Re: simple (I think) eponymous template question ... what is proper idimatic way ?

2021-08-17 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 05:33:13 UTC, james.p.leblanc 

If I wanted to ensure that a function accepts only arguments of
byte, int, uint, long, etc.  (i.e. integer-like types).  Is the 
accepted way to do this like so?:

**auto foo( T : long )(T a, T b){ ... }**

I very much prefer the ususal constraint syntax

**auto foo(T)(T a, T b) if(isIntegral!T) { ... }**

Re: GC.addRange in pure function

2021-02-10 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021 at 21:00:39 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021 at 19:53:27 UTC, Temtaime wrote:

pure is broken. Just don't [use it]

Allowing memory allocation in pure code in a language that can 
distinguish between pointer equality and value equality is, 
let's say, "unprincipled."

pure in D is a very useful concept, even if it's not literally 
the same as pure in functional languages. Recommending not to use 
it is bad advice IMHO.

Re: List of exceptions?

2020-10-12 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 October 2020 at 19:51:10 UTC, DMon wrote:

This is where I'm at:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

// StdioException
// ConvException
// StringException
// ErrnoException
// FormatException
// UnicodeException
// UTFException
// FileMissingException
// DataCorruptionException

- You should not care about exceptions someone else defined in 
his library (maybe except for printing out their message in 
main(), for which you don't need to know the exact type).
- You should not reuse exceptions defined by someone else. Define 
your own.
- Throw exceptions only if you have a plan what to do with them 
if you catch them.
- If you have no plan, better throw error, just to get an idea 
where and why the program crashed (and don't try to catch them)

Therefore a list of possible exceptions doesn't make any sense.

Re: Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?

2020-09-16 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 16 September 2020 at 07:38:26 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
We only need to define which properties a character need to be 
allowed in an identifier.

I think the following change in the grammar would be sufficient:

IdentifierStart IdentifierChars

IdentifierChar IdentifierChars

Any Unicode codepoint with general category Lu, Ll, Lt, Lo, 
Nl or No

Any Unicode codepoint with general category Lm, Mn, Me, Mc or 

Re: Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?

2020-09-16 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 16 September 2020 at 00:22:15 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

Someone should verify that the character you want to use for a 
symbol name is actually considered a letter or not. Using 
phobos to prove this is kind of self-defeating, as I'm pretty 
sure it would be in league with DMD if there is a bug.

UnicodeData.txt (a data file provided by the unicode organization 
itself since version 1)

contains exactly the necessary properties (in an easy parsable 
format), so we don't need to hard-code the list of allowed 
identifier characters, but can instead use the latest version 
provided by unicode (changing every year!). We only need to 
define which properties a character need to be allowed in an 

Re: Why is BOM required to use unicode in tokens?

2020-09-15 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 06:49:08 UTC, Jon Degenhardt 
On Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 02:23:31 UTC, Paul Backus 
Identifiers start with a letter, _, or universal alpha, and 
are followed by any number of letters, _, digits, or universal 
alphas. Universal alphas are as defined in ISO/IEC 
9899:1999(E) Appendix D of the C99 Standard.

I was unable to find the definition of a "universal alpha", or 
whether that includes non-ascii alphabetic characters.

ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
Annex D

Universal character names for identifiers

Latin: 00AA, 00BA, 00C0-00D6, 00D8-00F6, 00F8-01F5, 01FA-0217, 
0250-02A8, 1E00-1E9B, 1EA0-1EF9, 207F
Greek: 0386, 0388-038A, 038C, 038E-03A1, 03A3-03CE, 03D0-03D6, 
03DA, 03DC, 03DE, 03E0, 03E2-03F3, 1F00-1F15, 1F18-1F1D, 
1F20-1F45, 1F48-1F4D, 1F50-1F57, 1F59, 1F5B, 1F5D, 1F5F-1F7D, 
1F80-1FB4, 1FB6-1FBC, 1FC2-1FC4, 1FC6-1FCC, 1FD0-1FD3, 1FD6-1FDB, 
1FE0-1FEC, 1FF2-1FF4, 1FF6-1FFC
Cyrillic: 0401-040C, 040E-044F, 0451-045C, 045E-0481, 0490-04C4, 
04C7-04C8, 04CB-04CC, 04D0-04EB, 04EE-04F5, 04F8-04F9

Armenian: 0531-0556, 0561-0587
Hebrew: 05B0-05B9, 05BB-05BD, 05BF, 05C1-05C2, 05D0-05EA, 
Arabic: 0621-063A, 0640-0652, 0670-06B7, 06BA-06BE, 06C0-06CE, 
06D0-06DC, 06E5-06E8, 06EA-06ED

Devanagari: 0901-0903, 0905-0939, 093E-094D, 0950-0952, 0958-0963
Bengali: 0981-0983, 0985-098C, 098F-0990, 0993-09A8, 09AA-09B0, 
09B2, 09B6-09B9, 09BE-09C4, 09C7-09C8, 09CB-09CD, 09DC-09DD, 
09DF-09E3, 09F0-09F1
Gurmukhi: 0A02, 0A05-0A0A, 0A0F-0A10, 0A13-0A28, 0A2A-0A30, 
0A32-0A33, 0A35-0A36, 0A38-0A39, 0A3E-0A42, 0A47-0A48, 0A4B-0A4D, 
0A59-0A5C, 0A5E, 0A74
Gujarati: 0A81-0A83, 0A85-0A8B, 0A8D, 0A8F-0A91, 0A93-0AA8, 
0AAA-0AB0, 0AB2-0AB3, 0AB5-0AB9, 0ABD-0AC5, 0AC7-0AC9, 0ACB-0ACD, 
0AD0, 0AE0
Oriya: 0B01-0B03, 0B05-0B0C, 0B0F-0B10, 0B13-0B28, 0B2A-0B30, 
0B32-0B33, 0B36-0B39, 0B3E-0B43, 0B47-0B48, 0B4B-0B4D, 0B5C-0B5D, 
Tamil: 0B82-0B83, 0B85-0B8A, 0B8E-0B90, 0B92-0B95, 0B99-0B9A, 
0B9C, 0B9E-0B9F, 0BA3-0BA4, 0BA8-0BAA, 0BAE-0BB5, 0BB7-0BB9, 
0BBE-0BC2, 0BC6-0BC8, 0BCA-0BCD
Telugu: 0C01-0C03, 0C05-0C0C, 0C0E-0C10, 0C12-0C28, 0C2A-0C33, 
0C35-0C39, 0C3E-0C44, 0C46-0C48, 0C4A-0C4D, 0C60-0C61
Kannada: 0C82-0C83, 0C85-0C8C, 0C8E-0C90, 0C92-0CA8, 0CAA-0CB3, 
0CB5-0CB9, 0CBE-0CC4, 0CC6-0CC8, 0CCA-0CCD, 0CDE, 0CE0-0CE1
Malayalam: 0D02-0D03, 0D05-0D0C, 0D0E-0D10, 0D12-0D28, 0D2A-0D39, 
0D3E-0D43, 0D46-0D48, 0D4A-0D4D, 0D60-0D61

Thai: 0E01-0E3A, 0E40-0E5B
Lao: 0E81-0E82, 0E84, 0E87-0E88, 0E8A, 0E8D, 0E94-0E97, 
0E99-0E9F, 0EA1-0EA3, 0EA5, 0EA7, 0EAA-0EAB, 0EAD-0EAE, 
0EB0-0EB9, 0EBB-0EBD, 0EC0-0EC4, 0EC6, 0EC8-0ECD, 0EDC-0EDD
Tibetan: 0F00, 0F18-0F19, 0F35, 0F37, 0F39, 0F3E-0F47, 0F49-0F69, 
0F71-0F84, 0F86-0F8B, 0F90-0F95, 0F97, 0F99-0FAD, 0FB1-0FB7, 0FB9

Georgian: 10A0-10C5, 10D0-10F6
Hiragana: 3041-3093, 309B-309C
Katakana: 30A1-30F6, 30FB-30FC
Bopomofo: 3105-312C
CJK Unified Ideographs: 4E00-9FA5
Hangul: AC00-D7A3
Digits: 0660-0669, 06F0-06F9, 0966-096F, 09E6-09EF, 0A66-0A6F, 
0AE6-0AEF, 0B66-0B6F, 0BE7-0BEF, 0C66-0C6F, 0CE6-0CEF, 0D66-0D6F, 
0E50-0E59, 0ED0-0ED9, 0F20-0F33
Special characters: 00B5, 00B7, 02B0-02B8, 02BB, 02BD-02C1, 
02D0-02D1, 02E0-02E4, 037A, 0559, 093D, 0B3D, 1FBE, 203F-2040, 
2102, 2107, 210A-2113, 2115, 2118-211D, 2124, 2126, 2128, 
212A-2131, 2133-2138, 2160-2182, 3005-3007, 3021-3029


This is outdated to the brim. Also it doesn't allow for 
letter-like symbols (which is debatable, but especially the 
mathematical ones like double-struck letters are intended for 
such use).
Instead of some old C-Standard, D should better rely directly on 
the properties from UnicodeData.txt, which is updated with every 
new unicode version.

Re: Named parameters in function call

2020-09-09 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 13:28:22 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:

int xcoord;
int ycoord;

You can define your own types, of course:

struct xcoord { int x; alias x this; }
struct ycoord { int y; alias y this; }

void myfunc(xcoord x; ycoord y, color c) {}

Re: Idiomatic D code to avoid or detect devision by zero

2020-08-03 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 3 August 2020 at 14:50:36 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/3/20 5:53 AM, Martin Tschierschke wrote:

I prefer putting additional bracket around

For really long expressions you could also split it on multiple 

c = (b_expression == 0)
  ? (d_longer_expression)
  : (a_expression/b_expression);

Re: how to assign to shared obj.systime?

2020-07-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 07:05:43 UTC, Arafel wrote:
*However*, for this to work, you shouldn't use `shared` member 
variables unless absolutely necessary, much less whole `shared` 

This is generally true. Avoid sharing many variables!
Tasks should be as independent from each other as possible. 
Anything else is bad design doomed to run into problems sooner or 
Also there is really almost never a good reason to share whole 
classes or nested structures.

Re: How can I make executeShell ask for Admin Elevation?

2020-07-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 July 2020 at 19:32:33 UTC, Marcone wrote:
alias runas = compose!(x => to!bool((cast(int) x) > 32), x => 
ShellExecute(null, "runas", "cmd", cast(wchar*) "/c \"cd /d %s 
&& %s\"".format(getcwd(), x).to!wstring, null, 

runas("netsh winhttp set proxy")

Use backticks instead of doublequotes, than you don't have to 
escape the doublequotes within the string. So:

alias runas = compose!(x => to!bool((cast(int) x) > 32), x => 
ShellExecute(null, "runas", "cmd", cast(wchar*)`/c "cd /d %s && 
%s"`.format(getcwd(), x).to!wstring, null, SW_HIDE);

Re: opBinary : Static ifs or specialization?

2020-06-24 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at 09:01:28 UTC, claptrap wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at 00:53:58 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:53:36PM +, claptrap via

If your implementations are based on built-in operators, you 
could use mixins to unify the implementations into one, e.g.:

Ah yeah thats useful, to expand a bit what about if the RHS is 
a different type?

Point!T opBinary(string op, RHS)(RHS rhs)
static if (is(RHS == Point!float) || is(RHS == 

// .. etc..
else static if (is(RHS == float) || is(RHS == double))
// etc...
else static if (is(RHS == float[2]) || is(RHS == double[2]))
// .. etc...
assert(0); // type not supported

should that be split up?

I would say, depends on how you can implement what you need in 
the shortest way (with lest code-duplication). If one operator 
works with several types on RHS, but others don't, split the 
operators. If all operators work the same for same RHS type but 
different for different RHS types, split the types.

Re: __init unresolved external when using C library structs converted with dstep

2020-04-17 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 April 2020 at 08:59:41 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

How would that look like?

myStruct ms = void; // ???


Re: @safe

2020-01-06 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 January 2020 at 10:07:37 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
I was wondering, how are you supposed to use std.file : read in 
@safe code when it returns a void[] but you want to get all 
bytes in the file?

Is void[] really the correct type it should be returning 
instead of ubyte[] when it just reads a (binary) file to 
memory? Or should void[] actually be castable to ubyte[] in 
@safe code?

I definitely think it should return ubyte[].
void[] is a very special abstraction that shouldn't be used at 
all if you don't know very well what you're doing.

Re: Using map result type

2019-12-10 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 December 2019 at 07:23:56 UTC, AA wrote:

Would the second solution of declaring a template constraint 
like that be considering strange/out of place in D? e.g. do 
people normally try and declare the template constraints on a 
function or just rely on compile time failure from to 
instantiate template.

No, you can do "normal" OOP as you like. But you will encounter 
the constraint approach often in phobos and other libraries, as 
is provides some advantages.

Re: Getting rid of const/immutable

2019-09-15 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 September 2019 at 05:22:14 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
I have a particular type name and that type may or may not be 
const and/or immutable. How do I make a new type based on this 
that is mutable, ie getting rid of both const and immutable, 
but not knowing what the original type is ?

I don’t want to repeat information from the definition of the 
original type as this would introduce a bug if the original 
definition is later changed.

Something like

alias immutable_cash_t = immutable(float);
alias mutable_cash_t = float;

// better, in case the original were ever to be changed from 
‘float’ to ‘real’ some day
alias mutable_cash_t = GetRidOfImmutable!( GetRidOfConst!( 
mutable_cash_t ) );

If T is you const or immutable type, Unqual!T should be what you 
want (from std.traits)
but this will also remove shared and I don't know what other 
modifiers there are.

Re: Can't add ubytes together to make a ubyte... bug or feature?

2018-03-17 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 18:36:35 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 23:36:14 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 22:12:06 UTC, Soviet Friend 
I don't care if my computer needs to do math on a 4 byte 
basis, I'm not writing assembly.

x86 actually doesn't need to do math that way, if you were 
writing assembly, it would just work. This is just an annoying 
rule brought over by C.

Can I prevent the initial implicit casts?

Nope, though you can help tell the compiler that you want it 
to fit there by doing stuff like

ubyte a = 200;
ubyte b = 100;
ubyte c = (a+b)&0xff;

or something like that, so the expression is specifically 
proven to fit in the byte with compile time facts.

`(a+b)&0xff` What is this syntax?!  Could you give a link to 
this in the D documentation?  I am not even sure how to look it 

& is the normal binary and operation, same in C, C++, Java, ...
0xFF is a hexadecimal constant (255), which the compiler knows 
fit in an ubyte

So what do you not understand about this syntax?

Re: Run-time initialised static variables

2018-02-07 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 12:10:38 UTC, dekevin wrote:

struct ℚ{
 ℤ num, den; //cannot call constructors on these, since 
they require gmp_init, which requires runtime code

 //Default initialiser disabled, since else num=0,den=0

You can use a different default initializer:
  ℤ num = 0, den = 1;

Thus avoiding the bad denominator.

Re: New integer promotion rules

2018-01-18 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 18 January 2018 at 06:05:08 UTC, rumbu wrote:

On Thursday, 18 January 2018 at 02:30:17 UTC, Rubn wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 January 2018 at 22:30:11 UTC, rumbu wrote:

code like "m = n < 0 ? -n : n" doesn't worth a wrapper

That code is worth a wrapper, it's called "abs"...

m = abs(n);

Well, since I'm in the learn forum and you seem to have a 
response to anything, can you help me translate this line under 
the new integer promotion rules?


target = isNegative ? cast(Unsigned!T)(-c) : cast(Unsigned!T)c;

That would have been better even before the change, because the 
operator '-' used on unsigned types is likely to produce 
unexpected results, if the behaviour is defined at all.

Re: How to specify a template that uses unqualified type, like any normal function

2017-08-16 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 14:24:57 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

What IFTI would need is a mechanism to change the parameter 
types to mutable similar to how you can do this:

foo(T)(const(T) t);

This now generates one function for int, const(int), 
immutable(int), and t is const within the function.

What we need is something like:

foo(T)(mutable(T) t) // fictitious type constructor, doesn't 

In fact, that was the first thing I tried, but it doesn't exist.
Would be a pretty useful addition anyway, because it would allow 
(some time in the far future) to move from mutable by default to 
immutable by default.

Or a more general mechanism to modify IFTI when it is deciding 
the parameters to use based on the call.

In my case, I've run into this when I'm trying to use short or 
ubyte, and someone uses literals:

void foo(short s) { ...}

void fooT(T)(T t) { foo(s); }

foo(1); // ok
fooT(1); // error.

It would be nice if there was some way to tell IFTI to infer T 
as short in this case.

Yes, that would also be very nice. And would be easy to solve:
A literal should always be assumed to be the smallest type that 
can represent it, not int. May be, if compatibilitpy to old bad C 
is really still so important, integer propagation can be done 
later on if neccessary, but don't start out with int. That's just 
so oldschool and most of the time just annoying and there's no 
technical reason to do so.

Re: How to specify a template that uses unqualified type, like any normal function

2017-08-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 17:43:44 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 15:20:28 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

What you can do, is:

auto foo(T)(T n) if (is(T == Unqual!T))
   // normal implementation

auto foo(T)(T n) if (!is(T == Unqual!T) && 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, Unqual!T))

   return foo!(Unqual!T)(n);

Ok, I'll try that out.

Yeah, works fine. I've improved this to

T foo(T)(T n)
   static if(!is(Unqual!T == T)) return foo!(Unqual!T)(n);
   // normal implementation

So it's basically 2 lines of overhead. That's acceptable. The 
check for isImplicitlyConvertible is not necessary, because if 
it's not it will error out anyway.

As this in fact leads to some decrease in code size (as the 
instances for const or shared parameters are now much smaller or 
in fact completely removed by the inliner, much less template 
code duplication happens), I will add this to a lot of templates 
- seems this will become some sort of standard D boilerplate code.

Thanks for the help!

Re: How to specify a template that uses unqualified type, like any normal function

2017-08-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 15:20:28 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/14/17 9:48 AM, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl wrote:
> uint foo(T)(Unqual!T n) // first try
> {
> ++n; // modify should be possible
> return 42;
> }
> Any ideas what I need to do to make this work?

This isn't exactly supported. Implicit Function Template 
Instantiation (IFTI) will deduce the parameters to be the types 
that you pass in. You can't deduce them and then change the 
parameter types. This is a limitation of IFTI that I have 
struggled with in the past.
A little unfortunate, because I would consider this the standard 

You only overload functions if they do something special with
const or shared or immutable parameters, but for templates you 
get a different implementation for these all the time, and you 
didn't even have a chance to avoid that useless code-bloat? What 
a pitty.

What you can do, is:

auto foo(T)(T n) if (is(T == Unqual!T))
   // normal implementation

auto foo(T)(T n) if (!is(T == Unqual!T) && 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, Unqual!T))

   return foo!(Unqual!T)(n);

Ok, I'll try that out.

How to specify a template that uses unqualified type, like any normal function

2017-08-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

if I use fixed-type functions, I can do the following:

uint foo(uint n)
   ++n; // modify n - as this function has received a copy of n, 
this is always possible

   return 42;

uint bar(const uint n)
   return 17;

void main()

But if I try the same with a template parameter, it doesn't work:

import std.traits; // Unqual

uint foo(T)(Unqual!T n) // first try
   ++n; // modify should be possible
   return 42;

uint foo2(T)(T n) // second try
   ++n; // modify fails, as T is const
   return 42;

uint bar(T)(const T n)
   assert(foo(n)==42u); // cannot deduce arguments - why?!?
   assert(foo2(n)==42u); // here it can deduce the arguments, but 
the function cannot modify n

   return 17;

void main()

Any ideas what I need to do to make this work?

Re: Returning the address of a reference return value in @safe code - 2.072 regression?

2017-02-21 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 21:05:17 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 20:54:31 UTC, Jack Stouffer 
On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 20:49:43 UTC, Johan Engelen 


Yeah, this is another regression caused by DIP1000.


For the record, the current list of regressions caused by 

17117 and 17123 are already fixed on HEAD, no?
So only two regressions remaining - I hope DIP1000 can be used to 
build new container libraries soon.

Re: Comparison operator overloading

2015-12-07 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 December 2015 at 13:31:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Monday, 7 December 2015 at 11:49:51 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
On the other hand the chapter also states that opCmp() should 
always return "int" - which is a bad idea if you e.g. want to 
provide a "NaN" value in your type. For that "float" is a much 
better return type for opCmp().
So you should not weight in gold for the words in the cited 
book, I think.

This is not something the author is just making up. opCmp is 
expected to return int because of the way the compiler rewrites 
comparison expressions. See the table at [1]. It wouldn't do to 
return NaN from opCmp.


Hmm. But it works just fine! It overloads also the special 
floatingpoint operators <> !<> !<= and so on.
And how else could I handle a self-defined type that happens to 
have a NaN value (like my save-signed intergers do)?

Re: Comparison operator overloading

2015-12-07 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 6 December 2015 at 15:01:08 UTC, cym13 wrote:
Don't use opCmp, all binary operators should be overriden using 
opBinary. For more information I recommend this page

Why should we don't use opCmp() ?
I can't see any recommendation about this in the cited book. In 
the chapter is only mentioned that opSliceAssign() and the like 
are discouraged - but without stating a reason or a replacement.
On the other hand the chapter also states that opCmp() should 
always return "int" - which is a bad idea if you e.g. want to 
provide a "NaN" value in your type. For that "float" is a much 
better return type for opCmp().
So you should not weight in gold for the words in the cited book, 
I think.

Re: Preventing implicit conversion

2015-11-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 22:15:46 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 13:23:34 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 10:07:30 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:

ubyte d = b + (ubyte)1;

Sorry, should of course be:

ubyte d = b + ubyte(1);

Too much C lately :-/

Re: Preventing implicit conversion

2015-11-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 13:23:34 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 10:07:30 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:

ubyte b = 1u;
auto c = b + 1u;

I expect the 1u to be of type ubyte - and also c.

This won't work because of the one-expression rule. In the 
second line, it doesn't know for sure what b is, it just knows 
it is somewhere between 0 and 255. So it assumes the worst, 
that it is 255, and you add one, giving 256... which doesn't 
fit in a byte.
That would be fine - but c is not ushort (which the worst-case 
256 would fit in), not even uint, but int! A signed type! Just 
because of the crazy C interger propagation rules!
And, ok, one needs to accept that auto may not do exactly what I 
wish for, but if I give an exact type that is likely to fit (and 
has to if all operands are of the same type), I expect it to work 
without extra casts:

ubyte d = b + 1u; // doesn't compile
ubyte d = b + (ubyte)1; // works - and overflows to 0 if b is 255

Re: Preventing implicit conversion

2015-11-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
And I want to have small number litterals automatically choosing 
the smallest fitting type.

If I write

ubyte b = 1u;
auto c = b + 1u;

I expect the 1u to be of type ubyte - and also c.

Re: Preventing implicit conversion

2015-11-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 09:33:40 UTC, ixid wrote:

In C++ I can add two shorts together without having to use a 
cast to assign the result to one of the two shorts. It just 
seems super clunky not to be able to do basic operations on 
basic types without casts everywhere.

If automatic shrink is droped from the C legacy stuff, so 
interger propagation should also be dropped (or changed to 
propagate no further than to the actual size of a type). D has a 
far better type system, throw away bad old C habits!

-> this would also make the defect comparison of signed to 
unsigned types visible for small types and hopefully force the 
introduction of the correct comparison!

Re: foreach loop

2015-10-19 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 19 October 2015 at 14:28:06 UTC, Namal wrote:

Is it possible to create a foreach loop with a breakstetemen?

I mean something like that for the second loop where i want to 
break if element from:

int []  g = [9,15,21];
int [] v = [2,3,5,7,8,9,11,13,17,19];

for(int i = 0; v[i]

Of course. D uses even the same keyword for this as C does: break.

Re: Bug? 0 is less than -10

2015-10-08 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 October 2015 at 16:25:02 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

Lionello Lunesu posted a PR that should fix this:
See also the discussion in the linked bug report.

Unfortunately it seems it's been forgotten since then...

Meanwhile I have even improved my solution posted to fix bug #259 
to use less casts:

int opCmp(T, U)(const(T) a, const(U) b) pure @safe @nogc nothrow
   if(isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U && !is(Unqual!T == Unqual!U))
   static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U && T.sizeof <= U.sizeof)
  return (a < 0) ? -1 : opCmp(cast(U)a, b);
   else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U && T.sizeof >= 

  return (b < 0) ? 1 : opCmp(a, cast(T)b);
   else // both signed or both unsigned or the unsigned type is 

  // do what the compiler always did so far:
  alias C = CommonType!(T, U); // use the larger of the both
  return opCmp(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);

And on comparison with number literals everything will be 
optimized away, so no execution timer overhead at all!

Re: Why 1f.iota(100f).array returns double[] not float[]?

2015-09-08 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 07:17:01 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

auto iota(B, E)(B begin, E end)
if (isFloatingPoint!(CommonType!(B, E)))
return iota(begin, end, 1.0);

Such kind of stuff would better be written as

auto iota(B, E)(B begin, E end)
return iota(begin, end, cast(CommonType!(B, E))1.0);

this doesn't need a constraint anymore, or maybe use

if(isNumeric!(CommonType!(B, E)))

I tend to use the above kind of cast often, because I like to 
work with ubyte or ushort, and every f***ing number literal 
changes the type to uint :-/

Re: What's the "right" way to do openmp-style parallelism?

2015-09-08 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 05:50:30 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

void main() {
  immutable imax = 10;
  immutable jmax = 10;
  float[imax][jmax] x;
  foreach(int j; 1..jmax){
foreach(int i, ref item; parallel(x[j-1])){
  x[j][i] = complicatedFunction(i, item);

(though sadly, this doesn't compile for a reason I can't fathom 

Hmm. Shouldn't you instead parallel the outer loop?

Re: Prefer Signed or Unsigned in D?

2015-09-02 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 09:47:16 UTC, BBasile wrote:

On Tuesday, 1 September 2015 at 23:06:50 UTC, John Carter wrote:

C/C++ discussion here

D rules here...

It depends on the context.

You should take care of blending signed and unsigned:
comparison error, a is > b but...
uint a = 1;
int b = -1;
assert(a < b); // does not throw

You should take care to the index type in a loop:
loop that doesn't run at all because of an infered unsigned 

auto array = new int[](8);
for (auto i = array.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
array[i] = 8;
assert(array[0] == 0); // does not throw

I wish the following would be the standard D behaviour (for T == 
U or if floats are involved neither C nor D have a problem)):

int opCmp(T, U)(const(T) a, const(U) b) pure @safe @nogc nothrow
   if(isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U && !is(Unqual!T == Unqual!U))
   alias C = CommonType!(T, U);
   static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U && T.sizeof <= U.sizeof)
  return (a < 0) ? -1 : opCmp(cast(U)a, b);
   else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U && T.sizeof >= 

  return (b < 0) ? 1 : opCmp(a, cast(T)b);
   else return opCmp(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);

this is really almost equally fast, but always correct.

Re: observation: D getting a bit complex

2015-08-30 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 07:36:55 UTC, BBasile wrote:

On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 02:42:30 UTC, Spacen Jasset wrote:
buildPath(Range)(Range segments) if (isInputRange!Range && 
pure nothrow @safe immutable(C)[] buildPath(C)(const(C)[][] 
paths...) if (isSomeChar!C);

this is stodgy, particularly in a console with line wrapping at 
80 chars.

Could have been written as

auto buildPath(Range)(Range segments)
if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeString!(ElementType!Range));

but having an explicit return type is super valuable information. 
But the opportunity to omit it makes implementing a first working 
version so fast that it is pure joy.

And the constraints you need not read - unless you want to 
understand why your call to the function failed. C++ is just 
lacking without them. Having them avoids that you always have to 
handle ridiculous input within your functions and allows to 
concentrate on meaningful code.

Re: Why does not my program is not running?

2015-08-21 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 21:15:36 UTC, anonymous2 wrote:

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 21:11:07 UTC, anonymous wrote:
I severely limited the range of integer. I don't know off the 
top of my head how large you can make it without hitting 

I removed the file writing, because I'm not sure if you want 
to write it only when it doesn't exist, or only overwrite when 
it does exist.

with integer == 66 the factorial overflows and becomes 0 (on my 
machine) => integer division by 0...

The overflow happens at lower values, too.

66! has 2 64times as prime-factor, so a long becomes zero at that 
point. The overflow occures long ago (at 21!), but with 66! if 
becomes obvious, because you get a division by zero error.

Re: Problem with dmd 2.068 Win 32

2015-08-11 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 11 August 2015 at 15:04:29 UTC, MGW wrote:


My project has an error link:

Error 42: Symbol Undefined 

On dmd 2.067.* everything gathered without mistakes. Where to 
look for a mistake?

See the changelog.
The compiler is now pickier if you forgot to link something 

Re: Speed of horizontal flip

2015-04-02 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 14:00:52 UTC, bearophile wrote:
If you have to perform performance benchmarks then use ldc or 

Also disable bound tests with your compilation switches.

Add the usual pure/nothrow/@nogc/@safe annotations where you 
can (they don't increase speed much, usually).

if you are using classes don't forget to make the method final.

Profile the code and look for the performance bottlenecks.

This very text should be placed somewhere prominent at the D
homepage if we don't want to constantly dissapoint people who
come with the impession that D should be at the same speed level
as C/C++ but their test programs aren't.

Re: BigFloat?

2015-02-17 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 09:08:17 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld 

On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 08:05:49 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Periodic fractions.

Or transcendental numbers, for that matter, but arbitrary != 
infinite. A max_expansion template parameter could be useful 

For my use case I'm less concerned with absolute resolution 
than with preserving the information in the smaller operand 
when dealing with large magnitude differences.

We have rational (two bigint, one for the numerator and one for 
the denominator), which I like better than floatingpoint (it's 
more expressive).

Re: shared Variant[string]

2015-01-29 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 12:29:09 UTC, Fyodor Ustinov 

On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 11:27:53 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Associative array doesn't support thread-safe operations, 
that's why they don't work on shared instance. You should use 
std.concurrency or implement low-level concurrency mechanism.

If associative array does not support "share" attribute, this 
code should not be compiled without any warning or error, I 

shared string[string] t;
void main() {
t["t"] = "bebebe";

But will.

string is a shorthand for "immutable char" - and immutables are 
shared by default. No thread can modify them, so default shared 
is safe for them.

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-25 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 18:59:04 UTC, ketmar wrote:
auto x2 = (x>>4) | (x<<4); // swap nibbles - but result in an 

this is true for C and C++ too, as all three languages doing 
promotion". the only difference is that D forbids potentially 


you best bet is to not use `auto`, but specify required type 

or use ints/uints and cast to bytes only when it is necessary.

in normal assignments I never use auto - it's not simpler than 
writing the type explicit but later makes it more complicated to 
see what type it is.

But in a function you need the cast anyway:
ubyte swapNibbles(ubyte x) { return (x>>4) | (x>>4); } // 
compiler not happy

or if you index with a long, even after explicit check:

int foo(ulong x)
   int[10] a;
   return (x < 10) ? a[x] : 0; // cannot index with long

So there are plenty of places in D where cast is necessary but 
should not be.
I think both of above cases should be safe without cast, and 
enhancing the compilerr that it can handle these cases is more 
important than a iota!"[]".

Until then I prefer paramCast!fn, because this is more flexible 
than the iota extension and my code is full of casts anyway.

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-25 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 13:03:16 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Dominikus Dittes Scherkl:

Because this is useful in more situations,

Right, but it's still a cast. And in D you want to minimize the 
number of usages of casts. The proposed syntax iota!"[]" is 

I don't case too much, if I have ensured the cast is safe by 
constraints beforehand.

I need to cast often anyway, because I work with small types and 
most operators permanently change everything to "int", especially 
the bit-operations for which a signed type makes no sense at all:

ubyte x = 50;
auto y = x & 0x11; // y is int! I hate that!

even if I use unsigned literals:
auto z = x & 0x12u; // z is uint - better but still bad. More so 
as & should result in the smaller of the two types!!

But I need not even use literals (which unfortunately cannot be 
makred as "ubyte" or "short"). Look at this:

auto x2 = (x>>4) | (x<<4); // swap nibbles - but result in an 

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-25 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 12:56:14 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 12:25:35 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:

map!(x => fn(cast(ParameterTypeTuple!fn[0])x)

but instead with


Because this is useful in more situations, e.g. in every place 
where you know the values would fit into the parameter (and 
for a single call would use a cast).

But so far I couldn't manage to make this work :-/

Hey cool.
With unary function I can even remove the string and mixin magic:

template paramCast(alias fn)
   ReturnType!fn paramCast(T)(T x)
  return fn(cast(ParameterTypeTuple!fn[0])x);

Many Thanks!

unittest with Visual D

2015-01-25 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
I finaly got managed to install Visual D on my Windows PC (thanks 
to the new community version of Visual Studio), but the cool 
point "Compile and Run" seems to have a problem with some of my 

I get the error "template instance xy is not defined" if a 
specific instantiation is not used in my main program.
But shouldn't the compiler build all instantiations used within a 

What am I missing?

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-25 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 10:42:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Vlad Levenfeld:

What's this about !`[]` and std.range.uniform?? It's not in 
the documentation.

It's an enhancement I have proposed.

Hm. I had more something in mind like "paramCast" - a kind of big 
scissors that cut everything a function is called with to the 
size it can cope with, so replacing


not with

map!(x => fn(cast(ParameterTypeTuple!fn[0])x)

but instead with


Because this is useful in more situations, e.g. in every place 
where you know the values would fit into the parameter (and for a 
single call would use a cast).

But so far I couldn't manage to make this work :-/

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-24 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 23:19:11 UTC, ketmar wrote:
people that are new to D aren't used to D lambdas, so it's 
fairly common.
Oh, I am aware, but I didn't thought it would be necessary in 
this pace.

if you'll stay with D, you'll find yourself dreaming about such 
handy thing in another compiled languages very soon. ;-)

I don't consider to use any other language as long as I have a 
choice :-)

But in the end, my one short and beautiful solution

auto myRange = iota(start, end).map!foo;

changed into something quite klumsy:

auto myRange = iota(start, end).map!(x => 

which I think is against the philosophy of D as it turns away the 
eye of the reader from what is really going on, especially if 
previous constraints ensured that start and end-1 are of the 
correct type :-(

But ok, still far, far better than what would be neccessary in C++

Re: using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-24 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 21:00:06 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
On Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 20:49:03 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
I would have no problem using an explicit cast, but where 
should I apply it?

iota(0, 256).map!(x => foo(cast(ubyte) x))

Ok, thank you very much.

4 times exactly the same answer - seems to be a common solution 
to a well known problem. :-/

using the full range of ubyte with iota

2015-01-24 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
Maybe I'm just too stupid, but I cannot manage to call a simple 

with all 256 possible values of ubyte with iote:

int foo(ubyte c);

auto myRange = iota(0,256).map!foo;

-->  Error: function foo(ubyte c) is not callable using argument 
types (int)

and this is because of the f*** end-type cannot be ubyte because 
in phobos everywhere end is excluded, so I have to define it too 
large by one.

Has anyone any idea how to work around this?
I would have no problem using an explicit cast, but where should 
I apply it?

Re: Number of Bits Needed to Represent a Zero-Offset Integer

2015-01-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 21:23:47 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
On Monday, 19 January 2015 at 20:54:50 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
Cool. I would point out that the commented code suggests you 
should be handling the 0 case, but you are not (when T.min == 

I believe that should trigger a failing static assert with a 
good error message as it doesn't make any sense to call the 
function in that case. Thanks.

I would recommend to use something like this:

/// returns the number of the highest set bit +1 in the given 
value or 0 if no bit is set
size_t bitlen(T)(const(T) a) pure @safe @nogc nothrow 

   static if(T.sizeof <= size_t.sizeof) // doesn't work for ulong 
on 32bit sys

  return x ? core.bitop.bsr(x)+1 : 0;
   else static if(T.sizeof == 8) // ulong if size_t == uint
  return x ? x>>32 ? core.bitop.bsr(x)+33 : 
core.bitop.bsr(x)+1 : 0;


Re: reinterpret array

2015-01-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 23:36:51 UTC, Artur Skawina via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

It's neat, but the real problems with it are:
1) obfuscation - it hides those trivial bit ops behind layers of
functions and operator overloads, which everyone reading the
code must then figure out;

Ok, but this is the case with any function - and this modulo stuff
is easy but not so trivial that a function is not justified.

2) safety - `a.bit` could potentially outlive `a`; D does not
handle object lifetimes, so there's no 100% safe way to prevent
such bugs.
This can be addressed with the newer proposed mechanisms and a 

more information-hiding (generator function):

Hence you probably don't actually want to use this.

I had something pretty close to that in mind:

@property inout bit(T)(inout ref T a)
   pure @safe @nogc nothrow
   if(isUnsigned!T || (isArray!T && isUnsigned!T[0]))
   struct BitArray(T)
  enum s = std.bitop.bsr(T.sizeof)+2;
  enum m = (1<>s]>>(idx & m))&1u : false;

  static if(isMutable!T)
 void opIndexAssign(bool b, size_t idx) // set or clear 

if(idx < len)
   if(b) r[idx>>s] |= 1u<<(idx & m);
   else r[idx>>s] &= ~(cast(T)1<<(idx & m));
   static if(isUnsigned!T)
  return BitArray(&a, 1);
  return BitArray(&a[0], a.length);

Re: reinterpret array

2015-01-13 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 20:11:45 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 20:00:57 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:

So if I have a function that allowes to do this:

uint a;
a.bit[16] = true;
writeln(a); // 65536

Is it also already available?

a |= 1 << 16;

Of course you can calculate it, but the
syntax looks quite different if you want to do
a.bit[22] = false:

a &= ~(1<<16);

Or if you want to test a bit:


instead of

if(a & (1<<16))

much more convenient for arrays:

ulong[100] a;

a.bit[3000] = true;

doing this directly with shifts is lousy (and error prone)

But ok. I see, it's not really awesome :-/

Re: reinterpret array

2015-01-13 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 18:25:38 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:09:31 +
Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

/// interpret an array of one type as an array of a 
different type.

may i point you to this?

  import std.stdio;

  void main () {
ubyte[] a = [42,0,0,0, 155,2,0,0];
auto b = cast(uint[])a;
writeln(b); // "[42, 667]"

I see. So this function is completely superfluous :-/
Good to know.

So if I have a function that allowes to do this:

uint a;
a.bit[16] = true;
writeln(a); // 65536

Is it also already available?
Because I somewhat hate it that with D I can create great stuff, 
but it is not necessary because D already has something much 

Re: reinterpret array

2015-01-13 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 17:12:42 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 17:09:32 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
I assume taking a slice of a pointer uses the GC, so this 
cannot be @nogc, am I right?

Nope, slicing never allocates, it just takes an address and 

If you append to a slice or increase the length though, the GC 
might reallocate it.

Cool. So I can make the above even @nogc ?

reinterpret array

2015-01-13 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

Does the following construct hold water?

   /// interpret an array of one type as an array of a different 

   /// if the array has odd length, the highest elements are
   /// not accessible, at worst an empty slice is returned
   inout ref T[] arrayOf(T, V: U[])(inout ref V a)
  pure @safe nothrow
  if(isUnsigned!T && isUnsigned!U)
  return (cast(T*)a.ptr)[0 .. a.length * U.sizeof / T.sizeof];

  ubyte a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
  auto b = a.arrayOf!uint;
  assert(typeof(b) == uint[]);
  assert(b.length == 1);
  assert(b[0] == 0x04030201);
  assert(&b[0] == &a[0]); // b is a slice of a
  b[0] = 0x0a0b0c0d; // this will change a
  assert(a == { 13, 12, 11, 10, 5 });

  ushort c[2] = { 257, 512 };
  auto d = c.arrayOf!ubyte;
  assert(d.length == 4);
  assert(d[0] == 1);
  assert(d[1] == 1);
  assert(d[2] == 0);
  assert(d[3] == 2);

I assume taking a slice of a pointer uses the GC, so this cannot 
be @nogc, am I right? And I assume it is @save, because if I 
would increase the length of the returned value, the GC will 
automatically re-allocate, but then of course the adress is no 
more the same, yes?

Re: Conditional functions

2015-01-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 17:55:49 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:
On Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:47:09 +, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl 

Is it possible to use static if in a template structure to 
have some

member functions only for specific types?

Yep.  This is actually a frequently used pattern in functions 
that return


I'm every day again astonished how cool D really is.

Conditional functions

2015-01-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to use static if in a template structure to have 
some member functions only for specific types?


struct Foo(T)

   T get() { ... }

   static if(isMutable!T)
  void set(T x) { ... }

Re: Dynamic array head const in library code?

2014-11-28 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 10:55:27 UTC, bearophile wrote:
In D code it's a good idea to set as const/immutable (where 
possible) all variables that don't need to change, for both 
safety and compiler-enforced code documentation.
In my D functions sometimes I create dynamic arrays that later 
don't have to change length nor to be reassigned, but I have to 
mutate or assign their items.

Why you don't use static arrays for such a purpose?
I thought this is exactly what they are made for, aren't they?

Re: accessing numeric template parameters

2014-11-05 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 21:17:09 UTC, Philippe Sigaud via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

struct polynomial(uint base)
   uint[] N;
   this(uint x) { base = x; }

base is part of the type. polynomial is just a 'recipe' for a 
the real struct would be Polynomial!(0), Polynomial!(1), etc. 

that Polynomial!0, Polynomial!1, ... are all different types.

Yes, that's what I intend.

Being part of the type means it's defined only at compile-time, 

cannot use a runtime value (like 'x') to initialize it.

Note that with your current code, `base' is not visible outside
Polynomial. You can alias it to a field to make it visible:

struct Polynomial(uint base)
alias b = base; // b is visible outside (but set at

Ah, ok. Thank you!

compile-time !)

You can create one like this:

Polynomial!2 poly;
poly.N = [0,1,0,0,1,1];

Ok, now I remember, struct doesn't need an explicit constructor.
(in this case)

accessing numeric template parameters

2014-11-03 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I have a struct with numeric template parameter, how can I 
access it within member functions? Like normal member variables? 
And how about the constructor?

struct polynomial(uint base)
   uint[] N;
   this(uint x) { base = x; }
   void add(Polynomial!base P)
  if(N.length < P.N.length) N.length = P.N.length;
  foreach(i; 0..P.N.length)
 N[i] = (N[i]+P.N[i]) % base;

This doesn't work for me :-/

Re: 'idiomatic' porting of c and or c++ code that does NULL checking

2014-08-26 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 05:45:34 UTC, eles wrote:
While this may be true in this case, I think that, in general, 
you cannot draw such a clear line between what's recoverable 
and what's not. If you really want to push things to the 
extreme, the sole unrecoverable error shall be assertion 
failure and the SIGKILL.

That's exactly the line I would draw.
_Nothing_ else is an error, so _everything_ is an exception.
Best forget about that something else even exist.

Re: Variadic parameter of length 1

2014-08-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 20 August 2014 at 15:37:18 UTC, Philippe Sigaud via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

No better solution that I know of.

alias template parameters (alias a) match symbols (names, 

types) whereas type parameter (T) match only pure types.

So when we need to match anything, we use (T...) if (T.length 
== 1)

Ok, now it's clear. Thank you very much.

Sometimes D is really a little weird...

Re: Variadic parameter of length 1

2014-08-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 August 2014 at 15:26:14 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
AFAIK, it's a historical workaround to accept T as either alias 
or not alias, as varargs have "auto alias". EG:

foo!int //OK
foo!"hello" //OK too

Ah, ok.
And why historical? Is that not necessary anymore? What better 
solution is there today?

Variadic parameter of length 1

2014-08-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have several times seen a construct

template foo(T...) if(T.length == 1)

What is that good for?
Why using variadic parameter if anyway exactly one parameter is

Re: simple question about function call syntax

2014-08-18 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 16:30:13 UTC, Nikolay wrote:

I found this code sample in vibe:

void connect(NetworkAddress addr)
		enforce(.connect(m_ctx.socketfd, addr.sockAddr, 
addr.sockAddrLen) == 0, "Failed to connect UDP 


What does mean ".connect"? Where I can find description of this 
syntax (dot + function name)?

. is the module-scope. Use it to dis-ambiguate between a 
module-global symbol and a function local symbol with same name.

Re: Separate Printing Mantissa and Exponent of a Floating Point

2014-08-11 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 14:15:05 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

Here's my current try:

string toMathML(T)(T x) @trusted /** pure */ if 

import std.conv: to;
import std.algorithm: findSplit; //
immutable parts = to!string(x).findSplit("e");
if (parts[2].length == 0)
return parts[0];
return parts[0] ~ "*10^" ~ parts[2];

Should be patrs[1], he?

I had the same problem, but not for printing, but to do some math 
on them.
Unfortunately math.h uses this internal (e.g. in trunc()) but 
doesn't give it to outside.
I think it would be a good abstaction between the 
hardware-realated stuff and the interface - at the moment almost 
the same code is repeated three times over math.h always with the 
same version switches.

Re: funny behavior of ".."

2014-08-08 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 August 2014 at 15:17:25 UTC, seany wrote:

The .., range operator, when used like this :

string a = "abcd";
string b = a[0 .. a.count()-1];

sets b to "abc". is this the expected behavior?

Yes. [..] is exclusive the last element.
So [0..1] is a single element [0]
That allows to avoid to always writing the "-1".
BTW: you can even use $ instead of a.count():
string b = a[0..$];
And if you like to slice the whole string, leave even the backets 

string b = a;

Re: new properties for basic types

2014-07-15 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 15 July 2014 at 05:26:57 UTC, Philippe Sigaud via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
@property allows you to call a function without the parenthesis 
(), to imitate a field in a struct or class.

Ah, ok. That means without @property I would need to write

defaultInit!T() instead of defaultInit!T

Hmm. I'm not sure that I like this syntax that hides a function 

In this particular case, I don't know what defaultInit is used 
for. It seems to compile to a forward declaration of a function,

but I don't know what for.

I cannot find it on my copy of std.traits. What DMD version are 
you using?

Hmm. Ok it was in 2.064. I should update my setup it seems :-)

Re: new properties for basic types

2014-07-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 14 July 2014 at 11:28:15 UTC, Philippe Sigaud via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Halas, that's not what the OP wants. He needs properties on the 

itself: instead of foo!int.

Yes, exactly.

So no, this is not possible.

So how do I use stuff like this:

template defaultInit(T)
static if (!is(typeof({ T v = void; })))// inout(U)
@property T defaultInit(T v = T.init);
@property T defaultInit();

(this is from std.traits - ok, it's private, but anyway)
Because I have seen nowhere anything like defaultInit!T (or 

and don't understand why here the attribute @property is used.
Why does it make a difference, and how?

new properties for basic types

2014-07-14 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to write custom properties for basic types, so 
that I can write e.g. "int.myProp" instead of "myProp!int()" 
[analogue to x.myProp instead of myProp(x)]?

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-10 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

So at all the implementation will look something like this:

int opCmp(T, U)(const(T) a, const(U) b) @primitive 
if(isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U)

   alias CommonType!(Signed!T, Signed!U) C;

   static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U)
  return (b > cast(Unsigned!C)C.max) ? -1 : cast(C)a - 

   else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U)
  return (a > cast(Unsigned!C)C.max) ? 1 : cast(C)a - 

   else // both signed or both unsigned
  return cast(C)a - cast(C)b;

And it will be just as fast as ever, except if you compare apples 
with peaches where it take a tick longer but give the correct 
result anyway

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-10 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

Should of course be:

int compare2(uint x, int y)
   return (x > int.max) ? 1 : (cast(int)x - y);

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-10 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 19:54:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

The problem is that the function needs to return
int, but given two uints, their difference may be
greater than int.max, so simply subtracting them
will not work. So the best I can come up with is:

int compare2(int x, uint y)
return (x < 0) ? -1 :
(y > int.max) ? -1 :
(x - y);

which requires 2 comparisons.

Hmm. Diff works for compare(int,int).
So how about this:

int compare2(int x, uint y)
   return (y > int.max) ? -1 : (x - cast(int)y);

int compare2(uint x, int y)
   return (x > int.max) ? -1 : (cast(int)x - y);

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-09 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 17:13:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

The branched version would look something like this:

mov eax, []
mov ebx, []
cmp ebx, $#0
jge label1  ; first branch
mov eax, $#
jmp label2  ; 2nd branch
sub eax, ebx


I would say:
mov eax, [] ; mov directly compares to 

jl  lable; less -> jump to return
sub eax, []
neg eax  ; because we subtracted in 
the wrong order

lable:  ret

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-09 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 17:13:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 04:24:38PM +, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

/// Returns -1 if a < b, 0 if they are equal or 1 if a > b.
/// this will always yield a correct result, no matter which 
numeric types are compared.

/// It uses one extra comparison operation if and only if
/// one type is signed and the other unsigned but the signed 
value is >= 0

/// (that is what you need to pay for stupid choice of type).


Yeah, I don't see what's the problem with comparing signed and 
values, as long as the result is as expected. Currently, 
however, this

code asserts, which is wrong:

uint x = uint.max;
int y = -1;
assert(x > y);

Yes, this is really bad.
But last time I got the response that this is so to be compatible 
with C.
That is what I really thought was the reason why D throw away 
balast from C,

to fix bugs.

   static if(Unqual!T == Unqual!U)

Nitpick: should be:

static if(is(Unqual!T == Unqual!U))

Of course.


   else static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U)
  alias CommonType!(Unsigned!T, U) C;
  return (a < 0) ? -1 : opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);
   else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U)
  alias CommonType!(T, Unsigned!U) C;
  return (b < 0) ? 1 : opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);


Hmm. I wonder if there's a more efficient way to do this.
I'm sure. But I think it should be done at the compiler, not in a 

opCmp is just a single sub instruction (this is why opCmp is 
defined the
way it is, BTW), whereas the "smart" signed/unsigned comparison 
is 4

instructions long.
you can see, the branched version is 5 instructions long, and 

causes a CPU pipeline hazard.

So I submit that the unbranched version is better. ;-)
I don't think so, because the branch will only be taken if the 
type is >= 0 (in fact unsigned). So if the signed/unsigned 
is by accident, you pay the extra runtime. But if it is 
the signed value is likely to be negative, so you get a correct 

with no extra cost.
Even better for constants, where the compiler can not only 
evaluate expressions like (uint.max > -1) correct, but it should 
optimize them completely away!

(So much for premature optimization... now lemme go and actually
benchmark this stuff and see how well it actually performs in 

Yes, we should do this.

Often, such kinds of hacks often perform more poorly than 
expected due
to unforeseen complications with today's complex CPU's. So for 
all I

know, I could've just been spouting nonsense above. :P)
I don't see such a compiler change as a hack. It is a strong 
improvement IMHO.

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-09 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

Of course without the ! after opCmp in the several cases.

Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-09 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 14:51:41 UTC, Meta wrote:
One of the uglier things in D is also a long-standing problem 
with C and C++, in that comparison of signed and unsigned 
values is allowed.

I would like that, if it would be implemented along this line:

/// Returns -1 if a < b, 0 if they are equal or 1 if a > b.
/// this will always yield a correct result, no matter which 
numeric types are compared.

/// It uses one extra comparison operation if and only if
/// one type is signed and the other unsigned but the signed 
value is >= 0

/// (that is what you need to pay for stupid choice of type).
int opCmp(T, U)(const(T) a, const(U) b) @primitive if(isNumeric!T 
&& isNumeric!U)

   static if(Unqual!T == Unqual!U)
  // use the standard D implementation
   else static if(isFloatingPoint!T || isFloatingPoint!U)
  alias CommonType!(T, U) C;
  return opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);
   else static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U)
  alias CommonType!(Unsigned!T, U) C;
  return (a < 0) ? -1 : opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);
   else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U)
  alias CommonType!(T, Unsigned!U) C;
  return (b < 0) ? 1 : opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);
   else // both signed or both unsigned
  alias CommonType!(T, U) C;
  return opCmp!(cast(C)a, cast(C)b);

overloading operations for enums

2014-05-26 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn


I want to create some finite algebra, where the elements are 
enumerated but operations on them are defined (with composition 


enum color = { white, yellow, red, blue, orange, violet, green, 
black };

color a = blue;
a += yellow;
assert(a == green);

is this possible in D?

Because, if I define a struct, I can define operation overloads, 
but then I have no enumeration of possible values. But if I 
enumerate, I cannot

overload operations.
What have I missed?

Re: Question about @nogc

2014-05-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 17:14:31 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 12:25:11 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
Did I understand correct that a function can only be @nogc if 
also all functions that it calls are @nogc too (and of course 
it doesn't use the GC itself)?

If so, should this be possible:

string foo()
  // use GC to allocate some string

bar @nogc

Because, bar() didn't really call foo() but instead foo() is 
evaluated during compile time and it's result is now part of 
the code, right?

Yes, that should be allowed.

Thanks. This is nice to know, because I will use this a lot in 
the future:

/// create a fixed size array with the given name and with *max* 
/// of immutable values of the same type as the return value of 

/// given function.
/// it contains the values of that function in the range [0..max].
string makeLookupTable(alias fn, uint max=255)(string name) pure 
@safe if(is(typeof(fn(max

   string table = "immutable " ~ to!string(typeof(fn(max))) ~ "[" 
~ to!string(max+1) ~ "] " ~ name ~"= [ ";

   foreach(i; 0..max) table ~= to!string(fn(i) ~ ", ";
   return table ~ to!string(fn(max) ~" ]";

Question about @nogc

2014-05-20 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
Did I understand correct that a function can only be @nogc if 
also all functions that it calls are @nogc too (and of course it 
doesn't use the GC itself)?

If so, should this be possible:

string foo()
   // use GC to allocate some string

bar @nogc

Because, bar() didn't really call foo() but instead foo() is 
evaluated during compile time and it's result is now part of the 
code, right?

Re: Nobody understands templates?

2014-03-03 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl

On Monday, 3 March 2014 at 16:40:09 UTC, Chris wrote:
I'm always willing to use templates, but maybe in fact the use 
cases are limited. I have a class for html elements (that 
implements DOM functionality), and a class for building trees 
with the tags. Of course, for html tags only string as a type 
makes sense.

Did you consider that there are three different flavors of 

Does your function really only deal with string?
Or would someone need wstring or dstring?

class HTMLElement(T) if (is (T == string)) {


[...] I don't know [...] if I won't have to modify the template 
to adapt to new data types (which kinda defeats the purpose).

Not much if the different types have common features.
Most times it is still a big save of code to implement, even
if the types need to be handled different in some places.

Re: Is this reasonable?

2013-12-06 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl

The best that could be done would arguably be to simply do the
comparison the 'right' way. E.g. static assert(-1 < 0u).

What's the 'right' way? assert(-1 < uint.max) will always fail 
no matter whether you convert to int or uint, the comparison 

cannot be carried out at the machine code level.

But the compiler should be able to do such things at compile time.
If you compare an unsigned variable with a negative literal,
"-1 < x" or "x > -1": the whole expression can be rewritten to 
"-1 == x" or "-1 > x" or "-1 >= x" etc. can be rewritten to 
This is not only no performance problem but instead extremely 