Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-09 Thread newToCOM
I also have a D version of something resembling ATL's CComPtr 
which I am finally happy enough with to share, that I could 
post when i get home later tonight.

The class is a good argument for keeping the rather esoteric 
opDot operator, since alias this is extremely dangerous for 
smart pointer structs in D.

That would be great!

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-09 Thread newToCOM
In this example the pID2D1Factory is a void*, so it will need a 
cast to the proper type with a cast(ID2D1Factory) soemtime 
after the create call;

Since this particular API takes an out void* (since it is 
capable of creating multiple unrelated types), it would need to 
look something like this:

HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
assert(pID2D1Factory !is null);
ID2D1Factory factory = cast(ID2D1Factory)pID2D1Factory;
factory.GetDesktopDpi(dpiX, dpiY);

I've been super busy at work so haven't had much time to 
respond to this thread.

Technically the API's fourth argument could be rewritten to be 
an 'out IUnknown', but then you are stuck calling 
QueryInterface, and back to having the exact same problem with 
the QueryInterface method.

Thanks a lot! That solved my issue.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-09 Thread Sean Cavanaugh

On 9/9/2012 7:57 AM, Sean Cavanaugh wrote:

On 9/9/2012 7:30 AM, newToCOM wrote:

I've been super busy at work so haven't had much time to respond to this

I also have a D version of something resembling ATL's CComPtr which I am 
finally happy enough with to share, that I could post when i get home 
later tonight.

The class is a good argument for keeping the rather esoteric opDot 
operator, since alias this is extremely dangerous for smart pointer 
structs in D.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-09 Thread Sean Cavanaugh

On 9/9/2012 7:30 AM, newToCOM wrote:

Still struggling..

( ... )  /* Other imports */
import win32.directx.d2d1;

alias win32.directx.d2d1.IID IID;
IID IID_ID2D1Factory = { 0x06152247, 0x6F50, 0x465A, [0x92, 0x45, 0x11,
0x8B, 0xFD, 0x3B, 0x60, 0x07] };

extern (Windows)
int WinMain( ... )
 ( ... ) /* Boilerplate code */

int myWinMain( ... )
 ( ... ) /* Register class, Create window, show window, message loop */

LRESULT WndProc( ... )
 switch (message)
 ( ... ) /* Default and case WM_DESTROY */

 case WM_CREATE:

 // arg2
 REFIID pIID_ID2D1Factory;
 pIID_ID2D1Factory = cast(REFIID)&IID_ID2D1Factory;

 // arg3
 D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS factoryOptions;
 factoryOptions.debugLevel = D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL.INFORMATION;
 const D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS* pfactoryOptions = &factoryOptions;

 // arg4
 void* pID2D1Factory;

 HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(

 writeln(hr);   // Prints 0
 writeln(pID2D1Factory);// Prints a non-null pointer

 // Trying to use the interface
 float dpiX, dpiY;
 pID2D1Factory.GetDesktopDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
 // !!! Error: undefined identifier 'GetDesktopDpi'
 // I thought I had a pointer to the interface and could call
 // its methods...

 return 0;


* Coffimplib was used to convert the d2d1.lib from Microsoft DirectX SDK
(June 2010). The converted d2d1.dll was placed in C:\dcode\dlls
* With test.d in C:\dcode, the file was compiled and linked in C:\dcode
dmd test.d %cd%\dlls\d2d1.lib -I%cd%\dlls\ -version=DXSDK_JUNE_2010

- Why is the method identifier undefined?
- Are there any code examples showing the right use of the bindings?

In this example the pID2D1Factory is a void*, so it will need a cast to 
the proper type with a cast(ID2D1Factory) soemtime after the create call;

Since this particular API takes an out void* (since it is capable of 
creating multiple unrelated types), it would need to look something like 

HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
assert(pID2D1Factory !is null);
ID2D1Factory factory = cast(ID2D1Factory)pID2D1Factory;
factory.GetDesktopDpi(dpiX, dpiY);

I've been super busy at work so haven't had much time to respond to this 

Technically the API's fourth argument could be rewritten to be an 'out 
IUnknown', but then you are stuck calling QueryInterface, and back to 
having the exact same problem with the QueryInterface method.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-09 Thread newToCOM

Still struggling..

( ... )  /* Other imports */
import win32.directx.d2d1;

alias win32.directx.d2d1.IID IID;
IID IID_ID2D1Factory = { 0x06152247, 0x6F50, 0x465A, [0x92, 0x45, 
0x11, 0x8B, 0xFD, 0x3B, 0x60, 0x07] };

extern (Windows)
int WinMain( ... )
( ... ) /* Boilerplate code */

int myWinMain( ... )
( ... ) /* Register class, Create window, show window, 
message loop */


LRESULT WndProc( ... )
switch (message)
( ... ) /* Default and case WM_DESTROY */


// arg2
pIID_ID2D1Factory = cast(REFIID)&IID_ID2D1Factory;

// arg3
D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS factoryOptions;
factoryOptions.debugLevel = 
const D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS* pfactoryOptions = 

// arg4
void* pID2D1Factory;

HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(

writeln(hr);   // Prints 0
writeln(pID2D1Factory);// Prints a non-null 

// Trying to use the interface
float dpiX, dpiY;
pID2D1Factory.GetDesktopDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
// !!! Error: undefined identifier 'GetDesktopDpi'
// I thought I had a pointer to the interface and 
could call

// its methods...

return 0;


* Coffimplib was used to convert the d2d1.lib from Microsoft 
DirectX SDK (June 2010). The converted d2d1.dll was placed in 
* With test.d in C:\dcode, the file was compiled and linked in 
C:\dcode with:
dmd test.d %cd%\dlls\d2d1.lib -I%cd%\dlls\ 

- Why is the method identifier undefined?
- Are there any code examples showing the right use of the 

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-07 Thread Kagamin

If you have a reduced test case, you can file a diagnostic bug.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-04 Thread newToCOM

On Monday, 3 September 2012 at 09:10:49 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

The diagnostic message can definitely be better.

Any idea what's causing the error messages? Why aren't the types 

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-03 Thread Kagamin

The diagnostic message can definitely be better.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-09-02 Thread newToCOM

Thanks for your replies!

I'm trying to accomplish this:

Using win32 and directx.d2d1, I got this far:


int WinMain( ... ) { ... }
int myWinMain( ... ) { ... }
LRESULT WndProc ( ... )
D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS factoryOptions;
factoryOptions.debugLevel = 
const D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS* pfactoryOptions = 

const IID factory = IID_ID2D1Factory;
void* ppIFactory;

HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(


I get the following error messages:
- 1 -
function win32.directx.d2d1.D2D1CreateFactory (
D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType,
const(GUID)* riid,
const(D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS*) pFactoryOptions,
out void* ppIFactory)
is not callable using argument types (

- 2 -
cannot implicitly convert expression (& factory)
of type const(GUID)* to const(GUID)*

How should this be done correctly?
How is a rectangle finally drawn?

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-07-25 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 19:01:15 UTC, newToCOM wrote:

I am trying to use COM to access Windows functionality and APIs.
I have read the interface documentation and some documentation 

MSDN. I have seen the included sample snippet for IHello and the
slides "Modern COM programming in D", but it is still not clear
exactly what to do and what the best practice is.

So, my question is:
I have downloaded Windows SDK and coffimplib. How do I proceed 

access d2d1 and draw a rectangle?

A stepwise description of the recommended procedure is highly

I can't give you much guidance on a step by step type 
instructions. Haven't done much COM myself. The DX bindings 
mentioned sound better for what you are asking.

For "Modern COM" Juno, and the updated tlbimpd is updated for D2 

Hope that helps.

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-07-25 Thread Sean Cavanaugh

On 7/24/2012 2:01 PM, newToCOM wrote:

I am trying to use COM to access Windows functionality and APIs.
I have read the interface documentation and some documentation at
MSDN. I have seen the included sample snippet for IHello and the
slides "Modern COM programming in D", but it is still not clear
exactly what to do and what the best practice is.

So, my question is:
I have downloaded Windows SDK and coffimplib. How do I proceed to
access d2d1 and draw a rectangle?

A stepwise description of the recommended procedure is highly

I made D bindings for d3d11, directwrite, d2d1, and a few other directx 

They are located at:

The bindings haven't had extensive testing but the bits i've used seem 
to work correctly (mostly in d3d11)

The WindowsApi project is also necessary:

Re: Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-07-24 Thread newToCOM$15qk$

Found this, which may help.

Recipe and best practice for accessing COM

2012-07-24 Thread newToCOM

I am trying to use COM to access Windows functionality and APIs.
I have read the interface documentation and some documentation at
MSDN. I have seen the included sample snippet for IHello and the
slides "Modern COM programming in D", but it is still not clear
exactly what to do and what the best practice is.

So, my question is:
I have downloaded Windows SDK and coffimplib. How do I proceed to
access d2d1 and draw a rectangle?

A stepwise description of the recommended procedure is highly