Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
> So I was hoping for a few  other  evaluations  of  phones,  but  that
> hasn't appeared so far.  Do others have suggestions for what are good
> geek-friendly "smart phones" these days? I'm thinking of replacing my
> old  HTC-1  with  something better, and wondering if it's possible to
> make sense of the commercial hype.

The friendliest phones for geeks are the Nexus phones bought directly
from Google, because you get all the system updates right away. But
that limits you to GSM carriers and means no LTE, and the Nexus phones
lack an SD slot. (The Nexus 4 actually has an LTE-capable modem but
doesn't officially support it.) Still, if your carrier of choice is
T-Mobile or AT&T (or a virtual network carrier that uses one of those)
the Nexus 4 is a good phone if you can actually get one. (Google seems
to have trouble keeping them in stock.) The Galaxy Nexus (the previous
generation of Nexus phone) is also friendly if you have the
no-longer-available unlocked version from Google (it was replaced by
the Nexus 4) but less so if you have one of the carrier versions.

The big mobile conference is currently happening so there will be lots
of new phones on the market soon; a Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of the
upcoming devices, release date March 14. A new HTC One was announced
recently ahd looks tempting with its 1080p screen; the second phone
with one to my knowledge, the first was on the HTC-built Droid DNA
which is a Verizon-only phone.
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Sat, 02 Mar 2013 03:49:55

> So I was hoping for a few  other  evaluations  of  phones,  but  that
> hasn't appeared so far.  Do others have suggestions for what are good
> geek-friendly "smart phones" these days? I'm thinking of replacing my
> old  HTC-1  with  something better, and wondering if it's possible to
> make sense of the commercial hype.

Ain't no such thing as a good smartphone. Every smartphone is a little
box of compromises. Maybe you get a big, bright screen but the battery
life sucks. Or you get decent battery life but the signal and voice
quality are terrible. Maybe you get decent audio but you have no
storage expansion. And regardless of what you buy you're locked into
that vendor's ecosystem. And regardless of what you buy today, it'll be
obsolete within a year if it isn't already hugging the trailing edge.

If what you have works then replacing it is a waste of money. Keep it,
maybe buy a new battery pack if it's not holding a charge.

If it doesn't work then get something cheap from a low budget, no
contract carrier like Page Plus or Tracfone. If you like what you get
then you got something you like for cheap. If you don't then you're out
a whole lot less than you would be with a major carrier.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread jc
Kent Borg wrote:
| I am amazed at what an impressive *phone* my Galaxy Nexus is. Go back a
| couple decades and think about it as a "telephone": wow! Okay, but the
| telephone part is what I use least. Pretty amazing.
| -kb, the Kent who recommends only Nexus Androids so as to not get extra
| manufacturer or carrier cruft.

So I was hoping for a few  other  evaluations  of  phones,  but  that
hasn't appeared so far.  Do others have suggestions for what are good
geek-friendly "smart phones" these days? I'm thinking of replacing my
old  HTC-1  with  something better, and wondering if it's possible to
make sense of the commercial hype.

What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about?
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Bill Horne

On 3/1/2013 2:56 PM, Gordon Marx wrote:

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Bill Horne  wrote:

My wife, who is a nurse, has a friend who works in the Public Health Service
in Pennsylvania. They spent an unforgettable evening together in Lancaster,
talking over old classmates and old memories, while we sat on the porch of a
guest house, opposite a field where fireflies were as thick as the stars
overhead, and where the only other sounds to be heard were made by
horse-drawn wagons and carriages.

As you know, it's impossible to remember things or talk to people face
to face if you use any sort of technology whatsoever, or if anyone
around you is doing so.

Let's not be disingenuous, Gordon. We both know that that "always on" 
society and the
expensive devices some people use to stay chained to it have created a 
parallel "Never Off"
world whose adherents are condemned to be at work from the moment they 
wake up

until the moment they fall asleep.

It's a lot more relaxing and fulfilling to talk to an old friend when 
you know for a fact that
your friend and your family and your church all expect you to stop 
working when the sun
goes down. It's a lot more healthy to follow the diurnal rhythms which 
mankind was

bound to for all but the last couple of centuries.

The Amish elders don't forbid their flocks from using modern technology: 
they just
keep it at arms length. They ask the faithful to avoid using 
electricity, because it

requires men to work on the Sabbath, but when woodworking shops have a
legitimate need for electric tools, they simply install a generator to 
them, and shut it down at the end of the workday. I've heard that it's 

less expensive than getting power from the electric grid.

I'm not Amish, and I made a decision a long time ago to make my living 
by tending
machines. I accepted the requirements of being a technical professional: 
3 AM
wake-up calls, weekend call-outs, and even a terminal in my home that 

me to solve problems without having to scrape ice or snow off my car, a
decade before dial-up Internet connections were common.

The reservations I and other readers have expressed are, to my mind, just a
common-sense reflection of our desire to have a semblance of privacy and
a modicum of quiet enjoyment while we're in our homes. If you choose to
make yourself available to others at all times, that's /your/ choice.

Bill Horne

Bill Horne

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] Boston Linux and Unix InstallFest XLVII reminder Saturday March 2, 2013

2013-03-01 Thread Jerry Feldman

Boston Linux Installfest XLVII
When:  Saturday March 2, 2013 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Where: MIT Building E-51, Room 061
   2 Amherst St, Cambridge
   Plenty of free parking in the parking lot in front of E-51.

What you need to bring: Your computer, monitor, power strips and your
Linux distributions. We do have copies of some distributions.
In general we have expertise with most distros, but if you need special
expertise, please email the BLU discussion list in advance. Today, most
distros are using Live CDs that you can try out and then install.
Additionally, CD images can be pushed onto USB sticks using various USB

COST: It's free! However, we DO have expenses, and contributions are
welcome. Please consider contributing $25 per machine.

Our volunteers will help you to install Linux on your own system.  While
Linux runs on most systems, some systems do have configurations and
hardware that may not be supported. Please consult the following web
pages for hardware compatibility. While we prefer you to bring your own
distros, our volunteers will normally have

  Linux Howto Pages:
  Linux Frequently Asked Questions:
Additionally, there are forums and listservs for most distros.

Generally our volunteers have sets of the latest Fedora, SuSE and
Ubuntu distributions:
  * Fedora - (Fedora 18 DVD/Live CD/USB)
  * Open SuSE - (OpenSuSE 12.1 - DVD/Live CD/)
  * Ubuntu - (Quantal Quetzal 12.10 CD/USB)

We generally have them on local drives and can burn CDs/DVDs and
USBs.Since there are many variants of these distros, we advise you to
bring an empty USB stick with sufficient memory to hold one of the
distros. LiveCD images required under 1GB, full DVD images for Fedora
require about 4GB, and OpenSuSE needs 8GB. I usually have some USBs

We generally have both a Wired and Wireless network available. The
wireless SSID at MIT is "MIT".

In addition, you can run Linux on your Windows PC through a virtual
machine manager, such as Virtualbox. You can install this in your
Windows machine and run Linux as a guest OS, or install it in your Linux
machine and run Windows as a guest. VirtualBox 4.2.6.
( is free and is available for Linux, Windows
8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Additionally, there are also
some VMWare clients that are also free for Windows.

Please refer to the BLU website ( for further
information and directions. Parking is free and available in front of
the building on Amherst St. Enter the building, and take the elevator to
your left down 1 floor. Room 061 is opposite the elevator.

Lunch is generously sponsored By Ron Thibeau and John Ross, Bluefin
Technical Services.

Jerry Feldman 
Boston Linux and Unix user group
PGP key id: 537C5846
PGP Key fingerprint: 3D1B 8377 A3C0 A5F2 ECBB  CA3B 4607 4319 537C 5846

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Jerry Feldman

On 03/01/2013 03:39 PM, Daniel Barrett wrote:

On March 1, 2013, wrote:

You can read a book on a smart phone.

I'm glad it works for you, but reading a book on a screen is not to my
taste. I've tried it on Kindle and iPad and they both give me a
headache. YMMV.

My 90 year old mother has a Kindle and an iPad and loves them. I much 
prefer my Nook Tablet to read from than a book. For one I can change the 
font and appearance. And for the most part can read in the sun (although 
it takes more battery). I've taken it on a couple of cruises. Takes up 
less space than 2 books.

Jerry Feldman 
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id:3BC1EB90
PGP Key fingerprint: 49E2 C52A FC5A A31F 8D66  C0AF 7CEA 30FC 3BC1 EB90

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Bill Horne

On 3/1/2013 12:52 PM, Daniel Barrett wrote:

Mark Woodward  wrote:

I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart

You're not the last. I still don't own one and perhaps never will.  My days
are already jam-packed with technology; the last thing I desire is to carry
more technology around with me.

I have a "smart" phone  of sorts: it was a gift from a ham operator who 
I helped to
connect his radio to his computer. He had just bought one with a bigger 
screen, and
offered me his old one: I got to renew the $30/month "everything" rate, 
and since
that is in the ballpark of what I was spending for voice service, I'm 
content to use it.


Other than GPS (which I have in my car), I have yet to encounter a single
smartphone app that would make my life *happier*. This is not a troll so
please don't respond with your dozen favorite apps. :-) My priorities are
just different.

You're preaching to the choir!

I'm not sure if being wary of portable devices is a generational gap, a 
cultural divide, or a
class difference. No matter: the fact is that I'm happiest when I 
*don't* have the phone on,

since I really do think of it as an electronic leash.

If I'm standing in a long, boring line waiting for something, I don't want
to whip out a phone and surf the web or play a game. I'd rather think
interesting thoughts, compose music in my head, read a book, or harangue
the person responsible for the long delay. (I'd chat with the person next
to me, but he's playing with his smartphone.)

I take a paperback when I'm going to have to queue up for something. I 
am, however,
prone to occasional fits of impatience, so if the clerks are gossiping, 
I'll just shout
"I sure hope this doesn't take too long!". It always speeds up the line 

Work is insanely busy. So when I'm not at work, I like living slowly,
cultivating patience.  Enjoying a meal without the beep of a text
message. I understand that others need to stay in contact with work
24x7. I've chosen not to live that way, and to accept whatever compromises
come with that choice. (Even so, I'm having a successful career in the tech
industry. It's a balancing act.)

I feel your pain. When my brother-in-law was just out of college, he 
came home with a
pager on his belt, back when they were still rare, and I said "You must 
be an important
person now!". He smiled, and said "No, Bill: the important people *do* 
the beeping!"

The only tough part is not having mobile access to my calendar. This means
every so often, I make an appointment for a time that's already booked, so
I have to phone later to change it. It's a small price to pay to stay

I think of it as "unchained". ;-)


Bill Horne

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 14:53:56 -0500
Bill Horne  wrote:

> I think the Amish have a better take on things: the limiting factor, 
> after all, is human evolution.

I don't think that I'd go quite that far. I'd be out of a job if I did
and then I'd be stuck for acquiring food, shelter and so forth until I
figured out something non-tech that I could do for a living.

But you're right about the leash. How many of you carry a pager? I've
ranted about that before. You should be able to find that in the list
archives. The smartphone is just an another leach... I mean leash. But
unlike the pager it is a leash that "we" have put around our own necks.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 1 Mar 2013 14:32:49 -0500
Shirley Márquez Dúlcey  wrote:

> I think that Rich Pieri has fallen into the trap of car-centric
> thinking.

Hardly. In fact, I have almost never used a car for daily commuting.
I've made a point of not doing so. I walk and use various MBTA services
instead. I typically carry 15-20lbs worth of kit, most of which is
electronics of various sorts including: notebook computer, smartphone
with the "smart" disabled, Kindle DX, mouse for the notebook compy,
iPod, 3DS, and a little case for fiddly bits like USB flash drives and
cords. The specifics have changed over the years but the general
functions have remained relatively constant.

> I have gone places that I wouldn't have gone without the smartphone
> because they would have been too much of a pain to find. I have made
> spur of the moment trips that I wouldn't have made before (especially
> when starting from somewhere other than home) because it would have
> been too difficult to figure out how to get there from here in a
> timely manner without the smartphone. I think that qualifies as life
> changing.

I don't. If you are capable of doing something but choose not to do it
because you think it would be too difficult then that's your choice. A
tool that simplifies the task below some arbitrary threshold of
difficulty is not life-changing. It's choice-changing, it might be
behavior-changing, but it isn't itself life-changing. It may lead you
to life-changing events or circumstances but that's something else.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Daniel Barrett
On March 1, 2013, wrote:
>You can read a book on a smart phone.

I'm glad it works for you, but reading a book on a screen is not to my
taste. I've tried it on Kindle and iPad and they both give me a
headache. YMMV.

>... any job with responsibilities has the occasional need to intrude on
>personal life.

Definitely true, we all pull all-nighters when needed. It comes with the
territory. There's a big difference between "partitioning one's work and
personal life" and "shirking responsibility."

On March 1, 2013, Kent Borg wrote:
>I don't let [my smartphone] have to power to stress me, I assert my power
>over it, it serves me.
>The idea that I would want to not have it because I don't want it to 
>drive me is like not wanting electricity because I don't want to labor 
>after dark.

I don't avoid smartphones for fear they'd have power over me; but as
mentioned, I haven't encountered a reason to own one (other than GPS, which
by definition needs to be portable). I am surrounded by a slew of powerful
computers that serve me just fine. I just have no reason to carry one with
me... neither smartphone nor laptop nor tablet. (Exception: when at a
hotel, it's convenient to have a laptop with internet connection.)

>...once you turn off the beeps it sits quietly until you decide to pick it

Even though you're right, smartphones do change people's behavior. A large
portion of the smartphone population will "decide to pick up" that muted
phone a zillion times an hour, the instant they have a thought about
something: "Hey, I'll check it right now on my phone." Perhaps you view
this as power and convenience. I see it as interrupting the flow of
whatever we were doing together at the time: a conversation, a meeting,
etc. When you have a Magical Book Of Everything at your fingertips all day,
you use it constantly. 

>it sounds more like you are enjoying being a fuddy-duddy and
>wearing the mantle of Wise Old Timer.

Now now, I was very careful not to call anybody any names in my note. :-)
Smartphones are wonderful for the fine people who need them. I am deep into
technology 15+ hours a day. I just don't get the value of carrying it with
me, muted or otherwise. (It was the same for portable music players when
they were invented: tried 'em and didn't like 'em.) To each his/her own.

Dan Barrett

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] Open Compute Hardware

2013-03-01 Thread Tom Metro
Anyone investigated, purchased, or built Open Compute hardware?

Articles about Facebook's openly documented server hardware have been
trickling out over the past year or so. Here's another:

Facebook now designs all its own servers

  Nearly two years ago, Facebook unveiled what it called the Open
  Compute Project. The idea was to share designs for data center
  hardware like servers, storage, and racks so that companies could
  build their own equipment instead of relying on the narrow options
  provided by hardware vendors.
  Like Google, Facebook designs its own servers and has them built by
  ODMs (original design manufacturers) in Taiwan and China, rather than
  OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) like HP or Dell. By rolling
  its own, Facebook eliminates what Frankovsky calls "gratuitous
  differentiation," hardware features that make servers unique but do
  not benefit Facebook.

  It could be as simple as the plastic bezel on a server with a brand
  logo, because that extra bit of material forces the fans to work
  harder. Frankovsky said a study showed a standard 1U-sized OEM server
  "used 28 watts of fan power to pull air through the impedance caused
  by that plastic bezel," whereas the equivalent Open Compute server
  used just three watts for that purpose.
  HP and Dell have begun making designs that conform to Open Compute
  Facebook says it gets 24 percent financial savings from having a
  lower-cost infrastructure, and it saves 38 percent in ongoing
  operational costs as a result of building its own stuff. Facebook's
  custom-designed servers don't run different workloads than any other
  server might--they just run them more efficiently.
  Facebook's new "Group Hug" specification for motherboards, which could
  accommodate processors from numerous vendors. AMD and Intel, as well
  as ARM chip vendors Applied Micro and Calxeda, have already pledged to
  support these boards with new SoC (System on Chip) products. ...a
  future in which customers can "upgrade through multiple generations of
  processors without having to replace the motherboards or the in-rack

  Calxeda came up with an ARM-based server board that can slide into
  Facebook's Open Vault storage system, codenamed "Knox." "It turns the
  storage device into a storage server and eliminates the need for a
  separate server to control the hard drive,"...
  Fidelity and Goldman Sachs are among those using custom designs tuned
  to their workloads as a result of Open Compute. Smaller customers
  might be able to benefit too, even if they rent space from a data
  center where they can't change the server or rack design, he said.
  They could "take building blocks [of Open Compute] and restructure
  them into physical designs that fit into their server slots,"
  Frankovsky said.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile:
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Gordon Marx
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Bill Horne  wrote:
> My wife, who is a nurse, has a friend who works in the Public Health Service
> in Pennsylvania. They spent an unforgettable evening together in Lancaster,
> talking over old classmates and old memories, while we sat on the porch of a
> guest house, opposite a field where fireflies were as thick as the stars
> overhead, and where the only other sounds to be heard were made by
> horse-drawn wagons and carriages.

As you know, it's impossible to remember things or talk to people face
to face if you use any sort of technology whatsoever, or if anyone
around you is doing so.

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Bill Horne

On 3/1/2013 12:44 PM, Kent Borg wrote:

On 03/01/2013 11:47 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:

But again, the nature of the activity hasn't changed, just the tools

used to perform them.

You make sense, but at the expense of being sensible.

No disrespect, but I disagree.

By your logic electric power and telegraph and trains and cars and 
radio and TV and lasers and maybe even space travel didn't change the 
nature of activity either, just the tools.

In the sense that the "activity" is spending a major portion of each 
workday earning the money that goes to support multi-national 
corporations, you're right.  In the sense that the "activity" is 
acquiring enough food to stay alive, shelter, and a chance to contribute 
to society, we differ.

My wife, who is a nurse, has a friend who works in the Public Health 
Service in Pennsylvania. They spent an unforgettable evening together in 
Lancaster, talking over old classmates and old memories, while we sat on 
the porch of a guest house, opposite a field where fireflies were as 
thick as the stars overhead, and where the only other sounds to be heard 
were made by horse-drawn wagons and carriages.

Be careful, so the saying goes, of what you ask for: we may have asked 
for more convenience in our lives, and more time for our families, and 
more options when choosing what route to take from out safe suburban 
enclave into the dangerous, dirty, crowded, threatening city. What we 
*got* was an electronic leash that makes us available to our rulers 
twenty-four by seven, that requires us to substitute knee-jerk reactions 
for heads-up thinking, and which condemns us to appear as if we are 
subalterns who need to be told what to do during every second of our lives.

I think the Amish have a better take on things: the limiting factor, 
after all, is human evolution.


Bill Horne

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
> New ways of doing things don't work well unless, and until, a major fraction
> of the affected population adopts them. Cellphones and other mobile
> computing devices aren't in that zone yet: they are a /tool/, but not the
> only one.
> Bill Horne

Your choice to stick with older methods is fine if it works for you.
But I have to disagree with this statement; I feel that mobile
computing devices ARE in that zone now, especially for younger parts
of the population. A teenager without a text-capable cellphone, for
example, would be cut off from the major communication channel of his
or her peers.

Mobile access to maps, schedules, and real-time data on train and bus
arrivals has changed my relationship with public transit sufficiently
that I would say that anybody who lacks that access is getting a
second class experience. Saving 15 minutes of standing out in the cold
and rain to wait for a bus is life changing; with real time data I
don't have to go out to the bus stop until the bus is about to arrive.
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
I think that Rich Pieri has fallen into the trap of car-centric
thinking. If I were traveling by car I could carry an atlas, a GPS,
and a schedule, and get around without the smartphone. But I don't do
that; I have to carry everything with me because I move on foot, on a
bicycle, or on the T. Carrying all that stuff all the time isn't
practical. Taking the smartphone everywhere is.

I have gone places that I wouldn't have gone without the smartphone
because they would have been too much of a pain to find. I have made
spur of the moment trips that I wouldn't have made before (especially
when starting from somewhere other than home) because it would have
been too difficult to figure out how to get there from here in a
timely manner without the smartphone. I think that qualifies as life

Calling the organizer for those last minute changes doesn't always
work. For one thing, the organizer may already be enroute to the site,
or on-site inside a building with no cell service, and therefore not
callable. Getting directions on the phone is horribly inefficient and
error prone in any case; a device that can display text and maps works
much better.

I've also been known to read on my smartphone. But I usually reach for
the Nexus 7 tablet instead because the screen is bigger.
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Bill Horne

On 3/1/2013 12:22 PM, Gordon Marx wrote:

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Rich Pieri  wrote:

You could use a road atlas to do the same thing. Changed tool, not
changed activity.

Or a sextant!

Streets and landmarks don't change often enough to justify use of an 
"open ocean" instrument and procedures, especially when buildings are 
likely to block the sight lines to the navigational stars and the 
horizon. In any case the sextant isn't able to give enough accuracy for 
navigation in cities: according to Wikipedia "Most ocean navigators, 
shooting from a moving platform, can achieve a practical accuracy of 1.5 
miles (2.8 km), enough to navigate safely when out of sight of land."(1)

or to get transit schedules to reach an unfamiliar location.

Same thing. It's certainly easier to get current schedules that way
than trekking to the local station and hope they have printed
schedules. But again, the nature of the activity hasn't changed, just
the tools used to perform them.

Okay, I guess you need a sextant and a subway/bus map. But that's OK,
I carry around a bunch of crap anyway.

Subway and bus maps don't usually include schedules: those are usually 
published separately, since they change more frequently than the routes.

You could contact the meeting organizer instead, or vice-versa.

Yes, they could send me smoke signals! Except if I'm in the T, so
they'd need to know that. I guess they have a watch, and the same map
I have, and can guess which T I'm on? I also hope they're not changing
the meeting location, because then I might not know where in the sky
to look for the smoke signals.

Smoke signals aren't practical in cities: they're only usable over 
relatively flat terrain, at distances great enough to allow relaying the 
message more quickly than an approaching enemy can travel, or when 
language differences and custom dictates an unambiguous message that 
can't be misinterpreted, such as those sent by the College of Cardinals 
while electing a Pope. (2)

You could have arranged to meet at a designated place and time instead.

Luckily I never run late. But if I do, I always make sure to carry
around a signal drum, so even if my friend can't see me, they can hear
my apologetic drumming of lateness.

That's not likely to work: sounds don't carry well in cities, especially 
with competing sounds from cars, trolleys, etc. Moreover, you'd have to 
arrange a mutually acceptable code of drumbeats that would convey your 
message accurately, and that's surprisingly hard to do: there are, for 
example, several versions of the Morse code, so they, and ancillary 
compression algorithms such as The Phillips Code, have to be agreed-on 
and practiced in advance.

Swapping a tool for a more appropriate one isn't life-

Yup, watches are better than sundials, but they've never saved
anyone's life.

I take it that you're referring to sundials when you say "they've never 
saved anyone's life". The URL you wrote is for a site which proposes to 
send watches to health-care workers as part of a sales promotion.

Your arguments all seem to lead to the same point, which is an 
assumption that "everyone" should do things with a portable computing 
device, even though there are lower-cost, commonly-available, and 
reliable methods of doing the things, all of which are well-known, 
ubiquitous, and don't need batteries. I'll go further:

 * Using a GPS to get to a meeting, instead of a map, doesn't change
   the substance of what is said during the meeting.
 * Public transit must, by definition, be available to the common man.
   That means published schedules printed on paper, where the only
   assumption needed is that the user can read, or has access to
   someone who can. Either way, it's a reliable paradigm, with
   centuries of proven performance.
 * If I arrive late at a gathering point, and there's nobody waiting,
   then I know that I have two options:
 o I can assume that those attending the gathering didn't think my
   contribution would be important enough that they wanted to wait
   for me, and so I can go do other things.
 o I can go to nearby meeting places which the group has used
   before, and see if they are there again.
 * Paying more for a watch in order to achieve
   [some-outcome-I-think-is-good] doesn't alter my life. It just
   indicates that I want to hire other to accomplish

If I understood Mr.  Pieri's post correctly, he feels that having a new 
tool to accomplish a given task doesn't change one's life in a 
fundamental way.  I agree, and I reserve the right to employ methods 
that don't require me to pay thousands of dollars a year to obtain the 
same information I can get from a map, or a bus schedule, or any clock 
on any wall I pass, or from any one of the secretaries whom work with 
any one of the expected participants in a meeting.

New ways of doing things don

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 12:44:25 -0500
Kent Borg  wrote:

> You make sense, but at the expense of being sensible.

I counter by asserting that your sense of sensibility is what is
insensible. You've mixed up new tools like electric power with improved
tools like the horseless carriage.

If you look at a thing as a better version of a thing you were using
before then it isn't life-changing. Not really. It's a change,
certainly, but it isn't the kind of significant change that typifies
life-changing events or experiences.

Trading your horse and buggy for an automobile: not life-changing.

Working all hours of the night because some greedy inventor figured out
how to make a light bulb operate 24 hours a day: life-changing.

Trading your wood pulp editions of The Boston Globe for an RSS feed of
the Boston Globe: not life-changing.

Using FaceTime on your iThing as your primary contact with your infant
children: life-changing.

And I'll be laughing hysterically when said infant starts identifying
the glossy rectangle as "mommy" or "daddy".

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Kent Borg

On 03/01/2013 12:52 PM, Daniel Barrett wrote:
You're not the last. I still don't own one and perhaps never will. My 
days are already jam-packed with technology; the last thing I desire 
is to carry more technology around with me. 

I keep my phone on silent almost always, I pull it out when I want it 
and seldom when it wants me. I don't do work e-mail on it, I very seldom 
don't do e-mail from this account on it (too old an address, too much 

I don't let it have to power to stress me, I assert my power over it, it 
serves me.

The idea that I would want to not have it because I don't want it to 
drive me is like not wanting electricity because I don't want to labor 
after dark. Both arguments make some sense, but seem remote. I am sure 
there were those back when who resisted hooking up to electricity 
because they didn't want it to ruin their lives, but they seem silly, too.

I like reading on my small tablet, which I have with me almost as much 
as my phone, but not quite. And the other day I was standing in the 
basement waiting for the washer to fill and mix with the soap a bit more 
before I put the clothes in, so I read another page, in the same book, 
starting at the same location, but on my phone. I didn't have to 
anticipate that I wanted to do this, I didn't have to remember what page 
I was on, the Kindle app was already on my phone and it already knew 
where I was. Yes, the screen is little, but it is sharper than many 
printed books. Yes, the screen doesn't work in bright light, but I 
wasn't in bright light--and I could get an e-paper Kindle if I were 
going to the beach.

I can understand wanting to live slowly. But why is that incompatible 
with a smartphone? Learn how to turn off the beeps.

A phone isn't an autonomous and sentient Taser that will sneak up on you 
and attack when you aren't looking. No, once you turn off the beeps it 
sits quietly until you decide to pick it up. Why is that stressful? It 
sounds like you know there is forbidden stress in the phone and can't 
stop yourself from reaching for it and taking a drink. Yes, in that case 
I can see you are better off without one, but it sounds more like you 
are enjoying being a fuddy-duddy and wearing the mantle of Wise Old Timer.

-kb, the Kent who was savoring the language of _Richard_III_ the other 
day, off some instance of his "more technology", with his feet up, wine 
in hand, and not feeling stressed at all.

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread markw
> Mark Woodward  wrote:
>>I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart
> You're not the last. I still don't own one and perhaps never will.  My
> days
> are already jam-packed with technology; the last thing I desire is to
> carry
> more technology around with me.
> Other than GPS (which I have in my car), I have yet to encounter a single
> smartphone app that would make my life *happier*. This is not a troll so
> please don't respond with your dozen favorite apps. :-) My priorities are
> just different.

Well, my reason for getting was a family vacation. I needed to be able to
answer email. We are on a tight release schedule, but there is more...

As I own it, I realize that it is actually less of a phone and more of a
consolidation of various utilities.

GPS for car, don't need it.
Bike computer for bicycle, don't need it
Laptop or tablet for quick email, don't need it
Small notebook for shopping lists and contacts, don't need it.

It isn't "life changing" in as much as that term means, but it does allow
me to travel lighter.

> If I'm standing in a long, boring line waiting for something, I don't want
> to whip out a phone and surf the web or play a game. I'd rather think
> interesting thoughts, compose music in my head, read a book, or harangue
> the person responsible for the long delay. (I'd chat with the person next
> to me, but he's playing with his smartphone.)

You can read a book on a smart phone.
> Work is insanely busy. So when I'm not at work, I like living slowly,
> cultivating patience.  Enjoying a meal without the beep of a text
> message. I understand that others need to stay in contact with work
> 24x7. I've chosen not to live that way, and to accept whatever compromises
> come with that choice. (Even so, I'm having a successful career in the
> tech
> industry. It's a balancing act.)

True most of the time, but any job with responsibilities has the
occasional need to intrude on personal life.
> The only tough part is not having mobile access to my calendar. This means
> every so often, I make an appointment for a time that's already booked, so
> I have to phone later to change it. It's a small price to pay to stay
> unhooked.
> --
> Dan Barrett
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Daniel Barrett
Mark Woodward  wrote:
>I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 

You're not the last. I still don't own one and perhaps never will.  My days
are already jam-packed with technology; the last thing I desire is to carry
more technology around with me.


Other than GPS (which I have in my car), I have yet to encounter a single
smartphone app that would make my life *happier*. This is not a troll so
please don't respond with your dozen favorite apps. :-) My priorities are
just different.

If I'm standing in a long, boring line waiting for something, I don't want
to whip out a phone and surf the web or play a game. I'd rather think
interesting thoughts, compose music in my head, read a book, or harangue
the person responsible for the long delay. (I'd chat with the person next
to me, but he's playing with his smartphone.)

Work is insanely busy. So when I'm not at work, I like living slowly,
cultivating patience.  Enjoying a meal without the beep of a text
message. I understand that others need to stay in contact with work
24x7. I've chosen not to live that way, and to accept whatever compromises
come with that choice. (Even so, I'm having a successful career in the tech
industry. It's a balancing act.)

The only tough part is not having mobile access to my calendar. This means
every so often, I make an appointment for a time that's already booked, so
I have to phone later to change it. It's a small price to pay to stay

Dan Barrett
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Kent Borg

On 03/01/2013 11:47 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:

But again, the nature of the activity hasn't changed, just the tools

used to perform them.

You make sense, but at the expense of being sensible.

By your logic electric power and telegraph and trains and cars and radio 
and TV and lasers and maybe even space travel didn't change the nature 
of activity either, just the tools.

A logical distinction that is self-consistent, but not maybe terribly 
useful in this context: we might have to go back to the industrial 
revolution or maybe even the invention of agriculture or the invention 
of democracy before you will agree the "nature of the activity" changed. 
Your perspective brings up interesting questions, but pretty remote from 
phones of any sort.


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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Gordon Marx
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Rich Pieri  wrote:
> You could use a road atlas to do the same thing. Changed tool, not
> changed activity.

Or a sextant!

>>> or to get transit schedules to reach an unfamiliar location.
> Same thing. It's certainly easier to get current schedules that way
> than trekking to the local station and hope they have printed
> schedules. But again, the nature of the activity hasn't changed, just
> the tools used to perform them.

Okay, I guess you need a sextant and a subway/bus map. But that's OK,
I carry around a bunch of crap anyway.

> You could contact the meeting organizer instead, or vice-versa.

Yes, they could send me smoke signals! Except if I'm in the T, so
they'd need to know that. I guess they have a watch, and the same map
I have, and can guess which T I'm on? I also hope they're not changing
the meeting location, because then I might not know where in the sky
to look for the smoke signals.

> You could have arranged to meet at a designated place and time instead.

Luckily I never run late. But if I do, I always make sure to carry
around a signal drum, so even if my friend can't see me, they can hear
my apologetic drumming of lateness.

> Swapping a tool for a more appropriate one isn't life-
> changing.

Yup, watches are better than sundials, but they've never saved
anyone's life.

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 1 Mar 2013 11:21:28 -0500
Shirley Márquez Dúlcey  wrote:

> Some of the uses of smartphones are life-changing in a more social
> way. When I use my mobile map to make sure I reach a social
> engagement,

You could use a road atlas to do the same thing. Changed tool, not
changed activity.

> or to get transit schedules to reach an unfamiliar location.

Same thing. It's certainly easier to get current schedules that way
than trekking to the local station and hope they have printed
schedules. But again, the nature of the activity hasn't changed, just
the tools used to perform them.

> When I check my email on the smartphone to catch last-minute
> changes to a meeting location.

You could contact the meeting organizer instead, or vice-versa.

> When I text a friend to make it possible for us to actually find
> each other in a crowded place.

You could have arranged to meet at a designated place and time instead.

> These are using technology to facilitate social engagement, not to
> replace it.

Facilitate, yes. It is certainly easier to call someone than it is to
wait and hope they arrive on time. But again, you're not changing the
nature of the activity; you're changing the tools used to perform that
activity. Swapping a tool for a more appropriate one isn't life-

Adopting a tool to replace that activity or change its nature is life-
changing. Ever notice how a person speaking over the telephone doesn't
sound the same as he does face-to-face? Something about the lack of
harmonics in reproduced human speech make the remote speaker seem... a
bit inhuman. This is the kind of thing that I'm on about. Not the
convenience of making activities easier.. The "convenience" of
replacing basic human contact with gee-whiz technogadgetry.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread MBR

On 3/1/2013 10:42 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
In the old days they had a single landline in a house shared by all 
members of the family, and parents could snoop. Today, with text 
messaging the device is portable so while their parents can check on 
the bills and usage, they can't see anything about the individual text 

In the old days, parents and other family members could only snoop in 
real-time if they happened to be present while the call was happening.  
But texting is a store-and-forward mechanism that leaves a record that 
anybody who can get physical access to your phone can see.  Now that 
texting is ubiquitous and the features to secure your private messages 
are enough of a hassle that virtually nobody uses them, it's not just 
parents who snoop.  Judging by the newspaper stories about Rhianna 
(2008) or Tiger Woods (2009), the old social rules that violating a 
family member or friend's privacy by snooping have gone out the window, 
and it's now perfectly acceptable to read someone else's communications 
without their permission -- at least it is if you're a girlfriend or 
wife.  In Chris Brown's case, his response was an extreme overreaction.  
But it was triggered by having his privacy violated by his girlfriend.  
In Tiger Woods' case, not only did he have his privacy violated, but 
according to reports at the time he was then physically attacked by her 
as he tried to get away, and then in order to salvage his public image 
he was forced to engage in spin control and deny the attack ever 
happened.  But whether it happened or not, his privacy was violated.

Snooping hasn't disappeared.  If anything, it's worse than ever!

   Mark Rosenthal

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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
Some of the uses of smartphones are life-changing in a more social
way. When I use my mobile map to make sure I reach a social
engagement, or to get transit schedules to reach an unfamiliar
location. When I check my email on the smartphone to catch last-minute
changes to a meeting location. When I text a friend to make it
possible for us to actually find each other in a crowded place. These
are using technology to facilitate social engagement, not to replace
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 10:35:05 -0500
Kent Borg  wrote:

> Don't underestimate some of the change we might take for granted. A

Changing how you read the news from wood pulp to glowy bits isn't
life-changing. You're not changing your activities. You're still
reading the news. You're still looking up show times. What's changed is
the tools you use to perform these activities. That's not life-changing.

What is life-changing is watching that movie on the little piece of
hand-held glass instead of watching that movie on a big screen or a TV
in the common room with your family or friends. The shiny thing turns a
fundamentally social activity into a fundamentally reclusive activity.

Those shiny things are doing this to every aspect of human interaction.
This is indeed life-changing. Not for the better, in my opinion. We're
turning into a nation of excruciatingly interconnected recluses, all
for a few hits of dopamine. Instant gratification at its finest.

I'm waiting for the crash. See, the brain builds up resistance to DA.
The more DA you get, the more you need to get the same pleasure
sensation. A general crash is a foregone conclusion. The only real
question is whether Apple or Facebook starts crumbling first.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Jerry Feldman

On 03/01/2013 08:31 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:
I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 
phone. Android, of course. I think the people who claim that they are 
"life changing" are using more than a bit of hyperbole. As I think 
about it, it really isn't a "phone" so much as a wireless personal 
computer that happens to have a telephone application. Still, its 
pretty useful.

Thinking about it, it is a proper evolution from the phone. The phone 
has become obsolete. Teenage girls don't spend hours on the phone 
anymore. They spend hours texting. As more and more of our 
communications becomes "written," the more these types of devices 
become the norm. I can text and email coworkers easier than I can 
speak with them. With all the various accents and nationalities, 
verbal communications can be quite difficult. I can think as I write 
much easier than when I speak.

So, yes. As you walk through crowds of people, every single one of 
them looking at their "phone," we have certainly rounded a corner in 
human communications.

It has changed society significantly. With a Smartphone, you are 
virtually never out of communications range. (Unless you are in an area 
not covered like a National Park). Nearly every facet of society has 
been affected including warfare. Osama bin Laden was tracked down by his 
courier's cell phone. In your example, above, it also gives these kids 
some independence. In the old days they had a single landline in a house 
shared by all members of the family, and parents could snoop. Today, 
with text messaging the device is portable so while their parents can 
check on the bills and usage, they can't see anything about the 
individual text messages. But also the smartphone can be used to enforce 
24x7 coverage by one person in an IT situation. The impact of 
smartphones is world-wide.

Jerry Feldman 
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id:3BC1EB90
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Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Kent Borg

On 03/01/2013 10:10 AM, Rich Pieri wrote:

It's a dopamine gadget. It's not life-changing.

Except really good dopamine gadgets (and dopamine drugs) ARE life-changing.

Don't underestimate some of the change we might take for granted. A ton 
of practical stuff has changed in the last couple decades. Remember 
buying a newspaper to see what movies were playing where and when? Now 
you might look up the time on your tablet--or just watch the movie on 
your tablet. Very life changing for newspapers and movie houses. 
Certainly smartphones didn't do all that, but phones and tablets are 
crushing notebook sales. They are taking over, they might not change 
your life over a weekend, but they are way important and part of a lot 
of ongoing change.

It only makes you feel like it's life-changing because of all the 
little squirts of dopamine your brain gets every time you "discover" 
something new. 

Sounds like a key way our brains measure "life changing". What could be 
more real to me than dopamine in my brain? Seriously. If that doesn't 
qualify as real, I could care less about things you claim are real. 
Saying otherwise is like saying that how much money I have isn't 
important because the only thing that is important is "economics". 
Fiddlesticks. Money is a very key measure of economics for me, and so is 
dopamine an extremely important measure of life; take away my dopamine 
and you will take away my life.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Rich Pieri
On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 08:31:10 -0500
Mark Woodward  wrote:

> I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 
> phone. Android, of course. I think the people who claim that they are 
> "life changing" are using more than a bit of hyperbole.

It's a dopamine gadget. It's not life-changing. It only makes you feel
like it's life-changing because of all the little squirts of dopamine
your brain gets every time you "discover" something new.

Rich P.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Kent Borg

On 03/01/2013 08:31 AM, Mark Woodward wrote:
I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 
phone. Android, of course. I think the people who claim that they are 
"life changing" are using more than a bit of hyperbole. 

But then you go on to describe how life changing it is...

Everyone is looking at their phones all the time, teenage girls don't 
talk for hours at a time, etc.

I am amazed at what an impressive *phone* my Galaxy Nexus is. Go back a 
couple decades and think about it as a "telephone": wow! Okay, but the 
telephone part is what I use least. Pretty amazing.

-kb, the Kent who recommends only Nexus Androids so as to not get extra 
manufacturer or carrier cruft.

Discuss mailing list

[Discuss] [OT] Smart Phones

2013-03-01 Thread Mark Woodward
I think I was the last human being above the age of 16 to get a smart 
phone. Android, of course. I think the people who claim that they are 
"life changing" are using more than a bit of hyperbole. As I think about 
it, it really isn't a "phone" so much as a wireless personal computer 
that happens to have a telephone application. Still, its pretty useful.

Thinking about it, it is a proper evolution from the phone. The phone 
has become obsolete. Teenage girls don't spend hours on the phone 
anymore. They spend hours texting. As more and more of our 
communications becomes "written," the more these types of devices become 
the norm. I can text and email coworkers easier than I can speak with 
them. With all the various accents and nationalities, verbal 
communications can be quite difficult. I can think as I write much 
easier than when I speak.

So, yes. As you walk through crowds of people, every single one of them 
looking at their "phone," we have certainly rounded a corner in human 

Any opinions?
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Re: [Discuss] USB thumbdrive, Linux only usage: FAT vs NTFS vs other? TRIM support?

2013-03-01 Thread Edward Ned Harvey (blu)
> From: [mailto:discuss-
>] On Behalf Of John Abreau
> find /path/to/thumb drive -xdev -type f -exec chmod 666 '{}' ';'
> find /path/to/thumb drive -xdev -type d -exec chmod 777 '{}' ';'

You could do the same thing with capital X.  Capital X will set the execute bit 
for directories and not files, unless the x is already set on files.
chmod a+rwX

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