Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz


your figures and numbers are indeed impressive. 
You were mentionning Microsoft Japan in your report. 
What are your relationship, if you have any, with Microsoft? 
Did they make any mistake recently?

As an example, here in France, where I live, our "Gendarmerie Nationale" (some kind of State troopers or Civil Guard) migrated to and left Microsoft Office aside. The official comment of Microsoft was that it was "sad to see these customers go, but given their specific needs, they could have as well use WordPad..." 
This comment was of course very badly taken, and it put once again Microsoft in a weaker position in terms of Public Relations.



 Translation begins ---
 Thank you Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san.
 Both Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san contributed to this conference to a great 
 degree. Nakamoto-san explained, in his seminar, the details of the OO.o 
 source code. Watanabe-san demonstrated in his seminar how to use OO.o as a 
 database report creation tool. Watanabe-san's seminar was, in fact, the 
 monst popular seminar in the conference.
 This conference was held as part of the OpenSource Conference 2005/Tokyo. 
 Over 30 open-source communities participated in this event. The opening 
 speech was given by, guest what!, Kusunoki-san of Microsoft! The speech was 
 about the current situation surrounding Windows from Unix user's perspective 
 (as a matter of fact, Kusunoki-san himself is a heavy Unix user).
 The conference participants consisted of roughly 50% Linux users and 50% 
 Windows users. Approximately 1000 people gathered in this 2-day event.
 Translation ends ---
 (translation by Kohei)
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Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

Hello Akimitsu-San,

 On Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
 Hello Charles,
 I'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
 As Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great 
 success. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top 
 within the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
 This has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much 
 people are paying attention to it.
 Now, I have a question for you, Charles.
 Do other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know of 
 any, please let us know.

Yes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder if they got the same impressive numbers.
Actually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
-France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge success.
-Germany, Chemnitz
-North American Regicon for OOo (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)

Several others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score pretty high. I have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at the OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment. 

Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?


 Best regards,
 Translation ends 
 (translation by Kohei)
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Accédez au courrier électronique de La Poste : ;
3615 LAPOSTENET (0,34 /mn) ; tél : 08 92 68 13 50 (0,34/mn)

Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 mAkotoOno
Bonsoir, Good evening, Konbanwa(in Japanese),
(BMy name is Makoto Ono, I'm just a user of
(BTo tell the truth, I have no question to you now because I'm satisfied
(Bwith OOo and great works of Native-Lang Project members.
(BI just felt that I should tell my thanks to lead of the NLC.
(B how are you doing? :-)
(BI'm writing add-on program for OOo Calc.
(B How is the Japanese community doing?
(BWe enjoy to grow OOo. We are charmed with OOo deeply.
(B in Japanese  $B!J$3$&[EMAIL PROTECTED](B 
$B;d$NL>A0$O>[EMAIL PROTECTED]( $B$N0l%f!<%6$G$9!#(B

[ja-discuss] Fwd: bbs Digest 3 Apr 2005 21:37:47 -0000 Issue 382

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(B $B7G<(HD$KEj9F$,$"$j$^$7$?!#(B
(B [$B!!L>A0!!(B] catch
(B [ $B#U#R#L(B ] 
(B [$B!!;~4V!!(B] 2005/04/02 07:08
(B ---
(B [$B!!(B $BHD(B $B!!(B] $B%f!<%6!<2q7G<(HD(B
(B [$B%9%l%C%I(B] OOom680$B$r;H$C$F$_$?46A[$r=q$-9~$s$G$_$h$&!#(B
(B [$B!!K\J8!!(B] 
(B 284
(B BBS$B$d(BML$B$KEj9F$5$l$?IT6q9g$r(BIssueTracker$B$KEPO?$9$k:n6H$r(B
(B $BDj>oE*$K$d$C$F$$$k?M$O!"$$$J$$$H;W$$$^$9!#(B
(B $B1Q8l$,$G$-$k?M$,!"[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]$K$D$$$F$O(B
(B $BEPO?$7$F$/$l$F$$$^$7$?!#A0!!(B] $B$^$5$-(B
(B [ $B#U#R#L(B ] 
(B [$B!!;~4V!!(B] 2005/04/02 10:20
(B ---
(B [$B!!(B $BHD(B $B!!(B] $B%f!<%6!<2q7G<(HD(B
(B [$B%9%l%C%I(B] ##$BA0!!(B] $BF?L>4uK>(B
(B [ $B#U#R#L(B ] 
(B [$B!!;~4V!!(B] 2005/04/02 12:09
(B ---
(B [$B!!(B $BHD(B 

[ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 Hirano Kazunari
charles-h.schulz wrote:
(B Hello Takashi-San,
$B%O%m! We had 9
(B  seminars and over 300 attendees. We also distributed 300 CDs
(B including 2.0
(B  beta and 1.1.4 binaries and flyers to promote OOo 2.0.
(B Congratulations!
(B  Here is the information about the conference. This page was written in
(B  Japanese, however you can find out photos and flyer images in PDF.
(B It's really impressive (and I love these Impress templates!)
$B%j%s%/!"$"$j$,$H$&!#K\Ev$KAGE([EMAIL PROTECTED](B
(B Regards,
(B Charles.
(Btranslated by khirano
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