[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-04-04 Thread doug_helbling
Thanks again, folks, for the Newb replies last month.

I've been busy dealing with some family health issues since then, but finally 
got back to my Great Digital Communications Exploration this week.  Today I 
landed my first QSO!  Got a 599 from Mexico right off the bat on my first 
attempt.  Followed up with another from OK
 (from here at my QTH in northwest Oregon).

Lessons learned and changes made:

1 - BAD built-in sound card (or driver) in the laptop.  My little Lenovo's 
built in sound card was not sampling at a high enough rate to get decent copy, 
even from pre-recorded signals.  I updated the drivers with the latest from the 
mgfer's website, but no improvements.  Solution: replace nearly new laptop 
(dual 1.6 GHz CPU) with old P3 900 MHz box sitting under the dust in the corner 
of the shop.  Boom!  It works!  (total setup time from power up to operational 
HRD/DM780: 20 minutues)  For future field day type stuff, I may add a PCMCIA 
sound card to the lappie and give it a chance to redeem itself.

2 - Hoist up that Dipole - I combined my two back porch 10M and 20M dipoles 
into a single 5 band (20/17/15/12/10) home-made dipole in the attic: still 
operating in stealth mode, but about 5' higher off the ground and away from the 
gutter flashing.  And now I have 3 more bands to play with.

3 - Old cables need love, too!  When I put my modest station together, it got a 
new IC-718, but everything else was scrounged, including a little Dentron 
tuner I landed off of ebay for $15.  I used an old stretch of RG8 from my CB 
radio days (circa 1975) to connect the tuner to the antenna.  The SWR was just 
not looking right, so I took everything apart and found the ground connection 
on one side of my cable was decidedly bad.  Resoldered the connector and SWR 
came right down (to managable  2 levels).  

4 - Shrink up that ground path.  I moved my shack into the corner of the 
garage and shrank the ground cable from 25' to 6'.  Noise level is down and 
there's no discernible RFI on my home media center anymore.

I look forward to a rash of new QSO's in my future ... I am seeing 20M calls in 
from Serbia, European Russia, Costa Rica, and other points all around the US 1K 
miles away and more.  Cheers and thanks again for the advice.  

- Doug / KE7SEI

PS - Still trying out all of the various Windoze PSKware, including those 
suggested here, but HRD/DM780 is still my new best friend.  Thank you, Simon!

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, doug_helbling doug_helbl...@... wrote:

 Thanks for the welcome and the great advice and counsel, 
 Patrick/Andrew/Christian/Marc/Simon/Siegfried et al.
 I did some more poking around on my rig, and found that my audio input to the 
 PC was indeed the Mic input, not Line In, as suggested more than once.  
 Unfortunately, on this PC (a laptop), there is no Line In, only Mike In ... 
 but I think I found a different driver for the on-board audio that will allow 
 me to reconfigure the jack.  I will definitely give that a try.  If it fails, 
 I have an older / slower desktop machine and a drawer full of decent 
 Soundblaster PCI cards I can try instead.  It's a 1GHz P3, but it should 
 probably be strong enough for this.  If that fails, I've got a dual CPU 2GHz 
 P4 gathering dust in the corner that's just waiting for a purpose.  ;-)
 I'll also follow up on your other great suggestions, including pointers to 
 other tools/modes and to specific bands/freqs.  
 Cheers and thanks again.
 - Doug / KE7SEI

[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-11 Thread marc

You can find HF Slow Scan TV at:
3.730 LSB, 7.033 LSB (rare), 14.230 USB, 28.680 USB.
These are calling frequencie. So +/-3KHz you'll find SSTV.

Marc - PD4U

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-11 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
14.230 USB is very active...

Simon Brown, HB9DRV
  - Original Message - 
  From: marc 

  You can find HF Slow Scan TV at:
  3.730 LSB, 7.033 LSB (rare), 14.230 USB, 28.680 USB.
  These are calling frequencie. So +/-3KHz you'll find SSTV.

[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-11 Thread Bill McLaughlin
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, doug_helbling doug_helbl...@... wrote:

 Thanks for the welcome and the great advice and counsel, 
 Patrick/Andrew/Christian/Marc/Simon/Siegfried et al.
 I did some more poking around on my rig, and found that my audio input to the 
 PC was indeed the Mic input, not Line In, as suggested more than once.  
 Unfortunately, on this PC (a laptop), there is no Line In, only Mike In ... 
 but I think I found a different driver for the on-board audio that will allow 
 me to reconfigure the jack.  I will definitely give that a try.  If it fails, 
 I have an older / slower desktop machine and a drawer full of decent 
 Soundblaster PCI cards I can try instead.  It's a 1GHz P3, but it should 
 probably be strong enough for this.  If that fails, I've got a dual CPU 2GHz 
 P4 gathering dust in the corner that's just waiting for a purpose.  ;-)
 I'll also follow up on your other great suggestions, including pointers to 
 other tools/modes and to specific bands/freqs.  
 Cheers and thanks again.
 - Doug / KE7SEI

Hi Doug, 

Alot of good suggestions you have received; also consider using:



Bill N9DSJ

[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-11 Thread kh6ty
Doug, poke around the laptop a little more and see if there is boost on the 
Mic input. On my laptop, turning off the boost turns the mic input into the 
equivalent of a line input.

73, Skip KH6TY


[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew O'Brien
-Welcome Doug,  it will eventually get easy to recognize most common digital 
modes, by eyesight.

Lets start with the basics...

If the signal  is in USB mode and around 7070, 14070, 10140, 21070 and 28120 it 
is almost certainly PSK31.  Park on 14070 or 10140 USB during the day, turn on 
the Super Browser in DM780 and you WILL decode PSK31.  There is an small 
chance that one or tow signals in that range will be PSK63 not PSK31, but that 
will be rare. 

From a visual perspective, the signal will appear (depending on you eyesight 
and the claity of the signal being transmitted) to be two tram lines scrolling 
vertically and about 31 Hz wide.  Some people cannot discern the two vertical 
lines, instead they see it as a narrow solid line about 31 Hertz wide.

The above will apply to about 90% of the digital signals that you will see 
during a typical weekday , the other modes are just not used as much.

Using the 20M band as an example (same on 40M) 
If you move up the band , away from '070... to around 14075 you will run in to 
a few tougher ones .  If it is a SLOW warbling sound that always transmits for 
a full minute , and is also very narrow in your waterfall, it is almost 
certainly JT65A or WSPR.  Your DM780 software does not support these two low 
power modes (but with an Icom 718 you will have a LOT of fun with these modes, 
let me know when you want to try these modes )

As you go further away from 14075, towards 14077 for example, you will run in 
to two modes that are harder to figure out.  The most common ones are Olivia 
and MFK16. 3581 USB at night is also where these modes may be found.Both of 
these modes can take a little time to lock on to a signal and start decoding. 
 Let it run 30 seconds or so before giving up and concluding it is a different 
mode.  If it looks 500 or 1000 wide in you waterfall and has a musical type 
sound, assume it is one of the Olivia modes.  If not, try MFK16.

As you get to 14080 to 14100.  You may hear an old mode called Radio Teletype 
(RTTY).  On the weekends, when there is a RTTY contest on you will hear 
hundreds of RTTY signals.  In your waterfall , the RTTY signal will be roughly 
170-200 Hz wide.  Almost all common digital modes are tuned in USB, RTTY 
traditionally is tuned in via LSB.  You can tune it using USB.  If you hear a 
strong signal and get jibberish, press the REVERSE put on DM780 and you will 
get a decode.

If u are around 14075-78 , sometime 14068, and hear an odd CW sounding mode 
that appears much wider than CW should be , it is mostly likely Feld Hell.

There is one more that can be all over the bands, a odd pulsing mode than is 
very wide ,  it will pop up for a minute and then stop.  This is likely Pactor. 
 Your software will not decode this.

 Give it a week of playing around and I bet you will be able to use eyesight to 
recognize 90% of the signals 

Andy K3UK

-- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, doug_helbling doug_helbl...@... wrote:

 Greetings, all.
 I'm a rather new ham and very recent General class licensee who is very
 interested in digitial modes.  I've acquired a RiggBlaster, fabricated a
 second computer-to-tranceiver control interface (home brew version of
 CT17 from N9ZLE) and have got Simon Brown's HRD and DM780 (awesome
 software so far) apparently working with my little IC-718.  I've begun
 surfing the bands (mostly 10M and 20M) looking for signals.  But I am
 having trouble audibly recognizing the sound of the various modes,
 however.  I get some reasonably good signals from my modest little
 stealth dipoles (combo 10M/20M), but can't seem to get clean copy ... I
 try switching through the various digital modes, whether RTTY, PSK31*,
 or whatever.   It could be a noise level thing.  I am scratching my head
 at this point.
 I have a smattering of sample audio files of some of the modes on the
 disk that came with my RiggBlaster, and found a few more on KB9UKD's
 site here: http://www.kb9ukd.com/digital/
 http://www.kb9ukd.com/digital/  .  Anyone have suggestions for other
 sources?  (yeah, I can spell google ...  [;)]  ... but my finding so far
 have not been that good ).  To my admittedly inexperienced ears, most of
 the signals I stumble across sound like like packet modes that use
 proprietary hardware solutions.
 Any other suggestions for the Newb Digital Moder looking at sound card
 modes?  I've tried a few of the other digital mode Windoze programs,
 with mixed results, none as good as HRD/DM780.  Should I be trying any
 other specific software?  I've done a little homework, including reading
 Ford's HF Digital Handbook.  I am probably doing something patently
 wrong.  It could be as simple as my stealth antenna is too dang low to
 the ground and I need to get it up in the air higher to catch a decent
 signal.  It's probably time for me to drop into the local area HAM club
 and pick a few brains, but I thought I'd start with ya'll here first. 
 It's easier to appear clueless behind an email.   

[digitalradio] Re: Newb digital mode guy with Newb questions

2009-03-10 Thread Christian Crayton
Hello, Doug.

I have to keep stealth dipoles up as well, and I find that two regular
Slinkies, with a 1:1 current balun in the middle on the ceiling of my
second-floor shack tune up very well on 40, 30, 20 and 10 meters.  I'm
sure I'm just warming the clouds, but have made contacts on PSK31 over
1,300 miles away.

I use little plastic clips that attach to my wall with 3M Command
strips.  These are white strips that hold things on the wall, and you
can take them off without hurting the paint.  I paid $6 for the
Slinkies, about $25 for the balun and $6 for the clips.  I got the clips
at Target, look for the ones designed to hang Christmas lights.

With four slinkies and some room I can talk 600 miles on 80m.  Forget
trying to communicate with anyone close

Good luck, and don't let the need for stealth get in the way of fun!

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, doug_helbling doug_helbl...@...

 Greetings, all.

 I'm a rather new ham and very recent General class licensee who is