RE: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-25 Thread Rud Merriam
I work in C++. I would like to see your code since I can read Pascal. Having
the executables would be good since could test a port in C++ against the
original code. I am aware of your work and publication of it in QEX.
Totally off topic but technically interesting, did you (and everyone else
here) know that Pascal was developed by writing the language in itself? The
creator, Wirth, wrote the Pascal compiler in Pascal. Then he used Fortran, I
believe, to do a quick and dirty port of the Pascal code into Fortran. He
compiled the Fortran version. Using that executable he compiled the original
Pascal. From then on he could compile Pascal using itself.

Rud Merriam K5RUD
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX <>  

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of John B. Stephensen
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

What language are you developing in? I have some software that generates and
receives OFDM with 8PSK subcarriers using .wav files containing I and Q
samples. The source code is about 1500 lines of Delphi (Pascal). It's fairly
slow as it uses a DFT and IDFT and floating point arithmentic, but that
won't matter as much for 500 Hz wide signals as it did for 1.5 MHz wide
signals. It uses BICM-8 which is a variation of Ungerboek's TCM that is
supposed to work better on fading channels and includes a Viterbi decoder.
There is no frequency correction mechanism as one program was used to
generate files for an arbitary waveform generator.  The other was to test
the file generated by the first program. The software and a signal generator
were used to generate a signal on 6 meters and 70 cm for testing an
FPGA-based decoder.

- Original Message - 
From: Rud Merriam <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:03 UTC
Subject: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

For your amusement and consternation here are my latest thoughts on doing an
OFDM protocol. 

Symbol rate: 62.5 Hz(128 samples @ 8000 Hz) 
Guard interval: 2, 4, 8 ms adaptive to conditions 
Subchannels: 8 (62.5 125 187.5 250 312.5 375 437.5 500) 
Bandwidth: 437.5 Hz 
Raw BPS: 1778, 1600, 1333 adaptive (guard band change) 
Base frequency: undetermined 

MODULATION (somewhat firm) 
Waveform: DQPSK with constellation at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees 
Generation: 8 separate generators providing continuous waves through the
guard bands 
Phase change: start of symbol period 
Shaping: post generation raised cosine over symbol and guard period 

DEMODULATION (somewhat speculative) 
FT: 128 bin every 32 samples for locating subchannels 
Synchronization: square of subchannels identified by FT 
 to locate bottom subchannel by 125 Hz signal 
Frequency drift: subchannel selection based on output of synchronization 
Phase detection: phase averaged over symbol period, 
 differential with last symbol 

A main goal is to keep the bandwidth within 500 Hz. 

The symbol rate is as suggested by John KD6OZH. First testing will probably
be with his 8 ms guard band but I would like to make it adaptive to short
that period if multipath conditions allow. 

DQPSK to get more throughput and because getting the absolute phase is a
challenge. Any suggestion to use absolute phase would be appreciated since
that gains a couple dB. 

The Fourier transform is mainly to identify the potential subchannel
locations to allow adjusting for frequency drift. Once high energy bins are
determined the signal is filtered at various of those frequencies and the
square used to detect the doubled lowest frequency (125 Hz). That also
locates the symbol period for synchronization. Actually, the possible
frequency includes the guard band so it may be one of three values. By
determining that value the guard band period is also determined and the
actual guard band removed. 

Rud Merriam K5RUD
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX 


Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread John B. Stephensen

The Lyons book is a good introduction to the FFT and FIR filters but I haven't 
read the other book. "Multirate Signal Processing" (ISBN 0-13-146511-2) has 
information on more complex DSP systems. "Digital Communications" (ISBN 
0-07-051726) is fairly old, but a good introductory book and there should be a 
new issue out by now. "Quadrature Amplitude Modulation" (ISBN 0470 09468 0) has 
lots of information on single carrier and OFDM modems. "Trellis and Turbo 
Coding" (ISBN 0-471-22755-2 has useful information on several error-correcting 

QPSK encodes 2 bits so if 1 is used for error-correction only 1 is left for 
user data. 8PSK has 8 states so only 3 bits are encoded and if one is 1 for 
error-correction information, 2 are left for data.

OFDM using the FFT and IFFT restricts the type of modulation used on each 
subcarrier as the sidebands for all subcarriers are interleaved and the 
sidebands for each subcarrier must have nulls at the frequencies of all other 
subcarriers. From what I've read, the phase or amplitude can only be changed at 
the beginning of each sampling period. If the subcarriers are placed further 
apart than the symbol rate for each subcarrier, a separate filter could be 
implemented for each subcarrier and the FFT need not be used. The modulation 
restriction is removed, but the bandwidth is 1.5-2 times greater. 

A subcarrier phase modulated at a 62.5 Hz rate has a peak at the center 
frequency and one set of sidebands on either side of that frequency with nulls 
every 62.5 Hz. The sidebands for each subcarrier look a lot like the spectrum 
of an FM signal with the distance between the first nulls 125 Hz. The 
first-order sidebands between the first nulls on each side of the subcarrier 
frequency have most of the energy so some of the higher-order sidebands can be 
filtered out. If a subcarrier isn't modulated, it occupies close to 0 Hz. WIth 
8 subcarriers, all of the first-order sidebands occupy 562.5 Hz. If unmodulated 
subcarriers are placed 62.5 Hz above or below the first and last subcarriers, 
it makes little difference in the total occupied bandwidth.



  - Original Message - 
  From: Rud Merriam 
  Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 03:48 UTC
  Subject: RE: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details


  One more time, thanks. A lot to mull over in your message.

  I am working from Lyons for DSP and Sklar for the digital communications. 
Plus whatever I can scare up on the web. Any other suggestions for reference 
materials? Two big gaps are going from the DSP in Lyons to practical 
implementation and between the DSP and digital. Lyons does not really talk 
about communications and Sklar does not go into the DSP enough for me. Sklar 
also seems to be a little behind the curve on DSP and recent developments. 

  Sklar does cover the Ungerboek material so I will review it again. 

  I don't follow the "one bit with QPSK and 2 using 8PSK" since QPSK will carry 
2 bits and 8PSK 4 bits. 

  I was also reviewing some other material. From it I was considering using 1/4 
Pi DQPSK to avoid crossing through the origin during phase changes. 

  There would be room for a 9th sub carrier and still fit in 500 Hz. Why 
wouldn't sub carriers above and below the data sub carriers not count for the 
bandwidth used? More than 9 sub carriers exceeds 500 Hz.

  Rud Merriam K5RUD
  ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX 
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
John B. Stephensen
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

Differential PSK should be more reliable in the presence of frequency drift 
and Doppler spread. There are two ways to do this: 1) compare the phase with 
the previous phase of the same subcarrier or 2) compare the phase with the 
phase of the next higher or lower subcarrier. In the first case, the first 
symbol transmitted is always all zeroes. In the second case, there would have 
to be at least one pilot subcarrier that is unmodulated. If you want pilot 
subcarriers, it should be possible to put them 62.5 Hz above and below the 
outermost data subcarriers as they take no extra space if they are not 

A good way to do FEC is to use trellis-coded modulation (TCM). One bit is 
added to the data stream for each subcarrier. This, 1 data bit is sent using 
QPSK and 2 data bits are sent using 8PSK. The advantage of sending the data and 
ECC bits on one subcarrier is that the error-correcting code can be designed so 
that no extra bandwith is needed and that the addition of the extra bit 
actually decreases the required SNR rather than increasing it as you would 
first expect by increasing the number of points in the constella

Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread John B. Stephensen

What language are you developing in? I have some software that generates and 
receives OFDM with 8PSK subcarriers using .wav files containing I and Q 
samples. The source code is about 1500 lines of Delphi (Pascal). It's fairly 
slow as it uses a DFT and IDFT and floating point arithmentic, but that won't 
matter as much for 500 Hz wide signals as it did for 1.5 MHz wide signals. It 
uses BICM-8 which is a variation of Ungerboek's TCM that is supposed to work 
better on fading channels and includes a Viterbi decoder. There is no frequency 
correction mechanism as one program was used to generate files for an arbitary 
waveform generator.  The other was to test the file generated by the first 
program. The software and a signal generator were used to generate a signal on 
6 meters and 70 cm for testing an FPGA-based decoder.



  - Original Message - 
  From: Rud Merriam 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:03 UTC
  Subject: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

  For your amusement and consternation here are my latest thoughts on doing an 
OFDM protocol. 

  Symbol rate: 62.5 Hz(128 samples @ 8000 Hz) 
  Guard interval: 2, 4, 8 ms adaptive to conditions 
  Subchannels: 8 (62.5 125 187.5 250 312.5 375 437.5 500) 
  Bandwidth: 437.5 Hz 
  Raw BPS: 1778, 1600, 1333 adaptive (guard band change) 
  Base frequency: undetermined 

  MODULATION (somewhat firm) 
  Waveform: DQPSK with constellation at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees 
  Generation: 8 separate generators providing continuous waves through the 
guard bands 
  Phase change: start of symbol period 
  Shaping: post generation raised cosine over symbol and guard period 

  DEMODULATION (somewhat speculative) 
  FT: 128 bin every 32 samples for locating subchannels 
  Synchronization: square of subchannels identified by FT 
   to locate bottom subchannel by 125 Hz signal 
  Frequency drift: subchannel selection based on output of synchronization 
  Phase detection: phase averaged over symbol period, 
   differential with last symbol 

  A main goal is to keep the bandwidth within 500 Hz. 

  The symbol rate is as suggested by John KD6OZH. First testing will probably 
be with his 8 ms guard band but I would like to make it adaptive to short that 
period if multipath conditions allow. 

  DQPSK to get more throughput and because getting the absolute phase is a 
challenge. Any suggestion to use absolute phase would be appreciated since that 
gains a couple dB. 

  The Fourier transform is mainly to identify the potential subchannel 
locations to allow adjusting for frequency drift. Once high energy bins are 
determined the signal is filtered at various of those frequencies and the 
square used to detect the doubled lowest frequency (125 Hz). That also locates 
the symbol period for synchronization. Actually, the possible frequency 
includes the guard band so it may be one of three values. By determining that 
value the guard band period is also determined and the actual guard band 

  Rud Merriam K5RUD
  ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX 


Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread John B. Stephensen
As far as I know, most OFDM implementations use differential keying either in 
time or frequency. HamDRM uses multiple pilot carriers as phase references. I 
think that there is one pilot carrier for every 4-5 data carriers. I assume 
that 8PSK is used in the federal standards because of the characteristics that 
I cited. TCM was originally used in a series of modems developed and 
standardized for voice-grade telephone lines and has been used for many 
purposes, including U.S. digital TV. OFDM was implemented in some voice-grade 
modems, but lost out in the standardization process as the characteristics of a 
landline are fairly stable over time.

The single tone modems operate similarly to U.S. DTV. There is an equalizer 
that estimates the amplitude, time and phase of all rays arriving at the 
receiver and forces all components to add in phase. The only disadvantage is 
that the equalizer takes time to make estimates and can lag behind the actual 
signal. OFDM doesn't have this problem as it ignores the time period over which 
the leading edge of the various rays arrive. However it has a high crest factor 
(like SSB voice) and about 1 dB of the signal is lost during this guard 
interval. OFDM has a big advantage when the receiver or transmitter are moving 
so it is being used in the U.S. for mobile TV. European countries use OFDM for 
all digital TV. 

The single-tone modems have an advantage when both stations are fixed. The FCC 
cited this when they evaluated the U.S. and European DTV systems and stated 
that no one would ever watch TV in a car so OFDM wasn't useful. I suspect that 
the real reason was that U.S. broadcasters were behind schedule in implementing 
DTV and a switch to OFDM would have created another delay. The FCC wants the 
analog TV channels for more mobile telephone and data services and the NAB had 
agreed to a switchover to DTV by 2006, freeing up of about 20 channels.

Since hams like to push the limit and operate over barely usable HF paths, OFDM 
is probably better for amateur use.



  - Original Message - 
  From: Rick 
  Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 02:23 UTC
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details


  Are there any cases where any of the current amateur radio digital modes 
  do not use differential keying?

  Based on your comments on 8PSK, is this why it is the base waveform used 
  in the MIL-STD/FED-STD/STANAG modems?

  What is your view on single tone modems as used in those standards vs. 
  the OFDM that is proposed by Rud and is used in Pactor 3?


  Rick, KV9U

  John B. Stephensen wrote:
  > Differential PSK should be more reliable in the presence of frequency 
  > drift and Doppler spread. There are two ways to do this: 1) compare 
  > the phase with the previous phase of the same subcarrier or 2) compare 
  > the phase with the phase of the next higher or lower subcarrier. In 
  > the first case, the first symbol transmitted is always all zeroes. In 
  > the second case, there would have to be at least one pilot subcarrier 
  > that is unmodulated. If you want pilot subcarriers, it should be 
  > possible to put them 62.5 Hz above and below the outermost data 
  > subcarriers as they take no extra space if they are not modulated.
  > A good way to do FEC is to use trellis-coded modulation (TCM). One bit 
  > is added to the data stream for each subcarrier. This, 1 data bit is 
  > sent using QPSK and 2 data bits are sent using 8PSK. The advantage 
  > of sending the data and ECC bits on one subcarrier is that the 
  > error-correcting code can be designed so that no extra bandwith is 
  > needed and that the addition of the extra bit actually decreases the 
  > required SNR rather than increasing it as you would first expect by 
  > increasing the number of points in the constellation. Ungerboek came 
  > up with a set of codes that can decrease the required SNR by 3-6 dB 
  > (with no fading) when going from QPSK with no ECC to 8PSK with ECC. 
  > The improvement is larger when fading occurs.
  > The amount of improvement provided by TCM depends on the complexity of 
  > the state machine used to generate the ECC bit. However, 
  > a simple algorithm with 4 states provides a 3 dB improvement. A 
  > Viterbi decoder is used to calculate the most probable set of state 
  > transitions that the incoming signal has taken from symbol to symbol 
  > and then backtracks to determine the most likely combination over an 
  > entire data frame. It can also make decisions based on the actual 
  > value of the incoming signal rather than on 3 already decoded 
  > buts. This adds another 2 dB of improvement.
  > Its probably useful to place the audio subcarrier frequencies in the 
  > 500-1000 Hz range or higher so that harmonics of low frequency 
  > subcarriers don't interfere with higher-frequency subcarriers.
  > 73,
  > John
  > KD6OZH


RE: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread Rud Merriam
One more time, thanks. A lot to mull over in your message.
I am working from Lyons for DSP and Sklar for the digital communications.
Plus whatever I can scare up on the web. Any other suggestions for reference
materials? Two big gaps are going from the DSP in Lyons to practical
implementation and between the DSP and digital. Lyons does not really talk
about communications and Sklar does not go into the DSP enough for me. Sklar
also seems to be a little behind the curve on DSP and recent developments. 
Sklar does cover the Ungerboek material so I will review it again. 
I don't follow the "one bit with QPSK and 2 using 8PSK" since QPSK will
carry 2 bits and 8PSK 4 bits. 
I was also reviewing some other material. From it I was considering using
1/4 Pi DQPSK to avoid crossing through the origin during phase changes. 
There would be room for a 9th sub carrier and still fit in 500 Hz. Why
wouldn't sub carriers above and below the data sub carriers not count for
the bandwidth used? More than 9 sub carriers exceeds 500 Hz.
Rud Merriam K5RUD
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX <>  

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of John B. Stephensen
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

Differential PSK should be more reliable in the presence of frequency drift
and Doppler spread. There are two ways to do this: 1) compare the phase with
the previous phase of the same subcarrier or 2) compare the phase with the
phase of the next higher or lower subcarrier. In the first case, the first
symbol transmitted is always all zeroes. In the second case, there would
have to be at least one pilot subcarrier that is unmodulated. If you want
pilot subcarriers, it should be possible to put them 62.5 Hz above and below
the outermost data subcarriers as they take no extra space if they are not
A good way to do FEC is to use trellis-coded modulation (TCM). One bit is
added to the data stream for each subcarrier. This, 1 data bit is sent using
QPSK and 2 data bits are sent using 8PSK. The advantage of sending the data
and ECC bits on one subcarrier is that the error-correcting code can be
designed so that no extra bandwith is needed and that the addition of the
extra bit actually decreases the required SNR rather than increasing it as
you would first expect by increasing the number of points in the
constellation. Ungerboek came up with a set of codes that can decrease the
required SNR by 3-6 dB (with no fading) when going from QPSK with no ECC to
8PSK with ECC. The improvement is larger when fading occurs.
The amount of improvement provided by TCM depends on the complexity of the
state machine used to generate the ECC bit. However, a simple algorithm with
4 states provides a 3 dB improvement. A Viterbi decoder is used to calculate
the most probable set of state transitions that the incoming signal has
taken from symbol to symbol and then backtracks to determine the most likely
combination over an entire data frame. It can also make decisions based on
the actual value of the incoming signal rather than on 3 already decoded
buts. This adds another 2 dB of improvement. 
Its probably useful to place the audio subcarrier frequencies in the
500-1000 Hz range or higher so that harmonics of low frequency subcarriers
don't interfere with higher-frequency subcarriers.

- Original Message - 
From: Rud Merriam <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:03 UTC
Subject: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

For your amusement and consternation here are my latest thoughts on doing an
OFDM protocol. 

Symbol rate: 62.5 Hz(128 samples @ 8000 Hz) 
Guard interval: 2, 4, 8 ms adaptive to conditions 
Subchannels: 8 (62.5 125 187.5 250 312.5 375 437.5 500) 
Bandwidth: 437.5 Hz 
Raw BPS: 1778, 1600, 1333 adaptive (guard band change) 
Base frequency: undetermined 

MODULATION (somewhat firm) 
Waveform: DQPSK with constellation at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees 
Generation: 8 separate generators providing continuous waves through the
guard bands 
Phase change: start of symbol period 
Shaping: post generation raised cosine over symbol and guard period 

DEMODULATION (somewhat speculative) 
FT: 128 bin every 32 samples for locating subchannels 
Synchronization: square of subchannels identified by FT 
 to locate bottom subchannel by 125 Hz signal 
Frequency drift: subchannel selection based on output of synchronization 
Phase detection: phase averaged over symbol period, 
 differential with last symbol 

A main goal is to keep the bandwidth within 500 Hz. 

The symbol rate is as suggested by John KD6OZH. First testing will probably
be with his 8 ms guard band but I would like to mak

Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread Rick

Are there any cases where any of the current amateur radio digital modes 
do not use differential keying?

Based on your comments on 8PSK, is this why it is the base waveform used 
in the MIL-STD/FED-STD/STANAG modems?

What is your view on single tone modems as used in those standards vs. 
the OFDM that is proposed by Rud and is used in Pactor 3?


Rick, KV9U

John B. Stephensen wrote:
> Differential PSK should be more reliable in the presence of frequency 
> drift and Doppler spread. There are two ways to do this: 1) compare 
> the phase with the previous phase of the same subcarrier or 2) compare 
> the phase with the phase of the next higher or lower subcarrier. In 
> the first case, the first symbol transmitted is always all zeroes. In 
> the second case, there would have to be at least one pilot subcarrier 
> that is unmodulated. If you want pilot subcarriers, it should be 
> possible to put them 62.5 Hz above and below the outermost data 
> subcarriers as they take no extra space if they are not modulated.
> A good way to do FEC is to use trellis-coded modulation (TCM). One bit 
> is added to the data stream for each subcarrier. This, 1 data bit is 
> sent using QPSK and 2 data bits are sent using 8PSK. The advantage 
> of sending the data and ECC bits on one subcarrier is that the 
> error-correcting code can be designed so that no extra bandwith is 
> needed and that the addition of the extra bit actually decreases the 
> required SNR rather than increasing it as you would first expect by 
> increasing the number of points in the constellation. Ungerboek came 
> up with a set of codes that can decrease the required SNR by 3-6 dB 
> (with no fading) when going from QPSK with no ECC to 8PSK with ECC. 
> The improvement is larger when fading occurs.
> The amount of improvement provided by TCM depends on the complexity of 
> the state machine used to generate the ECC bit. However, 
> a simple algorithm with 4 states provides a 3 dB improvement. A 
> Viterbi decoder is used to calculate the most probable set of state 
> transitions that the incoming signal has taken from symbol to symbol 
> and then backtracks to determine the most likely combination over an 
> entire data frame. It can also make decisions based on the actual 
> value of the incoming signal rather than on 3 already decoded 
> buts. This adds another 2 dB of improvement.
> Its probably useful to place the audio subcarrier frequencies in the 
> 500-1000 Hz range or higher so that harmonics of low frequency 
> subcarriers don't interfere with higher-frequency subcarriers.
> 73,
> John

Re: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread John B. Stephensen
Differential PSK should be more reliable in the presence of frequency drift and 
Doppler spread. There are two ways to do this: 1) compare the phase with the 
previous phase of the same subcarrier or 2) compare the phase with the phase of 
the next higher or lower subcarrier. In the first case, the first symbol 
transmitted is always all zeroes. In the second case, there would have to be at 
least one pilot subcarrier that is unmodulated. If you want pilot subcarriers, 
it should be possible to put them 62.5 Hz above and below the outermost data 
subcarriers as they take no extra space if they are not modulated. 

A good way to do FEC is to use trellis-coded modulation (TCM). One bit is added 
to the data stream for each subcarrier. This, 1 data bit is sent using QPSK and 
2 data bits are sent using 8PSK. The advantage of sending the data and ECC bits 
on one subcarrier is that the error-correcting code can be designed so that no 
extra bandwith is needed and that the addition of the extra bit actually 
decreases the required SNR rather than increasing it as you would first expect 
by increasing the number of points in the constellation. Ungerboek came up with 
a set of codes that can decrease the required SNR by 3-6 dB (with no fading) 
when going from QPSK with no ECC to 8PSK with ECC. The improvement is larger 
when fading occurs.

The amount of improvement provided by TCM depends on the complexity of the 
state machine used to generate the ECC bit. However, a simple algorithm with 4 
states provides a 3 dB improvement. A Viterbi decoder is used to calculate the 
most probable set of state transitions that the incoming signal has taken from 
symbol to symbol and then backtracks to determine the most likely combination 
over an entire data frame. It can also make decisions based on the actual value 
of the incoming signal rather than on 3 already decoded buts. This adds another 
2 dB of improvement. 

Its probably useful to place the audio subcarrier frequencies in the 500-1000 
Hz range or higher so that harmonics of low frequency subcarriers don't 
interfere with higher-frequency subcarriers.



  - Original Message - 
  From: Rud Merriam 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:03 UTC
  Subject: [digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

  For your amusement and consternation here are my latest thoughts on doing an 
OFDM protocol. 

  Symbol rate: 62.5 Hz(128 samples @ 8000 Hz) 
  Guard interval: 2, 4, 8 ms adaptive to conditions 
  Subchannels: 8 (62.5 125 187.5 250 312.5 375 437.5 500) 
  Bandwidth: 437.5 Hz 
  Raw BPS: 1778, 1600, 1333 adaptive (guard band change) 
  Base frequency: undetermined 

  MODULATION (somewhat firm) 
  Waveform: DQPSK with constellation at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees 
  Generation: 8 separate generators providing continuous waves through the 
guard bands 
  Phase change: start of symbol period 
  Shaping: post generation raised cosine over symbol and guard period 

  DEMODULATION (somewhat speculative) 
  FT: 128 bin every 32 samples for locating subchannels 
  Synchronization: square of subchannels identified by FT 
   to locate bottom subchannel by 125 Hz signal 
  Frequency drift: subchannel selection based on output of synchronization 
  Phase detection: phase averaged over symbol period, 
   differential with last symbol 

  A main goal is to keep the bandwidth within 500 Hz. 

  The symbol rate is as suggested by John KD6OZH. First testing will probably 
be with his 8 ms guard band but I would like to make it adaptive to short that 
period if multipath conditions allow. 

  DQPSK to get more throughput and because getting the absolute phase is a 
challenge. Any suggestion to use absolute phase would be appreciated since that 
gains a couple dB. 

  The Fourier transform is mainly to identify the potential subchannel 
locations to allow adjusting for frequency drift. Once high energy bins are 
determined the signal is filtered at various of those frequencies and the 
square used to detect the doubled lowest frequency (125 Hz). That also locates 
the symbol period for synchronization. Actually, the possible frequency 
includes the guard band so it may be one of three values. By determining that 
value the guard band period is also determined and the actual guard band 

  Rud Merriam K5RUD
  ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX 


[digitalradio] OFDM Proposal: Details

2007-10-24 Thread Rud Merriam
For your amusement and consternation here are my latest thoughts on doing an
OFDM protocol.

Symbol rate: 62.5 Hz(128 samples @ 8000 Hz)
Guard interval: 2, 4, 8 ms adaptive to conditions
Subchannels: 8 (62.5 125 187.5 250 312.5 375 437.5 500)
Bandwidth: 437.5 Hz
Raw BPS: 1778, 1600, 1333 adaptive (guard band change)
Base frequency: undetermined

MODULATION (somewhat firm)
Waveform: DQPSK with constellation at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees
Generation: 8 separate generators providing continuous waves through the
guard bands
Phase change: start of symbol period
Shaping: post generation raised cosine over symbol and guard period

DEMODULATION (somewhat speculative)
FT: 128 bin every 32 samples for locating subchannels
Synchronization: square of subchannels identified by FT
 to locate bottom subchannel by 125 Hz signal
Frequency drift: subchannel selection based on output of synchronization
Phase detection: phase averaged over symbol period, 
 differential with last symbol

A main goal is to keep the bandwidth within 500 Hz. 

The symbol rate is as suggested by John KD6OZH. First testing will probably
be with his 8 ms guard band but I would like to make it adaptive to short
that period if multipath conditions allow. 

DQPSK to get more throughput and because getting the absolute phase is a
challenge. Any suggestion to use absolute phase would be appreciated since
that gains a couple dB. 

The Fourier transform is mainly to identify the potential subchannel
locations to allow adjusting for frequency drift. Once high energy bins are
determined the signal is filtered at various of those frequencies and the
square used to detect the doubled lowest frequency (125 Hz). That also
locates the symbol period for synchronization. Actually, the possible
frequency includes the guard band so it may be one of three values. By
determining that value the guard band period is also determined and the
actual guard band removed. 

Rud Merriam K5RUD 
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX