Hello Akimitsu-San,

> On Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
> Hello Charles,
> I'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
> As Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great
> success. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top
> within the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
> This has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much
> people are paying attention to it.
> Now, I have a question for you, Charles.
> Do other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know of
> any, please let us know.
Yes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder if they got the same impressive numbers.
Actually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
-France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge success.
-Germany, Chemnitz
-North American Regicon for OOo  (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)
Several others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score pretty high. I have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at the OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment.
Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?
> Best regards,
> Translation ends --------------------------------------------------------
> (translation by Kohei)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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