
windows libs have a lot of structs and it would be nice to have 
the ability to convert them to a string to see them in the 
debugger(e.g., CLSID).

Is there a way to do this? I've tried to pull out the code from 
the libs but it if a total clusterfuck.

Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 19:07:51 UTC, ketmar wrote:
list slices are not random-access ranges, thus they can't be 
sorted in-place (this is what std.algorithm.sort does). so the 
only way is to convert list to array, sort it, and make a list 
from sorted array. probably not something you want. ;-)

this is common for any "traditional" linked list 
implementation: random access is very costly, thus even if it 
is implemented, it's better to not use it. SList and DList are 
"traditional" lists without any fancy algorithms inside (like 
finger trees or skip lists).

you may want to use arrays instead (it is often more efficient 
anyway, especially if you don't need to insert elements in the 
middle of the array), or associative arrays.

If I may deviate from the discussion a bit,are there any real 
world scenarios where the SList and DList (that is, "traditional" 
linked lists) is superior to fixed, dynamic or associative arrays?

Or are lists more of a data type exercise?

Is this a bug ?

2016-07-11 Thread Chang Long via Digitalmars-d-learn

template newType(size_t N){
class NewType
enum Type   = N ;

class A{}

alias Type  = newType!1 ;

N New(N)(){
return new N();

void main(){
auto a = New!A;
auto n = New!Type;

test.d(19): Error: template instance New!(__T7newTypeVmi1Z) does 
not match template declaration New(N)()

Re: How to create nogc code?

2016-07-11 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 21:28:58 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
If all you're doing is passing around int* and the like, then 
the situation is the same as in C and is fine. But stuff like 
int[] becomes problematic, because it assumes that you're using 
the GC. But that's stuff that doesn't exist in C++.

It exists in C++, but is broken into multiple separate concepts: 
std::string_view, std::vector, gsl::span etc.

D and Go mixes up a view and ownership which is confusing.

Docs for `Group` type

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
When using `chunkBy` (unary pred) the result is a list of tuples.  Each
tuple holds a key and a `Group` which belong to that key.
Where can I find the docs for this `Group` type (I have already tried
searching library on


Simple overloading without complications

2016-07-11 Thread Adam Sansier via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a function that does some weird stuff, and can't really 
change it to make life easier(due to how windows work, COM, 

The function normally takes a string, a name, and does its 
think(which is the complex part that I can't change).

But I also want to overload it so the function takes an int. I 
can't simply overload the function and call the string version or 
vice versa as one would normally do because this would require 
initializing twice, which can't happen because the way the code 

The int value is a lookup into an array, and the name version 
searches the array for a name match. I can't overload the int 
version and search the name first because the data doesn't exist 

void Do(string name)
// get index of name in array
// can't find x corresponding to name because data is not 
// Can't init data more than once. Can't add init flag(could 
but want to find a better solution)


void Do(int index)

Now, I could simply make Do a template method but then this 
prevents it being a virtual function.

void Do(T)(T name) if (is(T == string) || is(T == int))

static if (is(T == string))
...Get index from name


What I really want is a sort of mix between the first overloaded 
method and the second case.

The string version is really just finding the index of the string 
and should insert itself inside the int version similar to the 
static if.

I know there are many ways and many are going to fuss over doing 
it with a bool or duplicate the function or whatever. I'm looking 
for an elegant solution for what I want, I know there are other 
ways... not interested in them. Given that D has so many meta 
capabilities, I'm hoping there is some elegant solution.

To make it clear.

void Do(int index)
   // Does stuff

// If index was a string instead of a name, we would do a 
lookup to find the index for name. Everything else is exactly the 

   // does stuff with index

void Do(string name)
// somehow

Another way is to use a lambda:

void Do(int index, int delegate(data) toName)
// Does stuff
if (toName) index = toName(data);
// Do stuff with index

void Do(string name)
Do(0, (data) { find i for name; return i; });
// which plugs in the lambda

The problem with all these ways is that they complicate matters 
and either duplicate a lot of code or create hard to maintain 
code or problems in other areas. e.g., if I use the template 
method any literal string is not automatically converted do("this 
won't be treated as a wstring").

If a bool is used, I have to have the initialization code in both 
functions. Doesn't seam like much until you scale the problem up.

What would be nice is something akin to yield:

void Do(int index)
// Does stuff
?yield // If Do is called in a special way, we break out of 
the code here

// Do stuff with index

void Do(string name)

yield Do(0);
find i for name;
continue Do(i);

This keeps everything internal and from the outside everything 
looks as it should, avoids duplicate code, extra arguments, 
flags, etc.

Is it possible?

Re: Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 07/11/2016 07:15 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> Both AAs and slices behave like reference types even when passed by
> value: When a function adds an element, the argument sees that element
> as well. This is not the case when the argument is an empty (more
> correctly, null) AA or slice:
> void foo(string[int] aa) {
> aa[1] = "one";
> }
> void main() {
> string[int] a;
> foo(a);
> assert(a is null);
> // The last result would be different if 'a' were not null
> // before calling 'foo'.
> string[int] b;
> b[0] = "zero";
> foo(b);
> assert(b[0] == "zero");
> assert(b[1] == "one");
> }

Now I understand.
This is tricky --could introduce hard to find bugs.  Is there anyway to
make sure it doesn't happen?  Such as giving the AA a default empty
value on the declaration line --like `string[int] a = []`?

> P.P.S. There is std.algorithm.fold, which works with range chaining
> (unlike reduce, which was designed before ranges):

`fold` definitely feels more natural.



Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 07/11/2016 03:02 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
> You can do it in D with custom format specifiers. See:

Thanks for the pointer.  I'll keep that in mind.


structure alignment

2016-07-11 Thread Adam Sansier via Digitalmars-d-learn
I need to align every member of every struct in a module. I can't 
simply add align(n) inside every struct because that seems 
ridiculous. I could search and paste, but then D is missing a 
relatively important aspect of alignment.

I have about 100 struct's to align, member wise. From what I've 
read, align(n){ struct x; } only aligns the struct itself, is 
this true? Is there a way to set global alignment for members per 
module or per scope?

Re: how to mark an extern function @nogc?

2016-07-11 Thread Adam Sansier via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 15:54:02 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:59:51 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:58:23 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:
I'm using some win functions that don't use the gc and are 
not marked, specifically CLSIDFromString that I imported 
myself(it's not marked nogc in objbase).

I went ahead and copied the import and added nogc. Shouldn't 
someone add that to objbase?

Why don't you fork it & add it yourself?
Otherwise to quote Walter: "a bug only exists if it's on 
Bugzilla []" ;-)

If this is a bug then there are some serious issues with D's 
protocol of updating code. How can entire modules be missed? It 
seems the maintainers of D's library code do not actually use 
most of the features then? D needs a real code test suite to keep 
stuff like this from happening, not individual users from the 
outside to keep it in shape which makes me feel like a guinea 
pig. I won't stick around too long if that's the case.

Re: How to create nogc code?

2016-07-11 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, July 11, 2016 03:51:27 Adam Sansier via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> You know, you don't see your argument much in C++ forums. In
> fact, it's probably the opposite ;)

C++ doesn't have a GC built-in and does not have features that rely on it.
So, it's in a very different situation. And when talking about the GC in D
and how avoiding the GC causes problems, you're usually talking about
features that C++ doesn't even have. If you never use features like D's
dynamic arrays or delegates, then it's mostly a non-issue.

If all you're doing is passing around int* and the like, then the situation
is the same as in C and is fine. But stuff like int[] becomes problematic,
because it assumes that you're using the GC. But that's stuff that doesn't
exist in C++.

The main area that's a problem in D that isn't a problem in C++ that
involves features that C++ has is allocating user-defined objects in that
C++'s new does not use the GC, whereas D's does, and in both cases, new is
the clean and easy way to allocate an object. So, unlike in C++, in D, if
you want to put user-defined objects on a non-GC heap, it can be a pain -
since malloc and free don't handle that for you; they just deal with the
memory itself. You need a wrapper that handles not only the allocation, but
the construction and destruction correctly. But std(.experimental).allocator
is where that's getting fixed. So, fortunately, that problem is going away,
but without those wrappers, avoiding the GC gets miserable fast.

So, if you stick purely to features that don't use the GC at all, then you
lose out on some nice features, but you're in a similar boat to C or C++,
and you don't need to worry about the GC, since you're not using it, and
you're not using anything that's designed to use it. But then you have to
avoid some nice features, which sucks, and makes writing your programs
harder than they would be otherwise. By far the bigger gain is writing your
code in a way that minimizes heap allocations in general, and that's going
to be of benefit whether you're using the GC or not (and that's just as true
in C++ as it is D).

Because their feature sets are different, the situations in C++ and D are
fundamentally different even though they're similar languages, and I
wouldn't expect the same arguments or conclusions on all of the various
topics in a C++ discussion that you'd have in a D discussion, even if the
folks making those arguments were the same. Sometimes, the best way to do
things is exactly the same in both languages, and sometimes it's very

- Jonathan M Davis

How can you call a stored function in an AA with proper number of arguments converted to the proper type?

2016-07-11 Thread Zekereth via Digitalmars-d-learn

Here's the basic code I'm playing with:

struct MyCmd
Variant func;
// Has other members.

MyCmd[string] functions_;

void addCommand(T)(const string name, T func)
MyCmd cmd;
cmd.func = Variant(func);

functions_[name] = cmd;

void process(string[] args) // args is only available at runtime.
const string name = args[0]; // Name of the command

if(name in functions_)
MyCmd cmd = functions_[name];
		cmd.func(/*Call with proper number of arguments converted to 
the proper type*/);


I initially got idea from the D Cookbook Chapter Reflection: 
Creating a command-line function caller. But the code has to 
reside in the same module as the functions it will use.

So I arrived at this code but can't figure out how to call the 
actual stored function.


Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/11/16 2:54 PM, George M wrote:

Hello everybody,

sorry for my bad english(nativ german). D is a very nice language and
easy to learn because i am a c# (only private) developer.
The only bad is to find examples is very hard.

My question:
How can i sort a slist or dlist with custom types and lambda expressions?

No. Those would need merge sort, which I don't think is implemented in 


Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread George M via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 19:12:13 UTC, ketmar wrote:
p.s. i mean simple D dynamic arrays, like `MyType[] arr;`, not 
std.array.array. ;-)

Ok thank you all for the fast help. I will use  Dynamic arrys. 
For this case my code is working. Super language and super forum 


Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
p.s. i mean simple D dynamic arrays, like `MyType[] arr;`, not 
std.array.array. ;-)

Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
list slices are not random-access ranges, thus they can't be 
sorted in-place (this is what std.algorithm.sort does). so the 
only way is to convert list to array, sort it, and make a list 
from sorted array. probably not something you want. ;-)

this is common for any "traditional" linked list implementation: 
random access is very costly, thus even if it is implemented, 
it's better to not use it. SList and DList are "traditional" 
lists without any fancy algorithms inside (like finger trees or 
skip lists).

you may want to use arrays instead (it is often more efficient 
anyway, especially if you don't need to insert elements in the 
middle of the array), or associative arrays.

Re: sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread Lodovico Giaretta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 18:54:44 UTC, George M wrote:

Hello everybody,

sorry for my bad english(nativ german). D is a very nice 
language and easy to learn because i am a c# (only private) 

The only bad is to find examples is very hard.

My question:
How can i sort a slist or dlist with custom types and lambda 

The sort function from std.algorithm works only with arrays (in 
my test).

Can give anyone an short example?

Thanks for your help.


The "tipical" sorting functions (as those in std.algorithm) 
expect their input to be a RandomAccessRange, while slists and 
dlists are, by definition, ForwardRanges and BidirectionalRanges 
respectively. So I'm afraid there's no standard function to order 
them out-of-the-box.
That's a limitation of many languages (e.g. C++ sort requires a 
RandomIterator, which  forward_list and list do not provide).

What's the best workaround depends on your exact use case.

sorting std.container

2016-07-11 Thread George M via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello everybody,

sorry for my bad english(nativ german). D is a very nice language 
and easy to learn because i am a c# (only private) developer.

The only bad is to find examples is very hard.

My question:
How can i sort a slist or dlist with custom types and lambda 

The sort function from std.algorithm works only with arrays (in 
my test).

Can give anyone an short example?

Thanks for your help.


Re: how to mark an extern function @nogc?

2016-07-11 Thread Anonymouse via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 15:54:02 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:59:51 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:58:23 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:
I'm using some win functions that don't use the gc and are 
not marked, specifically CLSIDFromString that I imported 
myself(it's not marked nogc in objbase).

I went ahead and copied the import and added nogc. Shouldn't 
someone add that to objbase?

Why don't you fork it & add it yourself?
Otherwise to quote Walter: "a bug only exists if it's on 
Bugzilla []" ;-)

Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 02:53:24PM +0430, Bahman Movaqar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On 07/11/2016 02:44 PM, ketmar wrote:
> > the fact that format can insert spaces. it is like: "ok, it can do
> > spaces. i bet there should be some way to use any character instead
> > of space. after all, the implementation would be the same, right?!"
> > and then... oops.
> That's my story.
> Thanks people for your help.

Here's a cheating way of doing it:

import std.stdio, std.range;
writefln("%.5s", repeat('-'));

It's cheating because the actual repeat is created by repeat(), but we
(ab)use the fact that the precision flag is treated as "maximum number
of characters" in the %s specifier to be able to control the length of
the repeat from the format string.


INTEL = Only half of "intelligence".

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 09:02:12 UTC, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple but how can I create 
a string

like "" using `format`?
I check the docs on `format` and tried many variations including
`format("%.*c\n", 4, '-')` but got nowhere.

I'd appreciate any hint/help on this.

There's at least one way to do this, by using position arguments 
and repeating it the desired number of times in the format string.

format("%1$s%1$s%1$s%1$s\n", '-')

But as you can see this is pretty ugly and can easily introduce 
bugs in your format string.

Re: how to mark an extern function @nogc?

2016-07-11 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:59:51 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 01:58:23 UTC, Adam Sansier wrote:
I'm using some win functions that don't use the gc and are not 
marked, specifically CLSIDFromString that I imported 
myself(it's not marked nogc in objbase).

I went ahead and copied the import and added nogc. Shouldn't 
someone add that to objbase?

Why don't you fork it & add it yourself?
Otherwise to quote Walter: "a bug only exists if it's on Bugzilla 
[]" ;-)

Re: protected + package attributes

2016-07-11 Thread zodd via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 12:42:57 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/11/2016 02:28 PM, zodd wrote:
Suppose I have a class with a few protected functions. I want 
to let
another class from the same package call these functions. Thus 

added a "package" attribute and got the following:
Error: conflicting protection attribute 'package' and 

How can I achieve what I want? These member functions must be 
I can't make them private because this is a base class 
intended for


Can have only one level of protection. If package is too 
restrictive with regards to overriding, and protected is too 
restrictive with regards to calling, then there's only public 

Other than that, you could add a `package` method with a 
different name that just calls the `protected` one.

It seems that I have no other choice. Thanks for a suggestion!

Re: protected + package attributes

2016-07-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 12:42:57 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Other than that, you could add a `package` method with a 
different name that just calls the `protected` one.

This is a pattern I have found useful, particularly when dealing 
with protected abstract methods, e.g.

package void someActon() { doSomeAction(); }
protected abstract void doSomeAction;

Re: Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/11/16 10:33 AM, Bahman Movaqar wrote:

On 07/11/2016 06:30 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

But passing empty AA by value sometimes can be surprising. I'm not sure
if it will work.

Could you elaborate more?

An AA initializes on demand. So if you pass by value *after* it has been 
initialized it behaves like a reference type. But before it's 
initialized, it's essentially a null pointer. This can cause surprising 

foo(int[int] aa)
foreach(i; 0 .. 100)
aa[i] = i;

void main()
import std.random;
int[int] aa; // initialized as null
if(uniform!ubyte < 128)
aa[0] = 0; // intialized

// at this point, depending on random initialization, either aa is 
filled or is still null.



Re: Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/11/2016 07:33 AM, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
> On 07/11/2016 06:30 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> Untested, but you could try MySt[][string].init.
> That did it.  Thanks.
>> But passing empty AA by value sometimes can be surprising. I'm not sure
>> if it will work.
> Could you elaborate more?

Both AAs and slices behave like reference types even when passed by 
value: When a function adds an element, the argument sees that element 
as well. This is not the case when the argument is an empty (more 
correctly, null) AA or slice:

void foo(string[int] aa) {
aa[1] = "one";

void main() {
string[int] a;
assert(a is null);
// The last result would be different if 'a' were not null
// before calling 'foo'.

string[int] b;
b[0] = "zero";
assert(b[0] == "zero");
assert(b[1] == "one");


P.S. There is std.array.assocArray if you already have a range of tuples 
at hand:

P.P.S. There is std.algorithm.fold, which works with range chaining 
(unlike reduce, which was designed before ranges):

Re: Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 07/11/2016 06:30 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> Untested, but you could try MySt[][string].init.

That did it.  Thanks.

> But passing empty AA by value sometimes can be surprising. I'm not sure
> if it will work.

Could you elaborate more?


Re: Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/11/16 9:48 AM, Bahman Movaqar wrote:

I'm processing a list of structs (MySt) with `reduce` to produce an
associate array of type `MySt[][string]`.
Right now I'm using the following (slimmed down) code:

MySt[][string] result;
return reduce!(
  function MySt[][string](MySt[][string] acc, MySt val) {
// do something with acc
return acc;
)(result, inputList);

I was wondering if I could remove the empty declaration line (line 1);
for example:

return reduce!(
  function MySt[][string](MySt[][string] acc, MySt val) {
// do something with acc
return acc;
)(new MySt[][string](), inputList);

Obviously, this fails with the error message: "cannot pass type string
as a function argument".

I very much would like to avoid empty declaration lines like that of
`result`.  Is there anyway you folks would suggest?

Untested, but you could try MySt[][string].init.

But passing empty AA by value sometimes can be surprising. I'm not sure 
if it will work.


Re: Debugging InvalidMemoryOperationError

2016-07-11 Thread Sam via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 13:01:31 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
The stack trace also says this is being triggered from the 
garbage collector. Do you have a dynamic array of RefCounted 
objects, or one inside a class object?

I'm not sure as to the nature of the bug but refcounted inside 
a GC object isn't going to work well anyway.

I find this code:

// FIXME: D arrays don't call element destructors when GC-d :(
RoundBuf!CramSlice _input_queue;

Where CramSlice contains RcPtr!(cram_slice, cram_free_slice) and 
RcPtr contains a RefCounted (allowing a custom free function, 
wrapping C API - see What exactly are the two failure modes you are alluding to?

Associative Array c'tor

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm processing a list of structs (MySt) with `reduce` to produce an
associate array of type `MySt[][string]`.
Right now I'm using the following (slimmed down) code:

MySt[][string] result;
return reduce!(
  function MySt[][string](MySt[][string] acc, MySt val) {
// do something with acc
return acc;
)(result, inputList);

I was wondering if I could remove the empty declaration line (line 1);
for example:

return reduce!(
  function MySt[][string](MySt[][string] acc, MySt val) {
// do something with acc
return acc;
)(new MySt[][string](), inputList);

Obviously, this fails with the error message: "cannot pass type string
as a function argument".

I very much would like to avoid empty declaration lines like that of
`result`.  Is there anyway you folks would suggest?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Debugging InvalidMemoryOperationError

2016-07-11 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/11/2016 02:42 PM, Sam wrote:

#0  0x00670a50 in onInvalidMemoryOperationError ()
#1  0x0068657b in gc.gc.GC.malloc() ()
#2  0x0067a4d2 in _d_newclass ()
#3  0x00670d53 in _d_assert ()
#4  0x0053d8e2 in
#5  0x005d39e6 in
#6  0x0043a5e4 in cram.wrappers.CramSlice.__fieldDtor() ()
#7  0x005d4ce2 in
cram.wrappers.UndecodedSliceRange.__fieldDtor() ()
#8  0x0067c20e in rt_finalize2 ()
#9  0x0068935a in gc.gc.Gcx.sweep() ()
#10 0x00687a1b in gc.gc.Gcx.fullcollect() ()
#11 0x00687bae in gc.gc.GC.fullCollectNoStack() ()
#12 0x0067922b in gc_term ()
#13 0x00679efa in rt_term ()
#14 0x0067a170 in _d_run_main ()
#15 0x00414278 in main ()


* does this suggest that an assert in the destructor of
std.typecons.RefCounted is trying to allocate memory?

Looks like it. I suppose that means that the assert has failed. 
Otherwise it shouldn't allocate. Allocating in a destructor is what 
usually raises InvalidMemoryOperationError.

The only assert there is this:

* if so, is this considered a bug?

Possibly. Would need a smaller test case to make sense of it.

Re: Debugging InvalidMemoryOperationError

2016-07-11 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 12:42:26 UTC, Sam wrote:

#3  0x00670d53 in _d_assert ()
#4  0x0053d8e2 in 
std.typecons.__T10RefCountedTS4cram8wrappers54__T5RcPtrTS4cram6htslib10cram_sliceS15cram_free_sliceZ5RcPtr7PayloadVE3std8typecons24RefCountedAutoInitializei0Z.RefCounted.__dtor() ()

I'm not 100% sure but this is saying an assert in RefCounted's 
destructor and looking at Phobos source, there's just one:

assert(_refCounted._store._count > 0);

The stack trace also says this is being triggered from the 
garbage collector. Do you have a dynamic array of RefCounted 
objects, or one inside a class object?

I'm not sure as to the nature of the bug but refcounted inside a 
GC object isn't going to work well anyway.

* the wiki suggests that you need a debug build of the standard 
library to get accurate stack traces. is this just for line 
numbers or could the stack be completely wrong?

just line numbers and I don't think it even applies here since it 
is a template.

Re: protected + package attributes

2016-07-11 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/11/2016 02:28 PM, zodd wrote:

Suppose I have a class with a few protected functions. I want to let
another class from the same package call these functions. Thus I've
added a "package" attribute and got the following:
Error: conflicting protection attribute 'package' and 'protected'

How can I achieve what I want? These member functions must be protected,
I can't make them private because this is a base class intended for

Can have only one level of protection. If package is too restrictive 
with regards to overriding, and protected is too restrictive with 
regards to calling, then there's only public left.

Other than that, you could add a `package` method with a different name 
that just calls the `protected` one.

Debugging InvalidMemoryOperationError

2016-07-11 Thread Sam via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am building the open source project Sambamba with LDC and 
running its tests. If I build it in debug configuration (-g in 
place of -O2) then I get an InvalidMemoryOperationError. This 
does not occur in release configuration.

Various different platforms and debuggers (Linux, OS X, GDB, 
LLDB) give different quality de-mangling and stack trace output, 
but none seem to give local variables. Versions:

LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.0.0):
  based on DMD v2.070.2 and LLVM 3.8.0
  built with DMD64 D Compiler v2.071.1
  Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Here is the stack from GDB (7.6.1-80.el7) on Linux:

#0  0x00670a50 in onInvalidMemoryOperationError ()
#1  0x0068657b in gc.gc.GC.malloc() ()
#2  0x0067a4d2 in _d_newclass ()
#3  0x00670d53 in _d_assert ()
#4  0x0053d8e2 in 
std.typecons.__T10RefCountedTS4cram8wrappers54__T5RcPtrTS4cram6htslib10cram_sliceS15cram_free_sliceZ5RcPtr7PayloadVE3std8typecons24RefCountedAutoInitializei0Z.RefCounted.__dtor() ()
#5  0x005d39e6 in 
cram.wrappers.__T5RcPtrTS4cram6htslib10cram_sliceS15cram_free_sliceZ.RcPtr.__fieldDtor() ()

#6  0x0043a5e4 in cram.wrappers.CramSlice.__fieldDtor() ()
#7  0x005d4ce2 in 
cram.wrappers.UndecodedSliceRange.__fieldDtor() ()

#8  0x0067c20e in rt_finalize2 ()
#9  0x0068935a in gc.gc.Gcx.sweep() ()
#10 0x00687a1b in gc.gc.Gcx.fullcollect() ()
#11 0x00687bae in gc.gc.GC.fullCollectNoStack() ()
#12 0x0067922b in gc_term ()
#13 0x00679efa in rt_term ()
#14 0x0067a170 in _d_run_main ()
#15 0x00414278 in main ()


* does this suggest that an assert in the destructor of 
std.typecons.RefCounted is trying to allocate memory?

* if so, is this considered a bug?
* the wiki suggests that you need a debug build of the standard 
library to get accurate stack traces. is this just for line 
numbers or could the stack be completely wrong?

* any further suggestions as to finding the cause of this problem?

protected + package attributes

2016-07-11 Thread zodd via Digitalmars-d-learn
Suppose I have a class with a few protected functions. I want to 
let another class from the same package call these functions. 
Thus I've added a "package" attribute and got the following:

Error: conflicting protection attribute 'package' and 'protected'

How can I achieve what I want? These member functions must be 
protected, I can't make them private because this is a base class 
intended for inheritance.

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 10:23:24 UTC, Bahman Movaqar wrote:

On 07/11/2016 02:44 PM, ketmar wrote:

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 09:31:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

What makes you expect that format should have that feature? :)

I somehow recalled I could do that in C and then there was the 
"minimum field width" in the docs, so I thought it's possible 
I'm just not understanding the docs clearly :-)

You can do it in D with custom format specifiers. See:

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 07/11/2016 02:44 PM, ketmar wrote:
> On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 09:31:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> What makes you expect that format should have that feature? :)

I somehow recalled I could do that in C and then there was the "minimum
field width" in the docs, so I thought it's possible I'm just not
understanding the docs clearly :-)

> the fact that format can insert spaces. it is like: "ok, it can do
> spaces. i bet there should be some way to use any character instead of
> space. after all, the implementation would be the same, right?!" and
> then... oops.

That's my story.

Thanks people for your help.

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 09:31:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

What makes you expect that format should have that feature? :)

the fact that format can insert spaces. it is like: "ok, it can 
do spaces. i bet there should be some way to use any character 
instead of space. after all, the implementation would be the 
same, right?!" and then... oops.

probably this worth a ER.

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/11/2016 11:31 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 // Another one that combines multiple range algorithms
 import std.range : iota;
 import std.algorithm : map;
 assert(!(i => i % 2 ? '=' : '-').equal("-=-=-=-"));

An alternative without those scary modulo and ternary operators, just 
because I think it's cute:

import std.range: repeat, roundRobin, take;
import std.algorithm: equal;
assert(roundRobin(repeat('-'), repeat('=')).take(7).equal("-=-=-=-"));

Re: How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/11/2016 02:02 AM, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
> I'm sure I'm missing something very simple but how can I create a string
> like "" using `format`?

You can't.

> I check the docs on `format` and tried many variations including
> `format("%.*c\n", 4, '-')` but got nowhere.

What makes you expect that format should have that feature? :) Perhaps 
you're familiar with another language's standard library that does that?

> I'd appreciate any hint/help on this.

There are several ways of repeating characters and range elements in 

void main() {
// 'replicate' copies an array (which strings are) eagerly
import std.array : replicate;
assert("-".replicate(3) == "---");

// 'repeat' repeats lazily
import std.range : repeat;
import std.algorithm : equal;

// Another one that combines multiple range algorithms
import std.range : iota;
import std.algorithm : map;
assert(!(i => i % 2 ? '=' : '-').equal("-=-=-=-"));

// etc.


How to use `format` to repeat a character

2016-07-11 Thread Bahman Movaqar via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple but how can I create a string
like "" using `format`?
I check the docs on `format` and tried many variations including
`format("%.*c\n", 4, '-')` but got nowhere.

I'd appreciate any hint/help on this.

Bahman Movaqar - -
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (