Re: [digitalradio] Linux Here I come!

2009-10-31 Thread Loyd Headrick
I have fedora 11 on second drive of a dual boot system, i have installed a few 
of the ham software installed with no problems

Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Vol State Hosting


From: Charles Brabham 
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 9:09:57 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Linux Here I come!

I've tried out Ubuntu and Puppy linux ( on  different machines ) and had no 
major problems with either of them. I like DSL  Linux too.
I've got to admit though that working with Linux is  like wearing cowboy boots 
- the best part of it is at the end of the day when  you take them off ( go 
back to using Windows ).
It's interesting to do things differently and I  like that, but the performance 
just isn't there with Linux. In the  end, doing things with a good Windows box 
is always faster,  easier, more certain and more reliable.
If you are in the mood to tinker though, Linux is  much much better than 
Windows for that. - It's most definately a learning  experience, which is not 
so bad at all.
73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL
Prefer to use radio for your amateur radio communications? - Stop by at 
HamRadioNet. Org !
- Original Message - 
>From: Alan Wilson 
>To: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com 
>Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:25PM
>Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Linux Here Icome!
>For linux ham, I would recommend Linux Mint where you can install the o/s
>on your computer and download and install ham apps easily. If you want to run  
>  off a small O/S via cd or flash go with Puppy. Fldigi works good with
>either...gud luck, Alan
>On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Marty W8AKS wrote:
>>I have a backup laptop that I want to install Linux on for learning and 
>>probable switchover when XP support goes away.
>>I did not realize  how many different flavors of Linux there is. Can the 
>>group recommend a  flavor that is favorable to ham radio. Any recommended 
>>ham radio  programs would also be appreciated. After a learning curve 
>>probably  be on the air utilizing linux vice windows.
>>Any help/advice would be  greatly appreciated.
>>Thanks and 73
>Quote for the day: ".Light travels faster than sound.  That's whysome 
>people appear bright until you hear them speak."
>Alan Wilson
>67 Bullseye Lane
>Victor, MT 59875


Re: [digitalradio] duplicate messages

2009-07-09 Thread Loyd Headrick
you could be timing out when receiving message and it's asking for message to 
be resent

Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Vol State Hosting


From: Brent Gourley 
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 8:16:53 PM
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] duplicate messages

Nope.  I have several yahoogroups subscriptions, but all go to the same
email addy.

Will send Mike's email, both copies, back to him, with the header data when
I figure out how to extract it.

-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com] On
Behalf Of Andy obrien
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 6:39 PM
To: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] duplicate messages

Are you subscribed twice ?

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:24 PM, ylrgb wrote:
> Anybody know why I might be receiving two copies of all traffic on 
> this server and only this server when I only see one copy each on the web
> Brent, KE4MZ

 - - --

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Logging Software:  DXKeeper or Ham Radio Deluxe.

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Re: [digitalradio] Olivia mode comparisons, testers needed.

2008-11-18 Thread Loyd Headrick
list times available I try to be listening which mode 16/500 or ???
I have mixw and Dm780

Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Vol State Hosting


From: Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:16:00 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Olivia mode comparisons, testers needed.

Olivia mode comparisons, testers needed.

I am interested in testing  weak signal reception of Olivia 500/16 in the 
following applications


I'm looking to test the above applications and...

1  Determine the typical "lag" experienced when decoding .  I am led to believe 
that some applications have a 5 second or so lag that occurs, the time from 
when the transmitting station is heard to stop transmitting and when the last 
transmitted character arrives on your screen

2.   If there is a noticeable lag between these applications, determine if the 
the longer/shorter lag helps with decoding accuracy, or not.

If you have the ability to use the above applications and are willing to listen 
for Olivia signals, I would appreciate you reports.

Andy K3UK


Re: [digitalradio] Going Digital

2008-03-30 Thread Loyd Headrick
Hi Andres
  the TS-450S will do digital mode for you just need a interface between it and 
the computer. This interface connects soundcard in and out to radio either thru 
the microphone jack or the data port on back. Allows the program to operate the 
PTT when transmitting
welcome to the digital world
Andrés Arrieta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm new into HAM radio, I've investigated about digital comms but now
all my ideas are mixed up. For an easy start what do I buy to do some
PSK31 and FSK. I have a Kenwood TS-450S.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm desperate.


  Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [digitalradio] Not enough Serial Ports

2008-01-26 Thread Loyd Headrick
check out this link
Barry Mertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Questions: I am using an old IBM with Windows 98 operating system. 
computer has two usb ports and one DB9 serial port. This is what I want 
to hook up. An MFJ-1275 sound card adapter. I also want to run HAM 
Radio Deluxe and control to radios with the CAT interface. A Yaesu FT-
920 HF and a FT-847 both is CAT capable. 

I would like to study

CAT on the 920 & 847 two serial reports required I have one on the 
MFJ-1275 to be used on both radios I am thinking a Patch Bay. I will 
move the cables if needed.

I have allot of items that require a serial port and only one, a switch 
to switch the Items to the one port. Or is there a better way. 

Can someone help the old "Gunny" KC8SXG Barry 


  Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Here's a silly thought

2007-05-31 Thread Loyd Headrick
I work mostly digital and have had this problem with the "BIG" boys running 
enough power to light up half the town. I've made contacts with 10 watts. if I 
can't work a station  at 10 watts 100 isn't going to help much more except to 
prove that I can't operate properly with band conditions. In an emergency i 
could see using 15 to 20 watts power to get the message delivered
  I think common sense and courtesy was overloaded by their egos and all the RF 
in their shacks
guess just have to live with it and hope they learn to control their stations 
better (my 2 cents)
Rodney Kraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I have an HF rig, but rarely get on HF because of my wife and 
neighbors.  But after reading the past few threads, I'm GLAD that I DON'T get 
on HF!  Sounds as if it's gotten to be nothing more than a low frequency CB 

Whatever happened to common courtesy? Or better yet, COMMON SENSE??

I operate primarily on VHF & UHF and  I've found that since the CW requirement 
has been lifted, the bands, and it sounds like ALL of them, have been taken 
over by RUDE, inconsiderate "human" know-it-alls, who don't give a hang for the 
regulations that were put in place to keep the Amateur Airways AND the hobby a 
FUN place to be!

Sorry, but the FCC pulled a BONE HEAD act on this one!  Now true hams are left 
to clean up, what we can, and police the bands.  It's a FACT that unless 
someone is purposefully interfering with a public safety band or some BIG 
business with MEGA BUCKS, the FCC will just ignore the complaint!

Sorry, my soap box!


list email filter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well Danny, I've got to say I 
think I've accomplished what I set out to 
do, and I'm just a little hopeful that a few of the list members did a 
little thinking, and that a few newbies 'might' have realized they can 
'get by' without a $3k linear and an additional $200 a month on the old 
electric bill.

Even the "it takes a kilowatt to drown out everyone else on the band so 
that a person half way around the world running a K2 on a battery into a 
wire can't ignore me" guy hasn't risen to defend the 400 watt rag 
chewer. In my mind, I'll take that not as a victory, but at least to 
mean there is hope.

In the end, its a hobby. There are people in the world that define who 
they are by something they are passionate (or perhaps obsessive) about. 
I long ago learned it is pointless to challenge their beliefs, 
successfully doing so is tantamount to invalidating their lives. Its 
much easier to enjoy life, and let them find comfort in their own beliefs.

I'll stick around and jump back up on the soapbox every now and then, I 
don't need a victory, just getting a few people to actually think is 
more than I should really have hoped for. Who knows, if enough people 
think about it, in the words of Arlo Guthrie, "friends they may think 
it's a movement".


IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5

Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo 
group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them. If 
you want to email me directly, try 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, thanks.

Danny Douglas wrote:
> Give it up Erik. Money talks, and talks louder than anyone else. Some PSK
> operators are no different that the guys on 80 meters, talking across town,
> using linears so they can drown out everyone else on the band. They dont
> need it, know they dont, but do it so they CAN be the loudest on the bands.
> I have heard them time and again, when someone else trys to come in and say
> something. Suddenly there is silence, they they go to talking about the
> other guy not having a linear since they cant hear him 40 over s9, like they
> can each other. Or better yet, the jerk in Florida who comes on top of a
> conversation, calling for someone in California (who he hasnt talked to in
> the past 4 hours) and "cant quite hear someone calling him" so goes back to
> calling his buddy. He then states this is W4X in podunk city Fl.
> calling W6XXX on 'OUR ASSIGNED AMATEUR RADIO FREQUENCY", blah blah blah.
> There are pigs/ Hogs/ Jerks everywhere. It doesnt matter that he is running
> 400 watts on the PSK band. He is allowed to do it by the rules, and hang
> the "power necessary for communications". He is going to do it his way, and
> ignore every one else. Then of course you have the other guy who hears
> this, brings his kw up on the freq, and blows away not only the offending
> station, but everyone else - to make his point.
> And to those who say THEY need that 100 or 200 or 300 watts to make the
> contact, because of all the other interference --- you wouldnt need it, if
> the others were running 20 watts too. Its a never ending circle of
> outshooting the other guy.
> Danny Douglas N7DC
> DX 2-6 years each
> .
> QSL LOTW-buro- direct
> As courtesy I upload to eQSL but if you
> use tha

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Off-topic, but any help appreciated

2007-04-29 Thread Loyd Headrick
Hi Dave
  You might have too much knowledge for the "persons" answering their help 
lines. I been having a problem with the local cable company keep calling them 
trying to get them to fix their amp. I can recieve video from it but it kills a 
2 meter repeater frequency I use Have called and even talked to chief tech but 
still not fixed guess he thinks I din't know what a video carrier sounds like 
when I hear one. I work for a TV station I should know a little something about 
  Good luck with getting problem resolved
  Loyd Headrick K4LCH

Dave Corio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Why I threw in the towel

It is still under warranty. In-home service, no less! The tech has been here so 
often, we exchange Christmas cards!

Seriously, the reason I'm giving up on Gateway is the history with this 
machine. We have purchased six desktops and a laptop from them with great 
results. Until now. The hard drive has been replaced three times: The 
motherboard replaced twice: The power supply replaced once. And this power-down 
situation has been going on for three months. they replaced the CPU fan. That 
didn't fix it. They had me repair Windows. That didn't fix it.

The crowning defeat was yesterday, when I sent them an email asking if it could 
be the power supply causing the problem. I detailed all the additional 
peripherals I have added, such as the video card, audio card, 4-port RS-232 
card, and USB devices, as well as the 3.4 Ghz motherboard they used to replace 
the original 2.6 Ghz motherboard! I asked specifically to have a PC designer or 
engineer look at whether or not a 250-watt power supply would handle this load. 
Their answer? "If the power supply didn't work, we wouldn't have shipped the 
unit". Game over.

If this were the first issue with them, I wouldn't be taking this approach. 
This is the eighth or ninth time I have had to request service from them for 
this one computer! The last time I called, the tech refused to get the 
supervisor on the phone! After spending an unproductive half-hour on the phone, 
I asked to speak to the supervisor and was told "it makes no difference - 
she'll tell you the same thing!"

I'll replace the power supply out of my own pocket, and simply will not do 
business again with the company. The only good thing about beating my head 
against the wall is that it feels so good when I stop hi hi!


Danny Douglas wrote:   
  Dave, is it still under warranty?  If not, it would be cheaper to take it to 
a local shop and have them check it - of course - if this new power supply 
doesnt fix the problem.  I suspect it is NOT under warranty, or you would have 
been able to ask Gateway for another supply. 
  FYI, we had over 500 Gateway computers at the college, from where I just 
retired a year and a half ago.  We also had a few Dells, with assorted odd and 
ends hanging around.  I even found some Commodore Vic 20 parts in the 
storeroom, while cleaning it out.  We, and most of the colleges in Virginia use 
Gateway, because they are easy to work on, have extra quick service.  At first, 
we had to answer the same old dumb questions.  Is the unit turned on?  Is it 
plugged into the wall, and the wall circuit tested?  Blah Blah Blah.  Until we 
convinced them we were NOT users,  but were professinal computer people.  A 
call to the regional sales staff, with a threat that we were looking at other 
companies, got us a different phone number for reporting problems.  All I had 
to do was call, or send an email that a power supply wasnt working, a keyboard 
had gone bad on a desktop, etc. and they sent one that arrived the next day.  
  That, of course is one of the problems with dealing with large companies like 
that.  Most of their customers qualify for the "Dummies with Windows"  title.  
So - they pretty much go by-the-book, asking questions and are afraid to skip 
one, no matter how much you sound like you know what you are doing.  They 
really DO want to provide customer service: so that somone like you or me, 
doesnt get on a group like this one, and browbeat their good name.  One lousy 
result with a phone calls, results in dozens of "tellings", while a good one 
hardly gets mentioned.
  Danny Douglas N7DC
DX 2-6 years each
QSL LOTW-buro- direct
As courtesy I upload to eQSL but if you
use that - also pls upload to LOTW
or hard card.
  moderator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
  From: Dave Corio 
  Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 9:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Off-topic, but any help appreciated

Thanks for the input, Jose, and nice to talk to you again!

If I could, I would build one today

Re: [digitalradio] psk31 and olivia for science fair

2006-11-28 Thread Loyd Headrick
I could help you have time and fequency

"Chris Edwards, AE4XO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello   , 
  I am Chris Ae4xo . I have a new ham, Rebecca KI4QAS that has asked me to help 
with her Science fair project for 7th Grade. Basically what we want to  use 
Olilvia since it is a new mode for this project. 
   What we need from some one not in the State of Georgia to spend a few nights 
with me on 20 meters, etc doing some trial transmissions of Olivia versus PSK? 
Different power levels, conditions antennas , etc? We just need about 5 or 7 
data points to show that in deed the mode of choice for error proof and 
excellent signals is Olivia. 
  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you
  Chris AE4XO 
  Byron, GA



  Loyd C.Headrick K4LCH

Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.

Re: [digitalradio] The Perfect Mode

2006-03-14 Thread Loyd Headrick

John me too     John Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        If I had the computer knowledge to design a perfect mode.   (note the large "if")        It might look like this: ( in no particular order)   ARQ/FEC olivia mode , with the ability to speed up or slow down automatically dependent on the number of bad packets
 recieved  Equally at home on HF and VHF/UHF, for cross band operation  A "query" function ... to detect available stations set up as repeaters, or mailboxes, eliminating the need the beacon this information.  Sound card software, not requiring an expensive modem  Equally at home in the field or in an EOC  The ability to interface with the internet for message handling  The ability to use "templates" such as a message form , or the Red Cross Registration forms, so that information could be printed at the other end in a familiar format for non hams to use.  Simple screens, so that someone (ie a fast typist) could be quickly trained on how to use the system, under supervision, of course.  Able to be part of a simple network, using Outlook Express as a message generator/receiver   Also equally at home on a simple keyboard to keyboard contact over HF  Run under any version of windows, and requiring a relatively slow computer, like 166mhz or better     as you may gather, I'd like something to be used both for ragchewing and during an emergency for message handling ( and no, I don't want to open up the debate as to whether hams will still do this again) , since there are a number of us who have been tasked with Ecomms and train regularly with the agencies we support.     comments?       
 John  VE5MU        Loyd C.Headrick  K4LCH
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Re: [digitalradio] NEW AND NEED HELP

2006-01-02 Thread Loyd Headrick

Hi Murry  for the 857 you need to have the audio in and out come from the data connection next cat connection to your soundcard.  Yaesu call this a packet cable. connector is is the same as ps/2 keyboard connector      Pinout      Pin 1  is audio into radio   use this one  pin 2  is ground        use this one  pin 3  is
 ptt    pin 4 is  audio out of radio for 9600 baud  pin 5 is  audio out of radio for 1200 baud   use this one        i use pin 3 for my ptt conrol using the rts  leaving the cat cable for for frequency control only.        RTS is pin 7 on a the db9 serial connector  ground is pin 5  DTR is pin 4     the 857 uses pins 2,3 for control  txd, rxd      hope this helps  Loyd 
 K4LCH        LoydMurray Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  New to the post and would like to say Hi.I am using my new FT-857D (brand New), with the rig expert and MixW.  I have the CAT operation working I can send information to my rig, and control my rig.The problems are simple I hope.  One is that I am finding no information on my waterfall, its only falling in the lest corner.  Its almost like my PC is not getting any information from my rig. Could I be missing something?  Maybe a setting that would allow my rig to look around and work with the program. I have moved to the HF bands and looked around but still no luck.Two my not be a problem my just be my miss understanding.  I jumped modes to RTTY and all this crazy code come
 in to the display and just keeps coming to no end.  Is that the way it should be?Please Keep in mind that I am a tech, only.Thanks.MurrayKB3LZVCordova, MD (FM28)Loyd C.Headrick  K4LCH
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Re: [digitalradio] Re: Why is Mix W so popular ?

2005-12-28 Thread Loyd Headrick

I agree MixW is a great program why learn 10 different programs when 1 will do most modes     Once everything is setup a easy program to operate most of it can be controlled by macros or f-keys     Loyd  K4LCHxbullworker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  -> Why is it so popular.? And it isn't even free ! What advantages has > Mix W over other software ?> > 73,  Mel G0GQK>Sometimes a program is worth what you pay for it. I have used manyfree digital programs and they are worth what I paid for them -zero.Do this: (I have done this many times with different free programs)Start Mixw - then Start any other PSK program and see which one copysthe best error free - Mixw will win always.I think tho the reason Mixw
 is so popular is because of all the modesit has. One program to learn all modes. Built-in logging, interface tocallbooks rig control - beam headings etc etc.The program is constantly being upgraded too, and upgrades are free(how do they do this?)Best spent $50 in hamradio if you do digi modes.Stan K9IUQ  Loyd C.Headrick
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