[digitalradio] Re: An open letter: W1AW and 80m psk31 interference

2009-09-22 Thread frankk2ncc
That sounds like a very reasonable request.  Well written and good job!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: Best Software

2009-09-04 Thread frankk2ncc
Norman, what a good opportunity to plug my videos!

About 40 samples: http://www.youtube.com/k2ncc

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: hi my first post Question? kc0mjp

2009-08-11 Thread frankk2ncc
Not that it helps you in your question much Mark, but thank you for the tip!

A mode/software I didn't know about, which I'm sure there's many.

Anyway, did a sample of what it sounds like here:

Welcome to the forum!  Have you tried any digital modes yet?  Interested in any 
others besides JASON?

frank, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: Compressing Data

2009-07-23 Thread frankk2ncc
I don't understand nearly what it would take to do this, but what a clever 
thought!  Would it work on something already compressed, like a JPEG via SSTV 
without further loss?

f, k2ncc

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Simon \(HB9DRV\) simon.br...@... wrote:

 Thinking to myself - when we use a mode such as Olivia / MT63 with extensive 
 error correction, why don't we compress the text?

[digitalradio] Re: Zapped PCs, data recovery, and Windows !

2009-07-23 Thread frankk2ncc
Oh, and in the future, if you have two identical machines (sometimes I'll build 
the same machine several times in a row), and want to change the CD key of your 
freshly installed image of Windows from the previous build, use the Product Key 
Update tool found here:


Once a machine is build, I create a restore disk.  But I don't want to restore 
the CD key of the previous customer onto the new one, so I use this tool to 
change it.  Helps get me from a stack of parts to the Windows desktop, 
ready-to-go, in less than an hour.


[digitalradio] Re: Zapped PCs, data recovery, and Windows !

2009-07-23 Thread frankk2ncc
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Dave AA6YQ aa...@... wrote:
 There is nothing in the Windows End User License Agreement that precludes
 attaching a disk on which Windows has been installed to another PC running
 Windows (or any other OS).

You cannot do this with an OEM copy of Windows*.  Which, unless you had it 
custom built, is likely what you have.  If you own a Dell, HP, etc., it's  OEM.

That's the reason you have to re-activate Windows when you change enough 
hardware.  Do enough changes and it's technically a new machine!

That's also why OEM copies of Windows is less than half-price of the retail 
version, which you ARE license to move, so long as it's one PC (assuming 1 CPU 

 If you have frequent power outages, I recommend adding a UPS capable of

Amen!  100 bucks will save you a thousand.  Brown/black outs are potentially 
just as damaging as a surge.  I recommend APC brand.  Get at least a 750 in 
your model number.


*Current OEM licenses for all Microsoft operating system products are not 
transferable from one machine to another.


(No MS Word?  Download openoffice.org or the DOC viewer here: 

[digitalradio] Re: Zapped PCs, data recovery, and Windows !

2009-07-23 Thread frankk2ncc

I often need to get the data off of a dead computer and move it to the new one. 
 The best way to do in my experience is simply to attach the old drive as a 
slave to the new one and start draggin' and droppin'.

Once the old HDD detects in your new PC, go to the appropriate folders.  You'll 
probably want at least My Documents, Desktop, Favorites, email files, and 
odd-n-ends laying around, like saved games.

Using programs to backup and restore (i.e. Files  Settings Transfer Wizard), 
or swapping old Windows HDD onto new PC, simply doesn't work as well.

You can't move Windows over, as Microsoft deems that the license goes with the 
machine ('specially OEM like Dell, etc.)  And most programs have to be 
installed and can't be moved.  Too many files and registry entries to do so 
safely.  And honestly, if it's been a while since you've re-installed Windows 
on the old PC, you're better off with a fresh one.

Fast, effective, easy data and O/S moves is a bane for computer techs.  Are 
there alternatives someone can offer?.  (Something they've tried themselves, no 
CNET reviews or GOOGLE search results please!)

Since this isn't a computer help forum, I'm wondering if we should take this 

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: New video samples of digital modes on YOUTUBE

2009-07-20 Thread frankk2ncc
Thanks Tony!

So far, MT63 was the only mode that wouldn't decode when saved as an MP3.  I 
figure it was an example where enough loss from the compression made it useless.

Saving as a raw WAV file worked flawlessly.  All the other modes (so far!) 
worked fine saved as an MP3.


[digitalradio] New video samples of digital modes on YOUTUBE

2009-07-19 Thread frankk2ncc
Hey group. Uploaded a few more sample videos today for those that might like to 
see/hear what the various modes look/sound like. Most are HQ, many are HiDef.

Of course, most of you know all these, but should you find someone who doesn't, 
please send them here:


Stay tuned for additional modes to be added. For any mode video requests, feel 
free to ask!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] MMSSTV: Chosing a soundcard besides it's default?

2009-06-18 Thread frankk2ncc
Hey group.  Having trouble finding an answer, hoping you can help.  Running 
short on time too.  In MMSSTV, I can't seem to change from one sound card to 
the other.  I have two in the PC, but MMSSTV wants to take the wrong one.  
Any ideas, or should I try another program?

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: MMSSTV: Chosing a soundcard besides it's default?

2009-06-18 Thread frankk2ncc
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andy obrien k3uka...@... wrote:

 Did you change the device ID in set-up MMSSTV /MISC area ?

Ah, thank you.  Had to do the same thing with WSJT software.  I get a little 
spoiled when I can play radio more than configure software!

Each choice in Device ID still goes to the wrong card if I try to adjust the 
soundcard levels in MMSSTV.  Other choices give me Can't open Sound card (n).

But have since setup DM780 for SSTV, as that's what I use the most anyway.  
Worst case, I can always go back to MixW.  Thank you for the pointer!


[digitalradio] Re: Time to start a PSK qrp freq?

2009-06-16 Thread frankk2ncc
A good concept.  Looking though the web searches, there's some feedback to that 
point.  However, where you suggest would put you up with some other offenders, 
particularly RTTY.  I don't think it matters where you go, you'll still get 
stomped on if your QRP.

If folks would just lower their power when the contact is close (like watching 
a OR to CA QSO wiping my waterfall out), just slide the soundcard volume level 
down (thus reducing your power output) and all is good.  But, in my experience, 
most digimode QSOs are short, and seldom interfere for long.

Unless it's a contest or that nut W0EAT calling for PSK aliens again.


[digitalradio] Re: Time to start a PSK qrp freq?

2009-06-16 Thread frankk2ncc
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Simon \(HB9DRV\) simon.br...@... wrote:
 If someone is suffering from strong signals I would want to know what radio 
 and soundcard he's using, also a screenshot of the waterfall can help.

Simon, is this a good example?


That particular station was about 1700 miles from me.  I get them often enough, 
so can provide other samples if it helps.  Thank you for the screenshots, it 
was nice to see a comparison.  More an issue for me is losing the other 
stations from the over-driven signal of a strong one.  I have a noise canceling 
signal enhancer now, but it's proving to require more experience and a good 
sensing antenna.

Using a Kenwood TS-450S and a Sound Blaster Live PCI card.  SignaLink interface 
(no USB, thus no soundcard in it.)


[digitalradio] Re: Time to start a PSK qrp freq?

2009-06-16 Thread frankk2ncc
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Simon \(HB9DRV\) simon.br...@... wrote:
 Being as fair as I can I suggest that this is not an over-driven signal...

Yeah, I figure most signals I see, particularly PSK, aren't over driven, as the 
trace looks clean, but my rig's notch capability isn't what I'd like.  The 
500Hz filter is a good idea (about 150 bucks new), and this rig allows any 
filter combination, regardless of mode, so would be a sweet addition.

The 480SAT is certainly a fine rig, as Rob, AA6A would attest, but another rig 
is about 1000$ behind getting a better antenna.  There always seems to be 
something more important than my hobby to pay.

 DM780 5.0's enhancement option will really help...

I look forward to trying it, thank you!


[digitalradio] another can you ID this mode request

2009-06-08 Thread frankk2ncc
Hey group.  I'm stumped.  It sounds familiar, but can't get anything
to decode it.  Located in the Packet portion of HF (14.095), about
300Hz wide.  A audio/video sample has been uploaded here:


Any help would be appreciated!

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: Images of digital modes

2009-06-07 Thread frankk2ncc
I have a few modes on YOUTUBE that might be helpful.  Search for K2NCC and 
you'll see a dozen or so uploaded.


[digitalradio] Re: What mode is on 3.5820?

2009-05-28 Thread frankk2ncc
Any follow up on this Dave?


[digitalradio] Re: What mode is on 3.5820?

2009-05-22 Thread frankk2ncc
Dave, were you in LSB at the time?

Reason I ask, if you centered that signal on USB it would 3k up from your LSB 
frequency, being about 3.585. 

Assuming USB, that area is near a QRZ frequency* for ALE (automatic link 
establishment.)  It's wider and seems to fit your description.

Check out a vid I created and uploaded to YOUTUBE.com:

... and let us know if that might be it.  Intriguing mode and hope to use more 
of it.

Just a little detective work here, so I could be wrong, but certainly love the 

f, k2ncc


[digitalradio] Re: Mode of the Day?

2009-04-15 Thread frankk2ncc
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Tony d...@... wrote:
 ...  Seems to be a lot of unanswered CQ's these days...
 ... Any thoughts?

Because we're too often camped out on 14.070, waiting for something besides a 
macro-bot that we've worked.  Several times.

 ...like the mode-of-the-day; an MFSK Monday or Olivia Tuesday...

I gotta say, I doubt just changing modes will change the habits of the masses.  
Clever idea.  I like it.  Can't wait to read other opinions.

 A QRP day might encourage those ... experiment with different modes... 

I'd have to nod my head in agreement on that one.

My favorite times on-the-air are with low power. One can really do a lot more 
if you don't need much. I've had nights where a few of us would stimulate some 
air around us and run through a dozen modes.  On 1/2 a watt.

Meanwhile, I'm guessing the hobby has it's up and downs in activity. I'm new, 
but betting we live our hobby on 11-year cycles.

f, k2ncc

[digitalradio] Re: Solar Flux = 69. DX Lives

2009-04-14 Thread frankk2ncc
And for those not familiar with DM780 and the PSK reporter, play around here 
for a sample of what you could be doing:


Vy 73, de Frank K2NCC

[digitalradio] Re: It's Getting Close to SKIRMISH!

2009-04-13 Thread frankk2ncc
If there's anyone in the Portland, Oregon area, and wants to hang out and play 
radio this Saturday, you're welcome to join me.

I'll be participating in the contest, but not submitting info for it.  You can 
if you want, but it'll be just casual, eat some pizza (provided), make a few 
QSOs... ya know, just play radio.

On and off the air the whole day this weekend, so shoot me an email if you're 
interested.  I have room for 2 more seats in the shack.

You can check here for more info for our group:

Or shoot me a reply via the forum.  My QRZ.com info is good too.

If you can't make it, or if you're not in the 'hood, I still hope to see you 

Vy 73, de Frank K2NCC