Re: delegates and functions

2018-06-10 Thread OlegZ via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 June 2018 at 22:28:22 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
There is some explanation at the following page, of how the 
lambda syntax is related to the full syntax:

copy rect from article as image

well, I can to remember that lambda () => { return ..; } returns 
another implicit lambda

but my mind refuses to understand fact that ...

auto l1 = (int a) => a + 1; // returns incremented value
auto l2 = (int a) => { return a + 1; }; // return another 
lambda that increment value

... very different artifacts.
WHY? it's looks same, but in DLang it's some kind of mindtrap, 
looks mindness and falsy. I am upset and angry cause somebody 
just told me "There Is No Santa Claus in Dlang!" (I fell same 
yesterday and almost calmed down already)

D-compiler: you want one lambda? you are lucky today! I'll give 
you two lambda in square(^2) for same price! do not thank!

really, if I want lambda that returns another lambda I can write
auto l1 = (int a) => () => a + 1; // maybe I need it in some 
special case
but if I want lambda with return... well, I should forget about 
shorter syntax and write
auto l1 = (int a) { /*...*/ return a + 1; } // why I can't use 
"=>" here?
silent cry. yes, this version is shorter than with "=>", but my 
production language is C# (same as Dlang with CIL instead native. 
before today) and I try to do something in Dlang.

my state when I stick to such things looks like this (pic about 


I readed 2 weeks ago post "Dlang is a crap".
well, I agree with author in many thing.
* and such small things like (not)using "=>" can kickass you for 
* and naming exceptions for example in std.concurrency - some 
ends with "Exception" some not - told me that no one center in 
Dlang development, no good organization and no standard.
* and VisualD sometimes lost autocompletion/intellisense and 
there's no way to get it back, except to restart the computer.
* and parsing Binance(cryptoexchange) JSON-response "All Market 
Tickers Stream" from (~150 submessages about 200KB) with ctRegex(that told as very fast) spend 13ms. task is find every submessage that starts with '{' and ends with '}' and parse it from JSON to some struct. but simple replace ctRegex to indexOf( '{'|'}' ) decrease time to 2ms only - 90% of time getting filled 150 structs with data (that means find all string values in submessage and convert it to some types like double or long with my CTFE-code, not Dlang-JSON) spend compile-time Regex for searching start{ and end}. WTF? well, Go(version maybe 1.9) was a little bit faster about 10ms, but C# with Json.NET, where JIT and no string-spans(that means alloc every substring in GC) and all strings are Unicode(WebSocket sent UTF8, that adds Encoding time to Unicode) - spend only 3ms for all. Dlang can do things better and faster but it don't want (or people don't want)
* and many "nothrow nogc trusted pure" near every function in 
Phobos and you should read every function attrubute when you try 
to understand exactly what does and how works this function, 
cause you can miss some important attribute. I don't know how it 
should be done/removed from eyes. probably better such stuff 
describe before function like [context: nogc noBoundsCheck 
nothrow pure trusted] int func( args... ) cause you can vissually 
ignore [context..] and look at function without urban garbage.. 
maybe it should looks in editor like checkbox spans in right side 
of editor where you can turn off/on such attributes but text is 
clear not over..loaded? (English is not my native)
* and everybody will change nothing with textual representation 
of code cause this things used already in many code and packages. 
(except VisualD that in some days will be fixed)

it's sad.
over Dlang' code textual representation should be used another 
sugar representation that hides and reorganize some things (like 
TypeScript over JavaScript or MOC in Qt)
when Rust will add GC I will go to Rust - I dont like ownership 
when Go will add OOP & exceptions I will go to Go - I dont like 
check every function call with if err.. also I can live with type 
traits without classes in most cases.

probably I will go.
I like in Dlang: native (with asm), GC, CTFE, OOP, functional 
style... (I am not a professional with Dlang, I learning it)
but sometimes Dlang is little baby who can piss/shit you in 
moments when you really not expect and you haven't diaper or any 
protection for that cases.


can somebody tell me please what was the reason that lambda 
(blah) => { return value + 1; } actionally returns another lambda 
that returns value+1? what case it can be usefull? why Dlang 
gives me lambda of lambda w

Re: Passing C++ class to DLL for callbacks from D (Steam)

2018-06-10 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 02:57:34 UTC, evilrat wrote:
Only subsystems getters like SteamUser() or SteamInventory() 
requires wrapping.

I really can't understand why they ever choose to silently 
ignore registering callbacks received with C API systems 

Thanks to the information you supplied I was able to get it 
working without a wrapper, like so:

extern(C++) abstract class ISteamClient {
//public abstract IntPtr GetIntPtr();
public abstract uint CreateSteamPipe();
public abstract bool BReleaseSteamPipe(uint hSteamPipe);
public abstract uint ConnectToGlobalUser(uint hSteamPipe);
	public abstract uint CreateLocalUser(ref uint phSteamPipe,uint 

public abstract void ReleaseUser(uint hSteamPipe,uint hUser);
	public abstract ISteamUser GetISteamUser(uint hSteamUser,uint 
hSteamPipe,const(char)* pchVersion);

	public abstract ISteamUserStats GetISteamUserStats(uint 
hSteamUser,uint hSteamPipe,const(char)* pchVersion);


HSteamUser hSteamUser = SteamAPI_GetHSteamUser();
HSteamPipe hSteamPipe = SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe();
auto steamClient = cast(ISteamClient) 
auto userStats = steamClient.GetISteamUserStats(hSteamUser, 
auto hid = 

auto cbk = new CallResult!NumberOfCurrentPlayers_t();
SteamAPI_RegisterCallResult(cbk, hid);

And it successfully fires the 3-arg Run method of the callback 
object.  However for some reason the function table of the 
ISteamClient seems to be off by one.. it kept calling the wrong 
methods until I commented one out, in this case GetIntPtr() as 
seen above, then everything seemed to line up.  Not sure what the 
proper way to ensure it matches the C++ layout here, but at least 
it seems to be mostly working for now.  Thanks again!

Re: Passing C++ class to DLL for callbacks from D (Steam)

2018-06-10 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/06/2018 10:29 PM, cc wrote:
And it successfully fires the 3-arg Run method of the callback object.  
However for some reason the function table of the ISteamClient seems to 
be off by one.. it kept calling the wrong methods until I commented one 
out, in this case GetIntPtr() as seen above, then everything seemed to 
line up.  Not sure what the proper way to ensure it matches the C++ 
layout here, but at least it seems to be mostly working for now.  Thanks 

Ugh what GetIntPtr? Unless of course this header file is wrong[0].

Make the members match exactly, order and everything and it should "just 


Re: WTF! new in class is static?!?!

2018-06-10 Thread Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 02:34:11 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 01:27:50 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Saturday, 9 June 2018 at 12:40:07 UTC, RealProgrammer wrote:
maybe you and others in the D 'community' should start paying 
attention to the 'opinions' of those who do professional 
development with professional compilers.

I do professional work with a professional compiler aka. The D 
compiler and I've been doing so for years.

Well then, you should like my idea for the dconf '2019' logo...

Dman and a bug, holding hands, and the bug saying "I'm not a 
bug, I'm a feature!".

Sure, because other compilers do not have bugs.

Re: Passing C++ class to DLL for callbacks from D (Steam)

2018-06-10 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 10:47:58 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 10/06/2018 10:29 PM, cc wrote:
And it successfully fires the 3-arg Run method of the callback 
object.  However for some reason the function table of the 
ISteamClient seems to be off by one.. it kept calling the 
wrong methods until I commented one out, in this case 
GetIntPtr() as seen above, then everything seemed to line up.  
Not sure what the proper way to ensure it matches the C++ 
layout here, but at least it seems to be mostly working for 
now.  Thanks again!

Ugh what GetIntPtr? Unless of course this header file is 

Make the members match exactly, order and everything and it 
should "just work".


Woops, that GetIntPtr came from the .cs header in the same folder 
as the C++ headers distributed with the SDK, that'll teach me to 
ctrl+f "class ISteamClient" in all open files and copy/paste 
before reading.

Anyway I played around with it some more and found the one single 
line that was causing the problem.  It needs this:

HSteamPipe SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe();

rather than one of these:

HSteamPipe SteamAPI_ISteamClient_CreateSteamPipe(ISteamClient 

virtual HSteamPipe CreateSteamPipe() = 0;

It looks like the pipe is already created upon initializing and 
calling CreateSteamPipe creates a secondary one that doesn't 
receive callbacks. SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe is called inline to 
retrieve the current pipe on initialization of the the classed 
version of the API, but the documentation doesn't mention it 
exists at all, leading to confusion when using the flat version.  
Well, mystery solved.

Re: Passing C++ class to DLL for callbacks from D (Steam)

2018-06-10 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/06/2018 11:28 PM, cc wrote:
Woops, that GetIntPtr came from the .cs header in the same folder as the 
C++ headers distributed with the SDK, that'll teach me to ctrl+f "class 
ISteamClient" in all open files and copy/paste before reading.

Stay with the c/c++ headers for c/c++ code. We don't generally don't go 
testing the long way ;)

Re: delegates and functions

2018-06-10 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10.06.2018 12:21, OlegZ wrote:

On Saturday, 9 June 2018 at 22:28:22 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
There is some explanation at the following page, of how the lambda 
syntax is related to the full syntax:

copy rect from article as image >
well, I can to remember that lambda () => { return ..; } returns another 
implicit lambda

you shouldn't remember it. you need to understand that `a=>2*a` is short 
form of `(a) { return 2a; }. So using `a=>{ return 2*a; }` you get

(a) { return (){ return 2*a; }; }
i.e. a function returning delegate.
a => { return 2*a; }
  /\  \   /
  ||   \ /
  ||\   /
  || \ /
  ||  \   /
 This is   \ /
 function   \  This is definition of delegate
 definition  \

so you have a function that returns delegate.

it's like
a => a => 2*a;
(a){ return () { return 2*a; }

just first version is much simpler and namely convenience is the reason 
of this syntax I guess. >
can somebody tell me please what was the reason that lambda (blah) => { 
return value + 1; } actionally returns another lambda that returns 
value+1? what case it can be usefull? why Dlang gives me lambda of 
lambda where I want lambda written with "=> { return"?

I am expecting some magic and simple trick with lambdas.

You misuse two different form of the same. The form with "=>" is very 
convenient if expression is short, in other cases the form `(){}` is 
suited better.

@nogc logging library

2018-06-10 Thread basiliscos via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm D-newbie and looking for no-gc loggig library, ideally with 
timestamps and formatting with output to stdout / file.

Is there any?



Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-06-10 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 March 2018 at 02:17:57 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
The type system would *like* to know, certainly for correct 
range errors, but if you declare it as the wrong length and use 
the .ptr, it still works like it does in C:

extern(C) __gshared extern char*[1] files; // still works

import core.stdc.stdio;

void main() {
printf("%s\n", files.ptr[2]); // ptr bypasses the range 


That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of 
pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the initialization). 
So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

The D compiler accepts that, but just about any manipulation gets 
screamed at, usually with Error: only one index allowed to index 
int. Note that I'm trying to access the ints, i.e., in C 
something like xs[1][0][2] to access the 5 in x2a. Do I have to 
mimic the intermediate C arrays?

But if you can match the length, that's ideal.

Unfortunately, although the C array lengths are known at C 
compile time, they're not made available otherwise so I'm afraid 
the [1] trick will have to do for now.

Re: delegates and functions

2018-06-10 Thread SrMordred via Digitalmars-d-learn

a => { return 2*a; }
  /\  \   /
  ||   \ /
  ||\   /
  || \ /
  ||  \   /
 This is   \ /
 function   \  This is definition of delegate
 definition  \

so you have a function that returns delegate.

it's like
a => a => 2*a;
(a){ return () { return 2*a; }

I believe that a lot of other languages work differently, so when 
their knowledge are transposed to D, people get confused at first.

Eg. in JS:

x = x => x * 2;
x = x =>{ return x * 2; }

Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-06-10 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 17:59:12 UTC, Joe wrote:
That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of 
pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the 
initialization). So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

The D compiler accepts that, but just about any manipulation 
gets screamed at, usually with Error: only one index allowed to 
index int. Note that I'm trying to access the ints, i.e., in C 
something like xs[1][0][2] to access the 5 in x2a. Do I have to 
mimic the intermediate C arrays?

I don't know why I didn't try this first.  It seems that the D 
equivalent of C's xs[1][0][2] is simply xs.ptr[[1][0][2].

Re: delegates and functions

2018-06-10 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10.06.2018 20:58, SrMordred wrote:

a => { return 2*a; }
  /\  \   /
  ||   \ /
  ||    \   /
  || \ /
  ||  \   /
 This is   \ /
 function   \  This is definition of delegate
 definition  \

so you have a function that returns delegate.

it's like
a => a => 2*a;
(a){ return () { return 2*a; }

I believe that a lot of other languages work differently, so when their 
knowledge are transposed to D, people get confused at first.

Eg. in JS:

x = x => x * 2;
x = x =>{ return x * 2; }

Ah, I see. From this point of view there is some inconsistency indeed.

What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-10 Thread Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn
What is the point of nothrow if it can only detect when Exception 
is thrown and not when Error is thrown?

It seems like the attribute is useless because you can't really 
use it as protection to write bugless, safe code since the nasty 
bugs will pass by just fine.

I'm aware that it's a feature that nothrow can throw Error, but 
it makes the attribute completely useless because you basically 
have no safety to guard against writing code that throws Error.

To an extend @safe works, but there are tons of stuff that throws 
Error which you can only detect and guard against manually.

So what is the point of nothrow when it can only detect 
exceptions you'd catch anyway.

To me it would be so much more useful if you could detect code 
that could possibly throw Error.

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-10 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, June 10, 2018 23:59:17 Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> What is the point of nothrow if it can only detect when Exception
> is thrown and not when Error is thrown?
> It seems like the attribute is useless because you can't really
> use it as protection to write bugless, safe code since the nasty
> bugs will pass by just fine.
> I'm aware that it's a feature that nothrow can throw Error, but
> it makes the attribute completely useless because you basically
> have no safety to guard against writing code that throws Error.
> To an extend @safe works, but there are tons of stuff that throws
> Error which you can only detect and guard against manually.
> So what is the point of nothrow when it can only detect
> exceptions you'd catch anyway.
> To me it would be so much more useful if you could detect code
> that could possibly throw Error.

Why do you care about detecting code that can throw an Error? Errors are
supposed to kill the program, not get caught. As such, why does it matter if
it can throw an Error?

Now, personally, I'm increasingly of the opinion that the fact that we have
Errors is kind of dumb given that if it's going to kill the program, and
it's not safe to do clean-up at that point, because the program is in an
invalid state, then why not just print the message and stack trace right
there and then kill the program instead of throwing anything? But
unforntunately, that's not what happens, which does put things in the weird
state where code can catch an Error even though it shouldn't be doing that.

As for the benefits of nothrow, as I understand it, they're twofold:

1. You know that you don't have to worry about any Exceptions being thrown
from that code. You don't have to worry about doing any exception handling
or having to ensure that anything gets cleaned up because of an Exception
being thrown.

2. If the compiler knows that a function can't throw an Exception, then it
doesn't have to insert any of the Exception handling mechanism stuff that it
normally does when a function is called. It can assume that nothing ever
gets thrown. If an Error does get thrown, then none of the proper clean-up
will get done (e.g. constructors or scope statements), but because an Error
being thrown means that the program is in an invalid state, it's not
actually safe to be doing clean-up anyway. So, the fact that a function is
nothrow gives you a performance benefit, because none of that extra
Exception handling stuff gets inserted. How large a benefit that is in
practice, I don't know, but it is a gain that can't be had with a function
that isn't nothrow.

- Jonathan M Davis

How to sort byCodeUnit.permutations.filter(...)

2018-06-10 Thread Uknown via Digitalmars-d-learn
I wrote a small program for Project Euler problem 41 ( ).

--- project_euler_41.d
void main()
import math_common : primesLessThan;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.conv : parse;
import std.algorithm : permutations, canFind, filter, each, sort;
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
import std.range : assumeSorted;
import std.array : array;

auto primes = primesLessThan(9_999_999UL).assumeSorted;

.filter!(a => primes.canFind(a.parse!uint))
.each!(a => a.writeln);

The problem is this prints a list of numbers. The task requires 
only the largest, so the intuitive fix is to add `.array.sort[$ - 
1].writeln` in place of the `each`, but this prints an array of 
`1234567`s instead of the permutations. Does anyone know how to 
sort the filter result without modifying the individual results?

Re: How to sort byCodeUnit.permutations.filter(...)

2018-06-10 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 04:06:44 UTC, Uknown wrote:
The problem is this prints a list of numbers. The task requires 
only the largest, so the intuitive fix

I would just pull the max out of it.

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-10 Thread Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 00:47:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, June 10, 2018 23:59:17 Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn 
What is the point of nothrow if it can only detect when 
Exception is thrown and not when Error is thrown?

It seems like the attribute is useless because you can't 
really use it as protection to write bugless, safe code since 
the nasty bugs will pass by just fine.

I'm aware that it's a feature that nothrow can throw Error, 
but it makes the attribute completely useless because you 
basically have no safety to guard against writing code that 
throws Error.

To an extend @safe works, but there are tons of stuff that 
throws Error which you can only detect and guard against 

So what is the point of nothrow when it can only detect 
exceptions you'd catch anyway.

To me it would be so much more useful if you could detect code 
that could possibly throw Error.

Why do you care about detecting code that can throw an Error? 
Errors are supposed to kill the program, not get caught. As 
such, why does it matter if it can throw an Error?

Now, personally, I'm increasingly of the opinion that the fact 
that we have Errors is kind of dumb given that if it's going to 
kill the program, and it's not safe to do clean-up at that 
point, because the program is in an invalid state, then why not 
just print the message and stack trace right there and then 
kill the program instead of throwing anything? But 
unforntunately, that's not what happens, which does put things 
in the weird state where code can catch an Error even though it 
shouldn't be doing that.

As for the benefits of nothrow, as I understand it, they're 

1. You know that you don't have to worry about any Exceptions 
being thrown from that code. You don't have to worry about 
doing any exception handling or having to ensure that anything 
gets cleaned up because of an Exception being thrown.

2. If the compiler knows that a function can't throw an 
Exception, then it doesn't have to insert any of the Exception 
handling mechanism stuff that it normally does when a function 
is called. It can assume that nothing ever gets thrown. If an 
Error does get thrown, then none of the proper clean-up will 
get done (e.g. constructors or scope statements), but because 
an Error being thrown means that the program is in an invalid 
state, it's not actually safe to be doing clean-up anyway. So, 
the fact that a function is nothrow gives you a performance 
benefit, because none of that extra Exception handling stuff 
gets inserted. How large a benefit that is in practice, I don't 
know, but it is a gain that can't be had with a function that 
isn't nothrow.

- Jonathan M Davis

Well at least from my point of view I would care about code that 
can throw Error, because if say nothrow could detect that then 
you could prevent writing that code that throws jt at all and 
thus you'd be writing less error prone code.

Maybe not necessarily nothrow, but something else that could 
ensure that your code is "100% safe" to run without any errors 
happening from ex. Accessing out of bounds, accessing invalid 
memory, attempting to access the member of an uninitialized class 
etc. Like you'd have to handle each such cases. Writing code in D 
today you have to think about each statement you write and 
whether it could possibly throw Error because you have little to 
no tools that helps you preventing writing such code.

I'm very well aware that Error is not supposed to be caught and 
that the program is in an invalid state, but ehat I'm trying to 
get at is that if nothrow or at least a feature similar existed 
that could detect code that may throw Error, then you could 
prevent writing code that throws it in the first place.

It would be a great tool to writing bugless code.

Re: What is the point of nothrow?

2018-06-10 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, June 11, 2018 04:11:38 Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I'm very well aware that Error is not supposed to be caught and
> that the program is in an invalid state, but ehat I'm trying to
> get at is that if nothrow or at least a feature similar existed
> that could detect code that may throw Error, then you could
> prevent writing code that throws it in the first place.
> It would be a great tool to writing bugless code.

Well, the problem with that is that if you do anything involving assertions,
dynamic arrays, or GC memory allocations, you can get an Error. The same
goes for some stuff like final switch statements. Some of those Errors don't
happen with -release (e.g. the check on final switch and asserion failures),
but enough operations have to be checked at runtime that I expect that even
if you ignored the ones that don't happen with -release, relatively little
code could be guaranteed to not throw Errors. And most Errors are thrown
because of Error conditions that can't reasonably be caught at compile time.
So, while knowing that none of those Errors can happen in a particular piece
of code might be nice, all it really means is that you're not doing any
operations in that code which can be checked for error conditions at runtime
but which can't be checked at compile time. On the whole, what Errors are
really doing is catching the bugs that you didn't manage to catch yourself
and that the compiler can't catch for you, but the runtime can. So,
arguably, all you'd really be doing if you guaranteed that a piece of code
didn't throw any Errors is guarantee that the code didn't do any operations
where the runtime can catch bugs for you. As such, while you obviously don't
want to end up having any Errors thrown in your program, I seriously
question that trying to write code that is statically guaranteed to not
throw any Errors is very useful or desirable - especially since it's not
like such code is guaranteed to be bug-free. It just wouldn't have any of
the bugs that the runtime can catch for you.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: How to sort byCodeUnit.permutations.filter(...)

2018-06-10 Thread Uknown via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 04:12:57 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 04:06:44 UTC, Uknown wrote:
The problem is this prints a list of numbers. The task 
requires only the largest, so the intuitive fix

I would just pull the max out of it.

Thanks for your reply. I completely forgot about maxElement. I 
used it, but it prints 1234567, not the permutations. The same 
happens when using array. Why are the strings getting modified? 
The same happens with this:

"123".byCodeUnit.permutations.writeln;//[123, 213, 312, 132, 231, 
"123".byCodeUnit.permutations.array.writeln;//[123, 123, 123, 
123, 123, 123]

Seems odd. Is this a bug or expected behaviour?

Pass function (not alias) to template and/or delegate-ize a template argument

2018-06-10 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to pass a class member function as a template 
argument in such a way that it can 1. be called during runtime, 
and 2. still retrieve the UDAs of the function itself?  For 
example, given this setup:

struct MYUDA {}
class Foo {
@(MYUDA) int bar(int x) { return x*2; }
auto foo = new Foo();

Neither of these will work:

void FCALL(alias F, V...)(V args) {
assert(hasUDA!(F, MYUDA)); // Ok
	//assert(F(args) == 10); // Compilation Error: need `this` for 
`bar` of type `int(int x)`


void DCALL(V...)(int delegate(V) func, V args) {
	//assert(hasUDA!(func, MYUDA)); // Assertion failure (runtime 
delegate can't see compile-time UDAs)

assert(func(args) == 12); // Ok
DCALL(&, 6);

However, I can combine them into one function like so:

void TCALL(alias F, V...)(int delegate(V) func, V args) {
assert(hasUDA!(F, MYUDA)); // Ok
assert(func(args) == 14); // Ok
TCALL!(, 7);

But it feels ugly having to write the same thing twice ( 
and &  I'd like to simply this somehow.  Given a 
template declaration like "void CALL(alias F)( ... )" is there 
some way to write a function parameter that takes a 
delegate-of-F?  Such that I can ultimate call the function as 
CALL(& and the template parameter alias is inferred.

I did figure out I can do it with mixins like so:

void MCALL(string func, V...)(V args) {
mixin(`assert(hasUDA!(`~func~`, MYUDA));`); // Ok
mixin(`assert(`~func~`(args) == 16);`); // Ok

Which works.  Is this the "best" way to do this?  Or is there 
another pattern that looks cleaner?